#“wow your writing has already improved since chapter 1!”
amtrak12 · 6 months
Pour one out for my past self who thought this would be a 100k-and-some-change long fic. I've already hit 7000 in the second draft of this chapter that marks the halfway point in the story and I still have 1300 left to rewrite. I only needed 7700 total to put me at 100k -- again -- at the halfway point. Folks, we're officially in 200k territory for the whole shebang. O_O
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behindabook2807 · 25 days
Wow! Hit 200 Kudos on: It Started with a Text. I’m happy to see so many of you enjoying it so far! I hope to see you all return for future updates. This fic is just warming up! 🔥🐝🎢
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my silly fanfics. I appreciate each and every one of you! 💜 Your comments and Kudos are what encourage me to keep on writing.
Gaming has been my escape from reality since, forever, well, until last year when I stumbled upon fan-fiction and boy did I get sucked into a reading hole, it became my new escape. I read a lot of amazing RWBY fanfics. There’s so many incredible, talented writers out there.
I started writing back in November 2023 and it was because I was reading Beauty and the Beest fic written by one of my favourite authors @kaelidascope I’m honestly not sure why this finally made me decide to write but it did haha. I’m happy to see the Beest fic return and also the new and improved version! Thank you Kaeli for your creativity that continues to inspire us. I love your stories and will continue to look forward to what you will treat us with next! Even if it happens to make me cry or angry. Please read their works if you haven’t already.
This is an absolute masterpiece that I highly recommend reading. Be mindful of tags if that’s not your cup of tea. Much love to you @kaelidascope 💛
Also here’s It Started with a Text for anyone interested in giving it a read 📖 💜
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lunarswritings · 2 years
Inaccurate Random Tears of Themis Headcannons
I litterally don’t know what to write so if u wanna send an idea go for it, if you already sent one I didn’t get it so send it again! If u wanna use these headcannons for whatever just go for it
Warnings: small mentions of death and maybe ooc idk what I’m doing at this point, maybe angst?? Didn’t proof read as much as I should oops
During the 8 years Luke was gone. While Luke would go to the grocery store and go to the candy isle and look at the candy and chips him and Rosa used to eat
Sometimes he would buy Rosa’s favorite candy when he’s feelin a little emotional :(
When Luke was free sometimes he would look at Rosa’s social media to check up on her and even search her up and look at the cases she’s taken
Okay little theory here but I feel like Luke knows the whereabouts of Rosa’s parents since he worked for the government and has A+ searching skills
What if they’re dead and he doesn’t want to tell Rosa omg
Okokok off topic anyway
He checks up on em (if they’re alive) and makes sure they’re ok bc yk family whooo
I don’t think it’s been canon on when Artem fell in love with Rosa but I think it would be super cute if he had a small lil crush before chapter 1
He probably didn’t know it was a crush and thought of it as admiration?
I bet he tried to start a small conversation with her and tried to give her a small compliment of her work and talk about something related to work because that’s totally relatable??
Poor Rosa did not get the message but she still admired him!!
Yk in that sr date Artem said he got a matching set of all his kitchen utensils
If he broke any of them or they worn out somehow I bet he bought the same set and has duplicates of everything just so he could replace that one tool so he has a small box for them
Artem would read the about page of every recipe because he thinks it’s important and is afraid he’ll miss something, even if it’s just a simple history of said meal he’s not taking any risks
As soon as Artem heard what Rosa’s favorite dish is, he searched up a recipe and kept making it until it was PERFECT, down to the seasoning
Bonus points if he knows your spice level
Ok so Idk what canon language Stellis has, maybe Stellis has its own language or maybe it’s Chinese or whatever dub y’all picked
But I feel like when Vyn first was learning the Stellis language he would use formal instead of causal for everything
Yk when ur taking your second language classes and there’s an informal and formal version for addressing people or yourself and other words
or maybe it depends on the language idk
As Vyn was learning the Stellis language he would almost never use informal words when he first learned it since he had his royal image and never used casual terms
I bet people thought his accent was either funny or cute but not in a bad way
Eventually he got better
But he gets really happy when a book he wants has it in the Svart language since he can read the book faster
Movies with Svart subtitles? He’s watching it
He probably takes longer to read documents in Stellis’s language but not like really long
“Wow he’s really taking up all the words and thoroughly checking!”
No he’s just trying to read the poor document
His speed improves tho dw
Vyn used to get a little bit self conscious since he stuck out a lot with his silver hair and he was a foreigner but he stopped thinking about it after a few months
Plus the fan club of Vyn maybe helped in some way?
If Vyn has a small idea of Rosa’s schedule or favorite places sometimes when he’s free he’ll visit or try to go to routes that match Rosa’s schedule
It’s like a “I’ll take a different hallway so I can see my crush for a few seconds” during school
There’s a 50% chance Giann did a “we’re going to Disneyland!” Prank where he’d wake child Marius at 4am to pack his bags and then tell him it was a lie
Marius def cried and went to his dad at like 4 am
Marius gives Disney kid vibes and he definetly loved Tangled
He loved Eugene
Omg what if Rosa and Marius did a rapunzel and Flynn rider costume for Halloween for funsies
Oh my god it’s perfect.
When Marius was in high school I bet at least once he got locked in the art room since he was glued in the art room and the teacher had to kick him out , imagine he couldn’t see him one time and he got locked in
He probably either
A: panicked and called his dad
B: texted his dad and fell asleep in there
Marius likes pineapple on his pizza idk why
Maybe he likes the idea of annoying people who hate it I suppose
Marius found out Rosa’s favorite lipstick/gloss shade and got the makeup department of PAX to make it so Rosa could get a PAX lipstick and for free
“It’s like you’re carrying a piece of me with you!”
Speaking of PAX
I wonder if Marius gives Rosa discounts
If she asked he’d do it anyway
Marius sometimes searches up Rosa online to see anything the news says about her
Maybe when they’re dating he double checks to see if there’s any article catching on their relationship
You know those edits people make of celebrities
What if people made edits of Rosa and Marius when their relationship was public
That’s so funny to think about
Marius would def look through that and look at the comments
Would def have beef with whatever news company said something bad about her
Rosa used to have a romance novel phase
Maybe in like middle school or high school since as a lawyer she doesn’t have time or think about romance
Until like a while after tho
Def would fangirl about them to Luke and get him to read said novel (which he did obviously)
She recites every piece of evidence before a trial and has planned out every possible response to anything the prosecution say the night before
sometimes teaches Vyn slang in Stellis language bc she finds it funny as Vyn contemplates the meaning of them
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unoriginalmess · 3 years
Untitled Feralnette Fic Ch. 1
Hiya there anyone who happens upon this first chapter of this fic. I would like to start out by saying that this is my first fanfic ever. I've been wanting to write a fic for the miraculous fandom for a while but I haven't had any inspiration until I stumbled upon this glorious AU created by @bigfatbreak. I highly suggest checking out all of their posts about this au because they are hilarious and genius and about 100 other amazing adjectives that could be used to describe them and their posts. Anyways enough with my rant and let's get on with the fic. ⚠️Slight angst⚠️ ⚠️Swearing⚠️
When Marinette got home after her and Luka's breakup, all she could do was cry. She wanted to be with him, but her Ladybug duties came first. If lying is a deal breaker for him, then maybe it was best that they ended it now while their relationship was still in its early stages. Still, she couldn't help but feel the loss of her first relationship. She ended up crying for a whole entire day. She just hoped that Hawkmoth(or Shadowmoth or whatever the fuck he wanted to be referred to as this week) wasn't feeling particularly akuma-y today, because she didn't know if she could bottle up all these feelings, even though the world is relying on her ability to do so.
Ugggghhh!! It has been exhausting having to be "happy and perfect Marinette" and "happy and perfect Ladybug" All. The. Time. She's also pretty sure that Hawkmoth had discovered the similarities in her personality as Marinette to Ladybug, and that's why she's been targeted by multiple akumas lately. She has had to have her emotions under control even more than usual. If only there was a way to get Hawkmoth to stop targeting her. Maybe she should just not give a fuck anymore. Haha as if! It couldn't be that easy! Could it?
The more she thinks about it the more it starts to make sense. If she just let herself go completely crazy as Marinette, she would be killing like 10 birds with one stone. She would get hawkmoth off of her trail, she wouldn't have to deal with having to hide her emotions all of the time, she wouldn't have to deal with the added stress of maintaining her perfect persona, she wouldn't have to deal with the stress of Lila's lies taking her friends away if she didn't have friends in the first place, and so much more stress would be taken off of her plate! It was perfect! It might hurt a little at first, but it's for the best in the end. She spent that night planning out her outfit for tomorrow, doing her homework, and going to sleep knowing that, in the morning, François Dupont isn't gonna know what hit them.
Adrien Agreste had been having a rough week. He had been abandoned on patrol by ladybug, been broken up with by his girlfriend, and was feeling completely and utterly alone. He knows that his lady has been feeling overwhelmed by her guardian duties lately, and that he 100% deserved that verbal lasting that kagami had given him but he couldn't help but feel this way. He was also feeling guilty about lying to kagami and leading her on for so long. After she broke up with him he took some time to assess his feelings for her and realized that he had more of an admiration for her than an infatuation. He definitely didn't feel the same way about her that she felt about him. She told him that she LOVED HIM, and he was so distracted (blinded) by ladybug that he didn't even process her confession. So, he was looking forward to Sunday morning. He cleared his schedule and on that beautiful Sunday morning, he did what he is only allowed to do on very rare occasions: sleep in. Or at least... thats what he had planned on doing.
When Nathalie had knocked on his door that morning Adrien was not in a good mood. He vaguely heard her say something about father wanting him downstairs in some amount of time for something involving a business partners child and some other robotic sounding words that his half asleep brain couldn't process completely.
"I have a cleared schedule this morning, Nathalie. What could father possibly want me for that is more important than my precious sleep?" He asked snappily.
"Your father wants you downstairs to welcome the new guest that will be living in the house for the rest of the school year. You have 15 minutes to make yourself look presentable and I suggest leaving the attitude upstairs," she half informed/half reprimanded him. As she walked away, Adrien reluctantly rose from his nice warm bed and went to go get ready with only one thought racing through his mind: Who could possibly be staying with them?
Felix Culpa was not looking forward to living at the Agreste mansion for the rest of the school year, but for their parents' sake they would do what they had to. It wasn't all for their parents either, they were also concerned about the strange "dissapearance" of Emilie (who was his aunt in all ways except blood relation) and about the treatment of Adrien since said "disappearance".
You see, Felix Culpa is the heir to the Culpa Fabric Empire. The Culpas have been the sole fabric supplier of the Agreste brand since the very beginning. Felix's mom Diana was best friends with Emilie since their college days. Diana and Emilie made the deal with the two brands because as best friends who are both involved in the same industry, it just made sense to have a business relationship with each other. Diana never really cared for Gabriel as a person, but she could tell that he loved Emilie more than anyone else in the world so she could tolerate him for the sake of her best friend.
When Emilie went missing, Diana was absolutely devastated and tried anything she could to find her. She invested in missing person ads as large as billboards, organized search teams, tried to aid the police in their search for her in any way she could, but there was no leads, no legitimate calls to the number on the billboards, and the search team came up empty handed. While she was doing all of this to try to find her, she couldn't help but be furious over the fact that Gabriel was doing nothing to help in the search. All he did was hole himself up in his oversized mansion and call it a day.
The last straw for Diana was when Gabriel tried to use the "grieving my wife" excuse to try to abuse their business arrangement. That day, she told him that the Culpa brand would no longer be associated with the Agreste brand and that after the new collection is released, he would need to find a new fabric supplier. She knew that the Agreste brand would take a huge hit from having sub-par fabric, but she never thought that Gabriel would try to make up for that fact by using Adrien as a walking mannequin and locking him up in the desolate prison that he calls a home. As soon as she realized that he was doing this she scrambled to find a solution.
That is how Felix ended up here, standing in front of the mansion they would be living in for the next 9 months in exchange for Gabriel getting back into the Culpa brand's good graces. Don't get them wrong, they were excited about being able to be in Paris, home of the most innovative fashion pieces in the world, and about being able to see their honorary cousin Adrien (who wasn't half bad to be around despite him having no backbone whatsoever when it came to anything involving his father) but dealing with Mr. Agreste was definitely one of the low points of this arrangement.
They decided to just get it over with and knocked on the door. It was opened by the man that their cousin affectionately referred to as Gorilla. They nodded a thank you to the man, remembering that he was a man of few words, and proceeded to the bottom of the staircase. Mr. Agreste stood at the top with a very tired looking Adrien a few steps down. Felix wasn't even slightly surprised that this is where he chooses to welcome his guests, looking down on people must give him some sort of power trip or something. It's almost as if he heard the phrase "It's over, Anakin, I have the high ground," and made that his own personal motto. Whatever, let him have the feeling of false power if he wanted it, Felix knows that they have all the power in this situation and they're sure that Gabriel knows it as well.
"Hello Felix," Mr. Agreste greeted them with the same amount of warmth in his voice as liquid nitrogen, "while you are staying in this house you will abide by my rules. Adrien will inform you of them and show you to your room. You will attend school with him in the morning and I'm sure that you already know that you must represent not only the Culpa brand, but also the Agreste as well. I will be in my office working, do not disturb me. Contact Nathalie with any questions that cannot be answered by Adrien." He finished his spiel and left to what Felix assumed was his office space.
"Hello Felix!" Adrien greeted him with as much enthusiasm as he could muster in his sleepy state. "Come with me and I'll show you to your room."
Adrien led Felix to their room and listed all of the rules of the household that they were expected to follow. And... wow. Felix could not believe that their cousin had to live like this. The only social interaction this kid gets is at school and fencing? Pre-approved outings only with people determined socially acceptable by Gabriel? And if he gets even one "B" he isn't even going to be allowed to go to school at all? Felix knew that the living situation was bad for Adrien but know the only question running through their head was: What did they get themselves into??
And... thats it for chapter 1! Mostly background info at this point, but next chapter will be the class' reaction to feralnette and felinette meeting for the first time. I just want to say thanks again to @bigfatbreak for giving me the inspiration to write a fic for the first time ever. Feel free to leave constructive criticism, I'm always looking to improve, especially at writing since this is my first time posting anything I've written online, so I want to get better so that I can make better content for you guys, gals, and non-binary pals. If anyone wants to be tagged just let me know and I'll make a tag list for ya. :)
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A Comedy of Errors. Chapter 3: The Way of the Aces.
Please read the previous chapters before proceeding!!
Click here to read Chapter 1: Negotiations.
Click here to read Chapter 2: Suga the Setter.
Background: Y/N is a transfer student who joined Karasuno High in her second year because her family shifted to Miyagi. She is a volleyball player and plays as a wing spiker (ace) in the Girl’s Volleyball team.
Pairing: Karasuno x fem reader || Romantic Pairing: Asahi x fem reader
NOTE: Y/N plays volleyball in this. I am not familiar with all the rules of the game so pls 2 forgive if I get any of the technicalities wrong.
Genre: Fluff and comfort with sprinkles of comedy this time! || SFW
A/N: At last, the final chapter. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. I really poured my entire soul into this. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Say, since you guys are already here. Why don’t you stay and watch us practice?" Asahi's lifespan is being shortened with every word as Suga invites Y/N and Michimiya to watch them practice. Asahi waits with bated breath. Even though he is extremely nervous, a part of him does want you to stay. So, when you do say yes, he doesn't know whether to feel happy or run out of the gym screaming. As they walk off to warm up, Suga whispers to him, "I know you're probably thinking about how you're going to fuck up your play and embarrass yourself in front of her. But while you're at it, maybe you should also think about what will happen if you actually play well." Asahi nods. "Suga." "Hmm?" "Thank you. For everything you just did. I really do appreciate it." "Of course! I'm just glad it worked out well." "And you are right, I do like her. I don't know her much but I would like to." "Aha, finally some truth around here! Well, then we just gotta make sure you give her a show worth remembering!" Suga says, winking.
Michimiya had been watching the game intently, as was evident by her gasps and comments on everything. But you? You hadn't been able to keep your eyes off of Asahi the entire game. So much so, that you had barely given a second thought to the first years' amazing quick attack or Nishinoya's outstanding libero skills.
Asahi's spikes, his serves, his receives, his posture, his spirit, and his determination had you just...rapt with attention.
"In case you are wondering, yes, he is single." Michimiya's whisper startles you.
"W-what?" you start to blush. "I'm just taking notes!"
"But I didn't even specify who I was talking about."
You turn redder.
"He's really nice too, you know. A very genuine and kind person. I think you two would make a cute couple."
Your face is so hot now that you're sure you'll hear a sizzle any moment. You turn your head back towards the game to avoid Michimiya's gaze.
"I- I don't know who you are talking about."
Michimiya chuckles. "Of course you don't."
Even though you can feel Michimiya's gaze on you, you can't help but smile as you watch Asahi land another beautiful spike in the opponent's court.
You didn't know, of course, that you being around and watching him had been a huge boost of motivation for him to perform at his peak. You didn't know how he had been wondering what you were thinking about him the entire game. You didn't know how hard it had been for him to not glance at you after every move he made, just to see your reaction.
But he didn't know how you had felt either. He didn't know how your heart rate sped up every time he came on to serve. He didn't know you had also felt frustrated whenever his spike got shut down, feeling as though you had been shut down. He didn't know how you had wanted to shout and cheer him on but you hadn't because you didn't want to come off as a weirdo.
Truly, you would make a good couple.
Practice is now over. Asahi's team won both the practice matches (of course they did, Suga would not have had it any other way). You and Michimiya walk over to the third years. As Michimiya starts gushing to Daichi about their game, you turn to Asahi.
"You were really - glorious, brilliant, like a God, I wish you were spiking me instead - amazing out there," you say, your eyes full of admiration.
Asahi instantly turns a deep shade of red.
"Th-thank you." He says with a smile.
"See, I told you he is great!" Suga says with a proud smile on his face.
"You were right. Karasuno really has a very talented ace."
"No, it has two of them," Asahi says, looking at you with a smile.
Now it is your turn to blush.
"Aah, I wish. I'm not quite there yet. I'm definitely nowhere close to your level," you say.
"I would love to help you any way I can."
"I would be honoured to learn from you," you say with a bow.
Suga piped up, "It's Saturday tomorrow! The boys' gym will be free till 10AM. If you want, we can practice here early morning. Say, around 7? Asahi can teach you the techniques and I can set for you both. We'll ask Daichi and Michimiya too if they want to join." and before you can answer, Suga is off to ask Daichi and Michimiya.
Wow, he really doesn't wait for an answer, huh.
Asahi looks at you and he can see you're a little unsure. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah, it's just... I really don't want to bother you guys so early in the morning like that."
"It's no problem at all, we usually practice early on the weekends anyway." Asahi says with a reassuring smile. That seems to melt your doubts away.
Suga walks back to you. "I've spoken to the two of them, they will join us but a little later."
"It's sorted, then." you say, smiling.
Of course, Asahi was the one who ended up walking you home that night.
Of course, Suga was "late" for the morning practice the next day, giving you and Asahi a lot of time to get comfortable around each other get nervous and DIE.
Of course, situations like these happened more than a few times.
Before you know it, two months have passed. With Asahi and Michimiya's help, you improved tremendously and the Karasuno Girls Volleyball team cleared the first set of qualifying rounds for the Spring Interhigh. And so did the boys.
During this time, you and Asahi have become really good friends. Since you two live in the same area, you often end up going to school and walking home together, giving you a lot of time to talk about every topic under the sun. It took a while but you are now very comfortable around each other. In fact, Asahi himself wonders how he is able to tell you things so easily.
Both of your friend groups (and your entire school, also the neighbouring schools, random passersby, street dogs, birds flying past - you know, basically anyone with eyes) can see that you two are absolutely head-over-heels for each other. The only two people who don't know it are you two.
The way Asahi had gone out of his way to teach you everything he knew; how patiently he had walked you through every technique, every mistake; how he had sweetly asked you for permission every time before correcting your posture and showing you the right finger placement (mind outta the gutter fellas, we talking about volleyball here); how every time he did that, you felt a jolt of electricity whenever his fingers touched you (I promise it is still about volleyball); how he cares about even the littlest things regarding you; how every time he smiles reassuringly at you, the world feels all right again; how supportive and encouraging he has been through it all: You have fallen for him harder than you have ever fallen in your entire life.
And you just keep falling harder and harder every moment you spend with him. He has become your comfort now. No matter how stressed or nervous you are, just having Asahi around makes you feel much calmer and confident.
Asahi, on the other hand, has smiled more in these last two months than he has ever smiled. He can't help it, being around you just makes him feel like he is floating. He was blown away by how talented and hard working you are and is so proud of the progress you have made.
The way you are so kind to him. The way you always speak up whenever someone makes fun of him. The way you always hype him up and believe in him. The way the world seems to stop every time you smile at him. The way your laugh has become his favourite sound in the world. Asahi could not be more enamoured by you even if he tried. You too, are his comfort now. He knows he can talk to you about every "sentimental" topic on earth without being made fun of.
The only problem is: You both are afraid that this comfort you find in each other will be ruined if either of you confesses and the other does not reciprocate your feelings. It is now a waiting game to see who spikes their ball into the other's court first, if at all.
You are shaking. Partly with excitement, partly with nerves. After defeating Tohoku High, only one school remains between you and the nationals: Niiyama Joshi, one of the most powerful schools that always makes it to nationals when it comes to the Miyagi prefecture.
The boys' game had ended earlier than yours and they had already left the stadium. You were absolutely delighted to hear that they beat Seijoh. Now, they have to face Shiratorizawa, another powerhouse school that always makes it to the nationals.
You and Asahi both have your own mountains to climb tomorrow.
As you are walking out of the stadium with your teammates, you spot something.
"Hey, you guys go ahead, I will be right there." you say and turn back.
It's been a very long day but you cannot sit still at all. You cannot stop thinking about the match tomorrow. Your hands are sweaty knees weak, arms are heavy because you keep clenching your fists open and shut as you pace around your bedroom. You had hoped to be able to meet Asahi and maybe feel a little better but by the time you had reached school, the boys had already left. You know how big a day it is for him tomorrow too so you don't want to bother him by asking him to meet. However, you should at least text him and congratulate him on his victory. You open your phone and see you already have a message from him:
Asahi: Hey, I heard you guys beat Tohoku! Congratulations! I knew you could do it.
You smile.
You: Thanks, I still can't believe we did that!!! Congratulations on beating Seijoh!! I heard it was a close match.
Asahi: Thanks! Yeah, it was anyone's game by the end. It was really intense. But we managed to win. Also, I had full faith that you would make it!
You: Damn, wish I could have seen it. Sooo, Shiratorizawa next. How are you feeling?
Asahi: Really, really nervous. They're really strong and I don't think anyone believes we can beat them.
You: Well, you just gotta prove them wrong, then! I truly believe that you guys can do it.
Asahi: I really hope so. Anyway, what about you? How are you feeling about going up against Niiyama tomorrow?
You: Honestly, I cannot stop shaking and thinking about tomorrow. We are so close and I just don't want to screw up and let my team down.
Asahi: Can you get out of your house?
You stare at your phone for a moment before replying.
You: Yeah, I can sneak out the backdoor. Why?
Asahi: Sneak out after 5 minutes. I'll be there.
You: You sure about this? It's late and you need to rest for tomorrow too.
Asahi: I'm sure and I'm already on my way.
You grab your schoolbag and quietly make your way out the backdoor. You see Asahi standing outside your house. He's wearing a purple t-shirt and is carrying a bag in his hand. He smiles and waves at you as you make your way towards him. The knots in your stomach are already starting to loosen.
"Hey, Asahi!"
"Hey, Y/N, I'm sorry for making you sneak out like this but... I couldn't help myself when I read your messages."
"No, it's completely alright. Actually, to be honest, I was kind of hoping to meet you too. I-I always feel calmer after talking to you."
Asahi blushes.
"I always feel better after talking to you too."
You can feel the heat starting to build in your face as you smile at him in response.
Asahi continues, "I-I know I am not good with words. But I want to tell you that I know exactly how you feel. You won't let anyone down. I have seen you play and really, you have nothing to worry about. You have made it this far and you are strong enough to take it further."
His words make you want to cry. He has always shown so much faith in you. You look at the ground and don't say anything as you try to hold back your tears.
"-And I - uh - got you something that I thought might make you feel better."
You look up in surprise and you see him reaching his hand into the bag he brought with him. As you watch, he pulls out a light blue cloth. It's a t-shirt.
You gasp as you recognize what it is.
He holds the t-shirt open by the sleeves so that you can read what's written.
It's a "The Way of the Ace" T-shirt.
Tumblr media
"Oh my God!!" you say loudly.
He is completely thrown off by your reaction as you throw your head back and laugh.
Oh no. Does she think this is lame? Asahi starts to panic.
You reach into your own bag and pull out a similar looking light blue cloth. Asahi's eyes widen.
"I bought this today at the stadium for you. I know how important tomorrow's match is for you and I knew you'd be nervous so I wanted to give you this as a motivational sort of good luck thing." you say as you hold out a larger sized "The Way of the Ace" T-shirt.
All of your tension and nerves melt away as you both stand there laughing and holding the T-shirts.
"I hope I got the right size," Asahi says as you exchange the t-shirts.
"It's perfect!" You both say at the same time and erupt into a hearty laugh again.
"Thank you, Asahi. I feel a lot better now. Really, thank you for everything. We wouldn't have made it this far if not for your help."
"It was all you, Y/N. All I did was show you the way. You walked it on your own."
"Yeah, you showed me the way of the Ace." you say, smiling.
The score is 30-31 and it is match point for Karasuno Girls' High School against Niiyama Joshi for what seems to be like the 100th time. It has just been ties after ties after ties and every set has stretched well into the 30s. Somewhere at the beginning of the fifth set, you looked up to see the Karasuno boys piling into the stands to cheer your team on. From the looks of it, they won their match against Shiratorizawa.
Playing such intense 5 sets back to back has taken a massive toll and the players on both sides of the court are at their limit. However, it is now your turn to serve and if you manage to get this point, you will be through to the nationals.
"Y/N, GIVE US A NICE SERVE!!" the boys cheer for you from the audience.
Your knees are quaking and you feel like you can barely stand, much less run or jump. You are so out of breath that you feel like you are going to pass out any minute. As you somehow force yourself to walk into position, you can feel your knees buckling under you.
As you stand there, waiting for the referee to blow the whistle, your eyes instinctively search for Asahi. Even though he is far, you can easily spot him due to his height and the familiar light blue t-shirt he has changed into after his match.
As your eyes meet, Asahi cups his hands around his mouth and BELLOWS.
The whistle blows.
You barely have time to realize what happened as you are tackled to the ground by your teammates. There's a lot of hugging and crying and shouting.
As you recover from your shock, it finally registers. It was a service ace. Niiyama's libero had tried to dig the ball but it had bounced out of bounds.
You've won.
Tears of exhaustion and exhilaration start to flow from your eyes as you hug your teammates.
Your feet are killing you as you walk out of the locker room towards the bus, wearing your own WotA t-shirt. It's late and the corridor is silent and empty as you're one of the very last few people to leave.
"I told you you could do it."
You look up and see Asahi standing a little further ahead, smiling at you.
You don't say anything, you just walk up to him and hug him. He seems taken aback but only for a bit as, barely a second later, you feel his large arms wrap around you tightly.
You both stand there for a while, both too exhausted to speak but finding comfort in each other's arms. It just feels so...right. Like this is exactly where and how you are meant to be.
When you finally break apart, you can see that Asahi is looking a little nervous.
"S-say, Y/N. I was wondering... i-if you would maybe want to go on a- on a date with me?"
Your eyes widen in surprise.
"It is completely okay if you don't! I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anythi-"
"Yes, yes, YES! I will go on a date with you."
"Really? You really want to go out with me?"
"Yes. Honestly, Asahi, I fell for you a long time ago. I was just afraid of freaking you out and ruining our friendship. So, I didn't say anything."
Asahi let out a little laugh. "It's freaky how we think so similarly because same." He takes your hand in his. "I fell for you the day I met you. And I just kept falling harder and harder the more I got to know you. I just never imagined you would feel the same way for me too."
"I do, I do, I so do! I always have!"
Both of you have the biggest smiles on your faces as you stand there holding hands and looking into each other's eyes.
You suddenly start to blush furiously.
"So...um...since we usually seem to be thinking the same thing. Um, would you like to kiss me?"
Asahi's eyes open so wide that you're worried they'll pop out of their sockets any minute. He is blushing furiously as he simply nods and leans in.
Your heart is thundering as your lips meet. But, it's Asahi. He kisses you with such tenderness and affection that you just melt into him.
The two aces of Karasuno walk out of the stadium hand-in-hand, wearing their matching WotA T-shirts. You're going to nationals, you've found some really great friends and you have found each other. Life is good.
Finally, I am so happy with how this turned out. I was stuck for a while trying to decide where to go with this story and I was panicking a little about not updating sooner. But I am glad I did not hurry this up because I really LOVE the turn this took in my head which it wouldn't have if I hadn't let the ideas stew in my mind for a while.
I know this was a long read but I really hope you guys enjoyed it and it was worth the read and the wait.
Likes, comments, reblogs and follows are always appreciated. Please DO NOT repost
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dragynkeep · 3 years
I have been writing a story since July 2016 and one of the pairings has Scarlet paired with a woman. One year before the manga release where his sexuality was confirmed. No readers at the time had a problem with it since, 1) it was the readers that encouraged me to make this pairing, and 2) how was I supposed to know the writers would confirm an LGBT+ character in supplementary material? I had to be *told* he was gay because I didn’t consume anything outside of the show!
Only… now it’s becoming a problem. All the sudden new readers are side eyeing me in the reviews because of this pairing. I’ll explain why it’s a pairing, but it’s like they aren’t reading my replies. It’s gotten so bad I’ve disabled PM’s on FF, and I’ve gotten comments on AO3. I’m afraid to put any development on their relationship at risk of angering people, especially since it isn’t the main pairing. Any advice or feedback? I feel guilt that I previously didn’t. Rewriting the whole thing is not something I want to do, especially since I already rewrote it once to improve upon the prose, and also… it’s like, over 400,000 words. I don’t have time for that.
It’s really disheartening. I recently came back to finish this story because I know how frustrating it is to find a story you like only for it to be abandoned. But I just don’t feel… I dunno, appreciated? I know lots of my readers love it and my writing style, but these comments are seriously wearing me down. I’ve made it clear I don’t intend to ship Scarlet with any female character in other projects I start (I don’t intend to write him at all anymore, tbh, since I’m disgusted with his VA). Its obvious my Scarlet is nothing like books Scarlet, since I had to create a whole fucking personality for him. I’ve taken measures too. Addressed it in the first chapter’s notes. Answered every PM and comment before it became too much. This story is my baby. There’s this whole plot that is more than just who is with who and yet the new readers only care about the damn ships. I’ve never given grief to another writer because I didn’t like one of the relationships in a story I liked, so like. Why? Why don’t you write your own damn shipping story if mine offends you so much?
Aaand I got another one while I was writing this ask. One of the new readers got pissed that Yang wasn’t with Blake. I kept my rwde identity separate from my writer identity specifically to avoid this. Now my old readers are happy but the new ones sometimes are fine and sometimes give backhanded comments as they keep fucking reading. Makes me wish AO3 had a block option. And I really want to comment and just tell them to stop. Fucking. Reading.
It makes me want to stop again. But I also don’t want to, because I love sharing my work. Uh, so anyway, sorry this turned into a vent ask. I can normally handle hate comments fine, but to be accused of erasing a queer identity when that identity didn’t exist at the time of the pairing’s creation is frustrating and demoralizing. Criticizing my writing constructively is totally fine and I encourage it, but accusing me of being homophobic or participating in queer erasure when the damn show won’t even let the gay character exist beyond books that are subpar, or who let queer rep exist for maybe five minutes of screen time before they’re shuffled off? Like, what the fuck? Why am I being held to a higher standard than the damn show who profits off this shit and actively damages the community with their Bury Your Gays bullshit that they’re upset they didn’t go through with when it came to Pilot Boi? I’m terrified to reveal my pen name on this damn site because I don’t want people attacking my work, but apparently it was just a matter of time before I got attacked anyway. I don’t even want to associate my tumblr name with anything about my story out of fear, so that’s why I’m on anon. It’s just… URGH. That’s also part of why I admire you two. When I saw you posting AZRE stuff I was just like, “Wow, they’re not afraid to post their fic stuff on their rwde blog? Impressive.” I’m too paranoid to post my fic info!
I just realized I started ranting again. Sorry lol. I’m just so tired.
wow, straight up i’m so sorry for what you’ve gone through with this fandom.
firstly, some advice to give would be to put moderation on your comments, that allows you to screen comments before they’re registered as reviews on your work; you have the ability to change this at any time on ao3 but unfortunately i don’t know what more can be done on ff as neither of us have been there in over a decade. it really doesn’t put the creators first which is one of the pros of ao3 in my opinion that it does put author safety first.
secondly, a suggestion luke made was to also put a disclaimer in the actual description of the work if you feel like that’s something you want to do. obviously it won’t help those determined to be assholes but it might help some who are just not paying attention to the chapter notes.
as for scarlet & his sexuality, while other queer people may feel differently, this obviously isn’t a case of you being malicious & deciding to ship a gay character with a woman. we’d had scarlet in the general show for years before he was confirmed by a non canon manga to be gay & then further for miles to see that & decide that he wanted only that portion to be canon. that is not on you, it’s on the cishet writers for deciding that queer representation comes on a whim for them & then everyone else needs to bend to it when they spent years mired in ambiguity. unfortunately the same issue is with coco & other characters assigned queer throughout the show that is now putting artists & writers at risk with pieces they wrote before the confirmation & now don’t want to delete because obviously that’s a lot of hard work to just flush down the drain because mkek set their queer gun ray on another character.
& the reviewer who was miffed that yang & blake don’t get together can choke on a fat one; there’s no obligation for them to get together when the show itself can’t even decide if they’re in a relationship or not, despite milking fans for money about it. & even if they were canon in the show, it’s not yours or anyone’s obligation to then have them be together in fanfiction. the whole point of fanfiction is that it’s transformative works, they don’t have to be beholden to canon & it’s not on you.
to the reviewers & people in the rwby fndm who see that coco or scarlet are shipped with the opposite sex; don’t get mad at the writer / artist. get mad at the writers who took over half a decade to confirm these characters as queer & then threw them away to off screen land. fan creators are not beholden to the same level as the actual writers & they never should be.
& honestly just hot take but a fic about a confirmed queer character being in a mlw relationship is not the end of the world & it’s honestly not anywhere near actual oppression queer people face. stop crying about a fanfic & for the love of god shut up & get offline. this is the same mentality that led to a child being harassed last year by whole ass grown ups because they shipped poly cfvy. for fucks sake this is so pathetic.
you absolutely should do what you feel is best to protect yourself, thankfully there’s been little to no backlash for us over azre  —  which was surprising considering it’s a adam centred rwby rewrite  —  but what works for us might not work for others. if you feel comfortable though, absolutely dm us the link to your fic as i’d love to give it a read & toss some nice reviews your way!
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The Treatment of Captain Syverson-Chapter Five:Sensory Integration 1
Pairing: Captain “Sy” Syverson x OFC (Shane Benton)
Summary: A Friday full of teasing for Shane ends in a steak dinner with a blue-eyed beefcake. If you don’t finish this chapter hungry for one or the other, if not both, I haven’t done my job! Lol! (For inspo on Sy’s date outfit, think back to that one Men’s Health photoshoot Hen did and just imagine his hair shorter. That’s what I did. lol!) 
Click me to catch up on the story and other stuff by Hannah!
Word Count: 4k (This date got away from me! Lol! And it’s only half over!)
Warnings: Mostly this is utter fluffy fluff, but I’m gonna put the following warnings on, anyway. Language, mature themes, alcohol consumption, borderline food worship (Shane may have a problem, I definitely do! Lol!) Also, pretty much every Sy fic I’ve read says that his given name is Logan, so...should his given name be used henceforth, that’s what I’m going with because it seems the most cannon and I like it and if it’s good enough for Wolverine...
Author’s Note: So, guys, this is crazy. First off, the reaction and love Sy and Shane’s story has been getting has taken me completely off guard and utterly made my day/week. (I’m serious. Every note makes my heart do a happy dance. A like, a reblog, a comment. It all means the world to me. Thank you for your feedback and for sharing this story.) Second, YOUR FEEDBACK MATTERS TO ME! Because initially, idk what I was thinking. I was going to skim over their first date and like…not write it…and I kept getting notes as I worked on further chapters to the tune of “can’t wait for this date!” and I thought…hmm…well, the date must be written! So, here it is, the first half-ish, of Shane and Sy’s first date. I hope it’s all you were expecting…or at least half of all you were expecting! Lol! More to come in part two of Sens Integ! (BTW, fun fact, these chapter titles are all named after treatments that therapists actually use on their patients sometimes! Lol!)
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism.
@onlyhenrys @cavillryarchive @summersong69 @titty-teetee @bloodyinspiredfuck @agniavateira @oddsnendsfanfics @omgkatinka@thisismysecretthirstblog
@misslaland @speakerforthedead0@tumblnewby @suavechops
Friday morning. She was up with the sun. And a bit before, really. Today was the day. Her first date with Sy. She’d taken extra care in the shower, less clumsy, thank God! She shaved her legs because she had chosen to wear a knee-length blue dress with a scoop neck and cap sleeves in wrinkle-proof Jersey knit since it would be in her tote bag all day. She was not shaving because she thought anything would happen tonight with Sy. She didn’t think she was ready.
That is, she was ready, but, only physically. Emotionally, mentally, she would need to prepare for him a bit longer before taking him as a lover. She hoped he was on the same page.
He had an appointment in the early afternoon. He greeted her with his warm “Hello, sunshine.” Following it up by telling her how pretty she looked today, causing blush to burn in her cheeks. She’d reciprocated, even though he was in his typical tee and shorts look. It was still true. They got on their usual bikes to warm up for about 15 minutes, and then took to the leg press to try to advance his strengthening.
“I’m really proud of your progress! You wouldn’t have been able to do this much weight two weeks ago!” She encouraged him.
“Absolutely. Now, we are going to do some drills next. Simple ones, but they aren’t going to be fun for you. I’ve chosen to do them on your last day of the week for a reason. You may be sore. Ice and whatever you take OTC if you must. Ibuprofen or acetaminophen. But try the ice first. It shouldn’t be too bad.”
“Okay.” He conceded, dejected.
“Stretching afterward.” She promised.
“Okay!” He pepped up. She knew he just loved an excuse to have her hands on him.
Later, as he lay on the mat, sweaty from the exertion of the drills, with her up there with him having to use her whole body to leverage the proper stretch out of his hip flexors, she felt the heavy weight of his gaze. She tried to look anywhere but those sapphire eyes below her. They were too vulnerable. She couldn’t handle that right now. Not here.
“Shane?” Dammit, he was gonna make her.
“Hmm?” She looked down at him, smile meeting smile.
“I just…” he couldn’t seem to get out the words. But she thought she understood what he was feeling.
“I know, Sy. I know.” She gently patted his outer thigh where she had been bracing her hand for the stretch, and let his leg back down, while dismounting the mat, as well.
“Well, that’s about the hour. Any questions before I let you go?”
“Are you as excited for tonight as I am?” He asked. She chuckled. She couldn’t imagine him being more excited than she was!
“Yes! Hehe! But I still kinda meant about therapy, Sy.”
“Oh, right. Are you excited to finish up with your therapy patients at therapy today so I can pick you up from the therapy clinic and take you on our date?”
“Just because you say therapy 20 times doesn’t make it about therapy.” She laughed.
“Okay, I do have a question for you, since I’m here.”
“Shoot.” She encouraged.
He stood and held her face, taking it into a kiss so devastatingly and painfully tender, she could not process what to do next. She was leaning toward fainting. But then tackling him onto the mat again seemed an attractive option. She settled for placing her hands on his waist, ready to control the situation as need arose. But after a brief moment of slight deepening, he broke away, still holding her face in his large strong hands.
“Ahem. That’s a good question. Why don’t I have you a reply later this evening?”
“Sounds good to me, sunshine.” He grinned widely, and waved a quiet goodby to her.
She walked to the doorway of the small room to watch him walk out…his gait still uneven from his injury but improving enough that she could tell he once took very…confident strides. She could almost picture it. She sighed, forgetting herself for a moment until Anita came up behind her walking her elderly patient with a gait belt and front wheeled walker.
"Is that a bit of drool on your chin, Shane?" she said quietly, but still startling the younger therapist from her reverie.
"Oh, uh, hey." she checked her chin, absentmindedly, late in getting the joke, and rolled her eyes. "Funny, Nita. Do you need anything?"
"Nope, Gladys and I are just headed to the gym for a few minutes on the NuStep to round out her treatment." Nita grinned at Shane.
"Who was that handsome young man that just left, Shane?" Gladys asked her, as women of her…demographic tended to do.
"He's just one of our patient's Miss Gladys. But I can't tell you his name. It's against the privacy policy." She explained.
"Oh, okay. Well, if I was a few years younger, I'd let ya give him MY name…and my telephone number." she smirked with pride in herself. All three ladies giggled.
"I'm pretty sure he's spoken for, Gladys." Anita broke the news to her randy patient, smirking at her coworker.
"Shame! Well, that's one lucky young lady!" Gladys hobbled on with the walker as Anita cued her not to let the device get too far ahead of her feet. Shane was beet red from the whole interaction. At least she wouldn't have to wear blush tonight.
Her day finally finished, notes done, and final communications sent,  the most important (in her opinion, probably not her employer's) message of them all was next. The text to Sy that he could head toward the clinic to pick her up.
She touched up her eye makeup, applied another coat of mascara, and dabbed on some of her favorite lipstick in a deep red that complimented her skin tone. She also spritzed on a bit of her favorite Armani perfume before slipping on her dress and black ballet flats and sliding on a pair of simple hoop earrings. She'd had her hair pulled up all day in a clip, so it should be pleasantly wavy when she took it down…and with a bit of flipping, shaking out, and finger diffusing, it was.
She looked in the mirror. She was ready.
Was she ready? She examined herself in the full length mirror in the empty locker room at the clinic. The dress and the shoes suddenly seemed all wrong, both together and as individual pieces for the occasion. She looked great, it wasn't that…but…was it right for tonight? Should she cancel? Was she being ridiculous? Clearly she was, as she'd already sent the message telling Sy he could come get her. But the closer she got to being ready to go, the less ready she felt. Those butterflies were suddenly clawing at her esophagus, disrupting the bile in her stomach, and threatening to choke off her air supply. They were no longer pleasantly fluttering. She felt like she had a boot against her windpipe.
She was snapped out of the panic attack when she heard her phone go off. A message from Sy.
Your chariot, m'lady. Should I come in and get ya?
She grinned like a lunatic. How could she have considered calling tonight off?
Nay, m'lord, verily the gates be locked. I shall use the rear exit and meet thee around yonder forsooth.
Wow, you ran with that one. *laughing in tears emoji*
I have that tendency. Lol. *monocle wearing emoji*
She grabbed her bags, walked out the back door, and tossed the one that wasn't her purse into her vehicle, which was parked nearby and walked around to the front. He was standing on the sidewalk near that edge of the building.
The sun was just setting, and the light from it hit him so bewitchingly that it took away her breath. Not in the frightening way of the panic attack she'd just had, but in the nice way, like right before you surface from a deep dive and you know the sweet relief of oxygen is imminent. She assessed his ensemble with approval. Black books, sleek dark blue jeans, and a sapphire v-neck polo that even in the low light of near dusk made his blue eyes dance with vibrant intensity against his fading tan. His hair was starting to grow out ever so slightly, but it was still very close cropped. His beard, she could tell, had been finely groomed, combed, and styled. He looked…well, she'd never looked up the word "handsome" in the dictionary, but she imagined it would describe the image before her quite succinctly. And alternatively, Sy's image could be used as an illustration in the reference book, itself.
The best part, though, was the look on his face when he saw her.
She felt like he'd never properly looked at her, perhaps. Maybe he wasn't expecting a dress, or loose hair, or red lips. Or maybe it was a combo of the whole Date Shane package he was seeing before him. As his eyes beheld her, he almost looked confused. As if she was a stand-in. Or maybe an alien. Some body-snatcher. Only he wasn't frightened. She was having a hard time working out his expression as she'd really never seen it before, and particularly, never aimed in her direction. He said one word.
"Wow." It was reverent. Not a whisper. But barely a decibel above.
Again, her cheeks required no artificial pigmentation.
"Hey. You look…you certainly scrub up good, mister." she giggled nervously, feeling immensely awkward at her inability to properly compliment the chiseled image of Adonis before her. His every muscle hugged to perfection by the fabric covering it. How did you even begin to tell such perfection how perfect it was?
"You…Shane, I don't remember the last time I saw anyone look so beautiful." he frowned, as if trying to recall, then giving up with a smile, and leaning in to kiss her cheek. He lingered a moment to hug her, hold her as the day faded, breathe her in. She did the same. He was freshly showered and wearing cologne, as he often did, but it rarely hit her so solidly as it did tonight. She loved this scent. Woody, but earthy, with notes of bergamot, a kind of musky scent similar to amber, but more masculine, and something spicy that she loved. The combination exploded like an olfactory fireworks display.
The shirt was an unthinkably soft cotton (blended she thought perhaps with kitten, she could not stop touching it.) and the warmth of him radiated into her as his chest rose and fell over the course of his numerous breaths as they stood there holding each other and enjoying this feast for the senses.
"You ready for supper?" he asked, a faint but distinct rumble from his abdomen indicating that he most certainly was.
"Yes." she smiled up at him as he took her hand in his and led her to his truck. A Ford F150, the same sapphire blue as his shirt and his eyes. She was sensing a pattern, here. It wasn't the newest vehicle, but he had taken immaculate care of it. She felt shame for her own treatment of her Explorer, Bessie, which often functioned as storage shed, trash can, and sometimes, hotel, when she felt like a road trip on a shoestring budget. He walked her to the passenger side, opened the door for her, and helped her in, as the truck sat a bit higher than what she was used to.
"So, I have us a table saved at this great steakhouse just down the road. And then, it's supposed to be a nice night, I thought we could take a walk by the lake?"
It sounded perfect to her. Quiet and simple.
"Amazing. As long as your knee is up for a walk?"
"I've got all weekend to rest before getting tortured again." he smirked at her as he pulled the truck out of the parking lot and on the main road toward the interstate. "B'sides, who better to have with me if I start hurtin' than my PT?"
The emphasis he placed on the possessive pronoun, claiming her as HIS PT sent a delighted shiver through her that she blamed on the AC, which he promptly turned down.
He had his Spotify shuffling Kings of Leon at a low volume as they conversed lightly and pleasantly. Since it was an earlier model, even well equipped as it was, it wasn't quite ready for auxiliary or Bluetooth sound, so he'd bought one of those radio receivers that tune into an unused frequency and connect to your phone or iPod. She'd retrofitted her 2003 Ford Explorer in a similar fashion.
They were both caught a bit off guard when "Sex on Fire" came on, and tried valiantly to keep talking. But it was hard to hear anything but those lyrics. Singing of exhibitionism and dangerous sex acts that were definitely moving violations…and simply the sex being on fire. She was thankful, for once, that this song that she'd always found catchy without paying much attention to the actual lyrics, was now fading into the night as they pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant.
She remembered to wait for him to get the door for her, even though it had been ages since she'd been on a date or had any kind of romance whatsoever. He helped her down from her perch, giving her a gentlemanly moment to adjust her skirt before taking her hand and leading her into the building.
He opened the door and led her in by that lumbar lordosis that made everyone tremble and swoon. She was no exception just because she knew that part of your back was not actually called "the small" and she got perturbed when she heard it referred to as such.
"Welcome to Mark's, how can we help you?" the host greeted warmly.
"Reservation for Syverson." Sy piped up. She was used to being the voice in these situations. She was thankful not to have to for once. It was a small thing, but it was still nice.
"Right this way, folks." he grabbed two large menus, a mid sized one, and a small one, and led them to a cozy but still spacious two-top in a quiet corner of the dining area. The warm light was low and ambient, and there were real kerosene lamps on the tables, which she loved. It had the rustic ambiance of a cabin with all the refinement of any four+ star restaurant she'd ever been to. Not that she'd been to many.
"Here you are, the table you requested, and your menus. Have a look at them, and Katie will be out soon to answer questions and take your orders."
As he walked away, Sy pulled her chair out for her, and aided her sitting. His gentility was so refreshing to her, because it was so sincere and kind, and in no way oppressive or domineering, as some men seemed to use such gestures. Wielding them like a club rather than a feather. She was just used to seeing a certain side of him, teasing and silly as he was in therapy that this side of Captain Syverson, or as she may end up calling him one day, Logan, his given first name, if it pleased him, had taken her off guard.
"Nice place." she approved, looking around at he exposed beams of the ceiling and the iron and copper chandeliers and light fixtures on the wall. She also noticed quite curiously a copy of American Gothic by Grant Wood on one wall and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt on another. Such different styles to be displayed in one room. She really liked it though.
"It's one of my favorites. I try to come in every couple weeks or so." The fact that he liked steak on the regular was definitely a point in his favor. She loved it but rarely went out for it on her own. Eating out alone wasn't so bad, but it was hard to enjoy a steak dinner by one's self.
"What's your favorite cut?"
"Oh, I've tried most of them, and you can't go wrong." He assured her.
They had a crazy selection. Ribeyes, filets, sirloins, prime rib, all seasoned, smoked, topped and wrapped in every way you could imagine…it was like staring at the Netflix menu of steak. And much like she tended to do with Netflix, she relied on a classic favorite. After all, who goes for an obscure choice their first time at a new steak house?
"I'm keeping it simple and going for their prime rib and a baked potato."
"Ah, that's a perfect choice. We're getting some of their lobster mac and cheese to start, though. Unless you're allergic or something?" he added the disclaimer when he saw her eyes widen.
"Not at all, that sounds…"she was thinking "sexual," but decided instead on "heavenly."
Soon, Katie, a peppy, slender young redhead in black jeans she'd been poured into and a white T-shirt she had outgrown some time ago, descended upon their table with gusto.
"Howdy, I'm Katie and I get to take care of you fine folks this evening. What drinks and appetizers can I start y'all off with?"
Sy looked at Shane to prompt her to start.
"Sweet tea?" she half stated, half inquired. Katie nodded and jotted.
"Sure thing! Sir?" she thought her eyes sparkled when she looked at Sy…she couldn't blame her. But…she thought she could take her if she tried anything. She was certain there was a very sharp knife in the black napkin set-up at her right hand.
"Same for me, Katie. And we are also gonna need an order of your lobster mac to start and a bottle of your house cab."
"Fantastic. I'll be right back with the teas and wine after I put in for the lobster mac for ya, and then I'll take your meal order." she smiled brightly. Sy looked at Shane, though, as he replied "Wonderful."
Her instincts about the lobster mac and cheese had been spot on. She couldn’t contain her yummy noises of enjoyment which amused Sy to no end. She couldn’t imagine the steak any better.
About that, she had been completely wrong. It was so succulent, tender, and flavorful, she debated on whether or not the provided au jus and horseradish were even needed. They were also too good to resist, though.
Her potato, twice baked to the perfect tenderness had a salt brined skin, and a garlicky butter that just sung with the sour cream and chives. She was in food heaven, and even if that meant she was dead, it was fine.
He’d ordered the same entrée as she had, but took his baked potato…a bit differently.
“You don’t like sour cream?” She asked, nonplussed.
“Nah, I mean, I can eat it, but…it feels weird in my mouth. I prefer the au jus and butter, instead. It’s much more tasty.” He said, waggling his eyebrows.
“I guess I’ll take your word for it.” She laughed.
“You’re welcome to try mine when I get it all doctored you how I like it!”
She did, right from his fork. And he was right about it being so flavorful, but she preferred the mild, creamier texture of her own side with the savory notes of her steak.
They ate and enjoyed each other’s company and conversation.
“Ya know, Sy, I totally had you pegged as a beer man, instead of a wine guy.” She said, as she brought her own glass of the deep red liquid to her mouth and nose, inhaling the bouquet before she took her sip.
“Normally, you’d be right. With a burger, pizza, sometimes tacos or what not, definitely. But I can’t do beer with steak. It’s gotta be wine. Red. And full-bodied.” He held her gaze as he drank from his own glass. Why did he have to look at her like that when he said those kinds of words? Her cheeks were warm from more than the booze.
For desert, they shared a decadent marbled brownie/blondie a la mode. He’d had the idea to slide his chair so he was sharing a corner of the table with her, rather than looking across it at her. Purely so they didn’t have to keep sliding the dessert…not so their knees would brush against one another now and then, or so they could feel the heat radiating from one another’s bodies…but actually, exactly for those reasons.
“Last bite is to you, Sy.” She set her fork down, full to bursting.
“Are you kiddin’? My mama’d tan my hide if she knew I took the last bite from my date.”
“You’re being gallant, actually! Rescuing me from a certain belly ache.” She patted her small but slightly rounded tummy. She did like her food, and was no gym rat, after all. He didn't seemed to mind. Yet.
“How 'bout we share the last bite?” He suggested.
“Technically that’s not physically possible. Becau…”
He interrupted what was going to be an intellectual explanation of why no matter how small you cut up a bite, the remaining bit was still technically one bite, and couldn’t be shared.
“No. Shh. I know you’re smart. You got nothin’ to prove here. I’m gonna cut what’s left in half until I get a bite you’re willing to take. Okay?” She nodded.
He only had to take the fork to it twice before she conceded, also letting him feed her, feigning paralysis from the food coma. She held the fork tightly between her lips, making him work to pull it from her mouth. She looked innocent, but she was an intentional little shit.
“You're so cute when you eat.”
“Said no one ever!” She held her hand over her face.
“You are, though. You enjoy the food. Experience it. It’s like you’re…getting a story from it, or something. Like it’s…almost like it’s entertaining you, I don’t know. It’s just…beautiful.” He leaned his elbow onto the table, supporting his head in his hand as he looked at her.
"Well, sometimes I think I like food a little TOO much for my own good." she lamented, reaching for the cabernet only to have it snatched by her date. He uncorked it and dispensed a generous pour for her, and topped off his own glass, killing the bottle.
"No such thing. Like I said about the wine, full bodied is the way to go. Nothin' wrong with a little cushion." he winked at her. She could not resist finishing a rhyme she'd always heard about the desirability of curvy girls…for the pushin,' and hoped the flush in her cheeks from the wine was enough to disguise the deepening color from the current blush she was feeling thinking of Sy…pushin' her cushions…but something tipped him off to her distraction.
"What's on yer mind, sunshine?"
"I'm wondering if you're prepared to carry me on this walk we're planning, actually." It was possible to think more than one thing, after all. "I don't know how I'll ever even walk again."
"Ah, give it fifteen minutes. Finish up your sweet tea, and by the time we're done with our walk, you'll want an ice cream cone."
"Ha, doubtful." But she was ashamed to admit, ice cream already didn't sound bad. Vanilla…maybe pistachio….no, coffee! In a waffle cone…with fudge drizzle…and almonds…maybe she had a problem.
"You ready to go?" he asked.
She nodded. He flagged down Katie and gave her cash, and what one might call a benevolent tip. They left the warm steakhouse, and entered the breezy late summer evening, the humid air seeming thick with promises.
Up Next: Chapter Six-Sensory Integration 2
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Shaw’s 2020 Birthday R&S
🍒Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for an R&S which has not been released in EN!🍒
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The birthday event begins with MC in an antique store, in search of a moderately priced antique. She had asked Shaw for help since she’s been having difficulties finding one
Unexpectedly, Shaw gives her the keys to an antique store the next day, telling her to take whatever she wants
Even though MC knew early on that Shaw used to have a mentor who owned an antique store, she still feels strange about it - she’s unable to associate antiques, which are filled with rich history and culture, with Shaw
She wonders if Shaw visited this antique store regularly in his childhood
She notices that a drawer is open:
There are several yellowed exercise books lying inside, and “Shaw” is written on the bottom right corner of the covers in pencil.
MC: Could these be Shaw’s exercise books when he was young?
Curious, I take out these “major discoveries” from the drawer, my mind whirring with countless questions.  
At the back of my mind, I have a feeling that this place has a special meaning to Shaw.
MC: Maybe, for Shaw’s birthday…
While I’m thinking, something else in the drawer attracts my attention.
There are three copper coins, the colours antique, under sheets of writing paper. Covered in dust, they seem to be calling out to me voicelessly.
[Chapter 1: Exam Results]
At 4pm on a Friday afternoon, the math teacher wraps up her final point and closes the lesson plan.
The black board is decorated with the homework for the weekend. The teacher pushes up her spectacles. There is a big stack of exam papers on the table. “Last week’s exam scripts have been marked. Come and take them when I call your name.”
“This time round, most of you have improved. Only one student did not pass.” She takes up the exam script at the very top, flips it open, her eyes sweeping across the last row of the classroom, stopping at the seat at the very corner.
Hearing his own name being read, Shaw unwillingly stuffs the interesting comics underneath the table, taking his time to stand up. At the same time, the whole class cannot help but turn around and look at him evenly.
Sensing the surprised and teasing looks in their eyes, Shaw instead raises his head high and walks forward, stuffing a hand into his pocket with a devil-may-care attitude.
Taking the exam script from the teacher, Shaw stands in place, flipping through the script to look at the questions he got wrong.
Well, he did get more questions wrong than expected…
But math itself as a subject is annoying. It’s fine if he doesn’t do well.
He folds the exam script, folds it again, and again, before stuffing it into his pocket, turning around to return to his seat.
The teacher’s eyes unhappily trail behind Shaw, before she once again talks in a serious tone. “This time, everyone has to have their parents sign the exam script. I’ll check them on Monday afternoon.”
Shaw raises his eyebrows in mild disdain. It’s just a signature after all.
The old man copies the calligraphy of the Tang and Song dynasties so perfectly that even experts cannot tell. A mere signature wouldn’t be difficult.
He retrieves the stack of comics from underneath the table and puts them into his bag. With sufficient preparation for the end of school, he waits for the end-of-class bell to sound.
[Chapter 2: After School]
Entering June, the cicadas grow increasingly chirpier.
Over 60 years old, the antique shop shopkeeper sits on a rocking chair, fanning himself while checking Shaw’s homework. The prescription of his reading glasses is too shallow, and he has to squint. “The way you write this… Why does it look like a dog crawling. It’s so crooked.”
Shaw takes an eraser to erase a sentence he has copied wrongly. He cleans it till there is not a trace of it left. In an elevated volume, he answers, “It doesn’t matter if the words look ugly as long as I didn’t write it wrongly.”
While saying this, he feels through his pockets and takes out two exam scripts. “My teacher says this one needs a signature.”
Taking the script from him, the shopkeeper laughs until he rocks back and forth. “Kid, it’s fine if you don’t score well, but your luck couldn’t be any worse. Even if you take wild guesses, you couldn’t have gotten such low marks.”
He sits upright, sighing a few times. He folds up his fan and takes out a ball-point pen from his front pocket. With a practiced motion, he signs them.
He sighs deeply. “Shaw, since I’m not your parent, I shouldn’t be teaching you anything.”
Shaw had just closed his pencil box with a “pa”. Hearing his mentor sigh, he takes out his exercise books from his bag again, before returning to a state of studying. “All right, all right, I know what you’re going to say…”
“I won’t talk about big life lessons. Your school teacher would have talked about it more than I have. From today onwards, apart from the homework your teacher has given you, you are to write two pages worth of math questions, and copy a short essay every day. Only after you’re done will I teach you my craft.” He stands up, holding a tea cup and walking towards Shaw. “Whether you agree or not, give me an exact answer.”
Shaw doesn’t make a sound but merely furrows his eyebrows.
The shopkeeper laughs. “Just look at your capabilities - even a math question can stump you. If you can’t handle this small difficulty, how can you think of yielding something big?”
“I’ve never found math difficult. I simply don’t like math.” Shaw sets aside his exercise paper and takes out a brand new sheet. “Next time, I’ll let you sign an exam script that has 100 marks.”
“Wow, look who’s ambitious.”  
“Hmph, this is nothing.”
[Chapter 3: After School]
There is only one class on Wednesday afternoon. After school, Shaw carries his bag and runs towards the shop.
Once he enters, he sees his mentor eating some kind of medicine – small white and yellow pills in his palm.
“Why are you here at this time? Oh it’s… I forgot, it’s Wednesday today.” The shopkeeper talks while he turns around to walk into the kitchen. “Put down your bag and wash your hands. I bought a big watermelon!”
Shaw knows the old man has high blood pressure, some heart issues… He doesn’t have a concept of these things, but knows that it isn’t something good.
Without a sound, he puts his bag down and takes out his exercise books and practice questions.
“Don’t rush to do your homework, come eat some watermelon first.” The shopkeeper puts half a watermelon into Shaw’s arms and guides him to the outside of the store, bringing two small stools over for them to sit.
The watermelon, which was just taken out of the fridge, glistens with water droplets. The red flesh has a spoon stuck in it. Shaw scoops a big chunk from the middle. It’s very sweet.
The shopkeeper is also holding half a watermelon, but eats very slowly. Noticing Shaw staring at him, he sighs and shakes his head. “I’m old, so I can’t just eat these cold things…”
While saying this, he looks towards the drawer inside the store. “Your mentor is 62 this year.”
“When people become old, they love to talk about reason. They don’t want you to walk the crooked path they have because it’s a waste of time. You’re still young, so you think you have a lot of time to spare, so you don’t notice. I want to teach you that this is wrong. You need to spend the time of walking down a crooked path to do other things.”
After saying this, he points towards the whole street lined with antique shops. “You can’t just look at these. Learning calligraphy and painting today, and tomorrow jade, and thinking you’re living a serious life. Spending months and years to take care of this palm-sized shop – You can’t live like this. You are my disciple, and I will teach you all my skills. But apart from this, you still have to learn other things. Whatever you can learn, learn it all, and learn it well.
“You have to look at the big world, craft a career, aim higher, be more forward looking…”
He looks at Shaw affectionately. “Put in more effort, learn all my skills, and then get out of here!”
Shaw turns towards the watermelon and lets out a glum “humph”. “You’re old, but I’m still young. I still can’t differentiate plus minus multiply and divide. You’re old so you should be the one putting in more effort to live for a long time, so I can take my time to learn all these things.”
It’s summer, so the night comes late. The clock already signals the time as 6pm, but the light has not yet dispersed.
Shaw puts a brush back into the drawer, takes off his gloves and wipes the sweat off his forehead. “Old man, I’m hungry. Why not let me join you for dinner?”
In the kitchen, the shopkeeper is washing vegetables. He takes out a small box from the fridge, pulls back the curtains and returns to the shop.
“I didn’t cook your portion, but you can eat this if you’re hungry.” He removes the cover of the small paper box, and Shaw’s eyes widen.
“What, you think I wouldn’t remember your birthday?” The shopkeeper retrieves a cake from the paper box, and removes the plastic surrounding it. “Once you’re done eating, go home quickly!”
Shaw takes a spoon, muttering in a small voice, “It doesn’t matter if I go home late anyway.”
“Today is different. A child’s birthday is the same day as a mother’s suffering… But you’re too young and still can’t understand this. On other days it’s fine, but today is different…” The shopkeeper holds up his tea cup and goes to the counter.
[Note: The actual phrase is: “儿子生日母亲的苦日”, which doesn’t have a direct English translation. The meaning is that the day a child is born is also the day the mother suffers in childbirth to bring him into the world]
“I don’t know why adults don’t have an issue with you hanging out here all the time. But I can tell that you wear clean clothes every day, and that your shoes are polished. These are because of your parents. Let this old man add one line of reason – if you’re angry with your parents, you’ll regret it eventually.”
Shaw lowers his head, biting the spoon and says evasively, “No one’s angry with them.”
“You don’t call this being angry? It’s not that I’m picking on you, but boys should manage their tempers better. If you’re unhappy, you have to say it straight out, don’t just keep it boiling in your heart without a sound and then wait for someone to come coddle you. With your personality, in future, you’ll become a person who never speaks from the heart. Even when you’re with someone you like, you’d put on a front – That wouldn’t be good.”
“Old man, what are you thinking all day long?” Shaw retorts, not bothering to clean his mouth which has been dirtied with cream. “I will never have someone I like. I play soccer with a few guys in class, and they spend the entire day talking about who they like. It’s so annoying.”
The shopkeeper laughs at how Shaw says this with an air of righteousness. “Which is why I say you’re still young.”
Shaw digs into his cake and lets out a “hmph”. “I’m not young. I just haven’t grown taller.”
The shopkeeper sips his tea. “Guys do take longer to grow. Maybe you’ll be taller than me in two years.”
“Two years is way too long,” the plastic spoon dangles from Shaw’s mouth. “The best thing would be to wake up one day and suddenly be taller. Mm… I want to grow to this height. No.”
He stands on a chair, using his hands to gesture until he is satisfied. “At least here.”
The shopkeeper responds with a sweeping gaze, “That’s 180cm though.”
“180cm is very good.” Shaw sits back on the chair contentedly. “I’ll make a wish to grow to 180cm.”
[Chapter 5: Fate]
The shopkeeper looks at the clock on the wall, and slowly puts down his teacup.
“Since it’s your birthday, I’ll read your fortune.” He pulls open the drawer and takes out three old copper coins.
Shaw finishes up the last bite of cake and throws the packaging into a bin. “You’ve already read my fortune many times and the results are always the same. Yet you’re doing it again?”
The shopkeeper looks slightly down, but his voice remains calm. “I have nothing else to do anyway.”
The first throw, one heads and two tails.
The second throw, one heads and two tails.
The third throw, two heads and one tails.
…It’s really not much different from the last reading.
The shopkeeper shakes his head, his hand ready for the fourth throw. The copper coins fall on the table with a jingle, and a combination which has never been seen before appears – all three are negative.
“Wow, there’s a change!” The shopkeeper says in a higher pitch than usual.
In the middle of downing his drink, Shaw almost falls off his chair at the shopkeeper’s sudden outburst.
The jingles from the copper coins continue. The final two throws are no longer the same ones as before.
Shaw looks at the coins. “What does this mean?”
“It means that in the future, you will definitely not always be alone.” The shopkeeper rubs Shaw’s head with a bright smile on his face. “I was always worried about what would happen to you, with such a stubborn personality, if I weren’t around anymore…”
“Of course I wouldn’t always be alone. I’m not alone now.”
Shaw puts the three copper coins in his hands, looking like he doesn’t take the reading to heart – He has his family, pretty good friends, a few friends from the neighbouring class who buy tidbits with him. His life will continue this way.
Even though it’s a little boring, but he wouldn’t be alone.
“Also, old man, you won’t have any problems, and will definitely live for a very long time.”
Shaw speaks, and softly repeats the sentence, “You will definitely live for a very long time.”
The dusk has begun to settle outside. The shopkeeper holds the copper coins between his fingers, and gently sighs. “That’s why I say you’re still young.”
[Chapter 6: Birthday Present]
After packing his bag, Shaw looks at the clock on the wall – he should reach home by 7pm, just in time for dinner.
“You’re leaving already? You don’t want your birthday gift?”
The shopkeeper appears from behind the counter, tossing his gaze to the cupboard. “It’s been there for a whole day and you still haven’t found it yet.”
Usually displaying antiques, the drawer now has within it a box wrapped in colourful paper. Shaw curiously walks over and rips off the packaging, revealing a small wooden box.
A dark brown Rosewood bracelet rests in his hand.
In his eyes, this is something only an adult can have.
At his age, he would have received books, stationery, toys or models – none of which he likes.
He is always treated like a child, but he has grown up since a long time ago.
“This bracelet isn’t something expensive, it isn’t that much of an antique, but it is made of quality Rosewood.”
“If you’re bored, you can play with this, and learn to manage your temperament. You’re still young, so it’s fine if you’re still impatient and stubborn. But if you continue with this little attitude of yours, you’d lose out eventually.”
“In this line of work, you need to have patience. One, only when you manage your emotions would you remain focused. Two, good things come to those who wait.”
“The change in your life is also something you will have to wait for.”
These words completely fly over Shaw’s head. He puts the bracelet onto this wrist, coils it around multiple times until it can stay on.
“In future, no matter what you face, you have to be calm, and be patient.” The shopkeeper gently taps Shaw’s head, and frowns. “Have you committed all this to memory?”
Shaw rubs his head, his eyes still trained on his present, completely engrossed with it. “Ahh – yes I remember, I remember!”
“What do you remember?”
“Remember… that I have to hurry home for dinner!” Shaw turns around and grabs his bag, disappearing out of the shop. Before that, he raises the hand that dons the bracelet and waves.
The stars flicker, and the light is reflected in Shaw’s eyes. His eyes are smiling.
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radiorenjun · 4 years
Lavender Antics.
→ Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader
→ Summary: Shooting in a drama with him was your absolute nightmare. Working with your enemy and pretending that you were love interests has been the most frustrating experience of your life. Though, after saying your farewells, the scent of lavender never leaves.
→ Genre:enemies to lovers au, idol au, romance, angst, slowburn.
→ Warnings: Very hurtful words. Antics. Mentions of insecurity. Alcohol, Swearing, Making out. Suggestive?
→ Word Count: 3.5k
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→ Credits to: @c-sanshine for giving me reference photos
→ Chapter: 1, 2
As you ran your fingers through the soft petals of the lavender standing up right in the pot before you, you gazed up at the soft colours of the plant, admiring how calming they look basking underneathe the ray of sunshine.
"Hey!" a voice called out, tearing your gaze away from the plant towards the voice, you spotted a familiar male with a bright smile on his face. He showed that silly toothy smile of his, waving from the window of your bedroom, his other hand gripped the bike in his hands tightly to keep it steady.
It seems as if the world had stopped moving whenever the scent of lavender reaches your nose. "Ready for school?" the sound of his honey-smooth voice barely made through the glass. The scent of lavender never left you as you picked up your bag from your bag, slinging it over your shoulder with a soft grunt before walking out of your room.
You walked out of the house with a soft smile on your face at the sight of the boy, "you know, you didn't have to wait all day for me," you sighed, pushing his shoulder gently with your hand. "Oh I know. I'm just doing this so you could give me those delicious omelettes you usually prepare for me." he chuckled, earning a hard punch from you.
You ignored your friend's dramatic groans of pain as you went inside your garage where your dad was working to fix his car, grabbing your own bike and getting on with ease as you rode down the streets with nothing but the sound of the strong wind hitting your cheeks and the sound of the paddles of the bike.
"And cut! Take 10 people!" the director announced through his megaphone. You sighed, rubbing your eyes in exhaustion with your hands as you found the director's disappointed eyes glaring down at you from afar. You knew what was about to come with that look.
"Y/N, you forgot your line. Again." the director stated as he marched towards you. You took a deep breath, looking down at the floor in shame. "I know, I know. I'm sorry," you groaned, your voice evident of exhaustion. "It's just-" you tried to reason before the director cuts you off with a sigh, rubbing his temples with his fingers.
"Listen, take a break and go home. You're done for the day anyway, you look as if you had slept for decades. Maybe that'll help you get back to your senses," he suggests with a small smile. "But-" you tried to reason, gripping your script in your palms only to have it snatched away from your grip. "Na-uh, Y/n. Mr. Director is always right!" the boy from earlier, your best friend in the whole studio, Yang Jeongin, tutted with a shake of his head.
"Go rest or eat, you look like you're about to faint. We can't have you, the star of the show, become the next Sleeping Beauty, can we?" Jeongin joked. "Was that suppose to be a joke or an offer? You know very well I wouldn't miss the chance to just collapse on a bed and be willing to sleep 1000 years." you rolled your eyes sarcastically, erupting a laugh from the director.
"You should recite your lines with someone who's equal to your levels of acting, y/n. It might help you and them improve at acting," the director suggested, looking at your script once he struggled to get it out of Jeongin's grip.
"Oh yeah? And who would that be?" you asked, unbothered as you grabbed your cup of cold milk and brought it to your dry lips. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe Jisung?" he spoke with such calmness that you couldn't help but widen your eyes as you choke out the milk.
"What? Han Jisung?" you croaked in a hoarse voice. "You two are love interests in this drama, you might as well recite lines with each other to help each other improve and to get a better outcome for the drama" he said with a shrug. How could he suggest something so vile with a casual tone?
Jeongin couldnt contain his laughter as his gaze to your shocked, open-mouthed expression laced with 'are you serious?' all over it. He howled with laughter as the director looked at the both of you in confusion, not knowing what was the problem.
"What's wrong?" he asked, finally looking up from the script. "Sir, are you serious? That man hates me! I hate him! We both hate each other! I swear I'd rather go crying and bawling my eyes out in public!" you exclaimed. "That delirious donkey from Shrek couldn't even hold his hatred towards me to save his life!"
"I'm right here, L/N. I'm not deaf, I can hear your dying whale of a voice from Pluto." a familiar voice hissed behind you. You gasped silently in alarm, turning your body to come face to face with Han Jisung and all of his amazing glory.
"Jesus Christ, what are you, a sasaeng fan? Don't creep up on people like that, it's rude!" you exclaimed angrily as Jisung calmly sips his expresso, glaring down at you with pure boredom in his eyes. With a raise of his eyebrows, he let out a smirk, "Jesus Christ, what are you, a shallow snob? Don't talk trash bout people behind their backs like that, it's rude." he mocked, showing his pearly white teeth.
"See!" you turned towards the manager who was looking at you two with an unamused expression. "He hates me!" you exclaimed, "says the girl who talked trash about me first!" Jisung hissed in response.
Jeongin, during your bickering, was having the time of his life, laughing at all of the drama that was happening before him. "Oh my God, you two deserve an Oscar. You two act so lovey dovey when you're in that 'platonic state' on set while here in real life you're bickering like an old married couple, it's priceless!"
"Jeongin!" the two of your exclaimed angrily. The director gave out a soft sigh before walking away from the whole arguement, not wanting to cause some trouble since he had other errands to do.
"By the way. In a week, we're going to shoot somewhere in Tokyo for the camping scenes since you guys are gonna have more screen time there. I already informed your managers bout it, therefore you just need to go over the details of the scripts I gave you this morning." the director spoke in a serious tone as he walked away.
"What? For how long?!" Jisung whined loudly, making the director sigh and look back at the boy with an unamused expression. "It's only a month, then we'll be back to shoot here for the last few episodes," he replied shortly before bolting off somewhere to answer his ringing phone.
"You kidding me?" you mumbled to yourself, scratching your neck. "A whole month with you? I barely last 10 hours!" you groaned as Jisung rolled his eyes at you. "Shut up, y/n. I'm as thrilled as you are bout being stuck with your whiny ass for 30 days straight." he spat, his head turning to give you a death glare.
"Whatever, you ass. I'm going to my trailer and get my stuff so I can squeeze in some practice before Kiyeon locks me out from the dorm from the inside again." you huffed, grabbing your jacket which you placed hanging on the chair nearby.
"No one asked, y/n." Jisung replied, a small smile appearing on his face. You muttered incoherent swear words under your breath as you stretched to put on your jacket and head to the makeup room. "What did you say?" he asked with a smirk. You look back at him with half lidded tired eyes, giving him the middle finger before turning to walk away.
"Shut it, donkey"
Since you were a part of a girl group named Mythical Refrain in SM Entertainment, you still had to practice for your upcoming comeback for a few hours. God, can life get any tiring? You went out of the car after you parked it right outside of your dorm.
After a whole 6 hours of practice and 8 hours of filming, you felt like you could sleep through the whole decade. Your feet ached with every step you take, your muscles were sore from all the dancing and your voice was hoarse from the loud singing.
Your hand twisted the doorknob and your body came in contact with the fresh air conditioned room. As you entered, you slipped off your shoes and tossed your jacket to the sofa. You collapsed onto the soft cushions with a loud exhausted groan, ignoring the sound of your leader, Cheonsa, typing away on her laptop.
"Yeah, but you should get some rest if you ever want to perform again." your eyes glanced over to her bandaged ankle laying on a pillow on the floor. "Says the person who smells and looks like shit," she laughs, finally taking a break from the typing to look at your messy figure.
"Welcome back! How's your day?" she greeted, taking a sip of her coffee. "It's like 1 Am why are you drinking coffee?" you asked, looking up as you lay your chin on the pillow. "Wow. Not even a 'hello' or 'my day went absolutely shit and tiring'? Also, just because my ankle is injured, doesn't mean I get to slack off and not produce more music, Y/n." she chuckled, not tearing her gaze away from her laptop.
"Wouldn't want that boy to ruin your pretty mane, huh?" she teased, going back to her endless typing. "Shut up! You better go fucking rest or else I'll tell manager-nim that you stayed up writing and making songs again." you laughed, moving to the fridge to grab a cold bottle of water.
"You look as if you just dug yourself out of a graveyard. What did that director made you do?" she jokes. "It wasn't me, that terrible bastard couldn't stop bothering me I almost pulled my hair out" you complained, finally getting up to grab a towel.
"That cute rapper from Stray Kids? What was his name, again? Jinseul?" she asked with a comforting smile on her exhausted face. "It's Jisung and he's a fucking donkey. But, yeah, it is because of him." you grumbled, clutching the pillow in your fists at the thought of him. "He's really pretty though," Cheonsa chuckled.
"Excuse you, Ms. I-have-a-secret-boyfriend." I added in a sarcastic tone, making her laugh. "Oh hush, I'm 23. I wouldn't be dating someone younger than me, I feel old enough when fans call me noona during fansigns." she jokes, making you giggle at the memories you had. "But still, I look like shit when he ruffled my hair when I was on the way to the dance studio" you complained.
You entered your shared room to see your roommate, Haneul, playing on her nintendo switch. "Hey, you're back! How was the shoot?" she said, sticking her tongue out in concentration. "Stressful" you replied, turned on the shower and laying your hand under the running water to test the temperature.
"As your leader, the Mythical Refrain's most trusted, I'm doing what's best for the group and our fans. Therefore, you are not going to get rid of me that easily and go take a shower you piece of shit!" she exclaimed, throwing a pillow at you. You laughed as you ran for your life to miss that one single pillow that was thrown at you.
"You know. In a week, I'm going to be flying to Tokyo for a shoot. Wouldn't be back in a month, so don't miss me too much." you joke, grabbing the pillow on the floor and placing it back on the couch. "Trust me, we wouldn't even think about you for those 30 days of freedom. Have you told PD-nim yet?" she asked with a laugh.
"I don't think so. But the director and manager-nim said they'll take care of it. They'll announce that I'll be on hiatus during our promotions for the following month," you picked the dirt off of your nails as you spoke, hearing Cheonsa let out a hum in response.
"A hiatus announcement? Isn't that a bit too far? I mean, Park Jinyoung from Got7 and D.O from EXO didn't go on breaks when they shot their dramas." she asked with furrowed brows. "It's a pretty long drama. With three idols in the same drama!" you exclaimed, stretching your arms out as you collapsed once again into the cushions. "I see. Now go sleep and take a shower," Cheonsa nodded her head towards the direction of your room.
You huffed at her stern tone, pushing yourself up as you glared at your leader who was typing aggressively on the keyboard l with no intentions of stopping anytime soon. You sighed before walking away.
"Is it because of that boy?" she yelled through the sound of running water. You felt your blood boil at the sound of his name being mentioned, your mind replaying the many insults and arguements that happened today. All because of that donkey.
"That boy, or in my case, donkey, is the reason why Im losing hair!" you exclaimed in a dramatically angry tone. "No wonder, I thought you were just bleaching your hair too much that it burned off" she laughed. "Very funny, Haneul. Could you pass me my phone? It's in my dufflebag." you asked.
"Chill out, y/n. Boys are wierd anyways. But like, he's your sunbaenim. Shouldn't you at least, attempt to be nice?" she chuckled, walking into the bathroom to hand you your phone. "Im always nice to him. He started the arguements, anyways!" you shot back.
"You're no different, y/n. You called him a donkey less than 30 seconds ago." she chuckled, crossing her arms on her chest. "Well he is a donkey. Very accurate to the one in the Shrek movie!" you laughed.
"What? I'm just stating facts, who knows, it might actually happen in real life. Plus, I'm disgusted at their public display of affection. Ten is actually a good dude to hang out with," she grinned, leaning her head against her palm. "Hanuel. I have a toothbrush nearby and I will not hesitate to shove it down your throat! I shoved a paintbrush down someones mouth and I'm not afraid to do it again!" you threatened.
"This is ridiculous. Sooner or later you will have to do some lovey-dovey stuff with him on set, since you know-" she taunted with a smirk. "Don't even say it." you clenched your jaw at the thought. Sooner or later you'd have to kiss Han Jisung, you'd rather lick the bathroom floor.
Haneul couldn't stop staring at you with wiggling eyebrows and that annoying smirk across her face. "God, you're disgusted whenever Cheonsa brings her boyfriend in the dorm but you're, somehow, not disgusted bout shipping me with a guy I hate?" you complained.
Hanuel giggled, waving off your small threat with her hand. "Sure, go shower. You reek of boys," she chuckled with a raise of her eyebrow, exiting the bathroom. . "I'm going to go sleep. And I advise you to do the same after you shower, considering you have a photoshoot tomorrow." Her head popped out from the door way. "What photoshoot?" you asked with a slightly raised voice. "You know, that photoshoot for our next comeback concept?" she stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "That's tomorrow? I thought I'd finally have half the day off" you groaned, running a hand through your hair in frustration.
You let out a loud scoff for her to hear before shutting the bathroom door and proceeded to take a cold shower.
"Bitch, you thought. It's only a couple of hours. Plus it's near the set so you could immediately head to there after you're done," she shrugged. "Oh my god," you groaned, rubbing your eyes. "How many episodes have you shot? The whole group wants to watch and 'clown you'. Cheonsa's words, not mine," she teased.
"Probably not much. Since I have to go to Tokyo next week!" you snapped, clenching your fists. "Woah, Tokyo? I wanna come!" Haneul exclaimed in astonishment. "You've been there, why are you acting as if you're a child locked up in some prison cell? We debuted a year ago and just finished our tour, for fucks sake!" you exclaimed.
"Why though?" she asked, ignoring your statements. You gave out a big exasperated sigh, "I have to shoot some scenes there for a month. So I won't be joining Mythical Refrain's promotions this month," you rubbed your face in frustration.
,"Oh. Well look on the bright side! At least you get to go sightseeing in Tokyo. The last time we were there, we barely had time to go around." Hanuel exclaimed with a bright smile. You grabbed the nearest toothbrush and raised it over your head angrily, causing Haneul to let out a small squeak and running to her bed.
Tomorrow was gonna be a heavy day.
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"You're late, y/n." Jisung chuckled as you sat down on a chair in front of the mirror in the make up room. "I am aware of that, Jisung. It's not like I don't know how to tell time." you spat angrily as a make up artist approached you with brushes in hand.
"I know. Just thought that I'd remind you," he grinned. You rolled your eyes at him as the soft brush slide against the skin under your eye, covering up your eye bags with foundation. You grabbed your script and started reading, ignoring Jisung's eyes on you.
"What do you want now?" you sighed, looking away from your paper to give him a half lidded stare. "You look like shit, even with makeup on. No offense Eunbi, you're doing a great job" Jisung smiled at the makeup artist who just chuckled and continued on with her job.
"God, why didnt I just get my make up done in the trailer?" you mumbled to yourself, feeling soft pats on your shoulder given by your makeup artist. "Yeah, why didn't you? I lost my appetite just breathing the same air as you," Jisung mumbled loud enough for you to hear.
"Can it, you dick-" you growled, about to say some random comeback when the director came in with a wide smile. "Jisung! Y/N! Be out in 5, alright?" he exclaimed before shutting the door.
Your makeup artist bowed at you before exiting as well to catch up with the other makeup artists. "Great. See you there, y/n." Jisung laughed at your pouty expression after being cut off.
You groaned in annoyance as you watched his figure skipping out of the make up room, sticking your tongue out at him despite his back turned to you. You read through your script once again before getting up to walk through the door.
You jogged towards the set, highfiving your co-stars who gave you encouragement to do well on the next scenes, making you smile. Of course, that smile faltered when you remembered it was a scene you had to do with Jisung and you being friendly.
Your eye twitched at the thought as the staff gave you the school bag you were suppose to use for this scene since you played the roll of a young highschool girl. You gave Jeongin a thumbs up who responded with a salute as you walked up with a stem of lavender in hand.
You stood on the sidewalk as a few people came up to retouch your make up. You sighed, looking back at Jisung who was playing his phone to wait for his appearance on camera. Once you felt the soft feeling of sponges caressing your skin, you took a deep breath and clapped.
"You ready?" the director yelled through his speaker. "Hell yeah!" Jisung exclaimed from afar, tucking his phone into his pocket as he waved his hand with a thumbs up. "Let's get it! " you clapped enthusiastically before getting into position.
You see the lights being adjusted to get a better lighting of your surroundings to give it an aesthetic vibe. You cracked your knuckles and took deep breathes, reciting your lines to yourself in your head.
"Camera." You heard the sounds of camera being moved to your position, carefully recording your movements, your mistakes, and your acting. You gave a little smile at the staff who gave you a thumbs up.
"And action!"
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 256: Fucking Superb You Funky Little Hero Eggs
Previously on BnHA: Aizawa and Mic’s frankensteined best friend Shirakumo, better known to us as Kurogiri, had his memories briefly restored through the Power of Friendship, and was all “YO Y’ALLS BETTER GO CHECK OUT THOSE HOSPITALS” before his head started steaming like a tea kettle and he randomly fell asleep. Aizawa and Mic were all “!!” and Aizawa was all “(ಡ ﹏ ಡ)” and Mic was all “Aizawa are you crying” and Aizawa was like “NO!!!” and then they left the prison and Nao called HPSC Lady who called Hawks and was all “eck-chay ethay ospitals-hay” because Hawks, as you recall, is still a secret agent and all that. Anyway so Hawks was all “EUREKA!!” in his head which doesn’t really add up but hey, and then the chapter ended with Dr. Ujiko dancing in sadistic glee as he watched Tomura get all mad scienced. It was pretty freaky. I could use some wholesomeness right about now so let’s see if this chapter will deliver.
Today on BnHA: Class 1-A shows off the fresh skills they learned during their assorted internships, such as “determination”, “enhanced search techniques”, and “becoming a literal blob of acid.” The Wonder Trio is a particular highlight, and All Might is all “my little baby off to destroy people :’)” as he watches Deku shred a robot to pieces using Blackwhip. We then cut to Aizawa and Mic, who may or may not be planning some rogue vigilante style investigations of the whole Noumu thing, or maybe they’re just brooding, but either way they’re interrupted by Mirio and Tamaki who come running in to get them to stop Eri’s quirk from going haywire, which, yikes. The chapter then ends with All Might handing Deku a notebook full of DETAILED, CATALOGED INFO ABOUT THE PAST SUCCESSORS AND THE FUCKING SIXQUIRKS. We just have to wait two more weeks to find out what that’s all about. 2020’s got some fucking zip to it so far huh.
so it’s about a quarter past 7 right now and it’ll be a miracle if I can have this recap up by 10pm tonight. surprisingly the wait for this chapter didn’t really bother me, but this Sunday/Monday release schedule is really doing a number on my punctuality. but anyways we’ll figure it out eventually. if memory serves, there’s about a 90% chance that this week’s jump will also be a double issue, so that gives me another extra week to get my shit together lol
(ETA: so that wasn’t too far off actually! I think a three-hour turnaround time isn’t bad for 3000 words lol. and actually it was more like two hours of reading/blogging and one hour of editing/photo cropping. anyway so in all likelihood either Sunday or Monday night releases will become the norm, depending entirely on how busy that particular Sunday is. not quite the same as getting the chapter on Friday and having the whole weekend to ruminate over it but we will adjust!)
anyway, so I’m somehow remarkably unspoiled for this chapter despite it having been out for nearly a week and a half at this point. so that’s something! let’s see what we’ve got here
yaaaay my babies
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All Might was offering free cotton candy, yes? I didn’t expect we’d cut right back to this lol, but you sure won’t see me complaining. I want to see what everyone else learned during their internships, and also what with the break and the last couple chapters being Tartarus-focused, it’s been about a month since I last saw my little hero eggs, and of course I missed them I’m only human
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did the original dialogue really reference Skynet. Horikoshi truly gives no fucks about copyright. like one or two episodes ago the anime made some copyrighted reference which you could clearly hear in the Japanese but which the English subs hilariously glossed right over. I’m trying to remember what it was now. damn. anyways we millennials can never resist a good pop culture reference, facts
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is... what’s... ldkfj okay nothing to see here guys just the naked invisible chick getting all friendly with Aoyama’s beam boner. just manhandling his sparkle shaft. there are children reading this manga. I mean, they’re already mentally scarred from all the dead dogs and child quirk wine and whatnot, but still at what point do we put our goddamn foot down
anyway so somehow she’s redirecting his laser beam?? I guess with her light refracting quirk skills?? great job Hagakure with your help Aoyama can finally shoot lasers at stuff that’s behind him. you’ve mastered the power of making it so that he doesn’t have to turn around great job truly an internship well spent
“now I can yank light and warp it!” you go girl now you can whip that thing around like it’s a fucking fire hose I guess
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is it too late for Mina to actually change her name to Acidman. what is she calling herself now again?? Pinky?? come on Mina strike some fear into the hearts of your enemies
and now All Might and the others are applauding. I don’t see Shouto’s cotton candy anymore. boy fucking inhaled that shit
oh wow, they interned under Yoroi Musha? if memory serves me, and I’m honestly not going to bother to check right now, isn’t that the samurai dude who somehow beat Ryuukyuu in the billboard charts? not that I’m still salty about that, oh wait I absolutely am but anyways
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IS THAT SOME KIRIMINA CONTENT UP IN MY PANELS. hot damn that is some cute fucking shit. Mina better not get any undue hate for this. everyone please remain calm this cute interaction does not threaten your ship in any way (unless you want it to in which case have at!!) and we can all have fun if we just play nice you guys
lmao All Might
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so Satou and Ojiro learned how to punch harder and stuff. again, it’s fine, we can’t all be Acid Men. but meanwhile they interned with some lion guy named Shishido whom I INSTANTLY LOVE so that’s badass. only one character away from Shishida though, but that’s Horikoshi for you
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meanwhile Sero, Kami, and Mineta learned how to literally kill people with their quirks flkdjsflk
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(ETA: btw I really love that Mt. Lady’s internship emphasized teamwork. now there’s someone who’s come a really long way her own self. anyway I stan and she had better join the other two in the the top 10 real soon. come on BnHA society get with it.)
damn Mt. Lady what the fuck. “if you guys work together you can suffocate and electrocute villains to death with ease!” the government’s plan really is working huh; these children have become bloodthirsty, ruthless killers in a shockingly short period of time
anyways so Iida as we all recall learned how to be more footloose and fancy free, and meanwhile Kouda learned “smooth communication” from Wash, the literal washing machine man whom I also don’t still harbor a grudge against for inexplicably beating my dragon queen in the hero polls, and once again that is a lie because fuck you Wash! you’re adorable but fuck you!!
man this is taking forever why are there so many kids in this class. for anyone wondering why Horikoshi doesn’t focus on class 1-A as a whole more often and leaves them as supporting characters, this right here is why. I love these children to death but we would still be stuck in the basement arc. oh my god I just shuddered
Tokoyami mastered “improvement on all fronts” because I guess he kind of peaked at flying when it came to new moves huh. that’s fine for now
and Kiri mastered “making baddies lose the will to fight real quick” which sounds like some bullshit you’d write while desperately trying to pad your hero resume, except that it’s accompanied by this convincing panel of him chomping a steel bar in two or some shit which YIKES
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can confirm, if some demonic rock man came trotting up to me and snapped off some railing from some stairs and fucking snapped it like a twig with his GIANT FOSSILIZED DINOSAUR TEETH, I’d lose my will to fight pretty quickly too
and Ochako and Tsuyu learned “determination” smdh. Horikoshi did you fucking fall asleep towards the end of this segment or what
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excuse me did she just create a bunch of fucking dynamites. is that what those are. is my girl encroaching on my young son’s turf. because if she is, ENCROACH, MOMO, ENCROACH! FEEL FREE TO FUCKING IMPINGE, EVEN!! god, and I know I was bitching just a moment ago about these “lessons” becoming increasingly vague and intangible and motivational poster-y, but I read Momo and “predicting and acting efficiently”, and my thoughts immediately ran to Nighteye and Mirio’s fighting styles, and I was like “YESSSSSSSSS” because, I mean. YES, though
meanwhile Kacchan has learned...
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this fucking -- I swear -- YOU LEARNED WHAT YOUR FUCKING HERO NAME IS GOING TO BE YOU TROLLING PIECE OF SHIT. oh my god. Katsuki I swear to god I will take your internet privileges. NO SRIRACHA FOR A WEEK UNLESS YOU TELL ME WHAT IT IS
oh for fuck’s sakes
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don’t mind him he learned boom with five b’s and three oo’s what did you all do this week. and somehow Todoroki learned how to be even more fabulous
so All Might’s looking on in pride and giving Endeavor some mental props, and waiting for Deku to go do his thing too
sdfkj he’s thinking about the day he gave Deku THE HAIR and that “[it] feels like ancient history now.” DOESN’T IT THOUGH?
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“you don’t look back at me anymore... and you don’t need to.” oh Aizawa’s dry eye has spread to me now huh. must be those January allergies. and that’s some nice bloop there kid. great jorb
someone tell All Might he’s not allowed to look on at Deku with this much fatherly love without giving me at least a week’s notice in advance
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sigh. now you’ve done it you two I’m going to become a big cat blob of feels right here and it’s all on you. you did this
oh my god a whole big panel of reactions from the other kids and I’m ( ˊᵕˋ )
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lol Kacchan can’t agree with anything even if it’s a compliment. and lmao, who the fuck was that who was all “TODOROKI FINALLY YOU’RE A FAST FUCKING HIMBO HUH!” like they really went and put that “finally” in there, like they were so fucking tired of Todoroki Shouto and his LANGUID FUCKING PACE all the fucking time, GOD, FINALLY SOME SPEED BOY WE WERE DYING OUT HERE
Mineta being happy for Deku also warms my heart, ngl. we’ve gone almost an entire chapter with Mineta not doing anything even remotely perverted, can it be, has Horikoshi finally chilled the fuck out. or did I just jinx it we shall see
also love how Deku is just reduced to an inkblot here and it still is him beyond any shadow of a doubt. and poor Sero, you are also being impinged on huh
lmao Mineta’s just socking Deku in the solar plexus out of comradery and Deku’s fucking vomiting on reflex and not even paying the slightest attention wtf
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I love this panel there I said it
so he’s going over and thanking Ochako for “that time” and says he’s using Blackwhip a lot better now. I assume he’s referring to when he first unlocked it and went hog wild and she was all “smh” and went and hugged him to put an end to that nonsense
oh, right!!!!
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I forgot about those!! looool Horikoshi’s 2020 resolution is to make everyone Spider-Man now huh. hey everyone guess what I LOVE THIS
oh my god this wholesomeness
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I fucking can’t?? yo I’m seriously living for this? I don’t get why some people think Deku inhibits Ochako’s character growth tbh. or that her story is becoming all about him. if it is, then it’s in the same way that Bakugou’s is. Deku keeps inspiring her to be better, ain’t nothing wrong with that. yes she has the crush, and she’s honest with herself and in tune with her emotions enough to be aware of it and to acknowledge it, but she refuses to be distracted by it. I actually really like that, because it shows that romantic feelings can actually exist and not be the central focus of a character’s story or their development. and I think the fear is that it somehow will become the focus, but so far I haven’t seen that happening, so it seems unwarranted to me
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shit’s cute
oh no Mineta’s doing something weird I fucking did jinx it I’m sorry guys. it’s a fucking fistbump dude relax
so All Might seems to be dismissing them now, and he’s saying something about how he reordered (?? rescheduled, maybe??) class so that Aizawa can watch later. that’s nice. he’ll need something to cheer him up, and if Acidman can’t do the trick I don’t know what can
and now we’re cutting back to the dorms!! dorm shenanigans yessssss
oh no shit wait
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these are not playful dorm shenanigans these are depressed Miczawa shenanigans to bring me down. nnnn
but Aizawa fucking knows something is up now, shit. that’s right son your babies are in danger
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and (2) is “have a karaoke contest” code for “fuck shit up” or what. son of a bitch, having these two so personally invested in the Noumu arc now is such an unexpected and wonderful gift
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(ETA: but you all know Aizawa was about to say “I’d go and fuck shit up” though.)
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oh my fuck that sweater is the cutest fucking thing and this girl has had no shortage of cute outfits let me tell you. BUT ANYWAY SHE’S SCARED AND CRYING NOOOO. holy shit her horn is fucking huge now I don’t feel comfortable with this at all, and Nejire is Best Mom for not giving a single fuck and holding and comforting her regardless of the risk, I love her so much
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PALPABLE RELIEF. boys I’m sorry it was wrong of me to yell, you did the right thing interrupting their sexy brooding
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it means you constantly amaze him!! you have so much potential he doesn’t even know what the limit might possibly be! don’t act like you don’t love it. or stop being so suspicious and trying to look for the hidden meaning and just accept the praise for what it is. you did good. now ask him if he’s heard any news about Best Jeanist :/
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that’s right, he was researching and making faces a while back, are we finally gonna find out what all that was about??
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shit. well I know it was coming, that’s another reason why I didn’t feel particularly rushed to read this chapter lol. I kinda wish I’d had the foresight to save the Korean scanlation though, just to compare. ah well it’s probably still lying around somewhere
and lol and here’s the bonus page, and this one I did see floating around tumblr haha
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I’m not sure how the three smartest kids in class are all present and yet not one of them had the foresight to consider that maybe, just maybe, this could be a bad idea. let’s let the kid with the combustible sweat handle the mochi I’m sure it’ll be -- [everyone immediately dies]. anyway so that’s some good friendly advice from Horikoshi there. happy new year friends!
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Wasteland, Baby, Chapter 1 (Crygi, Nicky x Jaida) - Metaluna
A/N: Hey, everyone! Here’s chapter two. Just to self plug, I made a tumblr for my writing, and you can find me on ao3 as metaluna. 
chapter summary: Crystal confides her insecurities about the end of the world with a  friend. Gigi and her friends make their own plans, and meet a bubbly blonde along the way
After shutting off the TV and downing her glass of wine, Gigi turned off her tablet. Even though she totally didn’t believe it, because there’s no way the world was ending, she went to the fridge and grabbed an entire bottle. After taking off the cork, she went to pour it into a glass before electing to drink straight from the bottle.
When she returned to the couch, she turned the TV onto the Real Housewives of Some City. Gigi was too numb to pay attention or care which city. She wasn’t sure why, because none of it was real. None of the catty fights were holding her attention. She was just staring at the TV mindlessly chugging wine.
Right as she finished the bottle, she heard a knock on the door. Gigi managed to stumble her way to the door.
“Oh my god, what are you guys doing here?” Gigi slurred.
Standing at the door were her two best friends, Jaida and Nicky.
Nicky raised an eyebrow. “Having fun tonight?”
“Shut up.”
Jaida and Nicky both took one of Gigi’s arms and led her to the couch.
“Did you guys hear the world is ending?” she laughed. “Alexa, play It’s the End of the World as we Know it!”
“Chile, what are you doing?” Jaida questioned, genuinely concerned. She knew her friend enjoyed a glass of wine, but rarely did she get drunk. Gigi was too much of a control freak to ever willingly lose control.
The night that Jaida befriended Gigi was the only night she’d ever seen her drunk. It was at an after party for GG Designs’ first fashion show. Jaida was one of the models who walked in the show. That night, Jaida went into the bathroom to fix an eyelash when she saw a skinny blonde girl fumbling around looking like she was about to be sick. Jaida realized that the skinny blonde girl was the one who gave her a job.
Right as she put her hand on the door to leave Gigi lost her liquor narrowly avoiding Jaida’s Louboutins. She was genuinely concerned at how such a small person could hold so much vomit. Jaida spent the rest of that night holding back Gigi’s hair while she continued to throw up.
Ever since, they were best friends. The bond of a sober girl and a drunk girl in the bathroom knows no bounds.
“The world is ending! Who cares?”
“Gigi,” Nicky began. Her tone harsh. “We don’t know that. We don’t know what any of this is.”
Gigi dramatically took the remote from the couch and flipped until she found a news station.
“—fallout shelters are going to be available. The starting rate will be 10,000 dollars per person. They are available to reserve online.”
“Fallout shelters? Goddamn.” Nicky adjusted herself in her chair. “This has got to be pretty serious.”
“Who knows? It’s not like I pay attention to the news!”
“Gigi shut up,” Jaida lightly swatted her friend’s warms. “Is this something that we should look into?”
Jaida and Nicky discussed the pros and cons. Gigi chimed in occasionally, not adding anything of any value, other than that she was willing to pay for all of it. The three decided that their best option was to stay safe in a shelter just in case. There was one not far from them in LA. Check in was the next day.
Jaida and Nicky made it back to their studio apartment. They tucked a very wine drunk Gigi in on the couch. They knew their friend well enough that once she was sober, she would be in a better headspace. Before they left, they packed a bag for her.
Now, they had to the same for themselves.
Nicky sighed. “How are we supposed to pack up our whole lives? How do we even know this is going to happen?”
Jaida kissed her girlfriend’s forehead. “I know, baby. I hope it’s nothing. I really do. But just in case we need to be ready.”
Nicky looked at Jaida while she was packing. She loved her girlfriend so much. The models had Gigi to thank for their relationship. Gigi met Nicky a few months after she’d met Jaida. They met at a fitting Nicky had for an upcoming shoot for GG Designs.
After they talked, Gigi realized that she and Jaida would be a good match. After a month of protesting from both sides, they finally agreed to meet. The chemistry was instantaneous, and they started dating a couple of weeks later.
Once they finished packing, they sat on the couch together. Jaida rested her head on her girlfriend’s shoulder. They sat and said nothing. Both of them were trying to take in their surroundings. Neither of them wanted to forget what a single inch of that tiny apartment looked like.
A month into dating, Nicky’s lease ended, and Jaida couldn’t stand living with her roommates for another minute. The two of them became a stereotype and moved in together. There were so many memories in that apartment. The first meal they cooked together. The first time Jaida said she loved Nicky. The time they almost set their kitchen on fire. The walls were lined with memories that were about to be left behind.
Nicky and Jaida sat together for as long as they could.
Nicky nudged Jaida. “Babe, we have to go eventually.”
Jaida felt a tear run down her face. “Okay.”
“I know that this is home. I thought France was home. Home is when we are together.” She wiped Jaida’s tear. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
With one last look, the couple left their apartment for the last time.
Gigi didn’t know what to expect with the fallout shelter. It was beyond anything she would have imagined. The whole area was surrounded by a large barb wired fence. There were armed guards at each of the doors. The exterior looked like an army barracks. She could only imagine what the inside looked like.
They walked up to a scary looking man who was checking people in at the gates.
“It should be three for Georgiana Goode?”
“Go ahead. Here’s a map. I marked your room. It’s a four person bedroom. You will have a random roommate who is also female. There’s an itinerary as well. Do not miss orientation tonight.”
The shelter was bigger than Gigi thought it would be. There were four different buildings, and each building had 25 rooms. Each building had a community bathroom, a common area, a gym, and a dining hall. Their room was next to the dining hall. The bedroom was very cramped. Gigi’s dorm in college felt like it had more space. There were two bunk beds. The furniture looked like what would be at a cheap roadside motel, a stark contrast to Gigi’s chic home. She tried her hardest to hide her disgust for the place.
“I knew it was not going to be much but wow,” Nicky said, testing the cheap mattress.
“I mean…” Jaida trailed off looking at the furniture.
Both Nicky and Jaida came from a comfortable life. Their life was not as extravagant as Gigi’s, they lived in a one bedroom studio apartment, but they were used to a nicely furnished and decorated space. None of them were used to a cramped space primarily decorated with beige and army green.
Gigi sighed, sitting on a bed. “I can’t do this. This is a nightmare.”
“G. Calm down. It’s not great but we’re going to have to deal. Jaida and I aren’t happy either, but we’ll get through it together.”
Before Gigi could reply, the door opened. A bubbly looking blonde came through the door struggling to lug two large purple suitcases.
“Oh my god hi! I’m Jan. I really have no idea what’s going on. Oh my gosh, you guys are so pretty how are you? ” Gigi blinked and didn’t say anything.
“Excuse Miss Gigi here, she doesn’t know how to act.” Jaida gave Gigi side eye. “I’m Jaida. Nice to meet you.”
“My name’s Nicky.”
“Oh wow, are you from France? That’s so cool! I went to France when I was sixteen and it was really cool. What brought you to LA?”
“I moved over here to model.”
“A model? That’s awesome! Are you all models?”
“Nicky and I are,” Jaida explained. “Miss Gigi over here is a designer.”
“Wait. Wait a minute. Are you Gigi Goode? Like GG Designs?” Jan’s expression is stunned.
“Uh, yeah, I am.”
“Oh my gosh, I’m such a huge fan. I wore one of your dresses to the opening of a show I was in back when I was in New York a few months ago. The purple A-line? It was gorgeous. Wow this is an honor!”
“Thank you so much.” Gigi’s mood instantly improved. She loved all forms of attention, especially when she was being praised about something that she worked so hard on. People thought that Gigi was conceited, when in all actuality she was proud of her work. She’d worked so hard that she felt as though she deserved to be the way that she was.
“So Jan,” Jaida began. “What’s your story?”
“Okay. Well. I’m an actress and singer. I actually got my break being an understudy for Jenna in Waitress on Broadway. After that, I opened a Go-Go’s jukebox musical. It didn’t last long. We barely made it out of previews. That wasn’t great. Then, I moved out to LA for the out of town tryout of a revival of Anything Goes. I’m actually playing Reno. It’s so much fun! Well, uh, it was fun… before the president decided he’s going to end the world.” Jan laughed nervously.
The four girls continued becoming acquainted. Gigi, Jaida, and Nicky all liked Jan, even if she was a little over enthusiastic. Jan liked just about anyone who would talk to her, so a fast friendship was forming. They talked for so long, they lost track of time and almost forgot to go to the orientation.
The dining hall looked like what prisons looked like in movies. There were steel tables that looked cold. The linoleum was impeccably clean. The entire shelter was, even the tiny living spaces. The space was already packed. All the tables were full, so the girls elected to stand against the wall in the back.
An extremely intimidating woman who started speaking. Gigi realized that it was the woman who made the report on the news.
“Hello, everyone. My name is Michelle Visage. You all have been selected, or have paid, to survive the looming threat of nuclear war. This shelter has enough supplies for a year. You must now all say goodbye to your lives. After this meeting, the shelter is going to be sealed. No entering or leaving. If that is not something you can commit to for a full year, please let one of the guards in the back of the room know. By now you should have gotten your rooms and roommate assignments. If you have conflicts with your roommates, settle it like adults. We aren’t here to solve your roommate qualms. Meals are at 7, 12, and 6 and last one hour. Don’t be late. There is a common room that will have the news as up to date as possible. Other than that, you are free to roam about the shelter. I know that it’s not going to be easy. It doesn’t feel like home, and it won’t. But it’s the best we have. Welcome.”
On the way back to their room, Michelle’s voice came over the loudspeaker. “Now beginning lockdown procedures.”
There was a loud buzzing that filled the air. It was loud enough that Jan covered her ears. Gigi’s ears began to ring. There were loud slams as the lead walls came over the shelter. Even though the shelter looked the same as it did on the inside, Gigi felt a wave of claustrophobia envelop her. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths.
“Well,” she began. “I guess if the world’s ending I’m glad I’m with all of you.” — Crystal was angry at herself. She had no reason to be so stressed. This was something she was waiting the majority of her life for. Almost any situation that could happen, she was ready for. But yet, a part of her had always hoped that she had been preparing for something that would never happened. She didn’t want the world to end.
Her mind wandered, thinking of what could have been. There were so many scenarios that played in her mind. What if she would have went to the art school that offered her scholarships? What if she decided to move to Chicago with Jackie? What if she didn’t let her aunt have control over her life? None of it mattered. It was all going to end, and she hadn’t even lived her life. She knew nothing beyond her town.
The pit of her stomach felt like it had dropped to her feet. It is a feeling that she had felt many times throughout her life. She felt it right after the accident that killed her parents. She felt it when she had to tell the psychologist about the accident. The time that she felt it the most were the nights that her aunt drank too much and lashed out. The very first time she took solace in the basement is when she first moved.
The basement was her sanctuary. It is where she felt the safest, which is a feeling she longed for, ever since the accident. Ever since the day her parents died, she didn’t feel safe. But, when she spent time alone in the basement, she felt safe, if only for a moment. When she was younger, she and Jackie played in the basement. It is also where she worked on her art projects. When she was fifteen, she asked her aunt if she could paint the walls of the basement. For once, her aunt was agreeable, and let her.
As she stood in the basement, she admired her paintings. Painting the walls is what made her fall in love with painting. When she was first sent to live with her aunt, Crystal was mandated to see a child psychologist. The psychologist recommended that she draw how she felt. Ever since, she turned to painting as an emotional outlet. It was the one thing that she felt that she was good at.
In the corner of the basement, there was a makeshift bed Crystal made out of pillows. There were many times where Crystal fell asleep in the basement. Even though she now slept in the bed, she couldn’t bring herself to disassemble the pillows.
At some point, she’d fallen asleep. Around 2 A.M., she woke up from an incoming FaceTime. It was her best friend, her only friend, really, Jackie. Jackie had been around since Crystal first moved to Missouri. They became friends because they were both outcasts. Jackie’s mom was extremely strict, and didn’t let Jackie do a lot of the things that everyone else got to do. Because Jackie had no friends, she introduced herself to the new girl back in the seventh grade. They became friends and never looked back.
“Hi, babe,” Crystal said groggily.
Jackie’s eyes were red and puffy. “This is fucked.”
“Do you think this is actually going to happen?”
Because she studied political science with a concentration in foreign affairs, if anyone were to understand, it would be Jackie. Jackie wasn’t much of a crier, so the fact that Jackie looked so stressed, Crystal already knew the answer.
“Yeah. Yeah I do. I feel like this was going to happen eventually. I just happened after we were dead. The relations between us and North Korea have just went downhill ever since the president was elected. Unfortunately, because the way the president has completely managed to the checks and balances that we learned about in grade school, as much as the senate and house have tried, they can’t do much.”
After a silence, Crystal said, “So what are your plans about… all of this?”
“Honestly? I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to my mother in six years, and my dad died two years ago. I don’t really have anyone to be honest.”
“Do you want to come here? I think that I can do this. My aunt has been prepping me for this for the past ten years. But, like, what if it’s not enough? What if I’ve been waiting for this to happen all for nothing? I’m so afraid that I’m not ready for this.”
“Hey. Hey. Listen. If anyone can survive this, it’s you. I know that you don’t really like to talk about what she’s all taught you, but I know it’s a lot. And yes, I’d love to come over. It’s like a three hour drive, so it shouldn’t take too long. I think that traffic is going to probably be pretty bad because everyone is panicking. If I leave in about an hour I should be able to make the drive in probably four with traffic.”
“I don’t want the world to end. I always thought I turned into her, but I don’t think I did. She was sitting and waiting every day for this. I always hoped that it wasn’t going to happen. I wasted my whole life on this. I haven’t even left this damn town. There’s so much stuff in life that I’ve never gotten to do. Shit, Jackie, I’ve never even been kissed.”
“Crystal. Stop. You’re spiraling. You aren’t her. Even if you are know so much about all of this and could single handedly survive this, you never lost yourself. You’re still such a kind soul. You’re funny and put others before yourself constantly. You didn’t leave town just to take care of your aunt, and she was terrible to you.”
“Thanks, it’s the anxiety.”
“I mean it. Seriously. You’re one of the best people I’ve ever known.”
“Thanks, Jack.”
“Anyway, I better pack. I’ll see you soon.”
“Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
Crystal was so thankful for Jackie. She was the only one who could talk her out of spiraling. Somehow, Jackie always knew what to say. Even though she was an only child, she always thought that her friendship with Jackie is what it would be like to have a sister.
After managing to fall back asleep, Crystal was jolted awake by a knock at the door. She had barely managed to open the door before Jackie nearly tackled her to the ground with a hug. They hadn’t seen each other in about a year.
“It’s so good to see you.” Jackie’s voice was muffled, as her face was pressed into Crystal’s shoulder. “You too.”
“So what all do we need to do to… get ready?”
“Honestly?” Crystal started to absentmindedly play with her hair. “I have everything done. I check all the supplies about every month, and I just did it a couple weeks ago. The artillery is loaded, there’s enough food and supplies for a year. I also have a lot of honey. Honey is good because it’s something that is hard to come by, and can be bartered for. It also doesn’t really ever go bad. Oh. Do you know how to shoot?”
Jackie had no idea how she was so calm about all of this. Crystal was talking about the end of the world and playing with her hair, talking about guns? She knew that her friend was well versed in this, but she had no idea how nonchalant she was about it. It was like a switch was flipped. The normally anxious girl had never looked so self-assured.
“Uh, no. I’ve never shot a gun.”
“Would you be willing to learn?”
Guns made Jackie nervous. Going to her town’s Memorial Day celebration made her nervous because the gunshots made her scream. “Yeah. Yeah, I think so.”
“Okay. Cool. So I think all we have to do is teach you how to shoot. Don’t really it’s really easy. I’ve been doing it for like ten years. Also; would you be willing to learn how to use a Kearny meter?” Crystal saw how confused Jackie looked. “Oh, it’s just a radiation meter. It’s made out of a coffee can. Super easy, I promise.”
“I barely have any idea what you’re talking about, but I’m glad I’m spending the end of the world with a doomsday prepper.”
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bow-woahh · 4 years
Wow, I realized these are a lot of questions you'll have to answer so I apologize for that, but I am very curious. So here you go: 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27 (oof. thank you!)
(btw sorry I didn't answer all of them there were just so many that I just chose a couple which I liked)
1. What made you write your WIP?
the answer to this one's pretty boring — i got a prompt which said something like "I jokingly ask the popular jock at my school to egg my exes' house with me and they show up with a carton of eggs and hoodies under their arm" which was meant to be a oneshot, and then it spiralled out of control, as things usually do for me, into a whole multichap because my brain refuses to sleep
5. Where did you draw inspiration from?
The show itself definitely inspired me, and other great fics that I've read, especially where Adora is a massive jock in those too. And Aristotle and Dante Discover The Secrets Of The Universe, which is such a beautiful book about two Mexican-American boys falling in love. Also one of the characters has a red truck which is definitely at least subconsciously inspired me to give Adora one.
9. Who is your favourite character to write?
Damn, that's really hard. Well, I feel like I could go with the obvious answer and say Catra since it is centered around her and in her perspective, but actually I love writing Adora, especially when she's being an absolute goofball, and because even though the fic is in Catra's pov, I love to imagine what's going on in her head and portray it with what she says and does.
Really, I just love writing them together (unsurprisingly)
10. Do you have an outline? Do you stick to it?
Yes I do! After like the first or seconds chapter, I tried to outline as much as possible, starting with a chronological ish timeline of events and them separately those into chapters.
So far I have mostly stuck to it, but at times I change things a little or add scenes in between what I already have outlined, but I'd say that's just the nature of an outline tbh, it's never going to be every single moment you write.
14. Tell us about an upcoming scene in your WIP, that you’re excited about.
Omg so many! Chapter 6 I'm especially looking forward to this one scene with Glimmer and Catra, because it goes as well as you'd expect it to lmao
16. Give a spoiler for your WIP.
Ooo damn okay: In Chapter 7 Catra gets really drunk in order to cope with some bad stuff and Adora has to come to her rescue.
19 and 20 Answered here
21. What’s a common writing tip that you mostly ignore?
I feel like I follow most of them actually, but maybe that's not true haha.
23. What’s more important: characters or plot?
That's so hard! I'd say that in this case, since it's a fanfic, characters, since you get to dig a little more into certain aspects of their personality and explore more within their characters. Plot is still very important too though.
27. What is the best writing advice?
Practice! Practice and practice. Genuinely consistently writing fics has helped me improve so much from where I was when I started.
thank you for all the questions! (:
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thewritewolf · 4 years
Eating Habits Chapter 19: An Ode to Bad Parents
Adrien, Chloe, and Kagami bond over their awful parents while Marinette pays a visit to a certain former supervillain.
Only one more chapter to go before the end! We’re almost there! 😊
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (Final)
Read on Ao3
It had been years since Adrien had last stepped into a fencing circle and today was the closest he had come to one since he’d quietly stopped practicing. Technically this was just practice fights that they were watching, but that didn’t stop him and Chloe from cheering just as if it were for real. Maybe it was that support or maybe it was just raw skill on her part, but Kagami effortlessly defeated all of her opponents.
The red fencing suit Kagami wore had only changed slightly. Still as red as ever, but lacking the family crest and it had picked up a few patches from other cities - tournaments won abroad. It brought Adrien back to countless sparring matches between them. He grinned at his remembered victories - and fondly recalled his just as frequent defeats. By the time he finally hung up the mask and sabre for good, they were still completely tied.
Kagami removed her helmet and gulped in a breath of fresh air. “Thanks for showing up you two. Would you care to join me for some lunch at my favorite cafe? I realize it may not matter between us three, but I will gladly pay for you both.”
“Sure, I’ve got the whole day clear anyway. I’d love to catch up.” Adrien smiled.
“Ridiculous! As if I would miss out on some quality time with my gorgeous girlfriend.” Chloe blew a kiss at Kagami whose only reaction was a small smile and a blush.
“Excellent. I’ll take a quick shower, change, and met you out front.”
Half an hour later and they were seated at the cafe, food ordered and drinks already in front of them. After taking a deep drink of his smoothie, Adrien decided to start the conversation.
“So, Kagami. Do you usually breeze through your partners like that?”
She raised her glass of hot tea to her lips with both hands and took a sip. “Sadly, yes.” She sighed. “There isn’t much of a challenge left for me in that school, it seems like. I usually only find worthy opponents in the larger tournaments, but even then I am victorious more often than I am defeated.”
“Really? I remember that we were pretty evenly matched for a while.”
“You weren’t exactly the average fencer, Adrien. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but there was something about you that was particularly challenging. You certainly had the reflexes of a natural born swordsman. And it seemed as if you were battle trained far longer than your training sessions would claim.”
Adrien thought about the nearly daily akuma battles that he had gone through during that time. The sparring sessions with Ladybug and eventually Rena Rouge and Carapace. No wonder she couldn’t place where he’d gotten so good from - there probably weren’t many other fencers who had actual fighting experience in a life or death situation. Heck, if it was that much of an advantage, maybe he should pick up the sport again. It would at least help Kagami improve if she had a good opponent again.
Before he could say anything aloud, he noticed Chloe take a deep breath. Her usual confidence seemed missing and she more subdued. She took Kagami’s hand and stirred her coffee.
“I bet you already figured this out, but on your birthday Kagami and I went back to my place… and called my mom.”
Adrien let out a long breath. “I thought that’s what you were doing, but… wow. How did it go?”
“Not great,” Chloe said with a wince. “After our pretty little chat, there was shouting and screaming, but honestly? I think that’s for the best. What I said needed to be said, whether or not she liked it. Besides, I’ve got people who love me here and she’s got nothing over me.”
The rest of the conversation turned into a venting session. Besides their upper class backgrounds, the one thing binding all of them together was their awful parents. Each of them had to deal with awful childhoods ranging from the micromanaged to forced expectations to spoiled rotten, but they all understood at least part of what they were going through. It was something they had been deprived of for most of their early years - peers, friends with experiences like their own.
While Adrien vented, he felt dread pool in his stomach. He knew that his story with his father was not yet over.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Tikki said, worry on her face as she watched Marinette finish getting ready.
“After everything I read?” Marinette’s expression was steely as she locked eyes with Tikki. “Absolutely. Someone needs to stand up for him. And who better than his partner - in love, life, and battle?”
Tikki nodded. “I know. I just needed to make sure you’d thought this through.”
“To be honest? I haven’t, really. But I have to do something and this is the best time to do it. I’ve got the afternoon free and no one is around to ask where I’m going.” Marinette opened her purse. “Come on, Tikki. We’ve got a bus to catch for downtown.”
Marinette closed the door to their apartment, the lights turning off behind her. She knew that Adrien was going to be out late with his friends, but just in case, she didn’t want to leave them out for him to find. It had taken a while, but she had managed to get all the letters back into their envelopes and stashed back into their basket.
The soulless white lights did nothing to help give any color to Gabriel Agreste’s face. He’d aged decades since the last time Marinette had seen him. When had that been? The courtroom in the year before she went to university? She hadn’t wanted to go, but Adrien had to appear as a witness on the stand and she was NOT about to let him face his father without her.
It had been hard to believe that this was the man who had tormented Paris for years, but it had only been a surprise briefly. The truth was that he had experience in tormenting people, starting with his own family. Inflicting his cruelty on the entire city once he got superpowers was only the logical course of action.
Her trip down her own memories was cut short when his voice came through the speaker beside her. Being as high profile a prisoner as he was, he was behind bulletproof glass and they had to speak through a set of connected phones.
“Where is Adrien? I need to speak with-”
“I read the letters,” Marinette said, cutting him off. Even after reading all of them and knowing that it was still the case, hearing him act like he was entitled to his son’s time infuriated her.
“You what?” Gabriel growled, but she could see the confusion in his eyes.
“They all contain excuses, Gabriel.” Marinette narrowed her eyes at him as she continued. “About how there was no choice for you, about how you tried to bring Emilie back.” She took a deep breath. “I can almost see where you’re coming from.”
Gabriel seemed to relax a little. “I’m glad at least one of you has sense. Now-”
“It doesn’t justify any of the lives you disrupted or the people you hurt or the SON, you NEGLECTED…” Her voice had steadily rose until she was nearly shouting him down. After a few moments passed with him staring wide eyed at her, she continued, much more calmly. “...But I can see how certain events turned you into a super villain.”
She leaned forward on her elbows, the glare flaring to life on her face again. She kept her voice steady, an angry quiet in stark contrast to her earlier outburst. “What I can’t see is how it turned you into a shitty father to a boy who’s a better person than any of us deserve. If you want Adrien to start healing, then stop writing to him and asking him to see your side.”
“He has to know what all this was for-!”
“Leave. Him. Be.” She growled out from between clenched teeth. “Give him distance. Maybe someday you two can salvage some semblance of a relationship.” She leaned forward until her face was nearly pressed up to the glass, her voice an angry whisper. “But if I have to watch his face crumple one more time when he sees your handwriting on a prison-issued envelope, if one more of your excuses triggers a breakdown or nightmare… you better hope your sentence gets extended. You’re not the only person who would do anything for the person they love.”
She hung up the phone and walked away. As she approached the door, she glanced back, expected Gabriel to be red faced, screaming at her. Instead, he had a thousand yard stare as he covered his mouth with his hands, shock etched into his features. Hopefully it would be a long while before he tried to reach out to his son again.
Maybe now Adrien would finally be allowed to move on.
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2ki8h1 · 5 years
What if Ishimaru and Mondo had both survived the killing game?
So, at the beginning of this year (2019), I decided to embark in a different project: to write a full fanfiction surrounding a certain idea: “What if both of them had survived the killing game?”. The goal of this was to include Ishimaru, as well as Mondo, in the canon plot described by the games and anime (I still haven’t read the novels or the mangas) by creating an adventure surrounding them but also focused in points I wished I saw in Danganronpa. In other words, write about their character development, their relationship (yes, it was supposed to be mainly focused on Ishimondo as a couple, slowly blossoming their romance) but it was also an opportunity to write about tragedy and despair (I enjoy writing horror and angst). I won’t reveal any major spoilers (about my fanfiction) because I haven’t decided if I will continue to work on this. I have other tasks at hand that I need to prioritise. It was supposed to be a big project which I estimated to be longer than 100.000 words. [so far, I have only written over 13k with the 1st chapter still at the beggining, while the second one is already at the middle with over 10k words.]
The point of this post: since I don’t know if I continue this or not, I would love to share the best moments I have wrote so far (both humorous and romantic and I have decided to not share any gory/sad parts). I will give context for every part I share without giving too much details.
NOTE 1: The narrator tries to put themselves in the feet of the character they are focusing on. So, they also try to adopt their way of speech and attempt to convey their feelings facing the various occasions (for example: the narrator is more crude and sad when the character in focus is Mondo)
NOTE 2: English is not my first language. So I apologise for any mistakes found.
1.       “Hopes and Dreams”
Chapter: 1
Context: epilogue of DR1, looking at the metal gate that locked them inside the school, after defeating Junko.
The prospects of a new start were high amongst everyone. Makoto was experiencing a restraint holding his body, in other words, he felt tensed. Suddenly, the feel of warm leather touched his right palm. Kyoko had approached him and gently held his hand. She didn’t made eye contact however he appreciated her kind gesture. “You will not fight this battle alone.” Her speech motivated him and invoked a determined willpower from within which led him to furrow his eyebrows and squeeze her hand slightly harder. Amused by his mood changes, Kyoko tried but failed to conceal a shy, joyful smile.
Mondo walked closer to his brother and hurriedly hurled his long coat to fall over the other man’s shoulder and placed his right arm around Ishimaru’s neck to enfold him in a friendly embrace. That action startled Taka, who barely succeeded to sustain both feet on the ground after the abrupt (and clumsy) headlock. Along with an open, radiant grin, Mondo spoke: “Finally, we’re leaving this place!” Taka with his left hand reached and grabbed Mondo’s right wrist and looked back at him to return his kind words with a soft, resolved smile.
Byakuya continued to show suppression of his emotions to let his cruel image rule whatever perceptions he wishes others to have of him. Toko was next to him, fidgeting her fingers in embarrassment, peeking briefly at her “beloved” every two seconds with an odd, lustful desire on her face. Hiro, in the other hand, was screaming and crying in ecstasy, praying down in all fours, blessing the floor underneath and showing gratitude to whatever god (or alien) was looking after him.
2.       “Lost happy memories”
Chapter: 1
Context: shortly after opening the door, the survivors stand inside the school grounds but outside the building, thinking what they should do next.
Even if any of the lost memories had still not returned, Mondo remembered fondly of the small time he spent with Chihiro during the game, it had been enough for him to develop feelings of admiration towards the geek. He reached out for a specific content that was sitting inside of his long coat’s left pocket (the same coat that continued to shelter Ishimaru’s shoulders) to purposely find the set of stolen photos that served as evidence in the former trial. He glanced upon one in particular. It starred him hugging fiercely both of the baseball star and the computer nerd – he was happy. No, he was extremely happy. Look at his wide, stupid grin; it was a smile that he didn’t recall to see a long time ago. He browsed through the rest and his suspicions were confirmed. He had good times at Hope Peak’s academy. However, the collection was limited. Did he get along with the rest of the class? Were he and Ishimaru as close as they currently are or were they fierce enemies fighting about dumb things? There were a few of him smiling towards Taka. More than anything, he wanted to believe in the happiest statements. He glanced through the same photographs once again but he ended up with the same doubts. He wished to rewind time and relive through those moments one last time where he could adopt the same idiotic, relaxed posture he seemed to use back then. At least, he wished the set included a photo of him with his kyoudai. Did they also resolve their differences with a competition in the sauna? He laughed at the thought.
Ishimaru sighed while pointing at one of them. “I will miss them as well.” At the end of his index finger was a photograph captured by Makoto: They were all posing for the picture, in their school uniforms, inside their classroom (well, almost everyone - of course, Leon insisted in wearing his version of a “uniform”). Mondo turned his head to encounter red eyes glazed, stained with tears that fought to break free. Wow, he really was kind. “We were lucky… I wonder if I truly deserve to be one of the s-”
Maybe too kind for his own good. “Shut it...” He caught Taka surprised with the response. “What would I do without my brother next to me?” Mondo added, wrapping an arm around the other’s neck in a friendly way.
“Maybe it’s true. I still have a lot to lecture you about the true value of effort!”
That was not what Mondo wanted to hear “Oi-“
“And, as selfish as this may sound, I am truly relieved you weren’t the one who passed away.”
Sadness and guilt. Mondo looked at Kiyotaka and remembered how those two words felt. Those were feelings Kiyotaka was over familiar with… hell, even he knew the despair hidden behind those terms.
Mondo had quickly learned to detect those moods. In fact, he was pretty good at it! And he was unnecessarily proud of that achievement... The diagnosis? Symptoms of a low self-esteem. He still hadn’t figure it out how to improve his condition however, he had to think about it later; right now, he wanted to focus in leaving this creepy-ass school.
“Movin’ on… What th’ hell is this creepy smile?” In a sloppy attempt to change the subject, he shoved the mentioned picture in Taka’s face.
“Whatever do you mean?”
“Look at your face! You look like those creepy clowns but without the makeup. So stiff and robotic and why are you behaving like a soldier?”
“Ghk- Are you saying I am ugly?”
“Wha-! Ah- Shit! no!” just like mentioned before… embarassingly sloppy “That’s not what I meant! I just wanted to tell ya’ that ya’ need to smile naturally and not force yourself just ta’ try to look good in th’ pictures because it has the opposite result you intended!” Mondo pulled off a different photograph. In this one, they were with their gym clothes, enjoying a P.E. class and Ishi was smiling brightly while cheering for their class “For example, in this ya’ look natural ‘cause ya’ got caught off guard!”
“Oh- I see.” Disappointment was felt in his voice.
“Well- See? It doesn’t mean yar ugly or nothi’, actually I think ya’ are very good lookin’. Ya’ just look funny in photographs. Not everyone is photogenic! ... (especially you…)” he babbles.
“Thank you.” Taka released a soft smile. The type of smile someone would like to record it with a photograph “You are a very kind man, kyoudai!”
And Mondo gets easily flustered with sweet (and cheesy) praises “Oh! Stop it! Don’t worry that pretty head of yours thinking that yer’ ugly or some bullshit like that…”
“I don’t usually concern myself over those issues. But I can’t stop myself from wondering if the lack of a more relaxed posture or behavior is the result of my failures at adopting socials skills.”
Mondo couldn’t deny it. He had the same opinion. He gave it a shrug in an attempt to give the conversation a closure.
“And if I may say so myself. I think you are a very attractive man yourself, Mondo.”
Mondo blushed even harder at the sudden compliment. And again, that cute smile… if only he could make him smile like that in photos…
“I know!! What if I force you to smile spontaneously?”
A small silence broke between the two “Force me to smile spontaneously?” Mondo cringed at the obvious mistake “Did you think that through?”
“Eh- shit! Atleast I am tryin’. I don’t see ya’ spittin’ any ideas!”
Taka chuckled. Mondo never considered to see Ishimaru laugh as he did right now. It created an ambience of comfort. It’s a new side that Mondo wished to see his brother with it in more occasions. “I will try to think of something too, then.”
Observing those two talking was Kirigiri; detective mode activated: the right index finger intertwined and resting on her chin as she would normally do whenever she found herself immersed deep in her thoughts. “Those two seem to be in a good mood. It’s good to have someone to rely on.”
“Well, I consider myself lucky too. After all, I am the ultimate lucky student if I have you backing me up.”
That was… unexpected. Was he trying to be smooth, flirty or just kind? One look at his facial expression: huge smile, eyebrows tense, shoulders determined. He was definately not trying to be flirty but that comment was very effective. She turned around, flushed.
3.       “Makoto, the servant”
Chapter: 2
Context: daily life of Makoto in the Future Foundation.
Makoto had woken up with a tedious mood. He checked his alarm clock and groaned… 4 a.m., “Great!” He said before slamming the snooze button and slumping back into the flat, old pillow. He blamed Togami for that. The man continued to impose him waking up at ridiculous hours to perform the most preposterous tasks. To be honest, he sometimes felt to be Togami’s pet or worse… a servant. He cringed at the idea and quickly dismissed such unwelcomed thoughts to not further the cranky mood he was in.
“Peasant, I will need my coffee at exactly 65ºC (150ºF) with just a sniff of cinnamon or I’ll have you thrown into the dungeon. Naegi, you tell them the answer!” He adjusted his imaginary glasses, pointing forcefully to a random nearby object while attempting to copy Togami’s presumptuous act with an over exaggerated high-pitched voice. “Makoto, that was not what I wanted y-you to t-tell… t-them.“ …but he merely ended in chuckles in the middle of the last one, ridiculing his own failed attempts.
He pushed the sheets to one side and hopped off out of bed. Imitating Togami would always lighten his mood. He grabbed his phone to see what horrifying tasks awaited him that day…
4.       “Reunion”
Chapter: 2
Context: Mondo was part of the 2nd division (army) while Ishimaru belonged to the 14th division. Mondo was a soldier, facing wars in different points of the world; while Ishimaru worked in Future Foundation’s headquarters, safe from any danger. This was not their first reunion but it was the one where they spent the most time apart. The location of the reunion was in a cafeteria inside FF.
At the end of the corridor, he rested his hands over the knees to normalize his respiratory rate. One mental reminder to himself was to put his exercise in order! Those sleepless nights and postponing his exercise regime were clearly affecting his stamina. Though, he would have to worry about that later. Still panting, he recomposed to an upright stance to meet the single entrance of the beautiful building where Mondo awaited him. The smell of freshly baked buns was causing his stomach to start rumbling. He touched the glass door but didn’t push it to open. Instead he looked through the stained glass and tried to spot him. Shaky breaths were quickly turned into condensation whenever these brushed over the surface of the glass, defocusing the once clear image and forcing Kiyotaka to clean the droplets with his right sleeve. It had been wise to look for him behind the entrance door. It avoided a clumsy search inside the cafeteria for anyone to watch and whisper. He sensed something was beating fast inside of him. He confirmed that his heart was racing when he placed a hand close to his chest. Why did he feel so nervous?
The cafeteria was still pretty empty at this time of the day but a few people were starting to fill the empty chairs and placing their trays on top of the metallic round tables to start enjoying their meals. Loud laughter and loud chatter slowly scattered across the space, too much to his annoyance. He looked at his right, straight to his usual table. It was almost hidden by a load-bearing wall, away from the restless crowd and at the same time, closer to the landscape he so enjoyed. That blooming tree filled his morning with color and energy and made him believe that he could endure another harsh, boring day. Darn, someone was already occupying that… spot. Wait… sun-kissed muscles, different uniform (if not mistaken, he recognized it to be from the 2nd division), bleached long hair… That was Mondo right?
“Mondo.” he whispered only letting himself to hear before opening the door. The smile vanished in a brief second after he noticed bruises, scars and some bandages covering his best friend. Mondo turned his head around almost unconsciously to the scraping sound that the front door’s metallic base did over the tile floor, a common sound that repeated every time someone moved it to open.
Not five seconds passed when a very trembling Ishimaru had his arms around him. Mondo felt a stream of warm tears running loose in his cheeks, damping the collar of his t-shirt. Taka was crying, of course. Gently, Mondo folded his arms around the other’s midsection, pulling him to his lap to allow his forehead to drown in Taka’s neck, surrendering to the embrace.
The comments mocking the odd pair suddenly reverberated through the room, filling the air of not-so-sneaky murmurs. Without separating himself from the warmth radiated from Taka’s right shoulder, Mondo rotated his head, locking eyes with the few smug fuckers. A narrow purple iris shined in contempt out of a squinted corner of his left eye. Some deviated his looks, frighten by the former delinquent’s cold stare, while the boldest ones maintained the glare beside a derisive smile, maliciously enjoying the scene.
Yet, Taka was only focused in who held him; giving minimal concern to his surroundings. “Without hearing from you, I thought you were gone for good!” Hell, he didn’t even seem to notice the bastards around them! He only knew how his arms trembled and how his eyes hurt, overdriven with emotions.
Taka shifted to close the embrace even tighter, to reduce any amount of space that still remained between the two. The strong dedication put in those words chocked whatever sickening feeling Mondo was struggling with. Kiyotaka cherishing him was the remedy he needed to immediately light his mood and now, it was his turn to return the favor. Mondo moved one hand to ruffle Taka’s soft hair, while the left rubbed his back, working in tandem. Whatever it was, the affection was soothing the other’s tears. Mondo gave him time to compensate the time they had been away from each other so this position lasted for a few minutes.
Suddenly, Taka raised his head to look directly into the other’s eyes, who replaced kind eyes for a big smile. Mondo had a wide variety of smiles but this one, this stupid wide, teeth-clenched one meant ‘everything is alright’ where as Taka just continued to feel as hurt and tired. He inspected the scars meticulously, especially the ones across his face before unwrapping his arms around Mondo’s neck. Mondo didn’t budge but his palms slid to rest in other’s hips. Taka detected a tiny cut just under the left eye. He glared at it for a bit before rubbing it gently with his thumb to depreciate the change of texture that usually escorted injuries.
Red eyes were glazed deep in thought to which Mondo frowned and sighed. “Who are you?”
Taka was taken aback with the question. “What? Do you not recognize me?”
The exaggerated dismay on Ishimaru’s expression lines was what caused the loud, boisterous laugh that followed. It started off as a snort but it quickly developed to guffaws. That laugh only belonged to Mondo and to Mondo only. Taka simply gawked at him in absolute oblivion until the other stopped to explain. “I-I am just playin’ ya.” He managed to say between chortles “Ya’ almost fooled me with that long hair of yours, but your face continues the same. Oh gosh! How long has it been? 5 months? Hmph- it looks good on ya!”
This had not been the first time apart but it had been the longest they have been away from each other.
“This is hardly the time for games!”
“Sorry! Pout as much as you want. That cute angry face does not work on me! It was fuckin’ hilarious to see your reaction!”
Mondo conceded. He did look older, more mature, like a proper business man. He smirked turning Taka alert to his movements. He proceeded to remove his gloves and threw them carelessly on top of the table. He cupped Ishimaru’s pale but warm face against his cold hands. He flinched with the abrupt change of temperature but melted into it nevertheless. He pushed Taka’s bangs back revealing the angry wrinkled forehead and some kinky strands of hair that fought free from the grip. He noticed the obvious dark rims under the eyes, knowing full well he was the cause of that predicament. Regardless, he chose to leave the subject untouched. In any case he still had the same face and the same soft raven hair.
Although not evident, Kirigiri did worry about Ishimaru’s well being. He had a gorgeous smile when he truly felt happy and he was the only who could perform such a confidence boost in Taka.
“Hello, Mondo. It is nice to see you’re back safe.”
He looked at his right to see the former ultimate detective staring at him with a formal smile. “Hello Kirigiri. How are you?”
“Good. What about you?”
“Meh- could’a be worse!” he answered, looking fondly at Taka.
The conversation quickly died and Inadvertently, Kirigiri’s eyes fell over Mondo’s lap, where Taka was still sitting.
For once, Taka was able to read the surprise in Kirigiri’s face and immediately jumped out to his upright position leaving Mondo stunned.
“I didn’t realize I was still in y-your lap. I am so sorry kyoudai!”
He could have been quieter in saying that… Kyoko attempted to cover a snicker behind her usual thinking expression which became apparent that it would be a hard task when holding an apple in each hand.
5.       “???”
Chapter: 2
Context: after the “reunion” moment. Taka went to grab breakfast for himself and Mondo, while the other waited for him in the lounge.
Taka rushed to the kitchen without running. Old habits die hard I guess. Mondo chuckled at that. A tall man with ridiculous hair was now approaching Mondo.
“Mondo! So nice to see you again, man!”
“Same, Hagakure. How are you doing?”
“Fine. (gasps) those are some ugly, nasty scars.” Hagakure pointed it out “Are you ok?”
“No, dude. Can’t you see I’m dead?”
“AHHHHHHH- a ghost!”
Mondo is now the one stunned by Hiro’s overreaction.
“Bro… Chill… I am just teasing you… Did you seriously think I was dead? How high are you?”
“Are you sure you didn’t come to haunt me??” Hiro continued, half-hunched, covering half of his face with his forearms, squinting towards an even more stupefied Mondo,
“You have serious problems. I was bein’ sarcastic, ya’ big idiot!”
“Oh- haha! I am glad to hear it!” Hagakure quickly to his usual chirp self and laughed it off “It would be bad news if I had been haunted by a ghost.”
“Whatever man…”
Thank you so much for reading!! And apologies for my terrible sense of humour!
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jimlingss · 4 years
pt.2 of yesterday
I don’t want to flood people’s dashes, so hopefully answering your messages here will suffice!
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anonymous asked: Hi! I wanted to tell you how much I love your work and how you make me enjoy every Monday thanks to your regular updates ! I saw a previous anon telling you how your writings lacks of emotion and I totally disagree with them... obviously everybody won’t like it but your stories just DON’T lack of love or emotion this is madness I want to thank you for publishing your amazing stories freely here for everyone to read. (Sorry if my English is weird I’m french ejfjekfjd)
“this is madness” LOL
You’re hilarious, anon. And your english is perfectly fine!!!
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anonymous asked: Hello! Im the culinary student anon who sent you an ask a while ago and i saw you received an ask about the lack of emotion from your stories. I read kitchen romance and i actually really really like it and don’t quite understand how it lacks in emotions as I interpreted the stories more like the beginning of the oc and jin’s love story and they are only starting to open up to each other so i guess thats why anon might feel like it lacks romantic vibe from both of the characters. (1)
Anonymous said: Just want to tell you that you’re one of the best writer and ive been following you for 2/3 years now, you never failed to amaze me with your writings!! All your stories are so well written that i sometimes wonder how do you come up with such an amazing plot every single time and your stories are always nice to re-read and the effort you pour into creating your stories is also admirable (2)
while i was reading kitchen romance and ive only started s&c (currently on chapter 4) i can say that its pretty similar with how it is irl (and the part where we find out jk is an iu fans reminded me of my ex-crush whose also a culinary student, i would like to tell you a story about it but ill just waste your time lol) , just want to send you a few encouragement and love for you and your writings *sending virtual hugs* (3) -👩🏻‍🍳anon
You’re too kind, thank you (and also, welcome back!). I’ll be frank, there was a hot second I was considering taking down Kitchen Romance but I didn’t cause I don’t want my efforts of editing it to go to waste asdfghjkl. I can’t believe you’ve been sticking around me for so long :’) it’s always nice to know some folks stay. Anyway, I’m glad that Sugar and Coffee is pretty similar to how it works irl since I tried my best to do research. I definitely love a good storytime as well so don’t worry about wasting my time :>
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Anonymous said: a good majority of your fics display an unfathomable amount of DEPTH. regarding character development. plot. even the shortest lines of dialogue reveal so much more to the character and unveil their true emotions. i personally think the more REALISTIC side of love may be perceived as 'bland.' ‘emotionless.’ whatever you want to call it. nothing’s wrong with portraying a relationship that isn’t overboard with a whole lot of tooth aching fluff or lowkey annoying pda. +1
Anonymous said: there’s nothing wrong with taking out a bit of emotion to fit the PERSONALITIES of the characters. some people out there don’t necessarily feel a lot of emotions. so it’s honestly not really a mistake if a story lacks it (unless it was unintentional). subtlety is an art that is hard to master, but you’ve done it! and to respond to the anon, sometimes, if you skim through a fic without reading every word the author intended for you to read, +2
Anonymous said: then it’s quite common to not feel the full extent of the emotions you were supposed to feel. just a thought but no hate. we’re all entitled to our opinions. but besides that, kina, you write on a vast scale ranging from hardcore angst to diabetes-inducing fluff. and you do it beautifully. sure there are some stories that are better than others, but i believe a LOT of it comes down to personal preference and taste. +3
Anonymous said: even if you are feeling creatively limited, you work hard to continue writing for your readers, and your determination and diligence wILL NOT GO UNNOTICED. i just want you to know that you write amazingly. your syntax is practically immaculate, your characters feel real… the endings of your stories always wrap something up and the strings are tied—even if it isn’t necessarily a happy ending. you can convey hundreds of different characters through WORDS. +4
Anonymous said: i’ll have you know that it’s hard to write. it’s even harder to write about people who aren’t YOU. so as someone who looks up to you a lot, i want to commend you for your writing. some of your fics that i read on a monthly basis: tears of a villain, a piece of the moonlight, head over heels to hell, ghost in the machine, a mark of betrayal, a kiss of poison, until yesterday, the truth between us and arcadia. +5
Anonymous said: to be fair, there were way more fics but i didn’t want to make this message any longer than it already is LOL. i find these pieces wonderful. heart wrenching. and SO DAMN EMOTIONAL IT PLAGUES MY MIND FOR DAYS. also you’re literally one of the few fucking people who can use the em dash correctly. thank you so much for sharing your talent with us! +6
Oh my goodness. I don’t even know what to say, anon. This is a whole damn thesis and it’s about my fics :’> You know, it’s easy to brush off fanfiction as a ‘whatever’ thing and indeed, it isn’t that big of a deal compared to some things in the world. But I really do take all my stories seriously and put forth a lot of effort - so to see it recognized and appreciated it makes me beyond happy. It’s good to know that my efforts haven’t gone to waste at all and that there are people out there who will support me no matter the endeavours I take. Thank you so much. You don’t know how much this means to me.
((Also, honestly I picked up the em dash usage after I wrote The Truth Between Us with gukyi who used it. I’m pretty sure I’m not using it right but to hear that I am, god damn that’s a breath of relief right there))
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backtobleuside submitted: Are you kidding me!? Your stories don’t lack love at all. They’re the kind of fics that you read, soak it all in and then come back for more. I’ve cried so much when I read Beyond reach, Boo-lieve in me, A piece of the moonlight, His name, Tell me lies etc. etc, and also laughed and felt the emotions of not just the OC, but also the other characters. Kitchen Romance was also so fluffy and sweet and personally, I don’t think that anything needs to be added to it. Anyway, your fics do not lack emotion—you’re probably the first author I send a message to because your stories impacted me a lot and left a strong impression on me. I even imagine your characters as real people who have real lives that continue on even after the story is done.
asdfghjkl thank you :’) I see you every week and sometimes several times at that. I really appreciate your consistent feedback and following. You never fail to send me a message too which I appreciate a lot. I’m glad you’re enjoying everything I’m producing!!
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youngfleurever said: Would just like to say that your fics do in fact make me violently sob to the boy where my eyes are so swollen I have trouble opening them the next day and I wake up feeling like there’s sawdust in my mouth because I’m dehydrated.
oh my god. please keep yourself hydrated hahahahhaha more importantly, how do you know what sawdust in your mouth is like. WHAT have you been doing LOL
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Anonymous said: I’ve felt emotions that I’ve never felt before when I read your fics.... so as a person that has read your entire masterlist, I DO NOT think that your fics lack emotion.... I hope you don’t feel disheartened because you’re one of my favourite writers, not just on tumblr but like, evER 💓💓💓💓💓💓
Please, even if I was disheartened, the overwhelming amount of feedback and praise has completely overridden it :’)
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joonie-mono said: when tumblr deletes the first part of your ask 🙄😌✌️
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haylo4ever said: Sorry had to add my 10 cents. You're such a talented writer,,, I WISH I could write a smol smol 1/1000000000 that you write,,, like I remember when I followed you bc I was in awe of your writing.... I mean?? Sure maybe not every fic hits it with someone but it's just ridic to name drop (a friend nonetheless) when you're all extremely talented writers.
Trust me, writing comes with practice!! I should honestly just tattoo that on me. God knows my first fanfic was absolutely GARBAGE. I didn’t know pacing, didn’t know that I should separate chunks of paragraphs, how to write dialogue or describe scenes properly. I went in blind. Even my second, third and fourth fanfic was garbage. You could definitely get to “my level” or even far surpass it with enough dedication and practice. I mean I’ve been writing for four years, so thank GOD there’s been improvement. I wouldn’t be natural if there wasn’t. But clearly the more you practice, the better you improve! That applies to anything.
The me in ten years will certainly be better now.
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Anonymous said: Hi kina! I’m here in support of kitchen romance! I actually didn’t feel like it was missing a ton of fluffy moments (and I say that as a huGE LOVER OF FLUFF) but the story was just as entertaining in the whole chase of them getting closer to each other! It’s honestly one of my favorite one shots I’ve read lately and I’m not saying that lightly! Also, that anon that said your work lacks emotion has probably not read like half of your masterlist bc oO MAN QUEEN OF MAKING ME CRY- black heart anon🖤
Thank you :’]
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Anonymous said: Ok I’m very offended wow the audacity!Specially coming for my baby kitchen romance like that story made me feel so much and it’s only one of the many fics you have written kina like I’m literally baffled like dynasty has made me cry scream happy and hot all at the same time and I was literally just thinking about it that whole weekend and this anon has the nerve to say your stories lack emotions?When you are literally the queen of show casing all types of emotions in your stories!You did it all
Anonymous said: Also 😭😭😭😂😂😩hoooooooow and whereeee did they see any lack of love and emotions like have you read jungle park???? Inside my mind??? FREAKING SUGAR AND COFFEE (like this fic is made with love and I- ) Actually you know what , just read the whole masterlist😩😩💗💗💗
LOL tbh I didn’t expect Dynasty to receive the love it has. I was actually kind of wary when posting it cause it’s kind of Wild. 
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bangtans-peaceful-piegon said: just gotta say u handled that whole anon thing so well which not only makes me admire u as a writer but even more as a person :] (i mean i knew u were gr8 before the whole deal but yeah love ya 💛)
tbh, I’m not sure how well I handled it cause I was flooded with over 30 messages afterwards (evidently) ;_; which I love and appreciate but I’m not really as hurt as some people think hahaha criticism should be received well but it’s still hard not to take personally tbh. It’s gonna have to be something I work on or perhaps it’ll be one of those things that I’ll take better with age.
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rigelmejo · 4 years
Things I can confirm with my personal learning experience are possible:
1. Yes learning up to HSK 4 materials within a year is possible. I think as long as some effort is put into ensuring that material is part of what you study, it can be worked through within a year. I read one persons claim that they learned up to HSK 4 with their self-made flashcard study materials in 8 months. I can believe that... it took me roughly 10-11 months to learn up to that amount of HSK 4 material. If I’d been studying primarily FOR HSK levels, I probably could have covered that material in 8 months. So I do think the goal of getting from no knowledge to HSK 4 in a year is achievable and not necessarily an extreme goal.
2. Yes achieving that can take as little as 1 to a couple hours a day of study on average. Some days I studied 15 minutes, some a few hours, some I didn’t study. I probably averaged around 1-2 hours a day of ‘Chinese adjacent studying.’ By that I mean: some study was grammar reading, sometimes flashcards, sometimes intensively reading some Chinese novel, sometimes studying Hanzi reference books, sometimes extensively trying to read, sometimes trying to chat in chinese with people or browse on Chinese social media, sometimes reading a manhua page or two, sometimes trying to watch a show with no English sub, sometimes watching a show with dual English-chinese subtitles and just consciously stopping to note to myself some new words I wanted to know (usually by pausing and rereading Just the chinese subs to try to understand the line, looking up the chinese words I wanted to know in Pleco and saving them). I am only now... finally.... also incorporating listening to audio only stuff more sometimes.
But basically - I just did a little of whatever, whenever, amongst the activities above. Most days I did Something, some days I spent more time than others. But I was by no means studying a ton. I probably studied as much as I exercise a day or less. Also a lot of my ‘study adjacent’ activities could easily just be part of my regular hobbies - using some of my reading time in a week for chinese, using some time I usually watch shows/YouTube for watching chinese shows, using some time I listen to music and dance to play chinese music and dance, etc. I use some down time when I’d goof off on social media to do flashcards (when I manage to do flashcards).
3. Things I think for me, based on my experiences, help me learn a language much more ‘easily’ than if I didn’t do them: reading a grammar guide super early on!!! (It’s brutal but it helps, just chugging through one quick! The overview helps!)
Learning the 1000 most common words ASAP!!! (It helps me so much and I put off doing this longer in chinese than I wish I would have in retrospect, comprehension went from ??? To me getting at LEAST the gist of nearly everything in chinese.)
Practicing trying to read ASAP and then regularly as in once every couple weeks (again it seems brutal, but helped my French tremendously, and likewise I think it really motivated my chinese study/helped me set goals/helped me improve faster).
Practicing trying to watch chinese shows in only chinese (also brutal at first, I didn’t do this until 5ish months in, but its been tremendously helpful for me and the more I did it the more it helped, so doing this regularly as in a few times a week helps a LOT).
Practicing listening ONLY regularly. (I didn’t start doing this until maybe 10 months in, but I have noticed it’s helping my inner ‘reading voice,’ my listening comprehension, and my feel for how to say things, a ton. I’ve looked into Repetitive Listening lately and I think it may benefit me to try that, regardless I can say listening-only practice is definitely helping my listening comprehension a LOT).
Studying the first 500ish Hanzi from a mnemonics source. (I used a book, and that starting point carried me all the way to where I am now - I probably need to do more of this soon, either with a book or Heisig mnemonic flashcards etc. With my books I literally originally used No flashcards for Hanzi I just read a mnemonic reference book - the Tuttle 800 characters one - about halfway through in chunks of 1/2 to 1 chapter a day. That’s it. And occasionally I’d flip through the book and read random Hanzi entries, and look thru it to highlight Hanzi I’d learned since the last time I’d opened the book. Probably the lowest effort way to do this, if u hate flashcards and can tolerate reading like me - however I was often watching chinese dramas with English and Chinese subs, so I was ‘seeing’ Hanzi I’d studied regularly in my shows, which probably helped me remember them.)
In summary: reading a grammar guide fast, learning high frequency Hanzi ASAP, learning the most common words, and immersing often Even in the earlier months when it was harder for me (with reading, shows with only chinese subs, shows with dual subs while looking up words I noticed, and with audio only like audiobooks/songs). I genuinely think reading from like months 2 onward while BRUTAL helped so much, just like it did with French. It helped a lot with comprehension and grammar ‘clicking’ in my mind, with learning wordsz Probably the Most importantly it motivated and helped me really measure my progress, and also helped me pinpoint my goals then set them regularly.
It’s kind of rough trying to read early on when your comprehension Might genuinely be at like 20%. But for me it really helps so much it’s worth doing. I did it on a whim for chinese study, because it’s basically the main way I studied and learned French. And wow am I glad I tried to apply it to chinese. I’m so glad I didn’t get so intimidated by the hanzi that I didn’t... try. I think me trying so early also made the difficulty curve always feel Rewardingly and Refreshingly easier constantly, even though it’s still difficult lol. But never as difficult as the time before, etc. Which is always a nice feeling.
Yeah I read an article recently, by a man named Timo who made (a very nice) 3 part Anki deck for Chinese (I’m using his HSK deck since it has example sentences - and visual images of the sentence scenes - for every word, something my memrise decks lacked, but helps a ton with context and proper usage). His decks also included a grammar guide deck fbut another person made a version that displays better of that kind of deck which is what I’m using). Anyway, In his article he said he learned to HSK 4 in 8 months with his decks.
I’ve been mulling over if that’s reasonable, when I realized I also basically did that it just took me a couple more months since I didn’t even focus primarily on HSK level material coverage until I Was 8 months in already. In retrospect, I think it’s definitely a goal that’s attainable. It’s not so wildly difficult that only aspiring polyglots or intense studiers could manage. I think he studied like roughly an hour a day too, so likewise his study habits were pretty normal and not extreme time-wise.
Now, this last bit is pure rough opinion based on what i think the levels match up to based on what I can comprehend versus what I could in French. So take everything below with a huge amount of salt. To be fair... I think HSK 4 really is a reasonable goal to aim for. I think it feels a lot like B1 level in French was - I can start to read most things for at least bare minimum gist of the main ideas, and some things in topics I’m familiar with (or with more common words/phrases) I can understand 90-100% of including all the specific details.
Basically, it gets me to where I can start picking up the meaning of at least some things in context, and the point where i can at least guess what a sentence is doing a Bit based on its grammar clues. like noticing the adjectives, verbs, tenses, nouns, and at least being able to guess if the unknown words could drastically affect the meaning of the sentence - example: I can tell if it’s a descriptor of location in a scene I could possibly Skip and still follow the plot, or an adjective I could guess means something similar to the previous more noun-heavy description, or if it’s a noun being interacted with/verb doing something I need to look up to follow the plot. HSK 4 also gets me to where I can start to follow most everyday basic convos, and some more specialized ones as long as they’re on topics I know some words for/or use common words. Examples: most shows for at least 50% of the dialogue, small talk, Internet comments, basically stuff surrounding context is usually related to. And i can talk about some of that comfortably (this is my weak spot, as it is in French, cause I need to practice more to expand my active vocabulary).
So, convos now can be followed and at least understood (and sometimes participated in) like when I was in maybe 1st or 2nd grade in English. I can engage with a lot of topics, Especially if most words used are common words, but once things get specialized I have a lot to either ‘learn/lookup’ or need to ask clarification about. Reading/watching is a bit easier then convos, since often the material provides enough context for me to ‘guess’ some of that specialized stuff’s meanings as it comes up.
But I say kind of comparable to B1 because... well for me french at this level was usable, but not ‘easy’ and not fully functional to the point I could say I can reasonably rely on it for any general needs/wants. I think B2 is more when you start being able to comfortably write/speak on most any topic at least to some general capacity, and can comprehend enough you feel comfortable following and catching main points and most general details (so not needing to look up 20% of what you hear/read for a decent chunk of certain clarification). And I do Not think HSK 4 (at least my own coverage of it) is able to do that B2 kind of stuff. I can do the ‘B1 kind of stuff’ with weak spots in production (just like in French, because I don’t practice those skills enough).
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