#— midoriya izuku | what's a soulmate? well a soulmate is like a best friend but more. it's someone who you carry with you forever
arch-lightbaund · 2 years
@roguesenses said:
izuku be like is he gonna say kacchan is the love child of satan next
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“ I've connected the dots! ”
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moved-deibreak · 1 year
open starter response for @mightiboy ( Izuku & Shoto )
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Shoto dealt with the news calmly. Having left Midoriya on read with no intention to bother him ever again, and after an hour of reasonable thinking, he visited Aizawa's office, asking to transfer schools and for his hero license to be revoked. Aizawa-Sensei hadn't absurdly accepted, believing this to be another prank. Having failed as both a hero and a friend, Shoto was left with no choice, but to pack his belongings and leave, for a foreign land, where nobody would remember him. Where Midoriya wouldn't have to think of him ever again.
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archived-lightbaund · 2 years
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withsorrowandregret asked ( once upon a time ago ):
[  ill  ] Izuku for Shoto
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nonverbal  meme  prompts
[  ill  ]  sender  takes  care  of  receiver  when  they  are  unwell
“ I needed to move around a little, ” he explained, when asked why he hadn’t stayed in his room. Only wearing a t-shirt and shorts, Shoto had wandered around the dorms. The kitchen was his stop, taking a seat when seeing Midoriya was there. “ It’s not that serious, ” he mumbled, before starting to cough once more. He must be looking miserable, with his hair messed up, the dark circles underneath his eyes, and pale color. Shoto hated being sick, even though this would make it the first time he’d spend his time resting.
Midoriya was worrying for what was a minor cold. Or the flu. He couldn’t really tell them apart, and he didn’t think there was a point to it. He could have continued training and classes like he always did whenever he wasn’t feeling his normal self. Shoto was trained after all to function even under these circumstances. He didn’t think his father was wrong on that part. It didn’t make sense, for a hero to stand back because of an illness. Villains wouldn’t wait for his fever to ease down.  
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“ I hate this, ” he grumbled. The last few days had drained him, not only physically but psychologically too. He had run out of patience. Waking up every few hours, having nightmares, feeling weak even to leave his futon. His body switching from hot to cold every few minutes. His body failing him for the first time in a long time, with Shoto not understanding the reason. Recovery Girl had advised him not to try and regulate his temperature, for his body to fight this naturally, and now he’d find himself once again trembling when a minute ago he had been feeling hot, and couldn’t do anything about it.
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draftsinsourarmor · 2 years
— midoriya izuku | what's a soulmate? well a soulmate is like a best friend but more. it's someone who you carry with you forever
— izuku & shoto | it's the person who knew you and accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would
What's a soul mate?
Dawson : It's uh... Well, it's like a best friend, but more. It's the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. It's someone who makes you a better person. Actually, they don't make you a better person, you do that yourself because they inspire you. A soul mate is someone who you carry with you forever. It's the one person who knew you and accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would. And no matter what happens, you'll always love her. Nothing can ever change that. Make sense?
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hitoshiyoshi · 4 months
save me, cupid ! | midoriya izuku
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synopsis ↬ having a cupid quirk is proven to be a curse
warnings ↬ angst(?) but not too bad, honestly i don't know what to label this exactly lol, the reader acts like a yandere, unrequited love, love-starved reader, just an idea of what it would be like to have a cupid quirk, mentions of red string, mentions of violence, my apologies if it sounds bad, it's just an idea, obsessive reader
pairings ↬ crush!midoriya izuku x gn!yandere!reader
word count ↬ 4.7k
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Since you first discovered your quirk at the tender age of four years old, you've always hated it. It had no purpose; no ability to defend or protect yourself, much less others. You might as well have been born quirkless. Whenever you told anyone about it, you always heard the same words. They would either reaffirm how pointless your quirk was or talk about how powerful it was, but never good enough for you to become a hero. Of course, you didn’t mind their ignorant comments. Until you noticed the behavior of your friends change upon telling them, always leading to the same outcome.
You have a type of mind-control quirk, called ‘Cupid’. Your quirk allows you to see whether two people are soulmates; when you concentrate long enough, a red string appears on the ring finger of your target connecting them to their soulmate. You can also make two people fall in love by locking eyes with your target, repeating their name, the name of another target, and a simple phrase: “loves you”. The same is true with the reverse phrase, “loves you not”.
After numerous attempts on yourself, you concluded that your quirk could not work on you. Despite this, you still explored the idea. Ever so often, you would come up with ideas but each failed.
You weren’t immune to crushes. When you tried to make them love you, your quirk would never activate on them. It was hard for you to understand why at first.
At first, it began when you noticed thin red strings attached to the fingers of some classmates in school. Some connected students that were in the same class while others stretched far outside the building, until they were out of view. When asking your friends about the strings, they seemed confused and looked around but couldn’t see the strings attaching them together. Only you could see the red string. It was like this for a couple years, a thin rope connecting two people.
There was no red string on your ring finger. Concentrating on your hands and trying to find one only brought you head splitting migraines.
You could vaguely remember when you learned about the other powers of your quirk. School ended early that day and one of your best friends insisted on going to the nearby park before heading home. As you sat close to a field of buttercup flowers, they picked one of the stems. Your friend professed their deep affections for another classmate. You two were young and it was nothing but puppy love. Plucking the yellow petals from the growing bud, they repeated the name of their crush followed by "...loves me," and then another petal, "...loves me not".
Staring at their ring finger, you noticed the string trail off in the distance. A sudden, innocent, thought came to your mind. Tapping your friend on the shoulder and giggling, you tore off one of the petals before locking eyes. They seemed to lose focus as they watched your actions and peered down at the flower in curiosity. You called their name, making eye-contact again, and repeated the name of their crush, "...loves you".
It was only meant to be a harmless joke, but as you watched your friend's eyes go into a cloudy gaze, you panicked. Shaking their shoulders and calling them again, they seem to regain consciousness. Your friend's eyes quickly darted across their surroundings until they finally noticed your presence. Except, they began to act abnormal.
Rambling about their crush in a feverish manner; how they wanted to touch, feel, kiss, and caress them. Eyes glowing pink with lovestruck passion and a deep red blush warmed their cheeks. You tried to speak to them and ask them what was wrong. Until they scowled at you, slapping your hands away when you tried to reach out to them. Screaming nonsense about how you weren't their beloved, only their true love could touch them!
Soon, they ran off — searching desperately for their sweetheart.
The next day, you saw your two best friends holding hands and whispering sweet nothings without a care in the world. You tried to speak to them, but you were always ignored. When lunchtime came, you tried sitting next to them, only for them to immediately stand and move to another table. Eventually, they refused to acknowledge you. You had no use for them, only a burden and a distraction from their beloved. They left you alone...
It took you some time to realize — you thought the world was being cruel when you noticed other classmates begin to avoid you as well — it was more than matchmaking. It was based on attraction. The stronger the target's love was for their partner, the higher the chance of success. The disgusted stares of your classmates became a repetitive occurrence; you only used your quirk once yet they became naturally repulsed by you.
Your friend's love deflected a force onto you that repelled everyone away, an unfortunate weakness and downside of your quirk. Soon, you were abandoned. The small acquaintances you had, dropped like flies.
As your new friend Ochaco approaches you in the lobby after school, you wonder how you managed to defy the negative effect of your quirk usage. Everyone in your previous school either hated you or had some type of unjustifiable prejudice against you; if people already disliked you, might as well have fun with your quirk, right? Creating short relationships with nearly all of your ex-classmates, it was pure enjoyment.
Receiving the acceptance letter from U.A. was a pure miracle. You didn't bother trying to get into the hero course, letting the words of your peers control you. Instead, you opted for the General Studies course once deciding that the business and support courses were not the most ideal option for you. You managed to befriend a boy named Shinsou Hitoshi who didn't seem too bothered by your quirk.
Although some of your classmates blatantly ignored you, he was unaffected. You didn't find a threat in his mind-control quirk; you found solace in the similarity of your quirks. He accompanied you to your classes and was a shoulder to lean on when you were feeling down.
Ochaco waves at you and urges you to come closer, a pleasant smile spreads across her lips. In the distance you see her friend, Midoriya Izuku speaking to a tall, blue-haired boy with glasses. Izuku... You can't remember where you first heard his name or noticed him, but your unnatural infatuation with him had grown surplus since then. Was it at the Sports Festival? Or perhaps when you noticed him walking in the halls one day and felt your heart-pounding in your chest as you stared. Izuku felt your eyes on him and peered back at you with a soft gaze, blushing and smiling before continuing his walk.
Maybe it was his gentle nature towards you that made you feel at peace. Although Shinsou was nice to you, there was something about Izuku. You already knew it had to be a crush; the feeling was so familiar to you. Perhaps it wasn't the healthiest infatuation, though. Every time he was in your vicinity, you could feel your heart threaten to rip out of your rib cage and leap into his arms. He was one of the few that didn't seem too bothered by your quirk or see you as a nuisance.
There was a need, no, a desperation for him to be with you. Always having a watchful eye on him, you studied nearly all of his movements. Feeling someone's gaze on him, Izuku would glance around and search for your eyes. Only for you to quickly shift away, but he wasn't an idiot. He caught your glance a few times and once thought about approaching you, but he never did.
It was impossible to have him reciprocate your feelings, you were positive. He didn't know you despite recognizing your face and eyes. Of course, you knew so many things about him; sneakily following him home after classes, overhearing him and All Might talk about their association — how cute! You were the first to know about his secret, a good lover should know these things, right? It was truly amazing how after all these months, he hadn't noticed you.
Thank goodness his mother wasn't home when you broke into their apartment and went through his bedroom. The All Might memorabilia was nauseating, but if he loved it then you should too! A little shrine of his possessions and unmentionables started to build quickly in the corner of your room. How devoted you are... it's only fair that he should be the same. You desperately wanted him to act as such, but he never did.
Using your quirk was not an option. Even if it was, his attraction to you wasn't strong enough... yet.
There was also another problem: the girl approaching you right now, Ochaco. It was clear as day that she shared the same affections as you. Anyone could notice the two students shyly flirting and blushing around each other. How his face would light up whenever she entered the room or how her cheeks would turn a dark shade of pink around him. You were familiar with their actions because you witnessed them on others in the past. A sharp sting of jealousy arose as you watched them.
You seethed with envy around her, befriending her was a fine way to keep her in your proximity at all times. She was another one who didn't mind your quirk. So, you decided to wait until the perfect moment came.
Only God knows how many times you needed to stop yourself from intertwining your fingers into her brunette hair and bashing her head into the concrete — she'd become so unsightly. Blood staining the ground with purple and black bruises spreading across her swollen face. But if you did that, the teachers would surely have you expelled. Perhaps, her parents would press charges on you. Then, you could never see Izuku again. And the poor look on his face from watching would surely traumatize him... there wasn't any possibility you would dare.
You watched their interactions through gritted teeth every time they spoke to each other. You've had this quirk since the day you were born. The expressions of true love and light touches your victims would share with their beloved was all the same. Their love had blossomed like a field of tulips once spring comes.
"Hey, (Y/N)! Are you alright?" Ochaco asks as she stands in front of you. She waves her hand in your face after a few seconds to gain your attention.
"Oh... H- Hey, Ochaco... Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." Giving her your best smile as reassurance but she doesn't seem to believe you.
"You weren't...? But you were staring right at me?" Fuck. She turns her head and looks behind her, searching around. His shy green eyes meet her gaze before quickly looking away. "Were you looking behind me...? Is it Deku?" You want to leave the conversation, but you know how persistent she would become.
"No," Her head quickly snaps back towards you, intrigued but calm. "Don't worry about it. I guess I'm just tired."
"Ah, okay..." She peers down at the ground as her rosy cheeks begin to deepen their color. "Well... I actually wanted to ask you a favor."
"What is it?"
"I know you don't like using your quirk often..." You've told her your quirk numerous times and always mentioned your reluctance to use it. You realize now that was a mistake. Not want to repeat your years at your previous school all over again. "...and it's OK if you don't want to do it. I won't force you." She's still staring down, too embarrassed to continue but she still attempts.
"It's fine, don't worry."
"Could you... Could you use your quirk to make Deku like me back? I really like him but... I'm not sure if he feels the same way about me... I'm kinda scared, you know?"
You pause at the girl standing in front of you, still hiding her face as her eyes cast towards the ground. Make him like her back...? Why would you ever do that? As if it wasn't obvious to nearly everyone in their class and, even some random students, that they had feelings for each other. Why would she need you to do something she could do herself? She's lucky her eyes are fixed towards the ground or else she would've noticed your clenched fist landing somewhere painful.
Truthfully, she didn't know how envious you were of her position. You weren't even sure of the extremes you would endure just to have him notice you. Alas, perhaps now is not the time. You knew it would end in the same outcome as all your other attempts.
"Just confess to him. I'm sure he'll accept it." You never wanted to use your quirk to find the string on Ochaco's fingers, you were too afraid. You began to walk away from her after unsuccessfully hiding your scorned voice, but she tightly held onto the sleeve of your gray blazer.
"W- Wait!" Refusing to turn around, you let her finish. "Can't you at least tell me if we're soulmates?"
"I won't." The girl seems to sulk at your rejection, her grip on your blazer loosens before she pulls away.
"Well, I guess it's wrong to want to know. I'm sorry for pressuring you..." As you begin to forgive her, she interrupts you. "I hope this isn't too personal for you, but is it true that you like him too?"
"Where did you hear that?" You snap your head and see her nervously scratching her neck, glaring up at you.
"I always see you staring at him! Don't you think it's kinda weird?"
"What do you mean?"
"He has no idea who you are and the way you look at him can be kinda creepy sometimes…” Ochaco straightens her back, stiffening her posture in an uncomfortable way while smiling at you tauntingly. Her brows furrowed as she peers around the room.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Ochaco.”
“But it’s true!” She twirls her brown hair between her fingertips, thinking once again before asking. “Is that why you won’t tell me if we’re soulmates?”
The thought of you two having the same crush makes Ochaco sick to her stomach. She doesn't know the reason why. It was an uneasy feeling that remained throughout your entire interaction.
“I’ve told you countless times before, I don’t use my quirk as much as I did in the past…” Ochaco holds her head down in defeat again, on the brink of giving up. “But since you keep pushing me, fine. Give me your hand. Let me check for the string first.”
She beams up at you, eagerly passing her ring finger to you. Filled with a new found excitement — Oh, she can’t wait! Ochaco’s eyes lit up with the same expression as every other person who has asked you. Each hand you’ve held has prayed for the same outcome. The warm, yet sweaty palms feel common. Occasionally twitching their fingers with anticipation.
You gaze at her ring finger, ignoring the distractions around you. Your eyes squint until you can see the familiar red string appearing on her skin. It’s looped perfectly where a wedding ring will be in the future. The string trails down her arm, falling to the floor and continuing behind her. It cuts through a group of students loitering around nearby and past chairs scattered through the room.
Your heart pounds in your chest, beating heavy like a drum with each second that is drawn out. It ends with a girl throwing away her trash. You want to breathe out a sigh of relief, but she walks towards one of her friends. And of course, there he was. Completely oblivious to the scene happening a few feet away from him.
Ochaco, moving restlessly on her feet, turns behind once more.
“It’s Izuku, isn’t it? It’s him, right?” She grins, ear to ear. It’s unknown if she’s ecstatic about being soulmates or if she can no longer worry about other competition — including you.
"Of course, it's him."
"So, can you use your quirk on him?" She hops around excitedly on the tips of her toes. Her face is as red as a cherry, but she's more confident than before. "For me? Please?"
"I don't even need to do that, Ochaco. Everyone in your class knows that he has feelings for you. You don't need me."
"Are you jealous? Is that why? Come on, (Y/N). There's nothing about you that he would want, anyways." She stares up at the ceiling, tapping her finger against her chin. "Use your quirk to find someone else, it shouldn't be hard."
But… But it’s just not fair, you tell yourself. In all honesty, you should’ve known. There were too many signs that you chose to ignore. This was the reason you hesitated for so long. As Cupid, you already knew. Now you were destined to have the same fate once again. Should you tell her? Even now, you aren’t sure why you agreed. Should your spirit to find clarity and let go?
Maybe you will stop caring about Izuku. Forget about the burning passion that flourishes through your body with every glance you give to him.
But you don’t want to do that right now.
“Uraraka Ochaco,” Surely, you still have a chance. Your eyes are locked on each other. “Midoriya Izuku, loves you not. Forget him.”
Her breath stops, her eyes become dilated and watery. You’ve never seen someone react in that way before. She stares at you with a vacant expression while you examine her face. Ochaco’s mouth is slightly agape, like she’s frozen in place. You feel her pulse start to slow down gently. Grasping her shoulder, you shake the girl out of her trance — you can’t have her passing out in front of everyone!
“Wha… What happened?” Ochaco returns to normal — well mostly.
“You were asking about Izuku, don’t you remember?”
Her cheeks turn a dark rosy color and for a second, you wonder if you’ve finally lost your quirk. Until she responds:
“Izuku… Izuku…” She glances around the room, trying to search for an answer in her mind. It sounds familiar, that name. “I don’t know who that is,” She tries to sound confident, but you can tell that she doubts herself.
“He’s your classmate.” Did she respond to your ‘forget him’ command? Has your quirk evolved since you last tried to use it? All that time you’ve spent with Shinsou must have rubbed off. She seems lost for a moment; She blushes, yet a frown is worn on her face.
“Oh, a classmate. Then why can’t I..?” Her head is empty with every attempt at trying to remember him. In the few chances that she can, his existence and the thought of him makes her sour. Barely knowing his face, yet she cannot stop the disgust that emerges.
“Ochaco? Isn’t there somewhere you should be right now?”
“Right! Gosh… My head feels like it’s spinning.” You release her hand, she gathers her belongings and tidies up. “I’ve got to go home and help my parents with some stuff. I’ll catch up with you tomorrow!”
Ochaco runs off to the exit, hopping away like a rabbit fleeing from a predator. It was for the best; you try to tell yourself. But the guilt of it all eats away at your soul. You wait for a few minutes before you step outside into the warm air, you aren’t sure of the feelings erupting inside. You should’ve been relieved; no need to worry about Ochaco or any other person in the way. If you needed to, you knew how to handle it.
By now, Izuku and his classmates have left the building. Ochaco stands by the entrance of the school. You see two of her friends nearby, chatting away and completely oblivious to the spell you’ve cast on her. The separate groups don’t seem to notice each other yet; they stand on opposite ends with their backs turned.
The time was perfect, you clutched the envelope in your pocket tightly.
Your legs move on their own at first, running to the fluffy haired boy. He smiled at his friends, unaware of your heavy steps to him. You bump into a few students who gave you annoyed glances. There’s no time to apologize to them, you move with a mission.
He doesn’t notice you behind him at first. Izuku was only alerted from the expressions of his friends surrounding him and the softest tap on his shoulder.
“Izuku?” You say quietly while he turns his body to face you.
“Yeah, what’s up?” The others around him paused their conversation.
“Oh, I just wanna have a chat with you… I hope you’re not busy.” You replied while pointing to his friends behind him. “By the way, I’m (Y/N)…”
“Ah, I’ve seen you around the school before.” Izuku waves goodbye to his friends and pulls you aside to talk.
"Really...?” He knows who you are! You reach into your pocket and pull out the letter. It’s pink and decorated with colorful hearts on the outside. Your hands tremble with the paper; shyly and with your head focused on the ground, you slip the letter in his hands.
“What’s this?” Izuku asks and peers up at you, your fingertips graze his hand ever so slightly — the tingling against his skin draws him closer.
“Midoriya Izuku,” With the command of your voice, his mind becomes a fog. The same unaware expression as Ochaco was written over his face. “Uraraka Ochaco loves you not.”
“I… I…” Unlike Ochaco, Izuku tries to fight the spell as he did at the sports festival against Shinsou — except your quirk was far stronger than his. His eyes become vacant; things were working nicely in your favor. You just needed to make sure.
“What...? Oh,” Izuku regains consciousness and focuses his eyes on the pink envelope in his hand. Outstretching some of your fingers, you gesture for him to open it.
"It's for you. I wrote it..."
He sloppily tears the letter open - all that effort you put into folding it, you cringe a bit as you watch. Izuku's eyes scan your writing, widening with every word. His cheeks tint into a light pink color, a soft grin adorns his lips:
"Izuku, from the day I saw you at the Sports Festival, I truly experienced a love that I've never known before,"
But of course, it's short-lived.
Clinching onto the paper tightly, he begins to tremble.
"And that love is one that I want to be kept near to me, have you ever felt this before?"
. . .
"My dearest, Izuku. My nights have been endless with thoughts of you. I can hear it, your footsteps in the night. I feel as if I'm going insane,"
. . .
"It's shameful of me to admit. How pretty and soft your skin looks; I've fantasized about this — dragging my sharpest knife across your every vein and marking you,"
. . .
"I want to rip your heart out of your chest with my own hands and keep it to myself, blood and all. I'll give you mine in return. I will surrender myself to you,"
. . .
"I wonder what it feels like to be inside you, inside your mind. I want to touch you, I want to feel you,"
. . .
"My dearest, Izuku. Will you let me do that? Will you give yourself to me?"
Izuku's mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water; he becomes completely at a loss for exactly what to say. At first, you thought it must've been side effects from your quirk, until...
"Well? I put a lot of thought into it. I know we haven't spoken before, and I might not be your type, but..."
"I appreciate the- the letter..." He fumbles out, unwilling to face you. His eyes travel from the paper to the orange-magenta sky. Anywhere besides you. "But I'm in the hero course, you know. It's ve- very tiring. I can't manage a relationship n- now. I'm sorry..."
Yet, deep down, Izuku can't help but pity you. He would've at least considered if you hadn't written about wanting to stab him.
"I see," Your words are barely audible, even with the close space between you two. "So, that's your excuse. Well, don't worry," The only thing you could do was smile, trying to balance out the tears welling up in your eyes.
"Excuse...?" What a funny word to use. The vacancy in his heart is profound; a force is stopping him. He knows, you must've done something to him.
"Never mind."
Izuku passes the letter back to you and takes a few steps back. Slowly and with a step at a time. He waits for the perfect opening and retreats to the safety of his friends. They all cheer him on, seeing him chat up someone for the first time — unaware of the contents of your 'love letter'.
A stream of tears falls from your eyes, traveling from your damp cheeks to the paper in your hands. It ruins your perfectly crafted letter that you spent months preparing. What a waste. Izuku can hear your sniffles as his friends quiet down. He was such a good-natured boy, that was what you loved him for. Deep down, he wanted to calm you, but he refuses to move from his spot.
It's not fair.
Cupid. It's a useless quirk that you will forever hate. The love you truly want will never come to you — it's your karma, anyways. Well, it wouldn't be too big of a deal. All the hearts you've meddled with will find new loves eventually. Once they learn to overcome the emptiness where their soulmates should be, they wouldn't need to worry.
Why can't these feelings just disappear?
You had a plan. Should you try it? One last chance to see if you quirk could work on yourself. How often do quirks work on their users? It was a rarity, and you were willing to take that risk.
Opening your phone, you place your earbuds in your ears.
"(Y/N) (L/N), Midoriya Izuku loves you not." A recording of your voice plays. Only an experiment to see if it would actually work on you. The thought came to you after a period of frustration.
Eagerly, you waited for your mind to become foggy. No thoughts and a blank expression; the curse of all your victims before you took them out of a trance. The phrase replays multiple times in your ears, and you march off the campus back home. Although you tried, deep down in your heart, you refused to let go. You clasped your eyes shut and prayed, by some miracle that it stops.
"Midoriya Izuku loves you not." "Midoriya Izuku loves you not." "Midoriya Izuku loves you not." It continued, soon sounding like a chant with the way your voice rings.
With the last echo of the sentence in your ears, the pain in your heart travels straight to your head. Crying out in distress, a wave of pressure flooded to every inch above your neck. You stopped in your tracks, nearly ripping out locks of hair trying to suppress it. With every movement, your head ached and throbbed to the rhythm of your pulse.
And like a true hero, he ran to you at the first yelp that left your lips.
"(Y/N)! Are you OK?" A fluffy, green-haired boy asked. He placed his hand on your shoulder, trying to lift your head up to get a better look at you.
What a good-natured boy he was. You'd be fawning over his actions on a normal evening. But unfortunately for him, you weren't in the mood.
"Get the fuck off me." Your body reacted before anything else. With a strong shove, he let go of his hold on you. The paper you were holding slipped out of your hands, and the boy with the familiar face stared at you in disbelief.
The farther you walk away from him, the more the pain of your headaches soothes. Who was that?
You try to remember along your journey to the train station, but after a while, you lose interest.
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confusedblakex · 1 year
BNHA Soulmate AU: Choose your own ending
Endings: Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, Eijiro Kirishima
Summary: Tommorow is your 16th birthday - the day you get the mark of your soulmate
Wordcount: 465
Warnings: None
Requested by: No one
Inspired by: This post by @dashielldeveron and this post by @haitani-trash
Notes: Reader's quirk hasn't been decided yet, please drop suggestions in the comments and I'll pick the one I think works the best
Last edited: 06th April 2023
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A person’s 16th birthday was always a big thing. In a world where superpowers are the norm and soulmates are a scientifically proven fact, the two most important times in a person’s life is when they receive their quirk and when they receive their soulmate.
Soulmates can be found through anything from sharing their pain to having their name explicitly written on your wrist. Though only about 50% of the world ever find their soulmate, and all pairings are different.
It had always been something you’d secretly dreamed of, zoning out in bed at night or a class you hated just to wonder what it would be like. Though it was a silly daydream to you, you also knew that just about everyone had also thought of similar things at least once in their life.
You looked around your classroom and at the people in it. You were one of the youngest of the class, so almost everyone had already gotten their soulmark and a few had even found their soulmate. You looked to Toru Hagakure and Mashirao Ojiro, the first of the class to find that they were soulmates.
You looked around to the other people in the class as you zoned out. Many of them had unnoticeable soulmarks or even ones they covered up. There was Katsuki Bakugo - one of the oldest of the class - with a handprint across his face that he was definitely insecure about. It fit his personality, though; after all, who wouldn’t want to slap him across the face?
Then the exact opposite was Shoto Todoroki, one of the younger of the class and so only got his recently, but whatever it was he kept it well hidden. He wasn’t the talkative type though, so even if you asked, you weren’t likely to get anything out of him.
Izuku Midoriya was pretty much his only friend, and Midoriya himself didn’t seem to know what his soulmark was, but after a long ramble had come to the conclusion that his soulmate wasn’t 16 yet. It wasn’t uncommon, some soulmarks didn’t show until both soulmates had turned 16, but there was definitely part of himself that thought he didn’t have a soulmate.
You looked back to Bakugo who was with Eijiro Kirishima, the boy who had mentioned on multiple occasions how he could only see the colour red. He supposedly would be able to see all colour once he locks eyes with his soulmate, a cute but simple one.
You wondered what yours would be, or if you’d ever find your soulmate. As one of the youngest of the class, it would be your 16th birthday tomorrow though, so you’d soon find out.
- - -
Lying in bed that night, your mind raced. 
Who do you choose?
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki
Eijiro Kirishima
(More routes may be added later)
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
BakuDeku AU ft. Quirkless Support Department Mido
AO3 SFW Fic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
All are SFW, still check tags.
Art work by @olldolldraws & @tunafishprincess
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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making it right (for real this time) by ladyofsnails
Summary: Deku, who he’d dreamed of being a hero with when they were kids. Deku, who was quirkless and crushed that dream. Deku, who was told he was useless every day of his life and yet never gave up. Deku, who always strove to achieve his dreams despite the fact that Katsuki was so sure he couldn’t, and who pissed Katsuki off because of it.
Deku, who he’d only stopped being mad at after he gave up on that dream. After the world and Katsuki broke him down.
Deku, who forgave him even before he apologized. Who he didn’t deserve.
Deku, who was probably more heroic than Katsuki ever was.
Fuck. What had he done?
— — —
Izuku is a support course student at UA, and Katsuki's neighbor, best friend, and former bullying victim. After Izuku's performance at the sports festival, Katsuki realizes something. He has to make things right.
One Shot | SFW
Loud Obscurity by Cynical_Love
Summary: Bakugo Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku never met as children. They're strangers at UA not knowing each other, until one fateful day in the Library, the two begin to talk.
One Shot | SFW
The Perfect Girl's Plan to Woo Bakugou Katsuki and how it Was Ruined by a Nerd by TurtleExplodes
Summary: The most popular girl in UA has her eyes on the most popular boy in UA, Bakugou Katsuki, and she will do anything to get him. She has the perfect plan to sweep him off his feet, but will it work, or will it be interrupted by a freckled nerd?
One Shot | SFW | Third Years
Colors and Shapes by MochiUs
Summary: A story told through soul marks.
One Shot | Soulmate AU
Rated - Teen & Up
Do You Know Midoriya, From The Support Course? by theamandarogers
Summary: “Looks like you got hit with Cupid’s arrow,” Sero chimes from his seat.
“You could say that,” Kirishima says with a sheepish smile.
“SPILL!” Mina and Denki shout at the same time, lunging forward to place their hands on his desk, getting in his personal space to urge him on.
“Hmm, ok well.. do you know Midoriya, from the Support Course?”
That seems to get everyone’s attention, even if it was said in a slightly hushed tone to his friends directly in front of him.
He suddenly feels like a piece of meat, floating in the middle of a school of piranhas. All eyes and attention suddenly focused on the spiky red head.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Gimmie A Chance by denkischoker
Summary: Underground Alpha Hero Eraserhead has never really cared about much in his life. At least until he found a small Omega child left in a box while on patrol. Izuku is Aizawa’s main source of joy. He would do absolutely anything to protect his child. And if that means having to keep Alpha hero student Katsuki Bakugou from courting his son… so be it
Complete | 12 Chapters
OmegaVerse | Rated Mature
Fuck, but he's hot though by Gruffgami
Summary: Izuku was ready for just about anything. He was prepared - emotionally, physically, spiritually, All Mightily - for just about anything but a brash, aggressive, annoying, thoughtful, kind and sometimes...flustered Bakugo Katsuki.
— — —
“Icyhot got you first?” Katsuki gaped at him, “Fucking hipster edge-lord has had you working on his costume – of course, you made those temperature bombs? Sharing his quirk is genius, so of course it wasn’t his idea. I can’t believe he didn’t-“
“Kacchan,” Izuku scolded, voice close to fond. And then it all halted abruptly. He hadn’t meant to – thought he had better control, thought he was going to be able to keep the past out of it all, “…uh.”
And it was only when his eyes flicked back to Katsuki that he realised the other man was blushing again.
They both half-started sentences, fumbling.
Thankfully, Katsuki got his shit together faster than Izuku.
Complete | 4 Chapters | SFW
Aged Up | BakuDeku + Todoroki
obligation, friendship, love by myheartslikepaper
Summary: Katsuki and Izuku are best friends, coworkers, and secretly in love with one another. But they're too afraid of losing their friendship to confess. On Valentine's Day Katsuki witnesses an abundance of people happy and in love, and decides that enough is enough. He takes Izuku out to a fancy Valentine's Day dinner, but there's one issue - Izuku doesn't get the memo that it's a date. Will Katsuki’s true intentions come to light?
One Shot | Quirkless Deku x PH Baku
Rated - General Audiences
Support class by silverynight
Summary: Izuku is quite happy in support class; when he was a child and found out he was quirkless he thought he wasn't going to be able to enter UA. Now he's in support class and if he's being honest, he absolutely loves it; he's really excited whenever someone comes to him or sends their suits to the lab for Izuku to repair them or improve them.
The only problem is that his childhood friend, Bakugo Katsuki, goes to that school too (he's in a hero course) and they didn't part on good terms. Katsuki started to be mean to Izuku in front of his other friends, but at the same time got upset when Izuku decided not to speak to him anymore.
However, Bakugo doesn't visit the lab often and when he does, Izuku is conveniently elsewhere. Besides, they say he usually goes there to complain about his suit.
One Shot | SFW
Series: I’m your mechanic & you’re my hero by taleeia
Summary: AU where Midoriya never got his quirk and managed to get into UA as a support hero.
Complete | 3 Works | SFW
Series: Genius Support Course Izuku by PhantomKetchup
Summary: Midoriya Izuku is a quirkless genius with his heart set on creating support equipment and a hobby for picking apart quirks with frightening accuracy, only his best friend and sworn husband to-be (he called dibs when they were five and extras better know their place) understands that God himself had to nerf Izu or he'd literally be too powerful. He's still a little too powerful but that's just his genius leaking out.
11 Works | SFW
Series: Support course Izuku by fallingbutnotforyou
2 Works | SFW
Reunited At Last (But Not Alone) by momkeyy
Summary: A fic in which Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki starts crushing on Support Gear Technician Izuku Midoriya. Badly. *But he's not the only one, as he'll soon find out.
Incomplete | 13/? Chapters
Last updated Jan. 2023
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https-milo · 13 days
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Every few days in October, a different fluffy one-shot will be released by yours truly!
Credits to @https-kreideprinz for the prompts from their post! (the names in bold are their prompts!!)
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1 ☾ Costumes / Eijiro Kirishima !! - going costume shopping with your boyfriend!
2 ☾ Baking / Satoru Gojo !! - unsurprisingly, he cannot bake... buttt the first years are counting on some desserts!
3 ☾ Party / Denki Kaminari !! - "You new around here?" "I'm in your math class."
5 ☾ Sweater Weather / Yuta Okkatsu !! - changing seasons means changing weather... it gets pretty cold! Luckily, your boyfriend offers you his sweater
6 ☾ Movie / Mina Ashido !! - Mina has been begging to see the latest slasher that came out... too bad she gets too scared halfway through
8 ☾ Sweets / Ranpo Edogawa !! - It's Ranpo's favorite season. But only because you come in with new candies every day
9 ☾ Bandages / Shota Aizawa !! - You've been tasked with changing his bandages after the USJ incident by Recovery Girl.
11 ☾ Apple Orchard / Atsushi Nakajima !! - Your boyfriend accidentally lets it slip he's never been to an orchard. Appalled, you take it upon yourself to show him your favorite part of the season
12 ☾ Nightmare / Tsuyu Asui !! - Maybe listening to that murder podcast before bed wasn't a good idea... Luckily, your unbothered girlfriend has you covered!
14 ☾ Pumpkin Carving / Megumi Fushiguro !! - He's never carved a pumpkin before. But, you're a certified self-proclaimed expert!
15 ☾ Scars / Dabi !! - "Pretty? That's new." "Just the truth!!"
17 ☾ Warmth / Suguru Geto !! - It's so cold!! There's only one solution... cling to your boyfriend for warmth! (Little do you know he messed with the thermostat for that exact reason)
18 ☾ Potions / Tomura Shigaraki !! - You discover a potion that smells like your soulmate... so why does it smell like your longtime best friend?
20 ☾ Midnight / Osamu Dazai !! - "I'm gonna need someone to kiss at midnight" "...That's New Year's."
21 ☾ Spells / Ochaco Uraraka !! - You cast a love spell on your best friend... except you didn't actually. So why is she acting like that?
23 ☾ Luck / Chuuya Nakahara !! - You've been winning an awful amount of UNO rounds...
24 ☾ Masquerade / Izuku Midoriya !! - You meet the loveliest person at a masquerade party. You're forced to leave before you can get his name or number. That new kid in your art class sounds a lot like him though!
26 ☾ Music / Choso !! - Your half-curse boyfriend never took an interest in music before... well until you shared headphones on his rooftop, of course.
27 ☾ Haunted House / Katsuki Bakugo !! - Going to a haunted house with your boyfriend sounds like a good idea on paper, right? Well sure, until he almost blasts the scare worker's face off!
29 ☾ Hayride / Yuji Itadori !! - A simple relaxing hayride with your boyfriend. At the end of it, you get a pumpkin child!
30 ☾ Vampire / Shoto Todoroki !! - Being a vampire hunter wasn't an easy job. Especially when the vampire on your hitlist is a cutie!
31 ☾ Halloween / various (from all three fandoms >3<) !! - celebrating Halloween with your favorite people
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I'm doing a lot of MHA because that's what my blog is mostly about!!
I cannot wait for this October <33 it'll be my first flufftober I participate in (well tbf I was never on tumblr before may this year so like...)
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© https-milo. please do not repost, steal, copy, or modify my works!
Thank you so much for reading <3
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moved-deibreak · 2 years
tag drop #2
—❃ main | no matter how hard the world pushes against me — within me there’s something stronger (something better) pushing right back
—❃ post war | hurt and grieve but don't suffer alone. engage with the pain as a motive
—❃ midoriya izuku | what's a soulmate? well a soulmate is like a best friend but more. it's someone who you carry with you forever
—❃ izuku & shoto | it's the person who knew you and accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would
—❃ class 1 a | we are the heroes of our time — but we are dancing with the demons in our minds
—❃ todoroki rei | i can't look back in anger; my mother loved me before she didn't. which means the mistake must have been me
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archived-lightbaund · 2 years
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@withsorrowandregret asked:
[  nap  ] (Midoriya for Todoroki)
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nonverbal  meme  prompts
[  nap  ]  sender  falls  asleep  against  receiver
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Rest, no matter how crucial to all, had no place in the schedule of the students in class 1-A. Hectic was the rhythm of their lives, as time would add to their responsibilities. Running faster towards the goals they had set, none would take a moment to catch their breath, as if hypnotized by the hope they were close enough to almost grasp what they dreamt of becoming. As if they chased after a chance they wouldn't come across again, they'd give everything they had not to miss it. Moments of peace wouldn't be earned with ease, and often, wouldn't be appreciated. Because they always had more of themselves to dedicate, limits they could push further, bits of strength they could still take advantage of.
Shoto wasn't any different, not when he still was in his starting line, chasing after everyone else, in his race of discovering himself. To think, for so long, he falsely believed he was ahead, far away so none would ever reach him. Arrogance, pain, played nasty tricks with one's brain, altering reality to his needs. Only for someone to wake him up, from his lonely state of existence, and remind him, he hadn't taken the road in life he had chosen, and he had to start over — so he'd follow him, in the path he had taken, with steady and quick steps, when agonizingly watching him drift away from his sight.
Midoriya was the worst case of them all, having a habit of pushing himself past his breaking point. When his classmate fell asleep right next to him, he wasn't taken by surprise, even if usually it'd happen the other way around — Shoto giving in to his body's demands of recharging, and ending up sleeping at the most absurd places and the most random times. To see his friend surrendering to exhaustion, was a good sign. Thankfully, there still were things out of his control, considering how self-destructive was the other, never paying mind to his own needs. No hero, no mentor could teach him how to care for himself, leaving it up to them, those who worried for him, to keep an eye on him, and care for him in ways he wouldn't.
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This time, Shoto happened to be the one responsible, when the green-haired leant against his shoulder, relaxing in his presence. His breathing had slowed down, emerald eyes sealed shut. He'd wear an expression he could stare for hours — of pure peace, a surprisingly rare sight. How simple, yet how fascinating moments like these were. Watching a friend peacefully sleep, stay by his side so he'd rest comfortably, offer enough warmth, count his breaths, as if failing to believe he was part of this — how from an outsider, an indifferent passer-by, suddenly he had earned the place of a friend, of someone who could silently watch and admire his bright course of life. The place of someone who found peace, in watching him rest, even for a short while.
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BKDK Childhood Friends Recommendations (Pt. 3)
Note: Sorry for the long wiat, as you can see there are double the amount of fics in this one. This is the ;last planned part, but let me know if you want me to look for some more. There are some really disturbing fics here, so please read the descriptions and tags! Have fun reading!
Part 1 Part 2
1. Lemonhead by bkdkink
"I'll never outgrow you."   "We don't have much of a choice."
"Don't nourish me, then. Keep me small and withered so you can't ever say I was too much to bear. So I'll never outgrow you."
2. Childhood Kisses by Kaligraphy
There are things you do that are cute when you're a kid but kind of weird when you're older.
Kissing your childhood friend's injuries better is one of them.
3. I’ve always known you by Bitchitsbakugou
Kacchan and Deku are forced to take a ‘how well you know each other test’
4. As Long As You’re Next To Me by Bitchitsbakugou
Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku have been best friends until middle school however, not everyone is privy to this information. When they are both excused from class together, the students of 1-A get curious.
5. For The First Time by Bitchitsbakugou
The one where the public realizes Deku and Groundzero were childhood friends through a game show.
6. fuck you and your shitty social constructs by TheSecondAssassin
Izuku throws knives at cotton targets all day and by the time he’s finally assigned a new mission to help bodyguard and train the hero course at UA, he’s all but ready.
7. I’m Friends with the Monster in my Closet by GIOpet (nkglasses)
Katsuki has a strange friend that gets stranger as time goes by.
8. If your touch could cure me by Yurusarenai (iwantcandy2), Yurusarenai
Soulmates AU where physical contact with your soulmate makes your quirk stronger. For Katsuki, this means every time he and Deku touch he feels invincible. For quirkless Deku, it means he doesn't even realize his soulmate is right beside him.
9. Kiss ≠ Sex by Altheas_Rose
"Deku and I have had sex before, no big deal."
10. Desiring Ruin by towardthesun
“C’mon Bakubro,” Kiri beamed, throwing a casual arm around Katsuki’s shoulder, “Aren’t you at least a little bit curious about what a dream fulfilled would be like? It’s great!"
Katsuki would like to disagree.
OR Mina's friend who can show people their heart's deepest desires comes to visit, and Bakugou has no intentions of getting anywhere near her. He doesn't want to know what his heart wants, because he's sure that it won't be something that's achievable. But intentions mean nothing when Kaminari is involved.
11. The time class 1-A missed all the signs by oocephalus
When after a long tiring day at school class 1-A is faced with a long weekend and a friday night without plans, what shenanigans might they get up to and what happens when the alcohol makes Midoriya Izuku speak his mind.
or/ Bakugou and Midoriya are hopelessly obvious about their relationship and class 1-A miss everything.
12. All the times 1-A forgot BkDk grew up together and the one time it was abundantly clear by oocephalus
Bakugou and Midoriya grew up together, but seeing as they don't talk about it a lot the class often forgets,
what happens when they're reminded?
13. Pinky Promise by Dekusbkg (Smh_tessa)
Spiky blond hair, crimson eyes.. he’s seen him before. In a dream maybe? Or maybe it’s just because he resembles his aunt so much.. Yeah, that has to be it-
He’s not sure where the name came from, or why he even said it. It was out before he could stop it, and now those ruby eyes are pinning him to his spot.
14. surprise reunions and childhood rekindling by ladyofsnails
Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku haven't seen each other in five years. But when their friends suddenly bring them together and they finally meet again, it's like no time has passed at all.
AKA Katsuki and Izuku see each other again after a long time and immediately start acting like the crazy best friends they are, the Baku and Deku squads are very, very confused.
15. An Interesting Contradiction by schrijverr
When Midoriya was diagnosed as quirkless, Bakugo was certain his friend could become a hero by helping him and being “the man in the chair.” He and Midoriya stayed Kacchan and Zuku even when they go to different High Schools. At UA Bakugo mentions his friend multiple times and everyone builds a version of this mysterious friend, who seems slightly insane with the stuff Bakugo says about him. … Until they come face to face to him at the Provisional Hero License exam and he is the opposite of anything they thought.
AKA what if Bakugo stayed friends with Midoriya and he never got OFA (and I accidentally made Bakugo the main character)
16.Who's Katsuki Bakugou? by angst_queen12
Set in an alternate universe where Katsuki was severely abused by his mother, he developed DID. As the core, he can't remember any of his trauma and often believes his diagnosis is completely wrong. He spends most days in the inner world where it's safe and only fronts every few months to check in on his life.
Takashi is the host. Only Deku knows about the alters. But what happens when Aizawa begins to suspect something is wrong with his top student?
17. lovers to rivals to lovers? by Kassidey_01
Mina had the bright Idea for Class 3A to have a party. Everyone had agreed, even Bakugo. It started fine; they always do. It wasn't until Hagakure asked that traitorous question.
18. puzzle piece by whatismedoing
5 times class 1-a isn't sure if they should be jealous or weirded out by the two's "friendship" and the 1 time they came to accept that the two just simply fit together like each other's puzzle piece
19. His and her circumstances by Infinity_Sansa
Eijirou notices that Bakugou is acting strange. One night after the whole class meets to discuss about his weird behavior, he receives a call from the same Bakugou, asking for help...
20. Where the Wisterias Bloom by PuhTaehToh
Flowing green curly hair tied behind in a ponytail. The flutter of the pretty hanafuda earrings. The click of the sword being put back in its scabbard is heard as the demon’s head falls to the ground, slowly disintegrating into dust. Katsuki stared at the boy who was just cuddled in his arms four month ago. Izuku.
-or basically Katsuki is a supportive bf and goes to ua while Izuku is part of the demon slayer corps slaying demons before coming back to hug his caramel scented boyfriend.
-alternatively, Izuku is a pretty boy who’s identity is trying to be uncovered by Katsuki’s friend group.
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sero-pairo · 2 years
You're My Perfect Storm
by Freckled_Dynamight
Katsuki Bakugou was finally going to do it. He was going to confess to his childhood friend and crush Izuku Midoriya. Well that's what he planned, but it seemed as if it was too late for the ash blonde. Because right as he entered the club where they normally met with their group of friends the greenette was already on the dance floor with Neito Monoma.
He felt frozen until he heard "Oi Bakubro! Come do some shots!"
Yes, this used to be on my Wattpad like forever ago as a KiriDeku, but I decided to unpublish it and rewrite it all together for BakuDeku.
Words: 1761, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Monoma Neito, Kirishima Eijirou, Shinsou Hitoshi, Kaminari Denki, Todoroki Shouto, Ashido Mina, Sero Hanta, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Uraraka Ochako
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Eventaully - Relationship, Midoriya Izuku/Monoma Neito, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Kirishima Eijirou/Shinsou Hitoshi, Ashido Mina/Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki/Todoroki Shouto, Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Bakugou Masaru/Bakugou Mitsuki
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Mechanic Bakugou Katsuki, Dancer Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku are Childhood Friends, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku are Best Friends, Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku are Soulmates, Endgame Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Eventual Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Mutual Pining, Pining Bakugou Katsuki, Pining Midoriya Izuku, Requited Unrequited Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Abusive Relationships, Monoma Neito Being an Asshole, Monoma Neito Bashing, Uraraka Ochako Bashing, Midoriya Izuku and Shinsou Hitoshi Are Siblings, Adopted Sibling Relationship, Adopted Midoriya Izuku, Adopted Shinsou Hitoshi, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Physical Abuse, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Relationships, Eventual Romance, Explicit Sexual Content, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Tags May Change, Top Bakugou Katsuki, Bottom Midoriya Izuku
from AO3 works tagged 'Ashido Mina/Sero Hanta' https://ift.tt/5dChbyg via https://ift.tt/blCfGy2
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mizutori-heiko · 3 years
Mizutori’s bakudeku fanfiction master list [complete works]
Really really good writing by these incredible authors. In no particular order! These are all Top!Bakugou and Bottom!Deku. If A/B/O dynamics then it’s Alpha!Bakugou and Omega!Deku. Yes, I have preferences.
Canon World – until 15k
What The Fuck Did You Just Call Me? by reading_raindrop | 8,303 | Izuku starts calling him Bakugou and it pisses the explosive teen off a lot more than he thought it would.
Oh right, you were a little sh*t by SaysiWrites | 5,653 | When Midoriya Izuku gets hit by an age-reversion Quirk, the last thing anyone expected to find out is that Toddler-Izuku is a little shit. Except for one Bakugou Katsuki, who has seen this phase one too many times already. (Bonus+ the entire Little Sh*t (Kidfic) series)
Do Not Disturb by surveycorpsjean | 10,010 | Apply enough force, and something is bound to break.
And Atlas fell by supercrunch | 15,185 | They move in together, after a while. Katsuki joins Best Jeanist and Izuku trains under Gran Torino. They still take comfort in each other every day, curl up in bed and kiss and talk about how life is going. Their live are tumultuous, after all, what with villains and training and rescuing people every week. It’s nice to have something certain. At the end of a day filled with violence and adrenaline, Izuku knows he can come home to someone concrete. It’s perfect. Being a hero is scary and grueling and uncertain, but this part is just right. And then, one day, a child dies in Izuku’s arms.
be loved by bonnia | 5,403 | The kidnapping incident leaves bakugou traumatised about being touched on the back of his neck, and midoriya decides to take matters into his own hands.
Big Protein by Mysecretfanmoments | 13,683 | Bakugou Katsuki has a thriving hero career, an agent to manage his famous attitude, and absolutely zero romantic interest in anyone. With the exception of his favourite health food joint refusing to expand to his city, his life is pretty damn perfect—so why does a viral video revealing Deku's stash of dirty mags involving him and Deku together turn everything upside-down?
Chocolate cake and resin preserved flowers by Anoksun | 11,396 | Izuku loses his memories. Katsuki struggles not to lose Izuku too.
Twin Stars by theperksofbeinglarissa | 8,435 | When Deku saves a woman's life, her quirk is accidentally activated. Her quirk? She reveals a person's soulmate. A star-shaped mark appears on Midoriya's left arm... and on Bakugou's as well. Kirishima is the only one who knows that Bakugou is Midoriya's soulmate, and Bakugou isn't taking the news very well. Can the twin stars of class 1-A work out their differences and find their happy ending?
Unhealthy Fixations by Thesis | 12,522 | Izuku is an adult who knows better than to crush on his childhood bully. AND YET.
Like the Moon by osakakitty | 14,781 | Katsuki Bakugo is having constant, erotic dreams about Izuku Midoriya. He isn’t sure why, but they won’t go away. In order to make them stop, he needs to figure out what Izuku Midoriya means to him.
Worth a Second Shot by cinnabee | 13,080 | Katsuki and Izuku celebrate registering as a Hero Duo together with a big party. What could go wrong?
Like Something Out of A Shoujo Manga by Merrywetherweather | 2,971 | Deku ends up in a rather interesting quirk accident, one that triggers flag events as if he were the protagonist of an otome game.
Canon World – 15k++
Blood Moon by lalazee | 94,860 | The Thank-Fuck-We-Aren’t-Dead Sex had started then, and had never really stopped. Then came the feelings and the fights. The ego, the pride, the jealousy. And then there was Us.
The Way You Used To Do by edema_ruh | 669,463 | During a battle, Midoriya gets hit by a villain whose quirk detaches his soul from his body. Stuck in a ghost-like state, the boy enters a race against time in order to save himself from permanently dying. Much to his luck - or lack of it -, the only person who can see and talk to him in this state is no one other than Kacchan.
Just Like Breathing by MD_Daydreamer | 35,423 | Izuku got engaged. He didn't mind. If that made Uraraka happy, he could do it. He thought his life wouldn't change much.But then, Kacchan went to live in the USA.
briar roses (and hundred years of sleep) by vannral | 15,951 | In which Izuku is hit by a ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Quirk, Class 3-A tries to find his True Love and get them to kiss him, and Katsuki’s very angry about it all.
"what's your type?" by sapphicflower | 20,192 | In order to increase their popularity rankings as up and coming pro heroes, Izuku and Katsuki participate in the most popular late night talk show for hero duos - ‘Heroes Rising!’. They’re killing it, obviously, because they know each other from inside and out. Until one question stumps the two of them: “What is your hero partner’s type?”
and it was Just Right by cinnabee | 23,759 | Katsuki spends two years post-graduation in a furious one-sided competition with his childhood friend and rival's promotional photos - until they finally run into each other, and, well. You shouldn't believe everything you see in magazines. A love story about size differences.
Notice Me, Nerd by useless_donut | 40,000 | Bakugou is in love with Midoriya. He doesn’t hide it, in fact it’s so painfully obvious that the entire class of 3-A has him figured out in a matter of months (days, in some cases). Too bad Midoriya is the most oblivious motherfucker out there, and Bakugou is too damn stubborn to actually ask him out. A love story as witnessed by the class of 3-A.
in your dreams, nerd! by sapphicflower | 37,639 | In a strange and unexpected set of circumstances, Izuku and Katsuki find themselves sharing their dreams together whenever they happen to fall asleep at the same time. Being hopelessly in love with each other, they don’t mind it all that much. What better way to spend time with your crush than in a stupidly vivid dream?
Hear Me by my_name_is_Levi | 22,419 | It wasn’t as if nightmares were uncommon for the freshman class of Yuuei. They’d seen plenty of things, heard and felt and witnessed enough travesty in their lives to last them a lifetime. But Midoriya Izuku was screaming, and no one, not even Bakugo Katsuki could ignore it.
Bridges by supercrunch | 18,018 | Bakugou is signed up for a Calvin Klein modeling gig. The thing is, they really do need the money. And Katsuki's technically the leader of this bunch of morons, so he finds himself taking the job even though his pride will never recover. And even though nobody thought to tell him that he'd be working with his ex-boyfriend. You know, the cute freckled guy from high school who went and broke his heart. So, yeah. This whole situation kind of sucks.
objective truth by mamalade | 15,390 | Izuku gets hit with a truth quirk, as one does. He seems to be handling it well—until Katsuki shows up.
catharsis by dollcewrites | 15,071 | It's been six years since Izuku graduated.It's been six years since he confessed to his childhood friend; his classmate and his inspiration. It's been six years since he deleted Bakugou's number, asked his friends not to mention the name, spent every last effort of his heart turning off the TV and averting his eyes from the newspapers. It's been six, long, long years since he gave up on Katsuki Bakugou ever loving him back.
Here here, my friends and me (You are my familia) by Jeka | 128,832 | Bakugou Katsuki has made a great job of ignoring the fact that he is tragically in love with Deku, someone who could never love him like that and let's face it, he doesn't deserve. Now that he can't ignore it anymore, he has to find a way to keep his childhood friend and move on for his own sake. Or so he had thought, maybe he can have Deku, after all. Izuku has everything he always wanted in life. But suddenly he has to navigate the most important relationship in his life through different eyes.
Canon World – Jealous! 
Hands Off by SaysiWrites | 7,140 | When a new girl at school starts flirting with Bakugou, his friends quickly become invested in the idea of their friend experiencing love - even if he doesn't seem at all interested in her. What they don't see is Midoriya fuming in the background. But how can he get rid of her when they've spent so long keeping their relationship a secret?
Surfaces by surveycorpsjean | 25,225 | Katsuki has a new girlfriend, but something isn't right. As impossible as it is, Izuku can't help but wonder what it'd be like to be called Katsuki's girl.
Green-Eyed Beast by SecretKiwi | 4,721 | Everyone wants a piece of Katsuki Bakugou, but they should beware of the Green-eyed beast always lurking close behind him.
Green with Envy by Sol_Morales707 | 2,611 | Izuku Midoriya is not as innocent and pure as everyone thinks he is. The truth was he was very jealous and willing to do anything for a certain blonde.
Happy Camper by Arysa | 7,074 | Wanting a break from the stress of dealing with the rookie Pro Hero grind, a handful of students from Class A decide to go on a camping trip. Izuku's excited to relax and catch up with everyone, especially Kacchan. But, well, Kacchan's... Kacchan. And dating Kirishima.
How to stop time: kiss by Teddingtons | 31,693 | Deku finally asks Uraraka out. Everyone's supportive except Bakugou who can't even look him in the eye. Deku seeks him out after and is hit with truth.
What I Deserve by s_the_queen | 16,671 | When Izuku starts dating a student in General Studies, everyone is happy for him. She's super sweet and really caring. But something doesn't sit right with Katsuki.
Deku's Already Fucking Taken by asdfjkl129 | 20,704 | 5 times people don't realize that Deku is already in a very happy relationship and try their hand at asking him out, and then in Bakugou's unique and special style, get very firmly corrected, +1 time where no correction is needed.
His by sister_elric | 6,206 | Izuku would like to consider himself a pretty level headed individual. Sure, he had the occasional tunnel vision, especially when it came to training. And hero work. And Kacchan. But, overall, Midoriya felt as though he typically kept his cool. Well, maybe that was a stretch. But, at the very least he could understand his own emotions. So, it surprised even him when an unfamiliar emotion coursed through him as a first year approached his boyfriend, Katsuki.
Down the Red Line by MinervaHope | 7,804 | Izuku has been able to see the red strings of fate since birth. It's no surprise that his is connected to Katsuki.
Canon World – Fake Relationship Goes Wrong
how he should’ve known (and how it turned out) by vannral | 43,918 | In which Katsuki and Izuku pretend to be a couple to avoid journalists, the plan backfires magnificently because of course it does, and the act goes on. Includes feelings, pining, domestic fluff and jealousy.
Vicious by feelslikefire | 105,173 | Midoriya and Bakugou wind up in the very last position either of them thought they'd be in: Hero Partners. It's not fun, but they learn to cope. Their first big assignment together takes them undercover to infiltrate a cult, but the situation turns out far more sinister than they first thought.
What I can never tell you by Mikacrispy | 27,067 | After living in the US for 5 years, Izuku returns to take care of a concussed Bakugou who believes they're engaged. Now, Izuku has to pretend he's in a relationship with the man he's loved for most of his life, knowing that it's just a matter of time until Katsuki gets better and realizes it's all a lie.
Not-Dating by MiraChaDoodles | 14,290 | Katsuki takes Deku on a not-date to save his career, only to find himself wishing it were real.
we'll do the things that lovers do by ethereals | 29,544 | Izuku gets an invitation to Shouto's wedding and Katsuki is PISSED that he asks Kirishima to be his date (also he wasn't even fucking invited
Canon World – Friends With Benefits (?) 
Four Times Bakugou Katsuki Doesn't Intend to Sleep With Midoriya Izuku (And the One Time that He Does) by fallingraine85 | 17,601 | He hadn’t planned for any of this. He isn’t about to go delving into the ball of yarn that is Midoriya Izuku’s heart; he isn’t equipped to try and untangle and make sense of it all. He isn’t about to try to analyze how he’s feeling about all of this, either.... How many times can you repeat the same mistake?
We Wear Chains on the Weekend by surveycorpsjean | 35,086 | Well, in a day of revelations, it turns out that Izuku isn't as vanilla as Katsuki previously thought. Unfortunately, that fascinating discovery is overshadowed by Izuku's dumbassery, because he has zero concept of aftercare."Don't go to anyone else," Katsuki says, because screw it. He can do a better job anyways. Or; Katsuki finds Izuku on a bad drop.
Just for Now by Shiro_Kabocha | 48,135 | Katsuki's parents are out of town over a school break and to keep him from getting up to any shenanigans, they ask Izuku to house sit with him. What are two teenaged boys to do when left alone to their own devices? (Bonus+ the entire Just for Love series)
safe in the darkness by yoonskisses | 20,855 | Izuku and Katsuki had been meeting up secretly for months, with absolutely no feelings involved. Or so Katsuki thought at least. The dorm gossip about Ochaco and Izuku's new relationship seemed to set a spanner in the works for their arrangement.
Alternative Universe – No Quirks
Bluebird by EtherealBeing | 53,108 | Dialing a wrong number was no unusual occurrence. Everyone did it once in a while, and Katsuki was well aware of that fact. However, possessing this knowledge made it no less aggravating for him to discover — a full two minutes into his rant about his day — that he’d been venting his frustrations to a complete stranger. As if that wasn't enough, said stranger was also inexplicably determined to hear his story to its end.
Someone Borrowed by mynameis152 | 138,996 | It felt like hours that he stared at Izuku, coming to terms with the fact that a man, his childhood best friend, whom he hadn’t seen since their senior year of high school, was there in front of his very eyes. Then his brows furrowed and his jaw clenched before he uttered through gritted teeth the very name Izuku had longed to hear for years. “Deku.”
Dark Side of the Sun by Synnie | 51,598 | Staying up too late playing video games, Kirishima wasn't expecting to get an urgent call begging for help. Next thing he knew, he was letting his classmate Izuku Midoriya take refuge in his apartment - without consulting his always angry roommate.
Manage Me by Justaperson1718 | 10,756 | Izuku becomes Katsuki’s model agent.
Don't Set Your Drink Down by Crandberrycrush | 88,424 | With sudden clarity Izuku realized he had broken the first rule of going out. Never leave your drink unattended.
Livewire by pretty_rekless | 18,160 | Per Ochako's request, Izuku downloads a gay dating app in hopes to finally find a partner. Except every single one of his leads keep ghosting him or standing him up... That is until one hot, fiery blond enters the chat. Grindr/Tinder AU fic.
Drinking Watermelon by warschach | 8,906 | Katsuki works as a camp counselor, and Izuku is a boy made of summer heat and sunlight.
Precious Pet by Mikacrispy | 6,379 | When broke college student Midoriya Izuku found a job that offered lodging, food, and good pay for four hours of work each day, he thought it was too good to be true. But he called anyway. Turns out all he has to do is to be the spoiled little puppy of a rich businessman.
Our Eleven Summers by Dark_Mage_Ayumu | 34,472 | The first time Katsuki met Izuku was when he was eight. For the next eleven years, Izuku changed his life, and no one even knew. Their relationship was something they shared in secret.
sticky note crushes by ladyofsnails | 3,239 | Katsuki hates his roommate. The green-haired, freckled, artsy son of a bitch with his dumb pun t-shirts and paint-stained hands he can’t fucking keep to himself. Katsuki can’t leave a single assignment or paper out in his room because that idiot will just grab anything to draw on it. He’s like a shark that can’t stop swimming else it’ll die – he can’t stop drawing. Ever.
Don't Play Pretend by SweetSide | 10,103 | Actor AU: Deku and Bakugou get the leading roles for an upcoming TV Drama. They weren’t aware that they would be working with each other for who knows how long. It would’ve been completely fine if they weren’t exes.
97.6 FM by jamjars | 32,249 | Izuku can’t stop listening to the radio host with the deep voice who sounds like he’s stuck in 2010. It’s a harmless crush. That is until he starts calling into the show under the pseudonym Deku.
Read {between} Your Lines by greatcloudninja | 52,252 | Midoriya Izuku, up-and-coming actor, has finally hit his big break (...), Bakugou Katsuki, who has been acting for over twenty years.However, Bakugou seems to have it out for Izuku, leading to tension both on and off set. When some incriminating photos surface, the studio suggests (...): having Bakugou and Midoriya fake a relationship to get ahead of the rumors. 
I’m not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts by PassingShadow | 5,522 | Izuku is a professional cuddler and Katsuki is his new client that’s just a little rough around the edges, and needs a natural healing touch.
Alternative Universe – Quirkless Deku
A Good Old-Fashioned Tattoo AU by lalazee | 14,437 | After their paths had split, Bakugou & Deku meet again as adults. While Bakugou begins to repent for the kid he used to be, he also starts to prove himself as he the man he is now.
Call Me a Safe Bet (I'm Betting I'm Not) by WTTTD | 10,803 | He wished he had some sort of heads up before seeing Deku again for the first time after nearly two years, looking like the essence of a lazy Sunday, smiling and surrounded with brand new, adoring friends. It was a little fitting that Katsuki burned for him so badly. (Support Department Deku)
In Which Kacchan Has a Ruff Time by OneshotPrincess | 14,511 | Bakugou Katsuki gets quirked into a dog, gets adopted by an unknowing Izuku and generally has a very rough few days full of realizations
While You Were Sleeping by Belkacaramelka (annabelleg) | 71,197 | The one where quirkless fanboy Midoriya Izuku rescues Pro Hero Todoroki Shouto, gets mistaken as his fiancé while he is in a coma, and gets caught up in the most unlikely fake engagement... until his childhood enemy and Todoroki's classmate Bakugou Katsuki tries to catch him out, and they both end up discovering a lot more about each other than they'd expected.
Let Me Assist You Personally by Seeress | 32,806 | Izuku is long-suffering Personal Assistant to #1 Pro Hero Dynamight.Dynamight can't keep a PA to save his career. They all quit crying after a few days weeks. Enter, Izuku—with enough money problems to brave the jaws of the cranky beast. Childhood friend turned glorified paid slave. Somehow it all works out. ‘Kill them with kindness’, his mom had told him once. If that were true, Bakugou Katsuki would be stone-cold dead by now.
Smile For The Camera by kurokonekokilled | 19,179 | Midnight has a cam site, home to millions of users, but one catches Katsuki's eye when he goes scrolled through it in search for something to help him release a little stress. A live stream and the best orgasm of his life later, his wallet is lighter, and he might be almost as obsessed with this Deku guy as the cam boy is with him.
Just Like The Comics by brichibi | 24,935 | Where Izuku works at a comic book shop because that’s as close to a hero as he’s gonna get, and Katsuki plays the part of heroic ex-boyfriend who is good at everything except winning Izuku back... maybe
Alternative Universe – Quirks
Get on my Level by Mikacrispy | 92,273 | Bakugou Katsuki is a Pro Hero whose boss demands him to take an intern. Midoriya Izuku is a UA student who needs an internship. When the two of them are put together, they learn about what it truly means to be a Hero and what it means to be in love.
A/B/O – Secret! Baby
Home by Emerald2402 | 87,214 | Midoriya Izuku left Japan in a rush, moving to America without a word to anyone else. But then almost 11 years later he arrives back Home and Bakugou Katsuki's Alpha is furious. Fuck that, Bakugou is furious, because Midoriya Izuku, an omega he tasted one time, has been keeping a very big, very blonde haired, green eyed secret.
Those Under the Same Stars by PerpetuallyPerturbed | 325,553 | When Katsuki Bakugo left Izuku Midoriya five years ago, he thought it was for forever. He put aside dreams and wishes of the omega to focus on his career. He was going to be the best hero, after all. He couldn't have an omega getting in his way. So when he's stopped on the streets one day by a pup begging for help for his mom, he isn't prepared to face what he gave up, and what the consequences of his actions were. (Quirkless Deku)
A/B/O – Quirks
Mark Me. Make Me Yours. by decadentbynature | 10,062 | Midoriya is the only Omega at UA and he's been hiding it well but there's one issue that threatens to expose him: his attraction to an Alpha, Bakugo. After being told to give some paperwork to Bakugo, Midoriya lets him into his dorm room and is immediately overwhelmed by his scent. Unable to help himself, he gives in to his urges, only to be discovered by Bakugo but instead of becoming enraged, Bakugo decides to give Midoriya exactly what he wants
Claim Me by ScientificallySinful (VampireGaaraCheesepuffs) | 114,449 | Being an Alpha has nothing to do with Katsuki's success as a Pro-Hero, the same way Deku's Omega status hasn't kept him from becoming Number Two. Secondary gender doesn't mean anything nowadays and “mating” is an antiquated practice. So when Izuku, his rival, asks Katsuki to Claim him in the middle of the night, there is only one logical thing to say. “What the fuck?”
Change of Plans by Mikacrispy | 185,965 | Alpha Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki never planned to get married to some random omega but what he wants isn't an option anymore. One for All wielder Midoriya Izuku has suffered injustice too many times and doesn't plan in allowing his secondary gender to dictate how he must live his life. Falling in love was never in the plans.
Going Feral For You by ANGIE_fic | 17,977 | Bakugou has an aggression problem that might have to do with his Alpha. His job is on the line because of it. So what do you do with a pent up Alpha? Yes.Rut. (Quirkless Izuku)
i live for you, i long for you by jeonjeonggukkkkkie | 19,165 | The five times Izuku hinted he wants Katsuki to spend his next heat with him, and the one time Katsuki took the hint.
Baby's First Bloom by ContraryBee | 44,945 | Izuku blooms for Katsuki one warm day in their third year of middle school. What follows is both boys learning about themselves, their bond, and the society they live in.
As Fate Would Have It by ScientificallySinful (VampireGaaraCheesepuffs) | 88,737 | Katsuki Bakugo had plenty of reasons why he wasn't mated yet, not that he was going to explain why to just anyone. But now, Ground Zero was running out of time. If he didn't find someone soon, he'd lose his position as a Pro-Hero and he'd never get to be #1. So, when he finds out there's a male Omega recently arrested for prostitution that's headed to prison if he too doesn't get a mate…well it must be fate. (Quirkless Izuku)
A/B/O – No Quirks
Gravity by warschach | 71,477 | Izuku is back in his hometown and plenty hasn't changed much from the 8 years he was gone. Except, Katsuki Bakugou, the alpha king of their small town. He's hotter- because that's fair, right, God? -, stronger, a now-famous pro fighter, and noticeably nicer this round.Not that he cares, pfft. (Fine, he cares.)
Nine Months by greatcloudninja | 23,303 | Omega Midoriya Izuku connects with Alpha Bakugou Katsuki through an online singles ad. Izuku pays Katsuki to help him with his heat, ending up pregnant in the process. What follows is a pregnancy filled with ups and downs, but whatever hurdles come their way, they can make it through together.
The long dark by Ominous-Anonymous (Ominonymous) | 13,289 | He could have been really dangerous. He could be a fucking murderer for all he knew. But Izuku Midoriya, ever the reckless daredevil, was not thinking of that when he got into a car with a complete stranger. Completely ignoring the part where his mother always taught him to never gets into cars with alphas he didn't know...
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some-kindofgnome · 4 years
Do u have any fic recs? Nsfw or sfw?
hi anon! sorry it took me so long to get back to this, I’ve been sitting on it for a while as I compiled a list of my favourites for you! 
These are all nsfw to varying degrees, but many of them have lots of delicious plot and romance alongside the smut! (those are my favourite kind of stories, so I’m drawn mostly to that kind of writing) And they're all x reader, just in case that was unclear!
Some of these fics do contain dubcon elements and other darker themes, so please heed the warnings and proceed with caution!
Additionally, these are all BNHA. But if you have any jjk or haikyuu recs that have the same overarching tone or genre, please send them my way!
For your convenience, I’ve sorted them by character below: 
Katsuki Bakugou
surrender (whenever you're ready) by @ofmermaidstories : if you haven't read this one yet, you must. it's absolutely transcendent. it made me weep. there is an essay sitting in my notes app that i'll pluck up the courage to post in mermaid's comment section one day but- BIG FEELS.
Opposites Attract by @mindninjax : This is an INCREDIBLE soulmate/college AU that Marquie wrote for a Secret Santa exchange because she is an absolute angel. It's sweet and sexy and so, so well-written. Marquie does the college AU thing so well. I just wanted to live inside this story.
Smart Mouth by @dymphnasprose : This story is boiling lava, hot-pocket-filling-fresh-out-of-the-microwave hot. Bakugou is your next door neighbour with a SERIOUSLY bad attitude and you've got the eponymous smart mouth that knocks him on his ass. The banter in this fic and the dynamic is ADDICTING and the smut will make you throb.
how to set fires by @hawnks : This is another really gorgeous slow build of tender affection and intimate fondness. I really liked the way that Mint captures Katsuki in this. The imagery in this is really soft and special and the romance is sweet but subtle.
Shouto Todoroki
Siberia by @hoe-doroki : Another one that you NEED to check out, even if you've never felt so much as a tingle for Shouto before. Beta-ing this story for Ana was the best thing that ever happened to me. She makes you fall in love with Shou through the eyes of a reader that you also want to fall in love with. It's an incredible ride and you will love every moment.
Izuku Midoriya
one single thread of gold tied me to you by @spacelabrathor : This is A/B/O like I've never read it before. Cee toes the line between soft alpha!deku and ALPHA alpha!deku with devastating precision and the resulting story will sweep you off your feet. It is a masterclass in sexual tension and sweet pining and again, even if you've never spared Deku a single thought, you need to read this one.
Sunlight by @hoe-doroki : This is a quick little read that captures some sweet post-nap loving with an older-coded husband!deku. Ana's crafted an incredibly vivid scene here and I've re-read this story sO many times because it's such a lovely little world. It captures peace and soft love and I am in love.
Hanta Sero
Hero Santa by @lord-explosion-baku : This is the fic that made me fall for Sero. I really love the way he's captured in this as the sweet, funny and nurturing best-friend-turned-lover. There are lots of sweet moments in this and some heartwarming, goofy, giggly sex that turns me to mush every time i read it. If you read this, you'll fall for him too- guaranteed.
Words on Glass by @whats-her-quirk : This is a VERY sexy quarantine roommate fic with some really lovely moments of tension and desire. All culminating in some steamTASTIC shower sex. Sero is absolutely irresistible in this fic. And the roommates trope will absolutely never get old, especially with somebody like him.
Denki Kaminari 
Finish Line by @whats-her-quirk : This is another one of my favourite college AUs! Denki stars as your sexually-experienced but tender-as-hell best friend who finds out that you've never had an orgasm before. The friends-to-lovers softness in this is supplemented by some iNCREDIBLY sexy smut. another fic that you should read, even if you've never crushed on Denki before.
Keigo Takami
What's Said Is Said by @shadowworks *dubcon : This is a REALLY incredible Fantasy AU that features Fae!Hawks, which is a great characterization for him. The imagery in this story is out of this world- it's extremely rich and evocative. There's an eerie undertone to the entire story that is absolutely thrilling and very sexy.
Priorities by @keilemlucent : This was one of the first stories of Salem's I ever read. And even though it doesn't often show I am a SUCKER for angst. This story does a really incredible job of illustrating some of the tougher elements of a relationship with a pro like Keigo, but also walks you through a gentle (and tender, loving, sexy) solution afterward.
Compulsion by @shadowworks *dubcon : This is one of my favourite Dabi stories out there. It's a black comedy/thriller mafia au that takes place on a chilling winter evening in the city. Dabi's characterization in this is spot on and totally irresistible. Every time he's even mentioned my heart flutters a little. And there are some guest appearances from some of your other favourites as well. This story is part one out of a series to come and I can't wait to read the rest!
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yanderesimps · 3 years
Destined torture
Yandere Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
(Warnings: Unrequited love, forced relationships, forced intimacy, angst, obsession, soulmates AU)
It wasn't easy to avoid the blonde when you're the childhood friend of one of his main targets for bullying. Izuku Midoriya, the boy from across the street with a somewhat concerning all might addiction.
You two met in the park one day, stumbling over as you loomed over the greed haired boy as he played in the sandpit. The two of you had sat in awkward silence for a few minutes, always keeping about a meters distance between yourselves as you eyed each other quietly as shy children do.
Until you mumbled about how you liked his all might action figures and his eyes lit up like the night sky, filled with unimaginable excitement. It had all gone up from there of course but now instead you'd both graduated from harmless kiddies to slightly less harmless adolescents.
That of course meant that you had the pleasure to often have deal with the rampaging temper and relentless bullying of a certain Katsuki Bakugou. That wasn't to say that he'd always be such a brat, only ever giving you the brunt of his lashings when he would spy you with Izuku in the school halls.
For years he mercilessly hassled Izuku and it had only ever gotten worse when your classmates had begun to develop their quirks. Izuku, much to his dismay, had to face the bitter truth that he was indeed quickless.
You were almost afraid that your quick would've widened the divide between you two but it somehow in a weird way brought you two even closer if they was humanly possible. By all means, your quick wasn't flashy and explosive like Bakugou's but it had been noteworthy, nothing that get you into UA but respective nevertheless.
When Bakugou would begin his precise schedule of tormenting Izuku, you were steadfast in defending your best friend much to Bakugou's annoyance.
But when you spied Bakugou in the halls today, you'd expected the worst. Your lips twisted into a blatent frown which could make even Endeavour's fire run cold.
Bakugou approached, his hands shoved into his baggy trouser as he stood in front of you, his delinquent friend thankfully no where to be seen. You two stood in raging silence that seemed to ring louder in your ears that your thoughts of contempt for the boy in front of you.
Pulling a hand out of his trousers, you almost expected a bloody nose but soon found yourself staring at a crinkled envelope. You stared at the letter for a few moments before darting your unimpressed glare back to meet the red pupils that stated right back at you.
"Is this a new tecnique? Come to defeat me through the power of paper cuts?" You tittered, resisting the growing earge to swat the paper from his hand.
The blonde clicked his tongue at your sarcasm, thrusting the letter closer to you. "It's an invitation, dumbass, my birthday is next week and the hag made me give you this since she thinks we're friends or whatever"
"Oh my goodness! Why didn't you just say so? I'll make sure to put this in my files, right in the "remember to burn" section" You sang in fake glee, your mocking joyful expression soon falling back into its usual scowl when in the company of the blonde.
Bakugou's eye seemed to twitch slightly at your works and you could practically smell the caremel scent in the air heating up. Surprising, he didn't even say anything and simply turned on his heel to leave. "Well that was...boring" you said with almost a huff. In the past, making bakugou angry was something you actively avoided like the plague but now? It was nothing more than a fun family activity.
So when you didn't feel the flesh of your cheeks burning from 3rd degree burns it was nothing less than a shock. You could almost felt the bright heavens radiating down upon you. Had katsuki bakugou finally developed an actual personality that didn't involve being a dick?
Of course not.
But that still didn't explain why he was inviting you to a fucking birthday party.
It practically struck you like a brick when you realised what this meant.
Bakugou was now one year older
It was the day that everyone seemed to yern for. The day of the mark. A mark that would tell you the name of your soulmate. A mark that would appear on your 16th birthday.
It was bakugou's birthday.
He was turning 16 in one week.
And all that was just more gloating material.
There were quickless people which was bad enough. If you were quickless, you were seen as weaker, lesser and not normal but having no soul mark? It was practically a death sentence. You were seen as unlovable, unlikeable and unwanted. You were abnormal and disgusting. And ever since a certain blonde had developed a knat for explosions and Izuku hadn't, never having a soulmark was the first bullet in Katsuki's rifle when it came to his conquest of making Izuku's life a living nightmare.
And now for the next few months until your birthday it was all you two were going to hear about.
Heaven's gates swung closed right then and there and the pits of hell threatened to swallow you right there.
You suddenly snapped out of your inner dialogue to see Deku approaching you with a slightly worried expression. Perhaps you'd been spending too much time standing silently while imagine your future months of torment from bakugou.
You pulled an eneasy grin and rubbed the back of your neck nervously. "No it's fine! Just fine!"
The boys face lit up with his classic smile that made your own heart warm. "great! Wanna get lunch then?" Clasping his arm you nodded with a stark grin. "Let go. I'm starving"
"What's you favorite type of coffin, Izuku?"
There was no amount of pleading that would have gotten you out of this situation, no matter how hard you pleaded to your mother. She didn't even care that your funeral would be expensive.
So now here you were.
In a dress.
Your hair dolled up.
Planning out your 13th reason why.
Standing outside bakugou's home with a present clasped in your hands, the decently loud chatter within taughting you like the drums of War but then again you were practically about to dive into the trenches.
Your numb finger pressed the doorbell, your heart seemed to stutter at the sound of a nearing voice.
"Katsuki! Open your presents later!!" screeched a voice of whom you could only assume was miss Bakugou. The door opened the woman in front of you visable brightened as she glowed down upon you.
"Y/n, what a pleasant surprise, get in here! Katsuki's in the back garden" The woman's mood had practically done a full 180° at a mere glance of your slightly shaky form. "I'll take that, now go in and have fun with the others" She hummed with a wild smile as she took the neatly wrapped present from your sweaty palms. You merely nodded in response, finding that your throat had closed in on itself making it impossible to even swallow down your initial fear.
You could hear the distant cheering, chatting and occasional parent's voice as you walked further into the house, closer to the clear glass slide door that revealed the decoration littered back garden.
There only kids you could see were the possy that would always surround the blonde haired boy, the occasional guy you'd know from class and almost ever girl that would drop to their knees in the hope of katsuki bakugou noticing them.
Most never glanced at you, some glared at you in disgust but one particular pair of red eyes were fixated on you the moment you stepped in the garden.
You nearly cried tears of joy that the make up had taken so long since it seemed you'd actually missed the majority of the festivities. "In and out. This'll all be over soon" You hummed, trying to pathetically console yourself.
You'd made a beeline for the corner with the least amount of people, seating yourself on a lawn chair before quickly pulling out your phone, ideally hoping that you'd allowed to spend the next hour just lazily scrolling through your phone before grabbing a slice of cake and leaving.
Sadly, that wasn't what fate had instore. You looked up from your phone screen as a shadow suddenly loomed over you. "What? Not even gonna give me a happy birthday" Bakugou sneered, glaring down at you. Your own expression twisted into the perfect rendition of what the word "hatred" meant. Your eyes narrowed, your nose crumpled and lips fell into a neat frown. "I'm sure you'll find a way to survive without my half heart congratulations"
The boy above you nearly smiled at your words as he clicked his tounge and sat on the chair next to you. "Not even curious to find out who my soulmate is?" You raised and eyebrow but your expression remained the same. You took a mere glance at his wrist, only to see it covered before returning your gaze. That seemed to satisfy the boy in front of you as his grin widened visably.
"Don't flatter yourself, I'm just praying for the poor soul that is destined to be with you for the rest of their days"
Bakugou just laughed and then left, leaving you in a puddle of confusion. He should've already gotten his soul mark, so why wasn't he parading it around like he did with everything?
You didn't give it another though, returning to your phone for the next while and brushing off the unsettling feeling the crawled up your spine.
It wasn't surprising that they waited for the big reveal after bakugou had blown out his candles. You were just mildly aggrivated that such torture was continously being forced upon you rather than just letting you go home.
Everyone had crowded around the table where the cake sat. You, for some reason, found yourself stood at the corner of the table nearest to bakugou who stood in the center alone as the other surrounded the other sides.
Ms Bakugou had placed a hand on your shoulder and who you looked up to ask her why she was so clingy, she merely silenced you with a toothy smile.
She seemed to be excited about something.
Everyone had begun a countdown as katsuki raised his hand to everyone, lightly gripping his sleeve that hid the name of his future beloved.
You simply joined in hopes that the scene would go by faster, you didn't even look when he pulled down the arm of his jacket. You only notice the silence that followed after.
Then you noticed the eyes burrowed upon you.
The tightening grip on your shoulder.
Bakugou's glare.
How he was lightly smiling.
Then you noticed your first name neatly written into the flesh of his wrist.
The world seemed to slow then it had all soon went by like a blur just like you. Reality seemed to slip away at the seems and all you could do was slightly nod at the voices of congratulations and bright smiles of bakugou's parents. Disoriented, eyes pickled with tears as your dry throat struggled to find words.
Why was Katsuki still smiling?
You'd been branded that day.
"Katsuki's girl"
Always finding a firery arm latched around your waist or shoulders as you were paraded down that halls like a spectacle for the ages.
You weren't allowed to speak to Izuku anymore or any guy for that matter. It wasn't like any of them risked their necks to talk to you anyway ever since Katsuki claimed you, broadcasting his mark like a trophy, a fitting collar that was locked around your neck.
You found yourself seated with the popular girl at every lunch when Katsuki didn't cling to you, people who you once years to be next to and chat with. Now it just felt empty. Empty conversation. Empty smiles. Empty happiness.
You would sometimes catch Izuku's eye in the hallways as a river of words went unsaid between you two. Then katsuki would tell him to "fuck off" before dragging you to class.
Life wasn't fun anymore. It wasn't even livable.
You barely realised how the month passed and your birthday was right around the corner. In fact, it was tomorrow.
"We'll have matching pairs then-? Hey, idiot, you listening to me?"
"Yes, Katsuki"
"good. I would hate to think you were ignoring me again" His palm gripped your chin like a face, tilting your head before he smashed his wet lips to yours. It was clumsy. It made you feel disgusting.
A hand sorely gripped your thigh, snaking up the helm of your school skirt. You didn't even bother to swat him away there days when he got handsy. It just encouraged him more to discipline you.
"I'll make sure to get you a great present, you'll love it" You knew what he meant by that, it made your heart drop and stomach threaten to heave.
Bakugou soon got up to leave with a group of his friends, leaving you to wallow in you own desperation. You glanced at your wrist. Katsuki had been baring down upon it every day to see if there was even an inclination that his name was appearing.
In reality it didn't really matter, it was just gloating privileges for him now, a way of bragging that you two were destined and you would be hs fine piece of ass for life.
You stroked the reddened skin, it had been sore lately.
"Please...anyones name...just as long as its not his"
"Come on, Y/n!"
"Show us!"
"Its obvious what it is gonna say"
You didn't even bother to check what your wrist said when you woke up this morning. Katsuki made you promise that you wouldn't and that you would wait for school.
So here you were, seated in the cafeteria with the majority of the class surrounding you a Katsuki. You could practically feel the pride radiating from him right now.
"go ahead, babe, show em"
And so you did, jutting out your arm and revealing the name to all around.
It was silent again. You expected squeals of jealously, congrats and awe.
Silence. It was louder than any sound imaginable at that moment .
You looked up from where your listless glare had fallen onto your lap to the wide eyes all baring down upon you.
"Oh...hard...luck, Bakugou"
Your eyes fell to your wrist.
Perhaps fate wasn't so cruel after all.
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arch-lightbaund · 2 years
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@withsorrowandregret asked:
early morning rain  ,    heedless    &.    turbulent  ,    scurried down the windows  .    the perpetual music of water drops upon glass soothed his nerves  ,    if only a little  .    not enough to liberate him from the need to march the corridor up and down  ,    awaiting the awakening of his friend  .    the fraction of a second midoriya heard the door open  ,    he must have nearly tackled the birthday boy the the ground in a fusion of enthusiasm    &.    nerves  .    scarred digits offered a small package  ,    neatly wrapped in sapphire    &.    ruby shades  ,    for celebration  ;    a self - made good luck charm stacked on tickets for an amusement park  .
❝    happy birthday  ,    todoroki - kun  !    ❞
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His alarm signed the beginning of a new day, a day Shoto hadn't been looking forward to, not more than any other. He'd intentionally ignore the texts on his phone, still in a morning haze where he couldn't deal with the wishes of his family ( the only people he expected to remember what day it was, if caring to text him this early ). He realized he was mistaken though, when he found someone standing at his door. Having woken up at the sound of heavy rain, and meeting his most dear friend first thing in the morning, was more than he could have ever asked to brighten up his day, but it seemed as if more awaited him.
If only Midoriya knew his place in Shoto's heart. His hero, bright and as if standing on a pedestal, beyond his reach. But suddenly, he was there, right in front of him, not as Deku but simply as his friend, an image he wouldn't forget as long as he lived, for this was a day different than most. Not a reminder of his loneliness, like his past birthdays used to be, but the reminder of his inner growth, and the connections he had made in the last year. Becoming someone he didn't despise, and who could be taught what was like to be loved again. All because of HIM.
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“ You remembered? ” were the first words to slip his mouth, surprise evident in his eyes as he stared at the green-haired and the offered gift. As if the sour past memories of this day no longer had a place in his heart, as if replaced by the sentiment of this moment, Shoto smiled at the other. A wide smile free of any reservations, of any dark thoughts to cloud his heart and mind. “ Thank you, Midoriya. ” How sweet were the words, a different taste than usual. Carefully he'd attempt to unwrap the present, a bit uncertain if that was the tradition, revealing what his friend had made for him and the tickets. He took the charm in his hand, holding it tight to his fist as if it was his most precious possession. “ I'll always have this with me. ” He cast another glance of gratitude, and next to his attention were the tickets. “ Would you mind going with me? ” He never had gone to a place like this, and only if it was with Midoriya, it'd be really worth it. “ It's a place you should go with friends, right? ”
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