#the unconditional trust!!!!!!!!
ae-cha08 · 4 months
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Unconditional love is a gift from God that surpasses our understanding. It is a love that knows no bounds, that remains steadfast through every season of life. 💙
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angelsdean · 5 months
dean and cas love and trust each other unconditionally. they give and they forgive easily. there is never a debt to settle. never a score to keep. i'd rather have you, cursed or not. i prefer trusting, less dumb less ass. i'll go with you (again and again and again). i forgive you, i need you. of course i forgive you. of course i wanted you to stay. i've got you. i love you. etc etc. they are best friends first and foremost. they can talk to each other and be real. they know when the other is lying about being "fine" and they call each other out on it. and then they listen. they get angry sometimes, and miscommunicate often, but they are always approaching everything with the desire to understand, to work together. they worry. they make bad choices sometimes out of a desire to protect the other. keep each other out of a situation and out of the loop. take on the burden for the other. all these flaws and wrong choices are still rooted in love and care. they care SO much. that love and care is at the center of everything they do.
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urloveangel · 1 year
I always receive what I want or better ✨
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Please, someone stop me from listening to Josh Groban, because otherwise I will end up DRAWING ANOTHER "MOTTIE AT BED" ARTWORK.
Like seriously, I cannot.
When I hear him sing "You have no idea" all I can hear is Mathias singing to Dorothea AND MY HEART CANNOT TAKE IT.
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(and I have become the joke of my own household, because my husband, loving Josh as much as I do, now DOES IT ON PURPOSE OF PUTTING HIM ON OUR SPEAKERS, especially when he sees that I am busy working on something not Mottie-related. He knows how my brain works. HE KNOWS IT. So if sometimes you see me derailing, IT'S MR. NEMO'S FAULT AS WELL).
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lu-sn · 5 months
Arm has a top-secret file that he keeps on a separate partition of his hard drive, locked behind three different password walls. It’s a list of all of the main family’s bodyguards, ranked by how likely they are to be the mole.
(It’s top-secret because he’s not supposed to be looking into this. Chan explicitly ordered him not to.)
There’s a handful of people Arm doesn’t even bother putting on the list. Pol, for one. Pete. Erika. Chan.
By contrast, every single one of Kinn’s personal bodyguards, past and present, is a prime suspect. Kinn’s had a notorious streak of bad luck lately. Four murder attempts in four months cannot be a coincidence.
Ken is just aloof enough that nobody seems to know what he’s up to on his off-days. This rockets him straight to the top of Arm’s list, tied with Big, who has fallen so far out of favor with Kinn that Arm can’t help but wonder if Kinn is doing it on purpose.
And then there’s the name directly under those two.
“Be honest,” he says to Pete one day. They’re sequestered in his armory, but he keeps his voice low: there’s no harm in being careful with matters like this. “Do you think there’s any chance Porsche is the mole?”
Pete is silent for a good, long moment.
“You live with him,” Arm says. “You’ve been on more missions with him than me. If anyone here knows him best, it’s you.”
“There are reasons to suspect him,” Pete says slowly. “A lot of his missions have gone wrong. He didn’t stop that girl from attacking Kinn in the bathroom. The casino stakeout was a mess. The diamond auction was worse.”
Pete sighs. “I don’t know. He’s young. He’s made a lot of mistakes, but he’s improving.”
Arm stares forlornly at his list, cursor blinking innocently next to Porsche’s name. “Pete, I can’t clear his name just because he’s young.”
“No,” Pete concedes. He leans back in his chair, arms crossed behind his head. “But he’s kind, too. He’s principled. He won’t betray people he cares about.”
“And that’s enough? You trust him?”
“I do.”
The knot in Arm’s chest jerks tighter. “But… he’s so likable.”
“Ohhh, right, he’s nice. Never mind. Death by firing squad.”
Arm smiles, sheepish.
“Okay,” Pete says. “So you think he’s tricking us?”
“Shit, Pete, I don’t know,” Arm splutters. “Isn't it possible?”
“I don't think so. Porsche isn't like that.”
Arm considers this, then plops his face into his hand.
“Did you want me to say something else?” Pete says, faintly amused.
“Yes,” Arm groans.
“Because…” Arm trails off.
Because the security of the main family rests on his shoulders. Arm cannot afford to be anything other than objective; he needs to leave Porsche on his list.
But the problem is that Porsche barreled into their lives and immediately made Khun Noo happier than Arm had ever seen before. The problem is that Pol hasn’t been this comfortable around someone since Arm himself. The problem is that Arm vaguely remembers being carried home from Hum Bar by an equally drunk Porsche, who took off his shoes for him and tucked him into bed and grinned brightly over his shoulder before staggering out the door.
The problem is that Arm is biased.
Pete, on the other hand, is the most level-headed person Arm knows. Leaving Porsche’s name on his list wouldn’t feel so terrible if Pete agreed with it.
“I wanted you to give me a reason to keep him on here,” Arm mumbles. “I feel bad. He’s our friend.”
“You’re doing your job,” Pete says sincerely. “There’s no shame in that. But…” He reaches over to pat Arm on the shoulder. “There’s nothing wrong with trusting your gut. If you think he’s innocent, leave him off.”
Arm mulls over this. Then he pokes Pete in the side. “I think I trust your gut more than mine.”
Pete lets out a laugh, incredulous, and pokes Arm back.
Later, Arm highlights Porsche’s entry with his cursor and drags it to the bottom of the file. Then he pauses. His hand hovers over the delete button.
He thinks about Pete saying, I trust him. He thinks about what Pete didn’t quite say: you should trust yourself, too.
He hits delete.
#kpanniversary2024 episode 9 + prompt 9: trust
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lambmotifz · 9 days
re: looking for examples of sam being manipulative and controlling over dean.
i think most people who have this interpretation focus a lot on sams resistance and anger directed towards johns refusal of his independence. sam is a complex and well rounded character. i think people are used to applying how a character reacts to one character as how they will react towards all characters, so they made up domsam. dean and john are both paternal figures to sam who have control over his autonomy, but sam GIVES that to dean whereas he fights john. the difference is the codependency.
in the first season sam argued with dean over him going back to stanford so i can see where they think the overlap is. sam will put up a fight but ultimately he submits to dean pretty much all of the time.
also i think they think sam telling dean that he needs him in his life is emotional manipulation. (whether it is or isnt kind of doesnt matter when you compare it to dean) sam is more in touch with his emotions so they take that as sam purposely guilting dean into doing what sam wants. and then they just ignore how actually abusive dean is towards sam. physically AND emotionally.
overall i think its selective blindness towards the characters they prefer. and i think there are a lot of people who only watched the first couple of seasons and rely too much of their interpretation on those early episodes.
YES. 100% all of this. i’ve noticed that people who think sam has more power than dean usually only care about their early seasons dynamic and apparently don’t consider anything past it as canon. sam was more independent in s1 but it doesn’t erase the fact that their dynamic changed with time and became more nuanced and power imbalanced. you can enjoy their s1 relationship without caring much about other seasons, but saying “they’re equal” or “sam is dominating” when most of your examples are from s1 is just wrong. because their post s1 relationship is very different from what they had in early s1. their post s1 (and especially s4-5) dynamic blatantly mirrors dean and john’s, with dean becoming more like john, needing more & more power/control over sam, and sam preferring to submit more & more often
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ravenw1ngs · 9 months
Hey guys is now a good time to tell you I’m working on a 3-part series of qTubbo-centric fics that are a) half a character study, b) mostly canon compliant with some divergence around Purg 2 for ✨reasons✨, and c) focused heavily on family themes and Tubbo’s many issues?
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histhoughtslately · 5 months
Go where you are celebrated not tolerated…
#unconditionallove #community
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a-bit-of-cest · 3 months
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Luffy the type of guy to let the dog watch
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ae-cha08 · 3 months
We all have people who come against us & make negative comments about us. We spend too much time worrying about what they think, trying to defend ourselves & prove to people who we are.
Why don't you put your reputation in God's hands? He said He will defend you, & He will vindicate you far better than you can vindicate yourself. You don't have to retaliate, get even, prove that your a nice person, or convince them to change their mind.
God can do it better than you.
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tadpolebobatea · 5 months
Hello to the 3 other billlytella shippers
(I lost my mind and made this <3 vaguely sexual so under the cut he goes. everyone is fully clothed but shibari is happening)
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I know tumblr is murdering the image quality of this. but please understand that someone desperately needs to put a collar on this man
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(absolute sucker for making tella cry. he deserves to just exist)
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close ups
time lapse (total lunacy. flash warning i think)
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dinosaurwithablog · 2 months
Unmute, please.... this is the sound of Petey breathing while she sleeps. This is the sound that lulls me to sleep every night... that calms my soul and my mind... that brings me peace and the ability to sleep. This sound is beautiful to me. It makes everything okay in my world. I love Petey. She makes everything beautiful, and she is the reason that I am okay every day. I love this dog with all my heart, and I am thankful for every day that I get to share with her by my side. She is my best friend. She is a great friend. I am grateful for every minute that we have together ❤️ 🙏🏼 I love her more than words could ever express ❤️ dogs make the world a much better place. Thank you, Petey. 😊😍 for everything...
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malaierba · 3 months
i actually really like these scenes here
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he's like "my retainers are so skilled and good. i think i'll go with them see ya xoxo"
in the back of his mind im sure he was thinking "we just died after 3 days of going without food and youre telling me to go back in with MARCILLE as our only healer? hm. yeah.... i think i'd rather go beg to maizuru for one (1) favour"
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ai-higurashi · 10 months
Sometimes I think my take on Beakley's hatred for Goldie may be slightly different than the main one in the fandom.
And then I remember that yeah, that checks considering we're all going based on one single scene where her anger was completely legitimate btw. Like idk man, if I was chilling at home and my friend/housemate's ex just showed up out of the blue and left me tied in a closet just bc she felt like robbing us again I too would be "dude wtf".
(That and Webby absolutely hating Goldie but people tend to just brush over or ignore that fact entirely so idk).
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tears-that-heal · 5 months
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God is Love and Jesus Sets the Example. Christians are Called to Follow Suite! 🩷💕
Agape [greek] = unconditional love; selfless; sacrificial.
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loveandthepsyche · 1 year
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When you are in the presence of unconditional love, that is the optimum environment for your heart to open, because you feel safe, because you realize nobody wants anything from you. The minute that heart opens, you are once again letting in the flow. And that flow is where you experience God.
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