#‘found out we’re soulmates years after we stopped talking’ is GREAT the emotional torture is EXQUISITE
the-obnoxious-sibling · 7 months
while i’m thinking of soulmate aus…
just, please imagine:
roguetown breakup happens as per canon, emotions are felt, tears shed, etc. etc., but the further out they are from that day, the more both shanks and buggy think to themselves that it was the right call. that guy wants to be a very different kind of pirate from me, if we were on the same ship i’d never get to do [xyz], it hurt a lot but this was for the best.
and then they turn eighteen and get a literal Message From The Universe that, uh, nope! that was the love of your life right there, actually! y’all fucked up!
buggy: well fuck you too, universe shanks: …either my life peaked at fourteen, or i’m gonna see buggy again someday. :-)
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lunnybunny12 · 4 years
Sirius Black x Reader (Soulmate)
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A/N: This a soulmate AU (Takes place after deathly hallows and lets pretend Sirius is alive shall we) 
REQUEST: @graniairish​ hello love. i love your stories and for the first time i really dare to ask a request. could you maybe write a short story for me? reader is a muggle, and the great love of Sirius Black. she is his soulmate, his one. Because of the things that happened in the first war, she was bewitched with the obliviate spell to save her life. after Sirius is free again he finds her and tries to awaken her memories of him in the hope that she still loves him inside her soul. because for him she is still the one great love. 
Word count: 1438
No warnings 
Master list 
You were about 5 years old when you were told what soul mates were, why your parents and other peoples hearts would glow. You were told that when you met the love of your life, you'd get an overwhelming burn and as you got to know each other it would fade into a warm buzz. From what you'd heard it was the best feeling you could imagine. The youngest recorded soulmates were found in Edenburg in 1880 when they were 3 years old. As you got older however you fell out of love with the concept. Over the years you'd seen your friends, family even strangers find their mates and fall in love, have a family. You thought that you would have found yours by now. For all you knew they could have been in another country or even dead. There had been plenty of recorded cases of that on your time on earth.
Rain everywhere. Rain up the river, where it flows among green aits and meadows; Rain down the river, where it rolls defiled among the tiers of shipping and the waterside of a great city. Rain on the garden, rain on the gnomes. Rain creeping into all the nooks and crannies of your roof; Rain running down your fogged window as you refined the details of your painting. The brush strokes had to be as careful and controlled as possible.
A sudden gust of freezing wind choked the warm air around you, breaking your concentration. You were not in the mood for talking the day you had to get the painting finished by that afternoon (or at least that's what you told yourself) and you weren't exactly dressed for guests.
"JACK!" you yelled throwing down your brush and marching to your front door. "You better have a good reason for being...." Your eyes widened in fear.
It wasn't your brother as you expected but a man you recognised in one of Jacks papers. He was looking right at you, his piercing eyes staring right at you, cementing you in place. By the way, he was dressed, he wasn't some hobo off of the street. He wore a green and yellow pinstriped coat that stopped at his knees, navy blue trousers with a matching shirt underneath and a dark waistcoat.
"I didn't hear you knock" you gulped, eyes looking to the closest vase in case you needed to defend yourself. "Why are you in my house?"
"(y/n)" the man smiled taking a step closer in which you took a step back and grabbed the vase.
"Don't take another step closer or else the vase won't be the only thing smashed into a million pieces." He stopped, face in shock.
"Who are you and why are you in my house?"
"I understand, you're scared but listen to me..." He extended his hands to shield himself. That's when you saw the wand on his hip, he was a wizard... and if he was going to hurt you he would've by now.
"You're a wizard? You here for my brother because if so he hasn't lived here for a year." you breathed slowly lowering your "weapon".
"I'm a wizard yes. My name is Sirius black" He breathed regaining his composure, his hands still out in case you changed your mind. "And no I'm not here for your brother but he did sent me here."
"Jack (your last name)? Tall, black hair..." "Has a mole on his left eyebrow and a tattoo of an owl on his hand yes that Jack"
It checked out your brother did indeed fit that description. You sighed and told him to follow you into the kitchen.
"Are you going to keep that with you? he joked talking a seat at your kitchen table.
"Yes, yes I am," you stated, turning on the kettle. "You're a complete stranger who just broke into my locked house, I assumed you used your magic. which begs the question... What was so important that you couldn't have wait long enough to knock on my door?"
Sirius just sat there with a smile on his face. Like when you haven't seen someone in a long time and you were catching up.
"Were not COMPLETE strangers, (Y/n). In fact, we're far from strangers and be happy to explain if you'd drop that vase. Id feel allot safer." He looked so smug and you were having non of it.
"Fine, but hand over the wand"
An equally smug smile was plastered on your face "Id feel allot safer."
Since your brother was a wizard, you understood most of the lingo. What each spell meant and how it worked. The manes of important places like Hogsmead and Azkaban were words you had to learn to simply have a conversation with people in the wizarding world. But there was one spell or charm or whatever the hell they called it that had slipped your mind quite literally, "obliviate".  Sirius told you it was a memory charm,  that could be used to erase specific memories from an individual's mind.
"Why would anyone want to use that charm on me?" you asked pouring the pair of you a cup of tea. "I mean sure I'm a muggle but Jack is a wizard."
Sirius had sunk in his seat a little bit, he knew that you wouldn't believed him if he just treat out said it so he did the only thing that he could think of. When you went to place his tea on the table in front of him, he grabbed your wrist, accidentally making you drop it.
"What the hell!" you began to yell until you felt an unfamiliar feeling in your chest. When you looked and saw your heart it was... glowing?
Where was the burning? why didn't it hurt? When you looked back at him, his chest was glowing too. That couldn't have been right, the only way it wouldn't hurt was if you'd already ... met.
Your heart was going a million times a minute and your breathing was too quick for it to be doing anything. Sirius stood up, still holding your hand. He was so close he couldn't lose you again.
"listen I know, I know it's confusing and scary and all over the place but if you give me my wand... I can give back your memories. Make you understand" before he finished the sentence you fished the stick out of your pocket and shoved it into his chest.
"Hurry up before I pass out!"
It was overwhelming at first when you met him. Like a fire was burning its way through your entire being, from the bottom of your toes to the tips of every strand of hair. It was a good burn, felt the same as blushing but internally. Then as if in sync, your hearts started to glow. For the first time in your life, you didn't feel so alone and he felt the same.
The pair of you were young and fresh-faced. Right out of school not knowing how ether of your worlds worked quite yet but you stayed together through it all. Years of emotions, conversations. arguments and apologies seemed to morph themselves into a relationship that worked for the pair of you. He was happy. You were happy.
Every smile and kind word, every annoyance, dances and songs you shared came flooding back to you. The day he was taken from you was the hardest thing you had to live with, you begged and pleaded with him to make you forget him and to save you from years of torturing yourself over what you could've done.... he did as you asked.
You woke up on the floor, Sirius arms wrapped around you with his head on your shoulder. He was holding you like you were about to shatter into a million peaces. He was always gentle with you, even during the times you didn't want him to be. He would always stroke your hair and kiss your head and... you remembered.
It was so quiet. The rain was still thundering on your window. The worlds still turned but you didn't care.
A content smile curled onto your lips as your hands glided to hold his face. He still held onto you.
" Its good to be back, Padfoot. I was beginning to think you'd forgotten about me"
He leant down and kissed you. It was so long and heated and filled with so much love you could've exploded. Your hearts still glowing with a warm buzz you had become so familiar with.
"How could I forget my Soul mate?"
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HSMTMTS 2x9: so dreaded, so exciting, 'Sword!' (yeah, I went there, I've been thinking about this scene - you know the one - since yesterday for some reason)
After two computer malfunctions and a very tough, very sleepless night, here I am with a third attempt to write this post. The universe is against me today. Is Mercury in retrograde or something? Ugh, I just want to get this over with already. And I haven't even managed to see half the episode yet. You better like this cursed post because it's taken me two hours at this point, and will probably take another to finish - and that is if nothing goes wrong this time. Please bear with me. This is my reaction to HSMTMTS 2x9, take 3. Let's hope and pray it's the last one.
I'm normally [unpopular opinion alert] a very spoiler-positive person (it's the combination of anxiety and ADHD and a bunch of other stuff, I suppose), but for this one I've been refraining from looking at the tag all morning, so by now I'm simply bursting with impatience. But before we dive in, I need to get some stuff off my chest.
Some pre-watch thoughts and feelings (let's see how well they will have aged by the end of the episode):
Seriously, what is with whoever writes this show? I know it's impossible, but I feel like they've been toying with my emotions specifically all season. Like:
Ah, so you were a Rini shipper last season? Great, now we'll make them obnoxious and borderline toxic to the point where you actually want them to break up, but then their old chemistry will be back just for the breakup scene so that you can cry your eyes out over the one couple you couldn't stand - even though you can't seem to relate to a single song from Sour, we'll make you feel like you do for a hot second. At least it will remind you that you loved Ricky.
So you say Redlyn own your heart and soul? Great, we'll make you dread something going wrong with them for a week straight, and mess up your sleep schedule beyond repair over it. You're welcome!
We heard you said Rodfini give you life? Perfect, how about a big Seblos fight? And would you like a side of questioning your choice to stan Carlos with that? Because what is life without a little anxiety, a bit of doubt of your ability to read people, and a pinch of existential dread, right?
Ah, so you claimed not to ship Portwell romantically, is that right? Brilliant, we'll make you ship them and then we'll use that to torture you, too.
You've been excited about ABF and Asher Angel guest-starring ever since they were announced? Magnificent! We'll make you hate ABF's character to the point where you can't even look at him, and we'll make you call him names you thought yourself incapable of uttering. And as for Asher, you'll be left waiting for him until the last third of the season, and then you'll dread the possibility of hating his character, too. Do you love us yet?
Oof! Right then, I've got that out of my system. Time to dive in.
Miss Jenn playing around with the backgrounds is, like, 90% of the people who had online school this year, and honestly, I love that for her.
Wait, why is Nini first on this call? Are they going through with the Rose thing? Cos like, the song is nice and all (and, might I add, much more to my taste than nearly all of Sour, don't @ me), but if they use it, it will get them disqualified. They’ve been told that! Gosh, please let me be wrong about this.
We get it, Carlito, rich and fancy and over-the-top is kind of your thing, but have you stopped for a second to think about how others will feel about this? Especially Seb, whom you claim to care about. Seriously, though, I love Carlos and would not hesitate to die for him, but I’m getting the feeling that, unlike my other favourite (you know the one), he wouldn’t do the same for me. Oh well, he’ll figure it out. He’s just a kid. Give him time.
Wait, Milky White? Is that an Into the Woods reference I smell? Cool! If I had a cow, I’d totally name her Milky White (or Gertrude, but don’t ask me why). I just hope they don’t have to, like, take her to the market and exchange her for magic beans, if you catch my drift.
Ahhhhh, Caswell cousins content! We love to see it!
‘You guys are watching, like, old old movies’ WTH, Nini (or is it Nina)? Scary Movie is literally younger than me. But what do you know about it, you 21st-century baby! Ugh, I don’t know why I’m being so hostile today... must be the lack of sleep. Hope it doesn’t influence my reactions to the episode so dramatically as to make me forget how much I love this series. Because I do.
Yay! Big Red is here! I can finally smile. And did Ash just say they’re soulmates? Because yes they are! Ahhh my heart is going to explode.
‘Nini, have you heard from [Ricky]?’ Yikes, awkward... but of course, Big Red can be counted on to save the day here, too.
Ok, so that was a cool cold open. Time for some nice in-person scenes, though. I did not spend all of three semesters doing online school just to have the characters of my favourite series do the same.
Wow, Gina is really embracing that French accent thing! And I really don’t want to think about, erm, ‘Napoleon over here’ right now, but I really think the fact that she’s doing it better than him will be another piece of evidence towards my theory of fake-French!Antoine... ugh, I said his name. Oh well. Back to Gina. Too bad the French thing didn’t work out for her.
Ahhhh, Portwell with Ash in the background! And Ash is going to paint EJ’s nails! I feel like he’s going to end up loving that, despite what he says right now. But seriously, I just love how comfortable these two are with each other. Can you blame me now for shipping them as friends? Well, I mean, it’s obvious they will be more than friends, and somehow, despite the amatonormativity of it all, I’m here for it.
Wait, was that Asher? That was Asher, I’m 100% sure of it. And Gina said ‘a sign’ and then looked at him, even from the back... what am I supposed to think and feel here? I’m confused. Moving on.
Ahh, poor Ricky being a burrito... good thing that breakup scene last time reminded me that I love him, because the entirety of the season before that was very good at making me forget that.
Wait, did she say ‘the Bean’? As in, that Bean? The infamous Bean? LOL.
‘So the only time you two talk to each other is to gossip about me’ Boy, did I feel that. I once got my hands on my dad’s mobile and I... kind of went through his texts with mum. Yep, all about me and my brother. At this point I feel like they’re only together because of us. But this is getting too personal. I’m here about the episode, not to rant about my family. Moving on.
Yikes, looks like Nini’s got writer’s block all over again. Am I supposed to feel sorry for her? Because I kind of don’t. I mean, no hate towards her, none at all, but that entire scene just felt awkward and unnecessary. And not just because it’s her first time going live. That I can understand. What I don’t understand is why the writers can’t seem to do anything creative and interesting with Nini. Olivia is being wasted there. Idk, that’s just how I feel. Again, no hate.
Ahhhhh it’s Asher! And well, he’s not Jonah, but I kind of really like him as Jack. I wonder if that will last.
So is it just me, or is anyone else not quite sure how to feel about Ricky’s mum? I mean, their interactions seem kind of awkward and strained, but that’s how it’s supposed to be given their recent history, and yet something just doesn’t sit quite right with me.
‘You there, Muse? It’s me, Nini!’ Ah, so it’s Nini again? I didn’t get the memo. Gosh, this episode is kind of really underwhelming. The most exciting thing so far (but not nearly as exciting in practice as it was in theory) – Asher and Sofia’s on-screen reunion. The second most exciting thing? The thought of Ash painting EJ’s nails. Everything else? Kind of ‘whatever’. Is this what I tossed and turned about all night? Totally not worth it. This episode better get, like, 300% better right this instant. It’s just not worth all the frustration and excitement and dread so far.
Looks like my prayers from just now have been heard! That improv scene was hilarious! Guess it was lucky that Miss Jenn had them do improv before this moment. But I need to know more of Jack’s backstory now.
Ok, so that was awkward! So Kourtney is talking to Howie again, I guess. And I guess I know now what Carlos did that was all public and no subtle. Still, what’s wrong with posting photos from your holiday? Guess I don’t exactly know yet what Carlos did to piss the others off so much.
Great, now I’m tempted to google butterfly faces. Good thing I’m not eating anymore. *** Ughhhhh this was a mistake! Please don’t ever look a butterfly in the face if you want to stay sane. Don’t be like me.
Ahhh the Duke sweater! ‘Is that your boyfriend’s?’ Well, not quite yet, it’s not... *screams in Portwell*
Oh, now we’re talking! But seriously, Ricky? The ‘my friends think’ card? Why don’t you just say ‘I think’? It’s clearly something you’ve thought about a lot. I feel like I’m going to love this scene or cry over it or both.
Ooh, therapy. It’s not just... basically the entire fandom... who says it now. Please tell me that means Ricky will be going to therapy at some point. Says the girl who is currently firmly refusing to go to therapy in favour of hyperfixating on HSMTMTS and getting back into the good old practice of having imaginary friends... yeah, I’m one to talk.
My, my, my! Seb has really had it now. I mean, it was about time, but... not quite like this. My heart is starting to do some weird stuff, I can feel it. I might need to lie down.
Ok, so as much as I envy North High for getting to see so many shows on BWay – basically living out my dream – stalking East High on Instagram and being shady about them taking a well-deserved break... just goes beyond all limits. I mean, if you’re so into Broadway shows, you should know as well as I do what happened the last time a certain founding father did not take a break. Maybe you’re the ones in need of a break here.
Nini on the call with the Caswell cousins, though... ‘I’m obsessed with both of you’ – first relatable thing she’s said or done all season. And EJ playing with old toys is pure gold.
Oh, so Jack’s dad is a pilot. Makes sense, I guess. I’m kind of intrigued by this guy. Just as long as he doesn’t try to come between Portwell before they’ve had the chance to happen, you know...
Ashlyn might need to stop swooning over Nini’s songwriting or Big Red might get jealous... I mean, I would not have pinned him as the jealous type before 2x7, but ever since then... I guess insecure + dating a girl like Ash = the jealous type. And although that looks good on him, I’d bet anything it doesn’t feel particularly pleasant on his side. So... wait, why am I talking about Big Red? He hasn’t even got anything to do with the scene at hand. But then again, there’s been so little Big Red content in this episode that I seem to be trying to make up for it. Still. Stay focused.
Ooh, so Big Red did edit that video! Is there anything my boy can’t do? Ok, now I feel like he’s even more criminally underappreciated than he was before. But let’s look at the video. I’m curious to see the whole thing because that sneak peek from yesterday simply hasn’t been enough.
That was... really, really cool! I love how they took the ‘when they go low, we go high’ line from last time and run with it. Now if only they were putting as much effort into BATB... North High wouldn’t know what hit them.
Hmmmm... I guess Gina and Jack could be what I originally wanted Portwell to be... really cool friends. Unless it’s one of those ‘airport magic’ things. Oh well. It probably is. Was that all we’re seeing of Asher here? I did not wait 2/3 of the season for this. Though it was nice.
Ooh, Ricky’s solo song... why is there more Rini chemistry in this song than there was in all the season? Not counting the breakup scene, of course. Also, I feel like it’s just as much about him and his mum as it is about Nini. Some say music is the best therapy. I think they might be right. And no, I’m not crying. You are.
The granola bar, though... this episode might have been very underwhelming in the first half, but... it delivered in the Portwell front, and the music was *chef’s kiss*, so I’m willing to let it slide that the advertised Seblos ‘big fight’ was not touched upon nearly enough. Maybe next week...
Ok, now that we’re done watching the episode, let’s see how my feelings from the beginning have aged:
The Rini breakup: apparently, along with reminding me that I love Ricky, it has rendered me unable to look at Nini. What’s up with that? If this is some sort of tactic along the lines of ‘Olivia might be leaving the show so we’re making you hate her character so that you won’t miss her’, it’s not really working. Because I don’t want to hate Nini. Believe me, I don’t.
Redlyn: ok, so there’s nothing wrong with them whatsoever - we even got a ‘soulmates’, which I loved - but first they’re being swept under the rug, and then the antis come at us with that ‘their relationship is underdeveloped’ nonsense. Individually, though, I liked them in this episode (even if there was a significant shortage of Big Red), and Ashlyn collaborating with Nini again was cool, but... what I really wanted to see was her painting EJ’s nails. Did she even get the chance to actually do it? Maybe next week.
Seblos: I’m still failing to understand exactly what Seb thinks Carlos did wrong (please enlighten me if you did catch that, I’m kind of slow), but he (Seb) does have reasons to be mad at him (Carlos)... and at other people, too. Still, if you want to have a fight between two people in a relationship, you could do much better than whatever this episode was. Maybe next week. I notice I’m saying that a lot. Guess I’m putting a lot of hopes on 2x10. I just pray it doesn’t disappoint.
Portwell: boy, am I happy that my frustration on this front did not age well! What I mean is, apparently they’ve decided to bless us, not torture us for once. Even a rather disappointing episode like this one had to have some sort of silver lining. And Portwell is it.
Asher as Jack: well, luckily I didn’t hate him, but... it’s kind of the opposite problem. I loved him and now they’re taking him away from me. Guess I just can’t win here. Oh well. At least he didn’t have the screen time to get in between Portwell...
All in all: 2x10, my hopes and prayers are with you!
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fangirlf · 7 years
Prompt #16 Chuck Shurley
A/N: sorry that this is absolute garbage but yeah here’s the first fic I’ve written in two years
Pairing: Chuck/Reader
Request: Prompt #16 with Chuck
Word Count: 2215
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         When you first met Chuck, the prophet of the lord as he once had called himself, you felt something. You felt something for the alcoholic author, even within the first seconds of meeting him, and it scared you. Emotions weren’t really your strong suit. Of course you had them, but you did your damnest to hide them from anyone near you. You had too many emotions, and you knew how easily you could be manipulated if enemies were to find out. So, your primary instinct was to block the prophet out, ignore him until it became rude. Of course, you’d answer his questions and reply when he wanted to talk, but you always kept your responses short and sweet. You knew he had a thing for you, a soft spot even, and that just made it worse.
        It was easier for you to block people out when they didn’t like you to begin with, but you couldn’t deny Fate’s pull between you and Chuck. The night you met was one of the worse nights in your life, mainly because it was the best. You knew what love did to hunters, and of course to those they loved. He was already dealing with throbbing headaches and visions of the world’s end, being a target for literally every monster you’ve come in contact with didn’t seem like a positive addition to his life.
But, Fate’s a bitch and apparently had it out for you. Almost every other case had you meeting up with Chuck, whether it be in New York or California. Your paths would cross quite frequently, much to your dismay. You had even started dreaming about him, nothing too spicy, your dreams mainly consisted of the two of you talking over coffee or brunch. You never remembered the conversations when you awoke in the morning, but it always left you feeling warm, the image of his crystal blue eyes looking kindly into yours as if you were baring your soul for him, branded permanently in your mind’s eye.
Chuck wasn’t an idiot, you knew that. You also knew that he had caught onto what you were doing, why you elected to ignore him. Did that make you stop? No. Of course, you really wanted to. If you hadn’t been brought into this life, maybe you would have explored the relationship, welcomed the sparks that caused your stomach to do backflips with open arms. But, woe is you, as that was not the case.
You were currently at a Supernatural convention, tricked into attending by Becky sending a fake red alert text to Dean through Chuck’s phone. You vaguely wondered how she got her hands on his phone, but quickly let the thought slip past your mind. There was no need to feel jealous over somebody you weren’t even going to chase after. Still, you felt a small twinge of dislike for the girl, and you weren’t too disappointed when she shifted her focus on Sam once more.
“You’re kidding me- there are people who actually want to be us?” Dean asks in his usual, overly-dramatic tone.
“Hey, I’m just as surprised as you are,” Chuck defends himself before a man walks up to him and says “5 minutes Mr. Edlund” before walking off. Chuck gives the three of you an apologetic look before turning around and making his way to the stage for Q and A, which, of course, went as well as you would expect. You weren’t sure how he was able to stay up on that stage without a bathroom break with as much water as he had been chugging. You definitely did not want to switch places with him, you’d be as nervous a wreck as he was.
And, now, he needed to be up there longer than he expected as the three of you found an actual case amidst the conventions ‘hunt’, and guess who got to go tell him while the other two went to collect the others? You, of course. Inwardly groaning, you walked up to the stage, Chuck’s eyes immediately falling onto you, curiosity evident in his expression but a delighted grin on his face nonetheless. You bit down the warm sensation you felt in your pit as you motioned for him to come closer.
“We have a problem,” you whispered hurriedly in his ear. His brows furrowed at your tone.
“What? What is it?” he asked, making sure to speak away from the mic.
“Turns out there’s an actual case here. You need to keep everyone in here until we give you the all clear,” you say, trying not to eye the audience that was completely silent, curious as to what you were talking about. God, you hated crowds.
“I-I have to be up here longer? Yeah, sure, no sweat,” he said, obviously not believing himself. You gave him an apologetic smile.
“Good luck,” you pat his shoulder and hopped off the stage.
“(y/n), wait!” he whisper-yelled. You turned back to him, standing in front of the first row of the audience. He gave you a desperate look, one he would always give you when you had to go back to hunting. You inhaled slowly and responded in a whisper that only he could hear.
“Look, I have to go do this, Chuck. So unless you have anything to tell me about the thing we’re dealing with, save it.”
You knew you were being rude, but the only other option would be to fall into the old lover’s quarrel over whether or not you should be doing something dangerous that could help others. So, biting back an “I’m sorry,” you turned on your heel and made your way back to the brothers.
The rest of the night wasn’t so bad, compared to other cases you’d been on. The three of you were able to burn the remains of the three boys, with help from two LARPing convention-goers. With the dangers lifted, everyone started making their way out of the hotel. Dean was talking with the fake Dean and Sam that burned the boys’ bones, while Sam was stuck listening to Becky gush over him. You were making your way back to the impala, wanting to get out of there, when you saw Chuck walking in your direction. You picked up your pace, not wanting to have to shield your emotions for much longer. It wasn’t everyday that you spent an entire day with the man you were almost certain was your soulmate, only to have to cram those feelings back inside yourself. You needed a break.
“(Y/n), stop, please!”
You sighed, knowing that he knew you heard him say your name and not having the heart to ignore him. You stopped in your tracks, waiting for him to catch up to you. When he did, you kept your eyes to the ground. He was silent for awhile, all you heard from him was breathing. It took you a minute to realize that he wanted you to look at him, which turned out to be a bad idea. His ocean blue eyes held so many emotions in them as they stared into yours. You faintly remembered the first time you locked eyes, feeling like you could get lost in them for days on end, with no regard for the world around you. That was almost always what it was like, staring into his eyes. You felt like the world melted away around you, leaving nothing but you and Chuck, together. Of course, this feeling scared you from the beginning. Getting lost in something, even if it’s the eyes of the person you loved, wasn’t the smartest thing to do when you’re a hunter.
Chuck gently held your hands in his, breaking you from your thoughts. “(y/n), don’t you see? The harder you push me away, the more I want to know you.”
You looked away, opting to stare at the trees surrounding the hotel’s parking lot, processing what he said. Though simple those words are separately, they almost brought tears to your eyes.
“Chuck,” you say, your voice nearly inaudible, tears threatening to spill. You cursed inwardly, knowing that this would happen sooner or later. See, you were great at bottling things up, but you weren’t so good at keeping those things from exploding.
He squeezed your hands gently, causing you to meet his eyes once more. “How long are you going to fight this, to fight me?” he asks, his voice cracking. “You know there’s something here.”
“Chuck, I can’t. You know the life I live, I can’t have all the bad guys coming after you, using you as leverage.”
“(y/n), I’m protected by an archangel, I don’t think they’d let anything happen to me.”
“Yeah well, angels are dicks. Yeah, they need you alive, but they don’t care if you’re hurt, or if you’re tortured to death. They’ll just bring you back,” you shake your head, adding a “Maybe,” at the end.
“So what? Is that any different than what you and the Winchesters go through? Trust me when I say, I can handle myself,” he reassures you, and for a moment, the insecure, paranoid prophet you knew was gone and replaced by someone more… confident, someone who you would relate with the phrase ‘old and wise’. You weren’t exactly sure why, but you believed him when he said he could handle himself, even if he wasn’t a hunter.
“Are you sure about that?” you asked, although you already knew the answer, and by the expression on Chuck’s face, he knew that you did.
“Look, all I’m asking for is a chance,” his eyes search yours desperately, hands holding yours as if you’d let go at any moment. You knew you should have tore your gaze from his, but you couldn’t deny the bond between the two of you. You wanted nothing more than to be with him, have an ‘apple pie life’ as Sam once called it, but no one really gets out of the life. Shit catches up to you when you settle down, hitting you when you least expect it. With all this information, the logical choice would be to turn on your heel and run, never looking back.
You sighed, for what seemed like the umpteenth time today, and gave his hands a squeeze. You thought about being logical but figured, screw it, when has being logical ever worked out in your favor? Maybe half the time, maybe more. You’d take your chances.
Instead of giving him a verbal response - something you were not so great at when it came to emotions - you tugged his hands, pulling him closer to you before pressing your lips against his in a gentle, sweet kiss. His arms immediately found their way to your waist, pulling your body flush against his as he deepened the kiss, surprising you a little seeing as Chuck wasn’t very pro-risk.
You faintly heard whooping near you, although you weren’t quite where it came from when the fact hit you that you were still in public, the center of attention for the rest of the convention-goers who hadn’t left as soon as the doors were open. You had the decency to pull away, your cheeks tinted with the lightest shade of pink. Chuck smiled at you, a genuinely happy expression on his face for once, and you couldn’t deny being just a little bit proud of being the person who caused it.
“So I-I take it that’s a yes?” he asks, eyes seeming a shade lighter than before.
“No, I just wanted to kiss you before I inevitably run away and don’t come back,” you reply like the smartass you are. You could tell by his expression that he wasn’t completely sure if you were joking or not. You roll your eyes, playfully hitting his shoulder. “Of course it’s a yes.”
“Fuckin’ finally,” You heard Dean curse behind you. You shook your head, a small smile on your lips, and as you looked at the prophet, you knew things would be okay. Of course, there would be pain and suffering like always, but things would be… relatively okay. You hadn’t realized it, but you had been carrying so much anxiety and fear with you - about hunting, about your emotions, everything - and when you finally let him in, you felt as if your fears had been washed clean, like a blank slate.
You’ve heard stories of people meeting their so-called ‘soulmates’, and how the feeling was like being reset, giving you a blank slate to work with once more and allowing you to learn from your past mistakes and not hold guilt for the things you couldn’t control. You’d never really believed the whole ‘soulmate’ thing, it’d seemed too far fetched for your taste. Only having one person to truly be yours, falling for them before even getting to know them, that didn’t seem likely. But, as you stood here, in Chuck’s embrace, staring up into his kind eyes, you started to think that maybe the idea of a ‘soulmate’ wasn’t so bad. That maybe, just maybe, Chuck was your soulmate and you were his.
The small smile that rested on your face turned into a grin.
I’d be okay with that, you told yourself.
And Chuck agreed.
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