#“Why It's Actually OK To Give Money To JK Rowling”
funishment-time · 7 months
i think one of the weirdest things i see from Internet Commentary Folk is the assumption that anyone who consumes non-intellectual YouTube content or whatever has to be a child. (like, a Minor, not just a young adult.)
remembering a few years back when there was a slight Tiff Around The Internet about the Game Grumps selling fursona body pillows of themselves because their fanbase had to be children, of course, it had to be minors, how gross it is for two adult men to sell body pillows of themselves to kids.
...which is obviously very gross, except the GG demographic is not and has never been Minors, i'm p sure. young people who are adults, sure, and i'm certain many minors watch, but they never geared their content towards 13 year olds.
always strikes me as very High and Mighty from Internet Commentary Folk, like watching some idiots poorly play a Sonic game is lowbrow - but your borderline racist and somehow also transphobic "video essay" completely trashing Japanese culture because you saw an anime you didn't like, that's totally where it's at, dog
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fanonical · 1 year
"look at the guidances & laws that have actually been changing in the UK" Why do you blame her for this? She does not have power over the law. There are a lot of women and young girls scared of men and boys entering their bathrooms and changing rooms, why do you call that a dogwhistle? Are their concerns not valid? I think JK is very courageous for speaking against a misogynistic movement and opening a women's shelter - that's a lot of work for womens' rights! The Nazi thing is false btw
the nazi thing is categorically not false, and you can’t even purport that it is because the video i posted illustrating Rowling’s links to the alt-right & white supremacy movements is an hour and a half long; you can’t have even had enough time to have watched the video to know what it’s saying & you are admitting plainly and openly that you are aligning with her based on vibes rather than any kind of evidence of values.
Rowling is to blame for the transphobic legislation changes in the UK because she is directly funding the groups pushing for these changes. The government didn’t just decide to do it randomly now; there’s been a hate movement that is specifically pushing for these changes, and she is the face & money behind that. She is very open about this on twitter, you can see any number of threads where she is bragging about how much money she’s paying Maya Forstater or how she would be giving Posie Parker money if she would take it from her.
The video I posted earlier even includes multiple segments where Posie Parker (close friend of Rowling’s & who she’s been hanging out with since she went full terf) openly says “I am a white supremacist” “I am a nazi”. How can you align yourself with that? Why are you so ok with siding with nazis?
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hillnerd · 1 year
Why do you think J K Rowling is transphobic? What did she actually done to be called like that? Do you call her this on the basis of your evidence or just because other people also does it?
This is a much more thorough breakdown of it than I am willing to go into here: https://www.glamour.com/story/a-complete-breakdown-of-the-jk-rowling-transgender-comments-controversy https://one-colorado.org/new/how-the-nyt-and-jk-rowling-influence-anti-trans-policies/
Conflating gender and sex is inaccurate and transphobic. (source)
Claiming that trans women put cis women at risk of harm is inaccurate and transphobic. Trans women, specifically trans women of color experience gender-based violence at much higher rates than cis women. (source)
Assuming that all people have body parts that fall into a biological binary is inaccurate and transphobic. (source)
Her essay had some of the biggest issues: "[Jkr does] not want to make natal girls and women less safe. When you throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he’s a woman – and, as I’ve said, gender confirmation certificates may now be granted without any need for surgery or hormones – then you open the door to any and all men who wish to come inside. That is the simple truth."
That whole 'men in women's bathroom' fear is a huge problem. She stated herself as not FULLY terfy- she was sort of ok with 'certain trans people' (quotes from me)- but she is a radical feminist who prefers to make sure natal women are safe first and is part of the fearmongering against trans people that keeps so many from being able to safely use a bathroom or changing room without horrid scrutiny coming their way.
Since then, though, she has done money-raising for many actively anti trans individuals.
So while she's not the most virulent anti-trans person around by a long-shot, and some of her stances are understandable (the concern that many gender non-conforming young women think trans is the only option for them without much other things being explored (non binary, butch lesbian etc) because sometimes that is a bit true for some) .
BUT the way she has gone about it, supports openly anti-trans people, and keeps doubling down has fed the anti-trans fire. She did this right when trans people are in massive danger thanks to the influx of bills and anti-trans legislation, anti-trans talk and anti-trans attacks.
So, she isn't like a total republican who wants the destruction of trans people- as far as terfy dialogues go she's rather mild and more in the microaggression side of things most of the time. She's living in that sort of boomer/gen x version of willfully ignorant about trans issues, but choses to speak on it with authority and spreads misinformation-- and refuses to listen to anyone. She reminds me of my gran who thinks she isn't racist- then will go into very racist sterotypes.
No one is perfect, but she has nothing but time and money at her disposal to listen to the experts on it, and has chosen to double-down on her most ignorant of talking points and spread them- when she has more resources and a more wide reaching platform than most- and it's actively hurting trans people.
Hopefully she'll change her stance, support some trans charities, and stop spreading misinformation about the 'dangers of men pretending to be trans' and her other more harmful perspectives, and stops supporting women who are promoting anti-trans agendas left and right.
Until then, I can't give her money, knowing that money could go to sources and causes I can't support.
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drowsystarlight · 2 years
Jasmine for the même
Jasmine: my god i have a lot . There is SO MUCH . I used to be an avid reader but now all the books i want to read are in a pile bc a character death in the Lorien Legacies series fucking KICKED MY ASS and now i havent picked up since uhhhh maybe 10th grade??? LMAO anyway RAMBLING TIME
1) My Heart and Other Black Holes by Jasmine Warga . I actually really loved this shit and hid in class to read this book, I’d literally take any free time I have to pop this shit open and keep reading. It had dark themes tho (tw for suicide and depression basically) and i was a little kid who’d take any book i liked the plot of TO READ and this one was 👍👍👍 amazing. Described dark things and depression really well, it’s easy to feel for the characters and they felt real!! However I won’t read it again bc 1) while i found this really good when I read it like years ago, I dont like it now bc it put Romance in a place it was like,,,, kinda bleh to put ?? I mean romance is great but the ending kinda used it as a cure all lmao 2) it was SO DEPRESSING and it was hard to read bc its SO GOOD but my god i cant go through that again holy shitballs its like bridge to terabithia all over again
2) Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson . i dont think i gotta explain why im never reading or watching this shit again bc its so good but its notorious for emotionally beating up its readers into a pulp LMAO
3) The Fall of Five (Lorien Legacies #4), Pittacus Lore . This . THIS . THIS MADE ME STOP READING FOR YEARS BC IT HURT TOO MUCH!!!!! I HATE THAT MOTHERFUCKER PITTACUS LORE i swear when i find out who the fuck that is im going to rattle them wih my belt for doing MY BOY DIRTY !!!! I SWEAR IT !!!! Great books but my FAVE IS DEAD !!!!! GRRRGRGRGGRGRGGRGFRGRFRGRGG
4) Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Heroes of Olympus, both series by Rick Riordan . I love them and I will give my life to this series bc its my favorite book series EVER but I have college and freelance work now so i cant reread 10 books like i used to (I read both of those in like a MONTH so i was really a beast ,,,, sighs i miss the good ol days)
5 Harry Potter . Why ? Fuck jk rowling
1) 13 reasons why . First of all I think they fucked this up by making more than two seasons . Like one season is Not Enough and having the second is A Stretch But Acceptable BUT also really obviously for just for the money imo . Like girl we get it hannah died and clay didnt get to use Love as a cure all for her unlike the book above by jasmine warga !!!! Ok !!! So the tapes r the final stories !! Cool !!! Amazing content wow i do not give a shit about bryce walker tho . I just hate how it lost the whole Hey this is about Clay or Hannah thing the longer it went and it turned from a good angsty show to like uh . Whatver i didnt watch the 3rd season lmao . Also the last ep in the first season was VERY TRIGGERING for me i actually had to skip that shit and sit a while bc of how graphic it was 💀💀💀 i expected mentions of suicide but not ACTUAL scenes of ot w blood and all my god
2) Steven universe . Idk it was great but ive associated it with someone i do not want anything to do with anymore so its more Personal but also . I kinda think the ending sucked . Wow lets have a bath party with the gems instead of address that this giant dysfunctional family of four has killed so many !!! Sure why not !!! I loved the movie tho lmao spinel has my heart
I think thats it unless i forgot one LMAO but anyway thanks polks this made me want to read again ,,, damn
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nymphiess · 3 years
Bruh it is too late to keep an hp url/theme/posts, like normalizing/spreading content of Rowling’s is just a red flag now. There’s no separating art from artist when she’s using her popularity for money and then funneling that money into anti-trans LEGISLATURE. Continuing to create content or spread content is just normalizing her presence in fan spaces regardless of your own support or presence in trans spaces. If you say “fuck jk Rowling” now is the time to put your money where your mouth is. You can’t value a fictional universe and it’s characters more than you value the comfort of trans people who may cross your path.
Honestly anon, you're kinda right. I am trying to distance myself from it. But also keep in mind there are like some people like me who genuinely just care about 2 characters purely because of the stories they give them and that's it. The reason why I could love Tonks so much was because she's - 1.) Not even famous character, and 2- Has a really good actress. I know Rowling could never profit from me personally cuz I took media without ever paying for it. The books were like 6 years old and from a library when I read them. I have literally never bought anything else.
So here's my probably kinda immoral but my answer -> fuck her world now. Can you distance yourself from her media in such a way that you can actively go against her and yet never cause her profit even if you do occassionally dabble in it? You can? Then ok ig.
My reblogs against Rowling and support for Trans people outweighs the amount of reblogs I've ever made for hp. Natalia Tena actively donates to Trans groups and Women in Need. I donate to Trans organisations. In the end, I might never actually fully come to hate Tonks or Remus cuz they were both incredibly huge for me.
Can I keep myself away from Rowling's world if I just stay in my head? Am I allowed to daydream about 2 characters if they're just in my head and nowhere else? I'm trying my best to stay conscious of whatever I do.
So to answer this, maybe let's try to distance ourself from her work. Her world is like 90% fan content and I try to do whatever I can to not support her.
So honestly? Idk. I value my Trans community above what she created. But please realise that sometimes it's hard to quickly completely remove yourself from ideas if those ideas were kind of like you're childhood. I'm trying my best.
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downthepub · 4 years
i’m so tired of jk rowling.  having to care about her, or what she writes, or thinks, or does.
when i was in the christian community, she was The Devil for reasons people were so glad to tell you.
then, after a while, it was OK to like Harry Potter (in some circles) and she was actually Heroic.  the stories actually had Good Christian Messages hidden in them!  baby steps!
then i’m not in the christian community.  everyone loves JKR.  she’s given so much money away she’s not rich anymore!  she’s so good and kind and teaches good morals!  
but wait.  no.  she’s Actually Evil.  she has fake representation and is Unkind to Gays.
no.  she is good.  she agrees to Headcanons of POC!  she actually probably meant to write that!  we can’t expect too much representation, baby steps!
now she is out there bitterly tweeting things you wouldn’t expect from someone with their real name associated with their account on tumblr, much less a rich person with (presumably) better things to do than be angry about trans people????
and again, she is Evil and The Devil.
i’m just tired of all of it.  why do we have to give a shit about this person.  i never even got through the HP series.  I’m so fed up with hearing about her
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voidwerks · 5 years
Ask List
For @absolutelynoterica
#3 rant. just do it
‘Cause you know where we are: that this town is as large as it is (by the standards of the entire rest of the country) but is 95% houses, fast food and copy-cat restaurants, and alcohol for days agitates me to no end. There’s one functioning mall, 3 movie theaters in a city of 300k+, and very little in terms of shopping besides routine big-brand stores. The govt wants people to come here to visit, to have tourism? You need to have things people want to see in the first place! Art museum, aquarium, warship, not a bad start right? They still need attention given to them to make sure people not only visit but have a reason to return. The town’s ‘illustrious’ shore road? Chock full of potholes and houses that look as old as their owners. Downtown? While they’re doing some work now, they’ve still got a lot of work ahead of them to make it a real destination. And half the time when someone actually wants to come to town (i.e. the water park), they end up going elsewhere. Why? A, the city wants too much money or some sort of deal on the project, B, the city gives too little and the project can’t afford to go forward, and/or C, the city tells them to piss off because old voters don’t want things to change. 
Change costs money. Change takes action. And yes, change also sometimes means getting rid of the old. But it seems like too many people in power here are content with the stagnation. And maybe it’s my northeastern upbringing, but it bothers the hell out of me that I can drive 30m in almost any direction in town and not run into anything new or exciting.
#4 do you think it’s ok to separate the artist from the art?
Yes. Similar to literature, though an artist’s experiences, politics, mentality, lifestyle, and more may influence the creation and intention behind a piece of art, I believe that art, film, books, etc, more often than not exist independent from their creator from that point forth. People create their own meaning when they interact with media, and over time something can be radically different than what the artist originally intended. In addition, no one lives forever, and after an author literally dies their work often has to speak for itself anyway. 
And this can be a double edged sword, no doubt. On the one hand, you’ve got artists who’s creations were effectively taken and twisted far beyond their original intention (i.e. Pepe the Frog), and struggle to return it to what it was meant to be. On the other hand, you can also have creators like JK Rowling who has largely been left to rot by the Harry Potter community because of how radically different the people’s interpretation of the series and world(s) they’ve made are compared to what Rowling says now. 
I guess in a way art is like having kids. While it’s nice if they’re able to not only support you but carry on your legacy after you’re gone, often times they go to forge their own path, and they can’t be blamed for it. 
#14 what’s your coffee order?
Probably a mocha or shop equivalent with a decent amount of cream. I’m not big on coffee at all. Then again, I probably haven’t had any actually good coffee before either. 
#15 what’s a question do you constantly get asked?
Not so much now that I’m out of school, but my last name. I’ve been dealing with people having no idea how to pronounce it or wondering where it comes from as long as I can remember. And to answer those two questions: it’s entirely phonetic if you spend a sec to break it down, and it’s Basque, a rather unique culture that has lived in the corner of NE Spain/SW France than either country has been around for. 
#23 if you could break one of your bad habits which would you choose?
Procrastination, hands down. There are just certain things that I have some sort of aversion to, even if I know that they’re Not Bad and Actually Productive. 
#27 how long before a trip do you pack?
Usually a day or the night before. I don’t like feeling like I’m primed to launch for extended periods of time, because anxiety. I’ve also traveled/moved enough times that I’m usually pretty good at making sure I have whatever I may need for the duration of a journey.
#29 what quote or inspirational setting do you think is bs?
Any quote or idea along the lines of “you make your own happiness/success”. The world is hard. The world is cruel. The world isn’t fair. You can try and be as happy or successful as you like, and however much we may want it, that is often not enough against the weight of the world and the actions of others. While wallowing in one’s own muck doesn’t get you anywhere, neither does beating one’s head against a wall, or trying to do everything alone. Know when to rest. Know when to ask for help, even if it’s hard. Know when to take a step back and re-evaluate things. Know that you’re doing what you can.
#33 what do you think about a lot? 
Too much tbqh, and that’s even without anxiety thoughts. What I could be doing wrong with my job hunt, or could do better on. How my ex is doing, since I worry about her well-being. What’ll I be up to in a few years? Am I forgetting something? Should I spend some time painting, or finding new music, or trying a game I’ve never played? It just goes and goes and goes. 
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aesthetiicly · 8 years
Ok ready I'm going to tell you about what I want in my future u ready?? Literally since I was 7 I've wanted to be an author and I still really do and I want to study English at uni and I know which uni and everything but then I'm also really really passionate about movies and want to be a director but I feel like that's a lot harder to really adapt into a career?? And film school seems sketchy and I still love English and writing so idk :/
I CAN RELATE, WHEN I WAS LIKE 10 I THOUGHT OK, I’M GOING TO BE THE NEXT JK ROWLING, I WILL BE AN AUTHOR and then i realised thanks to parents and Growing Up that my chances of Making It Big are real slim and one of the key things in life is to have money, a stable income, so i can provide myself with a home and food and clothes,, so that dream kind of died. That plus i also realised i have no talent oh boy
and THEN i really thought ok I could work in the movie industry (this is like at age 13) as a director/producer, but my parents say that u actually need to know how to act if you’re going to end up directing someone. and me?? i don’t do drama. i can’t. act. why? i have confidence issues, and never did it in high school. 
and now at 17 (in 4 days) and i think about what i want to do in Uni, doing english lit at cambridge or oxford sounds cool,,, but will that actually help me in the future ?? can i actually Obtain a stable job by doing that course? idk man. film school would be the biggest disappointment i could give my parents as i would be scrapping away all my intellect (that i apparently have) but i’m still really passionate about films and movie-making and the industry but how am i going to make a good career out of that ??? 
but same, i love english, and i can 100% relate to you.
don’t be like me and feel that everyone is hindering my dreams. just go for it. 
go on anon and tell me things !!!
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omentrash · 8 years
It’s painfully ironic that JK Rowling is more of an antisemitic apologist than Pewdiepie. She literally tweeted questioning if it was ok to “make fun of poor people for holding up a sign that said “Death to All Jews” bc they’ll do anything for money.“ Bitch first of all, they deserve all the criticism for doing that and more. I couldn’t care less that they are being mocked. Number one, Pewdiepie did that to see if people on fiverr (who do stupid shit for money as a living btw) really had no dignity and his sign actually was supposed to say a lot more but they decided to do the “Death To All Jews” part solely and they weren’t sorry about it. Look at their expressions. They felt NO SHAME and knew exactly what they were doing. Even Pewdiepie was in disbelief that they chose to write that out of everything he gave them. He realized IN THAT MOMENT that the video was a mistake but wanted to show people how horrible his encounter with fiverr was so he uploaded it. Poor or not, it’s not okay to hold a sign that says “Death to All Jews” but apparently JK Rowling feels sorry for those assholes who were literally the only ones being intentionally antisemitic in this video. Why aren’t more people talking about this? Just because you’re struggling doesn’t mean you get to threaten an already marginalized group. JK Rowling defended it though. She’s the only one I’ve lost full respect for in this. Pewdiepie apologized and didn’t make excuses for giving them the option to make that sign for money (even apologized in the original video and you can TELL he is disappointed they actually made the sign). He knows he messed up but JK Rowling doesn’t get that those people deserve 0 sympathy and didn’t even hesitate making the sign and holding it up.
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