#“so long” its only 3k words lets not exaggerate
vrmxlho · 1 year
who wants to read my reo fic draft 😥
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f1fanatic29 · 1 year
dinner dreams - daniel ricciardo
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daniel ricciardo x f1 driver!reader [3k]
summary: after receiving a delayed invitation to sebastians retirement dinner, strange feelings arise after a run in with the infamous honey badger.
warnings:none, just bad writing lmao
a/n: first time posting on here, please me kind but also would appreciate some feedback. anyways thank you and enjoy
italics---> thoughts or exaggerated words
It wasn't often you got lost. The cool November breeze that wizzed by didn't seem to help with your lack of directions either. You couldn't remember why you decided to leave the warm hotel, thinking foolishly that you would just find your way to the restaurant eventually right? Wrong. On top of that you decided to wear the most uncomfortable thing you could, a green mini cocktail dress and the skinniest heals you've brought. 
Why you'd ever except Mick's delayed  invitation to Seb's retirement dinner , you had no clue why. After just winning your second drivers championship in a row you wouldn't expect to see you getting all dressed up again even after just spending the entire week on a bender with everyone and anyone you even semi liked. The original plans before you received the delayed  invitation was to take a nice long hot bath maybe go and order some sushi on Door dash. But a final dinner with your idol and good friend was something  you knew you just couldn't miss. 
Ah fuck this, 
 as the breeze began to pick up again. About a block away from the hotel you had been staying at for the past couple days a fancy black SUV pulls up next to you with the windows rolled down.
"You don't happen to be Y/N are you?" the driver asked. Your eyebrows furrowed as you debated answering as that question doesn't often lead to good places,"depends on who's asking?"you responded, narrowing your eyes at the mysterious driver he chuckled lightly at your expression. 
"Well I was sent to come pick you up at hotel intercontiential miss, to bring you to the dinner if I've been told correctly?" he responded, you smiled awkwardly and let out a small Oh as you opened the side door and sat down in the back.
"Um I guess you would be correct, but if you don't mind me asking sir, which one of the guys hired you tonight?" you asked curiously as the car began to move down the road.
"Sorry Miss, I was told not to disclose that information to you tonight, he said that you would probably figure it out on your own anyways"
The rest of the drive went by fairly quickly for you, as you  arrived at a hotel after only a couple minutes. The SUV drove up the road a little further as you noticed from the inside of the tinted windows a unique hotel at the top of the hill. It was mostly wooden and stone built it was odd looking compared to the rest of Monaco's modern style but has a welcoming feeling towards it, it definitely was picked by Sebastian. Going underground you assumed you were going into a parking garage as the car came to a stop in front of the underground entry.
"So this is where I leave you" the driver said unlocking the doors as you then climbed out,"I guess it is, thanks again for coming to save me..."you paused wait for him to give you his name, "Clint, and it was my pleasure Y/n, I hope you enjoy your evening"he said as you smiled and gave a quick you too as you closed the doors. 
As the SUV pulled away back up to the street, you turned and made your way inside. The inside was luminated by warm lights and dark accent walls, you made your way to the elevator at the end of the hall. As you got in a small pit of anxiety made its way into your stomach as the elevator moved upwards. You wasn't quite sure why you were suddenly so nervous, you were around these guys more than your own family for christ sake. 
It still confused you on why someone hired a driver to come get pick you up tonight, and why choose for you not to know who did it. Despite it being a kind gesture it bugged you, but you set herself a special mission for the evening, find out who hired the driver.
The elevator let out a ding as the doors opened revealing the main entrance to the hotel and the restaurant that you had finally managed to get to. You stepped out into the hallway first noticing the extremely large Christmas tree an other various Christmas decoration in the restaurant that you had finally found. 
Why the hell are there decorations up already its only the middle of November?
Before you could see him, you could definitely hear him. The boisterous laugh that anyone on the grid could recognize from a mile away. His gaze then lands on you just as he rounds the corner, his already shining smile getting brighter by the second, he picks up his pace and walks straight for you. Her heart beat picks up as she finds herself smiling just as wildly back at the Honey Badger, the one and only.
"About time you got here sweet heart" he said with that iconic Aussie accent, pulling you into a close to bone crushing hug, as you laughed loudly."Danny I think we both know I'm early" it was now him time to laugh as he continued to hold you like his life depended on it.
"I missed you" 
The innocent comment made your cheeks tinge red at the sudden unexpected seriousness from the usually goofy driver. Giving him a quick peck on the cheek as you pulled away from the tight embrace."Missed you too" you said with a warm smile now seeing the slightly surprised and happy look on the drivers face as he clears his throat as he tries to brush the blush off his face
"I gotta go help Max, I'm pretty sure he got lost down in the parking area or something,  I'll be back in a minute love" he says still staring at you but making his way towards the elevator. Just as you starts to turn around he grabs your hand and pulls you back locking his gaze with yours.
"You look beautiful tonight love, incase you didn't already know" he says holding your hand and his eyes rake you body and face carefully.
"Thank you Danny, I can always count on you to bring the fun to the party" you said fixing the collar on his brightly patterned shirt, giving him a cheeky wink. He smiled planting a light kiss on the corner of your mouth, before making his way towards the elevator as you then slowly continued down the hall with a sharp blush on your face. That pit of anxiousness from earlier had been filled with a strange other feeling that rose up to your throat, a weird a feeling you hadn't felt for someone in a long time. And you couldn't help but wonder if that made you excited or terrified, either way it was rather unexpected. 
"Hey Champ, over here!" Lewis called with his arms open wide as you made your way around the corner, picking up the pace you practically jumped into your teammates arm as his silly laugh ringed over in your ear.
"Have any trouble getting here, love?" Lewis snickered
"We're you the one who sent that driver? God Lewis I should've known" you said rolling your eyes with a slight sense of disappointment."No sadly, but I know who did" he said with a snicker as you got pulled into a hug by the main man of the evening.
"Y/n, I'm so glad you could make it tonight. I'm sorry for the late invited, I just guessed you'd have other festivities going on this evening that you'd rather attend." Seb said with his classic gentle smile."Oh Seb, that's non sense there's no other place I'd rather be than here tonight. Thank you for including me, it means a lot". He just gave you a reassuring squeeze on your arm as he was pulled away by Mick to greet more of the incoming drivers. The rest of the grid slowly started to pour into the lobby, as for you, you migrated to George and Alex who were now pestering you on your new two time champion status, aka your lack of arm candy.
"Oh come on Y/N/N, just spill the beans! It's your second world championship and you're telling me you still haven't got a date to the Gala, mate I'm sorry but I don't believe a word." Alex said shaking his head in disbelief. "Mate see the writing on the wall! She's definitely got a date she just to scared to share it because it's probably some unworthy chap! Look she's even blushing Alex!"You just shook her head in response to the two Williams drivers as you hoped they would drop the un-entertaining conversation on your love life. 
Just as you began to zone out again as the two continued to bicker on if you did or didn't have a date yet, a knowing arm slide its way across your shoulder as you instantly knew who had joined the group."Ah sorry to interrupt the harassment but I just wanted to say hi to MY best friend and give HER a hug" Lando says glaring his eyes at Alex and George as the Mclaren driver pulled you into a tight embrace. 
"Hi Little Landi, how are you doing tonight." you said stepping back from the brunette."Not bad, I hope these two muppets haven't been bugging you for too long. They ever get too much just remind them they drive for Williams." he says with a smirk, you burst out laughing just seeing Alex and Georges face drop at the slightest mention of their current teams standing. 
"Ah excuse me Muppet, I'd like a moment to say hi the our two time champion here, you've had your time" Carlos said pulling Lando away and then pulling you into another hug."Wow I guess it's a hugging kinda night,  isn't it Chili" you said hugging the Smooth Operator back letting out a chuckle."Well, it's not every day you see all of us together outside of a race weekend right?" the local Monegasque quipped, pulling you into a side hug. 
"I just wanted to say congrats Y/n, you were amazing this season, really" he said smiling brightly at you. "But I will say, with the new Ferrari upgrades for next season, it won't be so easy" he said with a wink as the rest of the listening drivers groan, you let out a breathy laugh."Yeah yeah Charlie, you keep saying that from my rear view mirror, eh?" 
"So, when are you gonna tell me what is going on between you and Daniel?" Lando whispered into your ear, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Lando, what are you on about mate? Nothings going on with us ok. Maybe we had a small run in earlier that's it" you said trying to cover your blush as the moment earlier with the Aussie earlier replayed your head.
"Well the muppet has been making hearts eyes at you the entire time I've seen him over there with Alonso, so clearly it wasn't nothing to him." He said to her with a raised brow. You glanced up looking towards the Daniel and the Spaniard as you instantly caught his eye. Surprising to you, he didn't look away he just continued to gaze into your eyes with that infamous glowing smile.
Caught you looking, didn't I?
It was a bit of a struggle to get all 20 drivers into the private room on the second floor, as Seb has requested for the evening, but you all managed to figure it out. It was a busy moment to get everyone seated as no one could hear a thing amongst all the chatter going on. You being one of the first sat down choose a seat towards the end of the table, having already been in the middle of enough chaos for the evening you were hoping  for quieter place at the table. But also secretly pray you'd manage to be at least able to see the Aussie from your position. Turns out, you have to be careful what you wish for. 
"Enchante, mademoiselle. Uh is this seat taken?" The Australian said with a terrible mock French  accent. But non the less it making you laugh which was the entire point.
"You know I was just hoping that I would get a calm spot at the table tonight, but I guess not anymore." you said sarcastically with a smirk."Oh shoot sorry, I'll move, you probably don't wanna be hearing anymore of my blabbing, I'll-" you grabbed his hand cutting him off.
"Dan, I was just kidding, I'd love for you to sit with me." You said still holding his hand in your small grasp. He didn't reply he just looked at you in awe?  Sorta gasping like a fish out of water, cute. Snapping out of his trance he clears his throat and sits down next to you as Lando squeezes onto your other side as the rest of the grid begin to settle into their places.
The dinner went by surprisingly smoothly, despite the extraneous time it took for all the drivers to make a decision on what to order. Many different conversations poured out all across the table as there was never a dull moment. Shockingly none being racing related, as an unspoken rule of the night was to talk about anything other than work to each other since they did that enough. But rather talk about each others families, friends, Christmas plans or an other plans during their next couple of months off, it felt strange but oddly very nice. 
As Lando and Charles talked about dates that they could to some possible streaming over the winter break. Yuki, Pierre and Daniel talked about some funny memories from the past couple of season, you sat there quietly just observing the many different conversations across the table, just sorta taking in the moment.
It was strange. That these are the people that you are the most competitive within the world and here they all were sitting talking, having a meal together. The crashes, the battling, the rivalries, all left out on the track. It made you smile, the thought that all these amazing people were able to share this one in a life time dinner and that this would be the last time you'd ever be with the same 20 people, ever again.
"Hey, you doing ok? You kinda just zoned out there." Daniel asked with a worried gaze."Yeah I'm good, just taking a break from the small talk." you replied almost nervously, taking a look back around the table seeing only smiles all around.
"Do you wanna come get some air with me, it's gotten pretty hot in here." Daniel said sitting up extending his hand out to you. You nodded in response getting up from your seat, yet no one noticing the departure of you two as you walked away from the table quietly.
Walking out onto the balcony, it felt warmer than it did previously in the night. The couple flutes of champagne must have been acting as you jacket for the evening as you could being to feel a small blush on her cheeks arise from the alcohol, or maybe for other reasons. Noticing that you and Daniel were still holding hands, you pretended not to notice as you looked out at the Harbour as the moon reflected off the water. Strange nervousness washing over you. It was weird you had never felt the slightest bit nervous around Danny despite all the years you had known each other. A small shiver running down your body.
"Here love, take my jacket."He had it off his back and onto yours before you could ever protest, you let out a small thank you as you both lean on the railing, admiring the view.
"Hey I totally forgot to ask, did you get here ok? Hopefully had no problems?" Danny said with a smirk as he leaned closer to you. Pulling away slightly looking at the satisfied look on his face, you try your hardest not to start smiling at him as hard as you wanted to.
"You're such an asshole" you say halt heartedly as you punch his arm, he starts to double over laughing, his contagious laugh making you laugh as well. The two of you giggle for quite some time before finally calming down as you wiped the stray tears from your eyes.
"Why?" you asked still trying to suppress your giggles from earlier, a few slipping out."Why what?" he asked with the proud smile still on his face."Why did you hire the driver Danny?", facing your body towards him.
"Well I first kinda guess that Mick would forget to  send you the address. Second I knew if I came to pick you up, which was my initial plan, I would've torn that dress right off you in the lobby." 
You weren't quite sure how long you remained silent for, trying to process what he just said, or even trying to tell if you were dreaming or not. The feeling in your stomach that you had been feeling all night, just grew right into your heart and felt more like a bursting flame overcoming your entire body. Yet you were frozen, the man you had found attractive for years now that you had assumed was totally out of your league just said that to your face. You had no idea how to respond.
"Ah fuck I totally fucked this up didn't I? Ah God, nice going Riccardo you bloody-" your lips were on his in milliseconds cutting him right off. You didn't even think, your body just moving on instinct. 
Finally regaining his senses he began to kiss you back with just as much intensity. Pulling you snug against his chest by your waist, tilting your head to the side by your chin trying to deepen the kiss even further if possible. Grasping at the curls on the back of his head trying to keep your balance on your unsteady heals, he let out a small groan. You both pull away as your body finally had run out of oxygen. Resting both your heads on each others as you stare into each others eyes with wild smiles, panting as you both shake with excitement and passion.
"Well, its about time you kissed me" he said with that cheeky grin.
"Had to find some way to shut you up" His boisterous laugh filling the otherwise quiet November night. The regret of excepting the delayed  invitation from earlier, no where found in your mind.
I will probably be doing some other fics for other drivers on here as well soon, so stay tuned for that. thank you for reading, please lmk if you have any feedback or suggestions!
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call-sign-shark · 2 years
✨ The Shape of Water ✨
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Summary: He kissed you and almost drown -- Or how Jake Seresin is convinced he met a mermaid.
Word count: 3k (lmao it was supposed to be short)
Tags: Fluff fluff fluff, muscular and wet Hangman, allusion to smut
notes: It's up to you to decide whether reader is a mermaid or a human woman. I'd love to read your opinions! // inspired by Glen Powell's recent beach pics and this playlist
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Watching people at the beach was your favorite way of killing time. 
You liked peeping at the beautiful women coming out of the sea, dressed in thousands of water beads on their soft skin. You also liked watching the men playing sports, their muscles tensing at each of their physical efforts. You liked the non-binary too, whose beauty and fiery souls reminded you of the finest sea shells. And finally, you adored watching children building sandcastles while babbling stories of brave knights and mesmerizing princesses.
You would have swum further away from the crowded Californian beaches, but today a man got your attention more than usual, so you decided to take a closer look. He was a tall blonde creature, whose body was far more muscular and athletic than many of the other males you had seen.  But what caught your attention was not his body, although attractive, but his radiant and slightly cocky grin. Each time he would score a goal, his face would brighten up with a beaming smile, showcasing his perfect white and aligned teeth, as shiny as white pearls.  A relaxed sigh escaped from your juicy lips at the sensation of water hugging your frame from your waist to your toes. You had managed to find a flat rock to rest against, near the shore. Your crossed arms were lying on its warm and wet surface, giving you not only the perfect comfortable position but also the perfect spot to watch the man.
“Come on Hangman! A last one!” An equally seductive man said, even though this one had curly hair and a trimmed mustache. From what you understood, he was a part of the blonde’s group of friends.
You blinked as you realized what you just heard – He was called Hangman. What a weird name, you thought, but who were you to judge? Glad to be able to put a name to such a pretty face, you listened to them even more carefully.
“I’ve already beat your ass three times, Rooster. You’re a loser – face it!” Jake teased, an amused chuckle punctuating his sentence. He picked up a fresh bottle of water from the sand and gulped it down. While doing so, a few drops escaped from his mouth and ran down his chin, forming long streams of glistening water on his tanned skin. Heat pooled in your body at such a delightful sight.
“A last one – For me?” Rooster insisted.
“Nope.” Jake replied, exaggerating each syllable for Rooster to understand his refusal, “I’m going for a swim, but you should play with Bob. Maybe you’ll have a chance to win!” He slapped Rooster’s shoulder and laughed. Without further ado, he ran to the water. A wave of panic broke in you as the blonde man came in your direction.
You let out a small surprised whine and slipped under the water as quickly as you could. As you did, all the laughter, the children’s cries, and the hullabaloo of summer vacations disappeared for the quiet sea muffled all the sound.  Reopening your eyes, you looked around you for fear someone had seen you, but it was not the case. You brought your trembling fingers in your floating hair, dancing at the water’s discretion, and calmed down. A small smirk stretched your pouty lips: you felt better now that you were under the water. There, everything was peaceful. Even when the most hellish and thunderous storms were breaking loose at the surface, the undersea remained heavenly quiet. 
But all your senses tingled.
On alert, you turned your head to look behind you and squinted your eyes to sharpen your vision. When you realized that Jake was swimming near you, you brought your hand to your mouth for illogical fear of making a noise. Once again, you looked all around you quickly to find somewhere to hide but all your surroundings were desperately empty.
Your heart beat fast in your chest, ready to tear your ribcage apart. 
Come on Y/N, find a solution! Find a damn solution! Your mind buzzed with confused thoughts blurred by panic. It was as if your head was a beehive whose raging bees crashed against your skull. You looked above your shoulder one last time to see where Jake was and froze.
That was at this exact moment his emerald eyes met yours.
Endless green oceans in which you drowned.
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Jake's heart missed a beat. 
He had barely looked at her when she escaped, swift and nimble. The shock of such a sight had shaken him to the core – so much that he remained petrified, his mind unable to comprehend what he had just seen. She was gorgeous – breathtakingly divine. Enchanted by her beauty, Jake snapped from his lethargy and quickly looked all around him in the hope of finding her. To his great disappointment, he was alone, as if the sublime woman she saw had been a fragment of his imagination. Or maybe a mirage created by the dancing sun’s reflection on the gentle water. 
Jake suddenly realized he was running out of oxygen. He shook his head and swam up to the surface, taking a big inhale as his head came out of the water. 
“Oh my fucking God” He whispered to himself with an expression of pure shock etched on his face.  He swam to the shore, his heart pounding.  He stopped when the water was shallow enough for his feet to touch the bottom and stood up on his shaky legs, whose all strong muscles seemed to have melted.
“What the hell was that? What the fucking hell??” Jake could not believe it.
The most logical part of him tried to rationalize the whole matter: he had probably dreamt. After all, he did not sleep very well these days so maybe lack of sleep and underwater vision had tricked him into seeing a feminine silhouette with a long tail. Nevertheless, another part of him was convinced it was true. He had seen you crystal clear. So clear that he could recall the Y/HC of your floating mane and the Y/EC of your fascinating eyes.  He saw your Y/SC skin so smooth all he wished was to touch you.  And even though he was not sure about the long scaly tail, he knew you were real. 
Jake closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down. He ran one hand through his messy wet hair, slicking them back. As he did, the sun shone on his shredded biceps. Water dripped from his chin, and soaked his whole body, making it glisten in the sunlight.  
Hidden behind a rock not so far away, you had let your face come to the surface just enough for your eyes to be out of the water. You knew it was not reasonable to stay here – after all, he already caught you once! But the attraction you were feeling for Hangman was stronger than your common sense. Your eyes seemed to have never had enough of him. 
His arm fell back along his body. Lost in his train of thought, he absentmindedly touched his wet and shredded abs as he tried to put his mind in order. Blood rushed to your face – And arousal ran through your pumping veins. You shivered, goosebumps appearing on your skin at the sole thought of running your hands on his warm body and kissing his tanned skin, on which the pleasant smell of sunscreen was anchored.
When he reopened his dazzling green eyes, the pilot had made up his mind: he had to find out whether what he saw was just an odd optical illusion or if it was real. Somehow, if there had been an actual woman she couldn’t have got far. 
“Alright,” He said out loud to give himself a bit of courage. Then, he swam back to where he had met the mysterious gorgeous creature. Never mind the Dagger Squad, he would probably manage to make up an excuse to explain his absence. He had to know. When he reached the rock where he had seen her, Jake took a deep breath and dove underwater, ready to probe its mysteries. 
You frowned, wondering what the hell he was doing. Was he trying to look for you? Your heart lightened up with joy at this thought, but you quickly came back to your senses: why would he do that? Nevermind! You definitely could not stay here – you could be in serious trouble if someone came across you. You turned around, ready to swim in the opposite direction of the handsome aviator, but something kept you from leaving. What if your dad was wrong about men? What if not all of them wanted to hurt you? To be honest, you were done living your life withdrawn from others. For the first time in your life, risk called you – and you answered.
Did he come back for you? 
You had to figure it out.
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He had lost track of time trying to find her.
Jake kept swimming into the deepest waters he could reach, only coming back to the surface from time to time to take his breath before diving back into the sea. His green eyes probed the water, searching for the dreamlike woman he had seen.
His soul melted when he thought about her and the adorable surprised expression she had when their eyes met. She was everything he had always wanted -- and he met her in the heart of the sea itself, for a brief second, before she vanished in one swift shadow. How ironic was that? Here he was, chasing after a possible mirage, which had taken the form of the creature of his dreams. 
His body gently danced in the water, but his heart was not in the mood for it. She was not here, and it broke him. 
The tremors in your body intensified, for Jake was only a few meters away from you. The soft blue lighting of the ocean gave his tanned skin a mesmerizing tone -- sea fitted him as well as you. A storm raged inside of you: should you join him or should you leave? Your heart swung between the two options, the first being far more judicious than the second. Nevertheless, your inner voice convinced you to give in. You took a last look at him to make up your mind and sunk deeper into love. The way his muscular body moved gracefully got you on your knees. You gathered all your strength and swam towards him. As you reached the handsome aviator, you stretched your arms and softly touched his shoulder. Surprised by a sudden physical contact he had absolutely not expected, Jake turned around quickly.
His heart froze.
You were real, he would have said it out loud if he had not been under the water, risking drowning if he had the stupid idea of opening his mouth. It would be absolutely ridiculous to die now that he had found you. His whole body started to quiver without any logical explanation. He was not cold, nor he was afraid, so he came to the conclusion that the reason behind his body losing control was that his piercing green eyes could not handle your endless beauty.
Enchanted by your eyes, mesmerized by your lips, the blonde pilot brought his shy hand to your face but did not touch you yet. He was afraid you would disappear a second time if his skin touched yours. To his hesitation, all you could answer was the sweetest smile you ever gifted to a man. A smile so charming that it almost physically hurt him. Despite the overwhelming fascination he felt for you, Jake dared to touch you. He had barely laid his fingers on you when a powerful surge ran through his body, electrified by the sexual tension.
His warm fingers brushed your cheek with indescribable tenderness -- this simple touch awoke a swarm of butterflies in your stomach. What were those new sensations? What were those disconcerting feelings blooming within? 
You pressed your cheek against his whole hand, for your whole being already lingered for more. Jake's surprised expression turned into an enamored grin, whose charm sublimated his handsome traits. When he smiled, his eyes squinted, and you found it irresistible.  
Nothing existed anymore, only both of you lost in the heart of the soothing ocean were real.  He forgot about the Dagger Squad and the Uranium mission. He forgot about his recent breakup and his broken heart. He forgot about everything, except you. 
After a moment during which he just caressed your cheek and got lost in the maze of your eyes, Jake fought his hesitation and wrapped his strong arms around your waist. The sensation of his body crashing against yours echoed in your very soul. All your convictions,  all your beliefs, and all the rules set by your father vanished. He held you there for a moment in the comforting silence of the water, your bodies slowly swirling with the flow and the waves. All he could hear was the booming sound of your heart, beating along with his.
You brought your lips closer, your mouth irremediably attracted by his as two magnets would. You put your hands on his muscular shoulders and held him like your life depended on it. Eyes half-closed, Jake was watching you, fascinated. Far too fascinated to even check if you really had a scaly tail or a pair of legs. All he wanted was to kiss you -- which he ultimately did.
His teeth tugged at your lower lip:
You tasted like ocean foam and paradise.
He tasted like sadness and courage. 
But one common flavor you had was that of loneliness.
His tongue swept in your fury mouth, salt water seeping through the tiny open spaces your languid kiss created in its burning waltz. Jake felt your body tense as his large and firm hands slid down your curves to grab your ass in a lustful grip. 
The press of your lips became demanding, hungrier than ever. Consumed by desire, your nails dug into the skin of his shoulders, and, forgetting he was submerged, he moaned. Jake squeezed your butt a bit harder and brought your hips together.
His mind felt flooded by the kiss, so intoxicated by your ambrosia taste that he did not even notice that you were pulling him deeper and deeper into the abyss. Nothing mattered to him, not even the water diving into his throat and filling his lungs.
He felt like he was …
Going down with you.
Falling down with you.
But the truth was different:  he was drowning.
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“Jake? Oh my fucking God!”  
The voice seemed to come from far away – maybe was it carried away by the wind? Clouds started to clear from his mind. Where was he? What happened? Jake could not tell. His toes twitched as he slowly regained control of his body.
“That’s alright, he’s breathing.” He recognized Phoenix’s quiet voice, even though he could notice the tint of worry that stained her tone. Jake softly opened his eyes and squinted, annoyed by the sun’s burning light.  The salty taste of water on his tongue made him wince. All his being felt oddly numb. Nevertheless, the aviator managed to fully come back to consciousness. He stayed there for a while, lying on the warm sand, but still looked around him in confusion as a man who had just woken up from years of coma.
“Fuck…” He whispered with a hoarse voice, his throat irritated by the salt. What was he doing here? Someone had probably dragged him to this corner of the beach.
“Hallelujah he’s alive,” Rooster exclaimed, letting out a long relief sigh. Honestly, he had been particularly anxious when he found Jake, “The fuck happened? You straight up disappeared and reappeared there, on the other side of the beach. You should have seen Coyote. He almost had a heart attack when he saw you passed out on the sand.” Bradshaw’s words were coming far too quick for his mouth.
Jake blinked, utterly confused, “You– You had not seen her?” 
“Who?” Phoenix asked, after pressing one hand on Rooster’s shoulder for him to stop talking.
“The mermaid.” 
Silence fell on the Dagger Squad. 
“Okay, I think you’re still a bit confused by what-the-fuck happened to you. Take all the time you need, Hangman.” Rooster finally said.
“No, no, I swear there was a– “ He stopped and understood that arguing was pointless. Who would believe him? To be true, he was not even believing himself. Maybe the sun hit him a bit too harshly, or maybe he swallowed a bit too much of salt water and passed out near the shore. Yet, the sensation of your greedy mouth was still tingling his lips. It had felt so real…
“Come on Hangman, we’re going to bring you to the nursery.”
“I’m fine.” He simply answered, proceeding to stand up but as he did something fell from his wet, hairy, and strong chest. Jake frowned and picked up the shiny object in his hand to discover what it was: a shell. The stranger who had dragged him to the beach had placed a magnificent nacre shell on his chest. He twirled the gift between his fingers and clenched his jaws under the perplexed gaze of his teammates. 
“Are you okay?” Coyote asked.
“I am.” 
Jake tightened the shell in the palm of his hand, his heart quickening in his ribcage.
Now he knew you were real.
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Psss; please reblog if you liked it 💚
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jawritter · 2 years
Hey Jen! Congrats on 3k! Well deserved because you are one of my absolute favorites. So here's my submission.
Tell me about being married to Jensen and finally its summer which means loads of time together after he's been away doing press and traveling for The Boys. Knowing he's going to be home he finds the reader sitting by the pool, sucking on a Popsicle. Teasing him definitely. He of course can only take so much given having been away from the reader for to long and he just snaps leading to him taking his wife, the reader.
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Baby, Let’s Put On A Show
Warning: Smut, Somewhat public smut, teasing. Written in Jensen’s POV. Language.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word Count: 343
Jens3Kcelebration    Masterlist    
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Jensen felt as if his every nerve ending was on fire, and it had nothing to do with the extreme Texas heat. It did however have everything to do with his wife, who was stretched out on a pool chair, a deep cherry red popsicle sucked deep inside her red stained lips, her tongue wrapped around the frozen treat as she hummed in delight. Clearly she was proud of herself for teasing him, because he was sure he was doing a piss-poor job at hiding the torment he was in. 
She made quiet a show of pulling the fucking thing almost completely out of her mouth, all but the dripping tip, and sucking it back in slowly, sending drops of red liquid down her chin and onto the swells of her breast, and he damn near whimpered audibly. His cock heavy and swollen, his swimming trunks doing little to hide anything from view at all. 
“Can I help you with something babe,” she smirked at him, pulling what was left to the popsicle from the stick with her dampened lips with an exaggerated slirp, and that was it, it was all he could take. 
He doesn’t remember continuously telling his feet to move, but before he’d realized it, he’d crossed the small distance between pool chairs and was on her like some primal, sex deprived animal, growling as he claimed her mouth with a rough kiss that was all tongue and teeth, the kind that left them both panting when he finally pulled away, ripping her bikini bottom off with one pull of the dainty little string on her side, bring a victorious squeal of delight from her. 
“Wanna fucking tease me,” Jensen growled as he fisted his thick cock from his shorts, lining up to her already dripping entrance. “Wanna put on a little show?” He continued as he thrust roughly into her, bringing his hand up to cover her mouth and muffle her scream. “Then baby, let’s put on a show. Give the neighbors something to talk about at the next PTA meeting.”
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Forever Tags:
Jensen and Dean’s Babes
Jensen’s Babes
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joyfulhopelox · 3 years
sweet night | kth
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Pairing: Taehyung x reader (dance instructors!au, enemies to lovers)
Genre: fluff, romance
Summary: You finally address the incessant teasing of your fellow dance instructor Kim Taehyung.
Wordcount: 3.1k
Warnings: mentions of self-doubt, she calls him a bully but he's not, suggestive but not really?
A/N: thank you @notyouroppar betaing my fic and letting me live to see another day <3 I don't know why Taehyung is such a difficult one for me but this one did actually come quite naturally to me! This is a drabble request (yes I am still going through them and I am so sorry for being late I really am I promise I will be quicker with them!) Drabble that is 3k long, so a fake drabble as my beta likes to call them.
Rating: pg13
Copyrights @joyfulhopelox for both the work and the banner
Requests are currently closed but I would love to hear from you so please leave me a message! 💌
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“That’s awful.”
Words that would haunt you forever. Words that you’d heard from more than one person; your teachers had told you that in the past, your family had too. Yet, for some reason, every time those words came to mind, they would echo in your head in a particular individual’s voice. Kim Taehyung. A fellow dance instructor and your arch nemesis.
“Shut it, no one asked you,” that would be your normal response. Your go to phrase whenever he would yell at you in the middle of practice. He would thrive off of your little squabbles, drawing attention to himself, and indulge in the pleasure of bringing you down every time that happened.
That wasn’t the case today. Today you were determined to have a good day. Ready to conquer the world. You took a few tips and tricks from internet searches on how to fend off any weeds. Because in your eyes, that’s all that Kim Taehyung would be. A thorn in your backside.
Thinking back on it, maybe you were exaggerating— most certainly you were exaggerating. He’d never done anything particularly harmful to you, or anyone else. He was just particularly good at singling you out and making a fool of you. Or rather… making you react like a fool. He would tease you until your skin was clammy, and your composure melted into a flustered mess. Sometimes, you’d have your class behind you, during your shared lessons. Everyone knew to be ready to fend you off, or pull you away, when the situation became particularly prickly.
Today, you had no one. It was a long weekend and most of your students had gone home to spend time with family. It was just youf and your trusted enemy, Taehyung.
“No one asked you to intrude on my studio time either,” he commented, putting his bag onto the floor. Not sparing you a second glance he started stretching, humming a tune that only played in his head.
You could feel the pricks of annoyance crawling up your spine. Before you could respond in kind, he indulged in a longer stretch. Arms as high as they could go, and exposing half his abdomen to you. Your mouth went dry; any thought of rebuttal wiped out.
The hoodie he had draped over him tried its best to hold on, but his height and his determination to get a good stretch in won. Trying to not ogle at him, you pretended to stretch your own calf. The sight of your own appearance made you wince. The slight sheen of sweat that covered your skin gave your body a dewy glow. You would have dared to say you were shining bright like a diamond, if not for your hair in disarray all over your forehead and the slight adrenaline filled look in your eyes.
No wonder Taehyung didn’t carry on in arguing with you. You looked as if you’d gotten into a fight and won. The pang of pride at the thought made your mouth quirk.
You could have patted yourself on the back for being so effective at ignoring him—and his half dressed state. But when a loud sound akin to a moan reached your ears, you perked up, your eyes immediately landing on him.
“What are you doing?” Prompted by his peculiar position, the words flew past your lips before you could stop them. Seated, with his legs apart, he was struggling to reach his foot, each time he got closer a lewd sound would grumble from his chest and throughout the studio. Trying to ignore the butterflies causing a ruckus in your stomach at the sound, you watched him wearily.
“Oh, don’t mind me, I’m just imitating you,” he responded, having the audacity to dismiss you with a wave of his hand.
Staring at him with an incredulous look on your face, you decided that enough was enough. You’ve been taking this from him for a few years now, your two dance groups never had the chance to get along because their leaders never did.
“Why do you hate me so much?” you asked, deciding to not sugarcoat anything. When he paused mid stretch to glance back at you, you closed your mouth and swallowed hard. His hand momentarily hovered halfway to his foot, before he got up and stalked towards you. You felt nervous, suddenly too flustered to continue with your prepared rant.
“What?” his audacity to not only question his behaviour, but also dare to sound appalled made your blood boil.
“You heard me, why do you hate me so much?” The more you let your mind wander towards all the instances he’d made you feel unwelcome by singling you out, the more you wanted him to explain himself to you. “I’ve never done anything to bother you, so why?”
“Exactly,” he answered simply, his body mere centimetres away from yours. “Why do you keep ignoring me?” he fired back.
“Because you are loud-mouthed, uncaring, and stubborn,” you immediately responded, without a thought. “And you are pretending to be the best dance instructor out there, when we all know it is not the case.” You knew you’d aimed for the belt when his mouth twitched downwards at your comment. Feeling the familiar tendrils of guilt rush up your spine you cleared your throat. Under normal circumstances you would thrive at the thought of trumping over your squabbles, but this time you knew you’d overstepped the line. He may pick on your technique as an individual dancer, but he’d never made a move to ridicule your skill as a dance instructor.
“I-I’m sorry, that was rude of me,” you mumbled, the words tasting foreign on your tongue. Taehyung was silent, watching you silently as you squirmed under his gaze and the added pressure of guilt.
“It’s part of your charm, and I accept that,” he shrugged eventually, his hand softly reaching out, intertwining his fingers through yours.
“Kim Taehyung, I’ve never seen someone as insufferable as you,” you fired back, the unfamiliar feeling of his digits threaded through yours causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach. You never thought you’d fight with yourself to refute the gentle way he was treating you.
“I’ve never wanted to kiss someone as insufferable as you,” Despite his words, his actions were careful and considerate. Waiting for you to make the next move, he stilled.
“Then don’t,” you took a step towards him, your eyes flickering to his lips for a brief second. “No one asked you to.” Despite your words, your whole being was very much screaming at him, loudly, to kiss the living daylights out of you. Toe to toe with him, your fingers tightened around his, before you fixated your gaze on his rosy lips.
“You said I’m stubborn,” he smiled at you, any trace of cockiness gone from his voice.
“You’re also wasting time,” you countered, breathing increasingly laboured as he bent down, shrinking the space between your faces to mere millimetres.
“My bad,” he murmured against your lips, bumping his nose to yours. As if they’d always belonged there, his hands found your cheeks easily cupping them —Softly cradling your face. Your eyelids fluttered and you fought the nervous instinct to bite your lip. Your gaze wavered, taking in his features, unable to hold his molten gaze for longer than a few moments. Instead you focused on his sharply defined brows, the high point of his nose and what you could see of it before going cross eyed. The nose that was now caressing yours lightly, as if he was treading the water, asking for permission.
“May I?” he whispered, the slight waver in his voice not escaping your notice.
The thought of his consideration towards your willingness engulfed your heart in warmth. If someone were to ask you to describe it, it would be a perfect mixture between a fuzzy blanket and the feeling of having a warm drink heat up your insides. He made you feel at home, he made you feel safe—yet you couldn’t help but tease him.
“May you what? Waste time? You could but that would technically—“ you rambled, your hands anchoring themselves in your own pockets. It was a gift when you were presenting in class, but right that moment it was you who was wasting the time.
Taehyung fought the urge to roll his eyes at you, your slightly over the top reaction simultaneously amused and exasperated hiim. Nudging your nose harder to make you stop, he carefully watched your eyes widen and your mouth slam shut.
“Y/N, do us both a favour and kindly shut up. I’d like to kiss you now,” he prompted, before he softly placed his lips on yours.
The kiss wasn’t anything you would have expected. Contrary to his dominating personality and his insufferable childishness, the kiss was anything but. Your face was gently cupped in his hands, his thumb applying light pressure onto your jaw and his lips were soft and hesitant. As if he was afraid he would break you, he moved slowly, barely coaxing your lips open with his, before you huffed out in annoyance pulling away from him.
“Kim Taehyung, is this the best you can offer me?” You pointed an accusing finger his way, trying to pretend that your head wasn’t swimming in goo. The kiss had left you breathless, but his presence around you, combined with his scent, gnawed at your lower abdomen, its tightness asking for more.
“What-?” he looked completely baffled, his eyes half lidded and his voice breathless.
Witnessing how affected he was by just that kiss, you almost let a swell of pride take over your body. However, the need to get him to give it to you was greater than your need for self satisfaction. Giving him a once over you contemplated giving away all those times you witnessed his flirting and fleeting flings at parties and after shows. You would see him from time to time attached to someone hidden in a corner, his hands somewhere on their body in a highly inappropriate way.
“I- I have seen the way you kiss,” you mumbled. With the words now out of your mouth, it made you realise how stalker-ish that sounded. Ignoring his highly amused quirk of his eyebrow you carried on. Foot in mouth may just as well own it.
“This is not it. What happened to the ‘dark corners, I’ll grab your ass as if it was the only thing anchoring me to the earth, CPR worthy kiss’ you’ve given others?” you could feel yourself getting more and more aggravated. The more you talked the more the seed of doubt planted itself in your brain. He could have been swept away in the post dance, adrenaline filled atmosphere and not entirely interested in giving you the time of the day.
Caught up in your own insecurities, you didn’t notice the slight shift in Taehyung’s expression, the quirk of his lips faltering for a moment as he looked deep in thought. He was planning to let you carry on with your ramble, to let you offload your worries and stress onto him however the route you were going was no more pulling at his heartstrings than the waver in your voice did. Seeing you carry on with your ramble, your teeth gnawing at your lip he made a quick decision.
“Y/N,” his voice spoke of no nonsense, forcing you to stop. “Focus on me.” Without allowing you a moment to redress yourself he pulled you to him, an arm wound tightly around your waist, the other gripping at the back of your neck. Roughly devouring your mouth with his, muffling any possible protest successfully, he bent you lightly at the waist when your knees buckled underneath you.
You could barely think. His warmth scattered your thoughts; his tongue slowly traced your bottom lip as his fingers dug deeper into your skull causing you to shiver. Tilting your head slightly, you pushed back against his mouth and hooked your leg around his hip, your tongue desperately searching for his.
This was the kiss you had imagined. Much like your squabbles in real life, you both fought for control. Pushing and pulling against each other, hands grabbing at any article of clothing, trying to bring each other closer. When his hand slid under your top, his heat brushing lightly against your colder back, you gave in. Loosening your hold against him, your fight diminished, until all you could feel and hear were your soft moans and rugged breaths.
The heightened feelings that invaded your heart radiated through the kiss; if you were unsure of the future, the warmth in the kiss bridged the gap, providing you a path to certainty. Sure, Taehyung was loud, rude and obnoxious. But wrapping you this tightly in his arms, whilst his lips followed the rhythm of your heart made you think otherwise. Overwhelmed with questions and emotions you broke the kiss abruptly, stumbling backwards.
“Why did I enjoy that?” you mumbled in awe. Aimed more to yourself you didn’t expect Taehyung to respond so quickly.
“Because we like each other, and as much as we fight, we also need to reconcile,” he shrugged as if he was talking about the situation.
Regaining your step you pulled away from him with a snort. “Well that was…reconciling.” Making light of a serious situation was so like him, yet, you couldn’t have appreciated him more than at that moment.
“Remind me again,” Taehyung breathed out a laugh, “why was there an argument between us?”
You were both leaning onto each other, your bodies flush, his hands holding tightly to your hips as he swayed you both back and forth to a song present, yet again, only in his head. Your eyes were closed, and your head was nestled into the crook of his neck, his scent lulling you into a daze. He smelled like a holiday, like warm fires, pinewood, and the soft scent of sweet bread. You could have fallen asleep standing, if not for the light jolt you got now and then from him shuffling his feet during your dance.
Humming as if in thought, you struggled to pull your mind together. “I don’t know, may have to do with the fact that I’m a better dancer and you are not willing to accept that,” you finally responded, your words meant to bite but the jokingly tone in your voice making it clear it wasn’t meant to be taken seriously.
“Or it could be–“ you started before you felt your world shift, your feet sweeped off the ground and your head suspended in the air. Yelping your eyes snapped open landing on his entertained ones. The slight quirk of his lips made you pout.
“I got you, don’t worry.” Even though he took you by surprise by suspending you in a dip, his warm gaze and strong grip on your waist and back of your head reassured you. He had you.
“What are you doing?” you narrowed your eyes at him, your fingers digging slightly in his biceps to persuade him to let you go.
“Proving who the better dancer is,” he smiled, the wide shape of his mouth making his whole face light up in amusement. He was taunting you, as you did him earlier, but you found it hard to care as you stared at him. His soft skin and the myrth on his face made him look younger than he was, freer. Long gone was the glowering, moody Taehyung that you remembered. There was no trace of the mockery or jabs he would throw at you in the midst of your dance competitions, all you could see in his gaze was happiness and warmth.
“You’re handsome,” you found yourself blurting out without meaning to. The carelessness and freedom with which you admitted your own feelings made you sputter. You hadn’t intended for it to come out in such a flighty way, and despite the heat that was rising under your skin crawling up your neck, you found that you didn’t care. Judging by the slight gleam in Taehyung’s eyes, neither did he.
With a quick decision to roll with the punches, you craned your neck to reach his lips. Roughly pressed together, you let a whimper escape your throat when his tongue once again coaxed your mouth open. Letting him dominate you, you allowed yourself the pleasure of tracing his shoulders with the palms of your hand, your fingers lightly tracing his collarbones through his top. Sensing the flex of his muscle under your touch, you smirked into the kiss. Venturing lower and lower, your hands mapping out the planes of his chest, your nails dragged over his nipples drawing a sharp inhale out of him. Smiling proudly to yourself you decided to focus on that area, teasing as much as you could by pinching and tracing skin and muscle. You enjoyed the guttural sounds you drew out of him for a brief moment before Taehyung pulled away from the kiss, having decided he’d had enough of your impish ways.
“How about,” he whispered darkly, his breath caressing the shell of your ear making you shudder. “I show you who the better one is?” Before you could ask or assume he meant dancing, his hand trailed lower down your lower spine, over the curvature of your ass, making purchase onto the softer flesh there. Pulling you forcefully closer to him, you wrapped your leg around his hips for better access, your core almost flush together with the obvious bulge in his trousers.
Smirking lightly, your body warming up with desire, you hooked your fingers through the loops of his belt grinding your hips against his drawing a hiss out of him.
“You can try, pretty boy, but what makes you think I’ll allow you to,” you taunted nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
Taehyung chuckled, your position making it easy for him to slide both hands under your ass and hoist you up.
“Like I said earlier, Y/N,” he warned and carried your laughing form towards the stretching benches lowering you down. Bent over you, his eyes glowering with lust, it was enough to make your laughter die in your throat and your breath hitch. Your attention flickered from his darkened eyes to his predatory smile and as he closed off the space between you, you felt the butterflies in your stomach burst into flames. Before he could make good on his promise, he added another warning.
“I’m stubborn.”
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astronomoney · 3 years
IDK if you're still taking requests or not, but the latest fix on D. Wayne was 😍🥰. For part 2 can you add the prompts 11 from fluff, 6 from angst and 20 from neutral pretty please?🥺🥺
Pairing: Damian Wayne x fem!reader (age 16ish)
Prompts: Prompt list ☁︎11- “Hey hey hey, it’s ok i’m here. It’s just me ok, you’re safe.” ᜊ6- “I don’t care about you anymore.” “i’m starting to think you never did.” ⚛︎20-“Please be quite, i can’t even hear myself losing my will to live.”
Summary: After the fight you had with Damian things have been tense but sometimes bottling up your emotions only make things worse (i can’t do summary’s to save my life) enemies-to-lovers because i’m a sucker for that shit
Warnings: Blood, swearing, kinda character death i guess, Damian being a dick as always, angsty teens being angsty teens
A/n: this is a part 2 but you can find part 1 here once again this took waaaay to long to write literally i could not figure out what to do but whatever because i did it and i’m proud of myself for it (Masterlist)
Word count: 3k jeez these are getting longer
Tag list: @battlenix @pleasestophoney wow look at that multiple tags
Part 1
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Love and War pt2
Spending spring break in Wayne manor had its ups and downs. Ups included a huge library in the south wing, delicious homemade meals every day, and the best water pressure you’d ever experienced. The downs included 8 hours of training daily, getting lost while trying to find a bathroom, and having to spend way too much time with your arch enemy.
Technically he's not your enemy. At least he’s not supposed to be. After the fight you had last week you couldn’t be sure. You’d had fights with Damian before but this felt different. Usually after a fight he'd sulk for a few hours but then it would go back to normal, but this time it didn’t go back to normal. Damian had been avoiding you for almost 8 days.
You knew the fight ended too soon and you both had more to say but if he was going to act like a child and ignore you then you weren't going to stop him. You still had to patrol with him but it was considerably quieter. The manor was big enough for the both of you and after a few days you'd figured out his schedule and how to get around him. Tim let you train with him, so as long as you stayed on your side of the gym and Damian stayed on his you didn't have to interact with him at all.
It wasn't until the 4th day of break that you had to talk to him. Bruce had to go meet with the league for the day so training ended early. You had a couple hours before dinner and decided reading would be the best use of that time. You walked down one of the many hallways lazily dragging your hand along the wall until you reached a door. You couldn't remember exactly where you were but you were about 75% sure there was a couch in this room, so you pushed the door open.
Inside you found tall ceilings paired with dark wallpaper, a tall window with the thin white curtains pushed out of the way, and a couch. Actually it was three couches but after 4 days staying here you'd gotten used to the large number of furniture that was there for no reason.
The couches formed a square with the open side facing the window lined wall. The first two couches were empty but when you stepped farther inside the room you saw someone sitting on the third one. Of course the one room you picked to go into also happened to be the one room Damian was sitting in. He looked up from his sketchbook and immediately frowned.
There were two options in front of you. You could back out of the room and leave him be but then you'd be backing down from something that might not even turn into a fight which made you seem weak so really you were left with only one choice. You straighten your back and closed the door behind you, officially leaving you in a room alone with Damian for the first time since the fight. You walked over to the couch facing the windows head on and sat down on the side farthest from him. He watched you the whole time but you paid him no attention, instead you simply opened your book and began reading.
You felt his eyes leave your form and you let out a quiet breath. You heard a page turn and a  pencil being dragged lightly across paper. It had been over a week but nothing seemed to be getting better between you and him. Patrols were a nightmare beforehand but now that he'd switched from constant criticism to almost no comments you found that you preferred the former.
Damian's pencil against the paper was the only sound in the room and yet the silence seemed so loud. You hated it. You hated having to avoid him all the time. You hated not being able to talk to him anymore. You hated how far away he felt even when he was right next to you. Above all you hated that you didn't hate him as much as you used to.
You never realized how much you talked to him until you didn't. It was a weird feeling to miss someone when you hadn't even known you cared about them. You honestly just wanted to apologize and let things get back to normal but as you sat there staring at your book you couldn't bring yourself to say anything.
After three to many nightmares where Damian got hurt, you finally realized how badly you needed him back. So you took a deep breath, swallowed your pride, opened your mouth, and prayed to god that something would come out.
"Damian-" you both spoke at the same time. "Sorry, you go first." You apologized.
"No you can go first." He replied almost nervously. That couldn't be right, he never got nervous.
"Uh I was just going to say, well i've been thinking lately,"
"You?" He asked sarcastically.
"Oh haha really funny. Will you just listen for a goddamn second." He was not making this easy. "I know we haven't been talking much ever since, well you know and uhh." You couldn't find the right way to word it. You were still too stubborn to outright apologize but you knew he would never say sorry unprompted. "You've just seemed... off, lately and if it has something to do with me-"
"It doesn't." He cut you off. "I'm not 'off' and even if I was you definitely wouldn't be the cause." His expression was blank but calculated.
"Well jeez you don't have to be so rude about it." You sneered back at him. "What were you trying to say anyway." So much for your apology.
"I've convinced father to change our partners." His voice was flat and he seemed bored with the conversation.
"You what?" You stood up. You couldn't believe he actually did that without talking to you first.
He stood up as well and was a few inches higher than you. "We don't work well together, you can't tell me you don't agree."
"I don't! We've been a great team! Remember the Penguin pen raid or Mr Freeze's death ray thingy." you exaggerated your point by waving our hands through the air. "We stopped those. Together. You can't just go around changing things without asking me first!" You were fuming.
"Sure I can! We only stopped those villains because of what I did, you just got in the way." he pointed at you.
Here we go again, the blame game. The endless cycle of 'he did this she did that'. You were so sick of it. "That's bullshit and you know it. I can hold my own on the field just as well as you can. And you know what! I don't even want to be your partner anymore."
"Neither do I! You can go play hero with someone else while I do all the real work. I never wanted you on the team in the first place!" He stared you down and if you weren't so fired up you'd probably be intimidated.
"God you're so annoying!” You threw your hands up in frustration. “You think you're so great and no one can even come close to you but in reality you're exactly like the rest of us!"
What were you doing? This wasn't what you wanted. You wanted to apologize and make things right but now here you were screaming at him again. You almost couldn't help it. Fighting him gave you a sort of rush that you craved. It was like a drug and you were addicted to the pain. You didn't want to fight him but it was the closest thing to a conversation you'd had in over a week and at this point it was enough to satisfy your need.
"I'm going to prove that i'm better than you. I'll do it on my own too!" You told him.
"Go ahead and try! You can do whatever you want because I don't care about you anymore."
You stepped back, stood as tall as you could without going on your tiptoes and took a breath. "I'm starting to think you never did." You said calmly, it seemed to catch him off guard and he didn't retaliate. You grabbed your book and turned towards the door. Dick was standing there, completely still and staring at you and Damian.
"Woah." He said awkwardly. He clearly didn't know how to handle the situation he'd just stumbled on.
You pushed past him and into the hallway. Tears were building up in the corners of your eyes so you had to move fast, the last thing you needed right now was for them to see you cry. 
Damian watched you walk out before turning around and groaning. "I can't believe her," he muttered to himself. "I'm starting to think you never did. That doesn't even make sense."
"Because... you do care about her?" Dick asked. It probably wasn't the best choice of words.
Damian looked back at him with an almost offended expression. "That's ridiculous! I don't care about her, that was basically the whole point of our conversation."
"Was that a conversation? The part of that 'conversation' I saw seemed more like her yelling at you and then you... yelling back." He stated the obvious.
"That was completely her fault," Damian defended. He seemed angry but it wasn't his usual kind. Usually it was directed at someone or something and usually that thing would get acquainted with his katana but this time he was mad at himself and he couldn't understand why. "I don't care about her." He repeated quietly almost trying to remind himself more than anything.
You spent the rest of the day hiding in the guest room. You planned on staying there forever and letting yourself fade out of existence but the universe had other plans. 3 hours, 5 episodes of your favorite show, and a nest made of blankets later you got a call from Tim asking you to come to the cave.
He didn't tell you why he needed you, he just said to meet him in the lower level of the cave so when you got there you were very surprised to find him and Damian standing in the hallway. You groaned internally and considered turning around and just walking away but Tim spotted you before you could. Damian's back was to you so he didn't know who it was until he turned around and you saw his face fall.
'Nice to see you too asshole' You thought to yourself, walking over to stand near him but still keeping your distance. "What did you need?" You asked, wanting to get out of there as soon as humanly possible. You kept your eyes ahead trying not to look at Damian and you had the feeling he was doing the same.
The entire mood of the dimly lit hallway had shifted from the moment you locked eyes with him and the tension was noticeable. Tim looked between the two of you before clearing his throat and bringing the attention back to him. "I actually don't need anything."
"So then why did you call telling me to come down here?" Damian asked, clearly annoyed that Tim was wasting his time.
Tim smirked in response and opened the door before Jason, who was behind you apparently, pushed you both into the room before either of you could react. You landed on top of Damian with a grunt. Once you realized you were on top of him you felt your cheeks turn red and you stood up quickly. You could have sworn you saw the slightest bit of a blush on him but you were too preoccupied with the now locked door to think about too much.
"Ok love birds here's the deal, you're petty hormone fueled fighting is driving us crazy and now we're doing something about it." Jason told you from the other side of the small glass window. "We said you were gonna lock you in a room until you figured out how to get along and now we're following through." he smirked.
"I swear to god if you lock me in this room with him,"  you motioned towards Damian, "I will drop kick you into the sun."
"If you let us out now maybe I won't kill you," Damian threatened alongside you.
"Maybe if you’d learned to talk to each other like normal people you wouldn’t be here in the first place," Tim said. "We'll be back after patrol so you've got about," he looked at his watchless wrist "4ish hours. Have fun." And with that they both walked away.
"DON'T YOU DARE WALK AWA- and they're gone. Dammit." You cursed and hit the steel door which hurt a lot more than you thought it would. "Shit," You shook your hand.
"Well that was just stupid," Damian scoffed at you, taking your hand to examine it. He always did that sort of thing on patrol so you didn't pull away or even really register what he was doing.
"Oh i'm sorry, is my frustration not smart enough for you?" you sneered back. "What even is this place anyway," You looked around the small dark room, determined to not look him in the eyes.
"A containment cell for metas, we haven't used it for a while so the power blockers are probably turned off." he told you before releasing your hand. "You definitely bruised it but you'll be fine."
You reluctantly thanked him and turned back to the door to see if you could get it open somehow. "Ok so how do we get out?"
"We don't."
You flipped around, surprised to hear him give up without even trying. "You're kidding right? There's gotta be some way out of here. We're superheros, a few walls can't hold us,” you exclaimed. “Can't you use those ninja skills you're so proud of and like... kick it down, or something?" You watched him walk to the back of the small cell and sit down on the floor.
"No," he replied simply. "This room was built to hold the most dangerous people in Gotham and I don't know if you've noticed but we don't have any of our gear." He glared at you and you rolled your eyes.
"So we're just supposed to wait here until they get back? We can't just sit here all night," You tried to convince him to do... anything really.
"Well if you're so keen on getting out then let's hear your genius plan," He leaned forward with all the smugness of billionaires son, daring you to say something.  "That's what I thought. Now will you please be quiet, I can't even hear myself losing my will to live."
"Fine whatever we'll just stay here in complete silence," You muttered sarcastically under your breath. Damian remained quiet as you started pacing back and forth but you could tell he was watching you.
After pacing for about 30 minutes you realized how tired you were from training so hard the past couple of days and sat down in the corner. You spent so much time over the last week worrying about Damian that you hadn't let yourself relax long enough to get any real rest. The little sleep you did manage to get mostly turned to nightmares.
At first you didn't even realize you were asleep. It all looked real enough except for the fact that you'd somehow been transported to a rooftop. You scanned your surroundings but everything was just slightly out of focus so you couldn't tell exactly where you were. When you turned around you saw him. Damian was there, and behind him was a shadowy sort of silhouette.
The shadow raised a knife and you realized what was happening. You tried to warn him, you tried to scream or yell or move but it was no use. The knife plunged into Damians back and you were helpless to stop it. You felt the pain he felt, you felt the blade slice through you. Finally you could move again but it was too late. The shadow disappeared but you didn't care about it, all you wanted to do was get to Damian. You ran forward but it was like running through water, your body moved in slow motion and you watched the blood start to pool underneath him.
Suddenly you were falling. Damian was gone, the roof was gone, everything was gone, it was just you and a black abyss trying to swallow you up. You screamed again but no noise came out, it was like all the air was being sucked from your lungs. It was silent and dark and empty nothingness until you saw a faint light. Then you heard something, your name being repeated, someone calling you and then you were pulled out of the void.
You shot up and gasped for air and frantically looked around but your eyes hadn't adjusted to the light yet. You heard a familiar soothing voice pulled you farther out of your trance.
"Hey hey hey, it's ok i'm here." The voice was calm and concerned at the same time. "It's just me ok, you're safe," Rough hands gently turned your head and the first thing you saw clearly was a pair of worried green eyes. You're breathing slowed and you're heart nearly skipped a beat.
Wrapping your arms around his chest you pulled him closer. He hesitated for a moment before folding you into his embrace. It was soft and delicate and it seemed like he was scared of holding you too tightly. Neither of you said anything else, you just sat there on the floor of a meta containment cell in each other's arms.
Time stood still and you finally admitted the truth to yourself. The real reason you hated Damian was because you loved him.
A/n: might fuck around and make a part 3 with the classic “because i love you!” confession scene
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flowercrown-bard · 4 years
Jaskier keeps telling Geralt that he loves him. Geralt - like the idiot that he is - keeps thinking it’s meant as a joke. 
3k. Read on AO3
„You may now kiss the bride.”
It took all of Geralt’s self-restraint not to groan, when the old lady standing in front of him and Jaskier slightly turned towards them and whispered audibly “When they told us that they had fallen in love at first sight, no one believed them. And now look at them! Getting married!”
Geralt didn’t answer. What even was he supposed to say? He doubted any cynicism about falling out of love as quickly as falling into it would be appreciated and he had nothing more personal to say. After all, he didn’t even know the couple. The only reason he even was at the wedding, was because Jaskier had dragged him here with the promise of wine. And because of the fact that it would make Jaskier happy. Seeing Jaskier smile and dance would make up for the people looking at Geralt like he was out of place here. Which he was.
Thankfully, he was spared having to answer, because Jaskier did it for him.
“It is terribly romantic.” He turned to Geralt with a bright smile and a twinkle in his eyes. “Say, do you believe in love at first sight, Geralt?”
This time, the reaction couldn’t be supressed. Multiple people threw him dirty looks as he snorted.
“Absolutely not.” Jaskier gasped, clearly affronted, and just to see his reaction, Geralt added “Lust, sure. Some affection, maybe. But falling in love within minutes of meeting someone just sounds shallow and like something only idiots would do.”
“Are you saying I am an idiot then?” Jaskier challenged with a lifted chin.
Geralt’s lips twitched upwards as Jaskier tried to not show his outrage too loudly, lest the festivities would be disturbed.
“You!” He stage-whispered and stabbed an accusatory finger at Geralt’s chest. “You are impossible! And just for the record, you were supposed to ask ‘why’.”
Geralt lifted his eyebrows, lips still curled into a teasing smile that no one but Jaskier would notice.
“Because I happen to have fallen in love at first sight,” Jaskier said triumphantly.
“Like I said, you are an idiot for it.”
“Oh?” Jaskier asked, a grin spreading over his face, making him look like a cat that knew it would get away with stealing the cream. “Even if I told you that it is you I fell in love with not even a day after I met you in Posada?”
Geralt huffed, ignoring how his heart skipped a beat. “If that were true, you would be even more of a fool.”
Jaskier certainly hadn’t fallen in love with Geralt. At most, he had been a duckling following the first thing it saw. Between the punch and almost getting him killed, Geralt had done nothing that would make anyone -least of all Jaskier- fall in love with him.
For some unexplainable reason, the thought tasted bitter.  
He turned away from Jaskier, his big blue eyes and that cheeky smile suddenly too much for him.
“Oh,” Jaskier said quietly. There was an awkward pause, in which Geralt could feel Jaskier’s eyes on him. “You don’t need to be grumpy about it. You know I was only joking, don’t you?”
Geralt grunted. Of course he knew it was a joke. With an unsettling feeling spreading thought his chest, he realised that maybe that was exactly the problem. It didn’t matter. Geralt wouldn’t let it bother him.
It was bothering him. Not that first time; he could have just ignored that and gone on with his life. But it kept happening. The words were always accompanied by a nudge in the ribs, laughter or that exaggerated cheeriness in Jaskier’s voice.
When they parted ways for the winter, Jaskier said in his overdramatic fashion “The only thing keeping me warm in the winter will be my love for you.”
His tongue peeked out between his lips and his grin was as mischievous as could be. Geralt had left quicker than intended, only so he could get away from the joke that hurt more than it should.
When Geralt decided to safe a family from a cockatrice, even though they couldn’t pay, Jaskier looked at him with a smile that was far too wide to be genuine.
“See, that’s why I love you!”
When Geralt listened to Jaskier rant about Valdo Marx for the tenth time in a week it happened again.
“Listen, Jaskier, I don’t know about music, but the one time I heard him play, I pretended that there was a monster nearby that I needed to hunt just so I would get out of listening to him. So stop worrying. You are much better than him.”
Jaskier stared at him with a slightly open mouth for a moment, before that grin split his face. Dread settled in Geralt’s stomach. He knew that expression. He tried to brace himself, but Jaskier’s words, spoken with too much enthusiasm and accompanied with a wink that marked them as a joke, still hurt Geralt like the blow of a sword.
“Have I ever told you that I love you?”
Too many times. And not once actually meaning it.
“Say, Geralt, why are you not in a relationship?”
Geralt paused sharpening his sword and looked up to where Jaskier was leaning against a tree. “That’s a stupid question.”
“That may be, but it is a sincere question.”
For once, Jaskier actually sounded serious. Still, Geralt didn’t know what he should say. The truth? That there was no one who would be foolish enough to want to be with a witcher? Surely, Jaskier knew that himself. It’s not that Geralt minded not having anyone who loved him in that way. It was better like this.
That is… he hadn’t minded. It was easy not thinking about how no one wanted him, when he wasn’t interested in anyone either. It was a different story, when there was someone who Geralt wished would like him back. It was a different story, when the one holding Geralt’s heart was staring at him, head cocked to the side and asking him about his love life. It was different, when the one person Geralt loved thought it was funny to declare their undying love for him over and over and never truly mean it.
He couldn’t say any of that. So instead he did what he always did. He grunted and left Jaskier to interpret it however he wanted.
“You haven’t been seeing anyone either for a while,” Geralt added as an afterthought.
“And what a shame that is.” Jaskier came closer, crouching down next to Geralt, making it impossible for Geralt to evade his eyes and his foreboding grin. “You know what? Let’s make a deal. If we both are still single a year from now on, we will get married. Love at first sight ending in marriage is always wonderful material for a song.”
Geralt couldn’t repress the scowl. “You would do that for a song?” He willed his voice to be even, but he knew there was a bitterness to the words that Jaskier couldn’t miss. He ignored Jaskier’s stammered excuses. “It’s a stupid deal. I doubt you won’t have found a new paramour in a day or two anyway.”
“No need to get snappish,” Jaskier said with a smile, but his voice sounded tight as he stood back up. “I was just joking.”
Jaskier didn’t laugh at his own joke. Instead he looked almost crestfallen. No wonder. Geralt knew all too well the feeling of making an unappreciated joke. Inwardly he sighed. Still he cracked a smile, hoping it would at least make Jaskier think he had been funny.
“I honestly don’t know how you managed to put up with Geralt for so long. I only spend the winter with him and that’s almost enough to drive me crazy,” Lambert said and downed the rest of his drink.
Jaskier only laughed.
Geralt’s nervousness when he had seen Lambert enter the tavern had quickly changed into annoyance. It seemed all of his worries that he and Jaskier wouldn’t get along and that Jaskier might even get offended by Lambert being, well, Lambert, were entirely unfounded.
They were already on their third round and getting along well. Too well, maybe.
“You know, songbird, I like you.” Lambert’s words made Gerlt clench his jaw. “If you ever grow tired of Geralt” - Geralt didn’t need the reminder. As if he didn’t think of that possibility every day- “you can always travel with me instead.”
Geralt’s grip around his tankard tightened, his knuckles going white. His throat became tight as he awaited – dreaded – Jaskier’s answer.
Jaskier reached out and patted Lambert’s hand.
“Thank you for the offer,” he said with a chirpy laugh. “but you see, I can’t just leave Geralt. He is the love of my life after all.”
Geralt closed the eyes when Lambert snorted. For a moment he wondered whether it might have been less painful if Jaskier had instead agreed to go with Lambert.
“What do you mean you have something for me?” Jaskier asked, brows furrowed, but a spark of curiosity in his eyes. “I thought we were low on coin?”
They were. But when they had gone to the market earlier that day and Jaskier had stood in front of the stall selling inks in pretty bottles it had sent a pang through Geralt’s chest, when Jaskier had sighed and his longing look had turned into disappointment.
“I am going on a hunt tomorrow morning. It’ll bring in enough coin to make up for this.” He held the beautifully crafted inkwell out for Jaskier to take.
Jaskier’s eyes lit up and he held it like it was the most precious thing he owned.
“Blue ink? It must have been expensive.”
It had been. But it matched Jaskier’s eyes. It had been a stupid impulse, but Geralt hadn’t been thinking clearly, the memory of Jaskier’s earlier disappointment still nagging at his mind.
Geralt grunted. “Use it to write some more songs that get us coin and it will have been worth it.”
It already was, if only for the brilliant smile Jaskier sent his way.
“Thank you so much, Geralt. Really.” He took one of Geralt’s hands in his and squeezed it gently. Warmth spread through Geralt from where they touched. “I will start performing right away. I just need a drink first.” Jaskier paused, a soft look stealing its way into his eyes. “Really, Geralt, you can’t just do such nice things for me and expect my heart to be able to handle it.”
Geralt’s throat tightened. He wanted to say something, but this was too close already. Anything Geralt would say now could easily make Jaskier turn this into a joke again and Geralt desperately wanted to keep this moment as it was, with Jaskier being happy and not making fun of what he could never truly feel for Geralt.
So instead of saying anything that could cut the threat that kept this conversation genuine, he nodded in the direction of their room.
“You go drink and sing. I’ll get some rest.” Did he imagine the look of disappointment flashing over Jaskier’s face? “I’ll need to get up early tomorrow if I want to be done with the contract by nightfall.”
After tossing and turning for what seemed like hours, plagued by the memory of Jaskier’s hand in his, he had finally drifted off to sleep. He hadn’t even woken up when Jaskier had eventually gone to bed. Just as Jaskier didn’t wake up when Geralt left the room now.
Finding the monster wasn’t hard, but the cold winds marking the coming end of autumn were making it hard to keep his hands steady on Roach’s reins. Geralt cursed under his breath. Fighting with cold hands was always a bother and he had hoped it would be a few more weeks before the cold would settle over the land. A few more weeks he would be able to spend at Jaskier’s side.
The wind picked up and Geralt let go of the reins, trusting Roach to find her way without his guidance and buried his hands deep in the pockets of his cloak in hopes of giving them some warmth at least. What he found instead was paper.
He frowned, producing the thing that someone must have stuck into his pockets without him noticing. It was a letter, slightly crumpled up and smelling distinctly of Jaskier and something bitter.
Geralt halted Roach and stared at the paper for a long moment, before finally unfolding it.
The letter was unmistakably written by Jaskier – in blue ink – though the writing looked nothing like the elegant notes he usually wrote. No, it looked sloppy. Rushed? Maybe even nervous?
If so, then surely Jaskier couldn’t have been as nervous as Geralt was now, reading the letter.
 My dearest, There is something I need to tell you before we have to separate for the winter again. Something I have told you many times already, but you never believed me. I hope you believe me now, when I don’t have anything but my words to mess this up. I love you, Geralt. I have loved you for years and I will continue to do so. I know that you don’t feel the same way and if this makes you uncomfortable, we can pretend I never wrote this. To be honest, I am not even sure why I am writing this. But I know what I feel for you. With all my love, Jaskier
Geralt’s heart skipped a beat. He read over the lines again and again, unable to comprehend. This couldn’t be a joke. Jaskier wouldn’t be so cruel as to immortalize such a lie in a letter. He asked Geralt to believe him. And he did. For the first time, Geralt believed him. Fuck, how often had Geralt misinterpreted what Jaskier had said? How often had he dismissed Jaskier’s confession, thinking it had been a joke?
He folded the letter, trying to get rid of all the creases and put it back in his pockets.
The hunt couldn’t be over fast enough. The ride back must be exhausting for Roach, but Geralt burned with the need to see Jaskier, to talk to him, to please hear him say that he had meant what he had written in the letter.
As soon as he opened the door to their room, all words he could have said, left him. There was Jaskier, sitting on the bed, plucking the strings of his lute, crafting some new melody. He was beautiful. How was Geralt supposed to talk to him about the letter? How was he supposed to find the words when nothing could be enough to describe how much it meant to him just seeing Jaskier lift his head and light up at the sight of Geralt.
“Geralt, you’re back!” He put his lute to the side and looked Geralt over, like he always did when he had been fighting. He looked so…normal. Nothing in his behaviour implied that he was in any way nervous about the letter he had slipped Geralt when he must have been asleep.
Geralt swallowed. If this makes you uncomfortable, we can pretend I never wrote this.
Of course. Jaskier had taken the first step. More than a step really. Jaskier had run a mile in writing the letter. It was on Geralt now to meet him halfway. If only he knew how to broach the subject.
Jaskier filled the silence, before Geralt got a chance to find the right words.
“How did it go? Did anything interesting happen on the hunt?”
This was it. The opening he had been waiting for and the obvious hint that Jaskier wanted to talk about what he had written.
“Yes,” Geralt said. “Something quite interesting.”
He reached inside his pockets. He held the letter out to Jaskier with a small smile on his face.
Jaskier’s curiosity slowly transformed into confusion and then into recognition and horror.
“Oh shit.” It was barely more than a whisper. His eyes snapped up to Geralt’s, wide open and panicking. “You didn’t actually read that, did you? I… shit, I didn’t think I was actually gone enough to write that.” Jaskier’s hands started to fidget and his heartbeat became frantic. “Fuck. I was really, really drunk when I wrote that. Can you please forget about it?”
Geralt’s blood ran cold. He didn’t even notice his hand starting to tremble, until he felt the paper rip in his tight grip.
The sloppy handwriting. The bitter smell – alcohol. The way the paper had been crumpled-up in his pockets. The distinct lack of poetry. Jaskier would never write a letter – a love letter no less – this carelessly when he was sober.
Bitterness rose in Geralt’s throat.
“So you didn’t mean it?”  His voice was tight and he was barely able to get the words past the lump in his throat.
Jaskier gave him a chipped smile. Every moment now he would open his mouth and double down on that fucking joke that ripped Geralt’s heart into pieces. He wouldn’t be able to handle hearing it again.
“Please, Jaskier, don’t. I can’t keep doing this. It was funny the first time around, but since then it had become worse with every time you say it.”
“Oh.” Jaskier’s fragile smile crumbled, leaving him looking broken and hurt. “I am sorry. I didn’t know it made you that uncomfortable.” He let out a hollow laugh. “I figured that if you thought it was just a joke, it would be alright for me to say it. I am sorry. I won’t say it again.”
This was good. Geralt would finally be free of having to hear Jaskier make fun of Geralt’s feelings. Except…something didn’t add up.
“What do you mean, if I thought it was a joke?”
Jaskier tensed. His tongue licked nervously over his lips and his eyes flitted about the room, trying desperately to evade Geralt.
“I just… I thought I was good at hiding how I felt. I thought I would be fine pretending. But then you just have to be so you and do these things that just make it impossible not to tell you. Saying it and having you think I didn’t mean it was better than not saying it at all.” He hesitated, his eyes finally settling back on Geralt, who could do nothing but stare at him. “Can I… Can I say it just one more time? Just this once with both of us knowing that I mean it? And then I promise you I will never say it again.”
Geralt’s mouth went dry. There were to many thoughts racing in his head, trying to understand, trying to find a way in which he could have possibly misread what Jaskier had just been saying. He couldn’t risk getting his heart even more broken over one more stupid misunderstanding. And yet….
“What if I don’t want you to?” He asked carefully, not daring to hope.
“Oh.” Jaskier’s face fell. “Yeah, no, of course. I won’t say it. Sorry, forget I ever asked.”
“No, that’s not what I meant.” Geralt took a shuddering breath. “What if I don’t want you to stop saying it? What if… what if I would say it back?”
Jaskier’s hands twitched and for a heartbeat he didn’t say anything, before he finally whispered “Would you?”
A smile broke through the uncertainty and a laugh bubbled up in Jaskier. A genuine, nervous laugh that was nothing like the one he usually used when saying the words.
“I love you, Geralt.”
It was no joke. There was no exaggerated wink, no nudge in the ribs, no reassurance that he didn’t mean it. Just hope and a smile that widened when Geralt finally said it back.
“I love you too.”
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britishvamps · 3 years
Prompt: None Fandom: Atiny (ATEEZ) Member: Jeong Yunho Warnings: Not really, underlying tones of sketchy deals, mention of a gun and knowledge of a crime family Word Count: 3,012 *Quick PSA: I cut it down but it's still over 3k words. This may be part of a series with the Ateez boys. This will have a series of its own and this is written for my black/POC girls 💜*
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The day of your nineteenth birthday began pretty much like every typical day in your household. You were awoken at 7:30 am, went into the bathroom to have a shower. You sat back in front of your vanity, body and hair still wrapped in a towel as you moisturised your arms and legs when a knock on your door. “Come in.” You said, changing the song playing from your phone to Khalid’s ‘free spirit’ as your parents walked in. Behind them, an array of gifts were being carried in bags, and boxes followed them as they came up to hug you. “Happy birthday, sweetie.” Your mother spoke as she sat on your bed. “Happy birthday, pumpkin.” Your father whispered as he kissed your forehead before straightening out his suit and rushed back out, leaving you in your now packed room with your mother still sat on the bed. “Baby, get dressed and come meet your father and me downstairs in the dining room, okay. Dress cute.” She uttered as she arose and strutted out, her nude Louboutin heels clicking on the marble floor with each step she took before you heard the click of the door behind her.
Assuming it was another row of gifts, you dried your hair and quickly dressed in a long black flowy dress with gladiator sandals. Deciding to go semi-bare faced, you put on your lashes, did your eyebrows and put on your jewellery before you went downstairs. As you walked into the massive dining hall, one of the help came and placed a stack of hot, fluffy pancakes in front of you as two others place similar looking plates in front of your parents. “Eat up, baby. We have to go out soon to meet a few people.” Your father spoke as he skimmed over his paper whilst sipping his coffee, glancing at you as you placed a few strawberries on your plate and cut them into your pancakes. Giving a brief nod, you quickly dug in before rushing to your walk-in closet and grabbing your nude cardigan. Hopping down the stairs, your parents stood by the door with their entourage awaiting your arrival before you all bustled out and entered your respective cars. Your mother and father in one car with two guards in the front seats, you in another with three, and the rest split in two other similar looking sleek, black BMW X6′s before you set off to your location, still unknown to you. “So... where are we going, guys?” You quizzed your escorts after about 45 minutes of driving through the city, to which you got a short reply of “You’ll see when we arrive, Miss.” Rolling your eyes, you sat scrolling through the birthday wish messages from your social media as your friends posted photos from balls and events as well. “Well, seeing as nobody is going to say anything, I’m going to connect my phone to the aux.” You say as you unbuckle your seatbelt and lean forward to grab the thin black cable. Soon after, the music’s soft melodies were surrounding everyone in the car.
It was not until an hour or so later that you had begun slowing down in front of the great black gates that stood tall and proud in front of a large, pristine white coloured house. The bright green lawn and burgundy door stood out in comparison to its white canvas. As the gates to the unknown slowly opened, the silence in the area almost became deafening. It seemed virtually ghostly besides the hum of the engines that soon cut off as they reached their destination at the top of the driveway.
As you exited the vehicles, the once empty patio was now occupied by a single maid, much like Amanda. She stood, awaiting your ascent up the stairs. She leads you and your parents to a large room that could only describe what one might use for an exaggerated dinner party. On one side of the table stood a man, a woman who you assumed was his wife judging by her posture and clothing and a younger, taller male off on the side of the woman. Your mother and father walked towards them, beginning the greetings between them and the more youthful male shock their hands. Although confused, you shook their hands, bowing slightly to the younger male who seemed to have no interest in being in the same room as anyone who was actually in there already. “Hello, please sit. We have much to discuss.” The older man said, pointing towards the chairs as he took his place at the head of the table.
Confused, you remained stood up. “What is this? Where are we?” You quizzed, to which the younger male finally looked up at you, eyes curiously glancing over your figure as if trying to see if you were serious about your question or not. This gave you a chance to see him correctly and was he a sight to see. His face seemingly made by the gods themselves and his broad shoulders accentuated by his choice of suit. A grey check suit and white dress shirt with a deep black tie. “Sit (y/n). You will soon understand.” Your father’s voice spoke in a tone you haven’t heard from him before. Sitting opposite the younger male, you watched as another man, who you hadn’t noticed was even in the room, came and handed your father and the other older male a stack of papers, much like a contract. “Seriously, dad, we’re here to do business on my birthday.” You deadpanned, quite annoyed that the secrecy seemed only for another one of your father’s ‘business deals’.
“(y/n)...” Your mother started, before being cut off by your father. “(y/n), this is Mr and Mrs Jeong and their son Yunho.” As he spoke, he handed you the stack of papers as Mr Jeong handed his son a copy of your documents. Looking down at dark black ink that sat on the accumulation of white papers, sat your marriage contracts.
Thick, slabs of ivory paper perched on the deep black glass of the table, with the neatly written words staring back at you as it read ‘Legalised document of the union of the Jeong’s and the (y/l/n)’ s’. The thoughts swirling in your head were too loud as you looked up in horror, taking a glance around the table only to receive a sea of all blank faces. It became quickly apparent that you were the last one to know. Abruptly arising in anger, you practically flew out of the room, dismissing the yells of your parents and just when you had reached the door of the house, you were suddenly stopped by a sharp, curt pull on the arm, turning to be face to face with the beautiful individual who was previously sat opposite you. “I suggest you return on your own volition before I am forced to bring you back.” He spoke his face at much closer proximity than you had expected. Breathing heavily, you pulled your arm out of his hand before speaking. “If you think I am walking back into there so I can hear about how I am to get married to you on my nineteenth birthday, you, sir, have much more wrong with you than my parents do.”
As you opened the door, you were abruptly picked up and tossed over the shoulder of the man who you was to be your future husband. Screeching, you yelled to be let down, but your screams fell upon deaf ears as he walked you back into the dining room and set you down by the door before entering it and holding the door open for you to walk past. Huffing, you pushed your hair back and walked into the room, angrily throwing yourself into your chair as you listened to your parents plan the type of wedding they wanted you to have. Still angry, you zoned you into your thoughts, wondering what you possibly could’ve done in your past life to deserve such a treatment in which your own parents would ship you off to be wed to a man who, in the short hour you had known him, had already manhandled you and not left a good impression. “So, it is decided. The wedding will be in 6 months, and the two of you will be living together for that time. Get to know each other better.” Mr Jeong said, clapping his hands together as both sets of parents beamed at one another. “We will, of course, have to meet again to talk about the official taking over of my place once Yunho is wed, but until then, it seems we have a wedding to get through.” Mr Jeong finished as they all arose, shaking hands once more and to which you did not partake, just walking out. Upon entering your car, you locked the doors to ensure your parents wouldn’t try to speak to you.
“Where to, Miss (y/n)?” The driver asked, your guards back in their designated seats. “Anywhere but home. Make sure my parents don’t try to follow me.” You ordered, pulling your earphones out of your pocket and letting the lyrics of Billie Eilish consume you. It was not until two and a half hours later that you realised your destination. In this park, your parents used to take you as a child, before your father became too busy with his business to have your fortnightly picnic with you in that same park. Walking through the small, isolated area, you finally took a seat in what became your usual thinking spot. A large oak tree perched in front of the midsized artificial lake that sat in the middle of the field. Thinking back to the beginning of your day, even if you were given a thousand guesses, none would have been close to the events of today. At a mere 19 years of age, you got engaged and soon to be wed to a rude man you had known for only three long hours—a very handsome man, but a rude man nonetheless.
The sun was still shining brightly in the afternoon, but there was a clear breeze. You had been sat there for much longer than you had anticipated as your stomach grumbles, indicating that it was time to start heading back. Dreading the drive back, you slowly walked back towards the car where one of your guards, Eric, was holding a bag of takeout and a drink. “Figured you’d be hungry, Miss (y/n).” He smiles and hands you the food and drink before opening the car door, letting you slide in.
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Two months had passed, and your parents had decided that it would be best to announce your engagement during one of your father’s trimonthly “fundraisers”. At this time, you and Yunho had only interacted when your parents and the Jeong’s visited and even then, the interactions were curt and almost business-like themselves. You slept in separate rooms and continued to live very individual lives; you, unaware of the back alley dealings and Yunho, preparing to take over his father’s “business.” All your friends were super excited that you were living with such a cute guy and started making plans to go wedding dress shopping but if only they knew the truth; that it was nothing more than a business deal.
You had to go shopping with Yunho for a matching dress and suit, both your parents joined making sure it was going well. You had entered another boutique, the employees running around trying to find a dress to match Yunho’s burgundy suit that he had seen almost instantaneously after visiting the first store, you, however, seemed to have no intentions to finding a dress, enjoying the complimentary champagne and strawberries you were getting served. “(y/n) you need to take this seriously. This is a good thing.” Your mum spoke, grabbing the champagne flute from your hand before pulling you up. In front of you was an assortment of dresses in the same colour as Yunho’s suit. Rolling your eyes, you ran your hands over the materials of the dresses, ranging from silk to velvet. You stopped at a silk dress with gold detailing, pulling it from the rack and holding it to your body. “Perfect choice, miss (y/n). This will look amazing on you.” The employee complimented. You walked into the changing area and put on the dress, instantly falling in love with the way it looked. You walked out to see your mum, and Yunho’s mum watches you in awe. “That’s the dress. You look beautiful, darling. This is the one.” Mrs Jeong spoke, signalling towards an employee. “Go get changed; I’ll go pay for this, and then we can get brunch and start discussing the wedding.” And just like that, the perfect moment came crashing down with reality.
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A few weeks had passed, and it was the day of the ball. Everything was decorated to a T; the drinks fountains looked taller than you as they sat on the tables with filled champagne flutes roaming around as people started arriving. You and Yunho were in the study with your parents, receiving another lecture about acting like a couple. "Yunho, (y/n), please. Try acting more like a couple. Hold hands, maybe a kiss or something." His father sighed, watching the two of you practically glaring at one another from across the room. "I do not remember signing up for this." You groaned, seeing your parents glare at you before you stood up, trying to walk to the door. "(y/n) sit down. This marriage is for the best for the both of you." Your mother muttered, watching your every move. "The marriage is happening; the best thing you can do is try and make it as enjoyable as you can." Your father announced, ending the conversation as he put on his suit jacket, turning and nodding to Yunho before he began walking out. "I will do my part for tonight but do not expect me to act as if this was of my volition." You notified, pushing past him, the tail of your dress flowing behind you.
The party was in full swing when your parents had begun getting everyone's attention as they started announcing your betrothal. "Ladies and gentlemen. We have some exciting news. In a few months, my son will be getting married." Exclaimed Mr Jeong, receiving several cheers and claps from guests. With his hand out, Yunho walked towards where you and your parents were stood before taking your hand and placing a gorgeous diamond engagement ring on it. This caused an uproar of cheers, and he leant into you. "Keep this up, and one might think you actually like me." You whispered as you faked a smile, giving Yunho a quick side look before smiling back at the guests.
After you descended the stairs, your girlfriends began asking about 'the mysterious fiancee'. As if those words were his summoning, a hand snaked around your waist, causing you to force a smile as you looked up at him. "I heard I was being looked for." He smiled, planting a kiss on your temple. One would've actually believed you were a couple if they did not look too close. "Yes, girls, this is Yunho. Yunho, these are my best friends." Each of them not so subtly giving you approving looks as they shook his hand. "Pleasure. But I must steal away my beautiful fiancee." He charmed, to which they immediately sent you both off with a giggle and a wink. Yunho led you into a room in the back, immediately dropping his arm from your waist the second the door closed. "Why are we in here when the party and alcohol are out there?" You chided. Rolling his eyes, he unbuttoned his suit jacket. "We need to talk. You can't avoid me, so this the best place." He began, sitting in one of the chairs. "What do you know about your father's business?"
"He owns a few restaurants, some buildings and some shipping companies; I don't know. Why do you ask?" You quizzed, also sitting down. Yunho let out an incredulous laugh, leaning back. "Baby, that is far from the truth. Where we like it or not, we're going to be wed, so time to lay out a few truths. Our fathers are both the heads of two very powerful crime syndicates. Our marriage is an alliance to which we will both gain a lot. We may not see eye to eye, but you will be my wife, and I promise no harm will come your way." He said, staring at your face as it contorts to one of confusion and shock. Suddenly it was all making sense; the late-night work meetings, the cryptic conversations and the constant need to have guards. "I- This is crazy! It all kind of makes sense, but I can't be marrying a- a criminal." You rushed, standing up quickly. "Listen, I am telling you to warn you. We will never be 100% safe, and better you find out than during a situation that may involve me bringing my gun." He spoke as if this whole thing was normal. "Look, we can talk about this after the party. We disappear for too long, and people might think we're doing something, and we wouldn't want that now, would we love?" He smirked, straightening his suit before he sauntered out, leaving you stood in the room alone with your thoughts. Letting out a shocked laugh, you fixed your dress, faked a smile and walked back out to the enormous hall where Yunho was seemingly deep in conversation with your friends. You looked around, the news of your father's business partners not being as legit as they seem to change your perspective of each and every member in the room. Your father's head of management for his buildings and hotels you no longer regarded as your godfather; your driver no longer felt like he had just that one job.
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Tag list: @helwegen @yunhobabygurl If anyone else wants to get tagged, please just message me or leave it below :)
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lovestrucked-again · 4 years
Delirium IV
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Summary: After being kidnapped and claimed by the notorious mafia leader, he offers you a 7 day period where you’ll be given the option after of staying or leaving. Until then, you’re stuck, whether you like it or not.
Pairing: Mafia leader X female reader Word count: 3k
Genre & Warning: HEAVY SMUT, fingering, Explicit content, mafia gang, possessive, toxic, yandere like personality, public scenes, humiliation, multiple orgasms, rough, orgasm denial, begging, orgasm control, use of safe systems, praise, teasing, use of sex objects, dildo, vagina balls and straps, BDSM: handcuffs, blindfolds, chains, nipple clamps, dildo sucking. pain kink? 
Please don’t read this if you’re uncomfortable. A very obvious statement but this series is purely fictional, it is unacceptable in real life and should not be taken lightly.
A/N: This is one of the heaviest and dirtiest and chains and clamps are involved and you know what, it is a breathy mess. Be warned.  Prev | Next
Day 2
The return trip home goes much faster, your skill of walking without needing to stop every so often increasing, learning how to avoid the sharp metal raking into your thighs. Even so, by the time you finally catch sight of the apartment building you had left from, the sun was settling low in the sky.
Taeyong walks with his hand still tightly intertwined with yours; making small talk with you about favourite movies, songs, anything really. There’s no way you can verbally respond though, your efforts and focus being on keeping your walls clenched around the silver balls still inserted deep into your vagina. You make it into the safety of the elevator when you finally let out a deep sigh, leaning against the walls in silence as Taeyong stands beside you, the smug expression still on his face. “You did well baby.”
You turn to look at him, sending him a vicious glare that clearly says shut up. “Thanks, but I would’ve been better if I didn't have this,” you point to your legs, quickly pulling your skirt up for him to see the outline of the straps buckled around your thighs, “stabbing at me every time I walk.”
“But wasn't it worth it?” he asks, taking your hand in his, “you came so hard around my fingers.”
The elevator lifts smoothly to the top floor, announcing its arrival with a short musical chime. He steps out, dragging you along with him. The key yielding to his door unlocks and as you step into the suite, he grabs you by your shoulders, throwing you roughly against the wall.
His mouth, hungry and eager, finds yours. His tongue pushes its way past your lips, demanding. His hand closes over your breast through the thin material of your shirt and you shudder, moan, and cling tighter to his body. He takes your wrists firmly in his hands, pinning them around over your head as his tongue forces itself deeper. You quiver against his hold, shuddering as you feel wetness trickling down your thigh.
When he finally breaks the kiss, you can feel your face was flush with need, your hips which were previously grinding against his being a major contributor – despite the pain of the sharp teeth digging into you. Taeyong smiles, pleased.
“You’re always so eager for me,” he purrs, stroking your cheek. “Turn around baby, face the wall.”
You hesitate and he tilts his head, waiting for you to follow through. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest, almost afraid it’s probably audible to the whole world by the way it thumps. You turn slowly, shifting your weight carefully to face the wall. You wait, listening to the shuffling sound of fabric; your arms scrunching the material of your short skirt.
“What are you doing?” You ask, the nerves eating at your stomach.
Something slides across your eyes, obscuring your vision and your hands fly to your face, feeling the velvety smooth blindfold over your head.
“Don’t touch.” He warns, slapping your hands away softly.
Taeyong turns you around again, and you feel his breath against your skin before his lips find yours. The kiss begins softly, gently and builds very slowly. The tension spreads through you as he presses harder into you, your tongue meeting his as you fight him for dominance. You feel the heat of his hands at your sides, the firmness of his body against yours; and the giddy rush passes over you as you contract around the balls still inserted in you, nearly coming undone against the wall.
His fingers slip under your shirt towards your back, easily unclipping your bra and sliding them to the floor. You moan again, louder this time and your fingers twine through his hair. Before long, your shirt has been removed and his fingers are at your thigh. You feel him crawl towards your skirt, which is tugged down almost immediately after.
You pause in the midst of your kiss, waiting for his careful teasing touch to appear on your skin. But there’s no movement.
“What’s wrong?” He hums, moving his lips back from yours.
“N-nothing.” You choke out.
His fingers suddenly lock in front of the strap you’re wearing and the cool air touches your throbbing hardened clit as his hand slides between your legs, undoing the buckles. When his finger lightly grazes over your clit you clench around the objects, holding onto the weight with all your might. He chuckles to himself as he watches your mouth form into a hard line, your teeth gritting against each other. He presses harsher on your clit and you cry out sharply, thrusting your hips hard against his hand as the balls fall out with a plop.
The warm heavy weight tumbles out of you with a wet squishing sound; your juices pouring out along with it. Taeyong’s waiting hand manages to catch the silver balls, soaking his fingers as the musical chimes roll in his palm.
“You’re absolutely drenched princess.” He brings the balls to his lip and pulls down the blindfold; only slightly – just enough for you to stare in shock as he gently slips one through and into his mouth. His eyes are boring into yours as he sucks wildly on the ball and you watch as it rolls from side to side in his cheek. When he’s done with it, the ball slips out of his mouth with a plop, his drool now covering the shiny item. “So sweet.”
The balls drop to the floor with a loud clang and you jump, surprised by the resonating sounds it goes as it hits the hard surface. Taeyong pulls the blind up so your vision disappears again.
His fingers find your sensitive spot, stroking against your clit, coaxing the longing within you and he laughs as you whimper. The sudden metal closing around your wrists makes you jump, squeaking in surprise. You look at him in panic, squirming as he keeps his arm on your shoulder to keep you still. “What are you going to do to me?” You ask, voice small. "We’re going to have some fun." He kneels on the floor, and hard metal closes around your ankles, just above your shoes. When he moves again, the heavy clanking sound of chains fills your ears.
“What’s that for?” you gulp, the buzz within you coming to life as you listen to the series of movements.
“You’ll see.”
Something tugs on your wrists, and you gasp when you’re abruptly pulled away from the wall.
He leads you by the cuffs around your wrist, the chains dragging behind your ankles as you move with the heavy weight resisting your steps. You walk with an exaggerated caution, blind, legs wide apart and footsteps very slow. With each step you can feel your heart pounding more wildly.
Taeyong’s hand goes to your back steading you as you step forward onto something soft. “Over here, step up a little.”  
You can hear the chains clink and your feet are guided into a stance. When you stumble and nearly fall, Taeyong reaches out to steady you, his hands finding your waist swiftly. By the time you recover, he’s secured the chains around your ankles, fixed to a point on each side of you.
“Taeyong I h-havent done this before.” You stutter out, your legs spread wide apart as you stand naked except for your shoes.
The clanking around your wrists stops, “Do you want me to take these off?”
You hesitate for a moment. While you were wildly excited for something different from your previous sex encounters with other partners, you were still nervous about exploring something new. As well as that, you realised that it had only been a few days since you met him yet you had learnt so many things about your body; how you could react to his touches. “I don't know,” You confess.
“It’s up to you baby,” he whispers, rubbing soothing circles onto your arm.
“I want to try,” you mumble, “but i-im a little scared.”
“Why don't we make a system; you know how traffic lights work right?” he chuckles.
“Yeah,” you reply.
“Say the colour when you need to.” You nod, feeling a little more relieved with the idea. He takes your hands and slides the cuff up, planting a soft kiss on your wrist before he chains them, lifting your arms over your head. You let out a whimper as the chains tighten, your body being stretched taut. You were being chained upright, standing spread-eagle, arms bound far overhead so you’re almost forced to stand on your tippy toes.
Your breathing becomes ragged as you wait for what comes next. With every breath, your breasts bob and sway. You jump when Taeyong’s hands suddenly come from behind, caressing your body, roaming over the curves of your breasts.
“Your nipples are so hard princess; you must like this.” He whispers into your ear.
The hair on your neck stands as you fumble out for a reply, “I-”
“It’s okay, I know what you like.”
You squeeze your eyes shut despite the darkness already as you feel something bite down hard on your nipples. Tight clamps grip around you and you jerk your body against the chains instantly, screaming.
You feel the painful tugging, realising that Taeyong had to be attaching a chain or cord to the clamps. The sound of the chain rattling comes first before the clamps tighten and pull your nipples, dragging your breasts up towards the ceiling as you yelp and rise to your tippy toes in an attempt to ease the pain.
“I know you wanted it hard.” He murmurs, pausing for a moment, bringing his lips to your earlobe, swiping it with his tongue as he pulls on the chain dragging at your nipples.
Something large and thick shoves itself deep into your sex and you shriek at the sudden intrusion as it goes further and further into you, until it bottoms out within you. You can hardly breathe, your mouth gasping for air as you fight against the sensations roaming throughout your body. You attempt to move your hips but the dildo remains within you, forcing your hips still. You struggle against the chains, unable to raise yourself or move.
With each breath, the tiny rocking in your body makes your breasts bob and sway in small motions, forcing the clamps to close harsher on your nipples. The dildo impaling you forces you to stand on your tippy toes and you’re afraid to lower yourself any lower – fearing you’d send it too deep into yourself.
You shake at the manacles digging into your wrist before Taeyong finally removes the blindfold; your vision coming back in a blurry haze. Your eyes fly straight to the intruding object, noticing it’s connected to a platform directly below your entrance and you blink a couple of times, making sure it’s real and not your mind playing with you.
The next thing that comes into sight is Taeyong standing directly in front of your chained up body. The sunlight from behind him shining straight through the window and glowing on to your skin. His features are soft and his dark brown eyes stare back at you, a grin plastered on his face.
“Is that better?” He asks. You want to nod and reply but your attention is drawn to the view behind him.
“I-Is that a clear window?” You stutter out, noticing the perfect vision you had of the city streets in the floor to ceiling picture window. The illumination of the sun was fading, turning into a dusty hue, but the city street spread out below was still crowded with people.
“What if somebody looks up?”
“Then they’ll be blessed with the sight of a beautiful woman chained in the window fucking herself,” he states, turning around to look below.
You hang there for a few minutes, fighting not to move, controlling your deep breaths as you panic. The people on the streets seem so far and you can’t make out any facial features from the distance when they turn; you can only hope the distance was far enough to be unnoticed. Don’t look up, don’t look up, don’t look up.
The muscles in your legs begin to quiver from the strain of trying to keep yourself up on your tiptoes and you panic, feeling your walls widen as the dildo slides deeper into you.
“Relax baby, it’s okay.” Taeyong coos, watching as it circles into you slowly.
You cry out in pain as you feel yourself give out, using the little remaining strength you have left to lower yourself as gently as you can, settling onto the dildo. The cord attached to the clamps of your nipples tightens as your body falls – dragging your breasts upwards. Your full weight lands onto the dildo quickly and you jump back quickly with an unbearable bruising pain, lifting yourself onto your tiptoes after gaining a moment of breath.
Not long after, your strength dies again, much quicker than before. Your muscles fail and you lower yourself again onto the length. You let out a few heavy breaths, rocking your hips to move yourself from pressing into the same place again before the pain becomes too much and you rise onto your tiptoes again, crying.
Taeyong watches in awe, his own hand flying down his pants as he strokes himself in front of you. The sounds in the empty apartment only come from you; your moans and quiet sobs, the rattling of the chains and combine with the slurping sounds of your pussy as the dildo exits.
The third time your legs give out, you find that you’ve lost your strength to rise any more. You shift and move, rocking your hips back and forth afraid to stay still and let the pain sink in. The agonising pain changes as the dildo slowly dissipates and your pussy begins to crave more than just the plastic rubber.
“That’s it,” his voice whispers, “Fuck it well.”
White cream trickles down your leg, dripping onto the floor beneath you. Your desperate cries of pain eventually soften and the pain turns to pleasure.
“That’s it princess, keep going. Give it to yourself.”
Your motions grow frantic as you move; your hands bonded above your head, body stretched tight, nipples screaming in pain and a familiar tension building inside of you. But the dildo stretches too far deep into you and you scream louder than before, tears slipping out of your eyes as you squeeze them shut.
“Taeyong I can’t, red stop,” you cry out urgently. You feel his hands against your waist before you’re able to see him. He holds your weight up, lowering the rod holding the dildo and you relax. Your walls finally left empty and gnawing as you breathe heavily for air.
“You okay?”
“Yeah – I just need a second.” You whisper, your head rolling forward as you hang still.
Taeyong watches as you weaken in his hold, his own heart panging with ache as he hears your gasping. “That’s enough for today.” He murmurs.
You jerk your head back up, “NO!” you cry out; ignoring the nipple clamps tightening around you from the sudden movement. “I can keep going.” You mumble, desperate for the orgasm that was so close to being released.
Taeyong doesn't ask again, dropping your body as you fall flat footed against the platform and your nipples are pulled even worse than before. He ignores your screams as he readjusts the rod and places the dildo back at your entrance.
Having already prepared yourself for the intrusion, you go much more contently onto the dildo, jerking your thighs violently, grinding yourself harshly onto the thing side of you, hurting yourself, as you moan. You avoid his gaze, turning to stare at the heedless flow of people beneath the window instead.
Then without warning, it becomes too much. A wave of pleasure, ferocious in its intensity roars over you, taking you completely by surprise. You come hard, fast, thrashing against the chains as you scream in ecstasy. You contract around the dildo, each contraction lasting in an explosion of pleasurable pain as your orgasm continues on and on.
When it finally dies, you hang limply from the chains, twitching and moaning. Taeyong removes the rod supporting the dildo, letting it slide out with a plop from your abused and aching pussy, smearing your juices along his hand. He reaches around you and unclamps your nipples.
Fire blooms as the sudden rush of blood comes back and you whimper at the new pain. He releases the metal rod from the base and picks up the hard rubber dildo alone. He brings the head towards your lips and without conscious thought, your mouth opens as he shoves it deep against the back of your throat.
Aftershocks from your orgasm ripple through your body with each thrust into your mouth. The dripping cum covered dildo automatically placed far away into your mind as you moan around it. He presses harder and it slides without resistance down your throat, until its base reaches your lip.
Your mind returns slowly to your body. Then in a rush, you were suddenly aware of your physical self, of the steady ache between your legs, the burning pain in your nipples, the thick rubber penis in your throat. It’s not until you finally need to breathe that you start screaming around the gagged intrusion, struggling against your bonds. Taeyong pulls it from your mouth as you cough, gasping for air.
Working quickly, Taeyong unfastens the chains from the bindings around your ankles, and then the same for the manacles around your wrists. Your body sags into his arms, unable to muster the strength of standing.
“You did so well baby.” He coos, supporting your weight and helping you to off the platform. As you blink heavily in his arms, you look back out the window, noticing a crowd of heads closely clustered and facing your direction. You can already see their disgusted faces as they murmur amongst themselves, the sea of hostile faces some curious, some downright hungry, all looking at you.
Your face glows red as you bury your face deeper into Taeyong’s chest, the people’s fingers pointing straight at you.
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hankwritten · 3 years
Keep in a Cool Dry Place
Demoman/Soldier, 3k
A couple of old, past their prime mercs live out their days, but at least they’re slowly breaking down together.
Oftentimes, Jane would go out onto the deck to find Tavish fixed in place, chin tilted skywards, soaking up the stars for all they were worth. He could be like that, sometimes for hours, eye glossy against the Milky Way as he stood so still he could make a statue proud.
“You’re up awful late,” he said to Jane, unmoving. Probably had realized Jane had been watching for a while now.
“Could say the same to you,” Jane said, pulling himself into a deck chair with a great cascade of air from his smoker’s lungs, the grunt of an old man he always thought was an exaggerated affectation until it started happening to him.
“I don’t get up at five in the morning,” Tavish reminded him.
“You could. Good for the health, Tavish.”
“I don’t think anything’s good for the health these days. Just bad, and slightly worse.” He drummed his fingers on the deck’s railing. “C’mere, look at this.”
“I can see the damn stars just fine from here,” Jane sniffed.
Tavish broke from his surveying to shoot a grin Jane’s way, features cut sharp in the porch light. “Come on you old fart, get over here.”
Jane grumbled, pushing out of the chair with more effort than he would have liked to admit. He made his way to Tavish, joining him at the railing, their shoulders brushing just briefly until Tavish swung an arm around Jane’s waist.
His voice took on a fading quality all of the sudden, as though far away winds were dragging him skyward. “Nice night, isn’t it?”
Jane watched him. In the past few years his good eye had grown white in the center, a fuzzy film growing out from the pupil that would one day take the whole cornea. It was irreversible, Tavish had explained, years of buildup from stromnium or strotenium or something like that, Jane could never remember. Tavish wasn’t surprised, had told Jane that he was shocked he’d still had the thing this long, but that didn’t mean there was no mourning within the man. It was just different than how most people would have gone about it.
“Sure is,” Jane said. “Real beautiful.”
“Aye. And you ‘n me, we’re not seeing the half of it. Those telescopes, the ones the size of whole buildings, all they have is a bunch of different magnifying glasses and yet when they put ‘em all together you can see whole galaxies that weren’t there before. Same sky, just some folks can see it, some folks can’t.”
“You can still see it,” Jane reminded him, a gentle bump to the shoulder.
“For now,” Tavish agreed. He turned, smiling with just the corner of his mouth, a testament that was gone before Jane could fully appreciate how much he loved the small, sad ways he chose to be happy. A hand came up to brush the side of Jane’s cheek. “I just keep thinking about how one of these days will be the last day I see you.”
Their foreheads came together. Jane’s hand rose to cover the one across his cheek, thumb rubbing the small band of gold on Tavish’s finger. Sometimes he still couldn’t believe this; despite the decades, despite the promises made on cold desert nights, despite watching the grey hairs spring in Tavish’s beard and knowing the same was happening to him, it was still hard to fathom that someone had chosen to spend the rest of their life with him. Even though the years with Tavish came close to outnumbering the years without, that time in Jane’s life of infinite loneliness, of stubborn self sufficiency, made him question how he was ever lucky enough that someone had hung on their sense and decided he was worth it.
Jane pulled Tavish closer. “Yeah. Well. If you’re going to keep a last image of me in your head, I really wish it was back when I was still handsome.”
Tavish laughed, swaying them both slightly in the unusually still air. Normally winds rattled the badlands, stirring up loose sand and seething through plants too hardy to notice. It felt like, for once, the world had chosen to be kind this night, just for them.
“You get handsomer every day Jane,” Tavish said, and hidden behind the words were each day I love you more. “I just…miss.”
“Miss how things used to be?”
“More than that. I’ve got the ‘ole yearning, I suppose, the eater of men.” Tavish chewed his words, looking up at the sky again. “I miss places. I miss how everything used to feel, even if it wasn’t terribly good.”
“Not talking about going back to your home planet, are you?” Jane joked, jerking his thumb at the now witnessed stars.
“No,” Tavish snorted. “Not exactly. But I…” He trailed off.
Now it was Jane’s turn to bring his hands to the sides of Tavish’s face, his own ring warm from where he’d been cradling it inside his fist. “What is it, Tav? You can tell me.”
Tavish looked not at the stars nor the horizon, but the ground, kicking the wooden deck neither of them had ever gotten around to re-staining. “I feel…I feel the hills always calling out to me. Like there’s something in my bones that just wants to rest, to go back where it’s green, to where it isn’t so bloody dry. Every time we visit I think ‘is this the last time I’ll ever see it? The very last time? Am I going to be too old or too tired the next time around, and never feel like I’m home again?’”
Jane watched the worry lines in Tavish’s forehead. “You want to go back to Scotland.”
“I dunno. Just the more my eye goes the more I…I dunno.”
They hung in silence for a while longer, just breathing. Jane hadn’t felt the need to wear his helmet for a long time, not at home, not at this mansion that was their private oasis from the rest of the world. Were money made their problems—if not vanish—then kept far back beyond the fence where they never had to think about them unless they ventured beyond. Where, even with BLU’s protection no longer keeping the various chapters of local and federal law enforcement trying to wrangle some comeuppance out of the soldier for sins past, he still had a place of refuge.
“Let’s go,” Jane said.
Tavish looked away. “I don’t mean for a visit Jane, I mean…”
“I know,” Jane insisted. Tavish’s milky eye fixed him with disbelief. “You want to go home. I get it. We should go.”
Tavish stared at him, still uncomprehending. “Jane you know that would mean…”
“I know,” Jane repeated.
A warm, subtle smile filled Tavish’s face, and neither of them had to say any more. Tavish drew Jane in closer, and the two of them rocked in the wind that had just picked up again.
“Jane,” Tavish frowned as he examined the box Jane had dropped thunderously at the bottom of the stairs, “do you really need to bring all of these?”
“Hey, I’m not trying to make you get rid of your treasured possessions,” Jane pointed out, depositing a second box filled entirely with Guns & Haircuts net to the first.
“We’re not going to have space for these,” Tavish retorted. “It’s going to be a tiny little thing, remember? They don’t build mansions in Ullapool.”
Moving had left the New Mexico mansion barren and faded where pictures had hung on the wall since Tavish had first moved in. Now they were all gone, sold off as their attempts to downsize left only what was necessary and a few DeGroot family heirlooms.
It twisted something in Jane to see their home of three decades slowly dismantled into carpet scuffs and cardboard boxes. This had been his dwelling longer than any other, a turning point from when the Gravel Wars had folded in on themselves and left Jane with an odd freedom he had no idea if he was allowed to act on. Even before that, when Tavish’s mother had still been alive and the halls were filled with her vigor, this place was safe haven for Jane, where he’d come to meet with his forbidden friend and get wasted in his living room.
Now it was mostly empty. Ready for the last goodbyes.
“These are important,” Jane declared of the boxes.
“You haven’t read them in ages,” Tavish pointed out.
“So? They are valuable. Scout sold his whole Bonk! Boy collection for a fortune, and I’ve got twice as many as that little squirt does!” Jane cleared his throat suddenly. “Did.”
It was hard to remember sometimes. He thought his old teammates would want nothing to do with him after the end, but to his surprise they actually kept in contact better than when they’d actually worked together. Maybe owing to the fact he now had an actual address they could send letters to.
Neither Spy nor Sniper had ever actually retired, and over time the tepid, passably courteous correspondences with Sniper had stopped a few years after Spy disappeared entirely. Jane assumed something similar had happened to them both. Occupational hazard.
Engie had complications with his diabetes. The remaining team had shown up for the funeral, except for Pyro, who everyone politely wouldn’t mention, even when Jane asked.
The one person Jane hadn’t expected to outlive was Scout. Scout didn’t write, but he could talk anyone’s ear off, and when coming home from the second funeral in as many years it hit Jane hard that he’d never hear the kitchen phone ringing off its holder again, practically trembling as the other line was just dying to tell him about whatever exactly Scout was so wound up about today.
Tavish noticed Jane’s slipup, and kindly ignored it. Nearly ten years, and Jane still found himself forgetting. “That’s because they were comics,” Tavish explained. “They were collectors items. The only person collecting Guns & Haircuts is you.”
“And don’t I know it!”
Tavish sighed. “Are you even planning on selling them, or are you just going to do the same thing you’ve done with them here and leave them in a big box to gather dust?”
“Of course I’m going to leave them in a big box!” Jane huffed proudly. “What other purpose is there in life other than to gather material objects and then have them accumulate in piles in your living room? You do not see me complaining about the giant, wall mounted family crest, do you?”
Tavish rubbed the bridge of his nose, sighed as an old argument became even older. “Ach, fine. I suppose we’ll fine the space.” When he opened his eye, he saw the third giant box Jane was hauling out for the movers. “Jane! We don’t need to be taking that.”
“Yes we do, sonny!” Jane said, slapping a hand on the trumpet of the old record player he hadn’t been able to properly fit in the box. “I do not trust those cassette tapes! The snakes that live in them always try to come out and strangle me!”
“We’ve got some CDs now-” Tavish tried.
“Even worse!” Jane declared. “Australian mind control devices!”
Tavish could see he wasn’t winning, which was just fine by Jane. The magazines were one thing, but the record player he wasn’t leaving without.
“Well,” Tavish said, looking around their house, stripped bare. “I suppose that’s everything.”
Jane couldn’t find a reason to object. He glanced around, looking for one last missing detail, one more reason to stall, but found none. Gently, he took Tavish’s hand and squeezed. “Everything we need.”
Scotland was even wetter than the last time they’d visited.
Mud, the most distantly remembered and ancient of substances, clung to Jane’s pant leg all the way up to the knee as they made their way down hundred-year old paths someone really should’ve figured out how to weather-proof by now. But, where Jane was grumbling, Tavish looked about as happy as a clam in water. (Or, Jane supposed was more fitting, a pig in mud.)
“Aha! Look, there it is,” Tavish said, tugging on Jane’s arm and pointing at the glimpse of water creeping around the bend. “Still there.”
“I don’t think they would have up and moved a whole lake while you were gone,” Jane mumbled, but Tavish didn’t seem to hear as he moved with surprising speed down the hill. It was times like this Jane actually envied the cane.
When he finally caught up, Tavish was breathing in the thick air, his chest rising and then collapsing with a satisfied sigh. “Used to play down here as lad. Sometimes there’s a beach, far as the eye can see.”
“Thought you were done with sand,” Jane said, stomping up next to him on damp boots.
Tavish just breamed broadly at him, drinking in the sweep of the land and the crash of the lake. Jane could remember the stories, ones from Tavish’s childhood much better than his own, told and retold so many times that he could flip open the memories like a scrapbook and find exactly where every place in Ullapool fit. An old pub, a crumbling church. The house where the DeGroots used to live, the field where Merasmus’s castle had once briefly towered. So vivid were they, they superimposed themselves over Jane’s (admittedly more insubstantial) memories until he felt he had lived here himself.
“…Gettin’ dark, Tav,” Jane pointed out.
Tavish frowned, and squinted at the horizon. “Aye, I suppose it is.”
“Think the movers are done?” Jane didn’t approve of hiring other people to life heavy things when lifting heavy things had once been one of Jane’s favorite pastimes, but Tavish convinced him that if he threw out his back again, it’d be a lot harder to get him to a doctor.
“Probably,” Tavish nodded. “Let’s go see.”
“Do you think they dropped my magazines?”
“I’m sure they’re fine, love.”
They made the long, much more slippery journey back to their new home. It overlooked Ullapool and the coast, but was nevertheless removed enough that Jane could revel in the privacy he had grown used to. Privacy was not on Tavish’s mind when they’d walked through town that first time, however, as he’d greeted nearly everyone who came their way. It had shocked Jane how many people knew him, or at least recognized the DeGroot name, and greeted Tavish as familiarly as they would have had he been gone for only a few weeks rather than years.
It was good, to see Tavish like this. Even now, as they climbed slowly back up the hill, Jane watched him out the corner of his eye, smiling at the look of serenity that hadn’t been on his husband’s face so naturally in years.
“Isn’t this cozy,” Tavish said lovingly as they crossed the threshold of their new home.
That it was. Jane had worried he had grown soft living in luxury, that his years of being rich and retied would make him forgot that he’d once loved his little apartment, had cherished the security its simplicity had given him. But now that he was back inside four walls, surrounded by the items that had come to mean things beyond their purpose, a swell of pleasant familiarity welled up in him. The curtains blocked out the last of the fading light through soft yellow. There was a fireplace (modern and gas powered) but one ready to fill the house with a warm glow.
Tavish made the motions to begin unpacking, but Jane’s pretense of rooting though the boxes had a different goal in mind. Preoccupied, Tavish didn’t turn around until Jane finally slipped the record into place.
Perking, Tavish looked over his shoulder to see Jane offering his hand as the music bubbled slowly to life. “Been a long time since we danced,” Jane said.
Tavish’s smile fit well in this homey, quiet room. He took Jane’s hand, and let Jane pull him up off his knees until they were chest to chest, resting his chin on Jane’s shoulder.
“Too long,” he agreed.
They began sway rhythmlessly to music in the middle of the tiny living room, caring little where they put their feet as long as it wasn’t one top of one another. Jane loved the record player, needed it more these days, as it was one of the only things that made the horrid, incessant ringing in his ears quiet for just a short while. Leaving the fan on at night might help him get to sleep, but the was no denying the scratching notes out of the player were a world more enjoyable.
It was piano piece, one he’d heard Tavish play now and again. There was no space for a grand piano here in this little cottage on the hill, but maybe they could get a smaller one, and Tavish could try teaching him again. Like he’d promised so long ago.
So many promises that’d slipped through the cracks, both to each other and themselves. Things they simply couldn’t do anymore. Ever since the scare with Jane’s lung cancer, they had tried to do better, had realized what they had built meant something and they couldn’t go piddling away with their complacent recklessness. Jane had quit smoking, Tavish had quit drinking as part of the deal.
But still, there were other things, other mistakes that had compounded over the years. Jane always kept thinking he should have been over it by now, that for how many gentle touches Tavish had placed against him, he should forget the violence those same hands had once brought him. The times they’d shoved a sword into Jane’s gut. The bombs from nowhere. The individual atrocities. It was duller now, the years had been good enough to do that, but if Tavish’s memories were anything like Jane’s, he understood why the ex-demoman sometimes woke screaming in the middle of the night, needing to be reminded—soothed, assured, sometimes begged—that the Jane beside him wasn’t the monster from his dreams.
That was the real tragedy of the War. Officially, all they had been paid to do was kill each other—the horrors they chose to inflict on one another had been their own doing, their own wills brought to fruition. RED had never asked Tavish to shove Jane’s shovel down its owner's throat, laughing vengefully all the while. Jane was sure he’d done equally as cruel things to Tavish during those hell times, but had trouble recalling exactly what. It’s much easier to remember the sins committed against you, than those you have unleashed yourself.
Those hands, those bloodstained, gentle, perfect hands, rubbed circles and Jane’s back, and he sighed. He’d listened to this record enough to know it was getting to the end of this side, but he found he didn’t want to move. He wanted to keep standing here, swaying with the man he loved in their home in the mountains, remembering that they had earned this.
“I cherish these moments we spend together,” he said resolutely into Tavish’s chest.
“Every one of them,” Tavish agreed.
Eventually they would lay down, rest their old bones in their new bed, but for now they held each other in the slowly encroaching night, the sound of rain playing its first patter on the roof.
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scandeniall · 4 years
always forever
Always Forever
pairing: rnb singer!iwaizumi x f!reader (technically its gn until the very end though)
summary/warnings: Iwaizumi asks his fwb to be in his new music video basically/aged up as the normal, fwb dynamics?, implied nsfw (aka asking to come over later), cursing, pretty tame tbh
Music video is Always forever // bryson tiller
a/n: this is 3k words of me wanting to start an rnb series and this stemmed from the headcanons i had started working on where i said “asks u to be in his mv”
“Are you guys nervous?” The question has a teasing nature to it which causes both you and Iwaizumi to look up from your respective phones to be met with Oikawa’s amusement. 
“I think the video came out well. I am the one who produced it after all,”
Oikawa was met with a scoff from you and an unamused look from the man beside you. “I think I also did a really good job with casting didn’t I?” You don’t miss the mischief in his eyes as he looks between the two of you. You’re heard mumbling something about him being annoying before stating that you needed to go to pee. The door to the small studio closes with a click before Oikawa takes what was your place. The spot on the couch right next to Iwaizumi. “When are you gonna ask (Y/N) out?”
“When are you going to learn to mind your own business,” the words come out with a sigh, but the slight redness that creeps up Iwazumi’s neck isn’t missed by his friend. 
“I’m just trying to help my dear friends out,” he waves off. “You’re about to drop a music video where you’re making out with (Y/N), which by the way you two looked awfully comfortable doing.” The suspicion in his voice isn’t missed and the reaction, or lack thereof, by Iwaizumi causes the brunette's eyes to widen in disbelief. “What the fuck—when did- is that why you wanted (Y/N) in the video,” “Will you keep it down.” This time iwaizumi groans before covering his face with his hands. “We’ve been weird for a few months now” he ignores the shock on his friends face. “When you came up with the concept, I don't know my mind just automatically drifted.” It took a moment for the shock to wear off before Oikawa speaks back up. “Are you two dating? What else have you been keeping from me. Your best friend might I add” “Would you shut up. We’re not dating it’s just-“ “That’s even worse,” Oikawa scoffs. “Not only do you keep the fact that you’re hooking up with (Y/N) a secret for who knows how long, but you’re not even dating to soften the wound.” He easily dodges the shove aimed at him by getting up. You’d be back soon and he figured he’d move back to his spot in the chair. Especially now. “You know Iwa, the two of you had chemistry. I’m sure I won't be the only one who picks up on that.”
— — — — — — — — “Iwa say something fun for once so (Y/N) can actually look like they wanna be here. We’re gonna reshoot that moment.” At the call from Oikawa you let out a laugh, head instinctively falling on Iwaizumi’s chest.  “And Y/N, run your finger across his lip or something. You two are so stiff” “He’s not funny.” You can feel the words vibrate through his chest as you sit up a bit. As you do, you feel the way his finger shifts from your clothed back to the bare skin under the T-shirt. “You gotta admit he is sometimes,” you laugh out. “But he’s right. Come on Haiji, loosen up. This is for your first single off your long awaited album,” you exclaim sitting up fully now on the mattress. Iwaizumi can’t help but smile at the lilt in your voice before following suit. When he asked you to be the love interest in his music video you were kind of shocked. Sure, being friends with several musicians you’d been in your share of music videos. But never as a lead or a love interest. He’d asked you one night as he was heading home from a recording session. You’d stopped by after work seeing several of your friends there (working or just messing around, who knows). Everyone else had headed home for the night and he casually bought it up. “Hey Y/N?” The sound of his voice stopped you as you began heading to the door, Iwazumi trailing behind. You hummed a bread acknowledgement before turning to face the man. “What’s up?” Your eyes furrowed in concern. Something was off about him. He almost seemed nervous but you couldn’t be sure. “I chose the first single off the new album. Always Forever.” The news was a surprise to you. He’d been grappling between a few songs off the future release for a few weeks now, confiding in you several times about not knowing what to pick. He hadn’t told you that he finally decided on a track. “Oikawa came up with a video concept like the next day too-“ he was stalling. Something he only did when he was nervous. The speed at which your friend who had directed and produced several music videos for Iwazumi in the past peeked your interest. “I need a love interest and i was wondering if you’d be cool with it,” the words came out rushed and low but you still picked up on it and you felt your heart flutter for a moment. He was nervous. Nervous to ask you to be in his video. Your answer came embarrassingly quick yet you ignored it and played it off. “Of course. You got anyone else in mind for the video?” “It’s just us.” “Oh.” And after that a flurry of scheduling, planning, costuming and more you were ready to go. You were currently shooting the first of several bedroom scenes. This particular one had you clad in just a T-shirt and pretty tight shorts, halfway cuddled onto Iwaizumi the two of you faux conversing. “Hey just relax. We've been close before-“ “Not in front of a camera,” Iwaizumi groans, flopping back on the bed. The warmth on the bare skin of your back has you looking at him eyebrows raised. “No ones paying attention to us right now. Besides, they wouldn’t be able to tell.” You feel his hand slide up and down your back careful not to drag the fabric of your shirt up. You don’t miss the way he eyes you blatantly checking you out. “You look really good. “Just wait to you see the look for that scene” And it didn’t disappoint. The minute Iwaizumi saw you step onto the set he was speechless. Of course this was the outfit he’d be kissing you in. “I look good don’t I? Yachi did it again,” you give a quick spin in the outfit. The orange silky fabric hugged you in all the right ways and looked as if it was made only for you. “Wow.” It was the only thing he’d said causing you to laugh. He’d thought that Oikawa had been exaggerating when he teased that you were going to look good hot in the video, because you always looked amazing to him. He made a mental note to fuss at his friend later for not giving him a heads up that you’d be looking like that. “Like it,” you question, pushing him back towards the bed prop. You were vaguely aware of Oikawa telling you to get in place and we’re only helping Iwaizumi out. The grip on your wrist had you stopping. “You look amazing,” you felt your confidence skyrocket as he eyed you. That and your heart flutter at the subtle caress against the underside of your wrist. It took for one obnoxious whistle by the director to break him out of his trance. Good thing too because he almost acted in a way that would’ve shown everyone there that the two of you were more than just friends. You couldn't help but laugh at the scowl sent Oikawa’s way.
The two of you made your way onto the mattress and you let Iwaizumi get settled first. This particular scene had you straddling him and the reality of having to do so was finally hitting you. You're thankful for the set commotion going on around you—it means Iwaizumi’s tease isn’t heard by anyone else. “Nervous? Not like it’s your first time doing this.” Its enough to break the nerves that had started to form as you take his outstretched hand to help you up. 
“No wandering hands,” you whisper once you're finally settled, his eyes immediately catching yours. You don’t miss the way his breath catches for only a moment as you shift lightly across his lap before your hands find their way to his chest. 
“I could tell you the same thing” His hands find their way onto either of your thighs giving the slightest squeeze. 
“I hope you know I’m coming over tonight.” This causes him to laugh and you can’t help but smile back.” He jokes that he was already planning on that before you two are taken out of the little bubble you’d found yourselves into. 
“Remember you two have to kiss. Build it up slow. Put all that sexual tension you’ve got going to good use.” Your eyes widen quickly shifting to the man underneath you to gauge his reaction to Oikawa's words. He offers you the finest nod, an apology before flicking his friend off ignoring his “just saying Iwa,” before telling them to start the music. 
The track is so loud you could feel the bass practically through your body. You listen for the cue as your lean down face hovering over his. You're thankful for the moments before the camera rolls as it allows Iwaizumi to calm the nerves that had started growing again. “You ok?” Despite nodding, he saw right through you. 
His response is to guide one of your hands to his face, discreetly placing a kiss on your palm. “Relax. Pretend it’s just us. Just me and you. Can you do that.” You feel the hand not facing the camera offering comforting rubs along your leg before nodding. The part of the song nears closer as you lean in, lips ghosting his. “Good.”
Little did you know the part right before had been recorded as well. As soon as your cue hit your lips here on his. Moving as if you’d done this a million times rather than 1. The kiss started out as slow, lips moving hesitantly due to your awareness that you were in fact on camera. You’d pulled back just the tiniest bit almost ready to ask if that were good before Iwaizumi quickly stopped you. “Relax baby,” before pressing his lips back to yours. The words sent several emotions through you. He’d never called you that before. Yet it was enough to shake the hesitation. You allowed yourself to get loss in the kiss and in the way he smiled against your lips. You were vaguely aware of Oikawa yelling out praises and more instruction. 
“Keep your hand right there (YN)!” “Soften the grip just a little” “Wait Iwa let Y/N take the lead”
You pulled away when the need to breathe overcame you. Your eyes locked on his now shiny lips, a quiet apology escaping you. 
The sound of footsteps quickly approaching you forced you to slide yourself off his lap and onto the edge of the bed instead. “Well that was—hot. Now I’m gonna need you two to do it again. I want to try a different angle”
— — — — — — —
It’d been two hours since the music video dropped and you had to shut your phone off while you were at work. You’d been getting tagged in dozens of tweets. Fans of Iwaizumi are either speculating ‘I just knew (YN) was dating someone. You’re not friends with that many musicians and can’t not be’ or complaining that their fav was in a relationship or could’ve done better, or better yet that he was still dating Oikawa and they weren’t ready to go public. You haven't spoken to Iwaizumi since the night before when you saw the final version, edits and all before he dropped you off. 
You sigh in relief when you see the time and that you could finally go to lunch. Turning your phone on, you clock out and scroll through the notifications on your phone. A few from friends, congratulating the video or suggestive emojis with question marks. The only one that stands out are three texts from Iwaizumi 
You take lunch at 12:30 right?
Coming by with food
Hey, whenever you’re out I’m parked out back. Far end of the lot. 
Despite your surprise you send a text confirming that you were on the way before heading out. 
“What did I do to earn lunch from the Iwaizumi Hajime? Famous singer and wet dream to many.” It’s the first thing you say when you see him. He’d reached over to open the door and you hadn’t even gotten in yet. You only laugh at the look he shoots at you, knowing it was fake annoyance as he told you to just get in the car. 
“Congrats on the single. And the video,” 
“Couldn’t have done it without you.” You watch as he reaches in the bag to pull out a takeaway bag from one of your favorite spots. “So I brought you lunch. Figured I’d treat you for being in the video.” You gratefully take the container offering a thanks and follow his lead as he scoots his seat back. He almost looks as if he wanted to say something else but decided against it, instead turning on the aux. You’re aware of the way his eyes keep falling on you as you eat and it has a feeling of unease settling in. 
“You gonna eat or keep staring at me?” The words come out quieter than you wanted them to and you mentally curse yourself for it. He mumbles an awkward sorry which has you shifting uncomfortably in the seat. Something was up. You finish your lunch unusually fast. Maybe it was due to the way you forced your focus onto the meal rather than the strange tension that had settled in the air. The sound of Iwaizumi clearing his throat has you looking back at him and you suddenly find yourself annoyed at the dark sunglasses covering his eyes and thoughts. 
“I actually wanted to talk to you about something. But I figured I’d let you eat first just in case we ran out of time.” He motions for you to hand him your trash before moving the bag out the way. The way he nervously knots the bag does nothing to settle your own thoughts. “It’s about the video, well kind of”
“Do people hate it?” Your voice comes out disappointed. Not because of people’s thoughts of you, but you knew how much this song meant to him. He chose it as the single for a reason and wanted it to be the start of releasing his favorite album yet. You’d heard about how late he got back from the studio, and even witnessed some of his writing sessions for it and the intensity, care and passion that went into each song. 
“I haven't been online much today but from what I’ve seen they like it. But that’s not what I mean. I kinda wanted to talk about us.”
“Yeah,” he sighs before removing his sunglasses to face you. “Oikawa knows about us messing around. He found out yesterday when you went to the bathroom. Said we had chemistry and he put two and two together.” He rushes the words out but you’re still able to understand. “Listen, I’m sorry. I just didn’t want him to like blabber it to you. Sometimes I hate how smart he is.”
You let out the tiniest laugh. “Dude why were you so nervous to tell me that Oiks knows were sleeping together.” Suddenly all the tension that had been building seemingly cleared. “Like you said. He’s smart. I’m surprised it’s taken this long.” You watch as he considers your words before agreeing.
“He told me that others would be able to pick up on our chemistry. Mattsun and Makki both texted me about the video so I guess he was right.” This time you agree. You’d gotten your own texts from mutual friends. Friends who should’ve been focused on their tours overseas rather than your love life. You’d have to remember to text Kuroo back later. 
“Speaking of that. There’s one more thing I wanted to say. Actually it’s why i came down here.” You watch as he turns down the radio completely before grabbing at one of your hands. “I haven't slept with anyone else since you and everyone was right. We do have chemistry and I like you.”
“Are you asking me out,” your hand tightens slightly around his before he nods. 
“I’m asking you to be my girlfriend, if that’s ok with you? We already made out on camera, it’ll be really awkward if you say no,” he teases. He could already tell by the way your eyes lit up. He also may have gotten a confirmation from a friend that you were into him too. 
“Skipping the dating stage? How bold of you. But I guess I’m gonna have to say yes. I like you too. But now you have to write a song about me.” It’s you that leans in first but he’s quick to follow his handling coming to rest on your cheek. His next words have you pausing and pulling away right before your tips touched his, much to his annoyance. 
“Already done that. Several times”
“Wait are you serious,” his lips come to meet your cheek as you avoid him yet again. “What songs.”
“Can we talk about this later. I kinda want to kiss my girlfriend before she has to go back to work.” His eyes shift towards the clock and you see that it’s almost time for you to head back. 
“Come on just one song Haiji.” 
“Kiss first. Song second,” he sighs in compromise, pulling your face back towards him. You roll your eyes before agreeing, placing your lips on his. Unfortunately for him your phone's alarm goes off signaling it was time for you to head back. You can’t help but laugh at the way Iwaizumi groans in annoyance. “See now it’s time for you to go,” he scolds before pressing a quick peck against your lips. Then a second and third before pulling back for good. “Can I come over tonight?”
“Not unless you tell me a song.” Your hand creeps towards the door handle as he stays silent. “I’m leavingggg. You got 15 seconds.” You mentally start counting down as you put more and more pressure on the door handle. Right as you reach 1 he speaks. 
“Learn Ya is about you. Now I’ll see you tonight.” With that he gently pushes you out the car, rolling the window down as you start walking back. “Have a good day.”
a/n: now listen idk what this is or if it even makes sense. all i know is that i wanted to be both bryson and lani and didnt know who i was more jealous of. and iwa gives me bryson vibes. also wrote this over several days little by little and did not read in its entirety so who knows if it even makes sense. I also think i wanna do a whole rnb boy series so yeah
im thinking suna next but also big sean and jhene dropped the body language video just hours ago and the ideas are....swimming. might fit suna bc i dont see him as the best rapper like sean but makes hits anyways
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ficsnroses · 5 years
Upset - John Wick x Reader
Tumblr media
Word Count : 3K
Warnings : Fluff, Angst, don't think there’s anything apart from that!
Summary : John & his girlfriend, Y/N, have a bit of an argument before bed, leaving them both feeling uneasy. 
A/N : So this emerged from the idea of your S/O always kissing you goodnight without fail, even if you’re in a fight, and kinda just stemmed from there. Once again, this turned out completely different from what I imagined it would, but that’s alright! I hope you enjoy ❤️ Requests are currently open :)
It’s a cold evening in New York, you’d swore flurries may have just fell, 
had the air not been so desiccated. Shrill, arctic frost loiters each surface, each brick of the city stone, freckled with ice on all the rooftops. The leaves out the window embroider in ice sequins coats, decorated by the frigid crisp itself.
John had come home not too long ago, and you’d felt him tense just by a look his way. He’d hung his coat, sluggish on the entrance coat hanger, movement slow and weary as his limbs trudge along the hardwood floor. Dog had ran his way in a haste, tail wagging frantically as he joys at John’s feet, waiting for an abundance of praiseful pets. John doesn’t quite abide, though.
“Good Dog.” John’s low, deep voice barely manages, settling for just a stroke behind Dog’s ear, before plodding towards the kitchen. You’d heard John come in from your spot on the living room couch, browsing a novel of your choice as you’d wait for him.
You found yourself waiting for John often on days like today. Days when he’d venture out, with little to speak on his whereabouts.
You tried not to press on it much. Over the years of being John Wick’s girlfriend, you’d learned much about the way he was. John was special, for sure. There was no denying it.
John is loving, John is compassionate. John is gentle, sweet, thoughtful. He’s a great listener, trustful and respectful. He makes you laugh just when you need it most, he offers a shoulder to cry on when you need it firm.
John loves you endlessly, unconditionally, here, now, today, as you are. And he will, for as long as he can. You’ve never doubted it. He’d never let you. For John, you’d always been the one everything comes down to in the end. He’s all you’d ever wanted, and plenty more.
But even the best of us have our flaws.
John is quiet, when he feels he needs to be. John carries an unrelenting weight on his shoulders, the burden of all his demons when he feels its best. John often forgets, that he is only human.
That he is, human.
Quiet, you pad towards the kitchen, hearing John shuffle around the marble floors. You catch a glimpse of his fatigued form, expressions low, melancholy. You know he’s not feeling his best, and it hurts you to realize that.
If you had it your way, you’d take all his worries away in a heartbeat. That’s the kind of love you had – an interminable battle to keep each other safe, carefree.
“John? Are you here?” You quietly inquire, making your presence known. Dog’s ears perk up to the sound of your soft voice, as he hops over to you, stopping by your feet.
He shifts his gaze your way, with a glass of tepid water in hand. “It’s just me.” He responds, raising a hand as he sips. He offers a small smile your way, although it never quite reaches his chestnut orbs. He lets out a small cough, a wince apparent in his measure, that he tries to brush off.
As you walk his way, your heart falls heavy knowing he’s had a rough day. With your touch gentle, you wrap your arms around his neck in a hug. His hands come around your waist briefly, as he dots a kiss your lips brief, finishing with a more delicate one to your forehead.
His kisses still sent you in butterflies, no matter the countless amounts you’d shared.
“Long day?” You ask, letting go of him as he moves to wash his hands. His muscles seem tense as he moves drained, although you can tell he’s trying his best to make it not apparent to you. That’s how John was, he’d rather stomach any distresses himself, than have his love worry.
“I’m alright, sweetheart.” He replies, short, keeping his eyes fixed on the steady stream of the faucet flow. You sigh a breathy exhale, knowing he’d rather keep his guard up than let you know. You’d often wonder why John did that. He really was the man to give as much as he could to you, asking for absolutely nothing in return.
But that wasn’t how you’d preferred. For him, you wanted the same. You wanted to be there for him when he needed you, wanted to walk through plights with him, holding his hand each step of the way. You wanted to show him, that what you had was a two-way street.
He takes care of you, and you take care of him.
As you walk closer to him again, you allow your arms to wrap around his waist from behind, leaning yourself on him as he stands at the kitchen sink. With your cheek pressed against his back, you quietly press. 
“John, I can tell something is wrong. You’re not yourself today.” You frown, giving his bicep a compassionate squeeze.
You feel his tenseness subside a little as you touch him. With your chest pressed to his back, you soothe up and down his arms, trying your best to get it out of him. If not much, you’d just love if he’d let you talk him through it.
As he gives your hand a reassuring squeeze, his frame moves to the kitchen towel, drying the droplets of water off his skin. “It’s okay, I’m alright.” He quietly protests, moving to the living room couch. You trail behind him, refusing to let him wallow alone. As he takes place by the fireplace, Dog runs rush at his feet, padding a few twirls on his paws before plopping comfortable. You trail behind, feeling more uneasy by the second. John doesn’t seem to budge today.
For your own sanity, you need him to be okay.
Silence dawns the room as you try to find the right words. Stood at the doorframe, you watch John rub his worn-out eyes, yawning as he clears his throat. There seems to be no right way to approach him, so you settle for just asking him again.
“John,” you say, voice assertive this time. As you walk up behind him as he sits, you allow your arms to circle his shoulders, planting a kiss on his head. “Please, I know somethings bothering you and I just wanna help.” Ruffling his hair, you try to keep the mood light. “How about we get to bed early tonight? It’s freezing out, maybe we could both just use a good snuggle.” You giggle, pressing another kiss to the side of his head.
You’d always make sure John knew just how loved he is. Make sure he doesn’t forget the feeling of being touched.
He deserves it, more than anyone else.
He sighs, lips curling into a small smile at the way you’re holding him. “That sounds nice.” He replies, to the thought of having the day over with, falling asleep beside the woman he loves.
“Annnnnnnnd….you’ll tell me what’s up.” You say, quiet, but firm. When he doesn’t reply, let go of him, moving around the couch to take seat by. He’s still strained, his lips purse slight, just enough to exaggerate his tense brow. Taking hold of his hand, you lace your fingers together, rubbing the top of his palm as he stares out the window.
“John, I don’t know what’s bothering you but I know there is something. It doesn’t sit well with me that you’re upset and I don’t know why.” You sigh, as he turns to look your way. “Honey, please. Was it something from…work?” You question, never letting go of his hand. He takes in a deep breath, almost about to speak, before the words seem to get caught in his throat, never quite coming out.
Rolling your eyes, you grow impatient, slightly peeved that he won’t just tell you. “John, you’re doing that thing again. Where you shut me out.” You frown.  
He lets out an exhale, jaw tensing. “I’m not…” he frowns. “…shutting you out, Y/N. I’m just tired. Okay? You don’t need to worry.”
Groaning, you grow more annoyed. “John, why do you have to be so stubborn? I know you, and I know somethings up. You’ve been acting weird since you got home, you’ve been dry, you’re all tense and…” you bite your lip, trying not to complain. “You’re not your same...” 
Searching for the right words, you continue. “….cheery self today. You’ve barely talked to me since you got home.” With a fretful hand comb through your hair, you breathe. “Did I do something?” You ask, suddenly feeling apprehensive.
“No, of course not.” He replies, giving your hand a small squeeze.
“Then tell me what’s wrong!” You say, a bit louder than intended.
He turns to lock your gaze. Calm and collected still, he speaks. “Y/N, stop pressing. Please. You’re making it worse.”
You’re making it worse. That stung.
Letting go of his hand, you straighten your back, looking down slightly. “Alright then.” You begin to stand, as he lightly grasps hold of your arm.
“Y/N, wait, I’m….” he starts, as you cut him off, a mock evident in your words.
“No. I’m making it worse, aren’t I?” You shake his hand off your arm, sighing as an anxious hand runs through your locks. “Just…leave me alone tonight, alright, John? We’ll talk in the morning when you’ve figured your shit out.” You dispute, turning on the balls of your feet to walk away.
John and you didn’t fight often. Even when you did, they weren’t necessarily arguments. Much like today, they would be confrontation, leaving both of you the space you needed until you’d be ready to discuss again, work things through.
Although, as the words of staying apart tonight had slipped off your lips, John felt his heart heavy, suddenly aware of how much he didn’t want that. If anything, John wanted to take you up on your offer of calling it an early night, more than ever. He knew, just how much he wanted to hold you close, rejuvenate through the night, forgetting about his taxing day. Sometimes, he just needed a little grounding. Something to pull him back to earth, reminding him that there’s more to his life, than what he had become. What he was bound to.
There was you. All things good, all things he needed to remember what he truly needs.
All things, he got from you.
John hated when things weren’t right between you two. He didn’t have anyone else to confide in. For him, it was just you.
But John was anything but inconsiderate. He wasn’t a monster, as the world made him out to be. John understands, he knows how to give you the respect you deserve. If you wanted space, he’d give it to you, for as long as you needed.
Even if it hurt him.
Discontent, he hauls himself up, heading for the wooden stairs that led to your shared bedroom. The one that you’d fall asleep in alone tonight. This wasn’t what he wanted. Why did he always somehow manage to make things worse? He thinks wearily to himself, shaking his head as he rubs his temples, mad at himself for letting it get this way, when all you were trying to do was be there for him.
The same thing he did for you, without doubt.
As he glides the bedroom door open, the creak fills the air around, as the rest of the room sits rather still. He sees you tucked away on your side of the bed, the comforter pulled tight up, covering most of your face. You’d been curled up, as if shielding yourself from something unwelcome. 
He feared it was him.
As he cautiously ambles over, his orbs frown, with a grimace coat his features. His heart hopes more than anything that you hadn’t shed any tears. It would ruin him to know he did that to you, when all he wanted was the exact opposite.
As he moves closer to his side of the bed, he sighs, grabbing his fluffed white pillow that matches the one under your head.
Hopefully the guest bedroom sheets wouldn’t treat him too glum tonight.
Turning to head out the door, he kicks himself again mentally, for allowing it to go this far tonight. John wasn’t used to sleeping without you, not unless it was while he was away for a job. Tonight felt wrong. Looking your way once more, he feels himself halt in his tracks, unable to leave.
John had a habit, more of a routine, if you will. Each night, he’d kiss you goodnight, without fail. Even if he’d be away, he’d make sure his nightly phone call went your way, as he’d wish you a goodnights sleep, reminding you that he loves you. While he was home, it was always the last thing on his agenda. Finishing his day off in the way he knew best.
As he bends down, kneeling beside the bed, John observes your features. You lay still, calm, poised and present, chest rising and falling gently. He was glad you were getting rest, he was ready for this dreadful evening to be over soon as well, hopeful for the morning, when you’d wake and could talk it out.
With his hand coming down to cup your cheek softly, his lips move in, pressing a gentle, delicate kiss to your forehead. He lingers in place for a moment before pulling away, lips hovering over your face, close enough to give you another. But he’d held himself back, afraid he’d wake you up. John didn’t want to ruin your night more than he already had.
Giving your hand a gentle squeeze, he reluctantly pulls himself back, pillow tucked away under his arm, giving you a final glance, before he leaves for good. The door creaks again on his way out, his foot steps audible towards the guestroom.
You’d been awake, well aware of the way he was silently regretful. But you decided it would be good to sleep separate tonight, it would give you both a chance to collect your thoughts and be alone. John was sorry for sure, but that didn’t compromise for the fact that he hadn’t reacted in the best way tonight. 
You love him with all your heart, you respect him and understand he’s a quiet man. But as his girlfriend, you felt you deserve to at least know why he’d been behaving the way he was.
If not tonight, the least you wanted was him to let you know that he’d tell you when he was ready. Not completely shut you out.
As the sun shines through the bedroom windows, your eyes flutter open to the remembrance of last nights past. Out of habit, you turn to hug John closer, hit with the reality that he’s not there. The spot lays cold and empty, his pillow missing and the sheets untouched on his side.
You sigh, bringing your hands to rub your tired eyes. You wished he was here, tucked away beside you, where he belongs. No matter what had happen last night, you just wanted him here, now, in this moment. You miss him, despite knowing he’s only a room away.
It doesn’t sit well with you knowing you’re in the middle of a fight.
Lifting the covers off yourself, your groggy eyes adjust to the bright morning glow channeling the room. It’s still chilly out, and you catch glimpse of the frost speckle the tree branches outside, gleaming, beaming, sparkling as a new day wakens.
Dragging your tired, bleary limbs as you walk, you hope John is already awake. You don’t want to wake him prematurely; you know he needs rest. But you can’t drag this on longer, you just need things to be alright again. 
Walking through the hallway, you smell the aroma of fresh coffee being brewed on the timer downstairs. John sets a pot for exactly 6:00AM every morning, for you both to enjoy when you’d wake up together. It had become routine at this point. Morning coffee was one of your favourite times of the day, when you’d have John all to yourself in his clumsily sleepy state, as each sip woke you both up more and more. John is a sweetheart in the morning, affectionate as he peppers you with kisses while you browse the morning paper, reading aloud the intriguing headlines for him as well, as he cooks you breakfast.
This morning, however, was a dire contrast to your routine ones.
As you sway the guestroom door open quietly, you see him lay on his back, eyes shut as the sheets bunch and pleat around him.
He’d been tossing and turning all night.
You frown at the exhaustion that paints his features, suddenly regretful that you may have been the reason for that. Perhaps you’d been a bit harsh on him. Maybe you should have just let it go, understand that he wasn’t ready to talk about it.
Slow and cautious, you make your way over to the bed, taking seat beside him. Your hand moves to softly rest on his cheek, giving the skin a few gentle strokes, hoping he was able to get a little bit of decent sleep last night. He deserved it.
“John?” You quietly speak, trying to awake him calm. “Jonathan?”
You try to shake him gently, making sure not to startle him. As you call his name again, his eyes shoot open, adjusting to the light before they set on you, heavy.
“Y/N,” John’s morning voice rasps as he sits up slightly, looking your way.
“I-..” You begin, before he cuts you off, setting a hand on your thigh.
“Wait, before you say anything, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry, sweetheart.” He shakes his head. “I was just overwhelmed and I didn’t want you to worry. You weren’t making it worse at all, I didn’t mean what I said.” He sighs. “I’m sorry I made you upset.”
You smile, the anger of the night completely forgotten. All you wanted right now, was to be with the man you love. As you move closer to him, your arms wrap around his neck, placing a kiss to his cheek, as you finish with a rest of your head on his shoulder. His arms come around you as well, tucking his head into your neck with a sigh of relief. He holds you close, pressing sweet kisses wherever he pleases.
“I’m sorry too. I should have understood that you weren’t ready to talk about it.” You run your hands through his hair as you hold each other in an embrace, both happy to put the night behind. “I won’t press next time, I promise.” As you pull back slightly to connect your eyes, your hand comes to cup his bearded cheek. “You’re not mad at me, right?” you bite your lip.
John shakes his head, placing his hand over yours that holds his cheek, as his other stays wrapped around you. “Of course not, princess.” He plants a kiss to your wrist, letting you know he’s ready to move on as well. “ You’re not mad at me either, right?” 
“Of course not. I love you.” You reply, smiling as you stare his lips.
He brings his own in closer, hovering just above yours as a smile curls his lips as well. “I love you so much more, sweetheart.” He kisses you brief, before his lips speak again. “Always. Don’t forget it.”
As your lips connect in a heartfelt kiss again, your hands never leave each other, as your arms hold close, savouring in each other once again in the wake of the daybreak sun.
It’s a cold morning in New York, you’d swore flurries may have just fell,
had the love of your life not made,
the world around seem,
so warm.
➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴
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firefly-in-darkness · 4 years
Galaxy Princess - 1/3
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Characters → Y/N & Peter Quill, Mentions of other Marvel characters.
Summary → After the birth of superheroes, several alien attacks and the blip, you were pretty much ready for anything. That was until you met Peter Quill. He burst into your life at lightning speed and nothing could have prepared you for the way he turned your world upside down.
Word Count → 3k
Warnings → Swearing, later warnings; 18+ Smut, Fluff.
Series Taglist → OPEN - send an ask.
Beta → @princessmisery666 // all mistakes are my own.
A/N → Should have posted this at half 7 but everything seemed to go wrong BUT it’s here now... This is for @crushedbyhyperbole - I am so sorry that this is months late to your challenge! [Prompt: To the moon and back - in Part 3]. And I actually have a schedule for the release for this 3-parter… This is GOTG Vol1&2 Peter Quill set in a post-Endgame world.
Return to: Series List // Marvel List
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That Friday feeling was in the spring of Y/N’s step, and how she threw off her stuffy office clothes and traded them for baggy top and sweatpants. It was in the way she put on her favourite playlist, shimmied a pizza in the oven and how she shut the fridge with a pop of her hip. She twirled around the kitchen in between sips of beer, lifting her spirits higher and higher. 
At the sound of the oven alarm beeping, she plated up the pizza, walked through her apartment, and flopped a blanket over her shoulder in preparation for her Friday night tradition. It had been a hard week at work, and she couldn’t wait to unwind in one of her favourite spots.  
She climbed out of the lounge window onto the fire escape, ascending the steps carefully as to not drop her pizza and beer. 
“Careful out there, Y/N,” Stan, her neighbour, said. 
She paused at the window ledge and grinned back at the elderly gentleman sitting in his armchair. He looked over the top of his glasses with a fond smile. 
“I’m always careful Stan,” She winked and carried on with her climb. 
On the rooftop, overlooking the countryside in the distance, Y/N could relax and get away from work. She’d been a temporary administrator at a financial company for six months, but she didn’t seem to fit in with any of her colleagues. She soon discovered that she was often talked about because she was different. ‘Different’ meant Y/N didn't join them for the weekly drinks at the local bar or partake in office gossip. None of it was her thing and, to them, that made her ‘weird.’  
On many occasions, Y/N had overheard them guessing about her private life and it took its toll after hearing the same repetitive comments; she never talks about her family. Or friends for that matter. She needs to get laid. She's a bit of a freak. Too wrapped up in all that alien abduction and sci-fi nonsense.  
And that’s how being on the rooftop, with pizza and a couple of beers, became a weekly tradition and a place of solitude. Unwinding with music and the starry sky above, Y/N could pretend the world below didn’t exist. 
The mellow music drowned out the noise from the street below as she stretched out on the sun lounger. A contented sigh left her mouth as the blanket enveloped her in comfort and the warmth seeped into her bones.  
The sun setting over the woodland in the distance was the perfect backdrop for her to relax as she munched on the pizza. Y/N adored the way the peach glow filled the skyline and silhouetted the trees against the horizon. 
The greasy delight helped to soothe her but couldn’t quiet all the gossip she’d heard about herself that week. Especially the remarks about her sex life. They had no idea if there was any truth to their assumptions, but no amount of beer or delicious food could drown the thought completely. 
Over the last couple of years, Y/N had pretended that she was happy. That she was content with being on her own but deep down she had given up. Her inability to navigate the dating scene successfully was not something she was proud of but then again, she’d had too many awful and lame experiences to count. 
She was a moon without an orbit, drifting in an endlessly dark sky. It was as if everyone else had been given access to this world of love and relationships and she was left alone. She couldn’t recall the last time she felt wanted or needed and it tugged at her chest. 
Her wall of denial had crumbled, and the hot tears slid down her cheeks. She’d been lonely, had been for a while, but when other people noticed, it stung more than she liked. 
The bright sky faded to navy, the stars flickering on in anticipation of lighting the night sky. Y/N longed for whatever was beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, up where those stars sparkled even brighter.  
Y/N had always dreamed of being somewhere else. She felt as if she didn’t belong here that she was destined for more than a mundane office job and daydreaming of the world beyond the solar system. One day, somehow, she knew she’d fly away from this place and find somewhere that she belonged. 
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A bright flash streaked across the sky, a shooting star. Y/N grinned, shuffling to the edge of her seat, ready to make her wish. Until she realised the light was getting bigger. Her eyes widened as she watched the flaming ball crash into the woodland in the distance.  
Y/N scrambled to her feet; the blanket was forgotten until she fell to the ground. Knees scraping against the concrete. The tangled fabric was pushed away, and she gingerly rolled up her sweatpants; luckily, it was only a scrape, nothing to worry about. 
She jumped up, grabbed her phone, and rushed down the fire escape. Once inside, she slid on her fluffy socks along the hardwood floor then hopped around to put her sneakers on while trying to grab her backpack. Luckily, she made it out without an accident. 
Minutes later she was navigating the roads to the woodlands, her body hummed with adrenaline and her mind raced with wonder; what was it? A meteor? A spaceship? Aliens? Oh shit. What if it weren’t friendly? What if the Avengers showed up? She wasn’t sure she cared as she swerved the car off the road and into the empty parking lot, kicking up gravel and dust. This was an opportunity she wouldn’t let pass her by.  
Y/N eagerly dived out of the car, made sure her sneakers were laced and her phone was in her pocket and jogged up the main path to the woodland. Before long, her clammy skin began sticking to her cardigan. She pulled it off and wrapped it around her waist. Her eagerness to get to the crash site and all the possibilities of what it could be, she hadn’t realised how far off the beaten path she was. 
The moon was her only source of light, but the towering trees made it seem as if it were playing hide and seek on the ground. She put on her phone’s flashlight, her heart racing as she stumbled along the less maintained route. 
Her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness as the flashlight remained trained on the ground. Nerves bubbled in her stomach and her legs began to shake as she neared the potential landing site.  
A faint orange glow flickered against the tree trunks, the air thick and sticky with fumes. Y/N picked up her pace, approaching the smoke that billowed from the wreckage and the flames licking at the grass. Light and ash that spit out from the chewed-up metal.  
She raised her arm, shielding her eyes from the bright glare so she could access the wreckage. It wasn’t any kind of spaceship she’d seen before. It didn’t look like the ones from the attack on New York or reported after The Blip. It was small, could fit one adult at most. 
A groan rang out nearby and she whipped around to see a man, a human man, fall to the floor a few meters away. In a flash, she landed on her knees, pain shooting through the already damaged skin, and rolled the person over, pulling at the red leather jacket.  
Y/N placed her cheek near their face and relaxed when she felt their light breath caressing her skin. Her fear subsided, and she was finally able to look at the man, her heart fluttered at his rugged look; the stubble scattered across his jawline, a gash across his cheek and his fluffy dirty blond hair.  
The crackle of the flames and the metal whining behind caught her attention again. She hauled him away from the ship, afraid they were in danger of being burnt. After a few tugs, she fell backwards onto her bottom. Another groan came from the man below her and she hoped she hadn’t hurt him. She looked down at the handsome spaceman, his head rising from her lap with a deep frown and eyes scrunching with confusion. 
“Hi,” Y/N spoke softly, hoping not to alarm him. 
He shuffled slightly, trying to turn and brace his hand on the ground but gripped her thigh. She watched the realisation dawn on his face, he looked up at her and back down between her legs, a huge grin across his face, “Well this isn’t a first.” 
Y/N shoved him backwards and scrambled away. 
He planted his arms to avoid face planting the ground and turned to the wreckage. “What the hell- Oh man, look at this,” He jumped to his feet and began inspecting and discarding chunks of metal and wires. “No, no, no!” 
Y/N was frozen to the spot, her thoughts blank as she watched the man dash around the wreckage, throwing items over his shoulder in obvious frustration.  
After a moment, she stood up and raised her arms in defence. “Maybe you should sit down, you did just crash landed.” 
“I need to get back to my ship.”  
He may have looked human, but if he had a spaceship, he clearly wasn’t. Oh shit, I’m talking to an alien.  
“I can help,” she stuttered before clearing her throat, willing herself to not sound so defenceless or unsure. “But please don’t hurt me,” She pleaded. 
He stopped mid-throw, the mangled metal hovering over his shoulder, and twisted on the balls of his feet to look at her. His piercing blue eyes alert, an exaggerated gape in his mouth before he spoke, “I’m not going to hurt you, you turd blossom.” 
Y/N blinked at his insult, uncertain how to process being called a turd blossom. He walked towards her and she stepped backwards as he grew closer until her back was against a tree. He rested his arm above her head, leaning against the trunk, a cheeky grin forming on his face. 
“So, I’m a little stuck and need a little help with contacting my ship.” 
Y/N shoved him away, “Your smoldering isn’t going to work on me.” 
“Smoldering?! I was not smoldering.” He stuttered and held up a mangled item that looked like a walkie talkie. “Do you have anything that can help fix this or a way I can contact my ship so I can get off this crappy planet?” 
Y/N paced back and forth, she wasn’t sure what to say or do, her mouth opened and closed. Of course, she had a radio back at her apartment, but she wasn't going to let a stranger into her home. Y/N knew it was crazy, but she had to help him. She spun around and pointed at him, he looked from side to side as if looking for someone else. 
“Yes, you! I will take you somewhere that has a radio. But no funny business.”  
He crossed his heart, dramatically and she rolled her eyes. “Follow me.” She spun on her heels, “Are you coming or - what’s your name?” 
He jogged up to Y/N’s side and matched her speed, “Starlord.” 
She paused, mid-step, chuckling, “Is that your name?” 
“Yes! I’m a famous outlaw.” His brows furrowed and his jaw set. 
“A famous outlaw that calls people turd blossoms,” she chuckled, “what are you wanted for, crappy insults?” 
He scoffed and from the corner of her eye she noticed him smirk though he sounded offended, “a whole list of things that if you knew about, you’d be shocked.” 
“Got it, you're a real bad guy, Starlord.” 
This time he really was offended, “do you have a better name?”   
She snickered and couldn’t help herself, “Galaxy Princess.”  
He laughed loudly up at the sky, “I like you Galaxy Princess,” he admitted.  
She dropped her head to watch her feet and tried to stifle the happy grin that wanted to break out on her face. 
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One short car journey filled with awkward silence later, they were in Y/N’s apartment, and inside the box room. A desk and computer on one side, the opposite wall filled with pictures, newspaper clippings and maps of Earth and the solar system. Embarrassment tingled on Y/N’s cheeks as she began to clear the mess of takeout containers and used coffee cups that were on her desk. 
The radio unit was pulled forward and she passed the mouthpiece to him. Noting how dazed he was by all the assorted items in the room, picking them up and inspecting them as he’d never seen a tablet or Bluetooth speaker before. Then she remembered, alien. His technology was far more advanced. 
“Here, if your spaceship is in our atmosphere it should pick up this signal.” Y/N flicked at the switches and turned the dials; white noise unleashed into the room until it went almost silent apart from a faint buzz. 
Starlord stared at the equipment and muttered under his breath, “I can’t believe that I actually wish Rocket was here.” 
Y/N ignored the comment, he hadn’t wanted her to hear what he’d said, “Do you know what frequency your ship uses or anything that would help connect to the comms unit?” 
“Of course, I know what frequency my ship uses.” He stepped around her and started to fiddle with the dials, white noise filling the room once more. He winked and gave her a lopsided grin, like the one earlier when his face was in her lap. “It’s my ship. I know the frequency. Yep.” 
To save Starlord the embarrassment of having no clue, Y/N turned her focus to the broken device he had brought with him. Metal scratched, wires exposed and broken. With enough technical knowledge, she realised it was more of a transmitter than a radio. 
“I think I might be able to fix this, but I don’t have anything that resembles these parts.” Y/N didn’t realise he was right behind her and bumped into him with a surprised yelp. 
“Woah there!” He steadied her with his hands on her arms, “Didn’t mean to make you jump,” he said as she turned to face him. She felt the blush spread over her cheeks and he smiled, “Unless you did that on purpose. Considering you like my smoldering,” he winked.  
“I didn’t say I liked your smoldering, I said it wouldn’t work on me.”   
Y/N hoped that he didn’t have superpowers otherwise he’d hear the pounding of her heart but what unnerved her more than his proximity, was that she couldn’t work out if she was scared or captivated. It was definitely the latter. His thumbs rubbed softly and sparked a shiver. Her thoughts caught back up to her and she led them into the kitchen and grabbed the first aid kit off the shelf. 
“So how did you end up in an escape pod?” She asked, moving into the lounge. 
“Ha. I don’t think you’ve got time for the long story,” he said as she perched on the couch. “So, I’ll give you the short version.” He joined her and reclined back into the cushions. 
“I’m happy with either,” Y/N offered, turning to face him, with an acute awareness of her knee brushing against his thigh. “May I?” 
Starlord glanced down, noticing their closeness and her fiddling with the box. His chest inflated, proud and a smug smile; he was eager to let her tend to his wounds and talk of his heroism and escape from evil.  
He cleared his throat before sinking further into the couch, “I’m more than willing to oblige a beautiful woman with my stories, sweetheart.”  
Y/N snorted and began to clean the gash on his cheek while he explained how his crew’s mission hadn’t gone to plan. It was supposed to be simple; get on the spaceship and pick up the wanted person then to collect the bounty. Y/N watched him tell the story in between winces of the antiseptic wipe; the way his eyes lit up as he retold the plan and mentioned his companions; Rocket and Groot.  
She wanted to know more but she was distracted by his animated expressions. Gosh, he’s handsome, Y/N blushed at her thoughts, “will you stop moving. I can’t fix this if you don’t hold still.” 
Y/N was grateful for him not seeing the embarrassment and refrained from moving erratically so she could apply the butterfly stitches. He continued with how he hadn’t expected the spaceship to have a bunch of Kree and Sakaarans on board. She bounced in her seat, the excitement taking over at the mention of the alien races. 
Starlord chuckled at her enthusiasm, “I’ll tell you more about them bastards later. The escape pod was my only option, but it malfunctioned after it took several hits from the attack shuttles.” 
Y/N clamped a hand over her mouth, in fear and amazement that he’d managed to land it somewhat safely and without extensive injury. She felt shy under Starlord’s scrutiny and the way he was likely to judge the brightness in her eyes, the intrigue she had for life beyond earth. 
“Now I’m stranded on Earth and have no way of communicating with my crew back on the Milano.” He shrugged his shoulders, “Luckily I had a beautiful woman come to my rescue.” 
Y/N pretended not to hear those words as the weight of the night’s events hit her suddenly and she tried to stifle the yawn, “Sorry, can we have a look at this in the morning?” 
“Sure.” His bright smile dropped a fraction, he recovered it but not in time for her to miss. 
Spare bedding was placed on the sofa and Y/N directed him around the apartment, “The shower is just down the hall. If you can’t sleep, here��s the tv remote and help yourself to food.” 
“Thank you, Princess.” 
“Goodnight, Starlord.” 
“It’s Peter.” His cheeky smile had faded to something softer. 
“Y/N. Goodnight Peter.”  
“Sweet dreams, Y/N.” He laid down and continued to wave until she shut the bedroom door. 
Y/N was too tired to process that she was leaving a stranger on his own, in her home. There was an odd comfort from his determination to get back to his ship and crew; the place he belonged.
To Be Continued...
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queen-scribbles · 4 years
Double Special
SO. Remember the 3k-ish words of birthday fluff I wrote AJ in November? Yeah, Janine decided she was not going to be outdone. Annnnd since a) her birthday is Valentine’s Day and b) she’s dating FELIX HAUVILLE she got her wish. This is almost 6k, y’all, they wouldn’t shut up. :D
The hands that settled over Janine’s eyes would have caught her slightly more off-guard if their owner had managed to keep from snickering on his approach.
“Guess who-?” he whispered, and she smiled at the endearment he just managed to keep himself from including.
“Hmmm,” Janine mused in exaggerated thought. “Tina?”
His hands shook with his held back laughter. “Nope. Try again.”
She chuckled and tapped a finger against her chin. “Verda?”
“Uh-uh. C’mon, you’re supposed to be a detective,” he teased, breath whispering against the shell of her ear in a way that made her spine tingle.
Janine bit back a grin and pushed out of the chair, impressed when his hands stayed close over her eyes without throwing off her balance as she stood and stepped sideways so the chair wasn’t between them. “Oohhh. Mason?”
She laughed as she spun on one heel and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Ah, Felix. Why didn’t you say so?”
Felix rolled his eyes and tried to pout, but couldn’t even hold it a full two seconds. It turned to a grin as his hands trailed down to settle on her waist. “Are you always so bad at guessing games, babe?”
“Only when I’m teasing,” Janine said with a wink, hands cupping his jaw to pull him in for a kiss.
Felix leaned into it, and they both gave soft moans as the gentle kiss went deeper and more passionate than she’d initially intended. “...Fireworks,” he murmured through his breathless grin when they parted. “Still like fireworks.”
She gave a breathless laugh of her own in agreement as she rested her forehead against his. “So, to what do I owe this lovely surprise?”
“Surprise? Janine, as you are aware”--a pointed glance at her candy heart-patterned dress and cheerful red cardigan-- “it’s Valentine’s Day.”
“So it is,” Janine smiled, her fingers rubbing lightly over the nape of his neck.
“Our first Valentine’s Day.” Felix emphasized, then leaned in for a quick kiss before continuing, “And also your birthday.”
She snorted a quiet laugh. “Every year, yes.”
“But the first one since we started dating. So are you really surprised I wanted to see you today?” He grinned playfully and kissed her forehead. “With it being all double special for us and everything, I thought maybe on such a special day, you’d want to spend part of it with me after being cooped up in your office wading through paperwork all day.”
“Hmm, that does sound appealing,” Janine said lightly. “Since today’s just the specialest of days. Did you have any ideas?”
“Eh, one or two,” Felix said, unmistakable mischief in his voice.
She grinned at the thought of what that mischief promised and stole another kiss. “Just let me save this report and turn off my computer and we can go.”
Felix let his hands slide from her hips so she could sit at her desk again, nearly bouncing in anticipation as he waited. Janine didn’t hold them up long; today had been the sort that dragged ridiculously, and she was all too happy putting it behind her. She finished the sentence she’d been working on when he walked in, saved the report, and grabbed her coat off the back of her chair as she stood.
“All set,” she confirmed when he looked at her expectantly. Felix was halfway across the station before she had her coat on. “All set but not as fast as you!” Janine called after him, catching Tina’s laugh and giving one of her own as she hurried after him.
“Sorry,” Felix said with a sheepish chuckle. “Just excited.”
“You two have fun!” Tina called after them as they exited the station, grinning in a way that made Janine think she knew something.
Maybe, she mused a few moments later, that something had to do with the gigantic white teddy bear stuffed in the passenger seat of her car. After a few seconds gaping at her stowaway, with a ribbon tied round its neck and I LUV U embroidered on one paw, she whirled around to face her once-again grinning boyfriend. “Felix, how-?”
“Tina knows where you keep you emergency key, babe,” he reminded her. “And loves helping with cheesy romantic stuff.”
“Ah, that’s why she was ten minutes late for her shift,” Janine said with a laugh, looking back at the bear, which barely fit in her car.
“Yeah, it was tougher getting him in there than I expected,” Felix admitted, looking briefly concerned at her expression. “Too much?”
Janine shook her head and laughed again as she leaned in to kiss him in reassurance. “No such thing, babe.”
The grin came back, his eyes sparkling. “Good to know.”
The lilt under the words had her peering more closely at the bear--it truly was huge--until she followed the ribbon around its neck to a large origami heart folded into an envelope. “Felix...” Janine fumbled out her keys and opened the car door to more closely inspect her new furry friend’s necklace. She bit back a smile as she pulled free the unicorn tucked inside the heart, this piece folded from pink and purple paisley paper. “Clever,” she chuckled, then saw the marker scrawl on the unicorn. Clue #1. She looked between the unicorn and Felix with a slowly growing grin of her own. “Clue... as in scavenger hunt?!”
“Uh-huh!” Felix nodded gleefully, rocking up on his toes. “I know how much you love them, and I was hoping you wouldn’t be too tired after work--”
Janine’s fingers sank into his scarf and dragged him in for another kiss, longer, deeper, warming her straight to her toes as it trapped her against the side of her car. “This is perfect.” You’re perfect. She wrapped an arm around his waist. “We should sit in the car, don’t you think, while I work out this clue of yours.”
Felix shivered as the wind picked up, shuffling closer to her for warmth. “The unicorn is the clue, there’s not more to it or anything.”
“Well, in that case...” There was only one strong unicorn-related memory that came to mind. “I’d rather drive to the carnival grounds than walk in this weather, wouldn’t you?”
The gleam in his eyes and quick kiss he brushed to her cheek said she’d guessed right.
This was going to be fun.
It took both of them to manhandle the giant bear into the backseat so Felix could sit up with her.
“When we’re all done with this adventure, you get to figure how we’re fitting that  thing in my flat,” Janine said with a laugh as she started the car.
“Okay. Worst case you can keep it at the warehouse,” Felix pointed out with a grin.
“Sit it in my room for you to hug whenever you miss me?” she teased. “It’s almost as big as I am.”
He took the gentle ribbing with a grin. “I’d be hugging it all the time, but it’s nowhere near a good substitute for you.”
Her face warmed and she bit her lip, hands curling tighter on the wheel and gaze studiously on the surroundings as she pulled out of the space. “I’m flattered. Now, don’t distract the driver, or we might crash before we get there.”
“Wouldn’t want that,” Felix’s eyes twinkled mischievously. “I’ll behave.”
“There’s a first,” Janine couldn’t help but tease. She leaned over to kiss him on the cheek, then merged with the traffic--light as it was--to head for Hollow’s Peak.
It was a bit of a drive from the station, and they shifted between playful banter and idle chatter until Janine pulled into what served as a parking lot when the field was in use.
“So, how hard am I gonna have to look for the next clue?” she asked, shifting into park, excited but mildly daunted by the odds she could remember where the apple bobbing had been without tents or anything to use for reference.
“Oh you’re still at the beginning, babe,” Felix said. He grinned and waggled his eyebrows at her. “I wouldn’t make it too hard.”
“What a relief,” Janine said dramatically. She playfully tugged his hat down over his eyes, then stepped from the car. The warmth of his laughter faded into February chill and she shivered. Where would he leave a clue..? Hopefully she’d find it before she froze to death--
Janine grinned. The framework for the ticket booths was always there; a more permanent structure as they were needed by all who used the space for events. She headed that direction with surer steps.
Her guess proved correct. In the middle of the center booth’s counter sat a pale purple gift box tied with white and pink ribbon. Her grin widened even as the wind made her shiver again and she picked up the box. She retreated to the warmth of her car with it hugged to her chest. 
Felix smirked as she scrambled into the driver’s seat and yanked the door closed behind her. “Little cold out there, babe?”
“Dunno, babe, what do you think?” she retorted, and slid one of her gloveless hands around the back of his neck under the scarf.
He yelped and jerked away with a laugh. “You’re terrible!”
“Oh, yes, absolutely awful,” Janine agreed cheerfully. “I can’t be totally irredeemable, though, or you wouldn’t like me.”
“Touché,” Felix said with a wink and tugged her closer by the front of her coat. “I do like you just a little” --he kissed her, a gentle peck on the lips-- “tiny” --another peck-- “bit.”
“Today on understatements of the century...” Janine murmured with a smile, pinning him against the car door for a deeper kiss. The gearshift was poking her, but she didn’t care.
Felix laughed, a little dazed. “Don’t you still need to open the box?” he murmured, their lips bare centimetres apart.
She took the hint and settled back in the driver’s seat to tug on one end of the ribbon. Inside the purple box sat a flat, square jewelry box--probably a necklace, she guessed from the shape--and a pair of origami cupcakes scrawled with Clue #2.
She opened the jewelry box, gasped, and nearly dropped it. It was a necklace. Nothing terribly fancy; a slender chain supporting a dark silver heart-shaped locket with an amethyst in the center. But it was beautiful, and so very her, and it was from him. 
“Felix, I love it,” Janine said softly. She balanced the larger box on her knees so she could free the necklace and put it on. Her hands shook, just enough the clasp gave her trouble, and she let him help her  “Thank you.” She smiled and caught his hand to give it a squeeze. “You’re really nailing this first Valentine’s Day thing, darling. Or is this birthday?”
“Oh, no, birthday will be separate but no less awesome,” Felix said, beaming at the compliment. “This whole hunt thing is Valentine’s, babe.”
Janine arched a brow and grinned as she rubbed the locket between her fingers. “Speaking of...” She turned her attention to the cupcakes. “First of all, these are adorable. Second...” She bit her lip in thought. There were a few possibilities on this one, but the strongest... “Haley’s?”
“Yep.” Felix smiled in relief. “I couldn’t find a good example for any other baked... thing, at least not that I could make, and I got tired of wasting paper--and time--so I just was hoping this would do the trick...”
“And it did,” Janine chuckled. She closed the jewelry box, tucked it back in the gift box with the origami, and dropped it in the backseat with her bear. “To Haley’s, then.”
Felix came with her for this one, trailing just a little as they stepped into the blissful warmth of Haley’s Bakery. Janine wondered if it was the more inviting atmosphere that caused the change, or just being bored of sitting in the car.
On second thought, maybe it was the two large mugs of hot chocolate Haley pushed across the counter toward them with a wink.
“Having a good Valentine’s, Janine?” she asked.
“Oh, the best,” Janine said, looping her arm through Felix’s as they each picked up a mug. “Thanks.”
“You’re very welcome,” Haley replied, darting an unsubtle look toward Felix as if to indicated where her gratitude should truly go. “Enjoy!”
“We will!” Felix winked, already tugging Janine toward the back of the cafe. “We need to warm up.”
Only a few of the tables were occupied, and she briefly wondered why they were headed toward the back--before she saw the large paper bag, emblazoned with Haley’s logo, sitting in the middle of one table, replacing the decorative flowers.
“You are such a keeper,” she whispered through a grin as she kissed him on the cheek, being careful not to spill the hot chocolate. “Not that there was any doubt.”
“Yeah, at this point, you’re pretty much stuck with me, babe,” Felix joked as they sat down.
“Good,” Janine replied, emphatically and without hesitation. She scooched her chair over until they could sit with shoulders pressed together while they drank the hot chocolate and thawed out. The first sip was deliciously warm, heady and rich, and she giggled.
“What?” Felix asked, arching a brow.
“You’ll be buzzing from this, darling,” Janine informed him, amused. “I may have to tie you down.”
He waggled his eyebrows. “Fine by me.”
“Felix! Not like that!” But she was laughing as she slapped his arm. She turned to look over at the bag. “Someone’s gonna have to help me eat these if it’s half as full as it looks.”
“Have someone in mind?” Felix asked with a grin as he took a drink. “Yum. That is good.”
“Tina, of course.” God, it was hard to keep a straight face. “I have to stay on her good side in case I need her to cover for me sometime.”
Felix rolled his eyes, still grinning. “Oh, sure. Tina.”
Janine opened her mouth to retort, but got sidetracked by what was clipped to the folded over top of the bag.
A light orange origami mouse. Clue #3
She smiled as she slipped it free and cradled it in her palm. Another easy one, but, “Felix?”
“Yeah, babe?”
“How much time do we have for this scavenger hunt?” She ran her thumb over the mouse. “You’re supposed to have patrol soon, aren’t you?”
“Usually would, yeah.” He smiled in faux-innocence when she narrowed her eyes. “But I can be really persistent, and Mason hates being around me when I’m mopey.”
She tried for disapproval, but was laughing too hard. “Felix Hauville, you did not--”
Felix reached over and playfully covered her mouth with his hand. “We swapped, Janine. Now I’m doin’ the wee hours of the morning. I’m saving him from bitching about the cold.”
“You’re such a helper. Though I suppose this means no sleepover?” Janine asked coyly.
Felix laughed. “Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow?” He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “If I beg dramatically enough I can probably convince Natey to cover for me juuuuust once.”
She grinned at him over the rim of her mug. “Now who’s terrible?”
“Can’t be too bad; you still like me,” he said mischievously.
Janine laughed and kissed him, tasting the hot chocolate. “Perhaps just a tad,” she murmured as she lingered close.
“Today on understatements of the century...” Felix mumbled, eyes sparkling with mirth.
She laughed again, the reluctantly sat back to finish her hot chocolate.  “Wonderful as this is, we probably shouldn’t dawdle or it’ll get dark.”
“True.” He swallowed a huge gulp of his hot chocolate and blinked at the sugar rush. “It’s definitely better for you to be able to see.”
“That does help with scavenger hunts,” Janine said, fighting a smile.
They finished, waved farewell to Haley on their way out the door, and Janine deposited the bag of pastries with her other gifts before heading back toward the police station,
She barely had to get out of the car for this one; the large box, dark pink and heart shaped, was propped conspicuously against the exterior wall. Janine retrieved the chocolates and hopped back in the waiting warmth of her car.
“Trying to fatten me up?” she joked, running a finger around the edge of the box and shooting Felix a grin.
“Hoping you’ll share,” he corrected with a matching grin, leaning in for a kiss.  “With me.”
“Nice clarification,” Janine giggled. Not seeing any origami attached to the outside, she opened the box. Atop the waxy sheet protecting the chocolates sat a trio of flames, that--like the unicorn earlier--showed evidence of repeated folding  attempts before they cooperated. She smiled at the mental image of him concentrating so hard on something for her as she mulled over where this clue might point. Her thumb absently brushed the Clue #4 as if it would make things click.
She was just about to admit being stumped when Felix grinned--”Maybe this’ll help”--and leaned in to kiss her, long and sweet and deep, then whispered,  “Your heart’s racing.”
Click. Janine smiled, cupping the side of his jaw with one hand. “So’s yours.”
Still smiling, she handed him the box of chocolates and started driving for the warehouse.
They didn’t pass many people as they wound their way through hallways until they reached the living room, which was both odd--it wasn’t that late--and not--the warehouse was a big place. Janine glanced over at Felix as she reached for the door handle. The grin plastered across his face made her smile as well,  undisguised glee and anticipation shining in his eyes. It was just so damn infectious, like every time he smiled.
She opened the door. “...Wow.”
“Is that a good wow? That’s a good wow, right?” Felix wiggled between her and the door frame to get into the room.
Catching the note of anxiety in his voice, Janine nodded, fingers curling around her necklace. “Yes, good wow. Slightly stunned,” she admitted with a laugh,” but very good wow.”
The vase sitting on the coffee table looked like it was straining to hold at least three dozen roses, most red, but a few accenting pink and lavender ones as well. The heady aroma was strong enough she was willing to bet Mason was grateful he had an excuse to not be in the same building, and the bouquet large enough she wasn’t sure she’d be able to carry it. “I love them, but Felix. Darling. How the hell are we fitting them in my car?” Even without the bear taking up so much space, it wouldn’t likely work.
He grinned, trepidation gone. “Oh, you don’t have to! They can go in your room here.”
She arched a brow. “And they aren’t going to bother you all?”
“No-” He sneezed. “We’ll be okay.”
“Are you sure?” Janine sidled closer, wrapping her arms around his neck as she leaned in. “I can take some of them home so the smell’s not as strong.” And Mason doesn’t kill you in your sleep.
Felix bit back his widening grin and pressed into their forehead touch. “If you really want to, you can. But they’ll look better all together, won’t they? And unless they’re magic, they won’t last forever, so we’ll survive.”
She took his word for it. “Alright, but I do want to take at least one...” She tipped her chin up to nuzzle her nose against his, then stepped away and approached the table. She tugged one of the vibrant red roses free, slipped the penknife from her pocket, and bit her lip in concentration as she cut off the stem short enough she could tuck it through her bun. “There.”
Felix leaned against the back of the couch, his gaze fixed on her and a smile pulling at his lips. “And here I thought you couldn’t get any prettier.”
Janine blushed, her answering smile so wide it hurt her face. “Thank you,” she said softly, turning away to look around the flowers for origami, if there was any.
And there was. Tucked between two pink roses on the side facing the fireplace, she found a light brown origami house, freckled with small blue dots. Clue #5
She freed it, studied it a moment, then, “Home?”
“Yeah,” Felix laughed, leaning so far over the couch he started to slide. “It was a tricky one to pick something for, and apparently origami doors are an actual thing that people have? I didn’t know that, so there were no this size patterns and I couldn’t do that, and house was the next best thing I could think of, so I went with that.” He caught himself and grinned. “And you figured it out pretty quick, so it must’ve been a good choice. And you’re just a good detective.”
“So, finally to my place, then?” Janine asked with a smirk, twirling the paper house between her fingers and slipping it in her pocket.
Felix matched her smirk as he straightened. “Finally to your place, babe.”
Her pace wending back out to the car had him trotting to keep up with a grin he didn’t even try to hide.
Felix made her stop at the bottom of the stairs. “Okay, wait. If it wasn’t so cold, we’d be doing this on the roof, like you did for me, but since it is, we’re just going to your apartment. Close your eyes.”
Janine chuckled as she acquiesced, holding out the hand not burdened by gift boxes. “You’ll have to get me there without tripping.”
He took her hand but didn’t move aside from his thumb rubbing over her knuckles. She cracked one eye and found him looking at her with shining eyes and a lopsided smile.
 “What?” She asked with a laugh. 
Felix shook his head and leaned in to give her a quick peck on the cheek.  “Nothing. Eyes closed, or you’ll ruin the surprise.”
Janine obligingly shut her eye again, and this time he tugged her hand, gently guiding toward and up the steps. The hesitant pace made her glad they’d left the bear in the car for now. Juggling that would have made this even more complicated.
She knew the building well enough to not trip on the stairs, and was holding out her keys for Felix to take by the time they’d reached her apartment.
He laughed as he did--”You read my mind, babe”--and carefully guided her through the doorway. The floorboards creaked and she bit back a smile at the mental image of him bouncing in excitement too great to contain. “Okay, now you can open ‘em!”
Janine’s jaw dropped open not far behind her eyes. Her apartment had been transformed, or at least, the living room and kitchen. Strings of fairy lights lit the room, the occasional twinkle of purple or blue adding to the soft golden ambiance. A scattering of balloons--all brightly colored, most emblazoned with birthday messages--had drifted up to the ceiling, curled ribbons just barely in reach. The kitchen table was decorated with sparkly silver and gold confetti and another vase full of flowers, smaller than the rose bouquet at the warehouse, but varied. She could see lilies and violets, at the least, but she’d have to circle back for a closer look; her gaze was already on the cheerfully wrapped box--complete with a huge yellow bow--and scrumptious chocolate frosted cake.
“Now we do birthday,” Felix said with barely restrained glee after giving her a moment to take it all in.
Janine wheeled, shoving the door closed with one hand as she pinned Felix against the wall next to it. He was laughing as she kissed him, clearly pleased with himself and her reaction. Her hands curled into a tight grasp on his clothes, and she kept the kiss going until she started to feel lightheaded.
Felix gave a single breathless chuckle when she finally pulled away. “...Whoa,” he mumbled through his dazed grin.
Janine let out a breathlessly giddy laugh of her own.“Too much?” 
He shook his head. “No such thing.” Stole a kiss. ”I’m glad you like it.”
“Felix...” A wave of overwhelming emotion rolled through her chest--He did this, all of this, for me--and she briefly rested her forehead against his shoulder before meeting his gaze again. “The Agency’s gonna revoke your expense account if you use it for spoiling me like this,” she teased, voice wobbling. She rested one hand against his jaw and traced his cheekbone with her thumb. 
Felix chuckled, using one finger to swoop a loose lock of hair back behind her ear before tipping her chin up. “I mean. You’d be worth it.” He kissed her, and Janine shifted half a step back from the fervency of it.He smirked when he pulled back. “But between Nate’s expensive tastes, Mason’s cigarettes, and Adam’s bill for damages, I’ve been the easy one up til now,” he said, hands rubbing gently up and down her arms, “and you deserve someone to spoil you on your birthday.” Another kiss, his fingers digging into her hair, another ceded step. “And Valentine’s Day.” Another kiss, another step back, the arm of the couch pressed against the back of her knees. “And every day,” he finished, forehead resting against her temple, “because you’re just that amazing.”
Janine grinned, curling her hands lightly around his wrists. “So are you, love,” she whispered, leaning into him. They stood there a moment before the mood was broken by Janine’s stomach giving a very quiet gurgle and they both laughed.
“Sounds like we got back here just in time, babe,” Felix teased, kissing her temple as he eased back.
Janine rolled her eyes and swatted his arm as she bent to pick up the boxes she’d dropped when she backed him against the wall. She hastily tossed them on the couch as he caught her wrist to tug her toward the kitchen.
“You’re not planning on cake for dinner are you?” she teased right back.  “Awesome as that might be...”
“Thought about it,” he returned with a lopsided smile, “ but nah. Dinner should be in the oven” --he peeked to be sure-- “to keep it warm.” He pulled out the chair from the one clear space, then grabbed a towel to pull whatever dinner was from the oven.
Janine sat, stomach giving a louder rumble at the delicious--and familiar--aroma that emerged with the food. She was grinning again--had she ever truly stopped since he showed up at her office?--when he placed the plate in front of her with a flourish. “Have I mentioned recently that you’re the best?”
Felix laughed and pulled out another chair for himself, plopping down so he faced her rather than the table. “I think so, but you can always say it again to be safe.”
She giggled, poked the chicken and shrimp alfredo with her fork. “Felix, you’re the best and I love you.”
His smile put the sun to shame. “Thanks, babe. It’s what you deserve.” He waggled his eyebrows playfully. “The cake’s strawberry, by the way. And because I love you, I didn’t make it myself.”
Janine arched a brow.
“Okay, I tried,” Felix admitted, scratching the back of his neck and grinning sheepishly. “Almost lit the warehouse on fire. After Adam finished scolding me--”
“Nate made it?” she guessed with a laugh.
“Yeah.” He wrinkled his nose, then the grin came back in full force. “But I did decorate it!”
Janine peered at the cake’s decoration; a large, uneven heart outlined and filled in pale pink and “Happy Birthday” that did indeed resemble his handwriting. “And you did an excellent job.”
“Only the best for you, babe,” he winked, but there was a sincerity under the words that made her breath catch.
On a hunch, she set down her fork and reached over to poke the side of the cake gently. The chocolate covering it gave but didn’t smear, and she gave a quiet gasp of delight. Fudge frosting!
Felix watched her experiment with a grin. “Pays to be friends with the one of us who actually likes to bake,” he joked, swiping a finger through the frosting and holding it out to her. “Want a preview, babe?”
Janine looked at him, then the frosting, and leaned forward to slowly lick his finger clean. She sat back, savoring both his expression and the chocolate taste. “So, any other accomplices, or just Nate?”
Felix blinked. “Huh? Oh, Tina helped me decorate here, and with a couple of the scavenger hunt steps. She seemed very smug, learning I have a key to your flat.”
“Let her be,” Janine laughed, well aware she’d be getting interrogated the next day. She took a bite of the alfredo, groaned softly in pleasure, and then tapped the wrapped gift. “And when can I open this?”
“Oh, whenever you want.” He rested his chin on his palm. “I just figured you would wanna eat first.”
He was right, to a point, But she was curious, so she only made it halfway through the meal, delicious as it was, before pushing the plate aside so she could reach for the box. The ribbon and paper both came away easily. Inside the shallow box was a framed picture.The frame was nice; dark wood with a curling silver overlay, but the picture was what made her chest ache and a smile catch her lips.
The two of them, sitting on her couch. Janine’s legs were curled up over Felix’s lap and they were snuggled close, her temple pressed to his cheek as they smiled wide at something off-camera. Felix’s expression was like joy captured on film, and she smiled as she brushed her fingers lightly over the glass.
“Tina again,” Felix volunteered. “She was showing it to me to tease we’re cute enough to make her doololly and I asked if I could have it. Y’know, a copy. Because, I mean, look at us.” He grinned. “We are cute.”
“The cutest,” Janine laughed. She set the picture down. She’d have to find somewhere good to display it. “Thank you, Felix, for everything.”
“You’re welcome,” he said brightly. “Oh, wait, there’s one more thing!” He twisted around to get in the pocket of his coat, hanging over the back of his chair, and carefully pulled something out. “Nothing special, just made me think of you when I saw it. This is everything.” 
And he handed her the tiniest glass ballerina figurine she’d ever seen. It was tinted pink for the tutu and shoes, but clear otherwise. 
“Felix...” Janine stared at it for a moment, completely lost for words. It was beautiful, delicate and charming, somehow conveying an air of grace despite its small size.
“Too much?” he asked, voice quiet and brow furrowed.
 She shook her head and laughed “I told you, there’s no such thing..I love it,” she said softly, then cleared her throat and grinned at him as she gently sat the ballerina on the table. “And now that I’ve been drowned in affection and gifts, did you have any plans for the rest of our time?”
Felix grinned back and stole a kiss. “Watch movies and cuddle on your couch?”
Janine chuckled. “You read my mind.”
“With cake?” he hinted, still grinning.
“Oh, obviously.” She smirked, sliding one hand up his thigh for balance as she really leaned in for the next kiss. “Gotta have dessert.”
A few minutes later found them curled up close together on her couch, one fairly large slice of divine cake shared between them, as they started a movie. Janine took a bite of the cake and nearly groaned; it tasted every bit as good as it looked. She let Felix tug the plate toward him as she savored the taste, fingers absently toying with her necklace to occupy themselves. 
Driven by belated curiosity, and not particularly interested in the movie’s opening credits, she flicked the locket open. Her brow furrowed in surprise. “It’s empty.”
Felix glanced over at her quiet confusion. “I wanted-” He finished chewing his mouthful of cake. “I wanted you to pick what you keep in there,” he explained, his hand not holding the cake plate rubbing arcs up and down her shin.
Janine smiled and clicked it closed again. “I’ll have to think on that.” She had some ideas, but would have to see if she could get decent quality pictures in the right size. “In the meantime...” She tugged the cake back.
Felix chuckled as he let go and settled his arm around her shoulders. “I don’t need any more. Just wanted a taste of the finished product.”
“Mm, can’t blame you,” Janine mumbled another bite. “I need to think of a good way to thank Nate; this is just ridiculously good. Are we sure he’s a vampire and not some kind of baking witch?”
“I’m gonna tell him you said that,” Felix laughed, pressing a kiss to her temple.
“Fine, just make sure you’re clear it’s a compliment,” Janine retorted, grinning.
That got them though the credits to the actual movie, so they quieted, settling in even more comfortably, their hands linked and resting in Felix’s lap as Janine balanced the plate on her knee while she finished off the cake. Despite what he’d said, she did share a couple more bites, which Felix didn’t refuse.
“You know what?” she murmured as she settled back in after scooting the empty plate onto an end table.
“Mm?” He turned to look at her rather than the screen.
“I didn’t do anything for you for Valentine’s.” 
“Yes, you did,” Felix contradicted softly, even his smile more gentle. “You’ve spent time with me, and you let me spoil you.” 
“Janine.” He squeezed her hand. “Maybe in the future you can spoil me back, but for this one, our first one, I really wanted to show you what you mean to me.”
The light from the television accentuated the planes of his face, and the look in his eyes, and god, she wanted to kiss him. So she did. “Mission accomplished,” she murmured when she pulled back.
His smile was too much, too happy, too sweet, too smitten, and she kissed him again.  And again.
And he laughed as he kissed her back and they spent a good twenty minutes not paying much attention to the movie. Only each other.
“We’re missing a good part,” she mumbled against his mouth.
“Pretty sure this is better,” Felix returned as his fingers dug into her hair, but it was only a minute or two more before they broke the kiss and returned to watching the movie.
Even with that excellent bit of sidetracking he’d done, Janine made a promise to herself as they settled back in, hearts racing and matching smiles on their faces. Next year, she was going to spoil him. Next year was his turn. He deserved it every bit as much as she did.
For now, though  she was going to cuddle, watch a movie....
....and maybe steal just a few more kisses.
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jojoreadwhat · 4 years
stuck in quarantine. | joe mazzello x fem!reader
- I’m the worst. This took so long, I fell into a small case of writer’s block in middle of writing this. but it’s up and I hope you all enjoy!
prompt; quarantine time equals baby making time.
words; 3k
this piece includes unprotected sex(please wrap it before you tap it!) if you’re not interested don’t read under the cut! :: breeding kink, oral(f!m!receiving), handjob, pet names, strong language and other materials that may not be suitable for others.
taglist - @supernaturalee @im-an-adult-ish @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @fairestkillerqueenofall @theindiealto @xmxisxforxmaybe @fallingoutofthe1975 @puffnstuff08 @liar-yourelyingtome @deacyspatronusisacheesetoastie @ask-mr-baldis-class @johndeaconshands @shadycupcakefox @michael-is-bae @rocketrhap917 @glimmeringlife @freddiefuckingm3rcury @m90schick @90sledger @thediscotomydeacy @artemisiaarm @spunky-town @crazylittlethingcalledlobe @brinteylovesaliens @mcdeaks @nurseemilyblog @underratedmisfit @briarrose26 @kateshorrorstory @belladonichaaze @mrsjosephmazzello @thosequeenboys @lukewarmatbest @anotheronebitesthedick @amethyst-serenade @miojodetomatin @joemazzello-imagines @taronegertonthewelshboi2 @rogerina-owns-me @berltsworld @importantpersonllama @deacyblues @stephydearestxo @punkebass @acdeaky @cherry-holland and to all my joe wives and joe enthusiasts!! (Theres a stupid 50 tag limit on these and I apologize if I didn’t tag you 😐 it’s tumblrs fault.)
I listened to this while writing.
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Days ago your governor declared a state shut down due to the COVID-19 outbreak officially making its rounds across your city and other counties close by.
At first, you and many others were taking the whole pandemic as a bit of an exaggeration.
You heard about the symptoms which seem like nothing to a young, healthy person like you. You couldn’t help but giggle about the crazy line stories at the stores you were hearing. Everyone’s reactions and precautions, like an apocalypse was about to ascend.
But once it began hitting home, affecting your job and livelihood. It had stop becoming a joke to you. It was more serious than you thought.
Luckily for you, you weren’t facing this troubling time alone. Your boyfriend Joe had flew back home after the production of his latest movie had been put on hiatus indefinitely. You did feel terrible that his project got cut short but.
You’d be lying if you weren’t happy about having Joe all to yourself until... god knows whenever the glass globe surrounding the world would be lifted.
So the both of you laid cozied up along the sofa, Joe’s warm chest was pressed firmly against your back, with you lying closely in front of him, filling in every curve and crevice of his body. Limbs entangled together as you cuddled, keeping warmth at a high with the living room throw draped over you both. Feeling his soft breaths against the crook of your neck, Joe’s toned arms tightening around your waist every so often, while you traced your little fingers upon his arms.
Aimlessly watching the blue screen across from the sofa, Joe had moved his arm that was wrapped over you down to your leg, overlapping his. Left exposed from the skimpy fabric you called sleep shorts you were wearing. Giving him access to the fresh shaved smoothness you worked on the night before.
At first it wasn’t anything, just nonchalant, gentle circles drawn from the pads of his long slender fingers along the top of your thigh. Joe enjoyed touching you any chance that he could. Tracing your soft, delicate skin that felt like a road to home.
It was the moment when you relaxed closer into him than he thought possible. Sighing sweetly, vibrations passed your lips and onto him.
That it pinged an array of ideas of spending this time, thoroughly.
Joe continued his exploration, watching for signs of you catching his drift as his hands reached higher levels along your thighs. Moving further till his hand crept under the hem of his shirt you were wearing. Still engrossed by the tv, Joe had to up his attempts.
He nuzzled his face and lips into your vanilla scent hair, savoring and feeling the softness against his lips, planting a kiss under your ear. Beginning a short trail, he freed his hand from under the throw and moving your hair off your shoulder and neck.
You giggled into the sensation of Joe’s lips meeting your neck, igniting your attention. Trailing from your neck, to the back, back again and up to your face and temple.
“What are you doing, Joseph?” You muttered low, taking your bottom lip between your teeth.
Trying to but poorly subside the tingles dancing down your spine. His plump, determined lips now covering the silk skin, further out across your shoulder before they paused.
“Appreciating you.” He answered, his voice silvery and low to your ears. Continuing on. Shading your cheeks pink by his words.
You chuckled soft, “Really?” Joe humming a short “Mhm” before proceeding the assault.
“Well I think this is you distracting me.” You said in a matter of fact.
You two were watching a silly romcom you had found after being elected to pick next. It was cute, light and whimsical. Marriages and little babies being born. Keeping your mind off a time like this.
You smiled at the feeling of his muffled laugh by his lips on your skin.
Moving and lifting himself behind you to give more space. He placed his hand on your shoulder, pushing you down onto your back, lightly to get a better view.
“You think so, huh?” He smirked, hovering over you now. Catching his chestnut orbs with your own while gazing up at him.
His dark auburn hair disheveled from laying about, tinted in bronze hues from a lamp nearby. You wrapped your arms around his neck, playing with the little hairs at the back of his head in your fingers. You nodded, “Mhm, I do.”
Joe cackled, throwing his head back before he looked back down at you, smirking. “You got me! I am.” He admitted. You scrunched up your face, playfully pinching his bicep. He cried an ouch in between laughs before he took both of your hands in his. Setting them at the sides of your head in his large ones.
He stared at you momentarily, just taking in your current state beneath him, his favorite kind where you were just your natural, beautiful self.
“But you know,” he began then, lowering his face closer to yours. “there’s something else we could do instead of watching babies in movies.”
You rolled your eyes up at him, a playful tude already cascading your face, preparing for the antics he had under his sleeves.
“Oh, and what’s that?” You asked, then.
Joe then placed a light kiss to your lips before disappearing from your view and to the left side of your face.
“Making one.” He whispered, his hot breath grazing the lobe of your ear before it followed with a firm kiss at the spot below. Causing a swarm of chills descending down your spine and right to your core. A mixture of both desire and shock from those words un-expectancy.
“You want to have a baby with me?” You questioned, makingsure that you heard clearly.
He removed one of his hands from yours, moving it to the top of your head, his long fingers feather-like to your skin as he moved the flyaway strands around your face. “Of course.” He clarified.
You’ve discussed the idea here and there, after he proposed to you a few months back. The topic was more fluid with comfort for the forever commitment between the both of you. Any chance you got, the comments were thrown and “A mini Mazzello” was aspiring. You both loved children, it was a long time dream. So why wait any longer?
“Babe?” Joe broke, removing you from your thoughts, “Hm” he chuckled before smiling at your bewilderment. “What are you thinking?” He asked, then.
Smiling, you freed one of your hands from Joe’s ginger locks. Cupping his cheek and running your thumb over his lips “About what you’re waiting for?”
You swore you never seen Joe’s eyes grow so wide, he deviously smile at you, “Dont have to ask me twice.” Not getting a second to react and his lips were on yours. Kissing him back so sweetly having only be just as needing as he hummed when he deepened it, and the kisses trailed all over your face.
You wrapped your arms around his neck. Joe took this as a invitation, straightening himself out over you, parting your legs with his knees before he slotted between them. Hovering over you now.
Both trying fast enough to help one another out of each other clothes. The instant your shirt hit the floor, Joe’s lips latched to your skin. You smiled at his neediness, eyes closed, melting into the feeling of mouth on your skin like it was the first time. From your neck to your collarbone, letting out a short gasp when you found the sweet spot. Skillfully taking his trail along the tops of your breasts. His large hands, perfectly cupping them. Kneeding them and his thumbs over and around your harden nipples.
Joe came back to your face, planting another chaste kiss to your lips, “I’ve waited for” he spoke in between speckling your jaw and mouth, “this moment.”
You giggled at his confession, securing your arms him. “Yeah?” You got out edgewise between a moan. “Mhm” he nodded, trailing his lips now further down to your breasts.
“There’s not a moment in the day that I haven’t thought about you pregnant.” he began, pressing a kiss to the valley “I think about putting a baby in you all the time.”
The vulgarity of that sentence slipping pass his lips left you a blushing mess, “tell me more. Please.” You said, turning into a round of moans the second his lips clasped around your nipple. He pulled away momentarily, his eyes on you, “I think about how even possible, you could be more beautiful. With our a baby in you.” lowering himself again. Bringing your neglected nipple into his mouth.
For Joe, this had been an ultimate goal for him ever since he could remember. The whole concept was a fascination to him. A human being, being created with parts of him and favorite parts of the love of his life? To the magic of a woman’s body, molding that little person, bringing it into the world. And that woman being you? You bearing a child, his child... to say that Joe wanted it the worst way, really was an understatement.
Moving away once more, inches away from your skin. “How” Beginning a scattering of kisses around and under your breasts,
“How strong.”
“How caring.”
“How loving.
“How smart.”
Stopping to look at you, “how wonderful of a mother your gonna be.” He finished, then. Diving in again. You bite your lip, concealing yourself to not break down right then and there at his words.
It escalated, his mouth was everywhere. Traveling down your body. Throwing your head back further into the cushion behind you, gasping when he took your harden nipple again into his mouth, tracing X's and O's over and around. Bringing Joe closer to your chest as he worked you up. Your fingers grasping at his dark ginger locks. Him kissing, licking, sucking, biting at every bit of your bare skin. Earning him moans and whimpers from you, who was a mess now beneath him.
You wanted him now, you were done with the way he toyed with you. You smiled into a moan when you felt his erected shaft underneath his briefs, graze inside your leg. Giving away that he wanted you just as much.
You wrapped your legs around him as you felt your clitoris throb, drenching the fabric of your panties. Joe smiled at you, wanting to say something witty about your eagerness but he didn't say a thing. He came back up to kiss you one more time before going back down your body again. Kissing above your panties, his fingers rubbing at the outside over your heat.
“Feels like you’re ready to see that happen too.” He said, you nodded ferociously. He groaned,  not waiting a moment longer before he pulled down your panties. You moaned as you felt the sharp chill grace your cunt.
Joe continued to tease, starting from your knee and aligning kisses on your inner thighs. You bucked your hips once at him, immediately his hands meeting them and his chestnut eyes flashing up at you to be “hold on, baby.” he muttered against you. Leaving you irritated as your head forcefully met the pillow. Your essence of a tantrum beginning helped you, when you felt his mouth kiss your mound.
You shuttered in surprise, only to then feel it strike of his tongue like an electric shock to your body. Soft and slow, a divine misery he caused. As he was careful, building you up till you thought you were ready enough for him. You moaned loudly, echoing through the living room. Feeling hot to the touch, as he set fuel to your fire. You squirmed, reaching for his hair as you were reaching your peak. Joe knew, taking your legs and throwing them over his shoulders. Intertwining your fingers as he devoured you until you came.
He moved away a bit. Kneeling between your legs after he was done tasting you, you caught his gaze. Being it was hard to follow when you seen his cock hard and waiting to spring free from his briefs. It made your mouth water, you wanted to taste him. You couldn't wait for him to be clenched around your walls. Your hands met his hips, fingers slipping under the elastic of his briefs. Sliding them down to his knees and watching his harden cock slap against his stomach. Licking your lips at the delicious sight.
You took your hand, wrapping it gently around his shaft. Pumping slow, “Y/N, please.” He begged, wanting to feel your mouth. You wrapped your lips around the tip of his cock, beginning to work him. You looked up through your long lashes, watching as he threw his head back, lips parting to let out a sweet moan pass his lips, groaning. You moaned around him at the sight above you, proud of the praise.
You then began to bob your head around him, swirling and running your tongue down and around his shaft. Earning more appreciation with every moan, groan and praise he gave you. “You feel so good around me. Such a good girl..” the whole dictionary of filth keeping you going. Joe loved the way your mouth and tongue felt against him, but he was growing close with each stroke, each suck, each pump and he didn’t want to meet the finish line yet.
Joe tapped your cheek, backing away from your grasp. You began to chased him but he cupped your face, tilting you up to look at him, leaning down to kiss you, “Lay down for me.”
You obliged then, feeling you back meet the couch cushions and Joe follow after. He kissed you again, a hard, longing kiss. His hands running from your waist to your hips, directing to wrap your legs around him. Joe then grabbed himself, pumping himself, lining himself to your entrance. He placed his cock between your folds, sliding back and forth to lubricant himself in your juices before he began pushing into you.
It wasn’t very often that Joe didn’t wear a condom. Feeling him raw was amazing, even more so now with the reasoning behind it. He slowly entered you, feeling every ridgid egde, every vain and crevice of him until he completely disappeared in you, bottoming out.
You both waited just a moment to adjust to the new feeling, sharing sweet kisses and affirmations before you gave him the go to continue. Slow, careful thrusts into you. Hands all over each other, you couldn’t count how many times you kissed. Both your moans, groans, whimpers and sweet nothings colliding with the faint sounds of the television still on across.
The mix of paces, fueled of love and passion, it drove you insane how amazing it felt. There was no longer a filter for neither of you, words you didn’t know fell from one another, sounds you didn’t know you could make were sounded out. You swooned when he groaned and moaned for you. Watching the twinkle in his smile everytime you praised him, “you’re going to be such a great dad.” Only to have him pick up more, drive you further to the edge. Pulling you closer to him, furthered fleshed to him then you could imagine. Just so enraptured by the moment.
Your climax was growing closer by each second, Joe knew with every signaling tight clench around his throbbing cock, “Joe, I-I’m close, Baby.” You mustered the energy to call out, Joe nodded, “So am I, y/n. Come with me.” He kissed you swiftly.
Suddenly surprising you when he brought your leg to rest on his shoulder, burying himself deep inside and thrusting erratically, pounding into you. You were in awe watching Joe furrow his brows from time to time as he grew closer too. Before resting his forehead to yours now, and you beginning to feel the heat rising quickly, engulfing from your curled toes to your belly.
Without another warning, you met your orgasm. Screaming out in absolute pressure. Your back arching, closing any gap possible between you two and letting the feeling wash over you and take over any little control you had of yourself. Joe met his second a behind you, groaning loudly as he road it out, holding you close as you trembled and you kissed him so much as he came and twitched inside you. Before breathlessly collapsing onto your chest.
Joe still kept a grip on you as he rested on you. You combed through his now sweaty and damp hair. Just lying there motionless for a while, both hot and sticky, the good kind. Processing and waiting for your breathing to regulate its patterns again.
“That was... wow.” Joe broke through the thick air of the room. You chuckled beneath him, vibrating against his ear and causing him to smile weakly. “It was.” You replied, quietly. “That could’ve been the one.” You said once more, allowing your thoughts free. Joe turned his head up to you, placing on hand on your stomach to rest on.
You watched him take his lip between teeth before slowly nodding. You smiled down at him as he picked himself up to reach up, cupping your face in his hand. and kiss you, deeply once more.
He pulled away, laughing lightly when you chase his lips before he kissed the tip of your nose and rested in the nook of your neck and chest. “But you know,” he started, tracing over your collarbone with his fingers. “We can always go another round.”
You let out a loud chuckle, before looking down at Joe who was already looking up at you, with a goofy toothless smile. “Oh yeah?” You questioned, then. Joe nodded, “Mhm.”
“You know, for safe measures.” You shook your head, rolling your eyes before looking at him again. “Well then,” you began. “what’s the hold up?”
And before you could say anything else, Joe and you were up on your feet. Scurrying like two fools in hopelessly and utter in love with each other, to the bedroom.
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themissingmarvel · 4 years
Kind Regards, Detective [Part 5] -Prelude to Deepest Sympathies
(I don’t usually trigger warn or content warn, but this might be a triggering chapter. I’m including the Reader’s Drabble I wrote a little while back as recommended reading prior to this, [Drabble 2] but if it’s hard to read about family death then maybe avoid it. This chapter was hard, but important. And I think sets up a truly important dynamic. I’m a slow-burn romantic kind of lady, and I wanted their relationship to be powerful and important, not just one of lust. Or even basic attraction. I needed it to be human. Anyway I liked writing it, and feedback is always appreciated and loved and treasured ((i seriously reread any feedback and comments)) and as always, ask to be tagged or removed from tagging.
Pairing: Detective Loki x fbi!Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Death, emotional anguish, PTSD flashbacks, language)
Catch up: [Part 1] // [Part 2] // [Drabble] // [Part 3] // [Part 4] // [Drabble2]
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She didn’t sleep last night, which was no surprise. She had spent much of the night awake and poring over documents and cataloged pieces. Her own theories had been spun and while some might have felt outlandish in her head, she understood that this was an outlandish case. It had been hard enough to put on those headphones and let herself fall into a trance. Remember her sister. But not directly. She remembered remembering. Buying that damn CD she would play over and over. Peter Gabriel was her sister’s favorite, not that she’d ever tell anyone. Neither would. Her sister touted her love for System of a Down and Trust Company back when those bands made you cool.
For years after her sister passed she had found the only thing that felt vaguely satisfying was leaving that CD on her sister’s grave. And when CDs started becoming scarce, she had spent a few hundred dollars on Amazon buying all of the CDs she could find with that song on it. She’d be damned if she ever missed a single anniversary. Never went on the day of her passing, though. No. That felt sacrilegious. She went on her sister’s birthday, played the song on her headphones, along with a few others, but Heroes was the one that she played most. It was the one she’d leave behind after telling her how her parents had finally divorced, or how her dad had been ‘thinking’ about retiring again. For the hundredth time. Or how she’d been accepted as an Agent and two weeks ago, about how she was feeling so fucking lost.
But memories of memories are easier to put away, and much like her locker that held Detective Loki, her sister’s, much more ornate and much larger, she put those memories of memories away.
Her bag was hanging off her form lazily and her hair was done just enough to be presentable. By no means was she falling apart, but she was working. Working hard meant she lost focus on other parts of herself. It meant she had zeroed in on certain aspects of the case. Like how all of the individuals abducted had been on the same phone carrier, Radius, or how the TV was a model made by the company Source that had been discontinued three years ago, but at the time had been beyond revolutionary. Even now it was considered brilliant. She had found no traces of the nerve agent were discovered at the scene which meant they were probably injected with the pure form. Which meant someone had a lot of it.
Her theories meant that this man was not just dangerous but he had resources. He had access to things that people shouldn’t have access to and maybe he worked with Radius? Had access to their systems? The generator powering the church had been a Source item as well, meaning both were connected. Who used Source and Radius?
The precinct was still somewhat quiet, at 8am, slightly later than yesterday. Shift change had taken place and the detectives were still filtering in. Except for Detective Loki who was hunched at his desk, a long sleeved, form fitting black shirt on his form and black pants hanging off his hips. He looked sleek. Dangerous, even. She could see how someone might fall for someone like him.
Placing her bag down in the conference room, having actually remembered her coffee traveler this time, she glanced up as one of the cops walked in with a box, “Agent Y/L/N, this was left here about an hour ago for you. UPS dropped it off.”
The 2-PAM. She smiled and took it, “Thanks. Kind of nice when things work out like they’re supposed to for once,” she chuckled, curious why the box was so damn light.
The officer left and Y/N looked down, noticing that the label wasn’t stamped ‘FBI’ and in fact the sender name was absent, save for an address in Pennsylvania that didn’t look familiar. Maybe not the FBI?
Her heart suddenly began to race, carefully putting the box down as she looked to the side, seeing Detective Loki still hunched over. The man was on a mission.
Reaching behind herself she withdrew the small switchblade she kept tucked into her waist line, the one that no one ever saw. That was small. Cold and awkward at times but useful. Like now.
Why did this feel like defusing a bomb?
The blade clicked and she carefully began to open the box. She was aware it didn’t matter anymore who touched it, or if she damaged it. She knew whatever was inside the box was key. And with a final tug, the lid opened and she peered inside.
Time stopping had always felt like kind of an exaggeration to Y/N. How does time even ‘stop’? What, does the world freeze? Well, it did.
Staring inside the box she could see the face of a man she knew well, a man who cradled her soul and her heart and sang brilliant love songs to her, who had kept her connected to her sister, even in death. The black CD cover with two red forms on it, her sister claimed them red blood cells but said they looked like rose petals.
Her hand was surprisingly steady as she picked up the note inside, reading the immaculate cursive written on some kind of specialty papyrus paper, “My deepest sympathies, Agent. Your triumph through tragedy only enhances your beauty.”
And with that, she ran for the plastic trash bin nearby and fell to it, retching hard as she threw up the entire contents of her breakfast, causing the box, the note, and the Peter Gabriel CD with Heroes on it to tumble to the floor.
Immediately David heard the noise and jumped, running inside the room as the precinct suddenly jumped to life, turning to take in the scene. The note, CD, and box were on the floor and Y/N was kneeling by the small, cheap plastic trash bin puking.
“What the fu-” David was almost able to spit the words out before a strangely animalistic sound came from her lips, screaming into the bin that she had already emptied the contents of her stomach into.
The world grew quiet as the scream died down, leaving Y/N on her knees with her eyes closed, knuckles white as she gripped the bin as though it were the only thing keeping her alive right now. Stable. Present. Here.
“Get me gloves and bags for the items, now!” David yelled out, to no one in particular as he knelt by the woman in a kind of distress he didn’t know a person could experience from a simple box, “Hey, talk to me, what happened? Are you OK?”
Her face snapped, wiping her lips as she glared, “Do I look OK to you, Detective? Do I fucking look OK?” Her voice was raised, though not yelling.
Snapping back David glared, “Do we need to decontaminate the room? Is there anything infectious?” He looked at her seriously.
Taking a breath her eyes pulled away, “No. No chemicals. But it’s toxic none the less.”
Her voice was quiet as she spoke the words, closing her eyes and trying to forget what she had just seen. Experienced. Felt in her gut. Her soul had been torn forth in that moment and the timing of the CD was so tragically horrifying. For a brief moment of paranoia she wondered if perhaps someone had been able to access her personal phone, heard what she was listening to. The artist. The song.
Getting up rather quickly, Y/N stumbled slightly as she made her way through the people that had clustered, watching as two other detectives came rushing forward with evidence collecting items. Forensics would get it. They’d dust it for fingerprints and they would come up with hers, the delivery driver’s, the handlers at the warehouse… maybe a dozen people. And none would be the culprits. David would direct people to track the package and they would. They’d track it to some nondescript location where cameras weren’t installed and it’d been paid for with cash. She knew it like she knew the songlist on that CD.
Heading for the door of the precinct her head felt light, woozy, and she was struggling for something stable. Something to keep her grounded. Even as she threw open the doors of the building, those glass doors lined with metal, solid as hell, heavy as fuck, she ran out into the bitter air, feeling the cold devour her skin.
She didn’t realize it but she was running now, into the parking lot, David not far behind, though he didn’t exist right now. Her sister’s smile was there, a true memory in its purest form, the smile she had wanted to see last night but didn’t want tainted and tied to this psychopath now.
Unthinking and perhaps uncaring, her hands grabbed at the hem of her sweater, pulling it up and over her head, tossing it to the ground of the parking lot filled only with cars, otherwise without a soul. The air was frigid as it enveloped her and tore her from reality. She gasped as the item fell, leaving her in her form-fitted white t-shirt and jeans alone, able to see her breath as she felt it stopping her from hyperventilating, the cold burning her skin, tearing at her and pulling her out of this other reality.
Once, during training, she had been shot. Not with a real bullet, of course, but shot none the less. A rubber bullet the academy insisted they feel the impact of to know what they might use in certain circumstances. And, perhaps, be prepared for since it’d be similar to a bullet hitting a bulletproof vest. The bullet had been fired by some complete and utter asshole Thomas Engleson, a man who didn’t think women could hack it. He shot her in the ribcage, instead of the stomach. He hit her directly. Not indirectly. And of course he was excused for it.
The pain of the shot had been incredible but she had gritted her teeth and taken it in. A cracked rib meant she was out for a bit, but it didn’t actually stop her. She kept training. Moving. Not exacerbating the damage but doing just enough to keep going. But the pain of that moment had been etched into her body’s memory.
This hurt worse.
Her skin was covered in goosebumps from the cold, beginning to shiver as she stood, perhaps for ten minutes, David standing behind her as he looked at her. This woman unshaken by so much, who had taken in twelve dead bodies and kept going, who took information meant to terrify and had kept pushing. Whatever had been in that note, in that box, had been meant just for her on a level those notes for David never touched.
It felt like an ache, standing in the cold as he watched the woman he had found himself so fond of suddenly pushing out the entire world as though it might infect her. He wanted to grab her sweater, wrap her in it, and pull her close. He’d swear to god he’d get the guy. And he would, even if he didn’t tell her that. He swore as he watched her, that finding this man would be his only task. He wouldn’t sleep. Wouldn’t eat. This was Dover and Birch, but now he was the onve involved. His own life was on the line.
“Do you ever wonder what it feels like to die, David?” The words were loud enough for him to hear, the wind suddenly picking up as she stared ahead to the road leading into the precinct, fairly empty though cars scattered about, the day cloudy and bitter.
He took a moment to consider it. He had. He had wondered once, when the kid in his backseat was frothing at the mouth, if maybe he prayed hard enough her poison would go into his body. He could take it, he thought. Better let the child live. He had seen enough, “Yes.” He answered simply. Now was not the time for banter.
A sort of dark chuckle left her lips, “I used to wonder what it might be like to die. After my sister was killed, I thought it was the only thing left that could actually scare me. The world couldn’t hurt me any more than it did when I was seventeen. I didn’t want to die, I still don’t, but I knew I could face that fear.
“But now? God, David… I wish I was fucking dead.” She fell to her knees so suddenly it caught David by surprise, running to her as he grabbed her sweater, saying ‘fuck it’ to the world as he wrapped his arms around her, pressing her body to his as he tried to finagle a way to keep her sweater on her as well.
No sobs or cries escaped her lips as her body went lax, falling against him as she wondered, perhaps, if maybe just giving in to this would be best. This felt so goddamn dramatic, and maybe it was, but for good reason. This man had found out one of her most intimate details of her life and sent it to her in a box. He had delivered to her a piece of her, and what scared her most was the fact that this man, this murderer, thought he was showing some sort of deranged compassion.
Time seemed to stop and David was grateful for the fact that they were far enough away, and behind most of the cars in the lot, that the world wouldn’t see them like this. He could smell the free, nondescript shampoo offered by the hotel, unsurprised that she wasn’t doused in perfume. But she did smell of something. Her own personal brand of herself. Pushing back some of her hair he spoke, “You can’t go anywhere yet. You can’t possibly trust me to finish this case by myself,” he grinned, stopping himself from pressing his lips against her head.
Chuckling, despite her desire not to, she shook her head, “I sure as hell don’t expect you to solve this alone. You need my theories, Detective Loki. I came up with a bunch last night.” It was tragic in a way, how fast she was working to compartmentalize. Whoever it was that had sent her the letter had done a bang-up job scaring the shit out of her. He had opened the locker that held her sister and emptied the contents without permission. But Y/N was cleaning it up. She was fixing it. In her mind she was already putting herself and all those pieces back together.
Looking confused David pulled away slightly, “Don’t you think you should go get coffee or something? Take a- Ah, fuck, who am I kidding. You’re not listening to me, are you?”
The ghost of a smile crept onto her lips as she raised an eyebrow, looking at David now, “Not really. And I mean, what’s stopping going to do? We both know I’m invested. He… he may have targeted you and those other detectives, and honed onto you, but with me… I’m a happy accident. He picked me. I don’t want to be another body in a church, David,” her eyes changed as she looked at him, suddenly fragile and vulnerable, opening her heart to this man. Detective. The one holding her in the parking lot of the precinct while both tried to put together what they just went through.
Stroking her cheek lightly David whispered, “And you won’t be. You’re gonna get up, put your sweater on, and go back inside. And when everyone looks at you, or asks if you’re OK, you’re not gonna smile or fake it, you stare at them. Through them. None of them matter now. Not a single soul inside. We’re gonna find this asshole, and we’re gonna stop him. Now get up.”
He pulled away, nothing truly romantic in the gesture but one that broke her just the same. They were words that felt charged with something more than a pep talk, but instead felt like a true demand. David understood she wasn’t some person who just fell over because they were pushed. She’d stumble. She’d fall. And he knew she could get right back up and go back to bat. And as she stood, David doing the same, he watched her eyes as she put the sweater on. Something had changed, briefly, something else. Something oddly dark that he couldn’t put his finger on, but understood she perhaps needed. The same thing he had needed in his time.
Turning her back to him, Y/N made her way back towards the precinct, her feet marching with purpose, her eyes focused, laser focused, as she understood what this was. This man chose people. Always. He had a reason and a purpose and it was never an accident. He had found the CD she brought to her sister’s grave (though she suspected it wasn’t the same one), he had written a detailed note, and he had found the one thing in this world she was still so very vulnerable to.
Now she was going to find him.
( @escapingthoughtsandsecrets @is-it-madness @detecellie @oscarflysaac @peccobagnaia @fgtakbrjbdl​ @doritosandavocados​ @miss-missing-patd​
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