#Future Foundation AU
gracekraft · 2 years
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indulging in the time they have together
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2stregafangirl · 7 months
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Have a Ryuko Otonashi future foundation design
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thecrazyphantom · 3 months
I am also working on my Future Foundation au 😋
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Have my Marika! ( Maria x Rika) joins future foundation from Danganronpa AU for an ultra despair girls 2 AU! ( the symbol on Maria’s legs are supposed to be the Ushiromiya’s family crest) Rika is more stealthy putting on her fox mask when she has to kill an target with her trusty shrine maiden scythe while Maria uses an golden ushiromiya eagle staff to cast magic and summon Sakutarou and the Chiester sisters imperial guard corps.
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starry-bi-sky · 4 months
a half-ghost--? no- no wait, that's a changeling. that's even worse.
so i'd like to preface this by saying this stems from me going entirely off the rails thinking about tales of the passerine-- which is frankly quite on brand for me to think of one au, and then develop it so far left ways that it makes another au entirely.
bUT. Context! Danny's ancestors sometime before they immigrated to America had a fae marry into the family. This had its Side Effects. Naturally. The Fentonnightengale responsible for this charmed a fae thanks to their swagless nature and awkward demeanor, so instead of getting eaten the fae thought it was cute instead. The fae marrying into the family had an affinity for music, but that kinda repressed itself by accident -- blame the salem witch trials.
By the time Danny is born, the fae blood has become so latent that it really doesn't show up anymore other than the Fentons Eccentricity and obsession with the supernatural (a latent desire to return home to the fae realm - aka infinite realms). There's an unnatural charm surrounding the fenton that really only creeps almost every human within a visual radius, and Danny is no exception.
hoWEVEr. the accident that turned danny into a halfa in one timeline did no such thing in this one -- it just reactivated his latent fae blood, and reactivated it with a fervor. Effectively turning Danny from a human into a changeling.
Danny just thinks at first that he's a half-ghost -- only to realize later on from Clockwork that he's not one at all. He's very much fae -- which is a wild discovery for Danny to make. It also means his rogues are quite a bit more intimidated by him. Fae are above ghosts in the Infinite Realm Creature Hierarchy, no matter how powerful they are. A fae can still Steal the name of a ghost, so Danny's rogues are rather skittish/unsure around Danny until they realize he doesn't know he's a changeling -- after that, many of them vow to try and keep it secret amongst themselves.
Danny's 'ghost' form is rather birdlike, and in human form his appearance warps to match his comfortability. When he's alone with his friends he starts taking on unnatural features. -- his blue-green eyes brighten and his pupils elongate, his teeth sharpen, and his ears grow longer and animal-like. His hair softens to be more feathery, his nails sharpen. In general he takes on more 'bird-ish' features. At school, around his parents, and when he's stressed, tense, or scared, he looks completely human -- an instinctual survival mechanism.
As a ghost, he has large, pretty wings that gradient from black to dark purple-blue, with a shimmer across the feathers that resembles the aurora borealis. His limbs elongate, his legs becoming bird-like and his talons grow on both his feet and nails. His ears vaguely resemble a rabbit's, although they don't flop down like one. All his teeth sharpen. Razor sharp chompers, capable of biting through bone. His eyes take on a greenish-hue, but otherwise remain the same color, albeit his sclera becomes blue-ish and his pupils become diamond-shaped and white. Rings of seafoam blue circle around his iris, creating a reflective sheen. He makes chirping, creaking noises, and when he speaks there's a faint overlap that is very enchanting.
Overall he's rather beautiful in a terrifyingly inhuman way, its hard to take your eyes off him. He has a lot of feathers. He's very drawn to singing and music in general, and gets into music sometime after his accident. He likes flutes/ocarinas/woodwinds the most, followed shortly after by strings, and then piano. He also slowly loses the ability to lie -- which is really annoying and also terrifying until he learns how to reword himself and become a better wordsmith.
SInce this stemmed from an older brother dpdc au, its gonna stay an older brother dpdc au alsfh. i'll just get to the dpxdc part in another post since i wanted to get this off my chest first
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gladosluver · 3 months
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there are many problems with my body and brain right now so if any unhinged things get posted blame The Corner Man wwwwwwwwww
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drawbauchery · 9 months
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thought we'd check in on the Lost in the Hallway(tm) crew
SO it's still the same with the og survivor group joining, but more of the class is hopping aboard too (taka, chihiro, and sakura jumped at the chance). i think the only reason ff relented and allowed the remnants to use their hospital was because all of the thh class pulled sad puppy eyes & promised to take care of them. it's not all roses, but i think whatever wariness/resentment 78 feels towards 77 won't make them turn their backs. they are makoto's class after all.
no no the lil remnants have a more punch-on-sight adversary to watch out for. if not just to make their lives a little more difficult than they need to be ヾ(*´ ∇ `)ノ
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mangoshibi · 1 year
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They told him not to go on this mission
He wanted to show off that he did it
…… he almost blew up
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metamatronic · 2 years
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System Memory Retrieval Error—Match Not Found. Rerouting to Next Available Host. System Memory Placement Error—Parent Host Unavailable. Rerouting To Next Available Host.
(Pt. 2)
I’ve been rotating this idea in my head like a rotisserie chicken for a while. Made this whole comic on stream!
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spittyfishy · 6 months
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The thh remnants kept social media around even during the Tragedy specifically so they could dunk on the Future Foundation lol
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idyllcy · 1 year
Congrats on 500, Cressie!! I know fics are limited, but I was hoping to toss my hat in with a request for maybe some post-NWP fluff and recovery with Komaeda? Thank you thank you! <3
pills - nagito komaeda x reader
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"Ko. Komaeda. Maeda. Komaeda. darling, come on, Ko—"
"Yes, darling?" Komaeda raises a brow, glasses sliding down as he pushes them up, finally looking up from his screen.
"I'm hungry." You blow a raspberry, staring at your ring. "When do you finish? Do you need help? Should I run down and grab something for us?"
"I'm almost done." He hums. "If you're hungry, you can grab something right now."
"I wanna go with you." You huff.
"Five minutes." He grins sheepishly. "Sorry, they want this done by tonight."
"What is it?"
"It's the plans to rescue more survivors." He smiles.
"Can you hook up your hand to the computer and type with your mind?"
"Not quite." He pauses. "I can ask Hinata-kun, though."
You pause to stare at his hands, and at the way he frowns.
"Did you forget your pain meds?"
"Ah... as expected. You figured it out." He laughs awkwardly.
"Here." You pull an extra bottle from your drawer. "I asked Hinata for an extra bottle in case you forget yours, ever."
"Oh." He catches it, smiling. "You're always prepared, aren't you, darling?
"Can we get food after this?" You frown.
"Yes. Work can wait. It's the least I can do since you have my pills." Komaeda swallows the pills as you look at him in horror. No water??
"I'm never going to get over the way you swallow pills."
"Well you have all of eternity for that." Komaeda smiles down at you as he stops at your table. "Ready?"
"Yeah." You smile, taking his hand, ring cooling his skin. "What do you wanna eat?"
"I'll see when we get there."
The metal on his finger is cool on your skin too.
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gracekraft · 2 years
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Requests from Twitter featuring Ishimondo, Tokomaru and Gatomon!
Toko and Komaru are from my Sakuraoi FF AU where they’re all coworkers. They should hopefully show up in a future comic involving Sakura, Aoi and Kotoko (who has adopted Sakura and Aoi as her guardians)
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danizmomota · 1 year
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GUNDHAM TANAKA - Future Foundation
JESUS idk why this took me so long, I originally wanted to post both Gundham and Yasuhiro together but I couldn’t finish both- so for now we have him^^
Ig also a sneak peek on the bottom corner for Yasuhiro’s design
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humblefryingpan · 2 months
A little masterlist for my DC/Danganronpa crossover! This is more for me than anyone else, I want to be able to look through it all easily lol
To summarize, I'm hyperfixating on both the batfamily and on danganronpa so I decided to turn the drp characters into DC vigilantes. I gave a little explanation on why I picked each character so yeah enjoy I guess!
Part 1 - Batkids
Part 2 - Batman/Talia/Selina
Part 3 - Teen Titans
Part 4 - Young Justice
Part 5 - Gotham Rogues
Makoto Art
I'm going to update this as I go bc I haven't finished yet <3
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blueboybot · 4 months
Rise Of The Hopeful Brat
Makoto is caputured and taken to the nearest RoD which so happens to be Fuyuhiko. Fuyuhiko has watched the killing game, he's seen enough to know what the hope-filled bastard is like and he's pretty sure he can handle him before tossing him to the others where they could then decided what to do with him. It would be a piece of poisoned cake...
He was wrong, so fucking wrong.
What was supposed to be a simple hostage situation quickly turned into the WORST babysitting gig he has ever gotten, granted he has never babysat anyone but if he had this would be the worst. It had only been a day since his kidnapping for the brat to start acting up. Somehow he got free and started treating the Monokumas he set to guard the place as his personal fucking throw toys, aiming at any and everything in his sight, Fuyuhiko included.
Oh but it didn't stop there, no no no.
On the second day he got free again and found the generator that was used to give his place power and destroyed it with a sledgehammer he found, luckily there was a backup one Kazuichi had made so he made do with that but his important communication line was fucked up for a while.
On the third day the little fucker had somehow gotten out AGAIN (he was going to kill those useless guards) and this time he found the control room, which was supposed to be secretly hidden, he was using to control monokumas that were fighting Future Foundation agents and used them to help the agents. It was good thing for Fuyuhiko that Makoto was absolute shit at controlling them otherwise he'd be in serious shit, but, it still gave the agents enough time to do damage on their numbers.
On the fourth day the kid was just being an annoying prick. Destroying any and all breakable things in the kitchen, which means a lack of silverware, plates and bowls for a while.
On the fifth day he–
Fuyuhiko was on his sixth cigarette of the day when the time came to meet the rest of the RoD, which was saying a lot since it was only 11:40 a.m. in the day. His hair had grown a little longer, there was peach fuzz starting to grow on his face, dark circles around his eyes and his usual put together outfit was disheveled unlike anything it had been before he, unfortunately, captured the brat.
"Woahhh, did baby gangsta get taller?" Ibuki questioned in her cheerful tone.
"You look like shit!" Hiyoko countered.
Fuyuhiko looked away from them and stared at Makoto who was being restrained in chains with locks and cloth covering his mouth by Peko. The eyes that looked back at him told him all he needed to know. That little fucker enjoyed every single thing he had done and doesn't regret a thing.
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bunpiry · 11 months
I have rewritten or made an au where Class 77b are helping Future Foundation! It's Post-NWP, Makoto convinces the divisions that they can unbrainwash them with a help of proof, luckily they accepted it, but if it goes wrong they'll have to kill em. Then sdr2 happens, FF we're deciding if they should like stop the program but instead of doing that, they helped Makoto remove the virus in the last trial in sdr2. After all the crap, FF we're keeping the Class 77B in observation if there's any changes. (spoilers: It's all good!)
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