#‘rott request
alligaytorswamp · 1 year
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benyuns have had a very long day of splashing bandits and want to take just a small sleep. they eeby and neebies to sleebie.
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ratanslily · 2 years
🔥 murphy x black!mc 🔥
for @chocolatekiss85
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wonderingpanda · 1 year
(^-^)/ Hello beautiful person!
I have a request for bayverse or rott (or both ;_;) of crush dozing off on the lair couch and makes grabby arms at their respective turtle because they want to cuddle?
Grabby hands for nap time is just cute to me. Especially the two Raphs since they're chonky boys. (* ̄▽ ̄)ノ~~ ♪
Rise!Turtles x Reader
Of course gorgeous person. I decided to make this another Rise one since I’m currently working on two other Bayverse headcanons that I’ll try to post over the next few days. Please enjoy.
It had been movie night at the lair
You fell a sleep halfway through out of boredom since it was the same movie from the last two nights
April had gone home when the movie ended and the others went to their rooms but when Raph got up to leave he noticed you still laying on the couch
At first he panicked not entirely sure on what to do in the moment
He thought about picking you up and carrying you home but considered all the complications of doing so and decided against it
He thought about taking you to his room but the second the thought crossed his mind he threw it away
There was no way he’d do that without your permission
He could just leave you there but you might wake up uncomfortable
But he didn’t want to wake you since you looked so peaceful
Eventually he got over his worries and tried nudging you awake while whispering your name
He freaked out when you began to toss and turn thinking that he disturbed you to much
Imagine his surprise when you rolled onto your side and began making grabby hands at him
He blushed and asked what you were doing
Cuddles Are you sure you don’t want me to take you home? Mmm too tired, just want cuddles. Do you maybe want to go somewhere more comfortable? Nooo just give me a hug!
He eventually caved and lifted you up
He got comfortable on the couch and placed you on his plastron
He didn’t want to crush you
Eventually you two ended up on your sides facing each other with you snuggled into the crook of Raph’s neck and him with his arms around you protectively
No one bothered either of you until Splinter came running in wanting to watch tv in peace
Poor Raph was so embarrassed after that, his brothers would never let him hear the end of it
It happened when you two decided to do a Jupiter Jim marathon
Leo had invited you over to the lair since his brothers were all busy and you two spent the whole day watching movies together
Everything was going okay and the last movie was nearly done when Leo felt a sudden weight on his shoulder
All it took was a slight turn to see your head lying calmly on his shoulder
His heart rate increased tenfold
But he didn’t want to miss the opportunity so he just went with it
After a few minutes though there had been a loud sound effect from the movie
Leo was worried it would wake you up and it did, partially
He was disappointed when he felt your head leave his shoulder but was surprised when he turned around and found you reaching out to him making grabby hands
He took a moment to take in exactly what you were doing
Once it all registered he began to blush and laugh quietly
It was the most adorable thing he’d ever seen
However his laugh was cut short when you grabbed his face and slammed your forehead against his
Quit laughing and cuddle me, now. Pfft I’m sorry, what? You heard me, cuddles. Now!
That’s all it took to convince him
Leo smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck and sat slumped on your knees on his legs
He slid back slightly for ultimate comfortability and held you close
As you two cuddled he began to go over every piece of blackmail he had on his brothers just in case any of them happened to find you two on the couch
But despite that thought in the back of his mind he knew this was going to be some of the best sleep he’d had in ages
Out of all the brothers Donnie was the least prepared for this
I mean of course he’s always planning and preparing and has just about every possible scenario listed in his head for whenever you two hang out
But there’s no way he’d ever imagine that you would try, scratch that, want to cuddle with him
It had been a quiet night at the lair
The only reason you had come over was because your watch was broken and you needed Donnie to fix it before your parents found out
He had of course warned you that it may take hours for him to get the thing back into shape but you reassured him it would be fine
After what felt like ages of mindlessly looking at your phone you eventually passed out on the couch
Donnie left his lab to give you your newly repaired watch and sighed as he was met with the sight of you calmly passed out on the couch
He walked over and picked up your phone which had carelessly fallen onto the floor
Thankfully it wasn’t broken but Donnie did decide to place it somewhere safe along with your watch
When he turned around to figure out what to do with you he was confused to be met with your hands reaching out to him
Uh Y/N what are you doing? I want cuddles. I-I’m sorry what, cuddles? Yesss. You want to cuddle with me? No I want to hug a porcupine. But there aren’t any- Come here!
Donnie didn’t even have time to react as you pulled him down onto the couch
He fell on top of you and didn’t really know how to act from there
He tried shifting to one side slightly and quickly grabbed you as you nearly fell off
With your back facing him, Donnie hesitantly wrapped his arms around your waist deciding that there was no way out of this now
Leo had found you two snuggled into each other when he left his room for a glass of water
He’d be showing everyone the photos he got of you two in the morning
Mikey had invited you over for a simple baking session
It went smoothly
That was until you two had a food fight in the kitchen
Flour and eggs went everywhere
Splinter made you both clean it all up which took hours and left you feeling exhausted
It was cupcakes that you were making but they’d take a while longer to bake so you both decided to chill on the couch
It had only been minutes, mere minutes after the two of you sat down and Mikey already noticed your body hunched over with your head in the palm of your hand, your elbow propped up by the armrest
He was about to do something when the timer for the cupcakes went off
He immediately dashed to get them out of the oven and onto a tray to cool down, choosing to leave you alone for the time being
When he came back your body began to turn and soon enough your back was slightly draped over the armrest as your head and arms appeared to be upside down
Mikey smiled and blushed from the cute face you made at him and he got more excited as you lifted your arms up to make grabby hands at him
Mikeyyyy I need cuddles! Aww, sure thing Y/N! You finished the cookies right? Yup all done. Good.
He gushed over the sight and immediately ran to scoop you into the biggest hug of your life
He flopped backwards onto the couch with you still in his arms and happily held you close without a care as to who found you two in the morning
Thanks for reading. I’m going to get more busy as the weeks go by so I may begin to post less frequently but I’ll be trying to post at least once a week. Have an amazing day/night wherever you are in the world!✨
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herstarburststories · 10 months
my monstrous boy (Coriolanus Snow x reader)
Summary: Coriolanus Snow is a monstrous boy. He's cold, merciless, brutal. And you love him. God, you love him so much. But what happens when you love a monster?
Disclaimers: angst. so much. but don't worry, the next one will be smutty.
A/N: Hello, requests are open skkskskka.
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A monster is what it is. People won't beat an eye at their doings, they won't elaborate on why they are what they are. Some seeds come just bad, they say, and you're in luck when it doesn't fuck up the three.
But what does it make the person who loves the monster? What does it mean to be so intertwined to something evil? So in love with someone who wears cruelty like a fancy perfume?
Well, you've discovered it.
Loving a monster means all the love get bloodstains on it. As it comes to Coriolanus Snow, loving him means washing the stains of blood with the water in the river by the Hanging Tree.
The eldest Snow came to you in the dead of the night, blue eyes fading into anything but the mening of the color. You could print out so many emotions there, mostly shock and fear.
But there was no regret.
Looking back, that should've pushed you asay from Coriolanus. But when he trembled like he's nothing but human, you fooled yourself into beliving that he was a victmin of the circumstances.
Perhaps, he was. In the begining. You remember his childhood stories like tales of war. A kid can't leave that violence withour swallowing part of it. Snow was made to be tough, but he was never violent, he would never—
“Ouch.” he grumbles, a sight of disposture that he's not used to display in fromt of anyone but his family, and you.
It's an open wound. It's a bleeding reminder that somebody tried to fight back and lost his life to him.
“I'm sorry.” the words rott in your tongue, you spit them out anyway. “But that's the least of your problems.”
Silence. You can feel him studying you, analyzing you as if you're a lesson he can crack if he just tries hard enough. You don't lift your head, the eyes that once gave you comfort now make you nauseous.
You don't want to watch him lose his humanity like one of the tributes. You don't want to see Coriolanus become someone else.
But does one become something? Or has he always been as this?
“Are you scared of me?” direct, crude, as usual. He may not have the purity of Snow, but he's clear as one. There are no hidden meanings, no interpreter behind the door. He grabs your chin to make you look up at him, “Are you scared of me?”
The answer comes as a rather accusatory ask, “How many people have you killed?”
You can only hear his rapid breathing. You take a glance at him, only for the lavish boy to spare his head away. As if in shame, as if hiding.
When he's scared, he looks awfully lot like the man you swore to die with. Lately, living with him has been a harder oath to keep.
“It doesn't matter. I did this for you and us. We are free.” His tone takes up all the space of an answer. You know Snow doesn't want to talk about what happened, yet you can't stop your words.
“How much death is in your hands, Coriolanus?”
There, sitting in the mud while he bleeds, the man looks at you, and all you can see his a monster. The pieces coming together to make a image of destruction in your head, one inflected by the hands that always caressed you so gently.
He doesn't answer. Coriolanus just remains there, gazing inside your eyes. You don't leave him. You fool yourself thinking, maybe the monster is just trying to protect the boy. You know what he has seen, you still think it's not justified and—
And when he reaches out to place his hand on yours, his palm hand on contrast with his gelid nature, you are smitten, docile, even.
Love, you know, is the easiest way to perish.
Always good to the signals, Coriolanus leans in and presses a tender kiss to your lips.
It's also the best way.
A couple decades have ended. Your love has turned into blood on the snow: red, vicious, rotten. Yin and yang were never attracted, they crashed into each other, they destroyed parts of each other to make home for themselves.
Coriolanus Snow is the president. He gets redder eveqrytime. You still wash his weary hands, hoping someday you'll drown in the blood and be forgiven for being in love with cruelty.
You don't know what loving a monster makes you anymore.
But when the mockingjay cries in the cage, that's a lot like what you feel those days.
Author's: hello!! I'm just started writing this, so please give me some comments and reblogs.
TAGLIST OPEN for Coriolanus Snow x reader. Send a dm or comment to add.
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toa-archive · 2 days
Matching twitter when not getting sidetracked time again! This is another of Francisco Ruiz Velasco's Linkedin uploads and while it isn't a big character thing, it is still an important sketch from RotT's production.
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Source. Will request a Linkedin account.
Think they got in the safer way during the final though the general vibes are wonderful.
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scaranation · 2 years
I saw that requests were still open and I crawled back from the firey pits of hell to offer you Scaramouche brain rott along with a personal AU that hit me like a foking brick like two days ago.
So first off. Imagine if you will. That Mr. McGrump wasn't actually just one entity but actually a trio of twin brothers that wandered around Teyvat known as the "the trio of eccentrics". They despise each other (cuz of course they do) but decide to travel together cuz no matter how hard they try to NOT bump into each other, the world is just so big for a trio of dumbasses that are chaotic on their own right.
They cannot get along to save their lives. The amount of times Scaramouche and Wanderer have gotten smacked on the face with Kabukimono's smithing hammer are just too many to count. Not to mention that as feeble as he appears to be he has a scarily good aim much to his brother's previous dismay as they have been greeted with a flying hammer to the back of the head multiple times when they have run into each other "by chance" before.
People tend just get confused when one of them randomly spawns on a town and seemingly sprout two other clones like some kind of mitosis type shit until they realize it's just a trio of siblings.
I also low-key feel y/n would accidentally bump and help all of them separatedly by chance only for them to all either think of them fondly or straight up have a little crush on them. I can just see Kabuki rambling to wanderer how some sweet person saved him from a hoard of electro slimes only for him to remember how someone offered to invite him to some food in one of his travels similar to the one his brother mentioned. Only for Scara to interrupt demanding if they were talking about this one very specific person that offered him shelter that one time he was injured after some misión or something. Cue y/n casually walking by and all of them losing their collective shit cuz HOLY SHIT THAT'S THEM- WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU KNOW THEM TOO????? And thus the quest of winning over the kind stranger begins.
Idk if this was even mildly entertaining but this idea has been eating my brain for days and needed to spew it somewhere. Love your work! ✨✨✨
OMLL HOWW YOUR BRAINROTS ARE SO GOOD I CANT 😭😭 this took me a while to write but i had to get everything out to even do this idea some justice it’s got me giggling fr
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ft. Scaramouche, Kabukimono, Wanderer
Content: fluff, crack (but treated seriously)
a/n - innocent Kabukimono just lives rent free in my heart omlll like just imagine a less traumatised Scara <33
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The trio of short haired, violet-eyed wanderers (also known as “the trio of eccentrics” by the local children) were a common sight in Teyvat. Prior to the revelation that they were, in fact, siblings, people had believed that they were either a teleporting ghost or some human aphid with miraculous cloning abilities. That was until someone saw two of the them in the same room, and connected the dots.
Scaramouche, the Wanderer, and Kabukimono were inseparable - not of their own will, of course. On their erratic, impulsive routes across Sumeru, they’d somehow cross paths more often than they wanted. In fact, they’d made an effort to avoid each other. The Wanderer had retreated all the way to the Hypostyle Desert, cackling at his own genius. Unfortunately, he also found Scaramouche and Kabukimono at the desert too - both dumbfounded at the ridiculous situation. Somehow, all three of them had simultaneously decided that hiding in the desert to not see each other was a great idea.
“What are you doing here?” the Wanderer had blurted.
“No, what are you doing here? I had this idea yesterday!” Kabukimono cried.
“Both of you, get out of my sight. I hatched this plan two weeks ago.” Scaramouche grumbled.
“Oh, how diabolical and calculating you are,” the Wanderer rolled his eyes, as though he wasn’t just praising himself for what he thought was the most intelligent idea to ever exist.
“Fine, I’ll leave first.” Kabukimono sighed. Perhaps it was because he was the youngest, but he was always ended up giving in to his brothers.
“Pushover,” the Wanderer smirked.
“Says the unemployed one,” Scaramouche scoffed.
“At least I have a vision.”
“Shut up.”
The many other times the trio convened by accident, two of them weren’t even conscious to fully process their irritation. The moment Kabukimono spotted Scaramouche or the Wanderer at his favourite resting place, he’d let loose his hammer - striking them on the back of the head with scary aim. He’d congratulate himself if he managed to score a concussion, too. It wasn’t as though the others didn’t defend themselves equally vigorously. If they couldn’t settle things with words, the brothers would just break out into fighting.
Things were especially bad when the Wanderer got ahold of Kabukimono’s hammer. Upon wrestling it out of the blacksmith’s grip, the Wanderer would flit into the air, gleefully holding the hammer out of reach until Scaramouche had enough and struck him down with a bolt of lightning.
“You look like a fly when you do that, you know?”
“You’re just jealous.”
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Somehow, you were always at the centre of the trio’s unpredictable paths of destruction across Teyvat. You never really guessed at the connection between them, only dismissing it as a mere coincidence that you’d developed a fondness for three purple haired, short-tempered travellers.
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As an adventurer, you’d first met Kabukimono on one of your errands.
“Stay away!”
You heard the clanging of something heavy on your inspection in Guyun, turning around to locate the source of the voice.
You followed the commotion around past the domain you’d just exited from, finding a crevice tucked away into a small beach-like area. Clumps of electro crystals clung to the stone walls of the cove, the lapping of the waves only perpetuating the intense elemental reactions. At the centre of it all was a strangely dressed man, being attacked by a hoard of electro slimes. He flailed around with a blacksmith’s hammer, presumably caught in his own attempt to mine valuable ores for a project.
His clothes looked to be of Inazuman attire, too - what was an Inazuman doing, looking for electro crystals all the way out in Liyue?
“Do you need help?” You crouched down, a little hesitant over whether or not it was obligatory for you to jump into the electro-charged mess.
“It… certainly looks like it, doesn’t it?” The man flashed you a defeated smile. Luckily, as a pyro vision holder, it wasn’t too difficult for you to deal with the slimes. With a brief flash of your vision, you also mined the ores for the stranger as well.
“Ah! So they require elemental triggers to be mined. No wonder it was taking me so long. Thank you, by the way - I’m Kabukimono.” The stranger extended a hand. You took it, but he didn’t shake it. The two of you stood there awkwardly for a moment, before he released your hand.
“Ah, sorry… That’s what I see people at the workshop do when they meet someone new. Is it strange?”
“No, of course not! You usually shake the hand after holding it, though.” You quipped helpfully.
“Oh.” A flush spread across his cheeks. He thanked you vehemently once again, insisting on offering you some spare iron in exchange for your help.
“Travel safe!” You called after Kabukimono, as he hurried off. He was a little strange, but his awkwardness was rather endearing. You smiled and shook your head, before resuming work and thinking nothing more of the entire ordeal.
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Unlike Kabukimono, the second of the trio you met was a lot more irritable. You met the Wanderer at some food stalls in Sumeru city, almost mistaking him for the acquaintance you’d met in Guyun - only to be quickly corrected by his vastly different attitude.
“Watch it.” The stranger that looked suspiciously like Kabukimono (but with a remarkably more hostile, pointed gaze) shoved past you.
“These lavender melons. How much do they cost?” Not-Kabukimono asked the vendor, tapping his foot impatiently.
“Uh, 200 mora-”
“What? Who sells trash like this so expensively? Forget it, I didn’t want them anyway.” The Wanderer scoffed, turning to leave before you quickly grabbed him.
“If you’re hungry, you can eat at my place. I have some leftovers,” you offered. He narrowed his eyes at you suspiciously.
“Why are you helping me? Is this a poisoning attempt?”
“No… You just remind me of an acquaintance of mine, so I thought I’d look out for you.”
“Pfft, I don’t need your baseless concern.”
At that moment, the man’s stomach grumbled. The two of you made eye contact, before reaching a silent agreement.
“My house is that way,” you pointed, as the stranger begrudgingly followed you.
Even if he didn’t say so, the stranger most definitely enjoyed your cooking. After introducing himself as the Wanderer, he was quick to open up - always stopping by to visit (claiming that you were a convenient dining place for his travels).
Whenever he stopped by, you’d laugh and cook him a warm meal - it almost felt like home to him, or at least what he thought a home was. He never really had one, nor did he care for the notion, but this arrangement was quite pleasant for him. If the Wanderer was in a good mood, he’d even share some of his travelling stories with you. He’d boast about the enemies he defeated in the wilderness, complain about the stupidity of mortals, before giving you the rare piece of acknowledgement (“you know, your cooking is edible,” or “it’s definitely not poisoned,” etc.).
You quickly grew to anticipate his sporadic visits, getting an understanding of what kind of food he preferred. You weren’t sad when he didn’t arrive, and the two of you thrived off a mutual relationship. The Wanderer was surely different from your other companion, but that didn’t make him any less welcome.
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Lastly, you’d met Scaramouche on an ominous rainy day. Or, rather, he’d been deposited on your doorstep.
“I don’t remember ordering a parcel…” You peered out into your doorway, squinting through the lashing rain - before realising that this ‘parcel’ was very much human-shaped.
With a surprised gasp, you dragged the figure inside as carefully as you could, wincing at the blood mixed with rainwater that swirled across his smooth skin. Peeling back the heavy layers of his outer coat, you took off the man’s hat to gape again in shock.
“Kabukimono?” You spluttered.
“Who are you calling Kabukimono?” The stranger snapped, sitting up slowly.
“Wanderer?” You tried again, guessing based on the man’s furious expression.
“Hah, you dare to…”
Before the stranger (that was neither Kabukimono nor the Wanderer) could finish his sentence, he passed out again in a haze of dizzying unconsciousness.
The man’s deep indigo eyes fluttered open a while later to the sight of you tending his wounds. He immediately flinched away, looking at you incredulously.
“Who are you? Why am I here?”
“You quite literally passed out on my porch, then again in my house. Don’t you remember?” You quirked an eyebrow.
“You dare gaslight a Fatui Harbinger? Try as hard as you want, but I won’t be giving you financial compensation for this.”
“You’re… a Harbinger…?” You frowned. He sure acted and looked a lot like the Wanderer - perhaps he’d hit his head a little too hard.
“Yes, Scaramouche. I’m better known as the Balladeer, of course.”
“I’ve never heard of you.”
“Well, then that just means we’re doing a great job of maintaining confidentiality.” Scaramouche huffed, allowing you to continue wrapping bandages around the deep gashes on his body. You chuckled at his demeanour.
“I’m not expecting anything in return for this.” You offered, leaning back to scrutinise your medical work. Years of adventuring had given you experience in this sort of thing, but your expertise was still lacking.
“Then why? Don’t tell me, you believe in kindness?”
“Anyone would do this if they found a stranger half-dead at their door in the pouring rain.” You rolled your eyes.
“I was not half-dead, and I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” Scaramouche huffed, and you almost gawked at how similar he was to the Wanderer.
“Um, do you happen to know anyone named… Uh…” You hesitated under your new acquaintance’s fierce gaze.
“Named what? Do I look like an Akasha terminal to you?”
“Never mind.” You quickly shut your mouth. Perhaps it was just a coincidence.
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It took a few months before the trio finally figured out they had a mutual connection. They’d all visited you countless times, and yet were lucky enough not to encounter each other - that was, until they finally began talking about their latest travel experiences upon having a chance meeting in Sumeru.
“Hm, perhaps this is what mortals call… comradeship…” Kabukimono mused to his brothers one day.
“Feeling a little amicable, Kabukimono?” Scaramouche sneered. He eyed the glimmering purple blade Kabukimono flipped over in his hands.
“There was this adventurer who saved me from some electro slimes once. It was because of them that I could fashion this dagger… Humans really are compassionate.” Kabukimono mused. He happily smiled to himself at the reminder of you.
“You’re so naive, brother. After all, mortals are only driven by fair exchange. Nobody would help without expecting it return - ah, there is one exception. There was this person I met who offered me food. I’ve been having free meals with them for months, and they don’t even know how I’m taking advantage of them! How immature they are, selflessly acting like that. It almost makes me concerned for their well-being,” the Wanderer chuckled.
“I don’t think you’re taking advantage of them if you’re… just accepting the free meals they give you. It almost seems they have you wrapped around their finger.” Scaramouche snickered.
“You wouldn’t understand the idea of a mutually beneficial relationship. In fact, have you even talked to a living being other than your colleagues in the last week?”
“Yes, you, and a certain traveller who took me in after I was injured in a mission-”
“You got injured? How pathetic.”
“It was a calculated risk. Anyway, they gave me shelter and treated all my wounds without asking for mora once. And they even let me stay over long after I’d healed, too. Mortals are so foolish, to be blindly trusting. I could’ve snapped their throat in a second.”
The three brothers agreed on the extremely rare and (questionably naive) selflessness of humans.
Then, a beat of silence passed before a revelation dawned on them.
“Isn’t it weird that we’ve all met a strange, helpful adventurer?” Kabukimono murmured.
“Exactly what I was thinking. Surely not all humans are like this.” Scaramouche nodded.
“Maybe foolishness is more common than we thought…?” The Wanderer suggested, but an uneasy feeling was dawning on him as he began to connect the dots.
“Say, does the traveller you two met live near the Grand Bazaar?” Scaramouche prodded.
“Yes.” Kabukimono and the Wanderer responded simultaneously.
“And they have an adventurer’s bandana? With a Mondstadtian clock in the front room of their house?”
“Yes- YOU TWO KNOW THEM AS WELL?” Kabukimono spluttered.
The Wanderer only heaved a large sigh. He was so close to showing off that he had a new friend, only to realise that the new friend was also acquainted with both his brothers.
“How bothersome, it seems you’re already close with them.” Scaramouche raised an eyebrow.
“Of course I am! I met them first, after all.” Kabukimono insisted.
“Both of you, be quiet. I’m going to their place now.” The Wanderer pushed back his chair.
“Hey! I was planning to visit them too!”
The scraping of chairs resounded as the remaining two brothers hurriedly rushed to get to your house.
Any other person would probably pass out from fear at seeing all three of the notorious trio appear at their door. You, however, only shot them a bemused look and ushered them in.
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Once the three realised they had competition, Scaramouche, the Wanderer, and Kabukimono would be unrelenting in competing for your attention.
It was quite comical at times - you’d barely have to say anything and one of them would appear, diligently doing tasks for you and looking back at you eagerly for praise. It seemed almost strange to consider that these three had been marvelling at your profound naiveness only a few days ago, and were now basically at your beck and call.
Scaramouche would definitely be the most demanding. Whether it was a hand on your elbow or a risky grip on your wrist, he made sure you were close to him and sought your undivided attention. He’d recklessly snap out searing insults at anyone else, before getting ahold of himself and stating that he was merely defending a poor, foolish soul from being taken advantage of by some calculating purple-haired villain. Not him though, he’d never do anything like that.
The Wanderer (like his name) was more relaxed - he could go without your eyes on him at all times, and he’d drift in and out as he pleased. However, he did see himself as being entitled to your energy whenever he did happen to stop by. Occasionally, he’d even offer to take you on a scenic flight across Teyvat. After you’d tried it once, you were quick to refuse his latter offers - zooming across rooftops at breakneck speed was not your forte. The Wanderer huffed at your reluctance and accused you of denying his altruistic favour, but made an effort to do things you liked regardless.
Kabukimono was fiercely shy. He’d always bring you trinkets - small mechanisms or self-defends tools he’d fashioned from spare parts during his work as a blacksmith. He’d press them into your hands self-consciously, unable to bite back a smile when you praised his handiwork. He wouldn’t hesitate to stand up against his much fiercer brothers if it was for you, holding you in a tight embrace whenever you’d let him.
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And so, as it happened, it seemed as though “the eccentric trio” simply couldn’t escape each other. As if by some ill-humoured joke, they all ended up liking the same person. The only issue was, being that person, you now had to deal with all three of them at once.
As if one wasn’t enough, you now had triple the trouble.
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iincogneeto · 3 months
I realized I never did an introduction!
so here’s all about me!
my name (online name) is Incogneeto! It comes from me wanting a hidden identity! (I would of gone with “incognito” the actual spelling but that’s taken everywhere lol)
I am a Minor, and Hungarian 🇭🇺 and American! 🇺🇸
my art requests are always open, but I may not get you you! I’ll try tho!! [ I’m currently in a state where I can’t draw anything but what I want and I hate it ] (For art, You might get my doodle style, the kny style, or maybe my actual style! They style I draw it just depends all the time.)
I’m into: MHA, kimetsu-no-yaiba, Mob Psycho 100, Zom100, Undead Unluck, One Piece, TTOA/ROTT, HTTYD, Carmen Sandiego, Ninjago, Saiki K, Glitch Techs, TLKOE, SpiderMan, Kid cosmic, Breaking Bad, Better Caul Saul, JJK, Star Trek Prodigy, ST: Lower decks, and more!
I’m a digital illustrator who draws on their phone with their finger! I use IbisPaintX!
my socials are….
Toyhouse: incogneeto
discord: iincogneeto
Twitter: iincogneetoIV
TikTok: incogneetto
Pinterest: iincogneeto
can you tell i was going with a theme? 😋
I post a lot on all of them!
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always bet..on hakari! ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
My Ocs!! :: (kny) ::
Jinsei (thread breathing)
shūkūro (drunkard breathing)
Kanan (Steel breathing)
Elliot (kakushi)
Akemi/Akane (Flaming Blood, Ink Breathing)
Akira (shadow breathing)
Tae-Jun (illusion breathing)
Xiaocheng (violin breathing)
Asahi ( nunchucks/wind )
Saito ( no breathing )
Kumo-Rui ( Spider Breathing )
ask them (and they will answer in chara 😋) click right here 😋😋
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kanencrow · 2 years
TWDG S4 When they come across another group who is around their age and more put together than they are? And have a female leader? If not that’s okay
Strong Independent Women - The Walking Dead | Headcanon
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A/N: Ah, I love the idea! Hope you enjoy! Also, reader goes by she/her pronouns, as per request.
SUMMARY: How would Clementine react to Y/n, who manages a large group that's more organized than her own?
WARNINGS: Weapons.
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To say that none of them are impressed would be a blatant lie. Most of the Ericson kids don't know much about how difficult it truly is to have an organized group full of skilled individuals, but Clementine certainly does. Automatically, she gives you her respect, and she tries to make an ally out of you. I mean, why wouldn’t she? When you and your team came knocking on her front gates, she was pretty intimidated at first when she spotted the assault rifles and snipers in your and your buddies’ arms. And then when she found out that you were just wanting to meet the other communities that were near your own, she significantly relaxed. 
“We just moved into an old warehouse just outside of the woods,” you informed, as you handed your rifle to one of the members that stood right beside you. “I was told by one of my guys that there was another community around here. We just wanted to visit and let you know that we’re no threat to you and your people.” 
“Okay.” Clementine crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at you. She somewhat trusted your statement. You didn’t sound very unconvincing, but she still had her reservations. “What’s your group called, if you don’t mind me asking?” 
“Haven,” you answered, “it’s pretty simple, but it lets people know that we’re not out here trying to harm innocent people.” You shrugged your shoulders, before you rested your hands on your hips and sent the brunette a kind smile. “I’m Y/n, by the way. Nice to meet you.” 
“Clementine,” she replied, introducing herself, too. A weight lifted from her shoulders in that moment, and you even noticed how she visibly relaxed, when she sent you a friendly nod. “Welcome to Ericson.” 
She was quick to realize that you wanted nothing other than to assist and serve. It was refreshing, honestly. Usually, she had to defend herself and her own people from groups that wanted to solely destroy and take. She felt much more confident with her own safety after you committed allegiance to her community. And not long after, the two of you became close. It was bound to happen, though. You both were leaders, just wanting to take care of others, and in turn that made each of you more similar to one another than not. 
There’s a lot of nights the two of you spend together where it just consists of the both of you going over plans for ways to connect your communities together. You have a lot of manpower, practically a whole army, and Clementine has a lot of supplies that she and the other Ericson kids scavenged from the Delta. She tells you of that story, and to say you were impressed would have been an understatement. It put into perspective just how skilled she really was with leading. Honestly, you two quickly became a force to be reckoned with, just because of how knowledgeable each of you were about particular things. 
Usually, most people wouldn’t bat an eye at two women being the leaders of their communities. You guys do get flack sometimes, but it’s quickly extinguished by the one’s that are the most loyal to you. They understand just how powerful you and the brunette really are. Both separately, you each can kick ass, and together, that strength multiplies. That certainly doesn’t go to your heads, however. Just because you have respect and are able to control large groups, that doesn’t inherently make you invincible, and you understand that. 
It does eventually get to a point in life, where the better option would be to merge Ericson and Haven together. The school was starting to deteriorate after a while. Wood was rotting, black mold was forming, and with your group having much better living conditions and a multitude of space, you offered up the option. At first, Clementine didn’t really like the idea. She didn’t want to pack up and move into a place that was completely uncharted to her, but after proposing the idea of a few of her people moving in to test the environment out, she seemed a little more lenient.
Louis and Ruby went to stay at your community for a week, and when they came back, they couldn’t stress it enough to Clementine just how comfortable the building was. Unlike the school, you had generators that provided electricity, water, and heat on those especially frigid days. It wasn’t like you were trying to brag, but with how many people you had, it was pretty easy to send them on missions to find supplies that would truly benefit everyone. Everyone had jobs, and with those jobs, they could make money to buy products for themselves. It was like an actual society, and that seemed to be what convinced your fellow leader friend.
It was hard to say goodbye to Ericson for some of the kids, but they knew it was for the best. None of them wanted to die from the black mold that attempted to invade their lungs. And neither did they want to possibly get crushed by a weak wooden beam while they walked down a random corridor. Not many of them had a lot to pack away, so the move was relatively easy, other than the cold weather that they had to bear. However, when they made it to Haven, they were immediately warmed and wrapped in nothing but kind smiles and heat. 
Your people were welcoming to Clementine’s. Some even befriended each other, and you felt like a proud mother with the brunette, who was particularly amused at the way Louis tried to impress some girl he thought was cute. Even AJ found a lot of friends, too. He was once a kid who felt lonely, but he fell into a lot of close relationships with the other kids around your community. That was what made a certain ball-capped woman the happiest, you thought.
Clementine didn’t lose her leadership, either. You quickly had her become your right-hand, and you thought it was the best decision you could have made. It helped you with your stress and took some of the weight of responsibility off of your shoulders. Even your friends noticed your change in behavior, and whenever you were around the brunette, they couldn’t help but smirk in endearment at the way you seemed to shine just a little bit brighter around her. 
Call it a crush or deep admiration. Either way, it was mutual.
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thatliminal-wanderer · 6 months
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Pastel Rainbow Dog ID Pack
Requested by Anon
Aero, Akita, Amber, Amitola, Anuenue, Bea, Blossom, Blue, Blush, Brittany, Cain, Cairn, Canine, Capri, Celeste, Champagne, Coral, Crayon, Daffodil, Daisy, Dane, Dog, Doggie, Dusty, Goldie, Gordon, Green, Hina, Iridiana, Jack, Kaleido, Kelpie, Lab, Lavender, Lilac, Mal, Malinois, Manzat, Marigold, Mauve, Mutt, Orange, Pascal, Pasty, Paw, Peach, Peaches, Pearl, Periwinkle, Poly, Pooch, Pup, Puppy, Purple, Rain, Rainbeau, Rainbow, Red, Rose, Rosie, Rott, Russell, Scottie, Shepherd, Soft, Softy, Spitz, Splatt, Splott, Summer, Tosa, Tulip, Yellow, Yip
Zi don’t normally do noun names but did try a bit here? Sorry if it’s underwhelming!
arf/arfs, bark/barks, blu/blue/blues, bud/buddy/buddys, canine/canines, col/color/colors, cor/coral/corals, cyan/cyans, dog/dogs, fluff/fluffs, gree/green/greens, ind/indigo/indigos, or/orange/oranges, paint/paints, pale/pales, pas/pastel/pastels, pastel/pastels, paw/paws, pup/puppy/puppys, pup/pups, pur/purple/purples, rain/rainbow/rainbows, re/red/reds, viol/violet/violets, wag/wags, woof/woofs, ye/yellow/yellows, yip/yips, ❤️/❤️s, 🌈/🌈s, 🌫️/🌫️s, 🍡/🍡s, 🍬/🍬s, 🍭/🍭s, 🎉/🎉s, 🎊/🎊s, 🎨/🎨s, 🏳️‍🌈/🏳️‍🌈s, 🐕/🐕s, 🐕‍🦺/🐕‍🦺s, 🐩/🐩s, 🐶/🐶s, 🐾/🐾s, 💙/💙s, 💚/💚s, 💛/💛s, 💜/💜s, 📒/📒s, 📕/📕s, 📗/📗s, 📘/📘s, 📙/📙s, 📚/📚s, 🖌️/🖌️s, 🖍️/🖍️s, 🦄/🦄s, 🦮/🦮s, 🧡/🧡s, 🩵/🩵s, 🩷/🩷s
A Barking Rainbow, A Dog of Pastel Lighting and Colorful Hues, That Pastel Dog, The Colorful Puppy, The Dog of Pastel Colors, The Light Rainbow (In The Shape of A Dog), The Pastel One, The Puppy Covered in Colors, [prn] Who Barks in Many Shades
Caninaesic, Dogstimmic, Kiddiepuppic, Pastelcutic, Pastelgender, Pastelpixelgender, Pastrasea, Puparciel/Pupaurciel, Pupgender, Pupsleepyic, Rainboscarfcloudic, Rainbowaesic, Rainbowgender, Rainbowquartzic, Rainbowsquish, Somnollisgender, Yellowdogplushic
Other MOGAI:
Alderainbow, Caninevesi, Canivior, Dog Omninoun, Dogperspesque, Dogvesi, Pastelaestelic, Pupperspesque, Puppyperspesque, Pupvior, Rainbowvesi, Rainbowvior/Rainbowalius/Rainbowperspesque, 🌈 Omninoun
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ship-of-skitties · 1 year
thinking abt dunkelfelger myne au. more under the cut, i'd appreciate your thpoughts
ok so. first off. as is, just copy-pasted, myne would not survive dunkelfelger as a commoner. she'd die very quickly. so, how do we fix this?
commoners in dunkelfelger kill feybeasts, right? so it'd make sense if they had feystones. this gives myne a small mana sink - and assuming merchant apprenticeship still happens - gold dust which could be incorporated into products.
but how do we get to the part we want, the royal academy? well first we have to get through becoming a noble. ferdinand isn't here, nor does she discover the temple bookroom (because i say so).
i saw something in a fic recently and im stealing the idea for this. at some set time of year, nobles can make requests of aub dunkelfelger - if they are able to beat another person making a request/one of the the archduke family in ditter (presumably a dueling, 1v1 form?), they get their request granted (it's the ditter duchy. you should expect this).
myne hears about it offhand and her train of thought goes "nobles have books. people make requests to the aub. if i beat someone in whatever 'ditter' is, i can read books!" and thus her Rampage begins
how does she get in the castle to do this? mixtures of unethical and possibly forever harmful substances in little projectiles she shoots with a slingshot! invading the royal castle? attacking a noble? what's that?
no-one calls for aid with rott or anything else because... i mean that's a toddler. that's a baby. what could a baby do with a slingshot? turns out lots and lots and lots and lots
so she eventually gets to the room where it's happening (100% comically struggles with the door until she opens it with something stretchy like elastic) and the nobles are like. Hey What The Fuck. Why Is The Door Open. And Why Is There A Fucking Toddler
AND THEN this little fuckin child. this small pillbug of a human being. uses this meeting usually used as an excuse to play ditter and get power. To Ask The Aub To Give Her A Book
like. who's gonna fight a child. so they're just sitting there in stunned silent until the aub asks whose kid this is. and ofc none of them answer (note as im typing this: it feels like im writing a comedy skit.)
myne then insists on fighting for it. and bc no-one else wants to fight A Fucking Toddler aub dunkelfelger agrees to do some dueling ditter
the aub's like Christ I Need To Go Really Easy On This Kid. I'll Just Walk Over And Tap Her And She'll Fall Unconscious. so they go to the field! and as soon as it starts he starts getting pelted by not only Horrible Fucking Skin Irritants and Chopped Onions 2.0, but by gold dust from small feystones (pocket sand 2) so he's just rolling around on the floor blinded by all these Horrible Little Curses Of Mortal Men and soon he's just. Unconscious.
and they ask her What The Hell she did to the aub. the answer is I Poisoned Him. With Plants. And Threw Dust In His Eyes
she did incapacitate the aub, so she won the bargain, and i cannot think of anything past this point
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truthsideal · 5 days
* hi i'm ALSO vicky ! ( same as @plasmareluctance )
* she / it
* there are rules below here . please pay attention to them . or don't talk to me that works too .
pelipper mail: okay !
musharna mail: okay !
magic anons: selective !
please dm me if you wanna do a longer thread !
content warnings: unreality . uh . that's kind of about it ?
tags to block: i don't know man
* don't be weird ! i may be an adult i don't know you guys like that ! so i would request you please avoid submitting or asking explicitly nsfw things , especially since black would be only 17 or 18 at the point of portrayal .
* said portrayal is heavily based on the pokémon adventures manga with liberties taken and some pokémon changed .
* the account tied to this and my other roleplay accounts is @vickyslaboratory , likes and follows will come from there , but my main is @iovcstruck .
* any rotomblr blogs are free to interact if you wish as long as you're not keen on breaking boundaries .
* any roleplay blogs are free to interact if you wish as long as you're not keen on breaking boundaries .
* please do not reblog roleplay posts if you're not a roleplay account ! if i post a meme or something you can reblog that though .
* please feel free to send me asks or interact i swear i don't bite
team !
* rott the samurott / m
* brav the braviary / m
* musha the musharna / m
* tula the galvantula / f
* costa the carracosta / f
* volc the volcarona / f
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cartograffiti · 1 year
Why Does the Merch Say That? A cheat sheet to the Queen's Thief OwlCrate collection
If you don't know what I'm talking about, here was the Instagram announcement: linkety link. If it's noon April 19th 2023 (Pacific Coast) or later, you can look at OwlCrate and see whether the general sale has gone live yet.
Moving on to the post, which will contain spoilers for all six Queen's Thief novels and the short story collection.
Why Does the Merch Say That?
The Queen of Attolia shirt: Atté Atté is the battle cry of the Attolians (RotT) and something Gen says to Irene in bed (RotT). This shirt also features a bee. This is a motif used throughout the series, notably as Irene's favored bee earrings (QoA, maybe as early as TT?), and a favorite creature of Pheris's (RotT).
The River Shirt: "The river knows its time" is the title and first line of a Mede poem Kamet shares with Irene at Eugenides's request (TaT). It is about nature and time, and it comforted Irene after she miscarried. The graphic shows a tree, a river, and mountains, all of which we spend a lot of time with.
Attolian Tumbler: "Do not offend the gods" is a warning/blessing used throughout the series, notably with regard to the behanding and Sophos's claim to his throne. The sword is none in particular, but lilies are a symbol of Attolia, used on their flag and coins.
Eugenides's Journal: "You will have your heart's desire, little thief" is dialogue from Moira to Gen in "Alyta's Missing Earring." The cover is a riff on the MP special edition and includes Greco-Roman elements, Gen's hook, and Hamiathes's Gift.
Irene's Journal: "Who am I, that you should love me?" is dialogue from Irene to Gen at the end of QoA. I see crowns, lilies again, and laurel.
The Little Peninsula Tote Bag: This is the crest of the united peninsula (RotT), later called Ephestalia (MP). Lilies for Attolia again, the Lion of Sounis, and a griffon for Eddis. I think these leaves are olive. (Every book.)
Atté Atté Candle: Interestingly, this label mixes Atté Atté (see shirt) and the national symbols (see tote bag). The scent is orange trees, for the orange grove where Gen watched Irene dance, (QoA) honey (bees again), and tamarisk flower, for the bush he was in, spying on Irene and Dite, when he realized he loved her. (KoA)
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todaysrat · 4 months
Hello I'm Rat or Rott what ever the fuck you want to call me. I'm heavily fucking dyslexic so expect spelling errors. I also have no idea how to use tumblr so. Keep that in mind homos!!
IMPORTANT: DMS: OPEN! Literally feel free to send me random shit, talk shit, discuss theoretical topics what ever the fuck. My dms are open, just don't ask me intensely personal stuff. POSTING: I treat this account as spam. When I post something actually worth while, I should, if I remember post it one of these tags. So if you are here for that. Yeah. #todaysratart #todaysratedit #todaysratfanfic
FIC/WRITING/ART REQUESTS: OPEN! Request anything, wont promise it'll get done though don't put any faith into me.
FAN FICS: Tommy/Alfie: Two Leaf Clover (Onoing) @willgrahamstastytoes <3 Tommy/Alfie: Barking Horses (Ongoing but painfully slow updates)
Preachers Daughter: Dissention To Ptolemaea (Complete)
DISCORD: todaysrat AO3: todaysrat INSTAGRAM: todaysrat LETTERBOXD: rotteddwelling
TV SHOWS: Peaky Blinders Hannibal NBC Doctor Who This Town Torchwood American Horror Story Killing Eve HOUSE MD Ratched Kitchen Nightmares Bondi Rescue Love Death + Robots Top Gear
Other then that I don't know, bye cunts.
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solomons-poison · 2 years
Relating to my previous post about Isaac making little videos of Harry for TikTok or YouTube, I'm thinking about some of the IkeVamp boys also doing those vids, maybe even having a group account.
Isaac just shows cute moments with Harry, sometimes Harry will have like a little toy hat on or cape or something. He's awful at responding to comments, he gets really flustered especially if someone compliments him (he tries not to be shown in his videos after that ;;)
Arthur definitely tries to attract the ladies with his adorable Vic, taking cute videos where they're somehow both winking. Also video clips of his detective adventures with Vic and MC.
Vincent makes little videos with Brush where maybe he's painting something and Brush is imitating him. Also other cute little raccoon mannerisms, like washing his food or when they're cuddling together.
Theo reluctantly does videos, but only because Vincent does it and Arthur won't stop hounding him. It's him showing what tricks King can do, but often its bloopers where King refuses to do a trick or is tackling Theo (RIP his reputation).
Comte of course is also involved. Like Arthur, he uses his natural charm and the natural cuteness of Time, also dressing up Time in little outfits provided by MC. He is one of the most popular/most-requested suitors on the account.
Leonardo's videos often consist of him and Lumiere taking a cat nap. People comment about how similar Lumiere is with his "daddy" Leo.
Napoleon makes informative videos about Jupiter, showing how Jupiter hunts or fetches items, checking out his talons and wingspan. He's one of the cooler ones on the account.
Shakespeare is no foe of the camera. He'll do little scenes with Puck, reciting either his own works or even improvising on the spot. Everyone goes nuts over his overflowing charisma and, of course, the adorable little Puck.
Sebastian is the one doing a lot of the filming of the others, but he'll occasionally sneak in a video of Rotte here and there.
Dazai, Jean, and Mozart are a little harder to convince to do videos. Dazai is simply elusive, but Bunta will make little cameos in the others' videos. Jean does not want to be on camera, he's extremely shy of showing his face, but he'll let MC show Chérie so long as Chérie seems OK with it. Mozart is also not keen to be seen in video, nor does he particularly want to show off Schelm and he doesn't quite understand the craze of making pet videos. However, he may allow a single video, perhaps of Schelm sleeping, to slip through the cracks if he's in a good mood.
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xalygatorx · 4 days
Not necessarily a request since you seem to have enough on your plate already but thought I'd share this brain rott that helped me get through work the other day:
Don't you think Adelie and Alastors dynamic would be totally different if he was pure pilot Alastor? Lol Like pilot Al is still a brand of pure asexual confusion but he's also way more boisterous and loud about what he wants then reg Al.
Imagine a crack ship interaction where some goofy magic portal nonsense happens, i can totally see him instantly getting hit with that gut feeling of there's just something special about this dame! She's so entertaining! He'd be so much more direct about showing off and weaseling her into spending more time w/ him. Imagine none of the hotel crew knows what to do with a whole ass second even more unpredictable radio demon around so they just leave her to baby sit him. Which gives him all this time to use everybit of unapologetic 1920's charm he has on her lol maybe reg Al would even show up to, just to be so embarrassed by his flamboyant counterpart and maybe even a bit a smidge jealous when Pilot Al gets reactions out of Adelie? 👀
Any sorry for any spelling errors just thought I'd share that cute dopamine hit while on my lunch so had to type quick💚
Hahaha oh my god Series Al would be so bewildered and jealous. 😂 Their earliest encounters (namely him scaring her all the time and the *knock, knock* "Hi" incident, if ya know ya know) were based on some of Pilot Al's whackiness but he definitely slipped more into the Series Al vibe as the story went on.
I'm going to put a note in my requests folder to possibly try this and I'll tag/credit you if I do, thank you for sharing the brainrot with me 😂🩷
(Also you can request stuff if you want, I just might not get to it right away! x Or it'll be like the "summoned for a date" request and I'll have it done in a day. 😂 Ya just never know.)
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waifu-napoleon · 11 months
My muse has left me to rott and now I've been captured by the creative-burn-out fae. So if you have any editing requests feel free to drop them in my inbox. I can make GIF sets, moodboards, (pride) icons, phone backgrounds... check out my art tag to see what I'm able to pull off. Drawings are also possible but may take a while.
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