#࿐ ˚ . ✦ a e s t h e t i c ┊ ❛ her trouble is that she falls in love with every pretty thing. ❜
samandcolbyownme · 21 days
Okay babe, I need a good old fashioned childhood friends to lovers with Sam. Moms are besties or they grew up next door to each other. Maybe reader is a part of their social media team and lives in LA with them? Could comfort Sam after a breakup or reader has a severe panic/anxiety attack and only Sam can get her to calm down? Can turn into smut can just be super soft fluff, I’m open to whatever, I just need some snuggly cuddly Sam.
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Warnings: swearing, slow burn-ish, childhood friends to lovers, flirting, mentions of a break up, kissing, angsty fluff
Word Count: 3.2k | unedited
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
C h i l d h o o d
You giggled as Sam messed around with the keys of the piano, “I don’t think you’re supposed to play it like that, Sam.”
He laughs, pointing to the key, “You try.”
You tilt your head, poking at the keys with one finger. Sam giggles, reaching over to drag his hand over the keys from one side to the other.
“Sam.” His mom peaks his head into the room, “Gentle, please.”
“Sorry, mom.” Sam looks back at her and you look back, seeing your mom looking in, too. You wave and turn back around, laughing with Sam, “You got in trouble.”
“Did not.” Sam argues and you give him a dramatic sigh, “Did so.”
“Did not.”
“Did so!”
Sam laughs, gently tapping the keys of the piano, “Do you think we’ll be friends forever?” You look over at him, “Do you want to be friends forever?”
He nods, “Yep.”
M i d d l e • S c h o o l
“Is your teacher a jerk?” You looked up at Sam, “Mine yells over everything.”
Sam can’t help but laugh, “Mine spits when he talks.”
“Oh, that’s so gross.” You laugh as you pick at your lunch, “Do you want my fruit cup? I don’t think I’m going to eat it today.”
He nods, “I’ll trade you my brownie for it.” Your eyes go wide, “You love those brownies. Are you sure?”
He nods, sliding it across the lunch table, “Yeah.”
Everybody thought you were a couple. Whenever you weren’t in class, you were side by side, laughing at stupid jokes or making fun of how a teacher said a word - middle schooler stuff.
As middle school went on, you were each discovering yourselves. Both changing everyday in certain ways, but the only thing that stayed the same was your friendship.
H i g h • S c h o o l
High school rolled around and the two of you became three. Colby was added and you all clicked so well. The same speculation of you being with Sam, snowballed into you being with Colby, then you with both of them.
You know, the high school rumors.
No one ever let that get to them. Colby shut those rumors down when he got a girlfriend, and you and Sam just continued doing what you’ve always done.
“They’re cute together.” You nod towards Colby and his girlfriend, “Don’t you think?”
Colby’s girlfriend smiled, she didn’t mind having you around, “I think they’re making fun of us.” Colby scoffs, looking back at Sam, “Can you not.”
Sam laughs, “Sorry, you’re just an easy target. Are you going to that optional band rehearsal?” Colby nods and you chime in, “Going to try and not trip like last time.”
Sam rolls his eyes, “Can we let that go.”
You scrunch up your nose, shaking your head, “No, not for a while.” Sam sighs, “Fine, but only because it’s you.”
You couldn’t lie, there have been feelings for Sam, even way before you understood what they were. You liked being around him, talking to him, FaceTiming him at random times.
You developed a more serious kind of love for Sam, and you were scared of many different things going wrong, or even not going at all.
After graduation, you and Sam remained close, along with Colby. They started up a ghost hunting YouTube channel, and to say it took off, is an understatement.
They were flourishing, quickly at that.
They’ve gotten deals, interviews, requests from people to come investigate their properties, and of course you were there every step of the way.
T o d a y
“Guess who I just got off the phone with.” You say as you walk into the living room, glancing at Sam as you sit down.
He sets his phone in his lap and looks over at you, “Mm, I don’t know.” He smiles, “Tell me.”
You raise your brow, “What’s up?” He shakes his head, “Nothing, nothing. Who did you get off the phone with?”
You turn towards him, “I just got you and Colby and interview on The Evening Show.”
Sam jumps up off the couch, “What!?”
You laugh, nodding, “You heard me. I got you an interview.”
“With Charles Callahan?” He asks, his eyes wide with excitement, “Are you actually fucking serious?”
“Yes, Sam!” You stand up, scrolling on your phone to show him the details, “It’s all right here.” He lays his hands on top of his head, “Y/n, that’s like, a massively famous talk show.”
You nod, “I know.”
“With Charles Callahan.”
You nod again, laughing, “I know that, too.”
“Oh my god.” He wraps his arms around you, squeezing tight, “I don’t know how you managed, but I love you.”
You freeze. It’s normal for you to say it to them, especially Sam, because you’ve known him longer, but everything felt much different for you.
“Seriously.” Sam leans back, his hands on your shoulders, “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for us.”
You smile, “I get paid for helping you succeed.” You tease, clearing your throat, “You go next week.”
“We.” He corrects you, “We go next week.” He shakes his head, “Does Colby know?”
You shake your head, “I tried calling him, I don’t know what he’s doing.” Sam nods, sitting back down, “I’ll text him, tell him to come home as soon as possible.”
You nod, sitting back down, “Okay.” You prop your arm on the back of the couch, “So.”
He glances up at you, “So.. what?”
“You gonna tell me why you seem off?”
He shrugs, “It’s nothing.”
“It’s something.” You raise your brows, “What’s up?”
He sighs, “I didn’t feel.. okay.” He takes a deep breath, “I broke up with Leah, and..” he laughs slightly, “I don’t think she’s taking it well.”
“What do you mean?” You tilt your head and he shakes his, “She, posted a picture of us afterwards, you know once people started speculating that we did, and she’s just adding fuel to the fire and I’m just..”
“Trying to move past it?” You ask and he nods, “Exactly.”
“Why’d you, um, if you don’t mind me asking, why did you break up?”
A smile plays on Sam’s lips slightly, “She had an issue with you.”
“With me?” You scoff, “Sounds like she has bigger issues to worry about than me.”
He nods, “She said she didn’t like the fact that you lived with me, I told her that we’re not like that, we just- “ he stops talking, looking down at his lap, “If anyone has a problem with you, they now have a problem with me, you know?”
You nod, “Yeah, yeah. I feel like that’s the same for me. I guess a lot of people don’t know how to trust.” You shrug, “I’m sorry that you broke up with her.”
He shakes his head, “She wasn’t helping me in any way.” He looks up, “Not like you do.”
You go to ask, but the front door open, and Colby calls our, “Guys? What’s going on?”
Sam springs up, “Colby?!”
“What happened? Is everything good?” He looks at you and Sam and you nod, “Go ahead, Sam.” Sam looks from you to Colby, “Don’t sit down because you’ll just spring right back up when I tell you this.”
“Tell me what?” Colby asks confused, glancing from you to Sam, “What’s happening?”
“Y/n got is on with Charles Callahan.”
Colby’s goes go wide and he looks at you, “What?! No fuckin’ way, dude.” You nod, “Yes fuckin’ way, dude. You go on next week.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Colby walks over, giving you a hug, “Oh my god.”
“She’s the best, right?” Sam smiles and Colby nods, “The absolute best, holy fuck.”
You laugh, “It’s just an interview. Relax.”
Colby rolls his eyes, “Just an interview..” he mocks you, “Y/n. This is a once in a life time experience. I don’t know how you did it, but Jesus fuck. Good job.”
You smile, “You’re welcome. You’re welcome.”
“Come on, Sam. We have to come up with an announcement post.” Colby walks towards the steps and Sam stays there for a moment, staring at you.
“Go.” You wave him on, “If I get anymore details, you’ll be the first to know.”
He shakes his head, “That’s not-“ he sighs, walking over to press a kiss onto your forehead, “Thank you.”
You so badly want to pull him back in as he is walking away, tell him he missed and kiss his lips, but you don’t. You watch as he makes his way up the steps and sit down.
You start coming up with ideas because you know they’ll be coming to you for an announcement post.
Over the next few days, things seem to be more, interesting, between you and Sam.
He’s been everywhere you are, and you’re everywhere he is. You both use the, there’s a lot of work to do, excuse, but neither one of you will admit that you just want the other as company, mainly because you both just already knew it.
“So I was thinking.” You turn your laptop towards him, “This hotel is the closest to the studio, if you’re okay with that I can book three rooms? Each one has two beds and the one has a nice pull out couch, I think.”
“Why three?” He asks and you shrug, “You and Colby get a room, Mitch and Logan can get one and then I can finally get some peace and quiet.” You smirk at him and he laughs, “Oh I see how it is.”
“Do you want that room? I’m sure Colby won’t mind me-“
“No, no.” He cuts you off, “You’re fine, I was just.. messin’ around, you know.”
You nod, “Yeah, yeah. I got it.” You laugh, “Figured we could get there the night before and that way you and Colby have the day to kind of rehearse your answers.”
He nods, “Sounds good to me.”
You nod, going back to your computer before you sigh, “Can I-“ you look over at him and he’s already looking, “When you said that she didn’t help you like I did..”
You laugh slightly, “What did you mean?”
He shrugs, “Just that.. no one really knows me like you do.”
You nod, “Right, right.” You go back to looking at your laptop and Sam ask, his voice kind of quieter, “What did you think I meant?”
You shrug, looking at him, “Exactly what you said.” You give him a small smile and he nods, “Right.” He clears his throat, “Yeah, I mean. We’ve known each other since we were what, five?”
You laugh, “Yeah, yeah.” You tilt your head, “You still got in trouble for playing the piano the way you did.”
“I did not. My mom just told me to be gentle with the keys, but you remember that?” Sam laughs and you nod, “Yeah, I also remember you-“
“Y/n, I swear to god, If you say-“
“Tripped when you were doing your routine for the band.”
He groans, “That’s it.” He stands up, “This conversation is done. I have to go pack.”
“You have a few days yet, Sam.” You yell and he shakes his head, “Sorry, can’t hear you.” He laughs as he looks back at you, “Come on, help me pick out some good outfits.”
“I’ll be up, let me book these room quick.”
“Seems like you’re doing a good job on your own.” You smirk as you lean against his door frame, “Oh, gosh. Wait. I take that back.”
You walk over to his suitcase and pull out a pair of pants, switch these out with that black pair. That’ll go better with this stripped shirt.”
He nods, tossing you the pants, “Yeah, I do didn’t do that on purpose.” He chuckles and you roll your eyes, “I’m sure.”
You laugh, “a white tank will finish this look, is this what you’re wearing for the actual interview?”
He nods, “If you think it’s best.”
You nod, “Oh yeah, I like this a lot. Make sure, well, I don’t have to tell you guys, but just a reminder, as your one manager, take pictures for the gram.”
“It’s so weird.” He laughs and you tilt your head, sitting down on his bed, “What is?”
“You’re my boss.” He shakes his head, “I just, I don’t know. When you asked if we’d be friends forever, I didn’t expect this.”
“Me working for you? Sam, you’re my boss.” You laugh, “But yeah, I get what you mean. Never did I picture us living in LA, I never seen myself getting out of that place.”
“I was taking you with one way or another.” Sam sits down next to you, “You deserved more than what that place gave you.”
You nod, “So did you. And looks like we got it.”
He nods, “We got it.”
“Guys!” Colby yells from down stairs, “Where are you?!”
“That man has impeccable timing.” Sam rolls his eyes and stands up, “Yo, Colby. Up here, man.”
“Oh good, okay.” He walks in, “When do you plan on leaving? Like what day?”
“I booked the hotel rooms a day in advance, so we’ll get there on Wednesday and then your show is Thursday and then Friday we can either come back or so whatever.” You look up at him, “Why?”
“Because I was doing research and they have this bar that just overall looks like a sick experience.” Colby shows you and Sam his phone, “I figured we could do that Friday night?”
“I’ve heard about this place. We definitely have to go.” Sam nods, “Are you up for it?”
You nod, “Yeah. I’m down for it.”
The days leading up to leaving were busy. Everyone was around everyone. You had a celebration dinner, people were coming over, to talk about the upcoming show.
People were even talking about how great of a person you were for Sam and Colby.
It was, overwhelming at times, but fully worth it.
“You still scared of flying?” Sam teases as he nudges your arm. You scoff, “Please, with the amount of planes I’ve been on with you guys, that fear is well over conquered.”
“We do fly a lot.” Sam chuckles and you look out the plane window, “At least it’s a short flight.”
He nods, “kinda wish it was longer.” He shrugs, “I don’t know. I like flying.”
You smile slightly and lean back. The rest of the flight was Sam picking on Colby, who is sat in front of you, and small talk.
Mainly about the show coming up. Sam’s nerves, your nerves. Everything but what you wanted to talk about most.
Once you’ve landed and get to the hotel, you make your way up to the rooms, two in one, Sam and Colby in the other, and then you in your room.
You sit down, letting out a sigh as you lay back.
Your mind swirls around the thought of Sam, mainly wondering if you should just push the idea of anything happening between the two of you away or if you should jump on it.
You sit up, making up your mind right then and there.
You walk over to your door, pulling it open and you stop.
“Hey I was just-“
Sam cuts you off, “Can I come in?”
“Yeah, of course.” You move out of the way and he walks in, “I haven’t..” he turns around as you close the door, “.. been fully honest with you.”
You look down, “I know the feelings.”
Sam walks over, cupping your cheeks. He looks into your eyes and takes a deep breath, “You are the person who has been keeping me going. You, y/n..” he smiles, “You feel more like home than everywhere I have been and I just..”
“I have loved you since we were children, even before I knew what love was, Sam.”
“I can’t do anything with thinking about you, fuck. I think I love you a little bit more each day.” His eyes move between your lips and your eyes, “to spend life with you..” he chuckles, his thumb rubbing over your cheek, “..that’s my childhood dream and the more time I spend with you, the deeper I fall.”
Your hands slide up to his face as you nod, “Glad we’re on the same page.”
Your lips meet and he pulls you closer, “I couldn’t be with someone else, knowing you were right here.” He leans back, “I just must have been stuck on thinking it wouldn’t have worked out.”
“You said it first, I know you better than anyone and same goes for you.” You run your hand through his hair and he smirks, “Yeah, we just have that special connection don’t we.”
“We have somethin’ special.” You smile, leaning in to peck his lips again, “So I take it.. Colby is getting his own room?”
“Yeah, that’s what I came to talk to you about.” Sam laughs, “Colby said that if I didn’t tell you he was going to, and I think it would have been better if I just had the guys to do it myself.”
“It was.” You smile, “Definitely was.” You wrap your arms around him and he holds you tight, “I promise, I’m never letting go.”
“You haven’t let go, all these years and I’m still here.” You smile against his chest, “I really don’t want my life to be any different.”
“Really? You wouldn’t change anything?” Sam glances down at you and you look up at him, “I mean..” you laugh slightly, “How about you ask me that, after a nap?”
He nods, “you read my mind.” He smiles and pulls you with him to the bed. You lay down with him and take a deep breath, “Sorry I haven’t said anything either.”
He shakes his head, “Don’t do that, baby.” He kisses your head, “we’re here now.”
You smile at the name, “Yeah baby.” You look up at him, “We’re here now.”
He pulls you in closer, his legs hooking over yours to hold you closer, “I’ve stayed awake at night fighting the urge to just come and cuddle you.”
“You should have just given in.” You smirk and he starts babbling, “I didn’t.. I wasn’t sure if you-“
“Sam.” You lift your head, “I know, I know.”
He laughs and dips his head down to kiss you, “I regret the time I lost, not being able to hold you like this.” You nuzzle your face into his neck, just breathing him in, “It’s fine, Sam. We have the rest of our lives to make up for it.”
He kisses your head, “get some sleep. Colby’s got a list of plans for us for these next few days.”
You laugh, “Of course he does.”
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
Thank you so much for reading! I love you all so much! See you in the next one! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
130 notes · View notes
purpleyoonn · 1 year
baby (you complete us) 8
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C H A P T E R   E I G H T 
Summary: Soulmates were a common occurrence, so common, in fact, that the world sought an easier way to find your other half: A bracelet that would scan your mark and match you with those who shared your mark. Within recent years, soul groups were becoming normal, and your own bracelet said you have seven matches.
Or where you wear your bracelet for ten years, and finally give up the hope you would find your soul group, only for BTS to put theirs on and see what they were missing.
Genre: soulmate au, idol au, angst, fluff, eventual smut,
Pairing: Idol BTS x Disabled MC
Warnings: angst, mentions of depression, disabled mc (Ehlers Danlos syndrome), eventual smut, fluff, lots of fluff, mentions of disability, simp bangtan
Chapter Warnings: lots of insecurities, mc practically snaps, lots of tension, angry/protective yoongi, possessive bangtan, mc believes they're unworthy, discussion of disabilities, 
*Words in Italics are spoken/written in Korean*
masterlist // chapter 7 // chapter 9
taglist:  @imnotlauriane​​  @mageprincess7​​ @m1sss1mp​​ @0funsite0​​  @strawberry-moonpies​​ @this-isthe-way​ @singukieee​​ @btsw1fe​​ @gooooomz​​  @fluffy-canada-pancakes​​ @carolinexkpop​​ @agusfree​​ @sakurarukas​​ @iamkookiesforyou​​ @skyys-universe​​ @toughbook​​ @plutoneu​​ @whisperssuga​​ @welcometomyworld13​​ @yuzon3​​ @wittyreader​​ @jnghs​​ @cyd0129​​ @exfolitae​​ @queen-in-the-shadows​​ @nen-nyy​​ @pandxthings​​ @schniti-is-in-the-house​​ @juju-227592​​ @jinseartharmysmoon​​ @wooya1224​​ @ddaeng-angmoh​​ @gratefullygrateful​​ @rorythme​​  @veronawrites​​​ @xiusmarshmallow​​​ @xicanacorpse​​​ @kalala22​​​ @ok-boke​​​ @namjoonswaifu​​​ @sweetcheeksdna​​​ @hyunjingin​​​  @promiseokza​​​ @mushroom-main​​​ @bookluver01​​​ @butterfliesinthenightsky​​
permanent taglist: @m1sss1mp​​ @yourleftsock​​ @skyys-universe​​ @cryingpages​​ @strxwbloody​​  @drissteele​​ @dustyinkpages​​ @iamkookiesforyou​​ @crushedblackroses​​ @fluffy-canada-pancakes​​ @blaaiissee​​  @iiitsmaria​​  @carolinexkpop​​  @azazel-nyx​​ @strawberry-moonpies​​ @g-h-o-s-t-b-a-b-i​​ @knjkitten​​ @foreverweareyoung7​​ @lachimolala22019​​ @namuficxs​​ @94z-93​​ @kimgmzmc​​ @thenaverse​​ @dahliasbouqet​​ @black-rose-29​​ @tinyoonsblog​​ @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d​​ @stellauniverse​​ @stupendouscookiehumanmug​​ @tinyoonsblog​​ @veronawrites​​ @tatyhend​​ @singukieee​​ @m0v3m3ntsblog​​ @exfolitae​​ @butterymin​​ @queen-in-the-shadows​​
Previously on baby (you complete us):
“Alright then. Are you ready to go and meet your soulmates?” Songun claps his hands together before gesturing you towards the waiting car parked on the street. You stare at it warily, but you nod your head anyways, pushing and grasping for the feelings the boys have already made you feel, hoping they chase away any of the doubt floating through your head.
You were right when you thought that the HYBE building might be bigger on the inside. It was like going inside Newt Scamander’s suitcase, a complete never-ending maze of rooms and corridors. You knew for sure that if you didn’t have someone to follow, you would become trapped within as a consequence of getting lost.
It had taken only five minutes for Songun to bring you to the building, using his security badge to gain entrance to the staff/artist underground parking structure. However, he had you use your badge, the one the boys sent over to your home, to gain access to the building. He wanted to be sure it worked, that way you would have no trouble with any of the other doors inside.
The second you got inside, you could feel your hands becoming clammy, knees starting to feel weak as Songun helped guide you to the front desk, wanting the woman at the desk to become familiar with you and know who you were.
“Hello, how can I help you.” The woman, her name tag reading Arin, smiled up at you, putting you a little at ease. However, you were still nervous to you quite literally handed her your pass. You couldn’t form any words and hoped your badge would suffice.
“Oh, um.” Arin shuffled out, looking at you with a nervous smile before looking down at the badge and seeing the words printed across the front. Then her smile turned into a different kind of nervous, knowing if she made one wrong move she could be fired.
“Ah, I see. Welcome Mrs. Kim. I hope that you find everything to your liking.” You blinked at being called Mrs. Kim again, wondering what that is about when your name is clearly printed on the badge.
You were also curious to why she seemed so nervous around you now. You weren’t famous or rich or anything of the nearest sort. She acted like you were about to take her job from her and blacklist her. Like you had power over her. You didn’t know if you liked it or not. It made you a little uncomfortable to be honest.
“Can you alert the boys that we are here please. I will lead her up right now.” Songun leaned over the desk, whispering in her ear for a couple of seconds before he pulls away. Arin nods and reaches for her phone. Before you could say anything, Songun hands you your badge back and leads you to the elevators.
“The badge works a bit like the hotel, you just place the badge over the security strip.” You nod your head at his words, storing the information in your head. You hold your badge up to the strip on the wall and the elevator opens within a second, making your eyes widen.
“Now, with your badge, you have full access to any of the rooms your soulmates do, including any practice rooms or studios.” Songun begins to describe the uses of your badge as he presses the floor to the 15th floor.
Ever since the HYBE Insight exhibit closed while the boys were serving their military enlistments, the public has been unable to access any of the floors of the HYBE building. You remember seeing some pictures from other fans of the Insight exhibit and thought it looked amazing.
You were even more amazed when the elevator doors opened to the 15th floor, a large portrait of the boys on the opposite wall. It was a picture of the first group photo the boys posted to Twitter when they all came back from serving their military enlistment. You remember how sad army was when the boys enlisted at the same time, but the soulmate laws required it so soul pain wasn’t experienced from distance or separation.
Your hands were now extremely clammy, a little shake to them as you tried to clench your fingers into a fist. You were beyond nervous, even a little scared to see them now that you were only a mere couple of feet from them. You stopped in your step, shoulders hunched as you wrapped your arms around yourself.
“Hey, are you okay?” Songun had stopped when he realized you weren’t next to him any longer. He turned to see you a couple of feet behind him. He moved back over to you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“I don’t know if I can do this. What if they’ve changed their mind? What if they don’t want to see me anymore?” You began to ramble, your insecurities coming into play as they spun the thoughts moving in your head.
“Miss Y/n, I can’t tell you things are going to be easy or simple when you walk through those doors. But I can say that those boys, since finding out about you, have done nothing but worry that you won’t give them a chance. They are just as nervous and scared about this meeting as you are. I can’t tell you what to do, but I can say that you all need this. To see each other and get all of your feelings out on the floor.” Songun leaned down in front of you, so you could see his face as you looked at the floor. You listened to his words, the way he talked to you so gently that he reminded you of your own father.
“If you don’t want to do this, I can give them some excuse and take you back to your hotel room.” Songun ended with a shrug, making you laugh a little. You knew he was trying to make you feel better, feel at ease and you couldn’t thank him more for it. But he was right. You needed to see them, needed to end the ten plus years of mental torment you’ve endured. You needed to talk to them and move forward.
“Okay. I’m ready.” You nodded your head, in a way reassuring yourself that you were actually ready for this. If Songun could tell that you were talking to yourself more than to him, he never reacted. He just nodded at your words and held your shoulder the rest of the walk, giving you the reassurance you needed to walk through the door.
Songun knocked on the door, not even a second later moving out of the way as the door opened to Sejin, who you know as one of the main managers for the boys. He smiled as he noticed you, making a welcome gesture as he opened the door wider for you to enter.
“The boys are waiting for you inside, Y/n.” His smile while he meant to be nice and welcoming, did little to help you feel comfortable. You turned your head to look back at Songun, only to see him nodding his head at you again, telling you that everything would be okay.
You turned back around, clenching your fists again before nodding and walking into the room. You tried to steel yourself, to tell yourself that you were okay. You clenched your fists so hard you could feel one of your fingers pop and shift. You opened your fist and began to try and pop your finger back in when you noticed the boys, all moving to stand from where they were seated on the couches.
You paused in your step, seeing your soulmates up close and personal was different than seeing them on your screen or texting them on your phone. Seeing them a couple of feet in front of you made this all too real. You could vaguely hear Jungkook say “she’s finally here.”
It was awkward for a couple of long seconds, you just staring at them as they did the same to you, as if taking you in. You were just making sure they were real, that this was really happening.
“Uhm, hi.” You waved your hand a little awkwardly, your mind screaming at you to break the tension in the room. You took a step backward, unsure if you should leave or not, which seems to knock everyone out of their trance.
“Hello. Please, come sit.” Namjoon being the ever diplomatic and caring leader is the first to speak, his smile bright and dimpled just like you had seen many times on camera. You always loved his smile; how warm it was and how it seemed to calm everyone down.
Namjoon had his hand out, whether it was a gesture for you to sit, or a hopeful attempt to bring you closer, you would never know. You nodded your head at his words and moved to the couch opposite of where they were sitting.
Your body was tense, uncomfortable in a new room and a new situation. You felt unprepared, like the time you were in the principal’s office and you were waiting under your principal’s watchful eye as you waited for your parents to arrive. You remember you were going to be suspended for hitting someone who had tried to make fun of your elder sister. She was in a car accident when you were ten and had lost half of her leg, making her wear a prosthetic leg that went up to her knee.
You had your hands clenched together, resting on top of your thighs as your back was rim rod straight. It wasn’t comfortable, but you were too nervous to care. However, you did lean slightly to the right, your hip still giving you some discomfort.
“We are sorry again that you’ve had to uproot your life to come here, but we are grateful for the chance you are giving us.” Namjoon starts the conversation off, right as Sejin leaves the room. Your eyes darted to the door and back, now even more nervous and intimidated by what’s going on.
“We know that the circumstances are not ideal,” You sigh at that, making Namjoon pause in his obviously prepared speech. “but we regret the time not knowing you.”
You cut him off this time, not needing some rehearsed words intended to calm you down. You tried to understand, tried to tell yourself that he was just nervous and needed his script to feel reassured but you couldn’t help but feel the disconnection, like you were just a simple worker and not his soulmate.
“Please, Namjoon. I would really appreciate it if you could actually talk to me instead of giving me your obviously prepared speech. I’m not some employee or businessman that you need to be prepared for.” You take a deep breathe, feeling that you were getting worked up again.
Jin and Jimin glance at each other while Yoongi smirks, hiding behind his ever-growing locks. He hates having to cut his hair short for his military service, and he hated having to be semi-separated from his soulmates, doing service work instead of enlistment. However, he liked how brave you were being in front of his younger mate, that you weren’t afraid to put him in his place despite the obvious power struggle in the room.
“I am not fragile despite my disability. I can handle having uncomfortable conversations. I was fully prepared to give up on my soulmark. I thought that maybe, my bracelet had to be defective. I mean, why in the world would fate give someone like me seven soulmates?” You scoffed at your own words, the idea that fate had that you still questioned, even now.
“Yes, I waited ten years for you, hoping and praying to fate that you would get your bracelets and see my messages. See that I wanted you. And I can’t blame you. I can’t blame you for not getting one. I can’t blame you for not knowing you were missing a soulmate.” You had noticed that some of the men were crying at this point, feeling the emotions that you put into your words. Jimin and Jungkook especially were sniffling, eyes red as tears marked their cheeks.
“At one point, I even thought that you had all already found each other and didn’t need me. And it seems I was right. You have been together for so long; I would only be getting in the way. I would be a burden you felt you needed to keep around in order to keep me from dying of soul rejection.” You didn’t mean to blurt that out, but your mouth was moving quicker than your brain and your feelings long buried were getting in the way.
“Don’t say that!” Jungkook yelled out, startling everyone in the room and making you jump in shock. You weren’t expecting his outburst, almost forgetting that you weren’t just talking to yourself.
“You are not a burden. You will never be a burden. We spent so long trying to find you, trying anything we could to find a post or picture anywhere that would lead us to you when you took your bracelet off.” Jungkook was now standing, moving to kneel in front of you.
“We read every single message, cried so many times in guilt that we weren’t there for you, for anything. We did everything we could think of to find you, even going as far as having our managers make that twitter post.” Jungkook was holding his fist to his lip, biting into his index finger. Namjoon took over from there.
“I apologize, you are right. I shouldn’t be talking from my mind, but my heart.” He even stood up, moving to sit next to you, but not before asking permission, gesturing to the spot next to you and only sitting down once you nodded your head.
“Jungkook is right. Once we were notified of your presence with the soul bracelet, we were shocked. How could we have not noticed the small empty feeling within our bond? How could we have gone so many years together, happy, and not notice you were across the world, suffering and alone and believing that we didn’t want you. We were so mad at ourselves.” Namjoon slowly reached a hand out, covering your clenched fists with his palm and squeezing gently, hoping to reassure you.
“We,” Namjoon gestured to the others, “want you as our soulmate like fate intended. There is a reason why we have connected soul marks, why our souls are linked.” His eyes are locked on your own, even as you turn your head to look at his hand on your lap. He can only imagine the words circling through your mind, the emotions flowing through your veins.
The boys had prepared for this. They all knew the trauma their lack of bracelet had caused you. They knew you would be hesitant to jump into their arms and accept them. He could tell from where he was sitting that their plan was slowly crumbling though now that you were in their presence.
The plan was to let Namjoon do all the talking, knowing you didn’t speak any Korean. But you saw right through them, causing his own mind to scramble with how to talk to you without using the prepared speech he wrote with the boys. He was so used to having everything prepared, having a backup plan for a backup plan all ready to go at a moment’s notice.  
“We accepted you the moment we knew you existed. You are ours.” Yoongi spoke up from his spot next to Jin and Taehyung, eyes narrowed as if daring you to contradict his statement.
He was fully ready for you to just be theirs. Yoongi and Taehyung had spent so much time on your socials, watching the tiktoks you and your family had posted on your account. Even right before you came in, Yoongi was on your Instagram, trying to memorize the smile on your face, hoping he could bring you the same joy and happiness.
Yoongi’s statement sent shivers down your spine, the amount of possessiveness you could feel rolling off his tongue had your brain short-circuiting. You hadn’t felt something like this before. It was like an amplification of the feelings you had when you talked to them at the airport or even on the plan after your hip popped out.
You felt accepted and wanted.  
Looking at Yoongi, your eyes sweeping over to Jimin and the hope he had written all over his face. Jin with the slight pout to his lips as he looks at your clenched fists, the slight bruising at the bottom of your thumb peeking out through Namjoon’s grip. Taehyung and Hoseok who had their hands clenched together and was watching your every movement, a slight twinkle to Taehyung’s eye as he glanced between you and Jungkook.
You would always feel like you were a burden, like you didn’t belong, but maybe those feelings could disappear over time. Maybe, fate was right when she connected your soul with these men. Maybe you should have never lost your own faith in fate. But ten years is a long time to feel unwanted.
“I-uh, I can’t promise anything, I have a lot to work through, but I…” You cut yourself off, trying to figure out the words you needed to say. Your mothers voice rings through your head, reminding you that fate always has a plan for you. That things happen for a reason.
“I want this. I—I’ve always wanted this…to have my soulmates and bond with them. Even after all this time I still hoped that I would find you.” You try to fight through the emotions you were experiencing, years of fear and hope battling in your throat. Jungkook can see you nervously tapping your fingers against your thigh and without thought moved forward to hold your hand in his, sending you a soft, reassuring smile.
“I guess I am just afraid.” You let out a nervous laugh, squeezing Jungkook’s hand in your own grasp. You look away from them, eyes focusing on the wall as you fight to blink away the onslaught of tears.
“Why?” The voice rings out, your mind recognizing it as Taehyung before you turn your head back, looking him right in the eyes.
“Because you have been together for so long. I can only imagine I would be interrupting the flow of your bond and relationship. I would be a burden you tiptoe around, trying not to make me uncomfortable as you return back into the comfortability and stability of your already existing bond. I’m afraid I won’t fit in with you, that my disability will hold you and me back. I cannot and will not put my needs to the side. I’ve had people before who were supposed to love me push me aside because I didn’t fit the mold they had for me in their head.” Your eyes narrowed, your heart beating so fast you could feel it in your throat.
“If you accept me, you accept all of me. I won’t be the hidden soulmate who isn’t allowed to leave the house because she isn’t normal or perfect.” At this point, you are letting it all out, all of your frustrations and fears. If these men were going to accept you and build a life with you in it, you weren’t going to hold anything back. You needed them to know what they were getting into.
You watched their eyes widen at your words, like they couldn’t believe what you were saying. You then watched their expressions turn to anger. Yoongi turned to Jin in anger and began speaking in Korean, too quickly for you to make out any familiar sounds or words. At one point you flinched, seeing Yoongi begin to stand up.
“He is not angry with you or at you. He is upset that you feel that way and have experienced such things without him being there to help you.” Namjoon’s whispered words have you turning back to Yoongi, reassessing the thoughts running through your head.
Namjoon knew you thought Yoongi was upset with your words, mad at you for your assumption of them, but you were wrong. Yoongi wanted to hurt the people who hurt you, his protective instincts strong when it came to his bonded. Well, Yoongi actually had some few choice words, but none that he felt comfortable repeating.
He could tell that his words had done something, made you feel some way because you looked back at him with wide eyes, reminding him of Jungkook when he was younger, unsure of the world ahead of him. His heart clenched with the way you looked to him for reassurance, and he knew from then that he would never let you go, would never be absent or unable to be there for you. He would do what he could within his power to protect you.
“He…he wants to protect me?” You asked Namjoon, hands tightly clenched with Jungkook’s as you looked away from Yoongi and up to Namjoon. You couldn’t help but to feel small, hoping that what Namjoon was saying was true. You had too many emotions crashing against your skull and you needed his reassurance.
Yes, you had your family at your side, and some amazing friends who you loved and who loved you, but you had always felt like a burden, no matter what you did. This led to many feelings of unworthiness and feeling incompetent. It didn’t help the words you would hear, murmured or whispered in passing, even by some family members at birthday parties. You saw the looks you would get.
You had never felt protected before, the feeling unknown.
It was something you always wished for. The security of being protected by someone who loved you was a powerful thing.
“We all do.” A quiet voice came from your right, Jimin having moved closer while you looked at Namjoon. He had wanted to hold you since the minute he had heard your voice over the phone that very first day. He could feel your heartache and your pain through your voice, he remembered he broke into tears at the sound of you so unsure.
Jimin sat on the couch next to you, turned to face you as he brought his hand up to brush your hair softly behind your ear so he could see you. You noticed Taehyung sitting behind him, a hand on Jimin’s lower back and an even softer look sent your way.
“You’ll never have to hurt again, with us. Just…give us a chance.” Jimin pleads with you, his voice soft. He thought you weren’t going to accept them; thought you were going to reject them. He knew pain was nothing new to you. He didn’t know if you would rather accept that or accept them.
You couldn’t help but to burst into tears at the sight before you. While Jimin was talking the rest of the boys on the other couch had moved closer, as close as they could get to you with Jungkook sitting at your feet, hands still connected to your own, rubbing the small bruise at the base of your thumb.
Jimin didn’t falter, he just moved his hand that was cupping your cheek to brush his thumb across your cheeks, wiping away your tears with such a softness you hadn’t felt since your mom had passed. His movements had you nodding your head, slowly at first, almost like a subtle flinch but then you were nodding your head up and down, his hand moving to follow your movements.
Once Jimin recognizes your nodding, once he realizes what it means, the biggest smile breaks out on his lips, eyes closing in what you recognize as his signature eye smile. He starts jumping in his seat and wraps his arms around you, almost falling into you as he does so, your weight now being supported by Namjoon behind you.
Jin smirks as he looks over you and Jimin to catch eyes with Namjoon, glad that you were giving them a chance, just like he predicted. Jin knew you would give them a chance, and he was preparing to woo you like never before, even though in Jin’s eyes, you would have never said no to begin with.
Your sniffle brings the boys out of their excited reverie, everyone looking at you and making you become embarrassed as you wipe your nose with your sleeve, no tissue in sight for you to reach for. You had stopped crying in between Jimin and Namjoon, feeling the bond activate at your words and feelings of acceptance.
You knew there was no going back at this point.
You knew the bond would take hold and cement the bond in your own soul.
“So, what happens now?” Your words had your soulmates scrambling, everyone talking at once as Namjoon remains silent, trying to remember what his own thoughts were as he held you in his arms.
Next Chapter
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girltwinklater · 11 months
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not a soul asked for this but here you go gay people (me)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
makes sure you’re comfy before leaving and will MAKE you drink fluids. and if you’re staying over at hers she will not let you leave. cuddling before after and in between is like part of the deal.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
arms arms armsss sam loves her arms. so proud of them. but she’s always been super into hands. likes holding them, playing with them, sucking on your fingers. everything to do with hands.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
it’s like nectar to her. likes to makes sure you’re taken care of first. and then again and again and again. will suck you dry if you let her.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
loves hickies. pretends she doesn’t but loves when you mark her neck and thighs.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
moderately. but she’s learned your body and your sweet spots so she knows every way to get you off
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
doesn’t really prefer one over another, but likes seeing your face. seeing how well she’s doing.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
bro is goofy as hell 😭 sam can’t take anything seriously and it’s funny watching her try.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
she likes to stay trimmed. refuses to get rid of her happy trail.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
super gentle and sweet when she’s not being silly. loves being close to you and making you feel good
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
in the shower >>>> everything. and lovess handies.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
mommy kink but you didn’t hear that from me
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
your place since you live alone. but the risk of getting caught excites her a little.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
grinding and dry humping. over the clothes stuff. LOVES it.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
can’t handle restraints. or knives. the one place she won’t go.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
prefers receiving, but gives expert level head it’s INSANE
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
likes to go slow when she’s topping. making sure you’re okay and enjoying yourself. but will ride you like there’s no tomorrow.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
she’s okay with them. sam prefers taking her time, though.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
she’s iffy about it, but since it’s you it doesn’t take much to convince her.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
sam’s stamina is high as the heavens. can easily go three rounds without breaks. you’re genuinely baffled at how she never seems to get tired.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
she has a few. you like to use them on her sometimes.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
she’s less of the teaser and more the tease-ee. you love watching her get restless.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
relatively quiet. small gasps and whines in your ear. the occasional plea when you’re being a tease.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
she loves talking to you in spanish. pet names and praises.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
all i’m gonna say is homegirl is PACKING
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
not too high. the hormones definitely lowered it, but is down for it anytime.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
she has trouble sleeping. will hold you for hours listening to your breathing until she finally does doze off.
and yes i stole this from @finalgirlmeeks mind your business
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oneiroy · 6 months
Ryssrael Waenwyn
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Name: Ryssrael Waenwyn
Nicknames: Ryss (for all her friends), and a few pet names for Fornax only (like sunshine or captain)
Age: 26-32 (ARR>EW)
Nameday: 1st Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Race: Sea Wolf Roegadyn
Gender: Butch
Orientation: Bisexual
Profession: Warrior of Light (for non-WoL AU: either mercenary / freelancer or pirate)
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Black, ranging from short to shaved, always messy (well, unless it's shaved. but still messy in spirit vjkfnvjsdf)
Eyes: Rich brown that almost looks reddish
Skin: Green pulling towards yellow (yes technically green... the shaders never do it justice though. i need to come up with a fix that doesn't mess the rest of the coloring)
Tattoos/scars: A wide variety of scars all over her body, with a higher concentration on her left arm. A small red tattoo under her right eye.
Parents: Unnamed sea wolves, former dockworkers, who she is not in contact with anymore. Probably still alive somewhere in Limsa.
Siblings: She would say that the friends she grew up with are her siblings. Swynfyr, Servan and R'osen, three adoptive brothers.
Grandparents: I didn't get that far tbh
In-laws and Other: Uhhh yeah idk. Most of her blood family isn't that relevant to her current story tbh. But! Other, spouse: Fornax :)
Pets: No pets, she doesn't feel like her lifestyle is compatible with that.
Abilities: Fighting with pole and axe-based weapons of all kinds. She is very athletic and maintains her body as strong as it can be. She also pulls from her inner rage, or from the strength Midgardsormr grants her, depending on the situation.
Hobbies: Hiking, swimming, fishing, training. Cooking, but mostly eating good foods.
Most Positive Trait: Her contagious confidence
Most Negative Trait: Her impulsiveness paired with the fact that she's quick to anger
Colors: Black, green, red
Smells: Ocean breeze, blood and metal, rain, broth
Textures: Worn leather, calloused hands, wood bleached by the sea and warmed by the sun
Drinks: Beer, rhum, water
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Sometimes but not often, only if offered.
Drinks: Often in good company. She can drink a lot before being visibly affected by it.
Drugs: Recreationally but not regularly
Mount Issuance: She still has her black chocobo! But when it's not conveniently around, she often goes on foot or hitch a ride.
Been Arrested: So many times when she was young. She stole a lot, and got in trouble for doing "jobs" for less than reputable folks. Now less, in part because she's less struggling with gil, but also in part because she got better at it.
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Tagged by: @hazelkjt, thanks!
Tagging: @elliewiltarwyn, @viiioca, @necro-man-sir, @chadhunkler, @fantasmagoriam, @elf-simp, @sealrock, and you if you want to do it!
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saintsvenust · 1 year
fav fic recommendations of july <33 💌
@heart4reigns, @fict1onallyobsessed, @uceyreiignss @damiansgoodgirll
ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ h e a r t 4 r e i g n s ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ
→ chances , roman reigns
→ dragged , roman reigns
→ double trouble , roman reigns
→ sick days , roman reigns
→ game , roman reigns
→ home , roman reigns
→ silly crush , roman reigns
→ untouchable , jey uso
→ untouchable , jey uso (ii)
→ protective , solo sikoa
ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ f i c 1 o n a l l y o b s e s s e d ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ
→ emotional , rhea ripley
→ didn't i say so? , rhea ripley
→ girlfriend behind closed doors , rhea ripley
→ spider manic , rhea ripley
→ girlfriend reveal , rhea ripley
→ higher, further, faster, baby , rhea ripley
→ i'd get on one knee for her , rhea ripley
→ i hate leaving you alone , rhea ripley
→ h'cs - cooking w/ rhea , rhea ripley
→ h'cs - rhea w/ an actress , rhea ripley
ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ u c e y r e i i g n s ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ
→ forgotten kisses , roman reigns
→ you saved my life , dominik mysterio
→ club penguin , dominik mysterio
→ warm feet , dominik mysterio
ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ d a m i a n s g o o d g i r l l ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ
→ where are my shoes , the judgement day
→ mi vida, mi amor , damian priest
→ love & thunder , rhea ripley
→ can't keep my hands to myself , damian priest
→ aftercare , damian priest
→ hold me please , damian priest
→ money in the bank , damian priest
→ are you pregnant? , jey uso
→ sunshine , jey uso
→ through hell w/ you , jimmy uso
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chadhunkler · 6 months
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Tagged by @sundered-souls , @oneiroy , and @iron-sparrow ! Thank all of u!!! ♥♥♥♥♥
Name: Holuikhan Haragin
Nicknames: Holly, Holui, Hol, Fish
Age: around 25-30? But they have no clue, no sun to help keep time.
Nameday: 30th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon (But they don't know that either)
Race: Au Ra-adjacent fish from the deep sea
Gender: Female
Orientation: What is that (Probably pan, and prefers people she gets to know first)
Profession: Traveling spearfisher, trinket trader (unemployed)
Hair: Well contained in a fancy bun, with all the ends just short enough. She didn't like it getting in her face during quick maneuvers undersea. On land, it looks a litle rough, accustomed to the water more. Eyes: Blue, with a variable brightness depending on if she wants them to glow bright or not. Bioluminescence yeyaeyayeyae Skin: Abnormally dark, absorbs light when underwater, also has bioluminescent properties to shimmer and glow, confusing prey. On land, the scales/skin have a hard time with how much light there is, she gets burned easily. To combat this, she has a parasol she takes everywhere! Tattoos/scars: No tattoos, maybe a few bite scars from battling fish.
Parents: The two most important people in her life - taught her how to hunt and gather, how to live in the depths she was born in. Siblings: She's probably got siblings, but she hasn't seen them in a while. Grandparents: Unknown. In-laws and Other: None. Pets: A large manta ray, a 'pet' of sorts, more akin to a summon. Helps her travel longer distances underwater by attaching to her back, also providing some protection from the sun.
Abilities: Expert underwater hunter, using a variety of skills to conceal and confuse - kicking up sand, creating little lights to distract as she zips through the seas. Also able to eat most things with fairly low risk. Living in the deep sea's tough. Hobbies: Exploring and collecting trinkets! She enjoys searching sunken ships for harpoons, gold pieces, bits of armor, anything shiny, along with flowers.
Most Positive Trait: Always happy! Enjoys new things, nothing scares her.
Most Negative Trait: Stupid fishe, too excited about the new world, will routinely get in trouble because of her instinctual curiosity.
Colors: ALL OF THEM!!!! Sure, bioluminescent blues, purples, greens are pretty, but she's more interested in the colors she's never seen before. Smells: Fish and fishblood. She's also taken a liking to a few underwater plants, keeps some close by both to help mask her scent, and just to smell for herself. (I had to look up if fish can smell) Textures: She needs things to be super smooth, or else it'll irritate her skin. ESPECIALLY beds - if the thing she's trying to sleep on isn't super silky, she'll just go sleep in the water, tying her harpoon to herself and sticking it in the sand so she doesn't drift far. Drinks: Originally it was all water water water. Once she surfaced, she quickly realized the power of fruit juice.
Smokes: Holly's not come across smoking yet. Drinks: She very recently had alcohol in a fruity cocktail, enjoyed it but felt strange afterwards. She got super dizzy, fell over multiple times. Drugs: She's been stung by a pufferfish once… Not good. Mount Issuance: If you consider the manta ray summon an issued mount, sure, but it can only be underwater. Been Arrested: What's that?
Thank you for reading! aaaah now it's time to tag others uhhh @shroudkeeper @rasenkaikyo @varrok @verysmallcyborg and @miqojak ! If you see this and wanna do it, go for it! I may or may not be doing two more of these for Kasha and Chad, lemme know if u wanna get tagged too!
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spacecasette · 18 days
Bolt the Horse — c h a p t e r o n e
@madsmilfelsen for u my angel ♡
In the summer of 2011, she wore her hair in two braids down her back, and spent a not insignificant amount of time on barstools. The air was humid as a clenched fist and humming, so the most she could do to alleviate it was with a Miller High Life in hand, shorts admittedly a touch too short for lookin', and nothing better than trouble to get done. It was in this way she found herself in a bar without a ride home in the pouring September rain.
She was not, in her 25th year, looking for any kind of trouble she could not feasibly get into on her own. She felt as if she could do enough of the fucking up by herself, thank you kindly, and did not take well to anyone who didn't seem like they could handle that.
Rust Cohle, as it turns out, could kind of handle it. At least, she notices, he can handle most things– the exceptions being exceptional humidity and obvious displays of misplaced hubris. They watch each other often; her slyly from atop her barstool, and him openly from wherever he stood behind the bar. It seemed like a lot of the time he could hardly stomach her sitting close to him at all, even when they were across the room. Once, when she was admittedly a little too drunk for a girl who was meant to be in charge of herself, she dropped a shot glass and nearly fell from her perch trying to retrieve the shattered pieces. She looked up to find his stare already fixed on her, whites showing in his eyes like a frightened dog. He was by her side in an instant, batting her hands away and calling her a "messy little thing", which she would have found insulting, if it weren't a little too accurate. But then he checked her palms for cuts and held his hand between the bar and her head when she got up, so she couldn't be too sure he didn't just feel bad for her. She would take it though, either way it was offered. She would never tell him to his face, but she was getting lonely out at her grandparents' house with only the coyotes for company. She liked too much being around to ever tell him to quit barking at her or rolling his eyes when she asked for a pen to do her crosswords with.
It's a Saturday night the first time she loses her grip. Condensed down to one or fifteen seconds, when she laughs loud at something another regular has said. At the sound of air pressed forcefully through Rust's nose in a poor imitation of a laugh, she looks up at him. Her glassy, liquor-slicked eyes, pupils big as the fuckin' moon, begging and begging with no end in sight. Her gaze darting over his face like she can't quite decide where best to fix it– and goddammit if that doesn't just tear him all up inside.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, girl?" He asks, and another of those half-not-laughs falls out.
"Dunno, Rust, wanna find out over dinner sometime?" she fires it back so quick it leaves him a little stunned, a fish whacked out of water. In lieu of a reply, he slides her beer away from her and sets a glass of water down in its place, though she pouts prolifically when he does.
"Prob'ly better if you get on home, little doggy, " he says, soft and condescending even with a corner of his mouth turned up the way it is.
"'M not little anymore, Rust, fuck's sake," she mumbles, taciturn and petulant even this deep in her drink.
"Go get some air, girl, I'll be out quick to drive you home," he tells her, casual like he didn't already know she'd been hoping and wishing for it all night, "and don't go pitching a fit about it. 'S fuckin' pourin' out there and you'd drown yourself in a thimble of rain if I don't."
The screen door in front slams quickly, and will catch you in the back of the head if you're not quick about getting in before it. Dani doesn't tell him this because she is very busy with falling over the threshold in a fit of giggles, bride to her own amusement at Rust having to shuffle her in like someone's feeble old grandma. He is rather short of patience at this hour, and she can feel herself dancing over top his last nerve, but she finds it honestly pretty funny so she makes a lot of stupid faces and asks twice if he'll tuck her in. She's not been sleeping in a bed in the house because they all make her feel a little too sad lately, so she makes a bee line for the couch in the center of the front room, like a rock face she's dead set to crashing on. Rust lets her fall into it– helps her, even, letting loose his grip on her arms to let her splay onto the cushions and roll her ruddy cheek down deep in the throw pillow. Her hair stuck to her face and her breathing slightly shallow, his fingers itch with the desire to check her pulse, to fret over her. Instead he keeps his hands to himself and watches, impassive, as she makes a valiant attempt at rucking her shorts down over her knees to kick them off, making no effort to help. His watching feels like something else, she thinks sluggishly, like a hot lick of fever climbing down her spine and sticking there as a burr would. When she notices him staring, she offers up her dopiest, softest smile, and slurs
"Rust. If you're gonna stand there all night, I won't stop you but first could you go grab me some sleep shorts out of the chester draws? First door on the left at the top of the stairs," she swallows, thick as honeyed night, "please."
The wiry automaton of his body clicks into action: mouth softly closing, limbs lurching into their movement, all economy and surprise.
He returns with her gray shorts, ratty things with the elastic long gone to dust, and sets them down on the coffee table. He turns around, all precious and respectful now that they're alone, and lets her put them on.
When he hears her settle and finally turns around, it's to find her already asleep, her cheeks flushed and limbs spread across the sofa like a child exhausted from the heat.
Sunday morning, she awoke neatly tucked under an afghan with a glass jar of water and two ibuprofen on the coffee table in front of her. Looking at the clock above the door, cogs clicking in the dim apartment of her skull, she realized with quite a start that if she wasn't dressed and ready in exactly 7 minutes, she was going to be rather unfashionably late for Sunday service.
Imagining the looks of misplaced pity from the faces of grandmothers and their daughters and their daughters' daughters was enough to light a decent fire under her ass. She dressed quickly, brushed her sticky teeth to rid them of the scent of stale beer and Black Velvet and was out the door toward the truck with 30 seconds to spare. Her hair, regrettably, was a mouse nest when she checked it in the rearview.
On the drive in, she remembered vaguely that Rust had brought her home late last night but had not, thankfully, stuck around quite long enough for her to embarrass herself any further than she had expected to. She had come to know herself when drinking anything harder than a Shirley temple to be rather childish, with an attitude and a neediness about her to rival some mothers' babies. She could be a sore loser when Robert would walk her like a dog in Rummy, and would play too many Mel Carter songs in a row on the jukebox. This last behavior never failed to put a very unreadable look on Rust's face, like she was leading herself to the gallows & he knew it. There was nothing to be done about her nature now, she supposed, except to apologize to whomever had to suffer it. Used to be her grandparents would correct her, sometimes sternly, but she could always weasel her way out of trouble if she put on the right pair of puppy eyes– now there was no one to set her straight over their knee and make her see sense.
Service was a fine, if a little lengthy, affair with a lot of the old biddies fanning themselves in the heat and cooing over her bruised up knees. She explained (falsely) that she had been moving some of Papa's things back in from the shed, and, arms full, had tripped up the porch steps. Feeling a little poorly about lying in church, she reasoned that telling them she'd come home drunk and tripped over her own threshold would have been inappropriate pew chatter, so it was okay for her to bend the truth into a sweeter shape once in a while.
Leaving church, she decided to stop by Hank's for groceries– mostly because she wanted something to make her feel productive, though she knew she was bound to spend her afternoon (and likely evening) walking around in the creek and reading on the porch. She was clear out of bread, and running dangerously low on the honey cereal she'd taken a liking to. Eggs, she knew, she could trade a neighbor for, so she treated herself to an orange dreamsicle in their place. When she was younger, and Mammy would take her here, she never said no to books or puzzles, but could always deny her granddaughter candy or toys. Now, it seemed, Dani had more books than she could reasonably read in years, and was of the mind that denying herself pleasure of this kind was a punishment she had not earned.
In the breakfast aisle, a feeling not dissimilar to a flight response catches her by the tail of her hair and will not let her go. She moseys slow like, taking her time to draw him out, entertaining herself with all the little barbs she might stick him with. Things like "you followin' me, mister?" or "funny meetin' you here, I thought you lived off coffee, cigarettes, and switch grass." But she didn't really have anything too smart to say when he finally sidled up next to her while she was fretting over cereal.
Her eyes darted to his hands, slung under the weight of the blue basket in his grip– sinewy, calloused– and then up to his shirt collar, chin, face, then eyes. She had to take it in little leaps else she'd get shy and find a way to leave before she'd said her piece.
"'M sorry you had to see me home last night. Didn't mean to get ornery, so. It won't happen again." It's soft, coming out her mouth, like they were the only people in the room.
"'S alright, just seems like someone oughta look after you once in a while," he says, just as quiet, as if talking to himself. The hum of the lights gets a little too loud and she can't quite think all the way, so her words come out rushed,
"How come you don't go to church?"
"I don't really fuss about with god." This surprises her, for some reason. She felt she knew his way, a little, how he looked at everything through the lens of dutiful futility. It stands to reason he wouldn't really bother with something so nebulous and unfixed, but for all she knows he's a thing flung straight down from outer space so she doesn't follow the thought too far.
"Well, me neither, except I like the singing, and Mammy always made me go. Just seems like the thing to do, I guess. Don't you got a thing you do? Just 'cause you feel like you're supposed to?"
"Unfortunately, sweetheart, everything I do is 'cause I'm supposed to."
Then they don't talk, for what feels like a whole winter but is really only a minute. She finds her prize on the shelf and quickly puts it in her basket, looking at her shoes until she finds the nerve to speak again,
"I'm trying to be your friend, Rust. Are you gonna let me, or are you gonna keep up this whole 'mysterious old man with a vendetta against fun' thing?"
He chuckles at that, but doesn't exactly answer.
"Look, I'm gonna be gone a while. Not long, should be back towards the middle of the week, but I want you to stay home. I mean that. Don't come by the bar, don't go anywhere I wouldn't know to find you, okay? You stay outta trouble and we'll talk about being friends when I get back."
She rolls her eyes at the implication that she couldn't handle life and its spinning without him herding her about.
"Fine. But when you get back, you owe me a beer and a game of rummy. And you can't pawn me off on Bob, either, I'm starting to think it's personal."
"Deal." They shake hands, and he's gone. When she finally quits looking down at her hand where he held it, she grabs her milk and butter, pays the kid at the till, and heads home.
Dani knows, for the most part, how to behave. She spent so long having so little reason to lash out that the muscle memory of trouble making had practically atrophied by the time she turned 19. She spends her first day at home reorganizing the bookshelves in the living room by genre, which eats up a good 3 hours after breakfast and fills her with a terribly pleased feeling to boot. By then, she's ready for a simple lunch of a ham and cheese sandwich with an entire sleeve of tollhouse crackers, which she eats on the porch with a can of pepsi beside her. The cicadas do their screeching song all day, and when she wanders out into the yard, she finds one of their molts clung to the trunk of a live oak. Papa's voice floats into her head, and she is thrown face-first into a memory of them gathered in the kitchen one early morning, heads bowed in little prayer to examine the bugs and moths he'd pinned to a paper towel on the counter. He'd told her about the dog day cicadas, how they sleep for 7 years and come alive to feed, breed, scream, and die. He'd pointed out the luna moth, its wings frayed and flaked where he'd handled it with a little carelessness. It had looked so graceful and serene, laying with its wings fanned and pinned apart with mammy's pearl-headed sewing pins. She remembers the sadness she'd felt when he had told her they lacked mouths, and existed only by the grace of whatever nutrients they'd ingested as caterpillars. She felt a bit like that now, catapulted into life without them in the span of a year, and with no way to cherish them except in reverse. Reduced to a thing that wanted, with no way of asking.
Dani spent the rest of the first day ambling through the trees looking for bugs and leaves and interesting bits she might save to keep the memory of summer alive when the rain came and the sun stayed away longer. At night, she ate buttered noodles and pinned her findings in a shadowbox she'd gutted, hunched over the kitchen table tweezing antennae and legs into place. When she felt herself growing sleepy, she walked the few paces to the sofa, and fell onto it with all the grace of a foal in its first hours. She dreamt that night that she'd forgotten her name, and was standing in the middle of her empty high school.
The second day passed much differently– the hours stretched their long fingers out toward the sun and took their dandy time to pass. She was restless, and it was hot, and she felt a searching inside her that could not be sated by any of the near dozen books she tried out. By 1pm she was packing a small lunch (ham and cheese again, with the last sleeve of crackers) and walking back through the trees behind the house to the creek. Toeing off her shoes and slipping off her dress, she slipped down into that cool, murky wet. She floated on her back in the middle a while, watching the canopy shiver apart to let the sunlight through in lacelike patterns on the surface of the water. Eventually, she uprighted herself and walked along the bank looking for a salamander or a frog, something alive she might find companionship with. It ended up being fruitless, which ratcheted up that irritable itch and culminated in a single misstep over an algae-slicked stone and sent her straight down backward onto her ass. Her eyes welling with frustrated tears, she laid there stunned with her tailbone throbbing something fierce for a good ten minutes. When her self pity ran dry and she remembered she was the only one around who could kiss it better, she gathered up the lunch she'd neglected to eat and went straight back to the house for a hot shower, or perhaps a nap on the sofa.
She woke around 6pm with all her bones feeling fused together at the joints, and a small puddle of drool on the throw pillow beneath her cheek. It was with a sense of delirious urgency that she climbed from her makeshift bed and upstairs to the bathroom, and upon flicking the light, noticed her hair had dried down in such a horrendous tangle she sat down on the floor and started to cry. She cried because she missed her Mammy and her Papa, because her body hurt, and because she was struck with the painfully sudden and obvious realization that she really was on her own now. She cried because she felt stupid, and small, and rather lonely here in this house she loved but felt guilty being in for some reason.
Eventually, the tide of her sobbing had slowed and she crawled over to the drawer to fish out her hairbrush, and set about making sense of the nest that had settled on her head. When it was done, and with great effort at that, she turned on the shower as boiling hot as it would go, and sat herself down to spend the better part of half an hour feeling put out and morose before she even picked up the shampoo. It was a quick affair after that, as she didn't really love having pruny fingers.
The boredom reaches a fever pitch around 10:30, untempered by two failed attempts at knitting and one batch of lemon muffins. Everything Dani has done in the last fourteen hours to restore a sense of normalcy has come spitting furiously back into her face, and she really truly feels like something in her is fixing to hatch. It's beginning to feel like an undoing, and she's uncomfortable, so she laces up her stupid shoes and walks the stupid half-mile to Doumain's. She curses Rust the whole way, scrunches up her nose and spits at his voice in her head telling her to stay put, like a dog that don't know any better than to leap out the door. She feels hot and itchy again, and she made up promises– one she did try hard to keep, but again her nature won out– and he said he'd be back by mid week. It's coming on 11 on a Tuesday, so she reckons she's close enough to compliance for fulfilling her end of a crummy deal. And anyway, she's fighting mad for nothing and wants a beer and a furious game of cards with Bob to soften up all the little hard upset parts of her.
When she arrives, it's unnaturally rowdy for a weeknight. The pool tables are full, and there isn't a spot for her at the bar until she catches Bob's eye and he makes another regular– Mason, her useless brain supplies– move out of the way to let her claim her usual spot. No crosswords tonight, she sets a deck of cards and a wad of folded ones on the bar-top between them. The other bartender is here tonight in Rust's place– she's only ever seen him once, and he wasn't all that nice, but neither is Rust, so her demeanor doesn't have to change all that much after all. She orders a tallboy of Lonestar and a shot of Black Velvet because no one will stop her, and she can't help herself, especially now. Bob gives her a sidelong look she's seen before, one that says she's skating on thin fuckin' ice, but she knocks back her shot like it owes her rent without meeting his eye. Her evening irons back out and starts to feel normal, if a little lackluster since Rust isn't around for her to pester and push. She really did think she might get away with coming here despite her instructions until one of those stupid dishwater-blond fucks– Amos or Andrew, the one with too-green eyes– comes over and starts inching in on her, thinking she won't notice. She tried out doing the right thing, angling her body away from him hoping he'd get the message and go find his luck somewhere else. He doesn't. Instead, he uses a knee to turn the seat of her seat of her barstool around to face him and says,
"What're you doin' over here all by your lonesome, baby? Come play with us, I'll buy you a fruity little drink if you want, somethin' to wet that," he looks down at her mouth, leans close and lecherous and rancid, "whistle."
"No, thank you. Bob and I are gonna play some cards, you're gonna go circle jerk with your friends, and we'll steer nice and clear of each other." Her brows and fingers knit together, holding herself in by the edges because she's honestly a little afraid she might bite him or scream or throw something. His answering smile comes, satisfied and too close for comfort that it makes something in her burn scalding and bright.
"Oh, come on, don't be such a sourpuss. Go a round with us and we'll see where the night takes us, hmm?"
Her fist connects with his left orbital socket before she even decides it should. His whole body ripples away at the impact– the desired effect– and while on his back foot she watches his eyes widen with the realization. Then he's on her, screaming and aiming for her neck. Dani feels, in this moment, a far off panic. Fights never really found her too easily, since she had a habit of keeping to herself (except, obviously, on this occasion). It's all she can do to flail about with closed fists until something lands or someone steps in to free her. And intervene, someone does: Mason, who despite having his seat stolen not twenty minutes ago comes to her rescue by pulling the kid off her by his collar like a rowdy kitten. She lies there, staring at the water stains on the ceiling, until Mason's face floats into her periphery and she's pulled to sitting. Her face feels sticky and hot all over, and her lashes are clumped together making it hard to blink up at the few faces looking down at her. She finds Bob's eyes, and the first words out of her mouth are,
"Please don't tell Rust."
He laughs, shakes his head, and offers her a hand which she takes to stand on her wobbly legs. Assuming she's being shown the door, she heads that direction only to be stopped by a hand on the crook of her elbow. She turns to face Bob, and his face is caught between a look of wonder and pity. He nods toward the back door, and she follows, head turned down towards her shoes. The soundtrack to Tuesday night clicks back to life and everyone goes back to their business as they exit the building. He fumbles with the spigot on the wall, and his hankie is removed, wetted, then used to roughly dab the drying blood off her lips and nose. Even in the bare moonlight, she sees it come away dark. She's heard Bob speak on so few occasions, she nearly misses it when he mumbles,
"Don't you go pickin' fights you don't know goddamn well how to win, missy. You're lucky Rust ain't here, he'd have probably hauled off and killed that kid." Her face burns at that, and not from the cut.
"I-I'm sorry, Bob, really. I just-he was being gross and it kinda happened before I knew any different what my hands were up to. Won't happen again, you know I'm not that type of girl."
He doesn't reply, but the "maybe you oughta think about that first next time" hangs in the air, limp and useless now.
He lets her into an apartment attached to the bar near the back door, which she sort of knew about but assumed was where he lived. There was hardly anything in it– no dishes on the sink or mess on the counters– until they got to the bedroom. The only evidence she could see that would lead her to believe it was occupied was a full-sized mattress on the floor, covered in a white flat sheet, and a pile of Louisiana history text books in the corner beneath the window.
"Sleep it off in here for tonight. There's a quilt in the hall closet if you need it, and the washroom's just next door."
He's gone out the door before she can thank him. She looks at the bed, and the moonlight coming through the blinds onto it. She could sleep, she thinks. She should. Grabbing the quilt from the hall closet– hard to miss, it was the only thing in there– she wraps it around herself, toes off her shoes, and lays down on the bed. Curled on her side, stray tears dripping across the still-bloody bridge of her nose onto the sheet, she falls asleep.
Rust gets home at 3:27AM, and Bob is waiting up for him, smoking a cigarette at the bar. It's not exactly uncommon, but he's usually back a little closer to sunrise and the time Bob usually gets up for the day, so he cocks his head to a 45° and asks,
"What're you doin up so late?"
"Just don't say I never told you nothin'."
"I have no idea what you're talking about, Robert. Goodnight."
"Suit yourself," he mutters, "shitheel."
Rust rolls his eyes but goes to unlock the door to his apartment without further comment. His keys clatter on the breakfast nook, and when he pads into the bedroom he finds her there, face crusted up with snot and dried blood. He finds her there, asleep on his mattress on the floor with her hands tucked up under her chin like a pair of swans. Close together, too, as if they were in quiet conversation about the day they'd had. He sighs, deeply, and heads back out to the sofa.
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hazelkjt · 6 months
Hazel Kha
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Name: Hazel Kha
Nicknames: Hazey (Only E'venna calls her that though)
Age: 24 (as of the start of Dawntrail)
Nameday: 25th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
Race: Xaela Au Ra
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Profession: Research Assistant, Bodyguard, Hunter
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Sky blue with red dyed highlights, unkempt and cut relatively short
Eyes: Rich red with sky blue limbal rings
Skin: Marble white skin, jet black scales
Tattoos/scars: A variety of minor scars and scrapes that only faintly show on her skin, if the light hits juuuust right.
Parents: Baato Kha (Father), Janis Kha (Mother)
Siblings: Grew up an only child
Grandparents: Deceased before Hazel had a chance to meet them
In-laws and Other: Dinky Dinky, who decided to claim Hazel as her sister to which she agreed
Pets: Floof, a small Karakul that is fully grown despite being the size of a small baby lamb
Abilities: Swordplay taught by both her father and the Nameless Samurai's Soul Crystal she was gifted, alongside formal Dragoon training by Lady Amelune. She spent her teenage years and early adult life as a hunter/tracker for the Kha tribe, to very successful results.
Hobbies: Reading, swimming, writing, playing board/card games
Most Positive Trait: Optimistic and confident in those around her and herself to a fault
Most Negative Trait: Pride that can often spiral into arrogance and fuels her stubbornness
Colors: Reds, Blues, Blacks, Browns
Smells: Campfire smoke, an old dusty library, fresh dew on the grass, the ocean breeze
Textures: Worn leather of a book, cloth wrapping on the grip of her sword, soft and warm sheep wool, the flaking of dried blood
Drinks: A wide variety of teas, hot chocolate
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Tried it once, choked on the smoke, hasn't done it again since.
Drinks: Only when in good company and even then she drinks very little.
Drugs: Doesn't partake in any recreational drug use. Should probably be put on Adderall though.
Mount Issuance: Never had the chance to meet and tame a Yol, but does have a Chocobo she received from Lady Amelune in Ishgard. She named it "Yolkha" as the Chocobo's white feathers reminded her of the birds of the Steppe.
Been Arrested: While not "arrested" per say, Hazel was punished for her rambunctiousness and propensity for trouble countless times while growing up in the Kha tribe.
Tagged by: @lilbittymonster tyty!!!
Tagging: @the-white-snake, @nolanel-corbeaux, @this-is-ris, @ahollowgrave, @cindernet-explorer, @oneiroy, @verysmallcyborg, @sparrowsong-7, @disciple-of-frost, @selnyam, and anyone else who reads this that wants to take a crack at it. Sorry to any mutuals I missed on the list!
No pressure for anyone to respond and I'm sorry if you already got tagged for this somewhere else lmao.
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selnyam · 6 months
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Name: Flidais Oakclamber
Nicknames: 'Dais, Fli, Pinky
Age: 156, though she is
Nameday: 19th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Race: Veena Viera
Gender: Female
Orientation: Polyamorous Lesbian
Profession: Adventurer, Bodyguard, Blacksmith, Carpenter
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Pink Hair with dark tips
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Tanned
Tattoos/scars: Markings along either side of her nose (origin unknown) several scars from battle, deep scar encircling her throat that took her voice, which she covers with a choker
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Tyjet, a twin 'sister', adopted as a sister by some of her Borlaqq friends
Grandparents: Uknown
In-laws and Other: Father-in-law on her wife's side
Pets: her trouble making Ruby Carbuncle "Ciabatta" he loves to steal clothing from Flidais and her visitors.
Abilities: Formerly a powerful black mage, skilled Warrior, blacksmith, carpenter, bartending.
Hobbies: Reading, crafting, working out, flirting with women
Most Positive Trait: Seeks joy in everything, the world is so full of joy and love and she wants to share it with all.
Most Negative Trait: too quick to jump to violence, even if it's friendly sparring.
Colors: purples, pinks, blacks. Colours that go well with her hair
Smells: Campfire smoke, books, fresh baked pretzels, coffee
Textures: the lips of a lover, the cover of a book, the grain of wood as you strip the bark, sheets tangled around legs as you sleep.
Drinks: coffee, fruity teas, cherry ale, the "punchcat" she serves at her girlfriends bar
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Can't, it causes too many problems to her throat wounds
Drinks: Goes to bars to meet women, often
Drugs: Has never really tried any, just never came up. Strange with how much time she spent among the Pixies.
Mount Issuance: She has a Chocobo issued from the Twin Adders who followed her when she transferred to the Maelstrom. She named her Sapphobo and has been her stalwart companion.
Been Arrested: by the time she started to get into trouble, she was either such a powerful mage or so strong and buff that guards are intimidated to arrest her. I was tagged by @hazelkjt !!! this was fun to do! I'll tag @ariaofsasha and @isayoldbean and of course anyone else who wants to do it!
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daryascurse · 1 year
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── Who's surviving the night? Final descriptions/ titles subject to change at publication. All tags, descriptions, etc., are taken from the original author; please see individual posts for more information.
(back to the cabin door) (participation rules)
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🔪 “Season in Hell” by @blondeboyfriend : Hyakunosuke Ogata (Golden Kamuy) - The summer camp you're working at is being terrorized by a unseen force that is picking off your fellow counselors one by one.
🔪 “UNTITLED” by @spiteless-xo : Eren Jaeger [maybe + Jean Kirstein] (Attack on Titan) - home invasion.
🔪 “UNTITLED” by @hash-slinging-slasher-trash : Tomura Shigaraki (My Hero Academia) - and the calls were coming from inside the house.
🔪 “The Sleepover” by @stephisokay modern au Sabo x Reader Games, drinks, and sex are what’s at your usual sleepover. In this sleepover, crushes, deception and corpses are additional and free!
S U P E R N A T U R A L / P S Y C H O L O G I C A L
🏚️ "Quiet Through the Trees" by @daryascurse(me): modern au Erwin Smith x Reader A haunted ranch and one lonely handsome farmhand - this could be the most intriguing airbnb listing you've seen.
🏚️ “The Devil Pays More” by @mochimooon : modern au Jean Kirstein x afab!Reader To bolster your resumé before your last year at university, you snag a summer internship at a local start-up. On the surface, everything appears standard—a cute colleague, a creepy boss, disappearing interns, a cult—?
🏚️ “Them Changes” by @rougepancake : Dio Brando x afab!Reader You and your… rather odd friend get snowed in a cabin together in the middle of summer. What you don’t know is that he’s withholding some rather interesting information from you. Just what exactly have you gotten yourself into?
🏚️ “Reigen Arataka: Your Lover, Your Prey” by @arabaka : Arataka Reigen (Mob Psycho 100) x Reader Reader is a kitsune going through her first heat cycle; unfortunately, your boyfriend Reigen is asleep when it first strikes... Maybe you can get away with it... Just maybe...
🏚️ “UNTITLED” by @soleilnomoon : Izou (One Piece) - haunted / cursed mirror trope.
🏚️ “UNTITLED” by @kiirschtein : Megumi Fushiguro *aged up (Jujutsu Kaisen) - ghost boy starts to fall for the pretty new owner of the house he’s stuck in.
🏚️ “UNTITLED” by @stariwrites : Mikoto Suoh (K Project) - mayhem-causing vampire group; inspired by The Lost Boys. 🏚️ “UNTITLED” by @mriachka : Quanxi (Chainsaw Man) - summer meet-cute which slowly descends into horror.
🧜🏽‍♀️ "cicadas in the background" by @callmeburgor modern au Kisame Hosigaki x gn!Reader Fresh air, scenic views, and a beautiful lake offer a perfect retreat when you need to escape life's troubles. But your peace, however, is shattered when rowdy campers move into the cabin next to yours and an eerie presence in the lake takes a keen interest in you.
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my blog is always 18+. please respect my rules and the rules of original writers when interacting. Ageless, blank, and clearly minor-run blogs that interact will be blocked. If you have questions about what that means, please read the byf in my pinned post.
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purpleyoonn · 2 years
baby (you complete us) 2
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C H A P T E R   T W O
summary: Soulmates were a common occurrence, so common, in fact, that the world sought an easier way to find your other half: A bracelet that would scan your mark and match you with those who shared your mark. Within recent years, soul groups were becoming normal, and your own bracelet said you have seven matches.
Or where you wear your bracelet for ten years, and finally give up the hope you would find your soul group, only for BTS to put theirs on and see what they were missing.
genre: soulmate au, idol au, angst, fluff, eventual smut,
pairing: Idol BTS x Disabled MC
warnings: angst, mentions of depression, disabled mc (Ehlers Danlos syndrome), eventual smut, fluff, lots of fluff, mentions of disability, simp bangtan
chapter warnings: lots of insecurities, upset bangtan, determined bangtan, bangtan become simps, mentions of depression, mentions of disability, negative feelings towards disability, 
masterlist // chapter 1 // chapter 3
taglist: @imnotlauriane  @mageprincess7 @m1sss1mp @0funsite0  @strawberry-moonpies @this-isthe-way @singukieee @btsw1fe @gooooomz  @fluffy-canada-pancakes @carolinexkpop @agusfree @sakurarukas @iamkookiesforyou @skyys-universe @toughbook @plutoneu @whisperssuga @welcometomyworld13 @yuzon3 @wittyreader @jnghs @cyd0129 @exfolitae​ @queen-in-the-shadows​ @nen-nyy​ @pandxthings​ @schniti-is-in-the-house​ @juju-227592​ @jinseartharmysmoon​ @wooya1224​ @ddaeng-angmoh​ @gratefullygrateful​ @rorythme​ @gratefullygrateful​ @kimrona​ @jjjj-ssi​ @maysgarden​ @lovelgirl22​ @doublebunv​ @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d​ @reallysparklychaos​ @jayjayy-57​
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Previously on baby (you complete us): 
They had another soulmate.
One who had been wearing theirs for ten years.
One who had been messaging them.
And their last message said they lost hope and were going to take the bracelet off.
After receiving their soulmate notifications, Sejin had gathered them up quickly and brought them back to their dorms. They were all in shock, so many thoughts going through their minds. They didn’t need to be around others as they processed this. Sejin decided he would talk to his team, figure out what the needed to do next.
The boys remained glued to their home, their couches occupied by multiple bodies as none of them moved into their shared room. They had spent the past couple of days reading all of the messages you had sent, their hearts heavy as they read about your life, the good and the increasingly bad over the past four years.
Tissues and blankets were splayed over the room, their faces puffy as they come to the realization that their mate was an army, their songs helping your through the toughest points in your life, only for you to lose hope because of them. To believe that they wouldn’t want you at all.
Their hearts broke and their souls ached.
But they could only imagine how you felt. It did seem as though they didn’t want you, and they were unable to prove otherwise before you lost hope. You spent ten years hoping for them to come, only for them to come too late.
“Hyung…we have to find her.” Jungkook couldn’t help but sob, his grip on Taehyung tightening as he continued to read the messages over his older mate’s shoulder. Jin was behind Jungkook, holding him as he cried out.
Jungkook was your age, and he couldn’t stop himself from imagining your life, your expression as you told them about your days. He imagined his time with his mates, wondering what would have happened if they had found you sooner.
“I know.” Namjoon, too, was having trouble keeping himself closed off. His face was puffy and his face had tear stains marked down his cheeks. He held a pillow to his chest, looking over his mates as they cried in each other’s arms.
He had been messaging Sejin all morning, determined to find you. They started with your profile, the profile picture helping only a tiny bit. They had their social team looking through all social media, looking for a facial match. They also used any information given from your messages to find you.
Yoongi suggested going through info attained from medical records, remembering the man from Soul Connection had said something about it. That there may be connections if the person allowed. Someone on their team was in the middle of talking with the company, trying to get access to those records.
“We will find her, even if we have to make an announcement on Twitter.” The reassurance from their leader helped a little, but when they finished reading your messages, their heart ache turned into determination.
Jungkook was the first, going back to the very beginning and responding to each and every message you sent. The others soon following suit. Messages in some broken English and Korean were sent. It took another couple of days but the team was not able to find you.
Sejin said their best hope was to send out an announcement, and that if you were truly an army, you would see is and hopefully turn to the app. They would send you a message, telling you that they would like to talk to you and sending you the number of one of their translators.
Their only hope of finding you was if you were to see their announcement somehow.
They had to hope that you still wanted them, even if your actions spoke differently.
It had been almost a week since you had taken off your bracelet, consequently giving up the hope you had of ever finding your soulmates.
It was a weird feeling, almost as if you noticed even more the number of soulmates around you, like your heart was still hoping your soulmates would just show up, in front of you, or give you a sign at least that they were looking for you as well.
But you knew that wasn’t going to happen. If it did, it would have happened years ago. Soulmate bracelets had become common a couple years back, and almost everyone you knew wore one.
It was around 9 o’clock am and you were at your favorite café, your work laptop in front of you as shifted through emails, sending ones to trash as you deemed fit. You had a large coffee in front of you, refilled probably twice by now along with an empty plate that once held a lemon loaf slice.
The television played in the background as you listened to the sounds of the café, taking a small break so you don’t end up hurting your eyes even more. You had been there since they opened at five thirty, unable to sleep.
You had been having trouble sleeping since taking off the bracelet, attributing the issue to the different feeling of a weightless wrist. Change was always a motive for your body to have sleeping difficulties, unfortunately.
Rubbing your eyes, not caring about the left over makeup residue, you open them again only to catch sight of the television, one of your favorite kpop groups, BTS, was on it, well a picture of them was. It was followed by a twitter post, the word “soulmate” catching your eye.
You quickly close out your email and head to google, going straight to twitter and signing in. The first thing that came up was the post from the official Bighit account.
The collaboration BTS is doing with Soul ConnectionÔ has brought to our attention the presence of another soulmate within the already bonded group. All seven members have responded to the bracelet notification and are waiting for their soulmate to respond.
However, due to some unforeseen circumstances, they have been unable to get any information about their soulmate, as their profile is private due to either personal settings or from not wearing the bracelet.
We are asking that if their soulmate is reading this, that they please answer the messages that have been sent and get into contact with us.
This is of the utmost importance, as now that both parties are aware, soul symptoms are soon to begin and we wish to place importance upon the health of both parties.
Thank you.
The tweet was retweeted by BTS themselves, with the caption, “please help us, army.”
It had your mind racing, wondering if they were your mates, seeing as you had seven of them according to the app. You looked down at your mark, before looking away, a sigh leaving your lips.
There was no way BTS were your mates. Absolutely ridiculous.
Your brain was just trying to save you the heartache of being completely abandoned by your own soulmates, so it was coming up with ridiculous ideas to ease the pain. But it wasn’t going to work, as you were already familiar and comfortable with the idea of pain.
You decided that enough was enough for the day and decided to go home and actually enjoy your day off before your pushed past your limits. You knew them well enough, and always tended to teeter on the line of too much. You couldn’t help it, still kind of bitter about the years old diagnosis.
Picking up food on your way home, you managed to not need your cane, a silent thank you to the sky above as you pushed your door open with your hip. You placed the food on the small side table and your laptop bag on the floor besides your desk.
Just as you moved to open your takeout container, your phone was ringing from inside your sweatshirt pocket. Groaning, you pulled it out after putting your fork down.
“Hello?” You asked into the phone, not even bothering to take a second to check the name on your screen.
“Hey sis!” You sighed, knowing that your food was going to get cold before your sister ever decided to hang up the phone.
“Hey Ken. What’s up?” Your sister, Kennedy, was a fashion editor for some magazine in New York, having gotten an internship after graduation, where they ended up hiring her on. She’d been in New York for over seven years now.
“Nothing much, just saw the news and word on the street is that your lover boys have found their last soulmate. I just wanted to see if I could ease the poor heartbreak that I knew my baby sister would inevitably feel...Unless you have something to tell me?” You rolled your eyes at her, seeing that she hasn’t changed since you last saw her for your dad’s birthday the year before.
“Dude, I am not heartbroken, your dramatic.” You listen as she laughs into the phone. You completely ignore her joke that you might be their soulmate.
“Are you sure? If I remember correctly, just a couple months ago Daniel sent me a video of you drunk and crying because J-Hope posted a video of Jungkook and Jimin laughing.” You cringed, remembering this exact video, and how you proceeded to punch your brother the next morning for sending it to everyone.
“What did you say? “Why are they so smol and cute?” Was that it? No, I think you were pointing out how beautiful Jimin’s eye smile was. Aha! That’s it.” You could tell she was wearing a smirk on her lips, proud of reminding you about your drunken breakdown over Jimin’s smile. You would never live this down.
“Haha. Very funny. If I remember correctly, I still have a video of you on my phone trying to use my cane as a stripper pole and falling down on your ass, flashing everyone.” You bring up her own drunken mishap.
“I thought you deleted that!” She practically screamed through the phone, making your own smirk grow.  
“Now why would I do that when you bring up my own drunk video every couple months. I gotta have something up my sleeve.” It was quiet for a couple minutes, your sister’s breathing the only thing coming through the receiver.
“Okay fine, truce for now?”
“Truce for now.” You repeat back your own little saying.
“But I really did call to check on you. I heard from Daniel that you haven’t been having the best week.” Another sigh leaves your lip as you think of your older brother.
You were the baby of the family, Kennedy being three years older than you and Daniel being the eldest, only two years older than Kennedy. They were both protective of you, of course, but Daniel had seen firsthand what the death of your mother and your medical diagnosis had put you through. Had seen you when you were at your worst when your sister was in New York, unable to get time off to help.
He visited you every weekend, and you had lunch with him every Wednesday, without fail, for the past three years. He took you to doctor’s appointment and was in the middle of helping you to make your home more accessible for when your body was pushed past its limits. 
He offered to buy you a wheelchair, but you declined, saying you weren’t that bad yet. You knew mobility aids were expensive, and didn’t want him to have to pay for it.
“I’m fine Ken. Daniel is just being a worrywart like always.” You dismiss her concerns, not wanting anyone to worry about you.
“You know you can always talk to me about anything, right? I’m always here for you.”
“I know, Ken.”
The conversation only lasted for a couple more seconds before Kennedy hung up, knowing she wasn’t going to get anything out of you. You had closed yourself up those past couple years; Kennedy knew that not even messaging your mates on the soul app was helping anymore. She wondered if you still wore the bracelet, wondered if you had found them or not.
You spent the rest of the day lounging around your living room furniture, unable to get comfy as your hip decided to give you issues. It took three hours for you to finally find a comfy position, only for your mind to decide to linger on your sister’s words.
BTS had found their soulmate, and they were waiting on their soulmate to contact them. Usually, if there was a bond match, the private setting would shift so the matching soulmate could see their profile. The only way that BTS couldn’t see their matches profile but see their picture or send a message was if the soulmate in question was no longer wearing their bracelet or hadn’t worn it yet.
It had your thoughts whirling. It all seemed too coincidental in your mind. The night you take yours off, BTS supposedly finds their missing soulmate through the bracelet. You kept telling yourself that there was no way, that you were just delusional.
But there was a very small part of you that thought, maybe it is me.
And unfortunately for you, that thought beat out your other ones in a competitive battle.
You made your way to your room, to the junk drawer in your dresser that held the bracelet. Once you put it on, you knew your app would update, and you would be able to access your soul profile. If you were their soulmate, on the very miniscule percentage that you were, you would see a notification in your messages.
You held the bracelet in your hands, just observing it, wondering if you were getting your hopes up once again, not sure if you could pick up the pieces this time. After several minutes, you finally plucked up the courage and strapped the bracelet on your left wrist, just over your mark.
Your mark was a single moon phase, the full moon in particular. You were under the impression that your seven mates held the other phases on their own wrists, creating the full cycle. Once you had the bracelet on correctly, you turned to your phone, pulling it out and almost immediately getting the notification that the Soul Connection app had been updated.
You opened it, waited for it to load, and paused when you saw the number 654, the little red bubble sitting at the corner of your messages tab. You couldn’t believe it. You had over thirty notifications, six hundred plus messages in your inbox, and seven matches to your profile.
It had to be a coincidence.
It had to be a coincidence that you had seven matches within the time you had taken off your bracelet, and that they had put theirs on.
You clicked on the messages first, tears coming to your eyes as you scrolled all the way to the top, replies waiting to be clicked on for every single one of the messages you have sent over the past ten years.
You couldn’t believe what you were seeing, needing to rub your tired eyes more than once as English and Korean replies were sent, responding to each and every one of your own messages. Hundreds of apologies written as you scrolled, each one sorry for waiting so long to wear their bracelets.
You moved over to the ‘matches’ button, needing to confirm with your own thoughts what was happening. And there it was, seven matches, their profile pictures and names only confirmed that you were the missing soulmate to BTS.
Next Chapter
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rhotdornn · 5 months
Rhotdornn Hyrtfyrsyn
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Name Rhotdornn Haerkoen-Hyrtfyrsyn (HHHI) / Rossechon Iavaslachion (Western HH) / Etarellion Hyrtfyrsyn (Eorzea)
Nicknames Princeling (HHHI) / Hendunar (Western HH) / Lion/Boss (Eorzea)
Age Late twenties/early thirties
Nameday 14th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Race Native Sea Wolf
Gender Male
Orientation Heterosexual
Profession Fleet Captain, tavern proprietor, holding Director, embassy ambassador (this one he is trying to shed)
Hair A deep, pronounced crimson with brighter highlights of tangerine emmeshed within; lavish, luxurious texture, incredibly thick of mane and attentive of personal grooming, equally so for his beard.
Eyes True crimson; both the hair and the eye colours are a dominant Hyrtfyrsyn trait, carried over from the males thus predominantly.
Skin Seafoam-white, pale as marble, unblemished by other hues, a trait passed onto him by his mother.
Tattoos/scars Plenty across his body–most notably the scars lining his wrists, a deep slash across his chest (though the chesthair makes it difficult to notice) and a runic tattoo as of recent curling around his right arm.
Ma – An enigmatic entity even to his peoples; the Haerkoena of Hyrthyml Haer-Isil, ever shrouded in mystery. Many perceive her as a sickly woman, while others question her motives–yet all in common fail to understand why she has no will to appear publicly, in court or elsewise, without the attendance of her chosen husband-companion. Her hair is said to be of unmatched ink-black; and her skin glistens in the bare moonlight. Next-to-naught is known of her, save that she never speaks, even when in reliable company.
Hyrtfyr II Syhrachtynsyn – Rhotdornn's giant father of a man. The Haerkoen of Hyrthyml Haer-Isil, his power is absolute–and his temper, perilous. Stern, proud, yet fair–previously the ruler of the Autumn Court, his ascent to the throne has sliced a rift between his sons and he, Dornn more than all–whose childhood was oft weighed down by the near-impossible demands of his father.
Generation I – males:
Rhotdhem Hyrtfyrsyn – Dornn's twin, Dhem–and his sheer opposite. Born of cheer, uncaring for trouble and ever courting mischief, he has ever been a pain in his brother's side; a pain borne all too gladly, despite their soured relationship. Dhem may suffer to be in Dornn's shadow, but he has proven time and time again the kinder and emotionally smarter of the twins. His chosen craft is that of carpentry, as an incredibly skilled shipwright and engineer.
Rhotorn Hyrtfyrsyn – Where Dhem hides his kindness well, Orn cares less so. Though he respects Dornn more, Orn wears his mastery over arcane on his sleeve–and loudly, at that. A Lore-Master unprecedently gifted in the art of Storm-lore, he is quite dismissive of Dhem and his empathy; much to the worry of Dornn, at times. His chosen craft is of a scholarly sort–revitalizing lost scripts and texts from bygone ages, and deciphering their meanings.
Generation I – females:
Rallyrwyda Hyrtfyrwyn – Though not her given name, she is the eldest of the first three sisters. Pragmatic, polite, and savvy in all things diplomatic and navigation, she mirrors Dornn in many ways–doubly so in the way of saying very little with many words. An enjoyer of fine, deep wine, dresses and music, one would be hard-pressed to find a more sophisticated member of the family. Her chosen craft is that of cloth–a seamstress of envious hands, her fabrics often decorate only her closest of friends back Home.
Eyriloef Hyrtfyrwyn – If Rally is Dornn's mirror, then so is Eyri Dhem's–the propensity for mischief runs deep within her, and though she may not be as lazy as he, her tongue cuts far deeper. A Lore-Master prodigy, often shunned by Orn for her whimsical approach to their profession, she is a friend to all animals–all, with an incredible wariness of bears for unknown reasons. Her chosen craft is goldsmithing–specifically so of glass, and enchanted glass besides. What it may produce varies from patron to patron.
Tyloef Hyrtfyrwyn – The youngest of the three, though in no manner a mirror to Orn–Tyl holds the most potent of mastery regarding Soul-Song; a rival to Dhem indeed, despite her younger age. A sweet, gentle and innocent soul, she beholds the world in all of its awe and wonder, giving no quarter to the darkness that it holds. Her chosen craft is that of weaving tapestries that tell the history of their nation, and that often hang in the main courtroom of their home-keep.
Generation II of the siblings involves a different get, though are best reserved for their own tales, as there are 17 children in total.
None that they know to be alive.
In-laws and Other
None. Dornn is very strict and critical over forging non-family bonds in Eorzea. Back Home, he has a small brotherhood of Rangers under his call, as well as a former in-law which he killed.
A veritable zoo. Beloved by all things born in nature, he reciprocates in kind–as such, his large house has a dedicated space for all the beloved companions he has accumulated over the many years of his adventuring. His most notable are his chocobo Sternoss/Bannadir(Eorzean), gryphon hatchling Rannaskar, and gryphon mount, Galladross as well as Ferryar, his loyal red-panda.
Blade-mastery - following in the footsteps of his many-scores legendary grandfather, he aspires to be a Weaponmaster, specializing in swords of all sorts currently. His greatest strength lies in sizable zweihanders and dual-wielding of one-handed blades.
Second Sight - Eye of the Hyrtfyrdyn - One of his bloodline abilities; allowing him to sense the pulsation of aether as it is converted into neurological commands from his opponent's brain, his mind is able to temporarily gain insight into their next strike's direction.
Soul-song - his Homeland's northern boon; Rhotdornn's specialty lies in Words of Command and Words of Power, and the signature of his Rhythm is a clear crimson hue, his voice-power sits between a baritone and bass, the dynamic of his Rhythm is crescendo, the tempo of his Rhythm flows from Andante to Marcia moderato and the theme of his Rhythm involve folk-tales and epics brought to life.
Kingsvoice - the final stage of his Rhythmic abilities, inherited from his father. A combination of Words of Power and Command, it unshackles his prowess within Rhytmic battles.
Naval warfare - tutored in the art of naval sparring and skirmishes by the brightest minds of his Homeland from all walks of life, he possesses an uncanny instinct beside for enforcing highly dangerous, yet highly effective battle strategies and sudden maneuvers on open and enclosed waters.
Animal husbandry - as an avid collector of companions far and wide, his enormous house has a whole wing dedicated to his beloved friends of nature; and his 'collection' is oft ascribed to a rumour of speaking their tongue.
Culinary expertise - or cooking, in short. An avid critic of all-things-edible, he pridefully guards the Sea Wolf tradition of culinary, wine and mead-making excellence. He knows good food, and most oft it is his–a testament to this being BARR!'s menu, designed by him.
Diplomacy - once thriving as an uncompromising, cunning Aerslaentean envoy and chief of their embassy in Eorzea, now he seeks to rid himself of that mantle and eschew higher society anew.
Music - the least surprising of all given his Homeland, he is an avid player of the piano and skilled enough with a flute and harp; countless days in the castle were lost to the practice of two of these, no matter how many obligations he was beset with back then.
Most Positive Trait: Reliability. He may be direct, brutally so, candid and at times abrasive; otherwise vague, discreet and rarely speaking his mind openly in higher company; but one thing is certain–if he values you, you will find value in his companionship. A problem-solver through and through, he will give you no choice but to see his value through deed, not word.
Most Negative Trait: A whole sleuth of them, but his stubbornness brooks no contest. You will be ill-pressed to find a harder-headed redhead than that of Hyrtfyrdyn's get... Especially the men. Paired with his bottomless sense of pride in his peoples and race, it can, and has, made for a lethal combo.
Colors: Deep, rich crimsons, oranges and noble whites.
Smells: Fragrant maple, fresh saw-wood, crashing, fresh sea-spray.
Textures: Sturdy metals, flexible leathers and straps, cozy, warming furs with great fluff.
Drinks: Sweet, rich, autumnal mead. Deep, textured red wine–swinging from dry, to at times, a delicious port wine, depending on his predicament. Otherwise, a milky, creamy vodka and a smokey whiskey-rum will settle him into a cozy, fireplace-lit night by the hearth.
Smokes: No, and avoids it diligently; however engages, at times, in a crushed, secret blend that he pours into his pipe, allegedly helping his lungs recover from previous ailments.
Drinks: Like a shark drinks water. Though he sees no deliberate goal behind it like maintaining the storied Hyrtfyrdyn tolerance to inebriation, he knows to instead simply enjoy the drink for what it is - a spoil of the earth and a blessing for the weary traveler. It is a deeply-interwoven cultural habit, at that; wines, meads and ales are strictly tied to many facets of Hyrthymlian lives.
Drugs: Nothing, save for the aforementioned herb he crushes into his pipe on occasion.
Mount Issuance: Revoked after his status as a wanted man by the Maelstrom and Ishgard was reinstated; not that a sailor has much need for land-legs, if he knows his craft.
Been Arrested: Once almost in Ishgard during a ball infiltration, and once successfully right after the Calamity, as he washed up unconscious at Moraby, by the Maelstrom. There, he was faced with his final penalty for his harrowing harrying in prior days of their fleets and Ishgard's nobles–join the ranks of the Barracudas as their Navigator, or face the noose. His head on his shoulders to this day stands as a testament to his choice.
Thank you for the wonderful tag @viiioca! This was mighty fun, so I pass the torch to @bad-moen-rising, @nalukaixiv, @travelchronicler and whoever sees this, consider it an open tag – make sure to tag me back so I can read it properly!
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marcia-11111 · 1 year
Somewhere only we know - Sae Itoshi x fem! reader
It's a fluff with some angsty pieces. Reader is a captain of the coeducational team of Real Madrid, the new idea of World's Soccer Association. A mention of reader's sad past. Sae may be a little ooc.
Sae Itoshi is a character who belongs to the authors of the manga and anime "Blue lock".
h/c - hair colour
e/c - eye colour
s/t - skin tone
Please don't translate, plagiarise nor use my works on other social media platforms, etc.
As harsh, cold, and distant as Sae Itoshi has become since his arrival in Spain, he was still only a human. The wind caused his reddish-brown hair to move. The new idea of the World Soccer Association dismayed him. Coeducational team? What a farce. Playing with women didn’t bother him, but having more people on his contact list was indeed troubling. At that point in time, Sae certainly hadn’t thought he would meet the bane of his existence. As much as Y/N L/N was an infuriating woman with her beautiful h/c hair and s/t skin, he could not have removed the picture of the striker from his head. How dare she have flashed her sparkling e/c eyes at him? Did she not realize how he must have felt next to Y/N? 
A Japanese prodigy. A genius midfielder. A member of Real Madrid's youth team. An asshole. A handsome male who is rude to interviewers. Because of his outstanding soccer career, the older Itoshi earned numerous titles and nicknames. Everything would have been flowing altogether if it weren’t for the new captain of Real Madrid’s coeducational team, Y/N L/N. He remembered their first meeting too well. No matter how hard he tried, he persisted in having forgotten her; he could not have done so. 
That Monday evening after practice. One week ago, when Sae’s teal eyes met Y/N’s e/c one, he kept his distance, never exposing that his distant nature was only a facade. She came up to him. 
“Leave me be. You probably know who I am, so I won’t bother with saying anything more to you.” He said it coldly. His demeanor didn’t discourage her. 
“A kind of peculiar way to introduce yourself to the new captain of Real Madrid, Sae Itoshi. I do not have to announce who I am either.” Y/N chuckled. Of course he knew who she was—Y/N L/N, the ex-captain and ex-striker of the Brazilian pro-team, Jackals. Her former teammates were such prodigies as herself. Even though she was already a star, Sae could not have been less bothered by the woman’s presence until their gazes met for the first time. He felt a bizarre feeling—it wasn’t butterflies, but a sense of familiarity. The midfielder noticed a bandage on her right arm, not having dared to ask what had happened to her. 
“I am not interested in talking with you.” The Japanese prodigy remained completely unfazed, despite a glint of surprise he (luckily) managed to contain. 
“Mhm. As if I wanted to talk with someone who has your attitude,” She replied calmly. “Y/N L/N.  Whether it’s a pleasure or not to see me for you, I do not care. My responsibility as a captain is to inform teammates of upcoming matches and not indulge in personal matters. You are a midfielder, correct?” Y/n added. Sae was flabbergasted. That woman appalled him to no end. Her beauty, her remarks, her personality. She is the new captain!? Good luck to members who cannot handle sarcasm and criticism. 
“... Correct.” Sae answered. His tone of voice was still as cold as the Arctic Ocean. He scanned the h/c’s woman's body, trying not to stare.
“Good. We have a practice match tomorrow. With FC Barcelona. Coeducational team. See you soon.” After having said that, his new captain just walked away. He didn’t want to be bothered by anyone; however, why did he feel the urge to run after her? He stayed in place, completely frozen due to the events of the past few minutes. The practice match against the rival team ended with a score of 4:3 for Real Madrid. Y/N proved herself one more time.
One month later, Sae found himself wandering aimlessly around the shores of Barcelona. Staring at the sea was his favorite pastime. It eased the mind of the young prodigy. The calm waves differed greatly from the people he was forced to be surrounded by. The feeling of the sand under his bare feet, freedom from any kinds of obligations, and hustle of the soccer world... 
What the boy could not have expected was to meet someone as strong and confident as Y/N, crying on the beach. She appeared vulnerable yet powerful, beautiful yet sad. 
“Why do you still haunt my mind? Why did my former team disband? Just why?” She sobbed to herself. They were the only two people on that shore. “Glass-shattered… That much for half a year not being present in the soccer world. Everything slipped through my fingers.” A young female took the sand in her hand and let it fall on the beach. “Just like this sand.”
Sae observed Y/N’s movements. She seemed so weak and strong at the same time. A fragile but poisonous flower. 
“Welcome back home, Y/N. In my hometown, which feels so foreign.” She sighed and sobbed. 
“Are you alright?” The question left the Japanese prodigy’s mouth before he could have ever thought about it. The weather and scenery didn’t match the scene before his eyes. Sae felt a sharp feeling in his chest—was it empathy, care, love, or sympathy? He wasn’t sure. The urge to embrace the cute woman in the midfielder's arms strengthened every second.
“No, I am not.” That answer was enough for him. Fuck it. Let him do what his heart wants for the first time in a while. Even if it was reckless for himself and his own career, Sae Itoshi hugged Y/N. The young male would be damned if he left her there alone without anyone to lean on. It was certain. He would not allow her to feel the same way he did after his arrival in Spain. Young, alone, and inexperienced in life. Some people have physical homes, others have spiritual ones, and some are lucky enough to have both. 
The male’s eyes widened when Y/N snuggled up to him. He stayed calm, but wrapped his muscular arms around the woman’s waist. 
“Do you have anyone to rely on?” He carefully stroked the girl’s back while she sobbed. 
“My parents are constantly not home; friends are abroad. My past is quite ominous, Sae… I had been the captain of the world’s best female prodigies in Rio de Janeiro. Everything ended when one of my teammates cheered. I was forced to disband the team. She shattered a glass trophy on my right arm; this is why it has been bandaged since then,” She revealed. “Barcelona is my hometown, but it feels so foreign.”
“...” Sae didn't answer; he just stroked Y/N’s back in a circular motion. “Shhh…” The girl started to sob again, this time into the older Itoshi’s chest. It didn’t bother him at all, contrary to what he thought earlier. Emotions were only an obstacle that prevented him from becoming the best. Maybe he was wrong. After all, within all his pride and coldness, Sae Itoshi wasn't a stranger to admitting his own mistakes. 
“Sae…” Y/N’s voice took him out of his train of thought. 
“Yes, querida?” The young male didn't notice that he used a nickname, which enhanced their proximity. However, the girl’s attention was somewhere else. 
“Could we dance in the streets of Barcelona? Please, Sae. It has been my dream since I was a young girl.” She whispered her request. Sae’s heart started to beat faster, no matter how hard he tried to collect this organ. 
“Yes…” Sae stood up first, helping the girl stand up. No matter how much he hated to admit it, he was still a caring person deep down. Behind the closed curtains and walls of ice, a warm heart beat. Sae Itoshi, in all his fame, glory, and achievements, existed as a human being, not a god. 
The girl softly smiled at him and jumped slightly. 
“There is a cozy area. Without paparazzi. I liked to go there when I was younger, with all of my troubles. The music always matches the feelings of a person!” Y/N exclaimed. Her e/c eyes examined Sae’s expression. When she checked for any signs of disapproval and found none, her precious smile brightened. The young woman intertwined her fingers with the man’s and showed him the way to the venue. “It’s here!” 
The music played. The rays of the evening sun illuminated the area. Y/N had never seemed more ecstatic than in that moment. Her skin and eyes were shining due to the light. Sae’s heart must have stopped beating. 
“美しい (utsukushii).” He whispered, not spotting Y/N’s curious gaze while she stared at the boy. Little did she know the word Sae said meant ‘beautiful’. 
“Shall we dance?” The older Itoshi didn’t reply but instead began to dance with her. ‘Somewhere only we know’ by Keane was played. Spain indeed felt like an empty, foreign land for him. The feeling of the sea nearing comforted both of them. Even though Sae could remember the streets of Madrid and Barcelona by heart, they have never given him a sense of familiarity. Always a foreigner, no matter where he found himself. And it appeared Y/N felt the same. Both of them didn’t have a place to begin. The world, which was once a cruel and cold place, seemed to have warmed along with their dance. 
Sae wrapped one arm around Y/N’s waist, signaling that he finally let her in. The other hand was intertwined with the girl’s. They kept on dancing in a comfortable place, such as the venue. They didn’t need any words to explain what they felt. The birds sang as the song continued. It wasn’t just a mere intimate moment, but an entanglement of souls. A lonely tear fell down Sae’s cheek. After so long, he found home in a woman. She was perfect. An angel. The light to his darkness, kindness to his mean nature. This was the place he had earned to find the sense of proximity that Sae Itoshi craved. After all that happened to him in Spain, the prodigy found happiness. 
“Y/N… I-” He couldn’t continue his sentence. The world would be cursed if she didn’t feel the same way as he does. Was it the end of everything? Their last dance? Or the beginning of something new? Even the gods themselves wondered. That endearing smile of hers—how much he wished to shield it from the world. Sae didn’t dare break the silence anymore. The romantic lyrics made his heart pound harder as the music reached its climax. Their bodies together felt like poetry. Not a forbidden one. The destined one. Everything fit perfectly, and they moved in sync. And once the music ended, gathering up his whole courage, Sae Itoshi made the first move: he hugged Y/N, embracing her tightly. 
“This has been wonderful... This song… It reminds me of you. Y/N.” He whispered as the tears fell down his cheeks. The young male was joyful when the girl let him embrace her. What he did not expect was the next question. 
“Do you finally feel at home, Sae? Thousands of kilometers away from your motherland.” He nodded, still clinging to Y/N.
“I do feel like I am at home, Y/N. I feel like I finally found peace in your arms. That is what I have always longed for," he confessed. For the first time abroad, the boy felt at home. “Do you mind if we stay like this for a little longer?”
“Certainly not. We can hold onto each other forever.” The girl’s voice made him smile. He kept holding her close to his chest. 
“I’ll be glad to stay like this forever.” He hugged her even tighter. The tears stopped streaming down his cheeks. 
“I have a confession to make.”
“I am all ears.” He didn’t let go of the young woman. 
“Barcelona has been my hometown since I was born. Currently, this city feels so foreign. The unfamiliarity terrified me. I had spent so much time abroad, resulting in my becoming a stranger here. However, today… I found peace with you. I finally feel at home.” Y/N revealed. She didn’t even stutter. Sae’s embrace tightened even more. 
“You know that I feel the exact same way?” A chuckle escaped the midfielder’s mouth. “I think I actually feel at home too, with you.”
“Maybe we are each other's destiny? Who knows? It fills me with joy. To be with someone, I don’t have to spend a lifetime translating my soul.” The girl looked into Sae’s teal eyes. He caressed her cheek. 
“It’s the most wonderful feeling I have ever experienced. Not having to translate my soul to you. Just one look, one thought, one word, and we understand each perfectly. I know I come off as rude, distant, and cold as well. We didn’t get off on the right foot. However, as the time went by, you showed me something more than a pretty girl with monstrous soccer skills—someone I could lean on. A person who became my home abroad.” Sae took a deep breath. “I love you, Y/N. And the world would be damned if my feelings were not reciprocated.”
There it was. She kissed him softly but passionately. The shock faded away quickly, and he returned the favor, tasting her lips for the first time. That day was his dream come true. He didn’t expect to fall in love and become smitten with someone. It didn’t matter now. After all, Sae Itoshi was still a human, even with all his medals and prizes.
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encrucijada · 11 months
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♡ genre & categroy: literary fiction, adult
♡ pov: dual 3rd person
♡ teddy and i revisited the beginnings of mari & theo and came out of it with a rewrite of their first story that reclaimed its place as their real canon??, duology + all the novellas we want, alliteration galore, sometimes all you need is a personal project with your qpp
♡ a reminder that teddy is @teddywriting
♡ cw: drug addiction, child neglect, homelessness, imperfect recovery, unmedicated mental illness
♡ themes: second opportunities, self-love, family both chosen and born, gentleness, what if choosing to live your life was an option
a b o u t :
babylon boy - circa late 00s. theo and maripaz find each other while searching for meaning, but they're not quite the answer they were looking for. having independently run away from home they are focused on survival. maripaz left behind a family with more kids her parents knew what to do with and a boyfriend she never really liked. theo cut his family's losses and he hopes eventually they will stop missing him, his problems are his own. survival leads to companionship leads to friendship leads to i would be really bummed if you ever parted from me. there is no future as they hop from place to place, shoplift, and try to have a night of rest, there is only today and maybe tomorrow. gossamer girl - circa early 10s. the most earth shattering things still happen walking down the street or in the store.
in other words: a story told in two parts (plus a few others) about maripaz and theo—who ran away from home to spare their families the trouble. maripaz was only taking up space in her house and theo definitely does not have a drug addiction problem. they meet when theo helps maripaz shoplift from a grocery store and he steals one of the two necklaces she brought with her, this one with an angel charm (this is important). teddy is writing the theo pov and i am writing the mari pov and they go back and forth throughout.
c h a r a c t e r s :
maría paz "maripaz" vega. would rather die than ever express a want or need. should be dancing to abba at a discotheque. loves valentine's day themed stuff unironically. sixth daughter of eight kids. audhd. constantly interrupting her narration with snippets of the past. wants love to fix her so so bad. i think that i'm not who you think i am / but i like to be seen and i like to be wanted [better than this - lizzy mcalpine].
theodore "theo" rayes. hasn't had a problem ever his brain is so normal promise. should be doing silly tricks at the skate park. smartest stupidest pretty boy you'll ever meet. twin brother (older). autistic. constantly interrupting his narration with daydreams of the future. has these drugs under control (trust me). medicate, meditate, save your soul for jesus / throw a punch, fall in love, give yourself a reason [call your mum - noah kahan].
the actual plot is less important than these two's emotional journeys. the conflict comes from... why isn't how much i love you enough to make everything right? what if you wanted someone to choose you and mean it. what if you wanted to be someone people can rely on. what if we were what the other person is looking for but where we're at right now is making it so hard but here we are, we are staying.
aesthetic: the changing lights of a carnival ferris wheel, tongues coloured from candy, heart-shaped sunglasses, intertwined fingers, the murmur of the ocean tide, fine white sand, pink and orange sunsets, hands sticky from melting ice cream, light refracted on a suncatcher, cramped secondhand bookstores, the buzz of fluorescent lights in a hospital waiting room, freckle-covered cheeks, the heads of strawberries, nightlife lights refracted on wet pavement, a necklace you never take off, rhinestone decorated flip phones, a steady heartbeat, graffities that scream for something more, homemade plastic jewellery, the light behind your head looks like a halo, tangled bedsheets, soft music at the grocery store, the cold of the frozen aisle, photographs from disposable cameras, porcelain angels
snippet for you:
Watermelon in triangles.
“That one’s mine.” Carla had grabbed one of the soup bowls, then the watermelon Maripaz had picked, and another one. Juan Pa had left then unattended after calling up the stairs if anyone wanted any.
“Girls,” Mum called from the living room, her telenovela was so loud Maripaz had been able to hear it from the second floor. Bringing herself to do homework before dark was hard enough. “No fighting, please. I don’t want to deal with this.”
Carla had watermelon juice, a single drop of it, rolling down her chin. “Don’t make a scene. It’s just fucking watermelon, just grab another one.”
Maripaz made a scene.
The soup bowl broke into six separate pieces when it crashed on the floor. Carla screamed, not from pain, but indignation and anger. She shoved Maripaz so hard she knocked over one of the kitchen table chairs.
“Girls! Por el amor de Dios, not one second of peace in this house.”
the universe as a whole has been baptised as HOME HABITAT. but you will see this tagged as #bb&gg, as well as any variation of #maripaz&theo. teddy and i have at least 2 novellas planned to bridge the gap between babylon boy and gossamer girl, and one prequel about maripaz's oldest sister. but more on that some other time!
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mortporter · 4 months
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Info - Mo'rtojhi Porter
See also: carrd
Name: Mo'rtojhi
Nicknames: Mort
Age: Mid 20s
Nameday: 32nd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (Oct. 31)
Race: Miqo'te
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bi/Pan (Female preference)
Profession: Porter, courier, arm for hire, taker of odd jobs
Hair: Dusty brown streaked by the sun
Eyes: Pale blue
Skin: Tanned
Tattoos/scars: Tribe marks on face, thin scar on chest, small knicks/cuts in various places from travel/fights
Parents: "Adopted" by Loreta and Hahatere, who run the orphanage where he grew up. Birth mother alive and with the tribe, along with most of the other mothers. Father missing and presumed killed.
Siblings: Mo'rtajha (younger, full blooded sister), Mo'lirani (older sister), and seven other older half sisters, along with a whole gaggle of younger siblings he's barely met
Grandparents: One elder mother (not directly related)
In-laws and Other: A'mune Rah and her sister A'keno, Styrthota Abylfystwyn and her crew, Theo Kisne, Helvetica cen Serif, Alaric Kilgannon
Pets: None yet
Abilities: Melee Weapon Proficiency, Gift of the gab, Good sense of direction and time, Left handed, affinity towards wind aether
Hobbies: Talking to people, sharing stories, eating/drinking, Triple Triad, learning to read
Most Positive Trait: Extroverted, Agreeable, Empathetic, Hard-working, Loyal
Most Negative Trait: Stubborn, Uneducated, Low Self Worth
Colors: Blues of any shade, browns/tans, brighter colors if he could afford them
Smells: On the road: dusty, old paper, sweat, dirt. Cleaned up: Cheap soap, crisp linens, airy
Textures: Light linens, worn leather, well-used but well-maintained metal
Drinks: Coffees, Teas, just about any alcohol (Raki and Ale are favs)
Smokes: Nope
Drinks: A lot, holds his liquor fairly well
Drugs: Dabbled but not generally a fan of how they tend to get him into trouble
Mount Issuance: His own two feet, avoids boats at all costs
Been Arrested: Yes, once for petty theft
Inventory: Sword of Oschon, buckler, backpack, tooth dagger, water rings, crystal earring, rune rock
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hanmi-xo · 1 year
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O N E S H O T S | S M U T | S C E N A R I O S
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Current Work:
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Title: We Who Remain Status: On Hold Chapters (current): Prologue + Chapters 1-6 Genre: Horror, Action, Romance, Apocalypse, Mystery, Thriller, Drama Themes: Violence, Gore, Nudity, Drugs, Strong Language Synopsis: They came without warning. It was a plague that doomed us all... After getting separated from her older sister, Noe Jaewon must fight to survive this wretched world. These people who saved her, can she really trust them? Sneak Peak of Characters...
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Title: Between Us Status: On Hold Chapters (current): Prologue + Chapter 1-5 Genre: Romance, Angst, Fluff, Slice of Life, Short Story Themes: SMAU, moving on, adult romance, personal growth, trauma, self-worth, brother's best friend Synopsis: When two individuals meet and face their fears together... The man everyone recognizes and the young lady everyone forgets finally meet.
Completed Stories:
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Title: My Happiness (Seventeen Dino x OC) Status: Completed Genre: Angst, Romance, Fluff, Insecurity, Depression, Chapters: 21 Word Count (Per Chapter): 1.8k - 3.7k approx. Total Words: 60k approx. Warning: Mentions of Suicide, Depression, Violence (Chapters with themes will be marked as mature) Synopsis: They always flocked to him, but I was always fearful to be near him... When a troubled insecure girl and a loving boy meet.
O N E S H O T S | S M U T | S C E N A R I O S
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