#‘protect the burger’
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Highly recommend y'all not to sit next to me during this part, I'd get so obnoxious
Ya asking when I'm gonna stop being annoying about this episode? I don't know, never??
They almost got divorced, it was awesome
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nelkcats · 1 year
Harley's bad bad day
When his parents excitedly talked about a family trip to Gotham, Danny was skeptical. Why would he want to vacation in New Jersey?
He ended up accepting. But he couldn't leave his duties as King unattended so he made some arrangements with Wulf and the other ghosts. They promised to behave in the best possible way. Danny didn't believe them but had no choice.
Without him realizing it, as soon as he set foot in Gotham the city got filled with ambient ectoplasm. Achieving that the shadows of the spirits could form correctly as ghosts in the city.
Many of the ghosts decided to seek an entrance to the Realms, maybe visit the King who was visiting their city. Others were furious at their deaths and wanted revenge. The Joker was number one on the list.
Harley was the second closest. Although she had parted ways with the Joker a long time ago, the ghosts didn't care that she had changed. She killed them, all her change wouldn't fix that.
The dead do not forget
When Harley woke up that day she didn't expect to find a knife stuck to the side of her face. She got up upset but the knife seemed to have fallen from the ceiling. She frowned, not remembering how it got there.
The more time passed, the more she suspected that something was up. Around midday she was convinced that someone was trying to kill her. So many accidents happened to her that it was ridiculous. The girl couldn't help but become paranoid and seek refuge with Bruce.
Batman wasn't one to accept or deny the existence of ghosts but he was sure Alfred wasn't talking to himself. When Harley told him what was going on with her he frowned.
Why was there paranormal activity in Gotham? And why was it after Harley? He grunted at the thought that he should call Constantine.
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laz-kay · 9 months
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No thoughts.
Just Gene using Tina as a human shield.
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realasslesbian · 11 days
This boomer opinion that "my kids deserve no inheritance, I'm going to spend it all on jetskis and cruises, they should just work hard like I did uwu" is so funny to me because this is the same generation who'll constantly berate the childfree about "leaving behind a legacy" and it turns out the legacy these boomers are leaving behind is their children struggling with lifelong poverty during the worst financial times since The Great Depression, something that their own parents went through and subsequently left these boomers an inheritance so as to avoid.
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xenazaria · 14 days
Okay, so the most common types of cores I've seen in the phandom for the Danny's are either space and/or protection for Danny, and adventure/freedom for Ellie. But I don't think I've seen anyone mention what Dan's core would be.
Sure, we could go with him having the same core as Danny, but he's also still half Vlad. I haven't seen much mention over what Vlad's core would be, the times I do see it it has something to do with Maddie or getting revenge on Jack.
Now, what do you get when you combine protection core Danny and revenge core Vlad? I think the two would combine into
A family core.
And it would make so much sense for Dan. His entire family died, which, sure, it happened before he was technically Dan, but still. Protection core Danny merging with revenge core Vlad to create a ghost who's core has no outlet. Of course that ghost would go on a rampage and destroy the world.
Also, imagine how tragic it would be for the other ghosts to see this ghost, a ghost who looks so much like that little menace they had grown to see as a brother, suffering through a shattered core from the start because the base of that core DOESN'T EXIST ANYMORE.
They can't help, because the only way they know how to fix a shattered core is to nurture it in its source, but Dan just... Doesn't have one of those anymore.
Even when they try to get close enough to him to possibly BECOME the way to nurture his core, to have him see them as family in the way they see him, they fail. They fail because he is grieving and he refuses to let anyone close because he doesn't want to replace the family that he lost.
The ghosts get more desperate because they can see that Dan is destroying himself, whether he means to or not. The more desperate they become, the more Dan snaps. Eventually, he goes a bit too far, and that's when they realize that it's too late. Dan goes on his rampage, Clockwork drags pre-nasty burger Danny to help deal with the problem, Danny succeeds, and Dan is taken to Danny's timeline.
The timeline where Dan's family is still alive.
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br1ghtestlight · 8 months
top five zekina moments
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when three sisters said how many kids their dad had and from how many different species
for a second I thought we stumbled upon Leif’s less known history
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Bob in towels exudes such trans energy
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pinkprettycure · 3 months
pissed as hell because people buy ads for a reason and they actually work 😭
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golden--doodler · 1 year
I once saw a comment saying that someone headcanons Gene as Nonbinary because to them, Gene doesn’t have fem days or masc days or enby days, he just has Gene days. And while this is a totally valid view to have, I will always prefer headcanoning Gene as Genderfluid.
I’m most likely biased as someone who’s Genderfluid and very open about that fact. But imagining Gene being Genderfluid is just so important to me personally.
There’s almost no Genderfluid representation in media—the only one I can think of is Loki in the MCU. But the issue with Loki is that he doesn’t really appear Genderfluid at all—he was clearly just written as a Cis Male and got the Genderfluid label slapped onto him as a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment for representation sake. I honestly prefer his Bisexuality, because even though that’s hardly represented either, at least he actually talks about it.
But with Gene, even though he’s not canonically Genderfluid, and most likely never will be (he’s only eleven, and has a lot of time before he’ll figure himself out, I think) he acts extremely non-cis. He’s constantly allowing people to call him a girl, even insisting he’s a girl at one point, and adores wearing dresses and wigs on occasion. Heck, at one point, he stole Louise’s pink guitar because she “never uses it”. He’s incredibly feminine and fully embraces it.
But the best part about it is that it’s treated completely normally. No one bats an eye at Gene’s behavior, they just shrug and move on, because to them, it’s just Gene being Gene. Everyone wholeheartedly accepts him for who he is, and I love that so much.
So yes, everyone can headcanon Gene as whatever they want. But for me, he will always be the best Genderfluid rep.
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podcastpeep · 3 months
If Effie and Zebulon get hurt I'm gonna throw hands
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dashiellfaireborn · 1 year
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renga and langa’s birthday burger
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honesttoglob · 8 months
I feel like Tim and Munkustrap interactions would be really cute. Idk why. I feel they're used to being the "straight men" (I use this term extremely loosely) to Steve's goofy antics, and even though they get tired of his shenanigans sometimes, they're still super protective of him.
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dianadeadwing · 11 months
Enough of this too young to know your sexuality nonsense. I taught at a small middle school and one of the eleven-year-olds was in a love triangle with two other girls in her class.
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ltwharfy · 1 year
Hi! I was almost too scared to ask, especially since this isn’t anon and I’m an anxious person and we’ve never interacted before, but I’ve seen your blog in the tags and just recently decided to follow…but either way, I thought: why not? I was wondering…If you’re still doing the ask meme thing about rare pairs? 👉👈 I’ve got one that I’ve been sort of interested in lately…Teddy and Mort.
No need to be nervous, I don't bite! And I'm always happy to talk about Bob's Burgers if I have the time, and I've enjoyed doing the rare pairs ask game.
Teddy and Mort is an interesting relationship! They definitely spend a lot of time together at the restaurant and I would classify them as friends. But it seems like their dynamic has changed a bit over the course of the show. I feel like in the early seasons they got along a bit more easily, while as the show moved on we get more of Teddy getting aggravated with Mort (often without basis) or being upset because he feels like Mort is butting in on his time with the Belchers. The good thing is that doesn't really seem to faze Mort, because he's a pretty chill guy (I love the fact that Mort meditates- it really fits with his persona.)
So, if Mort and Teddy got involved in a relationship, I think it could work, because I think Teddy needs someone who is pretty laid back and accepting of his quirks, and I think Mort has shown that he can do that. I don't personally ship it, but I can see the appeal!
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theangrypomeranian · 2 years
I love Courtney Wheeler with my whole heart she deserves the world 💜❤️💙
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