#they end up ignoring everyone else and are in their own little world lol
misteria247 · 25 days
So I'm going to ramble a bit cuz I've been noticing that there's a lot of split opinions on Timmy Turner that rage from people adoring him flaws and all to people thinking that he's a little shit. So I decided to throw in my thoughts cuz it's been awhile since I've analyzed a character and I've got some thoughts fam lol. Please don't take this personally cuz this is just my opinion.
I think one of the main reasons why Timmy gets such a mixed reaction from fans is because a lot of his actual story is played like a sitcom. It's not placed in a more serious way, though there are moments where it is, it's quickly glossed over. If you take away the sitcom setting and the attempts of comedy and whatnot you actually get a rather horrible reality for this 10 year old boy. And with it suddenly a lot of his actions and attitude makes a lot more sense.
Timmy when introduced is a 10 year old. He's a child but he's also old enough to know the basics of right and wrong. Much like any kid. He gets his fairy godparents, Cosmo and Wanda because he was deemed to be a child in need of help. This whole scenario is played for laughs and whatnot but like, Timmy's life is actually horrid. He's abused by his babysitter, is tormented by school bullies, is essentially harassed by his teacher and is neglected by his own parents. This is his every day life, from the moment he was old enough to understand this was what he was exposed to and forced to accept. In a way Timmy was forced to grow up a bit faster because of it but not to a point where he completely lost the magic of childhood. When you think about this in a more serious way, things start to click together more.
Timmy's behavior when he gets snappy or creates mischief is a way to get attention from his parents. It's not a good kind but it's something. Or when he acts cold and selfishly, while it could be chalked up to being a kid, I could also argue that he might have actually learned it. Cause who else in his life puts their wants and desires before others? Who else doesn't think about the consequences of their actions and how it'd effect others? Who else ignores other people's thoughts and feelings when it comes to things?
His parents.
Timmy's parents do this shit constantly. From leaving him with abusive babysitters, to not really interacting with him, to making jabs about how their dreams died when he was born to a bunch of other shitty things. They forget to feed him and always criticize him, they're always jumping at the chance to essentially get away from him. All these things are things Timmy's witnessed and has been on the receiving end of for a decade. And never once does his parents really suffer any consequences. It's a known fact that children watch their parents and absorb information from it. Timmy's behaviors can very well be behaviors he unintentionally learned from them. Which is so sad because whenever Timmy's not acting like this, it's quite clear that he's actually incredibly different.
It becomes clear that Timmy's actually incredibly kind.
There's so many moments where he shows his kindness. From lending Cosmo and Wanda to Tootie, to helping fairies in Fairy World to literally giving his fairies the baby they always wanted to saving the whole world several times with little hesitation. Timmy at his core is a kind boy, but due to his home life and its constant reminders of the people in his life not wanting him. (Hell there was a whole ass episode about the world being better if he hadn't been born, like can you imagine that, it's fucking awful-). So in a way Timmy hides that kindness and rarely shows it because of these things.
Which is why Cosmo and Wanda and eventually Peri are so fucking important.
Cosmo and Wanda from the very beginning where different from everyone else. These fairies while granting some reckless and dangerous wishes, have always had Timmy's best interests in mind. Cosmo and Wanda are the positive influences that Timmy desperately needs, the adults that he actually needs to help encourage and push him towards the right direction. Cosmo and Wanda are always in Timmy's corner, even when he's made a mistake, and are always there to catch him and remind him that he's loved and wanted. In one episode where Timmy sneaks into his godparents castle, at the end when they're putting the picture of Maryann back into the hall of infamy, Timmy's first reaction is to apologize and believe that because he'd made this one mistake that he'd end up there with the other bad kids. Only to immediately be told no, baffling Wanda and Cosmo with the very idea of it.
It's things like this that help Timmy grow and feel comfortable with making mistakes. Cuz what he thought isn't exactly a normal thing. They help Timmy in so many ways and grow to love him as their very own cuz when Timmy allows himself to be well himself he's a rather endearing kid. It's no surprise they get so attached.
There's a lot of other things that I've got in my noggin but I just wanted to say these things for the time being. Maybe I'll update on this later lol.
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megamindsecretlair · 10 months
The King and I, Part 1
Pairing: King Ghezo x Virgin!Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. This is more background than anything, so mentions of violence, violence against women, brief mentions of rape, torture, murder, slave trade, and suicidal ideation. Hopefully this will be 3 parts, will lead to smut! Ya heathens, I know what you here for LOL. And you all deserve forehead kisses.
Summary: Raised to be perfect, your father has had it with your disobedience. He marches you to the palace and throws you at the King's feet. You'd rather die than be another person's property. But the King surprises you in many ways.
Word Count: 3,533k
A/N: Couldn't get this idea out of my brain and it definitely doesn't follow the canon in the movie. AH well, LOL. I love it and that's all that matters. Hopefully, my brain continues to cooperate. Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Masterlist | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Taglist: @planetblaque @browngirldominion
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Before you had a chance to be a little girl, you were coveted for your looks. How pretty you were. How nice your hair was. Paraded out in front of many odd, adult people who looked at you with strange things in their eyes. Things you were too young to understand.
As you got older, it only got worse. You were expected to sit there like a doll and let people talk over you or around you, as if you were no more than grass beneath their feet. Wind in their hair. Something always there and easily ignored.
So you made the decision to be seen. You gave opinions when they weren’t wanted. You stayed in other people’s business. You resisted and rebelled. It was nice while it lasted.
Your father made sure to curb you of such habits. But somehow, the punishments never took like they were supposed to. You continued to speak. To use the gifts the gods gave you. If they did not want you to speak, they should have taken your tongue.
At his end, your father gave up his pursuit of a wealthy match for you. “If you will not listen to me, I will give you to someone you have no choice but to obey!” Spittle flew from your father’s mouth.
As you were marched to the palace, that was the one thing you focused on. Your father was a proud man. Perhaps you had gone a step too far if he was letting spit fly from his mouth with abandon. This was the least of your concern, true, but being cast off on the newly appointed King Ghezo was too big to face head on.
People in the village watched as you were marched there, your father’s grip on your arm near bruising. His thick fingers were wrapped around your upper arm. He set a brutal pace and walked forward whether you were able to keep up or not. You stared at the people. You made them look at you.
You didn’t expect them to do anything to help you. No one ever lifted a finger to help little girls. You were many years an adult by now, but to everyone, you were still so young. Young in the ways of the world. But growing up, weren’t you taught the ways of the world? 
The powerful were in charge with no one to challenge them otherwise. While everyone else was sheep, forced to do their bidding. 
Your feet tripped over rocks in the dirt road. Your father continued marching. The palace gates were not far now. Dread started to inch its way to your heart. You had never seen the King, but you heard how your parents whispered about him. How he was both similar and different from his father and brother.
His father had been a cruel man, living in ways that your people hadn’t lived before. Surely, his son would be no different. When you learned that you were going to be given to the new king, you pictured how ugly he must be. How cruel. 
Your father was handing you over like a piece of meat. Handing his daughter over as if he had no hand in birthing you, raising you, guiding, and protecting you. Now you were nothing to him. You looked at him as he jostled you down the street. His eyes were set forward, a frown on his face.
Did he not feel anything at all? All these years you had been in his care and there wasn’t an ounce of feeling in him.
“Did you ever love me?” You asked. You were out of breath and it was said softly. Perhaps he didn’t hear you. You hoped. You didn’t really want to hear his answer. Hear that despite everything else, he did not share that love for you as you did for him all these years.
“You are an insolent child. I will make more of you. I will instill in them obedience where you had none,” he spat. 
You refused to cry. You had an idea that he didn’t truly love you. Sometimes he’d look at you with such…hate. As if you were a stubborn stain he could not remove. You thought it was because of your looks. Because it was all anyone could talk about. But even when it was just you and your mother, he would still look at you as if he could cast you out with a single look.
At the palace gates, the guards halted your father. The red doors were large, stretching high above you. Anyone who went in, never came back out. You heard whispered words about why the King would need so many women. There was talk of him eating flesh. If he sold it, was there a big stretch to eating it? 
You’d die before you got eaten. As your father argued with the guards, telling how he had a disobedient child that the King could do whatever he wanted with, you made the second biggest decision of your life. You will die before harm befell you. In whatever form that was. 
If the King forced himself on you, you’d kill him and take yourself with him. If he tried to put you in a stew, you’d make him watch as you bled all over his fancy robes. The guards finally opened the gates enough for you to peek through.
Women were engaged in combat. Your mouth dropped open at how fierce they looked. You were not allowed to look upon the Agojie when they returned from their battles beyond the walls of the kingdom. But now you dared not to look away. 
Your father pushed you forward. One of the guards caught you and you turned your head to your father. This was the most satisfied you had ever seen him. He hoped that the King did something awful to you. He was counting on it.
You straightened up behind the walls of the palace. You looked your father in the eyes and you smiled. You spat on the ground at his feet, that smile still on your face. His smile faltered, rage contorting his features. You turned your back on him and walked into the lion’s lair.
The guards handed you off one by one until a young guard escorted you to the front of the palace. In the training yard, men and women walked around with heads held high. It had never been your intention to become Agojie, but perhaps the mad King will let you once he found out how unsuitable for a wife you were. 
The thought of killing anyone made you ill, but it would be better than to be bound to someone who could have you killed with one word. 
The guard took you to the door that led to the inner palace. An Agojie met you there, a tall woman with beautiful features and sharp nails. She looked you up and down and conversed with the guard. You didn’t pay attention. You were marching to your death, what did the particulars matter? 
The woman took possession of you, leading you into the inner palace where it was women only. Everywhere you looked, there were Dahomey women walking freely. They laughed! They trained, they ran, and hugged each other without abandon. There were a few women from other tribes there, but…this sight robbed you of clear thought.
“You will catch flies if you leave your mouth open like that,” the Agojie said. 
The Agojie stalked forward, a hand on the hilt of her weapon. You briefly wondered how you could steal one unnoticed. You searched around you. There were weapons everywhere but there were so many Agojie, you doubted you’d be able to capture one. 
“What’s your name?” You asked.
“Nanisca,” the warrior said. “You’d do well to listen to whatever the King wants.” 
You didn’t need to be reminded of the King’s cruelty. It was all your father taunted you with for days as he made his decision to hand you over. You followed Nanisca to the palace proper. There, a man dressed in bright purple robes greeted you. He was bald with lots of jewelry hanging from his nose, ears, and around his neck. He looked you up and down and then rolled his eyes towards Nanisca.
“I suppose we will have this to look forward to from now on,” he said.
“As long as our King breathes air,” Nanisca said. She left you there with the man. 
“Come,” he said. You followed him, though dread made your steps wooden and your limbs frozen. You were too deep to escape now. But escape to where? Outside the kingdom, you ran the risk of slavers. Rapists. Murderous thugs who would know where you came from and kill you just for being born in the wrong tribe.
The palace was nice, almost peaceful. There was the clank of weapons outside. Grunts and sounds from the Agojie as they practiced. The palace was big but also felt empty. As if there weren’t a lot of people there.
The King must be fat then. Perhaps he ate all the servants and would-be brides. The bald man led you through to a chamber with many chairs. On a raised dais, there was a large throne and a smaller one beside. 
“Wait here,” the man said. He twirled and disappeared down the hall. You took a step forward, looking at the displayed riches and art work. If a king was cruel, did he know anything about art? Or beauty? 
“Is this necessary?” You heard mumbling and turned towards the door, ready to face the King head on. To see what kind of monster your parents have subjected you to. 
A young man walked in, with thick curled hair and light facial hair. He wore robes of gold, his robe split open revealing a well defined chest. He stood in the doorway and gazed at you as you did him.
He certainly didn’t look monstrous. You knew that evil things often came in the prettiest packages, but he was beautiful. Strong. Solid. 
He was still your new jailor, you mustn’t forget. So you stood there and looked him in the eye. You were not a victim and you will not be treated as such. 
“What is your name?” He asked. He pressed into the room further, looking you up and down with desire in his eyes. Your parents taught you well. How to spot it in others. 
You told him your name and he repeated it. As if to savor it around his tongue. He walked closer until he was within reach. Up close, he was even more handsome. You had to fight yourself from getting distracted by his looks. He was still cruel. You remembered all the horrible stories about his brother. He couldn’t be any different.
“So your father has given you away to me.” 
It wasn’t a question, but you answered anyway. “He has, my King,” you said.
“Do you wish to be given away?” He asked.
You gasped and looked at him. You looked to the bald man for help but he was turned away from the two of you. You looked back towards King Ghezo. It was the first time anyone had asked what you wished. For it to come from a king who should not care what you wanted…you weren’t sure what to do with the information.
“N-No,” you said.
King Ghezo nodded. “I wish I could make it easier for you. But you are too beautiful to be Agojie and if I turn you from this palace, you will have nowhere to go.” He reached for your hand and you snatched it from him. He smiled patiently as he held out his hand to you.
He was only pretending to be nice. A stupid, hopeful part of you had thought he wasn’t like the stories. He was worse. Still, he was correct. If he turned you away, you had nowhere to go. Once you had been here, everyone would assume the King used you and not deemed you worthy. Cast you out like a whore. You would be forced to sell your body. 
You took his hand. He gripped it lightly and smiled. He kissed the back of your hand. “Welcome, my Queen,” he said.
The next few days were a blur. King Ghezo’s first wife saw to your preparation for the wedding. The eunuch from earlier saw to your lessons, what was expected of you. No different than what your father had wanted from you. To be on your best behavior and only speak when spoken to. 
You hadn’t seen the King since then, but you caught glimpses every now and then. You were given your own quarters and servant, someone to tend to your needs. It was odd to have someone help bathe you, but the King preferred cleanliness to all else. He was vain on top of a liar.
The feast arrived in no time and you were painted up like a doll. At the wedding, you stood there as expected. If you had smiled any harder, it would have split your face in two. You had stood there like a goat on the pasture, ready to be bought and chopped up. King Ghezo studied you, encircled you, and found you acceptable. You had been tense, near trembling. You hated every second of it.
But now you are married. You sat beside King Ghezo at the high table, while he joked and laughed with his advisors. His other wife sat on your side, quiet and dull. You pitied her. The fight had left her long ago. You were still young. There was still time for you. While everyone smiled and laughed and enjoyed the feast, you hid a knife up your sleeve. It wasn’t that sharp, but it’d do the trick when the King tried to climb in your bed tonight.
You smiled in his face and feigned an innocent routine. You waited for the casual cruelty. When he would hiss for you to shut up, eat more, eat less, sit up straight. It never came. He only gave you brief glances, each always polite. A smile on those plump lips. You couldn’t shake your resolve though. Tonight, you’d be free. Whether free in death or free in life was entirely up to him. 
That night, you lay in your bed. There was a door there that led to a small balcony overlooking the rest of the kingdom. It was mostly the trees in the forest, but they were tall and mighty and more than the view you got back home. You did not spare your father a thought, but you thought of your mother. It had not been her choice to marry such a cruel man. 
It had not been your choice to marry a cruel man either. However, you felt as if you had a child, you would have moved the heavens and the earth to protect it. To not let what happened to you, happen to your own daughter. You supposed that dream was gone now. You’d either die tonight and never have a kid, or face the wrath of the kingdom and bear one without your permission. Somehow death seemed kinder. 
You did not want to die. But how could you live within these walls? With that monster? Admittedly, you did not hear any screams late in the night. His first wife seemed unbothered. Untouched. She had borne him his first son, so perhaps he left her alone. And perhaps goats flew over the moon. 
Men were only interested in one thing from a woman. And it was not her brain. 
A soft knock tore you from your musings. You tensed up, sliding your hand beneath your pillow to wrap around the handle of the knife. Maybe if you pretended to be sleep, he’d come back another night.
The door pushed open, soft feet padded inside, and the door closed again. You lay on your side, turned towards the open balcony. If you screamed, would no one come to your aid? 
“Are you awake?” King Ghezo’s soft voice reached you. You didn’t answer. Your breaths were stalled in your chest. Your hand cramped from holding the knife too hard. 
The King poked at your shoulder before making you roll over. “I know you are not…”
You sat up and had the knife at his throat in one fell swoop. The King’s eyes widened, but he looked at you, not the knife.
“Will you kill me, my Queen?” He asked. 
You pressed the knife into his skin, hard enough to know you meant business but careful not to break the skin. You were already committing treason, but somehow, it was important not to mar the king. 
He stared at you. Those deep brown eyes set in such a handsome face. You looked for the cruel man you heard about. Where was he? You could harm a cruel man. They deserved it tenfold. Why wasn’t he making this easy on you?
“I don’t want to,” you finally admitted. “I have to.”
What did he mean, why? “Aren’t you angry?” 
“Angry at a scared woman who has no one on her side? No,” he said. He was so calm, so patient. This was at odds with everything you built up about him in your head.
“Don’t pity me,” you said. You pushed the knife in deeper. 
He leaned away and held his hands up. “I do not pity you. I will not pretend to know your life. But I can promise that you’re safe here,” he said.
You scoffed. “I’m not safe anywhere,” you said. You pressed your lips together. That hadn’t been what you meant to say. You meant to throw it back on him, that he could not promise safety when he dealt in the slave trade. When he looked at his people and only saw money from white devils. 
His eyes softened and he slowly smiled. “No man intact can enter this palace. Beyond that, we are protected by the fiercest warriors in the world. Beyond them, there is a first legion still to defend this palace from enemies. Here in the heart of it, you are the safest you’ve ever been.” 
“But who will keep me safe from you?” 
King Ghezo leaned forward, making you choose between cutting him or retreating. You eased up on the pressure. “You can do a finer job protecting yourself than most women can,” he said.
You stared at him. Your arm began to shake from holding the knife for so long. You couldn’t do it. You couldn’t kill him. You were weak and would never be accepted as an Agojie. You would never fare well beyond these walls. 
You dropped the knife on the bed and held out your wrists. “I’m ready for my punishment, my King,” you said.
King Ghezo let out a long breath. You noticed now that he wore a deep, royal purple that highlighted his rich, dark skin. He wore minimal jewelry. He was just that magnificent on his own. Especially when the candle light flickered across his features.
“I’ve threatened the King. I am ready for whatever punishment you hand out,” you said.
The King ignored the knife on the bed between you. It was within his right to take it and kill you. Or take it as evidence of your deceit. He could brand it for all to see as he threw you out of the palace. 
He did none of those things. He reached out his hand slowly and enclosed yours in his. You stared at your hands in comparison to his. He watched you as he brought your hands to his lips and placed a small kiss there.
“Plot how next you’ll kill me. If I have not convinced you of my intentions, of my character by then, you may carry through,” he said.
“What? No, no!” You said. You pulled your hands back but he held on. He pulled you closer until your hands were pressed against his warm, smooth chest. 
“Keep the knife, my Queen. This will be interesting between us,” he said.
This was surely a trap. A way for him to play and toy with you while he tightened the noose about your neck. Or gathered wood to burn you alive. Or for the Agojie to sharpen their swords to take your head with it.
“My King…”
“One day, I wish for you to call me your love,” he said. “But I will earn it or die trying.” A cocky grin spread across his face. It transformed him from a king to a man. A man who you were married to, sitting on your bed, with intentions involving you. 
He placed one more kiss on your hands and then retreated from the room. He never gave you his back, but he did smile and bow. Then he was gone from your room. A chill from outside caressed your bare skin and you shivered.
Was the king truly mad? Or were you? And why did he make you want to find out which?
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Masterlist | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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galeorderbride · 3 months
I discovered your account recently, and I'm a fan! This strengthens my love for Gale even more! I have a request, is it possible to use the following prompts :
3)Touching foreheads
7) Kissing scars
11)Sharing secrets
41)Washing each other hairs
52)Crying into their shoulder
60) sitting in their lap
i will probably ask for others prompt later ahah!
thanks you so much 🖤
Thank you for the request!! I’m stoked to know I’ve helped strengthen your love for everyone’s favourite rizzard lol. And send as many prompts as you like!
Your prompt awaits:
Rated: M (Gale and Tav sharing a bath, non descriptive nudity).
Gale x F!tav
Words: 1652
Wash my Troubles Away
Baths were always the way Tav chose to unwind after a stressful day. Before the nautiloid, and after, although she’d been seriously lacking in access. In all honesty, she was surprised it took this long for her to break down. Months on the road, toiling through endless swaths of blood, shit and tears with the onus on them to solve everyone’s problems. At first, Tav enjoyed helping, seeing new friends suffer a little bit less in such a difficult society. Once they reached Rivington, however, her patience ran drier than a dead fountain. 
Thankfully, they found the Elfsong, where a private bathroom awaited. As soon as the fee was paid, Tav thought about taking a bath—craved it. A space to calm her muscles and cry out her troubles without drawing attention. 
Hot water flowed against her naked back, bubbling with lavender oil and sudsy soap, emanating the scent of vanilla and oat. Tav tucked her legs to her chest, curling into a ball of frustration and embarrassment as she couldn’t stop crying. Tav needed more resilience than this. Facing the end of the world required stalwart bravery, and she was having a meltdown over finding gold for a bank manager. How in the hells was she supposed to take down a giant brain? 
Meanwhile, everyone else had no problem being selfish. A toy maker set explosives in his own products, totally willing to kill children to save his own skin. Idiots tying up Volo just because he was talking about the things they wanted to ignore. Ironhand gnomes masking abusive bigotry with a shining cause. Tav was tired of everyone’s bullshit, making excuses for themselves, taking zero responsibility when she had no other option but to face problems head on. 
Her self pity was interrupted by a knock at the bathroom door. The sound of a lilted, erudite voice coming through the wood: 
“Mind if I come in, love?” 
Gale appeared in the doorway after Tav agreed he could enter. Holding fresh towels and a wicker basket of different bath products, looking brand new as if he’d just returned from an apothecary. Tav splashed water in her face to mask the puffiness of her eyes, as if her detail oriented wizard would ever let a thing like that get past him. 
“You seem like you could use some company. And so far, I’ve been very skilled and…calming you down, so to speak. I fetched some products from Bonecloak’s, all your favourite scents. Jasmine, pomegranate, aloe vera. If you’d prefer to be alone, know you won’t offend me. I just wanted to give you these so you know someone is thinking about you,” he said. 
Tav turned her head, grinning as best she could, easier because of his presence. Since their romance had begun, he was the only one virtually incapable of annoying her. He always knew what to say, always understood the right words or actions to keep her grounded. No one had been such a positive force in her life, and every morning, no matter how terrible, she thanked the stars for finding that unstable portal. 
“I’m not enviable company at the moment, but yours, would surely heal my weary heart,” Tav replied. 
Gale smiled, “No matter how you’re feeling, there is no one in the realms I’d rather spend my time with.” 
Times like this were when Tav didn’t believe she deserved his sweetness. Doting on her out of an adoration she couldn’t figure out. He placed the bottles on a tiny stool beside the tub, undressing so he could join her in a warm, sudsy water, snapping his fingers with a little magic to heat it back to ideal temperature. He made use of the large, circular space as he sunk in behind her, enveloping her in a comforting embrace as she rested her back onto his chest. Little hairs tickled her skin, causing her to chuckle for the first time all day. 
Careful movements of his fingertips massaging her scalp sent shivers down Tav’s spine. Scents of pomegranate and jasmine soothed her sinuses, letting the hot water pour down her head, through strands of clean hair. Tension from her muscles seemed to dissolve with each considerate touch, Gale’s hands created to caress her skin. When he finished, he wrapped his arms around her, rocking her back and forth as they both watched the window ahead. A clear night gifted them glimmering stars, a cool breeze whistling out of a crack in the insulation. Tav leaned back, resting her head in the crux of Gale’s shoulder as she closed her eyes. A few, stray tears fell from her eyes, overwhelmed by the sudden comfort of her magical lover lifting her through the ache of evening. 
Gale didn’t press her for reasons, didn’t rush to solve the problem when he noticed her tears. He just held her, waited in solidarity until she was ready, happy to let her sink into his life force to refresh her own. 
“I’m sorry,” she finally said with a tearful chuckle, “You must think I’m ridiculous. Crying for no reason like this.” 
“Well, my love, your mind may be telling you that there is no reason, but that doesn’t mean it’s true. With all our travels, all the weight on your shoulders, you have every reason to cry. You’re more resilient than you think, I’d have crumbled long ago,” he said. 
Tav looked up at him, in utter admiration for his thoughtfulness, his beauty, everything. If she could, she’d sing his praises for a thousand years, to make up for all the times Mystra never did. Or anyone else who didn’t care to see the magnificence of him. 
Her fingers traced up his collarbone, around the mark the orb left that paved a path to his wonderful neck. A forced tattoo sunk into the surface of his skin, binding him to his well intentioned folly. Their foreheads touched as Gale lowered his head, wishing desperately that he could hold every
 part of her at the same time. Mage hands and mirror images weren’t enough, it had to be him. 
“Can I tell you something I’ve never told anyone before?” He asked, words hanging on between their breaths, lips hovering over each other but never quite meeting. 
“Hmm, you’ve already told me about Mystra. And that you haven't spoken to anyone in over a year until me. Oh, and that you get excited when you see me bloody after a fight. What else could there possibly be?” She asked, flirtatiously smiling at him with her eyelids batting just the way he liked. The smirk he made when he saw it was irresistible. 
Gale chuckled, “This one is far less serious, but might be what you need to hear in this moment.” 
They adjusted slightly, Gale sitting up as he pulled his arm out of the water. Just above his elbow was a superficial scar, raised tissue blending in with the rest of his skin. An uneven line travelling up his arm, about three inches long. Wherever he got it from, it had to be years ago. 
“People don’t notice this scar much anymore, not with the giant black circle on my chest. But people used to. I’d tell them it was from a kitchen knife,” he said, “But…really I accidentally set fire to my neighbour’s rose bushes when I was a child. I was trying to conjure, and the fire got away from me. Singed my arm in the process.” 
Tav turned, scooching further onto his lap as she examined his arm. She couldn’t help but laugh, “That’s your secret? Ruining a bush?” 
“Not just any bush. A rose bush. One of the most beautiful I’d ever seen. I’d pass by those roses every day, stare at them for a minute or two. Just to see something be so effortlessly perfect in its imperfection. They simply grew that way, and then I destroyed them. All I could do was cry, sob over how I tarnished something so innocent and pretty for my own sake. I don’t talk about it because…well, it’s silly, but it’s the worst thing I’ve ever felt. It’s stayed with me my entire life, and the burn scar only serves as a beacon for it,” he explained. 
“Even worse than what happened with Mystra?” She asked, grazing her fingertips across the uneven line of the scar. Eyes stuck to the mark as if it was the last thing she’d ever see. 
Gale hesitated, taking a heart wrenching pause. Tav noticed his eyes staring ahead, fixated on the window. A heavy, unsaid energy hung over him.  
“It was the catalyst. For everything. Had I not set fire to that bush, Elminster never would’ve found me. And then I’d never have attracted Mystra’s attention. A boring existence…but maybe a better one,” he said, voice trailing along the waves of his melancholic thoughts. 
Instead of responding, giving him a treatise on how he didn’t need to feel guilty anymore and burning a flower bush wasn’t a definer of his total character, she pressed her lips against the burn scar. Counting her kisses for every year of remorse he felt since setting that fire ball. Ever since their first night together, he slowly began to shed that overconfident veneer, more comfortable to show her the parts of him that hurt, the deep cuts that both of them wished they could bury. 
“Seems we both have a guilt problem,” Tav said. “Come here.” 
Tav moved to straddle his lap, taking the ceramic bowl and filling it with the warm, soapy water. Gale rested on her shoulder, as if on impulse, while she poured the liquid down the long strands of chestnut hair. Running her shampooed hands across his scalp, satisfied every time she heard his happy moans against the scratch of her nails. After rinsing, she kissed the top of his head. 
“Thank you for telling me a secret,” she said, “I’ll tell you one of mine tomorrow.”
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forays-into-fiction · 2 years
Why Don’t You Put on a Show
This is a fic for anon who sent in this request, I hope it lives up to your expectations and it’s at least somewhat what you were after. I know next to nothing about Playboy so I’m pulling most of this out of my ass lol
Part 2: When It Rains, It Pours  
Minors DNI
Contains: Rockstar!Eddie x Reader, All smut right at the end, Protective!Eddie, Honorifics/ Petnames (Sir, Babe, Baby, Sweetheart, Princess), Dry Humping, Strip Tease, Oral fixation, Slight Dom!Eddie/Sub!Reader, Slight Degradation/Name-calling (Slut), Dirty Talk, Unprotected Sex, Some Aftercare
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You had been relaxing with Eddie in a moment of downtime, he was sat on the couch strumming away on his acoustic guitar working on something new for Corroded Coffin. You were curled up with a book, glancing at him every so often admiring his look of concentration, his little tongue poking out between his lips. The moment is interrupted by the phone ringing and you move to answer it.
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“Ok, yeah. Thank you. Bye.” You hang up the receiver in the cradle a little shellshocked.
“Who was that, sweetheart?” Eddie pauses his strumming to ask, looking over to you.
“So… uh… I just got a call from someone at Playboy. They want me for a photoshoot.” You explain numbly.
“What?!” He exclaims incredulously.
You rush to assuage any of his concerns, “They’ve said it will be very tasteful, nothing to worry about. And we’ll be doing an interview too, you could… you could come with me for support.”
“No, I won’t let you.” He says firmly.
You cross you arms over your chest, tensing at his response, “Let me. Let me, hmm…it’s not up to you to let me or not. I am my own person and I am sick and tired of all the rumours people keep spreading about me… about us.”
“I’m just trying to protect you, y/n. You don’t know what it’s like doing these interviews. They pick apart every word you say, twist it around so it means something else entirely. I don’t want you to have to go through that, people aren’t entitled to you, or us… or… or…”
You soften at his tone, moving to sit beside him on the couch, rubbing his arm, “I know, babe, but maybe this’ll help satiate everyone’s curiosity, maybe it’ll die down after this.”
“I just don’t want you getting involved in something that could hurt you, there are people out there that can be so nasty. You know how people were to me before all of this, I don’t want anything like that falling back on you.”
You grasp his hands between your own looking into his eyes deeply, “People already say some shitty stuff about me babe, I know. I can ignore it, what’s some random person on the street matter? I’ll be ok, I want to do this.”
“You’re sure? There’s no talking you out of it?” He persists.
“Yep, I’m sure, I’m gonna do this interview. Really stake my claim on you, shout it out to the world ‘I love Eddie Munson’ and maybe that’ll finally shut everyone up.” 
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The two of you stand before the sprawling mansion, “It’s very ‘Gothic-Tudor’.” You muse, staring up at the impressive detailing.
Eddie wraps an arm around you drawing you closer and pressing a kiss to your neck, “You wanna live in a place like this one day?”
“Oh, god no what would we do in a place this big?”
He smirks devilishly, “I think you know what we’d be doing in a place like this…” he wiggles his brows at you suggestively before continuing, “…sex, I mean sex.”
You roll your eyes at him, “Obviously you mean sex Eds. When are you ever not horny? Jesus.”
“Jesus ain’t got nothing to do with it babe, I may have the hair but that’s about it.”
You give his shoulder a shove, “Oh, ha ha real funny guy you are. Come on let’s head in.”
He grabs your wrist as you turn towards the door, tone shifting more seriously, “You sure you’re ready for this? No going back once everything is out there.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m sure.” You assure him.
“Alright then, let’s go.” He gives a sweeping gesture, indicating for you to proceed and follows along behind you.
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The man who greets you at the door introduces himself as Lawrence, he’ll be the one conducting the interview. As you step into the great hall, you can see straight through to the terrace on the other side and the backyard beyond, to your left there’s an ornate double staircase, chandelier dangling from the ceiling before it. You are led through an archway to a living room, you take in the art on the wood-panelled walls before taking a seat with Eddie on the three-seater couch.
 “Ok, so the way we’re going to do this is, Mario is going to take y/n for her photoshoot.” Lawrence gestures to the man who has just entered the room.
“Now y/n is definitely the focus of this issue, but we were hoping we could get a few questions in with Eddie over here, while we have him.” He turns gesturing to your boyfriend.
“Once the photos are all done, y/n can join us for her interview. How does that sound?” He glances between the pair of you waiting for a response.
 You’re a little nervous, shifting uncomfortably, you thought you’d be able to have Eddie there while the photos were being done. He gives your hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze before answering for the pair of you, “It’s not exactly what we expected, but yeah that’s fine, right, sweetheart?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I think I’ll be ok.” You say more to him than the interviewer.
“Great! That’s perfect.” Lawrence claps his hands together and Mario motions for you to follow him, you drop Eddie’s hand a little reluctantly and rise from the couch.
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You’re led to a bedroom that’s been decked out for the photoshoot, lighting, those white reflectors, a backdrop screen, camera positioned on a tripod, the works. A team of people stands waiting with a rack of risqué outfits, another waiting to do your makeup, you’re feeling a little overwhelmed but they guide you through explaining, “You have a very mysterious image and we want to bring that out with these photos. How do you feel about…”
 The whole process passes by in a whirlwind, you feel like you’re barely absorbing anything they say, just reacting. Before you know it you’re slipping back into your own clothing and heading back to the living room.
 When you are reunited with Eddie, he moves to stand beside you pressing a kiss to your cheek, “How was it babe?”
“Uh… it was good, I think. It all went by so quick, I’m not sure I even had time to take it all in.”
He rubs your shoulder, “That’s ok, you ready for the interview now?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
He leads you back to the couch, Lawrence grins at you and you give him a small smile back, before beginning hesitantly, “I… um, I’m not really sure how this is supposed to go. I’ve never done one of these before.”
“Just answer the questions, be yourselves and have fun… I’ll take it from there.” He replies, that doesn’t sound too bad you think to yourself.
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“Ok, y/n how do you think you’re handling your new found fame along with your boyfriend’s rocket to stardom?”
 “It has been kind of a wild ride. I don’t really know why anyone is interested in me. I mean he’s the rockstar… I’m just like his little groupie, like I don’t really have anything to do with the band.”
 Eddie interrupts to add, “Oh, sweetheart you are so much more than that, I don’t know what I’d do without you… without all your support and love throughout all of this.”
 He turns to Lawrence, “You know, back when we were only performing at that little dive bar just outside of Hawkins. To no one mind you, but a handful of sloppy drunks with nothing better to do. She was out there putting together posters and making shirts and singing our praises to anyone that’d listen. She was our number one fan from day one. Well, that was after I finally convinced her to come see us play.” He chuckles.
 You feel yourself beginning to flush with embarrassment, “Oh shush, that makes me sound so bad… so desperate.”
 “No, it doesn’t, I think it’s cute.” Eddie says, slinging an arm around your shoulder.
“Yes, very cute…” Lawrence mumbles offhandedly scribbling away in a notebook. “Do you have a favourite Corroded Coffin song, y/n?”
 “Oh, that’s a hard one…” you giggle, “I love all their songs really, but a favourite… hmmm, I’d have to say it was the one Eddie dedicated to me on their first album.”
 He scribbles a little more before looking up, “So, everyone is dying to know, how did you two meet? How did all of this start?”
 “We, uh… we actually met in high school. Started dating our senior year,” you look to Eddie for support and he nods, squeezing your hand in his breifly, “Eddie had to repeat his final year a couple of times and I became his tutor and friend at first. I know a lot of people thought he was dumb because of that but that is so not true, he is soooo smart, just has a little trouble concentrating sometimes.”
They let you continue rambling, “And he is so talented, I mean clearly… but I remember one time we were sitting in his bedroom, he was sat on his bed strumming on his guitar along to a song he put on the radio. He’d said it was some new song by Metallica he was trying to learn. His hair was gathered up all low, messy in a hair tie, a pencil tucked behind his ear. Every now and then he’d pause the cassette, to make some notes in the book beside him, his tongue poking out between his teeth. I just couldn’t look away, I remember thinking ‘how could someone be this pretty’.” You sigh and look up at him.
 Eddie gapes at you, “Babe, that was way before we even started dating, I had no idea.” He chuckles then continues in a teasing, singsong voice, “You had a crush on meeee, that’s embarrassing for you.”
You slap him playfully, “Oh, shut up we are literally dating it’s not like you didn’t have a crush on me… and you’re the one that admitted it first so ha.”
You poke your tongue out at him and he does the same.
 “Awww, you were high school sweethearts that’s so precious.” The interviewer responds in a patronising tone. “Do you think you guys will last? How do you handle all these women throwing themselves at your man?”
 You feel a heat rising in your cheeks, tensing at the question. You ball your hands into fists trying to control the emotions that threaten to overwhelm you, he’s definitely hit a sore spot for you, one of your biggest insecurities. Eddie places his hand over yours rubbing gently before springing to your defence. 
“That was a very rude question, how dare you imply I would cheat or leave the love of my life for some stupid hookup. I love my fans, don’t get me wrong, but that is never happening.”
The interviewer presses on, “Yes, of course, but we want to know how she feels. It must be hard even-”
Eddie cuts him off firmly, “No. If you continue with this question we are leaving.”
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Lawrence throws his hands up in defeat, “Ok. Ok, I’ll stop. So, how do you think your relationship affects the band?”
 The next question does little to brighten Eddie’s sour mood, but he answers, “Well, I for one think it’s great. She gives us all so much support, she inspires me and I think that is great for the band. They all love her too, she’s like family to them.”
 Lawrence turns to you, “And how do you feel about it, y/n?”
 “I don’t know I’ve never really thought about it, I just… I guess I just want whatever’s best for them, whatever that entails. I am so proud of all of them and all their hard work, it’s really paying off for them.” You answer honestly, if a little shakily.
  “So, you’re not worried about having a Yoko situation?” He presses.
 “What? No, why would I be worried about that? I would never do anything to interfere with the band.” You answer slightly taken aback.
 “What’s he mean, babe?” Eddie whispers in your ear, a little confused.
 “He’s talking about Yoko Ono and John Lennon, people say that she’s the reason The Beatles broke up.”
 “Ok, man what the fuck?” Eddie jumps to his feet, “Are you really that desperate for some scandal, some little juicy tidbit that isn’t even true? Why can’t this just be about us, who we really are? You know either way the issue is gonna sell. No one cares about the shit that you write anyway.”
 “Then why are you here?” Lawrence counters.
 “Because she thought… you know what never-mind we’re leaving.” He grabs your wrist pulling you from the couch and stomping away.
 “You know what they say, any publicity is good publicity…” Lawrence shouts after your retreating forms. Eddie pays him no attention dragging you out of the mansion.
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You’re speechless for a moment but when you get back out to the front door as it slams shut you tug on his arm bringing him to a halt.
“Eds, what if… what if they don’t run the issue? What if all of that was just for nothing?”
“That ass will probably find a way to work our little storm out into it, spin it like we’re the bad guys. Or maybe he’ll just make up some other lies it doesn’t matter to them really as long as they get their cut.” He scoffs.
“Come on let’s get back to our room.” He huffs out.
You spend the rest of the trip back to your hotel in silence, Eddie quietly fuming, you sitting there numbly.
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He opens the door to your room ushering you in and closing the door behind him, turning to face you and sighing, “How’re you doing?”
The floodgates burst and tears stream down your cheeks, he pulls you into his arms and you blubber into his chest, “He was so mean… I di-didn’t think it would be like that… so confrontational…so demeaning…”
He rubs soothing circles into your back, pressing kisses into the top of your head, “I know. I know, it’s ok. Don’t pay any attention to what that idiot said. I love you. I’ll never leave you. You are the best thing in my life.”
“Y-you promise?” You ask shakily, tilting your head up to look at him.
“Oh, sweetheart of course I do. And you know me man of honour, man of my word.” He jokes.
You giggle, breaking out into a watery smile, “How do you do it Eds? Why do you do it?”
“The interviews, the publicity? It’s hard, but I love the music more and that feeling of stepping out onto a stage and performing… it’s exhilarating. It’s also good to have people looking at me like I’m not just some loser freak-”
“Hey, what have I said about calling yourself that?” You admonish him.
He waves a hand dismissively, “Yeah, yeah. But the rest that’s the price I gotta pay and I hate that I gotta drag you into that. Tried so hard to keep you away from that part of my life.” He sighs heavily.
You lean back into his chest and he rests his head on top of yours, you mumble into him “I wouldn’t trade it for the world, you know? I love you, Eddie. I have always loved you. I hope you know I’m here for you when this stuff does get bad.”
“I know, it’s good to hear it though.” He sighs.
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“Guess what came in the mail today…” He waves an envelope in your face as you step through the door.
“Uhh… I don’t know were we expecting anything?” You hum searching your memory for some clue.
He pulls out a glossy magazine and you see your own image staring back at you, along with the words ‘Inside the lives of rockstar Eddie Munson and his Mystery Girl’. You cringe, “Oh god! That’s out now? How bad is it?”
“Nah, not yet. We got an advanced copy, didn’t bother reading that stupid article, who gives a shit what that asshole has to say about us…” He lets out a low groan, “…but babe I looked through it and God damn is it sexy. Those photos of you, so hot I almost couldn’t wait ‘til you got home.”
“What do you mean, I wasn’t even doing anything in those photos… you definitely have more racy photos of me than that.”
“Yeah, but you’re in Playboy that’s really fucking hot, my girlfriend’s a model.” He grins at you broadly.
You giggle, smiling back bashfully, “Shut up!”
He pounces on you, kissing you fervently, groping at your ass.
“How about we take this to the bedroom?” He grinds his hard length up into your clothed core and you whine nodding your head against him.
He leads you to your bedroom, you don’t need to see him to know he’s grinning from ear to ear.
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He sits on the bed grabbing your hips and pulling you to stand between his spread thighs. You lean into him and tilt his head back, pulling him into another kiss, your hands fisting into his curls. His tongue slides over yours insistently as he reaches around you, kneading the swell of your ass between both hands, you feel the hard press of the rings around his fingers. The two of you break apart gasping for breath, he’s pulling you to sit, straddling his lap. You move to steady yourself with your hands on his shoulders, but he grabs your wrists holding them crossed behind your back. He uses the leverage he has over you to pull you against him, conveniently dragging your mound over his persistent erection. Repeating this action over and over as your head falls against his, your eyes flutter closed as you moan breathily.
“That feel good, sweetheart?” He teases.
You hum with a nod, “Mmhm… so good.”
He chuckles at your response, “It’ll be even better once we get rid of these clothes.”
With the grip on your arms, he pulls you further down his legs til you’re just resting on his knees. You whine and open your eyes to look into his, his dark pupils encapsulating majority of his irises.
“How ‘bout you put on a show for me? Just like in that magazine.”
“Absolutely. If I got the real thing in front of me, why would I bother with anything else?”
“O-ok…” he lets you pull away from his grip, sliding off his lap, “…wait here a minute.”
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You disappear into your closet, re-emerging shortly with something clasped in your hands.
Eddie leans back on the bed, resting on his elbows as he watches you curiously, “What’s that you got there, princess?”
“You’ll see.” You reply evasively, making your way over to your vanity. You slip a cassette into the radio on the vanity, pushing some buttons…
 ♫Step inside
Walk this way
You and me babe
Hey hey♫
 You turn back around to face him and he laughs bodily, “Oh babe, you had that queued up perfectly, if I didn’t know any better, I would’ve said you planned this.”
You give him a sly smirk, “Maybe I did plan this… well not exactly like this, but you know… I had it on standby.”
“Oh, so my dirty little girl wants to strip for me… interesting, well go on the song’s not gonna last forever.” He smirks back devilishly.
You sway your hips to the music, running your hands over your body, slowly moving towards him. You strip off your clothing piece by piece, teasingly, seductively. You move to straddle him once again, now only clothed in a matching black lacy bra and panties set adorned with little pink bows, one nestled between your cleavage the other at the middle of the waistband.
“So, you weren’t planning anything today huh? What’s this then?” He hooks a finger into the waistband of your panties.
You pout back at him, “Just wanted to feel cute today, that’s all.”
His fingers move to toy with the bow positioned above your crotch, “Well, you are. Look at you all wrapped up, bows and all, just like a little present. And it’s all for me.”
 You whine, dropping your forehead to rest against his nodding against him, mumbling, “Mhmm, all yours, baby.”
  He pulls you into another heated kiss as you grind down against him, the music continues in the background, another song having started up. You tug on his shirt whining into his lips, he pulls away hooking a hand in the collar of his shirt slipping it over his head smoothly. You latch onto his neck kissing and sucking your way down his chest leaving red marks in your wake. When you get to his pants, you’re unbuckling his belt without hesitation as he looks down at you pupils blown wide and with a lopsided smirk. Just as you’re rolling down his boxers to follow along with his pants, he’s pulling you back up, “No time for that now.”
You pout at him, “Awww, but why?”
“’Cause if I don’t get my dick in that wet, little cunt of yours I might just explode. You can suck my dick some other time.”
“You promise?”
He huffs rolling his eyes “God yes, just get over here.”  
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He drags you onto the bed, flipping you over so that he’s hovering over you. He presses soft kisses into the swell of your breasts, his hands snaking around you to undo the clasp. He tosses the bra over his shoulder pausing to suckle at your nipple and nipping on it gently to your strung-out moans. “What… what happened… to… to ‘no time for that’.” You pant out as your hands twist into his curls.
“I’m getting there.” He mumbles grinning against your skin before continuing to trail teasing kisses towards the elastic of your panties. He grips the fabric between his teeth dragging it down your legs, before popping up proudly grinning with your panties still clamped between his teeth.
You snatch them away from him tossing them across the room, “Alright, that’s enough come on and fuck me already.”
“Ohoho, someone’s got bite. Settle, or you won’t get anything.” He reprimands you.
“Yes, sir.” You mumble back faintly, eyes downcast.
He presses you back into the mattress, drawing back down between your thighs with his head, “Just want a little taste, ok.”
He runs his tongue between your folds, collecting the slick that has gathered there, “Oh baby, you’re always sooo wet for me… so sweet too.”
He plunges his fingers into your heated core, you can hear his rings clink together at your entrance as he pumps them in and out slowly, they come away sticky with your juices.
“Wanna taste?” He presses his fingers to your lips, not waiting for an answer, “Come on suck on them, you wanted something to suck on, didn’t you?”
Your mouth falls open of its own accord, tongue darting out to lap at his fingers and he replicates his earlier actions, dragging his fingers in and out of your mouth. You whine around the digits, your tongue swirling around them as you imagine sucking on his cock.
“That’s it sweetheart… alright enough now.” He pulls his fingers out of your mouth and you pout back at him.
“Don’t look at me like that… ok, maybe I’ll let you suck on them some more later.”
You grin at him with those words, humming in response, “Thank you.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He rolls his eyes, but you know deep down he enjoys it just as much as you do.
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Gripping his shaft at the base he drags the head along your folds briefly nudging at the bundle of nerves that sets you shivering in anticipation. You don’t have to wait too long before he’s plunging his length into your wet heat, your walls stretching easily to accommodate his size. He grinds into you firmly with a groan as his head falls forward, eyes fluttering closed and drawing your lips into his own in a burning kiss. You whine into his lips as the motion of his hips stimulates your clit even further, “Move, please.”
He pulls his hips back accommodating your request, pulling almost all the way out before slamming back in, “Like that?”
“God, yes… please… just like that.”
He chuckles darkly, repeating the motion a few more times before his hips slow into a steady roll.
“You know every guy in the world is gonna be jerking it to you when that magazine comes out.” He teases and your walls flutter around him, “Oh, you like that do you… thought you were my little slut-”
“Yes Eddie, I’m yours… only yours.” You gasp.
“Then why does the thought of other guys get you going so much hmmm?” He presses his thumb into your clit in lazy circles.
“Dunno…” you whine.
“That’s ok, I like it too… knowing that I have something everyone wants and it’s just mine… all for me… they can all dream, but this little pussy belongs to me.” He punctuates each sentence with another thrust. You’re tightening around him, lust coiling in your belly like a spring just waiting to release.
“You’re close, baby… I can feel it, the way you’re squeezing around me. You wanna cum?”
“Yes, please sir… need it…” He’s right, you are close, so close, you can feel little shocks of electricity emanating throughout your limbs. Right on the precipice, just need that little push.
He groans, “Love the way you beg for it, do it again.”
“Pleasepleaseplease sir… Please let me cum.” Your whines jumble together, tears gather in the corners of your eyes.
“That’s it cum for me, baby.” He growls.
That’s all it takes for you to come apart on his cock, screaming his name and he’s following along right after you spilling his seed into you as your cunt grips him like a vice. He collapses on top of you, both of you panting heavily, you relish in the feeling of his weight pressing into you, pinning you to the mattress.
“God, I love you Eds.” You breathe out.
“I love you too, sweetheart.” He mumbles in your ear.
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You feel him shifting, about to roll over, but you wrap your arms around him keeping him in place.
He looks down at you curiously, “Can we just stay like this for a minute?” You sigh.
He brushes a hair out of your face, pressing a kiss to your temple gently, “Of course we can princess.”
You stay there until his cock is softening and slipping out of you, your combined releases dripping out between you onto the bed. He hums into your hair, “Come on, lets get cleaned up now.”
He’s pulling you off the bed gathering you up in his arms and carrying you into the ensuite.
He lets your feet fall to the ground and you lean against him as he begins running a bath, adjusting the temperature to suit and adding some bubble bath liquid. As you wait for it to fill, he rubs along your back soothingly, “Well, that was something wasn’t it, babe?”
“That was amazing Eds, always is with you.” You hum back.
The bath is mostly full and he helps you in, sliding in behind you, still leaving the tap running to fill even further. He scrubs a loofa over your body pausing as you lean forward to shut off the water. Then proceeds to wash your hair, massaging your scalp comfortingly. Once he’s finished his routine you return the favour, giving him the same treatment.
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Just an excuse for me to write about possessive Dino honestly. Heavily inspired by a discussion had with the one and only @wonusite about possessive Chan awhile back. Also, there's something very funny about me choosing S.Coups to be the member who inspires these feelings of possessiveness within Dino lol. This ended up being quite lengthy so, fair warning (S.Coups, I swear I'm loyal).
Heads up: Lee Chan x Fem! Reader, Possessive! Chan, Seungcheol and Reader are touchy besties and Chan isn't a fan, not healthy ways to deal with possessiveness in a relationship, Hard Dom! Chan, Sub! Reader, facefucking, cumming untouched, Reader is a heavily implied masochist, Chan is somewhat sadistic, dirty talk, marking (f. receiving), degradation (f. receiving), unprotected piv sex, choking (f. receiving), mild edging (f. receiving), overstimulation (f. receiving) and Chan cums on Reader's ass.
I will block you if you are a minor and/or have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
Chan knows logically that his feelings are completely unwarranted.
Before the two of you started dating, you were good friends with everyone in his friend group. Those dynamics changed a little when the two of you did finally get together but, they were all still very much your friends.
The issue? Choi fucking Seungcheol.
You had always been closer to Seungcheol than everyone else save for Chan. Now, Chan loves the older man. He's a phenomenal friend and would never do anything to deliberately hurt or upset Chan. However, the way you two have practically been attached at the hip the entirety of game night makes hot, white possessiveness course through Chan's veins and sit heavy in his gut.
He's sat across from the two of you most of the night. Dark eyes watching every hug, every hand on a thigh and every arm around a waist. The two of you giggling and whispering to one another like you were in your own little world.
Chan was fucking sick of it.
He didn't want to come across as jealous or controlling but, there was something about the way Seungcheol in particular interacted with you that just got under his skin. It had just gotten worse as the months passed of your relationship. He'd been doing a decent job of keeping his feelings to himself but, tonight was just too much. Even his other friends picked up on his foul mood throughout the night, shooting him concerned looks from time to time but, Chan waved them all away.
He was determined to handle this by himself.
"Is everything okay?" You ask your boyfriend tentatively, the two of you heading back to his place from game night at Mingyu's.
"Chan, what's-"
"I said I'm fine." He says with an air of finality, keeping his eyes squarely on the road. His jaw clenched and his grip incredibly harsh on the steering wheel.
You don't think you've ever seen him this angry. It was practically rolling off of him in waves. You're not sure what could've upset him this much. In fairness, you had spent most of the night catching up with Seungcheol and perhaps not paying as much attention as you could've to your boyfriend. However, it seemed like it had been a fun night all in all. Why was Chan so mad? What had you missed?
He clearly wasn't in the mood to talk so, all you could do was settle into the passenger seat for the next few minutes. Resigning yourself to the uncomfortable silence in his car.
The uncomfortable silence persisted in the elevator ride and walk to his apartment. Chan completely ignoring your searches for eye contact or any kind of communication. Opening his door and waiting for you to get in. His face was carefully blank but, his eyes were still angry and his body seemed to be vibrating with it.
You were quickly getting sick of this.
When he closed to the door behind him you pounced.
"Chan, what's wrong? You're not talking to me. You're clearly mad and I don't understand why," you without taking much of a pause. Your nervousness climbing with ever lack of response from him.
He walks over to you casually, as if he had all the time in the world. His hand coming up to cup your jaw and making you meet his fiery eyes once he stopped infront of you, "You really don't know why I'm mad?"
"No! I don't get it! What happened?" You ask, bordering on desperate at this point. Chan wasn't giving you much to work with.
You're definitely not prepared for him to kiss you. Giving your brain little time to catch up as he started off aggressively. Seemingly determined to devour you whole where you stood.
You know rationally that you two should really talk about what's gotten him in such a horrible mood but, you can't help the moans you let out into his mouth as he kisses you fiercely. Melting against him when his hand shifts from your jaw to tangle itself in your hair. His other hand moving to grab a hold of your ass and pressing you flush against his sculpted body.
All you can do is hold onto his shoulders for purchase. Whining against him when you feel the beginnings of his cock hardening pressed against you. You can't help the way your hips move in search of some relief from Chan. Whether it was a brush against his cock or his thighs didn't really matter to your muddled brain. All you want was something to help with the gradually building ache.
Your boyfriend seems to find some amusement in your current predicament if his chuckle against your lips is anything to go by.
He moves from thoroughly bruising your lips to kissing along your jaw, tugging your hair harshly to allow himself better access and taking a bit of sadistic pleasure in the half-gasp half-moan noise you release.
"Always the pain slut," he says in-between kisses, tone tinged with the slightest bit of amusement.
"Chan," is all your brain is able to muster right now. Not sure if it's a plea for him to not tease you or for him to keep his actions going.
He seems to understand what you mean because he's soon pressing searing, open-mouthed kisses and nibbles against your neck. Adjusting his hold on you as your knees wobble a little from the feelings. Vaguely you can feel him leaving marks and bruises on you and you're a little alarmed. Chan knew you both had work. Neither of you could show up with any visible marks from your...activities.
"Chan? What're you d-doing? You know you can't leave m-marks," you say, not sounding the slightest bit stern when your voice has gone all high and breathy from his unfairly talented mouth.
"Are you telling me what to do?"
"No! I-I'm just saying that m-marks would make people ask a tonne of questions,"
"Good. They should all know you're mine," he says, leaving little room for rebuttal. Meeting your eyes and daring you to question his statement.
You've never seen him like this. Fresh arousal dripping onto your panties, the sheer want you feel for him catching you a little by surprise. Possessiveness was usually more off-putting to you but, the way it looked on Chan made you knees weak and your desire pool in your stomach.
"O-Okay," you reply meekly, your face warming when he rewards you with an arrogant smirk before departing from your neck to devour your mouth once again. This time both of his hands find their way into your hair and he slowly grinds his cock against you, groaning into you all the while.
You feel like you're about to burst into flames with how lightheaded you are with need for him. You may actually die if he doesn't touch you properly soon, your needy whines mingling with his masculine groans.
"If you'd been a good girl tonight, you would've already been riding me as a reward. Oh well," he mutters against your lips, keeping you in place with a firm pull on your hair when you instinctively try to chase his lips.
Groggily, you open your eyes to meet his with confusion. Your muddled mind trying to make sense of his words. "I wasn't a g-good girl? What did I do? You still haven't told me."
"Good girls don't practically drape themselves over their friend's lap," he responds, voice hard as steel.
"Drap myself over a frien- Are you talking about C-Cheol? Chan, you know the two of us are just friends," you say earnestly, having not expected your interactions with Seungcheol to be the reason he was acting like this.
"Cheol," he repeats after you with a humourless laugh before continuing, "You two certainly didn't just look like friends from where I was sitting. Perhaps you needed to be reminded who you belong to. Get on your knees."
You're left a little unsteady as Chan let's go of his grip on you, giving you space to follow his command. The look in his eyes makes you drop down to your knees before you even fully realise what you're doing, your hands resting on your thighs in the way you know he likes.
"Maybe you do know how to be a good girl," he says, voice thick with sarcasm and arousal as he takes you. When he impatiently tugs his shirt off, you try your hardest to swallow the needy whine on the tip of your tongue at the sight of his torso. Thighs rubbing against each other as you subconsciously seek out any kind of relief.
The ache is only made worse when he moves to unbuckle his belt. He's watching you this time. Taking immense pleasure in watching you unravel before he's even touched you. Chan's cock throbs as he watches you focus intently on observing him free himself from his pants and boxers.
It's funny how despite being completely nude, he still had all the control here and you both knew it.
You're visibly quivering when Chan decides to step closer to you, his cock mere centimetres from your face. It takes all of your self-control not to lean forward and take him in your mouth but, you know that'll just earn you more punishment. You're already so worked up that you could cry and testing Chan didn't seem like the wisest decision.
"See something you want?" He asks smugly, watching your reaction as he wraps a hand around his cock and begins to stroke himself slowly.
It does genuinely feel good and Chan is already incredibly hard but, he was playing up his moans to rile you up further and it seems like it's working.
This time you do whine out, fingernails digging into the skin of your thighs as your wetness coats your upper thighs at the sight and sound of him. "Chan, please. I'll do anything just, please. I need you. It hurts," you cry out, frustrated tears building in your eyes.
"Poor baby," he coos in mock sympathy, still slowly touching himself, "You're lucky I'm even considering fucking your mouth. Who knows, maybe if you do a good job, I might let you cum."
Your body pays attention to his last sentence and you nod dumbly, willing to do anything at this point.
"Such a needy slut," he groans, moving even closer to you, the tip of his cock brushing against your lips. When your mouth opens for him automatically, your tongue sticking out and ready to take him, he can't but, moan. He gradually rubs his tip against your tongue before slowly pushing more of himself into your mouth.
Watching you take his cock with your mouth is easily one of Chan's favourite sights. His girth still makes it challenging for you sometimes but, a very private part of him loves watching you struggle to take him. The noises from you gagging and choking on him are some of his favourites to recall when he's away from you and needs to get off.
It's no different now. Though he makes sure to thrust into you slowly so you can become accustomed to the feeling, the few tears that have already fallen from your eyes and the sporadic sounds of you gagging shoot straight to his cock.
His hands make their way into your hair as he picks up speed. Watching your every expression as you adjust to his new pace. "Look at me," he commands, his tone significantly lower and breathier than before.
Chan groans long and low when you do, your wanton, teary gaze driving him to properly fuck into you now. The sounds of you choking on him and his quiet groans echo throughout his living room.
You're trying your best to breathe. Tears freely flowing from your eyes now and a mixture of your saliva and Chan's pre-cum dribbling down your chin and onto your thighs. You wouldn't be surprised if you'd drawn blood from how hard your fingernails have dug into your skin. You're also pretty sure you've dripped onto his floor. Your walls spasm and clenching sporadically around nothing, feeling so wound up and like you could snap at any moment.
This was becoming too much. Too overwhelming.
Your whines and moans were being completely drowned out by his cock. The sounds sending vibrations to his cock and, only encouraging Chan to snap into your mouth faster.
When you cum it's completely by surprise. Eyes widening as they hold your boyfriend's gaze. Wetness gushing out of you and onto to his floor for certain this time. Your body shuddering and spasm as your climax renders your mind mostly blank. You do, however, have enough cognitive functioning to tap his thigh with your fingers three times. A code you two had come up with for whenever you wanted him to stop.
At that, Chan immediately pulls his cock out of you. Kneeling down infront of you and cradling you in his arms, his face a mixture of awe and soft concern, "Did you...just cum?"
All you can muster is a nod, still dealing with the aftershocks of your release.
"Holy shit. That was the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life,"
You are able to manage a weak laugh at that.
"What's your colour? Do you want to stop?" He asks, stroking your hair. All the anger from earlier completely dissipating as he makes sure you're okay.
"G-Green. I was just a little s-stunned but, I'm okay. I was j-just as surprised as you were," you respond to him hoarsely, your throat feeling a little tender. "If you're sure then okay," he responds, gently pulling you to your feet. "I'm not really interested in fucking you on my floor," he says in response to the questioning gaze you shoot him. The two of you shuffling to his couch where he lays you on your back.
"I wasn't kidding when I said that was the hottest fucking thing I've seen in my life," he mutters, making himself at home between your thighs. You feel slight embarrassment course through you from his words. Cumming from sucking someone off was very much a first for you but, hey, Chan seems to be into it. "Th-Thanks? I've never cum like that before," you confess to him.
"Fuck," he groans and kisses you. His hands impatiently tugging at your dress, pulling it down and off your body. He makes quick work of you're bra as well, almost ripping it in the process. Once he's satisfied with that state of your undress, he pulls back to look down at you. Eyes blatant with desire as he takes your mostly naked form in, coming to rest on your ruined panties. From the corner of your eye you see his cock throb, still an angry shade of red, very hard and glistening with spit.
"Chan please, I need you," you whine, spreading your thighs further for him to prove your point. You know Chan loved a good show.
"I think you're forgetting that this isn't about you. Plus, you came without my permission. I don't see why I should be rewarding you," he responds coolly, dragging his gaze away from your panties to meet your eyes.
"But I didn't mean to! That's unfair," you say with a pout.
"Oh, you want to be a brat?"
"No, I- I'm sorry,"
"Good. I'll decide when and if you get to cum," he says, leaving no room for arguing or questioning. His eyes lower to your panties once again but, this time he brings his hand up and lighting grazes two fingers against the soaked material, "You've totally ruined these."
Even just a graze from his fingers has your hips bucking up to chase the friction. Desperate to be filled by something. Sure, you orgasmed but, it wasn't as good as when Chan was touching you and being the one to make you cum.
Chan is watching his fingers play with you intently. Taking delight in ever whimper and mewl you can't restrain. However, that's not to say he's unaffected seeing you this way. His cock is freely leaking pre-cum. He was closer than he'd liked to admit when he was fucking your mouth earlier. Seeing you so fucked out and needy and pliant for him isn't exactly helping. "Lift your hips for me, baby," he commands, moving to pull your panties off of you. Throwing them to join the discarded clothes all over his apartment floor.
His cock throbs violently seeing your pussy plump with arousal and glistening with your juices.
He licks his lips before meeting your eyes, "Turn around. I want your ass up."
Butterflies erupt in your stomach at the command. Finally. You don't even have it in you to feel any ounce of embarrassment or shame at how quickly you get into position. Anticipation making your pussy ache more than already was before at the prospect of finally feeling him inside of you.
The feeling is only made worse when you hear him shifting around behind you. Biting back a whimper when you he teasingly rubs his cock against your slit.
"Fuck, my cock is practically covered in your juices. So wet," he groans, his hands spreading your ass so he can get a mostly clear view.
It's taking ever ounce of you not to press back into him or whine. You're so close. However, you do know that Chan loves it when you beg, "Chan please. I need your cock inside of me. Noone fucks me like you do."
Chan's not sure what overtakes him then but, his first thrust into your is quick and harsh. Normally he'd make sure to take it slow because he knows his girth can cause some discomfort but, it's as though anything other than the urge to fill you with ever centimetre of him has completely left his mind.
His pace is brutal from the onset. Your unabashed sounds of pleasure mix with his own and the sound of his hips colliding with your ass to create an obscene symphony. Chan leans forward and reaches his hand to wrap around your throat, moaning as you tightening around him at the sensation.
"You're so dirty. Cumming from just sucking my cock and, getting so worked up over my hand around your neck," he mutters into your ear, deciding to slow down at the same time to make you feel ever, single part of his cock as it drags against your walls.
You're not sure if his words or his cock or his hand around your throat make you moan louder. Perhaps it's all three. It's all made significantly worse when his other hand reaches down to touch your clit. Drawing fast circles on it. Your boyfriend seems determined to make you lose your mind. Your climax is so close you can practically taste it. Thighs quivering while your moans and keens increase in pitch. Chan picks up his pace once again. Forcing you open on his cock over and over again.
However, it would be too easy to just let you cum now. So, he doesn't.
Chan is more than proficient at reading the signs of when you're about to cum. When he senses you're close, he stills inside of you and moves his hand away from your clit. His cock pulses inside of you at the frustrated, guttural whine you release. Your walls spasming and clenching around him. "Ch-Chan, why? I was s-so close," you ask him, attempting to meet his eyes over your shoulder. Frustrated tears spilling down your cheeks.
"Maybe this'll teach you to not be all over fucking Seungcheol next time," he says darkly, before beginning to move once again. However, you both know you can't cum with how minimally he's thrusting into you. The hand that was choking you moves to grab a fistful of your hair once more. Tugging harshly while Chan smirks at the way you cry out and tighten around him once more.
"I learned my lesson! Please, Ch-Chan!" You hiccup out. Convinced you're going to lose your mind if he doesn't fuck you properly and let you cum.
"Who do you belong to?" He asks directly into your ear.
"You! I belong to you Chan! I'm yours!"
"Whose pussy is this?"
"Yours! It's yours!" You were willing to tell him anything he wanted to hear at this point. Mind devoid of everything except Chan.
"That's my good girl," he groans, resuming his brutal pace. His hand returning to your clit as well to push you closer and closer to madness. If his hand wasn't like a vice in your hair, you're certain you would've faceplanted into his cushions by now. Letting him do any and everything he wanted to with you.
"Ch-Chan, close. I-I'm,"
"Cum for me."
That's all you needed to hear apparently because your body finally snaps. Cumming harder than you ever remember doing. This time Chan does let your hair go and you fall forward, not having the presence of mind to catch yourself. Your cries drowning out every other sound as Chan maintains his pace and doesn't let up on rubbing your clit. His breathing ragged as he chases his own release.
"Ah, C-Chan. Too much," you stammer out, attempting to shift away from his fingers and his cock.
"You'll take everything I give you. You wanted to cum like the horny little slut you are right? So, cum."
The overstimulation has fresh tears freely flowing down your face as you claw at his couch cushions. You're barely able to think, let alone dream of speaking. Thighs quivering violently at ever stroke of his fingers and thrust of his cock.
It doesn't take much for you to fall apart once more. Your body caving in on itself from how overwhelmed you feel. Vaguely you're aware of Chan letting out a string of curses behind you but, you're not really present at the moment.
This time Chan does let you catch your breath. Moving his hand to grab your hip while he keeps fucking into you. His strokes becoming increasingly uncoordinated and sloppy as his release creeps up on him. Chan quickly pulls out of you and gives himself a few jerky strokes, moaning loudly when he finally cums and he watches it land on your ass. Covering you in his essence. Privately he wonders whether you'd let him take a picture of you like this. This may be his new favourite sight.
He leans back and plops down on the other end of the couch. Both of you sounding like you've just run a marathon.
"Are you okay?" He asks you softly after some time, reaching over to stroke your leg.
"Mhm, just trying to regain feeling in my legs. You were...really enthusiastic," you mutter, lifting your head with as much energy as you could muster.
"I wasn't too rough?" He asked with concern evident in his voice. You smile to yourself at your very cute and very sweet boyfriend before responding, "No Chan, you weren't too rough. I'm okay."
You sense him relax at that.
"We should probably have an actual conversation about your feelings about Cheol and me though,"
"Sure but, later? I don't really have any desire to talk about him right now," you can't see him but, you'd bet money that he was visibly sulking.
"Okay," you respond with a twinkle of amusement.
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imaginespazzi · 2 months
Nivi, bestie – first of all, an update exactly a week later? I’m so proud and we’re so spoiled! It was the best thing to wake up to this morning (my morning 😅) so thank you for that!
Starting off strong with Stephie throwing Colleen under the bus when she didn’t even do anything wrong but be boring LMAO, I love this kid so much.
Azzi realising that her kid is also not immune to the Paige Bueckers charm, like mother like daughter.
I know Thalia’s so done with Paige lol, like she out there just doing her job and doing it well, and yet she’s stuck with her dumbass client (affectionate) whose personal life is perhaps just a little too complicated.
That one-year contract boutta create a fountain of angst huh?
Not Stephie hitting the gym and lifting them weights! A fictional 5-yr old is putting me to shame, you hate to see it 😩
But oh my god, it’s crazy how much she loves P already and vice versa. Although, at this point, I’m just as attached to Stephie as Paige is, blondie’s not special 😒
“I missed you,” Stephie confesses, “did you miss me?” – Like this??? I can’t handle their cuteness omg.
And our first Pazzi + Stephie scenes – PERFECTION.
What would we do without kids and their lack of filter? Stephie is gonna bring these two idiots back together, brick by brick, revelation by revelation, and one innocent, inquisitive question at a time.
I cackled at Paige being insecure of what Stephie might think about her ice cream order lmao, like girl stand up! And then finding out they both have the same favourite flavour? Yep, that’s it, Paige you ARE the other parent!
“So do you wanna be a boring old tree or do you wanna be a big, strong Husky who bleeds blue?” – Um, this is leading the witness, your honour! But like a very valid point was made cause who does wanna be a boring old tree?
OK well if y’all still think that the other is the prettiest, most beautiful of them all, well then now KISS.
A Tim and Paige interaction – we CHEERED (and cried a lil)! And baby Stephie and P! Not Tim just handing Stephie over and leaving them, he’s prolly like “well shit, this really should be your baby too anyway” 😭
Now this last bit, Nivi, imma just live in denial for a little while longer okay? Cause it was a diamond ring! I didn’t hear or read anything about a wedding band. And no, I will choose to ignore this person being called “wife”. Cause I’m not ready to accept the fact that P might have been married to anyone else other than Azzi! 😤
But then the revelation of Azzi saying no to marrying P? That was the real dagger 💔
What’s next?
Imma sound like a broken record and I’ll keep saying it but scenes with Stephie are just too precious. I LIVE for them and will continue to do so.
I can’t wait for when she finally gets to cheer for her two favourite players courtside. OH and imagine during a post-game presser with Azzi and Paige, and Azzi brings Stephie along and she immediately goes to sit on P’s lap instead of Azzi’s and they’re both just in their own little world while Azzi tries to actually answer the questions, and everyone in the media plus the public is absolutely eating. it. up.
Speaking of Stephie and P though, “And Paige would never willingly hurt Stephie…but that doesn’t mean that she wouldn’t break her heart any way.” Is this foreshadowing that I see here, Nivi? You’re already gonna make me suffer through potential Drew and Azzi angst and now we might have to go through Stephie and Paige angst too at some point??
On top of that, I just know the flashback to Azzi turning down marriage with P or however that played out is gonna be heartbreaking AF. It’s all just gonna be too much for my fragile little heart to handle (but I’m secretly gonna love all of it cause you know how much I love my angst).
The happy ending will make it all ok though. Side note: I’m getting too much ‘the 1’ undertones, and that makes me stress a lil, but I know you wouldn’t do that to us 😌
Oh and I guess we’re gonna find out more about the “wife” eventually… (Nivi: It’s- Us: For the plot 😭)
MOST IMPORTANTLY, I just thought about the moment Paige has to spell something in front of Stephie, pray for her 🙏
And lastly, these lyric/song choices, Nivi! You’re really taking us back huh. My favourite nostalgic writer for a reason.
Favourite line/quote:
Azzi has always been the brightest star, at least in Paige’s galaxy, and she can’t help but let the next words slip through her lips, “she still is.”
As always, thank you for sharing your talents, we don’t deserve you 🥹💗 Enjoy the rest of your week, bestie, catch you soon!
BESTIEEEE! Can you believe I actually did that lmao? But yeah I would not get used to daily Monday updates because we all know me and procrastination.
#FreeColleen cause not only does this poor woman have to deal with Paige and Azzi's bullshit for the second time, she's also being unfair antagonized by a five-year old
Thalia and Colleen are gonna needa go out for drinks at some point with the way their clients are behaving
I love how everyone caught the foreshadowing with the one-year contract tee hee <3
Paige and Stephie are the definition of it's not blood that makes a bond and I adore writing the two of them together
LMAO sorry for the shade Stanford but unfortunately this is a #BleedBlue household for life and it just felt very true to Paige
AH I'm glad you liked the Tim and Paige interaction cause I know that was one of your ideas and it felt right to add it in. He looked at Paige was like "wait a minute why am I taking care of *your* child" and just dipped fr
TRUST ME! It will all make sense eventually!
There will definitely be more Stephie like I doubt we'll ever have a completely Stephie-less chapter
THAT'S SO CUTE OH MY GOD. We have a little bit of a while before we get into the season but I'm totally stealing that cause I love watching press conferences with kids.
Well if she hurts Stephie's Mama...
I'm so excited to write that flashback, y'all don't even know like I actually do have a little bit of that planned out and mayhaps there's more to it than just marriage...guess you'll find out!
LMAO I've got y'all scared with all my "the 1" references. I was gonna use it as lyrics but I figure y'all might actually lose it before you read it if I did that.
AHAHAHA poor Paige is gonna learn to spell just for Stephie
Lowkey been listen to my Nostalgia playlist while writing because honestly the single parent x ex trope feels very rooted in that era so a lot of the lyrics probably will me from around that time.
As always thank you for making me smile by paying my inbox a vist. It's always a good day when I check and you're here <3
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seecarrun · 2 months
My pal!!!!!! My friend!!!!!!! I'd like to tell you a beautiful little secret!!!!!! You want to know what that.....
Domesticabuseshipping is dead you genwunners!!!!!!!!!
Amourshipping is canon losers!!!!!
Ah man. Normally I would just delete this and go on with my day, as I am a whole ass adult with like, a husband and child and career and mortgage and shit, and I haven’t seen childish fandom bullshit like this since literally the 1990’s, and I have better, more important things to do with my life and you are just going to respond to this with the same repeated thing over and over again.
But luckily for you, said career is actually a kindergarten teacher, so I like working with sad and upset children.
Because honestly? I think that’s what this is all about. I think you are sad and mad and upset about how Serena’s character was wrapped up on the anime, and I think you have every right to feel that way.
I’m not a Serena fan, myself, but I have no ill feelings towards those who are. Love what you love, I say! I actually couldn’t get into the BW or XY anime, just not my thing, but I did start rewatching again at Sun Moon, and I can absolutely see why a Serena fan would be frustrated at how they ended things for her. Literally all the other traveling companions (save for May and Max, for obvious reasons with May’s Japanese VA) had a more significant wrap up with Ash than she did in the last season.
Misty and Brock both got the whole Aim to be a Pokemon Master thing, Dawn came back to watch Ash complete during the World Coronation and cheer him on, Iris was IN the World Coronation thing as a gd champion!!
Serena got an episode, and she didn’t even interact with Ash in it hardly at all. She spent the whole time with Chloe, and only saw him in passing when he walked past her to get on the boat at the very end. There was no blushing, no love confessions, neither the kiss nor Sarena were eeever talked about again. She got a non speaking cameo watching him against Leon along with the others and that was it. I have my own opinions as to why the writers did that, but that is neither here nor there, that’ll be a post on it’s own.
But that’s frustrating! I totally get that! She was the only traveling companion to kiss Ash, surely that means something and she’ll be brought back or brought up and she and Ash will be together forever!
But nope, pokemon isn’t that kind of anime. It and Ash’s journey ended with just him and Pikachu running off into the sunset, with Gary, if we’re being honest, as probably the most significant human to him in the end (as it should be, my old ass genwonner heart LOVES how Gary was there at the end living in Ash’s head rent free lol).
So I do get why you are upset and lashing out. I think it’s dumb and immature and annoying, but I get it.
My parting wish for you is hope that you’ll realize that literally no Ash ship is canon; his time in the anime is done and he ended up with no one, and that is simply okay because it’s pokemon and romance in that show has literally never been the point. I hope you keep on loving your favorite characters and ships and that you let everyone else enjoy their’s.
Buuuut let’s be honest, I know that you are just going to ignore everything I wrote and keep doing this same shit, but it was worth a shot, right? :P
I hope you have the day you deserve. <3
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e-vay · 6 months
Hello hello! How are you? I hope you're well! First of all I must say that I am a huge fan of your art, and you are my greatest inspiration, thank you for that. ❤️
My question is: Do you have any advice for those who are starting to post their art online or are afraid to do so? I have been drawing for many years, literally everyone tells me to share my drawings but it terrifies me! These days I'm drawing a lot and I want to start posting, but I'm still a little afraid. Do you have any good advice?
Thank you so much! That means so much to me ❤️
I think the most important thing to determine for yourself is why you're afraid of doing something (in this case, posting your art online). It's natural to feel nervous about doing something new and worrying about if people will judge you, so that's a totally normal fear and something you can overcome if you choose to address it. But if there's something else in your gut telling you not do something, then you should trust yourself. Don't put yourself or your work online if you aren't comfortable with it, no matter what anyone says!
If you're only feeling nervous because you're worried about what people will think of your drawing skills, I don't think that should hold you back. We tend to be our own worst critics and a lot of people out there (myself included) don't always focus on the technical skills when we're looking at art online. Sometimes we just enjoy great stories or ideas or simply just being able to see the joy that it brought you to draw it. Some of my favorite posts are just little doodles people have done but I can tell they had so much fun with it, it just lights up my heart.
There are always going to be people on the internet with negative things to say just because they have the anonymity to do so. It's hard to shake mean comments off, especially if it's about something you worked really hard on, but it's best to just ignore them and let it go. Chances are it's not actually about you or your work at all, it's just something stupid that the anon did because they were bored.
Personally, I've really thrived as an artist and as an individual since I started posting online back in my deviantART days (god i'm old lol). The good FAR outweighs the bad for me. I get to gush about my hyper-specific interests with people who are just as fascinated by those interests as me, I've made some lifelong friends and I've learned a lot about how to better my art, too. It gave me the courage to share my talent with the world, to the point where I even ended up tabling at several comic conventions and selling my art at local comic shops. I don't think I would have had the confidence to do those things if I hadn't been in the habit of sharing my art online for years.
Again though, if something feels off to you and there's a reason you are avoiding posting, then don't do it. You should never feel pressured to put yourself out there if it risks your mental/emotional health and safety.
Take care and if all you needed was a little encouragement, I hope this helped!
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sugar-omi · 1 year
If you are interested, can you plz share how you see the Our Life (1+2) characters as DnD classes and races included? 😆⚔️🍃🏹
Im craving Our Life with some medieval whimsical vibes, Baxter dancing with swords, Derek singing with bar goers while MC goes pickpocketing the villains, Cove as a MERMAN living his life like Ariel. So many wonderful thoughts wanted to share ✨️✨️✨️
okay this took so long bc i know nothing abt DnD so i did a bit of research!!! my friends have talked abt DnD and i never understood but knew it was smth cool n involved alot of creativity, but now i just think this is sm cooler <33 anyway im not creative at all rn so im referencing everything from this website im using👍
tags : Fluff, 'Dungeon and Dragons' headcanons + drabbles, cove is the only one w hc's for if you're dating (+ qiu kinda?) i couldn't think of dating hc's for everyone else in this world as well but you could imagine some of the hc's that way
synopsis : DnD races and classes of ol:nf & ol:ba characters.
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okay I couldn't decide but qiu is half-elven.
(his dad is so whipped for his elf wife<3<3<3)
i can't really think about what class he'd be in, but i think i could see him as a bard
he's the laziest bard though 💀 and thus is mostly a wanderer.
qiu will wait until they're on their last coin and then will go perform
would perform a very good show while MC pickpockets the assholes that were disturbing the bar just a moment ago
otherwise, he just performs for you and his friends.
they'll have/be at a party with all their friends, and will perform some type of magic trick to entertain everyone
qiu will sing you little songs, read you poetry he wrote while watching you sleep that morning<3
for any important dates like birthdays, or anniversary (if you're dating), etc., they'll do a cool magic trick and perform a elven dance that he learned from his mom
human! BUT. she's a druid
she loves the forest, the forest loves her
maybe a bit of sorcery as well? idk how this works lol
she has a little house in the woods omg
goes foraging and learns lots of sorcery stuff from ren
will show you how to cast cool spells
also you're the first person she comes to show you any new spells she learns!!
you two beat up any bandits/criminals you come across
renee (/darren):
human and like i mentioned in tama's, is a sorcerer
!!! wants to be like her mom in canon right?
i think she's a teacher n teaches young sorcerers/wizards
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isnt baxter special. just crossovering worlds 💀💀
anyway.. he's an elf! is also rogue...
bringing baxter's issues/trauma into this DnD au as well <3
you find it very weird that a elf is on his own, but ignore it ofc and befriend baxter anyway
after much warming of baxter's cold heart, i imagine he settles in some civilian town or nearby and opens a bar!!
and every night its full with laughter and good music, and occasionally he'll come out from behind the bar
(honestly, he's mostly just cleaning the glasses and looking pretty <3)
and he'll pull you or one of your friends into a dance
omg imagine its not just a bar, its also a bed & breakfast
of course he's decent enough at cooking, so every morning he lays out a nice breakfast for his customers
knew this was derek insantly!!! he's half-orc
orcs dont have horns, do they.... well they do now
(realizing he's more Oni than anything in my head...)
anyway i need you to imagine arataki itto and if u don't know who that is Please find the beefiest fanart of him n thats derek LOL
derek grinning with his fangs and he's like 7 feet tall and buff, covered in scars.... yessir <33
i imagine he's a wanderer, but before that he was a cleric.
derek always helps people, he's very reliable but i imagine he's tired and somehow ends up working for baxter!
he's chef during the day and security at night!!!
no fighting in baxter's bar/diner unless you want a ass-ful of derek's boot <3
i also imagine when he's not running the place with baxter, he's helping the towns folk
the kids love him
they make flower crowns and run to the bar/diner to give them to derek <3333
ofc there's that one shy kid who offers one to baxter! bc they think he's really cool!!!
like you said he's a merman!!!
mmm, but i also imagine he can shapeshift into a "human"
(this is some ariel shit isnt it LMAO)
(also im imagining mer!cliff x human!kyra. mmm, i wonder if she'd be a bard? or maybe a healer, cleric maybe? why do i wanna write a whole fic on this now....)
although i imagine he needs to stay hydrated to stay on land like that. so please remind him to drink water when you're out n about otherwise he'll turn back into a fish in the middle of the market LOL
(you've learned this the hard way
!!! imagine if there's some way for you to come into the sea as well, be it a air bubble or potion of some sort and you have lil underwater adventures/dates n cove shows you all kinds of cool things <3333
he brings you lots of pretty things
if you like jewelry, he has his dad help him string up some pearls into a necklace or bracelet. or even better an anklet
+ if you're dating/crushing on each other
he'll do his little mermaid mating and courting rituals
like bringing you food
(will show up on your doorstep in the middle of the night w a big fish he caught or some breakfast derek smuggled him (cove doesn't keep many coins since mer-currency is more like sand-dollars or smth like coins made out of ore only found in the sea. the ore is good for nothing else than to be coins LOL))
will chirp n shrill and do other cute mer sounds that you don't really know what they mean sometimes
COVE: *watching you dreamily* MC: *flustered from the staring* what?... COVE: *flirtatious chirp*
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Blue Skies and Dark Clouds
Sky's backstory! (Ao3)
(And unfortunately because it's a Backstory I and everyone else must suffer the sense that things aren't Resolved lol)
Summary: Zelda & Link have always been inseparable. Now, Link fights Demise, the creature that separated them, even as he's on the verge of collapse... when the battle is done, Link just can't seem to slot himself back next to Zelda as smoothly as they used to.
Warnings: injury, ignoring injury, spoilers for the end of Skyward Sword but like. So is the comic. Zelda has Hylia Guilt annnd... angst. Ye.
There was a time before Demons and Goddess reborn. Before endless cycles of battle. When the sky was blue and cloudy. The air crisp. Skyloft had felt much bigger back then. When it was the only place they knew. When the place beneath the clouds was a legend, a fantasy.
The little orphan boy followed the headmasters daughter closely, as he often did when they were young. Small hand in hers. The pair were still equally small, and had recently traded wardrobes. Link's old dress looked much nicer on Zelda, that was for sure. Link also much preferred Zelda's old tunic shirt on himself. It was especially nice because it smelled like her still.
“Hey- er- Zelda!” Groose said, waving excitedly at her. His red hair was tied up in a little ponytail right at the top of his head.
Link leaned over to whisper to Zelda “Umbrella.”
She laughed, “Link, be nice.”
Groose frowned, putting his hands on his hips. “What did he just say?”
“Oh, he's just being silly.” Zelda said with another giggle.
“Hmph. Well, I just learned how to do a loop-d-loop with my loftwing! Do ya wanna watch?”
Link shifted to hide behind Zelda.
“Oh, not right now. Link and I are gonna go looking for butterflies,” Zelda said. She gestured her head at Link behind her.
“...Oh.” Groose mumbled. He frowned, folding his arms, “Well when are you not doing something with Link?”
Zelda considered. She shrugged, “I don't know?”
“Uhg, why do you even hang out with him!? All he does is stare at clouds and catch bugs! How is that any fun? He doesn't even talk!” Groose complained, throwing his hands up.
Link hid further behind Zelda. She frowned, stepping forward, “He's my best friend! He's super sweet and funny and super cool! So maybe you should shut up! I don't think I wanna be your friend if you can't be friends with Link!”
Groose pouted, “Well…n- Nevermind then!” he turned and ran.
Link watched him go, then looked at Zelda. “Thanks,” he whispered.
“I'll always protect you!” Zelda exclaimed, turning to take his hand and raise it to the sky with hers. “We'll be best friends forever and ever and nobody is ever gonna get between us!”
Link smiled and nodded firmly.
10 years later and nothing would get between him and his best friend. Not even the Demon King.
The sky was dark. Oppressive dark magic filled the endless world of storm. Lightning made of pure rage and malice crashed through the swirling dark clouds.
The Master Sword raised Skyward like a beacon of defiance. The lightning struck down upon him. Ae channeled all the boiling rage of his own and redirected it against the Demon King. Before it could consume him.
Link ignored the pain crashing through his body. Ignored the insistent chime from Fi reminding him he was very close to outright collapsing or even dying. Ae could do this. He would be fast enough, he would be strong enough, he would be smart enough. Nothing. Would. Take Zelda. From him. Again!
He slashed repeatedly into Demise's chest. His blood boiled in his veins. His gaze sharp and focused. Aer breaths made with careful precision.
Demise was strong and firm. His movements sharp and heavy. Link's legs shook with the efforts to remain standing as Demise's blade struck against his shield. Link flipped out of Demise's range, eyes flickering at the demonic skies. There was no holy light here to call. Only electric power and anger.
Link rose his sword Skyward as Demise strode toward him. Stalking aer like prey.
Link grunted and stumbled slightly against the force of pure energy crashing against his blade. Fi captured it, sparks crackling dangerously close to his skin. He panted, swallowing down the fear closing around his throat. He swung his sword toward Demise as he rose his own. The blades cracked together.
Lightning erupted over Link's body, the crash shocking his senses. His body seizing from the God's power. It felt nothing like the electric powers found in the Desert. It was seared into him with pure contempt for his existence.
A buzz in the ozone. Hair standing on end. Demise's electrified blade struck against his chest, pushing Link back into the pool of thin waters. Link could barely feel aer face. He breathed out slowly.
Ae struggled to take another breath in.
The sky was hazy and dark. Get up. Get up. GET. UP. He refused to slow down now.
Link rolled as Demise's blade crashed down against where he would've been. Ae tumbled into a stand, pulling out a half-full bottle of red liquid. He downed all the flower-sweet crimson potion in one gulp. Ae choked on it, feeling it buzz against the fuzz in his brain and the cotton in his mouth.
He dodged another attempt at a blow, flipping backwards. Ae dropped the empty bottle entirely. He grabbed the Master Sword and thrust it to the Sky again. His eyes focused even as his vision seemed to play tricks with him.
Lighting cracked around the blade. Zelda's hair golden and long like a flash of light.
Link yelled and sliced the electric power at the God with breakneck speed. Zelda's smile as she demonstrated an arching motion with a wooden sword.
Zelda. Limp and unconscious, warm brown color drained from her face. Her body draped in Groose's arms. Link hit Demise with a flurry of quick, precise strikes. Aer blood pounded in aer veins. Fi's blade nearly glowed, shining and swift against the shadows of the Demon King.
He pushed Demise onto his back with a splash of ink dark waters. He screamed a yell of rage and lept. Electricity cracked around Fi's blade. The pulsing rage of it almost seemed to follow his whim, now. He drove the sword into Demise's chest. He was strangely still for a flash. The sky rolled with thunder. Link flipped back. Ready.
Demise stumbled back to a stand, wavering. His blade rose, then fell, crashing to the ground. Ghirahim's sword form vanished in a flurry of dark smoke. Link glared intently. There had to be another move. Something the demon had prepared. A beastal form? Like the Imprisoned?
Demise panted, almost laughing, “Extraordinary. You stand as a paragon to your kind, human.”
Link stared, unsettled. He shifted, keeping his sword close and ready. Briefly, he glanced around for a sign that Ghirahim might materialise to attack him from above or behind.
“You fight like no man or demon I have ever known. Though this is not the end.”
They both labored for breath. Link couldn't see any inkling of a transformation. His scales shimmered slightly, but not with dark power. It seemed more like light, crackling and overpowering the dark that created the demon.
“My hate… never perishes. It is born anew in a cycle with no end! I will rise again!” Demise exclaimed to the windless world.
Link's brows furrowed deeper. His breaths felt shallow and difficult. He ignored blistering pain shooting through his arm and hand. He would see this through. Ae had to stay standing. He had to. Just. Stay standing.
Demise raised his hand slowly, pointing, “Those like you… Those who share the blood of the goddess and the spirit of the hero… they are eternally bound to this curse.” Demise heaved a laboured breath. “An Incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time!” The Demon King laughed, maniacal as his form shimmered like a ghost.
Link's heart pounded heavily against his chest. A booming painful cacophony. He held firm. Ready and alert even as Demise vanished into a puff of smoke.
Fi chimed. Link glanced at the glowing sword, his friend, expression softening. Ae shifted to raise the sword Skyward, slower than ae usually would. His arm ached and stung with the effort.
The lingering darkness gathered into the blade. Fi spoke into the endless sky, finally turning a peaceful blue. “I have confirmed the eradication of the Demon King.” Link let out a heaved sigh of relief, looking up to the clouds. He felt the lingering tension in his body fade. His vision swirled and wavered, the blues and whites hazy. Ae felt close to collapse. He stiffened back up again. Ae could pull it together. Ae needed to get to Zelda. Check if she was alright. Prove to Impa and his goddess that he and Fi were successful. Prove to Zelda she was finally safe.
“His residual consciousness has been absorbed into the Master Sword…” Fi said softly. His sword arm shook slightly. He glanced at Fi. “And is now sealed away.” Link closed his eyes, and light returned him to the sealed grounds.
“Hey, wake up sleepy head.” A soft voice said. Gentle fingers brushing against his forehead. Zelda. His brows pinched and he turned further into the mattress… Which didn't feel quite like a mattress. It was warm and the fabric was wrong. Not to mention the vague sense everything was moving.
“Link? Please wake up,” Zelda said, sounding more frightened, sad. Ae groaned, shifting to open his eyes. Zelda seemed like she was glowing. A blur of pale blonde and a white dress. Just how often did he need reminding she was a reincarnated goddess? So far beyond his reach… Now she had to glow to be beyond his sight even with her next to him?
“Oh, oh good-” She said. She definitely looked like she was walking. Why were they moving if he was asleep-
“He's gonna be fine,” Groose said somewhere above him, “He was moving and grooving just fine for at least 20 minutes, right?” Oh. Groose was carrying aer. They'd said goodbye to Fi, to Impa- twice- and he'd looked back at the Master Sword and… then… then…. The world had lurched upward and everything was bright and blank.
“I'm just worried his injuries are worse than they look… Goodness, his face-” Zelda's hand brushed against aer cheek. It stung. He made a soft whine, pulling away slightly. “Oh, oh! I'm so sorry-” she stammered, sounding a lot more like she used to when she fretted over aer. Ae giggled despite aerself. He missed her so much… He tried to reach for her hand, but his right side felt pinned, tingling with pain and exertion. He shifted and brought his left hand to her hand instead.
“We're going to take you home, okay? It's going to be okay! It's fine, you're fine.” Zelda moved her hand away and became a blur of motion. With the little hiccups Link had to assume she was wiping away more tears…
Link sighed softly. He briefly considered demanding Groose let him walk on his own… but… this felt nice. Ae was exhausted anyway. So instead he pulled on Groose's shirt to get him to move closer to Zelda. Groose didn't quite catch the intentions, and instead he leaned his big dumb head down to obscure all of Link's currently very limited vision.
He glared lightly.
“You look like a pirate with that squinty look you're doing.” Groose commented. Link smacked his chest. “See Zelda, ae's fine! He probably only collapsed because he's been running on no sleep for like a month.”
“Ohhhhh,” She whined, not sounding comforted at all.
Link reached to her again but instead of Zelda's touch, ae felt a billow of wind and heard an unmistakable chime-
“Woah! Ally-up!” Groose exclaimed with a whoop and they were flung upwards into the air. Link completely lost sight of Zelda in the whirlwind. A sense of panic and dread clutched his chest and his throat.
Groose held onto him tightly. Groose whistled. A screech from a loftwing. Link yelped as he got nearly squished between a body of feathers and Groose. “Sorry sorry-” Groose whispered. “That could've been gentler.”
Link struggled to adjust aer self enough to get into a more secure and comfortable position. “Stop squirming, you're gonna knock us off balance. it'll only be a few minutes.” Groose grumbled.
Link snorted a huff. A red blur swooped above them, shrieking.
“WOAH you big red brute, he's fine! I've got him!” Groose exclaimed to Crimson.
Link wanted to clarify just who the big red brute was here, Crimson or Groose, but the joke couldn't make it past a wheeze in his throat.
Link hooked his left arm around Groose's shoulder and pulled himself up closer to a sitting position. Groose and his Loftwing both squawked in protest. The world spun and blurred around him. Something wooshed back and forth in his ears. It didn't feel like the wind. His own heartbeat, maybe. He reached up to his Loftwing's beak, giving him a gentle pat. Crimson churred, satisfied, and backed away, swooping to fly under them.
“Oh. Thanks,” Groose grumbled, “...Dunderhead.”
Link didn't have the energy to argue. Blue. Blue blue blue- why was Zelda's loftwing the color of the sky, why was she so hard to see- “Zelda-” Link rasped. Voice quiet and scratchy. It felt like the first time ae had spoken aloud since Zelda had fallen through the clouds…It might have been.
“Oh. She's just ahead of us. She's speeding like a firecracker too, I think she's gonna grab some people to meet us when we land.”
Link struggled to look into the distance enough to spot her. It was harder to breathe in the sky. The air thin, his breaths shallow and wheezing. The blue skies all blurred back out into darkness. Aer head lulled before ae could stop it.
Blur. Grainy moments. Their voices were so loud but so distant. His body heavy and light all at once. It was just too hard to wake up…
“OH I think he's waking up!” Zelda shouted over her shoulder. Practically in his ears, but he didn't care. Her face was much closer and thankfully much clearer.
Footsteps thundered into the room. Groose, Link assumed, from the stumbling sound. A slower footfall entered shortly after, Headmaster Gaepora maybe?
Link didn't turn to look. Ae just smiled softly at Zelda. She smiled back, eyes teary. Ae wished she could stop crying… it was over. She said so herself.
Link reached up to wipe her tears. He frowned softly as he noted the bandage wrapped around the entirety of his right hand and arm. It hadn't been that bad… right?
Zelda leaned against his touch, grabbing his left wrist with both her hands. “Stop scaring me, you jerk.”
He slowly pulled his hands from hers, signing, “I'm okay. Tired.”
“Have you really not slept for a month? I know better than to trust Groose at his word but-”
Groose huffed, but didn't interrupt with protest. …Weird, Link decided.
Zelda brushed a thumb under his left eye, where dark circles were very likely to be. He closed his eyes, sighing. “You really look so tired.” She said softly.
Ae couldn't really dignify that with a response. Sleep had become a battle of its own lately. Dreams of the myriad of ways he could've lost Zelda had been near constant any time he'd slept long enough to dream.
She leaned over and hugged him, voice lowering to a whisper. “I'm sorry. I didn't- you're too kind. I would hate me if I was you. So much. I made you do such dangerous and horrible things in my name-”
“No-” Link whispered… Don't say that-
Zelda leaned back so she could look at him.
“I trust-” His signs were cut off without his input. His arm shook, tingling with pain pain pain- How did he ignore it before? Electricity seizing his heart with a slash of a blade. Burns curling against his hand-
The shaking slowed. Ae swallowed heavily, staring at aer hand.
“Zelda, may I?” Gaepora asked softly.
She nodded, making space for Gaepora to sit beside them. Zelda leaned into her father's side, sighing softly. Gaepora smiled at her, kissing the top of her head before turning back to Link.
“Link, what caused these injuries? I haven't seen anything like this before.”
He sighed, forming the words carefully with his hands, far too focused on the motions to feel anything more than monotone. “Lightning. Sword. Demon.” He hesitated, then mimed raising the Master Sword up, and the crackle of lightning traveling through it. Trapped by Fi. Then a strike to his blade, and chaos, lightning jumping from his sword and through his arm.
“Ah. That explains the intensity of the burns on your hand.” Gaepora took his right hand gently to look at, carefully. “Do you feel anything?”
Link snorted, grimacing a bit exaggeratedly, “Yes. O W.”
Gaepora shook his head, very gently squeezing his pinky, one of the least injured fingers, “Can you feel the touch, though?”
He frowned, focusing. Slowly, ae nodded.
Gaepora hummed sceptically, letting go, “I'm taking that as ‘a little’.”
Link sighed, shifting to lay flat, looking up at the ceiling. Ae supposed the scepticism was fair.
“Well. The main thing I'm concerned with is how shallow your breathing sounds and how hard your heart seemed to be working earlier. The burns and cuts should heal, but we have no way to know how that lightning will affect you.” Gaepora said softly, “We'll keep watching you, okay? Just be careful.”
Link nodded, closing his eyes again.
The woosh and thunk of the ax against the wood was pleasantly familiar, even if Link wasn't the one cutting. He watched Zelda take a final whack at the tree. It crackled and fell neatly. He sighed. She was getting the hang of it very quickly. She didn't even need any advice. With the dangerous section done, he decided he might as well help more than just supervise. The site they'd set up building the house was within shouting distance. He carefully grabbed a finished bundle of wood and started walking.
“Link! What are you doing? Be careful!” Zelda shouted as she rushed toward him.
He groaned loudly. He was going to start screaming every time he heard those words. He continued walking. He was being careful with this batch of wood, thank you very much. He wasn't even using his bandaged hand.
Zelda grabbed the wood from him, “Here, I can do it-” She said with a smile. After she'd already taken the wood. She adjusted her grip, “Do you remember what part of the frame this was for?”
Link frowned, “I had it!” He protested, throwing his hands up.
“I know!” Zelda said, smiling far too wide, “It's fine though, I can do it! It's barely anything compared to what you've done…”
He looked up to the sky, but he knew the Goddess wasn't going to guide him. … She was trying, however. He sighed. “It's for the right wall.”
“Oh perfect!” Zelda started walking, and Link sighed, following.
“So you just want me to find the right woods, and that's it, huh?” ae mumbled.
“You really should be resting, I have it handled by now-” Zelda started. She looked at him, and something about his furrowed expression must have made her smile fall slightly. She turned to look forward, “You helped a lot with the plans, you're really doing more than you need to!”
“I'm a woodworker,” Link said as an explanation. He needed to do something with his hands. Ae couldn't just sit around while everyone else helped build their house.
“And you're fantastic at it, but that doesn't mean we can't help you!” Zelda said, “Please… just let me help you.” She said softly.
Ae sighed. With another glance up at the sky, ae nodded. Silence stretched between them. It felt awkward… When did silence between them start feeling so uncomfortable?
“I love you.” Link mumbled, just to say it. To fill the space. To confirm they were still best friends.
“I know.” Zelda said, voice thick with some sort of sadness. A guilt he couldn't figure out how to stop her from believing. “I love you too.”
He watched her for a moment, carrying the burden he had intended to take. Ae sighed, gripping his bandaged hand. It stung slightly still, sending a tingle through his whole arm. “I know,” he nearly whispered, feeling like he had to force it out... Strange, how he had to grow out of his childhood silence all over again.
“Oh there you two are!” Groose shouted with a wave. “Look!” He gestured to the house's frame, nearly complete already.
Link smiled softly, “You're insane.”
“Oh wow. Impressive work Groose!” Zelda cheered. She laughed, running over to hug Groose. He blinked, face flushing bright red over her shoulder. “It's going to be so beautiful!” Zelda cheered, squeezing him.
Link laughed and meandered around the structure. He smiled, looking it over. Groose was a fantastic engineer. He sat in the grass, closing his eyes to imagine the finished work. He could just picture Zelda's fiber art hanging in the rafters and walls. Groose's little workout space in a corner. His work bench in another- his hand started shaking again. He opened his eyes, feeling a wetness well in the corners. Would he ever get back to whittling? It certainly wasn't particularly safe with a shaky hand. ...A lot of things weren't, it seemed.
A warm body settled next to him, and then another on his other side. Zelda leaned in, “Are you okay? Is it hurting? Do you need something?”
Link swallowed and shook aer head. “I'm fine.” He sucked in a breath, rubbing his eyes gently. “Just got lost in my thoughts.”
Groose nodded softly, “Sounds like you.”
Link laughed, “I guess it does.” Lost. He was always lost, wasn't he?
Zelda nuzzled in and hugged him. “Can we help you through them?” She said softly.
“No,” Link whispered impulsively. Surprising himself. Zelda looked startled, confused. Ae bit aer lip. “It's nothing bad. I was just imagining what it'd look like when it's done.” He pulled a smile on, glancing between the pair of them.
“It'll be fantastic," Zelda said softly.
“It'll be Groozsume!” Groose announced.
“That doesn't sound like what you think it sounds like,” Link laughed.
“Shut up, it totally does.” Groose laughed, ruffling Link's hair.
The trio laughed and snuggled together.
“It'll be beautiful,” Link whispered softly. He sighed, closing his eyes. The breeze tossed his hair. Warmth on either side buffetting any windchill. Zelda's perfume was still calming. But he could feel her nervous energy, her suffocating concern curled against him.
Yet… Ae would always prefer to suffer her nerves and worry over not having her near at all. He just needed her near. They'd figure the rest out. Eventually.
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galactiquest · 1 year
Hi call me blueberry anon or just blue!
I was hopin to ask with Vash and Knives with an Angel!reader g/n.
Like you know when Vash and Knives show their true selves and reader dont give a shit because they literally have giant ass wings and multiple eyes yknow like one of those biblical accurate angel but more human.
If its too specific just ignore this JDJKDKDKDK (ps when i said show their true selves i immediately thought of those wolf alpha vids on tiktok)
Hello Blueberry Anon~ I'm sorry that this took longer than usual to get to, I promise I wasn't ignoring or forgetting this request! College woes... (´Д`)
I think this is a super cute idea and I'm always a sucker for a chaotic angel or devil or any sort of creature really. (Probably why I enjoy writing about Vash and Knives being little beasts so much LOL)
Vash and Knives x Angel!Reader: Heaven
Content warnings: None, but the descriptions of multiple eyes/wings might be offputting to some. Otherwise just fluff!
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I take Vash as someone who's really accepting of everyone else's differences--even to the point where he'll feel a sort of disdain towards his own differences because of it.
But when he learns about your otherworldly nature? He's immediately curious. He really can't help himself.
He wants to ask a lot of questions. How do you hide your wings? Are humans afraid of you? Do you have any sorts of powers? Does this mean you're immortal--wait, are you here on a mission?!
Whether you indulge him or not in answers is up to you. He won't pry (but he might whine a little if you tell him it's a secret).
Now that he knows you're different, he wants to embrace it as much as possible. He's always trying to compliment how soft your wings are, how radiant and sparkling your eyes are, etc.
I think this especially goes for the '98 iteration of Vash--the "did it hurt when you fell from Heaven" pickup line. Feel free to respond with "yeah, actually, a lot" to get him sputtering and scrambling to apologize.
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When you explain it to him, he's very quiet at first, running all possible responses through his head. What he doesn't say (but is thinking) is that he's thankful you're not human (because admitting he loves a human is an utterly impossible feat!).
He also hopes, deep down, that since you're inhuman, you might better understand his intentions for a world without humans. (Of course, if you're the kind of angel who's sent to help humans, this goes against your direct orders... cue troubles!)
He has a deep respect for your otherworldly self, being not of the planet himself, so he takes a lot of time to study and understand you to the fullest.
He's especially intrigued if you have repeating features--multiple eyes, pairs of wings, floating motes of flame, spinning golden rings, that kind of stuff. He really enjoys symmetry and repetition. (Vash does, too, but he'll appreciate from afar.)
He encourages you to take your "natural" form more often, rather than sculpting yourself into a more humanoid form. If this more "natural" form is imperceptible/cosmically incomprehensible to him, he won't mind. (Okay, he might be a little sad if he can't see you in all your blazing glory, but he won't make it obvious.)
I think there's definitely a case here for a "fallen angel" type deal--you've fallen from the sins of humanity, and now you've joined up with Knives in order to restore what should have been. Or maybe you find more worth in each other...
End notes: I finished this up on mobile so the formatting might be off. I promise I'll fix it tomorrow!
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
OOOH okay thank you for reminding me half the things I forgot. ha-! allegory of the cave is Greek you say? So is Pandora's Box if that wasn't translated for localization, if he said that literally then Nines, what era are you from LOL. special shout out to the person who said they were like, a past life of MK oh wait yeah that was you Fluffs. that + him being tired of being the hero. what is wrong with that guy....anyways. Nuwa!! the way she coils around people is very, "snake eats tiny dot to get bigger" that game, also just general trapping hmm. like he SEEMS NICE bc they wanted MK is live a little and brought his stone to life??? but was super clumsy and ended up cracking it. also Wukong HOW did you not notice, were you on the journey? was Macky already too dead to protect FFM? there has been a murder!! the subtle expressions, the lingering on their contemplative looks where you just know they're getting a no good idea, when they start covering the eyes and making characters turn their faces. it doesn't matter how still they are. we could see the EXACT thoughts cooking up in there and it's gah- T^T "and the way Macky mourned Wukong privately while everyone else cried for MK (bc they assumed the Pillar repairing itsef meant swk failed) since he knew the Monkey King would try to take MK’s place-" ^^ super valid take, but I raise you: "Macky assumed MK DID do it and was mourning for SWK because he knows how much it would have destroyed him to watch MK sacrifice himself in front of his eyes. that SWK would have tried his absolute hardest yet seems to have failed and it hurts, especially considering their last conversation on MK" :D
lmk what was the point????? TO KILL ME???? BECAUSE IF IS WORKING
yes! Pandora’s box is also Greek! Pandora, a woman created to be the wife of Prometheus’ brother’s wife in the spite of the gods who wanted vengeance on the titan for giving the mortals fire (look what you’ve done. you’ve unlocked my Greek mythos obsession a day early). Pandora was created with beauty, submissiveness, obedience, and curiosity. and it was that curiosity that the gods exploited
“here is a gift from the gods!” they told her and her husband. “under no circumstance do you open it,” they said with a hollow smile before leaving.
and poor Pandora, who did not know her own role in the fall mortals, opened the box at the behest of her burning curiosity, unleashing all hells of bad omens while Hope remained veer loyal in the box Pandora clutched tightly.
“oh you foolish girl!” her husband cried, the effects quickly taking place in him and the rest of humanity. “you just had to open it for your own selfish needs.”
and here we are in s5 with Nines referencing both the Allegory of the Cave and Pandora’s Box. two stories that are about the blessings and curses that come with understanding the world around you. leaving the cave meant leaving the reality forced upon you, but opening Pandora’s box meant unleashing horrors you could no longer be ignorant of in your humble home
MK has already stepped out of the cave but denies it’s reality, not yet ready for the truth it holds. despite this, he already opened her box and whether or not he accepts the “true” reality, MK will find new consequences for unleashing the power of the colored stones on the whole of the earth.
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frownyalfred · 9 months
Gonna pile on here as another fic author: I don't think most people realize that authors can and do read public bookmarks, but oh god I wish they would, it's somehow worse then getting outright hate in the inbox
I write popular stuff like you, which I think makes it worse? (which is also why this is on anon lol) People assume I'll never see them say my fic is overhyped or too long, I guess
I have a lot of grace for the accidental public bookmarks. I know it happens sometimes. I've seen this argument wrung six different ways on the ao3 subreddit, and the conclusion I always come to is this: even if it's not done with malicious intent, it does affect authors. And you can't just expect authors to ignore a bookmark that 1) they cannot remove and 2) is slapped right onto their fic for everyone else to see.
It's like walking up to a busker playing piano on the subway and leaving a permanent sticky note on their keyboard that says "6/10 meh could've been better" that they can't ever take off. And they just have to look at it, and make their peace with it, which are important things for creators to be able to do, of course, but puts the onus of being the "better person" solely on the author?
"Well don't look at the bookmarks" "it's not a bad rating" "bookmarks are for readers, not authors" I GET these points. I am also a reader. I read and use bookmarks as recs. But giving out unsolicited criticism, regardless of venue, has always been seen as distasteful. Especially when the things being criticized are done 1) for free 2) in the author's spare time and 3) are so easy to suppress/crush with one poorly-placed comment or bookmark.
I don't say this to rant about how my own writing has been impacted by bookmarks, because while I'll bitch about it here, I'm not really thinking about myself. I'm thinking about the baby author or the new fandom arrival whose success and presence in this fandom is so tenuous, that one bookmark can knock them out of the game entirely. I'm talking about when we forget that there are real people, with real lives, on the other side of that ao3 username. The people who have quit writing because of stuff like this.
I'm not saying you have to like every fic. I'm not saying you can't rec fics to others with valid criticisms attached -- we all do it! Hey, I loved this fic but it's a little rough at the start! I've said that so many times. Would I ever put that in my public bookmark of that work? Absolutely not.
If you've erred with public bookmarks, it's not the end of the world. Make them private or maybe add some thoughts to the bookmark other than a rating. I've seen too many rating "codes" to believe it's all innocuous mistakes. And trust me, slapping a 2/5 on a poor little oneshot is one of the worst things you can do to a new or aspiring author.
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marinaiguess · 1 year
I've always imagined a small one shot of Sonic and Blaze having a playful sparring match, I'd love to see your take on that idea (if you want to ofc) x
ahem. this took. 7 months. im so sorry, hope this is worth the wait lol. i hate action sequences but i'm always up for a good challenge, amirite? I'll upload this on ao3 once i'm able to:/ The ending was inspired by a @hishighnesstheprincess fic that I absolutely love. Read it afterwards so that you don't get spoiled:)
playing with fire
warnings: violence, blood
It was a while since the last time he enjoyed a nice and calm afternoon like this one, surrounded by nature and its beautiful creations, like the picture-perfect painting across the sky, the colors seeping through the canvas, staining the grass, the trees, the field.
The table they were all gathered around.
He took a breath and allowed his lungs to be filled with the air that had previously been knocked out of him due to the realization that dawned upon him while looking at his friends.
That wasn’t a regular occurrence, he mentally noted, while the sound of laughing in the background was drowned out by his own thoughts. It wasn’t often that he felt overwhelmed, but of course, when he did, it was because of his friends; only they had the power to knock him down. Yet, what was also quite rare, was them gathering together like they did today, especially without being interrupted by any mad scientists and their evil plans.
A smile was adorning his expression, a small one, directed at no one in particular, as he looked into the distance, behind the pink hedgehog that kept on talking about her adventures.
His ear flicked as he picked up a different sound; a foreign one. He whipped his head to the source of it just to witness another rare moment; Blaze the cat laughing.
Well, it was more of a giggle because she tried her best not to be loud (and was successful) but that didn’t mean they didn’t hear her or that they didn’t see the joy that was written all over her face.
Sonic exhaled softly at that. The fact that Blaze was here, in his world, was a scarce incident on its own. And he was very happy that she was here, that she visited them, deciding to leave her world, lay off from her duties to relax and have some time for herself. On top of that, she chose to spend that free time, with them, with her friends. She sure has come a long way; how could he not be happy?
Gold eyes met his and he soon realized he had been staring at her, judging by the confusion prevalent on her features.
His own dumbfounded face was quickly replaced by a nonchalant and reassuring grin before he turned his attention towards Amy who was talking about… the chao races?
Okay, so, he might have been a little too happy about Blaze, but he didn’t like that everyone else could tell. He’d always hide his emotions quite well and he never enjoyed others knowing how he felt (maybe he never enjoyed dealing with his emotions himself) but in this specific case, something felt off. Out of control.
“Mr. Sonic?” Cream had called out a little while after Blaze’s arrival, when she had been taken away by Amy who was too excited and impatient to show her a photo album she made with Cream’s help.
“Hm? What’s up kiddo?”
“You seem very happy today!”
“Well, I am happy! We’re having a tea party!” he bent down to squish her cheeks, Cream escaping his attacks, giggling. “Isn’t that great?” He smiled widely.
“Yeah, but that’s not what I mean.”
A tilt of his head was enough to make her elaborate her statement and thoughts.  
“You’ve been smiling…a lot. From the moment Blaze visited!”
“Huh.” He scratched the back of his quills nervously. “I didn’t realize.”
“You must have missed her.”
He tried to intervene but didn’t have enough time to.
“I’ve missed her too, so I understand! You like Blaze just like I do.” She smiled.
Sonic kept smiling, ignoring whatever weird feelings this conversation had brought up. “Of course, I like her, Cream. Same goes for you and all my friends.” He explained, refraining from opening his heart too much, his face was betraying him enough as it was.
“That’s very nice of you Mr. Sonic!”
If Cream could tell Sonic was just a tiny bit giddier than usual, then Amy would too and who knows who else, so that was a little worrisome. Especially if Vanilla had caught up, then, yep, he wouldn’t be able to save face anytime soon.
His shoulders relaxed a bit when he reminded himself that he didn’t actually care about all that because he didn’t need to have a justification for his delight, he didn’t need a reason to be happy for his friends. Why was he even so worried about it in the first place?
“So, yeah, the maze part was crazy but taking those guys down? Real trouble.” Amy’s storytelling was abruptly cut off by her groaning. “Man, just the memory of it gives me a headache.” She said closing her eyes and massaging her temples to soothe the pain. She really got into the story, huh?
Both Cream and Blaze looked a little taken aback by the whole story and Sonic couldn’t blame them; either of them is used to dealing with robots or having these types of adventures on a daily basis just like he did. In fact, part of why Blaze was here to begin with was that there was no threat in her world, she told them that much. Which was ironic at best, since his own world never seemed to be at peace, they were somehow always fighting against mad scientists who only caused chaos—
Sonic bit his lip as he remembered the one thing that almost destroyed them all: the metal virus. He glanced at Cream as the image of her broken form, of her lifeless eyes, inched into his brain, the way she had lost all hope the moment she lost her mother. It was painful to recall, (guilt still taking the best of him sometimes) but he couldn’t imagine how Cream was handling the aftermath of that—now gone—threat or how hard it would be to handle any other hurdle that life threw their way after that one.
Even now, she looked hesitant, sinking into her chair slowly until half of her face was hidden. Sonic raised a brow at that. Was she…scared?
“Amy…” she squeaked, everyone’s attention now on the youngest of the group, “…that sounds like real trouble. What if you couldn’t beat the robots and get out of there in time?”
Amy cringed visibly at that, Sonic’s eyes widened in surprise and the two hedgehogs were silently sharing the same thought. They knew where this question, this hesitation, was coming from, why Cream was afraid of them losing.
Because they almost did, not too long ago.
But Blaze didn’t know what their shared glances meant and didn’t care to understand at that moment as she only paid mind to Cream’s visible fear, carefully rubbing her shoulder without thinking twice about it.
“I’m sure it was nothing spectacular.” She smiled reassuringly. “They had it under control. They’re both safe, see?”
Cream peaked at the hedgehogs, gaze finally settling on the blue one, on the famous hero who everyone relied on. Sonic’s eyes flicked between the people who were staring at him, Cream and Blaze, like they were waiting for him to confirm that they were indeed safe. Because he was Sonic, he had to be the one who could make that confirmation, right? He was expected to.
The world always fell on his shoulders.
But as the thoughts multiplied and the words dried out in his slightly open mouth, Blaze took it upon herself to take his role.
To help him carry the weight he so desperately tried to carry alone.
And he was thankful for her help.
“They’re right here with us.” She tilted her head closer to the bunny in an attempt to gain her attention, to allow her eyes to communicate whatever else she wanted to add but wasn’t able to say through words.
Cream gulped and nodded slowly, registering what she meant.
“Besides,” Blaze bent backwards. “I didn’t lie before. I’m sure these robots were nothing spectacular. I could have taken them all down by myself no problem.” She smirked cockily as she crossed her arms.
Maybe this was her trying to sound confident enough to convince Cream that no one was really in danger but the way her lips curved upwards, made Sonic think otherwise.
Especially when she popped one eye open to directly look at him.
He knew this was a challenge.
So, he acted without thinking twice. He got up and walked next to Blaze who hadn’t flinched an inch despite having heard him alright. His footsteps on the grass were all that could be heard along with the occasional howl of the wind because everyone else had gotten silent. Was it the look on his face that caused this? Was the excitement too obvious? He wasn’t sure and he didn’t really care.
“So,” he speaks once he reached her side, hands planted on his hips. “you’re sure you could have taken them all by yourself?”
“Oh yeah, I’m most certain.”
Getting cocky, are we? “Then, I don’t think you’ll have trouble taking me down?” Sonic countered, jabbing his chest with his thumb.
“Where did this come from?” Blaze side-eyed him, unable to fully conceal her grin.
“I just wanna see how high you think of yourself princess.”
Blaze scrunched her nose at the nickname. “Are you suggesting we fight?”
“I wouldn’t call it a fight.” He crossed his arms. “Battle is a better word, to decide who is the…better one.”
“We did ‘battle’ the first time we met, Sonic, and it ended in a tie.”
“Yeah, but I was going easy on you. Right now, I can win no problem.” He closed his eyes as if that settled it, with a satisfied grin plastered on his face.
“Oh, a bit overconfident, aren’t we?”
“Uhhh, guys?” Amy interjected, suddenly feeling like she was covered in cold sweat. “You don’t have to—”
“Oh, don’t worry Amy, we just need to settle this, it won’t take too long.” He popped one eye open as he bent closer to his challenger. “Right, your highness?”
Blaze inched closer as well, almost making Sonic stumble back. Thankfully, almost. “If you keep calling me that, it certainly won’t take too long, yes.”
Sonic stepped back as his grin widened, cocking an eyebrow at the equally overconfident cat. “Huh.” He exclaimed in amazement. To say he was excited with how things have turned out would be an understatement.
“Whatever you say—” he bowed, still holding her gaze, “your highness.”
His added wink only infuriated Blaze more. She jumped out of her chair, not wasting another look on the hedgehog as she headed towards the open field not that far from where they had been spending their afternoon. Sonic snaked his hands between his spines before following her, his attitude exuding relaxation and assuredness.
They took their positions opposite to one another, a good 10 feet apart. They locked eyes as they prepared themselves, taking the same pose without really intending to do so. Besides, everyone knows bending your left leg forward and stretching your other one far back is the best way to get a good head start before boosting.
“Hey Ames, do me a favor and count down from 3 for me.” Sonic spoke, without taking his eyes off of Blaze.
Amy on the other hand, flicked her eyes between the two of them, waiting for either one to back off. Her hesitation was short lived though, upon seeing as none of the two moved away or towards each other. They were really waiting for her. So, she gave up and did as she was told, grabbing ahold of Cream’s hand to direct her behind her. Yet Cream tilted her head on the side to be able to look at the oncoming fight.
“Fine,” Amy sighed. “3, 2…1.”
Blaze was the first to get on the offensive, wasting no time to lunge forward, her fist directed right at Sonic’s face. Sonic understood her intentions and knew he would be able to outpace her, so he stayed there with a confident smirk plastered across face, waiting to evade at the last moment.
To his detriment, his confidence was predictable.
Blaze retrieved her fist and began sliding on the ground, aiming at his feet with her own. Sonic’s eyes narrowed at the incoming danger as he jumped just before she reached him, avoiding Blaze by a very small margin.
Using the momentum from his leap, he turned around with his right leg raised, aiming right at her, only for his kick to be blocked by Blaze’s arm.
How did she—?
Her other arm charged a punch at him which he easily avoided by landing a backflip. It seemed like he didn’t have much room for mistakes. But he didn’t have to worry about that if he started his offence right now.
And that’s what he did.
He boosted off at her direction with a very clear target. If his smirk had faded away, it returned in no time, especially when he witnessed Blaze dash as well, right at him. Just at the moment they were ready to crash, Sonic dodged by side-stepping, readying his kick at the back of her head.
What he was unable to predict however, was Blaze’s powerful kick that she delivered before he even had the time to comprehend her moves; bending her body forward and pirouetting with an outstretched leg, sent him flying at the bark of a nearby tree. He heard it crack as he slid down, his hand bracing his abdomen in an attempt to soothe the sudden pain that he definitely hadn’t accounted for.
He closed his eyes as he winced, trying his best to pull himself together as quick as possible but that was until something else caught his attention. A hunch. As if on instinct, he ducked, only to witness a punch landing just above his head, one which left another crack on the tree trunk behind him. The severity of it was obvious and Sonic found himself to be very lucky that this specific hit didn’t land on his face.
He shook his head and faced forward again, straightening his legs and launching himself at her feet with his own, using his entire body weight without thinking twice about it, giving little time to his opponent to react.
Next thing he heard was a thump. He craned his head to find Blaze lying on her back.
That was it. That was his chance to deliver the finishing blow. This fight was truly fast after all.
But just as Sonic readied his attack, Blaze raised her legs and gained significant momentum, using it to do a handstand and then land with a back flip. Her attempt to also kick Sonic in the process was in vain, as he was able to evade the hit this time around.
Well, to be fair, he wasn’t expecting such a recovery. Maybe she even faked that fall to trap him. He grinned at that thought as he playfully wiped his nose, watching her back away from him, possibly planning how she should attack next.
“Oh, I see you’ve gotten faster.”
A smirk spread across her lips as she skidded to a halt by planting one hand on the grass, her free arm stretched outwards in an attempt to keep her balance. When she sat up straight, still wary of her opponent’s movements, she turned her head to face him while the sunset in front of her illuminated just the outline of her features with a bright orange hue, making them glow like the flames on her palm.
“Or you are just too slow.” She said as he was approaching dangerously.
Sonic stumbled mid-air, feeling as though time had slowed down and for a short span of time, for a mere millisecond, he was overtaken by hesitation, unable to directly land the punch on Blaze and he didn’t know why. Maybe it was her comeback or that damned smile that accompanied it, but despite it all, it was exactly what Blaze needed to duck out of the way unharmed. Sonic’s fist met the ground not long after, eyes widening as he felt blood rush to his cheeks all of a sudden.
Battle. He reminded himself as he realized he had his back turned-on Blaze (bad decision), quickly side-stepping to narrowly avoid the incoming attack he had predicted with ease.
Of course, it’s getting hot, he tried reasoning with himself, I’m running around trying to take her down, I knew it would not be easy, she’s tough. He grinned at the ground before getting up and turning around, ready to keep up the fight.
And that’s the fun part of it.
“I can’t catch a break, can I?” he flicked his nose, grinning at her.
Blaze answered with a smile of her own, using her flames to boost herself towards Sonic at unprecedented speeds.
Sonic blocked her attack with an air cancel, a trick that helped him use the air to his advantage, by raising dirt from the floor with his feet. That would be enough to mess with Blaze’s sight for a little while. But as he was upside down, not yet stopping his “attack”, his head was momentarily close enough to the ground to notice fire shooting from underneath Blaze’s shoes. It was minimal and if he weren’t in that position at that time, he wouldn’t have noticed it. So, he steadied himself by landing on both his feet.
He witnessed Blaze shooting upwards with her makeshift rocket shoes, in an attempt to avoid the debris. This gave him a few seconds to think about it as he relaxed his body, the realization hitting him like a brick.
“You’re holding back?” he asked, not sure if she heard him.
She hadn’t used her flames to attack him or even restrict him yet. She was giving him a hard enough time as it was so maybe it was because she knew her powers wouldn’t contribute much to stopping him or slowing him down. But she also knew he liked to play with fire. If anything, he was concerned.
Blaze kept looking at him, the hint of a smile she wore until now suddenly gone as she extinguished her flames and used gravity to her advantage by doing another back flip. As she descended, she aimed a kick right at Sonic, clearly never letting her guard down. In order for him to be able to block the attack, Sonic had to use both his arms and even that got him pushed a couple feet back, planting both his feet firmly on the ground so as to prevent his fall.
A series of kicks and punches followed all of which were avoided by Sonic. Though, each time he evaded, he found it increasingly harder to get out of the way in time for the following attacks.
“Does it look like I’m holding back?”
Well, she was right to an extent. She wasn’t holding back physically. Heck, here he was hyperventilating, trying his best to keep his breathing in check.
However, he smiled, closing his eyes.
“Where’s the fancy fire then?”
Blaze blinked, lowering her fists, just a tiny bit. “I don’t need to use fire to defeat you.” She said expressionless.
It reminded him of that cold-blooded girl he met a long time ago. That expression; her way of hiding her emotions. Sonic didn’t like that. He didn’t like what that implied. Blaze was one with her flames; without them, she wouldn’t be the same. Her being hesitant to use it in this battle only meant that she hadn’t fully come to terms with her powers yet. Or even worse, she was afraid that she might hurt him and that’s why she was holding back.
“Come on Blaze, give me everything you’ve got.” He winked, smirking at her and her surprised face.
A punch sent him flying backwards. His eyes widened in realization when he saw what was in front of him and managed to curl himself into a ball to minimize the damage from the unavoidable hit. When he hit the rock, he couldn’t do anything but allow his body to land on the sand, thankfully a few feet away from the sea water.
The damage wasn’t that bad. But it didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt.
He kneeled on the ground as he coughed, holding one hand around his abdomen to support himself.
He looked up through blurry vision to find his opponent looking back at him, waiting for him to get up.
That look… A sense of déjà vu washed over him.
He suddenly recalled their last battle. The one where he was worried about her holding back.
He huffed a short inaudible laugh at that while mustering whatever energy he had left to stand on his feet, wiping his sweat with his forearm. He remembered how, if he were being honest, that he himself was also holding back during that battle, lest he hurt her.
The situation right now was similar, at least on his part; he was still holding back against her. Then again, he always had. From the very first moment they met.
But she wasn’t. And she was more ruthless than the first time they got into that fight.
She was burning everything around her to the ground, leaving nothing but ashes in her wake. No hint of fear could be seen on her emotionless expression. No remorse. No hesitation.
Her dark eyes were piercing through him, as he was focused on her glowing form, glowing brighter, more fiercely than the sun rising behind her. The sun that overtook the darkness, that started painting everything beyond the hills, except for her form, as her fur remained white, that unfamiliar color on her which he had learned to despise already. He wished the sun had the power to paint her fur back to its normal color. He wished her real self, the one that wasn’t affected by the fake Sol Emeralds, would come back to him.
And Sonic silently wished, if nothing else, that she would hold back against him, even a tiny bit, just like she had back then.
Or that he could find it in him to not hold back himself.
Sonic forced a grin as he spat out blood. “Come on Blaze, give me everything you’ve got.”
He was always up for a good challenge.
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elfqueen006 · 2 months
Suspect Apprehended
Notes: Slasher/Detective AU by @themeatpit37 . Basically, May is a detective in this. We chatted about this a little and in a burst of inspiration I wrote it while I was getting my hair done. I also did a LOT of googling for 80s accurate info admittedly lol
Content Warnings for use of a gun, gun abuse(?), implied/referenced murder.
"Finally caught your ass..." May pulled up in front of the apartment, a new fervor boiling up inside her. Her shotgun rifle in the passenger seat screamed in the corner of her vision. It'd be too heavy. That was a great excuse. It'd look great on her tombstone.
He's not going to let me point that big ass thing at him. She'll have to make him look at it. He's gonna have to.
It takes three seconds to reload. Every one unaccounted for marks her end. So she better make it count.
Call for backup.
...Call for backup.
It was a blow to her pride, yes. But she didn't have time to play renegade. She wasn't even really a cop, not on paper. She was technically a civilian until faced with an angry parent or love one, blaming her for not following an obvious lead - an obvious trap- No. No. No...
She unclenched her fists and leaned back in her driver's seat. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. "Don't get mad, don't get mad..." said May. Don't get mad at the parents. Don't get mad at the police. Don't get mad at the world. Hell, don't even get mad at the killer. "...When you're mad, you're not thinking."
May stepped out of the car and looked around. By the grace of God or Lady Luck she saw a phone pole. There was no one else on the street, but people chattered in the apartment. Laughing kids, arguing couples, and raucuous druggies. They're so unaware to the monster residing with them. Or maybe few had caught on for some time and just... didn't care.
She knew better than anyone, having lived in her own shitty apartment - sometimes it benefit most to simply mind your business.
Maybe she should have ignored this case. God knew before this, she hadn't bothered to contact either of her sisters. Only Hailey had reached out every so often. It was only because of common decency that she came by to get a 411 on her missing sister. And truthfully, she should've pegged him from the start. Everyone should have, but Eileen wouldn't have given anyone a reason to. It was one of the primary reasons they grew so distant beyond obligatory babysitting and message passing. Pride. And what little Hailey had of that, she made up for in humility and kindness. And if she hadn't that, May was sure none of them would be aware of the others existence up to this point.
The wind blows hard, snapping her out of a daze. She checks her pocket lint and thankfully gets out a ripped ten dollar roll. When she deposits what little of it she has and waits for about three rings.
"Gallagher residence."
"Yeah, this is Davis. I'm outside the suspects house."
She's faced with the door. Once again, there's no one around. But the hallway is so vast and there's so many sounds... don't think about that.
May raps the door three times. "Open up." No answer. The rifle is heavy in her other arm, but sure enough it's damn near apart of her. And she's not letting it go for any reason.
She knocks again, damn near rattling the peeling walls. "Open up. I'm with the police."
There's some faint footsteps and then a series of locks coming undone. Yeah, you would you bastard.
Joseph Haberdae opens the door. He's a tall, pretty thing with wide set shoulders and a thick frame. Dark eyes and coiffed hair. To those that didn't know him: a dreamboat. To people like her that knew better, The Sunny Day Killer.
But it was too soon to make that call. She'd startle him into slamming the door in her face. Then that'd be it. He'd probably flee the city. Or worse, he'd stay and send her the bones of whatever unlucky kid decided to ride their bike next afternoon. He'd mock her like he always did. Even now he was mocking her by feigning surprise. You expected me, didn't you, you son of a bitch?
"Can I help you?" He asked.
"Joseph Cullman? I have a warrant out for your arrest."
He looked her up and down, "You have a rifle at your side. I don't think I'm in any position to refuse."
"You're right. You aren't." May said. And that's literally what the warrant is for so you couldn't do shit anyway.
"Show me the warrant." She held it up to him. He eyes it with a scoff. "Cullman isn't my name."
"I'm aware you went by Cullman up until you were around seventeen or eighteen. There was never a documented legal change with any sort of court, you simply started using an alias for your old high school. Right? Haberdae?"
Joseph gave her a long look. May resisted a chill from having his dark eyes look through her. They were fascinated, evaluating, and probably seeing all the ways he could tear her apart.
His large hand shot out and gripped her by the collar. May was ripped from the hallway floor and thrown across this man's kitchen in a single move. She hit the hardwood floor. Her vision swam by the swift assault and harsh impact.
"Caught me, yeah?"
At the last second, Joseph's loafers came down on her face and shoved her head over to look at him. "Yeah?" He had a wild look in his eyes now. May moved her arm to get some leverage, but he kicked her over. She cried out.
"You're the spitting fuckin' image of her, you know that?" Eileen.
"It's just the mole." May bit out.
"No, no. It's the almond shaped eyes. The...the green irises. Granted hers are a little brighter. But yeah. You look like her." Joseph huffed.
May looked up at him to glare, "You take a course in genetics or something?"
Joseph grinned and knelt down. He gripped her by the hair and forced her head back to look at him. His breath smelled coppery and tart. Her nose scrunched up in disgust.
"Does being a smart ass make you feel like you have some control in this situation?"
"Aw... at least lie a little."
May glanced at the rifle. It'd fallen next to her, just out of arms reach. There's no way Joseph didn't catch it. "Oh, you think you're gonna shoot me?"
You arrogant-
"No, I know I'm gonna shoot you!" Before he could answer, May reached up and swiped at his face repeatedly, nails digging into his skin and puncturing his eyes. He yelled, jerking back and loosening his grip on her hair. It was a split second but she pulled the butt of the rifle to her and fumbled with the grip before cocking it. Joseph had pulled her back to him but the iron grip she had on the weapon wasn't yet to wane. She held it assuredly as he jerked her by the hair and held a hand over her neck. May waved the barrel his way and pulled the trigger. The closeness of the blast startled him away, giving her an open to scramble from his grip.
She pulled up in time to see him lunge again. "Get the fuck back!" she hated the crack in her voice as she screamed.
"You ever held a gun before-"
"Shut the fuck up! I'll shoot you in the fucking face, I swear to God!"
He was a huge fucker. And she had to check her backseat multiple times to make sure she had the right size and amount shells to take him out. But reinforcement should be down the street. She had to make it count.
"Reinforcements are coming in less than five minutes and you will be detained. Any funny movements and I'll shoot."
Joseph sneered, "Oh really? So because your technically a civilian you think a cops punishment don't apply to you?"
"Cops don't get punished. They get laid off." May cocks the foreend. Joseph laughs. He laughs and it pisses her off.
Don't. Get. Mad.
"... you said less than five minutes." Joseph said.
"I did."
"How long do you think it'll be before I snatch that barrel and bang your head against the wall. You'd be out cold before they knocked on my door." Joseph said coolly, "And by the time you come to you'll be stripped bare. Wrists bound. Probably on a dirty floor. Probably in the bathtub. Your call."
Crazy as he was, she was sure he'd take that chance. Even with the barrel of a gun pointed toward him. He'd take that chance. He was just that crazy.
May took a deep breath and turned the gun toward the bare wall next to her. If she knew anything about apartments, the layouts were likely the same. She noted the idle chatter of a couple nearby. They didn't seem to stir after hearing the sound or her rifle go off.
Blam. Ker-chuck. Blam.
"Oh, what the fuck!?"
"Oh my fucking God, Jerry!"
The man's voice, likely "Jerry", banged on the wall shouting various cuss words and insults. "I will call the fucking cops!"
Ker-chuck. Blam.
The woman's voice shrieked. "Jerry!!!"
"You motherfucker!"
May pointed the barrel back at an astonished Joseph. "It's their problem now. They're stirred up. He should be coming around with his girl, right now."
"Jerry be careful!"
"No I'm giving the fucker a piece of my mind-" Footsteps rounded the hallway and banging ensued on Joseph's door, rattling it. He cursed under his breath.
"No one can just ignore it now. And the police won't miss your door by the time they get here."
"Get the cops over here Carrie, call the fucking cops!"
"You still wanna try and kill me? Get yourself one last hit before you go down." May taunted. The vein throbbing on his neck was proof enough of his agitation. But she couldn't get cocky, no. Even if she riled up the neighbors, there was no guarantee they'd stay long enough to get follow through on their threats to call the cops.
And unless Joseph was as bloodthirsty as he portrayed himself, there's no way he'd follow through on killing her before the cops came, now that the attention was on his door. Even if she died, she won. Because this was a game to him. And May could tell he was the type of person who really hated to lose.
May watched the trial on TV. She recorded beforehand and bought out as she went home. It wasn't as satisfying as she thought. Clearly, Joseph was milking his exposure for all its worth. He recounted his...exploits... with perverse glee and smugness.
Officers were placed around the courtroom, holding back various agitated peoples from dog piling him. In the corner there was one man who even came at him with a hammer. And in the middle of it all was poor Hailey. Disheartened and confused, like Alice in the Queen of Hearts court. Terry, bless his heart, had been with her the entire time.
It almost pained May not to be there. But she was adamant on being done with the case. So she instead, provided a written statement for a cop to use.
She rather enjoyed the sneer on Joseph's face when her name came up. She took a bite out of her burger and kicked her foot out, "Your call, bitch."
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can u please do 2bdamned x reader but they have the same music taste? sorry for bad english!! :3
Your English is fine :]
Doc x Reader - tunes n chillin (in other words, yall gonna like MY MUSIC TASTE lol)
Hello there, the angel from my nightmare, the shadow in the background of the morgue.
The base was relatively empty, everyone else off doing who knows what, killing who knows who, leaving you plenty of space to zone out into your own world, music on in the living room while you doodled away in an old sketchbook. A ballpoint pen was the only tool you had on hand now, but the deep black strokes added weight and character to your art.
The unsuspecting victim, of darkness in the valley. We can live like Jack and Sally if we want, where you can always find me.
Scrawling what came to mind, the song inspired you to roughly doodle the main Nightmare Before Christmas characters, the gaunt and oddly handsome Jack Skellington, and his sweet patchwork lover Sally. Oh to have a romance like theirs would be a dream.
And we'll have Halloween on Christmas, and in the night we'll wish this never ends -
"We'll wish this never ends." You looked up from your art, seeing Doc nodding his head along to the music. "Hey, it's a good song." He shrugs when he notices you watching him.
Some weeks later you were in your room, exhausted from dragging around some guy whom Sanford was currently torturing information out of. To drown out the noise, you'd placed a CD into the player and flicked through an old manga, something about a cosmic horror planet coming to devour the earth.
I'm just a normal boy who sank when I fell overboard. My ship would leave the country, but I'd rather swim ashore. Without a life vest, I'd be stuck again. Wish I was much more masculine, maybe then I could learn to swim like fourteen miles away.
Your door was currently non-existent, Hank had ripped out part of the hydraulic seal during a half-MAG rage, so currently only a curtain served as your privacy. Privacy which was often ignored by the lads.
The curtain swayed as Doc stormed in, he wasn't wearing his mask and his displeasure was evident. "Trying to break passed some firewalls is incredibly difficult with all that fucking noise Sanford is making. I'm used to some level but his current toy hasn't stopped screaming his lungs out for two hours straight. I can't even think right now!"
You looked up from your lounging position. "Yeah, that's why I put music on. It's not like I can shut the door." Doc sat on your bed, going back to debugging and unencrypting.
"I'll get it sorted when I have the parts, I promise." You knew why he'd come to your room, it was the furthest from Sanford's makeshift torture chamber in the storage room. Well, that was half of why he'd come. In truth, the old dog had grown rather fond of your company.
You two had a few bits in common, music taste for one, and the differences were good talking points, clashing viewpoints being a discussion rather than an argument. It was nice, yes, he enjoyed being around you.
Now floating up and down, I spin, colliding into sound, like whales beneath me, diving down. I'm sinking to the bottom of my- Everything that freaks me out, the lighthouse beam has just gone out. I'm cold as cold as cold can be... Be...
As you flipped through the gruesome pages of your manga, you paid little attention to your surroundings, the music and all else just melting into background noise.
I wanna swim away but don't know how-
"Sometimes it just feels just like I'm fallin in the ocean." And there it was again, just barely above a whisper, Doc's voice mixing with the vocals.
You couldn't help but smile, his rugged voice was rather lovely when singing, Deimos was right. Dei secretly admitted to you that Doc used to sing him to sleep when he was young, it was nice to finally get to hear it.
"You sing pretty well Doc."
"Hm? Ah." You could see his cheeks turn red, his gaze averting from you. "Thanks. You wanna know something funny? Your playlist seems to have a lot in common with mine. Rather a lot in common."
"Really?" You smiled at him, he seemed to shift uncomfortably under your watchful eyes, his cold exterior slowly giving way to a hidden sweetness. "You'll have to share it with me sometime, we can just listen together for a while."
"Hm," Doc rubbed the back of his neck, giving you a shy smile. "I think I'd like that."
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