#“I Saw MHA And Now I Hate Japan”
funishment-time · 7 months
i think one of the weirdest things i see from Internet Commentary Folk is the assumption that anyone who consumes non-intellectual YouTube content or whatever has to be a child. (like, a Minor, not just a young adult.)
remembering a few years back when there was a slight Tiff Around The Internet about the Game Grumps selling fursona body pillows of themselves because their fanbase had to be children, of course, it had to be minors, how gross it is for two adult men to sell body pillows of themselves to kids.
...which is obviously very gross, except the GG demographic is not and has never been Minors, i'm p sure. young people who are adults, sure, and i'm certain many minors watch, but they never geared their content towards 13 year olds.
always strikes me as very High and Mighty from Internet Commentary Folk, like watching some idiots poorly play a Sonic game is lowbrow - but your borderline racist and somehow also transphobic "video essay" completely trashing Japanese culture because you saw an anime you didn't like, that's totally where it's at, dog
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Ok i gotta say it 410 and 411 have me thinking. I have some views on Shigaraki and it's not all " Yes win baby" or "Look at my king" thoughts. Of course I want him well at the end, that hasn't changed. He's still my all time fav character even if a certain other Mha character is right behind him, Tomura will never be knocked out of 1st place in my heart. Now with that being said I sincerely want Izuku to beat some sense into him.
His hate is corrupting his own mind and heart. He can never be happy or at peace like this. Hatred eats up your soul leaving a shell of nothingness behind.
I love how extremely powerful and Godlike he is, but I also miss the old tantrum throwing guy who didn't know how to display his emotions. Or the guy who fought Giga and took the PLF. The amount of power he has is scary cause he can't live in mha with that degree of power. No I'm not saying he will die but he will have to lose it somehow.
Does he still care for the league. He once told Toga he wouldn’t destroy what she loved, that he wanted his allies to have what they wanted, yet he's destroying the very country they live in. The destructive Villian who was feared but had a heart and cared for those around him was what alot of people found endearing, often mentioning it as a reason he would be OK at the end. That guy is gone. (Temporarily I think)
Went from wanting to destroy All Might to Hero society to all of Japan. This is what happens when hate takes root in your heart. When no one REACHES OUT A HAND TO HELP.
His smile use to be almost sweet and calm and now has elements of deranged power behind it (yes he's still gorgeous hot sexy, I'm just stating thoughts)
The leader who cared for his comrades and took revenge when they were hurt yet hasn't wondered if they are OK. Sure, he mentioned Spinner, but idk it was off like an BTW moment
He doesn't see himself as human. What he does see himself as was not mentioned but im willing to bet he sees himself as a God of destruction.
With all this said YES I belive he will be alive at the end (well I'm about 80% sure he will, if not he will always be in my heart) and no I don't think he will be locked in some prison, it wouldn't serve a purpose for Hori to keep him alive just to lock him up now that's not saying he won't be in some program to actual HELP HIM cause if he lives (he will) he won't have a quirk, I dont see it. And lastly somehow Izuku will have to literally reach out a hand to him. Seriously how many times has the actual image of someone physically reaching out been shown, dozens.
Also the whole make him a kid again is stupid. Tenko and Tomura are the same person, he doesn't have a child living in his body, his heart...yes. Tenko represents all that Tomura Shigaraki has repressed, his dream of being a hero, the sweet little boy who cared for his friends (hmm the more powerful he got the less we saw this quality) so he becoming Tenko again refers to his heart not having that black hole inside it. It means his heart will be free. Not that he will revert to 5 years old. There is still a chance Hori could do that but even if his writing can be questionable I don't think he'll go this off the grid.
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bibibbon · 8 months
What MHA's lacks: world building part 2
I have already talked about this topic before but I mainly focused on the world building of Japan as a society itself .
Now I wanted to talk more about the MHA world building outside of Japan. When it comes to world building outside of Japan all we have are the MHA movies (which are somehow canon but the timeline for them makes no sense to me) and the whole interaction with star and stripes/USA.
Obviously we were gonna get a look into heroics and heroes outside of Japan after the war arc (it was inevitable especially with Japans need for foreign help) but I can't help to say that the little amount of world building outside of Japan that we got was lacking to say the least.
America or star and stripes. It was obvious that we would be getting heroes from around the world but I really hated how the idea of America and American heroes was something that was heavily sterytopical (maybe Iam thinking too deep into it 🤷‍♀️) but I don't like how star and stripes legit had her costume based on the American flag (I know it's supposed to be like all might). To me star and stripes felt like such a rushed plot point who is just the female version of all might that lacks all the character depth and wasted potential that all might has. The idea of America actually having a military is very interesting but it's never expanded on why or how they have a military. How is a military army any different than quirked heroes? We just saw them operate various airships and that's it for them 🤷‍♀️. I personally think we should of gotten an idea or at least a view as to why there is a military for example, America has a military and heroes whereas Japan uses heroes as soldiers and entertainers. Star and stripes should of been introduced way earlier in the series because she is the number one in USA and everything about her is heavily inspired by all might so we could of seen bits of her after all mights retirement and whatever relationship she had with all might because everything about that plot point of foreign American military and heroes was so vague and needed expanding.
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I-island. I love the concept of i-island even if it's introduced just in a movie (I think it should of been a canon manga plot point), if you think about it having an island that focuses on the creation and progression of technology and it being like a very high tech island is a very interesting idea. What type of Industries are in i-island? The population is well off due to the island being very neutral in political ideals and is considered a place of education and technology. You could of had it to be an area that has a very low crime rate because everyone is open to the same opportunities and the small population makes it so that people are very connected to eachother. I-island could also be a place where heroes are sent to train and usually go to find a support company to work with.
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Other heroes. When it comes to the whole world of MHA there are a lot of heroes from many different places but I don't necessarily like their character design like is it only me who finds it weird that pro hero native (who is a Japanese citizen) has a hero costume that is of native Americans? Or when showing us a hero from Egypt their costume was a literal pharo?. I feel like horikoshi could of been more creative when it came to showing other heros form other parts of the world and their costumes. I am not totally against having heroes that share and represent parts of cultures but if it's done in a way where it's just them wearing a very sterytopical costume then what's the point ?!?!? Sure you can make a character who does wear a very sterytopical costume and profits off other peoples culture to show how hero society is messed up and actually critique something like that but we don't see that and I think that's wasted potential.
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Political relations and political differences. Every country is bound to have a variety of different political relations and differences so this could be difficult to explore if you try and include every single place in the MHA world. However, the building up if the war arc and the aftermath we should of seen Japan's political relations with other countries. Did other countries offer aid in anyway? Did they send out something akin to peacekeepers to the field? Or something of the sort. Is there even a party or organisation that connects other countries together in a tien if crisis in MHA and did they refuse to help Japan because they feared AFO or something. I feel like this could of been an interesting plot point to explore but it's never mentioned best thing we get is one panel of a political saying something
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Transfer students. I think it was a fantastic plot point to have pony as a transfer students in the heroics course but I just wish we got more of her. For example where did she live? How was her life before she came to Japan? How does she feel about everything? How was it for her and her family when it came to the war in Japan? Or how did they deal with the parent conference when she is a transfer student? Surprisingly, pony has more potential as a character and more plot points to explore than a lot of 1 A character but we don't get much of what goes on with her.
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the-dawn-star · 7 months
Heyy so I was rewatching mha season 6 and I got the idea of how would teen!reader react to Dabi’s reveal on national tv that he’s Toya Todoroki? Like would she already know? etc.
A/N: Hey and thanks for the request. I spilt this into two: 1. Reader did know. 2. Reader didn’t know, just to explore both of the options. I don't know how well this fills your request but I hope you don't mind. Also, this is pretty angsty!
+ 400ish words. 
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You had a day off and damn did you love it. 
It was a lovely day and you laid down on the old crusty couch scrolling through your phone while the TV was on, playing some dumb cooking show as a background noise.  
You scrolled on your phone, not paying too much attention to your screen but you had to stop and scroll back when you saw a news story about a fight with villains.  
You immediately stopped all your movement, scared if Dabi was going to get hurt once again.  
You changed the TV channel to the one provided by the post online.  
And there Dabi was. Sitting on a couch without a shirt letting everyone see the scars that he had carried with him for so long.  
You listened to every word that he said without being able to pull your focus off of him. 
You knew Dabi being Touya... 
You knew that he had a bad family, that Enji Todoroki was a heinous abuser, but some details he had left out that you understood. You knew that he was Touya Todoroki, but it didn’t make it any easier when hearing it, Dabi telling all of it to the whole country of Japan.  
You felt the tears bottle up, but you couldn’t help but to rejoice that now everyone could know about the abuse Dabi had gone through.  
You didn’t know Dabi being Touya... 
You didn’t know how to react. You had respected Dabi’s boundary not to talk about his past life. He had said that one day he would talk about it, but this is not what you expected, you know doing it on national television.  
It was heartbreaking. It was so much worse than you had ever thought. Dabi was a Todoroki, son of the number one hero.  
At the end you were in tears. You hated it all. Why hadn’t he said anything?  
You ended up sleeping on the couch, eyes red and heartbroken.  
Now, which one I think is the more likely option? Because Dabi is a very emotionally constipated person, I don’t think he would have told Reader.  
But maybe Dabi would have told some basic things, like he had a bad home life or that Endeavour is a bad person.  
Feel like you want to support me via Kofi? No preasure tho!
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violetlunette · 2 years
If you’ve seen the mha 373 leaks, im genuinely curious, what do you think about people disliking mics intention of having oboro “stay as a nice memory”? Personally i like mic more because of that line but thats my opinion. Oh and what are your predictions of whats gonna happen with kuroboro?
Spoilers for MHA 373
First, let’s look at it from his POV;
Within a short period, Mic has gone through hell. First, he’s had his old wounds torn open by discovering that the corpse of his best friend was turned into one of the enemies that nearly killed Aizawa. A friend he has been looking out for since he was 16.
Then when he tries to fix the issue, a war that destroys an entire city is started, and thousands of innocent people, whom he swore to protect were injured or killed.
And in that same battle, he loses yet another friend, who he has known since high school. And his remaining friend not only nearly dies but loses an eye and a leg. To top it off, Mic probably blames himself for Aizawa’s pain, as from his POV, Aizawa was only there because of him. Aizawa said straight up; “if you’re going, I’ll go too.” Mic was in tears seeing his friend in pain but couldn’t do a thing.
Then after that, Mic spends endless hours trying to fix the damage and calm a bunch of people who are rightfully scared and emotional while keeping his students safe.
Now, here’s a question for the fandom; what if it’s not Oboro who wakes up but Kurogiri? Now really think about it. What happens?
Answer; Kurogiri rejoins AFO’s side and uses his teleportation powers to help the villains kill more innocent people. Now a major faction of the MHA fandom has made it clear they could care less if innocent civilians die, but the heroes do care! They are risking everything so that more innocent people don’t die or are hurt. That has been their job since the beginning, and it’s one they take seriously.
It’s heartbreaking and unfortunate, but if Kurogiri is the one who wakes up and Oboro, then for the greater good, it would be best if Mic kills him. If Kurogiri wakes up, it’ll make it the heroes' ability to end this war and fix things, maybe even stop them. And if the heroes don’t end it here, then Japan falls into even more chaos, and more people get hurt.
Mic couldn’t stop the war. Mic couldn’t protect his friend. What he can do is stop Kurogiri from using Oboro’s corpse to hurt anyone else and protect Aizawa, who has been through hell.
Aizawa saw his student nearly die in front of him. Then he loses an eye and a leg. Then he wakes up in a hospital to learn that not only has one of his students run away but one of his best friends is dead. To add the cherry on top, Aizawa later discovers that a student he trusted set him, and the rest of his class, to die twice. Is it any wonder Mic would want to spare him that pain?
Plus, Mic knows Oboro wouldn’t want to be used like this. He wanted to help people, but he had his body stolen and turned into a nomu. Oboro is the type of person who’d rather die than continue harming others.
So, to no one’s surprise, I agree with Hizashi. 
If Kurogiri, not Oboro wakes up, it would be best for the world, Aizawa, and Oboro for Hizashi to kill him. It would be a tragic choice that would severely damage Hizashi emotionally, but for the greater good, it would be the best. (Even if the action will make Aizawa hate him.)
Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t want Oboro to die. Hizashi and Aizawa have been through enough. In fact, I’m hoping Oboro recognizes Mic and joins him to be the hero he always wanted to be. I think they’ll team up against Spinner, who I hope they can knock out and help before the transformation is permanent.
But this is all based on what I’ve heard and from the leaks. I’ll have to read the actual chapter before I give my thoughts.
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the-ghost-of-a-spirit · 3 months
my thoughts while watching mha s3 ep 1-11
At the start azaiwa gives a rundown on everyone and I am very grateful (I will forget all)
The cat girls and the kid are so funny, the way they were when we first saw them made me question things
would like to file a complaint against Aizawas smile? I think he's trying to smile.
very aware that deku's eyes are green
i like koda
deku who can barely survive 5%: ONE MILLION PERCENT my boy, thats 200,000 times your limit
skin guys quirk is fire, ok, but why does he look like that
scratch the first part, why is he like that.
anyway, so skin guys quirk is fire, and then theres a guy who made clone of him, who was the one that attacked aizawa
love how one guy;s weapon is a bunch of sharp stuff tied together
steel guy and rock guy are now one of my favouite parings of hardheaded dumbasses (the only one)
hey, uh, why did i just see dark shadow atttack deku
just realised, dark shadow is basically a gist from SP, but different
shoji and tokoyami are a duo i did not expect, but is actually nice.
wait, can froppy taste with her tongue?
oh wow, laser frenchboy is the only one left standing, i need to see him be competent,
i dont consider nomus human
i was really hoping everyone would be ok after this (alive and not kidnapped) but sadly
i forgot the gas villian was a kid, wonder how he ended up here
if there was a traitor, i would say nezu, but i know he's not, its (probably) not almight or aizawa, and if there was, it would be someone who has been introduced well, so thats cementos, midnight, mic, horse-gun-guy and 1B's teacher, but also maybe not.
almights ringtone though "A phone call is here! a phone call is here!" and the teachers being like that about it
"I broght you a present, Its a melon!" i love that and they talk about the sad stuff
rescue misson time, 2 of them, probably at once.
anyway, lots of pros are about to do a thing, and also some not-pros (ua students) at the same time, they will run into eachother.
best jeanist is apparently not just a clothes guy, thats interesting
i need to know who these heros are, i recgonise, like 3,
deku being told he should, try not to get injured for a bit: I'm going to go on a dangerous rescue misson!!!
unrelated but we are at ep8 now, halfway through
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love how everyones starting to hate heros, this'll be fun
whats with twice and the personalites he does, like why.
y'know what, i think the leuge of villans are onto something here, like, maybe dont go attacking highschoolers, but yeah
hey, uh, the guy's calling A HAND, father, should we be concerned?
like, 90% sure the kids are at the wrong hideout
idk why bur i randomly start deciding to play snake
jeanist's quirk i think is just controlling thread, but in this one shot it looks so cool
can we just pause for a sec, and talk about how, almight has smashes named after american places, like why, this is japan
it would be really funny to use magnetism in a crowded place
one for all kinda looks like a nomu
also i am not loving this arc (rescue bakugo) i think it should have been 2 episodes, not like, however many its been
what shigaraki's whos grandson,
oh its almights predecesor, the one with the quirk before him
y'know i would have thought all for one had some sort of healing factor
deku is gonna show up soon, i'm calling it
nope its endevor, i was close (their both a person)
and other people?
i think he's just making up enhancer-things like "spear-like bones" do you know what spears and bones even do? what are you hoping to acomplish
his arm is bigger that the rest of his entire body
love how all that blood dissapears then comes back, like, consistency pls
oh cool, we get a united states smash, as if this isn't TAKING PLACE IN JAPAN, like why is like this (also Tokyo smash sounds cooler then detroit smash)
anway, thats the end of this part, 11 episodes worth of thought, there will be more
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year
Thinking about how, once again, mha is a dystopia. Why every kid wants to be heroes?
Money could be a good reason but excluding Izu and Ocha, no one seems to be struggling financially to the point "oh no. I need to be a hero and help my family"
Then I thought about and well...propaganda is a good tool for good or bad. Then now I wonder if AM was such tool. Think about it, he is the #1 hero of all Japan and kids, especially in Japan, have this idol culture where "this dude is so cool. I want to buy all his merch and be like him"
We see kids (even baby Tenko) playing as AM, the victorious one. A propaganda can sure make seem this job as a amazing and wonderful.
Ok....where is the propaganda? Why the kids really want to be heroes? (Maybe is an excuse to use their quirks freely, but I can only especulate)
In mha we are told (lightly show) kids want to be heroes but is never explaines why, let alone why quirkless Izu wants to be a hero.
Where is the propaganda?
Does other heroes resent AM for that? Does they thank AM for this?
Hori wants us to believe everyone wants to be hero, in a society where people will blame you, the hero, if you lose. You have to be Atlas or else you are cancelled.
Hi @mikeellee 👋
Yeah this is what I find strange about Hori's world building - it's never really explored why all these kids want to be heroes bar a few rare examples (here's the ones I can think of.)
Bakugou - wants to be the next number 1 and rich for himself (see Volume 1.)
Ochaco - wants to provide for her family and being a hero will help her do that.
Izuku - Wants to help and save people like All Might. (Ok that's fine but why a hero specifically? Izu could have been a Doctor, Firefighter or a Quirk Analyst and still done that. It would be interesting if he wanted to be a hero specifically out of spite because that's one of the things people told him he could never do.)
Shoto: wanted to be a hero to save people like his mother and siblings - but his mother explicitly. - This could have been a great way to explore heroic corruption if there were more 'heroic people' having quirk marriages like this. Yet Hori doesn't give us that. Endeav seems like one rare asshole. Not systemic corruption.
Here's the thing, it's not really explored why anyone else / any other kid wants to be a hero other than brief barely explored ideas at best. I've included a few examples below.
"My brother is a hero, I want to be like him," - Iida. Great - so why doesn't Hori explore this more and have Tensei appear more as a driving force for Iida?
"Saving people is so cool," - Jirou. Ok, why does she think that? Was she ever in a position where she needed saving? Why was this so strong a feeling that she prioritised this career path over her music which is passionate about?
Kirishima hates bullies and views saving people as "manly" taking inspiration from Crimson Riot. So why be a hero specifically? Just because his idol was? Kirishima could have been an amazing teacher and eradicated bullies that way. (Ignore for a moment about how being besties with the biggest bully in 1A undermines all that.)
Mineta says he wants to be a hero to "get girls" and "be popular". Shallow but realistic motivations for a teen boy yet there must be something more driving him otherwise he would have given up by now.
I wish we saw more of the HPSC propaganda, the deeper things driving these kids to heroism specifically and AM's good work that's spoken about but not seen enough.
Do the kids want freedom to use their quirks and use them for good? I could see that especially with sentient quirks like Dark Shadow, keeping sentient quirks surpressed would probably be hard and painful.
As for your last point - I think other heroes relied on and admired AM a lot viewing him as above them - the symbol of stability of their society. A concept that has a lot of flaws but will be undoubtedly repeated in Izuku being the next symbol in their heroic society.
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moonsb1996 · 10 months
How to write convincingly, part 4
hello everyone ! I'm not dead yet. And come back with the regular series while waiting for MHA to end so that I don't have to write and complain about them again. This time I think We have to talk about the unforgivable mistakes that Kohei Horikoshi made as a writer. (As a writer I felt very insulted) and that was it. “Show, don't tell” > “Tell, don't show” As mentioned above, how are these two things different? As I am a writer These two things are very different. It is the imagination of the reader that will make whatever story you write believable, apart from the history. Character stats when fighting and reasonableness that is still within the laws of the created world Another thing that is indispensable is “Show, don't tell.” So what do you do with it? With showing, don't tell? Let's take a look at the information we have on what to do and what not to do regarding the above topics.
example “UA is Japan's leading hero division school. If you want to be a top hero, there is a strict rule that you must graduate from UA.” From the words above, the general conclusion is that MC or Izuku must go to UA school in order to become the number 1 hero in Japan, and we have seen that there are quite a few pro heroes in the Top 10 who graduated from UA. At least 4 people, but! Out of a total of 10 people, only 4 were from the UA. The remaining 6 were graduates from hero schools, but I don't know where they came from! You see the different numbers, right? If UA were to be a hero school that says It is a true rule to become a top in Japan. There must be more than just 4 students from UA who are in the top 10 in Japan! This is the result of your choice to "tell and not show" when it enters the reader's brain. When we saw the real thing It's a disappointment. Or another meaning is Getting incorrect information
character intelligence oh ! I have to come with these two people. Which is the first person that we all know about: Gray Stu, Bakugo, the beloved son of Horikoshi Kohei, who is revealed to have talents and special powers that are as great as God's blessing. (Excuse me, go pick up the paper bag for a moment.) First thing! You have other characters (Yoyorozu and Todoroki) tell the reader about Bakugou's godly abilities. despite the fact Destroying the enemy's vision It's a very basic method because Izuku uses it too. AKA, do you remember who burned down a commercial district because he was being held hostage? yes ! Bakugo!
Lots of deadly moves But the benefits are the same: bigger explosion + loud random shout. What followed and we saw was the same as before, explosion, explosion, explosion, even though it changed shape until it could shoot like a machine gun. (which I don't know how to do) still had the same effect, exploding. When he went to help the teacher himself (which was only 7 days when he went for an internship, I don't know how a close relationship can be expensive??) it just exploded so loudly that it got faster (and now it's so fast that it follows. Villain drama on Saturday and Sunday. Just in time. I vomited for a moment.) Already upgraded (again?! What the fuck?) The technique is the same as before. Bigger bombs = faster ??? I'm sure Bakugou is really smart. Met a villain Bakugou : Blast you bastard ! People are being held hostage by villains. Bakugou: Blast you bastard! People will commit suicide. Bakugo: Explode. Is this… really a smart person?
Toga Humiko (I Hate You OK), the girl with the cutest smile in the world. The type that when praised becomes A psychotic killer's wet dream which the mouth says “I'm a normal girl.” (Grabs the paper bag for a moment.) Okay…where do I start? First of all, when Ochako knew her name when she entered the camp, if the writer (Horikoshi) wanted the readers to think that she was Really smart killer Who has been through life and death throughout the era of escaping. She…must not reveal her name and surname to anyone outside of LOV. You're imagining it. When you have a database of your special powers that includes your name, surname, address, and parents, when your name is “Toga, this is Toga Himiko!” and “I really “like” blood,” and her victims. (Ochako and Tsuyu) didn't die or lose consciousness. Won't you tell the police this SSR level information? The answer is, you have to tell the police! When taking the information and the case that Toga had committed In the end, it points to the only suspect still escaping, “Toga Himiko (kanji).” Easy, right?! At least the police and heroes know what she can do. And some of the police would definitely know her face. (At least if you check it in your former student register) Even if the people don't know But do you think she's going to walk around invisible without being caught by the police or any hero? Except that the hero and Lazy police actually do their job, but hey! Now the hero is a good person. Police are good people, stop thinking too much! (Grabs another paper bag for a moment.)
bad hero They say there's Endeavor (and I don't deny his badness), but aside from Endeavor, are there any other heroes that appear? We're not talking about MLA heroes, because that's a cult (= villain). Where is the evidence that says there is? Bad heroes live in MHA society. Don't take the words of AM fan club psychopaths who call themselves. The hero assassin is the judge. Where? Where is the evidence or events that indicate that there are bad heroes and corruption in MHA's superhero society? Letting characters talk like this without evidence showing it to readers is okay? And although in the end there was confirmation from Lady Nagant's story, in the past several episodes (Including her story Happened long before the matter of stain) The weight that stains words does not have. It's almost ethereal. Until the reason for attacking Iida's brother He became a crazy person when he saw a person wearing a costume and took a knife and cut him to injure him… Such strong evidence.
Look at him! He's changed! Don't you see it? Wah wah (Hold still, let me throw the bag in my vomit for a moment) By having other characters tell the reader, “He/she has changed,” while their actions remain the same. consistently Look to the edge of the universe, Andromeda and black holes. I didn't see anything substantial.
example Bakugou called out to Izuku with all his might. But in the end, he let out the word Deku until other characters (Izuku) came and said that if it's difficult for you, don't force it, Kacchan (PS, I encountered this incident in X, it's a drama CD) or a legendary scene By throwing a mask and drilling into the MC's brain that everyone saw as a funny joke.
Toga who helped Ochako By direct blood transfusion (Do not clean the equipment or close the wound before taking action) because a world without Ochako I don't want that to happen. Oh! God, she has changed. Did you see that she helped her girlfriend? Even though the truth is “A world without favorite things You have to destroy it.” Ochaco = things you like + don't let the police catch you = make yourself lifeless. Successfully saved Ochako. Everyone will pity and understand me.
Wall of TEXT Ah…what I really hate about reading MHA Volume 34, America, is our villain's struggle to get a new power that ends with an analysis of the enemy's special power in multiple essays. Even though in reality…it doesn't have to be that long. Because throughout the fight that occurred between both of them If you're really smart, you'll be able to read the game from the beginning of the fight (page 5 of chapter 330 and page 7). Page 5: First use of power I saw her hand first. And then she continued. and captured Shigaraki and use her power to do something (I can't remember much) Page 7: Hand holding the laser and continuing talking (again) Do you know what these two pages are telling the reader? Yes! Show, don't tell! which is the same as when it happened at Shigaraki knew that. Aizawa uses his power and his hair floats into the sky. And time will continue to decrease! Does it need to be explained at such length? Are readers like me this stupid? Okay, this is getting long. Thank you for reading until the end.
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sokumotanaka · 2 years
It's like being directly hit with a flashbang
As the kids say: This is alot to unpack. Down below is am image of the most recent chapter of MHA 368 featuring the invisible hero Toru Hagakure. Normally Hagakure’s invisible that’s her mutant power and it doesn’t seem like she can turn it off in canon because she even sleeps invisible.  
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In the past when MHA was young I praised the mangaka horikoshi because I recently got off naruto where the female cast was pushed to the wayside and barely got any exploration and most of the girls personalities were lusting over one kinda mediocre guy. The girls at the start seem to at least have goals beyond “that one boy is cute.” and wanting to be heroes for different reasons.
And while he did have some over-sexualized designs I can at least say momo isn’t dropping to her knees over a guy. And we can all agree a teenage girl being naked on the battlefield is idiotic; but japan gonna japan. I saw it as a flaw in a at the time early comic that was decent but not perfect!
 Then uh...jump forward to today; Man literally is introducing female villain's and heroes to have them get iced in the very same chapter or a couple chapters later.  Currently the series has a war arc in progress, you know people are fighting for their lives, drama, stakes ectera so my question is....even if she were of age, why is this the front cover? What connection does it have for the arc?
There are some major weirdos defending this too, Some creepy adults can’t get it up without seeing a naked teenager nowadays. They could of put her in the school outfit or used an adult character etc etc it just goes to show that Horikoshi with this is confirmed to alot of people that he’s just another typical mangaka. Just come on man, on the front page? Children read this.
Conclusion sidenote
As a side note now that people found out how cute she is, suddenly despite her crush on him, everyone's saying that she’s too good for Ojiro? Nah man, ya’ll been making fun of this teenager for not having the best powers known to man; in a better world everyone would love Ojiro. He’s a guy born normal in a world where the three strongest either have the best genetics or were favored and groomed to be the best heroes. he has to work the hardest in a world designed to put him down and he’s still working hard. And now he’s got a cute girl who likes him for his personality, and his hard work in a unjust world that also hates mutants for no reason. And ya'll saying now she should be with that cardboard Todoroki? Ya’ll just hate to see a hard worker thrive and it shows.
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kzjwe · 1 year
hiiii can i request a dabi x RoR jack the ripper!fem!reader were the entire country of japan was invited to ragnarok
thats all i have pls bare with me i really want this
MHA × RoR / Dabi× Jack the ripper!f!reader
Warning: i don't really know how to define this :), serial killers, dabi being dabi, blood.
He had no idea how he got there or why he was there, and even more he just couldn't understand how a girl without quirks could be so agile; Yet she managed to hold her own against one deity: Hercules. If he was to be honest Dabi had never heard of him, but from what he understood he was a god from some European country. The weirdo had announced him as The Man Who Became God...he called it good.
the girl instead had been defined as the personification of evil. however, the girl's name was not new to him. The ripper was one of the most famous and well-known serial killers who lived centuries before him. Dabi couldn't do anything but observe fascinated the agility with which the young woman used the sharp blades. She had cut off his arm as easily as cutting butter.
At that moment an excited verse rang out, and when Davi looked up at the crowd behind him he immediately noticed Himiko's blond hair. His gaze passes over the entire crowd identifying several familiar faces including that of his brother Natsuo. The voice of "The ripper" brought his attention back to one of the many screens.
<<even a stone can become powerful enough to destroy a wall>> the girl smiled. She could clearly feel her blood coursing through her veins as her adrenaline did nothing but make her smile as she watched her naïve divinity in front of her. “And a clock face can be made into a weapon to kill a God,” she continued.
Dabi found himself smiling as he listened to the girl's words. She had done nothing but pretend, she had fooled them all.
his pale eyes glittered in fascination with the girl's grace. And when everything seemed to be over Hercules gets up and that light in Dabi's eyes went out.
she couldn't believe it. Hercules' words continued to reverberate in her head and for the first time a new feeling made room in her. She wanted to see those colors again, so beautiful and bright that the divinity had shown her, she wanted to see the colors of love again.
The sound of heavy footsteps made her look up.The young woman looks confused at the dark-haired man in front of her.He wasn't like the men she'd seen all her life: He wasn't wearing a shirt or a Hat Not even a jacket or cape.But the thing that intrigued her the most was the boy's skin, partly burned and attached to the healthy skin by pieces of what seemed to her to be iron.
Dabi found the girl's appearance almost funny, her light hair was now without a hat and her thoughtful face clearly visible, she no longer had a cloak, but only the white shirt from which the bandages were visible.the skirt however was stained. the girl looked at him the way one looks at ghosts and this made him turn up his nose. He dabi he hated when people looked at him like that: like he was out of place.yet in the young woman's gaze there was no disgust but confusion, so he decided to speak.
<<you fought well>>He said it with a strange accent that made her smile. Those had been the boy's only words <<Thank you my lord>> she had whispered while the unreal-looking boy walked away whit a grinn.
The boy put his hands in his pockets and continuing to walk he said a name to her: Dabi. She had no idea what that meant, but something inside her desperately wanted to know.<<Wait my lord>> she exclaimed.
And then she saw them again, those colors were decidedly less shiny than Hercules' ones, and the girl decided that she would make them shine.
She got up quickly passing her hands on her skirt still covered in blood before following the mysterious boy.
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saso-does-art · 6 months
This is out of roofer but I don’t care
Also triggerwanting this has to do with inhuman human corrimientos read at your own risk
Chapter 8 Experiments
(dois pov)
I sighed as I finished the primary duty for Hawks. I was the youngest hero there. I hated it; I hated being on mail duty. I'm good at fighting. I was created for fighting, but I'm on mail duty. “Stop sulking” i herd tokoyami mutter
(5 years ago)
I ran away, holding baby 010 in my arms. I ran into 2 people. One boy with white hair and patched skin, and the other with curly hair. I gave her to them. "KEEP HER SAFE" I yelled as the scientists ran after me. "Now run." I watched as they ran off. The scientist taxed me in the neck, and I passed out.
(4 years ago)
I was put in the room with 2 other experiments. One with an electricity quirk and the other with a fire quirk. We were supposed to fight to the death. The fire one ran at me, and I blocked his flames with my wings and blacked out. The next thing I remember is opening my eyes to see the kids I was put against dead, blood on my wings and feathers.
(1 year ago)
I overheard 2 adults arguing. One said, "This isn't ethical," and the other said it was. I walked into the room where the man who said it was grabbed a cloth, and I passed out.
I sighed, watching out the window as Hawks continued talking. Eventually, I said, "Since there is an upcoming war (the war arc in MHA, aka the paranormal liberation war), can I be on the front lines" I looked to Hawks, who hung up. "Doi, we went over this," he said. "You can't do hero work yet because…. Because you are not ready. "Not ready? NOT READY," I snapped at him. "I have been GOVERNMENT TRAINED SINCE I WAS BORN," I stared at him. "I think I'm ready." I heard Tokoyami finally say, "Yeah, Hawks, give her a chance," and that's how I got onto the front lines of The Paranormal Liberation War.
Chapter 9 The Paranormal Liberation War
(Kumo's pov)
"Is it ethical to put literal children on the fr-" I began before Bakugo yelled, "Shut up extra," I rolled my eyes. "This is Japan; ethics don't matter," I heard one kid say. We all looked at her. She had blond hair like hawks did; she looked like hawks but younger and a girl with white wings. "I'm sorry, but who is this?" I heard someone say.
(dois pov)
"Oh… um.. Im Doi," I said everyone just went on from there. Everyone was given instructions, and we all got to the position. I was put with the group that was going after the central area. I saw someone running at me, and without even an ounce of hesitation, I took one of my more giant feathers out and stabbed him through the chest. I sighed unphased, but the person next to me, a boy with long black hair who held a crystal sword and could control crystals, stared at me for a second, horrified.
(ruiki Yaoyorozu’s pov)
I stared at the kid. Apparently, her name was doi. I looked back, fending myself off from the villain that was attacking me, accidentally stabbing him. "Oh shit… idd I just ki- oh shit," i kept saying
(kudos pov)
I sighed, waiting on the hill with others, not fighting as much. Well… I mean, I did web a shit tone of people up together. That was when I saw it, a villain running toward me and Momo; without even thinking, I ran toward him, knocking him to the ground and biting his neck. When I finally realized what happened, I stood there spitting out blood and my own venom. "Oh shit, what happened to you," Momo asked, pointing to her brother holding a bloody sword. "Don't want to talk about it." We later saw doi flying over to our, landing, and then saying, "They are on the move? You know that giant; it's going over to the other area.
(Setsuko's pov)
I looked around, helping children get out of the earthquake. "Um… guys… there's a giant coming…." I could hear Momo say on the radio. "We ne-AND Mydoria is running off, ok b- and bakugo is running off ok then t- AND TODOROKI IS RUNNING OFF," I muttered. "Ok, uriaka, you can do my job for me because I'm going after them," I yelled over to her, running after all 3 of them.
(Half an hour later)
I ran towards Dabi, a water attack in my hands, resting before he threw flams at me. "You really smart when it comes to temperature," he taunted.
(One hour later)
Eventually, gigantimacia was down, and I climbe myself throw up a lot of blood and venom. After vomiting, I could feel a burning, and when I looked over to where it was, I saw Touya/dabi and flames. I also noticed that Bakugo was hurt, so I ran over to help him despite being severely damaged.
(2 days lateral)
(Doi's pov)
"This is why you bring my fireproof ass w-"I started getting interrupted by Yokoyama. "Didn't you kill people?" He asked, "So did ha-"Hawks interrupted us. "You 2 shut the fuck up. I'm going to bed," he muttered. "Oh, also, do, there's a package on your bed; welcome to UA."
And that is how I got into UA.
Chapter 10: The Phoenix
(5 years ago)
(Sicentsts pov)
"010 was created to replace touya. They were created because YOU couldn't do your job right after Touya died," I snapped at the Endever, who was yelling at me of all people because they disappeared. "Well, they were doing it when they disappeared." one of my coworkers said. "She might know," she said, opening the door and dragging doi in. "Where is 010?" Endever yelled, about to hurt the young experimenter.
(presant day)
(hinotoris pov)
He was gone. My father (dabi) ran off. I was looking for him; it was early and dark, so I used my flame as a light. My wings were cut off by him earlier. "And you sure that there was a child with him" I heard a voice say as the other voice said, "Yeah, I specifically remember." The different voice said. I listened to a 3rd voice; it was calm, it was quiet, and it was a female voice, "Let me look, I can probably find them." I could hear footsteps, and then I saw her. She stared at me, her brown eyes looking into my blue. She finally spoke. "010, look, it's me, 007," she said, looking down at me. I hugged her. I thought I would never see her. "Actually, my name is doi," she said. “Im hinotori, i said. No one calls me 010… anymore"
(dois pov)
I picked her up and walked to Hawks and Endever. We took her to the hospital because she had been bleeding and her wings were cut off.
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gh0stchoir · 3 years
Hawks' boyfriend is a pro hero and goes missing during a mission. No matter how much they search, no one can find him. As the months pass, more and more people accept that Y/N is dead and won't come back. Only Hawks can't have this truth. He won't mourn, he won't make a grave. Months later, his boyfriend shows up again - In burnt clothes and in wounds. Turns out, a villain send him to the future with a quirk, that's why no one found him. Cue a very happy bird-hero.
“Please don’t go again.”
Anime: My hero Academia/ MHA
Character(s): Hawks/ Keigo Takami
Pronouns used: he/him
Warnings?: spoliers(?)- (it’s just his name), missing person, wounds, burn marks, scars
A/n: this man right here, has my whole heart up for grabs
7 months. 7 entire months without the pro hero, (hero name). It was like he vanished. Sent to go deal with villains and then no one found him. Most of society had just accepted that the hero died, that the villains managed to kill him and either totally destroy his body or hide it. But Hawks couldn’t accept that load of bullshit.
He knew y/n, he knew how smart he was when it came to hero work. His number one priority was to find y/n. Despite the outrage from the public as to “he was wasting his time” or “you have better things to do”, he didn’t believe it, not one bit. The investigators and heroes ditched the case only about 2 months in. Keigo was the only one still dedicated to searching every single day when he got the chance.
The famous second place hero was never around to sign autographs, stroll down the streets, meet fans, no. He was either busy on hero work, or searching for y/n. But everyday, he came back up with nothing. He’d searched all of Japan so many times. When trying to use a scent tactic, it could never work. He’d get the scent of y/n from one of his shirts and go out flying, trying to pick it up. But it never worked.
“Hawks, you’ve seen how the media is talking about you, have you not?” Endeavor raised a brow. Keigo narrowed his eyes on him while shoving ramen into his mouth.
“Yeah and so what? What can I do about it?” Hawks snapped back, planting his feet down. Enji shook his head. He knew this could tarnish Keigo’s reputation, ruin his popularity and liking amongst society. But he also knew how much Keigo loved y/n. He knew how hard it was for the younger to just give up and agree with everyone else that y/n was dead.
People had criticized him about how inhuman he was for continuing to look after one person. Others would say how horrible he was because he never mourned y/n, or made a grave for him. But none of them were close with y/n. They only saw him as (hero name).
Keigo knew him though. He knew his boyfriend like the back of his hand. He hadn’t mourned because he still thought y/n was still out there. He hadn’t made a grave because y/n wasn’t dead. He wasn’t going to give up. Until the day he died, he promised himself, he’d searched day in and day out to find y/n.
It’s just sad to see a grown man overwork himself, when what he’s doing isn’t helping at all. Not only was he never going to find y/n in the timing of the world where he was, but he was slowly ruining his reputation. Fans began hating on him, saying he wasn’t the man he used to be. A laidback hero that everyone loved.
Atleast, that wasn’t the case. Hawks was never laidback and calm. He just knew how to present himself to the public. As a hero, you never look weak. Away from the lights and people, he was just another man. He had thoughts like everyone else. He had feelings. He had blood, organs, what everyone else had.
Only y/n knew about the real Hawks. The broken down man that was shoved in the light to perform for a huge crowd that now despised him. Keigo couldn’t lose y/n, he was the only person to genuinely love him and stay with him for so long. He needed y/n, needed to hold him and feel him in his arms.
He needed to make sure he was safe, where no one would hurt him. He couldn’t see the person who helped him regain his life, just have theirs thrown aside. He couldn’t just let go.
The blonde remembered the nights in the past months, where the slightest of noise would awaken him, and he’d pull empty space closer to him. The slightest of noise would set him off and believe someone was taking y/n away, when he wasn’t even there to begin with.
It all fucked with Keigo’s head so much. Made him go down a spiral sometimes, an endless void he never knew how to escape. No friends or colleagues could ever help him, even if they tried. They always just seemed to pity him or yell at him to do something.
Hawks groaned as he hit his head on the desk, his wings relaxing behind from the hours of flying all day long. It was about three or four in the morning and his shift for the day started around nine. He could take a small nap before heading out to look again, and then start his shift.
The hero laid his head down fully on the desk, grabbing his phone and scrolling through it. His body was extremely exhausted from the constant flying, his head pounding from lack of sleep, his vision a tad bit less precise from again, lack of sleep. He looked a mess, more than before.
Suddenly his voice vibrated against the desk, ringing through the office. Hawks narrowed his eyes and picked it up. Endeavor. Keigo sighed and answered, pushing his goggles up and his headphones down to rest on his shoulders.
“Endeavor? Isn’t it a bit early for you to be calling?” Keigo asked, snappy as usual. Enji sighed on the other end of the line, trying his hardest not to lecture the young hero.
“Well I have important news. News you’d like to hear and see for yourself.”
Keigo groaned and stood tall, beginning to make his way to the terrace to fly off to meet with Endeavor. He leaned against the railing and exhaled. “Where are you, I’ll fly over.”
“We’re at the hospital, closest to your agency. Be quick, because I’m getting impatient.” Enji ended the call right after, leaving Hawks alone to his thoughts. He glanced at the dark sky above him, feeling light rain falling. He could see storm clouds rolling in the distance. He had to be quick to the hospital to not get totally soaked in rain.
In took under five minutes for Hawks to get to the hospital, and he narrowly beat the storm clouds as they now poured down rain. He flicked his wings back, getting raindrops off of them. He made his way inside, seeing Endeavor and a few other heroes and police officers standing around.
The blonde narrowed his eyes at them, slowly approaching. “So, what’s going on?” He interrupted. They all turned to look at him, saying nothing. They all looked shocked, and or confused. Like they didn’t know what was happening.
“Just follow me. The rest of you all follow behind Hawks.” Endeavor ordered, walking down a hall or two, until he stopped infront of one of the rooms. It was room 1-8 (idk how the fuck hospitals work so), at the end of the hall.
Enji motioned Keigo to open the door, stepping back to let him do as he needed. He knew to at least stay back go let Hawks process everything he was going to see and feel all at once.
Slowly, Hawks opened the door. He looked directly at the bed first, knowing he was brought there to see someone. Probably a kid requesting to see him before they died or went into surgery. But no. It wasn’t a kid at all.
It was y/n.
He was sitting on the bed, criss cross, with drained eyes. He looked tired, on the verge of passing out. His hair was longer. His clothes were in tatters. He only had on a tank top, which was barely staying together along with baggy cargo pants that had multiple cuts and burns in them. His arms were covered in wounds and scars, aswell as a scar resting over his nose and his left eye.
Hawks stopped in the doorway, wings twitching in disbelief. After so long, seven entire months without him, he was all of a sudden back. He quickly ran up to him, pulling y/n slightly off the bed and hugging him as tight and close as possible. He felt himself begin crying, sobbing even, and shaking.
Y/n hugged him back, the nostalgic feeling of hugging someone, let alone Hawks, was so big to him. He missed it so much, he missed warmth. He missed Keigo. So very much.
“Kid..” Keigo whispered out in a faltered voice, easing his grip so he could hold y/n’s face instead. His thumb gently traced the scars that were on his face. They looked so painful. How could Keigo let this happen? Y/n leaned into his warm glove, wincing from the pressure on his still healing wounds.
“We called you down here, Hawks sir, because he said he’d only talk to you. He answered none of our questions..” An officer spoke up, stepping forward a bit. He was immediately met with red feathers that stopped midair right infront of his face. Hawks side glared him.
“He has the right to not answer your fucking questions when he’s clearly hurt. Now, you all leave.” He ordered, watching as the mix of pros and officers left the couple to themselves.
Keigo sighed and looked back at y/n. They looked so distant, like they saw something they weren’t supposed to. They didn’t have their bright smile they always had around Keigo. Instead, a neutral expression that hurt to look at.
Keigo gently lifted one of y/n’s hands, intertwining their fingers. Y/n looked down at their interlocked hands then back up at him. Tears welled up in his eyes as they slowly rolled down his cheeks, stinging some of his recent wounds. “All I need for you to answer is one question, that’s it. It’ll keep them from pestering you for a few days..I just need to know, what happened..?” Hawks spoke softly, sitting himself up on the bed.
He crossed his legs and sat infront of y/n, both their hands intertwined. He fluffed out his wings, creating a barrier around them. It was something he did for y/n whenever he would get scared or need the extra sense of safety.
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 3 years
Mimic Chapter 8
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With new history learned, you can only hope upcoming events don't tamper with the past.
Words- 4192
Reader x MHA (Platonic)
Warnings: Some fluff and bullying (Uraraka literally hates you)
A/N: Sorry for being sooo inactive I've had so much work going on but I'm back and this story is just starting! Hope you enjoy this chapter.
You were given the day off the next day due to the attack and you spent it trying to find any information on your grandmother but there wasn’t much stuff. Your dreams were all over the place following the USJ attack, you would return to that home seeing and hearing people from your past dreams before it would warp and derail when you would see the past users of One For All, and for the first time in your dreams, you saw Shigaraki. He didn’t do much he had just appeared towards the end almost reaching out to you and was trying to say something. But before you could hear what he was going to say you woke up.
Shutting off the alarm on your phone you push yourself out of bed slowly getting ready. Heading into the bathroom you turn on the sink to splash some water on your face to wake yourself up. Grabbing a towel to dry your face you look up in the mirror. You freeze staring at yourself in the mirror before slowly bringing a hand up to touch your hair hoping it’s a dream. Your fingers touch the platinum hair that is now your entire head.
“WHAT THE FUCK!” You scream gripping your hair shock and fear running through you right now. A loud banging from below you and a loud ‘Shut Up!’ follows after. Quickly heading out of the bathroom you change quickly before looking for a hat or something to hide your hair. You probably would have been able to get away with the strands a few bobby pins and they were gone but your entire head. You were fucked. After some struggling, you successfully hide your hair underneath it. Heading to the station you keep your eyes glued to your phone constantly opening the camera app to make sure everything was alright.
As you enter the gates of U.A. you keep your gaze on the ground quickly trying to make your way to class. Entering 1-A you head to your desk taking your books and working out to make it look like you were busy.
“Everyone! Morning homeroom is about to begin. To you seats!” Iida shouts to the class but everyone was already in their seats, leaving Iida only reprimanding himself.
The door opens and in walks in a mummified version of your teacher, “Morning.” Only two days since the attack and he was already back and at it.
“Glad to see you’re doing well, sensei!” Iida says as Aizawa hobbles over to the front of the class.
“My welfare isn’t important. Because your fight is far from over.” Aizawa says and you were all confused what else was there to do?
“Our fight?” “Don’t tell me…” “More villains!?” Your classmate's mumble. “U.A.’s Sports Festival is fast approaching!”
“That’s totally ordinary!” “Come on! We just had that villain attack. You sure about this?!”
“It’s necessary. To demonstrate that U.A.’s crisis management protocols are sound that’s the thinking apparently. Compared to past years there'll be five times the police presence. Anyhow, our Sports Festival is the greatest opportunity you’ll get. It’s not an event that can be canceled over a few villains.” Mr. Aizawa explains and you hear Mineta speak from behind.
“You sure about that? It’s just a stupid sports festival.” He mumbles and Midoriya gives him the most concerned look.
“Mineta…are you telling me you’ve never seen U.A.’s Sports Festival?!” “Of course I have! That’s not what I mean…”
“Our Sports Festival is one of Japan’s biggest events! The Olympics were once the world’s sports festival. The whole country would be frenzy over them. But as you know, that tradition has shrunk in scale to a shell of its former self. As far as Japan’s concerned, what’s taken place of the Olympics is the U.A.’s Sports Festival!” Mr. Aizawa explains top heroes from Japan will be there to scout out recruits for work studies and internships after graduation.
“Naturally, you’ll gain valuable experience and popularity if you’re picked up by a big-name hero. But your time is limited. Show the Pros what you’re made of here, and you’ll make futures for yourselves. This happens once a year... So you’ve got three chances. If you’re hoping to become a hero, this is an event you can’t miss!”
With classes continuing on you kept your head low hoping the classes would fly by and you would be able to head home, you were more than willing to skip after-school training and deal with Mr. Aizawa’s wrath than the embarrassment you might face. Luck seemed to be by your side as the clock ticked down for lunch and you could hide for the rest of that but when one of your classmates raises their hand you hadn’t expected this to come from their mouths.
“Mr. Cementoss, I don’t mean to be a bother, but isn’t there a rule in the dress code that says hats aren’t allowed in class?” That bitch’s whiny voice as she asks that question and all your classmates and your teacher turn to face you. It was such a random moment and you knew that Bobcut brat wasn’t doing it to torment you.
“Um yes, Uraraka. L/n it is school rule I will have to ask you to remove your hat.” Cementoss says and you look back at the brunette who has a sly grin on her face. Frantically looking back at the clock there were only a few minutes left until lunch and you would be safe just stall!
“It’s just a hat it’s not that much of a bother. I promise once this class ends I won’t have it!” You beg your teacher and he sighs,
“I can’t just allow you to avoid a school rule if you won’t remove it. I’ll be forced to give you detention.” He says and your classmates ‘ooh’ at the chance you might get detention. Detention isn’t bad, sure it’s on your record but it’s better than everyone seeing your hair.
“I’ll take detention Mr. Cementoss.” Your classmates gasp at you so willing to accept detention, wait until Mr. Aizawa finds out. Bakugo scoffs, his hand reaching forward and grabbing your hat,
“It’s just a fucking hat, get over it. I’m trying to learn.” Before you could stop him he pulls it off and all the pins go with the hat and your hair goes falling in front of your face. It’s silent as your classmate stare at your drastic hair change. Just a couple of days ago your hair was h/c and not it was white.
“Wow, L/n that’s a real change,” Sero says breaking the silence and your face is bright red as you push the hair in front of your face away.
“Yeah it’s not bad but it’s something different.” “I like it, you shouldn’t have been nervous about it.” “I think it’s messed up.” A voice says and you all turn to Uraraka who’s looking at you.
“Did you think it was a good idea to go get a haircut right after we were all attacked by villains, it’s kinda insensitive.” You knew it would turn to this, making it look like you were just getting a change right after your class was attacked by villains.
“Uraraka! What L/n wants to do with their hair is their decision. We should be supportive of our classmates.” Iida says to the brunette trying to settle everyone down. You could feel nothing but regret and embarrassment flood you, why did your stupid quirk do this.
“But I’m not wrong, Thirteen and Mr. Aizawa were in the hospital badly hurt and what she just decides now is the perfect time for a makeover!?” She says pointing at you and you can see some of your classmates agreeing with her and giving you looks.
“Alright, class settle down.” Cementoss tries to calm you all down while you’re still frozen in your chair beginning to panic.
Asui looks over at you tilting her head, “Uraraka isn’t wrong it wasn’t the best timing.” She tries to be neutral but she had closer ties to Uraraka. Some of your classmates try backing you up while others join Uraraka’s side, leaving you in the middle with pity compassion, and criticism as well.
You can’t hear anything but your frantic heartbeat as your classmates argue over one another this whole deal being blown out of proportion, while your Cementoss and Iida try calming down the class. Your eyes start to burn and you knew you had to get out of here. Stuffing your stuff in your bag not even sure if you had everything, you snatch the hat on Bakugo’s desk and rush out of the classroom. You hear your classmates and Cementoss call your name as you speed walk further away swiping away the tears that fall from your face.
The divided classroom settles down after you left and with the school bell indicating lunch everyone packed up their things everyone tense with the sudden fight that occurred. Midoriya slowly puts his books away looking at your empty desk that still holds some of your stuff not even grabbing everything in your frantic rush. Why didn’t he speak up, he could have explained that it was a quirk malfunction. It would have stopped the entire fight in the process. Mina and Jiro leave pretty quickly probably off to find where you ran off to.
“Uraraka your behavior towards your classmate was unacceptable, how she decides to spend her time is none of our concern.” Iida scolds his friend while the girl continues putting her things away still sticking to her point,
“I’m just saying our teacher was seriously hurt and she does that. It’s just insensitive. What do you think Midoriya?” She says turning to face the green-haired boy who is still looking over at your desk. At Bakugo’s, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero were bashing him for the way he outed you to the entire class even though you didn’t want it.
“It was her quirk,” Midoriya says and his two friends look over at him he now looking at them instead of your empty seat, “Her quirk caused her hair to change color, she didn’t even want it to happen. So no she didn’t decide for a new look.” Uraraka is quiet she was upset that he was defending you now knowing the reason for your hair was out of your control. Midoriya slings his bag over his shoulder heading towards the door.
“I’ll see you guys after lunch.”
You don’t know where you walked off to quickly get lost in the building but you took solace in an empty staircase as you sit down against the wall of one of the landings. Trying to calm your erratic heart you swipe the tears from your face. Looking down at the hat in your hands you feel boiling anger and you chuck it down the staircase,
“Fucking stupid.” You growl and put your face in your hands wanting the floor to open up and swallow you whole.
“Damn what did a hat ever do to you?” You hear a voice say, picking your head up peering down the staircase you see a guy with purple hair staring at you while holding your hat in his hand. He’s a lanky guy, his purple hair was sticking straight up defying gravity, the dark under circles gave the familiar feeling as Mr. Aizawa. Those two could definitely be related. He makes his way up the stairs holding your hat out for you.
“Sorry I thought I was alone.” You wipe the rest of the tears off your face grabbing your hat and holding it between your hands.
He shrugs, “It’s fine I was trying to get away from my own problems.” He sits down across from you his legs stretched out almost touching yours but there’s a foot separating you two, “So what made you so mad at a hat.” He asks staring at you and you look up at him.
“It’s wasn’t the hat it was just my stupid classmates. God this one girl in my class has it out for me since the beginning.” You say picture Uraraka's bitchy face in your mind and you frown.
“My quirk is all messed up and it changed the color of my hair,” You explain pointing at your white hair pushing a few strands behind your ear, “And she thinks I’m insensitive thinking I went and got a makeover while or teacher was in the hospital. I didn’t even try to defend myself who would believe me. I just wish I never got accepted to U.A. my life has done a complete 180.” It’s quiet and you see the guy across from you is silent just watching you rant about your class.
“Sorry, you probably didn’t want to know all about it.” You rub the back of your neck your face flushed with embarrassment. He shakes his head waving you off,
“I asked after all. So what’s your quirk to cause this?” He asks pointing to your head and you sigh and shrug.
“I really don’t know how to describe my quirk, apparently I can copy someone’s quirk by just watching them use it. I don’t have a good handle on it, I only just found out I had one until a week ago.” You say and you watch as his face turns from normal to shocked hearing you just found out you have a quirk only a couple of days ago, “You probably have much better control of your quirk than I have.”
“Huh yeah it took a while to fully understand mine but I got a pretty good handle on it,” He says and you pause what was his quirk exactly it was probably something crazy good like your classmates, “I can control minds if they respond to me. I know it doesn’t sound that heroic-”
“That’s an amazing quirk think of all the possibilities you can have in the battle against villains,” You cut him off and he looks at you surprised, “You could immediately end a fight with just a few words. The Hero Course must be lucky to have a student with such a great quirk!” You see the small grin on his face drop when you mention the Hero Course.
“I…I’m not in the Hero Course. I’m in General Education.” You pause, what’s wrong with you Y/n god you’re such an idiot.
“Oh, I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have-” “Nah you’re alright you didn’t know. The entrance exams are more biased on more physical quirks, since my quirk can’t work on robots I was already at a disadvantage.” You're both quiet until you speak up.
“Well the Sports Festival is coming up, I have faith you're going to do great. You gonna show all those heroes that you deserve a spot in the Hero Course.” You say and he is surprised that you hadn’t found his quirk villainous or thought any less of him with him being in a different course. The bell rings signaling the end of lunch. Damn you never got to eat anything maybe you could grab something from one of the vending machines before class beginnings. You hear something tossed at you it landing in your lap, it was a protein bar. Looking at your new friend he’s standing up grabbing his bag before holding his hand out for you,
“You never got to eat, if I’m gonna be alongside you in the Hero Course you gotta eat.” Wow, that’s really nice of him. Wait…how did he know you were in the Hero Course.
“How did you?” “Your class was attacked by villains everyone knows who you are, I would have thought you all were stuck up but I guess I was wrong.” You smile taking his hand as he pulls you up to your feet. The two of you exit the hallway heading towards the floor for first years.
“Thanks, I hope you do well at the festival.” You say and he nods, “You as well, maybe we’ll be put together to fight.” You smile laughing slightly.
“I can’t wait to see your quirk in action!” He smirks nodding as well. Seeing you a couple of doors to your class you begin to pull your hat out again when his hand grabs your wrist stopping you.
“Keep it down, white seems to be your color.” He says and your feel your entire body grow warm from his compliment, you nod putting your hat back in your bag and he grins.
“See you at the festival.” He says making his way towards his class, you hadn’t expected this to happen. Wait you never got his name. Turning back to call him but he was already gone. Dang, maybe you’ll see him another time before the festival. Turning back to your classroom, you put on a brave face before going over and entering. You see some of your classmates looking at you, especially Uraraka but you keep your head forward. Sitting down at your desk, you take your stuff out for the next class. Mina comes over trying to apologize for what happened but you brushed it off,
“Really Mina I’m fine.” She gives you a look but quickly you move to another subject. Classes continue as the day draws nearer to the end of the day. With the final bell, you all pack up your bag. You can hear a lot of voices outside your homeroom door but you just think it’s students passing by.
“What’s going on?!” You hear Uraraka cry out and you all turn to see a large crowd of students crowding around the entrance of your class.
“No way out! What’re they here for?” Mineta cries out and Bakugo walks past him heading towards the door,
“Scoping out the competition duh, small fry. Cuz we’re the ids who survived a villain attack. Makes sense they’d want a look before the Sports Festival. No point, though. Move aside, Cannon Fodder.” Bakugo growls and Iida immediately scolds the blonde,
“Can we please not resort to calling those we don't even know “cannon fodder”?”
“It’s true. We came to get a look, but you sure are modest.” You hear a familiar voice say through the crowd, “Are all the kids in the Hero Course like this one? Gotta say I’m a little disillusioned if this is what you’re offering.” The purple-haired guy was back as he scans your classmates a small smirk appearing on his face when he lands on you before turning back to Bakugo.
“Those of us who didn’t make the hero course are stuck in General Studies and the other tracks. There are quite a few of us. Did you know that? Depending on the results of this Sports Festival they might consider transferring us to the Hero Course. I understand the reverse is also possible for you…scoping out the competition? For a general studies kid like me, that'll be the perfect chance to knock you off your pedestals. Consider this a Declaration of War.” Damn, he was quite bold for saying this to your class, especially to Bakugo. Another voice pops out in the crowd as they shout at all of you.
“Hey, I’m from Class 1-B, next door! Heard you guys fought some villains wanted to find out more but all I’m seeing is this arrogant bastard! You better not make fools of the hero course at this things!” Damn, we were screwed. You all hold your breath ready for Bakugo to explode but he just stares shoving his way through the crowd.
“Hey man! Thanks to you we now got a whole mob of haters!” Kirishima yells at the blonde who turns back to look at you all.
“I don’t give a crap. I’m heading for the top. Why should I care?” And with that, he makes his way through the crowd heading off. He wasn’t wrong though if you were gonna head to the top you were gonna have enemies along the way.
Shrugging your bag over your shoulder you say your goodbyes to Mina, “I’ll see you later Mina. I gotta head to my training.” She whines not wanting you to leave this early.
“Aww Y/n you’re going to do amazing at the festival, you have a guaranteed win with your quirk.” You shake your head laughing fixing your straps.
“I can’t be too sure what could happen. I want to have a full understanding of my quirk, it’s the only way I can be the best hero.” You say and your classmates near you can sense this new energy coming off you. It was almost like an awakening, you seemed so timid, being a wallflower in scenarios, but with you discovering your quirk. It seems like you barely scratched the surface of your power. Midoriya couldn’t help but be in awe with your change, One For All was a difficult quirk for even him to handle, but it seems like the parts you have work well and you would be a strong hero once you gain control of it.
Heading to the crowd trying to figure out how you would make your way through when the guy from before makes eye contact with you and as he moves the students around him quickly part away from him. You follow quickly after him until you both are free from the crowd.
“Thanks again, seems like I’m going to be indebted for you.” You say and he smirks, “You’ll be able to repay it when we face off at the Sports Festival. You grin nodding and making your way to training.
Your friends stood shocked how you walked off with the guy who declared war on you guys, “Did L/n just walk off with that guy…” “Yep.” “Do you think they're together?” A slap on the back of the head has Kaminari rubbing his head, “Why is that always your first assumption.”
Wiping the sweat from your face you turn to face the still mummified Aizawa who just nods, “Again.” Nodding you turn back to the course and work your way through it. Aizawa watches you taking accounts of your form when he hears footsteps getting closer to him.
“She seems to show an improvement.” All Might says, with it being way past school hours and no other students were on campus he wasn’t worried about his current form and you were more focused on training to notice. Aizawa hums you changed, he notices your muscles becoming more defined as well as your skills in combat and physical skills.
“She’s building up a strong foundation for herself. She is focusing on her physical skills than the ones she could have with her quirk.” Aizawa says and the two heroes watch you weave your way through the obstacles. All Might can’t help but feel the brush of nostalgia when he sees you, you looked so much like Nana Shimura that in moments he would mistake you for his old mentor. Though with the change in hair color it was an easier feature to differentiate.
“Have she worked on her quirk at all?” All Might asks, only he and Midoriya were the only ones who knew the true knowledge of your quirk, a piece of One For All that had a mutation through genetics but to the public, it was just a mimicry quirk. Aizawa nods watching your figure as you hit the ground trying to catch your breath before getting back up and continuing.
“A few times just to get a better understanding of how it exactly works, the USJ has been the only time she has used her quirk on her own accord. Other than that she seems hesitant in using it. She has a lot of potential, her quirk is strong she could probably be a fair opponent against even the strongest heroes if she understood how their quirks work, even yours All Might.” He says and All Might chuckle through Aizawa didn’t know that you already knew of his quirk he wasn’t wrong. Just understanding how her opponent's quirks work and you would be facing a copy of yourself.
The two heroes watched you as you got closer to the end of the course putting in a hundred percent in finishing. Aizawa sighs and All Might turns to her, “L/n is going to be a high-ranking hero with a quirk like that… I just can’t help but worry about others who might want someone of that kind of power on their side.” Aizawa wasn’t wrong, heroes and villains alike will strive to have a quirk like that in their arsenal. You were a smart young girl but while hero society had its image there was still the corrupt side of it.
“Young L/n is a smart girl. I’m sure she’ll be alright in her studies.” All Might could only hope you shine in the spotlight but not too brightly that you make yourself a target, especially to villains that would die for a quirk like yours. Your arrival at the Sports Festival will show the hero you were meant to be.
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bisexual-queenie · 2 years
Hey y’all it’s me ya boi, back at it again with some Edgejeanist scenarios (all fluff because I cannot handle angst at the moment for obvious reasons 😭), just because I’ve been thinking of them so much.
- Anytime there’s a regular party or a specific party for heroes, Shinya will always drag Tsunagu onto the dance floor. Tsunagu isn’t much of a dancer, but seeing Shinya just let loose and have fun is enough to dance with the one he loves so dearly. It doesn’t matter what kind of song it is, they will dance together.
- Before they started dating, Tsunagu would spend nights thinking of ways to do nice things for Shinya. The first time he tried it however ended kinda badly. He had bought flowers for Shinya and planned to bring them to the agency he was working for at the time. When he eventually made is way to Shinya’s office, he saw that he was on his lunch break. “Perfect opportunity” he thought. So, walking up to Shinya he was like “Hey, you did really good on that last mission, I decided to buy you some flowers as appreciation”. Once he gave Shinya the flowers, he noticed his suprised look on his face. Unfortunately, what Tsunagu didn’t expect was Shinya sneezing uncontrollably, eyes red and irritated. “Oh my god you’re allergic to flowers aren’t you? Oh god im so sorry” Tsunagu said, panicking. He volunteered to help Shinya get better. After that incident, he was way more cautious, buying Shinya his favorite chocolate, taking him on dates, and eventually asking Shinya to be his boyfriend. Shinya returns the favors by giving him little gifts, like origami flowers and cranes. Tsunagu has an entire box dedicated to them.
- my absolute favorite trope is the “one partner is not ticklish whatsoever, while the other is the most ticklish person on the planet” trope, so get this: Tsunagu getting pleasure from seeing Shinya double over in a fit of giggles and full on laughter anytime he swipes his nails across his skin (Shinya absolutely hates it when he gets tickled tho).
- These two absolutely would not give a damn about gender, ESPECIALLY when it comes to clothes. Tsunagu and Shinya are the definition of “genderfluid and non binary solidary”. While Tsunagu prefers longer articles of clothing like say long skirts and blouses and long pants, Shinya is more of a crop top and short skirt with tights underneath/shorts kind of person. Of course, they do switch styles very often.
- When it came to the proposal, it was Tsunagu was the one who ended up poping the question. It was a rare day when the Top 5 had a day off, so they decided to go on a fun little trip to a nice area of Japan, one where theres a lot of shops and restaurants and stuff. Anyways, Tsunagu ended up leading him and Shinya away for a little bit, where he promptly got down on one knee and proposed. There was a lot of crying (mostly from Tsunagu but thats not something he’s willing to admit).
(I cant have MHA scenarios of my OTPs without a wedding scene so here yall go :D)
The wedding was a mixture of two styles. Tsunagu wanted a more western style wedding, while Shinya wanted a more Japanese style one, so they combined the two ideas. They decided on a fall wedding, and it was gonna be outdoors. Tsunagu wore a normal wedding suit, while Shinya wore a more traditional Japanese wedding attire, but they decided to add a veil as a special treat. Every pro hero was invited, and even Class 1A were too (Kaminari, Sero, and Bakugou were NOT gonna miss their mentors getting married absolutely not). It was the best moment of both Tsunagu’s and Shinya’s lives if you were to ask them.
- Shinya has an amazing singing voice. Like, if you were going to have a singing competition or go to karaoke, Shinya absolutely steals the show. Tsunagu is enamored every time Shinya sings. (And for extra fun, Shinya likes to duet Present Mic a lot, either as a simple duet or if it like, a sing off).
And thats it for now! I definitely will make a part two, I just don’t know when :)
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saintkiri · 3 years
heart like yours | bakugo x chubby!reader
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summary: you were scared for the future, especially with graduating. you wanted your future with bakugo to begin, but you both got accepted into different agencies, unfortunately them being a long distance apart.
content warning: slight body image issues, swearing (ofc), fluffy fluff fluff with a sprinkle of angst.
wc: 2074
authors note: i'm supposed to be on haitus a couple things, thank you for 100 followers!! also, i’m sorry if a couple things aren’t as accurate..this is my first mha post tho!! so i decided to go with fluff first? also YES this is a chubby!reader. i rarely see them, and as a plus sized women i would kill to see more, so here’s my part in advocating in it (:
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You were never a believer in love, and as cliche as it sounds, it wasn't until you met Bakugo, you knew what love felt like. All your life, you were bullied for the way you looked. Because of that, you thought you were going to end up being alone all your life. When you first met him, you hated him, with everything in you. You would always avoid him because you felt like he would bully you, but in reality, he was a sweet guy, and a spark ignited in you.
Slowly, his feelings for you developed. You were surprised when he finally asked you out. Nobody’s ever asked you out before, it was always the other way around. Or, it would just be some stupid prank that would make you feel like an idiot afterwards. You and him have been dating since sophomore year of high school, and now you’re both seniors, still in love. So in love, in fact, you planned out everything for the future. Well, for the most part.
You and him were going to different colleges that were on the opposite side of Japan. You’re both worried that you wouldn’t have time for each other. As the day to graduation gets closer, you couldn't help but panic. You were worried you would lose him, forever. You love him so much that you can’t imagine life without him.
"Katsuki?" You said softly, moving closer to his warm body, wrapping your arm around his waist. His hand traveling up and down your back, humming in response. "What's going to happen to us?" The relaxful feeling stopped. He chuckled, “Y/N, we’re going to be fine.”
You couldn’t stop thinking about the future, long distance relationships never work out. It’s either you grow apart, or..something else happens, something that you can’t even think about without falling apart. You lifted your head, “But what if-” He sits up immediately, gently placing his rough hands on your face, “We’re going to be fine. I promise.”
You loved his soft side, it was rare when you saw it. But when you did, you would gather the memory. You hate promises because they end up getting broken regardless of how much they love you. “You can’t promise the future, my love.” It hurt for you to say that. But it’s true, you don’t know what’ll happen in the future. “What’re you tryin’ to say, y/n.” His expression changed, he moved his hand away from your face, “Nothing, I..I’m just scared Kats.”
He knew that you were scared, and he is too. You’re the best thing that’s happened to him. He rarely laughed until he met you, your laugh is contagious. It would make everyone else laugh, including him, and obviously Kirishima and Kaminari would make fun of him every time he would laugh along, but in reality, they were happy for him. The day he asked you out, it felt like the world stopped and it was just you and him against all odds. You and him were the couple that everyone would look up to. All couples wanted to be like you and Bakugo.
“No matter what,” You just needed him to hear all your worries. When you go your separate ways, it’s going to be hard. Knowing that you won’t be able to see his ash-blonde hair, or hear his sarcastic remarks breaks you inside, “I’ll always love you, Kats. Even if we’re far apart, you’re still the love of my life.”
His bottom lip started trembling softly, “I love you too, shitty women.” You playfully smacked his shoulder, “Hey!” He chuckled, staring at your beautiful eyes. Slowly the small laughter stopped, and the silence began.
And just like that it was graduation. Four life changing years at UA. Were you nervous? Yes, without a doubt. Today is the day that your life begins. You and Bakugo decided on matching, you had to practically beg him to, but in the end, he would have done it either way, because it made you happy. It made his princess happy.
“Kats!” You yelled out while putting on your earrings. You got no response, and as you turned around, you were greeted by your sexy boyfriend, “Shit!” You jumped, laughing slightly, “You ready?”
Am I ready?
“Yeah.” He said while his eyes were traveling to your cleavage, “Hey! Eyes up here perv.” You joked while walking out of your bathroom. You walked over to your body length mirror, “What!? I can’t appreciate my sexy girlfriend!?” You laughed, feeling your hands roam around your curves and insecurities, feeling a sudden change of thought. You were wearing a short, burgundy velvet dress, and Bakugo was wearing a burgundy dress shirt, along with black dress pants.
“What’s wrong?” He knows everything about you. It’s scary how he knows even before you, “Oh..um..nothing.” He scoffed, walking towards you, feeling his hands snake around your waist, placing his head on your shoulder, “What’s wrong, y/n?”
You leaned your head back on his shoulder, watching his brow rise, “I feel..ugly.” The forbidden word. He hates when you would call yourself that. He quickly turned you around, his hands gripping your curves, “It’s been two..almost three years, and you still need convincing?”
You felt selfish in a sense. You couldn’t go one day without thinking something negative about yourself. It could be anything and instantly you would second guess everything that day. And somehow —you’ll never understand why— Bakugo stood around. Bakugo could have had anyone at U.A. but he chose you.
You couldn’t answer, you felt stupid, “Tch. Listen here,” He started, feeling two of his fingers lift up your chin, “I know what you’re thinking about. Who cares what they think, princess. You’re mine. You’re so-so beautiful.” You rolled your eyes with a smile, “Sexy, gorgeous, jaw-fucking-dropping.” He gave you a quick peck on the lips, “Now,” He moved his hand back to your hip, “Shut your brain off, and let our life together begin.”
It was now time for the ceremony. You and Bakugo were laughing away the tears that were bound to happen. You didn’t forget that you were both moving away, but you chose to, for him. “Y/N!! Bakugo!!” You both stopped your step turning around to see the rest of class-1A, “Momo!!” You giggled, running after her, “We’re graduating, y/n!”
While everyone is going to be cheering, you’ll be crying. ”Yep!” You said with a fake tone. You broke the hug looking back at Bakugo, “Go y/n, I understand.” You mouthed a thank you, waving at everyone else, running back to your boyfriend, immediately lacing your fingers with his.
The walk wasn’t far, but Bakugo wanted to make sure you took your time. “Remember our first date?” You giggled softly at the memory. You could never forget it, he took you to a vintage bookstore. You mentioned it to him once that you loved reading, and somehow he remembered it. You didn’t find out till later on that every time you mentioned you loved something, he would put it in his phone. The list was concerningly long, half of the things you don’t even remember mentioning.
For your two year anniversary, he took you out on a mini-road trip through memory lane. First it was where he first met you, then where he first knew he had feelings for you, lasting being where you were going to have your forever memory. He told you that your whole relationship was full of memories that one day you’ll forget, but that day he wanted to make sure this one, you didn’t, and won’t ever forget. He planned out a picnic, full of your favorite foods. And at the end of the date, he gave you a promise ring. It was just a plain silver band, with both of your initials finely printed on the inside, along with the date you two were official.
“Izuku Midoriya!” All-Might exclaimed. You and Bakugo had already gotten your certificates. This was it. This piece of paper changes everything, including your future relationship with him. “I love you, Kats.” You whispered, grabbing onto his hand. He kissed the side of your head, “Love you more.” He mumbled softly. You watched your classmates walking up to grab their certificate, cheering and laughing along.
It was the last person in your class, and you could already feel your eyes start to water, “Hey hey hey.” Bakugo said softly, “There’s no crying, because everything is going to be fine.” He whispered softly, while hearing principal Neku congratulate everyone for their hard work. “I can’t stop thinking about you..a-and the future.” You should be crying of joy. But you can’t see any form of joy, without him.
Everyone started throwing their caps up in the air, you watched everyone hug and cheer, you wiped your tears, “We did it.” You said softly, lacing your fingers with his. Your life officially started. But, you didn't want it to, you wrapped your arms around his chest, feeling his chin on top of your head, “Yes we did.”
He broke the hug, watching everyone slowly walk away, “Bakugo!! Let’s—” Bakugo scoffed, rolling his eyes, “Hold on!!” He yelled out, causing you to chuckle. “I dropped out of the internship.” Bakugo spit out. Your jaw dropped, “You did what!?” He did it for you. He practically dropped his whole future, for you. “I can’t..I can’t imagine life without you, y/n.”
“You can’t just drop your whole fucking future for me, Kats.” You groaned, “You idiot! What..What about you being the next number one hero!?” You were mad that he dropped the one thing he’s been wanting since he was young. “Y/N.” He said softly, “Why would you do something like that!?” You turned around taking a couple steps on the grass, turning around to see him on one knee, “Will you shut up?” He joked, pulling out a small black velvet, your jaw dropped, “You’re my future, y/n. Wherever you go, I go. I can’t imagine a day without seeing your beautiful face, or hearing your contagious smile. When we talk about our future, I can see it happening. I want a life with you, I want to grow old and grey with you, y/n.” He opens the box, revealing a familiar ring. His mom’s ring. You remembered it from when his mom told you about their engagement and how his dad did it.
You placed your hands on his cheek, your noses bumping into each other slightly. You broke the kiss, “Oh my god.” You’re speechless. You don’t know how to feel, you’re happy obviously, you’re going to be marrying your best friend, “What..What about—”
“Don’t worry about that right now, princess.” You looked down at the ring, “When did you..When did you know?” He chuckled while grabbing both of your certificates, along with your caps, “I’ve known for a while now.” Your heart feels like it’s pounding out of your chest. “How long have you had the ring?”
“A couple weeks, I declined the internship a week ago..I needed to be wherever you go.” You couldn’t be mad at him anymore. As cliche as it sounds, he did it for love. You couldn’t stop looking at the ring, it’s absolutely perfect. “I know you like your books and shit,” You stopped your step, rolling your eyes with a smile,
“But, this is where we started our love story, and where we start our next chapter.”
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bakug0z · 4 years
class 1A’s tiktok fyp
request: “idk if ur familiar with tiktok but headcanons for class 1A and their fyps?”
i am on multiple sides of tiktok so HELL YEA IM GONNA DO THIS REQUEST! i did “widen” the request a little bit i hope you don’t mind!
characters: momo, ochako, toru, tsuyu, jirou, mina, bakugou, kirishima, kaminari, deku. and a special surprise at the end
warnings: language, bakugou, and mineta lol
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i’ve never been on japan tiktok so this will be based on stuff from the tiktok i know
please don’t attack me for this but...momo, ochako, and toru would be on straight tiktok
i think they would really love doing the tiktok dances and would mostly use charli damelio as a reference to learn most of the dances
when they record themselves in the cafeteria doing one of the dances they would get a lot of stares
did they give a fuck? hell no
momo would be the one posting the tiktok
mineta got smacked by mina who was hyping the girls up
the rest of the boys were hyping the girls up too
the girls just rolled their eyes at bakugou cus he’s just bakugou
since class 1A was already pretty famous, they got like around 500k likes and 20k comments.
the girls read through the comments
“now i finally seen not only two but three pretty best friends”
deku in the back:  🥝👄🥝
they were most definitely not gonna delete tiktok anytime soon
alt tiktok.
they speak ALT
they like posting tiktoks of them on the subway, the little space between the subway boxes, or just riding in the back of the subway
most of their tiktoks are pretty much rebellious
they like showing their “alt” outfits a lot
on jirou’s account, she would like to show off what instruments she has
is musical tiktok a thing? she would be on there
they would make tiktoks in the school bathrooms
aizawa would keep a close eye on them
their tiktoks got super popular ofc
some news outlets were concerned about their actions because it’s UA
they read the tiktok comments
“spare hand in marriage 🤲🏽?”
“their outfits are so good wtf”
“bark baaaark baaark 😏”
all of them are on different sides of tiktok
kaminari would be on the weirdest side of tiktok
you guys know those heavily filtered random tiktoks? yeah he would be on that side
kirishima would DEFINITELY be on workout tiktok or something like that
maybe his fyp would have a mix of alt, straight, and workout tiktok but just mostly workouts
bakugou’s not really a tiktok type of person but eventually his friends forced him to get tiktok.
and he landed on...
UA tiktok.
he wouldn’t post anything
he would scroll through the ua hashtag and see a bunch of memes of his school
eventually he saw a tiktok meme of himself
it  went like
not one soul:
bakugou when he was first place during the sports festival:
and it was someone in a bunch of restraints mimicking angry bakugou in like 2x speed
him literally yelling out his hate comment while he’s typing it
kaminari looks at his phone
“that’s not how you spell accurate...you spell it a c c u r r -”
even kaminari spelled it wrong
suddenly his phone was buzzing repeatedly
“look, people replied to your comment!”
bakugou taps replies
“when he spells accurate correctly 😍”
“damn hows the education at ua LMFAOO”
someone replied to that comment
“what he gonna do? reply? 😭”
bakugou was about to burn his phone until kirishima quickly snatched it away from him
“i think that’s enough tiktok for today...”
aww honestly he’s so soft
if mha was real he would be on all might tiktok
just a bunch of fun facts or people showing off their merch
ok i just thought of something funny
he would see a false fact about all might that was clearly a joke
did you know that all might’s daughter is reese witherspoon?
he would be like WHA!? NO!
he would immediately go to the comments
all the comments were sarcastic but deku didnt realize it
he starts rapidly typing
“what? this isn’t true.”
here comes the replies
“who gonna tell him”
“ur so pure zuku”
“i cant tell if this is a sarcastic comment or ur bein fr lmao”
deku realizes and basically goes beet red from embarrassment
he responds back to his replies immediately
“hehe sorry guys :p”
don’t argue with me, deku would definitely put that at the end
even more replies
“fuck i could never hate deku”
“is he actually this pure or is this just for the public-”
“did he just use :p at the end BYE”
he smiled at his replies and continued replying to as many fans as he could
this is gonna be super short
sometimes he would see prison tiktoks on his fyp
he’s inspired
he would use this audio
he would show each member in each clip
toga would probably stick her tongue out for her pose
twice would definitely just point and mouth the lyrics but you can only see his mouth moving around his mask
spinner would probably just roll his eyes and before the clip cuts off you just see dabi rolling his eyes
as soon as dabi aims the camera at shigaraki, he’s confused at first until he realizes he’s being recorded and lurches himself to grab dabi’s phone and you just see blur everywhere due to dabi trying to keep shiggy away from his phone
then you see dabi holding his phone above him while he’s running and shiggy running far behind him
i would think the video would hit at least 1M likes because they’re fucking criminals
comments IMMEDIATELY started rolling in
“this aint who i think this-”
“average life with the league”
“who let criminals run tiktok 💀” 
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