#“I think we're gonna have to kill this guy Alia”
shinysamurott9 · 8 months
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Truly the greatest sin.
Shoutout to @trainno4 for the idea for this one
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fhh spoilers
Sorry about your boyfriend. We edited his genes. yeah before he was born. Yeah we made him forget you. oopsie. now he's gonna come fight you lol. Yeah he does remember getting popcorn with you when you were little outside of a cinema in Paris. Oh you don't remember that? lol. oh but yeah sorry about his headaches that's kind of a defect. might kill him. maybe kiss him or something idk lol. oh yeah sorry but we're gonna stab him now. you thought it was over? lmao.
Sorry about your boyfriend. Yeah he's gonna give himself up for you now. Yeah ik he really shouldn't just like take responsibility for everyone around him like that lol. But we're gonna drain his blood now. Yeah sorry we kinda need it. For science fair lol. also he's kind of a commie so like. you can't have him. oh? you are too. slay ig. you guys should probably communicate tho that might help.
Sorry about your boyfriend. oh he's not your boyfriend? oh my god whatever. but yeah you should probably talk to him. no? ok. yeah he's gonna do something crazy now. yeah i kind of let him start listening to the arctic monkeys. ik it's super funny because he has a british accent when he speaks english so- oh. he thinks your alias is hot? bro. i don't even know what to say to that. bro. maybe you could try communicat- oh he put you in jail. uh yeah sorry about your boyf- oh he let you out? and you hit him? you're going to do it again at a later date y'know what I think I done here- oh he's still not your boyfriend? bro i am so tired just kiss or whatever sory about your boyfr-
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vanosslirious · 6 months
BBS Dialogue Prompts #313
Vanoss Crew IRL Names & Alias Prompts: [ 6 ]
It was Nogla, not me.
You're such a bitch, Nogla.
We're gonna let Grizzy win this one.
As long as Nogla doesn't win, I'm pretty happy.
Hey, Pezzy, what kind of damage can you do with that hand?
That's not very Nogla of you, Nogla.
And Pezzy still can't play.
I'm so uncomfortable with John's character saying this to me.
John, do you want a good hand?
John, you know what else is cringe?
Is it Nogla?
Stop eating me, SMii7y.
We're getting it out of here, Matt, don't worry, you're gonna be free.
Stop Matt…
Matt, you're pushing me out of the hot tub!
Matt has trapped us, we can't leave!
SMii7y, throw him.
Hey, Matt, there's a guy right next to us.
Matt, he's underneath the thing.
Wait, we gotta look for Matt.
SMii7y, put it the fuck down!
Eli, you ran right into it!
You have less points than me, SMii7y.
Holy shit, Tucker!
SMii7y killed that guy and ran me over with a fucking horse, you sick fuck!
SMii7y, did they catch you already?
Eli, I hate you.
SMii7y, I got you bro.
Check this out, SMii7y.
You see me, SMii7y?
That worked, Brian, that worked.
What do you think of that, Lanai, huh?
Come on in, Delirious, come on in.
Come on, Droidd, come out here.
Where were you when we heard the door, uh, Marcel?
What's down there, Brian?
Oh, I found it, Brian!
Brian, speak to them!
How do you make Delirious' mic quality sound good?
What are you—you're inspecting the couch, Delirious.
Evan, are you a killer?
Nogla actually texted Evan what happened, by the way!
Legiqn has no skins.
I'm dead, Jack, one v one.
You're fucking crushing it, Legiqn You fucking crush—gone, no!
Take your time, Legiqn, I don't see the slime.
I tried to grab Jack's ass, but I couldn't make it.
I don't fucking know, Evan, have you've been there before?
And how do you suggest we do that, Evan?
Come on, Nogla, come on!
That's okay, Bryce, you don't have too.
One's coming right behind you, Bryce.
We did it, Bryce, that was easy. 
He's chasing Bryce!
I see you, Droidd.
Vanoss has been murdered by Droidd.
I hear him, Himi.
I thought that was Fourzer0seven at first…
What are you doing, Vanoss?
Another one, Marcel.
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randomvarious · 1 year
1997 London Playlist
Alright, folks, I'm taking a little blog vacation after I post this small late 90s London playlist update. I'll have some fun, nostalgic videos that'll be posted throughout the week, but I'm not gonna be writing anything. So, stay tuned for those.
This week, I added a little bit of much-needed jungle diversity to this 1997 London playlist that I've slowly been building up, with a song called "Searchers," by a guy named Pearl.
Pearl is the alias of Phil Earle, a UK drum n bass and jungle producer who also happens to own a little label called Law & Auder, who were known for putting out these cutting-edge, abstract, and experimentally themed double-disc various artists comps throughout the late 90s and early 2000s. Earle has never made a solo release of his own, despite being around since the early 90s, but he has made tracks for several various artists comps, including ones for his own Law & Auder label.
But "Searchers" doesn't come off of any of his L&A releases; instead, I found it on a quadruple-disc comp that I’ve been posting about for weeks now, from budget UK label Dressed to Kill, called Amberdelic Space II: Angel of Ecstasy, which isn’t very good, overall, but definitely has a solid handful of quality tunes on it, including this one.
And "Searchers" is simply a super underheard, next level journey that, very remarkably, seems to use only jungle breaks to form its beats. That means that, rather than getting a simple beat of a drum in order to serve as a single beat—like how virtually every song in the world with a drum works—you're getting a slice of a jungle break instead. And while that ends up making it such a fantastic track, this one still only has ~1,600 plays on Spotify!
Pearl - "Searchers"
This playlist is also on YouTube and YouTube Music.
So, as it currently stands, we're now at 11 songs that end up totaling 72 minutes on Spotify and 18 songs that total 2 hours and 5 minutes on YouTube. And the YouTube playlist has a bunch of goodies on it that you can't find on Spotify, like a couple stunners from who I think might be the most underrated IDM artist of all time, Freeform, a little downtempo, a little future jazz, a couple trance bangers, a Fatboy Slim re-work of Groove Armada's spectacular "At the River," which blends in some of the drums from Underworld's classic "Born Slippy," and a hard-to-find, blissfully bouncy house remix of Wildchild's "Renegade Master," by the duo of Stretch N' Vern. Simply put, you're not gonna find another playlist out there that's quite like this one. A lot of obscure, forgotten, underground heat here 😊.
And if you want more London playlists by year, check these out too:
1994 London: YouTube / YouTube Music 1998 London: YouTube / YouTube Music 1999 London: YouTube / YouTube Music
More to come, eventually. Stay tuned!
Like what you hear? Follow me on Spotify and YouTube for more cool playlists and uploads!
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zannolin · 1 year
god remember Alias's premise? Sydney gets recruited by who she believes to be the good guys but they're not and her telling Danny got him killed (if i see one more person giving Mia shit for not telling ethan before or after dulvey about her job i'm going to start screaming*)
*before the connections were a threat (and Ethan still suspected her of something and calls her on it she says it "i did lie to you i shouldn't have" in the opening cutscene of the game) tell anyone about what you're doing we're gonna get you and after? the connections were still a threat Ethan and Mia were moved around a bit (they knew about Rose and told Miranda)
the show is enjoyable not perfect (sometimes really stupid i do not like the cloning plot line at all) and I am so happy it ended the way it did them happy alive (and not dead for stupid reasons)
also season three where Sydney vanishes off the face of the fucking earth for two years and Vaughn thinks she's dead? and moves on (should have had more she's a bad guy moments but oh well) good angst such good angst
i quit watching in season three because okay confession, i really liked sydney/vaughn but then once they actually got together i realized i actually liked them pining much better than them you know, together, because they lost all the fun and tension. (also i just love yearning, and sometimes i'm like what if they just yearned for 10 seasons and did basically nothing. so i don't have to deal with romance drama or anything. and that's why tiva got me even if they did end up having a kid sigh i hate kid plots but whatever, i digress.) also i was sooo fed up with the way they were constantly pitting his wife and sydney against each other, and i didn't like her dad at all so i was like "hey dad" (i was watching it with my dad) "when does irina come back?" (in typical me fashion, i see a controversial/likely misunderstood or heavily disliked female character and go is anyone gonna love her or what) and he was like lol...she'll be back later. and my sister was like yeah, for Two Episodes or whatever. and i was like yeah no i'm outta here.
it was a time.
good points about the connections tho i have no idea why we're also talking about mithan (<- has not had her coffee) but yeah ur right
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matashihikikomori · 3 years
Chapter 1
12:30am, on top of 104 building in shibuya city.
???: was that all, thought you'd last longer? That's a pity.
Noldarn: bastard, so many people ended up killed cause of you, im gonna make sure to kick your shit in ten times harder now!
*All this happened cause i arrived in japan, suddenly madness happens every night, like what the hell, sometimes i wished i was isekai'd or something, this situation is just hectic*
6 months ago
Noldarn and his friend cin both get off the plane and make they're into the airport and walk.
Cin: been on the plane for hours, feels quite refreshing to be out of it.
Noldarn: yeah, also you mentioned you're staying with someone, so you're already prepared.
Cin chuckles to noldarn's words.
Cin: I'm always prepared~ 
Noldarn rolled his eyes at cin
Noldarn: Whatever Cin, let's go to miss aki place.
He says and begins to walk, then cin then follows him out of the airport and the two get a good look at the crowded streets.
Noldarn: the streets are packed, what the shit…?
Cin: yep 3,000 people crossing the streets and busy places ya know.
Cin said and chuckled.
Cin: aren't you supposed to lead the way?
Noldarn: How the hell would I know if I just arrived damn it.
Cin facepalms and Noldarn sighs.
Noldarn: screw it, let me ask someone.
He said and went up to a male wearing a blue cat hoodie and has brown hair and glasses on.
Noldarn: umm? Hey do you know where this address is, no wait actually we got two places we're trying to get too.
Noldarn shows his phone to the blue hooded male.
????: you two aren't from japan at all i see. Let's have a look, also names neko by the way.
Cin: quite the name you have there, so basically a cat.
Neko: it's more of an alias name, not comfortable telling people my name, unless they're close friends or someone i know that is.
noldarn: well if you're introducing yourself I'm noldarn and the inquisitive guy here is my friend Cin.
Neko: cool noldarn and cin, also i know this location, i can lead the way so you two aren't lost, think of me as a tour guide now.
Neko happily smiles to the two, making noldarn raise a brow and con chuckling.
Noldarn: you're some tour guide I see.
Cin: an optimistic one at that.
Neko: Heck you two are new here in Japan, plus I got nothing else to do today.
Neko says adjusting his classes and leads the way.
Neko: Let's go doods we're gonna take a train station to bunkyo city!
Neko says and smiles at the two again, this time walking backwards for a few seconds, before turning around and walking straight.
Noldarn: ok cheerful tour guide.
Cin: lead the way catguy.
Neko: catguy sounds weird, stick with neko dood.
Noldarn: isn't calling yourself a neko weird enough.
Neko: Well I think it's cool, plus my hoodie says it all.
Cin: ah… i see, not my place to judge, while we're talking, neko you wouldn't happen to know where hope's peak is.
Neko: yeah i go there it's also in bunkyo city as well.
Noldarn: cool, you know your way around don't ya?
Neko: Well I normally come here cause i'm bored, plus i go to hope's peak as well, I'm dubbed as the ultimate breakdancer.
Noldarn: That's cool, we're supposed to be going to the school tomorrow actually, I'm the ultimate graffiti artist.
Cin: we're telling our talents, well i'm the ultimate persuader~
Cin grins and neko blinks a few times.
Neko: that persuader talent is questionable.
Cin: oh my~ so you're questioning my talent.
Noldarn: strange? First time I've heard of your talent?
Cin: well enough about my talent, let's continue this tour, mr neko.
Neko: Oh! You're right let's continue.
*the song that plays in the background is twewy #3 underground*
The three begin to start walking through the crowded streets to where they see all sorts of places such as restaurants, cafes and other places, as they continue to walk for a while and make it to Kokubunji.
Neko: This is the Kokubunji train station.
Cin: train station to bunkyo city, interesting trip.
Meanwhile noldarn zones out and has his attention on a female with purple eyes and a pale complexion. her hair back in a light-ponytail with two parts of hair loose that go down the front of her body. Her outfit is a dark jacket worn over a long-sleeved white blouse. She wears a brown belt, holding up a dull purple short skirt. Around her left leg, she wears a brown satchel. Her shoes are heeled ankle-length boots, she is also wearing studded black gloves.
Cin: hello noldarn?
Neko: oh he's eyeing kyoko, she's rather reserved to be honest.
Noldarn: hm? Train arrive yet.
The train arrived and people started to go inside of it.
Neko: lets go guys
Neko said, stepping inside, then cin and noldarn afterwards.
Kyoko: …… Why was he eyeing me….
Kyoko mumbled and stepped inside of the train, minding her own business.
*chapter 1 end*
(Im down for any ideas if ya wanna dm them to me and get credited for it, also its a fanfic/rp if it interest you)
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movienotesbyzawmer · 3 years
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August 26: Mission: Impossible III
(previous notes: Mission: Impossible II)
Another one I haven't seen since it first came out (fifteen years ago!), but I remember liking it. Other than the exciting new personnel in the cast and in the director's chair, I really can't remember any details about this.
The director is, of course, J.J. Abrams. He comes in scalding hot from his television work, most notably Lost, and is making his feature directorial debut here before eventually directing what is currently the top-grossing movie of all time in the US. There was reason at the time to expect an improvement over the spotty second entry, but what does it say that I can't remember anything at all… okay let's start it.
You know how movies often love to tease the audience by opening with a really really exciting scene that's supposed to blow your mind and make you go OH my GOD like HOW did we GET to this VERY EXCITING SITUATION and then they jerk it all away and start from the beginning, this movie begins with that. That and very "modern" shaky shaky handheld camera stuff. I don't like that handheld stuff but whatever.
After the credits it's clearly back to before-problem. Ethan is having a chill dinner party with his girlfriend who is not Thandie Newton but who is definitely being tortured by Phillip Seymour Hoffman in the opening tease.
That is subtly interrupted by a covert request to meet at a convenience store for some espionage and, perhaps less subtly, a lot of exposition. Very unnatural dialogue lets us know that Ethan is not in the field any more, he is a trainer, but one of his trainees is in trouble with PSH and will he help please. Also that was his fiancée not his mere girlfriend. That is a much more elite status. High stakes OMG.
Off to Berlin, and I'm reminded that the previous movie didn't do as much globetrotting; it was pretty much in Australia the whole time. I like location diversity.
The rescue of the played-by-Keri-Russell former protégé is not a stealthy one. They plant a bunch of blowy-uppy things around the rusty warehouse where they're torturing her and cause chaos to help them get to her and shoot their way out. There is no mask-craft so far.
After a cocky moment where Ethan demonstrates that being down to only one bullet was just fine with him, there's a cool shot where a closeup of Ethan has a nicely-framed surprise explosion behind him.
Much splody. So much splody. Maybe M:I3 is the one that should be remembered as The Splody One. There are rockets toppling wind turbines being negotiated by chasing helicopters. But the most suspenseful issue is that KR has a secret surprise blowy-uppy in her bloodstream. A race to maybe do something about it doesn't work and she dies. I remember predicting her death to my friends before the movie started, but it didn't make those friends like me any better.
Worth noting that J.J. Abrams is not wrong to apparently think we will think all the wind turbine imagery will look pretty neat.
Before dying, KR sent a postcard to Ethan, and not even in a normal way, in a "Hi is this Rollo Tamassy? I was given explicit instructions to let you know there is a delivery for you in dead Keri Russell's mailbox" kind of weird way. The postcard had a blank microdot hidden under the stamp. Feels slightly eye-rolly. Simon Pegg is now in the movie now, though, so that's cool.
Ethan had to have a serious talk with Julia about how serious his life is or something, and they get married like right there in a storage room! Then Ethan and the team go to the Vatican and do a heist there. It's an okay heist that involves seeming like bickering Italian van drivers and then changing into different costumes. No masks though. They still look like themselves. J.J. Abrams clearly told people, "why should I watch the other Mission Impossible movies when I literally made Alias".
They shoot magic sticky pebbles near cameras to make them not work, this is important to their method, but I'm not sure how this is supposed to end, aren't they kidnapping PSH or something?
0:47:57 - Welly welly well, what have we here, they have the mask machine! We actually see it 3D-print a PSH mask, now we talkin
Ooh, and we also get to see a whole thing about the voice disguise technology, Ethan has a PSH mask on and he forces the real PSH at gunpoint to say a script to teach the tech thing his voice, but it's not ready in time when he has to say stuff in disguise and there is suspense there, I like it!
They successfully completed the heist of stealing PSH from the Vatican, even though we didn't see exactly how they transported his sedated body out of there but okay
"Whoever it is I'm gonna find her and I'm gonna hurt her", we're seeing PSH be a villain on a level that one really doesn't see very much.
Ethan responds to that by doing an odd thing that I guess would be described as "dangling him from the bottom of a plane that is flying up in the air and therefore scary". He's trying to figure out what "rabbit's foot" is, which we heard about in the opening tease. We still don't know what it is. I've known for fifteen years apparently and even I don't know what it is so
The next exotic location on our tour appears to be the bridges connecting the Florida Keys, and things get splody again! Rocket bombs destroy the bridges they're on plus also some of the vehicles that are around. Right before that happened we saw the secret video message that KR had hidden in that microdot pre-her-unfortunate-death, and it was the news that the spy executive we've seen a couple of times, played by Lawrence Fishburne, is secretly a bad guy. So the rocket-equipped military force that is recklessly decimating bridges and automobiles is probably under Spy Executive's direction. Kind of rash doing all this destruction.
Oh, I remember that shot! Ethan is running away from a car that is the victim of a rocketplosion, and the force of that throws him in a way you don't see very much, it was probably hard to make it look that good. There are other cool shots in this sequence too.
Oh I like this I like this… the bad guys that are under the direction of Spy Executive have apprehended Ethan just after he found out that PSH kidnapped Julia. He has 48 hours to do a "rabbit's foot" something for PSH in order to save Julia, but he's all restrained and has a strange mask on, but what I like is that Billy Crudup, who is Spy Executive's lackey, did a trick that required Ethan to read his lips. BC knows what's up and is helping Ethan, it's exciting.
1:21:53 - Ethan has escaped and met up with his crew (hey, we have hardly even seen Simon Pegg, what is up with that), and they're doing a heist plan, and it involves drawing skyscrapers on glass and the camera angle matches the actual skyscrapers and it's pretty cool especially when he's doing geometry and actual mathematic calculations to plan some kind of corporeal transfer between two skyscrapers.
That scene is followed by a very impossible-looking shot of Ethan on top of a Shanghai skyscraper; it zooms in from way far away and then circles him and stays on him having a conversation with Ving Rhames, all one shot.
Then a very exciting sequence, the one that was planned for so academically before; Ethan does a super crazy run off the top of the building, and the bungee thing he's attached to does cool looking stuff to get him to swing to the actual building that is his destination, but it's on a sloping thing and he slides down it and there are bad guys he has to shoot. His job is challenging.
I keep forgetting to note this but I do keep observing with satisfaction that the score is all orchestral and traditional, none of the neo-slickrawk of the last two.
Things happened so fast that I didn't quite comprehend how all of his leaps and swings resulted in him obtaining the "rabbits foot", but I guess the thing that looks like a cartridge-container for a pneumatic tube conveyer that has a thing with a radioactivity symbol on it is that. What even is.
The meeting to do the exchange of Julia & "rabbit's foot" is set up and pretty quickly we're caught up to the tease from the beginning. We now are enjoyably frustrated that Ethan thinks he gave them the "rabbit's foot" but dude is asking for it and it's like wut dood I gave it? That ends with PSH seemingly shooting Julia and BC showing up and clearly being in cahoots with the bad guys after all. And it was a fake Julia in a masky-mask, the real one is still okay somewhere. Masked-and-now-dead woman is someone we saw as PSH's translator at the Vatican and the expository dialogue that helps us know this is so artificial-seeming that it reminds us that elaborating on who that really was is kind of pointless and laborious.
This long monologue by BC, mixed too quiet again, also tries to explain his point of view, but I can't quite get it. He says something about the "rabbit's foot", are we supposed to know what it is yet? He mumbled something about a "middle eastern buyer".
1:44:45 - Somehow Ethan was able to get Simon Pegg on the phone after biting his way away from BC (SHHH NO TIME TO EXPLAIN), and then he gets to the top of a suburban Shanghai house and a shot is really cool showing that and it moves and follows him in a cool way, and then the subsequent shots of him running through the streets are cool, he's on the phone with SP who is telling him exactly which little city streets to turn into.
Just as he has found Julia and is maybe going to rescue her, he gets a big headache and we remember that he has the same mini-splody in him that killed KR, and PSH shows up, pretty bad news. PSH delivers his threatening dialogue in a vividly psychopathic way.
PSH's end is dumb, especially on paper. He turns is back on Ethan, who is easily able to jump him and fight him. The fight spills out into the street and a lucky car accident seems to fatally maim PSH while leaving Ethan unharmed. Meh.
The final resolution involves trying the idea they had at the beginning that didn't work with KR, where some kind of on-purpose electrocution death preludes the micro-splody death and then you just have to be good at reviving the person. And it almost doesn't work… but then it does oh my god it does
There is a very very pleasant shot of Ethan and Julia strolling through a Chinese village with a canal bridge and it really is nice looking and I want to go there and stroll like they are strolling.
But then they're back at HQ or whatever and oh, I guess it turns out BC was the only secret bad guy and Spy Executive was good enough and they're all on good terms and Ethan and Julia go on a honeymoon the end. Oh, and the final exchange cheekily reveals that we will never know what "rabbit's foot" was. Creative? Cop-out? Who's to say? (insert why-not-both gif)
So what's to remember about that movie? Was it indeed better than MI:2? I guess a little; there are several little annoying things from both of the first two movies that are absent here, so that's refreshing… but also some of the plot contrivances don't improve on what we've seen so far. Some very very very ambitious visuals! That's the real thing I want to make sure not to forget about this. The previous one had John Woo's signature visual style, but none of it matches the accomplishments of the cool shots in this one. I might have preferred a little more playfulness with the espionage stuff, but if I recall correctly the series doesn't really return to that form.
(next: Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol)
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vanosslirious · 1 year
BBS Dialogue Prompts #132
BBS Alias' and IRL Names Prompts & Sentence Starters: [7]
Brock is thinking too much like me.
There's smoke coming out of Evan's laptop right now.
Run, Marcel!
Lanai, you were way funnier what you were.
No, no, Brock, this is my moment.
Allow Vanoss to watch us do all the fucking manual labor.
Oh yeah, Delirious was supposed to play with us today…
I think that was Lanai.
Oh, wow, Brock, come on.
Well, here's the thing, Vanoss, I have a real life as well.
Look who we have today, Mr. Vanoss.
What else you got going on here, Moo.
Yeah, I'm sorry, Brian, that was the only way I can get Wildcat into the server.
Why is Wildcat not complaining?
Moo's in first again!
Very good chaotic intro, Evan, okay.
We're gonna win, Brian.
Get in mine, Scotty, get in mine!
Where'd you go, Evan?
He may have seen me, Evan, get in.
Where are we going, Nogla?
Where does that go, Moo?
What do you see in there, Nogla?
Shit, we should've got Droidd, fuck.
I'm so surprised you care about sports, Brian.
Just come back, Brian, just come back, no one saw you.
Okay, come back, Nogla.
Look, there's a gun right here for you, Brian.
What are you floating on, Moo?
Brian's body is killing me!
Brian, I think there's something in the bathroom.
Come upstairs, Mr. Owl.
The amount of times I try to cover for you, Brian.
We got something to show Evan.
Brian and I made something.
Evan, hurry, hurry.
See you later, Brian.
Good job, Brian.
Chilled, who killed you?
It's Tyler, by the way, it's Tyler.
Let's go talk to someone, Brock.
Huh, who's doing this, Chilled?
Brock, you can talk to freshly dead bodies, right?
Someone kill Moo, I think he should die.
Guys, Nogla's dead, I don't really care.
What do you want, Nogla?
Why did you sound like Himi there?
Is that the real Speedy or the fake Speedy?
In honor of Nogla not being here.
Nogla would've wanted this.
Cody, it was an accident!
Brian, I want to ride with you!
I'm trying to learn, Tyler!
Nogla, how much did you spend on this subway?
You got this, Tyler.
Brock was gonna show us something first.
Alright, Evan, what do you want?
I'm dead, Tyler.
Feed on him, Tyler.
Jack, we're literally getting shot at by the other guys!
Squirrel, where did you go?
Squirrel, where are you?
Don't you praise, Rilla!
Cartoonz, you juked the shit out of me.
You're so toxic, Squirrel!
Where the hell did you go, Squirrel?
You were supposed to drown, Terroriser.
Nogla, use your intellect.
RacingCatz, get up there, you look perfect.
By the way, Terroriser, I was going after Nogla, and he survived.
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vanosslirious · 2 years
BBS Dialogue Prompts: #215
BBS Alias & IRL Names Sentence Starters and Prompts: [ 6 ]
Jesus fucking hell, Evan, what the fuck?
This is the last time I care about Brock's feelings.
Jesus Christ, Tyler, just invite yourself.
Is that everything, Brock, is that absolutely everything?
Okay, Nogla, show us what we're doing today.
This is so uncharacteristic of Tyler, normally, he would have left by now.
SMii7y's got a mirror to his right, and he looks at it, and just nods to himself.
I think Puffer's making a silent movie.
Keep going, Vanoss!
Thanks, Evan.
You're free and clear, Cody.
Was that you that they were chasing, Brian, cause it definitely wasn't me.
Brian, shut up!
Cody caught a hammer head.
Oh, TNT, that's you, Evan.
I think you did the right thing, Evan
She happened to be a fan favorite, Evan.
Cody, did you hear what he said?
Brian, come here, I'll tell you what he said.
Why'd you 'Nogla' me?
No one can do it like Brian.
That's what they are, Brian, they are dead.
That was good, Brian.
Yes, welcome to the club, Brian, yes.
We should get Brian to do it.
Are we about to be pranked, where did Brock go?
Nogla, that's you.
Where's Lanai, guys, where's Lanai?
Where's Lanai, is she still in there, good.
This is the hardest I've seen Brian all month.
Delirious, please play with us next time instead of streaming.
Honestly, respect Moo, for surviving that long.
No, he's done that side every time, Cody, every time he's done this side.
And Cody has two.
He's going to wait for me anyway, Evan.
Don't go that one, Evan, don't go that one, Mr. Vanoss.
Cody, I pressed the left one, don't go that way, Cody, go the other way quickly before Moo can.
Moo, just pick one.
Yikes, Delirious, what happened here?
That was definitely Delirious.
What are you laughing at, Puffer?
Oh, so Tucker did fail the mission for us.
I’m gonna guess Eli died there…
I'm so glad the cinematic universe stayed between just us, Eli.
Show up on game time, Tucker!
Fl0m, what happened?
So glad we are friends, Eli.
They may know we’re in here, Fl0m.
Eli, you look like you’ve been through fucking hell.
I already ate all the ketchup, Tucker.
You're not dead, Moo!
You were stuck on me, Moo!
Where you at, Terroriser?
That was so suspicious, did you see that, Nogla?
Vanoss, jump on that wall to the right, right there, no, to the left.
Moo's dead though, I killed Moo!
Go look at his health, Vanoss.
Congratulations, Vanoss, you won.
He's dead, Rilla.
Rilla, what are you doing, Rilla, what happened?
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vanosslirious · 2 years
BBS Dialogue Prompts #204
BBS IRL Names & Alias' Prompts: [ 6 ]
Evan, there was more traps, you didn't have to cheat!
It will cost ya, Evan, it will ya.
Brian's a confirmed liar.
Brian made it to the finish line first…I lost.
Aw, fucking SMii7y won.
He did say, 'excuse me', Moo.
I hate you, SMii7y.
This is the real Marksman right here.
Cody, you’ll put me in the description, won’t you?
I'm tired of Brian taking forever.
Now, you’re gonna have to TP Cody, cause he went looking for you guys.
Nogla died twice as death.
I hope you know that win was a fraud, SMii7y.
Nogla already died, never mind, I like our chances.
Get it, Marcel, did you get it?
Marcel, I told them not too!
Hey, do you guys want to know where Nogla is?
That's Nogla, I think.
No, that's cool, Evan…
Brian just tip-toes across.
Nogla is very loud!
SMii7y, you got any RPG ammo?
SMii7y, what are you wearing?
Seeing Puffer panic in there, and driving in the wall over and over…
Apparently I can carry Puffer.
I want to shoot Puffer in the head so bad.
Why does SMii7y look like an NPC right here?
SMii7y, to your left, there’s a guy by that car.
I'm sorry, John.
SMii7y's still AFK, so we still got some time.
That's what you are to me, Puffer.
Matt, come back.
Matty, look, I fixed his arm.
You ready, Puffer?
Good job, Grizzy.
Grizzy, what do you think about this whole situation?
It'll never end, Eli.
What are you doing, fl0m, honestly, what the fuck are you doing?
You didn't appreciate that one, Tucker?
It landed in the water, fl0m.
No, not you, it's SMii7y, this whole time, we're waiting on SMii7y, the dumb fuck.
SMii7y, don't fuck this up for us.
It actually didn't help that you didn't move at all, SMii7y.
SMii7y, you have to get there!
SMii7y, we can get the next one.
At least Byze is wrong and she didn't go left, so actually, get fucked Byze, you stupid bitch.
Byze, you literally can't get it.
Oh shit, Byze coming in with a zero.
SMii7y, this is all you.
I hit Byze so many times and it never registered.
I was gonna whisper to Cody, ‘wait for them all to leave and we’ll go fucking get our good shit and kill ‘em.’
Delirious is doing a load of shit there.
I killed Nogla, don't worry, I killed him.
Evan, bro, that's a dick move.
Lanai, I'm sorry.
Come on, Cody, if you go now, I'll let you live.
Hello, Brock~
You all have lives, except for Brock, since he unfortunately only has one life left.
Oh yeah, and Cody lost one.
Evan, do you want to pick this one, you pick this one.
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