#And whenever he does something extra they like share a LOOK and laugh at him under their breaths
honesttoglob · 5 months
I feel like Tim and Munkustrap interactions would be really cute. Idk why. I feel they're used to being the "straight men" (I use this term extremely loosely) to Steve's goofy antics, and even though they get tired of his shenanigans sometimes, they're still super protective of him.
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hotluncheddie · 5 months
eddie, steve
‘uh, the pancakes with bacon please, extra syrup? thanks.’
eddie knows that order. he makes it every saturday night, so late it’s almost morning.
but he’s never heard that voice before, never heard it so close, right by the pass window.
he swallows. turning from the sink in the back to face out into the diner, someone’s sat at the counter, right across from him.
the most beautiful boy eddie’s ever seen.
he’s looking right at eddie, cheeks slightly pink, fiddling with a still wrapped straw. he looks perfect and cozy and adorable, hair sleep rumpled and in a hoodie that swallows up his soft lines, making him look even softer.
‘coming right up.’ eddie rasps, his own cheeks colouring.
but the boy, he smiles. ducks his head, looks up at eddie through his lashes.
eddie’s a fucking goner.
steve can’t believe it. his eyes are even bigger this close up, big and brown and sparkling with life.
his hands are just as nice this close up too, delicate but capable as they move around where steve can see. he sticks his tongue out a little when he concentrates. it’s adorable.
he’s the prettiest guy steve’s ever seen.
he puts steves finished pancakes in the window with a little smile, rings the bell and seems to blush even harder. almost cringing at the sound. it’s makes steve laugh, he’s cute.
and they’re still the best pancakes the midwest has to offer, at denny’s, at 3am. even sober and nervous and exited like he is.
steve can’t help closing his eyes like always when he takes his first bite. always blown away by their sweet fluffy texture. and he makes his way through them a little quicker than normal, without robin to distract him.
they taste as good as normal but he’s right there. right there watching steve eat them. something about it makes him feel shy, barely daring to look up from his plate. but when he does the line cook has the softest smile on his face and steve relaxes, tucks his hand under his hoodie to rest on his stomach like normal. finished his pancakes.
when steve looks up again, the guy is staring at his empty plate, kind of stuck in space. but then he vanished for a moment and the door to the kitchen opens. and he’s coming over, picking up the syrupy plate and he has freckles, bats tattooed on his arm.
he’s so close. he’s so pretty this close.
the prettiest guy steve’s ever seen.
‘eddie?’ steve blurts, exited, finally able to read his name tag. his names eddie.
his name is eddie.
eddie’s cheeks get pink, the tips of his ears. he looks at steve with wide eyes ‘yeah?’ he asks, voice small and confused.
steve grins at him. ‘your names eddie.’ and he watched eddie’s smile bloom, he has dimples.
‘wha’ eddie clears his throat. ‘what’s yours?’ and steve feels his heart burst, feels like sunshine and crisp leaves.
‘steve.’ he says, a little breathless.
‘steve.’ eddie whispers.
‘when do you go on break?’ steve asks, heart beating in his throat.
eddie just shrugs, eyes still wide. ‘whenever. as long as there’s no customers in.’ and steve realises he’s the only one here. it makes him blush more, for some reason.
‘make us another batch?’ he asks, deciding to be brave, leaning over the counter, just to be a little closer. ‘we can share.’ and it’s so worth it. to see the smile grow on eddie’s face, watch him nod, watch a curl slip out of his bun. watch him work his magic through that little pass window. stealing glances at steve as he goes.
watching steve enjoy his food is even better close up. even better than eddie could’ve imagined.
they’re sitting in steve’s usual booth, eddie’s where robin normally sits, he finally has a name for the cool girl steve hangs out with. gets to hear a little about how they met, can tell he loves her, so much. it’s sweet, his eyes shining as he talks.
so is the way steve cuts the pancakes, sweet, pushing perfectly stacked mouthfuls towards eddie to have. pancake, bacon, pancake. all covered in syrup, sticky and delicious.
eddie never really even liked pancakes much, more of a waffle guy. but sitting here, watching steve eat them, laughing and smiling at things eddie says. jaw just a little soft, upper lip smattered with hair. watching steve sigh and stretch when they’re done. that hand coming to rest on his stomach again, the way it always does, every saturday night.
eddie knows he’ll always love pancakes.
‘how do you get them to be so good?’ steve asks, hand circling eddie’s wrist loosely, stopping him before he goes back to his job, an orders come in, he has to go. but steve needs to ask, wants to know. wants one more moment with him.
eddie smiles, takes steve’s hand and kisses the back of it. and it’s so out of place, at denny’s, at 4 am that steve giggles, almost manic. it’s the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to him.
‘they’re made with love sweetheart.’ eddie says, looking up at him from his bow, kissing his hand again before walking away. the napkin with steve’s number on tucked safely in his back pocket.
steve’s forearm scrawled in the black ink of eddie’s own.
steve goes home and falls straight to sleep. so late its almost morning, like every saturday night.
he dreams of brown eyes, and syrup.
ty for reading! mwah!
@xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @pearynice @spectrum-spectre @stevesbipanic @finntheehumaneater @goodolefashionedloverboi @acedorerryn @scoops-aboy86
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itaipava · 6 months
— habits f1 boys developed in your relationship.
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the first thing he does in the morning is open his phone; since he started dating you, nothing is on his mind but you. you’re the one constant he can’t get rid of and he thinks you might be the death of him. even when he’s working, all he sees is your face, which always leaves him with a bright and passionate look followed by a silly smile on his lips that always makes others smile and joke about how in love he is. when he starts his day, he wants the first thing he sees is you; so every morning when he wakes up he picks up his phone to admire his lock screen; which is you smiling hugely at the camera as he kisses your cheek. and smiling, he sends you a cute and genuine good morning message.
he always looks at you first when he makes a joke or sarcastic comment; since you two were just friends he always liked your laugh and your smile, so he’s always making some joke or sarcastic comment about something or someone and, without realizing it, he turns his face to look at you and can’t help but smile. and when you’re in crowded places, he always pulls you close and whispers in your ear something he’s noticed or some inside joke. everyone says he gets even more talkative and funny when you’re around, but he doesn’t mind the teasing because your smile is the best thing he could ask for.
he always takes a moment out of his day to be with you; no matter how busy his day is or what’s going on, he always wants to take a moment to lie with you and be able to talk, feel you there. he traces the details of your face while asking about your day and what has been going on in your life and mind lately. he loves and appreciates every second with you and those little moments are the most important to him; he hugs you on the bed and expresses his love in every way he can.
he likes to do things together; he loves your presence and he loves to share the same happiness and peaceful atmosphere with you, so everything he is going to do he calls you to do with him; mainly taking a shower. he loves the feel of the intimacy of rubbing each other’s bodies, washing each other’s hair, and laughing at the silly things only the two of you do. he also loves to hug you after a shower, he puts something on the television but he doesn’t care at all, he’s too busy getting lost in your body and the delicious smell of soap and lotion that exudes from you. he loves these little moments with you, he loves you.
he texts you every day; he can’t go too long without talking to you or making sure you’re okay and taking care of yourself, so whenever possible he texts you or even calls you. he also likes to send you pictures or videos that he saw and ‘remembered you’ just to brighten your day a little. you always wake up to texts from him, saying something like ‘good morning my love. i hope you have an amazing day today. please take care. i’ll always be here’ and his messages are also the last thing you see before you go to sleep. even though it’s such a simple gesture, you can see his love and adoration for you and how much you mean to him.
he always carries extra stuff for you; in his backpack, there is always an extra hoodie in case you get cold, medicine, your favorite snacks, hair ties, and anything else you might need. he readily helps you pin your hair up - because he’s seen enough tutorials on the internet to learn how to style your hair perfectly - or helps you put on the hoodie; he always gives you a kiss on the forehead as if he’s glad he could help you. he has always promised to take care and protect you from anything and he shows it through small gestures and you appreciate it from the bottom of your heart, which makes him even more in love with you.
he decorates all your favorite things; he always makes breakfast the way you like, you often wake up to the smell of ready-made coffee; he leans against the doorframe with a cup in his hand and smiles lazily at you when you wake up. he loves to learn your quirks and mannerisms; he ends up taking all of them and just realizes he’s doing the same thing as you when you point it out. he also loves to please you so he often brings home your favorite flower in your favorite color, or cooks your favorite dish, or plays your favorite music at random times. he always smirks when he realizes how happy those little things have made you, and he couldn’t be more in love.
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simplyreveries · 6 months
when theyre pining; vice dorm leaders!
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trey clover
trey always had an eye on you ever since he met you, as the "magicless person from another world" he was pretty intrigued by you. he only grew closer to you from there. with his personality i feel like its easy to take his intentions more as a friend more than someone who's interested in you. and trey tries his best to get his feelings across that hes fallen quite literally hopeless for you. (will die if you ever hit him with the "oh youre like such a friend/brother to me!")
ace gets so offended when you get all the extras of his treats or that you're the first one to get some of his baked goods. he’ll complain that saying that “that's no fair- you're trey’s favorite!” and trey laughs but doesn’t deny it.
he tries to be as helpful and caring towards you, he does feel some remorse for your situation and all too. if you need help with anything pleaasee go to him because he loves being someone you can rely on.
ok so, trey can flirt... if hes not thinking about it. like if he puts himself into this mindset of "I'm totally going to woo you with these words" he is a fool. we all saw his painful attempts during the ghost marriage event. I'll never forget that he compared the brides' eyes to grapes.... needless to say, he totally messes up around you like that all the time. cater once happened to witness one of these instances and went through the five stages of grief.
ruggie bucchi
ruggie plays off any feelings he has towards you like he's not taking it seriously. he gives off pretty confusing signals during the beginning when he started to develop feelings for you. perhaps its just because of how overwhelmed he feels and doesn't know how to physically handle it. he cannot get you out of his brain no matter how much he tries.
he finds it hard to trust. when someone does something for him he always assumes it's because they're going to want something in return. so when you just help him sometimes when you catch him doing some random tasks for leona and try to help him hes... confused. and truthfully doesn't accept your help for a while, he'll brush it off. but he still remembers that.
judging by your situation and practically being thrown into this world without any of your own belongings, you're in a tight spot with money. sometimes when he does shifts at the mostro lounge and sees you there he starts to try sparking conversations with you. though it's probably him attempting to discreetly make fun of some customer that was being rude to you. ruggie feels all giddy and excited when he makes you laugh.
he gets all playful around you, you know he's around when you hear his mischievous laugh. sometimes he uses "laugh with me" to move you closer to him he'd say "i didnt know you were so excited to see me...!" and laugh. you can only roll your eyes.
jade leech
jade is... interesting when it comes to having feelings. because its pretty intense once you've caught his attention. he's also just so strange when it comes to showing that. as much as he desperately does want to call you his and all, he enjoys the stage where you're unaware of how he feels. he thinks it's like a game to win you over or something and he likes a little challenge.
jades love language is telling you that he saw a nice-looking mushroom during one of his hikes and it reminded him of you. okay seriously though, he'll love to share to you all about his little terrariums, he's quite proud of himself.
he loves it whenever you come by the mostro lounge, trust me he'll be there ready to serve you the moment you're there. he playfully tells you that you're his favorite customer. so, you get extra good meals done specially by jade, he'll ask you what you thought of it. one time he messed with you by telling you he used a random plant he found and wanted to know if it was edible... and was like "hehe...i kid, dont worry".. he thought your reaction was quite amusing.
not going to lie this guy literally just spawns like you could be in the library chatting with grim and turn around and he's there??? he smiles and is like "ah (name) how pleasant to see you here." :))) HUH??
jamil viper
jamil was in complete denial with his feelings for you, he hated himself almost because he feels like he is making the biggest mistake falling in love with someone from a completely different world. he has never felt so intensely about someone until you arrived. to push his feelings away for a while and just yearned for you from a distance.
nevertheless, you being you always try to talk and get closer to him, and he can't resist his feelings growing so much with each conversation (even if it's mostly one sided from your behalf). whenever he sees you at one of kalims parties and celebrations he almost freezes and can only stare at you... until kalim follows his line of vision and gets an excited grin, starting to laugh and its over for jamil. that guy is going to make so many painfully obvious attempts at getting the two of you together.
he gets pretty quiet around you, if you didn't know him well it may seem like he didn't like you but trust me that is absolutely not the case here. since he listens and remembers a lot of what you say, he tries to use that as an opportunity to attempt talking more to you. it's cute to see him try, even if its mundane things like cooking. but if you bring up hobbies, he enjoys like basketball club and dancing he'll become more talkative.
whenever you do small things like acknowledge him?? compliment him?? hes smitten and hates it so much. usually, these things don't really matter to him when he hears it from others but when it comes from you? its very important. you sound so genuine too about it. or even go out of your way to help him with anything since he has a lot on his plate as vice dorm leader.
rook hunt
once he's got his eye on you it's over because you're going to be constantly seeing him everywhere...! he is so incredibly infatuated with you and won't hesitate to tell you that. you've captivated him in every way- he finds your beauty to be irresistible, that he finds it a no-brainer that he's deeply harboring feelings for someone such as yourself.
rook is literally so weird when it comes to you im sorry. but its ROOK. he notices everything about you "is this a new perfume? ah its so lovely!! beauté!!" right after you just awkwardly said "good morning" to him when he was staring at you blissfully.
speaking of staring... wowie he cannot take his eyes off of you. he'll sigh dreamily like RIGHT next to you with his head in his hands thinking how truly captivating you are. and whenever you decide to talk to him, he literally listens to every word you say- but hey, at least no conversation with him is dry or boring with him because this man can talk forever about anything. he'll even tell you more about himself.
he tends to put you on this pedestal. literally, you can do nothing wrong in his eyes. rook will write you poems upon poems, gifting your beautiful things and tells you that they remind him of you, and he just simply had to give them to you.
lilia vanrouge
done here!
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jello-chennie · 9 months
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relationship hcs!
✧ pairing izuku, katsuki, eijirou, shouto w/ fem!reader
✧ genre/tw fluff ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
✧ a/n check out my masterlist!
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˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ izuku ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
isn't at all sure about how he pulled you
but he did and he isnt complaining
would absolutely love a kind soul in his partner
he swoons anytime you do little things to take care of him like if you know he has a pretty busy day, even if you're busy too, you go out of your way to make him a cup of coffee or tea and you always seem to get it just right
or whenever he's super focused on something the past few days and starts getting a little scatter brained, he'll forget to eat
if you're in ua, you'll share your lunch with him (which he will deny at first, but when you start pouting at him, he cant say no)
if he's a pro-hero and working, you take him out to lunch on his break
doesn't matter how far into your relationship you two are, he's always getting flustered by you
despite that, he's always trying to make you laugh (even if it means dying inside from embarrassment)
izuku cannot formally confirm or deny whether or not he may or may not be intentionally getting a few extra bumps and scrapes just so you can take the time to gently and lovingly bandage his wounds
loves it when you cut his hair for him!
even when you mess up (his chest will hurt a little with embarrassment whenever he's out in public, but only a little bc you did something for him, and he loves that more than anything else)
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˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ katsuki ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
totally would end up in a relationship in which you are his polar opposite
everyone is confused
but it totally works!
you're super shy and sweet, and hes audacious and a little abrasive
he pulls you out of your shell and makes you become less of a doormat, you reign him in a bit and round out his sharper edges
when he takes you to meet his parents, it doesn't fly past him that the two of you have a dynamic that reminds him of his parents
which pisses him off to no end bc that means he truly is his mother's son
he's become his mother
bakugou doesn't form close relationships easily, and is definitely an all or nothing kind of guy
once you're in, you're locked in
it doesn't take him very long to start fantasizing about marriage and kids once you officially become a couple
he is you're personal chef
and once you both enter the workforce, he takes extreme pride in making your lunch for you
can and will enter a silent competition with the significant other's of your coworkers for who can make the best bento
probably makes a social media page dedicated to making cooking videos in which he posts aesthetic af videos of him making meals for you
"pro-hero dynamite is famous on the internet for also being a gourmet chef!"
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˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ eijirou ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
kirishima would definitely fall for someone super fem presenting
he works out all the time and has all these muscles solely for the purpose of carrying things for you
and carrying you
afterall, that's what a real man does
will stop and buy all the pretty things he sees in store that remind him of you
likes it when you stick some of your cute stickers you make him take you to the mall to go buy onto his gear
is tickled pink by headlines that show up the next day like "red riot big sanrio fan?"
has matching sanrio keychains on his phone case with you
loves to sit and watch you do your makeup
will sit next to you and ask you to explain it to him
kiri will never say no when you ask to put it on him
after all, what kind of man would have his masculinity threatened by a little makeup?
besides, it's not like he can say no when you look up at him with those big, pretty eyes, and the cute, hopeful, little grin on your face
that would be just wrong
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˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ shouto ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
one of the types of people i see shouto falling for is someone who is a bit of a spitfire
someone who is caring, compassionate, and understanding
someone with endless amounts of kindness in their heart, and a little wise, but relentlessly brazen
he both loves and admires them, and falls for their personality
i see shouto taking little bits and pieces of his partner's personality, and they are ultimately responsible for shouto becoming a little more outspoken
shouto is someone who would become a teeny bit obsessed with his partner
you officially have a shadow once you get together bc he will have no problem following you everywhere, and wanting to hangout with you all the time
isn't at all nervous about having you meet his dad, bc shouto knows that if endeavor starts pissing you off, you'll find a way to respectfully tell him to fuck off without missing a beat
you're also super smart and emotionally intelligent, so when his family life starts to become particularly messy at the moment, you're right by his side helping him navigate
shouto loves you for being his lover and his confidant, constantly there for him with open arms and advice that's strangely wiser beyond your years
once shouto's dad stops being crummy, endeavor actually comes to respect you
shouto's mom and sister love you, and the three of you gossip like school girls
which makes shouto a little jealous when he feels left out
shouto's the kind of bf to get jealous of the cat that he wanted but ended up liking you more
won't say anything, and will spend all day pouting in a corner some where
you have to give him ton of affection to make it up to him
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cupidsanne · 2 months
Mike Faist Fluff Alphabet ✢ Headcanons
Mike Faist x Female! Insert Reader
SYNOPSIS! ✦ headcanons based on the ask of these prompts!!
WARNINGS! ✦ None, sfw.
NOTES! ✦ link to template for these are here! no proof reads, lmk if something’s wrong! <3
Mike Faist Masterlist . About Me + Rules .
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A — Admiration . . . What Do They Absolutely Adore About You?
One of the things he adores about you is your leniency with everything. Your ability to forgive and be tolerant of certain things is really nice to him, since no one’s perfect and even Mike makes mistakes sometimes. Mike always assumed the worst whenever he messes up something small and thinks you’ll hold it against him, which is so far from the truth. He has to constantly remind himself that you’re not there to belittle him for everything, and it’s okay to tell you things.
B — Body . . . What Is Their Favorite Part Of Your Body?
His favorite part is your smile. You’re a silly person naturally, so a grin is always spread onto your face. He makes you laugh a lot, and you do the same for him. He’s definitely attracted to your happiness. Don’t even be insecure if you’re teeth may be crooked, if your lips look a certain way, ect. he does not care!! Smile all the time!
C — Cuddling . . . How Do They Like To Cuddle?
He prefers to cuddle with you sat up and seated, cause whenever you two do cuddle laying down, he falls asleep. He can’t help it! You’re comforting to be around.
D — Dates . . . What Does Their Ideal Date With You Look Like?
He’s content with anything as long as it’s private. On dates, Mike likes to give his sole attention to you and doesn’t want outside distractions or interruptions. He’s also not too particular with dates, but he does prefer calm ones. Although he doesn’t mind those crazier dates like rock climbing, clubbing, ski-ing ect. he likes ones where he doesn’t have to do much as well. Mike loves having fun, but he’s a homebody too. His ideal dates are picnics at the park, beach, or having a quiet dinner in a cozy restaurant. If your dates mostly consisted of eating inside either (or your shared) homes, he’d be fine with that too.
E — Emotions . . . How Do They Express Emotion Around You?
He’s a honest partner, but he’s not always comfortable with being verbally vulnerable. He doesn’t want to burden you with his issues or thoughts initially, so a lot of the times of when he’s upset, you have to look for any physical cues on him. Similar reasoning from letter A.
F — Family . . . Do They Want One? If They Do, When?
He does, but he isn’t sure when is the right time. With his career and constantly being on the move, he doesn’t know how he’ll want to balance work life and family life. He doesn’t work a office job where he can go in during the day and come back in the evening, he’s an actor! Actors schedules constantly shift and he may be expected to travel. You knew what you were signing up for when you got together with him, so he really wants to leave the decision of a family to you.
He has a great relationship with kids. Because of his energy and kind smile, kids naturally are drawn to him and want to play/hang out with him. He’s polite and super fun, and he’s also good at a lot of things. He’d be a great father, but he underestimates himself.
G — Gifts . . . How Do They Feel About Gift Giving? What Are Their Habits When It Comes To This?
He doesn’t mind giving gifts but it’s not his main love language. He’s the type of person where he likes to save gifts for special occasions so they can feel extra special. Occasionally, he might gift you something small and silly to make you laugh but the meaningful gifts are for certain occasions. He also entirely chooses your gifts for your benefit and wants, not his.
H — Holding Hands . . . When/How Do They Like To Hold Hands?
Mike is not a huge fan of PDA, but he’s not completely against it either. This doesn’t mean he’s not physically affectionate with you at all, cause that’s false!! He’s just not the type of guy to make out with you in public or grab your butt in front of friends… (I find those things corny.) Subtle affection like hand holding is great with him! He doesn’t mind holding your hand as you guys walk, sit down, or talk. He’s a private person, but he���s not gonna keep your relationship a secret.
He likes to interlock fingers! It’s comforting to him and if your walking through somewhere crowded, you won’t feel like you’re slipping away. He doesn’t like those hand holds where it’s him holding your hand and you’re not, or you’re holding is hand and he’s not, he likes to keep it mutual. One parter just holding onto the other feels territorial.
I — Injury . . . How Would They Act If You Got Hurt?
If you slip on the floor and fall, he’s gonna rush over and check on you with a smile cracked on his lips. He’s not doing it to make you embarrassed, he just finds it cute, in a way! If it’s funny, he’ll try to hold it in and make sure you’re recomposed. He doesn’t like to see you hurt at all.
Now, he’s not a monster! If you seriously get injured, he’s gonna be devastated! He’s a responsible person and when put in a panicked situation, he knows how to calm you and/or the area down. Not saying he won’t be stressed or alarmed, but he’s gonna take you to the hospital or doctor to make sure you’re alright.
J — Jokes . . . Do They Like To Joke Around With Or Prank You? How?
He definitely does, no question about it. You two joke around and share many laughs with each other. He doesn’t necessarily prank you crazily, but he does in a small way.
If you’re new here, Mike is a actor. A incredible one, and with being a actor it’s easy for him to tell little lies. Sometimes when he says things, you’re prone to believe it based off his face and tone. For example, he’d do those pranks where it’s “My gosh, [insert a celebrity you like] has just died!” and you’d definitely become hysterical trying to find out if it’s true, the whole time he’s sitting there smiling internally as you’re freaking out. He doesn’t keep it up forever though and always comes clean, you’d complain but you’re not actually hurt. If anything, you reciprocate and pull mini pranks like that on him all the time. Yet, he’s skeptic whenever you try since you’re not as good at pranking him then he is with you.
K — Kisses . . . How Do The Like To Kiss You?
Now, a controversial opinion… He just loves those short kisses! Those kisses where he leans down to kiss you on the lips deeply but fast are his favorite. He likes to see your facial expression afterwards, nine times out of ten you’re grinning from ear to ear. He doesn’t mean pecks where it’s so quick the other partner can’t catch it, but the short regular ones. Despite this, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love those long kisses either.
L — Love . . . How Do They Show They Love You?
Quality time is his favorite way! It sucks because sometimes he has to be away from you for periods of time because of his job, but it’s his favorite way of showing how he loves you. Mike can be anti-social sometimes and does cherish his away time, but quality time together is his love language cause it means he’s sharing his space and extra time for you. When you two are together, it doesn’t feel like a chore or obligation to be around each other. He genuinely enjoys your company, he wouldn’t be with you if he didn’t.
M — Memory . . . Favorite Memory Together?
Meeting your family was one of his favorite memories. You come from a big family and they were all so excited to meet him. Some of them couldn’t believe he was this star who could sing and dance as he was so bashful around everyone! He was super polite and warm to everyone. Your parents are obsessed with him and whenever you try to come around, the first thing they ask is “Where’s Mike? How’s Mike doing?”
When he was first invited to a family get together, he was set on making a good impression, and he sure did! He met and greeted everyone, he played with the kids for a little bit, he help set the table when your mother asked, he even sat down with your dad, uncles, and some other guy relatives and they had a drink and chatted. He came to have a genuine good time with them all, and was glad to hear that they like him so much, cause he was planning on being with you for the long run.
N — Nightmare . . . What Is Their Worst Fear?
Disappointing or not living up to certain expectations. Mike can be very tough on himself and underestimates his abilities. If you listen to any peer, actor, or even directors he has worked with, they all have such uplifting things to say about him. How Mike always goes above and beyond in whatever he does. He doesn’t just do this to please others, but he does it to please himself.
Before his career, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows for him, so working hard is always the mindset that he lives in. It’s a sense of security for him.
O — Oddity . . . What Is One Quirk They Have?
Most of the time, you can read what he’s thinking or feeling through his eyes. It’s not odd, it’s pretty regular but it’s much more intriguing from him. Mike has heterochromia which means his eyes are two different colors! It’s not something you see often but it’s not uncommon. Not only are they different but he’s naturally handsome as well and as luscious eyelashes to go with his eyes. You’ve learned that whenever he’s listening to something, he might not do the talking but his eyes will.
For example, if you say something totally unexpected, his eyes might widened and he’s gonna blink repeatedly. If you say something funny, he’s gonna chuckle and his eyes will squint. He doesn’t always realize you look in his eyes to read him.
P — Pet Names . . . What Do They Like To Call You?
He likes to keep it simple, he doesn’t do those extra cheesy pet names like “sweetie pie” and “boo boo bear” he can’t stand those!! A good go-to nickname for you is a short “Babe”. If you’re not really into pet names but you do have a nickname that’s known from close friends or loved ones, he can call you that too!
Q — Quality Time . . . How Do They Like To Spend Time With You?
He likes to spend it privately and not too much outside distractions. He wants all his focus on you to let you know that he’s listening and paying attention to you.
R — Rhythm . . . What Song Reminds You Of Them?
“There! I’ve Said it Again” sung by Bobby Vinton!!
I really don’t have any reasoning for it, but this is my selection! Because Mike was into the older movies with Gene Kelly and more, I’d think he’d appreciate that older genre of music too. This is a slow yet lovely song.
S — Secrets . . . How Open Are They With You?
Like stated before, he’s honest with you but it may take some coaxing for him to speak up. He’s good at acting and ignoring something, but after so long he can’t always keep it up, so you’re always bound to find out. As time goes on, he gets better at being more open.
T — Time . . . How Long Does It Take You To Get Together?
Surprisingly, he’s persistent. As much as he’s an over-thinker, he’s not gonna make any decisions he’s gonna regret if he knows he has a chance.
I definitely see you two starting off as friends and slowly falling for each other. It all really depends on the circumstances of how you two crossed paths for how long it takes for you to get together.
U — Upset . . . How Do They Act When You’re Upset?
His first priority is to comfort or calm you down. When upset, you’re not gonna always think rationally and he doesn’t want you to wear yourself out or do anything you’d regret. If there’s a issue, he won’t ultimately take over and help you, but he will assure and offer solutions if you need it. Sometimes, that’s all a person really wants when they’re upset and he realizes that over time.
V — Vaunt . . . What Are They Proud Of? Do They Like To Show You Off?
Despite his humble demeanor, he’s very proud and grateful for how far he’s come into his career. There was a point in his life where he felt like he wasn’t going to get as far as he wanted, yet he’s proven himself wrong.
He doesn’t mind showing you off at all! He loves you and everything you do. The reason he doesn’t have you out there to the public like crazy isn’t because he’s ashamed to be with you, but it’s because he values your privacy and his. Despite this, the instances where you two are put out in the spotlight, he’s making it known that you’re his and he’s yours!
W — Warrior . . . How Do They Feel About You Fighting? Would They Fight For You? Beside You? Ect.
Verbal or Physical, he doesn’t want you fighting at all! Mike likes to keep the peace in situations and feels that fighting isn’t the way to go. Although, he doesn’t want you to get walked over on and allow yourself to be backed into a corner. If we’re speaking about verbal fighting, he wholeheartedly supports you defending yourself and knows you’re an adult and you should be able to handle yourself. He won’t say anything but he will be alongside you to comfort you. Now, if it calls for it, he will defend you with no hesitation. If someone tries to insult/put you down while you’re not there to defend yourself, you bet he’s going to shut that down. So don’t even worry!
X — X-Ray . . . How Well Are They Able To Read You?
In the beginning of your relationship, it was so hard for him. At times he’d read too much and think the worst instead of coming up and communicating with you. Eventually, he’d get the hang of it all and now he can read you like an open book. He’s memorized your quirks and behaviors whenever you’re happy, sad, angry ect. and so have you for him.
Y — Yes . . . How Would They Propose To You?
Now, what some people may not know is that Mike has a pilot’s license! He wanted to make the proposal memorable for you and him, and he was wondering if he should do something totally different then you’d expect! With some coaxing from friends and his half brothers, they encouraged him to propose to you while flying! With some convincing, he pushed for you to join him on flying out. He assured you’d be safe and staged that his half brother couldn’t be his co-pilot and needed to go out because “he didn’t want his skills to get rusty.” You believed him obviously and followed through and as you two drove out in the air, he popped the question on you privately, handing you a ring box as he drove. You cried tears of joy and accepted his proposal.
( ^ should I turn this into a imagine or blurb? 🫣)
Z — Zen . . . What Makes Them Feel Calm?
Knowing that you’re understanding and listening to him always. There’s a different between hearing and listening to someone. Sometimes, he feels invalidated on his wants and expressions therefore he doesn’t always outright admits to when he has a problem with something. You know he doesn’t like to ask for assistance or help, and will do it himself before anything. That’s why, whenever you feel or get a hunch that there’s something off, you immediately ask him if he’s alright or if there’s anything he’d want you to do. He appreciates it so much, and even if he declines your help and controls your worries, it means so much that you’re wondering how he’s feeling. To you, this is the bare minimum but to him, it means a lot.
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actuallysaiyan · 5 months
I Belong With You and Only You(Kento Nanami x Fem!Reader)
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warnings: fluff, mentions of shaving, domesticity, smut, fellatio(male receiving oral sex) word count: 1.3k pairings: Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader summary: you always love watching Nanami during his morning routine, but this morning you don't want him to leave for work a/n: This is for @beneathstarryskies as without you, I wouldn't have posted this at all. Thanks for being so kind to me.
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Mornings are very routine in your household. You sleep a few extra minutes as Kento gets up early. He takes his time getting ready, making sure everything is perfect. You always listen to the roar of the shower as you lay in bed. You already miss him, rolling over to rest on his side. You press your face in his pillow, inhaling his beautiful scent. He smells like expensive cologne that you’ve complimented him on before. Musky and leathery with a hint of sandalwood.
You get up from the bed, slipping your feet into the house slippers that are well-worn and loved. Then you pad your way into the bathroom, hoping to catch Kento before he’s gotten dressed for the day.
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Leaning against the doorway, you admire your husband. He’s got shaving cream on his face as he prepares himself for a shave. He’s always shaved every single day, which always makes you wonder what he could look like if he were to let his facial hair grow out. The thought of Kento with a beard excites you in ways you never even thought possible.
He turns to look at you, a smirk buried beneath all that shaving cream. He loves it when you watch him do his morning routine. It’s one of his favorite things about the mornings. To him, it’s so intimate to share a moment like this. It allows him to bring down those walls he puts up for everyone else and be so vulnerable for you.
You approach him slowly, wrapping your arms around his broad frame. Your lips feel so warm and soft on his skin as you press kisses all along his back. Kento has never felt more loved in his life than whenever he’s with you. Your softness pulls this warmth from deep inside him and it makes him forget all his trauma.
“Good morning, sweetheart.” He says, picking up his razor. “Are you going to make breakfast?”
You giggle softly, “Hmm…no.”
He raises an eyebrow, “No? But…you always make me breakfast whenever you wake up with me.”
You continue pressing soft kisses all over his back and shoulders. You have to be on your tiptoes to reach the highest spots. He shudders under your soft touch and sweet affections. Then he turns around and he’s got some shaving cream in his hand. You squeal when he begins rubbing it on your face, and you’re both laughing.
Tears stream down your face from laughing so hard. Kento has to clutch his stomach as he continues to laugh. You’re both trying to catch your breath after a little bit, and you lean against him as he wraps one of his arms around you. You look in the mirror and point.
“We match,” you say. Kento smiles.
“Yeah, we do.”
His heart feels so warm and so tender right now. Nothing could ever beat these kinds of moments together. It’s what keeps you together and what keeps you falling together over and over again. Then Kento leans against the counter and you watch carefully as he shaves his face. The way he does it seems so effortless, but you know this is something he’s done over and over again for so many years.
“You look so good, you know that?” you ask him as you grab his ass. He’s rinsing off his face right now, so it surprises him when you touch him like that.
Kento grunts, “What is this, honey? You looking for attention?”
You try to look innocent, but he knows better. He doesn’t have the time right now to give you the attention you crave, which makes him sad. He wishes he could just spend every single second of every single day with you. He’d never go back to work if he could just spend this time with you. But he knows it’s not realistic.
“Can’t you just stay home with me?” you ask, batting your eyelashes.
Kento sighs, “Love, you know I can’t…”
His heart wrenches when he sees you pouting. It’s not a look he likes to see on your face. He’d much rather see you smiling or laughing like you were earlier. And then your frown turns into a mischievous smirk. You drop to your knees and begin tugging on the knot that’s keeping his towel firmly wrapped around him.
“Don’t be a brat. You know I don’t have time for this,” Kento grunts, his voice raspy.
You smirk up at him, “But…you’re so hard.”
You’re right. He’s hard and leaking already. It took barely anything for him to become erect. Just the sight of you on your knees in front of him and taking off his towel was enough to get his mind whirring to life. The sleepiness was long gone and now he was more than happy to see where this goes.
“Shit…” Kento sighs, “Love, you know I don’t have time for this.” He repeats.
But you decide to ignore him. You press soft kisses to the head of his dribbling cock. You moan as you taste his musky flavor, wanting nothing more than to completely drink him up. The moment you wrap your plump lips around his leaking tip, he knows he’s not going to be able to pull away.
Kento lets out a moan as his fingers come down to tangle in your beautiful hair. His hips buck up for more stimulation, pressing his cock further down your throat. You sputter for a moment, but you’re quick to recover. You begin bobbing your head up and down, following a rhythm that drives him crazy.
“That’s what this is all about, huh?” Nanami says with a smirk on his face. “My little cockhungry girl couldn’t stay away from me. Going to make me miss a day of work just so you can be my little slut, hm?”
The words go straight to your cunt. You feel arousal building so deep inside of you. You look up at Kento and he gently caresses your cheek. He enjoys watching you worship his cock like this. Drool begins to dribble down your chin as you pick up your pace.
“Good girl, keep sucking my cock.”
You take him even further down your throat, swallowing around him and moaning as the taste of his precum coats your tongue. You needed this just as badly as he did. Kento is ready to spend the whole day with you, and he can just count it as one of his sick days. In his mind, it’s the best way to spend one of his sick days.
His fingers are still tangled in your hair, guiding you up and down on his cock. Your mouth is all messy with precum and spit. You look so fucking hot like this, it makes him feel like a horny teenager all over again. When he would spend late nights in his bed, cock in his hand with the thoughts of someone sucking his cock. In reality, the real thing is so much better than the fantasy. 
“That’s my good girl,”
You continue to deepthroat him, making sure to take him all the way down. One of your hands comes up to begin massaging his heavy balls. He’s clearly been thinking about this, otherwise he wouldn’t have become so aroused this quickly without warning. He wanted you to come in here this morning and try to seduce him.
Nanami has to grip the counter to steady himself as he feels the telltale signs of his orgasm fast approaching. Your mouth is so tight and wet and warm. A few more thrusts of his hips and he’s pulled over the edge. He growls loudly as his cock begins to throb; a steady stream of his cum begins to shoot down your throat.
You moan as you taste him, the vibrations causing him to tremble as the orgasm washes over him. You feel him pushing you down so far that your nose presses against the light blond hair that sits at the base of his cock. He grunts soft, sweet words of praise as he rides out his high.
Once he’s done, he pulls you back up to your feet and he kisses you roughly. He can taste himself on your tongue and it has him half-hard almost instantly.
“Get on the bed. Now.”
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mimimui · 1 year
bllk boys as your not-so bf
includes: isagi, bachira, chigiri, nagi, reo, rin
tags: use of profanity, use of 'babe', one-sided(?), angst if you squint hard enough, discord in nagi's
a/n: inspired by my not-so bf (we don't talk anymore) :b srsly idk if that guy actually liked me or not but anyway .. enjoy !
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even if he's at soccer training, he answers all your texts right away. you've seen him reply, or rather, not reply, to his other friends whenever he was with you. it feels as if isagi gives you special treatment, but in reality, you barely talk in real life. he pays you no mind when you pass by him, as if you were strangers. sure, he can act like that all he wants, but he can't forget all the late night talks you had.
you've shared secrets, fears, ambitions, and questions with each other. you've exchanged greetings, selfies, and "i love you"s, yet he's able to act as if you're nothing more to him. you look at him and there's a familiar pang in your heart, one you've experienced many times before.
how much longer is he going to hide his true feelings for you? does he have feelings at all?
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the morning of the sleepover your friend hosted, you and bachira lie down comfortably on the bed, clicking through your friends' instagram stories. you're on his chest and his head is on your shoulder, him being the one clicking through while you hold your phone. he occassionally makes comments about them, saying things like "that was funny" or "ooh that one's pretty, introduce me sometime?"
you frown at his comment, but he doesn't see it. you two are always so close, holding hands and whatnot. you're always mistaken as a couple, but bachira denies it quicker than you do, which is a sign you should probably take. when you all go home, your friend sends you a picture they took of you and bachira on the bed and teases you.
your heart wrenches as you tell them "we're just friends."
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you share a lot of your things with chigiri, and he does the same. you always find him asking to borrow your hairbrush, if he can take a bite of your food, use your phone, and more than you can remember. can you recall when you let him use your shirt after training? yeah, that was the only thing of yours he never gave back. why would he even keep that shirt?
on his way home, his teammates asked him if the shirt belonged to his significant other. he pauses for a moment, but then ultimately denies even having one. you get a bit irritated at times, and he has to snap you out of your thoughts at the cafe you two frequent. here you are, once again sharing a drink with one straw. yes, one.
from all the indirect kisses you've shared, you should actually just kiss at this point.
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you and nagi play video games together everyday. you're always seen duoing together, so a lot of people mistake you two for a couple. after soccer training, nagi's quick to turn on his computer and ask you to play games with him. fps, rpg, horror... you've played so many games together you've lost count.
in vc, he hears you groan and he stifles a laugh. you complain the player that killed you is cheating as you click through the players to spectate nagi. when you're about to mention the flank, he says something that makes your heart pound. maybe you're imagining it, or maybe it's because of a shitty headset, but did he just call you 'babe'?
you shake your head, brushing it off. you probably just heard wrong.
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reo connected his online payment to your food apps, so you don't have to pay for your orders. you refused at first, but as your face recognition detects his face, your phone was now his domain. he tells you to order food whenever you want, and not to tell him when you do, he doesn't mind.
but as you see him carrying an extra lunchbox with food he made himself, you wonder who he's going to give it to. you're not bothered, of course, it was just a cooked lunch. made by reo. personally. you mentally slap yourself for thinking about it so much. are you even allowed to be jealous of the lunchbox's recipient? you're just reo's friend, and you already have access to his online wallet, so what's the problem?
yeah... what's the problem?
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he's annoyingly good at minesweeper. rin effortlessly completed the board, while you're still stuck deciding between the bottom or top tile. he acts nonchalant about his umpteenth win that day, but you know he wants to brag about it to you so bad.
you sigh in defeat, asking him for another rematch, which he gladly agrees to. and, just like all other times, he completes his board first. this time, instead of laughing at you for being slow, he takes your device and completes the board for you. he complains you take too long, and that he gets impatient when his love isn't done with the game.
wait. his what?
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thanks for reading (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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jiminsfirstlife · 12 days
random svt headcanons
mix of boyfriend hc's and random hc's. there's no theme (requests are open btw pls send me stuff T.T)
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gives u money to go shopping
loves when u trace ur fingers over his back tattoo
doesn't like letting u drive (wants u to be a passenger princess)
loves watching u play with kkuma. especially when u don't know he's watching
has crazy bed hair
has mild road rage
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smokes/vapes with you
loves couple rings but he won't wear them in public
randomly buys u gifts if he sees something that reminds him of u
will let u choose what u both get for dinner
teaches u his skincare routine
if he shows you a movie and you guess the plot twist/ending, he'll lie and tell u that ur wrong
uses your shampoo
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LOVES couples jewellery
will take photos for your instagram (and vice versa)
always comforts u <3
stares at himself in the mirror for 10 minutes every morning
teaches you how to play guitar (will sing while you play)
makes bracelets for u
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loves quality time
will sniff his armpits when nobody is looking (lowkey loves the smell)
always talking (either to you or himself)
loves visiting his friends that have pets (is debating getting a dog of his own)
loves cooking for u
loves making jokes.. but he'll laugh mid-sentence and end up taking 5 minutes say the entire joke (he ends up laughing more than u do)
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blushes every time u give him a compliment
very affectionate
messy eater. he'll walk around with food on his face without realising
his wardrobe is bigger than urs
never washes his jeans
steals ur eyeliner
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will give u money whenever u ask (and even when u don't)
loves teaching u how to play his favourite games and is very patient while you learn the controls
makes u a couple playlist and listens to it 24/7
will wear the same hoodie for a week
laughs at everything u say
loves showing u his baby photos & loves seeing ur baby photos
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lets u listen to his demos and listens to ur feedback
will binge watch a 4 season anime within a week
doesn't like pda but he'll still hold ur hand in public
prefers to stay at home with u rather than going out on a date
practices aegyo in the mirror even though he hates it
will use you as inspiration for his lyrics
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steals your accessories
if you have a pet, he'll let your pet snuggle up to him on the bed
asks u to teach him how to use makeup (he loves when u apply it for him)
is very good with kids. he loves spending time with your nieces and nephews
loves showing you his favourite songs
loves matching outfits
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bed hog...
always smells good (will share his cologne/perfume so u smell good too)
loves pda (especially hand holding)
buys clothes for u
loud eater
he's a good driver but he'll drive extra cautiously if you fall asleep in the passenger seat
sometimes (rarely) sleep talks
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picks u up to show u how strong he is. "i could use you as weights"
does aegyo whenever he wants something from you
flexes at himself whenever he walks past a mirror
makes u take "candid" photos of him. he'll act like he doesn't notice you photographing him.. but after a few seconds he'll break out in laughter and beg you to start over
loves sharing food with you
will fall asleep if ur watching a movie late at night. the next morning he'll apologise promise to continue watching it later (he falls asleep again)
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loves sharing his playlists with you
gets embarrassed when you walk in on him taking selfies
loves when u pick out his outfits
sometimes drifts into his own world when he's reading a book or listening to music, but as soon as he notices your presence he'll put away what he's doing to talk with you
lover banter
takes the best/worst photos of you
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loves cuddling with you when he needs to recharge his social battery
affectionately gives you dirty looks (he thinks it's funny when u do the same to him)
constantly makes jokes in hopes that it'll make u laugh
sings in the shower
very comforting (but also loves and appreciates when u comfort him too)
randomly does aegyo and then cringes at himself
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has gone through multiple emo phases
always laughing at whatever you say
he whines when you disagree with him
keeps a deck of uno in his bag at all times just in case someone wants to play with him
takes selfies on ur phone whenever you leave your phone unattended
always asks how your day was (and gives you a recap of his)
will make fun of you, laugh at himself, and then apologise
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luveline · 10 months
hi!!! i really love your writing, i was thinking maybe i could request something for the steve zombie! au? maybe the reader and steve get separated (maybe the reader and eddie go outside of camp and don’t come back for a couple of days, so steve thinks something went wrong and maybe someone got to them) but after days they reunite and it all protective steve fluff? idk if you don’t like it it’s fine just ignore me hehe 🫶🏼
sorry this wasn't very angsty but there is fluff! ty for requesting ♡ steve zombie au. fem!reader, 1.4k
You and Eddie lie with an amicable space between you, though you've agreed to share a huge sleeping bag to conserve a modicum of heat. His hair touches your shoulder whenever he moves. 
"Why are you looking at me?" you ask. 
"Are you okay?" he asks quietly. 
"No. I… yeah, I'm okay." 
Eddie never tries anything, doesn't touch you beyond friendly pats on the shoulder or knuckle touches after a job well done. He's never given you any reason to worry, but Steve said he's a guy. He didn't think Eddie was gonna hurt you, but there was a possibility he'd flirt. All I'm saying is that it didn't take long for me to fall in love with you, Steve'd said, his hands in your waistband, tucking in your shirt. 
You laughed. Steve, you didn't like me. 
Well, not out loud. And I was dumb enough to miss how lucky I was for a while. Eddie's not that stupid. He's not gonna try nothing, but… You know, don't fall in love with him. Please.
You'd wrapped your arms around his neck and shoulders and had him take your weight, impressed and in love at the subtle strength he used to keep you both standing. Don't worry. I won't. I never would. 
Not with Steve in this world. Even then, if Steve somehow met his demise, you're pretty sure you'd be done with love. 
"Worrying about loverboy?" Eddie asks. 
You're definitely worrying about loverboy. "I told him I'd be back in the morning. It's been a whole extra day. He gets– gets so worried. Honestly, it won't surprise me if he turns up looking for us."
"You've been apart?" 
"Two or three times." You wince, thinking about Steve the last time you'd been separated. How he'd put his hands under your arms and hugged you, even though you couldn't open your eyes. The time before, how he'd cried into your stomach, hands grasping blindly at your back. "I think he worries about me 'cos I'm kind of useless." 
"That's not true. Robin told me all about your psycho takeover." 
"She did?" you ask, covering your face with your hand.
"I wanted to know why she calls you killer." 
"That's pretty much the only time I've defended myself. He always does the hard work."
"If you're really that useless, why'd you come?" He turns on his side away from you. "You're fine. You've learned to fight just like the rest of us. Steve knows you can take care of yourself. He's probably sleeping like a baby waiting for you to bring him back his new jacket." 
You dig for the necklace Steve gave you so long ago under your shirt. You'd thought you lost it, having taken it off before bed the night you escaped the College, but he had it. He gave it back. The little diamond is hard between your fingers. You press it to your lips, wondering if he's really as okay as Eddie claims.
Steve lies on his back in the clearing, wishing he was dead. The anxiety is genuinely so bad he's agonised and prone. 
Robin laughed at him for worrying when you didn't show up in the morning as you planned to, but by nightfall she was equally worried. A day later, she sits cross legged by his head, her hand on his arm. She's feigning reading, her bottom lip nibbled raw. 
"You want some chapstick?" he asks. 
"Nah. Stings." 
He sits up feeling like someone's kicked him all over. "The brain is a stupid organ. I'm worried about Y/N, so sure, I get to feel like a jet engine fell on me."
"She's fine." He and Robin have been playing a game where one of them mentions you and the other immediately reassures that you're alive. He quite likes it. It makes it easier to breathe. "You need to chill out, that's all. Eddie had that fucking shotgun. They're not in any danger." 
"What if she fell and broke her leg or something? He's carrying her across the country like a backpack. That should be me." 
"What if he fell and broke his leg? You wanna go give Eddie a lift?" Robin asks, grinning. 
Steve thinks the worst part is that he misses you. He's so worried about you he could throw up (he almost did at breakfast, every mouthful cement thick), but he just hates turning to talk to you and finding empty space. He misses the way you smile, your tentative hand holding, even the way you look at him. He remembers the first time he realised you liked him, how your gaze had slowly gone from annoyed to admiring, how your eyes would catch on his arms or the corner of his mouth. 
He remembers wiping sleep from your eyes, how hot your cheek felt under hand, and the pit it opened in his stomach. It's a strange thing to notice someone's fallen in love with you by themselves. He had catching up to do. It's probably why he feels like he's on death's door whenever you're not around.
"I don't wanna give Munson anything. S'already stealing my girl, smarmy bastard. They ran away to be together."
Robin gasps. He thinks, Well, I was kidding, then, Holy shit they've actually run away together.
"Stevie!" your voice echoes. "Hey! I've been looking all over for you, why are you guys out here?" 
Steve's neck clicks like a Jacob ladder as his head whips up. The fear and anxiety drains from his body, a rapid exsanguination. You look tired but blissfully alive as you jog across the grass clearing, your backpack weighed down and your empty canteens rattling against your thigh. 
Steve trips over grass whorls to get to you. Your little laugh before he grabs you drives him crazy. 
"Where the fuck have you been?" he asks. 
"Got lost. Sorry. Love you," you say, rubbing your cheek against his, your hands bunching up his shirt. You smell like dirt, grass, and tent plastic. It's frankly the best smell in the whole world. He sniffs at you greedily.
"I thought you died," he says. 
"Yeah, I did. Eddie gave me sloppy CPR–" You screech as Steve sweeps your leg from under you and giggle as he holds you up, begging for forgiveness as he threatens to drop you. "Sorry, it was just so easy! You set it up for me!" 
You laugh as he drags a kiss along your jaw, his stubble scramming your softer skin. 
"I love you," he says, "even if you're seeing other boys."
"Never." You close your eyes and wait for a kiss. Steve's more happy that you expect one than he is to give one, which is saying a lot —he wants to kiss you bad enough to feel the phantom of it before he's closed the gap between you. 
He gives you way too many kisses. 
You push your head down into the crook of his neck and hold him tight. "Sorry I didn't come back when I said I would. Didn't scare you too much, did I? 
He was scared shitless. "No, it's alright. It's okay."
He takes your face into his hands and checks you're all in one piece. Same smile. Same dazzled squint when he kisses you. 
You leave his arms too soon for his liking. Robin waits patiently for her own hug, less so when you shed your backpack. She hugs you as it falls to the floor. 
"Miss me?" you ask into her hair. 
"Thought I'd be stuck with mopey Steve forever." Her insult doesn't land, her voice heavy with relief. "You know coming back in the morning doesn't mean any morning, right? Just checking." 
"Sorry, Robin. I missed you." 
"Eddie bad company?" 
"He's nice, he's just not you guys." 
Steve puts a hand on your back, fingers hooked in your belt loop. "Where is he?"
"Playing Peter Pan in the mess tent. I got you guys the best winter jackets ever. Though me and you are sort of matching, Steve." You look at him over your shoulder sheepishly. "Sorry." 
"The horror," he murmurs. 
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Dottore, Pantalone, Childe and Capitano headcanons with a Harbinger!Reader
You have a hard time differentiating him and his clones from eachother
As soon as he realizes this, he starts playfully bullying you with every chance he gets, making your head dizzy with all the Dottores around you
He makes you guess which of them is the real him, but most of the time he isn’t even in the room or at least not in a visible place to you so you giving “him” a wrong answer is guaranteed
When you are finally face to face with the real Dottore you ask him to stop mocking you but he only laughs it off
He sees you as a little pet that he can play with whenever he’s bored, however, the moment someone or something else has your attention when he’s toying with you he gets angry an even jealous
‘Your confused and muddled face gives me so much joy, you have no idea. But if you have something else on your mind that just kills the fun. Come on, be present in the moment! Let me see as many reactions and expressions from you as possible! If you choose to obey me, I and my clones will reward you with the time of your life.’
When you go on a mission he makes sure you have some extra mora with you and, to your surprise, the amount of money you receive from him keeps growing slowly but surely
At first, you had no idea why he does this, but examining his behavior more closely you realized that he started to get more and more flirtatious and even touchy with every single mora he gave you
‘No need to buy me like that, Pantalone. Just simply ask for my company, I won’t refuse it.’
‘A beautiful lady like you should get something in exchange for sharing any of her charms with a man. And what would be the best currency for that if not money?’
You definitely don’t have to worry about mora after this conversation nor about getting no attention
He worships you in his own way, both inside and outside of the bedroom, and gets you anything that you wish for, you are his dearest after all
The moment you became a Harbinger he asked to duel you, which he lost
Since then he looks at you with adoration and makes sure to train hard so you can have another match
‘Why don’t we train together? I might be stronger than you but it’ll keep me in shape while you can develop your fighting abilities.’
You made him the happiest man in Teyvat with this question, no doubt
Get prepared for him going to you with a bright smile on his face each and every day
If you are currently in separate places he’ll make sure to write to you both about how his duties are going and how he misses you and fighting with you
These were the times when he first started thinking seriously about his feelings towards you
‘Do I miss her as a training partner or as a person?’
First, he shook the feeling off but the moment he got back from his mission and you greeted him with a big smile on your face he knew he had developed romantic feelings for you
You saw him intimidating at first but little by little you learned how to get along with him well
You have great conversations over a cup of coffee or tea
You quickly realized that he gives the best advice when it comes to fighting so if you have any doubts before a mission you just go to him
At the beginning of your acquaintance, he thought you’ll be all over him all the time and annoy him (like Childe) however you made him feel the exact opposite of this
He loved your company, the way you talked, carried yourself 
Not one time he had caught himself mindlessly staring at you in meetings, luckily due to his masks it wasn’t that oblivious
Except for you, because his intense staring was literally burning on your skin
When you ask him about these occasions he denies them, but if you flirt a little bit with him he might admit his actions, even the feelings behind them
‘I’ve never thought that a great man like you would feel this way for me, I’m flattered.’
‘Indeed, I’m great at many things’ he leaned to your ear ‘Both as a Harbinger and as a lover.’
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7ndipity · 4 months
Their S/o Has A Meltdown
Ot7 x Reader
Summary: How the members would react to their Autistic/Neurodivergent S/o having a meltdown
Warnings: Mentions and depictions of meltdowns/panic attacks and being overstimulated,
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! As usual I want to put my disclaimer that these are based off my own knowledge and experience, so these might not work for everyone, but I hope they still bring you some level of comfort, whether you're ND or not!💜
Jin: As I said before, I think he’d be really good at reading your cues and knowing when you’re getting overwhelmed and helping de-escalate things before you reach full meltdown, but he knows they’re unavoidable sometimes. He’d definitely want to hold you if you’re okay with being touched, reminding you that you’re okay and that he's got you. Starts telling funny stories about him and the members to distract you, increasing the absurdity of the details til something makes you laugh. Makes sure you hydrate and rest afterwards, cuddling till you fall asleep.
Yoongi: He would be quiet but so reassuring, sitting with you and helping try to guide your breathing till you’re calmed enough to talk with him. He would have your favorite calming playlist saved so he could play it whenever you need. He’s glued to your side for a while after, he takes looking after you very seriously at times like this, because he knows you’re usually exhausted both mentally and physically. He’d help you change into some comfy clothes and tuck you in bed or on the couch with your favorite show/movie to help you relax.
Hobi: As soon as he sees you getting panicked, he’s making sure the space around you is as quiet and comforting as possible, closing the curtains, bringing you any comfort items you might have, etc. Hugs you and rubs your back if you’re okay with being touched. Tries to keep his voice light as he talks you through it, cracking little jokes here and there to try and make you smile or laugh. Super gentle and sweet with you once you come back down, giving you lots of reassurance and praise as he settles you in the bed to recover.
Namjoon: The biggest protective teddy bear during meltdowns, keeping his voice low and soft as he comforts you, holding your hands so you don’t hurt yourself. Another member who would have a special playlist of songs that he knows help calm you. Starts talking about one of your special interests to help distract you and give you something positive to focus on. Stays close to you for a long while afterwards, talking through what triggered you if you’re comfortable sharing, and making sure you’re resting comfortably.
Jimin: He does his best to watch out for your signals so he can de-escalate meltdowns where he can. If you’re alright with being touched, he’ll bundle you up in his arms and hold you for as long as you need, rocking you both back and forth gently. If music helps calm you, he would hum and sing till his voice gave out if it meant you felt better. If it’s a really bad one, he lets you cry while he rubs your back and shoulders. Once the worst of it passes, he moves you to the bed or couch and tucks you under a weighted blanket to make you feel extra secure.
Taehyung: Would pull you close and rock or sway with you, if you’re comfortable with being touched. If not, he’ll sit with you and help talk you through it, speaking gently and reminding you that you’re safe, that you’re not alone, and that he’s there for you. He’s super sweet and reassuring, praising you for steadying your breathing and calming down. He won’t pressure you to talk if you’re uncomfortable, but he would want to know what triggered you so he can help better next time. Cradles you to his chest and hums to you while you recoup or fall asleep.
Jungkook: He would definitely want to hold you, but he knows that’s not always an option at times like this, so he’ll just sit with you, talking softly and helping you balance your breathing out. Holds onto your hands both to help ground you and to keep you from hurting yourself. If you like deep pressure tho or weighted blankets, he’s all over it, holding and hugging you as tightly as possible. Makes sure to tell you how well you did and how proud he is of you, sticking close the rest of the day and making sure that you rest and recover properly.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn @dfqcsqueen @mother2monsters @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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cursedpiratestash · 4 months
Talon x Reader
Cuddle/sleep headcanons
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He doesn’t have time for it very often but when it gets down to it he melts into you in a gentle hold
He prefers a casual position where you head rests on his chest while he rubs circles in your back
He would never admit it to anybody but big spooning him puts him right to sleep
But if you’re a natural heater it doesn’t matter the position after a long day
He’s constantly preparing and orchestrating missions so he isn’t usually with you when you wake up but always kisses you on the temple while you sleep on his way out
He isn’t entirely fond of it but does it anyways especially if it helps you sleep
Spooning is easier for him but he doesn’t mind you resting your head on his arm while facing him
He gets to have a good look at you as you usually wind up falling asleep first
His skin is pretty chilled so he counts on your body heat and a few extra blankets for warmth
He isn’t always in bed by the time you wake up but when he is he’s already caressing your cheek and dreading the headache his team will bring him
She’s almost always late to bed and occasionally isn’t there at all
You consider yourself lucky some nights when you can actually drag her to bed with you
She has terrible circulation and is pretty cold so after some complaining she makes sure the bed has extra blankets
However if you run hot at night then it’s a match made in heaven as she gets to watch you pass out while you practically drape yourself over her
She prefers you rest your head on her chest as it gives her a free hand to look at reports while the other hand runs itself through your hair
She always wakes up before you and like clockwork she returns to her experiments but not without a forehead kiss on her way out
I imagine she’s terrible at getting to bed at a reasonable time but you’ve changed that when you start dating
Now it’s something she can look forward to as she even takes an occasional nap with you whenever her schedule can allow it
There are nights she doesn’t show up but when she does she loves to be big spoon since she runs a little hot in her sleep
She finds it so rewarding even on nights you both hardly get enough sleep from staying up talking and laughing over every little thing
It always surprises her to think about how much you’ve helped her relax as it manages to show in her work as well
She’s probably the only Talon member what wakes up in unison with you and shares your morning routine
As a mercenary he only occasionally isn’t in bed whenever he has a mission run late
On nights that he’s home he makes sure to drag you to bed with him no matter what you’re doing
He’s earned his little snuggle session so “five more minutes” be damned
He enjoys any cuddling position but he loves to wrap himself around you and engulf you in his arms
He loves when you stay up late and talk with him as you trace whatever scars he’s collected from past missions
He does wake up before you but refuses to let you out of bed unless you promise him something like breakfast or helping him wash his hair
She doesn’t seem to need much sleep these days and she isn’t quite fond of cuddling as much as she used to be but she is fond of you
As an assassin the only time she isn’t in bed with you is when a mission runs late
Whenever it’s up to her she prefers spooning regardless of her position as long as she feels the warmth of your skin
Compared to you her skin is ice cold and hardly makes for a good cuddle session unless you run hot at night
If you don’t she always sees to it that the bed has extra thick blankets and expensive furs prepared on your side of the bed
You’ll sometimes catch her watching over you if you happen to wake up in the middle of the night
In the morning she’s always up and offering you tea or coffee before some breakfast
Like Moira his research never allows for him to have a normal sleep schedule
You usually have to coax him to bed with gentle hands and promises to let him continue his work early in the morning
It tends to work some of the time if he isn’t suddenly too cold and stonewalls you
Once he’s actually in bed it takes a little more effort to get him to ease his mind and get some sleep
A frequent tradition is to spend some time with his head on your lap while you message his forehead
You have your deepest conversations with him when he’s resting on you like this
When it’s time to sleep he envelops you in his arms and is finally soothed by the smell of your hair
He isn’t much colder than Moira but enjoys a few extra blankets on his side regardless of your heat
Mornings aren’t always the same but he does his best to share a routine with you
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dean-a-mean-tae · 6 months
Follow The Leader | Stray Kids Extra Member AU
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Nicholas's habits that the boys subconsciously started doing.
WARNINGS: swearing, idk. I kind of just whipped this out of my ass. I wanted to give you fluff before Wednesday. I love you :)
Nicholas Master list | Reaction Style
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BANG CHAN Throwing their head back when they laugh
Nicholas used to hide his smile and force his laughs down. He was taught expressing loud emotions was inappropriate and was a sign of disrespect. So, he refused to be noisy around his members. While they thought he was uncomfortable, Nick was actually showing them respect.
When they finally broke Nicholas out of his shell, they discovered his wonderful habit of throwing his head back during a really good laugh. His eyes will close, his teeth showing, and his head thrown back as his shoulders shake with laughter.
It's a terrible habit when they're in front of walls.
"Holy- Are you okay?" Hyunjin laughed as he rubbed the back of Nicholas's head. Before Nick could answer, another thud came from the other side of the room, and the duo looked over.
Chan leaned forward, rubbing his head as he laughed loudly. Once what happened clicked, Nicholas laughed harder and fell on the floor. The trio of boys laughed at the two's similar clumsiness.
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LEE MINHO Shouting while running
Let me explain. Nicholas is a pretty big guy. He's going to bulldoze whoever he doesn't see when running. After one too many accidents, Nicholas started making a siren nose while running. Whenever staff hear the siren, they press themselves against the nearest wall or compact their body out of the way.
Minho started doing it to tease Nicholas, but it stuck after he realized how effective it was.
"WEEWOO WEEWOO!" or "BEEEP! BEEEP! Incoming! Incoming!"
Like they trained for this their whole lives, everyone pressed against the walls. Those who weren't lucky enough to get to a wall in time hopped onto furniture or slid into doorways and prayed this wasn't the path meant to be taken.
When the staff looked up, they watched Minho and Nicholas fly down the hallway with the members hot on their heels.
"I don't know if I hate how much it works, or if I love it," Chan huffed as he slowed to a stop in the middle of the hallway. He looked at each staff member before letting out a breathy chuckle. "They're gone now you can relax."
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SEO CHANGBIN Humming when slightly annoyed
Nicholas will never tell you to your face that you piss him off. You have to pay attention to his expressions or his actions. Since he was 6, Nicholas developed the habit of humming to alert people of his growing irritation.
He hums to release tension in his body instead of grinding his teeth.
The members realized it after continuously teasing him about something. They ignored the first few signs, but his repeated humming told them.
"You better stop it," Minho warned, watching Jisung and Felix poke at Changbin while he was eating.
"Why? He does this to us," Jisung huffed as Nicholas sat on the floor.
"Are you irritated?" Nicholas asked, and Changbin nodded as he continued to humming quietly.
"Sorry, hyung," Jisung and Felix muttered before leaving to bother Minho.
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HWANG HYUNJIN Drawing on cups
Whenever Nicholas brings the members a cup of something, he draws something on the cups or leaves a message. Since Changbin told him how happy it made him and the members agreed, Nicholas hasn't missed a chance at drawing on a cup. He'll take their cups out of their hand and draw on them sometimes.
One day, Hyunjin drew on Nicholas' cup, and the smile on Nick's face made Hyunjin promise to repay his kindness. It's become a secret code for them. They both keep the cups or heat protector sheets, whatever they've drawn on, in a drawer.
"How come your cup has a little penguin on it?" Jisung whined as he leaned over Nicholas' shoulder. The older boy shrugged as he sipped his drink to hide his smile.
To busy whining, Jisung missed the smile shared between Hyunjin and Nicholas.
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HAN JISUNG Sneezing with their entire bodies
The members joke about sticking Nicholas into a helmet because of how clumsy he is. He sneezes clumsily. He will pause whatever he's doing and take a deep breath before thrusting his head and torso forward as he lets out a dying rat sound. The members will never let him live down the time he did that and fell into a pile of pillows at a friend's house.
The first time Jisung did it, Felix and Nicholas were watching Jisung's live.
"Where the hell did he go?!" Felix screamed as Jisung flew from the camera, and a loud shout echoed from the mic. Next to him, Nicholas's head is thrown back in laughter at the blur that was once his younger friend.
Minho popped up on the camera and waved, making Nicholas laugh harder. Minho looked down before looking back up with a thumbs up, "He's fine. He just sneezed."
A hand appeared from under the desk, and Jisung gave them a thumbs up. Felix laughed as he handed a wheezing Nicholas tissue to wipe his face.
"He just disappeared!"
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LEE FELIX Silent Feet
Because of childhood trauma, Nicholas learned to walk on silent feet. He can walk loud, but his body is used to walking softly. Unfortunately for the members, this means getting scared by a 6'3 pole randomly appearing in their peripheral vision.
Felix has picked up on this habit and used it for plenty of things. He usually uses this habit to sneak around the dorms at night. One of the members, usually Nicholas, will wake up to a body under them. Half the time, it's Jeongin, but sometimes it's Felix.
"Why are you in my bed?"
Felix spluttered at the deep voice laced with sleep from his older member. Only after he burrowed under the covers and into the back of Nicholas did Felix respond.
"Why aren't you sleeping?"
"Don't know," He answered. Felix hummed as Nicholas turned to face him. They stared at each other, thankful for the dark purple LED light shining in the room.
"Maybe you can't sleep because you have these lights on," Felix whispered, and Nicholas smiled.
"Maybe I left them on because I knew someone was gonna creep through the hallway to my room," He said, raising his brows in amusement. Felix huffs as he buries his face in a stuffed animal.
"Goodnight, sunshine."
"Good night, Nick."
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KIM SEUNGMIN Randomly glaring
Nicholas has a terrible case of RBF. When he relaxes his face, it looks like he's glaring at you. He tries not to chill, mainly for that reason. Seungmin developed the habit randomly. They don't know the exact time it happened or why he started doing it.
He just starts glaring at random objects or at nothing. Usually, when Nicholas starts to relax, Seungmin tense up and glares.
"What's wrong with you?" Chan asked, and Seungmin tilted his head.
"Nothing, why?"
"You look like you're gonna stab us!" Hyunjin screamed, and everyone laughed as Seungmin mimicked stabbing him with a crunchy french fry.
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YANG JEONGIN Connecting his fingers to his thumbs
People think Nicholas is counting when he does this, but it's been debunked when they realize most of the time, he has no reason to. Someone thought he was mimicking playing the piano like his older sister does and everyone ran with it.
He's actually just stretching his fingers, but he lets STAY think that because it's cute.
Jeongin started doing it when he realized why Nicholas did it. He didn't even know you could stretch your fingers until Nicholas told him about it.
"What are Nick and Innie counting?" Chan read, and everyone looked at the duo sitting next to each other. They were stretching their fingers again.
"Nothing," Nicholas answered.
"Then what are you doing?" Changbin asked, reaching back to grab Nick's hands.
"Nothing," Nicholas shrugged. Jeongin hummed in agreement as he leaned against the older boy's shoulder.
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Nicholas Ross Master List
Tags list: @bada-lee-ily, @jinnie-ret, @hwxnghyynjin, @foxilsdenn, @rensahazard, @mynameisnotlaura, You can be added by asking in the replies, sending me a message, or doing an ask thingy.
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hawkinsindiana · 6 months
here's 5.1k of the first time you see steve cry, some absolutely delicious hurt/comfort courtesy of madame @stevebabey and myself >:) PLS ENJOY
canon to almost paradise, pre s3
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steve doesn’t know what to do. 
his quads are starting to burn; he’s been crouched outside your window for the past couple minutes, but there’s no sign of you. not physically at least — he can hear the faint thump of some pop song echoing through the radio and an open notebook on your desk. you were here. 
he should’ve just called. this is stupid. you could be gone for another ten minutes, maybe you’re not even home anymore. he’s drumming his fingers against the sill, praying that none of your neighbors see him as he debates whether to leave or stay. he wants to stay. he needs to see you.
thirty seconds pass before steve spots movement from inside — you enter your room with a cookie wedged between your teeth and another three clasped in your hand. steve can’t help but smile; it’s ridiculous how fond he is of you. 
fond… that word doesn’t feel large enough to hold all his feelings for you, but the obvious one seems too damning—
the thought ends abruptly; the treat in your mouth helps to muffle a panicked yelp as you spot steve perched on the other side of your window. steve grimaces even though you’re beginning to laugh and you eat the entire cookie in one bite. he mouths a ‘sorry’ as you start to stride over, setting the other desserts onto your desk before lifting the window up. a burst of chilled, early march air sends a shiver down your spine. you still have crumbs on your lip. 
but your smile is wide as you greet him, your posture awkwardly bent over so you can address him eye to eye, “we have to come up with a better system than this. you end up scaring me like… seven times out of ten.”
your teasing warms steve in a way that makes him never want to leave your side. he thinks you’d let him stay there, too.
before steve gets a chance to reply, you’re offering him one of your cookies. it looks like something that your mother made and knowing claudia henderson, he’s pretty confident that means it’s extra sweet. 
“want one?” 
your voice is just above a whisper, a quiet tone that won’t be overheard by the others inside. given his fragile mental state, steve has to resist withdrawing from your affection. the thoughts in the back of his mind are screaming at him; you’re so happy to love him and share your dessert, meanwhile you’re stuck with him — someone who can’t think about saying that word to you without feeling nauseous. not because of you, but because of what could come after. 
maybe some part of what his father said has some truth to it.
but despite all of that, steve still can’t say no to you. he swallows his emotions as he takes your offering with a gracious smile — your eyes sparkle just a little bit more.
“you know i could never turn down a mrs. henderson special,” steve says with his classic charm. he sinks his teeth into the doughy cookie and nearly groans aloud; it’s still warm. this batch must be fresh. steve feels a pang in his chest thinking of your home, lively and bustling — someone’s baking, someone’s studying, music and noise in every room. it’s so starkly different from where he’s just come from.
the sweetness on his tongue isn’t enough to distract him completely from the reason he’s here, his heart desperately seeking you out. you push your window up a little more, just high enough so steve can climb through and he shoves the cookie in his mouth. bracing his hands on the sill to hoist himself up and over, he lands with a loud thump.
“shhh,” you hush, even though you still have that entirely enamored smile on. it’s impossible not to feel a little gooey whenever he does these things, no matter how much you try to contain yourself. your boyfriend sneaking through your window is just so normal and, embarrassingly, something you thought you might never get. 
you smother down a laugh at steve’s crouched position, pausing like his quietness will make up for his previous landing. when there’s no reaction, he straightens and dusts off his jacket before eating the rest of the cookie.
“oh my god,” he says, or tries to. it comes out muffled as he chews. he swallows, taking a second to run his hand through his hair before he properly turns to you, “thank god for your mom’s baking, honestly.”
you agree with a quiet hum as your smile grows more smitten. you weren’t expecting to spend any time with him tonight, much to your dismay, so this is a very welcome surprise. cupping steve’s face in between your palms, you take a moment to greet him with a kiss that he graciously returns. the chill that had seeped into his skin is quickly banished with your touch; his ears flush a bright red at how sweet and effortless your affection is. he’s so glad he came to see you.
“hey,” steve mumbles when you pull away, your eyes twinkling upon seeing his blush.
“hey yourself,” you reply, feeling your own face heat up. 
you take a couple steps backwards until your thighs hit the edge of your mattress. as you sit down, you continue playfully, “so… what did i do to deserve a visit?”
it’s an easy way to ask. not that steve ever really needs a reason to come see you — you’re that sweet on each other. but something churns uncomfortably in your gut; steve’s not the type of guy to show up without a phone call first. with your words, steve’s face darkens and it’s definitely not the last time you’re going to be disappointed about being right.
it’s now that you realize how he’s dressed. a crisp white collared shirt sits beneath his jacket and a pair of dark slacks hang from his hips. he’s forgone his usual sneakers for some dress shoes. as far as you know, he didn’t have anything this fancy after tonight’s basketball practice. your brow shifts into a minuscule furrow, small enough that it goes unnoticed — so where was he?
steve clears his throat, shoving away the tightness that formed with your question, “my, uh, my dad’s back in town.”
“that’s a surprise,” you say, shifting on top of the comforter, “i thought he wasn’t coming back until next month.”
steve doesn’t speak, but instead acknowledges the similar confusion he had felt with an annoyed expression. you cross your ankles, “and your mom?”
biting his lip, your boyfriend shakes his head. 
steve’s father is not known for being an overwhelmingly caring parent, but rather on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. he’s extremely authoritarian and blunt, with a healthy scoop of entitlement on the side. while you’ve only met him a handful of times, that man has always left you with an aching feeling inside your chest and a wrinkle between your brow; you can’t imagine how steve feels. and considering his mother isn’t here, you know his father’s abrasiveness will be ten times worse, not that her presence has ever stopped him before.
you pray that steve’s night went better than expected, but you can already tell that thought is in vain. there’s a defeated look in his eyes and a familiar weariness in his posture. he looks lost.
like a flashlight in the dark, you extend your hands out to him, beckoning steve to come closer still. he slides his palms into yours almost instantaneously, as if waiting another second would’ve been too difficult for him to bear. he swears the place where your skin meets glows like the evening sun, golden and overwhelmingly warm — a feeling that grows as you gently guide him to your bed. you offer a small and comforting smile as the mattress dips under his added weight; he keeps one of your hands in his. 
steve knows you don’t expect him to say anything — he could sit here in silence and you’d gladly indulge him. but he decides that’s not the reason why he came here.
“he was in a rush when i got home. he made dinner reservations for tonight and barely got here in time after his flight,” steve begins, regretfully pulling his eyes from you to focus blankly on the floor, “think i had maybe ten minutes to shower and get dressed.”
he sighs, dragging his hand down his face as he tries to focus on your warmth beside him, “he was just… worse. angrier, louder, more…”
he pauses to try and think of another word to describe his father’s demeanor but finds himself distracted by your grip on his hand, soft yet firm. constant. he gives up, moving his free hand through the air in a dejected motion but you understand perfectly — more of everything. 
you tut softly, using your fingers to brush some hair behind his ear before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“i’m sorry, steve,” you pout, “that sounds awful.”
steve hums a thank you, relishing in the combination of your touch and soft words. having you in his life has made such a difference; it’s hard to imagine what it’d be like without you. the loneliness he would feel… he can barely comprehend it.
you know steve well. there’s a restrained rage that hides just underneath his skin. he’s not telling you everything.
“how…” you trip over your words a little as your fury begins to build. not because of him, but because of how insistent steve’s father is with being cruel. he’s the one who taught steve to doubt himself. it makes you blood boil to think the fire may’ve been stoked tonight.
“how was it? did he say something to you?”
there it is again — the tickle in the back of steve’s throat that he can’t seem to get rid of no matter how hard he tries. it grows after hearing the concern in your tone, the anger on his behalf. he nods once, voice far weaker and wobblier than he would like, “yeah.”
the word sinks into your chest, a deep claw right between your ribs. it aches, all from the way he says it. you’ve seen steve upset before but this… this is something bigger than that. this is a deep wound, one that isn’t easily healed.
but you’re willing to try. you’ll do anything to help him.
giving your palm a quick squeeze, steve reaches for his collar with his free hand as he tries to get his thoughts in order. it’s something you’ve seen him do a thousand times when he’s growing uncomfortable or upset — fiddling with the neckline to give him space to breathe. but it’s only when he tugs on something else do you notice he’s also wearing a tie.
it’s twisted and messy and you wonder if he’s been yanking on it all night. as he tries to work the fabric free, it’s fruitless, his rough motions only succeeding in rubbing the fabric cruelly against his neck. steve grows more frustrated every second, his voice low, “god, fuck—this stupid thing, fuck—”
“hey, hey. here, let me help,” you interrupt, grabbing his wrist to rescue himself from his futile efforts. he’s far too worked up and his fussing is only tightening the knot. steve huffs loudly and surrenders, emotions still running too high and you guide his hand away.
his focus turns to you and steve visibly softens, his shoulders slumping enough that he shrinks a whole inch. he blinks rapidly, his eyes turning away from you again; you decide to focus on the tie.
it’s twisted up, you realize, because it hasn’t been tied properly in the first place. steve knows how to knot a tie — you’d seen him do it many times before. you ignore the worry this fills you with and steel yourself. it’s a fickle thing but you manage, pulling at the tie until the knot finally comes free. the fabric slithers down his chest and you follow it with your palm, a soothing touch.
when your eyes drift back up to his pout, you watch as a single tear falls onto the swell of his cheek. your hand reaches for his face before he gets a chance to move; the tear is quickly removed by the pad of your thumb without a second thought. steve bows his head, hoping to obscure some of this emotion from you, but you won’t let him. you shift as well, eyes desperately searching his face. 
“what happened?” you whisper, a gentle coax to see if he wants to talk. if he shakes his head, you’ll leave it. your heart aches profusely as you watch a deep sadness work its way across his face but worst of all, you can tell he’s holding back. it’s almost like he can’t bear to look at you, as if seeing the worry in your expression would push him over the edge. you care about him so much it’s nearly overwhelming; steve can’t remember a time when he mattered this much to someone — where even the hint of a cry was met with an outpouring of love.
you return your hand to his, squeezing gently. your voice is so soft he can barely hear it, “it’s okay, steve. you can— you know i won’t…”
you drift off, struggling to find the most eloquent words. how do you tell your boyfriend he can cry around you without having to actually tell him that?
you swallow the lump in your throat and move your eyes to his hair, taking your fingers and running them through the brunette strands. suddenly, you feel quite nervous yourself.
“i’m still gonna love you.”
a whimper slips out of his throat.
a noise has never broken you so quickly. instantly, you’re kicking your feet up onto the bed to lean into him properly, winding an arm around him and resting your head on his shoulder.
as another tear falls, it seems like it’s followed by hundreds. years of anger and complicated emotions come pouring out into steve’s hands, his face buried in his palms. the only thing you can think to do is sit here and let him cry, a comforting touch placed on both his back and his thigh, reminding him that you’re still here with him. you’re not planning on going anywhere.
“he always says the same stuff so i’m used to it now,” he finally says, pulling his hands away from his face to see his skin wet and stained with tears. he shakes his head in disbelief, relishing in the feeling your warmth brings beside him, until it reminds him of something else. with a clenched jaw, he sniffles, completely defeated, “it’s the shit he said about you that just… pushed it over the edge. i mean—”
steve manages a small laugh, “it’s you. how… how could i not let that get to me? you’re everything and i—”
you try not to let his words affect you but there’s no helping the ripple that shudders across your face, a whirlwind of the worst of your ugly emotions. inside you, there’s a part that wonders constantly about just how much trouble you’re worth — first it was billy and all the shit he’s brought with him, and now steve’s father. you’re ashamed how strongly you feel that perhaps steve would be better off without you, no matter how much he swears it’s worth it, which he does even now as he sobs in your bedroom. the common theme of you, ill-fitted to be in his life, is beginning to wear down on your soul. tonight, it chafes particularly meanly.
but you’re tough. this moment isn’t about you. inhaling sharply, you swallow and it feels like it’s full of nails — the lump instantly regrows when you notice steve stopped speaking and watched your reaction closely. his wet eyes grow mistier and misery seeps into his face, a choked noise forcing its way up his throat. steve smothers it into his hand.
“i’m sorry,” he croaks.
your heart weeps. what is he sorry for? the hand on his back sweeps up, a gentle touch on his head. you brush back his hair, thumbing softly beneath his eyes to brush away the stray tears.
“what’re you apologizing for?” you say low and soft, willing away the wobble in your voice as steve searches your face almost desperately. his eyes look lost. his curled form resembles a child, awoken from a cruel night terror. you ache to help him, to ease the burden.
“s’not your fault,” you assure him in a whisper, pressing closer. your words have the opposite effect, worry hiking a mile high when steve crumbles again — he sags, burying his face in the curve of your neck.
“i’m sorry, i— i’m so sorry,” his words come out all hiccup-y, his breathing too fast and ragged. your arms are around him in an instant, grounding and safe as you pull him in closer. your chin rests on top of his head. steve’s arms shift, wrapping around your middle desperately — his fingers grip tight like you might slip away if he loosened his hold for even a moment. twisted together, steve cries and cries, an endless stream of apologies. you refuse to let it deter you; one hand settles on the back of his head, soothing the hair on the nape of his neck. the other rubs up and down his back, all while you murmur soft assurances for him to hear.
“s’okay, you’re okay,” you say over and over again, working diligently to sooth him, “i’m here, it’s okay.”
steve wishes he knew what he was apologizing for, but part of him understands he’s saying sorry for everything. i’m sorry for mentioning my father finds pleasure in despising you, the only thing that’s ever brought me true happiness. i’m sorry for arriving unannounced. i’m sorry i can’t say ‘i love you’ yet. for the rumors. for your nightmares. for being less than you deserve. for everything we’ve been through together. all of it — a culmination. 
several minutes pass before steve’s breathing reaches a regular rhythm and the tears stop all together. his grip on you relaxes over time, slowly understanding that you stayed despite his outburst; his fingers unfurl from the fabric of your shirt. steve sniffles once more, now noticing how tear-stained your clothes have become — more guilt climbs up his throat. it never comes to fruition; instead, he finds himself focusing on the soothing pressure of your touch. the feeling melts away. you shift to press a kiss into the crown of his head. with your nose still buried in his hair, you speak.
“stay here tonight. please.”
your hold on him tightens a bit more, your eyes watering as you think of him returning to his father and away from any comfort you can bring him, “i don’t want you going back there. not tonight.”
somehow, steve manages to burrow deeper into your skin, his arms around you squeezing comfortably. more light blooms in him as the intention behind your words trickles down into his heart — you are his home now. he nods weakly, swallowing the pain for another time. right now, he simply feels like resting in your embrace.
“yeah?” you ask, slowly beginning to unfurl yourself from him; you want to see his face. with a bit of coaxing, you gently guide his head away from his hiding place and smile softly, wiping the leftover tears from his cheeks. upon seeing the care for him in your eyes, he can’t help but confirm, his hands smoothing down along your back in appreciation.
he's beautiful, even when he's a mess. the tip of his nose is a ruddy red and it's running terribly. tears cling to his eyelashes, sparkling beneath the low-light lamp of your room. you press a quick kiss to his temple, same as you've done a thousand times before, and lean backward. your touch never leaves him as you locate your tissue box, steve sniffling loudly as you grab a dozen.
in an attempt to either make him smile or feel extra loved, you hold one in front of his nose and say, "blow?"
"gimme those," steve guffaws, his free hand coming up to snatch them from your grip. he blows his nose and it toots noisily like a trumpet, making you laugh. he sounds a bit nasally when he speaks again, his eyes fond as he looks at you.
"can blow my own nose, thank you."
you nod with a soft hum just to tease him. he blows his nose once again, clearing it all out and takes the other tissues when you offer them, scrubbing at his waterlogged face. he smiles gratefully at you and then heaves a great big sigh, shoulders rising and falling, before he slumps backwards to lie back on your bed.
"who knew crying was so exhausting?" he mumbles, the question meant more to himself.
you scoop up one of his feet and plant it in your lap, beginning to undo his laces. you can’t say you like his fancy shoes.
"i did," you jibe back. you poke his ankle, aiming for one of his moles, "why'd you think i'm always napping in your arms after i bawl my eyes out?" 
steve watches your hands, sliding his shoe off and moving onto the other dutifully. you're making him more comfortable and you do it without even being asked. another wave of tears threatens him again because you love him like it's easy — steve has spent most of his life being told the exact opposite.
"thought that was more to do with my, y’know, rugged arms than the crying part..." he admits jokingly, thankful when it makes you giggle a bit. you shrug, faking indifference but it earns you a smile. 
after you finish taking off his other shoe, you place his feet down so you can crawl up to him. you stop and settle with your chin on his chest and steve has to put a hand behind his head to prop himself up to properly see you. you're quietly in thought, staring at him intensely. steve feels his heart quiver — you're awfully good at reading him. at seeing him and knowing him.
"d'you wanna talk about it? what… what he said?" your words come out soft again, low as a whisper, even though it's just the two of you here. 
another sigh leaves steve, your head on his chest moving with the exhale. he glances up to the ceiling as he contemplates whether or not he wants to continue this conversation. upon meeting your eyes, he knows you'll do nothing but listen. his free hand drops to your arm, fingers lovingly curling around your bicep.
"it was mostly the same shit, like i said," steve shrugs in both acceptance and defeat, "so usually i can just stay quiet. it doesn't get to me as much if i don't try to fight it, y'know?"
you hum softly in understanding, gaze still locked on his expression as he pauses to nibble on his bottom lip.
"except this time, he uh..." steve expels another deep breath as he thinks back on what was said and his reaction. he scoffs, "well, he's definitely figured out what we are, that's for sure."
he ends his sentence with a slight laugh and a squeeze to your muscle. adorably, you grin and roll your head to the side; steve swears he can feel you blush with your cheek pressed to his chest.
"that's one less person we gotta tell i guess."
steve chuckles and you do too, both of you happy to find some humor in this god awful circumstance. but the joy is short-lived as he recalls the dinner; the delight in his father's eyes at finally finding his son's breaking point, how steve's food grew cold as his appetite quickly left him. he could eat another ten of your mom's cookies. then the familiar anger begins to bubble up again — he clenches down on his teeth.
"i could've punched him, baby. i... fuck, i should've," he mutters, his head shaking slightly in disbelief, remembering the absolute fury that controlled him in those tense moments. it's just like it was that night at the byers — maybe worse than that, if it’s even possible. 
first, there was a comment about how you’re his only friend now. it was said with such a disgusted tone that steve had to take offense — his father made it sound like befriending you was somehow affecting his reputation. apparently the henderson name doesn’t carry enough weight around town, and what it does carry isn’t something the harringtons should be associated with. as if it matters to steve — he’d rather be accepted by your family than anyone else in this stupid town.
but as steve finally fought back to defend you, it became clear what steve’s true feelings for you entail. he’s never defended anyone from his father’s wrath.
halfway through you being compared to nancy wheeler — “now she comes from a good american family” — steve realized that his father knows. 
he’s not sure who told him or how much he heard, but it hit steve harder than billy’s punch did. one little comment about your ‘promiscuity’ was all he needed to confirm the suspicion. it took every ounce of willpower steve had in him to not choke out his father with the tablecloth.
something steve's learning is the intense grip you have on his emotions — both the positive and negative ones. he's sure that's not entirely healthy but he could care less. he never wants that passion for you to disappear. 
steve continues, "and yeah, yeah, i know he's just trying to get a rise outta me but jesus christ..."
silence follows as he trails off, refusing to tell you any more. you don’t deserve to hear any of that repeated. you're still studying steve, eyes drifting along the slopes of his face to catch any sign of another tear. thankfully, he seems fairly composed this time around — frustration taking the place of his sadness. but when he meets your gaze again, it softens back into gratitude and affection. neither of you are able to look away.
steve's hand moves up to your face, his fingers deftly tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear; his voice is overflowing with fondness, "pretty sure you're my carbonite."
you, however, do not react as he expected. your face instantly wrinkles in confusion, propping yourself up as you try to decipher what he means. some mixture of a scoff and a laugh leaves your lips as you realize what he meant. he's lucky you find it endearing.
"steve, it's kryptonite, not carbonite."
"that's the same word."
you giggle again, “no it’s not—”
“they end with the same sound, it’s close enough,” steve bickers back, “besides, you understood what i said anyways.”
a sigh leaves your lips as you meet his eyes, your cheeks aching from how wide your grin is, “i did, but how about i be the one who makes the nerdy references in this relationship.”
steve raises his hands, “hey, you’re not gonna hear me complain’.”
another laugh from you. steve’s expression shifts back to one of affection, “i mean it though, y’know. you have this… hold on me that i’m still trying to figure out. it’s crazy. you know any non-nerdy words to describe that?”
you hum and nod, your smile wistful. your chest tightens.
“yeah, i think i do.”
the look in your eyes gives away the answer. steve swallows — his mouth suddenly feels extremely dry.
to combat any awkwardness before it begins, you immediately get up to grab the other cookies you’d forgotten about. you share them between you, careful not to get too many crumbs on your bed. while steve dutifully watches, you take another twenty minutes to finish your physics homework before you begin your typical bedtime routine. 
coming back after your shower to see your boyfriend shirtless and comfortable beneath your blankets is not a sight you will be forgetting anytime soon. as you crawl into bed with him, it takes a ridiculous amount of self control not to stare at the thatch of chest hair that’s been growing over the past couple months. he’s so warm and has a pink tint in his cheeks that makes you swoon; you decide that he looks positively adorable. 
as you settle in beside him after adjusting the pillows and turning out the light, you can’t help but pick at his thoughts. 
“you gonna be okay?”
steve nods, his hair mussing against the pillow, “yeah, i don’t give a shit about what he says.”
now that his emotions are back to their regular balance, he’s much more indifferent. he can see it clearly and understands that none of it is his fault. there’s nothing steve can do to prevent how his father feels; that isn’t a burden he needs to carry.
he shifts beneath the covers, his leg finding yours. your feet are chilly. he smiles as he reaches out for you, tucking one of his arms beneath the pillows so he can pull you in closer. steve curls the other around your torso, his palm laying flat against your back while you tangle your legs together. it’s awfully snug and you’re sure he can feel your heart pounding.
“i’ll be alright as long as i have you,” he mumbles, taking a moment to let his eyes gently rove over your face. you force yourself to hold back your smile so you don’t look like a total dork, but it’s awfully difficult. you figure you probably look positively in-love regardless.
“well, it’s a good thing i’m not planning on going anywhere, hm?”
steve seals the sentiment with a kiss — the best way he knows to ensure you’re confident that he feels the same. he lets the tips of your noses touch after pulling away and brings his palm up to your face. his eyes are almost jet black in the dark; only a sliver of chocolate brown remains, thanks to the streetlight outside your window.
“thank you,” he whispers, “for everything.”
your body heats up from both his touch and his words. it’s almost too much for you to handle. but you answer him all the same and with a genuine smile, “of course. any time.”
with a final kiss to your forehead, steve properly cuddles you in close to him, his nose buried into your hair. as you curl your arm around him, inhaling the scent of his cologne, rest finds you both soon after.
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he-calls-me-kitten · 2 years
His Darling Apprentice
Solomon's growing lust for his precious student GN! MC.
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He thought it was curiousity and nothing more - this unprompted desire to see you every day. And you didn't disappoint. On the days he couldn't make it, you made sure you did.
Even if it was for 10 minutes between two classes, or dropping by Purgatory Hall on the weekends - your daily meeting was inevitable. He didn't realise how addicted he'd grown to it until it was too late.
It was as if his day didn't end until he had seen you atleast once, smiling and waving as you called out his name, rushing toward him when there was no need to. He wasn't going anywhere. He had simply grown fond of you, he decided.
It got worse, the more you became physically comfortable with him. Resting your chin on his shoulder to read his latest research, tackle hugging him when you finally got a difficult spell right, falling asleep on his lap during late night study sessions. On the days you didn't touch him, he lay sleepless at night.
"Solomon! Right here, I've saved you a seat!" You waved to him as he entered the cafe. He smiled and let his body guide him.
It was such a natural thing now too. Whenever you both were in a room together, he'd come sit with you. And you never once, forgot to keep a place open for him.
"So this is the place Asmo is working at?" Solomon flinched at the overwhelming sweet scent in the room. You laughed. The best laugh he's ever heard.
"Yes it takes a while to get used to." You explained. "What else can we expect from a place that only serves desserts anyway, right? Oh there he is! Asmo!"
Solomon followed your gaze to see Asmo coming over to your table, holding two pink drinks on his tray. "Both my favourite humans came to see me! I'm so grateful to my beauty!"
"That uniform looks adorable on you. Is it comfortable?" You said, reaching out to touch the puffy sleeve. Asmo's response was a blur. Solomon's hand twitched involuntarily.
No, touch me instead.
He was shocked at his own thoughts. You literally live with seven other demons who fawn over you endlessly. He didn't think twice about it. Then why does he care now? And why was he imagining you in that cafe uniform too?
"Now here's the deadberry swirlie you two like so much. I added extra whipped cream for you, MC." Asmo winked before someone else called for him.
Solomon sipped from it, the sour and sweet of the drink refreshing his overcrowded brain. "It tastes as good as we remember it, doesn't it MC?"
"Yes. Just a tad bit too much whipped cream though." You laughed as you tried to clean the mess you'd made.
All around your mouth and fingers, dripping down your chin, traces lining down your neck and- Solomon shook his head to snap out of it. But you licking away at it was not helping his depraved spiraling thoughts, as he imagined something entirely unholy.
"Oops, you've got some on your chin too." You reached toward him, a dainty finger wiping off his skin. Your touch felt like a pleasant burn as he watched you lick your finger right after.
You realized none of it, but it was harder for him to keep up a conversation the entire evening.
"Ah finally over!" You sighed in relief. "That was the longest assignment we had this term! Ridiculous! It's almost 2 am!"
"Oh come on, I'm sure you've tackled similar things in the human world." Solomon said, setting his paper down after the last revision. He chuckled to himself seeing you in such cute cat-themed pajamas.
"I doubt anything in the human world is tedious enough to make both Simeon and Satan fall asleep trying to finish." You said softly, glancing at the angel and demon asleep in their respective places at the shared table. You had kindly draped some blankets on them.
"Well atleast Operation Study Sleepover can conclude now." Solomon said, preparing to get up. "Now you go sleep on the bed, I'll take the couch, as decided."
He caught you pouting. You had really insisted on taking the couch instead but after a 3-2 round of rock, paper, scissor - you had to give into his rules instead. He tucked you in bed and watched you from the couch, making sour faces at him. Giving him the better blanket wasn't enough for you.
How can someone be this adorable?
He drifted off to sleep watching you twisting and turning in bed, trying to get comfortable. And when he woke up, there was a whole other suprise waiting for him.
"M-MC..." There you were, snuggled tight in his arms, under the same blanket. Your legs were draped over his. The weight of your thighs were nerve-racking and delightful. He felt your arms wrapped around his waist, your breath tingling the bare skin over his collar-bones.
He felt himself harden at your touch, your breath and your lips so close to his. He could lean over an inch and kiss you. Could he possibly dare? What if you hated him for it? No. He couldn't take that chance.
But he couldn't stay here either. He was bursting for release. He softly chanted a spell and found himself in the bathroom. Leaning against the cool tiles, he jerked himself off. The first of many, as he would discover soon.
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