#both as a villain motivation-wise and also as a teacher
har-har-harvey · 4 months
i love the idea that porter(the dumabass he is) didn’t recognize that the kid he got to switch to be a cleric of the unnamed god purely through manipulation and force, who was otherwise empathetically loyal to his previous god of choice(slash upbringing but that’s a different post altogether) to a fault, would be obstinate about something he was told at first about his god even if the person who told him corrected the information. like this is true teenager behavior. the fact that he is so disconnected from his students and has been for however tf long he’s taught at augefort that he couldn’t see that coming from a mile away like any good teacher would is hilarious to me.
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l-egionaire · 7 months
Just saw Kung Fu Panda 4. Here are some thoughts.
Plot was... okay. Nothing super special, but it was fine enough for the kind of story the movie was trying to tell. And there were some great imagery and animation moments. I honestly don't get all the complaints about the animation. I saw one thing on TV tropes say it'd because it's not something like Puss in Boots Two or The Bad Guys, but I'm honestly fine with it not being like those. I feel like if all animated movies used that style, people would just start to complain that they're all the same.
Zhen was fine as a character. Bit of the usual "thief with a heart of gold" type character, but while I do think her changing was a bit fast, I can get why it happens. Po's the first person to show her genuine kindness with little alterior motive, and combined with a later betrayl, I can see her motivation for becoming a better person. Her voice acting wasn't too bad, but I think it could've been better in some dramatic moments. Also, while the movie doesn't draw attention to it, I do think there's a lot of parallel that could be drawn between her and Po, not just with how they grew up but also in their parental figures. Not to mention, they ultimately aren't THAT different as characters. They're both goofy people but grew up being looked down on by others and seem to use humor or goofiness as a defense mechanism. Just that she uses snark whereas he uses his big happy personality.
I REALLY like Po in the movie. Not just because he's his usual big fun self, but because he's still just as, if not more competent as he was in the previous movies. A big issue I had with the How To Train Your Dragon franchise was how Hiccup seemed to keep being less competent or capable in the movies. But no. Po's still able to kick ass and is the skilled warrior he should be after three movies of fighting. And I do think his fear of losing his dragon warrior title is understandable since that HAS been a big part of his identity across all three movies. Some might say that it's odd he's so afraid of change since he became a teacher in the last movie, but that was just adding on to his the responsibilities he already had. I would say his arc of becoming a spiritual leader was neglected some by the end and could've used a bit more focus.
Po's dad's are great. At first, I thought their subplot was just a comedic b-plot, but I liked how they ended up getting their and providing Po emotional support. And again, while it's not given much focus, their relationship and how they encourage Po creates a nice parallel between Zhen and her parental figure.
The Chameleon as a villain isn't THAT interesting, but she's not terrible. Personality wise, she's okay, but nothing spectacular. I do think her backstory was interesting, and, like the past three villains, her backstory mirrors Po's in a way. Which I honestly kind of wished they'd focused on a little more. I think it would've given her more depth that she's hinted to have.
Yes, the Furious Five aren't in this move for 99 percent of it. But.....I think it works. Because the whole point of the movie is about Po and Zhen. Them building their trust and relationship to get to the point they are by the end of the movie. And having the Furious Five their might have made things feel overstuffed.
Ultimately, I think it's a good movie. Nothing AMAZING but it's good and It does pick up more in the second half. Overall I'd say this around a 7.5 out of ten if I had to describe it.
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fynnlink · 27 days
My X-Men Fancast
Since we're definitely getting a new cast for the MCU's X-Men, here are some of my ideas. I'm not 100% happy with all of them and would love to hear others' ideas.
Magneto - Mandy Patinkin 71
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He's actually jewish and age and skill wise he fits Magneto perfectly in my opinion.
Charles Xavier - Brian Cranston 68
I'm not entirely sold on him but only/mainly because I fear people will only see Walter White (his Breaking Bad character) when he plays a bald character.
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For the rest of the X-Men and other important Mutants I wanted some lesser known actors who are also a bit younger depending on when the movies take place (OG5 / First Class or later)
Emma Frost - Brianne Howey 35
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She was great as a smart and cunning (and a bit manipulative) character in Ginny and Georgia but also perfectly portrayed a caring and protective side motivating her actions, which fits Emma both in her villainous beginnings and later her time as a teacher / mentor towards young Mutants. The way she acts her character Georgia's traumatic background / backstory and the responses and coping mechanisms to it would also fit Emma's childhood / teenage years (Emma Frost 2003-05).
Scott Summers - Brenton Thwaites 35
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While I didn't like his portrayal of DC's "Nightwing" in "Titans" (2018) my issue was with the writing rather than the acting. I think, with the right writing, he could fit Scott/Cyclops perfectly.
Rogue / Anna-Marie - Keke Palmer 31
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While I'm definitely not the first with the idea, I'd absolutely love her as Rogue. She has the skill and even the actress herself likes the idea, even cosplaying/acting the character in a self-made video
Sadly I don't have anyone as Jean, Gambit, Kurt or Beast as of yet, so ideas are welcome.
Logan / Wolverine - Karl Urban 52
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While older than some of the other X-Men this would actually fit his character and Karl Urban definitely has the skill to follow Hugh Jackman's popular version of Logan. My main issues are his height (1.80m, instead of Wolverine's ~1.60m) and there would be an age-gap between his Logan and Scott and Jean. Obviously he has already played Skurge but the MCU has already recasted actors from small to bigger roles.
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racefortheironthrone · 9 months
Weird, long ask but could you explain Emma Frost? I’m starting to get into the X-Men (especially thanks to the People’s History of Marvel, thank you!). But what is her deal? Like I’ve read wiki summaries but I guess I want to know, is she an X-Men? She seems to be one of the faces of the team in modern events, but is she even a hero? How much does she undergo a face heel turn? Does it feel naturally written? What’s her role (in-story and meta-wise) and relationship with the team? Do they trust her? Accept her? Does she switch her view of muntantkind, from a tool as the Hellfire Club saw mutants, to identifying it as her community? Or does she act like that, and to an extent join the X-Men, for her own benefit and self-interest?
The vibe I get is she has become a hero and member of the team, but maybe not the family? And she’s still willing to use all the manipulative tactics she did as CEO and member of the Hellfire Club, but for mutantkind. (Which I love). Is that right or is Emma Frost totally different?
It's a long ask, but it's not weird at all - Emma Frost is a very important character, but also one of the more complicated ones in terms of her complex relationship with the X-Men. I'm going to ssume that you've read my People's History of the Marvel Universe essays on the Hellfire Club and the education of Emma Frost, but I would also highly recommend Cerebrocast's episode on Emma Frost as essential listening.
While Emma Frost started out an outright villain, a succession of writers carefully laid the groundwork for her heel-face turn, creating a very psychologically grounded explanation for her transformation. Even during her "snow phase," Emma was always a devoted teacher of young mutants. While she ran the Massachusetts Academy and the Hellions with a manipulative, domineering, and ruthless teaching style that was highly influenced by the "gaslight girlboss gatekeep" method she learned from her family, she also cared for her charges.
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When the Hellions were murdered by the villain Trevor Fitzroy in UXM #281, Emma Frost awoke from a coma to find that her students were all dead. Her grief turned inwards and Frost blamed herself, believing that she had failed to teach her students to defend themselves - and that they might have survived had they trained under Xavier and Magneto instead.
This belief was why Emma Frost decided to merge her Academy with the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, becoming one of the two lead teachers for Generation X. She was initially deeply distrusted by her co-teacher (and de facto parole officer) Banshee and many of her students, especially Jubilee who remembered her as one of the X-Men's villains. It took a long time for her to build up a rapport with her students, and despite her efforts she eventually lost their trust when she killed Adrienne for causing Synch's death.
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However, her most enduring period with the X-Men started with Grant Morrison's New X-Men. In the wake of the Genoshan genocide, Emma Frost not only joined the Xavier Institute but also became a full-fledged member of the X-Men for the first time. While Emma was initially motivated for a desire for revenge against Cassandra Nova, she stayed on after Nova was defeated and essentially became the "loyal opposition" inside the team.
Arguing that Xavier's "x-liberalism" was inadequate to deal with the reality of human hatred for mutants, Emma taught her students the ideal of "mutant excellence" - that only by making themselves the best, the most powerful, the most successful could mutants develop the ability to protect themselves from a hostile humanity. This caused her to clash quite a bit with Xavier and his true believers (it didn't help that Emma had also started her psychic affair with Scott, making her conflict with Jean very much both political and personal), because she had no compunction about using her powers against threats to mutantkind.
Especially in the period after M-Day when leadership of the X-Men shifted from Xavier to Scott, Emma was absolutely ride-or-die for a more revolutionary brand of pro-mutant ideology (and became "part of the family" due to her long-lasting relationship with Scott), but remained distinctive from the rest of the X-Men because of her pragmatic willingness to use the ruthless methods of her villainous past to advance the cause - very much a believer in "by any means necessary."
So overall, I would say her arc has been a shift from villain to anti-villain to anti-hero.
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lykomeraki · 1 year
Carl Grimes Deserved Better
I first mentioned this in an earlier post after I finished the Walking Dead for the first time, and my thoughts about the show. If you're like me, you probably agree that what happened to Carl was the worst story decision ever. So here's a lot of thoughts I've been sitting on for a while. If you'd like to read or commiserate with me about my rant/character study please continue reading. Caution: Spoilers Ahead
First off, killing off one of the main characters, particularly in this way, did nothing but damage the story. I read that they were trying to gain even more viewers in a similar way to game of thrones, a book and TV series unafraid of killing off main characters. In the case of Game of Thrones however the main character deaths made sense for the story, the individual storylines for these characters were complete, and their deaths could contribute to the stories of other major characters. the Walking Dead failed at this a myriad of times, giving smaller characters good development, then killing them just for shock value. Carl's death in particular. It provided no true motivation for any characters, he still had unfinished storylines, it only damaged the story itself, and there was so much potential and so many places his character could go.
in the comics, there didn't need to be a major death for Rick to spare Negan, his mercy was actually a punishment. the world would grow, improve, and repair itself, and Negan could only watch, never be a part of it.
If there needed to be a death to convince rick to have mercy, it is my opinion that Morgan would have been a far better choice, particularly as his ideologies kept shifting between kill everything and life is sacred. His character would be leaving the show at the end of season 8 anyway. It makes more sense story wise, it could have been that Morgan got bit or fatally injured, and in his last moments of life he encouraged Rick to have mercy. This makes a lot more sense then Carl's sudden turn to pacifism at the beginning of season 8, particularly since he fired the the first shots of the war in 7,16.
Carl played a key part in Negan's character development, being the first one to actually reach his small ember of humanity. Judith took over this particular storyline, and while I think she is a cool character with a phenomenal actress, she simply isn't the same. Carl actually has a history with Negan, both with him being the villain, and also with him having an almost mentor-like attitude towards him, touching on Negan's past as a gym teacher.
Rick Grimes leaving the show was also a bitter pill, one whose negative effect could have been lessened with Carl's survival. The only original group members still present are Daryl and Carol. and while they're great, it now feels like a completely different show. Michonne leaves too, so the only Grimes are Judith and RJ. Neither of whom had any real development. RJ simply existed, and Judith's skill level and character didn't make sense for her age, and the relatively easy life she must of had during the time skip bar being kidnapped by Jocelyn. Her shooting ability and skill with her little katana didn't make sense living in a place where she didn't have to grow up fighting and in danger like Carl did. Carl could have provided that feeling of the original Grimes family who were the ultimate focus and purpose of this story, a father and his son suriving in the apocalypse, and the friends, family, and enemies they make and lose along the way. with the loss of both rick and especially Carl, (since Rick didn't even die so his new story would still make sense even if Carl survived.) the walking dead no longer feels like the same story, and not in a way where it naturally evolved. it simply doesn't make as mush sense anymore in regards to the characters they have.
Carl ultimately had the best character development, growing from an annoying bratty kid who doesn't understand that there are new dangers in this world, to a teen who is wise to the world and it's dangers, and is capable of protecting himself, and helping his loved ones. he is also able to retain a sense of compassion, not becoming a soulless killing machine like Morgan did briefly, Herschel intervening and helping with his development to keep him off that path when he shot the teen from Woodbury. towards the end, he was really coming into himself, becoming a very fleshed-out character and becoming a very good leader in his own right, he could have helped Michonne and/or Tara after Rick and Maggie left and they took over Alexandria and Hilltop respectively. I believe that despite Michonne orders of complete isolation even from their friends, Carl still would have visited and reached out to Hilltop and Kingdom, even being a friend and mentor to Henry, who I personally think was a little whiney. Henry still could have had the romantic storyline with Lydia, because Carl would likely continue to pursue Enid. but he could have been a friend and ally to Lydia in a similar way to Daryl.
the manner of Carl's death was also dumb to the point of disrespectful. he got pinned by one walker and bitten by another when a few years ago he was able to get out from under three without a scratch. while Siddiq did become a good character, his death (which was also pointless) rendered Carl's sacrifice completely pointless. they also didn't even need to be killing those walkers, Carl was helping Siddiq honor his mother's belief that killing walkers released the dead souls. an interesting belief and concept Siddiq never brings up or seems to follow again.
Carl's death was anticlimactic, cheap shock value, and again I state: pointless. He is possibly my favorite TV character ever, with some of the best development I've seen, similar to Sansa Stark, going from annoying and inflated self-confidence to wisdom, capability, and experience. truly growing as a character with believeable flaws and relatable growth.
Losing Sophia, costing Dale his life by treating walkers like a game, Losing Shane and his Mother, Killing the teen and Herschel's intervention, losing the prison, Herschel, and temporarily Judith, the Claimers, the Termites, his interactions with Ron and the loss of his eye, Glenn's and Abraham's awful death's, his desire for revenge and his failed attempt on Negan's life, and the following consequences and interactions with him that followed. all of these experiences contributed to his growth. he learned his capabilities, and when he got too cocky, he was knocked down a peg by real consequences. when Judith acted out, rebelled, took on an enemy, or got cocky, there were no consequences, direct or otherwise. when Carl's skill, self-confidence, or ego grew, there were still consequences that made sense. this gave him a better character and more relatability and humanity, making mistakes and learning from them.
I never expected to get this attached to a character, and will be salty about how they treated Carl and Chandler Riggs for a very long time. (I'm not even going to get into how they treated the actor but it was awful) thank you for listening to (reading) my rant, feel free to commiserate about Carl or other undeserved TWD character deaths in the comments.
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lovely-angst · 4 years
What UA taught me
this was going good and then it wasnt
pairing: bakugou x reader
word count: 3k
genre: fluff
summary: it was the sports festival at UA, but your school gets broken into by villains
“Hey Katsuki! It’s nice to hear your voice again,” you tease with a smile as Bakugou goes silent on the other side before quickly replying, “you should be thankful I picked up your damn call,” he shoots back, but you know better. 
“Like you didn’t answer my call right away,” you giggle as you glance up at the orange sky, “but you’re right. I should be thankful thee Bakugou Katsuki has picked up my call.” 
“That’s what I thought,” he finishes, a small smile on his lips. It had been a while since he was able to joke around with you like this, and did it leave him feeling more refreshed at hearing your voice. “Sorry that we haven’t been able to call often, it’s been hectic as a second year,” Bakugou confesses, but you shake your head, knowing he wouldn’t be able to see you. 
“Don’t worry about it Katsuki, I know you’re working hard to become number one. Our phone calls can always wait,” you say gently, a small smile on your lips, “I’m just happy we were able to call today.” 
“Oh! You want to hear something funny?” you begin to tell Bakugou all sorts of stories about your new classmates and the new things you’ve been doing now that you’re no longer at UA.
Bakugou shared a few stories with you as well, keeping you up to date on your old classmates and friends. You smiled as he rambled on about Midoriya before talking about his hero internships and how they weren’t as hands on as he’d like. 
“Maybe I’ll get lucky and run into you on the streets when you’re doing work study,” your tone shifted into a hopeful one as you thought about seeing Bakugou in person, “that would be so nice.” 
“Don’t come distracting me now,” he teases, causing you to roll your eyes, “yeah right. You’re going to distract yourself. Stop putting the blame on me,” you tease back with a slight giggle before it goes silent on both sides. 
“I really miss you, you know?” you confess with a sigh. “It sucks not being able to see you every day. I can’t believe I’ve already gone two months without seeing you once.”
“Yeah, yeah, I miss you too,” he responds and you could already imagine the faint blush on his cheeks, causing you to smile. “Don’t forget to watch me on the big screen next week.” 
“How could I ever forget UA’s sports festival? It’s like the biggest event in Japan!” you cry, “My classmates and I are going to watch it together in class. I haven’t told them about you yet, so they’re in for a surprise once I tell them who I’m dating,” you giggle into the phone. 
“Damn right, those extras better know who you belong to,” rolling your eyes at his dramatic comment, you see the train station ahead, much to your dismay. 
“Oh, I’m at the station. I’ll have to end the call here, Katsuki,” standing still under the streetlights that helped light the darkening streets, you let out a sigh. “I’ll call again after the sports festival next week. Good luck! Let’s get another win this year!” you cheer, hearing Bakugou snort from the other side. 
“If I win, do I get a prize?” Bakugou asks, and you knew he wasn’t talking about some medal. “I don’t know. How about you win first, then we can talk?”
Bakugou clicks his tongue, “Come on, give me some motivation here, sweet cheeks,” he calls out, adding pet names that have you rolling your eyes, “Jeez, you’re so needy,” you joke, shaking your head with a smile. 
“Um, I’ll give you a kiss if you win,” you say, “Can’t back out now, I’m going to expect a kiss by the end of the day after my victory,” he says undoubtedly, causing you to gawk. 
“But you’re not allowed out and I’m not allowed in!” you protest, but you hear him click his tongue. “Should’ve thought of that beforehand, princess. See you later, don’t forget my prize.” 
Pulling your phone back to see the ended phone call, you could feel your cheeks heating up from the thought of a kiss. It wasn’t like you two had never kissed, but a kiss after two months apart had you fainting at just the thought. 
Shaking away your nerves, you quickly made your way to the station before waiting for your train.
“It’s starting! “your classmates shouts as they quickly ran to their seats, students scrambling around quickly before quieting down to watch the television that had been rolled into class. 
One of the biggest events in Japan was just about to begin—UA’s annual sports festival. Businesses and schools alike had been shut down for the day so everyone would be able to enjoy such an anticipated event. 
Thankfully, your teacher had talked with the principal into letting your class watch the event in the classroom together and thankfully, he agreed, which resulted in where you were right now. 
Memories of your first year at UA beginning to flood your brain as you watched the familiar stage and arena in nostalgia, but now as a spectator.
“Didn’t you use to go to UA, (Name)?” a classmate asked as they turned around to face you before you gave them a nod. “So you were in the sports festival last year too?” 
You gave them another nod before they awed at you. “Whoa! Is it just as intense as it looks?” Your eyes widen with another nod, “You have no idea. It’s super competitive, but it’s definitely rewarding at times.”
“Oh, here comes the first years!”
As everyone focused back on the television, you couldn’t help the butterflies in your stomach. You felt so nervous for all of the students, but you also were so anxious to see Bakugou on television.
Of course he was going to do well, but it’s been so long since you’ve seen him, well, in action. 
Watching the first years was just as amazing as you had remembered your first year to be. You had some favorites, quirk wise and personality wise. 
Though you loved watching the new first years of UA, you couldn’t wait to get to the second years, where your old classmates were and especially your boyfriend.
It had been a few months since you’ve seen them and you couldn’t wait to see how they’ve progressed in such a short amount of time.
After Midnight had announced this year’s winner’s for the first years, the second years walked out onto the stadium, looking ready for anything heading their way.
Present Mic was already announcing the introductions to the second years, causing your heart to flutter.
The camera landed on Bakugou, with Present Mic loud commentating, “Last year’s winner, Bakugou Katsuki! Will he be able to keep his title as victor this year?”
Bakugou rolled his eyes at the camera, stuffing his hands in his pockets at the comment. 
“Also representing the second years, is Bakugou Katsuki!” 
Bakugou shot his head over at Midoriya with a glare as the poor green haired male brought his hands up in defense. “We all thought you’d be a great representative after everything that’s happened in our first year!” Mina cried as she jumped on his back playfully. 
You could see your old classmates surround him with warm and supportive smiles before Bakugou eventually gave in and walked up to the microphone beside Midnight. 
“I still will become number one,” he starts casually, “but if I somehow don’t, I know my class will come out on top.” 
Everyone in the stadium gawked at his answer. He wasn’t much different than he was a year ago, but he was definitely more fond of his classmates. You couldn’t help but smile at his answer.
Midnight let out a chuckle, “Well, you seem very certainly motivated today. What is behind that motivation?” 
Bakugou took a step forward, grabbing where the mic sat in the stand, “My girlfriend said she’d give me a kiss if I won first place,” he said smugly, glancing over at the camera. “(Name), you don’t want to let everyone down now if you don’t give me a kiss.” 
You choke upon hearing his answer as you watch him walk away like he hadn’t just exposed you to all of Japan. 
Your classmates all slowly turned their gaze on you, silently demanding an answer on why the stuck-up blonde had said your name and called you his girlfriend. 
You duck your head down sheepishly, “I was going to tell you all at the end of the day today, but I guess he already announced it to all of Japan,” you start. “That’s my boyfriend, Bakugou Katsuki,” you confirm with an awkward smile before your class erupts in chaos, missing the start of the second year’s obstacle course.
“And finally, this year’s first place winner is Bakugou Katsuki! For the second time in a row!” Midnight announces, as Endeavor, being the new number one hero, hands out their medals. 
You facepalm internally as you watch Bakugou with his smug smile. You knew he was just waiting for that kiss!
Once the third years walked out onto the arena, you felt your phone vibrating before Bakugou’s caller ID lit up the screen, causing your eyes to widen before some of your classmates noticed. 
“(Name) ’s boyfriend is calling her!” they teased, “he’s waiting for that kiss!” 
Pouting, you stood up before grabbing your phone and walking towards the doors, “Jeez, you don’t have to remind me!” you cry, sliding the door open before stepping out to take the call. 
Sliding the accept button, you bring the phone towards your ear, “Hello?”
“So, when am I going to get that kiss?” his low attractive voice says through your phone speakers as you scrunch up your nose, “Katsuki, I can’t believe you announced that to all of Japan,” you whine before he lets out a snort, “just making sure you don’t forget.”
Your classmates begin to cheer loudly from within the class as you peek through the door’s small window before focusing back on Bakugou. 
“First of all, congratulations on winning! Secondly, I’d love to give you a kiss, but I just don’t know how we’ll be able to see each other,” you had gone through the possible options, but they never made it far. UA becoming a boarding school made it almost impossible for the two of you to meet. 
“Well, when do you think the next time we’ll be able to see each other is?” Bakugou asked, irritated that he wouldn’t be getting his kiss anytime soon. 
“New Years?” 
Bakugou choked. “New Years? Are you fucking kidding me? You know it’s still early in the year,” he complains, but all you can do is shrug your shoulders.
“That’s how it’s gonna be, so suck it up. We only ever went home once last year and that was for New Years,” you inform, hearing him huff on the other side of the phone. “I know you really want that kiss, Katsuki. I want to kiss you just as much, but we can’t see each other because of how strict UA has become, I’m sorry.” 
Bakugou sighed, “Don’t be sorry,” he starts, earning a smile from you, “our New Year’s kiss better be fucking worth it.” You couldn’t help the giggle that falls from your lips at his words. “It will be, I promise.”
After saying quick goodbyes, you and Bakugou ended the phone call before you made your way back into class to finish watching the remainder of the sports festival with your classmates.
“What did I miss?” you ask, sliding into your chair as your eyes focused back onto the screen. “Nothing much, just the third year introductions. They just started the obstacle course.” 
Suddenly out of nowhere, a loud explosion was heard, causing you to jump from your seat. 
“What was that?” you asked nervously, your classmates alike glancing around with wide eyes. “Was that from the TV?” 
“It couldn’t have been...that sounded way too loud and too close.” a classmate responded as you stood up in your seat to walk carefully toward the door, listening for any other sounds. 
When no other explosion came, you quietly slid the door open before secretly peeking your head out, glancing around for any suspicious activity. But you couldn’t pick up on anything. 
Turning around to face your shaken up classmates, you let out a determined breath. “I’m not sure what the situation is right now, but I’m going to need you all to stay calm and cooperate with me here,” you order as they all glanced at you.
“Enna, could you use your quirk to see how many people are in the building and what they are doing right now?” she quickly nods her head before standing up and closing her eyes, activating her quirk as you all watch silently. 
Her eyes shoot open before she glances over at you in fear, “There are three people on the first floor, heading up to the second floor where we are. It looks like there might be some people surrounding the school perimeter as well,” 
You nod and thank her before turning to look at another classmate, “Miki, you have an enhanced hearing quirk, right? Could you press your ear against the door and try to listen for what they might be saying?” 
You could tell she was shaken up, but she nodded nonetheless. Walking shakily towards the door, she pressed her ear against the cold surface for a minute before turning over to you. 
“They’re looking for the UA student who transferred...” 
Your eyes widened as her words struck you—they were coming for you. 
Your heart was beating wildly in your chest even as you tried to calm yourself down. Glancing over at your classmates, they looked terrified, some bursting into tears at the thought of villains heading their way. 
You were surprised you could stay calm during such an event, but then it hit you. You’ve been through this, facing villains head on. You had been training for this and you were their only hope of staying safe. 
Putting on a determined face, you face your classmates, “Listen up and listen closely, we don’t have much time,” you start, leaning closer, “We know they’re coming for me, so we have to make sure we keep them away from us as soon as possible until help arrives.”
Their desperate eyes watch you as they nod with every word you say, clinging onto the hope you had given them. 
“Worst case scenario is that we have to fight them ourselves, but let’s do our best to keep ourselves safe,” you say with a comforting smile, “I’ve gone through enough training at UA to be able to devise a plan, but it can only do so much.” 
And so you began to create a plan with all of the quirks from your classmates.
A classmate with an animal shifting quirk would change herself into a bird and fly out of the window to find any pro hero patrolling out in the streets, while your classmates try to secretly and safely escape. 
You tried dialing Bakugou to no avail; his phone most likely turned off due to the sports festival. 
‘there are villains at my school, please come with help as soon as you see this’ 
quickly hiding your phone in your pocket before turning around to continue your escape route with your classmates.
“Here, this way, quietly,” you usher towards the window as Enna had cleared the area of any villains, making it the escape route. “They’re searching the classes right now, we need to hurry,” Miki explained as you helped the students lower themselves onto the ground with the makeshift rope. 
“There are two people around the corner, but if we use Tomoya’s quirk, we could make it out without being detected,” Enna informed as you turned towards Tomoya. 
Before you could ask for his help, he nodded at you before kneeling down, touching the ground with his fingertips before raising his hand into the air, creating an illusion of the same image of the school ground, but with the students hidden behind the illusion wall. 
“I can only keep this illusion up well for five minutes before it starts vanishing,” Tomoya explains as he continued to hold his arms up with the illusion. 
On the other side of the gate, you could see the students running away to safety while you were left with Tomoya and another student who was climbing down the ropes from the window. 
“Ah!” a scream caught your attention before you heard a thud, a student on the ground clutching her ankle. “(Name), I think I sprained my ankle!” she cried as she glanced up at you for help. 
“(Name) I can’t hold this for much longer,” Tomoya strained as you could see the illusion slowly warp away. To your dismay, the two men around the corner noticed your presence as they came rushing over. “Over here!” 
“Tomoya! Get Nina to safety!” you cried as you ran towards the two men. 
“What about you, (Name)?” he shouted, but you continue running, “Don’t worry! Go find the pros, I’ll stop them from getting to you guys!” 
As you came face to face with the two large men, you were quick enough to dodge their arms, running under them before pressing a hand on their back before activating your quirk. 
Chains began to wrap around their torsos before you pull your arms in, causing their bodies to smash together as you held them tightly against each other as long as you could. 
Your strength with holding down two people wasn’t as strong as when you held down one person, but your quirk training had prepared you for this. Curling over yourself, you held your breath as you continued to hold the two men down. 
Minutes passed before you felt yourself starting to lose consciousness from the overuse of your quirk to its full potential. 
At least all of your classmates are safe and away from danger. This is what being a hero is, right? Your vision begins to blackout, your grip on the villains loosens before you fall onto the ground with a thud. 
“Congratulations on receiving first again for the second time in a row!” Sero cheers, wrapping an arm around Bakugou’s shoulder as the class returned to their dorms after an eventful day. 
Shaking the man’s arm off, he trudged forward into the common area before walking into the kitchen for some water. 
“Hurry up and turn the TV on! I need to relax now!” Mina exclaims, falling onto the couch beside Momo. As the television turned on, the news channel came on, catching everyone’s attention. 
“A group of villains broke into a high school today in search of a previous student of UA,” the newscaster announced as Bakugou’s focus shifted towards the television. 
“All students were able to escape safely thanks to their classmate, (Last Name) (Name), who devised a plan to get everyone to safety, even using her quirk to keep the villains strapped in place.”
The camera shifted to a classmate of yours, interviewing them on the terrifying event. “(Name) stayed calm even when she knew she was being targeted. If it wasn’t for her, I don’t know if we’d all be here safe and sound.” 
“She prioritized us over herself and made sure we were safe. She’s so brave. A true hero.” 
“(Name) was unconscious when pro heroes entered the scene and she is currently under UA’s care, suffering minor injuries due to over exhausting herself from quirk use.”
Bakugou threw his cup in the sink before digging into his pockets to find his phone, now noticing all the missed calls from you before reading your heartbreaking text. 
“Fuck!” he yelled, running out of the dorms only to crash into Aizawa around the corner. 
“Do you know where (Name) is?” Bakugou pleaded, “please.” 
Aizawa let out a sigh before answering, “she’s in the nurse’s office with Recovery Girl. Make it back before 10 pm and I won’t give you any consequences,” Aizawa inform before Bakugou was off and running again.
As soon as he made it to the Recovery Girl’s office, he noticed you on the bed closest to the window, your eyes focused on the scenery below you.
“(Name),” Bakugou breathes as your head turns to face him, eyes widening. “Katsuki?”
Before he could think, his body moved on its own, falling into your lap as he wrapped his arms around your waist, face in your stomach. “Katsuki, are you okay?”
Pulling away, he gave you a stern look, “You fucking passed out fighting some villains, (Name).”
“It was only for about an hour or two, I’m just here for precautions,” you say, staring into his eyes before smiling. “But I’m glad I get to see you today,” 
Sighing, Bakugou hid his face in your stomach with a sigh. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you needed me. If only I had picked up your calls or read your text you wouldn’t have ended up here,” he confessed but you shake your head.
“You had things to do, don’t worry about it. I’m safe now aren’t I?”
Bakugou reaches over to intertwine his hands with yours, “be more careful, dumbass. You’re lucky they were some low class villain that didn’t know what they hell they were doing.”
Squeezing his hand, you give him a nod, “I was just doing what I was taught at UA,” Bakugou quietly stares at you with a frown, “You sure you can’t come back?” 
Brushing your hand through his blonde locks, your smile softens at the feel of him, “I’ll ask my parents when they arrive here. Aizawa said he was going to talk to my parents about enrolling me back because it would be safer for me.”
Just as Bakugou was about to close his eyes and relax into your touch, your soft voice asked for him to sit up. 
Your hands place themselves on his cheeks before you bring him in for a kiss, heat rising to his cheeks at the sudden affection. “Congratulations on your win today,” you say cheekily before he smirks, bring you in for more. 
A month passed since the incident and everything was back to normal. Bakugou trudging to class so early in the morning as he plopped himself down in his desk before homeroom announcements would start. 
It wasn’t long before Aizawa walked into class, looking as bored and tired as always, causing Bakugou to glance over towards the windows. 
“Good morning, class. I have some important news today, so please listen up,” he starts as the class begins to settle down. “First off, I’d like to introduce our new student who will be joining us today. You can come on in,” Aizawa informs as the door slides open.
Bakugou peels his eyes from the windows to glance over at the door, his eyes slightly widening in shock.
“Why don’t you introduce yourself,” Aizawa asks, stepping aside as you take the podium.
“Good morning. My name is (Name) and I’ll be finishing off the school year with you all. Please continue to look after me.”
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Would love to hear your thoughts on gintama the final, if you want to share!!
Fucked me up. Punched me in the face. Obliterated me.
I spent my middle-high school years reading/watching gintama n its a huge influence on me—it probably has the most influence on me compared to other animanga tbh—storytelling and humor wise this series just engineered me lol. Its also the first fandom i was active in, this was literally a gintama blog to whoever remembered that era.
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When gin said this^ i was bout to cry fr -_- when i saw kagura looking all grown up in this movie i was like 🧍‍♂️so SHOCKED bc pretty sure i was kaguras age when i started gintama. so looking at adult her as an adult myself… insane meta moment. Like u know how uncle iroh is everyones uncle, gintoki u are my father
Anyway. takasugi
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Takasugi’s redemption arc is so fucking crazy. Idc how tropey everything is bc it was done so well. Maybe im biased but it doesnt matter. The storyboarding in the gintoki vs utsuro/takasugis fight was done SO WELL. !! The sound design also! They translated n elevated the scene insanely well from the manga. The interpersing flashbacks and mutliple callbacks with the present fight uogoggh. THE SILENT MOMENTS!!! the staff knew what they were doing. It was so devastating. The script is also very crazy like…. Everything they told each other at their last moments together…… I think it was done perfectly. It was a perfect, most miserable moment.
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His iconic catchphrase..
I actually did not think i would like takasugi this much (funny since i got my url from him lol) but like. I always thought takasugi n gin’s dynamic is rly good in a rly fucked up way but idk i was not obsessed w him the way im obsessed w the other characters. But now. Oh man. WHAT a character. Yeah its a cliche to die to get your character redeemed but goddamn he did it SO WELL. SO WELL! He didnt turn nice a la zuko or whatever, but the script rly allowed us to see the best of him despite everything he has done. Or in spite of it. Like his character rly, rly just shines through. I feel like the first time he showed up as a villain his motivation felt vague and chaotic—violence for violence’s sake—but now we know its nothing like that at all. Its vengeance, but it isnt vengeance for him, its vengeance for the three of them: gintoki, zura, n himself. When i realized his want to “destroy” isnt egocentric in the least… [shakes head] his character just changed completely to my eyes its sooo. CRAZY. WHAT a character.
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my fav character dynamic is enemies who know each other best. Obsessed with it truly. and also characters who try to kill each other (which is takasugi+gintoki in the past arcs of the series) out of love. Bc it is out of love! Out of guilt and pride and really love. The way that we thought takasugi’s pain centers fully around their teacher—and it turns out what tortures him the most is gintoki’s suffering all along?!?! WTF. And the way they mirror each other! Its fucking insane! Gin chose to sacrifice himself in the past to carry the burden at the beginning of it all VS the series ending with takasugi sacrificing himself bc he doesnt want gin to carry that burden anymore -> literal insanity. Yes character death is tedious but its the perfect conclusion to their conflict. Full fucking circle. Im frothing at the mouth thinking about it. Its such a tender end for the both of them it was beautiful and it hurt like shit.
If there is anything i have gripes about the movie is the lack of zura and sakamotos involvement at the core of their conflict—esp zura! Bc shoyou is his teacher too ): and also the poor character screentime distribution for the rest of the cast (it cant be helped on some level ig, gintama has a shitload of characters) though i appreciate that otae has a lot of scenes, good for her :)
But overall i loved it—very biasedly, but i really do. I mean it hurt but it hurt so good. Im happy that it ended that way. Bittersweet and hopeful and in good, good humor is the very essence of gintama and that was the ending that it got, so: perfect. And therefore i will think abt gintama fondly onwards as i always have
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Ok here's the next entry in what I think I'm going to refer to as the "hero's Burden AU." I'm going to try and divide the idea into sections to help me organize my thoughts and help make things easier to digest. But two notes first before I begin: 1) this idea is free for anyone to use if they feel like it. While I like to think I'd be able to sit down and write this fully one day, my life is too chaotic right now to commit to it and I'd like to see what people think about it even if it's little ideas. 2) this is mostly for you cap, feel free to let me know if I'm spamming the inbox too much or like overhearing or something. I don't want to bother anyone becuase I'm rambling or posting where I shouldn't or something. I know you'll probably think it's fine but you know *shrugs* anxiety...
Okay on to the actual topic which is I want to start with the villains and what their motivations are as well as how they'll actually be antagonizing Paris.
To begin here's each members motivations as well as their miraculous match. First is Gabriel who lost Emile to a tragic accident and kind of disillusioned himself with reality in his grief. He's become obsessed with the idea that he can change anything for the better and he turns to the miraculous and the spell book (I'll expand on this further down) to do so. His miraculous is the fox. Part of this is becuase his experience as a designer makes him much more able to create illusions of how he wants reality to look like. This is kind of the other part of his choice in that he kind of looses himself in the falsehood of his vision. He can't accept the loss he's experienced becuase he's GOING TO fix things. Emile is never gone, just out of reach in his mind.
Nathalie shares a motivation with Gabriel but leans more on how focused she is on the discord it's caused in those she cares about. She misses Emile a lot but she's more worried about how far gone Gabriel is and how that's affecting Adrien in the progress. She considers them her family too and she'll to anything to give them back that stability and peace, hence the choice to weild the ladybug. Her fault is that I. Her pursuit is in bringing back the order that existed before rather than adapting to change.
Gorilla gets a lot of back story here. Essentially Gorilla was always known for protecting people. He used to be a decorated officer on the force with a wonderful daughter waiting for him at home. Unfortunately a criminal manages to pin a murder on him and not only gets the Gorilla sent to prison, but his only daughter gets put into the foster system. He spends years inside with only the thought of seeing his daughter again holding him together. Unfortunately even though he gets out a few years early do to good behavior (he became practically mute inside.) he finds out that he can't regain custody of his daughter as she's already been adopted by another family. Eventually he ends up working for the Argestes since they're the only ones willing to look over his record. When they eventually offer him the turtle with the promise that he can both get his daughter and protect everyone he cares about, he joins their cause. He has less fault with his miraculous and it's more about who she's choosing to punish/protect.
Next I'm thinking Ms. Medeleiev (wow that's a tough one to remember the spelling). She gets an expanded back story too in that she's a former renown scientist with a huge focus on the environment. She sees the damage done to the earth and she sees the very real doomsday clock that will happen if things aren't taken seriously. One day she used her research to challange a massive company responsible for a horrific amount of pollution but instead the company somehow managed to forge documents to completely shatter her reputation. Becoming a science teacher was the best she could do after that. The villain team see her as someone willing to do what must be done to "save the world" and so, while she stubbornly hates the fact that magic is somehow real and is desperate to break it down into a science she can understand, she joins them. Her miraculous is the black cat so that she can show the world what kind of destruction is waiting for them if the world doesn't wise up. Her fault is that she used chaos and destruction for fear when, in truth, death and chaos are the tools meant to pave the way for the new.
Now finally it's the Bee which is kind of where I ran out of steam. I've been trying to think of others that i would be willing to turn to the more darkside but still have some shred of morals. Instead I decided to go with someone who could probably follow a more traditional villain mindset and likely serve as a corrupting influence to the villain team since honestly the idea is that these are people who are trying to do good but in like the worst way possible. They kind of need that push to stop them from questioning themselves and keep them on their path. Someone to show that despite redemption and redeeming qualities being very important topics in this potential AU, that some people are honestly genuinely selfish and are likely driven more by fear than any real positive desire. That's why I went with Audrey for the Bee. She's someone that the villains think is easily manipulated but instead is slowly corrupting them. Audrey is driven by a deep fear of time itself. Aging, decay, and loss of legacy are what drive her. She wants a world where beauty is eternal and so is she. That's how her use of the bee is twisted. Freezing everything eternally with no chance for change or growth becuse there's fear that those changes won't be for the better.
Okay this is getting long but we're almost there. The last part is an explanation of how they go about their plans and how they can stay a threat despite having static miraculous. Remember the spell book? That's the key to their plan. The miraculous make them strong but the spell book is what let's them take action. Gabriel in his studying of the spell book has discovered that he can actually cast powerfull spells if he uses pages of the book itself as the power sources since its filled with leftover magic from past guardians. So essentially he figured out what he wants to do, rips a page of the book out and fills it with desired spell and so begins the plan. The heroes, in order to save the day, have to capture the page itself since it needs to be at the center of whatever its doing. Capturing the page and breaking the spell also reverts the world back to the way it was before it was cast. So over time the more pages they use, the less spells they can cast, and the more pages the heroes can collect, and thus the heroes start learning more and more from the information they gather. (also to make sure things aren't too easy for the heroes, the pages loose their magic after the spell so while the heroes learn more about magic and the miraculous from the pages they collect, they can't just turn around and start casting their own spells.)
Okay heres the final part. I want to end this segment with an example of what one of their plans/spells would do. As a spinoff of stormy weather, Ms. Medeleiev would use a spell to cast a super storm in the city as an example of the kind of damage global warming can have on the weather and that that if the world wants to prevent this disaster from happening then the heroes must turn over their miraculous.
That's it for the villains. Feel free to let me know what you think.
I can imagine like this haunting image of like, Gabriel miraging an illusion of Emilie just to talk to because he’s so lonely and disillusioned that’s so cool dude
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viola-ophelia · 4 years
Celegorm, Curufin, and Maedhros for the ask thingy?
ooh thank you for the ask!! i totally wasn’t dying for someone to ask me about celegorm hehe!
sexuality headcanon: i hc celegorm as aroallo & bi! i could ramble about my exact reason for this for ages, but basically i feel like he’s someone who really values the platonic & physical forms of love but could do without a romantic aspect in a relationship. 
gender headcanon: celegorm strikes me as one of the more conventionally ‘masculine’ elves in the silm, so i’ve always hc’d him as cis, but since he spent a lot of time with orome & various forest maia during his training (i tend to see the vala/maia as genderfluid and gender non-conforming) i think he would be more open than some to experimenting with gender. 
a ship i have with said character: anyone who’s listened to me ramble for more than 2 seconds knows i love celegorm/aredhel w my whole heart! the hill i’ll always die on is that if they’d had the opportunity to be together, both of them could have been saved (and in celegorm’s case, redeemed) at least in part. (i have a bunch of fics on my ao3 that probably do a better job explaining all my feels about this ship lol!) 
a brotp i have with said character: celegorm & aredhel also work really well as a brotp for me-- i see their relationship dynamic as aroallo so a large part of that is platonic. i especially love hcs about their childhood friendship-- i think they related to each other the most from a young age since they’re both nature loving free-spirits, but that’s kind of an outlying trait among the other finwean grandchildren. and ofc... i would be remiss if i didn’t list celegorm & huan as the ULTIMATE silm brotp (even if huan is more of a good boi than his master tho lol)!! 
a notp i have with said character: this is an entirely personal & subjective opinion, but i’m not super into celegorm/orome as a serious ship. for me, the inherent power imbalance of a god x an elf makes the ship not super appealing, as well as the fact that it’s also a student/teacher relationship of sorts. because there aren’t any canon elf/vala relationships in tolkien’s works and the valar are described as so vastly outranking the elves in power and authority, i can’t really get behind the concept of endgame celegorm/orome. to each their own, though-- i have read some great takes on this pairing, it’s just not for me! 
a random (cracky) headcanon: celegorm knows all the different types of edible plants in the forest & likes to randomly chomp on leaves/grass etc. in front of others just to alarm them 
general opinion of said character: i know he’s not a lot of people’s fav, but i love celegorm so so much.... i get frustrated sometimes when i see him being written off as a simple villain because i genuinely think there’s so much more to him, motives-wise & personality-wise alike. as much as i love him, though, i’m def not here to act like he has no flaws or has never done anything wrong: celegorm has a lot of nuance, but he’s also undeniably a v morally dark character and it’s counterproductive to ignore his behavior in nargothrond and doriath & towards luthien. 
sexuality headcanon: i see curufin as demisexual and bi, but with a preference for men. 
gender headcanon: generally, i see curufin as cis, but i’ve seen a few takes on trans curufin that i also really like!
a ship that i have with said character: i’m actually really fascinated by the dynamic of finrod/curufin, even though it’s usually not portrayed as the healthiest of ships. i definitely see the potential for something happening between them in nargothrond as tensions (politically and otherwise ;3) ran high. curufin and finrod are both super proud, even vain, and i think both were jealous of the other to an extent in nargothrond, both perceiving that the other had something they did not (curufin coveting finrod’s popularity and finrod coveting curufin’s authority). 
a brotp that i have with said character:  celegorm & curufin’s relationship is super intriguing to me, but i’m not sure if i’d call it a brotp because of the negative & unhealthily codependent turn i hc that it took as they approached the second kinslaying... the ways in which their personalities and temperaments contrast makes for a really fascinating (and intimidating) pair tho. not only do they really emulate the “brains & brawn” duo trope, but i find it really interesting how much power each has over the other-- near the end, i think both celegorm and curufin were genuinely scared of the other, yet they ultimately were literally unable to live without each other. 
a notp i have with said character: hmm.... i’m somewhat ambivalent regarding curufin x his wife, but i wouldn’t necessarily call it a notp. i personally hc that their marriage was one of convenience and mostly geared at producing an heir, and that curufin didn’t dwell on it much when his wife chose to stay behind in valinor. 
a random headcanon: curufin is the smallest and shortest feanorian. no one knows how he’s able to crank out so much stuff in the forge, because his biceps are scrawny af. (google “wet black cat” if you want to see my faceclaim for curufin lol) 
general opinion of said character: curufin is far from my favorite feanorian on a moral scale, obviously, but he’s also one of the most interesting imo. his actions in the silm are still somewhat sympathetic as they can be traced back to his obsession with pleasing and emulating feanor in all things. i think curufin’s ultimate downfall was that he fell into a trap of lying to himself: he convinced himself so thoroughly that what he was doing was the right thing because it was in feanor’s name that he blinded himself to the true significance of the kinslayings until it was too late. 
sexuality headcanon: i see maedhros as fingonsexual gay lol 
gender headcanon: maedhros is pretty secure in his gender identity because he had a lot of time to think about it when he was figuring out his sexuality. like celegorm, i think he’s one of the more masculine silm characters and would be most comfortable with he/him pronouns and identifying as cis male.
a ship i have with said character: i honestly can’t see maedhros with anyone except fingon. tbh, i sometimes forget that russingon isn’t explicitly canon because the thangorodrim scene with the eagle rescue reads so romantically to me lol. 
a brotp i have with said character: i think maedhros was always closest to maglor out of all his brothers, and their friendship becomes even more important in beleriand (especially after the second and third kinslayings, rip) as they rely increasingly on each other for support and comfort. maedhros & maglor’s relationship reads as kind of a foil to celegorm & curufin’s to me, since their codependence actually keeps each other alive (for a time ;-;) and is borne out of care, whereas celegorm and curufin actively drag each other down and their love becomes more fear-driven. 
a notp i have with said character: i’m not personally into (tw sibling incest) maedhros/maglor or any pairing involving maedhros, elrond and/or elros, but to each their own! 
a random headcanon: this is sad, sorry! but i hc that maedhros was the first to discover fingon’s body after the nirnaeth, and though it was trampled so deeply into the earth it was barely salvageable, there was one gold ribbon he was able to save and keep. maedhros kept that shard of ribbon on him until his own death, and it burned with him in the lava. 
general opinion of said character: maedhros definitely deserves the hype of being the fandom fav, though one thing i would like to see touched on more is how physically strong and even violent he was in canon! i feel like it’s commonly forgotten that maedhros’s anger was said to be equal to or even stronger than feanor’s, and that even with one hand, his swordfighting was unrivaled. i say we should let maedhros be a good big brother and ALSO very angery  
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Rant about interstellar
i have before but ill do it again!
interstellar touches me for many many reasons.
first off, the entire premise and setting and the world building in it. the dust storms, the failing crops. the protagonist does say at one point- "humanity was born on earth. they were never meant to stay here" and that just,,, hits me you know? presently we've seen the emergence of no human exploration besides the probes and the ISS. there are plans but the same curiosity just seems dead. interstellar stretches that and shows us what would happen when human curiosity and the desire to explore would die. we'd kill everyone on the planet and soon starve ourselves. the blights- the illnesses- the dead medicare- that's a very bleak future, but a very real one. the movie does both its part about scaring the viewer about it- as well as giving us hope about wormholes and quantum data and singularities and how we'd save ourselves. you can see that the old generation is talking about their days and how better or worse it would be. in the end, on the cooper satellites, you see the interviews being played- and it really breaks me. that was a generation that thought it was the end. the end of human life. the final descent and that was it. and then they see the five dimensions and getting lifted and their lives are essentially turned around. this isn't just the older people though. we see that the gen z then, like cooper's son have also mostly been brought up to *live*. we see that he tries to get into school and actually get into uni and find a job in one of the remaining sectors of the world which still offer something other than farm corn- raise family. You see that the teachers also say this? they teach them to fight blights and sustain crops because they’re losing more and more to disease each year. Humanity’s slowly being packed up and demolished and they aren’t seeing it coming. at all.
then there’s the quote which is recurring throughout the movie:
“do not go gentle into the good night”
the professor says this all the time. as they’re leaving- his last few dying words- as they’re preparing. and you know what? i’ll say it. this is where the next important theme comes in. Desperation. When he initially sends them out- he hasn’t solved gravity yet, and he knows he never will. Not without the quantum data from a black hole- something again, he can never get. Which is why he implies that there’s a Plan B and cooper can see murphy again (this is also very important- scroll down for this). He breaks all their trust- and he knows he’ll die before seeing the end of the mission- and you can’t die with guilt, not really. He knows that he can’t be held accountable because he’s dead. He’s well aware that his plan is a hail mary- and it wouldn’t have worked anyways. He’s counting on Plan B, and that’s all there is to it. He uses the quote as a reminder to himself- because he’s torn too. He isn’t inherently evil, at all. He’s the precarious thread the entire mission dangles by- but he’s willing to risk that too. He’ll be long, long dead before humanity dies- or moves- and this is his last try.
Now for the second part of this quote. As I talked about before- the quote feels more like a reminder to himself- and not actually something that inspires hope in the crewmates. But ironically, it ends up becoming what guides murph. As the professor is dying, she tells him “you’ve been doing this with both your arms tied behind your back”- that’s actually when she finds out about his whole plan. This is the failure of the professor- but at the same time, it becomes the moment he passes the torch to murph. The professor died, knowingly sending his own daughter into the reaches of space. He prioritized his need to save humanity over the love for his own daughter. But, murph isn’t like that. When she finds out about this, she remembers the promise her dad made to her.
“I’ll be back when you’re the age I am now”
and now, she knows he’s lied. But he hasn’t done it on purpose. and she understands that. She makes it HER goal that they don’t go gentle into the good night. She knows that this is probably futile, but she’s going to try. and she’s not going to try thinking that she’ll probably fail- like the professor did (in resignation for plan B)- she’s going to try to bring cooper back.
Third, coming back to desperation. A bold, bold act of desperation is what dr mann did. (I have some qualms about the actor playing estranged astronauts- anyways). Him sending out that sensor- knowing that it will bring humans back to him, while simultaneously jeopardizing the entire mission, and possibly the fate of humanity. He knows what he has done- but he has gone insane alone- and he’d betray his entire cause to see a human face again. This movie really says something about what humans are willing to do. On one hand, you have a woman who singlehandedly saves them all- for human love, and on the other, a man who is willing to commit genocide (that’s what i think it is, dont ask) to see someone else. He messes up everything, deliberately, and goes from “the greatest and bravest man to walk the earth” to a “cold and desperate villain”. This theme has a lot to do with what is happening right now too. Forgive the activism, but we do have people who knowingly exploit and burn and ravage the earth, for their own good- and they’re insane to the point that they genuinely can’t see right from wrong. Sure, you could argue that he was motivated by the need to preserve your own life. But if you give his cause *any* context, you see how wrong he is. This is flailing human desperation, pure and simple.
Now, approaching the themes that actually make it as good as it is. Dr Brand is easily my favourite character in the movie. We get to see her as a brilliant scientist initially, and her arc- is perfect, honestly. For example, take the wormhole handshake- as their going through interdimensional space- where time isn’t linear and your brain gets fried if you try to comprehend it- she recognizes a *being* in that space. If you recall that scene, she reaches out, and meets *them*- someone she knows is otherworldly and entirely above humans (we later learn it is Cooper in the matrix- and i have things to say about that too) and makes contact. She suggests, as both a human- and a scientist- that it may be love that transcends dimensions. She makes first contact with beings that may be their salvation- or destruction- and i think that is definitely the peak of human existence.
She argues that love may be what connected the crew to higher dimensions, and I'll dare to say that she’s right. Love is what made Cooper try to contact murph. Love is what made them dare to save humans. Love was what got her there. She tells them to go to Edmund's planet- not just because she loves him, but because she also makes relevant points AND her gut. It might be stretching it to say that was why she was right- but it is worth introspection. Dr Brand represents the best of humanity and she does carry it, doesn’t she? She settles on the planet for ‘the long nap’ in the end. She tries to save everyone- like on the mountain planet- and she loves. She hopes and she trusts and is unwaveringly honest and courageous. This could become a Dr Brand stan blog for all I care.
Moving on
We have the ‘them’. These are the mysterious threads that tie all parts of the movie together. A black hole to a little girl’s bookshelf. Worlds galaxies apart. A very important thing to note here is that the characters recognize that this is humanity, just very, very far out. And most importantly, wise. This is a civilization who has surpassed the ordinary dimensions, and *mortal* time. They could’ve easily saved all of humanity and given them the planet they were looking for. But their entire ineffable plan, and only putting things where they were needed- was what made them greater than just someone who helps others. Only being able to get binary signals through an intergalactic wormhole, building bookshelves that become a huge metaphor for humanity trying to claw at knowledge- and actually slowly pushing the books forward. The ‘them’ weren’t ordinary humans at all. They definitely hinted and gave me a brief, fickle glance beyond what humans could be- raw possibilities.
Then, we have cooper. This makes it hard to write for him- and do his character justice- but I will try. His character, essentially, is brought down to selflessness, love, a brutal, brutal sense of humour- and the courage- the heavy, heavy courage to sacrifice himself. He’s also the polar opposite of what Dr mann stands for. 
His first important point- in my opinion- is when the movie is starting. I didn’t walk in expecting this from him, not really. You see a dying earth- and this man is (alone in his fight, NASA doesn’t count yet) fighting the system alone. He fights for his son, tries for his father in law, and then the most important relationship- his daughter. He’s seeing an earth where not even *children* are curious, or willing, or interested in anything greater. He sees this in his daughter, though. Hence, the bookshelf- the gravity, and the plain curiosity. 
I’ll dare to say that at this point, humanity’s a dying, dying flame. And what he sees in his daughter, what we see in his daughter, is a rebirth of potential. She has the human spark, so to speak. He sees that, and he makes promises, and is willing to bring the world to its knees to protect her. And he knows he might not be there when Murph burns strong, and bright, and becomes the saviour of humanity- but he hopes.  An important element is the promise, which I mentioned earlier, but it defines their relationship. The promise that he’ll be back when they’re the same age. They both know that it’s not true. They can see the lie, but that promise also empowers them to do what they did when their paths diverge.
Cooper goes to Mann's planet with the vague hope that he’ll be back in time. Murph does most of what she does because she thinks that it’ll bring her father back. Even towards the end, when Cooper willingly jumps into gargantua, a supermassive black hole- which is the literal heart of darkness, he does it in the attempt to save his daughter, and hopes she can get the quantum data at the cost of his life. 
About Murph, we mostly see her through the eyes of Cooper in the beginning. A curious and lovable and stubborn tween who just wants to grow up with her dad and do their science experiments. Her perseverance is phenomenal- she loses her dad despite her warnings and asking- and realizes that her loss is something undefinable, but there. In a way, she grows to understand both her responsibility and her part to play, and why her father did what he did. The ‘ghost’ is another plot device- a mysterious figure who messes with the gravity and knocks her books down. And she sees a message there. She tells him about ‘don’t go’ and i can’t begin to describe how beautifully poetic and heartbreaking it is that they realize the significance of that at the same time, and how it ties together. It is hard for me to fathom that scene really- cooper is in an interdimensional matrix, inside a supermassive black hole, and he tries to tell his daughter two things. (a) trying to stop himself from going out and on the mission, which he knows is deemed to fail and (b) sending the quantum data, because that is what mattered in the end, anyways. The ghost comes full circle- and also says what he had to say, when it was most important. And for those who’ve seen the movie, i just really have to put this quote out there:
‘It was you. It was always you. You were my ghost, dad’
And in that, the movie completes itself. It talks about unfailing love, the peak and fall of humanity, and the potential of curiosity.
In this essay I will...
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queenerdloser · 3 years
okay i finally (finally!) finished gr*duation after what felt like three hundred years and i have many thoughts that i just.. want to get down to process my own very VERY mixed feelings on this season
overall it was a fun romp at the end with some highly enjoyable goofs. i enjoy fitz maplecourt so much & relished griffin being able to do a character. the firbolg lives in my heart. argo is great. 
that said, the plot was, overall, messy as shit, considering at the end i still had very little clear idea of a) what exactly order/chaos wanted to achieve and b) why the fuck they were even doing what they were doing. we spent all that time on a hog heist that, in the end, had... very little to do with what was going on at the time. (would the narrative have been significantly changed without the hog heist? if, instead, hog hadn’t responded due to their internal greed/indifference - something that’s already been established in world and isn’t a stretch to imagine - and thus had the exact same ramifications and end result as the heist gave us? like don’t get me wrong, the heist has some of my favorite goofs in it, but it’s essentially like six episodes of nonsense that, in the end, has almost nothing to do with the main plot & whose end goal could have been summed up in the finale.) the whiplash of suddenly taking gray on as an ally to we’re heisting hog for reasons to actually the real threat was the demons at the castle attacking now for reasons is... bad plot. (look at how many times i have to say ‘reasons’ bc there’s no real in-universe or external force that explains why something is happening at that specific time.) 
i haven’t listened to the final ttazz about grad but it kind of felt like travis just gave up on his narrative arc and this sloppy plot mess is what we have left. like, okay order/chaos is a cool concept but what were they actually trying to achieve? why could order just be booted out of their shared body and why didn’t they just do that instead of having that whole climatic battle? why both using fitzroy at all for anything if they could always just take over the world with demons? why did we have all these characters allied together if in the end we were going to op the three pc and have them fight basically one-on-one with order? why did the commodore suddenly and inexplicably switch sides after working with the boys literally like three episodes ago other than to shoehorn in a conclusion to argo’s arc that, ultimately, fell short bc it was so utterly anti-climatic? 
and like!!! maybe some of these questions were answered but none of them to an extent that felt grounded enough in the narrative that they made sense, lingered, or didn’t feel like a macguffin to cover a sudden plot twist or plot hole. a lot of plot felt sacrificed for cool concepts and fun character twists and i get that, but when all you have is cool concepts and fun character twists, there’s no real foundation for it to rest on.
i AM going to compare to amnesty bc i do think amnesty is the strongest arc plot-wise of the three major seasons of taz. balance recovers in the back half but the first three parts are very loosely connected to the major plot and then there’s that huge info dump in crystal kingdom so like - it’s also messy there, even though it manages to make it work in a way that graduation doesn’t. but amnesty is tightly plotted from the beginning - there’s a clear trajectory, foreshadowing built in, characters have actual arcs that make sense, most of the major villains and antagonists have motivations that make sense and even the act three twist is something that’s reasonably built in from the beginning. even if it wasn’t ALL planned (such as billy the goat’s involvement) it’s clear that new elements were worked into an already existing framework with an eye towards cohesiveness. i know people complain about the main three not being “together” enough or “friendly” enough with each other (as if that’s all that matters in a good story lmao) but i also think that amnesty has the strongest character arcs of the three seasons because we do see all three major characters start in one place and end up somewhere radically different, make movements in cohesive and reasonable ways, and change in a way that is not off-the-wall or just for a fun twist. 
graduation... doesn’t really do that. the main three are a fun time but in the epilogue i was genuinely struggling to get why fitz decided to suddenly be a lawyer or why the firbolg, who has never shown any interest in having a name before that moment (quite the opposite, really) is suddenly emotional over having a name. argo, who has spent all of his time honoring his mother, decides to... run a cruise ship? and even leaving aside the epilogues, these characters... don’t really have an arc. argo is the closest and even his emotional narrative falls flat bc the commodore’s ending is so anti-climatic and bc, other than the trial scene, he and the commodore largely don’t interact. if the commodore had played a larger part in the actual narrative maybe it would have felt less like an aborted attempt at an arc but. he didn’t. fitz also has an attempt at an arc but it also falls flat bc so much of fitz has remained unchanged from when we first meet him. he’s a little more empathetic and better at magic, but how has fitz really changed since the first episode?
(tangent: thinking again about justin having to ask why the firbolg was doing what he was doing during that whole dog-is-the-headmaster reveal portion, to the point of asking travis point-blank why his character was doing the things he was doing. thinking again of how travis just told the boys point-blank that this side character they couldn’t even remember the name of was their best friend. and then again about how that “best friend” just like... fucking disappeared from the narrative after that, never to be seen or heard from again until the epilogue twenty episodes later for two brief seconds. in fact pretty much every character except rainier just disappears from the narrative at a certain point and i’m pretty sure it’s in reaction to the complaints about the numerous characters - but the answer to those complaints wasn’t to just mysteriously cut everyone else from the narrative without warning or reason laksfsafjlfj. what happened to that one villain posh guy from the first episodes???? what about the accounting owl teacher??????)
this is just my rambly processing of grad bc i’m trying to figure out what about it fell so dramatically flat for me that it was a literal slog to get through most of it even though i found the characters themselves delightful and enjoyed the mcelroy goofs as much as ever. and i think the thing is... for some listeners, the most important thing is going to be the interaction with the players or the goofs or how friendly and found family-ish the main group is with each other. which is great and fine! but for me, a good story or good character arcs or something well thought-out and plotted out is always going to be more engaging, no matter how much i like the found family or how much i like the goofs. it’s why i struggled to get why people complained so bitterly about amnesty - who cares if the main three are always together or getting along really well or being friends if they’re having interesting, satisfying character arcs and personal growth set in an interesting, dynamic plot? in graduation, that foundation is just missing and i’m sure part of it was due to the unnecessarily vitriolic backlash against travis (that’s enough to steal anyone’s thunder) but also just like... an underdeveloped plot in an overdeveloped world, a trap so many authors have fallen into. (like travis can describe in minute detail the inner workings of hog that are only applicable for about five episodes but chaos/order’s motivations are largely handwaved despite them being the central antagonists for the entire season.) 
anyway. once again, great goofs. i would die for fitzroy maplecourt. but i can’t imagine ever listening to the whole thing again or even more than a couple of episodes here or there (ironically of the hog heist, which, despite how unnecessary it was, was a fun romp and had some of my favorite moments. so, you know. sometimes unnecessary is still good lmao). 
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
@supersonichero1 asked:
Regarding season 6 and the trix power up do you believe it was out of no where? I have two theories one is that as the ancestral witches direct ancestors they are finally starting to tap into the further capabilities and strength that being related blood wise to the three most powerful witches. My second theory revolves around bloom and the dragon flame. Since the trix took it in the first season I believe that remnants of it still burn within the trix because the series constantly screams at us that the dragon flame can't be extinguished so while they don't have nearly as much as bloom does their portions are still equally or slightly less powerful than blooms and would only cease to exist within them if bloom herself reabsorbed it or extinguished it like she did with valtor.
I do believe that the power-up looked out of nowhere because that was how the show framed it. Or rather, the lack of any framing and lead up to it implies that it was something that the writers just pulled out of nowhere because they needed the Trix to become stronger in order to oppose the Winx who will now get yet another transformation that’s going to be more powerful. There was absolutely no transition between the Trix attacking Domino with the Beast of the Depths while still in their Sirenix in 6x01 and them showing up at Cloud Tower back in their normal outfits and taking over the school. I feel like there was supposed to be another episode between 6x01 and 6x02 that would set up better both Daphne’s decision to go teach at Alfea (which is somehow contradicted on level motivation and goals later when she is crowned as Crown Princess of Domino because I don’t think she can be both a teacher and rule a kingdom) and the Trix’ new powers and new plan. However, I suspect that some of the other ideas ran away from them and they had to cut those parts both for the purpose on maintaining the episodes as 26 and because that would push the introduction of the Legendarium back with one more episode and that is the main plot point of season 6. So in the end we got a choppy, practically non-existent transition between the true end of season 5 (aka the consequences of it) and the new plot for season 6 as well as the new plan that the Trix devised.
As for your theories, I like them on account of them explaining what the show didn’t bother to but I can’t fit them on the time line. If the Trix are using their ancestry and the fact that they have the blood of the Coven flowing in them, why only now? Of course, there is the matter of them sticking with Darkar because he freed them and then with Valtor because they escaped Omega together. And the same logic also applied to Tritannus. But I still feel like there is something missing here. They didn’t have the time to get so powerful all of a sudden. Of course, no one tells you how much time has passed between 6x01 and 6x02 but the Trix looked like they’d abandoned their own development and relied on the power-ups they got from the villains. Of course, they had their dark Sirenix still and that could have helped them elevate their powers to a higher level but it’s weird to me that they suddenly come with a whole new power that they allegedly got on their own (we have no idea what happened during the time that was skipped between 6x01 and 6x02) after they got used to receiving all their boosts from whoever they’re teaming up with. Literally the last time they did anything on their own was back in season 1. I think that they would need more time to get in touch with their previous determination for development and the process itself would take more. Also, there is the matter of what they lived through in Magical Adventure. They got possessed by the Ancestral Witches and I can see things going either way from there - them either being reluctant to tap into the fact that they are descendants of the Witches or that only motivating them more to do it so that they could get stronger.
The Dragon Fire thing seems even more unlikely to me. It has never come up after season 1. And even if they have something left it is definitely super, super little in quantity compared to what Bloom has and probably even dormant. If they had anything that was nearly as powerful as hers, she should have been able to sense them like she was doing with Valtor at the time (back in season 1 she couldn’t sense them because she was out of touch with her own Fire before 1x25). Besides, you are right that the Dragon Fire can’t be extinguished but there is the matter of willingness here. Magic is emotion and the Dragon Fire is a special kind of magic and appears to have some sort of sentience. In 1x10 (I think) when they thought they’d gotten it in the Magic Reality Chamber, it turned out that the Flame had somehow escaped them. So I think the Dragon Fire itself left them when they got defeated because they were knocked out. While they were all unconscious, it could have freed itself from their hold on it that was keeping them in them after they stole it from Bloom. I don’t think they have any of it left.
What I could offer as potential explanation for this power-up is that the Trix got sick of depending on someone else for powers (especially after the whole fiasco with Tritannus (and Politea if you count the third movie)). In fact, when you get back to look at their partnerships, they always get betrayed in the end and don’t receive the power they were promised. It happened every single time. So I think they got fed up with that and decided to go it on their own this time but took a page out of the villains’ book. I believe they might have stolen some magic the way Valtor was doing in season 3 and they could have found a way to imbue themselves with their respective element the way Tritannus was doing in season 5 as he absorbed pollution. They could have done that and, combined with any magic they could have stolen, it could explain their new boost. That has only one minor issue in that if they were stealing magic, how did Winx not catch wind of that? Seems kinda unlikely that they wouldn’t learn but then again, the whole show is full of inconsistencies and that could be explained with the fact that there was a lot of stuff left to fix after Tritannus was captured. Daphne was brought back to life so Bloom definitely had a lot going on with that and the rest also had stuff to take care of on their home planets so it could make sense that they weren’t on the battle front the whole time and some suspicious but ambiguous thefts of magic could have slipped through the cracks. I still think that there should have been an episode that showed all of those things, however. We were robbed of seeing the Trix learning to finally do things on their own and coming up with a new plan (which I am still unclear on even after 1/3 of season 6. Take over the magical colleges and then what? But anyway).
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andysmetahell · 4 years
One for All and All for One: The study in complimentary and infinite (wasted) potentials
One for All and All for One: two Quirks whose history we can, in the universe of Boku no Hero Academia, treat almost as the history of society. Their users had left enormous impact on everyone in the series, and through hints we can see their influence stretching long, long back to the first appearance of the Quirks.
Neither Quirk can be considered ‘normal’, though: the ability to take away Quirks at whim and an ability to share Quirks with others (which would inevitably leave you Quirkless) are both complete anathemas to the society that by and large is half-in love with the idea of simply having a Quirk (which deserves a whole breakdown in on itself, but that’s not what I’ll be writing about here!). And yet, One For All users are all heroes, and All for One users are all villains as far as we know (written after the release of manga chapter 280).
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How is that even possible? With how objectively similar they are, why aren’t they both heroes, or both villains?
Well, before we take a crack at how Horikoshi coded the Hero society that made this happen, let’s first take a look at just why I’m so surprised the two Quirks aren’t on the same ‘side’. Also, obligatory ‘spoilers ahead’ warning for everyone who’re anime-only watchers, or haven’t gotten past Meta Liberation Army arc in manga.
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Purely from the activation/mechanics point of view, All for One and One for All are warped mirror images of each other. All for One functions on the assumption that a) the user knows the other person has a Quirk and b) the Quirk doesn’t have an inherent clause that disallows itself to be taken by force when it comes to taking it. One for All is the only Quirk so far that has shown the resistance to the b), as it is encoded in the very nature of the ‘share-along’ Quirk that forms the true base of One for All that it can only be given away willingly.
Why is this so important? Because All for One doesn’t only take Quirks, it’s also capable of releasing them and giving them to others, whether the recipient is willing or unwilling. In this regard, One for All is startlingly identical: it can be forced upon someone else, as long as the DNA is exchanged and the previous user is willing to give it away. This little fact is often overlooked (likely deliberately) by the existing canon in favor of emphasizing the ‘cannot be taken forcefully away’ which makes sense plot-wise, but not ethics and logic-wise.
But who knows, maybe Horikoshi is holding back on us, and One for All ends up being the ultimate villain of the story.
… yeah, not likely. But the idea is interesting, isn’t it?
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Moving onto the way they interact with their users and other Quirks, One for All and All for One are again very, very different, but with a shared approximate visualization of usage behind it. The closest approximation of how they interact with other Quirks would be, in my opinion, be gravity – but two very different applications of gravity.
There are two relevant things you need to know about gravity: it is defined by the masses of an object interacting with another object, and every single object in the universe has its own gravity field. (thank you, Physics nationals I went to once, for forcing me to learn more about gravity!)
All for One is more akin to a star within a stable planetary system: it holds planets, satellites and comets (other Quirks) locked in its orbit, but any change can make all those objects lose their orbits and go wander in the deep space. Its hold is strong, but the fact still remains it can be nullified in order to give away Quirks. It’s also stable – its attraction/hold power doesn’t change with the number of Quirks taken, it simply gives it a bigger array of powers to work with.
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One for All on the other hand would be closer to black hole: its gravity is so enormous even light, the fastest object in the universe, cannot escape it, and its mass (and therefore its gravity) grows stronger with every object it swallows. Once it grabs a hold of anything (its user’s other Quirk) it merges it with itself and keeps it for forever, with very little chance of it ever surfacing again as individual Quirk (unless your name is Midoriya Izuku). However, it heavily relies on the energy (other Quirks it merges with) to provide power-ups; hence the ridiculous difference between Izuku’s and Toshinori’s One for All. (also protagonst shenanigans, but we’re not going that far into metatextuality here – that needs its own essay)
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So, concept-wise, One for All and All for One are again identical in the idea behind it, but drastically different in application – both still fucking scary, but what can we do here, our main protagonist and antagonist need to have OP armor around themselves.
This leads us to the probably the biggest spoiler I’ll discuss in this essay:
this panel.
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In chapter 270 of manga, Shigaraki Tomura is revealed to have been passed All for One, which is a whole mindfuck in on itself that Horikoshi needs to explain stat because I’m going crazy over here with theories (!!!), but moving on. The short and extremely brief summary of what happens afterwards is: Heroes discover where Tomura is while he’s still being transferred All for One, they wreck the Nomus and facility, Shigaraki gets partial All for One and his original Quirk Decay goes absolutely nuts again, Izuku runs off to face him, and at one point point, while using Ragdoll’s Search, Shigakari utters a very strange sentence while seemingly under the influence of All for One (the Quirk):
“You will be mine… little brother.”
Moments later, Shigaraki snaps out of it and comments about Sensei (All for One) no longer being his puppeteer, that he’s making his own choices and not Sensei’s.
Here we get a stunning punch in the plexus about what we already have been hinted at during Izuku’s fight with Shinsou Hitoshi, during Kamino Ward and Joint Training Arcs:
One for All and All for One both retain the echoes of their past owners.
Now, here comes a million dollar question: is this something both the baseline ‘share’ part of One for All and All for One possess (which would further link the two Quirks, and also explain a lot of characterizations in the series so far), or is it an imprint of All for One on ‘stockpile’ part of One for All that ‘share’ part absorbed and made its own? Both possibilities are extremely intriguing and make any future possibility of unification (which was apparently Sensei’s original goal before, judging by that one panel) extremely volatile, and very intriguing if Horikoshi pursues that idea to its end.
Speaking of the man himself, now we arrive at the question that really started the whole essay here: how come it was All for One chosen to be the ultimate evil, and One for All to be ultimate good? As we’ve seen so far, both Quirks are startlingly similar; theoretically, could All for One be a ‘heroic’ Quirk and One for One for All ‘villainous’?
The answer is yes and no.
Yes, because theoretically, switching the two would still make the story work; it’d change the motivations of characters drastically, sure, and turn the story of generations of good trying defeat one evil into one good fending off generations of evil, but it’d work – and no, because that’d fundamentally change the society in which Boku no Hero Academia’s current time frame is, and society is the key underlying factor in this entire story.
Let me explain through the examples of three characters and a faction.
Midoriya Izuku is Quirkless person in a society who is, like I said at the beginning, half-in love with the idea of having Quirks – the fact that you have them makes you seem useful, someone with potential, no matter how objectively useless some Quirks inevitably can be in certain lines of work. By their standards, he’s without potential, and therefore is largely useless out of gate. Had All for One been in public eye and celebrated as Hero, he’d be the pinnacle of useful: there’d be no danger of bad reactions to donated Quirks in his DNA, and he, someone who wishes desperately for a Quirk, could easily be given a Quirk of someone who finds their life unbearable due to it.
Bakugou Katsuki, someone with extremely property-damaging Quirk, would constantly be told that if he doesn’t behave himself, he’d be sent off to All for One to have his Quirk taken away – in essence, he’d be no one special, just another kid with a Quirk. Since All for One is so visible, it’d be all too easy for parents and teachers to threaten their kids into compliance whenever they throw an over-powered tantrum with the removal of a Quirk; it’d also be a good deterrent for any Pro Heroes that existed there to not get too comfy with their jobs, because they could easily be taken out of it if they manage to anger All for One enough, which would deter some people from being Pro Heroes.
Shigaraki Tomura (Shimura Tenko), someone whose Quirk came in during an extremely traumatic event and left him so scarred mentally he was never quite the same again, could easily simply give away his Quirk and have something far less volatile and triggering if he wished so, and also have a chance of potentially one day seeing his Quirk in the hands of someone like Izuku or Melissa, who could use it to its full potential without being constantly triggered by it or being re-traumatized again and again by the society who would rail on him for having such a potentially devastating Quirk.
Meta Liberation Army (which is a poorly disguised Brotherhood of Mutants on Genosha in X-men cartoons, let’s be realistic – the whole thing about the superiority of fight-compatible Quirks was not subtle at all) would be a much smaller and a lot less influential group. The publicity of a Quirk being able to take away other Quirks would make the existence of Deika City clones very, very difficult; it’d take but one hint, one whisper of a fringe group amassing in remote location that wants to eliminate so-called ‘useless Quirks’ for All for One to act – as much of an asshole as he is, he was shown [cite] to like all kinds of Quirks, despite only keeping the ones he felt were the most useful to him.
OK, but what about them being on the same side? You might ask yourself. If they’re so similar, why not make them both on the same side?
One, drama is always more delicious if there are high personal stakes involved, and nothing gets more personal than family drama – that’s just a fact. (Kardashians, anyone?)
Two, this is shonen – openly bad guys being the protagonists isn’t often done (in mainstream at least).
Three: we need some material to make all those ‘Izuku’s related to All for One or One for All first user’ for our satisfaction before Horikoshi josses the whole thing, okay??
(no, this is certainly not a call for you to make more ‘Izuku is related to original two brothers’… but it’s heavily suggested lol)
Thank you for sticking around until the end of this essay! Have a cookie, and enjoy the hell my mind led me to during the binge-read of the last 5 released chapters of manga:
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Izuku!
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Category: Friendship Fluff, Family Fluff
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Class 1-A, Inko Midoriya, Toshinori Yagi, Shouta Aizawa
Hey, everybody! This story is a submission for two of @bnhabookclub’s events; I’m incorporating the prompt “Gifts” from the Bingo Event as well as the prompt “Happy Birthday!” from the Celebrating Deku event! I hope you enjoy it! Let’s give a little love to our favorite adorkable hero-in-training! :)
“Wake up! Wake up! For I am here!”
Izuku groaned loudly and rolled on his side to blindly fumble for the button on his alarm clock. He uselessly slapped the nightstand a few times, making the various items situated atop it jump and jostle. Still, after a few unsuccessful tries, he managed to bang the bright red button that turned off the alarm. The slightly grainy, robotic voice of All Might faded into silence, and Izuku laid in his bed for a few minutes, blissfully trapped in the twilight of half-sleep. However, a dull ache soon began to throb in his left arm. The pain stubbornly drove him into consciousness, and so with a sigh, he opened his emerald eyes to stare uninterestedly up at his white bedroom ceiling.
He reached around with his right hand to ghost his fingertips over the blotchy red scar tissue that marred his upper left arm. It had been a month since the incident at the Forest Training Camp, but the injuries he had sustained in the fight with Muscular were still very much healing. In another two or three weeks, the U.A. students would be returning to the campus- living in dormitories thanks to the relentless villain attacks- and Izuku wondered how his mangled arm would fare. It doesn’t matter, he thought obstinately. I’ll make myself stronger and stronger, because I have to!
“Izukuuuu!” The green-haired boy sat up in bed as his mother’s voice floated down the hallway. “Are you awake, dear?”
“Yeah! I’m just getting up,” he responded in an equally loud call. When he threw the covers off himself and swung around to get off the bed, he caught a glimpse of the date glowing in bright red numbers in the black screen of his alarm clock. June 15th… Oh! It’s my sixteenth birthday! He remembered with a gleeful smile. Now that he had sufficient motivation to get up, Izuku jumped out of bed to wrestle himself into some slippers. When he opened his door, his mother was waiting in the hallway, twiddling her fingers.
“Oh! Good morning, sweetie. Happy birthday!” she smiled broadly and shuffled forward to envelop him in a hug. Izuku hummed contentedly and wrapped his arms around her middle to embrace her with equal enthusiasm. “Ah! My little boy is sixteen… Oh, dear, I’m getting old,” Inko moaned forlornly and began to sniffle. Izuku laughed and pulled back to blot at his mother’s tears with the hem of his tee-shirt.
“Aw, Mom, it’s okay,” he chuckled.
“Yes, yes,” she tutted and wiped harshly at her face. “Today is your day! I’ve already prepared breakfast for you!” Izuku exclaimed in delight and scuttled into the kitchen, with his mother tottering behind him and laughing good-naturedly. He was greeted with a scrumptious array of fried eggs over buttered toast, seared beef, and white rice. He scarfed it down and chased it with sweet black tea his mother had also prepared, bleating compliments and gratuitous remarks to his mother all the while. Afterward, he helped her clean all the dishes, although she kept dithering around him and insisting that he shouldn’t have to do any chores today.
“Mom, just because I’m sixteen today doesn’t mean I have to lump all the work on you!” he snickered while putting the pots and pans in the cabinets. He blinked when the chime of the doorbell rang through the small apartment. “Oh? Who could that be?” he wondered aloud, abandoning the dish he had been drying to trot up to the front door. He opened it and nearly jumped out of his skin when a big, broad, muscular body shoved its way into the room, which now rang with bawdy laughter.
“I am here, young Midoriya, to wish you a happy birthday!” All Might crowed, his button-up shirt straining to keep from snapping into threads as he flexed his massive biceps. Izuku let out a sound somewhere between a scream and a warble at his mentor’s sudden appearance.
“Ah! All Might!” he cried. His mother called greeting from the other room, peering around the wall with a shy wave, to which the number-one pro hero laughed audaciously and responded accordingly. Izuku’s cheeks turned pink, and he hurriedly bundled the large man into a room where his mother couldn’t see him. “All Might, are you sure this is wise? How long can you hold your muscle form?”
“Not long,” he admitted with a slight frown. “However, that doesn’t matter, for I am here to take you on a super-duper special outing, my young Midoriya!” he crowed with another loud laugh. He then peeked his head around the crown molding to smile dazzlingly at Inko, who squeaked and straightened up. “Of course, if your dear mother doesn’t mind me stealing you for a few hours. I wouldn’t want to ruin a mother’s wonderful day with her son!”
“Oh no! Please, go ahead! I have to go shopping for dinner anyway,” Inko laughed amiably with a dismissive wave of her hand. Izuku yelped as All Might then grabbed him to bundle him back to his bedroom.
“Excellent, excellent! Now then, young Midoriya, get dressed!” As the door slammed shut behind him, Izuku exhaled deeply and fiddled with his fingers.
I never would’ve dreamed that I would be spending my birthday with All Might, he thought. The notion brought a giddy smile to his lips, and he hastily began rifling through his closet to find something suitable to wear.
As soon as the apartment was out of eyeshot, All Might released his muscle form. He collapsed against the brick wall of a nearby building with an exaggerated sigh, wiping blood from his lips with a pink-stained rag. Izuku fluttered nervously around him, arms flapping.
“All Might, are you sure about this?! You’re not in the greatest of health! I mean, you really ought to be in bed being tended to by a doctor or two or three, not spending the day with me! I’m certainly not worth it; it’s only my sixteenth birthday, after all! I can’t smoke or drink or vote or drive- wait, no, I can technically drive now. I wonder when Mom will take me to get my driver’s license. Wait, are you taking me to get my driver’s license? I’m not nearly prepared! I need to practice a little first!” He continued to babble, nervously fiddling his fingers, until Toshinori slapped both his hands down onto his slim shoulders. He clamped his mouth shut with a squeak.
“Young Midoriya. Focus.”
“Yes, sir.”
“I’m taking you out today because I wanted to be here for you on your birthday.”
“Thank you, sir!” Izuku smiled gratefully at him. The fact that his beloved teacher and mentor desired to spend such quality time with him outside of training made a warm feeling bubble up inside his body. “If I may ask, what are we doing today?” he inquired as the thin man began a leisurely pace down the sidewalk. Toshinori chuckled amiably and patted him on the head.
“Patience, young Midoriya. Some of life’s great joys come by surprise!” Izuku gasped in awe and mentally committed the sage advice to memory to hopefully quote later. Together, they plodded merrily through the subdivision to soon transition into the business district. It was a lovely day for a jaunt to town; it was pleasurably warm with just a faint breeze to keep things cool, and the sun shone in a cloudless blue sky. Izuku found himself in high spirits, considering the lovely weather and the fact he was strolling around with his cherished teacher. I wonder what he has planned! Oh, I’m so excited! He thought, unable to contain and eager wiggle. Toshinori chuckled warmly beside him.
After about a twenty-minute walk, they arrived at a nice restaurant in the center of town. An iron-wrought fence enclosed a garden eating area with elegant stone paths and a cloth veranda to protect restaurant-goers from the elements. Izuku recognized it as one of the ritziest venues in town- and therefore the most expensive. When Toshinori stopped walking to smile at him expectantly, Izuku’s jaw nearly struck the floor.
“What? N-n-n-n-no way, All Might! I can’t-! You can’t-!” The taller man snorted with laughter and unceremoniously bundled him inside despite his sputtering protests. Izuku’s back straightened like a rod when the usher regarded him with a critical look. “Why are you doing this?” he hissed under his breath as Toshinori whispered something to the attendant, who nodded curtly and whirled around. Izuku and his mentor followed the tuxedoed man to the back of the restaurant, where they were escorted into a spacious room with a long table set for over twenty people. Izuku’s emerald eyes were as wide as green moons as he beheld the setup. “Um… All Might, are we expecting others…?”
“OHMYGOSH!” Izuku screamed as someone abruptly hugged him from behind. He glanced over his shoulder to see Ochako’s round smiling face blinking up at him.
“Happy birthday!” she giggled happily. Pink-faced and thoroughly flustered, Izuku could only release a high-pitched whine as she scuttled around him. In her moment of distraction, All Might had assumed his muscular form. “Hello, All Might, sir!” she chirped jovially as she bounced over to him. The hero chortled good-naturedly and patted her shoulder.
“Hello there, Uraraka! Good to have you.”
“Umm, All Might? What is happening?” Izuku whispered as Ochako procured a small wrapped package and set it at the center of the table.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Ochako laughed and hopped into a seat. “We’re here to celebrate your birthday, Deku!” Izuku’s face turned the color of a tomato. When he looked wide-eyed at his mentor, he just grinned broadly and shrugged. At this point, Tenya game bundling in.
“Midoriya! Happy birthday!” he cried with exaggerated waves of his arms. Izuku squirmed uncomfortably as the tall boy plopped a large wrapped present atop the table right beside Ochako’s. He took the seat beside the bubbly girl, and they devolved into avid conversation; Izuku took the opportunity to scamper over to the muscle-bound hero.
“All Might! Did you arrange this?” he whispered fervently.
“Why, of course, young Midoriya! I imagined that you wanted to spend your birthday with your friends,” the pro hero answered. A bright haze of pink blazed over his cheeks, and that bubbly happy feeling rose inside of him again.
“My friends…” he echoed in wonder. Izuku jumped when someone kicked the door open.
“Oi! Are we late?!”
“Ka-Kacchan!” Izuku stammered in shock as the explosive blond boy charged in through the door. Frankly, the green-haired boy was shocked to see Katsuki attending his birthday celebration. When Eijirou poked his head over his shoulder to grin toothily at him, Izuku reasoned that perhaps Katsuki had been persuaded to attend. Izuku jumped and squeaked when Katsuki tromped over to slam a crudely-wrapped package into his chest.
“Here, loser, for your stupid birthday. Now, where’s the food?! I’m starvin’!” Katsuki complained loudly and stomped over to Ochako. “Oi, Cheeks, you got any food?” Eijirou chuckled and set a present down by the others before also wishing Izuku a happy birthday. Izuku was basically short-circuiting, because his poor brain couldn’t handle all the information being thrown at him at once.
“Looks like I’m right on time,” droned a gravelly voice from the door. Izuku’s jaw flopped open when his teacher, Mr. Aizawa, sauntered in bearing a small package for a gift card. He casually tossed it beside the others before striding over, hands stuffed in his jumpsuit pants pockets. Izuku was amazed that the underground hero would have the gall to stroll into such an upscale place wearing such casual clothing. Props to Mr. Aizawa… “Happy birthday, Midoriya.”
“Th-thank you, sir! I’m very grateful to everybody for planning this,” Izuku smiled sheepishly. Aizawa gave him a charming smile before walking over to keep Katsuki from clambering on the table to punch Tenya in the jaw over some silliness or another.
It wasn’t long before the rest of Izuku’s classmates showed up, and they were soon embroiled in a fun and raucous lunch. Izuku tried not to think about the terrible mess that the staff would have to clean up, nor the enormity of the bill that All Might would have to foot as a result of their avid celebration. Instead, he tore into the filet mignon and grilled asparagus before him. He purred happily at the excellent flavors bursting over his tongue, squeezing his eyes shut as he savored the spices and marinade. After enjoying the delicious food, they piled up all the plates, glassware, and silverware on the edge of the table so that Izuku could have ample room to open his gifts.
“You guys didn’t have to do all this,” Izuku laughed sheepishly as Mina shoved the sizeable pile of gifts over to him.
“Oh, hush! Now open mine first!” the pink girl insisted while shoving a glittery pink bag over to him. The sparkly confetti rained from the tissue paper as he tugged it free from the confines of the plastic container. His face turned nearly as pink as the solid plastic when he peered down into the bottom. “I’m funny, right? Right?” Mina cackled as Izuku pulled a container of calcium gummies and a bottle of milk from the bag. “’Cuz you break your bones all the time!” she howled as she doubled over and held her belly.
“Very funny, Mina,” he muttered blankly, not sure whether to be offended or amused.
“Aha, I know, I’m a genius,” she sighed as her laughs faded down into giggles. “Here’s your real gift, though,” she said and held out something to him. Izuku flushed when he realized that it was a pair of All Might-patterned socks. He spluttered a simple thanks and tried to suppress the urge to rip off his shoes and slide the socks onto his feet. He elected just to push the item aside and go on to the next gift. Katsuki eyed him intensely as he grabbed the roughly-wrapped package and tore away the gift paper. His eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he beheld the limited-edition All Might hoodie, holding it with trembling hands.
“Ka-Kacchan,” he breathed in amazement and looked at his childhood friend and rival. Katsuki snorted derisively and looked down at his feet.
“Don’t gimme that dumb stare, loser,” the blond huffed. “What, did you think I was gonna turn up empty-handed? I’m not an asshole.”
“Uh… That’s exactly what you are, Bakugo,” Denki snickered. He then yelped when Katsuki boxed him over the head.
“Mind your own damn business, Pikachu! Gah!” Katsuki growled and shot Izuku an intimidating stare. “Anyway, happy birthday, or whatever…”
“Aw. Bakugo, you can be sweet when you put your mind to it!” Ochako praised. A pink tinge came to Katsuki’s cheeks, and he muttered something under his breath. Izuku looked down to admire the soft fabric of the exclusive hoodie and smiled.
“Thanks, Kacchan…”
Izuku’s friends were very generous. He scored a multitude of fun gifts, including a quaint mug and some tea bags from Momo, a new videogame from Denki, and some cool new laces for his signature red tennis shoes from Ochako. Mineta even managed to give him something halfway-decent, a gift card to the local bookstore. However, the small purple-haired boy naturally began salivating and talking about the very indecent things that Izuku could spend it on. By some feat of acrobat-like ingenuity, Tsuyu flipped him head-first into the busboy’s dirty dishwater.
The sky was dyed red, and the sun was sinking towards the horizon by the time Izuku bid his friends and Mr. Aizawa adieu and set out for home. As soon as the last student vanished from sight, All Might released his muscle form and collapsed against the alleyway wall.
“Ugh, that was rough. I didn’t know if I was going to make it,” Toshinori lamented as he wiped the blood dripping from his mouth with the back of his hand. Izuku smiled gratefully at him.
“I really appreciate you for putting this on for me, All Might… I can honestly say this has been one of my best birthdays ever!” Izuku chirped. Toshinori chuckled lightheartedly and stepped forward to pat him a few times on the back. All the gifts bundled in Izuku’s arms bounced slightly with the jostling of his body.
“Of course. I’m glad I could be there for you. Oh! I almost forgot,” he said and began fishing in his back pocket. As much as he could with his arms laden with presents, Izuku waved a hand in refusal.
“What? No, All Might, I can’t accept anything more than you’ve already given me!” he protested. “You spent so much on that dinner, and all this effort into inviting everyone over and straining yourself to keep up that form- I can’t! I refuse! No!” All Might ignored him and procured a Polaroid camera. Izuku blinked, very confused, and the tall, lanky man held the camera above their heads and jerked him by the arm to pull him into the camera frame.
“Cheese, young Midoriya!” he grinned before the bright white of the camera flash nearly blinded the shocked boy. He just managed to squeeze in an uneven, shaky smile before Toshinori’s thumb tapped the button to take the picture. Immediately, the camera spat out a black photo rimmed in white. Toshinori plucked it from the printer and shook it vigorously until the color finally developed. The blond man inspected the photograph before smiling in satisfaction, and then pulled out a marker. He plucked the cap off with his teeth and scrawled something across the bottom of the photo. Izuku blinked as Toshinori plopped the camera down atop the mountain of gifts, then showed him the picture.
Happy birthday, young Midoriya. Smiling, his teacher tucked the photo between some boxes. Their happy faces grinned at Izuku, and he felt his eyes watering. It was such a simple gesture, yet it meant more to him than the most expensive gift in the world.
“Thank you, All Might. This is the best birthday ever,” he repeated in a soft voice, and the tears dripped down his cheeks. All Might chortled and ruffled his green hair.
“Always with the waterworks. That’s all right. Sensitive people make great heroes because they’re very empathetic,” he mused. Izuku sniffed and nodded, but he didn’t want to cry all day, so he struggled to wipe his face with his upper arms. Somehow, he didn’t knock any of his gifts out of his hands. “All right then!” All Might announced and clapped his hands together. “Your mother is probably hard at work on dinner for you. Let’s not keep her waiting, eh, young Midoriya?”
“All Might! Please stay for dinner.”
“Oh, no, I couldn’t-“
“Please! I insist! Plus, knowing Mom, she probably already has the table set for three.” All Might grimaced and rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
“Well… If she’s already burdened herself…” Izuku didn’t let him finish the thought and hurriedly bustled out of the alleyway. “Ah! Wait, young Midoriya!”
Izuku ignored him, trotting down the sidewalk towards his home. The fruits of his friendship bobbled in his arms, and a big bright smile graced his face. Maybe he couldn’t do much with turning sixteen, but if the day led to him spending time with the most important people in his life, he would argue that’s a pretty momentous occasion indeed.
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Tag List: @deliathedork​  @simplybakugou​ @sadistiks​ @wesparklebitch​
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kaeyas-beloved · 5 years
I Believe In You {Midoriya x Sister!Reader}
*Was Listening To The Sad OST While Writing This*
*TW: Mentions of Death & War. Also sad Izuwu T_T*
"I'm sorry Izuku!" My mother cries, falling forward and bringing my crying little brother into a hug. Now they're both crying while I myself just lean against Izuku's bedroom door frame, a few tears leaking from my own eyes.
Izuku just found out he was quirkless only mere hours ago, that's all it took to utterly crush his life dream of becoming a hero. A sorry was not what Izuku needs, I know this and I know mom knows this too... but yet that's all she could do, apologize for something that was in no way her fault.
I'm not sure how much time has passed with just my brother and mother embracing each other and crying but mom soon breaks the hug, standing up. She starts to walk out of his room, sniffling, but stops beside me and leans in so only I could hear what she had to say.
"Can you talk to him, he needs you now more than anything (Y/N)" she whispers. I glance at her and nod, knowing I need to take up the roll of talking to him since she couldn't at the moment. "Thank you..." mom whispers, continuing to walk away, probably to the couch or to her room.
I take a small inhale of air, trying to think of what to tell Izuku. My mind races for something I could tell him put ultimately I just say screw it and walk over to stand beside him. Just as I'm about to open my mouth to say something, Izuku presses the pause button on his video, stopping it at the part where All Might's face takes up the whole screen, sniffling.
"I-I can become a h-hero like y-you r-right (Y/N)-chan? I-I can be a g-great hero like you too r-right?" My heart just shatters at his heart broken voice and I suppress the urge to cry. I spin Izuku's computer chair around so he's facing me only to be met with a still crying Izuku. I frown and pick him up off his chair, carrying him over and setting him in my lap as I sit down on his bed.
"Of course you can Izuku, I see no reason why you can't be" I whisper to the small, fragile boy. He gazes up to me with tear stained cheeks, no longer crying, but with a confused look.
"B-but I'm quirkless, I can't be a hero like All Might or you..." he whimpers out, lowering his head as tears start to form in his eyes again. I lift his head so he's looking at me, chuckling a little while wiping his small tears away.
"Who said you can't become a hero?" I question, though I know who but I just want him to answer.
"The doctor, Kacchan, everyone in my class... They all say I should give up, that I should stop trying, that I can't do it..."
"Are you going to listen to them?" I inquired. Izuku gives me a quizzical look so I restate my question, "Are you going to listen to them? Are you going to give up?"
Taking a moment to think over what I'm asking him, Izuku just shrugs, "maybe..."
"Nope! Wrong answer Izuku!" I smile down at him, "do not let others lead your life, it's your life for a reason..." I pause a moment, debating whether or not I should let this information slip past my lips or not. Maybe I should, Izuku needs to hear this...
"I want to tell you something Izu. People are going to tell you that you can't do it, whether it's because your weak or quirkless or not smart enough. I know you know this, but listen, you can do it. Want to know why I think you can?"
"Why..." he whispers.
"Because when I was your age... I was told the exact same thing, that I could never be a hero, but look where I am now! I proved them all wrong, I became the hero that I wanted to be! I did that by not listening to those who told me other wise. I pushed through, I set goals for myself and I set morals that I would stick by and every time I did I became stronger, more confident in myself, and so can you! You can become the No. 1 Hero that you want to be Izuku!"
When I finished my little motivational speech, my small, 4 year-old brother is left speechless with floods of tears streaming down his eyes, but in no way is he sad. Embracing me tightly, Izuku stands up on my lap and leans his head into the crook of my neck, crying but I can hear him say something, something that puts a smile on my face.
"Thank you (Y/N)-chan, you're my hero and the best sister ever..."
We stay like that for a little bit until Izuku finally lets go, wiping his tears away. He hops off my lap and goes to the head of his bed, climbing under the covers and laying his head on the pillow. He lets out a tiny yawn and I chuckle, the poor boy having tired himself out. I stand up from where I was sitting on the edge of his bed and walk over to his computer, shutting it down. Pacing back over to Izuku's bedside, I turn on his All Might nightlight, lean forward and give his forehead a kiss.
"Good-night Izu, sweet dreams little hero-to-be" I murmured. Turning to his bedroom door about to head to my own room to retire for the night, I halt in my steps by the quite call of my brother.
"(Y/N)-chan, I have a question..." Looking at him, I nod to him as a way of saying that I was listening and to ask his question. "W-what's a moral? You said you have those but, what are they?" I hum in though as I walk back to kneel beside him, pondering the best way to explain this to him without confusing him. What the hell am I talking about, he's a smart boy, he'll understand.
"It's a little hard for me to explain but it's like what a person believes is right, it's like something they live by." I try to explain. A small 'oh' leaves Izuku.
"What's a moral that you have?" If I'm being honest I was a tad taken aback by him asking me that. I nevertheless smile and think of my answer.
"Well, I actually have a few. Like a villain is not born, they're made. No one is born to be evil, something has to happen to them or they were raised that way, and were never showed the light and beauty of the world around them. But two of my favorites have to be that a true hero isn't measured by his strength or how many villains he defeats, but by the strength of his heart and his will to be a hero. The second one is that a hero isn't born, they're made, meaning that it takes hard work for them to get to where they want to be, which is to be a hero of course. I know for sure that I had to work hard to get to where I am now, but you, you'll have to work extra hard, but I believe in you Izuku and when you become a hero, you'll be letting the world know that you did it. But to do that you need to go to bed silly!" I flash smile at him and he smiles his big, bright, pure smile back.
"Will you train me when I'm older (Y/N)-chan!? Please!?" Izuku pleads and I laugh.
"Yes Izuku I will and I'll be with you every step of the way, I promise. But you gotta go to bed first!"
"Okay! Good-night (Y/N)-chan, I love you!" Izuku laughs with a smile as he closes his eyes, falling asleep within moments. A smaller smile crawls onto my lips and I stand up once more to my full height, tip-toeing so I don't wake Izuku up. Just as I'm about to close the door I whisper out,
"I love you too Izuku, my little brother. I believe in you..." What I didn't know was that he heard what I said and that those words would stick with him on his journey to becoming a Pro Hero.
--------(Time Skip, Izuku is now at UA and 15 years old)--------
The words my sister said to me when I was told that I couldn't become a hero 11 years ago has got me through so much and has gotten me to where I am now, at UA High, the prestigious school for heroes-to-be. Even while she isn't here with me now, I know that she is watching over my every move.
"Settle down students" Mr. Aizawa sighs, hopping into class dressed in his favourite yellow sleeping bag. At the sound of the very, and always, tired teacher's voice, Class 1-A did as told and settled into their seats as they all ended their conversations and such, ready to focus on the lesson for the day.
Well, all but one. That being Izuku Midoriya.
"As some of you may know," Aizawa began, "today is the anniversary of the War of Pros, a war between many Pro Heroes and Pro Villains worldwide. So, as some of you can guess, that'll be the lesson for today."
As Mr. Aizawa was setting up the projector to show a slideshow featuring some notes, videos and pictures, his dark and sleep-deprived eyes made eye contact with Midoriya's. At that moment, the usual stone coldness of Aizawa's eyes shifted to one of sympathy. Midoriya could tell what his teacher was thinking, so he merely nodded, letting the Pro Hero know he was okay sitting around for the lesson. Nodding back, Aizawa continued with the planned lesson.
"The war ended quickly, with it only lasting 3 weeks, and some of the greatest heroes served in it. Who knows what heroes from Japan fought in it?"
Right away, Midoriya's hand shot up, making it quite known to the class that he knew what the answer was. Aizawa was quite surprised but didn't show it.
Clearing his throat, Midoriya answered, "All Might, Endeavor and... (H/N)." Many caught the hesitation with the last Pro Heroes name, but paid no mind to it. Except Bakugou and Aizawa, because they knew the reason behind it.
When I was 10, (Y/N) was assigned to partake in war overseas along with All Might and Endeavor. At this time, my sister moved up the ranks to be the No.3 Pro-Hero in Japan, meaning she was one of the strongest there was and one of the more fit ones to go to battle. This war was classed as a triple-S level war, so Pros from all over the world, such as America, came to assist as well. It was chaos and destruction between villains and heroes alike, many were injured but only one Pro-Hero was killed.
My sister...
"Right..." Aizawa replied in a monotone voice, like always.
Aizawa was the same age as (Y/N), they went to school together and were in the same classes. As for Bakugou, despite being the nerds older sister, Bakugou still knew the Pro deserved respect.
As the dark haired teacher continued on with the lesson, Izuku Midoriya was stuck in his own thoughts about his sister and the day he and his mother were told of her death.
The day my mother and I found out was the worst day of my life, it greatly out weighted the agony and sadness I felt when I found out I was quirkless. My mother cried for months and wouldn't even go anywhere close to her room, avoiding it like the plague, but only because every time she would be near it, she would burst into tears.
When my mother was finally ready to go into (Y/N)'s room we found letters in her desk drawer. One was addressed to mom, one to All Might, one to Mr. Aizawa, one to President Mic. Then there was a stack of 7 addressed to a group that (Y/N) was apart of called the RFA. The last letter was for myself. Mom mailed the other letters after she read her own, but I read my letter later that night.
When I read the letter it seemed to have meant to be for me to read before she left, (Y/N) must have just forgotten to give it to me before she left, she did leave 2 days earlier than she was originally suppose to.
Dear Izuku,
Hey there little buddy! I know you don't like that nickname all that much but meh :P
Now onto some serious things... I know, I know, there's no fun in serious things but I gotta! As you know I have to leave for a little while to go overseas, but I'll come back as soon as I can! Then we can go back to our usual of training and goofing off okay! I promise, pinkie promise Izuku!
And if you ever miss me you know what to do right? Yell out the window as loud as you can so I can hear you 'Goddess 606 help me!' or you can call on my friend God 707, he'll be there for you too if I can't be :)
Like I said Izuku, I'll be home as soon as I can be, so just keep training while I'm gone, then when I get back I'll test you, so be ready!
You can do it Izuku, go beyond, Plus Ultra! I believe in you!!
~Love your sister, (Y/N) Midoriya~
"Even though a life was taken that day in battle, her sacrifice was not in vain. Can anyone tell me why?" Zoning back into the lesson, Midoriya hears Aizawa ask the class another question, and with no one else raising their hand, whether it's because they don't want to answer the question or no one actually knows, Midoriya reluctantly raises his hand once more.
Hesitantly, Aizawa calls on him, "Midoriya..."
With clenched hands that tremble slightly, Midoriya answers through his teeth, "Her sacrifice wasn't in vain... b-because her finally attack won th-the war..." Midoriya couldn't hold them back any more, his tears of sorrow and hurt. Hurt because his sister promised to come home, yet she's not here, with him and cheering him on! Not here with him sparring, not here helping him grow, not here with him every step of the way like she said, like she promised!
The sudden noise of a chair scrapping against the tiled ground caught everyone's attention, except for Midoriya, who's still crying in his seat while his fellow classmates gave him sympathetic looks before the noise occurred.
"Oi, Deku..." The rough and raspy voice of Katsuki Bakugou sounds out in the quiet classroom. While the pitch of Bakugou's tone seems to not have changed, to everyone that knew the young boy, they would catch the softness in it. Marching over to his desk, Bakugou lifts Midoriya by the back of his collar and sets him on his feet.
Calming down just enough to talk coherently, Midoriya mutters out "w-what is it Kacchan? I-" before being pulled into someones embrace, Bakugou's. Class 1-A and their teacher are shocked to their core, no one expecting him to comfort his childhood rival. Before Midoriya could sputter out anything, Bakugou began to talk.
"Now listen here shitty Deku cause I'm only saying this once, (Y/N) wouldn't want you to be this upset over her, she'd want you to continue living your life and become the hero she knew you could, no um, become the hero that you can be. Don't think I didn't see you and her training all those years ago! Now don't let her hard work go to waste shitty nerd and brighten the hell up, it's what she would have wanted!" Bakugou's tone held so much sincerity and truth that Midoriya couldn't help but cry more, not in sadness, but in content. He should have realized that if his sister was still here that she would have been disappointed in how he's been living his life, in sadness and despair.
"Th-thank you K-Kacchan!" Midoriya cried, hugging his friend just a little tighter, Bakugou returning the tight grip.
"No problem nerd..." He whispered, tone gentle.
The class sat shocked yet eternally happy that Bakugou dropped his pride to comfort the very emotional green haired teen, showing a side of himself that very few would ever get to witness and experience. Smiling faces filled the quiet classroom as 1-A just let everyone calm down, to regain composure of their feelings so they could return to the lesson.
Suddenly, frantic and heavy footsteps could be heard from the hallway just outside the classroom, catching many off guard. Bakugou and Midoriya parted, positioning themselves into a fighting stance, ready to defend themselves and those around them.
As the classroom door slides open with much ferocity, the entire of Class 1-A is thrown into shock, but in three of them, other emotions bubble in them. Aizawa, Bakugou and Midoriya all hold a sense of sadness, relief, confusion and pure joy at the face that has appeared before them.
Lowering their fighting stances, Izuku staggers forward, tears beginning to brim his emerald coloured eyes.
(Y/N)'s POV
"(Y-Y/N)...?" Izuku whispers, voice shaking though thick with emotion. As I lean against the door frame to the classroom, clutching the side of my stomach, I can see the tears in his eyes. In my little brother's eyes. Eyes that I thought I'd never see again along with his atrociously messy green hair, his distinctly familiar voice that despite him being older, is still recognizable.
"I-Izu-uku, I told y-you I'd c-come home" the arm that wasn't holding my injured side reached out to him, my body leaning off the only support I had at the moment. Izuku rushes forward, the tears that had been accumulating finally running down his cheeks as he wraps his arms around me, myself doing the same as I let go of my injury momentarily.
His tears start to soak my tattered, torn and slightly burnt shirt but I could care less. All I care about is being here, home, with part of my family.
"H-h-how a-are you-u he-here. Th-the n-news said you were d-dead" the small green haired boy hiccups, clutching onto me tighter, like if he even loosened his grip a fraction I would disappear forever. His fingers claw slightly into another wound of mine, causing me to wince though Izuku doesn't let up.
"I know, I know. I never died, I was kidnapped by those I was fighting back then and only now was I able to escape. But I promise, I'm here, I'm okay and I'm never leaving you again. And hey, I see you made it into UA! Told you that you could make it!" I smile.
Izuku only seems to sob louder and harder. His tears aren't tears of sorrow any more but more like tears of happiness.
In that moment, we both knew that everything was going to be okay. That neither of us would be absent from each other's lives ever again.
I was home and someone I care about most is happy.
Everything is finally alright.
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multimetaverse · 5 years
HSMTMTS 1x02 Review
The Read-Through was a great ep that surpassed the already high bar set by the premiere. Let’s dig in!
I had read about it in reviews but wow that Ashlyn and Nini duet was amazing. Julia Lester has a very powerful voice. It really was a wise decision for to show to film the kids singing live as much as possible
‘Wondering’ the song really highlights that although the show knows how to poke fun at itself and the movies, it is a deeply earnest show. It’s hilarious that Miss Jenn decides that the drama teacher of all characters needs a power ballad and of course Ms. Darbus herself was never a very important character in the movies but rather than play the whole situation for laughs they actually deliver a really moving song that gives a lot of depth to the role of Ms. Darbus in the musical and ties in beautifully with Nini’s conflicting feelings regarding Ricky
I’m pleasantly surprised at how they’re already giving Ashlyn some depth. I wasn’t sure if I’d like her that much based off of the little we knew of her before the show premiered but she really brings a lot to the table. I’m very glad they’re not going the cliche route of EJ is embarrassed to be seen publicly with his weird cousin. I like the little touches we get with her like her wearing her grandma’s glasses and her over exuberance at the read through. I’m curious to learn more about her and EJ’s families because although they’re cousins they are very different people
A really strong ep for Ricky and one that sure’s to please Nicky shippers. Dousing himself in cologne because he thinks the ‘pheromones’ in it will please Nini was such a teen boy thing to do (and loved the brand name throb). It’s good that Nini called him out for not taking the musical very seriously, for having auditioned just so he could be close to her, and for not being able to commit to things. He really needed that wake up call and it led to some good character growth when he buckles down and learns the choreography which was a funny scene and it reminded me of Phil Dunphy doing the same thing on Modern Family
Strong work by both Joshua Bassett and the writers with the glimpses we get of Ricky’s home life. It was a sad but realistic detail when Ricky didn’t want Big Red over because of how tense things have been at home. And I liked that Mr. Bowen sat down and watched Ricky practice rather than just going back to bed or berating him. I’m sure Ricky’s mom isn’t trying to hurt Ricky by staying in Chicago but just ghosting her family like this is only delaying the inevitable conversation she’’s going to need to have with her husband and Ricky
So far the show is doing a good job of balancing angst and drama and romantic moments for Nicky. Nini was clearly impressed by seeing Ricky performing the choreography in the library and she then avoided EJ on her way out. She definitely had a bit of a moment when she made eye contact with Ricky during Wondering and again she avoided telling EJ what was up. Kourtney bluntly asked her if she really wanted to be with EJ and Nini’s answer didn’t sound all that convincing. I don’t blame her for being torn, she and Ricky had gone out for a while and it was only a little more than 6 weeks ago in universe that she told Ricky she loved him
The show took a big step towards making Nini’s choice easier by somewhat villainizing EJ. I’m glad that Ashlyn correctly called him out for being scary and for pointing out that he doesn’t own Nini. Him saying that he wanted to stay with Nini because she made him a better person right after asking Ashlyn to steal her phone so he could read her messages sure was something
It’s true that as Ashlyn said EJ is being paranoid but as the old saying goes, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that they’re not out to get you. Ricky really is trying to win Nini back and breakup her and EJ and Nini really does still have some level of feelings for Ricky. That of course doesn’t justify his bad actions but the motivation for his jealousy and insecurity are there. And we also get an important line from Ashlyn about how EJ could stand to not always get what he wants. He clearly expected to win the lead and be with Nini for a long time only to have Ricky waltz in at the last moment and pull out the rug from under him
 In a way I’m glad that they’re starting to unravel NJ now because that will ultimately make things less messy when the show starts guiding Nicky back together. As I’ve said before, love triangles usually devolve into someone cheating on their significant other in some fashion and the less emotional cheating we get on this show the better imo
Miss Jenn continues to be a G rated April Rhodes and I’m here for it. It’s wildly inappropriate for her to basically nudge Nini and Ricky back together because it will help the show and she believes in their chemistry but it’s exactly the kind of stuff she needs to be doing in her role as an agent of chaos. Her going hard with the solo during the read through and making such a big deal out of Gabriella’s 2006 phone was too funny. We got another phone call with her mom about money problems, we’ll see what comes of it.
Gina made a big splash this ep. I liked that her plot involved convincing Ricky to stay as an indirect way to get Nini out of the way, that was clever of her. We get a little glimpse of how being a transfer student and her desire to make a place for herself colours her actions and we get to see how observant she is. She went full on villain at the end though when she took Nini’s phone and put it in EJ’s bag. Gina has no way of knowing if there actually is anything on Nini’s phone regarding her and Ricky but she’s clearly picked up on the spark that’s still there between them. EJ would be a fool to work with her because they are not in fact after the same thing; EJ wants to be the Troy to Nini’s Gabriella but Gina wants to be Gabriella in place of Nini and I doubt she cares who plays Troy. Those are mutually exclusive goals right there
Good ep for Big Red as well, his cult line was funny and his awful readings of the stage directions was hilarious. He continues to be a steadfast friend for Ricky, they’ve got a good bromance going on
A pretty funny ep all around, lots of great lines. I think my favourite is the exchange between Miss Jenn and EJ where she said he was lurking and he says he was going for loitering
Not quite sure what to make of Carlos thinking that Ricky was going to assault him in the library. I did like the start of a possible friendship we see between him and Ricky. Seb gets some lines and we learn he’s a piano playing farm boy with milking glasses and he’s a sophomore like Carlos. It will be interesting to see when they start something with Seblos and how far that relationship will go this season. Seb is in all 10 eps this season if Joe Serafini’s imdb is accurate which puts him above all the other guest stars
It wasn’t romantic of course but just seeing a bunch of guys holding hands with guys and girls holding hands with girls really shows how much further HSMTMTS will be able to go than Andi Mack was. There’s just no way a mass hand holding scene like this would ever have been allowed to happen on Andi Mack. And the casual way Nini referred to one of her moms sending her fortune cookie sayings in a regular ep instead of one of the two or three designated textual gay eps per season that Andi Mack was allowed was refreshing 
I really liked the skate park and shooting at an actual high school continues to pay off for the show
Looking Ahead:
It’s looks like most of the clips we’ve seen on various trailers came from the first two eps so we’re in largely uncharted waters going forward. Hopefully someone uploads the next ep promo
We know EJ has an apology song coming up so he likely gets caught sooner rather than later and I wonder if Gina gets exposed with him or if her breakdown scene we saw in the promo relates to something else
Until next week wildcats
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