#“i'm german-irish” fucking took me out
sharry-arry-odd · 9 months
The voice that came over the phone was unrecognizable with hate and passion. "You fucking bastard," Woltz screamed. "I'll have you all in jail for a hundred years. I'll spend every penny I have to get you. I'll get that Johnny Fontane's balls cut off, do you hear me you guinea fuck?" Hagen said kindly, "I'm German-Irish." There was a long pause and then a click of the phone being hung up.
The Godfather, by Mario Puzo
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
You know the whole 'Hi we have the cure for cancer but we're not going to share it with the world' awful, literally. Mythos thing about Wakanda made notice something
The cure was cancer was definitely not a silver age thing
It stated Kirby made Wakanda (though their advance technology was a later on addition) because he was tired of poverty porn Africa
And Wakanda xenophobia was acknowledged, because I learn there a page in a silver age comic where an African American character went “what’s up brother!” to a Wakandan
And the Wakandan him a “mute”
Now here my theory because when your…ancestors went to Europe for the world wars
Actually I think a lot of white Americans (especially poor ones) had a fetishized view of Europe. And they probably had they until WW1 where many had a one in a lifetime experience to meet Europeans
Then the Europeans immediately pointed out that Americans are foreign to Europe as a Chinese person.
Which definitely broke the illusion of Europe and lead to our modern American identity
Make sense?
So sliver writers probably took that account with doing black panther Mythos
Now the cure for cancer thing, oh I got my suspicions but I think older comic readers can help
But in the 00’s there was two black writers one named Houdini and the other Christopher Priest
Now I vauge on Houdini, but him and priest had that “WE WUZ KINGS” mindset
So they pushed the advance Wakanda shit…while saying that it’s a okay that Wakanda is xenophobic as fuck.
Actually I’m going to do a part to, but I notice something with black Americans writers when they get their hands on stuff.
Oh btw for Priest, well MCU Wakanda was heavily based off his run….
But Priest and the creator of boondocks had a falling out
To the point McGrunder took a piss out of him in a boondocks episode
Oh, priest had black panther beat silver surfer by using a wrestling move….so you can guess his mindset….Im not better with some crazy shit he tried to pull at dc in the 2010’s…no sir ree…
Actually I think a lot of white Americans (especially poor ones) had a fetishized view of Europe. And they probably had they until WW1 where many had a one in a lifetime experience to meet Europeans Then the Europeans immediately pointed out that Americans are foreign to Europe as a Chinese person. Which definitely broke the illusion of Europe and lead to our modern American identity
Never thought about it that way, though there is a lot of genetic memory in Americans we have tried to keep where we came from with ourselves to a degree, or at least some of us do.
Go find the local Greek community or little Saigon, Chinatown, Little Italy, and so on.
(relevant tangent time)
Guy named Andrew Doro (looked it up) made a splash several years back by chronicling his journey to eat food from every country in the world without leaving NYC, got his blog, and IG, looks like he's still going most recent post is from 5 days ago.
Older interview here
Not something you can do in Billings Montana but it's a cool project.
But ya some of us have done our best to keep the "old world" alive in our new home, you also get the families that came over and assimilated themselves forcibly.
Or you get mutts like me who's family roots go back before the revolution in some parts and while I know what my DNA says I also know that I'm American and not Irish or German.
Probably a good deal of what you were talking about going on in the aftermath of WW1 and 2 for sure, GI's staged in England before D-Day which was close enough to the US to not throw them but I'm sure folks had some culture shocks seeing the "old world" first hand.
We also can't forget
Tumblr media
I imagine some weebs have a similar experience.
As for the comic stuff I am not well enough versed in those to even say which is golden or silver age, I just recall that there was a deal with them holding on to the cure for cancer.
Mostly brought up when you'd get people talking about how great Wakanda was and their only experience was MCU, which is lots of people for lots of the characters in the MCU.
Had someone spouting off that Captain America wouldn't use guns, just his shield like steven universe, double dumb because he was shown using guns in The First Avenger.
But I'm sure I have a fair number of followers that will have the information on that and hopefully one or more of them adds it here or if they want to send it as a ask that works too.
Honestly my biggest issue with MCU BP was people thinking that either Wakanda was real or it's what Africa would have been like if not for colonialism.
Which both things are insane just for different reasons.
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Jewish question, if you have musings or advice. Have you ever dealt with secular Jews who dissect people about Jewishness? I've followed your blog through jumblr for a long time and in the last year I've experienced this problem, where someone started a rumor in the community that I was "pretending to be Jewish" because they found out I have Catholic family- from other people, because I am very upfront about my life when asked. But they never asked, and seemed touchy or angry about religion so I wasn't going to bring it up out of context. It felt like they were trying to pick apart my life and identity via strings of rumors. I spoke to a couple rabbis and they said I don't owe people shit if they are not part of my life in a close way. But I also don't want to misrepresent myself or past. I know I don't owe people shit, but just wondering if anyone else on jumblr has dealt with this kind of thing. Either from an interfaith or convert or both perspective. For what it's worth this person also didn't seem to trust my word about other parts of my life (my family's experiences with drug abuse and death) because I seemed to chipper or happy to have known that kind of trauma (which felt gross in a different way). On the note of Jewishness, I've never encountered that attitude in progressive religious Jewish spaces, that are pretty accepting of complex family dynamics and interfaith. Even modern Orthodox spaces have been welcoming when I disclose my family details. I'm wondering if you've encountered this, and any thoughts you might have. I'm asking others too, but part of asking your blog is knowing you have spoken openly about conversion.
Ugh I’m sorry that you’ve experienced that, the starting a rumor thing really sucks. Haven’t had anything like that happen but I’ve had one-off weird interactions. I remember talking about name origins with someone and my mom’s maiden name came up which is very German and they took that to mean that I wasn’t “really jewish” and that my family somehow had nazi connections or something. Which like 1) lots of jews have “German” last names 2) the vast majority German families in my geographic area were here well before the rise of the Nazi party 3) my grandpa, who passed on the name to my mom, is literally adopted and is Irish anyway. 4) even if what they were thinking was true, like, it’s not some random person’s place to grill me about it (and wouldn’t it be just a delicious fuck you to the nazis to have their grandchildren / great grandchildren happily become jewish?)
Like I get they were coming from a place of trauma but it was still just… not good.
I believe the majority of non-religious Jews are supportive or at least neutral towards conversion, but there are some who have hang-ups about it. I try to remember it’s a “them” thing and not a “me” thing. If they primarily relate to being Jewish as only an ethnic background and family history, my existence challenges that idea, and people respond in sometimes weird ways to having their frame of reference challenged. I think these scenarios also stand out because we are mostly expecting rejection of Jewishness to be on religious grounds, and also it can be difficult to deal with because it’s not like you can be like “wow lashon hara huh :/“ if they don’t care about that sort of thing.
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chaosoftheages · 7 months
All About Me Post!
I'm giving y'all a full about me post because I have nothing better to do besides do random shit so here y'all go :3
Name: Autumn
Birthday: May 27th
Age: High School-aged, not saying exact age or grade
Gender: Non Binary!
Pronouns: They/Them
Sexuality: Aro-Ace
Relationship Status: Single
Nationality: German-American(My family immigrated from Germany; I also have some Italian, Dutch, Irish, Scottish, and Cherokee mixed in too I think. Idk my heritage is all over the place.)
Social Media:
My Tumblr! (Your here, so no link for you :3)
My AO3
My Wattpad
My Instagram
My Spotify
My Fanfiction.Net
Important Posts Abt My Fics!
Standalone Headcanons
Father & Son Headcanons
Father & Son Infection AU Status
Father & Son Infection AU: Stages Of Infection
Random Facts About Me!
I'm a Ravenclaw. They are said to be curious, creative, and eccentric. They are logical, rational, quick thinkers, and they value learning, wisdom, wit, and and intellect. They are also very academically motivated. Believe me. I have a necklace, a purse, a bunch of bracelets, a journal, and a fucking HOODIE for Ravenclaw merch
I was RAISED by Disney. I grew up on it. It's my life. My favs are Frozen, Moana, and The Incredibles.
I'm writing a novel! An actual novel. It's called Shadows Of The Unknown, and it's part of a true crime series I mapped out.
I'm learning French, German, Spanish, and Turkish through Duolingo(The goddamn owl is MOCKING ME I SWEAR TO GOD-)
I've been writing since elementary school. It's been a rough journey, that took me from the traumatizing Wattpad, to the complication FanFiction.Net, to where I am now on AO3.
I can play the piano, violin, and the steel drums.
I did cross country and wrestling in middle school. I could probably easily overpower you and outrun you depending.
I'm neurodivergent (ADHD)
I have PTSD(I'm a sexual assault/attempted R*pe survivor)
Favorites Colors: Blue, Black, White, Purple, Pink
Fandoms I Will Write For: Alan Becker, Stranger Things, Rick & Morty, Pokemon
Favorite Books: Adam Silvera's Death Cast books, Twisted Series by Ana Huang, Soul Snatchers by Jackie Egan, The Girl Who Survived by Lisa Jackson, Dog Man series by Dav Pilkey
Spicy Food
Fall/Autumn(hey it's my name :D)
Atychiphobia- Fear Of Failure
Autophobia: Fear of being alone
Arachnophobia -Spiders
Claustrophia -Tight spaces
Genophobia- S*xual Intercourse
Spheksophobia- Wasps/Hornets
Apiphobia/Melissophobia- Bees
AO3 Fic Masterpost
Basically just the main series I write for.
Father & Son
Father & Son Infection AU (Link coming soon!)
Alan Becker AU's
Adventures In Stick City
I take fanfic requests and will accept fanart of Father & Son or my standalones I also take fanart requests if anyone wants me to draw them something. I cannot draw this bundle of silly sticks for shit(I can't draw for shit lol), but I'll do my best.
Autumn out!
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britts-galaxy-brain · 2 years
So I just saw The Post. Good fucking lord. ALL of it is bullshit. I'm almost impressed at how shameless of a liar Lily is.
- Nobody has brought up Scars. The fics that are brought up are the Stockholm series, and the short that was written under Alchorative before that (A Mother's Love, A Daughter's Passion).
- The FireRose thing was ALL Lily. Nobody was pressuring her into shit. She was the one doing the pressuring.
- Lily took advantage of Patch's financial and mental situation to get them to draw zoophile art. She's also openly posted zoophile fantasies on her Tumblr for people to respond to.
- See the "cybergrooming" posts.
- See every recorded Twitch stream of her and Lizzy, Lizzy's testimony, and how she is with Mikhaila.
- She wasn't abused by Lizzy, she suicide-baited as a last ditch effort to control the situation. Which then led to Lizzy calling in a welfare check, which Lily has twisted into a "swatting".
- Lily once again admits to coercing me. I have a ton of screenshots of telling both her and her sockpuppet that I was extremely uncomfortable and not interested in being sexual with her, only to be pressured and guilt tripped into it on multiple occasions. The reason I used to question her motive for coming out was due to the fact that she went from transphobic to entertaining the idea as soon as she thought there was a possibility of lesbians being attracted to her.
- No idea where that even came from. As far as I know, nobody has brought anything like that up.
- Also no idea wtf she's talking about here.
- This was the Opal situation. It wasn't "harmful", Lily just didn't like the proportions and threw a fit.
- As far as I know, nobody has insinuated that Mikhaila has been groomed. Ginger, on the other hand, was in her discord as a minor and started dating Lily when she was of legal age.
- This was the response to her playing with the idea of Rey committing suicide after Aliana dies. Not whatever she's trying to bullshit here.
- Flashing your tits at random and soliciting sexual encounters from your audience isn't anywhere near Family Guy. Good gods you're bad at this.
- The Rebecca Sugar thing has been gone over with a fine-toothed comb and she's still pathologically lying about it.
- She doesn't talk about Big Bang Theory because she likes it. Seems like she takes any form of disagreement as "harassment".
- Nobody has said this. They've said she's fetishist about it at worst and willfully ignorant at best.
- Lily has never been a sex worker. I knew her when she was 18 and fell out with her around the time she came out on her channel. This is a bold-faced lie.
- I can't say much about this one since I'm not black, but I'm inclined to believe the black people who have called her out for this.
- She's had way more than "a few slip ups". She just can't wrap her head around racism that isn't just throwing slurs and being overtly violent about it.
- EOT isn't right-wing. This is a good example of "othering". Lily knows Ethel isn't right-wing and is knowingly lying to manipulate her audience.
- It's fine not to like the word "queer". What's not fine is to attack people who choose to use it as a self-descriptor, nor is it okay to hypocritically call trans people you don't like "tenderqueers" after going on about how bad of a slur you think it is.
- Nobody said she's faking her ethnicity. We said she's being extremely disrespectful toward the culture she's claiming.
- She is brownfacing. I've seen her on video chats often enough to know that she is just as pale as me, and most of my heritage is Scots-Irish, German, British, and Welsh. She even went as far as to change the color of her old Zero Punctuation sprite from white to brown.
- Nobody said she hates Japanese people in general. We've said she has a lot of ignorant opinions she refuses to address that come off as racist.
- Not much to say about this one. It's fine to not like anime. It's utterly brain-dead to act like such a broad genre can be lumped together the way she is.
- See my post linking Alchorative, Lily, and Tara together. There were three accounts total. One on e621 under the name Alchorative, that was active since 2017. The other two were on SankakuComplex under the names Alchorative and EbaraTara. Both accounts on Sankaku were deleted as soon as they were discovered and she went into damage control.
- No idea wtf she's talking about regarding the last two.
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slowdancingtorock · 1 year
Ireland - Day 11
Today was entertaining if nothing else. After the usual program (roll calls, supervision, etc.) I decided to join one of the groups that went to Limerick for some shopping. I had a blast chatting with my only remaining German colleague and trying to find something for tomorrow's mottoparty. I got myself a very nice shirt and I am really looking forward to the party.
My group was also scheduled for an Irish dancing class and I was genuinely super hyped for it. Unfortunately, most of the students were too hyper and it was very exhausting to get them to focus. So it honestly kinda sucked :(
The other major even was that some of students were caught doing some very stupid, dangerous and illegal stuff and I had to sit with the students while the manager chewed them up. It was uncomfortable but also I had to hold in my laughter because they went really stupidly about it. Anyway, they're in big trouble and now I'm supposed to spread the gossip in the staff room. I will and we're probably gonna have a little bit of a laugh about it. I will totally regret not going to bed right now but there is no time like the present to have a fun conversation about stupid things other people did and we have done as teens.
Wrapping this up as I go to bed my song of the day is Teenagers by My Chemical Romance. I am surprised it took this long for it to be my choice. I am surrounded by Teenagers and while they don't scare the living shit out of me, they do have the ability to make you go through 5 different emotions in 5 seconds. Sometimes I feel like I am part of the "they" of the song ("they're gonna clean up your looks") but I genuinely just want them to have a good time and fuck around long enough to find out. I believe they can become great people if they don't get themselves into more trouble than they can handle.
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roseatebug · 2 months
do you know if you have any spanish or any german in ur family (tree)
what if u took a test and found out stuff, how would u react
is there any mixes in ur family
like any German any Australian things like that
or just italian.
u seem like a good person‼️‼️
As far as i know I don't think i have any german or australian heritage.. not so sure about spanish either since I'm a pasty white fuck (and yes i know there are pale hispanics dont kill me)
The only heritage i rlly know of in my family is italian, and thats from my bio dad's side :p My nan/mum's last name is welsh/irish though but I'm not 100% sure if thats connected to our heritage or just a coincidence
Never had a dna test done before but I might get one done at some point if I get curious enough and want to know more abt my heritage
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irishgirlwhostudies · 2 years
So I'm finished my first day back and it was an absolute TRAVESTY this is extremely depressing and I feel like crying. Aka I got some exam results back.
What I hate
• Biology: solid 17%....yeah not great obviously. It piled tf up on me and I did NOT study near enough + let procrastination take over. I basically gave up on it.
• Maths: 34%....honestly thought I would be in the 50s?? I need to look through it, but it WAS STUPID MISTAKES FUCK. also some unanswered questions bcs i didn't know wtf was going on with those. Love the teacher + enjoy coming to class so I can actually work on this without wanting to kms
What is ok
• German: 50 something? I could've gotten so much more if I did more studying but I was fucking lazy icl. Like she literally told us what was gonna be on the damn thing I am a fucking muppet.
• Irish: High marks on my written paper but lost marks on my oral which was 40% LORD HAVE MERCY😩 my aural was a travesty (it was all donegal irish i dont have the capacity for that I'm sorry) overall could've done better by learning more for my oral and some notes studied more
What I'm happy with
• English: 67% which may seem quite low but I didn't even finish the damn paper OKAY. I got 42/50 for my essay? So fucking happy with that but I lost stupid marks fr the other part was a comprehension which of that I did NOT comprehend LMAO but my 20 mark question was 18/20 ?? Whenever idk wtf I'm talking about I always score super fucking high. Anyways I got 7/15 for the one other question I did which was alright for 2 paragraphs when it shouldve been 3. I only lost 3 marks in total in those 2 paragraphs. So I also lost out on a 15 marker question but I'm quite happy icl.
Still need History and Art back. These results gave me a kick up the hole and now I know I need to cop tf on. So I went to the library after school (a wee rory gilmore moment) and did some homework. My mom was there to pick us up after and I went home to finish it. I have a Biology test next friday on the breathing system so I DID SOME STUDY FOR IT !! And also learnt off all the bio notes I took down today. Finished maths & irish homework and then I had completed everything.
I'm on the couch with my ultra soft oodie bcs i have bad period cramps and I'm sad (no wonder) so goodbye I have netflix to watch and friends to text.
Until next time (read this in a menacing voice please)
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pulsar-1919 · 3 years
I'm gonna be graduating in the next few weeks (help) so here's:
Some experiences from my Irish single-sex catholic school:
A couple of weeks ago we were listening to music in art class and while the teacher was out of the room WAP started playing over the speakers. The door was open and other classes 100% heard it.
In 4th year we went on an overnight walking trip and stayed in a hostel. One of my friends brought cards against humanity and we played it on one side of the lounge. The teachers were on the other side. More and more people slowly joined our game. At one point, a teacher came over and said, "I hope you're not gambling, girls." And my (now) girlfriend looked up and immediately replied, "Oh no, Ms. It's much better."
Later that evening I had a headache and went to my gf's room to ask her for a painkiller, she was teaching the others how to twerk
From what I saw on people's snapchat stories the next morning, a bunch of people had snuck out of the hostel and gone skinny dipping somewhere??
On our walking trip there was a pub at the end of the walk, and a group of us had to wait there for the second bus to pick us up. So I can say I've sat in a pub with my teachers
We also took a school trip to Dublin. One morning a girl in the room next to ours discovered she had epilepsy while curling her eyelashes and it was terrifying. On the bus journey home we stopped at a garage/shop for food and we had: 1 asthma attack, 1 diabetic suger level related fainting incident and a panic attack. In total, 2 ambulances were called on that trip
A few months after that we went on a trip to Rome, and after spending a day in the Vatican we played CAH in the hotel room again. One of the card combinations we got was 'This year's BAFTA for whipping it out goes to....The Pope'
Climbed to the top of St Peter's Basillica. We met a group of Scottish students there and had a brief moment of Celtic solidarity
We visited Pompeii and everyone was dressed for nice weather. It was May, and and all of the italians were still wearing their coats. I overhear a teacher tell another teacher that some old ladies blessed themselves as our group walked past, due to the a multitude of bare, orange fake-tanned legs
We went to a waterpark on our last day in Italy and it absolutely bucketed rain. When it finally cleared up a little we went into the water for a while, but it was still cold, and the italians were fucking baffled by us. One of the park workers tried to take pictures of us though, and that was fucking awful
The only other groups around were some Italian primary school kids. They asked if we were German, and once we said we were Irish they were very keen to show off how good their English was in comparison to our Italian
One boy, who was like, 12, proposed to all of us individually. We all said no, of course. When the Italian beautician back home excitedly promised me Italian boys would like me I don't think that's what she meant
Our annual school musical always includes drag, and our production of Grease it was probably a part of my bisexual awakening
We had a Spanish girl attending school with us in 4th year and she was floored when she discovered Dora the Explorer teaches us Spanish, "Dora? She teaches us nothing."
She was lovely and we were friends, despite my many failed efforts to convince her to quit smoking
Two years ago our head girl openly had a girlfriend!
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caprina-mints · 4 years
Matchup, please? I'm a boy, around 10-14 (between there i don't sharing age sorry) 5'2, mostly german a 25% irish, I like horror, conspiracy theories, and drawing, not a big fan kids (they cry like frick), I love dogs more than cats, favorite color is pastel pink, I like soft things, and my favorite animal are snails and frogs, born on the 13th of October, I love candy, or sweet things in general, i also like cottagecore and punk. Thank you in advance!
Hey Hun , Sorry it took awhile for me to answer I blacked out awhile ago! Anyway
I ship you with
You heard rumors about the forest being haunted by strange creatures beyond human, at first the theories were very much unbelievably ridiculous but when you dug deeper into the subject it provided solid proof that something was lurking in the woods.
So you decided to explore and see for yourself if what they said really was true.
What's the worst that could happen?
The worst did happen.
While exploring and roaming aimlessly in the woods you somehow managed to get lost. Great just your luck.
It was getting dark and the place was really muddy because it had rained earlier that day.
That was when you heard twigs snapping and leaves crunching.
You turned around and saw a hooded man with a cloth mask walking towards you with a bloodied steel pipe.
You had to run and you meant to run but when your eyes landed on the snail that this man was about to step on.
You just had to do the initiative .
You tackled him down to the muddied ground filled with dried leaves to save this innocent creature.
Hoodie was so surprised he was used to his victims running away full speed when they see him. Not run directly at him for no apparent reason!.
You landed on top of this man's chest and you quickly sat up lecturing him.
" You could have stepped on that snail! An Innocent fucking snail! Look at how adorable it is and you have the nerves to fucking step on it!? You can murder me but I will never let you murder an Innocent snail! "
Ok what? You tackled a serial killer because he was about to step on a snail?.
Honestly hoodie didn't know how to react. Should he be surprised by your naive nature? Laugh? Or cry at how the mortals have stood this low?. He was feeling mixed emotions and it just confused him even more.
" .... So you did that because of a snail? " Hoodie spoke his voice didn't seem to falter and his expression behind the mask was nothing but mere confusion.
You answered him honestly and started ranting . Soon the two of you indulged in a conversation deeper than intended and hoodie for once considered you a sensible mortal. He even helped you get out if the forest after you made him swear to never hurt frogs and snails ever again.
One Day though. You heard police sirens in the distance and you didn't ponder over it much but much to your surprise.
Hoodie came right through your window all bloodied and dirty.
Of course you knew what he was doing since your first interaction. You weren't dumb.
So in the end Hoodie crashed in your place for the night.
You thought it would be the last time you'll see him but he had been crahsibg in your place for almost every mission he went. And by that time span you two got closer and he was even comfortable enough to take off his mask infront of you.
You two got to know each other so well that you could be considered best buddies.
One night when you and Hoodie were watching horror movies while laughing and commenting on how stupid most characters could be.
He actually knew how to laugh? He seems so closed off at first but he was getting warmer with you.
In the middle of your laughter he suddenly leaned closer to kiss you. At first you didn't know what to do and when he was about to pull away in dismay you pulled him back in for another kiss.
That's pretty much how you two got together.
Dates with him is fun and romantic, he knew your love for dogs and he even ' burrowed ' a dog for you so you could play and have fun with it.
Expect unexpected gifts from him and each gift had the same color. Pastel pink. May it be a new shirt or art supplies since he knew that you liked to draw.
Time passed and he was ready to take you home... To his home.
You didn't know if you'd fit in at first and the first few weeks were very awkward because some of the guys there were clearly older than you and Hoodie had to keep an eye on Laughing Jack who kept tricking you in taking his poisoned Candies.
You clicked well with Jane and Helen though. Jane because she liked seeing a normal fave in the mansion for once and Helen because you two share the same passion in drawing.
Hoodie didn't appreciate how close you were with Jane and Helen by the time being because... They may be potential love rivals and you had to pry him away from them as much a a possible because hoodie can be extremely territorial and he snatches you away with every chance he has.
Lots of strolls around the forest with Hoodie and he even Gifted you a cottage in the woods if ever you needed a place to escape to to be alone with him.
Expect him to be a big spoon and he likes inhaling your scent when you two cuddle. When he's going on a mission he'll slam your back against a wall and kiss you viciously until your lips turn red and swollen.
And don't forget he likes to squeeze you against his body while peppering you with kisses.
He's not a big fan of snails but he felt thankful to that snail back in the forest cause it was the reason why you two got along.
You'll always be his Snail Prince.
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just read your post about Magneto's accent, and while I agree representation of foreigners/fugitives would have been nice, I personally really liked what Fassbender did (even though it was super subtle). It's like he took his own accent and filed the edges off, so it sounds British/Irish but kind of generic? I'm German and my English sounds a bit like that, because I did my best to get rid of my own accent. Which works for Erik because imagine the stigma of having a German accent in the 60's.
oh this is at the centre of Venn diagram of Josie Interests: Magneto + Languages 
I remember the post you mean - there is also another post where I speculate about what kind of accent Magneto would have exactly and why it wouldn’t necessarily be a (distinctly) German one. (x) Mind you, my speculations there are based on his comic book origin story, but the general idea could easily be applied to XMCU Magneto as well - that he learnt various different languages at an early age outside a school environment and that they affecting his accents when speaking them. English lessons in German schools were pretty much all about translating short texts and reciting the same phrases over and over again (if my grandparents are to be believed) and Erik didn’t even get to finish school so that’s likely not where he perfected his English. He probably learnt it during his travels and likely not even from native speakers. So he probably would have developed a really...vague, ambiguous accent, maybe with a habit of mispronouncing words he only knows in their written form.
You mentioned stigma. On a human (sorry, Mags: Mutant) level, Erik probably doesn’t care much about that. Being unapologetically himself in face of adversity is exactly his brand and something he actively practices and encourages. He hates being liked for something he is not and has zero tolerance for nationalist bullshit. If someone was rude to him for being an immigrant or Jewish or mutant or anything else, he’d probably just kill them or re-arrange their anatomy at least a little.  I could imagine him pretending to be British if he needed to trick someone to get information out of them or something. But we know he speaks in that accent even around his friends and people who definitely know where he’s from, so it’s no charade. 
Also... Erik is no James Bond. Even in that scene in the bank in Switzerland, he just walks in, tells Banker Man who he is and what he wants and starts torturing him (using his very distinctive ability to move fucking metal with his mind, wow Erik they will never find out who did this). And in Russia he just storms that mansion and starts wrapping people into barbed wire. Plus what even was his plan on Shaw’s fucking boat? He’s just. not very slick and Charles even calls him out on his habit of almost getting himself killed. So I doubt he spends much time pretending to be British when obviously brute force is the solution to all his problems.
We’re also supposed to believe he speaks fluent, accent-free Polish (suspense of disbelief) so I have little doubt that he could fake a specific accent if he wanted to conceal that he is German. Concealing an accent isn’t as hard as changing your own or perfecting one from a country you never lived in. (That’s why a “generic” accent as you say is still a good choice, because even if you perfect a language as a foreigner, you won’t naturally develop distinct regional inflection without living there.)
In the original triology, Magneto even indicates that he came to New York after the war which would even make an American accent more likely  than a British one (even if Ian clearly speaks perfect British English) (In fact, of all countries we see Magneto visit with, he never seems to share any meaningful connection to Britain). 
And honestly, that’s what bothers me the most about it, that he doesn’t have any connection to Britain so it feels like a really arbitrary style choice. In fact, they could have given him an ambiguous accent in First Class and let him develop a British accent over the next decades as he continues to interact with Prof X. We adopt language patterns from people we interact with and while Magneto doesn’t have a particular connection to Britain, Charles is one of the most important people in his life so it would make at least some semblance of sense. Or they just say languages are part of his mutation and honestly, it would not even the weirdest thing about him
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theatricalwriter · 5 years
Hey, could I get a mean girls ship? (I haven't listened to six yet but I will soon so if you want to write one for six too I'm not stopping you.) I'm a lesbian. I'm a Sagittarius and I'm Irish. I do hip hop dancing and I absolutely love it. Obviously I love musicals. I curse very, very, very unnecessarily. I love learning languages, I'm trying to learn German right now. I love helping people. I have a certain taste in clothes that makes me look way scarier than I am. And tysm for doing this hun.
i ship you with karen!!
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more than likely you moved to north shore bc karen didn’t notice you until you hit your elbow on your desk in math class and all anyone could hear was a loud “FUCK!!”
she turned to look at you and was kind of frightened by how you were dressed and by what just fell from your mouth so fluidly
BUT then she saw a sheepish expression form on your face before you let out an embarrassed, “heh, sorry...”
then karen was all like “that girl pretty... did i say that out loud?”
gretchen is all “yes sweetie.”
and you’re all “pretty much” but you were also very nervous because karen’s really cute
after class, karen walks up to your desk and without an ounce of hesitation asks, “do you maybe want to sit with me at lunch? i think you’re really pretty.”
talk about iconic
so you do, and it was really good
you found that karen may not be the smartest person you’d ever met, but she had a lot of heart which was just as if not more important
like, she was hanging onto every word which made her twenty times cuter
also, “i’m irish.”
when she heard you did hip-hop, she instantly wanted to see you dance
after school one day, you took her into your rehearsal studio and did a routine for her. you were slightly embarrassed because her gaze was so focused on you and the way you were moving your body, but seeing her agape mouth made all the difference.
she asks to come to your rehearsals often after that point
karen learned to deal with your cursing
after a bit she stops noticing that you do it
“karen, your gf just said some crazy shit. like, is it possible to use that many curse words in a single sentence?” “did she? i didn’t even notice ha”
kisses you if you get into a heated cursing rant to calm you down
you don’t really complain because she’s a great kisser
really into the fact that you’re trying to learn a new language but if you’re on duolingo, hide her
if you pick any stuff up from any kind of language, particularly german since that’s what you’re working closest on at the moment, she wants to hear it. she won’t have a damn clue what you’re saying, but she doesn’t really care either
loves shopping with you. even though you both probs shop in very different stores, she’s always happy to see you try on new things and feel confident in whatever you choose to wear
sleepovers at her house almost every weekend
getting cute emoji texts declaring her love for you
she understands that she can be difficult to deal with sometimes because she isn’t exactly the smartest person, but she knows that you’ll always be there to help her
because when she’s with you, she realizes that you’re one of the few people who actually made it their job to empower her rather than diminish her, and she couldn’t be more happy to call you her girlfriend
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