#“this isnt a ship war” Stfu it is to me
radicaldadood · 6 months
Video not mine!
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
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preparing myself for the enevitable.
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
and we sued the two and brought it to thier houses, adn said we ar enot mac you have a notice to appear and tommorrow for your behavior today..and it said on thier behavior noted.  and we noted we saw the notes and refute each one in the computer daily and write remarks in the note area and blame tons and then this.. we need it for court and we do too and we see you print out each one.  tons seek trumps money and jennas now. are flowing in to see it and the goldand daimonds he illuded to with teh fidelit y type talk..and yeh a mirror it wat i meant Thor added was me and he admits it...and then bill wrote it says Thor’s we admit didnt seem lilke him.. and then this yuo two stop....and you uwil lf off right jenna no you plan to be hienous ok see you in court no but yur buds will. and we see who yes as they called for it today enoug stfu out and move it out now or else. and we see why  thier turn coming up.   but we filed it.  it is being heard and at 9am. and most arenot up yet nor at work, trump isnt.  left early is tired. weak. frail no is afraid.  should be he is threatening all of earth all the time. and mac is taking it. yes.  tons see it.  they war now.  and the court is for jenna trump and billium not by them and for tommy f.  failure to apear and right on time, youi are arrested and in contempt.  post bail we re arrest you as you need to go directly to court.  and for your crimes here and other crimes.  now you are not in control here like you think bu tdo have judges who run it. and youa re not above  the law in this case it is order and justice and that is hwat rules and they will seek him after they say...so we shall do this to light them up. i will be there early.  and will direct ppl to get you here.  all of you but our son have appointments and at different times.  will return hot and i am in disguise my firm not known and our looks not known and the judge you know.  he is the disney guy no mac no...and he is irate yes.  tons saw him curse you out as you stopped him form threateniing our boy. so he seeks you all.  and this iis how.  and we wil use it on you and him. and he grimaces.   we move them up, our tanks really are called Bohemoth, and on top of the ohter ones you call huge tanks and huge trucks.  squash them now and it is on tape the cloaks of yours fail and crunch cna be heard for ten miles. like a tin can or car accident.  and we sit prepared to fire if yu disagree.the ships move in from sea, and space. we blast are three and in a huge huge floatilla oh we are asian ok we see true too. adn your nuts ok fight our sono and die and you do. Bitol and Goddess Wife and shorltly after we take the foward positions...and you will think you can take us. and will fall miserably.  adn be very weak tommorrow fleets out ok mostly. Thor Freya Olympus
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futurepast56 · 7 years
The 100 4x05 Summary
*We start with Raven being smart in the lab* Abby: We can save all people. Guy: How? Abby: No idea. But we can. Raven: *gets a headache* Raven: *is… flying? what the hell?* Raven: *wasn’t flying. Just having a seizure or some shit* Abby: *calls raven ‘sweatheart* - shippers gonna ship Abby: *gives Raven a cure* Raven: *feels better* ******* THE 100 ******* *we cut to Octavia on the horse* Octavia: *falls down from the horse* Guy: *finds Octavia* ******* *and now we cut to camp Jaha* Monty: “We are almost out of bimber. No alcohol… How Jasper gonna survive that?” Clarke: “Hello” Monty: “haha, no. bai” *goes away* Clarke: “Oh hello, the girl that i slept with once” Girl: “Hello to you too” Clarke: “Hey did you do the thing i asked you to do” Girl: “Yep. and i was thinking-” *sudden almost dead-octavia carried by a guy appears and cockblocks* Guy: “She is almost dead! Help her!” Clarke: “And why you give a fuck?” Guy: “I guess im gonna be a new love interest for someone so I have to be likeable” Clarke: “Ugh… Okay. Put Octavia on the table. This is the time when I remind everyone that im a doctor - which I think people forgot since season 1 - and I can do stuff” Clarke: *does CPR to Octavia. there were lips touching. Shippers gonna ship now xD* Octavia: *lives* Clarke: “Its okay Octavia. We gonna take care of you” Octavia: “Let me talk, would ya? Azegeda is coming. You all gonna die. Prepare or something… god, now I can just pass out in peace” Octavia: *passes out like a badass* Clarke: “PEOPLE WE GOT SHIT TO DO! AZGEDA IS COMING AND WE WILL FIGHT!” Everyone: *runs out of the room to prepare* Guy that brought Octavia in: “I will just… wait here then” ******** Poeple in camp jaha: *plans* Some random: “-and then we will burn everything and it will be awesome and-” Monty: *uses brain* “No” Random: “But-” Monty: “No. We will not burn our save house that can help us survive later. No way” Clarke: “Maybe I will talk to Roan?” Random: “Even worse idea” Monty: “Actually… YOu can do that Clarke. And then we will do some things we learn from Pike” Harper: “Pike? You really want to follow something that this motherfucking asshole did?” Monty: “No, but it will work” ******** *cut to Roan on the horse and his army* Single Clarke standing on their way: “Hello! We had element of suprise but we’re not gonna use ths shit” Roan: “Oh shit, they’ve been warned” Chick who stabbed my baby Octavia: “There is no way Octavia survived my blade and the fall-” Roan: “She is too badass to die, you stupid fuck! Everyone knows that!” *sigh* Clarke: “we should talk” Roan: “too late. Archers shoot Wanheda!” Clarke: “Really?” Clarke: “My people with guns! Do your job!” Roan: “I did not expect that… Bring prisoners!” Bellamy and Kane: “Hello” Clarke: “oh, of course you got caught, you idiots, beacuse my life and decisions can never be simple. Ugh” Clarke: “Roan we talk. Pretty please?” Roan: “Okay” Chick: “But what if its a trap?!” Roan: *sigh* Roan: “Look around women. We are already in the fucking trap. Jesus, am I the only one with a brain in here?! Ugh” Roan *follows Clarke* ********* *cut to people with guns* Monty: “Okay we got what we wanted. Now stop shooting at Roan. Its not a target. Focus on the army” Someone: *didnt listen* Monty: “Okay, who didnt take the gun out of Roan? Show yourself” Monty: *notices Riley* Monty: “Riley you stupid fuck stop!” Riley: “but they’re bad people and they have to die!” Monty: “first jasper and this moron” Monty: “DO NOT SHOOT!” Riley: “God! Fine. Just stfu” ******** *cuts to Bellamy* Bellamy: “Someone warned them” Kane: “You think that it was your sis” Bellamy: “Well, duh?! Didn’t you see how badass she is? If anyone was about to survive stabing and fall from the cliff its Octavia” Kane: “True” ********* *cuts to Octavia* octavia: *wakes up* Octavia: “Oh fuck. I warned them right? those idiots get the messege?” Chick that Clarke used to bang: “Yep. They went to negociate with Roan” Octavia: “Negociate? I almost died for them to negociate? I gave them perfect element of suprise but they blow it. ugh” Octavia: “How did I get here anyway? I’m badass but i dont think im badass enough to teleport… yet” Chick: “Oh this one guy who will probably be your future love interest brought you here” O: “Love interest? Really? Who writes this shit?” ********* *cuts to this guy who is really terrefied - and left alone - because of all technology* ********* *cuts to Abby taking care of Raven* Raven: “I got an idea that I had during my seizure!” Raven: *explains idea* Abby: “this… is bloody briliant! and can work!” Raven: “Yeah! We just have to find a place without a gravity! On earth!” Abby: “Which is highly impossible!” Raven: “yay! We have a plan!” Raven: “Oh look I found a space ship! Now I can go to space and make our plan work!” Abby: “yay!” ********* *cut to Monty* Monty: “Riley, u there?” Some guy: “Nah he went somewhere. Probably to kill the king and start the war. Who knows?” Monty: “…” Monty: “Awesome. Now I have to save someone and probably die” ********** *Cut to Roan and clarke* Clarke: “So why u traing to kill us?” Roan: “You cheated on us and hide the truth!” Clarke: “Meaning?” Roan: “You building the ship to save yourself not us” Clarke: “…” Clarke: “Well IM TRYING TO SAVE MY PEOPLE, YOU A-HOLE! AND IT WILL FIT 100 PEOPLE ANYWAY SO NOW THEY HATE ME BECAUSE OF THAT STUPID LIST SO DONT GET ME STARTED ABOUT JASPER BEING ASSHOLE AND JAHA’S STUPID IDEA WITH LOTERY, BECAUSE NOW I HAVE TO DEAL WITH YOUR STUPID SHIT!” Roan: “Well i want your ship” Clarke: “Sure, do you know how technology works?” Roan :“…” Clarke: “Thought so. Did Kane mentioned you that we have Luna and have a chance to find a cure?” Roan: “he tried, but thats probably lies so I choose to ignore that information” Roan: *mentiones Lexa, which makes Clarke both sad and angry* Clarke: “ugh… what if we share a ship? hmm?” ********** *cut to Monty going to Azgeda people* Monty: “Im unarmend, just want to talk, please dont kill me…” Chick who stabbed Octavia: “What do you want?” Monty: “One of our soldiers is a moron who cant listen and we think that he separete from group to kill your king” Chick: “Why are you telling me that?” Monty: “Oh, I dunno, maybe because I DONT WANT A FUCKING WAR?!” Ckick: “Okay, im taking Bellamy with me. If I wont be back in some time then just kill them” People: “sure” ********* *cut to Abby, a guy and Raven doing science stuff* Raven: “Clarke cut us from ALLIE’s infuence but I still got he knowledge!” Abby: “Well, isnt that convinient?” *some Raven/Abby scene happens* *Raven and Abby hold hands - shippers gonna ship hard* ********** *cut to Bellamy walking with a chick that stabbed Octavia* *some boring “war makes us killers” talk happens" ********** *cut to Riley who is stupid fuck and cannot listen* ********** *cuts to Roan and Clarke* Roan: “Everyone gets 50 people who can live. FAir deal” Clarke :“Cool, but your people wants war. like now” Roan: “Im a king. I dont have to ask them what they want” Roan: “What about your people?” Clarke: “Well, they will probably burn me alive for loosing 50 places on the ship” Roan: “Cool” ********** *cuts to bellamy who tries to Reason with Riley and stop the war* Riley: *is being little enoying shit* Chick: *wants to kill Riley* Bellamy: “CAN YOU BOTH JUST LISTEN TO ME?!” Riley: *didnt kill Roan* ********** *cut to Octavia and that one chick that Clarke bang once* Octavia: “This little shit is on the missio to destroy technology and you let him walk around in the place that is made of technology. Alone. Brilliant” Octavia: “Little shit used me to get here. Ugh” *********** *scenes cutting form Octavia who tries to reason with this guy and Bellamy, chick, Clarke and Roan talking about what happened this episode* Octavia: “If you blow this place up then we all die” Guy: “I dont care” Guy: *blows Arkadia down* ************ Clarke: *sees explosion* Clarke: “Did they just blow up fucking arkadia?!” Roan: “So there is no Arkadia and no ship anymore?” Clarke: “Nope” Roan: “… so this episode was about… nothing? Just a big mothetfucking build-up for this?” Clarke: “yep. preducers of the show love to fuck with us” ************* *cuts to Arkadia* People: *are running to save their lives* Guy who blow up the ship: “Ups, I suddenly has concience. Time to take Octavia and this other girl out of the fire” Clarke and Bellamy walks in Camp Jaha* Bellamy: *takes Octavia from this guy* Clarke: *takes this girl she slept with from this guy (if she will be in next ep I will have to learn her name xD)* Octavia: “it was this motherfucker who saved me. God you should watch over him and not leave him alone” Arkadia: *literally burns to the fucking ground* Clarke: “okay, you shitty producers, let get this shit straight! YOU MAKE US BUILD A FUCKING SAVE HOUSE FOR 5 EPISODES AND MADE WHOLE LAST EPISODE ABOUT THE LIST AND PEOPLE WHO CAN GO TO THE SAVE HOUSE AND NOW THIS EPISODE ABOUT NEGOTIATIONS OF THOSE PLACES AND THEN YOU BLOW THIS SHIT UP LIKE NOTHING MATTERS?! WHAT WAS THE FUCKING POINT OF THOSE EPISODES?! WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS SEASON?! UGH I HATE YOU MOTHERFUCKERS! *cuts to black* THE END
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