metropolitianmania · 7 months
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Okay so…Did anyone ever read a history book? Or ever get to learn what empathy is? Because these tags/reblogs on this post are HORRENDOUS and dumb.
Before I say anything: I want to clarify I am a Mexican + Salvadoran American, Nonbinary and nblm, and I probably have DID. Meaning, I do have experience in a lot of different communities! I’m speaking as someone who has seen this first hand and am actually taking courses in college on this. Moving on…
A big part of what irked me about these particular reblogs is the ‘reminder’ that white girls wouldn’t need to add on minority identities to have an opinion - because that’s based upon the idea that people who scream the loudest about being marginalized are NOT the white girls with minority identities themselves!
As I said on that post, white people are STILL the poster children of most other marginalized groups besides race. Y’all only have it worse than other white people. Marginalized groups that aren’t predominantly known to affect white people are deemed UNSAFE and DISGUSTING (such as single mothers, addiction, and other ‘stereotypical poc’ issues) UNLESS lo and behold, there’s a white woman or man dealing with that issue. You will always get help first.
Mental Illness Awareness online is predominantly White and AMAB.
LGBTQ Spaces are predominantly White.
Disability safe spaces are predominantly White.
And there’s nothing WRONG with being white and having minority identities. The thing is, it’s a problem y’all created for yourselves that you blame people of color for. Y’all think white people need to be oppressed in some way in order for them to even be an ALLY to marginalized groups. This is white guilt at its finest. This is the idea that you’re all stuck washing away the blood off your ancestors hands- which only leads you guys to NEED to be coddled by excessive labeling to make yourselves feel like you’re even allowed to have an opinion on something. You can, the only thing is, you just need to know that
1. You are not your ancestors. Whatever they did in the past, learn from it. Even if they WERE bad people, what they did does not mean you’re ‘tainted’ forever.
2. LISTEN. You can have opinions on things that include minorities and marginalized groups, but at the end of the day, you do not have the privilege to speak OVER (as in, negate) their own experiences. And if they say something is racist - maybe it is. If they say you don’t understand completely, it’s means you…
3…. Need to check your privilege. You are always going to be white first before anything. Copying from my last post, the difference between being white and a minority vs being POC and a minority is the fact that whiteness gets to stay ambiguous (no one will demand you to clarify what ‘type of white you are) and have the luxury of being able to say “I’m nonbinary/gay/have adhd/autism/am disabled/yada yada ya.” whereas for POC, their ethnicity is their most defining characteristic, and is NOT allowed to be ambiguous.
Latinos/Hispanics (in my personal experience) are often asked by other latinos/hispanics and non-latinos/hispanics alike what ‘type of latino’ they are. It's almost as if people of color are demanded to explain who they are to white people in order for them to be relatable in this day and age. It's almost as if we have been forced to wear our ethnicities out and about, getting harassed or worse because we are not white.
If you didn’t know, racism derives from religious beliefs- certain people who looked a certain type of way were considered “unholy” and “unfit in the eyes of God”. If you had a big nose, or a certain hair texture, you were deemed ‘Not Christian enough’. They would look for any reason to deem people ‘Not Christian Enough’, or not ‘white enough’ when talking about modern day racism.
I fucking despise white people who try to use their marginalization as a way to garner sympathy and support from minorities. We understand that you are and can be oppressed too, but that doesn’t fucking get rid of your MOST DEFINING FACTOR: YOUR WHITENESS. At the end of the day, you will always be able to hide your oppression behind your whiteness. Your whiteness is your shield. It can blind you. We cannot hide behind our ethnicity. We cannot be ambiguous. That’s the harsh fucking reality.
But that’s were EDUCATION comes in! Learning about your privilege actually helps you understand people a LOT better. I don’t blame you guys at all for being uninformed. But you only become an oppressor when you’re purposefully ignorant.
Don’t do that.
YES, you can be biased towards white people, but they’ve been the majority for a LONG TIME, meaning white people cannot and will not experience racism for a very, very long time. Unfortunately because of this, a lot of POC teach their children to be afraid or to hate their oppressors, and are also taught to cater to the majority’s gaze. This is where that whole “evil majority” shit comes from - and funnily enough (and again), is a term that y’all came up for yourselves.
We have our own issues inside our own communities (not to discredit anything that happens for white communities) that we really don’t need white input on too. Just felt like I needed y’all to hear that. If you really think we POC are curating an intricate way to discredit/discriminate against White people, perhaps those places that you feel left out in ARE NOT places for you at all! Think of it as a bathroom- do you really think a lock on the bathroom door means you’re not allowed to use it ever or does it mean when it’s unlocked and open, you’re free to use it?
TL;DR: White people whining about not having a voice is ironic because they’re the ones creating these barriers for themselves.
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saucingitup · 5 months
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and this is why baseball is the best sport (see also: these baseball sidequests)
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fridaysvalentine · 1 year
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reddwoods · 7 months
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two bros… sitting in the dugout… touching their palms together and comparing hand sizes… this is what baseball is about
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lizzysbrain · 9 months
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this episode sky rocketed tony collette to the top of my favorite dndad's characters list and i... do not think it should have done that actually
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if a show is trying to be historically accurate then it better have employed the best historians and researchers and have everything fact checked….
on the other hand, if they are throwing historical accuracy to the wind and saying ‘fuck it, the Tudor princess is going to say ‘Slay Queen’ and they’re all going to do the cha cha slide’ then i am on board
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coralreeferband · 6 months
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madartz15 · 10 months
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This scene fucking killed me. Jack keeping his fingers on Belle's pulse all night just to make sure she was still alive is such a romantic yet sad little detail. Man probably didn't get an ounce of sleep that night. 😭
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auditers · 26 days
cutest first pitch ever
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metropolitianmania · 7 months
question. when do we stop pretending to give a fuck about everyone and own up to caring only when they're professionally diagnosed with a disorder/disability??? do u forget that some of us are american and broke and can't afford therapy or any hospital bills? or that a person may be a POC, and probably not even get diagnosed/diagnosed properly??? or that some of us are not in situations that would allow us to get the help that we want/need because it may as well cost us our lives? im so sick of people telling me to hush up about my experiences when i'm venting because i'm "perpetuating falsehoods about a disorder you're (I'm) not even diagnosed with professionally" like girl!! I will die if I try to get professional help right now!! I also literally have to live paycheck to paycheck!!! what makes you think getting diagnosed is my top priority?!
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petersong3 · 3 months
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Baseball time...⚾️🍟
Tiempo de béisbol...⚾🍟
#MLB #ArizonaDiamondbacks #AtlantaBraves #BaltimoreOrioles #BostonRedSox #ChicagoCubs #ChicagoWhiteSox #CincinnatiReds #ClevelandGuardians #ColoradoRockies #DetroitTigers #HoustonAstros #KansasCityRoyals
#LosAngelesAngels #LosAngelesDodgers #MiamiMarlins #MilwaukeeBrewers #MinnesotaTwins #NewYorkMets #NewYorkYankees #OaklandAthletics
#PhiladelphiaPhillies #PittsburghPirates #SanDiegoPadres #SanFranciscoGiants #SeattleMariners #StLouisCardinals #TampaBayRays #TexasRangers TorontoBlueJays #WashingtonNationals
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rejectingrepublicans · 5 months
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christadeguchi · 8 months
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I am going to be captivated by Bee Delay until I fall asleep this is the best thing that has happened all month
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