#‘i always thought of bam/khun differently than my other friends’
khunbam really is about two people who care about each other so much and try to help shoulder each others burdens and stand by each other even when the rest of the world turns against them huh
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tower-of-trash · 3 years
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This was screenshotted and posted on Twitter, and I had to give my two cents about it. Long rant ahead.
To say that Khun and Bam are codependent on each other is a thing we all can agree on, but to interpret their relationship as toxic and leeching on each other (derogatory) is not the first thing you expect of their dynamic. You're telling me, that the most emotionally synced duo in this series, are destroying each other because *looks down on badly-written notes* they rely on each other?? Are we reading the same story??? Did you forget what these two people have gone through before and during their climb in the Tower??? Bro???
Out of the paragraphs that op is saying, this is the one that irked me the most:
Baam always needs to have a minion to his side inconditionally, first Rachel, then Aguero. And Aguero needs to have a minion to manipulate all the time, first Maria, now Baam.
There's just a lot of things here that rub me the wrong way. Bam doesn't—and has never wanted—a minion in the first place: all he ever wished for was a friend, someone who wouldn't make him feel unwanted and lonely. It's the reason why he's immediately attached to Rachel. The reason why he's so adamant in making her stay. The reason why he would bend over just to keep Khun and the others alive. He's a simple person: treat him with atleast a day of kindness and he'll walk over hell for you. He never saw himself first as a man with power over others, he's just a boy who wants to live with his family. It's FUG who painted his reputation to be that of a ruthless Irregular doomed to make the Tower fall.
The same goes for Aguero. He was raised in a family forced to fight over power. He had to kill his other relatives during his debut at 10 yrs old. He grew up to be a manipulative asshole to make sure he and his family secure their place. He threw it all just because someone outside of his family treated him like a decent human being rather than a fucked up child of Khun. He carried the consequences himself. He found Bam, with the initial thought to use him like everybody else, but didn't pull through when he realized that Bam only has pure intentions. This kid wished him to succeed in his tests and didn't want to trample over others, and what kind of an asshole is he to destroy him? Not a heartless one that is. Khun grew up to give everything he has, only for it to go to waste, and Bam grew up never receiving anything despite wanting only one thing. Both of them were perfect as each other's emotional supports. If Aguero was truly manipulative as you think he is, why would he bother carrying Rachel up to the 20th floor to repay Bam's mercy and avenge him? Why risk almost dying in a place trying to reach for him? Why develop plans that involve Bam making it out alive, alone or not? Why push himself beyond his limits just to catch up to him? Shouldn't he be already moving on and do everything alone like he always does? Not everything that Aguero does has logic, all of his decisions that involve Bam is out of his emotions. Hell, Shibisu, Evan, and Hwaryun even called him out for it. Bam has repeatedly stated he would die for his friends, and at the end of season two he chose Khun over Rachel, because he had finally realized that all she has ever done is hurting him and not supporting like Khun. Yes, the familial/platonic love they have for each other is not a normal amount, it's almost as close to the point of devotion (just as what you would expect from two equally altruistic people), but did it benefit them as friends and allies in war? Yes. Did it turn them into the worst bitches that the Tower could mold them? No (not yet atleast), but if being cruel means to survive then they'll do it when it's necessary. Khun and Bam are two different people that share a strong emotional bond and battle sense, we did not just read three seasons worth of character development only to simply boil down their relationship into a fucking fusion of gems from Steven Universe. Like what do you mean they don't have their own personalities right now. Khun is Khun and Bam is Bam?
And in what sense is their relationship toxic when they have mutually benefitted from each other? Toxic is when you push someone to their death just because you want to look at the sky. Toxic is when even if you know it's over for the both of you, you gaslight them into thinking that you still matter; that you still have a use for them. Toxic is when you pretend you care when you actually don't, and you take advantage of their emotions. That's what Rachel and Bam are, not Khun and Bam. Both of them had Bam, and the difference between them is that Khun treated him better than Rachel ever did. The last paragraph in op's post is another matter that I won't bother elaborating further, but all I can say is Bam's judgement when it comes to people is biased as it is based on his first impression and long-held grudges.
This post is meant to defend the nature of their relationship in canon, however I won't deny the possibility of them straining their relationship and separating in the future, considering how White's confession went. I apologize if my thoughts are not very organized, I wrote this on a whim. I'm just a tad bit disappointed on this take.
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step-on-me-khun · 3 years
Okay, so I've got a few different ideas... Hope that's okay! I'll send them one at a time so they're easier to answer
First, a request for Tower of God! Bam, Khun, and the reader (could be platonic, romantic, or any combination!) sparring together. They bump into each other, and they're all touch-starved enough to freeze up a little. After a few times of that they realize what's going on and wind up in a cuddle pile right there on the training room floor. (Bonus points if Rachel looks in and gets confused, and Khun tells her to fuck off. I love it when Khun snarks at Rachel, sue me.)
Looks like you've really thought about this, let's hope I do a job of it 😅 I'm not good with Rachel stuffs (I don't think many people are tbh)
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SFW - Only a few curse words
Words - 986
Training never was fun. It didn't matter if you liked who trained with you. Getting tired just wasn't your thing at all.
Baam was always apologetic if you fell or he hit you. He was training, so he should take it more seriously, but since you were a close friend, Baam couldn't muster up the courage to do much. Even bruises were something he hated to see on you. You wanted him to put up a fight, but this was Baam. Hurting someone just wasn't there in his head. You couldn't help but be thankful he wasn't a murderous maniac.
Khun, on the other hand, enjoyed seeing you fall and stumble. More often than not, his ice skills came out. He had fun watching you slip, his face smug as you landed on your ass.
"Struggling, are we?" Khun's smug voice asks as you find your footing again.
Khun would get you running, working to make you move more. You would feel tired, but it was more rewarding this way.
There were never any times when the three of you worked together. But there were the rare times where you did train together. Either you would fight against both Khun and Baam, or if Khun felt particularly cunning, he would get Baam to work with him to make you react.
It was always a little distracting and tense whenever they got super close to you, body froze, eyes stuck on their face as their breath hits your face.
You needed the training to get stronger, to be confident in your abilities. Whenever Khun was involved, it felt like he was singling you out. Nothing could get him to stop, even if you yelled at him and told him to. When Baam was involved, his playful and mischievous side kind of faded a little. But that didn't mean it wasn't there.
It was tricky to watch your step, especially when ice was involved. Dodging ice wasn't easy. Every time you moved, your feet would slide across the ice, eventually slipping.
"Aww, did you fall again?" Khun asks sarcastically.
Your eyes glare at him, annoyed with how he was using his skills. None of this was even fair.
Baam would walk over to you carefully, offering a hand to help you up.
"You're so nice to me, Baam. Thank you," you say sweetly, then turn your gaze back to Khun, "asshole".
"Can we trying training without (Y/N) getting bruises every few minutes?" Baam asks, watching you as you rub on your sore leg.
"I can try limiting my ice, but sure, I don't mind," Khun responds, his face still smug.
It was easy to focus on Baam. He didn't use cheap tricks, and he gave you a moment to catch your breath when you needed a small break.
You were moving around quickly, dodging attacks, and reacting with your attacks. Of course, your use of shinsu wasn't as good as Baam's, but he wasn't the type to show off his abilities unless his life was in danger.
The more you moved, the closer the three of you got to each other. It was becoming harder to keep an eye on both of them at once, not to mention that Khun said he was only limiting his ice shinsu.
You were completely off guard as you turned to Baam, not aware that a thin sheet of ice had formed around you. Something that neither of you was expecting at all, and Baam hadn't watched his footing.
The three of you were only a few meters from each other. In the short time-space, the three of you caught each other and fell to the floor.
As Baam got to you, his foot slipped on the ice, his body nearly landing on you as he tried to catch himself. You were able to stable yourself, the two of both tensing up and freezing once you realized the situation.
Baam's hands were on your upper arms as he stood there, his eyes trying to focus on anywhere but your face.
The floor was still icy, and your feet were still trying to keep you from falling.
"Are you both okay?" Khun asks, not shocked. He found it a little amusing. His feet bought him closer to you, and, as you tried to turn towards him, your feet gave in, and you slipped. You were falling backwards. Baam's hand was still on your left arm, so as you fell, he did. Quickly, you tried to cling to Khun, who held onto you as you fell. Luckily, his arm cushioned your head from hitting the floor.
It was quiet for a few moments. Not only were all three of you frozen from the contact, but you were all in shock from it.
The silence and shock of it all disappeared once the sound of giggling hit your left ear. Baam was laughing?
"What the hell just happened?" Baam asks, his giggles turning into a laughing bought. "I thought I asked you not to use your ice, Khun,"
You and Khun couldn't take Baam seriously. But Baam's laugh was becoming infectious, so you couldn't help but join in with him.
When had training ever resulted in an outcome like this? It never did. You adored these boys. Seeing Baam like this only made you realize how much you did.
"If I said I'm sorry, I'd be lying," Khun says, smiling at the two of us.
You sit up, eyes looking down at Khun as he rests his head on the palm of his hand.
"So, does this mean that you're going to limit your ice more now that this has happened?" You ask.
Khun's face was as smug as it always was. There wasn't any need to answer your question. His expression alone was enough of a hint. "No, I don't think there's any need to,"
There was a reason you preferred training with Baam.
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please don't steal what I write
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taglist - (don't be afraid to ask to be included)
@unexceptional-h @jaundrew @koi-chairowo @rizonacigaravenue @aoi-turtle
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khunfounded · 4 years
We’ve Still Got Time
[ This is work is part of a collab I did with the wonderful, stupendous, and amazing @sweetpopcornkat for Day 2 of Khunbam Week. Find it here! Our chosen prompt was Reunion and this fic goes with the song Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard!]
Bam was back with everyone again, but he somehow still felt like he was a thousand, million pieces of himself all milling about. He was the Slayer Nominee, and the Sweet and Sour teammate, and the Irregular, and Viole, and the 25th Bam. He was something different to each person in the Wolhaiksong compound, and he had no idea how to reconcile that fact within himself. 
He missed the simplicity of the Floor of Test. No, he missed being able to confide in someone about the complexity. He and Khun would sit out on the balcony and talk and talk, or never say a word at all. On one miraculous night, they stayed up until dawn just listening to all kinds of music on Khun’s pocket, watching the shinsu stars dancing about.
Bam didn’t know what happened. Khun was so distant now, always busy and eyes always somewhere else even when they were talking. He worried that it was because of what happened at Arlene’s hand or maybe because Bam had spent years putting them all in danger. The worst thought that dared tread water in the light of day was that Khun didn’t like the way he’d changed, how much he had changed. That Khun had seen his darkest heart and decided to turn away.
Because Bam wasn’t just Bam anymore, he was so many things and it was all complicated and twisted even in his own head. He hadn’t had to stop and think about it when he was in FUG because there was never time to stop. He was always training, and killing, and clawing his way through the dirt just to survive, even as they all decreed him a god. But now, he was out, and suddenly his mind was collapsing in on itself. 
One evening, after a long day of training and trying to figure out who he was around new and old friends, his feet found themselves walking him to a balcony, like his subconscious was telling him that this was what he needed, the moon filling his bones and the stars racing through his veins. He never understood why Rachel wanted so much to see the real night sky, but he could appreciate the beauty of this false one.
He gripped the railing tightly, as all his pieces fell in on themselves, and he was just Bam. It felt like being naked on the battlefield, all his defences gone. He wanted to scream, and lash out, and tear off his skin at the beautiful unfairness of it all. He was safe, he was with all of his friends, but he didn’t feel like he was back. For one glorious night he had, when they first came back and he fell asleep in the arms of his two best friends. But nothing was ever so simple. The water had rushed up, and Bam had spent his days trying to build up the dam just to meet it. But the pressure was too much on his dam of broken bones and broken promises, and it fractured and fragmented and fell apart.
Under the soft, fake light of the moon, Bam cried. Tears mixed in with his long bangs and he brought his forehead down onto the railing. He was here, on the balcony, where everything was supposed to just fit together, but nothing was right. He missed Khun.
Khun rubbed his eyes as he leaned back from his lighthouse. He had been at this for hours and he didn’t even need to be done with it for days, but it was a small price to pay for being distracted from his thousand, million thoughts. Ever since they had come to the Wolhaiksong compound, his worries had multiplied. The first night together had been a blessing, but when Khun had awoken with Bam gone from his and Rak’s arms, it was like a wakeup call. 
Bam had needed him during the Floor of Test, he had been of use. But now Bam had so many better people around him who could do so much more. Khun needed to prove to them all that he was someone that they needed, that he was someone worth Bam keeping. 
He had seven years of catching up to do, but for now he couldn’t let Bam see his weakness. So he kept himself busy, and planned and trained and absolutely did not hide himself away in his room.  It was only partially an excuse anyways, he had to make sure FUG never touched Bam again and he needed to hunt Rachel down to keep her grimy paws off of his best friend.
That was another thing. Rachel. If Bam ever found out what he had really been doing for five years, or what he was planning on doing now, Khun wasn’t sure he would ever be forgiven. Even after Rachel had pushed him, had caused him seven years of hell, Bam seemed more conflicted and confused than angry, like Khun would be. So if Khun ended the story before Bam could reach the conclusion, and his friend found out, Khun was absolutely sure he would be dropped.
But it was something that needed to be done. Khun could never let her get away with what she had done, and he could never allow her to do it again. So she had to die, no matter what.
Khun found his mind once more drifting to the balcony of the second floor, where countless times he was able to see the shinsu starlight reflected in sunshine eyes. He taught Bam so many things about the world, and learned countless things about the boy in return. His favorite time, that still played in his dreams, was when he first taught Bam about the music of the tower, and they rested upon each other until dawn as songs played softly from his pocket. Bam was ethereal, eyes closed and smile blissful. Khun had never wanted to kiss anyone before that night. 
He stretched his aching limbs and rose from his desk. He needed to get away from his thoughts, being here obviously wasn’t helping them.
He let his feet take him somewhere else, anywhere else.
Khun ended up at the balcony, where he was shocked, and yet somehow not, to see Bam, long hair twisting in the wind, shaking against the railing.
Bam hadn’t seen him yet. He should back away, go somewhere else, give him space.
“Bam,” He said.
Golden, sunshower eyes, hidden beneath curtains of hair, turned towards him.
“Khun-ssi,” Bam, surprised, couldn’t keep his voice from cracking.
His most precious friend’s face scrunched up in helpless concern, lovely sapphire eyes turned sad. Bam would have done anything in that moment to change it, even though he was the one at fault. Especially because he was. He wanted Khun to smile. He was so, so beautiful when he smiled.
“Are you alright?” Khun was still in the doorway, at the barrier.
Yes, he was. Yes, he had to be. Yes, because if he wasn’t he was something else, something scary.
Tears fell to the floor and he shook. Then, like something in Khun had broken, too, he rushed towards him and brought him into a tight, terrified hug. Bam clutched at his back, burying his face in Khun’s neck.
“I missed you,” Bam whimpered, “I missed you for seven years. I missed you for forever”.
A fractured sound came from Khun’s throat and Bam felt wetness on his shoulder as his friend sunk deeper into him.
“I missed you, too. When I saw you, it was like waking up from the worst nightmare I’ve ever had”.
“Then why are you gone?” Bam wailed, “Why are you gone when I need you here?”
“I don’t know,” Khun whispered, rocking both of them from side to side, “I don’t know.”
“I thought you hated me”.
“I thought you didn’t need me anymore”.
“I’ll always need you”.
“I’ll always love you”.
“Then stay,” Bam begged, trying to bring them impossibly closer, to keep Khun from going away again, “Then stay”.
“Okay,” Khun promised, bringing his head up, bringing their foreheads together, “I’ll be here”.
Bam saw his lovely, wonderful face again, and the tears that were falling down it.
“Forever,” Bam pleaded.
Then, soft lips were at the corners of his eyes and brushing lightly against his cheeks. Khun was kissing his tears away, Bam realised. He nuzzled into those soft kisses, before doing the same. He brought his lips to Khun’s face and soothed his pain away. 
“You know,” Bam said, reluctantly pulling away, “I had to learn how to dance. To improve my agility and endurance in fighting”.
Khun, in a rare instance of not getting the picture, said, “I want to kill them all”.
Bam rubbed their noses together before taking one step back. He took his pocket out of invisible mode and played the song that had him thinking of Khun throughout his entire time in FUG. He had so many songs he wanted to show him, but this one had to go first.
As the song began to play, crooning out, “I don’t know you, but I want you all the more for that,” Bam reached out his hand.
“Khun,” he started, “Aguero, will you dance with me?”
“Words fall through me, and always fool me, and I can’t react”.
Khun stared down at Bam’s hand, then up at his face. Bam was smiling at him like Khun was the only thing in the world, like he was the only thing that mattered.
Khun took his hand and Bam tugged him in, bringing a hand to his waist. They glided around the balcony, fingers threaded together. Khun needed to see those golden eyes more clearly, so he pushed Bam’s bangs out of his face. He kissed Bam’s forehead, and Bam hummed lightly.
Then, their eyes locked, and it was like everything was falling into place. 
“Take this sinking boat and point it home, we’ve still got time”.
“I’m finally awake now”, Khun felt the need to state.
“Good morning,” Bam giggled, and Khun couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face. He knocked their foreheads together lightly.
“Hey, quit teasing. I’m being serious”.
“I know, it’s one of my favorite things about you”.
Then Khun was twirled around and brought safely back into loving arms.
“One of?”
“I have a list, I can show you sometime”.
“Please don’t. My heart might explode”.
“But, Aguero,” Bam whined, “It was one of the things that kept me sane in FUG. Are you saying you don’t care about that?”
“Fine, you can tell me. Later. And only four points”.
“But I have over three hundred! And they’re all very important”.
“Oh, god”.
“Falling slowly, eyes that know me, and I can't go back”.
Bam laughed, beautiful eyes crinkling.
“Just for that, I’m going to make a list of my own. See how you like it”.
“I’ll love it, just like I love you”.
Khun’s heart wasn’t able to handle this man. So, as a defense mechanism, he twirled Bam around, just so he could have a few seconds safe from those eyes. But then they were back, and Khun was falling again
“I missed touching you,” Bam said, “I think you were my anchor”.
“I know you’re mine,” He replied, then, “You can touch me as much as you want”.
“You have no idea how happy that makes me”.
“Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice. You'll make it now”.
“I think I have an idea”.
Khun’s eyes roved all over Bam’s face, drinking him in, before stopping at his smile. His gaze flickered up, and he saw that Bam was equally as enamored.
Then, like it was fate, like it was always meant to be, like a thousand million perfections, their lips met. Khun smiled into the kiss. Bam hummed. It was home.
They swayed together, Bam’s arms coming around his waist and Khun’s arms around his most precious person’s neck. They stayed in that perfect, lovely, loving moment, until they had to part. 
As they rested in each others’ arms, Khun stared into the eyes of the man he loved, utterly enraptured, as Bam sung the last line.
“Falling slowly, sing your melody. I'll sing along”.
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reading last chap of s2 after covering several chapters yesterday, also since it's end of the season, for once I put some bigger serious thoughts at the end
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there are OTHER slayers?? (except fucking ex white)  if they mentioned it earlier i must’ve forgot
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that’s not how to talk to your daddy greatest
 -(no i don’t like jahad i’m here to bully karaka because i tend to bully my faves)
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*punches table* rabbit boy. get out. i have not sighed so loud in my entire life
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oh i see why people were calling them furries.
listen, you either give us catboys or leave.
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please don’t say “creatures” if it’s like your furry way of talking
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that guy: not to worry he has a permit
gustang: *pulls out paper* “i can get whatever i want”
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i’ve read “gremlin” im dONE
you know what maybe i should just go to bed rn
also cat is destroying my door dear lord
ok so it’s the next day now
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“I can’t read...”
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erh i’m dumb on this one, why have they made this parallels?
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I don’t want to tell you this but he just reminded me of chara undertale...
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wangan: onii-chan!?
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wait what
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soooo karaka believes wangan’s story even w/o ring then?
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*spits tea* ow goddammit not the feels
anyhoo that’s the end of s2, siu put a note about break but yeah that was years ago, so pretty sure i’ll be starting s3 even now but i won’t be posting it rn
anyhoo well that was suprisingly long season? my usual knowledge of “Seasons” is usually from anime, and these tend to have seasons with usual 2 or 3 arcs but they usually don’t go in so many different directions 
personally it feels like half of season 2 is a season on it’s own tbh, and maybe that’s how anime could adapt it, perhaps? although 12 episodes would work best with just setting on saving bam from fug.. either anime would make the seasons in parts like aot did with s3 or have lots and lots of seasons, since probability of anime getting 24 episodes has gotten awfully small those years
As for the opinions on season 2... I see first half and season on it’s own, so let’s start from this - Bam getting rescued, and first time they enter hell train. First of all, Bam as Viole is absolutely nailing this, and I wouldn’t mind having Viole as protagonist to be honest, although it would be indeed sad as Viole is not the happiest person, but damn is he a cutie. Is he a baby. 
Wangan - oh dear I dunno if others saw the plot twist coming, but I did not - I have absolutely been viewing him as Bam’s counterpart to his Viole side, just a complete shounen protagonist who’s completely ordinary. Boy was I w ro n g. I only remember vaguely being sus about him when Viole has mentioned his ring, but that was about it, as it was never mentioned again, I forgot about it. And then it appeared Karaka has this ring. Boy was I shooketh.
I don’t think I exactly liked the further progression though until Wangan’s story was revealed - until then he kinda fell into background, and then soon again as said story was revealed. However I do know Siu has big plans with him, and at this point I know Siu’s writing enough, so I don’t have much worries about his further progression
Also sadly there was no Karaka-Wangan brother bonding
Next in mind I have Khun, naturally, as he’s my icy hot favourite. I don’t really know why even, when I saw him in anime I was quite indifferent about him. So if you want me to explain why do I like khun, I can’t really explain. Other than when he was becoming my favourite, I remember being dissappointed in myself and making a post to myself “Goddammit don’t fall for him just because he’s your type” and he’s not even really my type in terms of personality, but at that point I was jsut shrugging it off, maybe it was his childish over-dramatic posture contrasting his cold personality because I just hit that protect button
Also yes I may be basic just slap me already
And before I’ll start talking: girl’s scout outfit, really? I support my son and I can understand his edgy and k-pop fashion... But I’d be lying if I said I understood him for shit at that moment
So now that we’re past back... I was actually recently re-reading first chapters, and damn, the difference of Khun before Bam was rescued - was rather intriguing. He was laughing his ass off at silly things (his team being dressed silly) but oh sweetie did it feel weird.
Next, I keep thinking about him on the train obliberating Rachel - despite popular opinion, his cockiness was actually getting on my nerves, and only thing saving it, was his reasons were Bam - so in other words, at least he wasn’t an asshat for his own sake.
I much liked his personality during second half of the season 2 - as much as there wasn’t much khunbam content - seems like Khun has grown as a person,as his cocky aura much disappeared as he became more understanding towards his own weaknesses. Now his “cockiness” became rather entertaining if you catch my drift, because despite his jerk nature, he *is* well aware of his flaws, and I just like that. Not that he *wasn’t* considerate of that already, but the hidden floor really did wonders on him.
And dear my, his relationship with Bam. I’ll be honest, at some point during reading first half of season 2, I felt like I was reading romance story between him and Bam. It was all the little things, like playing with Rachel just to know Bam’s past, Khun noticing Bam was uncomfortable with Viole wig, Khun being near Bam as he spoke he has no reasons to live, Khun standing up for Bam when strangers tried to use him and Isu asked for his help but skipped the asking part, Khun looking back to Bam telling him he’ll be back when going to catch the fish on train, Khun trying to talk to him when Bam locked himself up in his room on train, constantly checking and finally waiting in his room when he notices Bam is gone, Khun noticing lack of Bam’s presence before going to floor of death right *after* he just said he feels like world is ending if Bam isn’t here, and then beeming when Bam does in fact appears. And that’s just all the stuff I can remember right now, and I mean the *little* things. The big things are the ones we know well - “So that I can always chase” and the famous world one I don’t have to quote.
Second half didn’t have much scenes, but there were few that did stuck to me - Bam’s line to Kiseia how he understands why she hates him, but he’ll do everything he can to stop her if she plans to harm Khun *again*. Because it seemed like Bam kind of moved on from Khun getting stabbed by his sis, but that panel did show that not only it *did* stay with him, it also stayed with him that it was *Kiseia* who hurt him.
Another scene was the one I don’t think I need to talk about much, as we all pretty understand - moment of Khun and Eduan awkward father-son bonding. Khun tries to close himself off, but Bam reaches out, and forces him out of comfort zone
But what mostly stuck out to me, was his behaviour after Khun became kinda dead. It was the way he spoke to endorsi and rest, how *he’s* going to take khun and follow the *harder* path, and anyone who *don’t want to come*, can take the easier one. Basically, he was prepared to go the harder route completely alone because it meant taking Khun with him, and he was just, prepared to go without any help, he only optionally added that others can join if they *want* to.
Another interesting scene, was Hwaryun calling him out, when few of his teammates has been captured, due to them taking the different path from Bam - but if they are meant to escape with Khun, they have to leave them, and when Bam gets steamy about it, Hwaryun goes - “I didn’t choose the teams. You’ve chosen them based on who matters more.” It’s so subtle, so cruel, yet intriguing - one of the most worst way to tell someone he cares for someone else more - she’s only saying Khun mattered to him more, but in this context, it sounds accusing, making Bam’s decision selfish. And that’s something that’s absolutely in my mind - his care for Khun, called out in “accusing” matter - as something that stopped him from commiting other decision - as something he’s willing to priotize others over.
So I can’t stop thinking about that, and truthfully? That last “take care of Khun after me.” line.
But the other line from bam’s monolouge that gets me is “Wait a bit more Khun... I’ll wake you up again.” That “again” gets to me, but I can’t really explain it. Maybe it’s the way he looks at Khun longily. 
So this covers their relationship, and I think I’m only gonna mention Bam now real quick and perhaps Eudan and Jahad, because the post’s getting long and I don’t want to make *this* post specifically long.
I don’t have much to say about Bam, as Bam himself doesn’t have much to say about him. He didn’t have much definying features or characteristics besides the time he was Viole, but you have to hand it to him for growing after meeting after she pushed him for the first time - it was still hard to say anything about him though. For several chapters later - as well, except he did manage to develop the traits of self-sacriface, and actual resolve to save everyone - because he talks about *always* and sure fights for his friends, but who doesn’t? Where his personality shines in this regard, is in the moment of Bam saving his enemies with no questions asked, and White by the way definetely helped Bam to develop his personality for sure.
But either way I’m here roasting Bam, while my goal was to say, that it was in the hidden floor where I’ve actually started recognizing him as his own character - it was in the moment of him having final confrontation with Viole, I finally saw what kind of person he was. And I liked it, he became a solid character in that moment, accompanied by proper flashbacks and exploration. And Bam continues to be then written quite consinstely as in one of later flashbacks, he indeed says, what he said to Viole a while ago - he’s afraid of being alone. Not only that, the internal conflict was added - is he a monster? is he not? It’s simple conflict but can do wonders, and it’s not something that Bam even thinks about, it’s more of a really subtle conflict within a character design itself, rather than Bam.
So basically now Bam indeed feels more of an actual character
And before I’ll end it for now, I want to mention the meeting of young Eudan, andyoung Jahad - truth to be told, I don’t have most unique feelings towards them as anyone sees the point - the adventures with pure intentions turned evil, aka how everyone can turn evil. What makes me more interested, is how Siu has used it for storytelling... Main characters having a big meeting with the younger versions of villians? Haven’t seen that one yet, so I’m interested what direction Siu will take with it, since this is my first time seeing it, so I’m really curious how exactly you can utilize such scenes in terms of long planned story, and not only how they affect story as a whole, but how they also affect just aspects of it as well.
So, that’d be it on my commentary and small “opinion” on season 2. It wasn’t like I exactly wanted  to put it here, but I wanted the end of season 2 to have more meaning to myself. But not only to have a meaning to myself *just* for my own reasons, but because I didn’t want to leave the whole season with nothing but small comments there and there. I wanted my experience altogether to be something bigger - but not only experience, but my “legacy” as well. So, that’d be about it x2, if you’re still reading, congratulations, I appreciate that, and you get an apple
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cetaceass · 4 years
hi, hope ur having a good day 🥺💖 ! can i request a scenario of khun aguero agnis from tower of god, possibly during the workshop arc, current au and he accidentally bumped into the reader who had joined fug along with bam. khun thought that they had died and the first thing he said was "holy shit you're alive...!?" & for gender it doesn't really matter so just use 'they'
I am having a splendid day! Thank you for asking! I hope you're having a fantastic day as well! Thank you for your patience and your request! I hope it's to your liking! 🥺💖
Con mucho amor <3
wc: 963
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| That’s How Much I Love You |
Khun Aguero Agnis x Gen!Reader 
. . . .
How many people can one promise to be loyal to the end the moment you meet someone? It's a rather absurd and naive thing to do. Anyone with a brain can understand that doing that is just plain stupid, especially in the tower, where one must be killed or stepped on in order to accomplish their wish upon reaching the top.
But that's what you did.
You pledged your loyalty to a stranger, someone you never spoken to because you had a gut feeling that Bam was special and you wanted in on the adventure of a lifetime.
"Is this what it feels like to be under a microscope?" You sat down next to Khun and tapped your lips with your spoon in a pensive manner before scooping some of your food. "Cause I don't mind being watched by your eyes for your research purposes."
He vividly remembers the warmth held in your eyes. It was clear that you were joking with him and you didn't seem to radiate with malicious intent. You spoke to him, kindness evident in your voice and the aura of freedom whenever he was around you.
"The moment we show weakness, we'll die. You can only trust yourself. Cover your ears, close your heart and find the best path."
He followed exactly what his sister had told him. He had closed his heart, he relied on only himself, and did the best to find the perfect path to pave the way, yet, you somehow sneaked unnoticed by him. By the time he realized you entered his heart and invaded his mind, it was too late.
Both for you and for him.
The crashing of waves broke Khun's train of thought on that day. He watched the water pull back before rapidly rising into a small wall of water and heavily crashing down onto the jagged rocks at bay below him. The sounds of the ocean eased him. It made him wonder what you would have thought of seeing a view like this; open, free, beautiful, fascinating, and eye-pleasing.
Just like you.
"Come on, Khun! We gotta get to the workshop and see the others!"
"I'll be right there with you in a second." He glanced at the view one more time taking it in. He was coming back to this room tomorrow, but it felt like he was leaving you. With a sigh, Khun walked towards the door and easily caught up with the rest of his companions.
The entire time, the image of you never once left his mind and the though of seeing you once more pained him. But deep down, he knew you were gone. The moment Rachel was spewed from the captured creature during the Administration test, neither Bam or you were with her. He knew he had lost the both of you.
So why were you there standing in front of him? You quickly put on your hoodie after the rough bump between the two of you when walking, but a second was enough to see who was hiding under there.
Muttering a curse, you gripped your hoodie tighter and walked passed him, not before you felt a harsh tug on your wrist and was forcibly turned around from the pull.
Your eyes met blue eyes. Oh god, how you missed seeing those electric blue eyes.
"Holy shit, you're alive.."
You didn't have time to answer because he had suddenly pulled you into a tight embrace and you desperately tried not to hug Khun back, but six years without being embraced so lovingly took a huge toll on you.
"Holy shit! You're alive! I-I thought you had died, like Bam.."
You don't regret your decision at all because you pledged yourself loyal to Bam the moment you met him and when he was pushed off by Rachel in the Administration Test, you immediately followed in pursuit, jumping with no hesitation which led to joining F.U.G.
Bam became a slayer and you were treated as his servant by the others. You got used to the deadly glares and the daily threats you would get. It was practically routine for you. Being a servant of the next possible god was a dangerous risk, with lack of strength, you made it up with wit and intellect making you worthy to work alongside the slayer candidate. 
Yet Bam never treated nor viewed as you any less of a friend. You weren't as strong as him--you probably never will be, but you had each other and the promise you gave back in the cafeteria.
Well, half of a promise. You didn't forget the other half, neither did Khun.
You slowly hugged the light bearer back, giving into his warm embrace. "Missed me that much, huh?"
"Yeah, I did."
You cracked a small crooked smile at his blunt response. "I did promise you that my heart will always be with you, didn't I?"
"Yeah, you did."
You slightly pulled back to see the face you dreamed about during those restless nights and Khun viewed the face that haunted him endlessly. You leaned your forehead on his.
"Nothing will break us apart, Khun--not even death itself. I'll always come back to you no matter what. That's how much I love you."
“I love you too,” he muttered, before a softly glared at you. “But you do know that you not being physically here is way different than your heart, right?” You lightly laughed. There it was, his typical scolding. “C’mon, I was being cheesy. You like cheesy.”
“Only if it’s from you.”
“Now you’re the one being cheesy.”
“Oh really? I wonder who’s to blame.”
It wasn’t everyday you saw the light and felt a welcoming warmth. You let yourself enjoy this moment of happiness, just this once.
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lynneshobbydomain · 4 years
Spending Time (Day 2 of KhunBam Week 2020)
((I was so stuck on inspiration for this, that I completely fell off the wagon. I’ll be getting back on and continuing this week with anewed vigor! I recently got to epsiode 4 of the webtoon, so my knowledge is still severely limited of this fandom. That being said, I’m still grateful for any advice given. thank you so much to KhunBamWeek 2020 for hosting this event))
Prompt: First
Rating: G
Summary: Bam wanted the first date to be memorable, but how can that work if they do everything together anyway?
“Hey, Khun.” Bam felt his heart flutter nervously in his chest. The library’s silence felt too loud, and he was starting to see more people that were browsing the shelves, grabbing books. He had this feeling that he spoke too loudly, and now they were paying attention to the conversation that was about to take place. There was really no reason for him to feel like the world was tilting at a faster rate than it was. This was Khun, and the question was just a question. The worse that could happen was that it would be a question that would stump him. Not that Khun would let a question get to him for too long. 
Khun glanced up from his textbook, blue hair falling across his face, his eyes glittering with curiosity. His attention was on him, and Bam felt his heart flip, sinking deeper into his stomach. He liked that attention, and he really wanted to keep it on him. Yet, that felt like he was asking for a lot. He wasn’t sure how to word this. “What is it?” He asked, his tone soothing. Bam didn’t doubt for a moment that Khun noticed how his hands trembled and how he wanted the floor to swallow him whole.
Bam was not a fighter. Not like Khun, who could face down the University’s Dean and pull strings in the background. He was too impassioned. Yet this required a delicacy that Bam feared he didn’t have. 
He was going to screw this up, wasn’t he? “Have you…” He trailed off. No, did that come out wrong? That was too strong, he needed to be gentler with this. Androssi told him that this was an art, and Hatz told him to just be point-blank. The conflicting advice made Bam’s head dizzy. “Do you…” Was that too curious? That started wrong.
“Bam?” Khun sounded faintly amused and curious. He had his hand cupped in his cheek, clearly unruffled by the stopping and starting. “It’s just me.” 
It’s just him. Bam let out a breath. Yeah, he could work with that. How many questions had he asked Khun that would have brought everyone else red to the floor? How many times had he said something that would make everyone else grab his mouth and plead for him to re-think his words? Khun would occasionally get red, and sometimes Bam feared that his question of the day would the question that would finally break Khun. 
This was completely different.
This question was completely different.
Bam took a breath. He let it out. 
“Have you ever been on a date before?” Rip the bandage off. Sometimes that was the only way to work.
Khun paused, amusement still there, but...was that hurt that went past his gaze too? He tapped his finger against his cheek as he pushed himself into a seated position, stiffing. “Is it for the loudmouth princess?”
“No.” Bam shook his head, “I was just wondering what you would find fun.”
Khun seemed to play with the question in his head, much like he would bounce a math equation. He tapped his finger against his cheek, looking off into the distance. “I like to spend time with my date, so whatever we wind up doing, so long as it’s time well spent, I’m pretty happy.”
“That’s…” Bam felt a bit lost. “Like what do you do for fun.”
Khun paused, “The normal date things, I guess.”
Bam wasn’t sure if Khun was obtuse on purpose, or if Khun really didn’t care. Then again, he never answered about the date. “Khun?”
“Hmm?” Khun was already going back to his textbook.
“Have you ever been on a date before?” This felt important. This was monumental. 
Khun let out a soft sigh, “No, Bam. I haven’t. I’m too busy to think of that kind of thing.”
“So, you don’t know what you’d do on a date.” Bam felt giddy. “No, that’s perfect!”
Khun blinked and turned his attention back to him. Blue meeting gold. “Bam?”
“Thanks!” Bam was already getting out of his chair and shoving it hard into the table. “I’ll see you at the apartment!”
Normal date things felt….boring. Bam went through the list that his friends sent him as well as taken to the internet to see what other people thought were good date ideas. The problem wasn’t that they weren’t bad ideas, they were good ones. However, it was hard to find something they haven’t done. They already did things like going to the movie nights together or eating dinner together. 
Dates were supposed to be memorable, at least that was the impression Androssi had left upon him when he went to her for advice. Shibisu just told him that he should be himself. Even if it was done over and over again, the context would be different, that would be enough. Neither Hatz nor Rak wanted to get into the middle of it, thinking that Bam was overthinking and that he should just do something that he thought would be fun. 
This was important, this was both of their firsts, which meant there were plenty of ways to screw up. There was no room for error. Bam could let Khun plan all of this he supposed, but he wanted to. It was important to him that he did this. Khun always took on so much of his problems already. Khun got him out of sticky situations, mostly his inability to understand social situations that required a bit more tact than he was used to. 
Khun did a lot for him. 
Wasn’t it about time that Bam did the same thing? 
A soft knock came from the bedroom, and Bam ripped his headphones off. The gentle melodic lo-fi still pounding from the headphones. “Yeah?” He questioned as Khun opened the door.
“Do you need me to order take out tonight, Bam?”
Bam glanced at the clock. Seeing how late it was, he blinked. “Why didn’t you come to get me sooner? I’m sorry, Khun.”
“I wasn’t hungry yet.” Khun waved it to the side. “I was studying myself.”
“I don’t mind cooking,” even if it was late, Bam needed the outlet. Maybe if he stepped away from the computer for a bit, it would give him some ideas. “Is it okay if it takes a bit?”
“If I help, we can cut time in half or so.” Khun offered.
Khun helping would be up there. Bam nodded, standing up to stretch. His back popped uncomfortably in some places. He hadn’t realized how tightly he curled himself into a ball when he was sitting in front of the computer. 
“I also found something that we could try to cook together if you’d like. I already checked to see if we have everything.” Khun continued as they went into the kitchen.
Bam felt his heart flutter. That took time away from searching what they could eat, or for Bam to think of a fast and easy recipe that he memorized. “Thanks.” 
“No problem.”
Bam felt like saying thanks so early had been an understatement. Khun didn’t just check to see if they had everything. He had everything lined up on the counter, and the recipe was on a stand, already ready to be read and outlined in different colors. Everything they possibly could need was within reach for either of them if they needed it. 
“You asked me what I find fun,” Khun looked at Bam squarely, “and I told you it was spending time with my date.” He paused, and Bam noticed that there was red tinting at his cheeks. There was a nervousness in his gaze that wasn’t there before. This was taking everything Khun was, to tell him this. “I love spending time with you, and...I like it when we do things together. I don’t think we ever done this before.”
Bam swallowed, “How did you know I was trying to find something that we haven’t done?”
The mischievous, serene smile appeared on Khun’s lips, and Bam never thought that grin could be hotter than it was now. “It wasn’t hard to figure out, Bam. I’ll try to keep out of your way while we cook. Shall we?”
Androssi hadn’t been wrong when she said a first date would be memorable. 
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Tower of God for the 001 Fandom ask prompt uwu
Favorite Character: Khun. Obviously
Least Favorite Character: Rachel. Still waiting for her to do something badass
5 Favorite Ships:
Most Attractive: Elaine is a goddess. Canhong as well.
Character I would marry: Ehwa or Elaine
Character I would be best friends with: Id love to be friends with Rak. He’s endless entertainment
A random thought: How do different species in the tower have sex? Also at what point would you be considered a pedophile?
Unpopular Opinion: I didn’t hate Bam’s freak out at Train City. I found it very in character for him and it made sense. Also I enjoyed Anaak in S1 more than Endorsi
My Canon OTP: Theres not a lot of canon ships really so I’ll go with Daniel/Roen
Non-Canon OTP: I think everyone already knows
Most Badass Character: For S1 it was Anaak and right now it’s Evankhell or Yama
Most Epic Villian: White. I love White.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Bam/Yuri. Yuri always seemed like to me a big sister figure for Bam, not a romantic interest.
Characters I feel the writer screwed up: I enjoy every character one way or another, but I’ll choose Endorsi’s low-key molesting of Bam during the Name Hunt Station. Really weird and gross and unnecessary.
Favorite Friendship: I love Ehwa and Rak. These two have such an underrated friendship with each other that I think more people should enjoy. Also Chang and Quoetro but that sunk
Character I most identify with: White, or more specifically White when he’s doing anything stupid. He carries such dumb-bitch energy.
Character I wish I could be: Rak. I want to be a giant alligator who enjoys bananas and calls people turtles. Life seems simpler that way.
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linderu · 4 years
utakata hanabi. - ch 2/2
characters: khun, bam, rak, shibisu pairing: khunbam series: tower of god / kami no tou ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24567637/chapters/59427784#workskin
takes place season 3, right after bam beats the ranker and khun/hwa ryun spread propaganda through the tower. it’s really fluffy. while also dealing with questions of morality, priorities, the plot itself, etc. also shibisu is best wingman ever.
i want to take writing requests so feel free to send me an ask for khun centric or khunbam centric ideas!
s3 webtoon spoilers.
“How’s Bam holding up?” Shibisu’s voice rang over Khun’s pocket, echoing slightly within the large, empty bedroom he found himself in. Khun, who was lying on his back in the middle of a massive bed, stared holes into the ceiling as he contemplated their current situation.
“The same as usual. You know him, Isu.” He sighed audibly, feeling exasperated. “Taking on too much at once because he feels obligated to, and acting like everything’s fine.”
His plan had been successful. Whether that was a good or bad thing, he wasn’t sure yet.
As they spoke, rumors about a C-rank regular strong enough to take down a ranker were spreading like wildfire throughout the tower. Bam’s single fight in the testing center was what had ignited the flames, acting as a catalyst for the mass movement Khun knew was building. Soon enough, all of their ‘pawns’ would line up like dominoes, ready to fall when Bam gave the signal.
It was the work of his and Hwa Ryun’s scheming. The level of propaganda they built up around the great Jyu Viole Grace was enough to make even FUG elders stir.
He should be excited, playing a main role in designing such an event. Truthfully, all he felt was anxious-- like he was sending his best friend to his death. Not that he would show it around Bam.
“Yeah, I do. But I also know you, and I bet you’re doing the same thing, aren’t you?”
“...” Khun scowled at the ceiling, but didn’t bite back. He was too tired. It seemed like everyone had something to say about how he handled things when Bam was around lately. “What I’m doing doesn’t really take that much effort. Especially compared to what Bam has to face, soon. Leading a battle against Jahad’s army…”
“Well, Bam probably feels like that, too. Like what he’s doing isn’t enough compared to what he really wants to do. Y’know?”
Damn. Shibisu, as always, hit the nail on the head. It was infuriating, having his double standards being pointed out like this.
It wasn’t like he was wrong, though. Of course he understood how Bam felt. That’s why Khun would do everything in his power to support him-- so that when he ran into battle recklessly, he wouldn’t be going alone, or acting as some kind of sacrifice.
Khun had to prepare everything perfectly so that wouldn’t happen.
“Why did you call, Isu?” He asked, annoyance seeping into his tone. “I didn’t pick up so you could psychoanalyze me. There’s still things I need to finish before we set the date.”
“Oi, oi. I’m just looking out for my friends.”
“Well, that’s great and all, but if you have so much free time, you should spend it collecting souls. We need all the help we can get before showtime.”
“Yes, my prince.” Shibisu responded sarcastically. “I’ll get going in a minute. Don’t worry, we’ve already stored a lot. Look, I just think you two should find a way to destress before everything goes to shit. You gotta rest your minds as well as your bodies, you know? Overworking yourselves won’t make this plan succeed any better.”
“... Maybe you’re right…” he was pretty exhausted. Not to mention, ever since that other guide yelled at Bam so harshly, he seemed out of sorts. As in… he was way too invested in training with Evankhell, while also spending his downtime sulking on his own.
Khun felt powerless. Like he could only watch. He was terrible at finding the words to give pep talks, so his only piece of advice had been ‘ignore her and push onwards.’
“Even so. I don’t know what we could possibly do to ‘relax’ in a situation like this…”
“Why don’t you try ‘that’?”
“Huh?” Khun quirked a brow at his pocket questioningly, though he knew Shibisu couldn’t see his face anyway. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Be more specific, Isu.”
“Something mindless and nostalgic. Like sparklers.”
“Hmmm.” Was all Khun replied with, not wanting to give his thoughts away. It was actually a great idea when he considered it, a faint image of a younger, brightly smiling Bam with fireworks shimmering in his eyes flashing in his mind.
“Well, just consider it.” As Shibisu spoke, Khun palmed his face. He wanted to groan, but Shibisu already knew more than enough about how he felt, so instead he rolled onto his side to face his pocket and just frowned.
He wanted to see Bam smile like that again.
“Huh, what’s that, Hatsu? Okay, yeah, I’m coming!” Shibisu’s voice was muffled for a moment. “Hey, Khun. I gotta go. Just make sure you two get some rest, alright?”
“Yeah.” Khun acknowledged. “Thanks a lot for what you guys are doing. It’ll probably... determine whether or not Bam lives through this.”
“No problem. See ya!”
Khun knocked twice at the door. No immediate answer.
“Bam?” He called, opening the door anyway. Inside, he found Bam sitting by the edge of his bed, staring at the ground.
“Khun…” Bam finally glanced up to meet Khun’s gaze, wearing a solemn expression that tugged at his heartstrings.
Shibisu’s words preaching about avoiding mental exhaustion echoed in his head, and Khun let out a quiet sigh, stepping over to where Bam sat. Perching beside him, his hand reached into his coat pocket where the box of sparklers was nestled comfortably, but he didn’t quite pull it out yet, choosing to fidget with it instead as he contemplated what to do.
“... Bam,” he started, after a moment of heavy silence. “How’s training with Evankhell going?”
“Fine.” Bam replied, though Khun didn’t miss the way he clenched his fists. “I just wonder… if it will be enough.”
“You shouldn’t worry about things like that before they happen, Bam.” He wasn’t good at giving reassurance, but he couldn’t stand by while Bam worried himself to death. “Are you still thinking about what Soo-oh said?”
“Yeah. She was right. I… was selfish, trying to make people throw away their lives for me like that…”
“It’s not as if they didn’t have their own stake in the battle.” Khun gently reminded him. “They might not want to take this next fight with you, but that’s not a reflection of your person.”
“... I wonder how many people will die this time. If I gathered them… for my own battles… wouldn’t it be my fault?”
“The people who show up will be those who have an issue with Jahad already. They’ll be fighting for themselves. You’re only giving them a chance for revenge that they’ve always wanted to take.”
“What if no one comes?”
“That won’t happen.” Khun’s brows furrowed at the thought, knowing exactly what Bam would do if that were the case. He refused to think about it. “Hwa Ryun and I are tracking everything. Unrest has already started-- people are beginning to move. Probably, in a week’s time, the stage will be set…”
“...” Bam’s face fell, and Khun’s heart sank.
“... Bam,” Khun reached a hand up to gently grab Bam’s shoulder in what was meant to be a comforting gesture. As he thought, this was no time to simply pull out the sparklers and suggest to throw a party. He had to be strategic about how to get Bam to relax… probably, just framing it as a favor he could do for himself would be the best way. “Will you do something for me?”
“What do you need, Khun?” Bam lifted his head immediately, and though his expression still seemed sad, he looked determined to help.
“I need you to meet me somewhere tonight. It’s pretty important.” Khun gave Bam’s shoulder a quick, soothing rub, smiling at him encouragingly. “Can you do that for me, Bam? Do you have the time?”
“I do. What are we doing?” Bam inquired, staring at him quizzically. Khun, who fingered the box of sparklers hidden in his coat pocket, just hummed in response.
“A team activity.” He removed his hand from his coat, and stood up. “To make sure we’re on the same page. Does that sound good to you, Bam?”
“Yeah. That seems fine. If you think it’s necessary, Khun.”
“Great. Outside my room, eight sharp.” Khun winked playfully and turned towards the door, lifting a hand in farewell. He didn’t think too long about the hint of a smile he caught pulling at Bam’s lips before he turned his back to him, in fear he might stick around. “See you then-- get some rest, okay?”
“... You too, Khun. Don’t push yourself too hard.”
Khun hid his grin as he departed.
“Black turtle! You’re on time!” Rak dabbed excitedly in greeting.
“Rak!” Bam glanced at Khun questioningly, who stood against the wall with his arms crossed, smirking. “Is anyone else joining us?”
“Nope! Just us three. Is that okay with you?”
“Well, I’m still not sure what we’re doing…”
“I see.” Khun flashed a small smile Bam’s way, unable to help his good mood. After spending nearly the whole day thinking about it, he realized how long it had been since they had a calm, content moment to simply exist. From the second he’d woken up, it felt like both time and series of events were passing far too quickly for his liking.
Sure, they accomplished a lot, but he had wasted two years in a coma. Khun wanted to actually spend time with Bam like he had in the past… especially with their situation escalating in such a scary way.
Who knew when the next goodbye would be their last.
“Do you have the box, blue turtle?”
“Iii~diot. Of course I do. Let’s get going, Bam.”
“You’ll see soon.”
Outdoors, the ‘sky’ had already darkened some time ago. Despite understanding it was fake, a synthetic creation of the tower, Khun hadn’t lived his life knowing any different. To him, it might as well be the real deal. For Bam, considering Rachel’s original goals, Khun wondered how the sky looked to him recently.
With a floating lighthouse to guide the path, they walked a little ways away from the building, settling near a hill. A cool, comforting breeze washed over them. Khun was glad he wore a jacket, wondering to himself if Bam was chilly without one.
After a moment of thinking about it, he peeled his coat away, but not before removing the box of sparklers.
“Don’t get sick.” Khun draped the coat over Bam’s shoulders with a small smile. Bam blinked at him.
“Won’t you get cold, though…?”
“I’ll be fine, Bam.”
“But your temperature is difficult to regulate sometimes, right? I don’t want you to fall ill because of me.”
“Oi, blue turtle! Are you gonna light the sticks, or are we going to just stand around in the dark?!”
“Don’t spoil it, you dumb crocodile. Geez… now I have to.” Guess there was no point in waiting any longer. Through the faint glow of his lighthouse, he smiled briefly at Bam in reassurance, pulling out the box soon after and removing a sparkler.
“Khun-- are those…?” Khun didn’t miss the way Bam’s eyes widened.
“Do you mind playing with me for a little while, Bam?” He handed a sparkler over to Rak first with a content smile, knowing he would hear complaints if he didn’t, and took out a lighter.
“But… what about the training…?” Bam gave him a look of concern as Khun handed him his own unlit sparkler.
“This is training. I’m calling it, ‘strengthening your mental fortitude.’”
Khun clicked the lighter, and a flame rose from the tip. Wordlessly, and with an excited grin, he lit the end of Rak’s sparkler, and it burst into a bright, golden show of glitter.
“Is this really okay?” Bam questioned softly, gazing at Rak’s sparkler. Khun carefully watched his expression as it transitioned from worry, to interest, and lastly, to fondness. He could feel the tension leave his shoulders at the sight of Bam lightening up, and he knew right then that this exercise was absolutely the right decision.
“You’re working yourself too hard, Bam.” Smiling his way, he activated his lighter once more, bringing the flame close to the firework in Bam’s hand. It lit up in a flash, coloring the space between them with a soft, yellow glow.
“You are too.” Bam looked over his sparkler at Khun, his brows furrowed as if he had remembered something. “You’ve been working nonstop since I fought that ranker… no, before that. From when you woke up from your coma. Right, Khun?”
“Well…” he tilted his head, expression slightly sheepish. “It was necessary.”
“You’re the last person who should be lecturing me about working too hard!” Bam was almost pouting at this point, and Khun bit back a laugh at the sight.
It was refreshing, to be scolded like this. He pondered over what had changed with Bam’s priorities in the time he’d been missing. Honestly, Khun was accustomed to watching over Bam, and not the other way around-- after all, for the longest time, Bam had his sights set on one person only and it hadn’t been him.
A moment of silence passed. As he looked to the sky once more, thinking about the stars Bam had once been seeking, a wave of nostalgia hit him, and all of a sudden, Khun felt like lighting his own sparkler. Not a minute later and there were three fireworks sputtering, illuminating the dark night surrounding them.
His eyes fell on Bam once more, feeling a strange sense of intimacy undoubtedly influenced by his memories of the past. While watching him, he couldn’t help but remember the Bam he knew from over a decade ago, when they had first met-- staring at his sparkler in mesmerization, simply happy to be alive, surrounded by new friends, and chasing after his goals.
“Hey, Bam…” Khun murmured, his voice soft.
“Hm?” Bam lifted his gaze, and their eyes locked. Khun paused, the cool breeze gently blowing at his hair, tickling against his cheeks. After spending a moment enthralled by the way sparkles darted in and out of Bam’s golden irises, illuminating them in a rich color that made Khun feel like he was home , he finally opened his mouth, and asked--
“Why do you still want to climb the tower?”
It was a loaded question, Khun knew. Although it sounded simple, when unpacked, it held implications about all sorts of things.
How did Bam feel about Rachel? Why did he want to continue climbing the tower if he decided to stop chasing her-- his initial ‘rule,’ his entire reason for forcing the door open in the first place as an irregular? Just what were his motivations, when the journey they currently faced, already challenging to begin with, was no longer simply an ordinary path up?
When every corner they turned further and further endangered their lives, as they pissed off FUG and Jahad alike?
When the people Bam loved were being stripped from him one by one by elite rankers who would stop at nothing to kill them all?
Wars were literally starting for the simple reason that Bam wanted to protect his mentor. It was baffling, yet incredibly understandable, how so many people-- weak and strong alike-- were captivated by Bam; influenced by him into action.
Khun knew he felt Bam’s natural attraction the strongest out of anyone.
“I…” Bam hesitated, staring at Khun with wide eyes. “I just… want the strength… to protect you.”
“Me?” Khun blinked, his lips parting slightly in surprise. “Bam…”
Bam’s eyes fell, and a bittersweet smile tugged at his lips. “I realized… when I lost both you and my mentor so quickly, that I was putting everyone I cared for at risk. Pretending to be selfless, running around saving anyone who needed help, while using my friends to chase after Rachel… I was really just being selfish. It wasn’t selflessness at all.”
“So then, Rachel-- …” Khun trailed off. When he had woken up from his coma, he had talked to Bam over the pocket about it briefly, so he kind of understood his thoughts-- Rachel was no longer his primary goal because she had tried to kill Khun.
Even so. It hadn’t clicked until now what that meant in terms of what Bam was putting everything on the line for. He hadn’t simply stopped once his ties to Rachel were cut. If anything, Bam had become more driven, more desperate.
“I want to go up the tower with you, Khun.” Bam smiled affectionately at him. “And everyone else, of course. I just want to be able to protect everyone who means something to me-- no matter what it takes.”
The last of Khun’s sparkler faded, leaving them with no other light but the purple glow of his lighthouse. He was acutely aware of Rak silently watching them, and he felt a sense of déjà vu-- but he also couldn’t bring himself to care.
Bam’s sights were set on him. The thought permeated his mind.
“Let’s go, Bam. To the top.” Khun said abruptly, the words spilling from his mouth. He found himself reaching an arm out longingly, his hand resting on Bam’s shoulder in a platonic gesture-- but feeling it wasn’t quite enough , he took a step in, and slid his palm up to cup his cheek.
Bam sighed quietly in response, tilting his head into the touch; almost welcoming it.
This was uncharted territory for them, but Khun didn’t care.
“I’ll make sure no one ever hurts you again.” Bam promised.
“I’ll follow you anywhere.” Khun murmured his reply, leaning in and pressing their foreheads together. Through the dark, he couldn’t see Bam’s full expression too well, but he knew he wouldn’t be pushed away-- that they both wanted this.
How many years had he spent waiting, pining?
Their lips delicately brushed together, and Khun immediately craved more. It felt so right, and long overdue. Sturdy arms circled around his waist, fingers clinging to the shirt on Khun’s back, and to his surprise, it was Bam who leaned in, reconnecting their kiss.
He felt he could stay like this forever and be perfectly happy. But they had to get back inside.
Pulling away from the kiss, Khun’s thumb smoothed over Bam’s lips, which were slightly parted. They shared a look through the dark, communicating something silently, and then Khun stepped back completely, wearing a serene smile.
“Let’s go back inside, Bam.” He hoped the implications were clear. If they weren’t, he would make them clear once Rak was gone.
“I’m so proud… of my turtles… as your leader…!” Khun deadpanned, turning around to meet a sniveling Rak. “It only took you ten years, blue turtle!”
“I’m going to kill you, you damn crocodile--!” He immediately moved to kick him, horrified. Bam didn’t need to hear he’d been waiting for that long, dammit! “What do you think you’re saying, huh?!”
“Khun--” he paused, feeling Bam tug on his hand. “Let’s go back. I want to keep talking.”
“... Consider yourself lucky. Your life’s been spared.”
“I heard the big event’s going down in a week. How are you feeling, Khun?”
“I think we’re ready.” Khun smirked in the devious way he often did when he schemed. “I’ve done all I can to build up the best army possible for Bam. Whatever happens from here, happens. At the very least, we’ll get out with our lives. At the most… we divide and conquer, squashing their ‘war of attrition’ strategy. They’ll underestimate us. We have to use that to our advantage.”
“We’ve definitely been monitoring the tower’s activity on our end. It seems promising. Good work, captain.” Shibisu said encouragingly. “... You sound a lot more energetic. Did something happen?”
“None of your business, Isu.” He retorted, checking the time. Bam would be done with training soon, he should wrap things up and get cleaned up.
“Ah! I know…” Shibisu’s tone became teasing over the pocket, and Khun glared in its direction. “I understand everything now! To be young and in love… oh, I’m so jealous~!”
“I’m hanging up. Bye.”
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khunfounded · 4 years
See You in the Morning
As the adrenaline wore off, Bam found himself continuously looking around just to make sure they were all real. His friends surrounded him, worn out and bleeding, but alive. These were the people that kept him fighting, that kept him surviving all these years, despite everything that Fug put him through. He worried that if he blinked they would all somehow disappear. If he weren’t so tired, he honestly thought he would be crying out of sheer joy and disbelief.
Early that day, Shibisu had proclaimed that a celebration was in order for the winning team Sweet & Sour, and in honor of their members that were currently out of commission. Food and drinks were passed around, with sweet and sour pork making a prominent appearance.
Bam sat on a couch in between Khun and Rak, only partially listening to Quaetro and Yeon avidly discussing Yeon’s newly discovered control over her fire. He loved them all, truly, but his eyelids were falling and it was getting hard to keep up with how fast they were both going. He found himself leaning more and more heavily into Khun’s side, which elicited a side-eye and a faint chuckle from the other.
He had missed this dearly, but at the same time he couldn’t help but think that he had never really had it before, either. There was no Sweet & Sour, or Ran, or Quaetro, or really Quant and Lero-ro. Even the people he did have back then, he thought, he didn’t appreciate enough. Bam had known what loneliness was, but he hadn’t known true loss until he fell away from all his friends and had to use every ounce of his determination just to keep them alive.
Bam knew they felt the same way, too, with the desperate hug Rak gave him when they finally saw each other again, and the long glances Khun kept giving him every time he thought Bam wasn’t looking. Bam wondered if Khun thought he was going to just disappear out of thin air, too.
His head fell onto Khun’s shoulder as he turned his face to watch Ran and Anaak slowly get into a more and more aggressive debate over hotdogs that would have quickly gone to blows if Arkraptor didn’t intervene. He felt Khun shift next to him as a breath wisped over his temple.
“Tired?” Khun murmured so only he, and perhaps Rak, could hear.
“Nah,” he responded through a yawn, which didn’t help his case, but he persevered, “I’m fine. Just a little sleepy, I guess.”
“You look exhausted, Black Turtle,” came the gruff voice on his other side, “as my prey you should take better care of yourself, so I can beat you fair and square!”
“I’m fine,” Bam promised, unable to control his grin, “I just wanna stay up for a little longer”.
Yeah, Bam missed this. This unyielding friendship and unquestioning love. People that cared about his health simply because they wanted him to be okay, rather than wanting their god to be at tip top shape. He had been worried, sometimes, in the back of his mind, if his friends would treat him differently after all this time, after all he’s changed.
It wasn’t the same, true, but not because they were afraid of him or wanted to use his power, but because they had all changed over these past seven years. Rak seemed more self assured, less likely to just jump into battle without any forethought. Shibisu was more comfortable in his own skin and Hatz was starting to trust more in himself than his sword.
Khun, too, he thought, as he got comfortable against him, was different. He was more closed off from the people around him, unless they were Bam or Rak, and there was an edge to him that Bam hadn’t seen before. It was like he was holding his cards close to his chest, except you had no idea how many there were or even what game he was playing. Bam was sure that it was good for battle, but he was also worried for his friend.
He turned his head slightly, looking up through his eyelashes at Khun. He was watching with hidden mirth as Lero-ro tried and failed to teach Miseng and Quant some game using spoons. To Bam, Khun had always looked ethereal, like a shinsu moon. But unlike the moon, Khun was right there, and Bam was allowed to be close to him, rather than just bask in his glow.
That’s why Bam could never understand Rachel’s fascination with the stars. Sure, they were pretty, and they gave you light, but there were so many more important things, like friendship, and laughter, and games with spoons. Things like Khun’s eyes, bluer than the rarest suspendium and crinkling at the corners.  
Those eyes shifted to look straight at him, making Bam smile softly.
“I missed you guys,” he admitted, words gentle in their honesty.
A long look and then, “I missed you, too,” whispered like a prayer. 
Except Khun would never pray to Bam, which was one of the reasons why Bam loved him so much. In a fit of contented inspiration, he knocked their fingers together, before grasping Khun’s hand and squeezing.
That earned him a tiny smile and a squeeze back, Khun intertwining their fingers. Bam was just about to ask him about the spoon game when he found himself letting out a loud yawn. 
“That’s it,” Rak said above Khun’s snickers, in a tone filled with humor but brooking no argument, “It’s bedtime for tired turtles.”
Bam raised his head to interject but Khun spoke before he could.
 “I’m pretty exhausted, too. You weren’t the only one fighting for your life, there, Bam,” he teased as Bam pouted, “I’ve been ready to sleep for a while.”
He got up, bringing Bam’s hand, and subsequently Bam himself, up with him.
“We’re going to sleep,” Khun loudly announced as Bam stumbled against him, “Don’t wake us up unless someone is actively dying”.
He turned to Rak, who’s compressed legs were swinging from where he was sitting on the sofa, “You coming, Croc?”
Rak bounced up and scrambled over as Khun started to tug Bam out of the room, “Of course, Blue Turtle, you couldn’t stop me”.
Beneath the cries of goodbyes and goodnights, Khun smirked, “I wasn’t trying.”
They headed into a nearby empty room, and Khun shoved Bam into the bathroom to get ready for bed whilst he and Rak put together a makeshift bed. It was an unspoken agreement that none of them wanted to be away from each other for any longer than they had to. Seven long, long years had been enough.
Bam splashed his face with cool water, washing the stress and excitement of the day down the drain. When he looked up at the mirror, he almost jumped from shock. He was smiling, small but genuine, and it was the first time he had seen his face like this in years. He didn’t look like Viole, he looked like Bam, someone he thought he had lost years ago.
Pushing his bangs out of his face, Bam looked into his own eyes and saw himself. Not the 25th Bam, the new Irregular out of his depth, or Jyu Viole Grace, the monstrous Slayer Candidate. He just saw Bam, the teammate, the friend, the person. Even with the needle glowing brightly behind him, he felt like a human, rather than the deity half the Tower wanted him to be. Unable to help himself, he let out a tiny giggle as his bangs fell back onto his face.
He had once asked Rachel what home was. After so long, he couldn’t quite remember what her response was. But maybe here, he thought, he had found the answer. Home is where you can be yourself and be loved for it.
There was a knock on the door and an, “Are you okay in there?” from Khun.
“Yeah!” Bam responded, quickly rubbing his face with a fluffy towel, “Almost done!”
When he came out, he saw that Rak and Khun had made what could only be called a nest on the ground. Rak looked supremely comfy swaddled in the giant pile of soft blankets and pillows. There were a couple of candles laying about that could only be Khun’s doing. They matched the red color of Bam’s needle, but their soft glow and scent were far more soothing.
“What was so funny in there?” Khun asked from where he was throwing another blanket over Rak, much to the crocodile’s protestations. 
“Nothing,” Bam said as Khun raised his eyebrow and Rak scrambled out from beneath his fuzzy trap, “I’m just really, really happy.”
Both of his friends stopped, twin looks of something like awe on their faces, before they smiled and Khun said, “Good, now get over here.”
“Yes, sir!” Bam exclaimed, before taking a running leap at the pile, dragging Khun down with him as he did. Truly, this is what all his training had been preparing him for.
Khun spluttered loudly in his arms as Bam and Khun laughed breathlessly. After pushing Bam on top of a squawking Rak, Khun got comfortable, settling under the blankets. Rak shoved Bam in between the two of them and put his scaly head in the crook of Bam’s arm. 
“This way I can make sure no one steals my prey,” he informed them.
Bam grasped Rak’s claws in one of his hands and squeezed, “Thanks Rak. I knew I’d be safe with you.”
Rak huffed, “Of course you are, Black Turtle! I am Rak Wraithraiser and you are my prey! Nothing will keep us apart!”
He covered himself in a thick blue throw and nuzzled further into the nest, his breaths turning quickly into snores. Bam chuckled quietly before turning his head. Khun was on his side, head tucked into his elbow, looking at them both fondly. There was a comfortable silence as they stared at each other, each drinking in the presence of their dear friend.
“Hi,” said Bam.
“Hey, yourself,” Khun replied, “He missed you, you know. He never really believed you were dead. He always told us, “Someone strong enough to be my prey could never die just like that!” I still can’t make myself believe he’s actually right.”
“Well,” Bam swallowed at the intensity in Khun’s eyes, “I’m right here.”
“You are,” Khun smiled, cupping Bam’s face with one hand, thumb gently caressing his cheek, “And I have never been more glad for anything.”
The words, accompanied by the soft touch, made Bam’s cheeks heat up. He couldn’t put into words how precious this person in front of him was. Khun had fought harder than anyone to get him back, and even before he knew Bam was alive, he was still devoted to keeping his wish. No one had ever done something like that for him, no even Rachel, who had given him light.
Bam took Khun’s hand and brought it to his lips, kissing each of his fingertips gently. This time it was Khun’s turn to blush, and Bam watched as it went all the way to the tips of his ears. In a fit of inspiration, Bam kissed the tip of Khun’s nose, making his friend squeak and get impossibly brighter.
“You’re here,” Bam whispered, kissing Khun’s forehead, before gazing deep into his suspendium eyes, “And I have never been more glad for anything.”
Khun opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Rak’s voice rumbled from Bam’s other side, making both of them jump.
“Go to bed, mushy turtles,” he commanded, before quickly dropping back to sleep, snores once more filling the room. Bam and Khun, looked at each other, breaking into hushed laughter.
Bam once more took Khun’s hand, brushing a soft kiss against the knuckles and intertwining their fingers.
“Goodnight, Khun-ssi,” he whispered, letting his head fall against the pillow and eyes droop closed.
He drifted off to sleep to the soft promise of, “Goodnight, Bam. See you in the morning”.
[Guess what arc I finished. Gonna edit it before putting it on ao3 and maybe add another chapter]
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khunfounded · 4 years
No Sleep Only Song Analysis
My wonderful ravens, crows, and jacanas, I apologise that most of my song analyses are khunbam (they’re my comfort ship) but feel free to send me requests for other characters and ships!
Analysis is my guilty pleasure. My chonky paper on the political implications of the religious allegory in The Grapes of Wrath can attest to that, so really you’d be doing me a favor! 
Segue successful, my favorite part of Khun and Bam’s relationship is how much of a lone wolf Khun was before he met Bam. And then he found Bam (even though his last attempt at a meaningful human relationship sucked) and was like I am staying with him Forever.
So a song that fits this shift to an absolute T is I Was an Island by John-Allison Weiss.
Tuck your feathers in and get comfy birdies, let’s go!
I was an island Before you came along Put your boat in my sand Your hand in my hand Your heart in my songs
Before Bam came along, Khun defined himself by his independence. His childhood in the Khun family forced him to grow up fast and become an adult as soon as possible. Relying on others for help is not acceptable. 
But when he met Bam all that changed. Bam has always allowed himself to rely on other people and admit when he needs it. Hell, the entire reason he even got into the tower was because Yuri lent him the Black March. But even so, he has an inner strength that Khun was able to see.
That’s part of why Khun was so fascinated by Bam. Oftentimes their attitudes are completely juxtaposed, and the way Bam goes about things goes completely against everything Khun was taught to believe.
Bam has a ginormous heart, and he let Khun into it. He came onto Khun’s shore when everyone else was blocked by the swirling tsunamis Khun placed around it. 
I was a fighter And I was so brave But I lowered my sword When you held me and swore You'd stay, stay, stay oh
One of my favorite segments is when Khun discusses what he did with jewels as a child. He grew up in a horrible environment and he had to secret away the few things he allowed himself to care about that he ended up losing them, too.
He always had to have his sword up in order to survive in the Khun family, but Bam showed him an open palm, instead of a fist. Something which might quite possibly have been the first time that happened.
And when Bam decides you are his precious friend, he keeps you with him as close as possible. He was alone for so long, and he wants to keep making these happy moments forever.
He holds Khun close and kept him, even when that meant hiding his identity to protect him or going against a giant terrorist organization to be with him again.
For the first time in Khun’s life, someone stayed.
I can't do this alone anymore Cause I'm no good on my own anymore What did I do to deserve this? What did you do to me? Baby, come back You know I don't want to be free
This is the chorus of the song and it very bluntly puts how Khun feels. He doesn’t just want to climb the tower anymore, he wants to climb the tower with Bam.
We all saw what Khun was like when he thought Bam was dead. He isolated himself from his friends and spent 5 entire years of his life trying to make a dead man’s wish come true and avenge his death. If Bam didn’t come back, he would have spent even longer, as long as necessary, to complete it. He isn’t really himself without Bam, anymore.
So Khun laments this by asking what he did for this to happen. What did he do to have his defenses broken so thoroughly and his heart ripped directly from his grasp?
The last two lines remind me completely of when Khun tells Bam, “When I look at you sometimes, it worries me that, you would just wander off and leave us someday. So at least, tell us when you go somewhere. So that I can chase anytime.“
He doesn’t want to be free from Bam’s influence, he knows what it’s like without it and that is a freedom he would never desire. I was a rebel, but I had a cause 'Til you came to town Pushed me around And showed me what love was
Khun was the rebel of his family. He staged an elaborate plot so Maria could become a princess simply because he loved her, resulting in his expulsion from the Khuns.
Even before that, he was treated harshly by the family. Quite frankly, he was raised in a toxic and abusive environment. Instead of conforming to it, though, Khun used what he learned against them.
When the lyrics talk about Bam pushing him around, i take it to mean that Bam challenged his beliefs and made him realize that things can be different from how he was raised.
Both Bam and Khun learned about unconditional love and acceptance because of each other. They pushed against each others’ preconceived notions just by existing, and rather than causing a rift, it brought them closer together. I was a wolf, dear Apart from the pack But you answered my cry In the dead of the night And told me that you had my back, oh
Again, a reference to the Khun family, but it could also connect to how Khun removed himself from their found family after Bam’s supposed death.
Both times, Bam answered Khun’s cry and saved him from himself.
Khun is a man who watches his own back, but he doesn’t need to when Bam is around, because he knows that Bam will always do his best to protect him. I can't do this alone anymore Cause I'm no good on my own anymore What did I do to deserve this? What did you do to me? Baby, come back You know I don't want to be free
Khun doesn’t have to be alone anymore, Bam will make sure of that.
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