#deamus brotp
rosemelodyshah · 1 year
I saw @moonynpads doing this and decided to make my own
Harry Potter Ship Tier List
My opinion
OTP: Prongsfoot
Love: Marylily, Hinny, FleamontxEuphemia
Cute: Deamus, Dorlene, Fralice,
Like: Nuna, Bleur, Lavrati, Tedromea Drastoria, AuthurxMolly, Harmione
BROTP: Romione, Wolfstar, Remily, Huna, Niny, Jily
Okay: Grindledore
Ehh: OlympexHagrid, Jeddy
Cringe: Bellamort, Rovendar, Vikmione, Charry
Can't see: Dramione, Dron, Drarry, All ships which has Sibling/Sibling, All ships containg overage/underage, Snilly.
Hate With a passion: Jeverus, Jegulus, Romantic Jily, Romantic Wolfstar, blackinnon, Romantic Snilly.
I have repeated Wolfstar, Snilly and Jily with romantic because I truly can't see it and honestly can't stand it. I also can't stand Jegulus and Jeverus.
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
Day 23, Post #1 by @adenei
Title: Wipeout
Author: adenei
Pairing: Dean & Seamus BrOTP
Prompt: Brother from another Mother
Rating: T
TW: implied injuries from silly game show stunts, language
“You sure about this, mate?” Seamus is looking at the gigantic, slick obstacle course laid out in front of them.
  Cushy gears are spinning every which way in the distance, while platforms are sprayed with foam and soap, as if the challenge of getting to the other side isn’t already made harder by the random blocks that push out when you least expect it. There’s no way they will ever make it across without falling into the water… or is that the secret point to the competition?
  Seamus thinks about how he can finagle getting through the course by using discrete traces of magic, but he knows it’s implausible without carrying his wand in his hand.
  Dean laughs, and Seamus can’t tell if there’s a nervous tint in it or not. “Yeah, mate. It can’t be that bad, right?”
  Just as he says it, though, their attention is pulled back to the course, where a competitor takes a leap to the next platform, and only half her body makes it. Her head hits the platform as her torso crashes into the side, and the embedded springs send her body flying backwards as she tumbles to the water like a lifeless puppet.
  “Bloody buggering hell, is she even alive?” Seamus mutters to Dean with wide eyes.
  “Yeah, I reckon she’s fine. People wouldn’t sign up for this if they were risking death. The prize isn’t that significant. Plus, it makes for a good laugh on the telly.”
  “Excuse me, we just need you to sign these waivers before you take your turn on the course,” an attendant approaches them with a clipboard and pen. He points to the ‘x’ where they need to sign as Seamus glares at him, becoming more and more skeptical about the course they are about to encounter.
  “Just protocol,” Dean scribbles his name and holds out the pen for Seamus. “It’s not like anyone’s actually died from this.”
  It’s not that Seamus is cautious when it comes to dangerous activities. Hell, he has a knack for pyrotechnics and blowing things up. But he was drunk when Dean suggested they apply for the popular game show. He’s pretty sure they only got the call because they’d filled out the applications in their drunken state, which probably made them better candidates for TV personalities.
  Seamus repeats the mantra of ‘you only live once’ as he grabs the pen from Dean and signs under his name. 
  Let’s do this.
  The pair pay close attention as other teams work their way through the first course. No one has made it to the end without falling in the water at least once, and as he’s hyping himself up, Seamus is confident he can do this without getting wet.
  “Okay, we’ve got this. I think it’s best if we just keep moving, that way, those stupid pieces can’t get us since it looks like there’s no rhyme or reason to when they punch out.”
  “Those giant balls are going to be the toughest, I think,” Dean observes as Seamus sniggers.
  “Finnigan and Thomas, you’re up!” a man holding up a megaphone calls.
  They’ve already given their interviews, so now it’s time to ascend to the top of the platform, where Dean will go first and Seamus will follow.
  “Remember, we just have to make the top twelve to move on,” Dean reminds him.
  “Easier than a niffler stealing gold.”
  Dean takes the starting platform first, as Seamus waits on the step for further direction. When the horn sounds, Dean disappears from sight as he slides down the human pinball course. Seamus watches on the big screen that’s filming Dean’s run, and it looks smooth until his friend’s side bashes into one of the poles. He recovers quickly and finishes his descent, scrambling to his feet to run up to the knockout platform. 
  A wall of red boxing gloves punch out at random times, and Dean starts out strong, dodging the gloves as if he were dodging bludgers during a quidditch match. One catches his foot as he leaps for the platform, and Seamus sucks in a sharp inhale, thinking Dean’s about to fall into the water. Dean manages to grasp onto the platform, saving himself from an imminent fall and consequential deduction.
  Next up are the big red bouncy balls, and Seamus bites his knuckles in anticipation. If either of them is going to fuck up, it’s right here. Dean wastes no time getting a running start before he takes a gigantic leap. His right foot hits the center of the first ball, and he springs off it to the second. The run is flawless as his left foot vaults him off the second, but when his right foot lands on the third ball, he’s off-center, causing his balance to shift, and he slips.
  Seamus grinds his teeth as he watches Dean’s body hit the ball and propels forward. Somehow, Dean manages to land on the fourth ball, and he’s grasping at the smooth surface. 
  “Use your feet, use your feet!” Seamus shouts to anyone who’s listening.
  If Dean had only kicked his legs back, he could have caught himself and saved the run, but instead, his body bounces off the fourth ball, and Seamus watches as he tumbles to the water, causing a giant splash as he lands in starfish formation on his back.
  That’s gonna hurt tomorrow.
  They take the one-minute deduction that’s applied to any competitor who falls in the water, and Seamus gets ready for his run. As soon as the horn sounds, he’s unaware of what’s happening. One second he’s standing, and the next, he’s luging down a slick mat, giant red pillars blocking his path no matter how he twists his body. His only thought is to keep his legs together, so he doesn’t get nutted by any of the obstacles. He has no sense of time as he scrambles to his feet and ascends to the punching platform, tearing across the thin beam as fast as his feet will let him. 
  Three-quarters of the way through, he manages to pump the brakes before a high glove takes out his head, but that doesn’t stop another from hitting him square in the chest with two steps to the platform. With adrenaline pumping through his veins, Seamus does the only thing he can think of, his flailing arms reach out and somehow grab onto another protruding glove as the force of his body swings around. His feet hit the platform, and he lets go, collapsing onto the mat.
  Cheers are coming from the stands at his miraculous save, which spur him on. Even though he feels like he’s been run over by the Hogwarts Express, he stands and shakes his arms out, staring down the red balls that took Dean out minutes ago. He follows in his best friend’s footsteps, getting a running start. The obstacle is completed in a flash; the only thing Seamus remembers is the feeling of flying without a broom and hitting the massive balls less than a second apart. He can’t believe he made it!
  Now, it’s just the rope swing. Seamus is sure he can hear Dean screaming his head off as he grabs the rope and gains momentum with another running start. His hands slide down and burn from the rope as he’s flying in the air, but Seamus holds on for dear life, only letting go once both feet have touched down. He slams his hand down on the red buzzer before throwing his arms up, whooping in victory.
  Seamus bends over, hands on his knees as he catches his breath before he’s ushered down the steps and onto the lawn where a correspondent is waiting. He barely makes it off the stairs when Dean barrels into him, tackling him to the ground in a bear hug.
  “Wow, what a bromance we have here, folks!” Seamus can hear the correspondent say to the crowd, which cheers again.
  The excitement is short-lived, though, because less than an hour later, they find themselves having to choose who will play on the Sweeper Crusher.
  “You crushed the first round. You should do it,” Dean insists.
  “No, mate, I think it should be you. Your balance is better than mine. Plus, you're way better at spotting things out of the corner of your eye.”
  “You made the team in sixth year, not me. It’s gotta be you, mate.”
  It’s true. Seamus knows his balance is shit, and Dean poses the better shot of the two, and ultimately he agrees. Before he ascends the platform, they hug, and Seamus pats him on the back. 
  “You’ve got this mate, go kick some arse!”
  As Dean takes his position on the small circular platform, Seamus watches the event unfurl. Dean is methodical in his wait to jump onto the rotating beam, and he has to be because his position just so happens to be where the bars overlap with the beam, making it ten times as hard to be successful. Annoyance bubbles up in Seamus at the unfairness of his partner’s position, but there’s nothing they can do.
  In the end, Dean takes a leap, but it’s not enough to save him as the crusher bar sweeps him right off the beam and into the water. Seamus is upset, of course, but they drunkenly signed up for the game show for fun, and deep down, he never expected to win. He wouldn’t switch the experience for anything else in the world and would absolutely do it again if given the chance.
  Dean climbs out of the water, head hanging low as he approaches.
  “I’m sorry, mate.”
  “Don’t be! If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t even be here! And it was bloody brilliant!” Dean grins as Seamus holds out his hand. They clap hands and pull the other in for a bro hug and pat on the back.
  As they are ushered toward the competitor’s tent, Seamus asks the all-important question. “I could get used to being on the muggle telly. So, what game show should we sign up for next?”
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headcanonsandmore · 6 years
Some anime spin-off ideas for Harry Potter;
A historical drama about the four founders of Hogwarts
A romantic comedy about Lavender and Parvati sharing a flat in muggle London, and slowly falling in love with each other. 
A slice-of-life comedy that’s just Harry and Ron mucking around in the Gryffindor Common Room. 
A mockumentary about the Gryffindor Quidditch team and the post-Hogwarts lives of it’s members. 
A comedy-drama about Ron becoming a partner at WWW after the war, and helping George grieve for Fred. 
‘Ron-Punch Man’. 
A workplace comedy about Hermione’s juniors in the MoM trying to annoy her. 
A romance about Seamus and Dean dealing with their feelings for each other. 
Harry and Ginny flirting with each-other whilst playing Quidditch; a twelve episode series. 
Ron and Hermione going on dates in museums and art galleries. It’s partly educational, and partly Ron making Hermione blush from whispering certain things in her ear. 
The golden and silver trio’s surfing Tumblr, and laughing out loud at all the weird ships about them. 
Harry, Ron and Hermione watching the HP film series à la Mystery Science Theatre 3000. 
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sarahsversi0n · 4 years
Reacting to some HP Ships
Hinny: I love it. So pure. Awesome
Romione: I love it. Friends to Lovers smut here i come
Drarry: Um i used to ship but its hella toxic
Dramione: Hi guys, welcome back to ships I hate more than life
Dron: N-O-P-E
Harmione: No. They were friends. FRIENDS.
Rarry: Kinda ship ngl
Nuna: I mean...i ship it a bit so0000
Deamus: It's canon and jk is to much of a dope to see it
Wolfstar: same as deamus
Snagrid: thats gonna need a big bed also no just no
Snarry: nope throw in in the trash
Snarmione: mom mom im scared
Sron: peace guys im leaving social media
Snape x anyone: he deserved to die alone
Fremione: help me im in lurveeeee with my brothers best friend kinda weird
Herminny: Not against in but there my brotp
Luna x Theo: remember when theo and luna talked to each other? i don't either
lunarry/huna: Okay. Like it.
Hermione x Luna: Sure its alright
Runa: This one doesn't feel right
Chomione: I saw some really cute fan art for this. I want more but its okay
Cho x Ginny: Kissing while fighting over harry
Pansmione: Gender-flipped drarry, nice fan art tho
Blon: rip off drarry wtf
Percy x Oliver: YESS! Needs more fanfic and fan art
Flintwood: Nope nope NOPE
Dransy: Its okay i guess i mean kinda just a brotp
Albus x Minerva: there is like an 100 year difference between them
Ron x Ginny: sweet home alabama
Bill x Charlie: first of all, sweet home alabama. second of all, charlies dragon sexual
Fred x George: WTF WTF WTF sweet home alabama sweet home alabama
Lavender x Parvati: yes yes yes please but parvati's mine thou lavender srry
Minmione: wtf
Ginsy: nope nope im goooooooood
Ginetrix: Haha. oh wait. you were serious. oh no
Ginadora: NOPe
Fleurmione: not to shabby
Fleurdora: such a boss aesthetic for this omg
Doramione: i dont like this one
Cissamione: no
Bellamione: NOOOOPE
Pottermort: DO you feel me, tom? do you feel me inside of you?
Starbucks: brotp
Snupin: so yeah welcome to my blog, todays ep. is called telling everyone my husbands' a werewolf!!
Pansy x Ron: nOoOoOoOoOOooooo
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My opinion on HP ships
Hinny: I ship it like 60% of the time 
Romione: it’s cute, idk
Drarry: yes but also no but also yes??
Dramione: I like it more than I used to but I still don’t really like it
Rarry: idk. they’re bros but bros can date 
Starbucks: brotp
Remadora: how about no
Bleur: idk they’re cute i don’t really have a set opinion
Luna/Rolf: idk no opinion
Neville/Hannah: eh no
Nuna: YES bro I literally thought they were going to end up together this is for real one of my otps
Lucissa: They both suck but they can suck together </3
Teddy/Victore: nah bro Teddy’s gay asf
Jily: Not an opinion really. Sure.
Ninny: It was one time, guys. Just stop 
Fremione: I? Don’t? Get? It?
Drapple: Lmao.
Weasley child/Weasley child: STOP THE INCEST, FANDOM. GEEZ.
Molly/Arthur: obviously!!! perfect
Oliver/Marcus: nope. let’s not
Pansmione: eh i could take it or leave it
Linny: I used to ship it a lot, now idk ‘cause I ship Luna more with Neville
Draco/Ron: can we not?
Snape/anyone: let’s not do this right now 
Hedric: yes. they should have been together
Charry: they’re just friends Cho just likes third-wheeling w/ Cedric and Harry fight me
Cho/Cedric: again, they were just friends
Lunarry: no. not a strong no but still a no. they were friends
Lily/Remus: no they were friends
Grindledore: this is literally canon at this point lmao
Fleurmione: eh. idk. saw some good art but not really feeling this one
Chomione: they didn’t interact enough for me to really be able to ship them
Flintwood: no shut up Oliver is dating Percy we already established this 
Dumbledore/Minerva: again, they were just friends. also albus is like 200 lmao
Gimione: i don’t really see Ginny with anyone to be honest so no
Jegulus: I ship it. Like seriously can you imagine a double date between these two and Remus and Sirius? Absoloute mayhem lmao 
this is just my opinion, ship freely people. everyone’s opinion is valid (unless it involves incest or creepy things happening)  :)
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hinnyfied · 2 years
salty asks - 2& 11??
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
Dean and Seamus! I like the ship and have read some good fics with Deamus, but in my own HC, I just don't quite see it. Just adorable BFFs in my book.
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Hmm. I don't think I like any characters that are super divisive, but I suppose maybe Fleur? I love her even though she can be a bit horrid at times. She has her moments, but she's incredibly brave!
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xiu21chen99 · 5 years
Imagine your OTP
*Person C interviewing A & B*
C: if you were in a room so dark you can't even see your hand if you put it in front of your face, what d'you do?
A: I-
B: he would smile because he's an angel, and everyone knows angels light up when they smile.
A: *blushing*
C: holy sh—
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thathuffgurlsart · 4 years
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I made a tier list of different HP Ships!
In case it’s too small I’ll name each ship in order from top to bottom. Some Idk the ship name for so I’ll just name them. These are purely MY opinions.
OTPs: Wolfstar and Scorbus
Love: Jily, Hedric, Hinny, Romione and Drastoria
Cute: Tedoire, Deamus, Nuna, Bleur, HannahxNeville, and ArthurxMolly
Like: LuciusxNarcissa, Remdora, Dransy, Vikmione, Lavarti
BROTPS: Starbucks, RonxHarry, Harmione, RemusxLily, gredandforge, and huna
Okay: Flintwood, Chedric, OlympexHagrid, OliverxHarry, Fremione, Jeddy, Drarry
Ehh: Charry, Linny, Grindledore
Cringe: Drapple, Bellamort, Rovender and Tomarry
Can’t See It: Pansmione, Drinny, Dron, PercyxOliver, and Scorose
Hate With a Passion: Snily and Dramione
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moonynpads · 4 years
harry potter ship tier list
(my own opinion of course)
OTP: wolfstar
Love: scorbus, drarry, jily, romione
Cute: deamus, jeddy, percyxoliver, linny, dorlene, fralice
Like: hedric, bleur, arthurxmolly, larvati
BROTP: hinny, starbucks, nuna, romxharry, harmione, remusxlily
Okay: nevillexhannah, oliverxharry, luciusxnarcissa, pansmione
Ehh: drastoria, chedric, grindledore, tedoire, olympexhagrid, scorose
Cringe: drapple, bellamort, rovender
Can’t See: vikmione, drinny, flintwood, dron, fremione, dramione, charry, tomarry
Hate with a Passion: remadora, dransy, snily, blackinnon
tagging anyone who wants to make their own!
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lytefoot · 5 years
seamus finnigan for the ask?
favorite thing about them: Seamus gets completely and automatically forgiven for doubting Harry in OotP. Like, he did give an awkward muttered apology, but there was no grudge-holding, no doubting his sincerity, it’s all good. He’s fighting with the rest of Gryffindor in DH, and that’s just natural and assumed.
least favorite thing about them: Seamus has this really thin characterization in the books. (On the other hand, the movies took one (1) instance of him having an accident with fire and decided, “Oh, he’s the Guy Who Blows Things Up,” and we as a fandom just ran with that. I love that.)
favorite line: You haven’t got a wand — ? (Okay, seriously, the entire interaction with Dean and Seamus at the end of DH is seriously underrated. I’m also quite partial to the “Boom!” sequence in the movies.)
brOTP: Err... we don’t really see Seamus hanging out with anyone but Dean in canon, but I’m imagining Seamus and Luna being grumpy pining buddies when Ginny and Dean were dating.
OTP: Deamus, hands down.
nOTP: None in particular, but there’s a thing I see in a lot of fic where Seamus gets randomly paired up with the leftover from a canon couple that’s been broken up to make a ship go, and... not a fan, because he always ends up being... “Oh, uh, that guy over there!” (I’m particularly not a fan of Ginny/Seamus for some reason. Maybe because that would mean Ginny’s dated every Gryffindor boy in Harry’s year except her brother, and... I mean, when Ginny says she’s slept with most of Gryffindor she’s exaggerating.)
random headcanon: Dean and Seamus both got recruited by the Aurors in the big push after the war, but Seamus retired from the force when they’d rebuilt their strength to stay at home with the kids. 
unpopular opinion: I don’t know what would constitute an unpopular Seamus opinion, other than thinking he wasn’t into Dean, and, well.
song i associate with them: Okay, so I’m 0 for 3 on songs today.
favorite picture of them: Pictures, too.
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hug--warts · 7 years
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moodboard: deamus
requested by the lovely @quirkyreader. hope you like it 💖 - i’ve always seen seamus and dean as the brotp/otp hybrid couple! a bit stoner-y, like going out, cold pizza for breakfast; hangovers in bed; hate authority.
✨   got a moodboard request? send me an ask and I’ll do the best that I can ✨
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gingertodgers · 7 years
11, 12, 13, and 14 for the asks (if that's not too greedy)
It’s about as greedy as I am for Deamus (very) (I love it, don’t stop)
11. Who is your current OTP?
Drarry to read BUT if good old JK offered to make any pairing of my choosing canon I would go for Dean/Seamus every single time.
They deserve it, you know? Running into each other’s arms at the Battle of Hogwarts, Seamus writing letters to Dean while Dean was on the run, I just… I just…
12. Who is your current OT3?
It use to be WolfStarBucks bc the name, but I just read a A++++ side trio of James/Lily/Regulus in a wolfstar fic called ‘stay soft but don’t be gentle’ and it’s given me some good feelings.
13. Any NoTPs?
Deep breath:
Voldy/AnyoneSnape/AnyoneLuna/Neville (please, just let Luna be an ace lesbian in love with her wonderful wife, Ginny Weasley)I also get iffy about crossgen and incest ships bc I am super uptight 🙃
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
Another deep breath:
All the couples (life hack: fall in love with your best friend/s)Draco + PansyHarry + RonHarry + GeorgeGeorge + LeeLee + LunaGinny + Everybody
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marauder--harder · 7 years
HP Q&A Tag!
I was tagged by the lovely @lovelysiriuss and @seriouslyblacklikemysoul ( THANK YOU!)
Marvel or DC? Marvel
Favorite of the silver trio (Neville, Luna, Ginny)? Neville
Favorite of the fantastic quartet? Haven’t read the book or seen the movie yet :/
OTP? Jily, Blackinnon, Ronmione, Deamus
NOTP? Remione, Snily, Dramione
BROTP? James and Sirius (Starbucks, I believe?), Harry and Ron 
Hinny or Linny? Porque no las dos?
Patil or Weasley twins? Weasley twins
Dursleys or Malfoys? Malfoys
Favorite HP book? Half Blood Prince
Favorite HP movie? Sorcerer’s Stone
Favorite Musical? Newsies, Book of Mormon, or Grease
Tea or Coffee? Coffee
Favorite Movie? The Cat in the Hat don’t @ me
Favorite band/artist? At the moment it is Logic.
Favorite book series? to be cliche, Harry Potter 
Favorite stand alone book? The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Favorite YouTuber? The only person I watch consistently is Philip DeFranco
Celebrity Crush? Matthew Gray Gubler and Ben Barnes
Fictional death you’re not over? Fred Weasley and Hedwig
Favorite TV show? M*A*S*H, Grimm, Smallville 
Book you loved as a child? Age 2-6: Hop on Pop
Age 6-12: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Cats or dogs? Dogs I tag: @goblackhatwithme, @felelotlen-felhotlen, @siriusblackfoot, @hogwarts-school, and @obscurilicious
(Sorry for any confusion, this posted early and I had to quickly edit it!)
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Saw this and wanted to do it marvel or dc? Marvel favourite of the ___ trio (luna, neville, ginny)? Luna favourite of the fantastic quartet? I've only seen it once but I love Queenie otp? Drarry, Fremione, Wolfstar and deamus notp? Any teen/adult (such as snarry) cause ew and Harmione cause it ruins the point that they found the siblings they never had brotp? James and Sirius cause yes and Draco and Luna cause I think she'd be good for him hinny or linny? Linny patil or weasley twins? Weasley twins dursleys or malfoys? Malfoy favourite hp book? Half-blood prince / goblet of fire favourite hp movie? Prisoner of azkaban favourite musical? Les Misérables tea or coffee? tea favourite movie? Aladdin favourite band/artist? Right now it's Little Mix favourite book series? Harry Potter favourite stand alone book? So many but if I had to pick one I would say the weight of silence favourite YouTuber? Joe Santagoto celebrity crush? Tom Hiddleston fictional death you’re not over? Fred, Gus, Mufasa tbh favourite tv show? Game of Thrones book you loved as a child? Nancy Drew cats or dogs? Cats. But I love both I tag those who see this and want to do it cause I don't really talk to anyone on here which is sad
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nevernotwizarding · 7 years
I was tagged by the oh so gentle @padfoot-chamallow-black, coming to the rescue to my little i-don’t-know-anybody-here self.
Marvel or Dc ?
Marvel. I’ve been reading Deadpool for years, and watching their movies in my bed, eating cereals, when i’m feeling down. Fun fact: The comic book store where buy my Deadpool comics is on the “street of the virgins” (rue des Pucelles) and being the mature adult I am, I find it hilarious.
Favorite of the silver trio (Luna, Neville or Ginny) ?
Luna. I’ve always liked the dreamers.
Favorite of the Fantastic Quartet ?
I’m stuck. I love Newt and I feel that seing a movie where the male protagonist is soft and kind and always try to avoid conflict is so refreshing. But Queenie makes my heart melt every time I see her.
Wolfstar, Ronmione, Deamus, Jily
Anything involving Snape or Gilderoy Lockhart.
Hinny or Linny ?
Patil or Weasley twins?
Dursleys or Malfoys ?
Malfoys I think, this is a tough one.
Favorite HP books ?
Prisoner of Azkaban
Favorite HP movies ?
Prisoner of Azkaban
Favorite musical ?
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Tea or Coffee ?
Favorite Movie ?
Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind, although right now one of the movies which made me feel the happier is Swiss Army Man.
Favorite band/artist
Okay, I have this weird thing where I don’t feel confortable talking about my music taste.But what I can say without feeling weird is that I always walk in the street listening to music and I just make up little scenarios with every song and truly the music I like the best is the one that makes the better stories. 
Favorite book series ?
Harry Potter (duh), everything Daniel Pennac wrote about the Malaussène family, I don’t read a lot of book series anymore, I should start again. 
Favorite stand alone book ?
Rant by Palahniuk & La Nuit Juste Avant les Forêts by Bernard-Marie Koltès
Favorite Youtuber ?
I watch a lot of videos by The School of Life and at the moment I’m kind of fascinated by Emilia Fart.
Celebrity Crush ?
Lake Bell, Ezra Miller, Shailene Woodley, joe Dempsie
Fictional death you’re not over ?
Sirius and Fred
And realising that none of the Marauders survived.
Favorite TV show ?
Too much of them but Parks and Recreation & Rupaul’s Drag Race I guess.
Book you loved as a child ?
Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, Peggy Sue et les fantômes, Molly Moon, Hermux Tantamoq
Cats or dogs ?
Cats all the way.
I don’t know if it’s because I never really knew a dog or grew up with one but I don’t care for them.
OKAY so now is the time to tag great people !
@the-frustrated-muggleborn @the-fake-geek-girl @asklilyluna @asklunaloovegood it’s ya turn, muggle.
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yellowcorp · 7 years
@accio-fred-weasley tagged me here so yeah lol
Marvel or Dc?
I’ve been very into DC rn so that woud be my answer.
Favorite of the silver trio (Luna, Neville or Ginny)? Neville <3 but also Luna and Ginny and idk I love them all.
Favorite of the Fantastic Quartet? Queenie. <3 but I also see a bit of what I like about myself in Newt, so.
OTP? Supercorp 7u7 but also Wolfstar, Deamus and Jily.
NOTP? Snape x Lily, or anything that involves Umbridge, Voldemort and those crazy shits of incest between the Weasleys xd
BROTP? Harry x Hermione
Hinny or Linny? Linny hehehe, but I like Hinny xd
Patil or Weasley twins? Weasley <3
Dursleys or Malfoys? I guess Malfoys ?) idk, both are like the same, but Dursleys have no magic and Malfoys do and also I suppose they have more money than the D’s xd
Favorite HP books? Prisoner of Azkaban
Favorite HP movies? Prisoner of Azkaban x2
Favorite musical? Mame will always own my heart
Tea or Coffee? Tea 7u7
Favorite Movie? Bad Moms, 27 dresses, Wonder Woman, The Back-up Plan, Moulin Rouge
Favorite band/artist
Umm... DNCE, Demi Lovato, Nick Jonas, Natalia Lafourcade, Rawayana, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, Panteón Rococó, Molotov, Café Tacvba
Favorite book series? Harry Potter, Night School, Delirium (at least what I’ve read lol)
Favorite stand alone book?
The Book Thief, Shoot me, I’m already dead, Battles in the desert
Favorite Youtuber?
I’m not into youtubers 
Celebrity Crush? Katie McGrath, Gal Gadot, Matt Lewis, Joe Jonas
Fictional death you’re not over? Lexie Grey, Mark Sloan & Fred Weasley
Favorite TV show? Supergirl The Flash, Merlin, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Glee
Book you loved as a child? When I was a child I didn’t like books xd but I would read Snow White, Rapunzel and 2 other short stories with my mom lol
Cats or dogs? Dogs and kittens lol
I tag @charlieweesley, @defiled-diadem @aurrorevans & @traveler-of-heart
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