har-har-harvey · 4 months
i love the idea that porter(the dumabass he is) didn’t recognize that the kid he got to switch to be a cleric of the unnamed god purely through manipulation and force, who was otherwise empathetically loyal to his previous god of choice(slash upbringing but that’s a different post altogether) to a fault, would be obstinate about something he was told at first about his god even if the person who told him corrected the information. like this is true teenager behavior. the fact that he is so disconnected from his students and has been for however tf long he’s taught at augefort that he couldn’t see that coming from a mile away like any good teacher would is hilarious to me.
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friendofthedawn · 4 months
quick thoughts after the final episode, so massive spoilers for fhjy ep20!
buddy dawn creating a new deity, bacharath, out of sheer strength of belief is very comedic! of course i understand how it's funny to see yet another reflection of kristen bounced off into a strange new direction.
BUT. though i'll be thinking more about this when i've got time to totally wrap my head around the finale, i think that him creating this new deity out of blind devotion and running right back to his grandfather is very sad, honestly.
throughout the show, buddy has been shown to have a very impersonal connection to helio, the deity he draws his power from. when talking to kristen in the hallways, he mentions how helio uses him as a conduit to unleash his will into the mortal will, and that he has no control over what spell comes from his hand. of course, from the way we know clerics and worship works in the world of fantasy high, we know that this doesn't make sense and is not true. ankarna's followers used her powers to kill her sister's followers and kill in her name. she had no agency in this matter.
instead of a truth of buddy's relationship with helio, this moment read to me as a reflection instead of how his worship is conducted: muscle memory and memorization. he puts none of himself into worship and devotion because all that thought comes outside of him, totally impersonally, from his grandfather's ideologies.
we don't see this method of worship change when he changes his deity that is, to him, an unnamed god of rage. instead, he doubles down. "of course bacharath has to be the true name of the deity, we just aren't believing hard enough." the way he devotes himself (aka: impersonally, without introspection) has not changed. only the subject of his devotion has changed.
now, how did s1 kristen create a new deity in the first place? throughout fhjy, so many talk about how impressive this is. she creates a new deity by understanding deep fundamental truths about the universe.
this idea is cheapened by the fact that buddy dawn creates a new deity. he isn't shown to understand a deeper truth about the universe at play, and he isn't shown to change how he worships. instead, he believes so so hard, exactly the way he has his entire life, and this method of worship is then substantiated as legitimate by the narrative.
and then, he goes back to his grandfather.
now, i get that all this is a set up for a potential fh senior year, which is another can of worms that i won't get into now. but, in terms of just this season, i find this ending very sad for buddy.
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voxmilia · 4 months
I've watched this comp like 30 times already, the title is correct, they will never make me hate you, buddy dawn you will always be famous, no one's doing it like you hayseed, etc
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highfiveheroes · 4 months
if i never finish the finale it can’t hurt me
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islandoforder · 4 months
jace telling buddy off for saying bacharath, mary ann telling him that she feels bad, the way the ratgrinders still fundamentally trust these teachers who have been actively hurting and using them for at least a year
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18catsreading · 4 months
***Spoilers for today's FHJY episode 19 05/15/24***
Porter: is fig --
Gotgig: fig died.
Porter: oh?
Adaine: yeah
Fabian: she died in the crash
Adaine: yeah. You fucking killed her, you bitch!
Wanda Childa: she died killing a dragon. I think your grandma.
Gorgug: yeah
Oisin: what?
Gorgug: your grandmother's dead!
Adaine: fig killed her. And then she did the shocker as she died.
Riz: we have video proof of it
Kristen: yeah
Buddy: everyone, I want y'all to know, bottom of my heart: we're gonna slaughter all of you and deliver you up unto our lord and savior Bacharath.
Riz: Buddy!
Porter: that's not the fucking name!
Buddy: i know in my heart Bacharath is the right name, and we just don't believe jard enough.
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chungledown-bimothy · 4 months
Buddy still talks like that and is so sure Bacharath is the right name 😭
If they kill him, I'm going to cry more than I did for Jet or Lapin and be furious for god knows how long. This is not a joke it is a promise
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reginleifster · 4 months
can't believe we already have the entire villain cast of senior year (bobby dawn, buddy dawn, bacharath, kalina, arianwen, truancy automatons, arthur aguefort)
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ratgrinders · 4 months
I'm struggling to recover from last episode. Please can you give us a selection of Buddy Dawn headcanons ranging from weird to angsty??
Ur so real for that. I fuckin love Buddy, he has has some of the funniest lines out of the Rat Grinders I think, so here you go:
Buddy going so hard on the Bacharath name even after its been proven wrong is so funny. I'd like to imagine at least a very SMALL portion of him is just him playing it up for the bit, just because he knows it annoys his party. Just to be a little shit.
I think Buddy keeps 50 different identical versions of the same uniform in his closet. However, I think if Buddy ever gets the chance to try out his own styles as opposed to the typical missionary-esque uniform he always wears, he'd have the WORST fashion sense known to man. I'm thinking garish clashing colors, maybe he gets really in to Hawaiian shirts for a bit.
Also I think he really loves dogs. I think he has a golden retriever with a very stereotypical dog's name like Sparky and he loves that dog more than life itself.
Keeping with the Book of Mormon theme from last time, and inspired by the caption on this piece of fanart by @eustacedekolta, everyone go listen to the song Turn it Off. That's Buddy, to me.
I think he DID meet Helio in that brief moment after the Last Stand. I think this meeting could've gone a lot of ways, but one way I imagine is that Buddy is aware the Entire time that he is not his god's first choice, that Kristen Applebees stood in the very spot he stands now and turned him away. And I think Buddy remembers this, and is filled with rage that this god he's always had so much conviction in never had any for him in return. And then he leaves, acutely aware that he wasn't even the first one to forsake this god for another.
With how Bobby was talking to Kristen post-Buddy's disappearance (seemingly trying to get Ankarna's name rather than it being all concern for Buddy) and the revelation afterwards that Bobby's been in cahoots with Porter, I struggle to imagine a scenario where Bobby is truly 100% supportive of his grandson and has his best interests at heart. I'm reminded of Mac and Donna, who may love Kristen in their own way, but who's love is rife with hidden Terms and Conditions that she will always fail to meet. I think Buddy loves his grandpa, but there's always this undercurrent, or implicit understanding, that he can't tell him Everything and that there's a certain image he has to maintain around him.
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anarchypumpkincowboy · 4 months
“Bottom of my heart we’re gonna slaughter all of you and deliver you up unto our lord and savior Bacharath”
Oh buddy
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i-said-blimey · 4 months
I JUST got that it's Bacharath cause it sounds like "back to Wrath"
I just thought they were doing a bit
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argan314 · 5 months
Random FHJY thoughts:
If Adaine had accepted the diamonds from Oisin, she probably would have gotten dragon madness, since he told her they were from his grandmother's hord.
Zara's name was also written by Fig on that same paper, if the fake name doesn't work, Zara would make an amazing godess of war. Also, we still don't know who her paramour is, I don't think? And I'm sure it's going to be really cool.
Ankarna might get split into two, thanks to the fake name. If everyone who worships this "nameless" goddess attributes her properties to "Bacharath," then she might be created as a rage goddess but wouldn't have a domain. And since Fig believes in Ankarna as she was, and knows her by name, it might actually free her to be dawn and justice again.
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thisisnotthenerd · 5 months
lore dump lore dump lore dump
gorgug finding out about the cloud rider engine
fig writing righteous rebel and meeting ankarna and becoming her champion
fig finding ruben in his dreams
the entire wanda childa death scene
kristen chatting with jawbone about ritual locations
kristen in bobby dawn's office
kristen and bucky! finding and sharing the power of doubt
riz finding out about cormyr and rana
fabian with the pipes of the sewers
the rat grinders have been bringing big monsters to the woods, off the record, and killing them for the xp. this is aided by jace and porter. literally getting so much faculty aid because they're little idiots who want revenge and got suckered in with the promise of easy success. lowkey i might write up the shit they've done. put a pin in that.
ayda's message for fig!
the temple of the fallen sun
fig's nat 20 for visions and finding the house of sunstone
legend lore in the temple
lucy was a descendant of a giantkin family that followed ruvina
clerics of sol started the push on ankarna's domain change, much like clerics of galicaea started the push on cassandra
riz's nat 20 investigation on ragh!
fucking porter is the bad guy!!!! heir to the house of sunstone!!!!! fig has known all along!!!!!
the married goddesses!!!!!!! cassandra holding ankarna in the astral plane.
forging the name as bacharath
the portent crit going into the encounter with porter
riz's incredible luck with the 20 and 18 as porter goes ham
misty step into porter's office and a 36 investigation!
porter is trying to be a new god of war--stealing ankarna's divine domain and trying to kill her
investigating ruben's house
the party at seacaster manor becoming a flying party in a storm
ratgrinders full kit:
kipperlilly: mastermind rogue
oisin: conjuration wizard
ivy: arcane archer/gloomstalker ranger
mary ann: berserker barbarian
ruben: whispers bard
buddy dawn: light cleric
they really mimicked the party comp of the bad kids to a T, with subclass changes and a ranger multiclass vs bard for their fighter.
ok i think the adventuring party is going to be about either the staged wanda childa death, everything they did in the temple of the fallen sun, or fig's masterful deception with the name and encounter with porter and the subsequent office investigation. they really cracked the case wide open on this one. the amount of incredible investigation, arcana, religion, just everything about this episode was phenomenal.
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highfiveheroes · 4 months
Tumblr media
ominous cleric noises
praise bacharath, yall.
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figgypopidol · 4 months
Theory for Fantasy High Senior Year:
Fig Faeth has dropped out of Aguefort to pursue her music career, being the Archdevil of Rebellion and Champion of Ankarna full time but Arthur Agueforts automatons are after her to get her to re-enroll for senior year.
Meanwhile the rest of The Bad Kids begin Senior year with Kristen Applebees assuming her position of Class President with Riz as her Chief of Staff.
Their Senior Year project is tracking down Kalina, Bobby Dawn and the new god Bacharath who threaten to tear apart Spire itself.
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applespring · 5 days
somewhere in some far off server i want to play buddy dawn, paladin of bacharath, light of my whole life. one day. so many thoughts about the boy
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