#white bitches when their whiteness will always come first and foremost
metropolitianmania · 7 months
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Okay so…Did anyone ever read a history book? Or ever get to learn what empathy is? Because these tags/reblogs on this post are HORRENDOUS and dumb.
Before I say anything: I want to clarify I am a Mexican + Salvadoran American, Nonbinary and nblm, and I probably have DID. Meaning, I do have experience in a lot of different communities! I’m speaking as someone who has seen this first hand and am actually taking courses in college on this. Moving on…
A big part of what irked me about these particular reblogs is the ‘reminder’ that white girls wouldn’t need to add on minority identities to have an opinion - because that’s based upon the idea that people who scream the loudest about being marginalized are NOT the white girls with minority identities themselves!
As I said on that post, white people are STILL the poster children of most other marginalized groups besides race. Y’all only have it worse than other white people. Marginalized groups that aren’t predominantly known to affect white people are deemed UNSAFE and DISGUSTING (such as single mothers, addiction, and other ‘stereotypical poc’ issues) UNLESS lo and behold, there’s a white woman or man dealing with that issue. You will always get help first.
Mental Illness Awareness online is predominantly White and AMAB.
LGBTQ Spaces are predominantly White.
Disability safe spaces are predominantly White.
And there’s nothing WRONG with being white and having minority identities. The thing is, it’s a problem y’all created for yourselves that you blame people of color for. Y’all think white people need to be oppressed in some way in order for them to even be an ALLY to marginalized groups. This is white guilt at its finest. This is the idea that you’re all stuck washing away the blood off your ancestors hands- which only leads you guys to NEED to be coddled by excessive labeling to make yourselves feel like you’re even allowed to have an opinion on something. You can, the only thing is, you just need to know that
1. You are not your ancestors. Whatever they did in the past, learn from it. Even if they WERE bad people, what they did does not mean you’re ‘tainted’ forever.
2. LISTEN. You can have opinions on things that include minorities and marginalized groups, but at the end of the day, you do not have the privilege to speak OVER (as in, negate) their own experiences. And if they say something is racist - maybe it is. If they say you don’t understand completely, it’s means you…
3…. Need to check your privilege. You are always going to be white first before anything. Copying from my last post, the difference between being white and a minority vs being POC and a minority is the fact that whiteness gets to stay ambiguous (no one will demand you to clarify what ‘type of white you are) and have the luxury of being able to say “I’m nonbinary/gay/have adhd/autism/am disabled/yada yada ya.” whereas for POC, their ethnicity is their most defining characteristic, and is NOT allowed to be ambiguous.
Latinos/Hispanics (in my personal experience) are often asked by other latinos/hispanics and non-latinos/hispanics alike what ‘type of latino’ they are. It's almost as if people of color are demanded to explain who they are to white people in order for them to be relatable in this day and age. It's almost as if we have been forced to wear our ethnicities out and about, getting harassed or worse because we are not white.
If you didn’t know, racism derives from religious beliefs- certain people who looked a certain type of way were considered “unholy” and “unfit in the eyes of God”. If you had a big nose, or a certain hair texture, you were deemed ‘Not Christian enough’. They would look for any reason to deem people ‘Not Christian Enough’, or not ‘white enough’ when talking about modern day racism.
I fucking despise white people who try to use their marginalization as a way to garner sympathy and support from minorities. We understand that you are and can be oppressed too, but that doesn’t fucking get rid of your MOST DEFINING FACTOR: YOUR WHITENESS. At the end of the day, you will always be able to hide your oppression behind your whiteness. Your whiteness is your shield. It can blind you. We cannot hide behind our ethnicity. We cannot be ambiguous. That’s the harsh fucking reality.
But that’s were EDUCATION comes in! Learning about your privilege actually helps you understand people a LOT better. I don’t blame you guys at all for being uninformed. But you only become an oppressor when you’re purposefully ignorant.
Don’t do that.
YES, you can be biased towards white people, but they’ve been the majority for a LONG TIME, meaning white people cannot and will not experience racism for a very, very long time. Unfortunately because of this, a lot of POC teach their children to be afraid or to hate their oppressors, and are also taught to cater to the majority’s gaze. This is where that whole “evil majority” shit comes from - and funnily enough (and again), is a term that y’all came up for yourselves.
We have our own issues inside our own communities (not to discredit anything that happens for white communities) that we really don’t need white input on too. Just felt like I needed y’all to hear that. If you really think we POC are curating an intricate way to discredit/discriminate against White people, perhaps those places that you feel left out in ARE NOT places for you at all! Think of it as a bathroom- do you really think a lock on the bathroom door means you’re not allowed to use it ever or does it mean when it’s unlocked and open, you’re free to use it?
TL;DR: White people whining about not having a voice is ironic because they’re the ones creating these barriers for themselves.
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tuesday again 7/16/2024
how your backyard hurricane go, the houston area? pretty good it doesn't seem
to be clear other than losing everything in my fridge and developing some mold around the windowframes IM personally fine and so are the girls and so is the lair. we lost power sunday afternoon and got it back friday morning (upside down smiley emoji x16)
THREE CANONICALLY BISEXUAL CLUB BANGERS!!! also, trying out a new thing with spotify and youtube videos for songs bc my readership is about 70/30 and i want to streamline the process of actually listening to new music for ppl. it must be really annoying this week but that's bc there's three songs. sorry. it will rarely be this long
ANXIETY by Lilyisthatyou is new to me, off the spotify autogenerated dance playlist. a chiller groove in the spelling-things-out genre of dance music. VERY flashy-lights music vid fyi
Why do I feel so alone? Does it show That I'm dancing to fill the void with pretty girls and pretty boys?
i know about kesha's joyride bc i happen to be an alive queer woman. im SO happy kesha is also alive and making music more regularly. this one is canonically bisexual bc kesha is bisexual. also a really flashy-lights lyric video. the most classically recession-pop/early KESHA sound of all three tuesdaysongs this week. im always fascinated when an accordion shows up.
Rev my engine ’til you make it purr Keep it kinky, but I come first Beep-beep, bitch, I'm outside Get in, loser, for the joyride
thank u new releases spotify playlist. also canonically bisexual bc the singer is, also an early KESHA feel but she is a metal artist first and foremost. very fun to headbang to at a stop light. i don't totally Love how it's an emasculating song but given how dudes in the metal scene generally are? i think she should make it more emasculating actually
Take you down a peg (And peg and peg and peg) If you're a macho man then beg (And beg and beg and beg) Bend you over the bed (The bed the bed the bed) It's time to take you down a peg (And peg and peg and peg)
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fun fact i still haven't seen this movie. i got this from the library the day before the hurricane proper and it gave me a really lovely two hours of not thinking about the active hurricane the day after. enormous format photographs! full-length shots of every look! ithe little personal notes from each designer were so fun to read, and i think this genuinely healed my heart a little. everyone was so excited to go into detail about what choices they made and what inspired them, and even though i would have loved more specific construction details, specific fiber types, and full-length shots of the Back of every look, i recognize i am a freak.
watched a truly bonkers assortment of films at my bestie's house this week. her husband is big into godzilla and i sat down not really paying attention or planning to pay attention to Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (2024, dir. Wingard) but found myself actually paying attention. i unfortunately was a character i hate, Person Who Stops The Movie Halfway Through To Demand A Recap. loved these guys, whatever the fuck they were
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the most fun thing about this movie is that it is not a silent film but it acts like one. there are long, long stretches of movie without dialogue bc all the political action is happening between a bunch of giant monkeys. this is going to sound like im damning it with faint praise but they really thought carefully about directorial and artistic choices here! there was a vision and they executed it! it's fun to look at and not just because there's a big monkey in most of the shots!
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got a look at characters for the new fire-themed land coming up this fall. ppl are understandably big mad that the land is based on Ring of Fire cultures and everyone is paper-white. i think it is correct to be mad and ask them to do better, and they have tweaked designs before release before, however, i don't think this will bring about a sea change in gacha games.
i am rolling along clearing out map markers and achievement hunting and my GOD are there a lot of time-gated achievements in inazuma (electricity-themed legally-not-japan). so so so many of them i originally got halfway through or did 1/5 and then wandered off bc i didn't realize there was a quest or achievement locked behind doing something for three or five days in a row. i now have a post-it on the corner of my monitor with nine different things i have to keep checking in on this week. please someone give me a REAL JOB!!!!!!
cross stitch progress. this was the only thing i did last week aside from shake like a chihuahua and sleep. very slow going! may have to ship the package off to my brother with an IOU bc it is already stressfully late.
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made the bean influencer soup (creamy miso coconut butter beans). i made a batch before the hurricane last week so most of my notes are from then. the grocery did not have canned butter beans so i made the same thing (big lima beans) from dry. i have not made beans from dry since i was very small. these beans were so large, so pale, so aggressive.
changes: i was able to find a little carton of straight coconut cream at the grocery but they were out of miso paste. i did have miso soup mix and plopped that in. i also used frozen spinch bc it’s cheaper and i felt better about it than the somewhat questionable fresh spinch on offer. also used two onions instead of one and a hearty dollop of minced jarred garlic bc who do u think i even fucking am. i would have loved to use fresh dill, bc i did plant some and it was growing very well, but the caterpillars were very intense and ate almost everything on my balcony.
going in the rotation! im making it AGAIN as im typing up this post! pretty cheap, very tasty, i don't regularly keep butter beans or coconut cream in my pantry but that can change!
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siblingskissing · 4 months
wheelercest smut headcanons?
Wheelercest Smut Headcanons!
I'm not great with writing/coming up with smut ideas but I hope you enjoy these thoughts I can come up with!
Warnings: Smut/nsfw (obvi)
-Dom! Bottom Nancy and Sub!Top! Mike -I'm sorry i just can't see that boy as a top- especially not with NANCY -A switch/brat? 1000% but never a dom
-Okay so when they first start dating they don't actually start having sex -In attempts of justifying their relationship they always excuse it with "well we are only holding hands and kissing! We're not doing anything bad by just kissing and cuddling :D" - meanwhile they are white knuckling their chairs because theres only sm their own hands can do for them
-Eventually the frustration gets to them, they get into even more arguments than they did before they began dating and their friends are tired of them. Eventually Lucas makes a comment about Mike 'being so mad because he's celibate' and that 'he needs to get some before Max murders him'
-Nancy, being the older sister she is, decides to sit him down and find a solution when mike brings up the teasing, and after a few hours of back and forth, they decide that mutual masturbation could be a good even middle ground. -After all, they aren't touching each other just....getting off to each other. totally different -They lay down beside each other and (to no ones surprise) Mike shows Nancy a skin mag he kept hidden from their parents to get them started -Nancy is eh about it- she doesn't really like using porn for her pleasure but it gets her started -They sit so close- barely a hair lengths away with the magazine across their thighs as they shuck their clothes. -It starts off well enough, Mike- being a typical teenage boy- just tries to get into it meanwhile Nancy berates him for not even trying to make himself feel good. -He, of course, complains and bitches about her correcting him but she just rolls her eyes and tries explaining foreplay and building up your pleasure - "You've got to get yourself into the mood- starting soft isn't going to do anything than give your friction burn!" -"If you're so great at this then why don't you just do it then?" -And lets all remember, Wheelers are not ones to back down from a challenge. -And so Nancy doesn't even think twice before reaching over and grabbing his thigh, massaging his skin before kissing under his jaw. -Mike just bluescreens -Eventually it develops and it ends up with Nancy behind Mike, holding him to her chest as she stroked him- her fingers rolling over his cockhead and squeezing at his most sensitive spots. -He's moaning so loud that Nancy is praying to every god out there that a neighbor doesn't complain or hear them. -when he comes she doesn't pull off, instead stroking him through it before swiping his cum across his stomach, complaining about not having been able to even touch herself. -And Mike- he goes to help her cause while he's a douche sometimes he does want to return the favor. -but he's inexperienced, a bit sloppy and tries putting a finger in her without even checking if she's wet -She is, but not enough for straight penetration -So begins Nancy's neck lesson, teaching him where to touch, where to stroke and just where she was most sensitive. -he ends up getting the hang of it surprisingly well, and when she comes on his fingers he visibly deflates because he wanted to keep going now that they were finally touching -and that is when Mike learns girls have shorter recovery periods, and he makes it a personal mission to see how many times he can make her cum per session
-After this they kind of accept they're gross and just keep track of birth control options and fertility cycles because Nancy does not want to explain that
-Mike is the most sensitive of the two- especially when it comes to his sides, chest, stomach and inner thighs -Meanwhile Nancy's chest, thighs, the backs of her legs and her neck are her sweet spots. -Mike grows pretty tall, and so during sex he usually holds Nancy- sometimes from behind but typically he keeps her in his lap.
-They have a few preferred positions: The Amazon, Cowgirl, Lotus, really they mostly prefer facing eachother with Nancy on top. However Mike does sometimes having a bit more control of the pace (but thats reserved for when Nancy is rewarding him) -While I love couples doing pegging, I imagine they don't like it much- Mike doesn't mind it but he hates how odd the plastic feels. meanwhile Nancy would rather thrust and actually feel something more than a bit of clit stimulation. -Overall just not really their thing -they love exploring things- kinks, new positions, new acts, everything Mike's preferred Kinks: -Mike finds he enjoys pain- but not a ton of it. A few slaps here and there, spanking his thighs and ass, nails on his back and chest -Even more so he loves being told what to do (in the bedroom that is). -Loves oral- he prefers receiving more than giving but that doesn't mean he won't -He finds he really likes her hands- likes how they feel on him and how they look gripping things
Nancy's preferred kinks: -my girl loves being in charge of situations where she isn't saving lives -She also likes tying ropes and making intricate designs when she ties up mike. She thinks he looks particularly handsome with dark rope against his pale skin -She enjoys the feeling of lingerie and the texture of silk so she brings its into the bedroom and finds she enjoys it
-They kiss like they're starving, like- practically eating eachother
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-like this type shit
Thank you for reading/ asking for this! It's kinda fun writing these- please give me any feedback if you can of anything!
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sakura-otome · 5 months
Alright, since Utakata no Uchronia is finally being released and I'm gonna be picking up my reservation at Stella Worth tomorrow, let's go through the main and also side characters and talk about which ones I would totally smash
For those of you who don't know Broccoli, the company that produced Jack Jeanne, has come out with a new otome game as of 4/11.
The writing team is basically the exact same team as the one that worked on Piofiore, including the artist RiRi
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I'm genuinely so hype for this game. I never ever ever reserve the special edition for a game, but I'm confident this will be a masterpiece like Piofiore. The character designs are all great, the voice actors are top notch A-listers, and they even used live 2D to animate all the sprites! Which has never been done in an otome game before.
This game also has a free trial, which let's you play through the common route, so I definitely encourage anyone who's interested and able to read Japanese to go ahead and play it.
Anyways, let's get to the main cast!
Okay first and foremost, our lovely protagonist ~ ❤️❤️
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Her default name is Hinagiku, which is so darn cute!
I don't play games if I don't like the MC's design, but she passes with flying colors. I love white hair, her outfit is fantastic, and I don't find her personality grating. She's actually quite fun!
1000% SMASH
Next is Yashiro
VA: Kobayashi Chiaki
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He's clearly the main hero. Putting aside plot stuff and other predictions, his big thing is being quite mysterious. Though he's very friendly, due to his amnesia at the story, we know basically nothing about him. From what I could glean from the info on the site and character PVs, I'm definitely sensing self hatred and angst, and also he's much bolder than I would have expected!
Next is Tobari
VA: Okamoto Nobuhiko
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So far, he's the one I'm most looking forward to. He's the face of the red light district, and is very dependable despite his age. I really adore the deep kindness that seems to underly his tough exterior, and the voice samples give me the picture of a someone who won't reach out to the MC because of his role, and what it would do to her if he were to take that chance. It doesn't matter if she wants it, it would lead to her unhappiness —
Listen I could go on. But to summarize.
Here's the thing about me. I'm always craving a specific kind of angst. I love when one party rejects the other, not because the feelings aren't mutual, but because they have to choose to live by their principles in some way. And I feel that Tobari is the most likely to scratch this itch.
Next up is Awayuki
VA: Saito Soma
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He is basically the MC's personal butler/guardian. They've been by each other's sides since they were children, and he was one of the few that remained after the fire that destroyed her home and killed her parents when she was 8.
I certainly don't dislike this dynamic, but it's not necessarily my biggest thing. The notes said that the theme for his route was "attachment" or "obsession", from the both if them, which is intriguing to me because MC doesn't seem intense to me in that way, but we'll have to see!
Next is Yori
VA: Eguchi Takuya
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He's an officer in the militia Kurozuru, and is outright stated in his bio to have quite the nasty personality.
Tbh he pisses me off too much for me to make a fair assessment of him. He's perfectly physically attractive but I cant get past the urge to strangle him Homer Simpson style.
I'm looking forward to his route only insofar as I hope he gets put in his goddamn place.
Next up, Tsuyukusa
VA: Matsuoka Yoshitsugu
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He's a skilled craftsman and a childhood friend to the MC.
He has the biggest, fattest, most obvious crush on the MC right out the gate, and it's honestly the cutest thing ever.
I'm honestly shocked this girl hasn't noticed, he barely hides it. Bitch is cute but hella dense.i honestly feel bad for him at this point.
He's really giving me cat energy. Real meow meow catboy energy if you will. Anyway
Moving onto side characters! Woo!
VA: Azakami Yōhei
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So apparently he's Yori's older brother who also works in Kurozuru. From what I've seen of this guy, he's genuinely one of the nicest people ever, and I cannot believe he is related to Tori in any capacity. A mystery how he turned out so well-adjusted while Yori is an unapologetic dickhead. Would love to see a side story with him.
This is Aijiro
VA: Toya Kikunosuke
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Works for Yori. Hates his boss but is one of the few actually capable of working with him. Personally, not my type, design or personality wise.
Next up, Karatachi
VA: Fukuyama Jun
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The head of Kurozuro. Is known to be quite eccentric and difficult to work with.
Listen, out of everyone in this game, he's the one I would personally jump in an alley. OBSESSED.
Moving on, Shioji
VA: Yoshimura Kazuhiro
He's Tobari's right hand man, and also sort of "older brother". He's friendly and charming but I'm not particularly struck by him or his design.
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papirouge · 4 months
Not white gay men on my tiktok fyp literally protecting glaad and justifying Israel and zionism because “Hamas controls Palestine and wants to kill gay people” 🙄
They’re completely fine with murdering Palestine men women and children because hamas. I’ve noticed this among white western gay men and women who often have these same views. They’re scared of hamas because of some weird fantasy they have their head that this fringe group will take over the world and persecute gay people under sharia law, meanwhile in reality, children are starving to death and being bombed at for being Palestinian. It’s the same thing when people think of Palestinian they only think “strict muslim” when it only means someone from Palestine and make this issue into a Jew vs Muslim one when it’s not
If there's one thing that this war revealed is that white homosexuals will always be White people first and foremost and therefore prioritize the best interest of White people - regardless of their sexuality. There no coincidence many White gays are rabidly racists. Hitler knew what he was doing when he leveraged homosexuality as a recruiting tool to hire new SS (look up the Pink Swastika book by Judith Reissman)
Since I'm orbiting around radfem platforms that's something I noticed a lot these last few months .
Mind you, before all of this, those White women were all agreeing that war wasn't just a "male thing" and that women were significantly affected it (through rape as war weapon, etc.), so I was extremely confused to see them "we don't know enough about this conflict to talk about it uwu" this issue out once Gaza started being carpet bombed. Like- i thought that war was bad for women no matter what? so why suddenly being wishywashy about calling for a ceasefire?? Mind you, while they feigned neutrality, they'll still reblogged posts talking about the mass rapes of October 7.... but nothing about raped Palestinian women. Because we all know only the Hamas rapes women and that the IDF hasn't been exposed countless times abusing & raping Israeli women of course ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Many radfem are just racist white women using female oppression as a totem of immunity to protect them from any criticism.
I'm glad I clocked their bs out when a lot of them started saying shit like "misogyny is worse than slavery bc misogyny existed for a longer time uwu" sorry but that brand of retarded take could only come from the sick brain of delusional White women.
Same when they did THE MOST about the karen meme bc they were cranky people of color were seeing through the bs of nasty white women crocodile tears. I'll never forget radfem saying karen was a misogynist meme and getting more angry at it than the actual racist white women that made the meme pop in the first place... Tells you where their priorities are and how prone to gloss over racism they are . BUT GOD FORBID IF YOU DARE CALL A WOMEN A "BITCH" BECAUSE MISOGYNY IS ACTUALLY THE WORST OFFENSE
I think White gay men are even more dangerous though because as men, they might have even less compassion for women (racist + misogyny)j. They see Palestinians as beast that would kill them.
Oh, and I'll never forget about all those "Christian" who remain silent while our Palestinians Christian brethrens are being martyred. These hypocrites LOVED weaponizing the struggle of Christians in middle east to dunk on Muslim, but suddenly don't have shit to say when Jews were killing them in churches. Special shout out to evangelicals who went ballistic during c0vid lockdowns (and fighting no gathering policies arguing that church gathering was an unalienable right as Christian), but didn't say shit when Palestinian churches were being bombed (with believers inside) by Zionists. These ghouls only used Christians middle eastern as pawns to hate on Muslim, not because theu genuinely cared for them. They are hellbound.
I hope that none of them will have the audacity to ever talk about how "Christianity is a middle east religion uwu" to defend themselves off the white supremacist accusations when did NOTHING to defend middle east Christians being murdered before our eyes. They are White supremacists. Every White Christian blogger on this website who ever talked about middle east Christian but didn't say shit abt the martyrdom of Christians Palestinian is a ghoul. I wish I could buy some "you're a fake Christian a ghoul and White supremacist coward" Tumblr badge for all of them to show everyone how fake they are.
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wineworshipped · 5 months
The Laughing God
His name is Dionysus. Liber, Bromius, Bacchus too, yes, but always Dionysus first and foremost. God of wine, fertility, excess, ecstasy, theatre, release, rebirth, madness, and the wild joys of total liberation. The original uninhibited god, born of mortal Semele and immortal Zeus, aegis-bearer, twice-born and full of mirth. The dithyramb is beat in his honor; maneads and bacchants dance in the wild wood for his pleasures. Such is the glory of great Dionysus, madcap lord of the midnight revels.
—Well. Such was the glory of Dionysus, lord of the torches. It’s Dio nowdays. Dio Theoinos among the mortal crowds, hot-shot producer/director and King of the Great White Way. (Dɪᴏɴysᴜs is awfully stiff and old-timey, don’t you think? Something a little catchier was in order for the new age.) Unseated from Olympus like the rest of his family when the new deities came into power, he’s done pretty well for himself since; he has a big media following, a handful of accidental cults, a few modern maneads—nothing spectacular, but certainly enough to get by on. A bit of prayer here and there, a few starving artists looking for a bit of luck, and bam!, he’s back in business. Maybe not running at full capacity, but not exactly putzing around on empty.
Dio is about what you’d expect of him; formerly a blinding force of joy and freedom, he still upholds the right to artistic expression and creativity…it just comes a little more tempered at his advanced age and decreased popularity. He is often surly and unamused, feeling usurped, and while quick to offense, he is equally quick to forgive. Dionysus is a fickle god at best. Sassy, snarky, witty, and sharp-tongued, Dio spends much of his time among the mortal rabble, and has picked up a few of their habits; but being immortal, he tries not to get too attached.
name: Dio(nysus), Bacchus, Bromius, Liber, Cisseus
alias: Dio Theoinos (usually)
pronouns: he/him (usually)
pantheon: Greek, Roman
familial status: Youngest of the Olympians (two uncles, one father, the Bitch, two aunts, two sisters, a sister-aunt-why are you trying to dissect ancient myth here?, two brothers—it’s actually quite a lot.)
age: Immortal
residence: New York City, New York; Los Angeles, California; Naxos, Greece; Olympus; wherever story demands
martial status: Widowed* Single
orientation: a bisexual disaster
face: Alan Cumming (Dio & most variants)
build: Svelt
height: 5’10” (sometimes up to 6′8″ For Dramatic Effect™️)
hair: Changes with the day. He prefers keeping dark hair or going “distinguished” grey.
eyes: Merlot. (It’s a wine thing.)
postive: philanthropic (…well, to a greater degree than the rest of his family), creative, artistic, loyal, individualistic, (relatively) open-minded, readily accepting, etc.
negative: arrogant, conceited, self-important, self-righteous, pompous, egotistical, narcissistic, fickle, non-committal…the list goes on.
*According to myth, Dionysus married the mortal woman Ariadne of Crete…but, unable to bear the grief of separation from her love, Theseus of Athens, she died. Or ascended to heaven. The story’s a little split on that one. Dio…doesn’t like thinking of himself as “widowed”.
ENFP: The Campaigner.
extraverted, intuitive, feeling, prospecting, turbulent
Strengths: curious, observant, energetic & enthusiastic, excellent communicator, knows how to relax, very popular & friendly
Weaknesses: poor practical skills, difficulty focusing, overthinks things, gets stressed easily, highly emotional, independent to a fault
moral alignment
Chaotic Good: “The Rebel”
combines a good heart with a free spirit
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missing-wires · 1 year
But I thought you couldn’t save Discord convos?
Technically, you can’t and it’s against TOS, but I used a third party app that extracted everything to html.
Ah, I see, how does it look?
Kinda shitty, tbh. Some of the images don’t load, but text wise everything is there. But maybe you could find a really good html viewer, that’ll make it look really good!
Haha, maybe, I’ll have to see what I can find. So what’s with these stalking claims? How did you find out where she lived?
Well, she initially she told me her name “Elizabeth,” haha so that much was never a secret. Later on, she sent me an unedited Venmo screen shot of a guy we referred to as Staff Sgt Scotty, who was this Navy aircraft mechanic, who enjoyed luring her off live streams.
White knight type of thing?
Exactly, he would pay her like $50 per hour to talk on the phone with her. One time, he wanted to talk to her for free, because he was being deployed again and asked for my advice.
Haha, what did you say?
Haha, I don’t even recall, to be honest. Maybe “Fuck that shit, charge him double” but I’m sure it’s in the convo. Anyway, she had 4 friends on Venmo, all of whom were publicly visible. I literally just typed in her ex’s name on FB, and searched “Elizabeth” on his friend list and her name popped up. I was concerned about how easy it was to find, so I told her.
Ahhh I see! And what about the pizza and the address?
Well for starters the pictures she sent me via text message were geo-tagged, so it was p obvious where she worked and lived. But even then, I wasn’t like 100% sure or anything until she confirmed it when she posted the pizza on FB.
Yeah, I mean, despite all the evidence, it was possible she could have like slept somewhere else and just been hanging out at certain place?
Haha, I mean of course. I never really cared to know her daily schedule. But like the geotagged shit was blindly obvious, why pretend like I don’t notice that shit?
Haha, bet, say how much did you pay this little bitch?
Haha, good question. First and foremost, everything I paid towards her streaming was completely refunded. Then I paid her $60 for 1 month of Snapchat access, but she cut it short after getting mad at me. My bank covered me the amount lol. I don’t know if it was a chargeback, but I told them what had happened and they covered it.
Aw that’s cool.
Yeah, so the first time i actually gave her any money at all was in early November. I sent her $100 to help with an unexpected tire/tow expense. I felt bad because she had literally just got a new car, and tried calling some “friends” but nobody would come out to help her. Left stranded, she turned to her mom, who’s always been there for her. She just sort of broke down and dropped some childhood trauma shit on her and I wanted to give her a little something to show her that I still cared, even though I had known what was going on, at that point
You knew at that point?
Haha, of course, I really just wanted her to admit it. I tried dropping hints about it, but had a hard time disguising my frustration.
Ah, that makes sense. So what, you only gave her $100?
No, I also sent her a $50 Amazon Gift Card as an early X-mas present, as well as a surprise donation of $6.66 to celebrate her reaching 666 IG followers
Aww, that’s a nice touch! Did she thank you for it?
Haha of course not, but by that point, I was never doing it for the thanks, haha. Or honestly, I don’t think I ever was doing it for the thanks. I just decided that I liked her and that was that.
Haha, I see, so in total you gave her $156.66 over the course of a year or so?
That is correct.
That’s not a big return for a year plus
Haha, no, it’s not
0 notes
rocorambles · 3 years
Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk
Pairing: Atsumu x Reader
Genre/Warnings: NSFW, Overstimulation, Degradation, Dirty Talk
Summary: Atsumu proves that he knows exactly how to make you feel good
A/N: This is for the Bully Girls Club’s Summer Euphoria Collab. Masterlist to come~ Can’t wait to see how everyone in the server spices up my summer!
Your eyes appreciatively rake over sinewy muscles and tousled blonde hair as the setter in front of you easily tosses the ball on the beach volleyball court in plain view from the towel you’re situated on. But you scoff, blatantly rolling your eyes and making a point to look away when he senses your gaze and cockily smirks, sending a wink your way.
He’s eye candy for sure, but the arrogance leaves much to be desired.
But unlike you, Atsumu has always been attracted to a little bit of spice and his eyes light up in amusement when you sneer at him, already making note of where you’re seated so he can fast track towards you once this set is done.
The sun feels good on your face and you happily close your eyes, soaking in the rays...until you can’t anymore. You open your eyes, scowling as you look to see what or who’s interrupting your moment, only to be briefly shocked by a familiar face that’s irritatingly only more attractive close-up.
“I’m Miya Atsumu. Thought you might want to know the name of the person you were eyeing like a piece of meat.”
You don’t even get to retort before he’s plopping down beside you, far too comfortable, far too close, far too warm...Quickly shaking your head clear of traitorous thoughts, you finally find words again, indifferently dismissing him with a cool shrug of your shoulders.
“You’re nice to look at, but I’m not interested in boys who only care about making themselves feel good.”
You’re expecting the irritated flash at your snarky enunciation of that mocking word and now you’re just waiting for him to either leave or snarl at you with predictable alpha male howlings of exactly how good he’d make you feel.
But what you aren’t expecting is the way his body relaxes from its brief annoyed tension and the way he looks at you with half-lidded eyes and a playful grin.
“Tell me what makes you feel good then.”
You hate how easily your face heats up at the drawl in his voice, the way you fumble for words under his inquisitive stare. But the flicker of triumph you see in his eyes has you squaring up, too stubborn to back down from a challenge.
You meet him face to face, staring into his eyes as you lean in so closely that the tip of your noses gently brush, your breaths fanning against each other.
“It would be pretty boring if I had to spell it out for you, don’t you think, At-su-mu? Why don’t you find out for yourself?”
It’s your turn to gloat at the way his eyes widen when you plant a coquettish kiss on his lips, quickly parting and standing up before he can return it, shaking the sand off yourself and your belongings as you begin to pack up. But you giggle when he scrambles to his feet, shouting out a goodbye to the group he came with before matching your strides, grabbing your tote bag from you much to your pleasant surprise.
“Such a gentleman.”
“Can’t let you tire yourself out before I even do anything, can I?”
Atsumu’s tone is lighthearted, but there’s a hunger in his eyes that makes you shudder in anticipation and you sink into his touch as he wraps an arm around your waist. Calloused fingertips lazily circle your bare skin as he slips his digits under the hem of your shirt and you’re lulled by the soothing touch, only to gasp when his hand suddenly slips down, firmly squeezing one ass cheek in the palm of his hands.
“Rise and shine, babe. We’re here.”
And sure enough, you’re staring at an unassuming door, just one of many in the love hotel the two of you have impulsively chosen.
It had been all fun and games until this point, just harmless teasing and flirting, but as the handle turns and you step into the room, bed first and foremost in your vision, reality sinks in and you can feel your bravado shaking.
“We don’t have to do this, you know.”
Surprised, you spin your head in the man’s direction, caught off-guard by the consideration in his voice, racing heart calming a bit at the sincerity you see in his eyes. And suddenly it doesn’t seem so daunting anymore when you see the way Atsumu sheepishly rubs the back of his head, waiting for you to decide what happens next.
You’re quick to grab his hand, new found courage giving you the boost you need to pull him onto the plush surface with you, squealing when the two of you land in a tangled heap, Atsumu’s toned torso pinning yours to the bed.
There’s a sense of security, of rightness in the way his body molds to yours, and you eagerly wrap your arms around the back of his neck, pulling him in as he surges down to press his lips against yours, tongues immediately slipping past their pillowy boundaries to taste and tangle. You whimper as he continues his exploration, his conquest of you, leaving a wet trail in his wake as his tongue and mouth taste every expanse of your bare skin.
Clothes are shed and your nails dig into shoulders as he decorates your neck, collarbones, and the valley of your breasts, teeth sinking in deeper than they should at times. Yet you don’t care, not when the pain melds so deliciously with the pleasure, and you shamelessly rub and writhe against him as lips suck pert nipples, tongue flicking back and forth across the sensitive tips.
“Feeling good yet? Look at you, humping me like a bitch in heat and dripping down here.”
You can’t refute his words, not when you’re too busy whimpering, head thrown back, mouth open in an obscene o-shape as two fingers push your slick folds apart, sinking knuckles deep inside of you with minimal resistance.
All you know is euphoria, heat, the lewd sound of Atsumu’s fingers thrusting in and out of you rapidly, curling just right in a way that has you feeling every drag of his digits against your drenched walls. And then you’re falling apart when a thumb circles and rolls your clit, body trying to convulse but unable to, trapped the way it is under the athlete’s frame.
“Too much. Too much!”
You whimper and weakly grasp at Atsumu’s forearm with trembling hands, body twitching and spasming as overstimulation begins to wrack through you. But he doesn’t stop, cruelly only increasing his pace, a sadistic grin slicing his handsome features as you scream and sob, eyes rolling to the back of your head and drool trickling from the corner of your lips.
“But I proved that I can make you feel good. Don’t you think you owe me?”
An animalistic sound is torn from you as Atsumu swiftly replaces his fingers with his cock, stretching you far wider, sinking in much deeper than his fingers had, assaulting your already oversensitized cunt.
You don’t know how long you can take this, how much more you can take. Even breathing seems borderline impossible and you’re grasping and clawing at anything within reach, bedsheets, skin, leaving long red lines on sunkissed muscles.
Atsumu hisses, the pain of your nails slicing flesh only encouraging him to piston his hips even faster, even more viciously. And he watches as closely as he can between pleasured groans as your tight walls clamp around him, watching as you shatter to pieces underneath him, not even a hint of the mouthy brat he had met earlier left in you.
Pride and arousal lance through him at the fact that he’s the one who’s so completely ruined you, who’ll continue fucking you into a mindless mess all night. It’s so tempting to tease you more, to really draw this out despite how his own balls are tight and aching for release, to test the limit of his own physical boundaries, see just how long he can methodically rut in and out of you, watch you pass out split apart on his cock.
But he has all night long to take you apart over and over again and he gives in to the roar of his blood, the need to mark you inside and out, relentlessly sinking in and out of you, pace beginning to stutter, tempo becoming erratic. And finally he’s joining you over the edge, thick white spurts splattering your insides and adding to the mess between your legs.
There’s only the sounds of his pants and your soft sigh of relief and contentment as you finally get to rest, body sinking into the sweat soaked sheets underneath you, listless and tingling with the echoes of mind-numbing pleasure. But despite your utter exhaustion, your lips still quirk upwards in a lazy grin as Atsumu leans down, gently pressing his lips against yours in an affectionate kiss before collapsing to the side of you and curling against your prone figure.
“Get some rest while you can. The night’s still young and I fully intend on getting the most use out of the room I paid for.”
You snort, hand haphazardly swatting in Atsumu’s general direction, eyelids already drooping and submitting to the bone deep tiredness enveloping you, not needing to stay open when you can clearly imagine the shit-eating grin spread across the man’s face right now. But despite the internal roll of your eyes, you melt into the soothing warmth alongside your body, already looking forward to the next few rounds you’ll spend with the man beside you.
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amberwild420 · 3 years
one step back, two steps forward. (pt. 22)
the secrets came to light 2
Marinette woke up to her alarm. Her sleep schedule was returning somewhat normal and she wasn’t running on pure caffeine.
 Good morning, Marinette!
 Another good morning, Tikki.
 I’m glad you are getting some rest if not complete.
 Marinette chuckled awkwardly remember how not too long ago she had fallen in the horrible schedule and was running on fumes. Just thinking about how her life balanced with the addition of just one person in her life, made her sigh in delight.
 Marinette! Kaylan is here!
 Coming Maman!
 Feeling warm inside, she had a really good feeling about today. Like something good and big was going to happen.
Do you really think it was a good idea?
 Pup we did that without ladybug’s consent. You know that right.
The wolf Kwami was nervous. She and her chosen did something behind ladybug’s back and she wasn’t able to shake the feeling that something might turn out wrong. Her pup was bolder that she thought.
 We’ll discuss it today. Don’t worry.
 Her answer was short and to the point like always. Nova sighed before nibbling on the jerky while sinking in her pocket. Marinette skipped out and greeted her like always and offered her chocolate chip cookies she loved while giggling her squirrel like stuffed face.
 Just as they were near the class, a high pitched scream made them stop. Marinette looked a little scared but Kaylan looked away while hiding a smile with another cookie.
 The first thing they noticed was glitter. Lots of glitter. And some of it was still settling down. The second think was glittered covered face and familiar sausage hair. And the third thing was a white box right in front of her.
 Both girls couldn’t help but choke before laughing trying to cover it but their trembling shoulders were so obvious. Alya looked at Italian with wide eyes before glaring at the two ostracized girls of the class.
 That’s it! You two are going too far! I’ll report it to principle!
 Jeez. What else do you know anyway except for complaining?
Kaylan smirked while looking at the Italian liar.
 Liking the new looks Lila.
 This time there were actual tears in her eyes.
 I’ll tell the principle!
 On what proof? Have you seen Kaylan putting the box on Lila’s table? It’s not possible that she did it before you all came since she picked me up from bakery before we came here.
 Marinette pointed out making Kaylan snicker. She had a slighted doubt over the statement how it was not Kaylan and a strong urge to believe that it was definitely her doing.
 Like hell she will say that. Payback’s a bitch.
 Now, now, Marinette.       Kaylan smoothly interjected.    You know how they are, they just simply love to point us out over every problem they face. Like we have the time of life to just create problems in their lives.
 Another sinker passed her lips before they made way towards their seats. Marinette watched as Lila ran out of the class, probably to get rid of the glitter.
Told ya!       Kaylan whispered so only Marinette heard her.        I know how to retaliate. Beside it’s a cheap glitter…………. The one that sticks longer than normal.
 Marinette hid her face as she giggled, to see misfortune falling on Lila was simply too good.
Just as bell rang, signaling the end of the boring lecture, everyone ran out to get lunch. Taking the hand of the designer, Kaylan ran out of the school to get to the bakery, looking more excited than the girl herself.
 Slow down, Kaylan!
 No way! Luka and Kagami needs to hear this!
 A loud laugh slip past her lips. Only she know how much she was holding back in front of the class.
 Soon enough they saw their friends in front of the bakery and waved. Just like she thought, Kagami had a big smirk on her face enjoying the story while Luka smiled at their collective happiness.
 The lunch ended and they waved at each other promising to get together at patrol. Just as the pair sat in their seats someone stopped in front of them. Kaylan looked at the blonde girl who fidget nervously not seeing how shocked Marinette looked. Giving out a poor excuse, she left them. It was luck that there was no one else in the class yet.
 Chloe looked up in determination and put an envelope in front of her. Marinette raised an eyebrow but before she could say anything, Chloe stopped her.
 Look, Du- I mean Marinette. I don’t have enough courage to repeat myself but I wanted to say it to you first and foremost. I’m sorry.
 Chloe bowed her head a little making Marinette jump.
 I was rude to you, I bullied you and I destroyed so many things. I’m sorry. You probably won’t forgive me and you shouldn’t, like ……….. I was so horrible to you. You have always so nice to me…..
 A few tears spilled out of her eyes making Marinette stand in shock but Chloe didn’t raised her head.
 I kept thinking after miracle queen I started thinking often and when ladybug took my miraculous away I realized how much of a brat I was. Then Lila came and I lost Sabrina. I knew we both had been the friends with benefits but still it hurts when I was all alone.
 Wiping her tears she looked up, seeing Marinette in tears, she grits her teeth. She didn’t deserve it. She didn’t deserve her tears for her.
When you helped me connect my mother I was so happy. Now that I’m seeing the therapist and they ask me to recount my memories, I just realized you never gave up on me, with all the banter and my tantrum you still didn’t give up on me. So I decided that I would prove to everyone that I will be someone better. So when the future me looks back, I would be proud of me even if I don’t have much to offer.
 A loud explosion sounded but before they can move, Kaylan stumbled in the classroom, looking at the crying pair she sighed. She gave a thumbs up with a deadpan.
 Please drown in your sorrows, I made sure you had more than enough time.
 With that she strutted out closing the door. The pair looked at the door before at each other and a choked giggle left their lips. The tension that was heavy on their shoulder, was gone.
 Wiping her tears, Chloe looked at the envelope.
 I……. want to pay you for all the things that I had destroyed. Including your time and effort. It won’t be much but still…….
 Taking a shaky breath, she looked at Marinette one more time.
 I want ladybug to be proud of me. And I want to be proud of myself as well. I was jealous when all you had was your own achievement and all I had was earned by throwing tantrum. So from now on, I will have everything through my efforts.
 She looked like she wanted to say anything but all she did was wipe her tears and turn to leave.
 You know………               Marinette smiled widely making her turn back.       …..I always thought you were a pure softy under all that threatening attitude…….and I know ladybug would be proud of you.
   Looking at the designer she felt another wave of tears coming.
 And I forgive you Chloe. At the very least you realized your mistake and apologized. Some people didn’t even do that.
 You’re ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.
 Chloe said before hugging the bluenette. She cried soaking her shoulder.
To think her therapist was right about her.
  “All you have to do is apologize sincerely. With what you think is right. Considering what you told me about this girl, I say she is very much likely to forgive you. Beside, I’m sure there is no way she didn’t noticed your behaviors. Even if it is unconsciously, she would have noticed how you already changed.”
 A familiar figure sat in front of her. A soft smile looked like she descended from heaven. The name board with a bold name, “Dr. Fox”.
 Looking at the homely interior of the office, she pondered before sighing.
 “I’ll see about that.”
 Smiling, the doctor let her think in quite, before her eyes flashed.
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theinconveniencing · 4 years
we all knew this was coming and I’m a sentimental bitch. I just wanted to write all my mutuals some little messages about how much I love you. you guys have changed my life and I am so grateful for each and every one of you!!!💕💞💓💗💖💘 anygays have fun searching for yourself in this mess and I’m sorry for any typos, I’m illiterate (and if i forgot you it’s because i lost my brain in 1912)
@cr1spyy fernanda, my first ever mutual. who would have thought that your 5th wave posts would have brought one of the most amazing people in my life to me. your posts always make me laugh and your dedication to the good morning asks is admirable (fr I could never have that much consistency) you’re so kind to everybody and you’re absolutely beautiful and incredible and I fucking love you so much. I honestly don’t even want to think about what my life would be like if I had never met you, MWAH💕🤍
@sundaymorninghangover I remember you being my first ever note!! you liked this post I made that was a reblog of a “uquiz” that was actually a rickroll lmao. you didn’t even follow me back then but whatever. Then I remember waking up one day to see that you had tagged me in a bingo ask game and I was like “ummm tf is an ask game” but I do still have a bingo card for it that I never used ekenksjs. anygays, you have good opinions on everything and you’re absolutely fucking hilarious. If you told me back in may that I would be friends with you I wouldn’t believe it bc you intimidated me but regardless I’m glad to be an arson gang member with you. your memes are god tier and so is your music taste. I love you whore!!!!!🖤💜
@sound-and-colors ma’am you’re so nice and for what??? the aesthetic stuff that you reblog is *chef’s kiss* and nobody else is out there doing it like you. we’ve never talked but I just know that you are absolutely incredible mwah❤️💛
@embeddedinmybrain tasfia you are the nicest person on his hellsite and you know it (I hope). It was so much fun being your secret admirer anon while it lasted, like fr I loved it. Your art is beautiful just like your heart and i honestly don’t know what I did to deserve such a kind soul like you in my life. You’re always there to hype me up and ily (also just cut your own hair already I believe in you)🤍💙
@gumptin you hooked me with your suus icon and reeled me in by being the coolest and funniest person ever. your posts are consistently hilarious, accurate, or relatable and I admire that. I mean it when I say you’re one of the coolest people on here. idk what I did to have you think I’m cool but I’m honored nonetheless. also you have really awesome style and hair jdnjdjdjd mwah💚💛
@nori-in-pink first and foremost, your blog always has a very nice aesthetic and I feel like I need to acknowledge that. anyway, you are so kind and supportive and you don’t take any bullshit and that is absolutely amazing. you are absolutely iconic and always reblog the best stuff so I know I can count on your blog to be fantastic. you used to scare me (idk why don’t ask) but now I know that you’re just a big teddy bear ily💗💜
@matteohnora my slurpee queen and my mememate!! you always send me the funniest shit and it doesn’t go unappreciated. You’re always there for me with a silly meme or emotional support and I don’t think I’ve ever told you how grateful I am for that. whenever you stalk my blog it makes my heart go whooosh and I feel so special. Ily and I am so glad to have met you💜❤️
@lieverobbe ah yes, the girl with the impeccable music taste. that’s what I know you as, oh well. you are more talented and kind than you could ever believe and your edits are amazing!!! whenever I see you on my dash I get all happy bc I’m like “em’s here!!!” I love all your lil posts and I am so glad that you are my mutual ilyyyyy💙🤍
@ironymane you’ve watched limitless which automatically makes you amazing. you’re an absolutely incredible and amazing person and even tho you aren’t on here as much anymore, I still love youre lil posts. And one time you kept me entertained on a 6hr car ride so you deserve some kind of award for that. ly🧡💛
@kingarthurpendragons okay the obvious thing to talk about here is your incredible talent when it comes to gif making. Like how in the hell- but you are also so kind and loving and it doesn’t go unnoticed. You don’t have to send nice asks but you do and ily for it mwah!!❤️💗
@engelkeijsers the skam nl stan that we all deserve to have in our lives. you are so fucking hilarious and relatable and all around amazing and for what? your posts always put a smile on my face and it is so much fun to clown with you. ilyyyy💚💛
@happiness-isin-you let’s ignore the fact that it took me forever to realize that this was your main lmao. your art is some of the most beautiful shit I’ve ever seen. like your style is so cool????  I could literally go on about this for hours don’t test me. the cute animal pictures are the absolute best and you’re always there for emotional support. Ilyyyyyyy💛❤️
@isakyaqi fiz you are so kind and talented and cool and I really do mean all that. You reblog always the best of content so I know I can trust it. you always put nice tags in the things you reblog things and it’s fun to read what you write because it’s almost always you hyping up the creator or the thing itself. you are awesome jdjdjdndjjd mwah🖤🤎
@cash-queens sam oh sam. Idek where to start with how much ily. You’re my famous mutual which is very iconic of you and you put up with my cat pictures and my silly antics and my riverdale posts. You’re so kind to me and everybody and whenever I make a post when I’m having a mental breakdown you’re always there to make sure that I’m doing okay. That def doesn’t go unappreciated. You’re legitimately one of the kindest and most amazing people I’ve ever known and I love you so much, more than you could ever know💛🤍
@welcometo-saturn çağrı you’re so cool. end of statement. that’s all I have to say about it. your gifs are so beautiful and you don’t take shit from anybody. you’re so down to earth that it makes it seem like you’re somebody who I’ve just always known (even tho we’ve never talked sjdjdjdjdj) so yeah anyway, you’re are a really awesome person with really good opinions and I am so glad that we are mutuals🧡❤️
@amifeelingokay it’s difficult not to start with your url bc it’s amazing and I love it. your skam posts are always so nice and cute and positive (just like you!!) and I love them. the content you reblog is always aesthetic or a nice text post and I just love your blog okay. ily💜🖤
@isthatelpome you’re so nice that I’m willing to overlook your opinion on salt and vinegar chips (they’re not good I’ll fight you on that) your dani icon is beautiful just as you are, mwahhhh🧡❤️
@earthling-isa babe you are so cute with your lil edits and your clowning. the near constant black and white aesthetic is very iconic and i love it. you’re a suus stan so I have no choice but to love you for it. i absolutely adore your gifs, especially the ones with the lil squares in the middle fygzbgut. you are absolutely beautiful and incredible and kind and I love you MWAHHHH🖤💙
@grey-mist-exist okay we’ve never talked but you seem like such a rad person. not cool but like rad (there are are subtle differences) your art is beautiful even tho idk the quotes (go off smarty pants) and overall you are just really rad, idk how else to say it mwah!!!🤍🖤<pretend it’s a grey heart
@fatoudixon hey look it’s one of the most talented people here!!! You’ve always been so kind and supportive of me and I really really do appreciate it. you have good opinions on everything and did I mention that you’re talented?? cause you are, very. Your reaction videos are amazing and not to mention iconic, just like your hair. anyway, ily and I am so glad that I have somebody as amazing as you as my mutual💙💛
@sander-klaas you are so kind and and you have so much passion. I can always trust you reblog only the best of wtfock and sobbe content which I am very grateful for. you literally just started making gifs and they are so beautiful (okay it was like months ago but whatever dkdjdjjdjdj) anyway, thank you so much for being my mutual mwah❤️💛
@jusdekiwi okay we’ve never talked but you genuinely seem like such a sweet person??? I love the stuff you reblog, it’s always the best gif sets. idk I can just tell you have good taste. I hope to get to know you better in the future, but for now I am very grateful to have you💚💙
@kritiquer my twin!!! you and I have a lot in common so ofc I love you. I’m joking obviously.... anygays you are always so supportive of everybody and you are so sweet. I love all of your personal posts, it always makes me really happy to see what you’re up to and how you’re feeling. I also like the aesthetic stuff you reblog, I have bad taste in all that, clearly you don’t. I am so glad that we started talking and I hope that we continue! ily kit!!!!💜🤍
@bleachblondebitches you aren’t on here that much, but whenever you are I get so happy! Your gifs are beautiful and I think about your sobbe and booksmart parallels gifset every day. you have amazing taste in movies and I love you!💜💙
@lesbeanfatou clara!!! bitch!!!! You already know how much I love you but I guess I’ll reiterate. I honestly don’t know what I did before I knew you. I always remember looking at the no idea blog with the Nora icons like “who is this?” Little did I know back then that you would be one of my closest friends. your support of me means the world and I am so grateful for you. I’m so glad that I have somebody in my life like you to talk to and be friends with. you are one of the funniest people in and I just love you so much I could burst mwah❤️🧡
@gucciboner okay hiii ypu are literally so fucking kind and funny, i admire your sense of humor sm. your art is so beautiful and you are so goddamn talented, it never ceases to amaze me. I also love all the little funny posts you make and reblog!! ily💙💗
@helmtaryn even though you put supernatural on my dash, I am willing to forgive you bc I love you so much. your gifs are so beautiful like ma’am didn’t you just start?? icon shit. your hate for photoshop is iconic and you are awesome. you’re always sending me asks and responding to my posts and you’re so nice and it makes my heart go whooosh. anygays you’re cool and ily💙🧡
@starmansander nina when I tell you that you give off the best vibes- okay sorry I had to start with that. I love how you are so nice and supportive of me, it really means a lot. I really like the stuff you reblog like,,, cool art? pretty women? those hopeful little posts? iconic. also youre a noor stan which is a sign of good taste. love you🤎❤️
@ijzermanora daniiiiiii madam you are so epic and iconic and I really could go on about that forever. you are so kind and you’re following all my joke sideblogs (even the ch*cken l*ttle hate blog??? why???) which is very brave of you. I love reading all of your lil wholesome posts and hearing about school and how much you hate chemistry (even tho you like sushi???) anygays we were already sending memes 10 hours into our mutualship so I think we were soulmates from the very beginning. I love you so much and I have no idea what I did before i knew you💜💗
@alwaysin-myhead okay, you give off cool person vibes and I had to acknowledge that. your art is so beautiful and you are so incredibly talented!!! I hope to get to know you in the future🧡💛
@alexiaugustin here she is!!! the queen of good opinions!!! you are such a smart cookie and you use that power to make long paragraph posts that I can actually read without falling asleep. which is impressive honestly. never has a person been so kind and funny and genius in such a well rounded way (that makes no sense) I’m so happy that I have you in my life ilyyy💚💗
@ijntba hihi you’re such a sweet person and I literally love your skam blog sm. I am so honored that you’re using one of my icons you have no idea. even though I’m confused when you post about anime, I still appreciate your passion lmao. mwah💛🧡
@hidden-joy liz!! you are such a kind soul and I absolutely love looking at the things you reblog and reading all the nice things that you put in the tags, it’s always so sweet and supportive!!! we’re relatively new mutuals, but I do hope to get to know you better in the future!!!💚💛
okay sorry to group y’all together but @fudgetunblr and @alexiswoke I like just became mutuals with y’all but I do love you and I’m glad you’re here and I hope 2021 treats you well and that i get to know you better!!❤️❤️
aaand one last final message for max and sarah, i know yall wont see this but ily🧡 💜
okay yeah I know I already said this but I really do love each and every one of you so much and I am so lucky to have so many amazing people in my life💕💕💓💕💖💖💕💘💕💗💞💓💕💖💖💘💕💓
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johnkrrasinski · 4 years
full masterlist
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x female!reader 
Word count: 1,721
Warning: FLUFF!!!! just two people being in love!!! but a little angst on bucky’s part though. (dont worry it’s got a happy ending) 
Summary: bucky has his own unhealthy ways to deal with his demons but your love heals and changes him. 
a/n: this one was inspired by @promptlywritingideas‘s prompts and i just immediately thought of bucky because i’m a soft ass bitch when it comes to bucky barnes. also! yes, i did use a lyric from daylight by taylor swift bc this song is literally everything alright, please listen to it if you haven’t. it’s the most reviving song ever. also, credit to @seedaylight​ for this lovely picture! 
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The bead of sweats rolled off Bucky’s forehead to his neck, his shirt and the floor, constructing small ponds of indignation that was left masked, unspoken and obliterated. At least that was what he had been aiming for as long as he could remember. The battered punching bag stayed robust and resilient despite the vigour of Bucky’s punches. The bleeding on his knuckles cracked through the split skin due to the brutal strikes.
But he couldn’t stop. The pain from the wounds still couldn’t compare to the demons haunting his mind. The ghosts in his dreams that refused to let him have his peaceful rest at night are the reasons why he was in the empty gym room at 3 am in the morning instead of being curled up in the warm sheets with the divine figure snoring next to him.
The silence of the solitude eased his mind, feeling like he was given the space and seclusion that he always yearned for. He was certainly grateful for what he had been given now; a lavish compound with excellent amenities and exceptional technologies, a ragtag group of people that had welcomed him with open arms and accepted him as part of their cluttered makeshift family, a much higher and noble purpose that allowed him to utilize his cursed, undesired superpowers for good and lastly, the foremost one out of all; you.
You, a blessing in his life that he never once imagined he’d ever get have in his long, agonizing life after all the wickedness he had committed. You, who loved him and believed in him anyway, even when he had lost faith in himself centuries ago. You, who permitted him to touch you in the most intimate manners and you, who were willing to be devoted to him even when he felt absolutely undeserving of your goodness and loyalty.
Bucky was a grateful man. He should’ve been. He was, it’s just- there was still a part of him that didn’t return and died in the ages of his Winter Soldier days. The days where he was merely a damaged soldier, a fractured puppet doll on a string, just waiting to be torn apart and stitched back together again just for the sake of more murders and more crimes.
He was slowly recovering though, each day, when he got a taste of your lips, when he watched you slowly wake up in the morning light, when your limbs were tangled within each other, that you couldn’t figure out where he began and you ended. But just because he was happy and he was grateful, doesn’t mean that all the sins of his past catching up to him would spontaneously combust in the blink of an eye.
He had his own baggage and he was going to deal with them. Most days, especially when he was surrounded by the love of his life and his makeshift family, he would pretend that all is well and healing was all there was. But at night, he’d slowly lift her arm that was circled around his waist off of him and quietly snuck out to his favourite place to be at midnight.
So that’s how he ended up in this sweaty state in the middle of the night. His mind recalled the fragments of memories during his Winter Soldier days that he fought to forget but they were stronger. It was faint and distant but, it still lingered in his mind like it was just yesterday.
The faces of his victims before he shot a bullet right through their skulls loomed. Their begs for mercy echoed in his ears. And the guilt consciously devoured his heart alive, like a cobra swallowing its feeble prey.
“Bucky…?” The delicate voice alerted him out of his tumultuous daze.
Bucky halted and turned his body around to the entrance, where you were standing in a plain white tank top and your bottom shorts with a wool cardigan hugging your form daintily. You looked so endearing in your half drowsy state, as you rubbed your eye, whilst trying to adjust to the brightness of the room. You always preferred being in the dark, after all. Beaming lights always hurt your sight.
“Sweetheart, what are you doing up?”
“I was looking for you. I got cold and I wanted to cuddle.”
He approached you deliberately with his boxing gloves still on, “go back to bed, alright? I’ll be up with you in a minute.”
“No, I’m not going back to bed without you.”
“I can’t, y/n.”
“Why?” It was a futile rhetorical question. You knew better than anyone why he was here.
“Y/N, I-”
“Oh God, Bucky, I love you. But this has to stop.”
“Y/N, it’s not that- I’m sorry but… what?” He was uncertain whether he got the last part right.
The truth is, Bucky knew he loved you since the first moment you courageously approached him like he wasn’t one of the deadliest assassins in history. He loved you the grace of your smile, he loved the way you mindlessly danced to your favourite song and the way you’d make silly jokes that he rarely understood to comfort your dearest teammates.
But within the six months you had been dating, you and Bucky hadn’t said the three special words yet to each other. You were taking it slow, knowing that you could trust and be honest with each other, and that you’d always have each other’s backs, whether it be on missions or in secret moments. So you didn’t feel the need to rush what you had, fearing that one might scare the other and destroy the precious plants that you both watered until they turn into an entire garden together.
“What?” You were just as puzzled as he was. You somnolent state of mind didn’t realize that you had just blatantly declared the most potent three words to him when all you intended was to break him off his deleterious habits.  
But the truth was, you really did love him. You had loved him before you even realized it. It took you a while to fall in love with him, but before you and Bucky finally stopped playing around and acting coy with your real emotions around each other, you had possessed this profound affection for him like a lifelong childhood best friend.
The way his kind baby blue eyes always nudged your soft spot… It always pulled you in like you were walking into a house and you just suddenly knew that you were home. Familiar and warm. That’s what you always felt with Bucky around you. Long before he was even yours.
So when you mindlessly uttered those words, it felt like second nature. Something that just felt so natural to your lips. Bucky walked into your life with such rare sincerity and your heart welcomed it with wide, open arms.
“Those three words… Say it again.”
“…Has to stop?” You shot him a questioning look. It took you a few seconds to realize what you just said. You were starting to panic despite your sluggish state. It’s like Bucky’s question was a wakeup call and it jolted you awake like icy water thrown right onto your face without a warning. You could not believe you were clumsy enough to let the three worlds roll out of your lips.
Oh God, alright, quick, think of something clever, something rational, something that could undo what you just recklessly spurted-
“No no, the words before that.” Bucky quizzically assessed your face.
“Pretty sure I said ‘this has’ before that. I mean, I don’t know,” you scratched your forehead like a kid lying to her teacher about forgetting her homework. “I don’t really remember much, it doesn’t matter anyway, I was half asleep and I was just babbl-”
And then, you felt silky plump lips slamming yours in the most jovial way. He deepened his kiss with his massive hands grabbing your face so delicately as if he was holding a fragile china doll. He caressed your cheek with his thumbs as if he was memorizing every feature on your seraphic face.
He retreated and stared lovingly into your widen eyes. It’s not like it was the first time he surprised you with a kiss, but it’s the unheralded reaction that you thought would’ve been the doom for the two of you. You thought you might’ve frightened him away but it was rather the exact opposite. From the smile on his face, he seemed rather fond. “I love you too.”
Your lips were slightly agape. “You do…?”
“Yes, I do. It took me a while to say that because I thought you weren’t ready to hear it or say it back and I don’t wanna scare you or make you feel guilty so I thought I should wait. But I guess, I don’t have to anymore, now.” His eyes sparkled.
“But we still need to address one thing though, you can’t keep doing this. Every night, you’d sneak into the gym and break your knuckles instead of talking to me. I want you to be honest with me. I want you to trust me. And if we don’t have those then, love is just an illusion.”
His face that was gleaming turned into a frown. There was that sealed off look and hesitation on his face again.
“I’m not asking you to cut yourself open and let me see everything. I just need you to try to let me comfort you instead of hiding in the dark and bleed yourself out every midnight when you should be in bed with me.”
“I’m a work in progress doll, but for you, I’ll try.”
“I promise.”
And you made a vow to your heart as well that you would walk with him in the murk, no matter how excruciating and dull the road to recovery is. And you would hold his hand and guide him every step of the way. Because there’s no one else you’d rather share the torturous nights and the mundane days with than him. You would rather share countless arguments and overflowing tears with him than to spend a single peaceful night with someone else.
Because that was the love of your life. And you didn’t wanna look at anything else now that you saw him.
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dramaqueeenamby · 4 years
A Day with the Udakus'
A/N: I know we’re all hurting, but I just wanted to maybe try to lighten the mood. I don’t really expect most of you to read this, or anyone, but for me, writing was therapeutic. I love you all, and we will get through this. 
Words: 3K
Warnings: NO ANGST. Just shenanigans
Summary: Reader is granted an exclusive interview with the Udaku family, but Y/N quickly realizes there’s more to the Wakandans than she could have ever realized. 
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You clicked the pen three times. 
Once to ensure that it was unsheathed, another to close it again, and the last time for purposeful use. It was a habit you’d developed way back in middle school. You were always the irksome “pen clicker” who elevated everyone’s anxiety while taking an exam. However, for you, it was calming.
And to a certain extent, it still was.
You turned your head to the window only to remember that the coverings were unmovable, an intentional move, you were sure, to keep you from seeing too much.
You didn’t take it personal, though. You were just thankful to have this assignment, an assignment that could make or break your career depending on the outcome.
No one, in the history of your country, had been welcomed to Wakanda. The borders were solid as cement. No outsiders.
Yet, here you were, and to spend a day interviewing the royal family.
You began your pen clicking process all over again.
You meant to document how long the flight was, but nerves ate at your ability to keep time. If you had to guess, though, at least twelve hours transpired prior to your arrival.
And what an arrival it was. As soon as you stepped off the plane, you were immediately in awe. Flying machines similar to cars but much smaller than 747’s flew over, the monolithic buildings seemed to eclipse the clouds themselves, and the design of everything, the specific details, it all seemed too ethereal to be real.
But it was.
This was Wakanda.
You frowned.
Where in the hell did everyone get the notion that this country was among the poorest in Africa? From what she could see, it was easily the richest in the continent.
If not the world.
“You’re here!”
You directed your attention to a beaming girl who made a beeline in your direction. She looked no older than 18 and wore her hair in small box braids. Her attire was unlike any you’d seen. You made a mental note of that, as well as the exterior of the nation.
“Welcome….” You supplied your name, allowing her to include it in her greeting before she started bobbing on the back of her heels. “I’m so excited to meet you. I’ve never actually done a real interview before.”
You smiled and pushed a passion twist behind your ear. During one of your naps on the plane, your bun must have loosened. “It’s an honor to be here…..”
Her eyes widened. “Shuri. You can call me Shuri.”
Your eyes too widened. Shuri? “As in Princess Shuri?”
The teenager scowled. “Please, Shuri will do fine.” She moved closer and placed a hand on your shoulder. “Come. I will show you to your room.”
All you could do was awkwardly nod. This was the freaking princess of this majestic place, and she was enthusiastic as a kid at Disney. For you.
Your own parents weren’t even that excited when you told them you’d landed your dream job.
As Shuri walked you from the hangar bay to the inside of the palace, you took note of everything around you, the people you passed. The strong women who wore red, the men who wore shades of blue, black, and gray. They all exuded strength and power. Shuri explained the women were called the Dora Milaje, Wakanda’s all-female sect of the military. However, their first and foremost priority? Protecting the king and royal family.
The uniforms, the staffs, the power. Hell, you were damn near about to start spazzing.  
“Ahh, Erik!” Shuri stopped and gestured to a couple walking in your direction. “Come meet-”
“Goddamnit, woman, I told you I wasn’t looking at her!”
“Don’t call me a woman!”
“You a female, ain’t you? You got a pussy, don’t you?”
“You make me sick!”
“Naw, I make you gag, remember?” The man with short locs cursed as the woman he was arguing with grabbed at his hair, giving a good yank. “The fuck!”
“I want you to admit you were looking at her!”
“She was our waitress! Of course, I was looking at her! You asked me to order, damnit!”
“Nigga, don’t play with me, you know what I mean!” The woman paused. “You think she’s prettier than me, don’t you?”
“I don’t even know the bitch!”
“Don’t use that word around me!”
“Fuck this. You are really crazy, you know that?”
She suddenly started to whimper as the man’s shoulders dropped.
“You don’t love me anymore.”
As the woman began to sob, loudly and theatrically, he placed his arms around her and pulled her into his chest.
All you could do was stare in awe at the scene before you.
Shuri must have noticed your surprise. She waved her hand. “That is my cousin, Erik, and his wife--”
“Wife?” You interrupted, looking back and forth between the teen and the couple. “They’re married?”
Shuri nodded happily. “They’ve been together since primary.”
And they fight like that?
You also made a mental note to discuss the interesting dynamic of marriages in Wakanda in your writeup.
“You said it wasn’t big!” Erik’s wife was still crying and now punching on his chest as she angrily jabbed her finger in his shoulder. “You—you liar!”
Before Shuri could introduce you, the upset woman sauntered past and between you two, knocking you to the side.
“It isn’t, baby! You just got a lot on your mind!” Erik called after her, hands up in defeat. “A lot of thoughts!” He sighed and jogged toward you two, grabbing Shuri by the back of her neck and kissing her forehead. “I’ll catch you later, cuz.” He then looked your way, and you prayed he could not see the nervous swallow that coursed down your throat. He was so tall and handsome.
And married.
You opened your mouth, but he was already gone.
You sighed. It was better than being ignored.
Shuri shook her head and motioned for you two to continue walking. “We’ll try again at dinner. Come, let me finish showing you around.”
All you could do was quietly agree as she pointed things out, things you probably should have paid more attention to, but you were stuck not only on the volatile argument but just the wonders that surrounded you.
You expected poverty, dire conditions, solemn conversations. You were experiencing the complete opposite.
“Now this is—”
“Die, traitor! Die!”
“Wakanda Forever!”
Multiple voices filled your ears as you turned the corner of a hallway, only to be knocked flat on your ass seconds later, your purse emptying, the recently purchased bottle of hand sanitizer rolling away from your body.
“Asha!” Shuri shouted with her arms crossed. “You come back here and apologize!”
The little girl with white locs that cascaded down her back, turned her head to look back. You caught her bright blue eyes and gasped. You’d never seen such a beautiful contrast of color. Her milky chocolate complexion, those ocean eyes, the icy white hair. She was easily the most beautiful little girl you’d ever seen.
“I cannot, Aunt Shuri! I must escape!”
“Asha...” Shuri’s voice transitioned into one of unequivocal sternness as she helped you stand up. “Now.”
Asha groaned and stomped over, pouting, she muttered a quiet sorry.
“You know better—”
“Now, Azari and N’Yami are going to win without me.”
“Another game of capture, eh?” Shuri chuckled and pulled the child into her, kissing the top of her head. “Y/N, this is my niece, Princess Asha.”
This time, you were able to watch your facial expressions. The only thing you did was curtsy. “Your highness.”
When you looked up, you saw Asha and Shuri sharing confused expressions. You faltered with your next statement, only for Asha to interrupt.
“What are you doing?”
“We don’t do that here,” Shuri explained with a small smile.
You were thankful for your deep complexion. Had you been caucasian, your embarrassment would have given you away.
You awkwardly looked down. “I’m sorry.” 
“You’re weird.”
Shuri pinched her arm. The little princess scowled and grabbed the assaulted area. “Sorry.”
“Come, little one! We are off for another round.”
A new voice announced as three heads turned to the end of the hall where a group of kids stood amongst a giant. Wide, tall, and with muscles wrapping around bands of muscles, you swallowed again. You didn’t have to be close to see how attractive this man was.
Was every man in Wakanda sinfully handsome?
“Coming, Uncle M’Baku!” She looked up. “May I go now, Aunt Shuri?”
Shuri playfully sighed and motioned toward the other kids. “Go on.”
Without another word, she sprinted off, joining her friends before the group disappeared.
“Everyone is so busy today,” Shuri spoke with disappointment and crossed arms. “I planned to introduce you to the rest of the kids.”
You couldn’t help your interruption. “How many kids does the king have?”
“Four. Asha, N’Yami, and Azari, and Azzuri. Asha is the oldest. The other three are triplets.”
“My God,” you mumbled, then remembering that there were certainly more than three kids at the end of the hall. “And the others?”
“M’Baku’s kids. He was the tall man with them. He’s the leader of the Jabari tribe here. He and his wife Hawla have twelve children.”
Every segment of that sentence sent your eyebrows up in surprise. Yet, you retained more questions, especially after Shuri further explained how the tribes worked. She also mentioned introducing you to the leaders of this Jabari tribe.
It was a lot considering you hadn’t even been there for a whole hour.
“Come on, brother and sister should be in the training room.”
It wasn’t hard to figure that by brother, she meant King T’Challa, and by sister, Queen Ororo.
Where was that damn pen when you needed it?
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to disturb them.”
“Nonsense, they’re probably just training.”
“You’ll see.”
Shuri’s coyness didn’t help your nerves. While she seemed to enjoy the madness of the palace, it spiked your discomfort. You’d mentally prepared for almost everything except the madhouse that you were being introduced to.
“Do not let brother intimidate you. His bark is much worse than his bite.”
You found that very hard to believe. King T’Challa, also the Black Panther, had single handedly defeated every member of the Avengers on their own turf, yet you were supposed to believe that he was amenable?
Shuri snorted. “No, he’s an ass.” You gulped. “Sister has helped calm him down, though, that much, I can’t deny.”
You said nothing else as she brought you to double doors that opened without her moving. That’d happened more than a couple of times, yet you could never detect any sign of motion sensors. Another note was made.
You walked into a room where a wall of windows exposed a large area that resembled a training type arena.
“There they—”
“My wife controls the weather itself, while I am just a man.” You weren’t even paying attention to the words coming out of his mouth. All you could focus on was him. He was in the suit, muscles stretching against the fabric. He walked while he spoke, his gait that of a predator, a hunter, a king. “A man who has studied every fighting style in the world.”
Across the room, she rose into the sky, floating high above the ground. The winds whipped around her, her arms raised. Her eyes were completely white, her matching white hair floating from the mass of winds.
“If I have learned anything, it is that every punch can be blocked.” Seconds later, the queen flew toward him, aiming for a punch, but falling short as he easily moved to the side. “Every weapon can be countered.”
You saw his lips move, but whatever was said was not audible.
His next statement, however, was not.
“Right this moment, above our head, an unmanned drone sprays the cloud with a super-absorbent powdered polymer.” As he spoke, large bolts of lightning were directed toward him. Some hit his suit, but he dodged most of them. “Out on the Indian Ocean, a swarm of nanotech phytoplankton eat the heat from a burgeoning storm.” You noticed how the winds started to lessen in intensity and depth. “Microwaves shoot down from Wakandan satellites, reducing an onrushing snowstorm to a slightly cooling breeze.”
Storm’s brows furrowed as she looked at her hands. The white hues of her eyes were returning to normal, revealing the same blue eyes you’d seen in Asha.
“The winds? What just—”
“I’m sorry, my love,” King T’Challa interrupted. She looked over at him, lowering to the ground. “I just blocked your punch.”
“You….” Her jaw drop and speech faltered. “All this time, you’ve had a plan for how to defeat your own wife.”
The king spoke in a bored voice. “Please remember, my dear,  I did not start this fight.”
“Neither will you finish it, my dear!”
Before he could reply, Storm struck him, sending him flying and landing on his ass. What started as a battle of abilities was now reduced to hand to hand combat. You watched in awe as these two incomparably powerful human beings battled each other. The fact that they were husband and wife, king and queen, mattered not even in the slightest. 
They looked like two gladiators dueling to the death.
“Do—do they do this often?”
“Train?” Shuri looked at you. “All the time.”
You almost fainted. “This is how they train?”
“You bastard!” The strength of the thunder that emanated from Storm caused the entire building to shake while the lightning causes the lights to flicker.
Shuri sighed and shook her head. “I suppose you’ll have to meet them at dinner.”
“Dinner?” You coughed. “I couldn’t—I don’t want to impose.”
“Nonsense. We’d love to have you.” Shuri’s smile widened. “Then you can meet the whole family at once.”
You suddenly wondered how hard it was to get a flight out of Wakanda.
The room you’d been given, so beautiful and magnanimous, was now a disaster. Clothes were thrown about while shoes clustered the floor. Underneath your makeup, your face was red and patchy from the two looks you tried, hated, and scrubbed before settling on a simple smoky eye and blood red lip.
Every outfit you tried on seemed either too fancy or too casual. Then again, you’d never had dinner with a royal family, let alone a family of heroes.  
You so badly wanted to find a way out of it, but Shuri, the seemingly only normal member of this family was hellbent on introducing you. You also had to factor in that you’d have to communicate with them at some point. You were there to interview them for god’s sake.
Two guards knocked on your door to escort you to the dining hall. You were a bit saddened at the fact that Shuri hadn’t come to bring you. You felt comfortable with her.
Imagine that. I need a teenager to walk me. What is this place doing to me?
As you walked down the hall, you sent up a quick prayer. The voices that were initially faint grew into loud and lucid. The double doors opened and revealed you to the room full of royals. You stood still as a statue.
“Y/N!” Shuri jumped from the table and jogged over. This dining room envied that of one on a college campus. “Welcome.” She smiled while standing in front of you. “You look wonderful.”
“Thank you.” You wanted to compliment her, but you could only focus on the pairs of eyes on you. Almost everyone was staring, but that wasn’t even what stood out the most. It was how they were looking.
“Y/N.” The queen was the first to speak, her smile wide and warm. You’d never seen such a beautiful person. Her white dress had a long split up the right side of her leg and the neckline dipped low, revealing her full breast. It was almost strange to think this was the same woman who viciously attacked her husband just a few hours ago. “It is a pleasure to have you here. We welcome you.”
“T-t-t-thank you, your highness.”
“Man, if you don’t call her RoRo,” Erik interjected. His wife, who stood next to him, slapped his arm.
“Ignore him. I’m Nareema.”
“My woman.” Erik’s hand sunk down to her ass, where he gave a soft slap.
“We welcome you to our home.” The tallest man stood, but not before helping the woman who sat next to him up. She rubbed her round stomach. “I am M’Baku, and this is my wife, Hawla.”
Ororo’s beauty was undeniable, but so were Hawla and Nareema. And the men…..
I wonder if everyone in Wakanda is as—
When he spoke, heads turned and ears tuned. He just commanded authority. Hands together and behind his back, he stared directly at you. His gaze nor tone of voice was as friendly as his wife, but you didn’t expect him to be welcoming you with open arms. You could only imagine what it took to even allow him to be willing to have you in his home. Around his family.
“I hope you are finding your visit well.”
“I-I am.” She quickly answered and then added, “your highness.”
“Oh please, don’t call him that,” Shuri corrected. “Brother’s ego is already big enough.”
“That is true,” Ororo chimed with a sly smile, looking at him out the corner of her eye. King T’Challa moved his hand to his wife’s and gave a soft squeeze and wink.
You retained a smile as they welcomed you to the table. When you asked about the kids, a chorus of groans erupted.
“They eat by themselves. We need our time away from those demons.”
“My children are warriors.”
“Your kids are bad as hell.”
“I don’t know you talking, sis. Your kids even badder.”
“Mind your tongue, N’Jadaka.”
“Spark Jr. Sparky the Third, Sparky Spark, and Sparkle are all savages. I said what I said.” You brought the napkin to your mouth to hide your amused smile. “How the hell all four of they asses end up inheriting both ya’ll’s powers anyway? What kind of fucking ya’ll be doing?”
“Erik, must you be so vulgar?” Hawla complained.
“Aye, the little man speaks truth. How rare it is for all four to inherit such power.”
“Who the hell you calling little man, Mark Henry? This little man will beat the ruff ruff’s right out ya atomic dog ass.”
“N’Jadaka, please!”
“I told you he needed a muzzle.”
“That’s funny, cause I told cuz not to marry you.”
“Speak that way to my wife, again, N’Jadaka, and we shall see how well you can speak with your larynx severed.”
The calm delivery of King T’Challa’s threat sent chills down your spine, but they didn’t last.
“You wasn’t saying that when you was chillin at my crib last week talking about you were sick of her mood swings.”
If looks could kill, Erik and T’Challa would be on life support.
“You said what?”
“What was Ororo doing at our house? Where was I? Why did you not tell me this?”
“We will discuss this later.”
“No, we will discuss it now.”
“I do not answer to you, Ororo.”
“Oh, really?” She tilted her head to the side, staring at him, T’Challa kept their stare for a few more seconds when he grabbed at his throat. His fist banged on the table, causing the dishes to tremble from the intensity. You gasped. She was choking him.
“Here we go again,” Shuri mumbled, stabbing her fork into the plate. You looked around, Erik and Nareema were still arguing. She looked ready to cry. M’Baku and Hawla spoke quietly amongst themselves. You were flabbergasted. No one seemed the least bit concerned that the queen was trying to kill the king.
“Damnit, Ororo!” King T’Challa finally spoke after quick, hearty coughs. “Damn you!”
“Would you like to tell me again you don’t answer to me?”
“This is what I am referring to. You are always so quick to anger!”
“Perhaps if my husband would not do things to make me angry, I would not be angry. Did that ever cross your miserable, self-centered brain?”
“You do hate me! I knew it!”
“Nareema, I don’t hate you!”
“Could we get another round of bread, please?”
“So, what is your family like?” Shuri suddenly asked in a bored tone. All you could do was look around. So much arguing, so many strange interactions, yet you were the only one who seemed bothered. And perhaps that was for a reason.
A good reason.
This was their norm, and despite how dysfunctional it appeared on the outside, it worked for them. And that was more than enough for you.
You’d just have to accept that this was just another day with the Udakus.’
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xhanisai · 4 years
Blanc Noise - Chapter Two
CH1 / AO3 / FFN
"Why...why do you always do this? Why do you always keep stopping anyone from helping you? You're literally falling apart!" He shook her shoulders, eyes furious but intent in wanting to help the girl he loves, if only she'd let him. "You barely smile, you barely laugh, hell, you don't even act our age these days! Everyone says you've matured...everyone says you've grown up...but all I see is the person that I care so much for...a person I treasure so much...no longer happy!"
A/N: Thank you all for the wonderful feedback on the first chapter~! I just couldn't wait to write the next and kept on building up scenarios in my head. So many ideas, so little time and almost zero motivation these days lol. Why can't stories just write itself on its own? U_U Enjoy~
Song listened to whilst writing - 心做し - Chouchou-P (蝶々P, papiyon) - cover by Luz
Drip. Drip. Drip.
'This feeling...it's familiar...' When her thoughts were finally registered in her hazy mind, Marinette's eyes flickered open, revealing empty, sky blues. At first, all she could see was the shade of melancholy, a deep, harsh blue that only caused her to sink lower and lower. The girl then realised that she was yet to take a breath, her heart aching like it was made of lead and her lungs clawing beneath her rib cage for at least a second of precious oxygen.
Yet, she didn't even flinch. Didn't even twitch an eye.
Didn't even bother in parting her lips.
A sense of finality and doom was all that she could feel and she didn't even fight against it. Not a single bone of retaliation. Her body kept on sinking and her darker than black tendrils were fanned and floating around her in the same manner of her motionless limbs. As if all the time in the world has stopped.
'Ah. I must be dead.' She mused nonchalantly. She didn't even care.
She sank lower.
And lower.
And. Lower.
Soon, the shadowy, sombre darkness below consumed her body and her entire being churned with excruciating pain as sharp knives of blistering cold pierced her from head to toe. Her mouth parted as a gasp escaped her, only forcing the sickly salty water to force entry and light fire down her throat and nose, choking her.
'It burns...' She whimpered in her mind. 'IT BURNS!!!' Tears pooled out of her eyes, intermingling with the deadly monster of water, tasting just as brutally cold as the ice that tore her entire body to shreds and rippled agony through her dying bloodstream. 'I'M BURNING!!!' Her chest was clogged with emotion heavier than the water that infiltrated her system, squeezing the ever loving god out of her lungs and heart and she couldn't help but wheeze.
However, she merely submerged even further, her body like a marionette's with the strings cut. Burdensome, useless and never to be needed or wanted again...
Suddenly, just as the blue above faded into black, her peripheral vision caught twin movements of crimson red, shooting away from her side and towards the sky. Marinette's eyes widened just as her vision deteriorated.
'Those are my ribbons...' The smooth, silky material resembled streaks of blood as they became absorbed in the darkness. Exhaustion consumed her core and as her eyes fluttered closed, she glimpsed a figure in the remaining blues above.
A boy decked in white with eyes as azure as misery...
With a quiet but sharp inhale, Marinette's body shook awake, eyes quick to open immediately and scan her surroundings as the remnants of the dream dissipated into nothing but emptiness, the tired girl mentally cursing as her mind tried to claw it back to her. Alas, luck wasn't on her side for the millionth time and all that she could recall was absolutely
Zero. Nada.
The umpteenth dream to escape without a trace and leave her groaning in frustration, wondering why they bothered her so much. She felt cold sweat dribble down her forehead and skin beneath her clothes, making her sniff uncomfortably. Finally, she decided to leave her thoughts behind and gazed at her surroundings.
So far, she was in the local park, leaning against her favourite tree as the soft, lush grass tickled her legs below with their mildew. As she racked her mind further, she remembered that she joined Alya, Nino and Adrien to the park to eat their food during lunch break. The bespectacled duo must of noticed the tension between her and Adrien so that must be why they opted to go to their one of their favourite places to ease it up despite the snippy weather.
"Ah. I must have fallen asleep..." Marinette mumbled to herself, looking for her best friend and Nino. She paused as she spotted them chatting with André the notorious ice cream man. Probably wanted some desserts and found him nearby. However, her eyes narrowed as she looked around again, this time with more rigour and desperation.
Where's Adrien?
Where's that ridiculously good looking little devil-
Abruptly, a low groan was heard from
her nose.
Familiar, gentle arms that were wrapped around her waist tightened its hold as the heat on her lap shifted. Marinette felt her heart stutter and freeze, her infamous blush taking over her cheeks as she peered below, finally registering the blonde that was fast asleep on her lap. This time, her heart leapt to her throat and a soft whine left her lips only for her to swiftly muffle her mouth with her hands, pretty much stopping her from breathing in general.
Adrien Agreste was sleeping on her lap.
Agreste was sleeping on her
'Holyshitholyshit- What do I do!? If I move or make a noise, he'll wake up and he's already kinda mad at me and if he sees that he's been sleeping on me, he'd be even more mad! Mon dieu! Aidez-moi!!!'
The French-Chinese spiralled, shaking her head like an idiot and tugged on the scarf that was wrapped around her neck by reflex. The heat that the boy emitted was like a pleasant, burning, addicting sensation and it did nothing to alleviate her hummingbird heart and bewildered mind.
Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, the crisp autumn air cleared her thoughts and chest, soothing Marinette. She repeated the action a few more times, sakura still highlighting the apple of her cheeks and soft lips, gracious sapphires now gazing at the dozing teen lovingly. Mari used the little free time she had to properly observe Adrien, fingers delicately brushing through his golden locks gently.
She couldn't help but smile.
He looked quite peaceful for once.
His usually strong shielded guard was taken down, making him seem much more vulnerable and raw compared to when he was awake. Even compared to when he's by Nino's side despite being best friends. Marinette couldn't help but question: did he trust her enough to keep himself open in her presence, allowing himself to
and sleep by her
? Or, was this one of
silly schemes in trying to push them both
Adrien's arms simply tightened around her coat, fingers clutching the soft fabric and face nuzzling into her stomach till all she could see was his hair. His coat which was used as a makeshift blanket, shifted, exposing the cool air to the back of his neck. Marinette was quick to pull the coat back over him, shushing quietly when he began to stir.
She really
it was the former. That
decided to come to
for comfort.
If so, her heart could be warmed and the butterflies in her stomach could flutter as wildly as they
'Don't get ahead of yourself. After you caused him to be moody all morning because of your inability to hide your weak state, you think he would even want to touch you? Let alone sleep on you? Stupid girl.'
The ugly, horrid voice reared its nasty head again, darkening Marinette's spirits, giving her no choice but to helplessly agree.
'That's right. Know your place you worthless bitch. Especially since you know for definite that pursuing him will ultimately cause the akumatisation of your partner in the future.'
Her heart turned to lead again.
Her face devoid of any emotions, exhaling softly. Who was she trying to fool? Her first and foremost priority should be looking after her Chat Noir and her family and friends without a beat. Not entertain girlish fantasies selfishly as if she was simply an ordinary teen with the luxury of an ordinary life.
Not after all the pain
And certainly not after what she saw this morning.
Her eyes turned into an icy glare as she watched the murky sky, recalling when she saw her torn up ribbon at the school's entrance and two glowing orbs of what looked like blue eyes at the time. She wasn't a hundred percent sure of whether or not she really saw the latter but a hushed warning from Tikki to keep her guard up kept her from brushing anything away as nothing.
So far, she didn't feel like she was being watched but her body refused to relax.
She could not afford to fail the people she loves once more-
The air was knocked out of her lungs and her blood froze colder than the coldest of days in the Himalayas. Marinette tensed, taking a moment to compose herself and reluctantly made eye contact with her beau.
'Don't do or say anything stupid, Cheng!'
Meanwhile, Adrien couldn't help but
like he was
dreaming. The dreary clouds in the sky parted, allowing the sun to shine through and bask its beams behind Marinette's head, making her seem ethereal and almost
Goddess like
. The stray strands of hair from her bun and fringe dangled smoothly as her head was bent down to meet his gaze. Her plump, rose tinted, kissable lips were parted in a sweet
and her heavenly blues were like priceless gems.
He couldn't stop himself from reaching out towards her face with one hand, still weighted with sleep, skimming his fingertips against her fringe. Like it had a mind of its own, his hand gingerly cupped her cheek, thumb shyly brushing the tip of her cold nose and then rested on her warm, soft lips.
'Un ange...mon ange...'
He purred to himself, still delirious with sleep and not fully aware of the situation yet. The girl remained frozen, his thumb dragging her bottom lip down as he unconsciously lifted himself up by his elbow, bringing his face towards hers closer and
He could feel her warm breath hitting his cool lips, making them ache for her touch-
All of a sudden, his haze disappeared, a biting breeze ripped through their hair, causing the boy to instinctively cover the girl's body with his own as the unpleasant cold seeped into his skin. It was like the equivalent of someone dumping a bucket of iced water over his head and the cat inside him hissed at the vile sensation.
Finally, when the breeze died down, Adrien loosened his hold on Marinette, allowing her to reach for his coat and wrap it around his body like a cloak.
What a
wake up call.
"So this isn't a dream, huh?" The now pouting teen muttered out loud, his blonde hair a fluffy mess and he used a spare hand to try and pat it down, grimacing at the knots within his tresses. An onlooker would have pointed out that he resembled a silly kitten who got its claws stuck and tangled up by a yarn of wool.
His companion
thought so at the very least.
"No, it isn't a dream," Adrien stiffened at Marinette's answer, his cheeks now matching her flushed pair. He inaudibly watched as she averted eye contact, brushing her fingers through her silky fringe to untangle them. His own hands twitched, longing to trap and interweave them within her raven locks.
Maybe tug them towards him...
Though, embarrassment settled in to the pits of his stomach as he
what exactly he
to do as soon as he woke, the ghost of her breath against his lips still a vivid memory. Judging by her more than usual shy nature, she wasn't oblivious to it. Adrien bit his lip, praying that she wouldn't carry on being aloof with him. It stung after their little disagreement in the morning, it would
him after his sleepy attempt in making a move.
Especially since he's yet to confess his feelings.
"But anyways, glad to see you awake, Sleeping Beauty," She poked his chest playfully, her smile still timid but
. She wasn't mad at him all! His heart skipped a beat and the weight on his shoulders faded away like magic.
'Thank the Gods more dependant than Plagg!'
He sighed in relief, responding back with a crooked grin. He poked back on her shoulder, smile simply widening as the tension dissolved.
"Sorry for sleeping on you. One second I saw you doze off and the next, I probably conked out by your side. I move a lot in my sleep so that's why..." He sheepishly trailed off, scratching the back of his head apprehensively. His blush only brightened at the sound of her quiet giggles. Quiet but
"Don't be. I'm used to it whenever Alya comes over for a sleepover. She'd either kick me off the bed in her sleep or use me as a body pillow. Sometimes both." She leaned back against the bark, Adrien following her and taking a spot by her side. "I don't mind being used as a pillow if you ever need to get some rest," Marinette offered with a wink, butterflies tickling her abdomen as the boy hummed with appreciation.
Their shoulders brushed, sending intimate heat through both of their bodies, creating a tension that was so much more different but also so much more
. For a split second, the duo's thoughts reached out to their partner in crime. The taller of the teen thinking about his
whilst the shorter thinking about her
. The blonde shook his head, pushing those thoughts back as he focused back on
, presenting a softer smile this time.
"Is that so? You better not regret it~" He playfully slumped against her, cheeky smiles and glittering eyes as her giggles grew louder, her slender fingers gripping her scarf. Adrien regarded her with much love, melting at the sight of her rosy cheeks and goofy smile.
It's been a while since he's last heard her
like that...
'I really did miss her laugh...'
Just as he was about to make another joke or utter a pun that would definitely have her seething with that adorable annoyance, he spotted something
in her hair. His pupils constricted and suddenly his eyes darkened, deviating the jolly mood with a sharpness that had even snapped Marinette out of her temporary bubble of joy. It was like a consciousness of needles skimming down their skins, the boy feeling threatened by it more than the girl.
"Adrien? What's wrong? Is there something in my hair?" Just as Marinette naturally reached up to her head with one hand, Adrien was hasty in catching her wrist with one of his, the other reaching for the object of his
. "...Adrien?"
Agreste didn't answer her, lips tightening as he finally grasped the object, tenderly weaving it out of Marinette's hair, quick to apologise a few times when she winced until finally, he pulled it out.
His eyes
at the
Her eyes
at the
The luscious, pure, white rose remained still in the blonde's grasps, its appearance as innocent as any other ordinary flower but its origins as mysterious as danger, causing alarms to ring for both of the teens and red flags to wave frantically.
"H-How...when? I-I don't understand-" Marinette clutched the area on her head where the rose was tugged out, head spinning to multiple directions, wondering who on earth put the flower in her hair. She didn't sense a presence, let alone feel a thing! Her heart began to ricochet in her chest, her eyes wild from her desperation in finding anyone suspicious. She couldn't even feel Tikki's attempt in trying to soothe her, the little kwami hidden in the inside of her coat pocket for warmth.
That slithering, horrid feeling of being
flared up her sixth sense, panic overtaking her body as one thing in particular became clear in her mind.
'Protect him! Protect Adrien! Get out of here! GET OUT AND PROTECT HIM!'
"Shit!" His hiss of pain brought her back to reality only for her mouth to run dry in horror and her blood to scream in her veins. Adrien dropped the rose, cradling his finger as blood oozed out of the injury.
A prick from the rose's thorns...?
'I didn't see any thorns when he pulled it out of my hair...no...there were definitely no thorns when he pulled it out.'
Alarmed, Marinette kicked the rose away and brought his finger towards her, eyeing it in horror much to Adrien's confusion, her body shaking and begging to run away and hide.
"Hey, hey. Marinette, I'm okay. It's just a prick." He tried to calm her down, noting her deer in the headlights expression, resting his hand on her waist as if to keep her steady. However, she fiercely shook her head, her grip on his hand like iron, her surroundings nothing but a blur to her.
"No! It's not okay! What if that rose was poisoned!? What if it's some bizarre akuma trying to kill you!? We need to get it cleaned up immediately! Come!" She didn't give him a chance to protest, lifting him to his feet as if he was made of paper and darting towards her home with him at tow, her hand never leaving his. She was blind to the passer-buyers and the dog-walkers. She was blind to Alya and Nino as they called for them, wondering what caused the spontaneous sprint.
She was blind to the white rose crumbling into ashes in the place where she kicked it, the acute, frosty breeze blowing it away until nothing remained...
"I'm fine, Marinette. Please,
calm down.
" Finally, after letting the girl disinfect his small cut and apply many Asian herbal ointments before bandaging the finger up in a headstrong manner, Adrien's pleas eventually got to her. Dupain-Cheng's head snapped up to meet his gaze after tightening the bandage, comprehending her surroundings as the last fifteen minutes or so was just a blur in her head.
Her rapid heartbeat began to slow down as she recognised that they were currently in the family bathroom of her humble abode. The tasteful rose and off white walls gave her comfort and the soft gold light from the bulb above melted away the ice in her blood. The sight of Adrien sitting on the edge of the bathtub, smiling his trademark syrupy smile and eyes as radiant as emeralds, induced Marinette's heart to skip a few beats, the traitorous organ cooing at how domestic the moment was.
'How...how do you keep making me fall in love with you over and over again?'
She furrowed her brows, fingers still lingering on his hand, savouring the feel of his skin and touch before letting go. The light strawberry complexion never leaving her cheeks and the tips of her ear.
She wished that Tikki was by her side, feeling naked in her simple but stylish cerise blouse and high-waisted black pleated skirt. The cool draft from the open window behind her raised goosebumps on her skin despite the black tights yet the beaming gaze from Adrien made her feel like a soaring flame.
'I don't deserve you...'
Marinette didn't get a chance to take a step back, her hands captured by his in a bat of an eye. She pursed her lips questionably, cocking her head as Adrien stumbled over his words much to her
He never ceased to surprise Marinette, introducing more sides and pieces of himself to her without a beat. His currently timid demeanour reminded her of her Chat Noir, during a time when she launched a surprise hug at him and rendered him
for almost an hour during patrol. However, the treasured memory was mercilessly slashed by the ghost of
Chat Blanc's
heartbroken face, stilling her heart anew.
'Right now it's Adrien in front of me. ADRIEN. I have to look after him and make sure he's happy and okay first then I'll wallow about...that...later.'
"Marinette," The model cleared his throat, squeezing her hand for good measures. His tanned skin resonating beautifully with the raspberry tinge on his high cheekbones, awing the girl in how beautiful he looked right now under the glow of the rich light. "I...
thank you
, really. You didn't have to do this," He rubbed his thumb on her fingers, beckoning her to sit next to him.
With how cute and nervous he looked,
how could she possibly refuse?
"Of course I had to. You got hurt in front of me and I couldn't just sit around and do nothing about it." She sat by him, ignoring the warmth of his thighs touching hers in the cramped but cosy space. She eyed his bandaged finger forlornly, blind to Adrien's heated scrutiny. He has more than picked up that there was more to her words than she let out but after prodding her in the morning and getting her upset, he didn't want to risk doing so again.
"But still, being by my side would have been enough and letting the school nurse treat my injury. Yet, you took the time and effort to do it yourself. You made sure to make it as painless as possible.
No one
has ever done this for me,
." This time, the admiration laced in his voice enticed Marinette to face him, her cheeks reddening whilst he smiled at her with a tenderness that would
her own
She never thought that
be a possibility.
"B-But..." She wet her lips restlessly, sky blues glancing away for a split second and then bore into him again. "What about when you were younger? Surely someone must have..." She faltered, not too sure whether to breach the unspoken territory regarding his distant, robot like
and tragically absent
"From as long as I can remember,
Père and
would always try and keep me contained in one place or another so that I didn't hurt myself. And the rare times I did get hurt, they would get the maids to patch me up. The maids were never too interested in making conversation with me, trying to get the job done as soon as possible...heh," Adrien was the one looking away now, smile empty and eyes losing their shine at the memories of his lacklustre childhood.
Despite Adrien's huge love and yearning for his mother, the more Marinette heard about the stories of his past, the more apprehensive she was about Emelie. The woman may have been doting on Adrien and showered him with love but at the same time, she was responsible for his quiet, lonely childhood and perhaps neglect when she handed him over to the maids or assistants regularly when she went to work.
'He deserves so much better, he deserves so much more love...why is fate always so cruel to the kindest people I know?'
Marinette kept her worried, sympathetic eyes on him, giving his fingers a comforting press this time round with her own. The touch snapped Adrien out of his thoughts, the boy immediately quirking his lips up to ensure that she didn't worry about him further. He opened his mouth, attempting to show that he was fine but Marinette beat him to it.
"I'll always be here," She nodded. "Whether it's to treat your injuries, to cheer you on for your extra-curricular matches or even to lend you an ear when you need someone to listen to you.
." She brought their entwined hands to her chest, determination to keep the boy she loves happy evident in her eyes.
An unspoken promise binding them both together.
Adrien found himself gaping with astonishment, his heart literally melting from the indescribable euphoria and exhilaration that flooded his entire being, leading unshed tears to glisten in his eyes. He wanted to grab her face right there right now, pull her into a breathtaking kiss and finally,
know what it's like to feel and taste Marinette Dupain-Cheng's lips against his.
Finally have a kiss he'll remember.
Instead, common sense and reality stopped him from doing so, allowing him to envelope Marinette into his arms with a strong, heartfelt embrace. The feel of her throat moving as she gasped against his shoulder had Adrien hold on tighter, burying his face into the crook of her neck, the tightness of the bandage around his finger keeping him rooted.
"...Adrien?" Marinette tentatively returned the hug, trying her best to keep her hands steady as she rested them around his torso, one hand slipping through his blonde strands and grazing her nails against his scalp as a means to comfort him.
"You're always looking after everyone...looking after
..." His voice was nothing but a husky whisper, a warm breeze in her ear. He slowly pulled his head away from her shoulder yet his arms remained circled around her, his grip strong but comforting. Then, tenderly, with eyes glinting with bitter-sweetness and compassion, Adrien settled his forehead on Marinette's, lips twisted in a pained grimace. The ebony haired teen could barely keep her eyes on his, the tensity from the park hurtling back like a meteor and all she could do was pray that her heart wouldn't smash through her chest.
"Yet, you don't let us look after you...not even me."
Agonising pain from the fear of losing her partner to the corrupted darkness of the butterfly and the fear of the potential dangers that could befall on Adrien evoked her skin to blanch on the spot, eyes to constrict wildly whilst his emerald crescents never left its prey. She instinctively bit her bottom lip, plastering her gaze to the side only to pale further when she noticed her reflection staring back in the mirror.
Marinette couldn't bear to see her sleep deprived, ghostly looking self engulfed in the arms of the love of her life, especially with the unearned fondness and affection on his expression that she wasn't deserving of. She instantly closed her eyes, cheeks red with not only embarrassment but also fury towards herself.
'That's right- how fucking dare you try to enjoy this? You're an unworthy glutton. An undeserving snake. A selfish, cruel wench!'
The angry voice in her head blared, mauling her heart apart without an ounce of sympathy. It took everything in her body to not break down and cry, to not spill everything to him.
However, her fate was abominable and cruel, the knowledge of identities and the miraculouses and the future slamming into her at full force caused her to just stay deathly still and quiet.
Oh so still and quiet.
"Marinette...look at me, please." Adrien pleaded, nudging his nose with hers, his desperate breath like a forbidden fruit countering her lips. His voice cracked with emotion as he held onto her tighter, fringes intermingling with one another and chests pressed against the other. Their hearts pounded in sync, the boy using his free hand to graze his thumb against Marinette's brow, grief evident in his aura and actions. "You're hurting, you've been hurting for a long time and I just can't stand there watching you
." The way he threw her words back at her from earlier on caused her eyes to snap open, teeth clenched in a bitter grimace.
"I'm okay Adrien, I'm fine. This isn't about me...it shouldn't be about me. You're the one who's hurt, not me! We should be focused on keeping an eye on the cut just in case that dodgy rose really is poisonous!" She rasped but couldn't stop the stutter her heart let out at the sight of his incredulous glare.
"Why...why do you always do this? Why do you always keep stopping anyone from helping you? You're literally falling apart!" He shook her shoulders, eyes furious but intent in wanting to help the girl he loves,
if only she'd let him
. "You barely smile, you barely laugh, hell, you don't even act our age these days! Everyone says you've matured...everyone says you've grown up...but all I see is the person that I care so much for...a person I treasure so much...no longer happy!"
It was mere willpower that prevented the dams to explode for Adrien, his vision blurry with tears but he kept them in, brows crinkled with anguish and his thumb stroking the apple of her cheeks. Her eyes shone with tears too, a brewing dilemma evident in the blue orbs he's grown to cherish and love.
But was also scarily, strikingly similar to his partner in red...
"I'm...I..." Marinette started, her weighted emotions suffocating her, rendering her speechless and she internally prayed that Adrien would drop the subject and move on, even if it's by some sort of miracle-
 The sounds of the bathroom door and window clobbered shut sent a whiplash towards the teens, the duo switching to a seriousness and alertness that mirrored their magical counterparts, gripping each other with herculean strength.
Neither of them
to take a breath.
Adrien kept his eyes glued to the window whilst Marinette kept hers to the door, the trepidation and unease skimming through their bones as the gut reactions from the incident at the park ploughed back at full force. The way they held onto each other so tightly was guaranteed to leave marks on their skins.
Bright, predator like greens
Wild, stormy blues
This time, the sound of the school bell ringing in the distance was heard, breaking Adrien and Marinette out of their fight or flight mode, still eyeing the objects warily.
The model was the first to break the silence.
"Do you...do you think that was the wind?" He licked his lips nervously, his injured, left hand trembling and quick to latch onto Marinette's right hand, his eyes never leaving the window. His heart roared in his ears, blood loudly rushing through his veins as the urge to flee was high.
But, he wouldn't dare to leave without
"Adrien, in order to open the door, you have to push it from the outside and pull from inside. Same with the window. There's no draft on this floor and the breeze was only coming from the window. I can understand the door being slammed shut by a sudden gust of wind...
but not the window
..." Her answer only went quieter and quieter, until her last few words were barely whispers. The boy squeezed her hand, able to feel her rapid pulse which only heightened his. "
...and there was sudden wind either...
"S-Such phenomena can be explained with science..."
"Then how does science explain how a rose
appeared on my head, me not feeling a single thing?"
"It could probably be a distasteful prank by Alya and Nino when we weren't paying attention-"
"The rose didn't have thorns in it when you took it out but suddenly appeared a few seconds later, hurting you!"
"...are...are you sure? Marinette, I don't like this-"
And neither did she.
Wordlessly, she kept a tight clutch on his hand, minding his injured finger and practically ripped the door open, speed-walking out of the apartment with the model gleefully following, slamming the entrance door shut as they left.
The silence in the apartment grew loud and looming.
Slowly but steadily, the window in the bathroom opened, revealing absolutely...
Rain poured down Paris like a waterfall, as if to make up for the lack of showers during the intense, global-warming induced heatwaves during summer. Students from
le collège
tiredly trickled out of the building, groaning about the amount of homework that were assigned to them or mocking the teachers they absolutely despised or even the current weather which the forecast has failed to mention today.
Lila Rossi bellowed a haughty goodbye to Alya, attempting to gather the girl up in her arms for a hug only for the bespectacled teen to step away stiffly, lips strained tight. Of course, the Italian made a mopey scene over it, her
from the other classes directing a nasty glare at the reporter who didn't even flinch at the stares.
"I...I thought you were busy over the holidays and that's why you didn't try to text me...but you just don't want to be my friend anymore, do you Alya?" Lila sniffed, clutching her designer umbrella closer as if to look like a wounded lamb. Yet, Alya didn't even twitch a muscle.
"Need I remind you that you got my best friend
"But that's not my fault! I have this disorder that-"
"Yes! A disorder that you never told
about and almost ruined my best friend's life! I don't know how schools work in Italy, but over here? In France? If you have even one
tiny blight
on your records, thousands of universities won't even look at your CV and portfolios! You know how important fashion and designing is to Marinette. You know it's her dream to keep learning and experience the world! But you almost ruined it all in one day! And you, you ALL, yes, you people!" She pointed to the growing crowd. "Marinette has helped so many of you, never asking for anything in return! She's always been kind, quirky and lovable! Yet I see some of you give her the most disgusting looks when you think she's not looking."
She slammed her umbrella on the floor, not caring that it was trampled over students who were hurrying home and avoiding the commotion, her curls instantly soaked by the rain. The crowd she pointed to held shameful expressions, some looking away from Alya whilst Lila kept up her kicked puppy act, dry and regal under her umbrella.
"She deserves so much better than this..." Her teeth were gritted and her hazel eyes was like a forest fire. Just as she was about to give hell to the crowd, a familiar hand rested on her shoulder, calming her down immediately. Alya whipped her head to the side, watching as Marinette stepped in, slipping her hand away from the shoulder and guarding her arm in front of her best friend.
As if to protect her.
"Careful there, akumas, remember?" Cheng hissed quietly, putting out the fire and pacifying Césaire. Her icy blues sent shivers down everyone's spine, even Lila found herself feeling a cold sweat-drop trickle down her forehead from the mere intensity of her eyes, knuckles whitening on the handle of her umbrella.
It was as if Marinette was the strict teacher and they were the misbehaving students.
"Go home. There's nothing to see here. There are more important things out there than petty school drama," She commanded, eyes never leaving the olive eyed peer who would have snarled back had Alya not been watching her with a triumphant but menacing scowl.
"I literally just found out that someone I cherished and trusted,
me. How is that petty school drama?" Rossi enforced the crowd to pity her, her acting skills so good that one would think that she was about to burst into tears on the spot. However, Marinette wasn't having any of it, especially with how preoccupied she was with the bizarre incidents that have been piling up lately, mentally drained by everything.
"You broke the trust of that someone." She retorted coldly, the rain only got heavier and more of the crowd started to disappear, not finding the argument worth a cold. "Of course she won't want anything to do with you afterwards. I don't care if you don't see or understand my viewpoints on what's petty and what's not.
I really don't give a damn
. Just get lost and leave Alya alone."
The Italian opened her mouth, enraged, ready to yell but was pulled back by her possies, guiding the seething teen away from Mari and Alya. The duo kept their eyes peeled on the brunette's back until she was no more than a tiny figure in the distance. The remaining members of the crowd, unnamed faces from various years, hurried off, far too intimidated by the French-Chinese's ambience and the wrath of her fiery best friend.
"Alya, you didn't have to do this you know," Exhaustion and tiredness was laced in Marinette's voice but the subtle smile that rested on her lips was real, earning a broader smile from her companion. "I don't want any trouble or problems arising for you because of the bad blood between me and Lila."
"No amount of troubles and problems will stop me from standing by your side, girl," The ombre-haired teen gave the petite girl's forearms a reassuring squeeze. "I know you told me that the best way to handle Lila was to avoid her and mind my own business, but dammit, it just pisses me off how she can happily trot around the school like she owns the place as if she's some innocent fairy. As if she hasn't caused so much shit for you and our class! Fucking hell!"
"Mmhm, I understand that Als. But, I'd rather not see you get akumatised again. Or get into some serious trouble that can affect your future." Marinette tapped one of Alya's hands disapprovingly, her knowing raised brow gaining a sheepish smile from the latter.
"Oh come on...I really wasn't gonna punch her,"
"Alya, I had to step in because I saw the way your fist was itching to strike."
"...I wasn't gonna punch her
too hard
at least,"
Rolling her eyes fondly, Marinette pulled the taller girl into a hug, lips curled up into a goofy smile. She still couldn't believe how lucky she was to have Alya as her best friend, practically the big sister she's always wanted, as someone she could talk to about anything and everything-
save for her alter-ego related topics of course.
Plus, it took Alya no time after the suspension incident to figure out that all the saccharine, honeyed promises and silver laced boasts from the fake fox were all
Even if it took her longer to realise than Marinette would have liked. Regardless, she knew
. Maybe still in the dark of the numerous times Lila has threatened Marinette and willingly worked with an akuma to take down Ladybug
she knew enough to stay away from the dangerous girl.
It took Dupain-Cheng quite a while to hold Alya back from going absolutely feral on Lila when she found out, convincing the taller teen to leave her be, back then. To let Lila's deception become her own downfall and only take action
if necessary
"I'm glad you didn't punch her. You would have been suspended and I'd have died within a week in school without you." Marinette playfully punched Alya's shoulder, both of them perking up at the sounds of their two very loved boys making their way to them from the building behind. Alya didn't get to do as much as blink as she was tackled by an enthusiastic Nino, his endearing nickname for her (
causing the aspiring designer to watch the scene with fondness.
"What was all the commotion we heard on the way here?" Adrien asked, almost making her jump, dipping under Marinette's umbrella and helping her hold it to his height with one hand.
'Behave, my heart.'
She swore.
causing a scene cos Alya doesn't want her clinging on her arm like the leech she is," Marinette huffed, pursing her lips with sourness. It looked like the cost of
Chloé Bourgeois
calming down her tantrums and terror by a smidge was the increase of Lila's fabrication and drama stirring.
A pain in her ass in all honesty.
"Oh? So she's aware that the leech is a liar too?"
"No wonder Nino was just as iffy when he saw her, hahah!"
"And it's not just him thankfully. The rest of our class are keeping a closer eye on her. Plus, with everyone worried about finals, work and what
to choose, no one is giving her the attention that she's dying for." The raven haired girl took a sigh of relief, still drained from all the excitement in the morning. She shot an appreciative smile to Adrien when he squeezed her hand. "I guess taking the high road isn't too bad. I'd have already combusted into smoke if I focused on trying to expose Lila every single time. It's better to direct my energy on things worth my time."
The blonde scoffed, smile self-deprecating now. He stared into the distance, barely acknowledging Nino and Alya splashing puddle water at each other, screeching with joy.
"That advice was
you know it.
" His usual soft emeralds turned acidic and raw, hand tightening over hers as the sound of rain battered the pavement and steps. "Am I right to assume that you haven't told Alya about the time you were
and almost got
over it?"
The memory of the few weeks after saving her Chat Noir from
that timeline
that resurfaced to Mari's memories marked the catalyst to her and Adrien becoming closer, blurring the line between friendship and
something more
, despite her attempts in trying to distance herself from him emotionally.
'That's right, that day you couldn't even pretend that you weren't such a weak girl. That day when you broke down in front of him when he was looking for you after the dumb Lila brat pushed you over the edge. And you couldn't even stop your big mouth from running. Absolutely pathetic.'
Marinette's smile was a simple shadow of the real deal, ignoring Adrien's worrisome peep.
She was getting real sick of the ugly, horrendous, pessimistic side of herself and the fact that no matter what she did, she always worried the boy with the heart of gold.
Both boys with heart more golden than the sun itself.
"That's right," She answered nonchalantly, keeping her eyes on her friends up ahead. "And am I right to assume that
haven't told Nino about the time you made a deal with the devil, pretty much
selling yourself
in order to get me back into school?" The sharp intake of breath that Adrien took was more than an indication of her answer, her dissatisfaction with his methods hitting a nerve.
He definitely didn't tell Nino, just as she didn't tell Alya. They really were two peas in a pod.
"I...I feel like we've argued too many times already, Marinette. It's a new school year, a new season,
let's start over.
" He finally faced her, his fiery greens resembling her partner clad in black
far too much
for her liking.
The duo didn't say anything afterwards, attempting to figure each other out as they kept up the eye contact. Her eyes resembled the storm they were currently under, a sudden flash of lightning from above highlighted every speckle and ring of her mysterious orbs.
The sound of thunder roared through the clouds and the downfall of the rain was practically buckets of water pooling down from the skies. Adrien registered the familiarity of the scene and the umbrella he was currently helping in holding.
As so did Marinette.
So lost into each others eyes, the teens were deaf to their best friends' cheers and shouts of goodbye, departing away from them, leaving them both alone in front of the entrance of the building as they fell in love
all over again
. Their hearts beating in tandem and their lips slowly but surely curving into smiles. Finally, the older teen acted, his stare loving and sweet, reaching the hand by Marinette's side with his spare hand.
"What are you up to?" Dupain-Cheng couldn't help but wonder, the tilt of his smirk provoking her heart to bend and bounce like a gymnast but also twitch with familiarity.
And this time, she has her finger on it.
"Let's make a deal." Adrien started, smirk broadening into a shit-eating grin. He
was eating up the way her cheeks coloured from the proximity and the grasps of understanding from the
déjà vu
when it came to her
His sudden boldness growing.
"Go on,"
"I'll only let you look after me...
," He paused dramatically and then leaned in close, his smile never faltering when Marinette instinctively took a little step back in surprise. Adrien let go of her hand only to settle it on the small of her back, pushing the shy girl closer to him as he freely wore his superhero persona on his sleeves.
"If you let me do the same for you,"
His words ended with a soft breath, a juxtaposition to his emotional, distraught pleas from when she was treating his wound in her house. Lightning flashed again and the thunder rumbled through the atmosphere, amplifying every feature and every raindrop of the moment. Marinette couldn't help but melt, her awed expression meeting his smile that shone brighter than the sun.
'Mon Dieu...I love him so much...but I don't deserve him...'
"Adrien..." She couldn't bear to see such an earnest look directed at her, flickering her eyes to the ground and fidgeting on the spot. Her automatic, denial for any help hurried to leave her tongue except the only thing to escape her throat was a shriek as the feeling of freezing rain soaked her head instantly.
equivalent exchange!
If you don't agree to the deal, why I'll just leave you all alone right there~" The little shit announced obnoxiously and skipped down the steps, the cheeky cat inside him cackling at the sound of her howls of rage and a flurry of feet rushing towards him in order to retrieve the umbrella back.
"You filthy weeb! Give me back my umbrella!" She jumped him, trying everything to reach the gadget as the insufferable boy used his height to his advantage, keeping it as far away from her as possible with one hand, his other hand wrapped around her waist. He was just as soaked as his beau but he didn't give a
flying fuck.
He relished every second,
every moment
"You're the one who recommended Full-metal Alchemist to me! You have yourself to blame! And isn't this the umbrella
lent you last year?
Who knew Marinette Dupain-Cheng was such a thief~?
" He taunted only to trip backwards into a giant puddle, dragging the poor girl with him with a yelp. The teens were soaked beyond compare, their kwamis hiding in their bags grateful as hell that they weren't hiding in their charge's coats.
The duo let out shrieks of disgust and commented about how disgusting the water was, crawling away from the puddle whilst clutching each other, sitting on a few steps to the school building to regain their breaths. They were already muddy, wet and filthy; there was nothing else left to lose.
Adrien could
give his father the
half truth
if the stoic man greets him before he cleans himself up, saying that he tripped and fell in a puddle. Marinette's parents on the other hand would wonder whether
pigs would start flying
if their daughter came home
"You idiot." Marinette bleated, breaking the comfortable silence but didn't attempt to move away from him, leaning against Adrien as the cascading rain showered them. "What does equivalent exchange have to do with stealing my umbrella?" She reached for the gadget they fought over, opening it up to shield them from the torrent even though it was quite useless at this rate.
They were certainly going to catch a cold.
"First," The model flicked her forehead with jest. "It's
umbrella. Second, I charge interest. I'm being super generous and kind here, asking for that instead of-
I dunno,
two-hundred of your handmade croissants." He nuzzled her wet hair, his cold, chapped lips against her neck like sparks lighting up her skin.
"I see..." She regarded the situation seriously now, blaming the shivers that ransacked her body from the cold and certainly not the sensation of Adrien's long lashes fluttering against her skin and his lips brushing her nape. "I...I can't promise anything...but I can try. I can try and let you in, Adrien."
And that was more than enough for the elated boy, evident in the way he intercepted her with a hug that would rival her
'Though...with all the clues and similarities I'm seeing...maybe he is-'
"I'm glad." He breathed into her soft skin. "I'm so happy that you trust me enough to support you," Marinette couldn't tell whether her hypersensitivity was exaggerating every move Adrien made because she almost swore on her earrings...
that his lips were puckered against her neck
. She was
beet red
"I...I'm happy too. Thank you for not giving up on me," She cupped his cheek, inspecting him as he raised his head to meet her stare. Their position mirroring
The Eternal Kiss of the Hasanlu Lovers
, questions and answers swimming in their eyes whilst emotions and feelings were as stormy as the weather.
'Are you really my Lady?' 'Are you really my Chaton?'
The sudden sound of a car beeping a few metres away snapped the potential couple out of their trance, the boy quick to lift the girl to her feet. Adrien's bodyguard rolled the window down, beckoning him to get inside with a grunt and then rolled the window back up.
Probably to quickly drape the waterproof seat covers on the passenger seats.
The model's smile was wiped off his face, the baker girl's following suite as the creepy events from before pirouetted in their minds. Adrien's grip on Marinette's hands bestowed his reluctance to let her go. However, it was like Mari could read his mind, giving him a resolved nod.
"I'll be fine. Okay?"
"You're not scared to go home? Even after
? And the
?" The memory of the bathroom door and window slamming shut out of the blue still sent chills down the boy's spine and his sixth sense was screaming that it was abnormal. That there's more to it than it seemed.
"I won't lie, I'm still a bit creeped out. But if it is something, it's definitely an akuma. Ladybug and Chat Noir are there to protect you and me." Marinette was certain that she was telling the truth but her heart argued otherwise, that there was something else. She didn't know what to make of this feeling.
"...Okay," Despite his word, Adrien seemed reluctant to agree. "Promise me to let me or Alya and Nino know ASAP if something's up?" This was a dirty trick. He knew it. She knew it.
Because Marinette never breaks her promises.
"...Fine." The girl's glower only deepened at his victorious smile, his large hands squeezing her smaller pair. "And you, promise me to stop being a worrywart!" She pettily cackled internally at the scowl he shot back.
"I'll stop being a worrywart if you took care of yourself for once!" He stuck his tongue out childishly, a very
Chat Noir
thing to do and Marinette couldn't help but be endeared rather than annoyed.
The impatient beeping from Adrien's ride indicated Gorilla's urgency to take the boy home. The blonde glanced at the car forlornly and then back at Marinette.
He wanted to stay by her side for longer.
"Why don't you take a ride home with me? We can drop you off." He offered. He wasn't expecting a devious smile from Dupain-Cheng however, his heart skipping a few beats or so. An iconic smile that he
he's only seen on his
"And let you steal
umbrella again? No thank you~ I live just down the street anyways."
"Ugh...the next thing I know, you'll be stealing my jackets or shirts too." Adrien missed the embarrassment and longing that flickered in her eyes for a split second.
After all, stealing items of clothing was such a
thing to do.
"Anyways," With a sigh, Adrien brought Marinette into his arms, fingers knotting themselves in her fallen bun, her tendrils flailing freely in the frigid weather. "Please stay safe Marinette. And...look after yourself," The way he whispered heatedly in her hair introduced the raven haired teen to an intimacy she has never breached, her heart skyrocketing.
Parallel to their proper introduction in the rain last year, Adrien Agreste rendered Marinette Dupain-Cheng dumbfounded, the cat taking the tongue. Pulling away, the boy gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, his digits barely gliding over her supple cheek as thunder rumbled in the skies.
Her dumbfounded expression only worsened as Adrien brought the Chat Noir out in him to play once more, pressing his velvety lips on the
of hers.
A taster of what he really was capable of.
A plus,
Marinette," Leaving the umbrella in her hand, Adrien headed to his bodyguard's car, gripping the handle of his schoolbag with an expression so
sickeningly lovesick
and so
sickeningly sweet
. The sound of Plagg's muttering complaints form the zip of his bag was left unheard as the boy was practically on
cloud nine
Meanwhile, Marinette wasn't as lucky to bathe in the feeling of soaring. Not for long at least. As much as she wanted to pump her fist up in the air with a whoop and fan-girl to Alya over the phone, her situation developed with a cruelty that shattered her heart to pieces.
'Hahah! What are the odds! The two boys you love turning out to be one all along? If it's true then that means it was not just Chat Noir suffering...it was Adrien too! It was Adrien you also failed!'
The heinous voice just kept on mocking, and mocking,
and mocking.
Tikki peered out of Marinette's bag, her doe like eyes starting to tear up at the sight of the gloom that overtook Marinette's body without mercy.
'What if it was Adrien who's been singing that horrid lullaby over and over again? What if it was Chat Noir whose parents never bandaged up his wounds? What if it was Adrien whose heart I kept on rejecting? What if it was Chat Noir who got pricked by the rose? What if...WHAT IF!?-'
The sudden feeling of the warm, magical kwami cuddling up in the nape of her neck broke the girl out of her downward spiral, her heart grieving and sobbing.
"Tikki...I don't know what to do...I don't know what to think...I don't know what to
Why does this keep happening?" The little Goddess responded to Marinette's agonising pain by lifting a hand to her charge's cheek, nuzzle her as the tears finally fell.
The dam broken.
"No matter what happens, I'll always be there to help you and guide you the best I can. I will never, ever leave your side." The kwami promised. She offered a soft smile and mentioned that they should go home, especially with how Marinette's sniffles were getting louder and sounding more congested.
"...how long do you think it will take before they reveal themselves to each other?" Wayzz's voice was nothing but calm, floating under the umbrella his master held as they both observed the little Ladybug heading home from afar.
Maître Fu
sighed tiredly, goosebumps never leaving his body from the intense cold of the weather.
"Not very long now, Wayzz. The sooner the better. After all, they will both need each other more than ever. I fear a threat greater than
Le Papillon
has awoken and it's already affecting everyone. Especially Ladybug and Chat Noir." He eyed the sky warily, as if it was a sentient monster. "As much as I'd prefer if all identities were kept a secret, it will only cause them more harm than good. I cannot afford to fail them as a Guardian again."
"Oh? What do you plan to do?"
"I will try and persuade Ladybug to tell me what happened when the rabbit hero of the future took her away all those months ago. That day started the negativity building up in her body, slowly consuming her."
"I see."
"But that's not all. I will take on the offensive and hunt down whatever has arrived in our world. Whatever that
For once,
I want to protect the kids with all I can."
your body is at its limit! You can't even handle a decent akuma right now, let alone this thing you claim to be more threatening than Le Papillon himself!"
"I must try, Wayzz. I must..."
Marinette didn't know what to expect when she entered her home, her parents still busy in the bakery and the apartment feeling more eerie than usual. Both Tikki and her were on high alert, the horrid sensation of being watched so heavy it could potentially cut off her airways.
Her ears
Her entire body
Her reflexes on her fire as she winced at every creak and moan the building made. The sounds of the forceful rain shooting the windows and water gurgling in the waterspout only
the terror. All of a sudden, the urge to go to her balcony struck her core, Marinette's body leaping up the stairs to her room and heading towards the trapdoor above her bed like a rabbit on the run. She was deaf to Tikki's cries as her dirty, wet clothes left sopping water all over the place.
Marinette tore the trapdoor open, leaping out and onto the balcony.
All the sounds in the world disappeared as her eyes registered the item that was left on the railing this time.
A rose.
The rose.
The dreaded, derisive, hideous white rose!
Its grotesque looking thorns were like claws, digging into her property and its petals were tattered and wilted, as if it was stomped on by a herd. Thunder and lightning screamed through the heavens, the best visualisation for the turmoil that was burning inside Marinette as the rain tore at her body.
The girl snarled at the rose, stomping towards the edge of her balcony and pushed herself forward, eyes frenziedly looking for the creep that
to approach her again.
Especially after hurting Adrien!
"SHOW YOURSELF!" She bellowed, squinting through the deluge of raindrops and scanning the area in front. Her knuckles whitened from the herculean grip on the railings. "I SAID SHOW YOURSELF!!!" Again, she got nothing in return, her chest heaving and coughs erupting from her mouth, scraping her throat and chest raw. Tikki patted Marinette's shoulder, eyes glued to the surroundings until they widened.
"Marinette! Over there!" The kwami pointed to the direction of the park, the girl hauling herself to that angle and gaped at the blurry silhouette drenched on the rain. Yet, the more the duo attempted to make out the figure, the harder the rain fell and the wind blew. Not to mention that it was almost pitch black and none of the lights around were even
just finally
, recognition blared in Marinette's brain, barely managing to notice the strange feline ears on the figure's head and the strange tail behind it.
"Chaton...? Chat...
Chat Noir?
" She whispered at first, voice hoarse and nose clogged, not believing her eyes at first. Clearing her throat, Marinette readied herself to call him over, ask why he was outside-
Ma Princesse!
What are you doing out here!? Get back inside!"
Marinette almost jumped out of her skin, violently pressing her back against the balcony with bewilderment as she stared down at the Chat Noir who was perched on her
. Tikki was quick to dart inside the plant pots, out of sight.
Two add two weren't equalling four.
The hero himself has never seen such a scared expression on the girl, defences on high alert. He was about to question her again but paused when Marinette frantically looked back at where she was glaring at earlier on. The way her hands trembled and the absolute dread that took over her face caused Noir to leap to her side, pushing her behind him with one arm and scrutinise the area.
They stayed like that for seconds that felt like decades, the chill of the cold and fear like a blade pressed to the skin. Chat searched and searched
and searched
. Nevertheless, the boy couldn't find anything out of the ordinary but didn't dare to lower his guard. His faux ears flickered to life as Marinette mumbled.
"If you're here...then who did I see over
watching me?
Just as he
the rage and anxiety he felt rushing through his veins was bad enough, he noticed the horrific white flower sagging upon the railing like a corpse in a river.
His fury
by ten folds, his fangs glinting with bloodlust and his eyes constricted to the point where they were just mere slits. He almost didn't register his body swiping the dishevelled rose off the railing and crushing it even
with his boot. His breathing almost feral and ragged.
"Marinette, what's going on?"
 Noir glowered over his shoulder, body still panting with the uncontrollable animosity, begging to claw whatever was hurting them to
absolute shreds
The girl merely stared into the distance, eyes vacant and face hollow, rain dripping down her hair and face.
"Some...someone is watching...always watching...
and he won't stop until he gets what he wants.
She fainted.
A/N: Another build up chapter but don't worry, the guy we all have been waiting for will make his debut soon. But anyways, just want to quickly clarify something. 1) yes there will obviously be an identity reveal but it's gonna happen very early on in this story because not only am I an impatient slut, I'm also a hoe for post-reveal pre-relationship. 2) this is not a salty Lila take down fic. I'm trying to deal with the school drama beef as realistically as I can (cos Marinette is right, she has more important things to worry about lmao) and the Italian will have a vital part in the story- probably not in the way you guys are thinking UwU. Thank you for reading and I'll update when I can!
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writing-frenzy · 4 years
Airplane Crossing Over Plots~
Like it says on the tin, these were ideas I had for crossovers involving our fav writer~ (EDIT: Thank you @guiltycorp for inspiring this a bit XD)
Now, I’ve mentioned before, with Airplane choosing the go home option, he ends up still with a golden core in all this mess but he needs to cultivate his body really carefully because of it. (come on, he put in all the time and effort to be an immortal master, he should be able to still have his bad ass skills; not to mention with it being a soul thing, because a golden core is just as spiritual as it is physical, so he will definitely still have it.)
So, sealing his core and having his Nascent Soul outside his body to relieve some of the pressure on it, (having it look like a little chibi SQH that usually hangs out in hoodie pockets or hiding in Airplane’s hair with an aura of disguise around it), Airplane has to go and actually work out, which isn’t too much of a hardship for him at least, seeing as he’s had years to get into a routine and survival instincts kicking in to help him out there.
And, he may have actually started taking school seriously again, actually applying himself, maybe even getting an online accounting job to help supply his income. When he’s steady with that, he finishes PIDW the way he had been leading up to, the ending that makes the most sense and satisfices the writer the most (and if it gives him some closure, he isn’t saying anything about that.) Now that he is finally free from PIDW, and has college and work to worry about, he writes whenever he damn well pleases, and whatever he wants to fuck what anyone says.
(He might or might not write some absolutely filthy porn whenever the mood hits him, and cackles how his fans both greedily read it and cry because his newer works are so tragic, even if they have happy endings at times. Yes, Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky is a porn writer, but first and foremost is he an angst writer more~ His fan’s tears and cries just make him stronger kind of writer~)
(I just honestly want Airplane to write what he wants to now, that is one of the biggest motives behind all this honestly)
So, we have the set up :D let’s get to what we can cross over here~
First Up: ~Cutivation Group Chat~
Come on, how can one resist this? Plopping good old Airplane into this wild ride is one of the few things that makes me so happy in life. The thought of it makes me grin, especially since it can go two ways in my opinion~
First way: Airplane replaces Song Shuhang; like, just seeing Airplane, who was an Immortal Master and Teacher in those situations would be so funny, yet intriguing as well to see how he handles it, because you know he’ll be able to, just in ways no one ever expects. (Besides, that werid luck of Shuhang’s would be perfect for him, tho he won’t seek death like the other would~ :D Airplane still has a lovely sense of self-preservation~)
Second way: Airplane is one of Song Shuhang’s roommates. (for this, I’m going to say their Dorm was big enough for five peeps, because I want Airplane to have more friends damn-it.) Just... the imagery of the two neutral disasters getting into so much mayhem and hijinxs together, giving Song Shuhang not only a friend/brother in arms he can always depend and rely on, but also a steady source for learning and cultivation as well :D
(Also, Airplane and Gou Moumou being writer friends, the two of them able to bounce ideas on to each other (oh god, now you have inspired me, how dare you make me write this./hahahaha, you know you want too/ bitch turnabout is fair play/ ah fuck.) also: just the image of Airplane meeting Senior White and being completely unaffected because not only is his survival instincts going in overdrive, but also:
Airplane: ? He’s not my type.
Everyone: *jaws dropped*
:D Anyways~
Second Idea: Card Room (Rebirth)
Now First, for those who don’t know Card Room (Rebirth), this is an action/survival/mystery thriller BL Unlimited Flow type of novel; it follows one Xiao Lou, a medical professor who specializes with examining the dead, and his journeys through multiple rooms after having died in reality, the difficulty of each of these rooms measured with Playing Cards from 2 to K and with different types of rooms being sorted by their suits of Hearts (Mystery), Diamonds (Puzzle), Spade (Survival), Club (Luck/Money). The Goal of the story is to beat all the rooms and return back to the world of the living once more. To aid in this, people can get special cards to help them fight/ take care of their health/ or even just daily life essentials to be able to actually get through places. 
So... this means after getting all used to living once more and getting into his grove in the modern world... Airplane unfortunately kicks the bucket, yet again! Thing is, this time it happened after he played a card game with some of his roommates, I’m going to say poker, and they were betting who would do what chores. Aiplane managed to make out pretty well, and was pleased with it, so was very much bummed when he ended up dying yet again.  He goes through the room, some by the skin of his teeth, but with his cultivation abilities still usable (can’t stop something on a soul level here) he gets by okay. Though, all his cards either deal with writing, supplies, and the rare cultivation one at times.
He gets by at least.
Now, because this series gives me some emotions, here is one thing I will say: Airplane and Liu Ying end up partnering up and break through together, because damn it, Liu Qiao and her sis deserve some damn happiness ;-; Maybe Airplane and Liu Ying meet by chance, Airplane impressed by the young woman’s intelligence and Liu Ying can in turn be grateful for Airplane’s resourcefulness. Maybe even include the original girl that Liu Ying teamed up with, So we have three people already in your team to survive! (because surviving the rooms 2-4 is already damn amazing considering how hellish they get :D ) 
This is a fun crossover for me to imagine honestly, because it would be perfect to showcase Airplane’s skills in logic, reasoning, and pure survival our boy is known for; let that resourceful and logistic riddled mind out to play as he fights to get the fuck out of this world, even if The City of the Moon is beautiful and all.
:D So, those were the ideas I would like to really see, but here is some more for anyone curious:
Honorable Mentions: These are ones I would love to see Airplane accidently going into, and just going yikes, or nope! or even ‘Really?’
Lord of End of World:
... This story, it concerns me greatly; I like the worldbuilding, even has a few really cool girls in it, and I find the protagonist rather curious (to an extent, blackened Gary Stu that he is...) but does it make me cringe at times with the underage theme to it; it’s part of their cultivation and all, but god damn does the way this story push some of it really sqink me out, I had to drop it because it made me so uncomfortable, so just a heads up there. this is one of those stories that makes me want to write spite fiction, but also make me cringe at the thought of remembering it at times.
Anyways, so, how it boils down to it is that this poor guy, known as the Young Master of the Unground Palace, was abused in all the ways one can practically be abused, just so their Master can get stronger themselves by forming the perfect cauldron to absorb, but who manages to kill their master only to die as well. He ends up transmigrating into Gong Lixin, a 16 year old wealthy young master about a year (I believe) before the apocalypse happens... (Like I said, I have so many damn issues with this damn story, I cry.)
Just, on one hand, imagining Airplane in this world also makes me laugh (and maybe hope), because maybe here Gong Lixin could actually learn a cultivation style thats not only suited to him, but also doesn’t need him to dual cultivate all the time and rely on cauldrons (maybe get some needed therapy as well, Airplane knows some peeps; I can dream~), he can have a stable, reliable teacher here who will have no lust or attraction to him, Airplane helping the kid out at first because they look like they’re recovered from a really bad Qi-Devitation and the teacher in him can’t leave that alone. Airplane can also relate with the youth about transmigrating, maybe even telling him about his own time with that. (And Airplane can use his own cultivation to smack around any bitch looking sideways at his student, because fuck that shit, he is only seventeen and traumatized.) Just, turning this story into a cute mentor and discipleship and emotional healing would make me so happy.
Monster Inn Rectification Report
So, this is another Transmigration story~ MC transmigrates as a poor canon fodder son, who would have ended up in a vegetable state after being neglected in favor of the super amazing awesome adopted son. He then goes on to accidently inheriting a supernatural end for Monsters~
Like, this idea makes me grin evilly; though things will change up a bit, since both of Airplane’s parents have already split up and have their own families? Just, the Former An Ding Peak Lord running an Inn? :D Building it from ground up from bascially nothing? :D Oh, man, this man has run worse things, and even a Demon Kingdom, he got you~
Supernatural Movie Actor App
Its a BL about a guy with a split personality who does realistic (as in for real) horror movies through an app, to get his wish to come true.
This actually goes really good with my idea of Airplane wanting to be an actor and all, only to have his dreams crushed :D He doesn’t at first realize what he is getting into when he gets the app, thinking it might be a chance for him to still be able to do his dream, only, surprise, surprise, he ends up entering a real life Horror movie environment~ I’m really curious about what he would dream about~
I Have Medicine
:D Airplane and Gu Zuo interactions make me smile~ these two would be so fun, seeing them bounce off each other would be a treat.
So What if You’re Reborn
.... hahahahahaha, oh, the chaos that could be unleashed in this timeline would be glorious~
Running Away From the Hero
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calypsoff · 4 years
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This is why I picked Texas, this is the third apartment we have come too, and this is already my favourite. The fact it is gated and the price of it, I am shocked. If I had money, well some money I could do it on my own but when I saw it advertised I thought it was too good to be true with the price but it’s legit, it’s gated. We had to get buzzed in to check this shit out, if we are splitting this shit between us three it’s like six hundred between us and that is cheap for what it is, it looks so nice “you look happy as hell Chris, you already sold on this?” Barry asked, he knows. He can see it “man, I am hype. Where is this dude bro, I want to see the apartment. Like you can’t get this in Virginia, shit is expensive. Texas is dope, I like it here. You see how happy I am” clapping my hands together “I do like it here, it’s dope. Already met some chicks with good pussy and then met some niggas I think we will get on with. Shit, we really doing this” I didn’t really expect these niggas to come with me, but they did, I am hype to not be alone either “sorry, I am Jacob. Which one is Christopher” turning around to this white guy “that is me sir” getting my hand out to him “welcome to The Opal, you all new to Texas?” nodding my head “yes sir, we looking to move here. So we need three bedrooms and I saw this, I was like this is too good to be true, but I am shocked. I am already in love” dead ass really am “you want to sign the papers now?” he said, I laughed “I will but I just want to see it first” Jacob made his way around to TJ and Barry “three friends wanting to move to Texas, well welcome to Texas first and foremost, I would say for property Texas is it. You are paying for that, I don’t see it for places like New York and California, I couldn’t see me there wasting money so Texas is it, so shall go to your apartment?” I am excited as hell so can he hurry up.
I am impressed, I assumed it was going to be dope and it is “I like the whole patio and then balcony, shit we have a pool just there” I pointed “the parties too, I mean the very quiet ones” TJ said, Jacob laughed “yes quiet parties so that is it, how about if you decide to sign right now I will throw in a month free rent. These are brand new apartments, just been built so at the moment it’s quiet but we want people to move to Texas so if you sign today we will throw that in” he is making it hard to say I will think about it “can I speak to these two and then we can discuss?” Jacob nodded his head walking off, I like it. I like the whole gates thing, and the price is great “what you thinking then? It will be fine for us, we got parking here, we got the pool. Tell me” I need to hear them “I am speechless, not going to lie. Because I was unsure about Texas anyways but coming here, it’s dope. It’s got a mall two miles from here, the people are dope. I see us being here long term too. I like the whole open plan living, dining thing. The bedrooms are huge too, so we have our own space. If we bring chicks over we got our own room and space, I am for it” looking at TJ “you?” I need them to be in “I want in, I have never had so much fun since being here. No gang shit, just normal people” clapping my hands together “dope, bring it in!” opening my arms, I want this group hug.
Looking around the placing smiling, this shit is dope as fuck “man, I feel rich. Look at this place. I am so proud of this place already, man I feel happy” Barry laughed “you look so happy bro” he knows it, we are waiting for the agent to come back with the paperwork so we can sign this shit, this is a major thing in my life “I am back boys, one thing we do need three hundred and seventy five dollars as deposit? Remember you get the one month free so you do not need to worry about the month rent” I don’t have no money on me for that “I got it, I got it in cash” TJ came up, he didn’t even blink or even think about “Thank you” that was nice of him “don’t, I got you niggas. We eating” nodding my head stepping back “I can take cash, so I just need some signatures and go through some things. So how many cars are you looking to bring?” I don’t even have a car “uh one bro, that is Barry’ car” I pointed out “that is fine, you can also have pets here. So if you want you can bring some” that is dope “so can we move in now?” I asked “you could if you want too, are you all going back to Virginia first?” I would move in now “yeah bro, doing that first” I am so happy.
Jacob shook my hand “congratulations on your new apartment, it was very nice to meet all of you boys. It’s been a pleasure, it’s nice to see such good friends. These are the keys, one copy so you will need to make a few for the rest” taking the key from the guy “look at this boys” holding the keys up “don’t do anything I wouldn’t” Jacob left “how quick was that! My nigga, we did this! We done it” dapping Barry and then hugging him “oh my man, I love you boy! We out here” I am so happy, this means a new life for me, a new hope of something different. I needed this more then they assume so, I don’t have to look over my shoulder anymore. I can just be me; I can make friends out here, I can go out late at night without looking over my shoulder. I will miss my mom my parents so much, but I need this, I need to be free and I will see them when I can. My mom wanted me to move actually, she was scared for me “ayo, take a picture of me over here” I pointed at the balcony, I am out here taking pictures. I am just feeling confident about shit now “this place is crazy nice, like I don’t even want to wear my sneakers in this bitch” this patio and balcony spot is dope, I am in love “I will send you the picture, I will take it” TJ said “come on bro” looking at the pool situated just in front of us, turning around to face them. Barry stood next to me, holding the keys up “ayo, I forgot to tell you. Gabby couldn’t stop speaking on you, she was like he is the most beautiful man I have seen, his aura. His face, I love his hair. I really want him; I goes he is taken. He is very happy with her, and she goes, what did she say TJ” Barry pointed at him “Oh yeah, this bitch goes. Let’s take him out, some drink and dancing. He will be over her, she called me and I goes oh nah. Chris isn’t interested. At all, you for real going to get the bitches” maybe Robyn should be worried, that makes me laugh to think because I have been hiding away from life because of Virginia.
Man I am hype as hell, posting the picture eon Instagram and adding the caption ‘New beginnings, Texas!’ pressing send on the post “we lit bro, what we going to do tonight?” I asked locking my phone, it started to ring straight off “probably go out, last day here and all that” nodding my head “afternoon, you seem to always ring when I post something? Stalker much” walking back into the apartment “I was just looking at Instagram and your notification came up, and I assumed you would be done. You know with me being busy and you, I just thought I would call if you are free” Robyn has been busy, but her busy is celebrating her birthday over several days, she has been drinking all that time “yeah I can for a while, but I got an apartment. It’s so nice, I am so excited. I can’t wait for you to see, you will be impressed because it’s gated too, man I can’t wait!” I am so excited “I can tell how happy you are, you know” Robyn paused “I been busy so I haven’t had the chance to check up on you as I would and things, what have you been doing? You never really explained how that party went?” she is acting like it’s my fault I couldn’t explain “you was partying, I just went to the club and then I left early and then them niggas went to some home. I came back to look at apartments” sitting on the counter top “oh right yeah, that is ok. I got to go, manager ringing. I will call you back” I assumed she wanted to speak “ok cool, I love you Robyn” I was hype on my own, the phone disconnected “women” sighing out.
I have no idea what her problem be sometimes, I think its mixed emotions with her but it’s whatever “shall we go then?” I jumped off the counter “yeah, we might as well get ready for tonight, I can’t wait to move into this place. It’s going to be dope as fuck” nodding my head watching TJ walk back inside “got the plug, we need new weed you see” he is right we do, looking down at my phone as it pinged and then pinged again, again also. I will check it later, it’s Robyn sending me something, if I look now she will then know I checked. I rather she sees I didn’t yet “when you thinking of moving out here then?” Barry asked “uhm as soon as my apartment is sold. I thin kit will be sold quick anyways, because the neighbourhood is nice you know, it’s good for a couple so it will sell good, but I will be here quick so y’all be ready, even though. I may come out here first and just set up, I have set up the Instagram page for Black Pyramid, we that shit started. We move forward from now on, fuck Virginia. I want to play niggas faces, I ain’t going to let them get the better of me, they still gangbanging and we going to be living the high life, but I don’t see myself move from this place, like Cali ain’t me so I don’t know what Robyn will do, she knows I am stubborn so I will not move, Cali is full of fakes and expensive for nothing” Barry shook his head laughing “women will get their way” he patted my arm walking off.
Resting my legs across the backseat, TJ hired a car so we can move without getting an uber which was wack. Let me check Robyn’ messages now, unlocking my phone and tapping on my messages and then onto Robyn’. Seeing three screenshots, scrolling down and tapping on the first one “oh shit” I said staring at this picture, tapping off it and going down to the text.
Robyn: Club huh?
Rubbing my face, how the fuck did she get these and how. Tapping on the first picture again, I am literally sat on the couch innocently, but I am there, sliding to the second picture I am looking straight at the phone, man I look so dumb. Sliding to the third, my hair looks a mess but that is when I mislaid my snapback “niggas!” I spat, she knows, and she asked, and I fucking lied “what?” TJ turned the volume down, dragging myself forward “look” showing Barry “oh yeah she tagged us in these” Barry knew “then why the fuck didn’t anyone tell me!?” I shouted, “because you literally get a notification why?” sitting back “Robyn sent me this and put club huh” I mumbled, Barry turned in his seat looking at me all wide eyed “no fucking way!? She got time to be checking on you, oh fuck” he is saying oh fuck, imagine how I feel “she asked me too, she goes oh about the club and I continued it too, she wanted me to admit it, what do I do!? She sent this twenty minutes ago” I look like a liar “oh shit, you left her thinking. And now she will think you are making up lies, uhm. Oh fuck. I think maybe just text her, yeah. And say yeah I meant house sorry?” I groaned out “no, I said to her. Went to the club and you niggas went to a girls house, the fucking house I am in with these pictures so it look I did the same! I made it worse” Barry let out an oh “tell her the truth, just hope for the best” hope for the best he says.
Chris: I didn’t tell you get together because yu would say no and I just wanted to be there, I didn’t do anything. I didn’t even know these picture were taken!
I can only hope for this text, but she is going to be pissed off, of course this would happen to me but what made her check my tagged pictures. Robyn is really keeping an eye on me, like deadass she is. Maybe that is why she has been quiet with me.
Robyn: You didn’t tell me because I might say no? How stupid does that fucking sound, you lied to me you stupid asshole. I literally fucking told you I would be really watching your behaviour; I just so fucking happen to check that! Is this the fun you are speaking on.
Chris: Not exactly…. You acting stupid
Robyn: I am acting like how any woman would, you fucking lied!
Chris: Sorry
Robyn didn’t text me back, so I know she is very upset with me “I am going to let y’all go to the room, I am going to speak to Robyn on the phone in the bar here. Some space” TJ and Barry didn’t know what to say but smile, I mean I fucked up but it’s not like I did anything I know her answer because she was acting goofy when she said yes the first time I asked to go out. Tapping on Robyn’ name and let it ring out as I went to find a seat here, I don’t want her upset with me so I will let her rant and not say a word “what do you want?” as expected “can we talk or you just going to leave as that? You can see from those pictures Robyn I did nothing wrong. I was sat there on my own, I look odd as fuck. Yes you saw the pictures, but I have nothing to hide, I didn’t even know that was tagged in the first place, I have nothing to hide Robyn, I promise you” I thought I would put that forward “why lie in the first place, I have been sitting on this since yesterday. Why not tell me Chris? I told you I have more to lose because I can barely find anything, with me I could never cheat. The whole world would know” sitting down on the chair “because you were so angry that you said yes that time, so I don’t know. TJ said to not say it, I didn’t, and it was stupid of me. Robyn, I wouldn’t ever cheat on you! I am not crazy, I am sorry. I apologise, I hold my hands up about it” I don’t know what else she wants me to say “tell me Chris, I need you to interact with me about everything, shit. Tell me the time you had your morning pee. We currently on a long distant relationship Chris, I believe you, I do. But don’t do me like that, I get needy Chris. But just because I am busy doesn’t mean I am not watching you, because I am. Even your behaviour now, I love you and I miss you so much” I feel bad that I did “I love you more, when can you see my new place” I mumbled “I will try and see if I can make a little visit, won’t b long, just a quick visit. You know I am not angry at you, I am more angry that you lied, men are fickle. You can have any beautiful person they will still cheat and you are a very good looking man but I know you Chris and I know you are telling me the truth” she does know me but I guess that did annoy her.
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wanderingpages · 4 years
okieee I love sarahs books but My GoD I really hate how she hooks them all with "our main girl celaena/feyre/bryce is a Completely Normal Girl with No Special Traits" but then by the end its like. celaena is aelin is the most powerful fae in pretty much all of existence. feyre technically was a normal girl but also the mate to one of the most powerful fae and had all sorts of powers beyond normal fae from when they brought her back. bryce has just been keeping her powers secret her whole life(1)
but actually has powers stronger than fae have had in centuries despite being a half human fae. and the plot is great, yeah, nobody can ever tell when the twists are coming, but it just destroys the whole narrative. she hooks us with the normal girl Just Like Us who can change the world, but at the end of the day they aren't. they all have some kind of immense power that sets them apart and is the only reason they even survive the Big Bad. (2)
and not to say that I hate the books, bc I love them! and they've all made me cry, but each time I really feel like I could relate to a girl in a world against her who can change the world without anything special, we get a girl whose set apart by powers literally NOBODY else has. and idk it kinda ruins the whole sentiment, like no i can't change the world because I dont have anything special about me (3)
and yeah, its fiction, and we don't have fae or witches or magic abilities, but its still supposed to be relatable and empowering, even if supernatural. and i CAN escape into a fictional world to read about badass women with unique abilities with no problem bc i love the stories and characters, but it takes away the magic of "oh, I could change the world too," that comes w other books. (oop I probably should have put a SPOILERS somewhere sorry) (4?5? idk)
First and foremost, you can do absolutely anything you put your mind to idgaf I appreciate you and I don’t know you but I’m rooting for you. I will literally support you in absolutely anything except maybe murder all you have to do is ask. Fuck these white hoes 👀
Okay I’ll start off by saying, sjm can write, no one can take that from her. But her MO is definitely white girls with mad power. Oh and they’re fae. For absolutely no reason. Listen I love myself some good faerie books but it completely takes away the coolness of being a fae if you actually can lie and glamours aren’t real and iron doesn’t hurt you and you have massive amounts of power. Having next to no weaknesses makes you a boring hero. I loved feyre in the first novel becuase she had no powers and she still came off as a bad bitch defeating all her trials. I loved celaena way more than aelin also becuase of that shift in power. Like I absolutely enjoyed them over coming their almost otherworldly struggles with human/mundane tactics. That was sexy af. None of that I am a god bs unless u Megan Fox and abt to EAT me. Actually if aelin was not fae at that point that line would have had way more impact on me now that I think about it. Imagine that?? Human girl saying that shit??? Big dick energy.
It is though, still only the first book so idk maybe something will shift? I understand what you mean that it’s fantasy but even that should have an ounce of realistic qualities for the readers enjoyment. (Also whats her beef with humans lmao always so fucking repressed. Fae aint shit man)
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