#‘how to get the savior to taste my forbidden fruit’ i mean come on
crime-wives · 1 year
i don’t understand how people don’t ship swan queen. like… enemies to reluctant friends, to co-parents, to lovers. it could have been everything. all of that gay yearning. how do people not see it??? also blonde x brunette lesbian romances >>>>>
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wefallforever · 6 months
Just finished my rewatch of season two of once upon a time. Here are some thoughts I have on the story so far:
• I am once again reiterating that Regina has no hands without magic! The way Tamara took her down with a goddamn sack over the head 😭😩😫. Apparently she has a sword fight later in the series so I’m looking forward to seeing that. My girl needs some kickboxing lessons STAT!
• Emma calling Regina family made me swoon. Their chemistry is wild and I know it only gets more intense from here. That line in season one where Regina ponders aloud “how to get the savior to taste my forbidden fruit” damn near knocked me off my feet. The writers knew what they were doing with that one still 😝🤭 it’s bullshit that they never become canon smh.
• Oh Regina! My problematic fave. Like yes she cursed an entire nation, has a penchant for poisoning her enemies, lies and manipulates people on the daily….but consider that she has INTENSE attachment issues (looking at you Cora) and leaned into her evil side after being repeatedly traumatized/having her agency taken away. She wants love so badly but she needs to learn that true love cannot be coerced. And that constantly snipping at people/fucking up their plans doesn’t exactly foster warm relationships 😬
• Whew the themes surrounding broken/ dysfunctional families of origin hits hard. That experience of being abandoned (either physically or emotionally) or abandoning others and then coming to terms with how deep that trauma goes…brutal! The guilt and shame and sadness and anger and hurt and hope that comes with strained family relations is a lot to contend with. Shout out to the actors for their beautiful portrayal of their characters!
• My biggest criticism of the show so far is how it treats characters of colour. All the Black people with screen time and lines get are killed brutally, two of them were antagonists (although Lancelot redeemed himself) and Mulan gets shafted. Lana Parrilla is a boricua but she literally plays the main villain lol. I get that it was made in a different time or whatever but DAMN! Can people of colour get some love please!
Now I am by no means a professional astrologer but I’m having lots of fun deciding the main character’s Big Six-their sun, moon, rising, venus, mars and mercury placements. I’m gonna wait until I’m halfway through season four (and thus at the middle point of the series) to post my thoughts just in case my opinions change as characters develop in their story arc. Stay tuned for that and more reflections as I get through season 3!
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lilhemmo · 5 years
the forbidden fruit pt. three
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the forbidden fruit PART THREE: the surface
ao3 | wattpad | masterlist | askbox summary: the reimagined persephone and hades au that nobody asked for word count: 3.2k+  warnings: alcohol and blood tw part one | part two
T H E    S U R F A C E
"I grow tired of this world," she complains, digging her feet into the dirt. She looks up at his statue, glaring into his eyes, "I think you're scared of me, Prince of Darkness, Lord of the Shadows. I think that is why you will not come and find me."
Lilith shakes her head and a laugh bubbles from her lips, "I am glad to have you during this time, though. Mother is growing tiresome. She continues to tell me to be just like the other children, but I will not do it. I will not succumb to their weak-willed conformities."
She runs her fingertips over the engraving at the base of his statue, admiring how his name looks dug into the marble. Lilith tilts her head as the familiar sounds of her serpent friends distract her from her monologue.
"Good evening, darlings," she reaches out to the smallest serpent and allows her to crawl up her forearm and lick her face. Lilith giggles before petting the thickest serpent, scratching gently on the underneath side of his head.
Lilith lays down in the dirt, looking up at the night sky, "How can such terrible gods create something so beautiful?"
The bigger serpent slithers up her chest to look into her eyes. She smiles at him and he opens his mouth as if to reciprocate the expression, but he is still limited to his own body and therefore looks more intimidating than he means to be. Even still, Lilith rubs her index fingertip over the top of his head down to his tail.
"I wonder if Sweets knows that his nephew is throwing a party down here on Earth," Lilith raises a brow at the smallest serpent. "I wonder if he will attend?"
The Serpents stay until Lilith has to return home. They slip back to The Depths and morph into their human forms before seeking out their Maker.
"He's not going to listen to you," Fangs seethes as they approach The Maker's chambers.
Topaz shrugs, "It has to be worth trying."
The Maker looks down from his ashen throne and smiles at the Serpents down below. He materializes in front of them as a puff of smoke, a grin on his lips.
"Yes? Is there something you need, my friends?"
"Maker," Topaz starts, her clawed hands crossing together in front of her scaly body, "your nephew, Dionysus, will be-"
Hades shakes his head and holds his palm up, "Is this another ploy to get my back to The Surface?"
Fangs steps forward, tilting his head to implore his Maker, "Lord, we just want to see you get out of this bleak place now and again. It cannot be healthy."
"I will not listen to this," Hades waves his hand. "The humans do not appreciate my presence on The Surface. It is better for me to stay here, but the two of you are welcome to go and taste the wine of my nephew."
Topaz and Fangs glance at one another one final time before bowing their heads and stepping away from their Maker.
Together they spend days traveling back and forth to and from The Surface, spending time with Lilith, waiting on their next opportunity to try and convince The Maker to return.
"I do believe your Maker should attend this festival," Lilith gushes one day a few weeks later. She rolls around in the sweet peas, laying on her belly and looking the snakes in the eyes. She grins, "I think he would love this festival. We are all gathering together to send coins down to The Underworld for the souls who have yet to pass down the River Styx."
She runs the pad of her finger down the back of the smallest serpent, "Won't he like that? It will send the wayward souls down The River, allowing him some sort of peace. Don't you think?"
The young woman with dark hair and gray eyes sits quiet, waiting for them to responds. The serpents' flick their tongues out in some sort of answer, and it makes a giggle split her lips. She purses her mouth and pushes her tongue between her teeth to mirror their actions.
"I will go and wait for him there," she tells them, "even if he does not come, I'll be there. Will you tell him?"
The serpents slither back into the grass and Lilith is left on her own once more.
They are quick to deliver the news of the event to The Maker.
"Good for them," Sweet Pea responds with a wave of his hand. "It will be nice to have a new rotation of wandering souls at the base of The River."
Topaz rolls her eyes and thrusts her hands towards the god, "You cannot go on like this forever, my lord."
"Oh, Topaz," he smirks in a devilish way, "you underestimate me."
Lilith twirls a sweet pea stalk between her fingers, a girlish grin on her lips. She stares up at the marble statue, her savior of sorts, and sniffs the floral bud.
"I suppose I should stop telling you about these festivals to try and get Sweets to show, huh?" she asks the small serpent in front of her. Her smile falters slightly as the heat of tears wells up in the back of her eyelids, but she forces herself to pick up the pieces and continue on anyway.
"This one would be spectacular," Lilith explains. She rests the flower atop the tiny serpent's head, and watches as she tries to balance it on her scales. "It is a celebration in honor of Sweets himself. The whole city is gathering to celebrate the day he birthed the Underworld."
The serpent tilts her head and then coils around Lilith's arm, tightening around the appendage to steady herself. Lilith rubs her cheek against the serpent's head, closing her eyes at the motion.
"I understand why he keeps himself locked away in that prison," Lilith tells the serpent, her voice quiet. She has sadness hanging in her eyes, "He is so poorly treated here on earth, and in Olympus. All the other gods are clearly not supporting him like family should."
She shakes her head, dark hair falling over her shoulders. Lilith gives the serpent a half-smile, "I will take a sip of blackened wine in his honor, little one. I know you're trying your hardest to bring him to our land for a visit. He will come, but the stubborn god will have it be on his own time."
Topaz grabs Fangs by the collar and practically drags him across the Underworld floor. He tries to push back against her, but it's no use – she's much stronger than him.
"Maker!" she shouts as Hades begins to walk down The River.
Sweet Pea looks over his shoulder and smirks, "Yes, Topaz?"
She huffs, her serpentine tongue flickering between her teeth. She crosses her arms over her chest, "There's a festival tonight, on The Surface."
"The Surface, you say?" he asks, sarcastically entertaining the idea. He tilts his head in the serpent-girl's direction, "I would like to see how you try and coerce me into attending this time, Topaz."
"I-It's a festival in your honor, my Lord," Fangs supplies, reaching out to touch Sweet Pea on the shoulder. He smiles, "They're going to be drinking black wine and eating dark fruits. There will be fires made and animals sacrificed in your honor! Tonight is all about you, Maker."
Sweet Pea rubs his face which has grown stubbled in his negligence. He chuckles, a deep rumble that shakes the very ground they walk on, "The humans do not wish for my presence on The Surface, my friends. They may claim this festival is in my honor, but I do not think I would be welcome."
"How could you not be welcome at your own festival?" Topaz sneers, narrowing her eyes in questioning. Fangs looks at her with widened irises, a warning in his gaze.
"The humans see me as they want to see me, serpents," Hades explains. "If I go, all I will do is frighten them."
"Not all of them," Topaz supplies in a high-pitched voice, avoiding her Maker's eyes.
Hades sighs, running a hand through his dark locks. He shakes his head and fights the smirk on his lips, "If you insist, my serpent friend. Ready the horses, we will leave soon."
He walks up the hill to greet his canine companion, his grin growing with every step he takes further into the ash, "Come, my pet. There's no reason you cannot join us as well."
Topaz turns her head in confusion, skin glittering as the fire permanently ablaze in the underworld glints off of her. Hades begins to twirl his fingers and Cerberus' body starts to contort, shrinking down into the dirt.
"Holy you," Topaz stares in awe at the single-headed, normal-sized dog loiters in front of her, licking at his Master's fingertips. He bounds around, dark eyes staring up at the both of them, waiting for some sort of affection.
Hades scratches behind his ears and looks up at Topaz, "I think we are ready to go."
It is sunset when the black chariot from the underworld finally splits through the ground. There are lanterns hanging in the sky, burning blue to represent the fire of the underworld. As the chariot rides past, Hades watches from the distance as people drink from black chalices, their lips stained dark with wine.
He chuckles, "I would expect Dionysus is at the root of this."
"It's beautiful," Topaz hisses from around his bicep. The Serpents are still not allowed to show their humanoid form on The Surface, but they can still communicate with Hades despite their restrictions.
"It's something," Fangs echoes, twirling his head every which way to take it all in. He flicks his spiked tongue between his fangs and crawls onto Hades' shoulder to look out at the scenery.
Hades brushes his fingertips through Cerberus' hair, smiling down at his canine friend. The chariot halts and the god steps down onto the earthen ground. He then turns his head to glance at each of the serpents before pushing his way through the crowd gathered around a large fire.
The stench of hot blood and flesh fills his nostrils as the god walks closer to the pyre where the offerings are burning. Hades can feel the sacrifices make their way to the underworld; his body feels refreshed, restored. He opens his eyes and coils his fists, a triumphant smirk on his lips.
He pulls his cloak further around his face as he begins to weave through the crowd, Cerberus held on a leather rope attached to the god's wrist. The serpents hide under his clothing, tightening around his biceps and resting their heads in his collarbones.
As Hades passes, people grasp at their throats and bellies, complaining about a churning and a bubbling suddenly sparking in their bodies. He tries to steel his spine against their reactions at his arrival and wills himself to disregard the negative aura he's surrounded with. The serpents literally clutching his muscles does help to sober him as he feels his godly blood pumping in his own veins. Cerberus continues to guide him towards a fountain so he may drink from it, tongue parched from the heat of the Underworld.
Sweet Pea licks his lips and guards his face from those who might identify him, keeping his back to as many passersby as humanly possible. He swallows as he gets closer to the heart of the event, more humans crowding him and making him sweat.
"It must be the wine," he hears an older gentleman gripe. "Dionysus must have given us an old batch, uncured and rancid. I think I'm going to be sick."
The god refuses to pay mind to measly mortals. He huffs, thinking: They probably just can't handle the amount of alcohol Dionysus keeps. They'll be fine in the morning. Or they'll be dead. I guess I'll be the first to know.
Cerberus sniffs people's feet, drawing some attention but only to himself. The crowd loves to reach and pet behind his ears, and Cerberus has an equal desire for the affection. In his smaller form, his ferocities are fewer and he craves the human touch. Hades wishes that he were the same.
"I don't feel so good," he hears a small child whine from beside him. Their parent picks them up, holding them around the waist and shushing them.
Sweet Pea pushes closer, feeling stronger as the offerings grow in number. Prayers press against his ears, but he tries harder not to hear them. He grips the leather strap holding him to Cerberus tighter, the worn material biting into his palm and giving him some sense of clarity amongst the chaos.
Another woman turns as soon as he brushes past her shoulder, "Adrian, I am suddenly unwell. Do you think we might turn in early?"
The god hears voices such as this all around him, complaining of their sickened bellies and their rancid wine. He is suddenly so overwhelmed with the fearful thoughts of those around him that he doesn't pay attention when he bumps into a young woman, causing her to stumble.
He reaches out, accidentally touching her elbow as he steadies her. A swift apology passes his lips before he turns his back to her so she is unable to identify him as the monster she sees.
"It's quite all right," she chuckles, even though he's already dismissed her. "This wine is getting to my head as well."
Her mother, Hades assumes, reaches out and grasps her by the shoulders, "My love, I believe the wine has been poisoned or poorly prepared. Are you not sick like the others?"
Sweet Pea pushes past her just as he hears: "No, mother, I actually rather liked the drink."
The god tucks his hood further around his chin, hiding his true face from those around him as a crowd gathers to the bonfire.
"Tonight we celebrate the Prince of Darkness, the Lord of the Underworld, the god of The Depths!" A man stands tall in front of the crowd, his arms gesturing wide, "Tonight, we lift up our prayers to the most evil Lord Hades in hopes that he will turn his ear towards us and heed our cries! He has sworn off prayer, that much we know, but it is possible that if we can prove to him that we are worthy of his affections, he may open his mind to us all once more."
Suddenly, all around him, people begin to fall face first into the dirt, their hands raised above their heads as they recite prayers and passages under their breath. They dig their fingers into the ground and whisper to the god of death, eyes shut as the fire beats down on top of them.
The voices all come at him twice - once directly and once again indirectly. The amount of prayers pushing through the field of the underworld makes him dizzy and cold. He wraps his arms around himself in an attempt to hold his body together.
"I pray you will punish my husband," one woman requests with gritted teeth.
"Please, Lord Hades, help me rid myself of my awful wife," a man pleads with tears in his eyes.
"Oh, great god," an older man speaks, "please heed my cry and take my life. I am in far too much pain to stay here another day."
It is all so overwhelming. Sweet Pea's mind begins melding at the flood of voices and words and emotions coming through all at once. He blinks hard, trying to rid himself of all the negative, dark thoughts he is wading through.
"I think we should leave," Topaz whispers to her Maker, tightening around his bicep. Fangs gives him another squeeze, seconding her request, and Hades grasps Cerberus around the rope and tugs him away from the scene.
"I don't even know why I'm here," he hears another voice say. "None of them truly understand you, sweets."
The words make his toes dig in the dirt, his body halting as the nickname hits his ears. He looks around frantically, wondering if the source of the voice is one of his kin. Sweet Pea fights a smile at the idea of seeing one of his brothers again.
When he turns his head, all he sees is the backside of a young woman, dark hair covering her shoulders like a curtain. The spit in his mouth turns sour at his hopefulness. He scowls, and Hades pushes the thought of his family out of his mind. Hades begins forcing himself to walk further and further away from the gathering. People try to grasp him by the arms and legs and beg him to pray to himself, but he shakes them off and continues through.
His body is somehow weakened by the time he returns to his temple, legs shaking under the strain of being in a human form for far too long. He gasps, digging his palms into the dirt so the Serpents have a way to slither back down into the dirt.
"I need a moment, my friends, if you would be so kind," he manages to push the words through his white teeth. Sweet Pea sits on his knees, staring up at his very own statue, the marble looking back at him with soulless eyes and a broken heart.
"This is all they think of me," Sweet Pea whispers. "They think of me as some mercenary they can offer burnt rabbits to in exchange for my taking of a soul. I am nothing but a transactional god to them."
His lower lip trembles and he looks up to the heavens, "Zeus and Poseidon were right. I will always be in danger here, everywhere."
He beats his fists into the ground, cracking the stone he kneels upon. Tears drip onto the marble and he seethes curses through his teeth. Nothing can repair his damaged heart, his broken mind, not now.
Sweet Pea stands to his feet and the Serpents guide him to the chariot. Cerberus climbs in the front, awaiting his master. The horses buck, ready to return to their home. Their black hair gives way to a burning red mane, the heat from their flaming extremities warming Hades' face.
"Let's go home, my friends," he whispers, grasping the reigns and sitting back in his seat.
The horses are quick to pick up speed as the ground opens beneath them. The Serpents can morph into their opposing forms as soon as the grass grows back from where they once came. Topaz gasps for breath, the transformation still strange as it mutilates her bones and stretches her scaly skin.
Fangs lays his head on his Maker's arm, "I am sorry, Lord Hades. They do not deserve you."
The ride into The Depths is silent, save for the clambering of the horse hooves and Cerberus' occasional barking. Hades keeps one hand on the reigns and the other on Cerberus' neck, scratching him with his thumbnail.
They land with a thundering of hooves and a burst of flames as the chariot makes contact with the obsidian ground of the Underworld. Sweet Pea steps out, pulling Cerberus by the leash as the Serpents exit on the opposite side.
Sweet Pea bends down to unhook the leather from around Cerberus' neck when he feels the shift, the change in the atmosphere. Suddenly, the Underworld feels much-warmer.
He turns to ask Topaz and Fangs if they feel it too, but he's interrupted by a voice he's heard only in his dreams.
"Wow, it really is you."
disclaimer: without @thesweetestsweetpea my life would be a wreck and i would’ve quit before i ever started. i am forever indebted to you, my darling. so send her a thank you if you liked this chap!
taglist (message me to be added/removed):  @trash-trashington @blueboi-345 @sweetsserpent @omgspnfanfiction @bugheadworld360@myfavfanfix @fjziwnnfkcks @nohemi2500 @sophia-psycho4death@wintercourtsq @ellsbells2143 @jezzabelleserpent @imyourliquor-youremypoison @serpentiinequeen @serpentcentral @reckless-love3210 @brittanyvengeance @thatlittlesectoroftheuniverse@ansia-sapone @twopointthreefour @softpuregayangels@theheavycrown @fadingweaselpicklepurse @thick-madame748@oof-its-a-misfit @ominous066 @browneyesandsquishythighs@bettie-chachki-50-70 @serenityofsuffering666@spsandfangsbestgirl2 @scorpionsuns @dwayyy @solosoulbrew@thebookfairy @kingbouji3 @aliteralhotmess @rivendell101@southsidewrites @cactiem @reblogserpent @sweetsserpentine@worriestothewind @serpentnanarose @sweetpeasjelloshot@sweetpea-cc @cherysbombshell @beginningstofandom@southsidemistress @starryeyedparker @miffy-melly @exquisitley-obsessed @sweetpeasbabydoll @kinkysweetpea @writing-in-riverdale @the-gargoyle-queen @bitchiloveher @sweetpea-fvck@serpentsluttsstuff @sweetsfuckingpea @softherns@freakingbradleys @theangriestpea @sweetpeassweetpea@sweetpeasbellamy @inyourwildestdreamslove @sunshinechaos@stories-from-my-notebook @amazingphanisnotonfire-imagines@sweetserpents @fictionsofriverdale @buggiebreak @riverdale-events @otps-killing-me-not-softly @foxyfangurl@benhargreevestentacles @blush-and-books @helloscorpious@narvvi @fangirlfree @bvbblegvms @technoshuri @mari-cross@thedarksideofriverdale @griffins-and-gargoyles @melton-my-heart  @sweetfogarty @princesweetpea @xserpentlife @wayward-river @serpenthighkey @jinxfanfics
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The more you justify what you're doing, the more you push them away. And take it from me... you will always lose the ones you love the most. - Mr. Gold
Let’s be real here, fellow shippers, this episode still haunts me. It was all about Emma, Regina and Henry. They were basically screaming at us that Regina and Henry were the ones Emma loved the most and she was about to lose them.... NO SHIT, SHERLOCK!
And then... oh wait... SHE FUCKING DID. Everything since then has made her lose them more and more. And now they’re completely apart. It just happened slowly.
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And by everything I mean everything she did specifically for fuckboy Hook. And it all started when she became the Dark Swan. First it was turning him into a Dark One and then hiding that little fact. They were a little annoyed with her, but they were okay and helped her.
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Next BLOODY STUPID thing she did for Hook was going to the Underworld. Of course, Regina and Henry loved her so much, THAT THEY FOLLOWED HER TO SUPPORT HER!
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Regina lost Robin as a direct result of it (not a great loss, if you want my opinion) ...
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...and they have an argument after it. BUT NOT EVEN ABOUT GODDAMN FOREST BOY, no no! It’s about Emma not wanting Regina to come. I mean, come on... Emma was being ungrateful and unfair and it created a bit more distance between them.
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Seriously. Next they’re in NYC on a family adventure together (you know, it’s not like either of them can resist the high of fighting alongside the other.... lovebirds...).
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The next extra fucking stupid Hook-related thing she does... is marrying him. (I mean, I believe in OperationOUT and I still have faith for SQ happening.... BUT I MEAN, I STILL WANTED TO PUNCH A HOLE THROUGH THE SCREEN AT THAT DUMB WEDDING!)
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And even then she didn’t lose them. Regina was still supportive. We saw glimpses of both Henry and Regina disliking Hook, but they both tried for Emma. If that’s not selfless true love, then I don’t know what is.
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So Emma always thought she was gonna lose them because they would start hating her. That it was only a matter of time. The irony is she lost them BECAUSE THEY LOVE HER. They support her while she does the stupidest shit and they support her because they want her to be happy and they think Hook must make her happy. They love her but they apparently aren’t the brightest ones.... She thought he was the safe bet that wasn’t gonna leave her and that would make her parents happy. Turned out the people she loved the most never let her down. They stuck with her.
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She lost them because she married him. Look at the way they framed her supposed last scene. Two Hooks stand guard with Swan-Mills family in the middle and Hook pulls her away from Henry. He actively intervenes. And wish!Hook is pretty much watching Regina... They look like soldiers separating a family, dragging one of them off to war or something....
The more you justify what you're doing, the more you push them away. And take it from me... you will always lose the ones you love the most. - Mr. Gold
So that moment in 7x02 is when Mr. Gold’s words finally come to pass. That is when she really loses the ones she loves. She’s pushed them away by denying her real feelings, by not trusting them to still love her. And now she has to play out this farce... and loses them.
It doesn’t make a lick of sense that she is rewarded by doing exactly the same thing as when she was the dark one over and over again. Choosing Hook over everyone, justifying his behavior.
Look at how they portrayed Emma the season before she went dark. 
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She promised Regina a happy ending. Excuse me Avril, but this is “She was a woman, she was a woman, could I make it any more obvious?” And they’re standing there with their son. And look at Regina’s dazzling smile! It’s Emma that makes her happy! 
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Next, Emma gets Regina lunch and root beer. She’s working hard to try and cheer her up. Because, who doesn’t love that dazzling smile on Regina’s face?! Emma fucking lives for it!
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They were just blatantly flirting. I mean, they completely forgot about Belle there, it’s just the two of them in their love bubble. And these looks are so not straight BFF looks. Come on. Don’t be stupid.
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They keep trying to outdo each other. “Imma die for you, dear. No, Imma die for you, babe! Shut up, Imma die for your first! Ugh...” Really, they are Snowing levels of True Love annoying. AND I LOVE IT!
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Is that not love and adoration? And care? I mean, that look alone must have made Emma feel all warm and cozy inside!! Isn’t that the face of Home?!
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Emma is also completely frantic about Regina possibly being in danger. She spends the episode running around asking for where she is and trying to be sure her wifey doesn’t have a single scratch. 
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Over and over and over again.
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Especially after she realizes Maleficent is an ex. An ex and a dragon. Emma knows when to worry. NO ONE AIN’T GONNA STEAL HER WOMAN!
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More looking out for Regina and puppy eyes cause she actually wants to go with her, but you know, Emma is an idiot and won’t tell her so. So she pines. That’s all they ever fucking do, they pine. They should just grow some balls and True Love Smooch. 
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Emma getting weird when asked about Lily.
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Listening to Regina when she’s in a destructive state.
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And then finally sacrificing herself for Regina. (The town, I know, I know.)
This was all in a half season.And in 5A, it went from 100 to 0. That tells me it was totally intentional and her marrying Hook was still a result of the darkness (I mean, the episode was filled with dark foreshadowing, with both Emma’s dress and Hook’s suit going from white to black and with Emma seeing Hook before the wedding when it was explicitly stated it was bad luck).
It makes sense to have the absolute lowest point now. The dark night of the soul. The darkness before the dawn... right before the end of the show. So that’s all Emma’s absence was. Making us lose all hope. 
Seriously, I’m excited about the finale, because what else could they fucking do?! It’s the only logical conclusion  to what they’ve set up! That happy ending aren’t always what we - read: the heteronormative society - think they will be. That the Savior needs to taste a forbidden fruit. That potent magic and love are connected. That Emma’s gonna give Regina her happy ending. That Hook is really not a great match for Emma. That they didn’t share a TLK with Hook/Hood because they were always in love with each other. That Henry came to get Emma to bring her home.
You know, all the stuff that was obvious to anyone with half a brain who isn’t a bigot.
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And if darkness was the reason why Emma lost Regina and Henry, then maybe we should look at Rumple’s story for clues. When he finally made the right choice, he got the chance to start over with Belle and a younger Gideon.
So who else suddenly has a grown-up son? Who else still has darkness in her? Who else needs to make the right choice?
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So I doubt they’ll get baby Henry back.
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...but maybe we’re getting late teens Henry back? Maybe the only way to save current Henry is to go back in time?
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And maybe we’ll get a third version of this scene from the Pilot and the Dark Swan arc, but this time it’s Emma arriving. And Henry opening the curtains and seeing her. And Regina opening the front door.
...and welcoming Emma home.
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once-upon-a-ouat · 6 years
OUAT Rewatch 1x21 “An Apple Red as Blood”
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Red alert for the amazing work this episode did in connecting all the previous episodes and giving us the big picture. In one way or another all the stories we saw throughout the season connected either in the past or present sections of the episode and built up the final conflict for the last episode.
From the first flashback we saw David and Snow’s enemies join forces (more or less) thus making the obstacles between the two even greater and harder to get through. And yet, neither of them was ready to give up although Snow was a bit discouraged when she found out she had broken into George’s palace for nothing. I loved the idea of the mirror both connecting them (“Now we’re making two reflections into one” (Sorry, I had to)) and separating them just like I loved the fact that David felt that something was wrong. It was as if he felt her soul leave her body and go to the Netherworld. We saw that nothing can really separate those two because the bond between them transcends everything you can throw at it no matter if it is a physical threat or magic.
It was awesome to see how the friends that Snow made throughout the season were there for her and had her back throughout the entire episode while Regina was doing everything on her own. The differences between the two were clear as day during their scene together. I loved the fact that we were given a reminder that Snow was also angry at Regina for killing her father but it was immediately followed by her desire to stop the feud between them. It showed the contrast between them (seeing that Regina refused) but was also a throwback to 1x16 and served to remind us that Snow and Regina are that different because they’re just in different stages of their lives. Regina has already lost her loved one while Snow still had hers and she chose to protect him by sacrificing herself. It’s ironic really because Regina thought she had walked Snow into a situation where she lost no matter what she did but by sacrificing herself, Snow actually gave both David and herself their best chances and he woke her up.
The scene with the fight was a bit unrealistic and unbelievable to me. The fairies were buzzing like a cloud of insects and it was rather comical (that’s not my problem with the scene; I kinda liked it actually). I’m wondering if Grumpy meant the Blue Fairy when he said he knew someone who could help and owed him a favor. Was that her way of repaying him for convincing him to break up with Nova?
I loved the way the episode opened. Regina’s dream was a vivid peek into her subconsciousness. It was good to see how closely the Curse and Henry are tied into her mind which explains her desire to keep the Curse intact (although a lot of her actions were only performed with her revenge in mind and with little to no regard for Henry and his happiness). In her first scene with Gold we saw how far she was ready to go when pushed by her despair (which is exactly where Gold wanted her since 1x02) and that’s only furthered in the next scenes between her and Jefferson. I loved the dynamic between the two in this episode too. This time they were both on the same side, fighting for their children and it was just as interesting as in 1x17. I loved the idea with the card (“Follow the white rabbit”) but I really hated the fact that Regina had to sacrifice the ring from Daniel. By the way, since when can the hat open portals to different moments in time? “How to get the Savior to taste my forbidden fruit” though. This was totally intentional on the writers’ part and you can’t convince me otherwise. The second scene between Regina and Gold was interesting. I had the feeling that she went to his shop to brag that she succeeded even without him and also to inform him that his plans would fail. She sounded angry that he betrayed her and wanted to punish him for that. “Then you can pay it.” If only, Regina, if only. I loved how Regina seemingly won in both worlds and with the same apple nonetheless. It was a great idea to have the two worlds ‘touch’, considering the fact that the Curse will break in the next episode. And what seemed like Regina’s victory here will turn out to be her defeat in both realms.
Emma was faced with the ultimate decision in this episode. I loved the scene between her and Mary Margaret because we got to see how far the relationship between them has come and also have Mary Margaret knock some sense into Emma. I loved the conversation with Archie and how badly Emma wanted to hear that she was what was best for Henry but even when that didn’t happen, she still considered carefully what she heard and made a decision based on it. I loved that Emma was once again ready to sacrifice her own happiness for Henry’s. It was a parallel of what Snow did for David in the Enchanted Forest and gave us a hint to what will happen in the next episode. Emma and Henry’s scenes were heartbreaking. You see how much Henry believed in her and how little faith she had in herself in contrast. “You really don’t believe” just broke my heart. I really loved the fact that Emma was ready to take a bite of the turnover to prove to Henry it was harmless but he was faster. It’s a little strange that she didn’t rush to his side immediately after he fell though. I feel like they only wrote it that way so that they could have that dramatic last shot, which is really pissing me off.
I loved the contrast they made between Regina and Emma. They built it up throughout the entire episode. Emma got to interact with Henry while Regina only had him in her dream (and she lost him in it too). The other people they interacted with also set up a clear difference between them. Emma turned for help to her friends, the people she trusted the most (considering the fallout between her and August in the previous episode), while Regina turned to those who would help her in exchange for something that they wanted (seeing that she doesn’t really have friends). And of course the scene between the two of them established it even better but I’ll talk about that below.
I loved Archie in this episode. He was trying to be as objective as possible and not take any sides. He acknowledged the fact that Emma’s Henry’s mom but also reminded her that so is Regina. “Your arrival has awoken a sleeping dragon.” Smooth, writers. That’s another parallel but I’ll talk about it in my next review since it becomes more obvious in the next episode. I loved the fact that Archie firmly stated that Regina would never hurt Henry (ironically, he almost died because of her turnover, but that was never her intention) and how Henry agreed when Emma told him that Regina would take really good care of him. Like I said in my first review, for me there has never been any doubt that Regina loved Henry and I was glad to hear it confirmed in-verse too.
Henry and August’s conversation was interesting albeit sad. At least now Henry knows for certain that he was right all along. I think that’s very important, considering how hurt he was when he thought Emma believed he was crazy (back in 1x02).
Favorite scene: Regina and Emma’s scene. It reminded me a lot of their ‘reconciliation’ in 1x02 (this whole episode is like a parallel of 1x02) but now we could see what changes they’ve undergone throughout the season. Emma came to terms with the fact that she’s Henry’s mother and she really wants to be in his life and have him by her side but she still decided to leave in order to make him happy. Regina on the other hand was more desperate than ever to get rid of her but this time her approach was a a lot smarter and sneakier, which is the only development we see in her. “We both know that the world where I’m not in his life no longer exists, and there’s no one who can do anything about that.” You could practically hear Regina thinking “We’ll see about that.” If anything, that sentence only made her desire to get rid of Emma stronger and pushed her over the edge of despair, which ultimately led to her defeat. I don’t know about the turnovers, but the irony in that show is delicious.
Least favorite scene: The first flashback. I’m a little disappointed by how they dealt with George’s character. Here his actions are still understandable but seeing that he got what he wanted all along, he should’ve stopped chasing David. Yet, in the next season we see that that’s not the case. It’s pissing me off because George went from a villain you can understand and sympathize with to a manic clown who was only going after David for the sake of revenge. If they wanted to have further use for him, they should’ve given him new motivation but that didn’t happen. The other thing that annoyed me in this scene was the typical villain mindset of “If I kill them now, it won’t be painful enough. So let’s just keep them alive and give them a chance to defeat me.” Yeah, great idea, Regina. If she’d just let George go through with the execution, David’s death would’ve ruined Snow and she would’ve suffered far worse than she did while under the sleeping curse. But no.
Favorite line: “You may not believe in the Curse... or in me. But I believe in you.” - Henry to Emma
This line melted my heart. After all the times Emma refused to believe him, he still believes in her. This is honestly the cutest thing ever.
Least favorite line: “I destroyed her happiness, and now she wants to destroy mine.” - Snow to Red
That’s true but how did Snow know it if she didn’t know that Daniel was dead? It doesn’t make any sense. If she didn’t know he was dead, than what did she mean with that line? I hate it when the show can’t be consistent even in the boundaries of a single episode.
It was a good episode with a lot of parallels and contrasts. The feud over Henry reached its peak just like both Emma and Regina’s desperation did. The contrast between the two was emphasized throughout the entire episode despite them only having one scene together. The story in the past is rapidly approaching its climax too. I had a few minor annoyances with the episode but nothing really important. Next time we’ll see if the magic ends when the Curse is broken or if it’s only the beginning of a spellbinding journey.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 7 years
Mother and Juliet; Regina x teen reader
This was my first Regina x reader oneshot. I can not tell you guys how much I LOVE Regina. I’ve loved her since day one and her entire character development has been so beautiful yet so tragic. I hope I do fellow Evil Regals proud on here like I have on wattpad. Be warned of suicide which is not worth it if someone breaks your heart, there is no coming back after you kill yourself, if you are suicidal or have any other mental problems just know there ARE people that love you no matter what those voices in your head tell you, don’t EVER listen to them.
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It’s a tale as old as time, but it’s not about how a girl finds the love in a beast.  I’m talking about the love story that is as forbidden as the forbidden fruit.  The sweet taste of its juices as it first consumes you only to then slowly turn to poison as it drains you of your thoughts and conscience until you’re nothing but it’s slave until death do you part.
You all may think you know the story of one of history’s greatest romance tragedies “Romeo and Juliet”, well you’re wrong. How do I know you may ask? Because I am one of them. My name is Juliet and this is my story.
It all began on my 14th birthday ball.  I was standing in front of my full length mirror looking at my new party dress that my mother had made for me thanks to her magic.  As I stood there, my grandfather Henry came from behind me and said.
“You look beautiful your highness”.
“Thank you grandpa”.
“Indeed you do my darling”. I turned around to see my mother coming into my room with her head held high and strutting proudly like the Queen she was.  “But there is something you must fix my dear (y/n),” she then took me by the waist and straightened me out.  “Now don’t slouch, posture is self-respect and if you don’t have it, no one else will give it to you”.
“Yes mother”. Throughout my whole life my mother Regina has done whatever it takes to make me the future Queen which means controlling every single aspect of my life. How I should pose myself, how I should dress, speak, etc.  To be honest, I feel like a bird in a cage, allowed to show off my beauty but never be allowed to fly free all because of my mother.
She’s even made my birthday ball be a chance to find an eligible young prince to marry in order to unsure my step-sister Snow White would never claim the thrown.
“Now then, your party is waiting for its guest of honor, shall we?” My mother offered me her arm and I took it and the two of us walked gracefully out of my room towards the ballroom.
Throughout the rest of the night, I danced with every Prince from every kingdom that had come but like always none of them were interesting nor were they nice enough. They talked to me like I was a trophy or just downright disrespected me like I wasn’t worth anything to them. Taking a break I stood by the food table and got myself a drink of water.  As I put the cup to my lips a voice said beside me.
“Can’t find the right partner?” I turned towards the voice and my heart skipped a beat.  This young man was young maybe a couple years older than me, he had dark brown hair, skin that almost looked like it was kissed by the sun, and the bluest eyes I had ever seen.  He was the handsomest boy I had ever seen before.
“Maybe” I said looking away trying to cover up my upcoming blush.  I felt fingers underneath my chin and my head was being turned back towards this Adonis.
“If I may be so bold, I would like to ask her highness for a dance”.  He took the drink out of my hand and placed it on the table and guided me towards the dancefloor.  He slowly spinned me until I now stood in front of him.  He took my hand and bowed gentleman style as he kissed my hand and I curtsied back and soon the two of us began to dance.
I don’t know what it was or why this was happening, but it felt so right.  I felt like this boy was destined to be my True Love.  The way we danced, it felt like no one else was even in the room as I only had my eyes on him and he had his eyes on me. We must’ve danced the whole night because the next thing I know, people are starting to depart to their carriages.
“My Lord we must return to Verona at once” I heard whom I assumed was one of his escorts call out to him.  He smiled at me sadly and he said.
“I’m afraid I must go my fair Juliet”.
“Since you know my name, may I enquire yours as equal payment?” I asked.  He then summoned out a rose and handed it to me and told me his name.
“To you my fair Juliet, call me Romeo”. He kissed my cheek then he left with his escort and I watched as he left the palace.  I let out a sigh and I held my rose close to my heart.  It was then I heard a very familiar voice.
“Well, well, well it would seem our fair Juliet has met her Romeo”.
“Rumpelstiltskin”. I said as I turned around and saw the Dark One himself standing before me. All my life whenever my mother would have meetings with the infamous Dark One, I would be forced to meet with him also and along with my mom teaching me how to do magic she always required that Rumple take me on as a second generation apprentice which I never failed them when it came to magic because I knew the punishment if I did.
“Hello dearie, so sorry I couldn’t come earlier but business as usual has me knee deep”.
“Its fine Rumple, the ball was pretty much boring anyways”.
“Not according to your face it wasn’t”. Suddenly the rose disappeared from my hand and I saw it appear in my teacher’s hand.  He sniffed it and stated, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, for fair Juliet has fallen for the dashing young Romeo”.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about”. I tried to change the conversation but I felt him take my chin and he said.
“Ahh tut, tut, tut, tut, tut, tut, tut, tut dearie. You can’t hide anything from me, the look in your innocent young eyes tell me all, and you’ve finally found your True Love”. I looked away from my teacher and leaned up against the balcony.
“Maybe, I guess so. Does love always make you feel like this? Like you’re about to burst out of your body and just soar in the sky”.
“So I’ve been told. Though I must give you a heed of warning dearie,” I turned towards him and he continued, “True love can sometimes be misleading, and like all magic it comes with a price. So be sure to keep your heart in tack and don’t lose your head”. Soon a neatly wrapped present appeared in my hands and he finished off, “a gift for one of my favorite apprentices” he giggled then disappeared in his usual crimson smoke leaving me alone on the balcony.
Days later, Romeo would secretly return to my palace and the two of us would meet in secret as best as we could all because of my mother.  When she began to suspect of my sneaking around (probably from one of her many spies who are always spying me maybe even from Rumple himself) she had ordered her guards to keep a close watch on me no matter where I was so in the end I would have to use my magic to distract them, get to my Romeo and then teleport us somewhere else where no one could find us.
She used whatever method she could to try and keep us apart, and it all became even worse when the Dark Curse was activated.
For over 28 years we had to live under my mother’s curse.  No memories of our previous lives, no knowledge of who we truly were or who our real families were.  In this world I was known as Julie the daughter of the mayor.  I had a younger brother named Henry who always tried to convince me that this reality wasn’t real and that our mom was “The Evil Queen”.
Of course to a moody 14 year old teenage girl who was dealing with an unknown broken heart that sounds delusional and of course we older sisters get bothered by our little brothers (come on I’m know I’m right, right?) anyways he had run away and had brought back his “birth mom/chosen savior” Emma Swan who was the suppose daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming and of course when she arrived, everything began to change.
Within a few months of her staying in Storybrooke, the curse was broken when she freed Henry from the sleeping curse that was meant for her made by my mom.  And when the curse was broken, everyone was freed and began remembering who they were, including me.
After that things got even crazier when we tried to stop my grandmother from entering Storybrooke, dealing with Greg and Tamara, the dealing with Pan, the discovery of my new half-aunt? (I think is what I should call her) Zelena.
Through all the insanity and the drama that ensued these past couple of years, my heart still longed for finding my Romeo.  I had heard rumors that he was here but I never had the chance to look for him and finally with things seeming to be back to normal, I decided to finally look around the town and see if I could find him.
So that night, I had made my escape plan to sneak out my room through the balcony and run out into the city to see if he would be out and about in the town.  He was always like that my Romeo, a party animal and a daring man to never back down from a challenge.  As I got onto my balcony ready to hop onto the tree and make my escape a voice stopped me.
“You’re really going to go look for him, aren’t you?” I turned around to see my mother standing there at my doorway to my balcony.
“What else would I be doing out here?”
“Juliet, baby I know I haven’t been the best mother—”
“Humph, that’s an understatement”. I muttered.
“Excuse me!?”
“You heard me. Back home you never cared about my happiness! Mother you’ve broken my heart by placing this curse upon us, Romeo and I were destined to be together and you tore us apart! You really are just like your mother but this time I’m gonna have a spine for once and go out and find him!”
“MY MOTHER NEVER CARED ABOUT MY HAPPINESS BUT I DO CARE ABOUT YOURS!” she screamed at me. Silence pierced the air when my mother continued this time her voice breaking up almost as if she was about to cry, “Do you know why I never approved of your true love? It’s because your dashing “Romeo” is nothing but a spoiled, selfish, tramp! For every girl he finds and claims to love he breaks their hearts. Some of them so heartbroken they’ve committed suicide! And I will not have my daughter be heartbroken by that someone like that!”
“No, no you’re—you’re lying to me again mom. When will the lies ever stop?”
“Don’t believe me? I can give you the names of the families that Romeo has ruined because of his heartless ways” I glared at my mom and sneered at her
“I refuse to believe that I’ll go ask him myself”. I then hopped off from the tree down to the ground and took off running with my mom shouting my name.
As I ran through the town hoping to find my Romeo, I soon came across the White Rabbit club. On the board outside it said “Teen’s Nite” and I knew then that’s where my true love would be at.  I entered inside and loud music was booming through the speakers.  I tried to gently push my way through the crowd of teens who were dancing around, talking or drinking sodas or whatever drinks they were serving.
Soon I took notice a tuff of blonde hair at a table and a familiar curve of his handsome face. It was Romeo.  My heart skipped a beat as I slowly walked towards him to suddenly stop and watch in absolute shock and disbelief.
Two beautiful girls soon sat on either side of him and soon his friends and cousins came sitting down in front of him at the table and his friend Mercutio said.
“Man Romeo, to think you actually got to snag these two fine young ladies right here all in the same night damn dude you gotta tell me your secret!”
“A man as handsome as me never reveals his secrets but you’ll get there one day Merc”. His pals all oooed and playfully nudged Mercutio at Romeo’s burn.
“Hey what about that one girl you were with back home uhhh what was her name again?” asked Benvolio.
“Yeah what’d it Jewel or something?” said Mercutio.
“Juliet? Ahh that girl was too desperate. I mean all that time I was with her I never really cared for her. I just went with her to get away from my old man but man did she fall for me like a rock to sea. Yeah sure she was pretty but nowhere near as beautiful as the girls I have right here, right ladies?” the girls giggled sultry as they cuddled up against him.
I just stood there in shock about his words.  I stumbled out of the White Rabbit until I was outside in the cold and leaned up against the wall before sliding down and wept.
I was betrayed, fooled, heartbroken, and felt completely stupid.  Now I’m beginning to understand what Rumpelstiltskin meant on my 14th birthday ball that night.  True love can be poison as well, just when you think you’ve found your destined one, the person who makes you feel like you’re on top of the world, they go around and turn on you.  They throw you under the bus and just watch as their ‘love’ makes you suffer in such agony.
I could risk going back to my mom and having her throw back the ‘I told you so’ sass speech that she usually does whenever she’s right about something.  I got up and just walked aimlessly out of the town and into the forest.
Just my luck as I walked, it began to pour down rain but I didn’t care.  I was too numb to notice how cold I was or how much I was shivering.  My clothes soaked deeply into my skin and my shoes were beyond soggy and muddy, but again I didn’t care.
“Julie?” I looked up to see my dear friend Grace (yep that’s right the daughter of the Mad Hatter Jefferson. During the curse, Grace and I actually became best friends and after the curse even with our parent’s past together we still remained close and even Jefferson doesn’t blame me for what my mother did to him, he never did).
“Hey Gracie” I muttered softly.
“Why are you out here in the rain in the middle of the night?”
“Grace I—I…..”
“What is it Julie? You know you can tell me anything”.
“Grace—can I please spend the night over at your place? I don’t want to go home”. I choked out a sob.
“Sure, yes of course papa won’t mind, come on let’s get you inside and warmed up. Papa can even make you some tea”.  She then stood close beside me sensing my sorrow and held the umbrella over us and she guided me towards her mansion deep in the woods.
Once we got there, she called out to her papa.
“Papa! I’m home!”
“About time young lady I was just about to call the sheriff to search for—” Jefferson then came out from the kitchen and when he saw me soaking wet his eyes turned concerned.
“Papa, can Juliet spend the night? She doesn’t want to go back home”.
“Yeah of course. Umm….Grace why don’t you get her some extra clothes for her to sleep in as well as prepare the guest room for her”
“Yes papa” she said then she took off upstairs then Jefferson turned towards me and said.
“Juliet come with me into the kitchen and I’ll make you some tea”. I slowly walked towards him and he placed his hand on my back and guided me into the kitchen.  He sat me down on one of the chairs and immediately began making the tea.
“There we go, nice, freshly brewed tea. Hopefully that’ll warm you up”.  I took the cup in my hands and took a gently sip of it.
“Thank you Jefferson” I muttered quietly.
“It’s no trouble at all and hey,” he placed his hand on my shoulder gently before he continued, “stay here as long as you need to, I have absolutely no problems with it”.  I nodded and thanked him once more just as Grace came down with an extra pair of her pajamas since we both wore the same size clothes and I changed in the bathroom and got myself more comfortable.
Later that night I was in the guestroom and I knew Grace and Jefferson were already fast asleep by now but I was wide awake.  I couldn’t sleep not after all that I had heard Romeo say about me.  His words still fresh in my mind, my heart feeling like my mother took it out from my chest and squeezing it as slow and as painfully hard as she could like she did to all of her victims back home in the Enchanted forest.
I got out of bed and prepared a note hoping that Grace would find it as I explained everything and swearing her to our ‘Sister sworn secrecy’ I hoped she wouldn’t show this note to her dad or even my mom about what I was going to do.  As soon as the rain stopped for the night, I snuck out of the mansion and took off for another house far from the town but out in the open meadow of the forest.
By morning I had arrived at my destination.  My half-aunt Zelena’s house.  I walked up the steps of her house and knocked on the door and waited in the cold morning air until she opened the door.  When she opened it and saw me she just sneered at me and said.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“I need your help. I need magic”.
“Why would I give you my magic when clearly you can get some from mummy-dearest. Now get off my porch!” She went to close the door but I stopped it with my magic and begged her.
“Please Zelena, you’re the only one I know who can create this poison, please aunt Zelena, you’re my last hope”. Seeing how desperate I was she then smirked and said.
“Come in my darling niece and we’ll see what Aunty Zelena has for you hmm?” I then entered her house and she closed the door.
I was now at the old Toll Bridge with the container of poison that Zelena had made for me.  One taste of the Blackheart’s poison and my heart will slowly shrink until it dries up like a raisin and I’ll finally be free of my heartbreak and life as I know it forever.  I slowly opened the flask lid and stared at the glowing purple liquid inside and shut my eyes as I raised it up to my mouth when I suddenly heard.
“JULIET STOP!!!” My eyes shot open and I turned to see my mom running towards me along with Emma, Snow, David, Henry, Robin and Hook.  “Julie baby please don’t do this!” my mom begged me.
“You were right mom. You were right about him. But I don’t wanna hear your lecture right now, why do you all come?”
“Jefferson called us, he said that you had spent the night over with Grace but then when she came to wake you up she saw the note and got scared”. Started Snow.
“We then heard from Gold that you went to Zelena for poison and wanted to kill yourself, so we used a locator spell to find where you were at and thank god we got here when we did” finished David.
“Well you’re too late! My life is worthless without him. He was my whole world and he crumbled it down! If this is love I do not want it…. I’m going to take it from me and finally end the life he ruined”.
“Juliet put the poison down.” Mom started softly as she slowly walked towards me.  “If you drink that poison, there will be no coming back from it. Suicide is permanent and there’s no going back from it. You’ve got so many people that love you sweetheart, and I love you more than anything. I should’ve done a better job to protect you I am so sorry. But Juliet sweetie, you will find your True love I mean look at me. I thought I was beyond all hope after Daniel but then I met Robin. He gave me a second chance to find love, Romeo just wasn’t yours. But that doesn’t mean you need to end your life because of one guy, I promise there will be a guy out there who will love you for who you truly are”.
Tears welled up in both of our eyes as my mom stood right next to me looking at me with her sad, brokenhearted brown eyes staring deeply into my own.
“Juliet. You’re better than him. Show me you’re better than him”.  I just stared at her before finally breaking down and dropping the flask with the poison and wept hysterically in my mom’s chest.  She held onto me and we both collapsed to our knees. She rubbed me back, repeatedly kissed my head and anywhere else she could reach and whispered words of comfort to me.  
As I wept I soon felt more arms being wrapped around me and I knew it was my family giving me strength.  It was that moment I knew I couldn’t let my broken heart control my life, I was going to try and press on and I won’t do it alone.
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smilesandstarlight · 6 years
1x21 An Apple Red as Blood
01.16.19 - Yes, I did actually stop here and leave 1x22 for another night bc #selfdiscipline :)
Snow and the 7 dwarves!
Regina looks surprisingly casual in this cardigan ensemble.
Wow what a dream!! Nightmare, more like.
Henry's in different clothes. I wonder what that means.
I love how her first instinct is to scurry to check on Henry, and how she kind of sinks to the door with relief (even though she fell for one of the oldest tricks in the book!)
Emma, you're a hero. You can(’t?) run! Everything's here. Your family's here. They need you.
LOL My tree is dying. Why? Perhaps it's your fertilizer. ;)
She wore that necklace with the blue dress last episode!
Oof, tough love from MM to Emma. Regardless you have to do what's right for him now. Oh, what's that?   Oh, I don't know. YOU'RE his mother. That's YOUR job. So YOU figure it out.
Oh man, I wouldn't trust her as far as I can throw her, Jefferson.
I do love Regina's face when he puts the card in her glass though. Like, "Silly child. It's fine."
Wow, a hoard of fairies.
Where did Snow learn to sword fight?
Wow soundtrack is good. Second time I’ve made note of this.  Lotta screaming in the foreground though. Battle and all.
Got a little Sleeping Beauty action here.
What little time I have left, I want to spend it with my father. Marco. Told you you were a smart kid.
Archie is giving a lot of good advice. I'm his mother. Yes you are. And so is Regina.
Do you think that she would ever hurt him? No. Never. Everyone else, but not him.
(More material that led to great fics!)
Where did she get keys from? They were just hanging there.
A parley. With Snow in the past and Emma in the present.
Keep that little knife between your tuffets.
Oooh I totally forgot about this Jefferson bit. Omistars the joy on her face when she recalls this moment!
The freaking apple. Everyone's always so surprised by it, starting with Hansel and Gretel. It’s a weapon!
“You promised to keep my secret, but you lied! She ripped his heart out because of you, because you couldn't listen to me!” Her voice changes to Regina's higher pitched one.
Snow stands her ground - you took my father.
Did you know apples stand for health and wisdom? So why do i get the feeling that that one might kill me?
LOL "Not until I solve the next conundrum. How to get the Savior to taste my forbidden Fruit." This line made itself famous at cons :'D
Oh look, Emma's come for a parley. And her make-up is spot on. She looks dead. I really like this baking montage.
Is Emma in a skirt??
My Emma Swan problem.
"And things have to change." Regina just said this to him.
You may not believe in the curse. Or in me. But I believe in you.
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17th November >> Mass Readings (USA)
Saturday, Thirty-Second Week in Ordinary Time
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious
Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Saturday, Thirty-Second Week in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical Colour: White)
First Reading
3 John 5-8
We ought to support such persons, so that we may be co-workers in the truth.
Beloved, you are faithful in all you do for the brothers and sisters, especially for strangers; they have testified to your love before the Church. Please help them in a way worthy of God to continue their journey. For they have set out for the sake of the Name and are accepting nothing from the pagans. Therefore, we ought to support such persons, so that we may be co-workers in the truth.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 112:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
R/ Blessed the man who fears the Lord.
R/ Alleluia.
Blessed the man who fears the Lord,
who greatly delights in his commands.
His posterity shall be mighty upon the earth;
the upright generation shall be blessed.
R/ Blessed the man who fears the Lord.
R/ Alleluia.
Wealth and riches shall be in his house;
his generosity shall endure forever.
Light shines through the darkness for the upright;
he is gracious and merciful and just.
R/ Blessed the man who fears the Lord.
R/ Alleluia.
Well for the man who is gracious and lends,
who conducts his affairs with justice;
He shall never be moved;
the just one shall be in everlasting remembrance.
R/ Blessed the man who fears the Lord.
R/ Alleluia.
Gospel Acclamation
cf.  2 Thessalonians 2:14
Alleluia, alleluia.
God has called us through the Gospel,
to possess the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Alleluia, alleluia.
Luke 18:1-8
Will not God then secure the rights of his chosen ones who call out to him day and night?
Jesus told his disciples a parable about the necessity for them to pray always without becoming weary. He said, “There was a judge in a certain town who neither feared God nor respected any human being. And a widow in that town used to come to him and say, ‘Render a just decision for me against my adversary.’ For a long time the judge was unwilling, but eventually he thought, ‘While it is true that I neither fear God nor respect any human being, because this widow keeps bothering me I shall deliver a just decision for her lest she finally come and strike me.’” The Lord said, “Pay attention to what the dishonest judge says. Will not God then secure the rights of his chosen ones who call out to him day and night? Will he be slow to answer them? I tell you, he will see to it that justice is done for them speedily. But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”
The Gospel of the Road
R/ Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious
(Liturgical Colour: White)
First Reading
1 John 3:14-18
We should lay down our lives for our brothers.
Beloved: We know that we have passed from death to life because we love our brothers. Whoever does not love remains in death. Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that anyone who is a murderer does not have eternal life remaining in him. The way we came to know love was that he laid down his life for us; so we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If someone who has worldly means sees a brother in need and refuses him compassion, how can the love of God remain in him? Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times.
R/ Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
I will bless the Lord at all times;
his praise shall be ever in my mouth.
Let my soul glory in the Lord;
the lowly will hear and be glad.
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times.
R/ Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
Glorify the Lord with me,
let us together extol his name.
I sought the Lord, and he answered me
and delivered me from all my fears.
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times.
R/ Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
Look to him that you may be radiant with joy,
and your faces may not blush with shame.
When the poor one called out, the Lord heard,
and from all his distress he saved him.
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times.
R/ Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
The angel of the Lord encamps
around those who fear him, and delivers them.
Taste and see how good the Lord is;
blessed the man who takes refuge in him.
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times.
R/ Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
Fear the Lord, you his holy ones,
for nought is lacking to those who fear him.
The great grow poor and hungry;
but those who seek the Lord want for no good thing.
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times.
R/ Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
Gospel Acclamation
John 13:34
Alleluia, alleluia.
I give you a new commandment:
love one another as I have loved you.
Alleluia, alleluia.
Luke 6:27-38
Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.
Jesus said to his disciples: “To you who hear I say, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. To the person who strikes you on one cheek, offer the other one as well, and from the person who takes your cloak, do not withhold even your tunic. Give to everyone who asks of you, and from the one who takes what is yours do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you. For if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do the same. If you lend money to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, and get back the same amount. But rather, love your enemies and do good to them, and lend expecting nothing back; then your reward will be great and you will be children of the Most High, for he himself is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked. Be merciful, just as also your Father is merciful.
“Stop judging and you will not be judged. Stop condemning and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven. Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you.”
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.
Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary
(Liturgical Colour: White)
First Reading
Genesis 3:9-15, 20
I will put enmity between your offspring and the offspring of the woman.
After the man, Adam, had eaten of the tree, the LORD God called to the man and asked him, “Where are you?” He answered, “I heard you in the garden; but I was afraid, because I was naked, so I hid myself.” Then he asked, “Who told you that you were naked? You have eaten, then, from the tree of which I had forbidden you to eat!” The man replied, “The woman whom you put here with me– she gave me fruit from the tree, and so I ate it.” The LORD God then asked the woman, “Why did you do such a thing?” The woman answered, “The serpent tricked me into it, so I ate it.”    Then the LORD God said to the serpent:
“Because you have done this, you shall be banned from all the animals and from all the wild creatures; On your belly shall you crawl,    and dirt shall you eat all the days of your life.I will put enmity between you and the woman,    and between your offspring and hers; He will strike at your head,    while you strike at his heel.”
The man called his wife Eve, because she became the mother of all the living.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
1 Samuel 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8abcd
R/ My heart exults in the Lord, my Savior.
“My heart exults in the LORD, my horn is exalted in my God. I have swallowed up my enemies; I rejoice in my victory.”
R/ My heart exults in the Lord, my Savior.
“The bows of the mighty are broken, while the tottering gird on strength. The well-fed hire themselves out for bread, while the hungry batten on spoil. The barren wife bears seven sons, while the mother of many languishes.”
R/ My heart exults in the Lord, my Savior.
“The LORD puts to death and gives life; he casts down to the nether world;    he raises up again. The LORD makes poor and makes rich, he humbles, he also exalts.”
R/ My heart exults in the Lord, my Savior.
“He raises the needy from the dust; from the dung heap he lifts up the poor, To seat them with nobles and make a glorious throne their heritage.”
R/ My heart exults in the Lord, my Savior.
Gospel Acclamation
cf. Luke 1:28
Alleluia, alleluia.
Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you;
blessed are you among women.
Alleluia, alleluia.
Matthew 1:1-16, 18-23
For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her.
The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.
Abraham became the father of Isaac, Isaac the father of Jacob, Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers. Judah became the father of Perez and Zerah, whose mother was Tamar. Perez became the father of Hezron, Hezron the father of Ram, Ram the father of Amminadab. Amminadab became the father of Nahshon, Nahshon the father of Salmon, Salmon the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab. Boaz became the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth. Obed became the father of Jesse, Jesse the father of David the king.
David became the father of Solomon, whose mother had been the wife of Uriah. Solomon became the father of Rehoboam, Rehoboam the father of Abijah, Abijah the father of Asaph. Asaph became the father of Jehoshaphat, Jehoshaphat the father of Joram, Joram the father of Uzziah. Uzziah became the father of Jotham, Jotham the father of Ahaz, Ahaz the father of Hezekiah. Hezekiah became the father of Manasseh, Manasseh the father of Amos, Amos the father of Josiah. Josiah became the father of Jechoniah and his brothers at the time of the Babylonian exile.
After the Babylonian exile, Jechoniah became the father of Shealtiel, Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel, Zerubbabel the father of Abiud. Abiud became the father of Eliakim, Eliakim the father of Azor, Azor the father of Zadok. Zadok became the father of Achim, Achim the father of Eliud, Eliud the father of Eleazar. Eleazar became the father of Matthan, Matthan the father of Jacob, Jacob the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary. Of her was born Jesus who is called the Christ.
Now this is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about. When his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found with child through the Holy Spirit. Joseph her husband, since he was a righteous man, yet unwilling to expose her to shame, decided to divorce her quietly. Such was his intention when, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home. For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her. She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet:
Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son,
and they shall name him Emmanuel,
which means “God is with us.”
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.
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