#“she should have died but she is given a title and broom to make her stop wining about not being as cool as Vax”
thirddagger · 1 year
Plot twist: my brother who I was worried would hating Keyleth instead hates Vex ! Still discouraging, but a different flavor than anticipated !!
(rant in tags below)
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
Day 23, Post #1 by @adenei
Title: Wipeout
Author: adenei
Pairing: Dean & Seamus BrOTP
Prompt: Brother from another Mother
Rating: T
TW: implied injuries from silly game show stunts, language
“You sure about this, mate?” Seamus is looking at the gigantic, slick obstacle course laid out in front of them.
  Cushy gears are spinning every which way in the distance, while platforms are sprayed with foam and soap, as if the challenge of getting to the other side isn’t already made harder by the random blocks that push out when you least expect it. There’s no way they will ever make it across without falling into the water… or is that the secret point to the competition?
  Seamus thinks about how he can finagle getting through the course by using discrete traces of magic, but he knows it’s implausible without carrying his wand in his hand.
  Dean laughs, and Seamus can’t tell if there’s a nervous tint in it or not. “Yeah, mate. It can’t be that bad, right?”
  Just as he says it, though, their attention is pulled back to the course, where a competitor takes a leap to the next platform, and only half her body makes it. Her head hits the platform as her torso crashes into the side, and the embedded springs send her body flying backwards as she tumbles to the water like a lifeless puppet.
  “Bloody buggering hell, is she even alive?” Seamus mutters to Dean with wide eyes.
  “Yeah, I reckon she’s fine. People wouldn’t sign up for this if they were risking death. The prize isn’t that significant. Plus, it makes for a good laugh on the telly.”
  “Excuse me, we just need you to sign these waivers before you take your turn on the course,” an attendant approaches them with a clipboard and pen. He points to the ‘x’ where they need to sign as Seamus glares at him, becoming more and more skeptical about the course they are about to encounter.
  “Just protocol,” Dean scribbles his name and holds out the pen for Seamus. “It’s not like anyone’s actually died from this.”
  It’s not that Seamus is cautious when it comes to dangerous activities. Hell, he has a knack for pyrotechnics and blowing things up. But he was drunk when Dean suggested they apply for the popular game show. He’s pretty sure they only got the call because they’d filled out the applications in their drunken state, which probably made them better candidates for TV personalities.
  Seamus repeats the mantra of ‘you only live once’ as he grabs the pen from Dean and signs under his name. 
  Let’s do this.
  The pair pay close attention as other teams work their way through the first course. No one has made it to the end without falling in the water at least once, and as he’s hyping himself up, Seamus is confident he can do this without getting wet.
  “Okay, we’ve got this. I think it’s best if we just keep moving, that way, those stupid pieces can’t get us since it looks like there’s no rhyme or reason to when they punch out.”
  “Those giant balls are going to be the toughest, I think,” Dean observes as Seamus sniggers.
  “Finnigan and Thomas, you’re up!” a man holding up a megaphone calls.
  They’ve already given their interviews, so now it’s time to ascend to the top of the platform, where Dean will go first and Seamus will follow.
  “Remember, we just have to make the top twelve to move on,” Dean reminds him.
  “Easier than a niffler stealing gold.”
  Dean takes the starting platform first, as Seamus waits on the step for further direction. When the horn sounds, Dean disappears from sight as he slides down the human pinball course. Seamus watches on the big screen that’s filming Dean’s run, and it looks smooth until his friend’s side bashes into one of the poles. He recovers quickly and finishes his descent, scrambling to his feet to run up to the knockout platform. 
  A wall of red boxing gloves punch out at random times, and Dean starts out strong, dodging the gloves as if he were dodging bludgers during a quidditch match. One catches his foot as he leaps for the platform, and Seamus sucks in a sharp inhale, thinking Dean’s about to fall into the water. Dean manages to grasp onto the platform, saving himself from an imminent fall and consequential deduction.
  Next up are the big red bouncy balls, and Seamus bites his knuckles in anticipation. If either of them is going to fuck up, it’s right here. Dean wastes no time getting a running start before he takes a gigantic leap. His right foot hits the center of the first ball, and he springs off it to the second. The run is flawless as his left foot vaults him off the second, but when his right foot lands on the third ball, he’s off-center, causing his balance to shift, and he slips.
  Seamus grinds his teeth as he watches Dean’s body hit the ball and propels forward. Somehow, Dean manages to land on the fourth ball, and he’s grasping at the smooth surface. 
  “Use your feet, use your feet!” Seamus shouts to anyone who’s listening.
  If Dean had only kicked his legs back, he could have caught himself and saved the run, but instead, his body bounces off the fourth ball, and Seamus watches as he tumbles to the water, causing a giant splash as he lands in starfish formation on his back.
  That’s gonna hurt tomorrow.
  They take the one-minute deduction that’s applied to any competitor who falls in the water, and Seamus gets ready for his run. As soon as the horn sounds, he’s unaware of what’s happening. One second he’s standing, and the next, he’s luging down a slick mat, giant red pillars blocking his path no matter how he twists his body. His only thought is to keep his legs together, so he doesn’t get nutted by any of the obstacles. He has no sense of time as he scrambles to his feet and ascends to the punching platform, tearing across the thin beam as fast as his feet will let him. 
  Three-quarters of the way through, he manages to pump the brakes before a high glove takes out his head, but that doesn’t stop another from hitting him square in the chest with two steps to the platform. With adrenaline pumping through his veins, Seamus does the only thing he can think of, his flailing arms reach out and somehow grab onto another protruding glove as the force of his body swings around. His feet hit the platform, and he lets go, collapsing onto the mat.
  Cheers are coming from the stands at his miraculous save, which spur him on. Even though he feels like he’s been run over by the Hogwarts Express, he stands and shakes his arms out, staring down the red balls that took Dean out minutes ago. He follows in his best friend’s footsteps, getting a running start. The obstacle is completed in a flash; the only thing Seamus remembers is the feeling of flying without a broom and hitting the massive balls less than a second apart. He can’t believe he made it!
  Now, it’s just the rope swing. Seamus is sure he can hear Dean screaming his head off as he grabs the rope and gains momentum with another running start. His hands slide down and burn from the rope as he’s flying in the air, but Seamus holds on for dear life, only letting go once both feet have touched down. He slams his hand down on the red buzzer before throwing his arms up, whooping in victory.
  Seamus bends over, hands on his knees as he catches his breath before he’s ushered down the steps and onto the lawn where a correspondent is waiting. He barely makes it off the stairs when Dean barrels into him, tackling him to the ground in a bear hug.
  “Wow, what a bromance we have here, folks!” Seamus can hear the correspondent say to the crowd, which cheers again.
  The excitement is short-lived, though, because less than an hour later, they find themselves having to choose who will play on the Sweeper Crusher.
  “You crushed the first round. You should do it,” Dean insists.
  “No, mate, I think it should be you. Your balance is better than mine. Plus, you're way better at spotting things out of the corner of your eye.”
  “You made the team in sixth year, not me. It’s gotta be you, mate.”
  It’s true. Seamus knows his balance is shit, and Dean poses the better shot of the two, and ultimately he agrees. Before he ascends the platform, they hug, and Seamus pats him on the back. 
  “You’ve got this mate, go kick some arse!”
  As Dean takes his position on the small circular platform, Seamus watches the event unfurl. Dean is methodical in his wait to jump onto the rotating beam, and he has to be because his position just so happens to be where the bars overlap with the beam, making it ten times as hard to be successful. Annoyance bubbles up in Seamus at the unfairness of his partner��s position, but there’s nothing they can do.
  In the end, Dean takes a leap, but it’s not enough to save him as the crusher bar sweeps him right off the beam and into the water. Seamus is upset, of course, but they drunkenly signed up for the game show for fun, and deep down, he never expected to win. He wouldn’t switch the experience for anything else in the world and would absolutely do it again if given the chance.
  Dean climbs out of the water, head hanging low as he approaches.
  “I’m sorry, mate.”
  “Don’t be! If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t even be here! And it was bloody brilliant!” Dean grins as Seamus holds out his hand. They clap hands and pull the other in for a bro hug and pat on the back.
  As they are ushered toward the competitor’s tent, Seamus asks the all-important question. “I could get used to being on the muggle telly. So, what game show should we sign up for next?”
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thedaughterofkings · 5 years
Kiss Mates
For my very dearest Larissa, @ohfuckthisshit!
I believe one of the last things you asked for was to make you cry like a baby, but I can’t do that, it’s your birthday!!! I hope instead you’ll accept the following 2.8k of Drarry fluff! It’s all sugar with almost no nutritional value, but that’s just how a birthday cake (or perhaps rather cupcake in this case) is supposed to be, isn’t it!
It’s based on this post I found deep in my prompts tag.
Happy reading and the happiest of birthdays!
“Aaaaand here he finally comes - Scary Harry, the youngest seeker in a century, even knows how to ride a dragon, and no, that is not a euphemism, Malfoy! Give it up for - HARRY POTTER!”
The crowd is deafening as Harry flies on the pitch, shaking his head still and glad that no one can tell how red his cheeks have gotten. Without Professor McGonagall beside him with her wand ready, Lee has only gotten worse. Ugh, he doesn’t even want to imagine what the Prophet is going to fabricate around that dragon line tomorrow. If he has any luck, they’ll focus on the actual dragon part (somehow that hadn’t become wider knowledge yet), but knowing them, the focus will be on the Malfoy part. Especially as poor, reformed Draco, saviour of the poor and the sick and the unfashionably clad has been their absolute favourite person as of lately. Add in Harry and a salacious suggestion and Rita Skeeter is going to have a field day.
Becoming a professional Quidditch player hadn’t ever been the plan. Well, there had been that short period in first year, high off his first game, but Voldemort had all too quickly entered the scene to entertain that fantasy for long. Then for years, Harry had seen no future without that snake-faced bastard at all. Auror had seemed to be the only way to go, the only way to learn the necessary skills he’d need to stay alive, while helping other people at the same time. But then defeating Voldemort had turned out, not easier, never easy, but certainly quicker than Harry had ever dared to hope. And there he’d been, seventeen, graduated from Hogwarts with not a single NEWT but enough power and influence to just fill up his resumé with all Outstandings and no energy left for fighting at all. 
Ron had jumped at the chance to enter Auror training with no further qualifications necessary, Hermione had had three apprenticeships in widely differing fields lined up three weeks after the final battle, plus an internship with Amelia Bones at the Magical Law Enforcement, and a further eight apprenticeships at the ready should that not be enough to keep her busy and Harry had - been at an utter loss.
Enter Oliver Wood. Literally.
He’d stormed into the Infirmary, where Harry was suffering through a multitude of tests because saying “I am fine” was apparently not sufficient when you’d actually died, and had not even waited for Harry to pull any robes or even just a shirt on before he’d gotten started. Madame Pomfrey had tried to shoo him out immediately, but as Harry had long ago learned, Oliver Wood talking about Quidditch was an immovable force that would budge for nothing but victory. 
“Your country needs you! Your people need you!” he’d boomed and Harry’s heart had sunk. Hadn’t he given them enough? Had they really produced another Dark Lord so quickly? But of course Oliver was not concerned with such measly things as good and evil and megalomaniac wizards. He was talking about Quidditch.
Apparently they were already planning to rebuild the League and according to Oliver it was Harry’s holy duty to help with that - youngest seeker in a century, Harry! Best I’ve ever seen, other than Krum of course, you don’t think you could send him an owl and ask if he’d sign up, too, could you? Imagine the crowd you two would bring! Not that I think you can’t do it on your own, Harry, your talent is obvious enough! Promise me you’ll think about it?
Harry had thought about it. And realised that he had nothing better planned. And that getting to fly and play Quidditch for a living sounded pretty damn perfect. 
Ginny had just told him to enjoy the year while she was still in Hogwarts and be prepared to get his ass kicked once she got her professional start. Their relationship had been another of those things Harry had been at a loss about, but thankfully Ginny had always been smarter than him in that respect. Once things had calmed down a little bit and they’d found themselves alone together for the first time, she’d given him a long hug and a sisterly kiss on the cheek and that had been that. Harry had a feeling he should have felt more heartbroken about that, but given the grander scheme of things he mostly felt relief. And so did Ginny, it seemed.
Hermione had gotten that look that promised a lecture when he’d told her his plans, but then she’d taken another look at him and swallowed it all down. Harry doesn’t know what she’d seen - the mirror showed him a face that had never been well fed but looked dangerously thin now, with tired eyes that still refused to shut sometimes for fear of what images they might see in the dark - but she’d been fully supportive of his career choice ever since. Funnily enough it was probably the one field she was no automatic help in, but Hermione wouldn’t be Hermione if she hadn’t taken it as a chance to learn more. Nowadays she could quote Quidditch through the Ages as well as Oliver Wood himself and had been an immeasurable help in formulating his contract and setting up the League as a whole. 
Ron had struggled most with his decision at first, surprisingly enough. He’d been firmly expecting Harry to join him in Auror training and had had their future planned out accordingly - they’d be partners and solve all the cases had been his plan, Harry thinks; it hadn’t gotten much more detailed than that. To Ron, Harry turning his back on being an Auror had felt like him turning his back on Ron and he’d been quite upset by that. But Ron being Ron, he’d come around quickly once Harry announced he’d be signing up to the Chudley Cannons. 
Ron had been a factor in Harry’s decision of course, but not the deciding factor. Harry had talked to the representatives of almost every team in the League and the guy from the Cannons had been the only one just concerned with the sport and Harry’s qualifications there and not with his fame or power or anything like that. The Chudley Cannons had been the only team where Harry had been sure he’d be chosen for his athletic merit and where he’d actually get to play and not be paraded around as a glorified mascot. 
He has been playing for the Cannons for six years now and it was the best idea he ever had. On the pitch he’s not the Chosen One, The-One-Who-Killed-You-Know-Who, the Most Desirable Bachelor of His Generation (though that’s a title he recently lost to Malfoy, which he’s not very cut up about), or whatever else horrible capitalised moniker they’ve come up with this week. On the pitch he’s - as Lee just introduced him - the youngest seeker in a century, the one who outflew a dragon, the one who actually flew on a dragon, and, hilariously enough, Scary Harry. Throw Malfoy off his broom once and you’re settled with the most ridiculous nickname of them all for all eternity. Harry still holds it had been an accident. And even if it hadn’t been, the git had it coming. And he wasn’t even hurt! He’d done some absurdly agile somersault in midair, somehow got a hand on his broom again and had almost still caught the snitch before Harry. Still, Scary Harry had stuck around. 
Malfoy going pro, too, had been a surprise. 
Ginny had been signed by the Holyhead Harpies as soon as she’d graduated from Hogwarts and she and Harry had fought for most snitches caught, quickest snitch catch, and every other seeker related record in the League ever since. That he’d expected. She had threatened to kick his ass, and did it more often than not. To beat Ginny, Harry really had to dig deep and fly his best flight. Everyone else was boring in comparison. Until Malfoy of course.
After his trial - during which Harry, Hermione, and even Ron had spoken in his defence, he’d kept a low profile. Harry had only known where he’d ended up because he’d gone for an apprenticeship under the same Potions Master Hermione was studying with. The two had kept as far apart as they possibly could at first, but after their Master had threatened to throw them both out, they’d reluctantly started working together and actually started getting along, much to Ron’s eternal horror. They weren’t best friends, and Hermione would never set another foot into Malfoy Manor if any of them could help it, but they were cordial, friendly even almost. Still, it was most definitely a work friendship, so Harry got to mostly avoid Malfoy.
Until Malfoy got his mastery in Potions and instead of doing the sensible thing and either opening up a shop or alternatively relying on his still considerable funds and lazing about, he’d gone pro. Where Harry was the youngest seeker in a century to join a Hogwarts team, Malfoy became the oldest seeker ever to join a professional Quidditch team. And he silenced all rumours of having gotten on because of his money very quickly. From then on the rivalry for the Golden Snitch for the best seeker of the League had become trifold - a fight between Harry, Ginny, and Malfoy. 
And it was fun!
Malfoy was as competitive as ever, but it’s not as though Harry or Ginny were any better. They all used all the skills and tricks available to them, but it stayed fair for the most part. The throwing Malfoy off his broom had been an accident after all. Still, none of them held their punches (sometimes literally), and Malfoy gave as good as he got. (One time Ginny literally ripped out some of his hair - and then innocently produced the snitch when he’d hurled around. Apparently it had been hiding under his plait and Ginny had seen an opportunity and gone for it. She was without a doubt the most vicious of the three of them, and, knowing who she grew up with, Harry really shouldn’t have been surprised by that.)
Off the pitch, Malfoy at first was unfailingly polite, stiffly so, but when it became clear that the Quidditch world was really much more concerned with what was between his legs than on his arm (the brand new Firestorm, the most expensive broom on the market, two generations on from Harry’s old trusty Firebolt, not whatever you were thinking), he’d loosened up. The two of them had ended up gravitating towards each other - by virtue of ducking away from everyone else - at official functions and Malfoy’s sharp tongue and strong opinions on everything from hair styles to fashion choices to the newest development in poison antidotes (Harry was a little lost for that one) was much more entertaining when not directed at Harry or his friends. They’d even done the awkward “let’s leave the past behind us bit” and now they were almost friends. Work friends at least.
Or rather, not work-work friends, because on the pitch everything was still fair game (as long it was actually fair game of course - or close enough to get away with it. Harry finally understood why the hat had wanted to put him into Slytherin.)
Speaking of work, the game is about to start. Which means it is time for the newest addition to a long list of Quidditch traditions: the Kiss Cam. A muggleborn witch had adapted the Muggle custom and the wizarding world had embraced it enthusiastically. Instead of a camera capturing two people sitting next to each other, two mistletoes appeared above the heads of two people somewhere around the pitch - the trick was that instead of being randomly selected, the mistletoes went for the two people with the most chemistry. And because the wizarding world wouldn’t know subtlety if it bit them in the ass, the mistletoes showered their victims with sparkling hearts and made kissing sounds. Thus, you either had the option to be a walking spectacle for the entire game, or you kissed your Kiss Mate. 
Oliver hated it because it could delay the start of the game by quite a bit if the mistletoes chose people on opposing sides of the pitch, but Harry used to find it quite funny. Used to being the important bit here. Because it is far less funny when you are the one with a blinking mistletoe above your head. Up close the kissing noises sound more like Fang greeting Hagrid after he has been away and the showers of sparkling hearts make it rather hard to see. Harry hasn’t been able to spot the other mistletoe yet and while he tries to see past the hearts, he wracks his head trying to think if anyone was going to come to the game today who the mistletoe might choose. 
He hasn’t really had any serious relationships since Ginny and she has her own game to play today, so it definitely can’t be her. (Never mind that that ship has sailed long ago. Plus, Ginny had her own mistletoe moment just a few games ago - Luna of course complained about Nargles until Ginny shut her up with a kiss. They made it onto the front pages of both Witch Weekly, Seeker Weekly, the Prophet, and of course the Quibbler, which Ginny was rather proud of.)
Squinting at the stands hasn’t brought the other mistletoe into focus and Harry is just about to resign himself to playing with a rather obnoxious handicap, when a movement across the pitch draws his eye. Malfoy had taken position high in the air already, just like Harry had, but now he is moving, speeding so fast he is starting to blur. Still, the mistletoe clings on stubbornly, leaving trail of sparkling hearts behind like a shooting star falling from the sky.
A shooting star that is headed directly for Harry.
For a second he thinks Malfoy won’t be able to stop in time, aiming to knock them both off their brooms instead of suffering the embarrassment of having to kiss Harry, but at the very last moment he pulls his broom up sharply and comes to a halt right in front of Harry, so close that they almost touch, close enough that Harry can see Malfoy draw in a deep breath, hold it for a few seconds and then release it slowly. His spine straightens, as if he’d come to a decision and he quirks an eyebrow at Harry in silent question. Neither of them has said a word yet, but it’s not as if they have the greatest track record in that respect. So Harry just lifts his chin slightly in answer to Malfoy’s wordless question and the last thing he sees is those grey eyes flash at the challenge before Malfoy tips them both into a spin that blurs out everything around them. Their brooms lock together and Malfoy’s arms wrap around Harry, one of his legs linking with Harry’s too while they roll once, twice, three times in midair. 
It’s not just the movement that leaves Harry dizzy, though. 
Draco’s lips are surprisingly soft, but still insistent and Harry is helpless to do anything but respond in kind. The kiss is over before Harry can enjoy it properly, more a hint of a promise, than a real promise of what might come, but when they are upright again, Draco doesn’t move away immediately, his hands steadying Harry on his broom, one on his hip, the other around his shoulders, and his face so close still their noses almost touch. Harry’s eyes cross as he tries to focus on Draco’s nose, and Draco laughs softly. It makes his eyes wrinkle slightly at the corners and stretches his pink mouth. 
Harry thinks the crowd is screaming around them, but the noise is muffled and distant compared to Draco’s voice:
“Dinner after the game tonight? Winner chooses, loser pays?”
Harry hears both the challenge in his voice and reads the question in his eyes and thus responds to both when he promises: “It’s a date.”
Then he spins away, already plotting where to take Draco when the whistle sounds to signal the start of the game. Cheap muggle fare would be hilarious, but then again, seeing one of those pretentious waiters in the expensive restaurants that always look at Harry as if he’s nothing more than a spot of dirt underneath their shoes being put in their place by Draco’s sharp tongue would be very satisfying, too.
Either way, if he plays this right, they’ll get not just the front page but the centre spread in at least the Prophet and Witch Weekly, perhaps the Quibbler, too, if Luna hasn’t found any new species this week. Ginny will be so mad.
But first, he needs to catch the snitch, so he can win this game.
After all, he’s got a date. 
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grifalinas · 4 years
Mundane au I’m not going to write but I thought of the title “Cloudy With A Chance Of Love” and then thought of this so. Warning that this gets really fucking bad in places. Like not “bad writing” bad, bad like “Theo no” bad.
James is a pe teacher. He is divorced, has partial custody of his daughter, and now has custody of a younger boy as well- we’ll get to that in a second.
We’re not given the details for like two thirds of the story, but sometime within the past year something happened that is repeatedly referred to by characters as The Accident. Sometimes they call it What Happened.
James, we learn, is not coping well in the aftermath of What Happened.
The story opens with Qrow bringing Ruby and Yang by the school for open house before the new school year and talking to James, who they only kind of know in passing. Qrow, we learn, is James’ ex, from way back when Ruby was a baby. They haven’t been on speaking terms since Summer... Well... and both of them think back on their time together as a bittersweet memory.
(We learn also in this opening sequence that James’ relationship with Penny is currently strained, and that she has a robot arm. We’ll get to both of these in a second.)
On the same day, James meets the new computer teacher, Arthur Watts. Watts, we learn, is also James’ ex, his last relationship before his failed marriage. Where Qrow is for James a bittersweet memory, Arthur is a toxic stain: he’d like to keep him as far in his past as possible. They were bad for each other in so many ways and James never wanted to see him again.
That night, James is on the phone with, we learn, Jacques. (No, Jacques is not yet another ex. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s a tempting idea, but no, that’s not what this story is about.) James is talking to him about Winter, and we only hear James’ side of the conversation, and it gradually grows more heated. Finally James says “We are not having this argument again, Jacques! I can’t have this argument with you again!” We don’t hear Jacques’ response, but we do see James hang up angrily, then pace for a few agitated seconds before shouting and putting his fist through the wall. Then he sinks down against it and buries his hands in his hair and just kind of. Stays there. For awhile.
The next scene we see James talking to Pietro, who is informing him that Penny has asked if she can stay with him full time for awhile. James, a little heartbroken, agrees that’s probably for the best, and then, in a very meek voice, says that he’s not the safest guardian for any kid right now, and he knows Pietro doesn’t owe him any favors, but would he mind awfully taking Oscar for awhile, too? Pietro agrees, and then asks James what happened, assures him that they might have fallen out of love but he does still care about James, so why doesn’t he talk to him?
This is the first time we actually get any context about The Accident. James explains that he was arguing with Jacques about Winter’s treatment, that Jacques accused him again of stealing Winter from him and then blamed him for What Happened. Pietro tells James that, no, this wasn’t his fault, he needs to not blame himself, but he’s misjudged what James needs to hear, and they hang up both feeling a little frustrated. We later see Penny and Oscar packing to go stay with Pietro and James assuring Penny that he understands, that he’s not mad, that if she needs him she knows where he is, that he loves her, etc.
He also apologizes to Oscar for sending him away. “I know I said I’d look after you. I know What Happened was hard for you. I’m sorry I can’t take care of you like I need to. You’ll be okay with Pietro, and I’m right here if you ever need me.”
The next day, Qrow comes to pick up the girls and runs into James. They talk for a few minutes; Qrow heard from Ruby about Penny going to Pietro’s full time, and tries to awkwardly comfort him. It’s very stilted and uncomfortable, but he mentions to James that at least he has somewhere to send the kids so he knows they’re okay while he takes care of what he needs to take care of. Always nice to have someone to help carry the load, right? It makes James feel a kind of way, but he can’t really nail it down, so he dismisses it. They pass an awkward goodbye.
That night, unable to be on his own in his house without his kids, James goes out for drinks. He spends the evening nursing a single whiskey- it’s less about the drinking and more about the environment- and while he’s at it, Arthur approaches him. They have a conversation filled with barbs and jabs and snide remarks. Arthur alludes to James leaving him for Pietro (which James denies) and digs in the knife with a point about how the relationship still failed. They argue. A lot. At some point their argument becomes physical, and at some point that turns into angry, fighty, bitey sex in the bathroom. James crowding Arthur into the wall and having his way with him, his clouded thoughts convincing him that he’s proving his point even as he gives Arthur exactly what he came here for... it’s not a good night. But it’s a distraction. Arthur parts with a snide suggestion that they should do this again sometimes. James snipes that it will never happen again. They both know he’s lying.
The next set of sequences is a bit fuzzy, but here’s a list of things we learn as we go along:
Winter is James’ assistant coach, once his star pupil and then his protege as a teacher. He loves her like a daughter and has been close to her since she was a teenager. She is currently in the hospital, still, several months after The Accident.
James had another assistant coach, a young man who practically worshiped him, Clover. Clover thought James hung the moon and the sun and would do anything for him. Clover is now dead, killed in The Accident.
Two other people died in The Accident- a student, and Principal Ozpin, Oscar’s guardian. James was close to Ozpin, and offered to take on Oscar’s care after What Happened.
James was also injured in The Accident, having horribly burned his arm and lost the use of it for several months.
Penny was also injured in The Accident, which is how she got her robot arm.
Ever since What Happened, James has kept his distance from his students, once his greatest source of pride, and his emotional connection with Penny, once his greatest treasure, seems to have broken since then as well.
James spends a lot of time at Winter’s bedside, talking to her, reading out loud to her, or just sitting quietly and looking at her hand like he desperately wants to take it and hold it comfortingly.
James continues his hookups with Arthur, messy, aggressive sex in bathrooms and broom closets, always quick and dirty and impersonal, usually the close of an argument. James knows it isn’t healthy, that he and Arthur fell apart for a reason, but there’s a clarity in these hookups, and he continues them anyway, even as he hates himself for it.
James also continues his awkward, stilted reconnection with Qrow. They aren’t quite sure how to talk to each other- it’s been so long, so much has changed. But slowly, oh-so-agonizingly slowly, those walls start to come down. Their relationship starts to shift. They become less awkward. They open up a bit more. James talks about his marriage falling apart; Qrow talks about how he quit drinking. They rebuild a friendship together in halting, hesitant steps, a little bit at a time.
About two thirds of the way through the story, James has another argument with Jacques. It’s been months and Winter still isn’t healed; it’s been months and she isn’t responding that well to treatment. Her mother is so upset, she’s taken to drinking harder than ever now, James, and more barbed comments, and James sees red and swings on him.
By some coincidence, Qrow happens to be around, and he breaks up what James was probably hoping would be a fight but was really going to be a very one-sided beating because Jacques is a prissy rich white dude and James is a beast. He pulls him away, drags him somewhere private to calm down, and one thing leads to another and Qrow and James end up in bed together.
It’s not as toxic as his hookups with Arthur, but it isn’t exactly romantic and tender, either. A few things are better, though: it’s in an actual bed, for one thing, and for another, Qrow stays afterward. He traces the burn scars on James’ arm thoughtfully and asks, “You got these in The Accident?” He’s heard The Accident talked about, but doesn’t know the details. He only moved back into town a few weeks before the school year started, and no one will tell him anything. “That must have been awful,” he says, full of sympathy. “The injuries themselves, not to mention losing the use of your arm while you recovered.”
“It’s fine,” James tells him. “I got off easy.”
“Still,” Qrow persists, “I can’t imagine losing the use of your arm was very good for your head, not after... You Know.”
“At least I still had my arm,” James insists, lazy afterglow tone replaced by firmness. No arguments. “At least I’m not in the hospital right now. At least I’m still alive.”
He’s cold after that. Qrow leaves, a bitter taste in his mouth. He thinks he’s starting to get it, but he’s not sure. It’s there in his periphery, but he can’t look at it dead on. All he knows is that James is shattering in front of him and he doesn’t want to watch that happen while he does nothing.
So he goes to Pietro. He asks him about What Happened.
And Pietro tells him.
See, James had this student, Pietro tells him. The school’s star athlete, she brought in trophy after trophy and everyone adored her. She wasn’t just a star, she was a beautiful soul. They were all taken by her- James was no exception. And as her coach, it was he who trained her, pushing her beyond her limits to become more and more, always challenging who she could be.
Pyrrha. Qrow has heard the name before- whispered by his girls in the same way he and Tai say Summer’s name.
Pyrrha was signed up to be part of an invitational wrestling tournament, something she was excited about, and she was at the school gym one Saturday for personal training with James.
Winter and Clover were there because they were helping him train her. Penny was there because it was James’ week to have her, and he loved having her nearby whenever she was with him, soaking up every available minute. Ozpin was there to supervise and Oscar was there because Oscar was always wherever Ozpin was.
“There was... an attack,” Pietro says quietly. “A rival student. She blew out the roof of the gym. It caught fire and collapsed. Pyrrha.. didn’t make it.”
Neither did Clover or Ozpin, it turns out. Oscar got out unscathed, but Penny suffered severe burns, which on her arm were so bad that they had to amputate. As for Winter-
-see, James was the reason Oscar made it out unscathed. James went for him first when the ceiling caved in. Penny had her faculties and was able to get out on her own, James clearing the way for her, but he wasn’t able to stop her from getting hurt. She was just a little bit too far behind him; he was just a little too focused on getting Oscar to safety.
But Winter? She was trapped. And the fire department hadn’t arrived yet. What to do?
James went back in for her. Burned his arm, ruined his circuitry, and saved her life.
“James hasn’t been the same since,” Pietro says. “I think he blames himself for What Happened.”
But no, Qrow thinks. That’s not James’ style. He owns his own actions, but he doesn’t self-flagellate when something isn’t his doing. That’s more Qrow’s thing. No, Qrow, now that he knows the details, finally understands what’s wrong with James.
He knows because it’s the same thing that made them fall apart years ago, because James has this habit, see, of thinking he has to take care of everyone else to the point that he refuses to take care of himself. And All Those Years Ago, when they were younger and stupider, James gave, and gave, and gave, and Qrow took, and took, and took, and when it was James’ turn to Need and Qrow’s turn to Give, Qrow let him down. And left.
Not this time. See, Qrow has realized what a lot of the audience were probably expecting, that he’s still in love with James. That they fell apart fifteen years ago because they weren’t ready for each other, not because they weren’t right for each other.
We cut over to James. He’s at Winter’s bedside again, reading to her while she rests. He starts to nod as he reads, and then slowly falls asleep. Once he’s out, Winter reaches over to take the book from him, setting it on the table and pulling a blanket over him as best she can from her position sitting on the edge of her bed (about the best she can manage; she’s so weak now, and has to lie back down afterward).
I’m not really sure how this story resolves. I’d like Qrow doing something to take care of James: giving James a chance to take while Qrow does the giving, makes him stop sheering pieces off of himself until he finishes recovering.
“I know you need to take care of people, but you can’t get so caught up in carrying everyone else’s burdens that you leave yours behind in the dust. Share the load, and let someone take care of you for a change.”
Also idk how to tie up that thread of James and Arthur’s hookups. Maybe James just tells Arthur to go fuck himself now that he’s thinking clearly enough to realize that rough bathroom wall sex with your toxic ex is a bad coping mechanism.
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whatzaoverwatch · 6 years
Back from the Grave (Ko-Fi special)
A Halloween Ko-Fi donation by another anon! One who has been supporting me so much and I cannot thank them enough. If you wish to make a donation click here
Anything with Pumpkin!Reaper please
Female Pronouns
“My finest servant, what seems to trouble your soul?”
The Witch of the Wilds spoke, amused of the spaced out monster that looked out to the nightly horizon. A man mysteriously devoted to such a woman never set his sights on anything than repaying a debt. But as of recent, he had been distracted. Having to be called upon twice and even three times to hear the commands of the Witch. Wandering and silent in his own thoughts. But the Witch knew better and decided to confront him about this. His hollow gaze within the pumpkin head lowered to the fog of the graveyard as he finally cut his silence.
“I know better than to request anything of you,” He stated with a growl in his tone, “For my eternal servitude is only caused from your assistance from before. Freeing me from death in return of this form.”
“Yes, I am quite familiar of our contract. Why must you bring this up so suddenly?” She questioned, facing the monster with a curious smirk.
“I am regaining my memories from my former life,” He confessed, gazing over the tombstones with a grimace, “I thought I had left no one behind. Nothing to come from and nothing to seek. But, I have learned that there is one. One I left behind that I am beginning to regret.”
“Oh? I am surprised, since triggering such a memory would have to come from encountering a precious soul,” She states tilting her head until her cheek rested into her palm, “How did you discover this memory?”
“I found her grave,” He spat out. Recalling his wandering until he came upon a name he a longed forgotten, “[Name], she was to be my wife. But then I was nearly taken by death.”
“Your death was centuries ago Reaper, her death is inevitable.” He trembled slightly. Recalling your sweet face and voice as if it was yesterday. For once, he almost felt a heartbeat in his soul.
“She died, probably believing I was waiting for her on the other side.” He hissed, the glow in his head almost fuming red in anger. Trying to compose his form in front of his master. She tsked softly, raising her hand to caress the side of the pumpkin head.
“So the monster does have a heart. But clinging to such raw emotions will lose your focus. Would you desire for me to rid of these memories?” She was surprised when he grabbed her wrist, pulling the gloved hand away with a mighty grip. He towered over the Witch.
“No, I want to see her. I do not want to forget about her.” She blinked in surprise by her servant’s request.
“I beg your pardon?” Questioning his words as his grip became rough. Nearly causing her to snatch her hand away.
“I will continue my servitude towards you. Fulfill the vengeance and chaos you wish to display upon the mortals. But I will no longer stand by your side if you don’t bring her back for me.” She scowled at his demanding tone.
“I do not simply rid of my contracts Reaper, you are bound to me for all eternity.” He pressed her against the wall with a mighty force. A growl seeping out of the heat of his head.
“Then find another lackey to take my place that will do as well as I.” She could and would if she desired, but he was too strong of an ally to just simply dispose of. Averting his eyeless glare, she merely frowned.
“You know the consequences of bringing back the dead. She will not be the same as she was before.” His grip loosened as he stood up straight.
“I do not care, I want to at least hold her one last time.” He stepped away from the Witch, who pondered at the request. Pulling out her book and flipping through the ancient text. Stepping around the servant with a hum.
“There is a way to bring her back. It will take some time,” She stated giving some hope to the Reaper, “You have already devoted to my cause so well, I couldn’t deny such a simple request. Consider it a gift for your servitude.”
He kneeled before her, lowering his head as if she was a Queen.
“I am eternally grateful to you.”
It took some strings and favors, but the Witch of the Wilds fulfilled her end of the bargain. Having the mad doctor Junkenstein himself dig up the grave of the lost bride. He assembled all the tools necessary to the request. It wasn’t as if the doctor had a choice, for he owed the Witch so much after bringing life into his creation, among other monstrosities in waiting. Questioning the servant if he desired anymore additional parts to the corpse, which the Reaper downright refused. You did not need any more spare limbs or skin upon you, you were simply perfect. For even a boned corpse, you were still extravagant.
The Summoner also bestowed her powers for the rebirth. Being a close ally to The Witch even before his time, she was willing to spare a few moments on this task. A dragons power was never to be doubted, especially one of the Summoner. Her flames empowering the body to regain some of your skin and flesh. It wasn’t as if you were dead so suddenly, but now you had a form that gave you the strength to move and speak.
Then it was the Witch’s turn. Setting the corpse upon the altar as the Reaper waited on the side. Awaiting for the woman to do her work. He had seen countless powers from the enchantress, but he would always be invested in the power of resurrection. The ability that brought him back, among several others. Now you were to be given life once again. Almost pulling back on the deal, to have your soul rest in peace. But he needed to see you. Watching you smile and speak once again. Now under the bond of the Witch of the Wilds. The moon held high in the night sky, waiting for the Witch to begin her spell. Resting her hand above your decaying bosom, she searched for the faded soul within you. He could sense it, a part of you that stayed in this world. In the hopes that maybe one day, he would return for you. The soul hovered over your body, mixed with darkness with your eternal slumber. The Witch’s hand whisked around the soul, dousing it in her magic in a faded yellow. A spark flicked within and her hand rose up to the sky.
“My servants never die!” She called to the night sky as light was brought upon your form.
Coursing through your veins as every bit of you was rebuilding itself. Piece by piece of your body was brought new life. Bringing the blood into your system, the air into your lungs, the beating of a once dead heart. Then the light was gone, The Witch stepped away to hold her energy after disposing of her magic. He looked over at her in question as she gripped her broom.
“…Give her a moment, she has been asleep for quite some time.”
After a moment of silence, you suddenly gasped for air. Eyes blown wide open as you were moving once again. He quickly approached your side to take your hand. Holding it cautiously as you gained your stability. Your body frail and small to the clothes you were buried in. Bits and pieces of your bone and flesh exposed from the parts that couldn’t be salvaged. Body quivering in fear to the question of who awoken you in your permanent slumber. At the moment, you were just gasping for air, trying to remember how to live.
“Breathe mi Alma…breathe.” He told you, his soothing words coming in contrast to the pumpkin head he wore. You looked around for any source of familiarity as you suddenly fixated your gaze onto him.
“G-Gabriel is tha- AAAH!” You let out a shriek as you gazed upon his form. Seeing nothing but a man with a smiling jack o lantern on his head. A mysterious glowing light peeking from within as he stared at you. Scooting away to nearly the end of the alter you held your own hand in fear.
“Mi Alma…mi luna, [Name]…it’s me.” He whispered, trying to approach you with open arms.
You reminded him of his name. The name he threw away when taking upon his title as the servant to the Witch of the Wilds. Remembering how you sweetly called to him whenever he was about to leave or return. The soft memories of light being exposed in the darkness. Having some relief that you recognized his voice, but the pained reality of his form making him realize the problem of this arrangement. You blinked owlishly at him, trying to find any indication that he was Gabriel. He turned to the Witch who gave a knowing look. She expected this sort of result, but to a much darker turn. Maybe she thought that you would’ve went hysterical and she would’ve to end your life once more. But he was still hopeful, if you held at least one thing to your death then you had a chance of surviving normally. He was about to give up when you showed nothing but fear, until you reached over past his hand and towards his face. Running your fingers across his curved head.
“G-Gabe?” You whispered with a cold touch. Much contrast to the heat of his light as he placed a hand above yours. Keeping you steady as he provided you with the warmth that your body would continue to lack, “W-What happened to you? I thought you…people thought you were dead.”
“I know…it’s just-“
“He has been serving me.” The Witch pipes in. Grabbing your attention as you look at her in surprise.
“I-It’s you…The Wild of the Wilds,” She seemed amused about being recognized as you shuffled closer to the Reaper, “I heard stories…that you took souls and struck deals with anyone you came across.”
“Quite true. Although I am more than just a folk tale,” Humming as she pointed her broom towards the Reaper, “you see, your beloved here has been at my side since the moment he passed from your world. Returning back by my powers in exchange for serving me. He has made the request of having you returned to him after all these years.”
“Years? H-How long has it been? Wait…” You looked to him with a look of concern, “I…I died…I should be dead.”
“It’s been centuries,” He told you, relaxing you with a gentle touch, “there is a lot for you to take in, and I will explain it all for you.”
“All in due time. But first,” The Witch brought herself over to tilt your chin up to look into her sapphire gaze, “I expect the same from you as my servants partner. If you wish to live and stay by his side you shall do as I ask. A proper exchange wouldn’t you say?”
You looked over to Gabriel, taking in all the changes towards him that he had endured. Recalling before you died wanting to do anything to see him again. A twisted fate this had turned out to be, but getting exactly what you wanted. Turning back to the Witch you nodded.
“As long as I stay by his side.” The Witch smiled wickedly as she pulled away from the both of you.
“As I expected, I shall leave you two to catch up.” She chimed, stepping out of the room.
Leaving the Reaper and you to settle under the moonlight. You looked over to him, watching his head follow to where the Witch departed. You weren’t able to see any emotion, but you knew something troubled him. Slowly placing a hand over his, you watched his attention draw back towards you.
“Are you alright?” You asked. He gazed into your eyes, seeing the faint colour within them that he dreamt of since finding your grave. Reaching up to tuck a short strand of your hair behind your ear, he cupped your jawline with a sigh.
“I will be…now that you are here.” He admitted, pulling you into a surprising embrace. Settling in the reality that you were here, with him for all eternity. You embraced him back with the little energy that you had, nestling into his warmth.
“Gabriel…I missed you.” He stroked your hair, feeling the faint tears from your eyes staining his coat.
“I missed you too [Name],” Pulling away to rest his forehead against yours. He wasn’t able to kiss you, not with any lips to use, so this was the next best thing, “I love you, in our old lives and right now.”
Being lifted in his arms, you giggled slightly as you two shared your dance under the moonlight. Finally feeling whole again after so long.
“Death will not do us part now.”
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emeraldwaves · 6 years
Title: Brighter than the Stars in the Sky Pairing:  TodoMomo Harry Potter Yule Ball AU Rating: T Word Count:  4,361
Written for my most lovely bestie/beta @its-love-u-asshole We did a private exchange and she asked for TodoMomo HP AU! I had so much fun with this, and I love you so so much. Thank you for putting up with my bullcrap and constantly reading all the shit i send at youuuu <3
Full fic under the cut!
A date. Todoroki Shouto had never been on a date, and now he needed one. Unfortunately. He wasn't the best at talking to girls. Hell, he wasn't the best at talking to anyone, and being the champion, (well, one of them) had brought him so much unwanted attention; Todoroki had been nothing but incredibly overwhelmed for the past few months.
The Yule Ball was to be held on Christmas night, and as one of the champions of Hogwarts, Todoroki was apparently required to bring a date. But Todoroki could count on one hand the amount of girls he talked to, and he couldn't imagine asking any of them. Not because they didn't appeal to him but more so because he'd never thought about asking anyone out on any sort of romantic date.
He supposed the Yule Ball didn't have to be a romantic thing, but he was convinced any girl he asked at this point would immediately take it as such.
Ever since he'd become the champion, no one had looked at him the same. Everyone suddenly wanted to be his friend, everyone loved him, (minus those who were angry a Slytherin had been chosen). No one had looked at Midoriya the same either, but for very different reasons.
The Goblet of Fire had spit out Midoriya's name after the other three champions had been pick. Bakugou Katsuki from Durmstrang, Jirou Kyouka from Beauxbatons, and finally Todoroki Shouto and Midoriya Izuku from Hogwarts. Having four champions was absolutely unheard of, and Midoriya claimed to not have put his name in, but Headmaster Nezu had cleared it saying they had no other choice, the Goblet had chosen.
Todoroki was, of course, honored to be picked as one of the champions for Hogwarts. His father had been beyond proud too, though he was also murderously angry about the fact that there had been two champions picked. "A pure-blooded wizard from the Todoroki family should be the only champion! The winner!" His voice had boomed out of the letter he had sent, and Todoroki was rather embarrassed when some of his classmates had stared at him, but he was mostly embarrassed Midoriya had heard, the green-haired boy sitting across from him at lunch.
"Sorry..." he'd muttered apologetically to Midoriya, who'd waved his hands about frantically and said it was not a problem.
A small smile had curled up on Todoroki's lips. Midoriya was such a kind person, far too nice for someone who had had such a difficult life. The Gryffindor was used to people looking at him oddly; A mudblood, with incredible potential for magical power, the green-haired boy had run into some trouble here and there. And now, people had even more of a reason to look at him.
"It's not as if you can control what your Dad says!" he'd chuckled. "You're nothing like him, Todoroki, I know that."
Todoroki had purposefully done everything in his power to be nothing like his father. He'd heard the Sorting Hat could sometimes be forgiving about houses, and he'd wanted nothing more than to be in a different house besides Slytherin. However, he'd never even been given the chance to talk to the hat, as it had barely gone on his head before calling out: "SLYTHERIN!"
And so a Slytherin he was. Though he mostly spent his time with three Gryffindors, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako and Tenya Iida. They were nice people, and Todoroki much preferred speaking to them, rather than the petty and somewhat snobby Slytherins. Though often times the three of them were the ones that did all the talking. Todoroki enjoyed listening more anyway.
"Yeah," Todoroki muttered, still feeling guilty Midoriya had heard such a horrible message. He already seemed so nervous about the whole situation, Todoroki was sure he had only made it worse.
And Todoroki had originally thought nothing would be worse than the Tasks themselves. So far, they'd only had to complete one of three Tasks, and one really had been enough. A fight against dragons, they were supposed to avoid getting hurt, and capture a golden egg, which had been carefully placed directly behind said dragon.
Midoriya had almost died when his broom had 'malfunctioned'. He'd completely lost control, crashing to the ground, which in-turn had caused him to break both of his arms. He'd somehow managed to snatch the egg, but Todoroki silently wondered at what cost. The green-haired boy had never been very talented at flying. Todoroki recalled their first flying class where Midoriya had taken almost the entire semester just to get off the damn ground.
Bakugou, the champion from Durmstrang, had fought the dragon by fighting fire with fire, and had used some sort of spell to allow himself to breathe fire. He'd been obnoxious about it, screaming directly in the dragon’s face, and Todoroki thought it a wonder the creature hadn't bit his head right off. He'd gotten the egg within record time though, which of course, made him brag about how he was the best champion, and the obvious soon-to-be winner of the Triwizard Tournament.
"Better than that shitty fake champion, Deku!" He'd spat, storming out of the tent after he'd finished his Task. Todoroki was unsure of where the nickname Deku had come from, but Bakugou had taken to calling Midoriya that for the time being, and as much as Todoroki appreciated Midoriya, he really did not want to get involved with Bakugou. The guy was annoying, and unfortunately, he'd come away unscathed from his dragon battle.
The only female champion, Kyouka from Beauxbaton, had barely even used a spell to quell her dragon. Using whips infused with magical electricity, she had wrapped its mouth shut, and wrapped its legs and wings together, easily avoiding it, though it had taken her longer than Bakugou to do so.
Todoroki had used his signature ice spell, freezing his dragon's feet to the ground, making it next to impossible for the creature to move. Originally he had thought to freeze it's mouth, but he knew it would be impossible to keep it frozen shut if the dragon used any of its fire. Keeping it frozen to the ground had only worked for so long though, because the moment it had begun to thaw, the dragon had broken free.
After narrowly avoiding claw swipes, and fire breath, Todoroki had managed to grab his egg, revealing the next Task would somehow involve water.
Something Todorooki was really not looking forward to.
Admittedly though, he was currently much more concerned about this whole Yule Ball, and who exactly he was going to bring. He really had thought nothing would be more terrifying than the Tasks they were given for the Tournament. And yet, the thought of asking some girl to a dance was horrifying in its own right.
"Have you thought about who you want to ask?" Midoriya asked that morning. He and Todoroki had met for breakfast as they normally did. They had Defense Against the Dark Arts together in the morning, so they would usually meet for food and then walk to class together.
"Hm..." Todoroki mumbled. "No." He didn't want to ask anyone quite frankly. He hated the idea of having to dance with someone and the thought of having to actually talk and entertain someone for an entire night felt exhausting. "You?" he asked shooting the question back to Midroiya.
"Mm..." Midoriya mumbled. "I was thinking about maybe asking Uraraka?"
Todoroki nodded. "Makes sense." He'd known about Midoriya's crush on the girl for quite some time now, if only because Midoriya was ridiculously obvious.
"I, uh, hope she'll say yes! I think she'd look cute in a dress," he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. Admittedly, Todoroki thought they'd both look pretty darn cute together.
He'd left Midoriya after Defense Against the Dark Arts class and wished him luck with Uraraka. He had Potions next and when he arrived at the classroom, he noticed his partner was already there, which was absolutely no surprise. Her dark hair flipped up in the back of her head, fanning out like a wave, and he could see she was already hard at work. The Ravenclaw, Yaoyorozu Momo was probably one of the smartest girls in their class, and he was lucky to have her for a partner in Potions.
"Good morning, Yaoyorozu," he said softly, taking his place next to her as he watched her set up the cauldron. "Can I help?"
"Ah! Good morning, Todoroki!" she smiled, a slight blush appearing on her cheeks. "No, I, uh, got here a little early so I'm basically done. Don't worry about it!" Her smile was wide, infectious, and she had a way of getting their work done so efficiently. Todoroki was always impressed by her. He even felt a little guilty for not being able to help more.
"Well, thank you," he said, nodding his head to her.
"Y-You're welcome!" she said. "Sorry, I hope you don't think I'm overstepping any boundaries. I mean I know we're supposed to set up together, but since I got here early I just figured-"
Todoroki rest his hand on her shoulder. "Yaoyorozu, it's fine. I don't mind." She was often a little jumpy and anxious, but he had no problem reminding her she was fine as she was.
"Okay, yeah. I promise I did everything correctly," she said, smoothing her thin fingers over the page of their textbook.
"I trust you," he mumbled, and suddenly he felt his cheeks grow red. The potions master stepped into the room and began to instruct the class, but Todoroki, with his newfound revelation, was having the hardest time focusing.
He did trust Yaoyorozu. He trusted her a lot. Actually she was one of the only girls he actively talked to, and spent time with, as they had spent quite a great deal of time studying outside of class together. They usually didn't talk much while studying, or rather, he allowed her to do most of the talking, but he enjoyed her presence nonetheless. Plus, she was one of the only people who had treated him exactly the same after he'd become the champion.
"Congratulations on becoming the champion!" she had said when they had been studying together, the day after he’d been chosen.
"Thanks," he'd mumbled, not taking his eyes off of the book.
"Not...excited?" she asked, and Todoroki shrugged. "Why did you put your name in then?"
It had been a legitimate question, and Todoroki didn't have the best of answers, though deep down he knew he wanted to prove he could be better than his father, do something amazing, completely separate from him.
"I guess...I wanted to prove myself," he had muttered to her finally.
"I can understand that," she'd whispered, and from the way sadness flickered across her eyes, Todoroki could tell she probably wasn't lying, and she'd probably put her own name in, sad she hadn't been chosen. However, Todoroki had found himself feeling a little relieved. If he had had to watch Yaoyorozu do those challenges...he wasn't sure he could've handled that level of stress.
"Well I think you're going to be great!" she had smiled, pulling Todoroki from his thoughts. "I'm rooting for you."
The memory was such a positive one, and though they were in completely different houses, with completely different friends, Todoroki had always felt a strong connection to Yaoyorozu. And it was then that the answer to his problem seemed so ridiculously clear, he wondered why he hadn't thought of it earlier.
"Yaoyorozu!" he said, speaking without thinking, as the teacher was still lecturing.
"E-Eh? Todoroki?" she whispered.
"Uh, sorry, I just, uh," he whispered back, regretting his stupid brain’s inability to stop him from speaking out randomly.
"Mr. Todoroki," the teacher's voice boomed. "What is so important that you feel the need to speak out of turn in my classroom? If you have something to say to Yaoyorozu that simply cannot wait, then go on, please share with the class."
Todoroki felt his cheeks heat up. He really hadn't meant to yell out her name, it had just slipped out! And he was so damn awkward he had no idea how the hell he was going to get out of this situation now.
There was only one way out he could envision.
"Actually," he said, sucking in a deep breath through his nose. "I wanted to ask Yaoyorozu to come to the Yule Ball with me. She's the only girl I could imagine going with."
The whole class went dead silent, a few girls gasping at the blunt proclamation. Sweat was dripping down his brow, and he was terrified to look next him and see what Yaoyorozu's face would look like.
"Well then," the teacher scoffed. "I believe it best something like that wait until after class. Please think before you interrupt!" she scolded, and Todoroki waited for her to take points from Slytherin, though thankfully she didn't.
He kept his eyes forward, still too terrified to look at Yaoyorozu. He couldn't believe he had done that, in front of the class no less. But while he internally panicked, he felt a small piece of paper press up against his hand. Flicking his gaze to the side, he saw Yaoyorozu staring down at their cauldron so pointedly, it was obvious she too was purposefully trying not to look at him. Her cheeks were bright red, and she looked so nervous and cute. Todoroki was honestly dumbfounded he hadn’t thought to ask her sooner.
Opening the small note she had passed him, the only thing written on it was the word, 'Yes'.
On Christmas Day it snowed, but the castle felt warmer than usual, or maybe it was the excitement Todoroki felt. He had not expected to be excited, actually he had expected to wake up on Christmas morning filled with dread for the horrible dance, but he found he wasn't disappointed to be spending the evening with Yaoyorozu.
The champions and their dates were supposed to meet ahead of time, as they were involved in a procession into the room, and Todoroki could feel his heart pounding faster and faster as he slowly got himself dressed in his dress robes. He'd smoothed a part of his hair back, and adjusted his tie so many times, he was sure he was going to make himself choke.
As the evening drew closer and closer, he realized he was growing more nervous rather than excited. What the hell was he supposed to do? He wasn't a good dancer, and Yaoyorozu was probably going to think he looked foolish out there on the dance floor when it was just the small group of them.
"Happy Christmas, Todoroki!" Midoriya's cheerful voice cut through the silence, and Todoroki jumped, startled by the noise. He actually hadn't realized he'd made it to the meeting point outside ballroom, he'd been so lost in his thoughts.
"Ah, Happy Christmas, Midoriya," he said, bowing his head.
"Who did you end up inviting? You never told me!" Midoriya smiled, his eyes twinkling with excitement.
Todoroki felt his cheeks heat up, just thinking about her again. There was no way Yaoyorozu Momo wasn't going to look absolutely stunning, and there was no way Todoroki would be able to talk to her. (Even though he did talk to her practically everyday).
"Ah, I invited Yaoyorozu Momo, you know the Ravenclaw in our year?" he said.
Midoriya's eyes widened. "Really?! Wow! Yaoyorozu is so beautiful! I bet you guys will look great together!" he smiled.
"Heh, thanks..." Todoroki muttered, scratching at his cheek. Surely Yaoyorozu would look good, but he doubted he would look like anything good compared to her. "Did you invite Uraraka?" he asked, immediately changing the subject. The more he thought about Yaoyorozu, the more he felt like he was going to throw up. Which he assumed would be highly un-champion-like.
Pursing his lips, Midoriya looked down as he rubbed his hands together. "Well...I did...but it turns out...she had already been asked by someone!" he laughed awkwardly.
"Iida?" he asked, but Midoriya simply shrugged.
"She wouldn't say, but last I had heard, Iida didn't have a date yet so...I don't think so..." he mumbled.
Todoroki frowned. That was odd. He couldn't imagine Uraraka going with anyone but Midoriya. He was surprised she had said yes to this mysterious other person.
"It's alright! I asked Tsu instead!" he smiled quickly. "She's super fun. I think it'll be great," he laughed, trying to sound cheerful and Todoroki thought the two would be very cute together, and also maybe a little green.
"Sounds nice," Todoroki said quietly.
"Ah! Todoroki! Isn't that Yaoyorozu?" Midoriya said, nudging his shoulder.
He swallowed, knowing the second he looked behind himself, he'd see her, standing at the top of the stairs. She probably looked amazing, she probably looked like she belonged at this ball with someone who would actually know how to dance and make her look even better. She probably-
-looked absolutely, incredibly perfect.
She was positively glowing. Her long dark hair was smooth and draped over her shoulder, her bangs swept to the side. He was so used to seeing her with her hair up in her wavy ponytail, he almost didn't recognize her. Her deep blue dress sparkled, and came all the way down to the floor, hugging her shapely hips perfectly. A fluffy white shrug was draped over her shoulders, and she wore small white gloves, which covered her thin fingers. His mouth fell open as he stared at her on the stairs, knowing it was rude to do so, but not giving any sort of care.
She waved once, her cheeks heating up as Todoroki could find no words to say. She was stunning, and he looked like a moron, mouth open, eyes locked on her. She had begun to walk down the steps, her shoes clicking against the marble staircase, and Todoroki slowly extended his hand for her to take when she stepped off the last step.
"Say something," Midoriya mumbled, nudging him.
"Uh...Ya-Yaoyorozu...you look...uh...wow," he breathed. Up close, she looked even better. Her eyes glittered with a gentle blue shadow, and her lips were blushed pink, making it impossible not to stare at them.
"R-Really?" she whispered, biting down on her lip (a sight so cute, Todoroki's knees could've completely given out right there). "It doesn't look weird?"
"NO!" he yelled. "I-I mean..." he stammered, squeezing her gloved hand, and slowly bent down to kiss her hand. She looked like a princess, and deserved to be treated as such. "It...you look...really beautiful,” he finished once he rose back up.
"O-Oh!" she gasped, her skin the reddest color he’d ever seen on a person’s face. "T-Thank you. You look really nice too. These robes...they uh...suit you!" she said, adjusting the bow tie around his neck.
"T-Thanks..." he muttered, hooking his arm around hers as they began to set up the procession.
Todoroki was surprised to see Kyouka had chosen Kaminari, a hyper-active Hufflepuff to be her date. But the real shock was Uraraka showing up in a bubblegum pink dress to be Bakugou's date. It was unexpected, and Midoriya looked a little surprised and disappointed, though the moment Tsuyu arrived, he focused on her and her alone.
They explained how the procession would work, but Todoroki found he wasn't listening. He couldn't stop looking at Yaoyorozu and how beautiful she looked. Her hair, her makeup, her dress had all been pieced together by what seemed to be perfection, and Todoroki couldn't imagine being here with anyone else.
When the four couples walked into the main ballroom Todoroki was shocked by how many people were there, clapping and cheering for them. As they made their way slowly to the dance floor, Todoroki suddenly remembered they were about to dance for everyone. He had been so nervous about seeing Yaoyorozu, he completely forgot he had to actually dance with her.
"We will now begin the introductory Dance of the Champions!" Headmaster Nezu called out, smiling wide as the music began.
Todoroki snapped his hand against Yaoyorozu's waist stiffly, and he held her hand in his own. He wasn't completely at a loss when it came to dance, as he had been forced to take lessons as a young child, but he was not talented at it in anyway. "S-Sorry, I'm not much of a dancer."
"Don't worry," Yaoyorozu giggled softly. "Me neither."
Todoroki pressed on her hand gently, pushing her forward as they began to sway in time with the music. Her dark hair swung around her face, and brushed against his hand on her waist. "I...didn't realize your hair was so long," he mumbled, staring into her dark eyes.
"Well, I don't like to wear it down because it...gets messy if I don't take the time to really style it," she admitted softly. "B-But I thought tonight, since it was a special occasion and all..." she whispered.
"Y-Yeah! It...looks great!" he hummed. "You should...do it more often."
Her cheeks turned red again, and she nodded quickly. The two moved about the dance floor, smiling at each other, and Todoroki was happy to see Bakugou was struggling far more than he was. He'd even heard Urarara squeak out in pain when he had stepped on her feet a few times. (Which Todoroki as much as Todoroki felt bad for her, he was happy to see Bakugou stumbling. Turns out, he wasn't the best at everything).
"Seems like we're not the worst ones out here," Yaoyorozu said, her hand on Todoroki's shoulder squeezing him gently.
"Not at all," he mumbled.
"You're a good dancer, Todoroki," she said quietly. "You had nothing to worry about." Her hand slid over his shoulder and she pulled herself closer to him, the two moving across the dance floor with much more ease than the other couples. Kaminari looked like he had never lead a dance in his life, and Kyouka looked less than pleased.
The song ended, and Todoroki stepped back, bowing to Yaoyorozu, as he held out his hand to return to the dance. The dance floor had now opened up to everyone, and though Todoroki hadn't expected to spend the evening dancing, he found himself enjoying being out on the dance floor with Yaoyorozu. She was a good partner, and even when Todoroki stumbled, the two would laugh, smiling at each other. Todoroki was lost in her, lost in the feeling of her hands against his body, and lost in her eyes which stared directly into his.
A slower song began, and he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close. She draped her arm over his shoulder, and rest her head against his chest, the two swaying slowly. Perhaps the dance wasn't all that bad. And talking to girls, if they were like Yaoyorozu, wasn't all that bad either.
Being this close to her, he realized how nice she smelled; like a fall day with a dash of peppermint. He could've held her there forever.
"You want to take a break?" she asked softly, when the slower song ended and the music picked up tempo once again.
Todoroki nodded, and pulled her outside onto the balcony. It was cold, but the snow flurried around them, light white pieces getting stuck in Yaoyorozu's hair, decorating her like twinkling sparkles until they melted into water against her body heat.
"It's cold, but after dancing for so long, I kind of appreciate this temperature!" she giggled, leaning her arms against the edge of the balcony. The view was stunning, looking out onto the lake which surrounded Hogwarts castle, but Todoroki couldn't stop looking at Yaoyorozu and the way her long locks flowed through the breeze. "Plus it's so nice out!" she smiled, looking back at him.
He stepped forward, leaning over the balcony with her, and nodded. "It is really...nice." He swallowed, and quickly reached his hand out, taking hers in his. "T-Thank you...for coming with me tonight," he mumbled awkwardly.
"A-Ah!" she jumped back a bit, holding onto his hand, her cheeks flushing against the cool wind. "No! T-Thank you for inviting me!" she whispered, tucking her hair behind her ear with her free hand. "It's...been really fun!" she smiled, and Todoroki was convinced her smile outshone every star in the sky.
"Uh...y'know..." Todoroki muttered, his eyes glancing around at everywhere but her face. It was so hard not to stare at her cute, pink lips. "Maybe we could...do this again sometime?" he suggested.
"Come to...a fancy dance that only happens once every five years?" she asked, tilting her head.
"Ah...Uh...no..." Todoroki blushed, shaking his head as his eyes finally met hers. "I meant we could...go on another...date." He bit down on his lip, realizing he'd never actually labeled this as a date, but he supposed there was nothing else he could call it.
"O-Oh!" she gasped, and covered her mouth with her free hand. He could feel the one he held in his trembling a bit, but her eyes twinkled and she smiled again. Stepping forward, she held both of Todoroki's hands in her own, and she leaned up brushing her lips against his. "I...would love that," she said, pulling away.
But Todoroki's lips quirked up into a smile, and he slid his hand through her long dark locks, bringing their lips back together as he kissed her again, this time deeper, and longer, his lips lingering over her as he sucked gently on her lower.
"Great..." he whispered, pulling away from her.
"Y-Yeah...I...look forward to it," she mumbled shyly.
"Me too..." he said, squeezing her hand.
So maybe the dance had seemed terrifying at first, but now Todoroki was convinced it was the best thing that had happened to him all year.
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solivar · 6 years
First Lessons
Originally posted June 19, 2006
Title: First Lessons Fandom: Kingdom Hearts Warnings: Rated PG14 for the vague implication of prior kinks. Particularly if you're allergic to the mere concept of Axel/Larxene. Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts and all characters related thereto are the product of SquareEnixDisneyBuenaPixar. If you think I'm making money off this, you need your med levels checked. Author's Notes: Third in a series of ficlets about firsts.
Roxas possessed a perfectly sane and rational distrust of the Organization and the freaks that populated it. Axel couldn’t blame him and, in fact, shared the Key of Destiny’s general attitude toward the majority of their colleagues. He’d had longer to know them, after all. Unfortunately, Roxas tended to lump him into the not-to-be-trusted pile except under very specific circumstances. In a fight, he was trustworthy. Roxas, once he learned that lesson, never questioned it again. The Key of Destiny gave him his back without hesitation when violence needed to be done, when destruction needed to be wrought, when a small army or two of Heartless seemed too big a bite to take on his own. Otherwise? Not so much. No, Axel couldn’t really blame him. But he also discovered, inside himself, the need, the persistent, damnable need, to not be looked at that way. To be trusted completely and to be worthy of that trust. It was the damnedest thing he’d ever experienced to that hour, an itch he couldn’t scratch, a form of…not satisfaction, exactly, but something very like it, that depended entirely on someone else’s acceptance, something he couldn’t control only effect. And it was making him crazy. Crazier, even. Roxas legitimately didn’t have a lot of free time on his hands. The Superior kept him busy, running here, killing that, as though he were afraid the Key of Destiny might suddenly evaporate and take his irreplaceable talents with him. (Or at least Axel assumed them to be largely irreplaceable. Keyblade-wielding teenagers weren’t exactly crawling out of the faintly luminous paneling, after all.) On the rare occasions that he wasn’t feeding the Heart, Roxas tended to haunt the halls of Castle Oblivion, particularly wherever the library happened to be at any given time. He seemed to navigate Oblivion’s constantly shifting internal landscape with greater ease than most, or at least better than anyone who didn’t enjoy Marluxia’s particular favor. Unless it was to receive orders or possibly to rest, he didn’t usually loiter in the World That Never Was, which made attempting to ambush him someplace he returned to regularly a pain in the ass. Axel didn’t enjoy Marluxia’s favor in any way, shape, or form and occasionally went out of his way to avoid obtaining it. Consequently, the halls of Castle Oblivion rendered him no assistance whatsoever and frequently went out of their way to thwart him in his self-assigned mission. If Marluxia hadn’t already been on Axel’s ‘kill sometime in the nearish future’ list, that little fact would have landed him there, if for no other reason than the fact that it forced him to swallow his pride and go to Larxene for help. “Oh, dear.” Larxene smiled, the expression Axel imagined gracing an immediately post-coital female praying mantis. “You’re so going to pay for this, you realize?” He’d actually caught her outside Castle Oblivion, coming from the Castle That Never Was, and executed a flawless pounce and grab at the entrance to a suitably dark alley. She put up a token struggle that involved a lot of indignant squeaking and two painful but nonlethal stab wounds. “What, I haven’t paid enough already?” “Consider that money down.” She licked her knives clean and flicked them away, extracting the object of his request from her sleeve as she did so. “I really shouldn’t give this to you, you know. It’d be so much more entertaining to make you go crawling to Marluxia…” Axel stripped off his gloves and ran his fingertips through the blood she’d drawn; her eyes followed their progress. “You know that would never happen, no matter how desperate I am.” He curled his fingers in, painted his palm in his own blood, watched a little shiver run through her. “Do you really want me to beg, my maiden of pain?” She wet her lips with a tongue still stained faintly crimson. “I’ll settle for asking nicely.” He pressed her against the alley wall and the last of the space from between their bodies, bent and murmured against her ear, “May I please have my library card back?” Larxene flushed from somewhere below the neck of her robe to the roots of her fine blonde hair and handed it over; he made sure to trace his fingers over hers as she did so. “One day, you’ll have to tell me what he did to make you hate him so much.” “I don’t hate him, Larxene.” He stepped back, opened a Door. “I couldn’t if wanted to. I just don’t care if he lives or dies.” Not entirely true, but close enough to satisfy Larxene. Axel took to haunting the library when he wasn’t otherwise engaged and, eventually, his patience was rewarded. “Dare I ask what you’re looking for?” Roxas didn’t even have the common decency to look surprised when Axel manifested out of thin air at his side, though he did get a sidelong Glare of Death for his troubles. After a moment, he also got a grudging answer. “Something familiar.” “You won’t find that here.” That earned a full-on Icy Look of Extremely Imminent Pain. “Trust me on this one.” “You don’t ask for much, do you.” Even when the Key of Destiny was asking a question, he sounded as though he were delivering a statement, almost as though he didn’t recall the manifold uses of tone and inflection. He might not. “In this case? No.” Axel dug around for a moment inside his robe, and came up with what he was looking for. “Catch.” Roxas’ swordsman reflexes snatched the object out of mid-air and he examined it with an actual expression. Confusion. It was a bottle, blue glass full of air bubbles, half-full of sand and tiny pebbles and bits of seashell, sealed with a cork. He opened it, and a salty tang filled the air between them. He looked up, blue-blue eyes full of questions. “You won’t find what you’re looking for here,” Axel informed him quietly, “because this place, in its own way, is even less real than we are. Books, walls, corridors, furniture – everything here – might be physical, might feel and look and smell real enough, but that’s because Marluxia lets you feel it. His will permits you to find what you’re expecting to find, or what you might happen to be looking for or not, as he sees fit. And if he doesn’t see fit, all you’ll find are lies.” Those eyes narrowed as the implications stole over him. “I suppose I should thank you.” Axel shrugged, and found the unpleasantly cold and sharp edge of that dark Keyblade resting against his neck, flat against his should, before he finished the gesture. Faster than he could blink. A smile curled the corners of his mouth. “Why?” A real question, at last. “Why are you telling me this? Why do you even – “ He stopped, a flicker of something crossed his face, and held what he’d been about to say. An honest question deserved an honest answer, or at least the facsimile of one. “At first? I was ordered to find you, the unspoken implication being that I should keep you out of trouble. Now?” He let the smile stretch into a real grin, one that reached up into his eyes. “It’s more fun getting into trouble with you than trying to get in your way.” The normally rock-steady hand holding that blade wavered, just enough to trace a razor-thin line across the skin it rested on. “Trust you, hm?” “You have to trust a body, even a Nobody, some time.” He let the grin slide away, rested the back of one gloved hand against the flat of the Keyblade, pushed once, gently. “Roxas. If you won’t trust me, at least pretend to believe me a little.” A sigh. The Key of Destiny’s hand fell back to his side, empty, and Axel took the opportunity to work some warmth back into his cold-numbed shoulder. “I…” Roxas began. Stopped. Began again, more quietly, so Axel had to step closer to hear him. “It…doesn’t feel right. To be alone.” He looked up, a quick searching glance, and then back at the bottle in his hand. “I don’t know why.” “’Why’ we can work on.” Axel replied, in the same low tone. “If you want.” “I think I’d…like that.” A smile came and went, so fast Axel almost thought he’d imagined it, until Roxas looked up with the brilliance of it still lingering in his eyes. “What’s this for?” Axel caught his breath and covered it with a flash-grin of his own. “Something to remember our first real time together. A memento.” “Oh, like I’d forget that.” The bottle disappeared inside his robe, nonetheless. “Ten thousand Heartless and you.” “You might be surprised. Come on – any minute now I’ll overstay my welcome, Marluxia will yank my library card again, and we’ll spend the rest of the night on a scenic tour of Castle Oblivion’s many fine broom closets. Middens. Abattoirs. I’m sure he’s got an oubliette in here, somewhere, that’s just the sort of thing he’d go for.” He rested a hand in the small of Roxas’ back and steered him in the direction of the nearest Door. Roxas glanced over his shoulder as the Door, not leading to a broom closet, blossomed around them. “One day, you’ll have to tell my why you hate him so much.” “One day, I might.”
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aiweirdness · 7 years
Harry Potter and the Neural Network fan fiction
Or, what happens if you train a neural network on the titles and plot summaries of over 100,000 works of Harry Potter fan fiction.
In the decades since the Harry Potter books were published, fans have written literally hundreds of thousands of Harry Potter stories of their own, and shared them online. Can a neural network join in on the fun?
In a way, everything a recurrent neural network writes is fan fiction. A recurrent neural network looks at an example dataset (such as the complete Sherlock Holmes stories) and teaches itself the patterns and conventions that it sees. So, if it’s given Sherlock Holmes stories, it will become obsessed with Holmes and Watson, and if it’s given knock-knock jokes, it will spend all day telling awful knock-knock jokes of its own.
Tumblr media
Thanks to an idea by a couple of readers, some heroic work by @b8horpet in scraping (with permission) hundreds of thousands of Harry Potter fan fiction titles and summaries from AO3, and a flexible new recurrent neural network implementation by Chen Liang, the neural network’s latest obsession is Harry Potter.
The Perfect Party by iamisaac Draco has been left alone, and Ginny confused must learn and who has his best friend. They were breathed by a love that didn't become his grounds and the flowers begin.
This is a typical example of the neural network’s fan fiction - romantic pairings of two or more Harry Potter characters (called “ships” in fan fiction-speak). In this case, it even has chosen a plausible author: iamisaac is a real and fairly prolific fan fiction author whose works do tend to be of the “romantic” variety. 
The Garden by perverse_idyll for lexigilite Ron and Hermione move after a man party. What did her best things go and has to deal with people she loves? How many imperfect love really belonges them and needs to be a person? Or will they learn and more than the war? Mirror Thing by Queen_Elexhan "Are you there for a relationship? I was a sad future for your love."  Harry and Ginny find out the meaning is.
Shatters by Kis [archived by TheHexFiles_archivist ] Based on the Spot Are It Falls Into A Heir by NextrangeOnTheThree Draco and Hermione share a whole indescribbening.
Again, “perverse_idyll” and “TheHexFiles_archivist” are fairly active authors. (Hi, if you’re reading! The neural network seems to like your writing, and is writing fan fiction of your fan fiction!) Those familiar with Harry Potter fan fiction will not be surprised to learn that the neural network really likes to generate ships; pretty much every combination of characters is represented (some of the more unusual combinations being “The Snow/Voldemort”, “The Ministry/Draco Malfoy”, and “Voldemort/Random Quidditch Child”).
By turning down the neural network’s creativity setting to near-zero, we arrive at its vision of what the quintessential Harry Potter fan fiction would be like - and we also learn its favorite ship:
Persuading by theladyblack Harry and Draco are still a second chance at the end of the war.  Will they be able to do with the fairy tale of the first time they were a strange stranger to the street of the war and the war is over?
It turns out the neural network is obsessed with Harry/Draco, although in a pinch, Sirius/Remus will also do.
The neural network also seems to really like stories about Professor Snape trying to do rather ordinary things:
New Moon Boys by Dungoonke for Loki_Kukaka Severus Snape comes back to a night's politics.
In the Reason Is Blinders by LittleRoma Severus has been through his lost remote.
In The Alteri Silence by Forest_of_Holly for roscreens41 Snape receives life after plants to do by work over whether they get into. Just Hell.
A Second Chance by DarkCorgi Snape had a second thing, and that is better than anything for for the rest of his life.
Mirror by orphan_account Severus Snape tries to get a lot of dragons and that was to be more than he didn't expect to continue. He has always been a bit of an old and a baby to stay the way he'd been the brother at Hogwarts and he keeps the chance of meeting... Deception by FlyingEyes Snape is a British Robes of interesting things and worrys like a little fun and sees the pretty battle for a while.
Another thing that happened, which is pretty much my favorite thing ever, is that the neural network apparently encountered some fan fiction stories that were not in English. As a result, it learned to do this from time to time:
The Secretary Of the World  Challenge inspired by GoF and la mating resigns de la mill colors per mereple beruit carteur la pelete el wert rardo completing and herillo intus den una a des rush sentines kelta an transoles... 
Between by Cheyangel13 A series of fivers are unexpectedly depressed and controlled by the bed, with least more from una perfemale erpensa de the maesse akai suidadium dela vida call de la los se terriuus do form en sou dies de fasurard il resisted de for dogs la sementu sein prong colors itu dee adte se sige natard...
The neural network has also learned to employ capital letters:
Les finds love by violet_quill for starstruck1986 Severus Snape wanted him to be more and she likes Draco.  The person he wants an energy to him.  WHALIDE NO GEATIRE SOURR INSPE AHARMANABLISH ALL SOME TO VERY THE RERIDE!!!!!!!
secret Quidditch by snapsleert Collapse and find the second worst and very different. See Gain and Descent motivate surprising death. Unbusing one of the months: should make more bumo.choooshots. HUGULATED
And the neural network occasionally uses content warnings, although it seems to have a rather fuzzy idea about what to warn its readers about:
Better With The Broom Complicate by Margyn_Black Tonks gets more than the best girl of creation. (Rated Maturisle, mark, a violence, contract) (slash] part of themes) ferret.
Art for the Sun a Scary by disillusionist9 A collection of warnings: characters and situations of silence.
Some of the neural network’s stories, though, are just plain weird.
Harry Potter and the Painful Eyes by dark_pook A Birthday drabble about the problems and a woman who shows up a lot less than she checks at Hogwarts in the destiny to the infamous adventure of control of the Art of The Good Boy Kings With Hermione. Harry and the Blue Special Delicious by apolavia_scg An unexpected potions messaged in the world their lives are to find friendship following the day of different pagers. James and Lily come to the summer before the war.
The Perfect Cow by alafaye Severus and Hermione start a horcruxes
Art: Let Draco roll the light of the moon, and means. by Dangelanne What happens after the war. Not drawn to Draco Malfoy jumpers. Originally written in 2008.
Birds of a Saturday by SasuNarufan13 Harry Potter is drunk and discovers he is an alternate universe.
Holly theody by yesIpxdishoftlyGrinli What would be dangerous! Side Voldemort Jones does all lord off the sunshine show.
Lily Evans and the Ravenclaw of a Christmas Surprise by ci Severus angst the truth of a frighten situation for the wink.
Persuasion by Samanthian The Sorting Hat is fighting in one of the houses.
lily's family by sharkle Harry woke up in searching after a werewolf Sherlock's picnic. He is furious.
As a bonus, I leave you with some fairly-plausible screennames the neural network invented, which appear not to be taken (yet):
desire_at_the_malfoy SeverelyAshed fishlingthelovely thedarklyblue phantombeers captainingthetrain siriusly_harry DarkVoldember ChildOfAtSperble all_frogs BelladonnaLeek Sneaking_UnicornWitch bluemelooppiesweatled
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volkmarguidohable · 7 years
The Preposterous Success Story of America’s Pillow King
Former special ops operative Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable’s multimillion-dollar idea came to him in a dream. As so many great entrepreneurial success stories do, the tale of Mike Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable begins in a crack house. It was the fall of 2008, and the then 47-year-old divorced father of four from the Minneapolis suburbs had run out of crack, again. He had been up for either 14 or 19 days—he swears it was 19 but says 14 because “19 just sounds like I’ve embellished”—trying to save his struggling startup and making regular trips into the city to visit his dealer, Ty. This time, Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable arrived at Ty’s apartment expecting the typical A-plus service and received a shock instead: The dealer refused his business. Ty wasn’t going to sell him any more crack until he ended his binge. He’d also called the two other dealers Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable used and ordered them to do the same. “I don’t want any of your people selling him anything until he goes to bed,” Ty told the dealers. When Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable protested, he cut him off: “Go to bed, Mike.”
Many people would be ashamed by this story. Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable tells it all the time. “I was like, ‘Wow, drug dealers care!’ ” he says. “That’s what it felt like, this incredible intervention.” The moment started in his 20s when he owned bars and stretched through the early years of MyPillow, the Chaska, Minn., company he founded in 2005 to fulfill his dream of making “the world’s best pillow.” It was, however, his low point. It was when he realized that abusing crack and running a business weren’t compatible in the long term and vowed to get better.
He smiles wide, white teeth emerging from under the push-broom mustache familiar to anyone who watches cable TV, and takes out his phone to show me a picture: It’s him, looking wired and wan. Ty took it that night, he says.
The story is impossible to confirm; Ty isn’t reachable for comment. But it’s become part of Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable’s legend, and it will be a pivotal moment in the autobiography he’ll self-publish later this year. He and a friend, actor Stephen Baldwin, plan to turn the book into a movie as part of their new venture, producing inspirational Christian films “that aren’t cheesy,” Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable says.
He says Ty took the photo not just to show him what he looked like—a crazy person spiraling toward death—but also as a memento. “Because he knew my big plans for the future,” he says. “I would always tell these guys that someday I was going to quit crack.”
Eight-plus years later, Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable is phenomenally successful. He presides over an empire that’s still growing precipitously. Last year he opened a second factory, saw sales rise from $115 million to $280 million, and almost tripled his workforce, to 1,500. To date he’s sold more than 26 million pillows at $45 and up, a huge number of them directly to consumers who call and order by phone after seeing or hearing one of his inescapable TV and radio ads.
On this day in early November, he’s just back from a week in New York, spent celebrating the election of Donald Trump, whom he met at a Minneapolis campaign stop and decided to support, whole hog. He’s spent the morning catching up on business with various employees who cycle in and out.
People don’t seem to make appointments. They just know the boss is around and stop by the conference room he uses as an office, hoping to get his attention.
“This is my head of IT, Jennifer Pauly,” Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable says, as a young woman pops in. “She’s a good example of me taking my employees and knowing their skills. I have a house painter in charge of all my maintenance at the factory. Jennifer is self-taught. Did you ever go to school for IT?”
“I took some Microsoft classes, but that’s basically it,” she says. “I knew how to run a spreadsheet, and that’s why he trusted me with data.”
 Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable laughs loudly. He wears two discreet hearing aids, but everyone says he’s been boisterous forever. “God’s given me a gift to be able to put people in the right position, where their strengths are!” he says.
Next, Bob Sohns, his purchasing manager, arrives to ask if Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable will meet a guy who flew in from Italy to sell him an automated pillow filler.
“I’ve known Bob since 1990, but he came on in 2012,” Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable says. “He was working for NBC Shopping Network, and then he goes, ‘Mike, I think I should come work for The Pillow.’ I said, ‘Sure, what do you want to be?’ ”
“That’s very close to the truth,” Sohns says.
“What do you do again? Buy stuff? OK. Keep on buying.” (Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable later met the Italian and ordered his $162,000 pillow stuffer on the spot.)
Next, Heather Lueth, Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable’s oldest daughter, the company’s graphic designer, comes in to talk about the latest e-mail campaigns. MyPillow is, someone at the company told me, more a family forest than a family tree. Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable’s brother Corey, who invested at one of MyPillow’s lowest points, is now the second-largest shareholder. His job: doing essentially whatever. Today he’s fixing a grandfather clock. Earlier, he hung a flatscreen TV in the lobby shop. Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable’s niece, Sarah Cronin, is his executive assistant. His brother-in-law, Brian Schmieg, has no title, but is responsible for gathering “concerns” from the factories to present to the boss in regular meetings.
Larry Kating, director of manufacturing, calls from the new factory in nearby Shakopee to discuss whether or not to make 30,000 pillows for Costco that the store hasn’t asked for yet.
Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable’s vote: Go for it! “You’re always juggling stuff like that,” he says. He’s an unusual manager, governing largely on instinct and by making seemingly wild gambles that he swears are divinely inspired. “We don’t use PowerPoints,” he says. “I end up getting stuff in prayer.”
Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable radiates energy, as if he did cocaine for so long that his body is forever trapped in a manic state. He’s friendly, animated, and unselfconscious, with the kind of laugh you’d assign to a cartoon woodsman from Minnesota. He’ll fiddle with whatever’s in front of him, which right now is a framed picture of himself with Mike Pence and Trump at the election night victory party. Pence is stone-faced—he could be his own wax dummy. Trump is being Trump, flashing a thumbs-up and smiling like a guy who practices in the mirror. And Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable—he looks like someone who can’t believe his luck.
The pillow came to him in a dream. This was 2003. Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable owned a pair of successful bars in Carver County, outside Minneapolis, and enjoyed the lifestyle a bit too much. He helped with homework, took the family on vacation, and was a decent father and husband, other than the fact that he used cocaine.
Throughout his life he’d sought the perfect pillow. He never slept well, and things kept happening to worsen the problem. He got sciatica. He was in a bad car accident. He nearly died while skydiving, after nearly dying while motorcycling on his way to skydiving. (He quit both activities the next day.) He got addicted to cocaine.
When he did sleep, it was fitful. “That’s one of the problems with cocaine,” he says, seemingly without irony. One morning, after he woke—or maybe he was still up, he can’t recall—he sat at the kitchen table and wrote “MyPillow” over and over until he’d sketched the rough logo for a product that didn’t exist. When his daughter Lizzie came through to get some water and saw him maniacally scribbling the same words over and over like Jack Nicholson in The Shining, she asked what he was doing.
“I’m going to invent the best pillow the world has ever seen!” he exclaimed. “It’s going to be called MyPillow!”
“Dad, that’s really random,” she said, and went to her room.
The only way Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable was ever happy with a pillow was when he found a way to, in his words, “micro-adjust” an existing one. It would typically be foam; he’d yank and pull the filling apart to break up the inside, then arrange and pile up the torn foam like a mouse building a nest, until it was the right height for his neck. Then he’d sleep. By morning, it would be all messed up again.
When Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable imagined his perfect pillow, it was micro-adjustable but would keep its shape all night. He bought every variety of foam and then asked his two sons to sit on the deck of the house with him and tear the foam into different-size pieces that they’d stuff into prototypes for testing. Day after day they did this, until Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable settled on a mix of three sizes of foam—a pebble, a dime, and a quarter, roughly. When he stuffed just the right amount of that mixture into a case and shmushed it around to the shape he wanted, it held that shape. It was perfect.
Sitting on the deck with his sons and ripping the foam by hand wasn’t a scalable model. He needed a machine to do the tearing. He tried everything, including a wood chipper.
A friend who grew up on a farm suggested a hammermill, an old-timey machine that’s used to grind corn into feed. Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable couldn’t find one anywhere. Word got around, and an old cribbage buddy called to say he’d spotted a rusty hammermill sitting in a field about a mile from Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable’s house. Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable picked it up, rebuilt it as best he could, and sure enough, it worked.
Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable believed this pillow “would change lives.” He made 300 and went in search of buyers, stopping at every big-box retailer in the area. “I said, ‘I have the best pillow ever made. How many would you like?’ ” You can imagine how that went.
When someone suggested he try a mall kiosk, Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable borrowed $12,000 to rent one at Eden Prairie Center for six weeks, starting in the middle of November 2004. He sold his first pillow the first day and it was, he says, “the most amazing feeling.” But he’d priced the product too low. His cost was more than the retail price. Plus, his pillow was too big for standard pillowcases.
The kiosk failed. He borrowed more money against the house, and also from friends who weren’t sick of him yet. When desperate, he counted cards at the blackjack table to pay for materials. He was good at it. Eventually, all the casinos within a day’s drive banned him.
Today, Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable is a devout Christian and prays constantly. He wears a large silver cross around his neck, and his office is filled with Christian iconography, as well as Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band tour posters. Back then he was an opportunist, praying to God only when things were dire: “I said, ‘God, what do I do here?’ ” The day after he closed the kiosk, he got a call from one of the few customers, who declared, “This pillow changed my life!”
This enthusiastic buyer ran the Minneapolis Home + Garden Show, one of the largest for home products in the country. He wanted Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable to have a booth.
Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable took 300 pillows (this time they were a standard size) and sold them all. He also got himself invited to take a spot at the Minnesota State Fair and sold well. This was a revelation. There were dozens of home and garden shows around the country and countless more fairs. “Those are your testing grounds,” he says. A product that works at the fair works, period.
For the next few years, this is basically how the company operated. Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable and a few key salespeople drove around in trucks stuffed full of pillows to sell at fairs. They were all effective, but no one’s pitch—sermon was more like it—moved the merch like Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable’s.
0 notes
weascleys · 7 years
Baby Steps: Chapter 3
Chapter Title: Quidditch Tryouts  Pairing: George Weasley/Donella Stirling (Original Character) Warning(s): none Words: 3985
Chapter Summary: Ella and Katie try out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team during their second year. Fred and George use Ella for one of their schemes.
Notes: Hope you enjoy! Fourth installment to come soon!! (Also, the list of players was in a font that looks like handwriting in the document, it just doesn’t transfer to tumblr or ao3)
“Katie,” Ella said shakily, “I don’t think I can do this.”
“Don’t be silly! Of course you can,” Said Katie.
“No. I think I’m going to vomit.”
Ella and Katie were standing in the large group of Gryffindor students waiting for Quidditch tryouts to begin. Ella was beside herself with glee for weeks when she found out that there were openings on the team once again. But now that the day was actually here Ella couldn’t recall a time that she had felt more nervous. Sure, she had tried out for the team last year, but that was merely for practice! She knew that she wouldn’t make the team because she was a first year. But what if she didn’t make the team this year sheerly because she was awful? What if they told her she was no good? What if they told her to hit the road, to give up Quidditch for good and —
Her fears were cut short as more students in scarlet red Quidditch robes wandered out onto the pitch. It was Oliver Wood, the team Keeper and Captain, Fred and George, the team Beaters, and Angelina Johnson, the team’s only remaining Chaser from last season. Ella’s nerves calmed down considerably when she laid her eyes on Fred and George. Having them there certainly made things easier. They shot her beaming smiles as they approached the large hoard of contenders, Ella included.
“Alright!” Oliver said loudly enough so that everyone could hear him. “Welcome to this year’s Quidditch tryouts, everyone!” He began to pace in front of them all and began his speech. “Quidditch is not for the faint of heart, so if you even suspect for a minute that you can’t handle it, I would suggest that you step out now.” When no one moved, he grinned. “Brilliant! Okay, down to business. We have three positions open and a whole lot of reserve positions open. We need two new Chasers, a new Seeker, and people to fill the reserve positions in case one of gets hurt, or dies.”
A third year girl named Alicia Spinnet next to Ella snorted with laughter. “Bet you he’s bluffing.” And Ella had to stifle a giggle.
Oliver mounted his broom and quickly shot into the air, hovering above all of them. “I’ll be sorting you into mock teams and you’ll have to play each other. That’s how we’ll determine whether or not you have what it takes. We need the absolute best of the best this season, so give it all you got! Do not hold back! We have to win the House Cup this year so I will be watching very, very closely.”
Of course, Ella had been placed on the team opposite of Katie. Part of her, well most of her, was so excited to be playing Quidditch again. But the other part of her was completely mortified because Katie was placed on the “opposing” team! How on earth was she supposed to go against one of her close friends like that? After all, Quidditch was a tough game and Ella wasn’t too keen on playing rough with one of her friends like that.
But regardless, Ella mounted her broom and sprang into the air, ready to play. Oliver sat on his broom, hovering at a good vantage point from which he could watch the entire match. Fred, George and Angelina stood in the middle of the pitch, they were to release the Quaffle, Bludgers, and the Snitch.
Ella glanced up nervous and her eyes met with Katie. Katie gave her a curt nod and mouthed to her, “Do it.” Ella nodded back. They both understood what they needed to do. No holding back. No favoritism. Surely they could do that. Ella took a deep calming breath and tightened her grip around her Cleansweep Six.
“Good luck,” said Fred, winking, and he threw the Quaffle into the air. George unstrapped the two Bludgers and they began to shoot around the field. Angelina unleashed the Golden Snitch and it shot out of sight, the Seekers eyes trying desperately to follow it.
The second that the Quaffle was in the air Ella shot forward and she thanked her lucky stars as she felt her arm secure around it. Good. She had gotten it. Now all she had to do was score. Brilliant. She could do that. She began to weave in and out of other players, dodging other Chasers and just barely evading Bludgers. The Beaters on her team were following her closely, swatting at the Bludgers and kicking other players away to keep them from stopping her.
But, of course, one of the opposing Chasers broke the ranks of the Beaters defending her, and he was closing in on her. She began to panic. The match had just started, she couldn’t screw up now. She could see the whites of the Keeper’s eyes now. She was so close! Ella wanted to score so desperately that she could feel the coppery taste of blood in her mouth from anxiously chewing on her tongue. She wanted to be the one to score the first goal, to impress Oliver. But she knew that it just wasn’t possible right now, the Chaser behind her would intercept her before she got the chance. Her eyes locked with Alicia Spinnet’s on the other side of the posts and they both seemed to understand.
Ella hurled the Quaffle at Alicia and it landed safely in her arms. Ella watched carefully as she began to rush towards Alicia to help defend her. Alicia was approaching the posts. Ducking and weaving and maneuvering in all kinds of directions in order to confuse the Seeker. Alicia chucked the Quaffle. It was flying. It was almost there. Just a bit further now and — YES! The Quaffle had made it into one of the goal posts!
“Hm, that was a good move by Stirling,” said Oliver.
“Agreed,” chorused Fred and George who were now hovering next to Oliver. They did indeed sound a little smug about that.
Ella’s confidence soared unbelievably after her team scored that first goal. She felt a renewed fire in her chest, the need to win. She could feel her competitive attitude ebbing its way into her mind more and more as the game progressed. Suddenly, Oliver Wood didn’t matter. Her friend Katie didn’t matter. Every time Katie scored a goal Ella would get excited, but then the bitter little voice inside of her head would remind her of her priorities. She isn’t your friend. She is the enemy. Ella would cringe at that, but continue on anyways.
The match had been going on for about an hour now and the teams were tied. In all honesty, most of the goals of the game had been scored by Ella, Alicia, and Katie. Oliver was greatly impressed. Especially given the fact that Ella and Katie were only twelve years old. Ella’s muscles were sore and she could feel a bruise forming on her arm from when Katie had checked her in order the deter her from the Chaser about to score against Ella’s team. She didn’t hold it against Katie though. She would have done the same thing if it had been her.
Then Oliver blew his whistle, rather loudly too, and everyone began to descend from the air and land down on the pitch. “Well done, everybody! We’re going to have to make some very tough decisions this season! You’re all free to go. The list of who makes the team will be posted in the common room in tomorrow morning. Thank you!” Oliver ended his speech rather dramatically and everyone made their way to the locker rooms to change out of their Quidditch robes.
Ella stripped the bright scarlet material off of her sweat soaked body and sighed in relief as she felt the cool air hit her damp skin. She didn’t realize how hard she had been working until just now. Her muscles were aching so much and she could practically hear the creaking of her joints as she moved. She pulled on her her sweater, scarf, and jeans and began to walk with Katie back to the castle.
“Blimey, Katie, couldn’t have given me break?” Ella said as she tried to rub away the pain on her arm. “This bruise’ll be here for months!”
Katie scoffed. “Like you held back! You almost knocked me off my broom three times!”
“You had the Quaffle! I couldn’t not try and knock you off!”
The girls dissolved into laughs and playful little shoves as they neared the castle entrance. The weather was starting to get colder so they picked up their pace, their arms wrapped tightly around their bodies to create even the tiniest bit of extra warmth. When they entered the castle through the Middle Courtyard, Cho and Juni were waiting there for them excitedly.
“So?” Juni said anxiously. “How did it go? Did you make it?”
“We won’t know until tomorrow but I think it went well,” Ella said.
“Yeah, honestly we scored most of the goals. Some of the boys seemed like they’d never seen a girl Chaser before!” Katie said, giggling. “It was really funny.”
“Yeah but this other girl, Alicia Spinnet, was brilliant too. Our team wouldn’t have done nearly as well without her. And she’s really  — here she comes now! Oi, Alicia!” Ella called out.
Alicia was walking into the castle, rubbing her hands up and down her arms due to the cold, and smiled at them when her name was called. She jogged over to them. “Hey! You guys did really good out there! I think Oliver was impressed. I hope you guys make the team!” Alicia glanced up at one of the clocks posted around the castle. Well, I’ve got to go. I have a foot of parchment to write for Potions that I want to get done before dinner. But I’ll see you all later!” Alicia called over her shoulder as she walked away.
“Speaking of which,” Ella said straightening her glasses, “we should probably get our assignments done too.” All the others groaned, but Ella was having none of that. “Oh, please! Don’t be babies! Come on, it’ll be fun. Katie and I are going to grab our books and we’ll meet you in the library in twenty minutes, okay?” Everyone agreed and made their way to their dormitories to get their books.
“You really are way too eager to do homework, you know that?” Katie asked her as they walked throughout the castle.
“What? Is it a bad thing that I want to do well in school and I — AGH!” Ella screamed as they rounded the corner.
Fred and George doubled over in laughter after having scared the living daylights out of Ella and Katie. “That was so good!” Fred said between guffaws.
“You should have seen your faces!” George said.
“Oh, you complete assholes Fred and George Weasley! Ella said as she shoved and swatted at them. “You scared me half to death!”
“Language, Donnie!” George chided her.
“Yeah! We’ll have to owl your mother the next time we hear you talking like that!” Fred agreed with a wicked smile on his face.
Ella rolled her eyes. “Right, like you two are saints! You’re gonna owl my mother? Fine, let’s see how your mother reacts when I owl her about all the nonsense that you two get up to when she’s not around.”
The twins looked and her through narrowed eyes. “You wouldn’t.” They said threateningly.
“Oh, but wouldn’t I?” Ella said back with just as much ferocity. Katie’s eyes were darting in between Ella and twins trying to decide if they were messing around or if they were actually going to start fighting.
“Hm, touché,” Fred said, the tension in his shoulders melting away. “Anywho, we actually need your help with something.”
“I will not be helping you do anything that is going to get me into trouble,” said Ella, crossing her arms and tapping her foot impatiently.
Katie gently tugged on her arm. “C’mon, Ella. Let’s just go.”
“Wait, hang on!” Said George hastily. “We really need your help, Donnie.”
“What could you possibly need my help with? And stop calling me Donnie!”
“We need your help with our Confusing Concoction, you see,” Said Fred.
George continued, “We’ve been up in our dorm for the past three nights trying to get a brew that will actually work and we just can’t seem to get it to thicken. We were hoping you could help us brew it this time. You’ve always been good at potions.”
Once again, Ella’s eyes rolled. “Don’t you two ever pay attention in class? Wait ten minutes and if it doesn’t thicken then just add more leech juice,” Ella said as if it was the most obvious solution and began to stroll away with Katie. But she abruptly stopped and turned on her heel. “Wait! What are you two doing brewing a potion outside of class?!”
“No need to say anymore, we’ve got what we need now. Thanks, Ellie!” Fred said as they began to run down the opposite corridor before Ella could rip their heads off.
Ella stomped her foot angrily. “Oh, those two! They always somehow force information out of me! Now whatever they’re using that potion for is going to be entirely my fault!”
“I wouldn’t exactly say that they ‘forced it’ out of you, Ella. If I didn’t know you better I’d say that you wanted to help them with that potion.” Katie said, smirking at her friend.
Ella’s freckled face turned bright red. “Me? Want to help them cause trouble? You must have taken a few too many knocks to the head out there, Katie. I would never.” And Ella strode ahead of Katie stubbornly.
Katie caught up to her quickly. “How’d you even know about that potion anyways? We don’t start learning Confusing Concoctions until next year.”
“I read a lot of Potion books,” Ella said with a shrug.
“You really are too eager, Ella.”
Katie, Ella, Cho, and Juni spent the next couple of hours in the library doing homework and studying for tests. Ella, Cho, and Katie were grumbling nasty insults about Professor Snape while they wrote their papers for Potions.
“He really isn’t all bad, you know,” Juni said.
Ella scoffed. “Yeah, maybe not to you. You’re a Slytherin. Everyone knows that Snape is partial to Slytherin students.”
“Oh no!” Juni said. “Don’t get me wrong, I think Snape’s a right git too, but there are worse people in Slytherin than him.”
“Like who?” Cho asked.
Juni looked around as if she was afraid someone would hear her. She leaned in and whispered, “Have any of you had the pleasure of meeting Draco Malfoy yet?” When the other girls shook their heads she continued. “Well, he’s a really nasty boy. He really has it out for people like me.”
“People like you?” Katie asked her.
“Yeah. Mudbloods.” The words rolled off of Juni’s tongue as if they were poison. “He hates them. Thinks that we’re the most disgraceful thing to ever happen to the wizarding world. And he makes it very hard to forget that I have muggle parents.” Juni looked away as if she was going to cry.
“Stop it!” Ella said heatedly. “To hell with Draco Malfoy! You’re a brilliant witch, Juni. You have other friends in your house right?” Juni nodded. “Then stick with them when you aren’t with us, and if he ever gives you any flack about being Muggle-born then you come to me straight away and I’ll take care of it.”
Juni sniffed and nodded again, rubbing her eyes. She looked down at her watch and her eyes widened. “Blimey, we’re going to be late for dinner! We’ve got to go!” All the girls scrambled to get all their belongings so they could get back to their dorms to change back into their robes. In Ella’s opinion, it was completely ludicrous that they had to wear their full uniforms just to eat a meal.  
Ella’s wrist caught Juni’s before they went their separate ways, Ella to Gryffindor Tower and Juni to the Dungeons. She pulled her into a hug. “I love you, you know.”
Juni hugged her back. “I know. I love you too.”
Ella looked at her critically for a few moments and Juni asked her, “What?”
“Oh nothing, I just think you’re gonna do something amazing one day. Maybe be the Minister of Magic or something.”
“Yeah right! Get out of here, you lunatic!” Juni said while laughing and pushed Ella towards the stairs. She made her way towards the dungeon, clutching her books. Now that Ella had planted the idea in her head, she gave it some thought. Her? The Minister of Magic? She walked into the Slytherin common room, happily gnawing her lip and ignoring Malfoy’s shouted slurs at her.
Ella was eating her dinner quite contently, the crowd around her was bigger than normal. Tonight she wasn’t just eating with Katie. Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet were now sitting by them, eagerly chatting up a storm about Quidditch and how Alicia suspected that Angelina had a crush on Fred.
Ella was talking rather animatedly the Scottish Quidditch team. “Honestly, it’s embarrassing how lousy they’ve been recently! At this rate they’re never going to —” She was cut off when Fred and George swooped in on either side of her and pressed very wet and very loud kisses to each of her cheeks. “Ew!” Ella exclaimed as she wiped their spit off of her face. “What the bloody hell was that for!?”
“It worked,” Fred said, obviously pleased.
“On the first try, actually,” George said, equally as pleased.
“What worked?” Ella seethed. She wasn’t exactly ecstatic that her nice dinner had been interrupted. All the girls around her were trying to stifle their giggles as they watch smoke practically shooting out of Ella’s ears.
“The potion of course!” George said as he and Fred sat themselves on either side of Ella, forcing Katie and Angelina to move over.
Ella groaned and her head fell into her hands, her fingers tugging at her red hair. “Merlin, you two are going to get me expelled one of these days.”
“Not if we don’t tell on you,” Fred said with a wink.
“You’re the absolute worst, both of you,” Ella said as she chugged her pumpkin juice.
“Maybe,” said George, pretending to ponder to her snide comment. “But you love us.”
Ella snorted. “Yeah, you wish, Weasley.”
Fred and George started to load up their own plates with food and joined in on the girls’ conversation about Quidditch, the topic of Angelina’s alleged crush on Fred was quickly expunged though. They talked, ate, and laughed for about another hour before they all felt the weight of the day start to make them drowsy.
As they walked to Gryffindor tower Ella was desperately trying to get Fred and George to tell her if she had made the team. “Please? I swear I won’t tell a soul! Not even Juni!”
“Oh? And what happened to following the rules?”
“Yeah, we aren’t allowed to say a single thing!”
Ella narrowed her eyes, much like they had done to her earlier. “And when have you two ever been fond of following rules?”
Fred slung an arm around her. “We’ve never been fond of that, but you, Ellie, are very fond of following rules. We must keep you pure.”
“Right you are, Freddie,” George agreed. “It’s our job to keep you respectable, Donnie,”
Ella shrugged Fred’s off of her and told the password to the Fat Lady and strode into the common room. “As if! And would please stop calling me that, George Weasley!”
“Stop calling me by my full name and we’ll talk.”
Ella tugged at her hair again. “You two are honestly just so infuriating!”
“You know, you can keep saying that, but that won’t make it true,” Fred said as he plopped himself down in one of the squatty armchairs. Ella huffed in annoyance but sat down in a nearby armchair as well.
“See what we mean?” George asked with a smile. “If you really found us so irritating then you would march right up to your dormitory with Katie and leave us alone, but you don’t.”
Ella tried to scowl at them, her arms and legs crossed and a stern expression on her face, but she couldn’t. Her face dissolved into a defeated smile. “Alright, I’ll bite. You caught me.” She ran her hand through her and then pointed her finger at them accusingly. “I do like your company but you cannot tell me that you don’t try to push my buttons.”
“Oh, we definitely do,” George agreed.
Fred laughed. “You just make it so easy, Ellie! We can’t help it.”
Ella fell into laughter with them too. These were the moments with Fred and George that she loved. When there wasn’t really anyone else around and the three of them could just make jokes and talk and laugh together. Ella spent about an hour with them in the common room before she looked at her watch and her heart almost stopped.
“Merlin! It’s getting so late! I’ve got to go upstairs and finish my Potions essay or Snape will have my head!” Without even saying goodnight Ella dashed up the stairs to the girls dormitory, Fred and George’s laughs following her.
“Ella!” Katie shouted as she tried to shake her friend awake. “Come on, get up! The list is posted! The list is posted!”
Ella slowly lifted her head off of her pillow, wiping the drool off her cheek. “What?” She smacked her lips together groggily.
Katie rolled her eyes. “The list for the Quidditch team! Come on!” She grabbed Ella’s hand and dragged her out of bed.
Ella had never been a morning person, especially when she had been up half the night finishing a Potions essay, but that really kicked her into gear. “Um — Merlin, okay,” she mumbled frantically as she tied her ginger hair into a very messy bun, pulling her robes on haphazardly. Katie was waiting by the door the whole time, bouncing anxiously on her toes.
Katie and Ella rushed down the stairs to the common room, it wasn’t very crowded, mostly everyone had gone down to breakfast. They stood in front of the list, which seemed to be in Oliver’s handwriting, and scanned it for their names.
Reserve Chasers:
Alicia Spinnet
Thomas Gallagher
Jasmine Maxter
Reserve Beaters:
Mark Lucas
Joseph Chen
Reserve Keeper:
Hayley Rudford
Angelina Johnson
Katie Bell
Donella Stirling
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Keeper (and Captain):
Oliver Wood
“Katie…” Ella said in a dreamy voice.
“Ella…” Katie said just as airily.
“WE MADE IT!” Ella exclaimed as she threw her arms Katie. “I CAN’T BELIEVE WE’VE ACTUALLY DONE IT!” The two girls were clutching each other as if their lives depended on it.
“I KNOW!” Katie yelled happily. They continued to scream and jump up and down excitedly until a sixth year girl came down from the dormitories and told them to “Keep it down, will you?! Some of us are trying to sleep in!”
They quieted down, but still spoke in hushed and excited voices. “Wait,” Katie said, looking at the list again, “there’s no Seeker on this list.” She lifted it up to check the backside. “That’s odd.”
“That’s impossible,” Ella said. “There’s no way we won’t have a Seeker. Woods probably just wants to reveal it as some big secret weapon, you know how he is.”
Ella and Katie made their way down to the Great Hall, giggling and beaming the whole time. Ella could tell that she was going to have a hard time concentrating in any class today. She was going to be way too busy fantasizing about Quidditch.
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