#…I also just really like his glasses being oversized
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Some unfinished Henry’s a la Procreate. Which will likely stay unfinished bc I’m on a traditional art kick at the moment. 🎨
Sorry to be repetitive, toot my own horn and draw the most vile piece-of-shit Ayreon character over and over again but this is genuinely the best character design work I have ever done
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caninepoetryrelator · 9 months
Liquid Luck
Carl Grimes x Reader (16+)
Aged up Carl Grimes x Reader soft smut
Synopsis: Carl and you are not friends. So what’s gonna happen when you’re locked in a room together with a bottle of whiskey?
Warnings: Dick, dick getting sucked, no fully blown sex just oral, Carl is a cutie, also it’s a zombie apocalypse there’s gonna be zombies, plus various weapons and very brief nondescript violence.
Words: 3,843
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It all started with a bad raid. We figured we could sneak into the pharmacy, get the medicine for Hershel, and then get out without attracting any attention.
Rick and Daryl stayed outside and kept watch while he sent you and Carl to take care of the rest.
That was it, straightforward, in and out.
Or at least it had been.
A week prior Glenn had put a boombox on the rooftop of the place to attract the walkers out and up instead of prowling the streets and the building.
The windows were almost all broken. Either by walkers or raiders, we didn’t know. But it sure was convenient when the door turned out to be locked.
You watched Carl adjust the brim of his hat and narrow his eyes at a broken square window a few feet above his head.
“I think I can fit,” he stated firmly, casting you a sidelong glance, quickly looking back at Rick when you made eye contact.
He had never been outright rude to you; he had never been anything to you. He had only introduced himself with a short greeting and a tight smile. He seemed much more open with everyone else yet standoffish around you.
“The kid can fit too,” agreed Daryl, nodding towards you. He’d always called you that despite you being the same age as Carl.
Carl’s face dropped as he glanced at you again. “I can do it by myself.”
“No, you can’t,” ordered Rick. “We don’t know how many walkers are still in there. You’re taking her with you.”
He sighed. Did he really not like you this much?
Before you had come to a conclusion Daryl had laid a leather jacket over the jagged glass in the frame before he and Rick boosted Carl into the window.
“I’ll make sure it’s safe!” He hollered from inside the building. There was some scuffling inside for a moment before he yelled “It’s clear!”
Next thing you knew you were standing in their respective interlaced fingers and they boosted you up to the window. You grabbed the edges and dove in. It wasn’t until you let go of the window frame that you realized that you, unlike Carl, were falling face first instead of feet first.
Luckily, you were met with the last type of relief you expected. Carl grabbed your waist, slowing your descent enough to use your own momentum to turn you so you landed on your feet. His hands linger on your waist as you stand chest to chest with him. You look up at him through your lashes, breathing heavily. His face is red, probably from exertion.
Just before you can thank him he pulls quickly away, looking down nervously. You lower your head into his line of sight so that he makes eye contact with you.
“Thank you,” you say with a smile.
He nods shortly before taking out his knife and heading towards a door. “This way.”
You follow him, Michonee’s old sword she had given you in hand as you follow him closely, checking your surroundings avidly. Both of you continuously glanced up at the ceiling, which creaked under the weight of anywhere from fifty to one hundred walkers.
Your shoe nudged something on the ground— a bottle of whiskey. You quickly stooped and picked it up, putting it in one of the pockets of your oversized cargos.
You make your way to the back of the building, into the section where the pills are stored.
“What are we looking for again?” You ask.
“Promethazine, it’s anti-nausea medication for throwing up. Hershel’s worried the vomit from people with the flu in town could make it more contagious.” He replies, examining bottles instead of looking at you.
With a soft frown at his bland attitude, you wander to the ‘P’ section, browsing for promethazine.
You found five prefilled prescriptions made out to various, probably now dead, people.
“Carl,” you call, holding up a handful of amber pill bottles.
“Nice one,” he says, a genuine smile on his face. The first time he’s smiled at you. It was a nice smile. You felt your face heat up as you smiled as well.
Carl turned around for you to put the meds in his backpack. You brush his hair out of the way and he whips his head around immediately.
“W-what’re you doing back there?”
“Making sure your hair doesn’t get caught in the zipper,” you reply simply.
He relaxes as you unzip the bag and place the medications inside.
Just as you were zipping the beg, a loud creaking sound resounded from the ceiling. Carl and you glanced at each other with wide eyes.
“This way,” he commanded, taking your hand and leading — practically dragging — you through the pharmacy. The thumping on the roof was becoming more prominent and you could hear gunshots from outside.
You were practically running now as the sounds became nearly overwhelming. You were near the doctor's office section of the building when the ceiling began to give.
“Shit,” you muttered as the ceiling tiles began to fall.
Carl’s hand was on your waist again, this time snatching you out of the way of something falling— a walker, collapsed on the ground where you had just been standing.
Everything was happening so fast, and next thing you knew the ground was littered with walkers, all focused on the two of you. Your sword could only do so much as you slashed at the hoard, managing to take out two in one blow as you attempted to keep them at bay.
When Carl’s hands were on your waist again this time you didn’t question it— he snatched you backwards and into a room, where he slammed the door closed and locked it.
It was a check up office; it contained white brick walls and linoleum tile. In the corner was an oak desk with a monitor and sanitary supplies stacked on it. There was a cot against the opposite wall and various equipment hanging from the walls.
The thudding at the door where Carl stood jarred you back to reality, spurring you to grab the desk and shove at it. It had to be at least four hundred pounds. Carl pulled from the other side and together you managed to use it to barricade the door. He collapsed against the cot, panting.
You joined him, holding up your hands in a calming gesture as he looked at you with a shaky, nervous expression.
“Well, shit,” he muttered with an ironic chuckle.
“Probably gonna be in here for a while,” you sighed.
“Yeah,” he muttered bitterly.
Why don’t you like me?
The words almost came out of your mouth, but it wasn’t the right time. Instead you just looked at him, with a resigned expression.
You take the whiskey from your pocket and open it, taking a swig. After drinking with Daryl it didn’t phase you too much anymore, but he stared at you with a shocked expression, cheeks dusted pink.
“Where did you get that?”
“Store,” you replied simply, holding out the bottle to him.
After a moment of hesitation he took it, taking a swig with a grimace. “How do you drink that shit?” He laughs.
He laughed. A real laugh. It’s your first time hearing it. You want to hear more of it.
“Daryl,” you explain simply and he nods with a groan.
“I see,” he takes another drink and passes the bottle back to you.
It’s called liquid courage for a reason, you think. That’s all the convincing it takes for you to start chugging the bottle. You get about five swallows down before Carl’s hands, one on the bottle and one on your jaw, stop you from going further.
“Don’t overdo it,” he chides you gently.
You nod dumbly, watching a drop make its way down his neck, tracing his adam’s apple as he takes another drink. You notice the way his lips pucker around the mouth of the bottle and you force yourself to look away.
After a moment of silence he speaks again.
“Wanna play truth or dare?”
You look at him in surprise, hesitating for a moment.
“Only if you want to—” he starts nervously before you cut him off with a simple statement.
He looks at you in relief, clearly afraid to have overstepped before smiling, a bit anxiously. “Truth or dare?”
“Dare,” you don’t hesitate; they really do call it liquid courage for a reason.
He glanced around the room before his eyes land on the stethoscope. “I dare you to give me a checkup?” He phrases it as a question so you don’t feel forced. Cute.
You grab various medical equipment, wrapping the stethoscope around your neck with a drunken grin. “I’m your doctor, I’ll be giving you your physical,” you say in your best attempt at a deep voice. You were clearly already drunk. Normally you would’ve felt stupid but with the heartwarming giggle he let out paired with an over dramatic eyeroll, you felt nothing but at ease.
As you begin measuring his heart rate he swallows hard, his pink cheeks darkening to red. His heart thumped steadily; quickly.
“Truth or dare,” you murmur as you measure his vitals.
“Uh…” he swallowed hard, eyes flickered from your hands against his chest to your face, feigning focus. “Dare.”
“Take your shirt off,” you say with an innocent grin. He blanches, surprised. “To check your vitals better. Only if you want to.” You assure him sweetly.
In a moment he was struggling to pull his shirt off, disoriented from the alcohol.
Next thing you know your hands are running down his sides to the hem of his shirt. Halfway through struggling out of his shirt he looks up at you from his sitting position, face still read and panting. You gently tug his shirt upwards, prompting him to pull his arms through the holes and you pull it over his head.
You giggle at the state of his hair, correcting it without hesitation.
“Real soft,” you muse as you gently sweep his hair out of his face. The poor boy looks overwhelmed as he stares up at you, arms wrapped around himself nervously.
You gently move the arm he has wrapped around his chest, pressing the stethoscope there once more. His heart is beating almost worryingly fast.
“You okay hon?” You ask gently.
“Mhm,” he manages, seeming to have a hard time speaking.
“Okay,” you murmur, putting the stethoscope on various places around his chest, pretending to know what you’re doing.
“Truth- uh truth or dare,” he chokes out.
“Dare,” you repeat, this time even more sure than the last.
“Can you uhm.. touch my hair again?” He wasn’t making eye contact at all now, seemingly fascinated by his jeans as he stares down, still adorned by that bright blush.
In a second your hands are in his hair. Even when you hadn’t been talking you were fascinated by his hair. Rick had caught you staring several times and always met you with a soft smile or a laugh, whereas Daryl arched his eyebrow with a slight grin.
His hair really was soft, soft as hell. You rubbed a single strand between your fingers before trailing your fingers from his roots to the ends of his hair. You secure your hands around his scalp, threading your fingers through his hair as you continue to play with it, enamored.
You hadn’t even noticed his face, eyes closed, mouth open, breathing deeply.
You lean in closer and murmur by his ear. “Truth or dare.”
His eyes flicker open and he breathes for a moment. “Truth.”
“Why do you avoid me back at camp?” He froze.
“I-I don’t,” he lied, resulting in a small tug to his hair. He draws in a sharp breath, looking up at you surprised.
“Don’t lie,” you chide.
“You make me nervous,” he admitted after a moment of silence. “People usually don’t make me nervous, but you do.” He was once again apparently entranced by his jeans so you cup his jaw gently, bringing his gaze up to meet your own.
“I like making you nervous. But not all the time. I like talking to you, Carl,” you explain in a soft voice.
He looks up at you with a genuine involuntary smile.
“Really?” He breathes.
“Yes,” you whisper, realizing how much closer you had gotten, your hand still settled on his jaw.
“Um… truth or dare?”
“Dare,” you repeat, adamant on forcing him out of his comfort zone.
“Is it okay if I— can I please, uhm—“
“Do whatever you want, Carl,” you interrupt him. “I trust you.”
His eyes widen at that and he finally rises to his feet. A familiar feeling. His hands on your waist. His grasp is awkward this time, less sure of himself when he’s not saving your life. When it’s a choice to be touching you.
He tugs you a bit closer and his eyes flicker to your lips. You know what he’s trying to do and you know he’s scared to do it.
Your hands are still in his hair and you use that to your advantage, pulling him towards you and letting him close the distance, giving you a hesitant kiss. His lips are a little chapped, but they’re plush and soft. He tastes like whiskey, and you’re sure you do too. He’s inexperienced; this might be his first kiss, you realize.
You follow that kiss with another chaste one pressed against his lips ever so gently.
“Feel good?” You murmur, forehead resting against his with your eyes closed.
“Mhm,” he hums, barely audible as he lets out another shakey breath. You know his eyes are closed too.
You’re both reveling. In each other's presence. Just breathing each other in as his arms move to loosely wrap around your waist instead of simply placing his hands there.
There it is. That’s right.
His hands on your waist were sweet but his arms encircling your waist was just right.
You pull him in for another slow kiss, heads tilted, mouth moving and prompting his to do the same, teaching him as best you could without saying a word.
“Wow,” he gasps against your lips. You try to give him a chance to explain his exclamation by pulling away, but he pulls you back in.
You slide your tongue over his bottom lip, hoping for him to part his lips a bit more and in response he gives your tongue a light suck, pulling it into his mouth and letting out a soft whine as he does.
Your kiss evolves in passion as his hand starts traveling over your body. It slides up your waist and onto your ribs, just shy of your boob. The other stays securely wrapped around your waist as though he’s attempting to anchor you to him.
As much as you adore the feeling of his lips, you pull away. His brow furrows, eyes still shut as he leans forward for another kiss, his lips chasing yours with a small sound of displeasure after you pull away.
You tug his hair, gently prompting him to tilt his head to the side to give you access to his neck. You start by pressing soft kisses there, a trail from his jaw to the base of his neck, before retracing your steps with parted lips, allowing yourself to taste the sweet musky skin of his neck.
He lets out a choked whimper before covering his mouth with his hand. Not on your watch. You immediately grab his hand, pulling it down to your tit. He lets out a shakey gasp as he grasps at the soft flesh, groaning softly as he squeezes experimentally.
“Thank you..” he murmurs, eyes still screwed shut.
“Of course sweetheart,” you smile against his neck. He shivers at the nickname, giving you a minor power trip.
You begin sucking the flesh of his neck into your mouth where you begin biting gradually before biting harder to leave dark marks. You leave one by his jaw before remembering Rick, and what his reaction would be. You press a quick kiss to the mark before shoving him down on the cushioned exam cot, straddling him.
That’s when you notice the tent in his pants. He glances down at the point where your crotches met, biting his lip nervously. “S-sorry—” he started.
“Don’t be,” you assure him, leaning down to begin littering his chest with kisses.
You start the marks by his collarbone, before moving down to his chest. He was whimpering without restraint now, back arched.
His hand was moving up your body, down your arm, and to your hand. He held your hand, giving it a soft squeeze before simply holding your hand.
“Can I.. can I have—” he cut himself off with a small whimper before you stopped your ministrations.
“Use your words sweetheart.”
He groans slightly at that. “Can I— I wanna kiss.” He squeezes your hand again.
You lean up and meet him halfway with a soft kiss. He’s better now. He’s more prepared. You run your tongue along his bottom lip and he gladly parts them, granting you entry. He opens his mouth a bit too wide, but you don’t mind. You pull back slightly, pulling away and following it with a chaste, soft kiss before continuing where you left off– his chest.
You continue sucking dark hickies along his chest, leaving a trail of bites and kisses down to his belly. A faint covering of dark hairs spreads from just about his belly button, trailing down to below the band of his jeans.
You let out a soft sigh of desire, lightly caressing his happy trail with the tip of your fingers. He shudders softly and you watch his cock twitch through his jeans. He begins to apologize again, cutting himself off with a soft groan when you plant a firm kiss to where his happy trail disappears under his jeans.
You tug softly at the button on his jeans. “Can I?” You ask, looking up at him through your lashes.
He blinks in shock, looking down at you with wide eyes and a flushed face, mouth agape. “A-are you sure?”
“Yes,” you chuckle.
He responds with a small nod, still clearly shocked. You make quick work of undoing his pants, tugging them down before looking up at him with a small nod, prompting him to climb to his feet and shed his pants, quickly clambering back onto the bench. You swing your leg over the base of his thighs, straddling them.
You’re quick to feel him up, groping at his straining cock.
Freeing his cock you glance up at him in surprise, He’s packing. Six, maybe seven inches, not too wide – you could probably fit your hand perfectly around it – with a pretty pink tip, practically dripping precum. You test your earlier theory by experimentally wrapping your hand around his cock, eliciting a whine from him.
He swallows hard before looking down at you. “Are you s-sure? You’re comfortable?”
You nod. “I want to do this for you sweet boy.”
He smiles softly, letting his head fall back and his eyes flutter shut. “Thank you,” he sighs happily.
You lean down and kiss the head of his cock, causing him to jolt slightly. After lapping at the slit of his cock you take the head into your mouth. He gasps, bucking his hips.
Without warning you grab him by the hips and force him back against the cot which draws another whimper out of him as he pathetically attempts to squirm his hips closer to your mouth. You tut your tongue and pull away until he stops moving.
“Please,” he whines, struggling.
You decide to grant mercy on the poor boy, taking his head into your mouth once again. One arm forcing his hips against the table, you wrap the other hand around his cock and gently squeeze. He sighs happily, breath hitching as you begin moving your hand. Rotating it gradually as you move your hand up and down, you allow some of your saliva to drip from the head of his cock into your hand.
You use it as lubricant to begin pumping your hand up and down his cock faster, limp wristed as you continue lapping at the head of his cock. He arches his back more and whines.
Just as you begin taking more of his cock into your mouth his hand flies to the back of your head, threading his fingers through your hair before squeezing, clearly doing his best to hold back from pulling your hair too hard.
“Mmh..” he moans softly, gripping at your hair firmly and applying slight pressure.
Suddenly you take as much as possible into your mouth, deepthroating him without warning. He lets out a sharp moan, gripping your hair tighter before releasing his grip in a slight panic as he realizes what he’s doing– it’s cute how hard he’s trying to hold back.
You use your tongue mostly, swirling it around his cock to the best of your ability as you begin bobbing your head up and down. You use one hand to massage his hard balls, ready to burst already. With that you remember that he’s a virgin, and you probably shouldn’t be teasing him so much.
This whole time he’s been making the most lewd noises, moaning and letting out small whimpers to the rhythm of you bobbing your head. His cock twitches in your mouth, prompting you to go faster to help him through.
You release his hips and meet his eyes when he gives you a confused glance, silently giving him permission. Experimentally, he bucks his hips, moaning before falling into a steady rhythm, his hips rising and falling shakily against your mouth.
He grips your hair even tighter, bringing tears to your eyes as you gag on his cock. After less than ten seconds he releases his load down your throat. Despite your attempts to swallow it dribbles out of your mouth and down his cock.
The low groan he had released had tapered off into a moan, sighing as he finally collapsed from his high. As he lays there, chest heaving, you slowly climb on top of him, collapsing there and cuddling into him.
He turns and kisses the top of your head, his wide smile unknown to you.
“I think I’m less nervous around you now,” he murmurs into your hair.
You smile softly as he places his hand on your waist once again. “Good,”
Thank god for liquid courage.
They cleared the pharmacy of walkers eventually, and by the time they reached you the two of you were cleaned up.
You came out swinging, having to run to the truck.
The two of you ended up so battered and bruised Rick didn’t even think to mention the bruise at the base of Carl’s jaw, and the one on his collarbone, just visible when he wore tank tops.
You saved the whiskey for next time.
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whorrorbellee · 6 months
Call the shots
dark!Oliver quick x fem!reader
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TW:DUBCON? DARK!OLIVER(it's literally him though so idk)slight reader x felix, but also oliver pinning over felix because no ones mentioning that??? ed mention  reader and Oliver lowkey hate each other I guess. ( eventual smut) minors dni or ill sleep with your dad requests are open !!
read the next part here
my master list
He’s alluring,he pulls you apart with his teeth, sucking out your blood,he's messy. Loud and brash, but sometimes he's just Oliver, who's begging to pick you apart and get under your skin.
You sit. Still, stoic and smoking, Oliver can't read your face. He hates it. Flattery doesn't get you. You're not jealous or insecure, your love falls as far as a piece of string for the love of your friends and the only addiction you face is nicotine. Easily overcome-able, because you only really smoke outside his window at night.
He really hates it, hes half naked and the moonlight reflects of the lake onto the bare chest of his body, your on the steps, large striped blue shirt and a pair of matching shorts, white socks just grazing the height of your calf, the big thick brown reading glasses that fall to the tip of your nose and you take another cancerous puff off your cigarette. He watches your lips part, the glossy shine catching the light of orange embers. You gaze up at him, through thick lashes, he hides into the shadows, but your eyes still find him. The curtains close. 
He needs to get rid of you, he swears he will. 
You sit under the scorching embrace of the summer sun, finding solace by the poolside in the English heat, Clad in a short white sundress shielding your eyes with oversized sunglasses, you turn the page of your book,spine bent into itself. Oliver collapses into a chair next to you, grinning lopsidedly.
“What are you reading?
“Enchanting, has he started killing people yet?” 
“No” you answer monatonly. 
“Oh” his eyes examine you, a lingering curiosity.
You stand quickly, chucking your book into the chair. Hands reaching at the see through dress, you reveal a red gingham swimsuit. Your head cocks to the side, eyes bearing into his, you don't smile, there's a pause, your eyes squint at him wandering up and down his body, and you walk backwards before turning and diving into the pool. You don't come up for a minute and Oliver begins to think you've started to drown after seconds go by.
Venetia smiles against her cigarette in the lounge chair, she's reading vogue, eyes grazing against the small fragile bodies of the models. 
“She does that, she'll come up in a minute, she's not dead.” 
“She's very blunt, is she always like that?” 
“She tells it straight,” Venetia says.
Oliver stares at the pool, bubbles erupting out the water as you come up. You push your hair out the way of your eyes and glance up at him, black mascara running down your face. 
You think he's so small.
You sit on the weather stone steps, wrapped up in a silk nightgown and loose pink cardigan that slumps over your shoulder, red lipped. The crickets chirped rhythmically against the summer buzzing. There's a quiet anticipation in the air, a thickening tension. Your eyes linger on the window of his. A hand comes to view in the light, curtain being pulled closed Oliver waits for a moment, until a soft whisper slips through the opened window, and a giggle. And it's evident that you're not alone anymore. As two pairs of footsteps clatter against the stone steps.  
“Why don't you like him?” It's Felix’ voice, soft and calming, interrupting the night's silence.
“i think he's obsessive, he's obsessed with you” you respond
Felix laughs as Oliver pauses to shift the curtains, taking a peep at the pair under his window. He thinks you've pushed yourself against the wall, your leg peeking out from the silk gown, he hears a lighter and smells the cigarette you've lit. Felix is pushed against your body, he's not sure what part of your body is really you. 
“No he’s not” 
You twist your body around, leaning against the steps.
“You always chose the weird ones, who was the last one, Sam?”
“Oh! Eddie, i remember when he got so drunk he puked all over that painting in the red room and your mum made him pay to get it cleaned after him and well you know” 
“So gross, he used to steal your cigarette butts with the lipstick stained on them. The housekeeper found them littered under his bed for weeks after he left.” 
“Always the weird ones, little freaks.” you whisper, and then you chuckle and he swears it's the first time he's seen you really smile. It's almost angelic when you breathe in your cigarette. The smoke surrounds your face before it disperses. 
Felix grins, and suddenly he's pulling you in for a kiss, arms wrapping around your waist, but you push him away. 
“Not tonight felix, girls night with Venetia, told her i wouldnt fuck you anymore as-well, i really promised this time”
“You always say that” Felix grins, arms pulling you in for a hug as he turns his back on Oliver's window. Your eyes gaze up at him,the light catching on his blue eyes as you quickly pull apart from felix. 
“Are you sure he's asleep?” you question.
“Something just moved” you point at the movement of the curtains as Oliver shifts backwards keeping his ear close to the window.
You don't see Felix for another couple of nights, you don't wait outside Oliver's window. 
Farleighs gone. 
And then, 
Felix Catton is dead.
And the only person who's kept some semblance of sanity at Saltburn is Oliver, who everyone clings onto. He's the gift who keeps giving. 
A day before the funeral, you wait outside Oliver's window again, you're wearing Felix's blue Ralph Lauren jumper, arms way too big for your own as the sleeves fall off your fingers, they slip back down after you pull them up your arms and you eventually give up, your face is wet, the scent of felix lingers.
Oliver pulls on a blue shirt, stepping into trainers before making his way down.
He joins you for the first time, there's three cigarettes laid out on the stone steps and a white lighter is clutched into your hands. 
“There's one for you Oliver” you don't turn around to face him, but he can feel the grimace, through your face. 
“We’ve never really spoken have we?” Oliver questions.
“I dont think ive ever liked you, that's why.”
“So why now?” he mirrors the way you're sitting. 
“Because of Felix '' you whimper, you catch your face in your hands, sniffling you bring your face up to meet him. Eyes finally meeting without anything between them.
“I loved him, I think, I think I loved him and i'll never get to tell him that” you splutter.
“Everyone did” 
You squint at him “But not like you did, right?”
“Sorry?” Oliver looks confused, eyebrows raised.
You grin at him, eyes not smiling back, wiping the tears from your wet hot cheeks, you puff your chest out.
“I saw the way you looked at him, you were obsessed, Are you gay Oliver? No? heard you slept with Farleigh, and nearly Venetia.” you chuckle “it's just so sad, your just so sad” 
You pout at him. His eyes change, they look through you instead of at you. 
“You're not really shy are you? I thought you were so insipid at first, like a poor child, I almost felt sorry for you, gosh I was so stupid” your head cocks to the side and Oliver's eyes darken.
“But my oh’ my, you so confident arent you, I mean come on, I saw the way Venetia reacted after that night and-” you ponder, “ Well, she actually ate that day , didn't she?it's not like you begged her to either, and now she cant stand you, Felix! well? he’ll hate you forever.” you nod at him, it's almost sincere.
“You play games really well, Oliver, but not me. Never me. Because as much as you pushed I just didn't budge. Couldn't Flatter me Couldnt fuck me.” 
You smile at him, your teeth drag your lips into your mouth and they make a popping sound as they return. You blink at him. 
“Couldnt fuck him either though could you?” you snicker at him.
Olivers quiet, he doesn't blink, a silhouette of stillness. He thinks. It's calculated. 
You go into pat his face before standing but you're stilled, a fierce grip bruises your arm. You stare into his eyes through your lashes.
“You dont scare me” your wrist is still enveloped in his hand.
“No, I do something worse, don't i?” he pulls your arm down trapping you into the stone steps, you wiggle against his grip. He approaches your face. 
“I do, don't i? And you hate it, hate the way i make you feel” 
You shake your head at him, “your-such-a-freak” your voice drips with venom and olivers lips pursed together, his teeth are grinding, and his grip isnt letting up as it tightens, your wrist is pulsing, its white hot pain that thumps against your chest and you want to scream at him but you can't, your eyes widen and he's pulling you in for a kiss his hand against your head, your eyes don't close, you hand shoves hard against his chest, once and then twice and when he finally pulls away, your face is red with anger. 
“You fucking twat” you spit at him.
"You think you can control everything, don't you?" you seethe, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. "I hope you rot "
Oliver's smirk widens into a malevolent grin. "Hope all you want, baby ,you'll come crawling to me in the end” 
You spin on your heel, not looking back as you return to your bedroom. The door slamming shut behind you, you collapse on to your bed, the smell of felix still present on his knit jumper. Thighs rubbing together, you taste the bitter aftermath of Oliver on your tongue, something stirs in your stomach,unshakeable it's dark and brewing inside you.
Felix’s absence is heavy in the air but Oliver begins to loom over you.
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soov · 9 months
HOW TO PARTY ㅤ. . . ㅤ﹫ lee heeseung ★
꒰ 💭 ꒱ frat boy heeseung & fem reader, +1100 words. ㅤg fluff, hcs. ㅤw suggestive, pet names, kissing.ㅤ🎧 ㅤlibrary
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met you at the college’s cafeteria when you tried to get a bag of chips from the vending machine and it got stuck
he was just passing by with his members, but you caught his attention immediately
he was baffled by how much effort you put into trying to get the bag
shaking and kicking the poor thing just because it stole your money
heeseung let his fraternity brothers go ahead and went up to you, placing his palms firmly to the glass and giving the machine a single shake
he could have the fame of a jerk, but he wasn’t heartless
the bag of chips immediately fell down, and he glanced at you when you crouched down to grab them
he was already planning when your wedding would be and how many children you’d have together
his mouth was slightly agape and he couldn’t stop staring at you
you were the prettiest girl he had ever seen in his life
and when you smiled and thanked him, heeseung was a goner
the only thing he managed to do was nod and watch you walk away
hee kept thinking about you for the rest of day
and week
and month too 😓
whenever he managed to catch a glimpse of you in the hallways or lock eyes with you, he cockily smirked at you, bottom lip trapped in between his teeth
he wanted you to think that he was cool!!
as you walked past him, he’d giggle to himself and stare at the floor to tone down his blush
after a month and a half of pining, shamelessly flirting with you, and teasing from his friends, heeseung gained courage to ask you out
and since he had no idea of how to court a girl that wasn’t a spoiled daddy’s girl or a cheerleader
( that only wanted to be around him because of his looks and popularity )
he decided to go for the old-fashioned romance tips that he got from jay, the biggest romantic in the fraternity
the boy bought a giant bouquet of red roses and combed his tousled hair
but still showed up to your last class with his usual loose, oversized clothes
“i just wanted to know if you wanna go out sometime? yeah, yeah! like a date. i mean... wait, what–? you do?! o-oh! okay, perfect!”
heeseung was over the moon when you agreed to go out with him
his face was just as red as the roses he picked for you
dipped a kiss to your cheek with the goofiest grin and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly as he gave you his number
when you two started dating, he began to use your dates as an excuse to not go to the frat parties he used to attend
he never really enjoyed them
loud people trying to shove a bunch of drinks down his throat weren’t his thing
the beginning was nice, but he got tired after two hours into the party and his social battery died out
so a reason to not go was an early christmas gift
“yeah, sorry. my girl and i already have plans. we’ll have a skincare night.”
does not care if people think he’s lame for suddenly being all romantic and sappy with you
“bro... you weren’t like this with your past girlfriends.” “...okay?”
when one of his friends insists on having you and him around, he won’t leave your side
constantly has a hand on your hip as you walk to tug you closer, or on your thigh, rubbing comforting circles on your bare skin
pulls you to his lap when there are no empty spots left on the couches, lazily kissing your shoulderblades with a smile as his friends joke around
heeseung knows how crazy the guys in those raves can get
he doesn’t want anyone making you uncomfortable
won’t ever drink if you’re also drinking! he’ll just chuckle and watch you get drunk and deflate his compliments
“stop flirting with me... i have a very handsome– [ hiccup ] boyfriend. i’m so lucky to have him...” “oh, yeah? i think he is the lucky one to date a pretty girl like you.”
loves to flirt with you ( kinda obvious by now )
if you start the banter first, he’ll be shocked for a moment and fastly go back to his infamous teasing demeanor, firing back a flustering remark
but god forbid if you reply to one of his pick up lines
his brain shuts down and he doesn’t recover from it for a while
‘doll’ is his trademark pet name for you, though, sometimes, he uses ‘baby’ despite saying that it is “too mainstream”
heeseung’s main hobby is pestering you and ( lightheartedly ) embarrassing you
which is something that you wouldn’t expect from a chill and laid-back guy like him
so don’t be surprised if he suddenly shouts something stupid while you walk ahead down the hall
“whoa! you just gonna walk around looking this sexy, baby momma?!”
cue everyone from the frat laughing, but stopping in the same nanosecond because heeseung gave them his blank face
calls you things like ‘hot stuff’ or ‘baby cakes’ whilst pressing his lips to your face, just to hear your giggle because
1: it tickles
2: his pet names are so awfully corny that the only thing you can do is laugh at them
has to kiss you at least once an hour
his definition of kissing, however, is making out with you for hours, until something comes up and you have to stop
holds you by your waist and jaw when doing so, pushing your body into his
you’re pretty sure that his fingers are about to drill their way through your skin
he’s an impatient and desperate kisser; he kisses you as if you were going to leave him
during the rare moments where he pulls aways, he traces an imaginary path down your chin, to your throat and collarbone with his swollen lips
playfully twirls a lock of your hair on his finger while nipping on your neck
grins nonstop when you two manage to fit a quick kissing session in between class breaks
when you have study dates together, he’s only focused on your beauty
his tongue darts between his lips as he eyes every single inch of your face
he already memorized where every mole is, the curve of your nose, the shape of your eyes — everything
and when you scold him for not paying attention to your explanation, he shrugs and smiles with a quick apology
back hugs, breathy whispers in your ear about how gorgeous you look, fleeting glances across the hall, and having his fingertips to trace random shapes on your skin are all common in your relationship
so good luck on keeping up with him 😁
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⠀ ⠀ SOOV © 2O23
ㅤ𝗿𝗲𝗶’s notes ⪩⪨ first work on the new acc with my fav ramyeon lover 😊 slowly joining the hee cult watch out
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hoodzgyal · 11 months
the corruption kink would be STRONG in a roy/jay threesome
#DESCRIPTION: the one where jason and roy make it their mission to ruin their longtime bestie, the local good girl at uni. mdni.
#NOTES: this singular comment inspired a whole (albeit poorly written) fic. thank u. also the song are y’all are listening to in the fic is sugar by sleep token, hence the name. also pls be nice this is my first full fic omg😚
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“I really oughta go home,” you hum as you look at the clock, sweet voice ringing out into the otherwise quiet of Jason and Roy’s shared living room.
The three of you became friends quickly, under the crucible that was a horrific semester of an Advanced Statistics class during junior year of college. Now, a year later, you find yourself spending weekends at their shared apartment, watching movies, playing games, and just existing in their space.
There’s always been a sense of tension between the three of you, whether or be the bizarrely evident sexual tension between Jason and Roy, or you and one of the boys. You’d never dare bring it up, though, for fear of ruining the sacred friendship you three have forged.
The men are seated on either side of you on the couch, virtually squishing you between their hard, muscular frames. The quiet croons of Jason’s favorite band occupy the rest of the space as the two of them indulge in their personal vices, Jason’s being a glass of whiskey and Roy’s being a homemade Old Fashioned.
Though you say you ought to head home, you make no move for the door.
“It’s dark out, sweetheart,” Jason rumbles, sipping on his drink, “And late as fuck. We’ll take ya home in the morning.”
Roy nods at this before chucking your chin, murmuring, “It’s our first sleepover in literally forever, how fun!”
You nod without saying anything, letting a comfortable silence settle over the room, save for the suggestive croons and whines of the song coming from the speaker. You feel heat crawl over your neck and face as you listen to the song, realizing how close Jason and Roy are to you. How pink their lips are. How the taste of the alcohol they’re sipping would taste on their lips if you were to ki-
“Sweets?” Roy leers down at you, auburn lashes blinking in confusion, “What’re ya looking at?”
“You know what she’s lookin’ at,” Jason rumbles, as one of his muscled arms come down to wrap around your shoulders, keeping you in place.
Your eyes are wide as they flicker between the two men. You sharply exhale, parting your brown, glossy lips, unsure of what to do or say.
“Poor thing,” Roy drawls, cupping your cheek, “Lookin’ like a deer in headlights. ‘S okay, sweets, we don’t bite.”
“Not unless you want us to,” Jason adds, setting a large hand over your bare thigh. His eyes are lidded, watching you like a predator watches prey. He glances at Roy, and slyly smirks at the shared understanding between the two men. Still, they want to give you a chance to say no, a chance to leave and act like this never happened.
“Say you want us to,” Roy mumbles, green eyes searching your body. It’s only now that you realize how scantily clad you all are, Jason being shirtless, Roy in a pair of loose boxers and a black wifebeater, and you in one of your ratty oversized band tees and tiny pajama shorts. You find yourself nodding, eyes still wide in disbelief.
“He said, say it, sweetheart,” Jason tuts in your ear as he pulls you into his lap. He allows you to settle into him, letting out a low growl at the friction you create while doing so.
“I want you to- ah”, you gasp, shuddering as Roy’s lips find your collarbone. You can feel him smiling into you as his fingers tease the hem of your tee, barely ghosting the waistband of your shorts. Your hands come up to meet his hair, idly playing in it as Jason’s large hands find their way into the waistband of your shorts.
You lift your hips for him, allowing the shorts to slide off of you as Roy works his way around your neck, tugging at your tee with a pout. Jason seems to get the hint as he hums from behind you, “Lift your arms f’me, bunny.”
Ever the obedient little thing, you do so as Jason lifts the shirt over your head, exposing the lacy pink bralette and panties to the boys. The garments hug your plush body deliciously, highlighting every curve and dip as you slowly grind on Jason’s lap.
“You little minx,” Roy groans as Jason’s arms cage you where you sit, “How long you been hiding this from us, huh?”
“Too long,” Jason mumbles, nipping at your ear as his large fingers find their way over your barely clothed pussy, “Let Roy have a taste, hm baby? How’s that sound?”
“So good,” you whine, pushing your ass into Jason’s lap. You can feel his thick cock pulsate as he groans, “Go ahead, Roy. Make baby girl cum.”
Roy all but rips off your panties, exposing your cunt to the cool air. “She’s so pretty,” he marvels, before pressing a sweet kiss to your clit.
You whine in embarrassment, turning your head away from the sight of Roy lapping at your wet pussy. Jason catches your lips in a sweet kiss as he works your bra off of you. He eagerly swallows your moans as his fingers come up to toy with your hardened nipples.
“I want a taste,” Jason says, tugging at Roys hair. He pulls the redhead up for a heated kiss before pulling him back down, rasping, “stretch ‘er out f’me,” as he ruts his clothed cock against your bare ass.
“Someone’s gettin’ impatient,” Roy leers, sticking a thick digit into your glistening cunt, giving you languid, slow strokes. You let out a near pornographic moan at the intrusion before Roy snickers.
“Guess I should add another, huh,” he murmurs, adding another finger. You keen, arching into Jason as his thumb presses on your needy clit.
“Such a greedy little girl,” Jason muses as you moan in delight, “Whaddya want now, hm?”
“Wan’ cum,” you mewl, breathless, “wanna cum on your cock with Roy’s dick in my mouth.”
“You’re disgusting,” Jason smiles down at you, “On your hands and knees. Now.”
Roy smirks in anticipation, stopping the pumping of his fingers to allow you to get on your hands and knees in front of him.
“Open wide,” Roy sings, tugging his red boxers down to expose his fat cock, tip angry and already leaking. He slaps the tip on your tongue a few times as Jason kneads your ass from behind you. He gives it a sharp smack and you lurch forward, gripping onto Roy’s strong thighs with a strangled moan.
“Look at you,” Roy sighs as you weakly stroke his cock with both hands, “takin’ initiative. Such a good girl.”
You can hear Jason hum in assent behind you, pressing the thick head of his cock into your pussy. You gasp, lightly squeezing Roy’s dick as Jason enters you fully. He rocks his hips into yours, allowing you to get your bearings as you give Roy’s dick kitten licks along with languid strokes.
“She is a good little slut, ain’t she,” Jason grunts as he picks up the pace, snapping his hips into yours as you suckle the head of Roy’s cock. Roy mewls as one of your hands comes down to fondle his balls, causing him to let out a strangled moan. His moans grow in volume as you take him further into your mouth and down your throat as he whines, “Just like that, baby. Don’t fuckin’ stop, you’re doin’ so good for me.”
Jasons pace grows more erratic as time goes on, and one of hands creeps under you to play with your clit. He gasps as you clench around his thick cock, your muffled whines and moans only bringing him closer to orgasm. Your cunt seizes around him as you cum without warning, whining and keening around Roy’s dick. The vibrations of your voice only spur him forwards as he groans, thrusting forward and painting your throat white.
Jason sighs with pleasure as you fuck yourself back on him, seeking another orgasm.
“Of course you want another,” he grits out, hips snapping into yours, “You’re such a- fuck, you’re just a little whore for us, huh?”
You nod, looking up to see Roy stroking his overstimulated cock, nearing tears. He leans down pulling you into a deep kiss as his tongue probes your mouth, searching for the taste of himself.
“Fuck, I’m gonna fuckin’ cum,” Jason whines, ramming himself into you from behind. He slows as he empties his load into you, keeping you on his cock for just a moment longer.
You’re spent, lip gloss smeared, mascara ruined, and lace front messy as Jason lifts you off of his cock with ease, rubbing soothing circles into your hip. Roy palms himself at the sight, eyes focused on the cum dripping from your glistening cunt.
“Hey sweets,” he rasps, licking his lips as they both walk you to the bathroom, “Let me uh, clean you up, yeah?”
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reblogs and comments are appreciated !! thanks for reading, dear heart ! also here @xoxoyourdoll !!!
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pawified · 5 months
Okay but like imagine trying to visit father figure bf! Nanami while also trying to avoid seeing your dad o__o like Nanami’s probably all like never come see me at work or whatever & you just can’t help surprising him in his office or something n’ he just gives a slight scowl & a big ole kiss or something idk I’m in love
hweo littl anonie ! ur brain is so magical nd im obsessed wif it! here is a treat for waitin patiently for your request ! 𐂯 ! ⊹
to give everyone a break frm all da smut nd wht not here is a tiny but might drabble abt visiting your dad’s boss at work
( for more context read dis / / also !! i love private school uniforms so i gave this au a uniform for college! )
— pls dnt mind da spelling errors . . is almost 3 am nd im fully of energy
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ding! you stepped off the elevator, thick mary janes clack against the marble floor as you reach two big spotless floor to ceiling crystal glass doors with a sign that read Jujitsu Law Firm.
you had just gotten out of school, you had no other plans for the day so you decided to stop by your boyfriend’s workplace and surprise him right after school.
the only issue is you’d forgot to pack a change of clothes in your bag for school so you have to wear your uniform. not that it matters but you’d have like to show up to your big time boyfriends job in more of a presentable manner than this but oh well!
pushing the door open, you are met with a big reception desk and classical music playing in the background with the ambient light accompanying. you look around taking everything in before being interrupted.
a women no older than twenty-eight, speaks. “uh, may i help you?” you look down at her desk, you spot a name plate; ‘Mako.’ you read.
“yes! hello, i’m here for Nanami Kento, please.” you give her a smile.
she stares back at you with a raised brow, looking you up and down, taking in your appearance. still sporting your schools outfit, you are dressed in a white button up polo, a red, white and gold neck tie, a oversized navy blue cardigan paired with a black skirt and leg warms.
“do you have an appointment with Mr.Kento.” she all but rudely says. An appointment? why would you need an appointment to see your own boyfriend.
“ uh no. could you please tell him that- “ she cuts you off before you could even finish. “sorry kid, but you can’t see him without an appointment.” her tone irritated with the interaction between you two.
kid? did you really look that young? you’re only twenty-three. before you could spit out a remark on her horrible communication skills, your dotting boyfriend appears from around the corner.
“ ♡ ? “ you turn around, seeing your boyfriend standing there with a surprised look on his face.
“surprise!” you said adorably, walking over and reaching up on your tippy toes to wrap your arms around his neck, his assistant long forgotten. he pulls away taking in your attire, cute as ever he thinks.
“what are you doing here, princess?” still surprised you came and visited him despite voicing your worries about your father being at the office nonetheless finding out about you two, but you put your worries aside and came anyways. kento’s sweet, sweet, girl.
“well i wanted to surprise you, plus . . i missed you.” you shyly stated at the end, looking down and kicking the imaginary dust off your shoes. kento thinks about how soft spoken and gentle you are..always wanting attention, he finds it cute; finds you cute.
“well considered me surprised baby” he almost can feel the heat radiating off your cheeks from how embarrassed you are, his heart almost gives out. “are you hungry puppy?” there he goes again, using that nickname that always leaves you wanting more. “have you ate?” he asks again. As if on queue your stomach growls, answering for you.
now in his office, stomach full and plate of food forgotten, you watch kento as he is working at his desk and you are sat on the opposite side. “staring is impolite you know?” he says assumingly.
“i- what, i- wasn’t staring at you.” you rushed out, flustered. kento laughs. his laugh is from deep in his chest, the one that warms your heart and makes you smile. “whatever.” you grumble out.
having enough of his teasing, you stand up from your seat and make your way around the desk, pulling his office chair out to make room for you to squeeze onto his lap.
you place your legs in between the arm holes of the chair that way you are blocking his view from the computer screen, “princess, i can’t see.” you loop your arms around his neck, “that’s the point, gimme kiss.” you whine, kento rolls his eyes playfully and chuckles “so needy..always kento i want , kento gimme, but you never say your please’s or thank you’s.”
he pinches your side, never breaking eye contact. “whoever is teaching you your manners needs to do better. you’re a spoiled brat.” he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, leaning in, kissing your cheek.
you huff, frustrated at not getting your way, “kento just gimme a kiss already-.” you hiss at the conact of a firm smack against your thigh, “so got damn bossy.” he leans in pecking your lips, two times before giving in.
slotting his tongue into your mouth. when kento kisses you like this, it’s like he is trying to take your soul and breath away, you whine trying to pull him closer you grip at his collar and rock your hips, you deepen the kiss by moving your tongue against his; its so messy, it makes your dizzy.
“please, please more gimme” you pant, trying to pull him even closer if that’s possible. his hands has a firm grip on your waist that youre sure will leave a bruise but you couldn’t care less, not when he feels this good.
kento could tell that you are getting desperate. he knows that you are probably teary eyed, sometimes you get to needy and desperate that you don’t think anymore.
“hold on pup, let’s take a breath, yeah?” you whine when he tries to pull away from you. kento is correct, your big doe eyes are teary and you look a wreck. your school uniform is disheveled, skirt is twisted; along with your cardigan that’s halfway off your shoulders.
before either you and kento could continue a knock comes from the door.
“Mr.Kento, Have you seen my daughter? i heard she came to stop by!” your father.
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sister-lucifer · 1 year
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Genre: Smut 
Summary: Reader finds an antique Jack-In-The-Box at a yard sale, unaware that by purchasing it they would also be taking home an unwanted guest. 
Content/Warnings: Dubcon elements, horror elements, LJ being a stalker creep (so some non con voyeurism), LJ is just fucking weird in this one, clown fucking shenanigans, big stripey clown dick and also long stripey clown tongue, comically large clown penis, LJ eats ass, LJ is massive so big size difference, tummy bulge, that dick should NOT be able to fit in you but it’s my story i can bend the laws of anatomy however i wish, LJ is very mean in this one and doesn’t really care if he hurts you, some degradation, unprotected sex, creampie, reader is kind of a slut boy (same), there’s a lot of build up but please it’s worth it i prommy (but also feel free to skip to the porn that’s totally fair)
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio (request rules + masterlist in pinned post)!
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated.
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
A/N: Jack is british just fyi so if you’re like me and you read with accents there you go!
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The antique jack-in-the-box was certainly an odd find at a garage sale, but there was no denying that it caught your eye the moment you saw it. It was incredibly ornate, clearly hand painted in all black and white and decorated with balloons and candy, not to mention it was preserved wonderfully for a piece that had, presumably, been stored in an attic for who knows how long. You could run your fingers over the edges and feel every detail of the tediously carved borders. You carefully turned the wooden box over in your hands, looking over the large, carefully painted words on the front:
“Laughing Jack In The Box!”, surrounded by all sorts of patterns and shapes.
Your face immediately lit up. Everything about this box screamed one of a kind. You could already see it sitting on your collectors shelf, safe behind the glass for you to keep and observe. You absolutely had to have it. 
“Excuse me miss?” You called, looking around for the old woman who was running the garage sale. She got up from her lawn chair and made her way over about as fast as you’d expect from one as antique as some of the items currently being sold. 
“Could you tell me about this jack-in-the-box?” You asked, trying to hide your elation. 
“Oh, this old thing…” She began, looking at you over her comically oversized glasses. “It belonged to my great, great grandfather, Isaac, and was handmade by his father. It was given to me as a young girl, and I was keeping it in the hopes I could pass it on to my own children.” 
You couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sadness at the comment, but it seems the woman had no qualms about selling it. 
“Well, it may please you to know that I’m an antique collector,” You explained in an effort to reassure her. “This is a beautiful piece. If you’ll sell it to me, I can promise you it’ll be safe on my shelf.” 
“Oh, I have no worries about that. No one would pick this old thing up unless they knew what they were buying. So, what’s your offer young man?” 
You thought for a few moments, weighing the box in your hands. You didn’t want to completely rip her off, but a one of a kind antique like this could go for thousands in the right place, and you weren’t looking to break the bank for this thing. Besides, who else would possibly buy it if you didn’t? 
You pulled your wallet out and flipped through it, debating with yourself. 
“How about…a clean fifty?” 
And with that, a deal was made. Before you knew it you were proudly walking back to your car with the box tucked under your arm. You placed it carefully in the front passenger seat where you could watch over it, glancing back one last time to the now empty place on the table where the box once sat before driving away. 
Immediately upon getting home you rushed to your room and swung open your shelf, eyes scanning over every row as you tried to find the best place for your newest treasure. It took a bit of rearranging to keep the shelf organized to your liking, but eventually you were able to place the box neatly right in the middle. You carefully closed the glass door and took a few steps back to admire your work. It was absolute perfection, and you couldn’t stop yourself from happily clapping your hands together. You deserved to applaud yourself a bit, after all. 
You flopped down on your bed and grabbed your phone, eager to share your find with anyone who would listen, giddy with excitement. You really couldn’t believe how lucky you were! No one else would ever lay hands on a jack-in-the-box like this one, and now it was all yours. 
As the hours of the afternoon dissolved into the night, you found yourself peeking into your room just about every time you walked past. You smiled wide whenever you saw the pristine box sitting on your shelf. It was especially beautiful when the sun hit it just right and made it shine. Your chest was still swelling with pride even as you climbed into bed for the night, able to peacefully fall asleep knowing that you’d filled another spot on your shelf today. 
Unbeknownst to you, you had just given up the privilege of peaceful sleep. 
That night you had one of the worst, most vivid nightmares you could remember. 
You were standing in your room late at night, and everything seemed deathly silent, as if all the birds and insects that would normally be chirping outside had up and died off. A shiver ran down your spine as you looked around in confusion. You tried to turn on your lamp, but it wouldn’t come on. Trying the light switch yielded the same distressing result. You moved to open the door, but the moment you reached out for the knob it disappeared as if it had never been there in the first place. When you turned back, your bedroom window was gone too. Both of your escape routes had dissolved into thin air without so much as a sound. 
The hair on the back of your neck stood up as your eyes slowly wandered to the jack-in-the-box. It was the only object left on your now open collectors shelf, but it seemed to take up so much more space than before. It had captured your gaze in an iron grip, and no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t look away. A terrible feeling began to bubble in the pit of your stomach, becoming heavier and heavier until you felt as though you may collapse from the weight, but nothing was happening. Something about the box itself felt so…malicious, so threatening, but it was simply sitting dormant on your shelf. 
What were you so scared of? 
That was the question replaying in your mind when you woke with a start, nearly falling out of your bed in your disoriented state. You shot straight up as you fought to catch your breath, taking a look around just to make sure your window and door were still there. Fortunately, they were. It really was just a nightmare. 
A wave of relief washed over you as you slowly laid back down. You took an extra minute to catch your breath, silently scolding yourself for being so easily scared. You turned your head to look out the window, now noticing the very first little shreds of the dawn coming up over the horizon. 
However, you noticed something else as well. Something that set off just a bit of unease in you. 
The glass door of your shelf was open. 
Not wide open, or broken, just slightly cracked as if it hadn’t been closed all the way and was now just barely ajar. You could’ve sworn you shut it all the way, you could even remember hearing the little click.
But we all make mistakes, don’t we?
That seemed enough of an explanation to calm you as you slipped out of bed to close the shelf once more. This time you double checked, just to be sure. When you were satisfied you went back to bed, finding sleep rather easily and this time without incident. 
When you awoke some hours later you couldn’t help but question which parts of the night were a dream and which were reality. The memories of when you had woken up the first time were hazy, not to mention you were still shaken up from the nightmare. You tried to push it out of your mind, though, when you found your shelf securely closed and seemingly untouched. That was really all that mattered. 
It seems you had the green light to go about your day as usual. 
First thing’s first: you need to change out of your nightclothes. The stained band tee and baggy sweats would not cut it for running errands. You decided on something that would be comfortable for the day, but still made you feel confident and happy with yourself. 
As you undressed you couldn’t help but take a moment to appreciate yourself in the mirror, standing there in just your boxer briefs. You ran a hand over your sides, turning around halfway as you admired your own figure. It was a silly habit to have, really, but what was it hurting? After all, you were one handsome man. You deserved to be seen. 
You weren’t the only one who thought this, and you certainly weren’t the only one who enjoyed admiring you. 
Completely hidden out of your view, just how he liked, two achromatic pinwheel eyes spun manically behind the shadows of the jack-in-the-box. He only had to lift the box just slightly, so little that you would never notice, and even if you did you would likely brush it off as your imagination. Jack was skilled like that, able to slowly lure his victims into madness in such a way that they wouldn’t notice until it was too late. 
You, though, had caught his attention in a slightly different manner. 
You had piqued his interest the moment you picked up his box, handling it with a curious yet careful manner. For generations he had been packed away in dusty attics and grimy basements and long forgotten storage units, completely disgraced by the family line that was supposed to cherish him. But you had plucked him from that miserable cycle, dusted him off, and placed him carefully on your shelf in a secure little spot where you could see each other every day. 
This was certainly unusual behavior. 
That ache of contempt that he felt for nearly everyone else somehow had yet to creep in. On some level, Jack was just as curious about you has you had been about him, and now he was safe behind the glass to keep and observe you as he saw fit. Human bodies in particular had always been an odd interest of his seeing as they looked so different from his own. Seeing you flaunt yours so proudly with no one else around was honestly a bit amusing. 
He watched silently as you slipped on your day clothes, turning around a couple more times in the mirror and adjusting your outfit a bit before finally deciding you were happy. He didn’t slip back down into his box until he heard your car pulling out of the driveway. 
He sat there with himself for some few hours while you were gone. He had lost any sense of time at this point, used to spending his days alone in his box. Although, this time, there was one reoccurring theme that all his thoughts seemed to circle back to: 
What made exactly you so interesting, hm? He could venture a vague guess, but something was just…different. His affinity for humans had long since waned to nothing nearly two centuries ago, and yet a small part of it was beginning to stir in him once more. 
It seemed this would require further observation, which was certainly no issue to him. 
You, on the other hand, were blissfully unaware that you were currently sharing your humble abode. There were a few times when the events of the earlier night managed to worm its way back into your mind, but you always managed to push it away. You were simply being silly, that was all. It was a random occurrence with absolutely no significance. 
Yeah, sure, that made enough sense. 
By the time you were unlocking your front door, you had been lucky enough to truly forget about your nightmare. It seemed that you had finally calmed yourself and managed to stay grounded. 
At least you had until you stepped through the door. 
The second you had both feet in the doorway, the nightmare came rushing back in vivid flashes. It felt like your grocery bags were filled with cement, your limbs suddenly going weak. Your entire body had gone stiff, paralyzed with an indescribable sense of anxiety, the feeling that something was terribly, deeply wrong in your home. 
You swept through the whole house and found not a single thing out of place, though every time you turned a corner you were sure you’d see something you didn’t want to.
No smashed in windows, no kicked in doors, nothing taken or broken, no other sign of an intruder. Nothing that would indicate anything out of the ordinary.
Then why was your stomach churning with the same heavy dread you’d felt in the nightmare? 
You wracked your brain as you tried to figure out what could possibly be making you feel so uneasy in your own home, but nothing came to mind. Even as you put away your groceries you were mumbling and muttering to yourself, attempting to fetch any semblance of an explanation. 
Absolutely nothing. 
Jack was more than happy to watch you spin yourself into a tizzy over his little tricks. He giggled to himself when you paced back and forth where he could see you outside the doorway of your room, proud to see he hadn’t lost his mischievous touch. 
You felt absolutely exhausted by the time you were trudging your way to your room, the subtle thrum of an oncoming headache already threatening to floor you for the rest of the day. You were so drained, in fact, that you had to do a double take to realize that your collector’s shelf had been completely opened. 
Not just creaked open like last time, completely opened. If it had been pushed any farther, the hinges would’ve snapped. 
You stared in disbelief, mouth hanging half open. You couldn’t even will yourself to move. It felt someone had just lit a match to the pile of questions that had been accumulating in the back of your mind. As if on autopilot, you walked over numbly and shut the glass door of the shelf. This time, you triple checked that it was shut. 
Of course, this time you weren’t satisfied with that. 
The first thing you did once you had thrown on sweats and laid down was go to order a lock for the shelf online. You even paid extra to make sure it would be delivered the next day. After all, the last thing you needed was one of your prized possessions falling out and breaking. 
Yes, that was the very normal, rational reason why you needed a lock. 
You sighed with exhaustion as you struggled to get comfortable in your bed, figuring maybe a nap would help you recharge a bit. By some miracle you actually managed to fall asleep, and by another you slept peacefully for a full hour uninterrupted. 
Damn, you needed that. You actually felt better when you woke up, stretching and cracking your back a few times before getting up. 
Suddenly your fearful reaction earlier seemed so silly! Why were you so upset anyways? Because of a bad dream and a dingy old shelf? How stupid. Really, you were lucky you lived alone. If anyone had seen you like that they’d think you were crazy, irrational, completely out of your—
The shelf is open again. 
The fucking shelf is open again, and the box has moved an entire shelf down on its own. 
The box has moved on its own. 
You were suddenly feeling light headed. 
You sat back down on your bed, your head already beginning to ache once more. You were dizzy, confused, struggling to find your bearings in reality. You held your head in your hands as you tried to take a breather. Part of you hoped that if you simply looked away then back up, maybe the problem would fix itself.
No such luck. 
You groaned with frustration, practically stomping over to your shelf. You moved the box back to its original place in a quick and jumpy manner, as if it was burning hot and it would hurt to hold onto it for too long. This time you quadruple checked that it had been closed properly, and even threw a blanket over the shelf to cover it. 
It wasn’t a fix, but it could at least give you some semblance of security. 
“Stupid broken thing…” You muttered to yourself, speed walking out of your room to head to the kitchen where hopefully a snack could distract you. 
Jack was giddy with excitement, unable to stop himself from snickering with smug self-satisfaction. It had been so long since he had someone to play with, and you were so fun to scare it almost felt too easy. 
He would have to play his next cards perfectly, though, if he wanted to keep this up. 
He didn’t mess with you at all the rest of the day, even when he really, really wanted to. You peaked into your room every time you walked by, breathing a sigh of relief when you saw the shelf was exactly as you’d left it every time. 
Maybe, you thought for the umpteenth time, you really were just being irrational. You didn’t even have another nightmare that night, and when you awoke the shelf was still closed with the blanket untouched on top of it. 
When the lock came in that day you wondered for a bit if you really needed it, but ultimately decided it was better to be over-prepared than under. You could finally remove the blanket cover on the shelf, feeling much better now that you could properly shut and lock it. You stored the key away in the drawer of your nightstand where you knew it would be safe. 
For you, it seemed like everything was finally back to normal again. 
For Jack, this was the perfect opportunity to increase his antics tenfold. He was becoming more and more impatient, wanting to badly to properly greet you, and with each scare he only felt himself grow stronger. He was feeding on your anguish, allowing it to fuel him until eventually he would be ready to come out and play. 
For the next few weeks, Jack made you sure you found absolutely no peace. He was relentless and cruel, even by his standards. He broke your stupid little lock, and the two others you ordered after that. He couldn’t count the amount of times he’d made you shut the glass door to the shelf again. Whenever you tried to cover him with the blanket, he let you know he was particularly upset with you by not only swinging the shelf door wide open, but moving his box right to your bedside table. That way, he got to see your terror up close when you jolted awake, nearly tripping over yourself to get away when you saw the box a mere couple of feet from your face. He made the house creak and jump every time you got a moment of quiet. Hell, he was petty enough to mess with the thermostat when you were out, meaning you got to return home to a freezing cold or blistering heat that was surely running up your bill. Speaking of running up your bills, it wasn’t unusual for Jack to leave the water running either. 
The thing that got to you the most, though, was the incessant nightmares.
God, they never stopped. 
They were almost all the same: 
You’d be trapped somewhere familiar, like your room or a store you’d been at that day. You’d be completely alone and no lights would work, and when you tried to leave all the doors and windows would disappear. And every time, every goddamn time, that jack-in-the-box would be sitting there to greet you when you turned around. That was by far the worst part. Just looking at it would make you weak and nauseous, but you always woke up just before you’d collapse. Whenever you awoke from your nightmares you tried to take comfort in the sunrise beginning to slowly come up over the horizon, but deep down you knew the daylight could no longer save you. 
Each day you woke up more exhausted than the last, too tired to go anywhere but not able to stand being in your house with whatever entity was making your life hell. 
On the contrary, Jack was merely becoming more and more energetic every day. He hadn’t felt this eager in a long, long time. He was even feeling a bit bold, working up the courage once or twice to open the shelf while you were in the room. That scared you the most, making you jump with fear and scramble out of the room as fast as you could. 
He knew you didn’t really have anywhere else to go. You could leave for the day, sure, but sooner or later you’d have to come back home. The stars must’ve aligned for him to find you, the perfect little plaything that could never really escape and gave him endless entertainment. You were certainly a funny one. 
Although, there were times he enjoyed simply watching you just as much as tormenting you. 
Countless times he’d find himself occupied with quietly observing you as if you were a completely foreign creature. He’d peak out of his box to watch you toss and turn at night, to watch you dress in the morning, and he even got to see you walk back from your showers a few times. You looked so soft, even from this far away, with so many places for him to grab and squeeze and wrap his massive claws around. 
It was shameful, really. Or it should’ve been at least. Jack didn’t know the meaning of the word. All he knew was that the urge to reach out and grab you in his claws was growing stronger, and fast. His already minimal patience was beginning to thin, and he knew that soon it would run out completely. Watching you from afar wouldn’t be enough. 
But that was okay. 
He was finally ready to properly greet you, and he knew exactly how he’d do it. 
That night you experienced one of the usual terrors, but this time you couldn’t recognize the room. It looked to be the bedroom of a victorian mansion with tall wooden walls decorated with dusty paintings that seemed to go up forever, closing you in on all sides. A child’s toys were scattered around the room, and the blankets on the bed had been tussled and pushed around. It was clear someone had been living here, but who? And why were you in a room you had never seen before? 
And why, God— 
Why was that jack-in-the-box still sitting on the shelf? And why was the crank turning on its own, playing the quiet, foreboding tune of “Pop Goes The Weasel?” 
The feeling of dread that filled you was nothing new, but what you didn’t expect was to see the box slowly open as the crank continued to turn.
The movement wasn’t sudden, but it was absolutely shocking, so much so that you fell back onto your hands. You tried to scoot backwards, to somehow get away, but you couldn’t move. All you could do was watch as the lid of the box clicked into its open place, and a dark shape began to emerge. 
It took a moment for you to figure out what you were looking at. The shape had sharp edges and moved slowly, in a controlled manner. It wrapped around the edge of the box and tapped against it. 
It was a hand. 
A massive hand with pitch black claws, each nearly as large as your palm, much too big to belong to something that should’ve been able to fit in that box. 
A second clawed hand reached up, grabbing onto the opposite side of the box. They looked to be pulling up the rest of the body. 
You watched, mouth agape in silent horror as the claws were followed by long striped sleeves, then a head and face covered by long black hair that fell past broad shoulders, until eventually the entire body had dragged itself out of the box. The creature sat there limply with its limbs bent unnaturally as if its own body was too heavy for it to move. There was one thing about it, though, that made your blood run cold: 
Above a sharp toothed smile that was stretched impossibly wide were two achromatic pinwheel eyes, spinning manically behind a curtain of dark hair. They pierced your soul with their stare, almost seeming to glow in the dark.
There was a split second where you knew you were about to wake up, but the sight before you when you forced your eyes open was so similar to your nightmare that you weren’t sure it had worked. 
That…thing from your dream was hovering over you. 
Its visage was completely clear to you now, hair falling around its face and on either side of your head as it peered down at you. A single glance towards its body showed it was even bigger up close, easily twice your size. It resembled some sort of clown, in line with the theme of the jack-in-the-box, but nothing about it seemed comforting or humorous. 
Your first instinct was to thrash, but you couldn’t move. The clown had pinned your arms down with its massive claws, not even flinching when you tried to fight it off. It took no effort to hold you down. 
Its razor-toothed mouth began to crack open, and for a second you expected it to lunge forward and end it all with one fatal snap of its jaws. 
But that didn’t happen.
No, instead… 
It laughed.
The laugh itself didn’t even sound malicious or evil. In any other context it could easily be mistaken as an innocent giggle, a sound you might make when you saw something particularly cute. 
That was what you were to Jack: 
But not in the way you’d think. 
You were cute in the way a helpless, injured animal is cute. 
Cute in the way that something you could hold in the palm of your hand is cute. 
Cute in the way that something you knew you had complete control over is cute. 
Cute in a pathetic, pitiful way that Jack loved. 
He had waited so long to have his fun with you, he was trembling with excitement. 
“Oooh, there you are!” Jack spoke in a lighthearted tone, drawing out his words in a playful manner. You weren’t sure what you were expecting him to sound like, but it definitely wasn’t that. You couldn’t decide if his oddly happy demeanor and sing-song tone with the cartoonish lilt of his accent was more or less frightening than the classic demonic voice of a supernatural killer.
Suddenly something uncomfortably wet slid from your shoulder to your cheek, and it wasn’t until he pulled back that you realized it was his tongue. 
It was impossibly long and had the same striped pattern as his sleeves, moving in a much too articulated manner, as if it was another limb. You watched with wide eyes at it slowly retracted back into his mouth with a sickening wet sound. You could imagine it coiled up in there like a snake; after all, that was the only feasible way it should’ve been able to fit back in his mouth. 
“You taste even better than I imagined…” The clown continued, taking no notice of (or at least not caring about) your discomfort. “You’ve been teasing ol’ Jack, haven’t you?” 
“J…Jack?” You echoed in a whisper. You could hardly hear your own meek voice. 
He only chuckled in response, taking great delight in hearing you say his name. 
One of his hands released your arm, though you didn’t dare move either way. It slowly slid its way under your oversized nightshirt, pushing it above your chest and exposing your entire midriff. Both of his hands ran along your sides slowly, two claw-tipped thumbs barely scraping over your skin. Just a bit more pressure could’ve drawn blood, and it wouldn’t even take much effort on Jack’s part. 
You tried not to move, to not even breathe, terrified that one wrong move would get you torn to shreds. You could imagine one razor sharp talon digging into your chest and dragging to your stomach, slicing you open in a mess of gore and intestines and oh, God—
You winced when Jack’s tongue unfurled once more, this time running from your navel all the way to your chest. It left a cold trail of saliva that made you shiver. You had to turn your head away, unable to look at Jack any longer, only to yelp in pain when you felt the sharp sting of a bite.
When you looked down again you were greeted with Jack’s smug grin. 
“Pay attention to me and I won’t have to do that again.” He ordered, unblinking stare piercing through you. The tone of the demand was almost whiny, like he would throw a tantrum if he didn’t get his way.
“Wh…What the hell do you want?” You choked out. 
Jack didn’t answer. It would be more fun to watch you figure it out on your own. 
He adjusted you in his hold, allowing him to sit up as he moved to grasp your thighs. It was then you realized you’d neglected to put on any actual pants before bed, your lower half clad only in your boxer briefs which were doing very little to keep you modest, especially as Jack lifted your clothed bulge closer to his eager mouth. 
But your plea came a moment too late, and any other attempt at words died in your throat when you felt Jack’s tongue run over your cock through your boxers. 
“Shit—! Jesus Christ…” You huffed, “What the fuck…are you doing…?” 
You dug your teeth into your bottom lip and watched helplessly as Jack’s tongue ran over you once more, making you tense as you felt your cock twitch. Damn, that felt good…
You really shouldn’t have been enjoying this. Especially not this much. You expected to be much more disgusted, and yet you weren’t. In fact, there was a little voice in the back of your head that was eager to take much more. 
But what choice did you have, really? 
Jack certainly had no intention of stopping, and you certainly weren’t going anywhere. Besides, for all you knew you’d wake up tomorrow and realize this was all a shameful wet dream.
You tried to relax a bit in his grip, which proved difficult when he was staring at you like he wanted to eat you alive. 
Before you could blink Jack had suddenly flipped you onto your stomach, making quick work of your boxers with one swipe of his claws. The sound of ripping fabric caught you off guard, and everything happened so fast you weren’t sure what had happened until you felt Jack’s tongue run over the bare back of your thighs. 
“Oh my God—!” You cried out, barely managing to muffle yourself with a pillow. You held it tight against your face, and even had to bite down on it in an attempt to stop yourself from screaming when Jack slipped his tongue inside of you.
It felt even longer than it looked, squirming inside of you and leaving absolutely no spot untouched. Every time you thought he couldn’t possibly go any deeper, he somehow did, filling you with his tongue until you couldn’t fit anymore. A shame, really; he had lots more to offer, but he couldn’t expect much from such a little human. 
His hands were easily large enough to grasp your waist and hold you against his mouth. You had no way of knowing, but Jack was more than aware of his own strength, even taking care to make sure he didn’t pierce you with his nails. You’d be much for fun alive, after all. Although, this didn’t mean he didn’t have a bit of fun scaring you, occasionally giving a rough squeeze just to feel you flinch. He was thoroughly invested in tasting every inch of you, but that didn’t mean he’d stop toying with you at every opportunity. 
Despite his hold on you, you couldn’t stop yourself from writhing desperately in his hands. You weren’t trying to fight him, but the sensation of his tongue wriggling around so deep inside of you was certainly an odd one. Your cock was already throbbing between your legs and dripping precum onto your sheets. There was a nagging urge to reach down and give your needy member some much needed attention, but you couldn’t force yourself to release your painful grip on your blanket. It was the only thing providing you any sort of purchase. 
Jack was making quite the show of eating you out as well, moaning and slurping in a rather dramatic manner. He certainly wasn’t afraid of being noisy, though he made sure to stay quiet enough to listen to your encouraging noises. You sounded so desperate and needy, he just couldn’t get enough. You became especially loud when he began to slowly move his tongue in and out. He could even feel you squeeze around it, and it made his cock ache as he imagined what it would feel like to finally be inside of you. 
You shuddered when Jack finally retracted his tongue, his saliva completely soaking your hole and beginning to run down your legs, leaving you now feeling thoroughly stretched but unpleasantly empty. He only let you rest as long as it took for him to close and wipe his mouth before he was manhandling you once more, this time flipping you into your previous position on your back. It happened so fast that just the impact of your head on the pillow made you dizzy. 
When you looked up again Jack had leaned back a bit, looking down at his hands as he unbuckled his suspenders and soon after his pants. You followed his gaze just in time to see his own massive length spring free from his trousers. 
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
It was bigger than anything you’d ever even imagined, and suddenly you felt embarrassingly inadequate. It too was striped, and shaped in such a way that you could easily tell it was a cock but definitely not a human one. He laid it over your stomach and you couldn’t help but gasp at the sheer size. It was thick and heavy too, throbbing eagerly against your skin. 
“W-Woah, wait, no way—“ You stuttered, attempting to crawl backwards and away from Jack. “That’s fucking giant, holy shit…You can’t— T-That won’t—“ 
“Shhhhh!” Jack interrupted as he roughly pulled you back to him, “Calm down, you whiny little thing. You’ll be fine.” 
You only whimpered in reply, watching with bated breath as he spread your legs wide to make room for his cock. He groaned with delight when his leaking tip brushed against your waiting hole.
“A-At least be careful…!” You pleaded in a last-ditch effort to earn yourself some mercy. 
“I make no promises.” Jack replied shortly, as if he was annoyed with your request. Maybe it was a bit cruel to be so careless, but surely you were being dramatic. Humans were meant to stretch, right? Surely you weren’t that fragile.
The noise that struggled out of your mouth when he forced himself into you was downright inhuman, followed by a string of curses and other equally nasty exclamations of the sort that could’ve barred you from getting you into heaven all on their own. Not that you were going either way at this point. 
When Jack had finally filled you as much as he could, only about two thirds of his cock had managed to disappear inside of you. That was still rather impressive, all things considered, and it’s not like he could complain. Your tight hole squeezed around him in all the right places. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” You repeated under your breath as you tried to adjust to Jack’s size, a borderline impossible task. 
“Foul mouthed one, aren’t you?” He scolded, grabbing your chin roughly. “Behave, or I’ll have to wash your mouth out.” 
He seemed to find that hilarious, laughing to himself as if he’d never heard a funnier joke in his life. 
“You…fuckin’ freak…” You spat back at him half-heartedly. It was hard to sound angry when you were trying to catch your breath after being filled to your limit. Jack feigned a gasp of disbelief at your lackluster insult. 
“Naughty, naughty thing you are! Someone simply must teach you to behave!” 
He squeezed you in his grip, testing his hold one last time before he began to pull back. You thought he’d stop halfway or at least start slow, but you were left speechless as he pulled out nearly all the way, leaving just the tip still nestled inside of you. You grabbed his shoulders in an attempt to brace yourself for what was sure to be a brutal impact.
“Brutal” was an understatement.
Shit, it felt like he fucking impaled you. You choked on what would’ve been a shriek when he pushed into you again, nails digging into his shoulder so hard it would’ve drawn blood if he had any. You felt unbearably full as his cock bullied its way back inside of you until it was laying heavy in your stomach. 
Jack let out a shuddering moan that dissolved into a breathy laugh as he watched you struggle to keep it together. Your mouth hanging open in a silent scream and eyes going wide with panic was exactly what he wanted to see. 
“Aww, did that hurt?” He asked, and honestly the condescending tone stung a bit. You only glared in reply. 
He pulled back again, slamming into you with even more force than the first time. You could feel the bed swaying beneath you from the sheer strength. You could only hope he didn’t wind up breaking it after he broke you. 
Jack was never one to take things slow, and as soon as he had gotten the hang of his thrusts he set a brutal pace. Each movement made your head spin with the impact. You really weren’t built to take something so massive, you shouldn’t have been able to, but you were taking it despite your body’s protests. You didn’t want to look down, unable to even stand the thought of seeing his gigantic cock disappear inside of you. 
Desperate, animalistic noises spilled through your gritted teeth and out of your mouth. Each thrust hit deeper than the last and there were times you swore he was literally rearranging your guts. Of course you would eventually adjust to Jack’s size and strength, but that didn’t shake the fear that this encounter could land you in the hospital. This fear would fade as he continued though, the overwhelming fullness and ache soon melting into a pleasure like you’d never felt before. You grasped at anything you could, whether it be your sheets or Jack’s sleeves or hair, hopelessly clawing at anything you could get your shaky hands on. 
Jack’s tongue laid limp out of his mouth as he panted, shamelessly rutting into you like a toy. You were nothing but a rag doll in his clutches for him to hold and use to his black heart’s content, and then some. While you couldn’t bring yourself to look down, he was more than happy to watch his cock thrust in and out of you. The wet squelching sounds made by each little movement were like music to his ears. 
He knew he must’ve been hitting deep when he noticed the bulge he was making in your stomach. 
Oh, you simply had to see this! 
He grabbed your hair roughly and forced you to look down. 
“Ahah! Do you see that? Do you?” He asked eagerly. He took your choked noise as a ‘yes.’ 
“You’re so small, ahah…I wonder how deep I can go before you break in two!” 
He tugged on your hair once more, this time pulling it back to expose your neck. You couldn’t stop yourself from moaning as he dragged his tongue slowly up your neck before pulling you into a messy kiss. It only took one second of your surprise to allow him to slip his tongue into your mouth, and it quickly found its way down your throat. You were caught off guard and nearly choked, which only made Jack laugh against your lips. You could feel every little twitch or jerk it made as it explored your throat with no regard for your comfort. 
Jack didn’t pull away until he could tell you were struggling for air, retracting his tongue incredibly quickly. You were coughing and heaving to catch your breath, which he apparently found very amusing. It seemed to send him into a giggling fit every time he scared you half to death. 
Suddenly Jack came to an abrupt stop. You looked up at him in confusion, but he wasn’t looking at you. He was focused on something else. You felt yourself being jostled around as he shifted his position, sitting up on his knees and lifting you from the bed with one hand still around your waist and the other under your back. You were entirely supported by his hands now. 
What the hell is he thinking?!
You felt him retracting once more, but this time he wasn’t moving his hips. He was moving you. 
He showed no signs of struggle or even the slightest strain as he began to thrust into you again, your weight practically nothing to him. He was using you like a goddamn fleshlight, nothing more than a sleeve for his cock. 
And honestly…It wasn’t so bad. 
That seemed to be your breaking point, any sense of dignity you had before completely going out the window as you gave into him fully. If he was going to use you like a toy, you could at least put in the effort to be a good one. 
“F-Fuck! Ah—! Jack, m-more…!” You begged, and for a moment a look of surprise flashed across his face. The last thing he was expecting was to hear you pleading for him so shamelessly, but it was a welcome surprise. His signature grin returned quickly, stretching from one pointed ear to the other. 
“Oh, more he says?!” He replied, “More, more!  What happened to ‘wait, Jack!’ and ‘you can’t, Jack!’, huh? Sudden change of heart?” 
He was mocking your voice, degrading you so blatantly that he expected you to recoil at his nasty words, but instead you tightened around him. 
Oh…you liked that. 
He was more than happy to keep going. 
“What is it then, hm? Or have you already gone too stupid to answer me? Aha, you really do love this!” 
You nodded quickly in response, managing to push out a slurred reply that sounded vaguely like an agreement. 
“Fine then,” he conceded, “I can give you more…” 
And just when you thought he couldn’t possibly go any faster or shove in any deeper or make you cry out for him even more. 
He fucked you like his current life and the next depended on it, each thrust slamming the headboard into the wall so hard it left a mark. Your legs trembled as you began to get lost in the pleasure. It all felt like a blur, a wonderful blur only broken up by the realization that you were much closer to your orgasm than you realized.
“Jack, J-Jack—! I’m close, I…I’m…” You couldn’t even choke out a single sentence of warning. Jack was more than aware of what you were trying to tell him, but he was content to let you pathetically struggle for words. 
“Go on, why don’t you? If you need it so bad I won’t stop you.” 
His attempt at an impartial tone was greatly hindered by his obvious excitement, a result of how close he was to his own peak and how much he desired to see you cum. He wanted so badly to see you make a mess for him, to feel you spasm around him and know that he was the one who brought you to that. 
“Oh, please—!” You whined, “Please, please, please…” 
You had no idea what you were begging for. You didn’t have to, though, because it seems like your pleas worked anyways. Every muscle in your body tensed on instinct, your back arching up into Jack and one last high pitched cry managing to leave your throat as you came. The force of your orgasm hit you like a truck, more intense and prolonged than any other you’d had, helpfully hastened by Jack’s increasingly erratic thrusts. 
“Ahah, you squeezed so tight!” He gushed, “You feel so, so good…” 
Faster, faster, faster, he had to go faster. He was so close, so close. He had to fill you, he had to. He had to see his cum dripping out of you and to know that he’d filled you with all he had and you had to be filled. 
He went silent for a split second, and you knew what you were in for when his hips stuttered before going still, but you weren’t ready for the sheer amount of cum he pumped into you. He held you on his cock until he was completely done, continuing to make small ruts with his hips until he’d ridden out his orgasm to the end. There simply wasn’t room for it all inside of you, but even as it flowed out of you and down your legs and onto your sheets he continued to spill into you. You’d gone limp in his hands by the time he was done. 
You barely processed the feeling of being laid back down on your bed, but you definitely winced when Jack pulled out of you. Damn, you were already sore. Not to mention your forehead was drenched with a thick layer of sweat and your thighs were soaked with a multitude of bodily fluids that you were trying not to think about right now. 
You managed to crack an eye open when you heard Jack snickering. 
“Tired already? A shame. I had fun.” He said casually, as if the both of you had just returned from an outing and he hadn’t practically jumped you in your own home. Your only answer was an exhausted sigh. 
Jack cocked his head to the side as he stared down at you. Were you really so worn out already? He wasn’t tired at all! Then again, “tired” wasn’t really something he felt…
Humans are so strange. 
He laid down beside you and draped an arm over you. When he leaned in you expected him to lick you again, but instead he brought you into a kiss. An actual kiss, the first real gesture of affection he’d given you, even if it was rather brief. He pulled away to nestle his face into the crook of your neck, and you could feel his laughter against your skin. 
“You’re a funny one, do you know that? I hope I get to play with you a lot more…” 
Oh, fuck. 
He wasn’t leaving, was he?
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mdni & reblog banners by cafekitsune
2K notes · View notes
mirohlayo · 6 months
hello lynaa!!
could you do (any driver) x reader where they just spoil em rotten with all these never ending very expensive gifts and reader gets emotional and he comforts her?
i love ur work btw <3
hello !! i literally LOVE this one, thanks for requesting it :)) i really struggle to choose between charles and oscar but i decided to go with oscar yeah (also thank u so much it's so sweet 🫶) hope it's okay !!
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( despite the fact you don't like it, oscar can't stop spoiling you because you deserve everything )
warning : none just reader getting emotional, fluff and fluff
word count : 2.8k
!! english is not my first language !!
you are for sure the most precious person ever for oscar. being his partner means that he constantly makes sure you're always happy. he literally puts all his being into your relationship, he tries his best to keep everything perfect. if you're not satisfied enough then he's not either, and he always manage to do his best to make you feel fulfilled by his love and affection.
it also means that he obviously likes to spoil you. it's kind of his love language. he needs to buy you something, whether an object that reminded him of you or tons of expensive stuffs like perfumes, clothes, shoes... money doesn't matter for him, as long as he makes you happy with his little gifts then everything is good. plus he earns a pretty good amount of money, so he doesn't wait a single to waste it into gifting you lots of things.
so of course he notices the little stuff you were always looking at, whether on your phone in your shopping cart or when you would stare a bit too much at some storefronts during your dates. he often catches you looking at this pair of shoes that you really want for a while now, this oversized hoodie which reminds you of your boyfriend because there's literally the number 81 on the back, or also those cute pastries you always talk about how good they look.
but you know you'll never buy these things, maybe later in months but they're just too expensive for you. you can afford them but you can't all buy them in one seat, you also need to save money because you share your apartment's spending with oscar. you agreed at the start of your relationship that both of you will take part in renting, shopping and getting all the stuff and furniture you need to live together.
and your job pays you very much less than oscar's job so obviously you don't have the same income and money to spend it on extra expensive things you like. but it's okay, you actually like earning money little by little and when you finally have the good amount of money you're always happy to buy these little gifts you dreamed about.
now you are sitting comfortably on the couch, your laptop on your laps. your favorite playlist is playing on the loudspeaker in a low volume and you just have finished a schedule for your next week of work. "are you okay love ? do you want something to drink ? or a snack ?"
your boyfriend's voice comes from behind you, where the kitchen is. you turn your head and smile to him "a glass of water then please" you gently ask "no problem" he replies and opens one of the kitchen closet to grab a glass. you move again to go back to your laptop, and while you delete open pages on google, there's your shopping cart that appears. you forget to delete it last time.
you hesitate to delete the page, but your eyes gaze at the pretty things you put in your cart. you really want these cute shoes and this hoodie for a while now, and you'll be lying if you said you didn't dream about them everyday. you're so envious of those people who own them, sometimes you bump into some girls who are wearing them and it makes you even more excited about getting the shoes and the hoodie.
oscar soundlessly comes behind you, a tray with your glass of water and some fruits on it. just for you, because he's simply the most caring and sweet boyfriend you ever had. he approaches you in silence and you don't hear his steps, too occupied by the clothes on your laptop screen. but obviously he notices that you are once again staring at the same shopping cart. the same one as months ago.
he knows how much you want these items. maybe you're a bit desperate now and oscar doesn't like that. if you really want something then you'll have it. he likes to spoil you. he likes to buy you things because it makes you happy and he just needs to see your smile. but you're aware of the importance of money.
money is something very important for you and you know its value. so despite the fact you like receiving gifts, when oscar would spoil you too much with so many expensive things you can't help but get a bit angry. because you don't want him to spend all his salary for you. you're actually very reasonable and rational. you're humble and expensive gifts are like very precious to you because you value things
and oscar loves you for that. he thinks you're just so respectful and you never ask for anything, he don't even think you ever ask him to buy you something over your relationship. you always try to afford things by yourself and your hard work. and your boyfriend admire this. so when people or his "fans" would call you a scrounger, a girl who is here just for oscar's money, he get so annoyed. because if there's one person who doesn't count and don't care on his money at all, it's you.
he sighs and sit down next to you. "here's your water, princess" he says and he hands you the glass. you quickly change the shopping page to an other one with a youtube video, you panicked a bit because you don't want oscar to see you looking at these things. because you know he'll tell you that he can buy you it, and you always end up by scolding him gently, saying that if he dares do it you'll be mad for weeks.
"thanks love" you smile and take a sip of your water. he wraps one of his arms around your shoulders and pull you closer to him. "you finished your work ?" he asks against your hair, planting a soft kiss on it. "yes, i can finally take a break" you nod. "good then. i can have your attention" he hums and he's quick to move your laptop from your laps to place it on the table.
"cuddle me for a while" he says and he lay down on the couch. he makes you shift and you lay down too, your head on his chest and your legs crossed together. he wraps his arms around your back, rubbing it softly. "you work hard y/n. i'm so proud of my pretty girl" he smiles wide as his looks fall on you. you giggle and he can feel your laugh vibrates against his body, making him smile even wider. "i know. i'm such an amazing woman" you state with a tone of irony. "of course you are babe" he genuine knows it, he's proud to be boyfriend.
he starts placing lazy kisses on your head, sometimes on the back of your hand, still stroking your back. he run his hand under your hoodie, and his fingers rubs your soft skin softly, like you're a piece of porcelain. he's just too caring and he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. but his soft touch makes you feel sleepy, and it doesn't take too long before you start to sleep.
he notices it because your breathing is slower and more regular. he places an other kiss on your hair. his eyes shift to your laptop screen. there are still your google searches on it, and he can't help himself but stretches his arm to move the touch mouse. he clicks on the page of your shopping cart, and knows he has a good look of the products you genuinely want.
he grabs his phone out of his pocket and he quickly takes a picture of the screen. he smiles to himself, proud of what he's going to do later this evening. now he knows what he needs to do.
"and i'll take the strawberry one too please" oscar says as he waits for the seller to wrap the ten pastries he just finished to order. the seller hands him the little red box with the white ribbon around it. the blonde grabs his credit card and pays without looking at the price. he's not even bothered, because a silly smile is playing on his lips.
he bought you these pastries which you talk about every time you found a tiktok about it, rambling about how sweet and delicious they look, and oscar was listening to you. he finally bought plenty of them today for you, ten pastries to be sure you'll have enough. and if not then he'll go back again at the bakery to buy more. until you're satisfied.
now he's going back home, already excited to see you and your expression when you'll discover all the things he bought today. he told you earlier that he needs to get some groceries, which was a lie because he used this time to purchase all the stuff you so want. he literally went to all the different stores of the mall : perfumery, bakery, jewelry store, plushies store and more.
he knows he has spent a huge amount of money just for you but he absolutely doesn't care at all. you're his princess and you must receive princess treatment. so that's why he bought this cute plushie you genuinely adore, and also your favorite set of perfumes even though you already have an extra double at home. buying you jewelry was inevitable, he chose two bracelets and two necklaces, also several pairs of earrings. and the cherry on top is the matching bracelet he carefully chose for you and him.
but nevertheless he got some groceries, most of them just being your favorite food and snacks. he totally spent a lot of money, he may not even have a penny left in his bank account but it's absolutely fine, as long as it's for you he doesn't pay attention to it. he's simply happy to treat you well. to treat you like you deserve it.
he parks his car and run to the door. he's carrying all the gifts and bags in his hands. he's completely full. he rings the doorbell and seconds later he's meeting with your pretty face. "i'm back" he simply says and you let him go into the house.
first you didn't notice all the bags he was carrying, because there are two packages which were delivered during oscar's absence and which are lying around the door. you are sure you didn't ordered anything, and oscar didn't tell you either that he ordered something so why these two packages are lying on the floor ?
"oscar, what are these packages ? i didn't ordered anything and you didn't too" you start and frown looking at the boxes. your boyfriend take off his shoes and he was going to speak when you finally notice all the bags in his hands. "and why are you carrying so many bags? there are around ten of them !" you say shocked, your eyes dart out.
he only smiles to you and hands you all the bags "surprise princess ! the packages are for you and these bags too". you don't realize, you just blink. is this real ? you look at him completely lost and he laughs seeing your confused expression. "you ordered the packages ? you really bought me all of these gifts ?" you ask still not realizing what he did.
your boyfriend nods rapidly like a child, a wide smile stuck on his face. "i wanted to please you because you deserve it love" he replies. "but oscar..." you start and he knows you're going to get mad at him because maybe he did too much. but he doesn't want to hear that so he doesn't wait and guides you to the couch. he makes you sit on it and he brings all the gifts around you. "now open them. it's all for you".
you sigh and look him in the eyes. "baby i appreciate it but do you realize you bought too much ? like it's an incredible amount of things" "of course i am aware of it and i don't care at all." he shrug and sit down next to you. you look like you're going to refuse all the presents and oscar doesn't want that. he places a kiss on your cheek and put one the package on your laps. "open now. i know you'll thanks me later for that"
you can't do anything but open all the boxes and bags in front of you. you cut the cardboard and open it. the beautiful pair of shoes you so wanted is meticulously wrap in the box. you don't realize. you're clearly shocked. you pick up them carefully and admire them. they're so pretty. and oscar knows he wins everything when a big smile come up on your face. "i don't even know what to say. i wanted them for so long. they're so pretty oscar"
"they'll look perfect on you" he states and a second later he feels your lips on his cheek. he giggles at the sudden touch "next gift baby !!" he says and either him can't hide his excitement. you can't help it too, you forgot for a while your dissatisfaction towards him because you're like a kid at christmas in front of all of the gifts. you open the second package and your look fall on the white and orange hoodie which reminds you of oscar.
it looks perfect. perfect like your boyfriend. the hoodie is clearly making you smile wider, though you were already getting cheek cramps. "how it looks ?" he asks in a nervous tone. "just incredibly beautiful and perfect" you says as you touch the soft fabric. "good. but we are not done. they're still the bags here" he points out the remaining bags on the floor.
and you open them all. the perfumes, the jewelry, the plushie, the snacks and even the pastries. you don't know how much they all cost but you're sure it's very very expensive. but you can't hide your happiness, you're so grateful for that. all the gifts are just more than enough. and your dissatisfaction turned into thankfulness.
all of these gifts, the way he bought you everything you wanted because he wanted to please you, all of that makes you emotional. and you can't help but let some tears fall down on your face. oscar notices it and he starts to panic. "wait- are you okay love ?" he asks cautiously. you wipe a tear and nod to reassure him. "yes don't worry i'm okay. it's just... it's just..."
you let a sob and he can't take it anymore. he pulls you into his arms, pressing soft kisses on your face. "tell me y/n" he says softly. he don't want to push you, just so caring. "it's just that i don't want you to spend all your money and buy extra expensive things to me. i'm okay with what i already have, i don't care if i can't afford what i want. i just don't want you to waste all your money only for me"
oscar smiles softly and pulls you closer. oh how his heart pang from love. from affection and adoration. he's so in love with you. he rubs your cheek with his thumb and place a soft kiss on your lips. "but you know that i don't care princess. i want the best for you and i want to treat you well like how you deserve to be treated. i like to spoil you. i like to buy you gifts" he explains to you. "but you're already my best gift oscar"
his brain stopped to work just as his heart skipped a beat. he can't hide his smile. "and you are too. that's why i genuinely want to pleasure you, because you're a princess that deserves all the love in the world. money doesn't matter. i know you don't like that but i'll never stop myself to spend money for you. you are the only person I would do anything for and all you have to do is ask me what you need, i'll give it to you right away"
you let another snob out of your mouth. the boy starts to peck all your face. "i don't deserve you oscar. i'm so lucky to have you." "no, i'm the lucky one. i don't even know how i managed to pull someone like you" he laughs and you giggle. "i love you oscar. so much"
he smiles and leans in to kiss you tenderly. his lips move perfectly on yours. he pulls back and look at you with heart eyes. "i love you too my girl". you hide your face in the crook of his neck and you stay like that for a while. until he gets up. "now i'm gonna make some coffee for you to drink with the pastries"
and he'll put on the table a tray of pastries, a cup of hot coffee next to them. you'll share the strawberry cake with your boyfriend, and you'll remains him of how perfect he is. because after all he's clearly the best boyfriend in the world...
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babyleostuff · 1 year
your smile | JEON WONWOO
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summary | reading date with wonwoo in the comfort of your shared apartment
genre | fluff
word count | 871
pairing | jeon wonwoo x gn!reader
"What should we listen to?" Wonwoo asked right as you walked into the living room with a book in your hand.
"Whatever you feel like. I chose last time." A moment later soft tunes of your favorite album started playing, and along with the LED lights and a couple of candles it only added to the cozy feeling your shared apartment had.
This little act of your boyfriend - putting the music he knows you like, even though it's his turn to choose, puts a small smile on your face, making you even happier than you already were.
Having an afternoon for yourselves, not worrying about work or any chores, you both decided to have a stay at home date, with food and books.
Wonwoo already had his gaming live today at the company, so you didn't have to worry about your boyfriend bailing on you mid chapter and gaming his ass off until dawn, which was always a nice thing.
"Do we have everything?" he wondered, taking a seat next to you on the big sofa, which was now covered with fluffy blankets and lots of pillows.
"I'm just going to grab something to drink, so we don't have to get up later. Oh, and we need chopsticks. Anything else?"
"I don't think so,"
"Okay, I'll be right back."
As much as you loved going out with Wonwoo, exploring the city, going to nice restaurants or simply taking a casual stroll by the Han river, nothing would ever top your at home dates.
Being both so comfortable with each other - no fancy clothes, no makeup, no pressure to look your best and no stressing about being recognised by other people. You could savor the comfortable silence, each with a separate book and your feet in his lap.
A barefaced Wonwoo with his glasses and an oversized t-shirt was just a bonus to all of this. He's really the definition of boyfriend material.
While in the kitchen, beside drinks and chopsticks you grabbed extra snacks for Wonwoo, as he always likes to have something to munch on while reading. In addition you also grabbed an apple juice box, one of the many sitting in your refrigerator.
Quickly making your way back to the living room, you couldn't help, but admire your boyfriend for a second. He was sitting comfortably under one of the many blankets, his glasses at the tip of his nose while he was smiling at something on his phone.
Seeing him so happy was like a cup of tea on a winter morning. Without a doubt, him smiling was the best thing in the world and seeing him do it so often in these past months was the biggest dream come true.
He is one of the strongest people you know, but even he couldn't always hide his sadness and pain, so seeing him getting his happiness back is everything you could've asked for.
"Everything alright?" suddenly you were pulled back to reality, by Wonwoo's gentle voice, that so often lulled you to sleep.
"Yeah, just zoned out a little. Here, your gummies," you handed him all of his snacks along with a water bottle and a set of chopsticks.
"When did you get them? They weren't there in the morning."
"I saw you eating them in your live today," you explained. "So, I decided to buy some. You always like to snack when you're reading and gaming."
Wonwoo usually saw himself as a very stoic person, who was good at controlling his emotions, but you always proved him wrong.
His gaze turned to the softest expression known to mankind and he couldn't help himself but kiss the side of your head in a loving manner as a thank you.
Not being able to resist your boyfriend's sweet action, you put your hand at the back of his head, running your fingers through his short hair, that made him look so adorable when not styled.
"How much of the book do you have left?" he asked, as you both snuggled under the warm blankets.
"I think I'll finish tonight."
"Will your next book be a little bit more, how to say, intellectual?"
"Jeon Woonwoo, stop making fun of my book," you laughed and hit his arm repeatedly, though you doubted he felt anything.
"Not my fault my childhood was based on Wattpad, you dumbass." He laughed and shook his head in a playful manner.
"Sorry not everyone can be as smart as you, Mr. I-know-it-all. " you huffed, putting your bookmark at the coffee table. Not saying anything more, he simply put his arm around you, pulling you closer to his side.
Moments like these made you feel so safe and loved. Wonwoo may not be the most outspoken person when it comes to his emotions, but he never made you doubt yourself in any way.
Everywhere you went, you knew you could always count on him, he was there to keep you safe, protected and happy. The simple touches and small acts of service was all you needed.
So, as you both sit in the living room, each of you in a different fictional world, keeping each other warm, you knew that this was how you'd like to spend the rest of your life.
972 notes · View notes
huhniebowl · 8 months
Miss Me?
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dominic fike x reader
warnings: nonee
a/n:...hey yall. IM BACK! i missed u pookey🥹.
i'm so sorry for my absence, i missed writing so much, but most of all i missed talking & interacting with u all. second to last year at uni is just really kicking my ass as of late. i've also had insane writer's block, and still do. my confidence as a writer has been at an all-time low, so i hope this short blurb does justice for u! ♥️
i finally have a bit of a breather, so i'm going to work my ass off on requests & hopefully gain my confidence back in the midst of it all.
i love u guys so so much, please enjoy! feels good to be back. :)
Thunder crackles outside, rain pelting against the windows in your room. You have a candle lit on your nightstand, next to your lamp that helps emit a warm glow to the room. It’s nights like these that feel content.
They feel safe. A steaming cup of hot cocoa, an oversized jumper, and a good book. Legs tucked to the side under your comforter. 
You’re only missing one thing. 
You just about hit the part you’ve been waiting for in your book when you hear shuffling outside the room, and then the door creaking open. Just on time. 
He had locked himself in his in-home studio, two doors down from the bedroom. Despite his album drop in the summer, it’s October now and he’s already working towards his third. You admire his dedication and love for his craft, really you do, but he looks tired.
Between the take-off of his acting career, touring, and his new album, he’s consistently on the go. You push your reading glasses up and softly smile at him. 
“Hey, how’s it coming along?” Dom shrugs, closing the door behind him and pulling his hoodie overhead, throwing it on the floor. He smoothes down his band tee and wordlessly climbs into bed with you. He moves in close, swipes your book from your hands, and lightly tosses it on his nightstand. 
You grin, and open your arms wide when he maneuvers himself on top of you. You untuck your legs and spread them out to accommodate him. He lays between them, his cheek pressed snuggly against the space where your neck and shoulder meet. He lets out a breath and you feel his body melt against yours. 
“Missed you.” He mumbles, peppering kisses on your shoulder, then he moves up to your face. You laugh, his curls falling forward around his face and tickling your cheeks. You bring your arms around his neck, fingertips dipping under his shirt to run along the top of his back, before skimming them over the nape of his neck.  
“I’d miss me too if I locked myself in a room for.” You glance over at the wall clock, it's 1 a.m. 
“8 hours!? Jesus, Dom.” Dominic drops face-first onto your chest and curls up into you. One arm wrapped around your stomach, the other lying next to you.
“That’s like a regular workday.” He counters, and you roll your eyes, reaching for the remote to turn on the TV for some background noise.
It causes you to unwrap your arms from around him. You’re just barely able to click on a random episode of some adult cartoon before Dominic lets out a noise of protest. 
“No.” He mumbles. 
“It hasn’t even been 15 seconds.” You roll your eyes, but nonetheless, you put the remote on your nightstand, click off the lamp, and scoop your boyfriend back into your arms.  He says something sarcastic and witty into your shirt, but you don’t have in yourself tonight to rile him up. So you bring a hand up to his hair and rake your nails along his scalp.  
Having Dom this close feels surreal, despite it being years since you began dating. The steady beat of his heart against you. The sigh of contentment he lets go of when you hold him closer and squeeze. Even the grounding grip of his hand laced around yours has you slipping away.
He holds on to you as if you’d slip away from him. Like you’d leave him given the opportunity. That theory’s proved right when you lightly shift down to get yourself more comfortable and on instinct, his hold on you tightens. 
“I’m not going anywhere, baby.” You whisper, kissing his forehead. He hums, moving in closer. He’s so close you can feel his eyelashes wisp against your skin. It reminds you of a fairy. Delicate and soft. 
“Did you miss me today?” You remove your reading glasses and place them next to your cup. 
“I always miss you.” You start, rubbing a hand down his back. 
“How much?” 
“I missed you as much as I miss Abbott Elementry.” You feel him laugh, and shift so he can look up at you. 
“You know you’re probably never getting a season 3 right?” You roll your eyes, push his head back down, and purposely tug a little hard at a curl on the nape of his neck. 
“Fuck you.” He whines, flinching at the pull. You giggle, quickly smoothing your hand over where you pulled. It goes silent after that. 
Rick and Morty fills up the silence.
You start to believe that Dom has fallen asleep, but when you glance down, you see him staring at the rain hitting the window. There’s a faraway look in his eyes, you can almost see the cogs working in his head. 
“Are you happy with me?” He suddenly whispers, and it’s then you understand his silence. You do everything in your power to always make sure Dom knows how much you love him. How much he makes you happy.  How much he makes you smile and makes your life feel like it’s worth living.
Though, no matter how clear you make that, there are still those days when Dom gets in his head. Where his usual rationality, seems to diminish. But you’re always there. Ready to take it all away. 
“Hey.” You start, and the pad of your thumb rubs over his cheekbone. “I honestly don’t think there’s a word I can use that could describe how happy you make me. How safe and content I feel just knowing that I get to come home to you.” 
Dominic shuffles, and you feel his eyelashes flutter closed against your thumb. “I’m more than happy with you. And believe me, when I say, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” Dom deeply inhales, then breathes out. His hand squeezes yours, and you feel a kiss being placed on your chest, then your collarbone. One under your chin, then behind your ear. The top of your cheek, the corner of your eye, and finally, he presses a lingering kiss on your lips. 
You press the palm of your hand on the side of his face and push him deeper into you. Kissing him with an intensity you hope says a thousand words. 
He pulls away first and rests his forehead against yours. He’s silent for a moment, the both of you trying to catch your breaths. You see the side of his top lip quirk up, and he pulls back from your face.
“Maybe you’ll get your season three after all. I’ll make a few calls tomorrow.” You laugh out. It’s loud and comes straight from your belly. You mush his face to the side when he starts laughing with you. 
“Oh, fuck you.” 
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chamomiletealeaf · 7 months
Simon Riley teaching you how to shoot his gun.
warnings: kinda nsfw, suggestive, mentions of weapons, size kink, Simon is a cocky little slut and a bit more playful than he is originally, reader has Laswell's job (I'M SORRY LASWELL I LOVE YOU MY LOVE)
wc: 2,367
a/n: Sorry this prompt was so late. Final papers and stuff have been taking up my time so I haven't had much time to write full fics like this. I wanted to wait until I could really engage in it for y'all. Hope you guys enjoy 🫡 I tried my best and researched what I thought was necessary to be as accurate as possible when it comes to ranks, positions, and responsibilities of certain spots and jobs in the military. I apologize for any inaccuracies.
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You are CIA. You're no stranger to the atrocities of the world, nor are you a stranger on how to deal with them. Your special skills in strategizing missions and intelligence analysis was something you were well known and respected for and did not go unnoticed by Captain John Price, which is how you got recruited as a Communications Analyst and Operation Overseer for Task Force 141.
You loved your job. The men you worked with on the Task Force became more than just coworkers and rather close friends over time.
You worked on base most of the time while the team was out in the field during missions, so with you being their boots on the ground and the birdie in their ears, you're like an omniscient entity, which they saw you as. You needed them and they needed you.
However, it was difficult being apart during missions knowing that if anything happened to you or them, you couldn't do anything to physically help each other in that moment, which is why you all needed to know how to handle personal enemy attacks on your own if needed. Luckily, you were all pretty good at that.
You knew how to shoot a gun, fight, outsmart captors, and take care of the team. You could definitely handle and take care of yourself pretty well. However, you still thought to yourself:
"There's always more to learn, right?"
"Oh c'mon Simon how hard could it be, you forget who I am." You laugh as you go to drink from your glass of iced tea.
You and the Task Force were celebrating your victory on your most recent mission in the common area of the base. The men had most of their gear off leaving their gloves and holsters on and Simon also with his signature skull balaclava and hoodie.
You sat on one of the couches in the common area next to Johnny with his arm sprawled across the back of it behind your neck. Your white button down was tucked into your black dress pants and you had the first few buttons undone, leaving less to the imagination. You also had on your black slightly heeled shoes, which were surprisingly very comfortable.
Simon sat across from you, body turned in your direction. Gaz sat next to him and Price leaned on the couch behind the two with a glass in hand.
"I'm just saying. Such a small thing probably couldn't handle something so big." Simon says and smirks under his balaclava as he looks at you, clearly amused by his innuendo.
You roll your eyes and Johnny laughs.
Simon didn't mean it, and you knew. He saw the way you handled things so efficiently and skillfully, whether it be a knife, a gun, intel, missions, or even himself, It's one of the main things he loved and admired about you, though he would never say it.
"I don't know L.T., you forget when she pinned me in seconds last time we sparred." Johnny says.
"I wouldn't underestimate the gal Lieutenant. You've seen what happens to the men who do." Price says, smirking and taking a swig of his drink.
"Who got you around those guards by hacking into the cameras and telling you where to go hm?" You ask Simon.
"You did lass." Johnny says as he lifts his arm to playfully poke your cheek.
You giggle and push his hand away.
"I'm not doubting her, it's just harder than it looks. Don't think she could do it as easily as she says she can."
"That's literally the definition of doubt L.T." Gaz says.
You scoff with your mouth open, smiling in surprise.
"Wow, ok, I see how it is, Lieutenant." You emphasized the title you called him to tease him, as you were the only one who ever called him Simon. Calling him Lieutenant meant you were either being dead serious, angry with him, or teasing him. And Simon would be lying if he told himself he didn't like it when you called him by his ranked position. He also loved how you were the only one who called him by his name.
"Oooohh fuck yer in trouble now L.T." Johnny said.
As the night went on and got older, you could feel your heart getting lighter as you forgot about the stresses of life for a while.
After a few more hours of harmless banter and laughs between the five of you, the men decided to help you clean the common area up and head back to their quarters.
Simon, however, was the last to leave.
As you placed your glass in the sink with the other dishes and glasses, another glass was placed in the sink by another hand.
"Thanks love." Simon said as he gently placed his glass down in the sink next to yours.
"For what?" you said.
"For getting us to forget for a while. For getting me to relax."
Simon never really was one to speak much about anything really. You weren't sure if it was the bourbon speaking but regardless, you melted at his vulnerability he trusted you with.
"You're welcome Simon." You turn to smile at him, both staring in each others eyes for a few seconds in silence.
"But you know what I didn't forget?" You ask, smirk creeping onto your face.
Simon raises his eyebrows in anticipation awaiting your answer.
"That you think I can't shoot a gun bigger than a pistol."
Simon laughs, throwing his head back causing your eyes to lose contact with his honey-colored ones, the sound causing your heart to drop with the weight of your lust like a star falling out of the sky.
"Ok, well, how 'bout you prove me wrong then?" Simon asks, a mischievous look in his eye.
"Challenge accepted, Lieutenant." You said, walking past him and making your way to the shooting range, expecting him to follow.
This time, it was Simon's heart's turn to drop.
Simon enters the range after you, and you've already got your safety glasses and headphones on, leaning against one of the dividers of the range with your hands on your hips looking at him as if you've been waiting for hours.
"Well Lieutenant, show me what you think I can't do." You say, and Simon doesn't say anything. He stops in the door frame and after a second, he silently goes to choose a weapon. He picks up a big gun, one of his, purposefully picking one that would be difficult for you just to prove that you couldn't do it. He was such a cocky bitch.
He approaches you with the weapon, and you look at it in his hands, stiffening up a bit at the intimidating sight of it, and Simon chuckles.
"This" Simon says, lifting the gun up for you to get a better look, "is an AR-15. It was created for ad-"
"Advantage over the AK-47." You cut him off, smirking in triumph as you once again catch the soldier in front of you off guard and he looks at you with an amused raised eyebrow.
"Ok smartass. Since you know so much, show me how to hold it then." Simon drops the weapon in your hands and crosses his arms, spreading his legs a little, standing in an even more intimidating position. The gun is heavy and big, causing you to stumble due to Simon catching you off guard this time. It's safety was on, as Simon would never put you in any danger, which is why he was so comfortable with teasing you in this setting.
He laughs to himself, thinking how cute you look with such a big weapon.
You look at the gun, then up at Simon, then to the target in the range. You make your way to one of the spaces between the dividers and lift the gun. It's heavier than you thought, but nothing you couldn't handle.
Simon follows behind, standing behind you with his arms still crossed and legs apart.
"Well go on, if it's so easy." Simon teases.
"Oh relax." You playfully snap back at him.
You lift up the weapon, and look through the sight, aiming at the target.
You look through the sight a bit longer, making sure you're lined up, as you feel Simon's presence even closer.
He comes up behind you, pressing his front against your back as he reaches an arm around to turn off the safety. You lift your head from the sight and lower the weapon a little, giving him room to access whatever he was reaching for.
"Safety is still on sweetheart." Simon says, voice dripping with cockiness as he continues to tease you.
"I knew that." You mumble. "Just testing the sight."
"Mhm sure bunny." He says, the nickname making your eyes widen a bit and your cheeks flush red as you look down at the weapon, not daring to look back at him.
You lift the gun back up, and you feel Simon move behind you once again as he kicks your legs apart and places his hands firmly on your hips. You feel him press his front against you once again, making you gasp.
"Here, spread your legs a bit. Left foot slightly in front of your right." He tells you lowly and softly in your ear, and you let him adjust your body, praying he doesn't feel the increasing heat radiating off of you.
He grips your hips and pulls them back against him so you're pressing directly into him.
"There you go, just like that." He says, and your breath hitches at the suggestive words and how he's handling you.
"The recoil can be a lot, so keeping your hips back and one leg slightly in front will keep you stable when you shoot." He says into your ear, hand still tightly gripping your hips, and you bite your lip and nod your head, afraid to make a sound that could possibly give away how nervous and aroused you were in this moment. You could feel him getting hard behind you, and you could feel how big he was, but you resisted grinding back into him.
Simon released his hold on your hips and brought his hands up and around yours. You noted how big his hands were compared to yours, making you blush yet again. He was so close and just so big compared to you, and you yourself weren't even that small.
"Now, lift this up a little more." He says, lifting the weapon up higher in your grasp.
He moves his left hand up yours up under the barrel of the gun a little more, helping you hold it as his right helps you keep your hand in place off the trigger until ready to shoot.
"There we go, atta girl, just like that." He says, and you swear he's gotta be doing this on purpose now. You feel yourself start to grow wetter between your legs as you start to throb, biting your lip even harder now, trying your hardest to not let out a moan at his words.
"Now." he says, as he moves his finger over yours to place it on the trigger.
"Shoot." He says into your headphone-covered ear.
As you press the trigger, the recoil thrusts you back, making you grind back into Simon abruptly, and he lets out a soft groan, and his hands fly back to your hips after you shoot. His noise almost distracting you from your perfect shot on the target, hitting the bullseye.
"Ha!" You yell out in excitement seeing your successful shot.
"Look Simon! bullseye!" You giggle and jump a little with joy, forgetting that your ass is literally pressed up against Simon's cock through his cargos. Your ass rubs against him as you hop and he ruts his hips into you and lets out a sharp moan, squeezing your hips again.
"Good job bunny." He says and smiles, and you remember the position you both are in, and you feel the shyness creep back into you.
You turn your head around to look up at him, still holding the weapon with both hands.
"Told you I could do it." You smirk up at him.
You notice Simon doesn't move from his position and how his hands don't leave their place on your hips. You're not oblivious to what he's doing either, but it's fun to tease him and act like you have no clue.
You go to turn the safety off, and as you do, you lean forward a bit more than needed just to press against him again, and you feel him twitch in his pants this time.
You turn around, and place the gun in his hands that left your hips for a second due to your new position.
"What's the matter Lieutenant, can't handle being wrong?" You tease.
Simon doesn't say anything and he goes to put the gun away. You turn back around to admire your perfect hit, and soon feel that familiar warmth behind you again as Simon presses himself into you again.
"Can't handle you looking so fucking good all the time and just being so perfect at everything." He says.
You laugh. "Was this your plan hm? To get me down here just to have me alone?" You ask.
"Maybe." Simon answers and smiles into your neck, hands going back to your hips again.
"Slut." You say.
Simon then bends you over the shelf of the shooting range booth as much as he can and he grabs your hair.
"Fuck you're such a tease aren't you?" He says.
You moan at the feeling of him manhandling you and pressing his weight into you.
"Only to you." You smile.
"God you're so fuckin small against me. And that fuckin shirt. Was practically eye fucking you all night." Simon continues to grind into your ass.
You let out a little whine at his words, pressing back into him, feeling him get fully hard this time.
"Yeah? show me what you were thinking of then Lieutenant." You say, and you know this was just the beginning of the night for the both of you.
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a/n: There could very possibly be a pt 2 to this. Lmk if y'all would want that 🫣
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k0dster · 22 days
I really can't fathom why people are calling Max x Lucy vanilla for just being healthy?
Like yes, they weren't exactly the most mind-blowingly interesting couple ever, but they weren't basic.
Max came from a place where they almost know nothing of anything beyond the brotherhood. He's incredibly loyal and he's very passionate about what he believes in. He has very strong views about the brotherhood and how he sees them, along with how he sees himself, but Lucy really breaks him out of that shell by showing him that he's just as strong without his armor and stronger than the brotherhood tells him he is. She shows him that he's worthy of the love that he hasn't ever really received.
Lucy is the same way. Though she believes in a completely different cause. She believes there is good in everyone and everything, a glass half full kinda girl. She shows Max not everything he thinks is bad or even true. She also, as much as she cares about him, was willing to beg the overseer of vault 4 to let him stay, even if that meant trekking the wasteland alone again, all because he was happy.
Max in turn does the same for her later. Going against everything he knows, facing the people that raised him, knowing that if he's caught he'll probably be killed, all because he loved her. And lucy offering to let him come back home with her I seriously couldn't the way he's telling Dane all giddy about it later.
Not to mention the underlying "princess and knight in shining armor" trope has me in such a chokehold I love it.
But seriously no one has been able to give me another reason into why they don't like Max x Lucy except that it's "the Canon ship" or "it's too vanilla" bsfr, we're we watching the same show??
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The way he smiles back at her when she's escorting wilzig out?? Ugh! My heart!
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And the very fairytale feel the ending kiss had?? How do y'all not like this??
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God they just had so many scenes that made me giggle and kick my feet because they were so hopelessly in love
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fanartlover1234 · 1 month
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Mattheo is Y/ns older brothers best friend, they have a frenemie relationship since Y/n got over *not really* over hed crush on him
WARNING: fingering, smut, cursing, degrading
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"Bye" the fourth guy who had come up to Y/n during luch period said after she had rejected him.
It was her 6th year, and suddenly every girl hated her ofcourse not her two amazing best friends and every guy wanted her.
She hadnt really changed thay much she onlu improved her style and got rid of her glasses (btw i love people with glasses) by getting contacts.
"Why cant you just say you're not interested by other guys cause you alreadt have someone on your mind?" Astoria, one of your best friends since 1st year when you 'Accidentaly' spilled a smoothy over a girl who was making fun of her for not being a pureblood slytherin said as your other best friends Pansy agreeded.
"Cause i dont like anyone else and i dont want to use a boy as excuse to not date" she said before almoat choking on her food when Cerdric the huflepuff most popular guy scared her by accident.
"Hey, Y/n, i wanted to ask if you wanted to go to hog-"
"She's taken" Pansy said as earned a glare from Y/n before the girl turned to Cedric with an apologetic smile.
"No its okey" the boy said before walking away.
"I hate you, i hate your kids and your grandkids" Y/n said to Pansy annoyed before leaving to her dorm to unpack her stuff.
It was late, she had 15 minutes till curfew so she decided to run really quick to her brother as she found his uniform that he was looking for.
"Theo" she said knocking on the door and he opened and his whole friend group said hi to the girl.
"What are you wearing" Theo scolded as the girl rolled her eyes placing his uniform on the bed as he refered to her black shorts nearly visable under her oversized shirt and her slippers.
"Im leaving"
"Cover up" he said annoyed at her.
"Ill walk her, make sure nothing happens" A boy spoke, more like Mattheo who Y/n used to have a huge crush on and also her brothers best friends so she knew she never stood a chance.
"Fine" Theo said ruffling the girls hair before sushing them out.
The walk was okey, quiet for the first few minutes but soon they talked again after Mattheo had cracked a joke about the shirt Y/n was wearing.
"Where you get the shirt" he had asked.
"Oh you know it was a gift"
"Well whoever gave you that had an amazing style" he joked placing his hands in the pocket.
"Its okey"
"Okey?? My style is great" he said faking an offended look as one of his hand fell to his chest.
"Yeah yeah" the girl stoped when she got a notification on her phone looking at it.
"You good?" Mattheo asked her and she nodded.
"Just Pansy, she told Cedric that im dating someone, now she is just sending me random boys to try and get to be my boyfriend since she overheard Cedric thinking it was fake" Y/n explained before typing a no to Pansy when she saw Comrac who was not only aftet her since 3rd year but also a totak creep.
"Do you tho" he asked.
"Do i what" she asked still looking at her phone as she was explaining to Pansy she would rather date Hagrids dog that Comrac.
"Dating anyone"
Y/n couldnt help but laugh half true and half convince herself that her imagination of dating Mattheo was over a long time ago.
"Have you seen the rats that go to this school?"she asked looking at him, suddenly feeling small under Mattheos gaze.
"Y/n?" Aris who had to round the halls to make sure noone is out asked suddenly.
"Hi, Aris" she said " sorry we are out this late its just that"
"Dont excuse yourself its cool, by the way do you maybe want to go"
"She's busy dude" Mattheo said placing a hand over Y/ns shoulder making the boys excuse himself amd leave with no second though.
Mattheo smirked but it droped when Y/n smacked his hand.
"Ow" he said.
"How dare you, you know you cant just"
"Cant what?" He asked steping closer to her.
"Scare away every boy that talks to me, you know you have been doing this since 3rd year with Theodore its so- " she pulled looking for the word when Mattheo leaned down their faces inches apart.
"Its called caring"
"Its called being annoying" she said steping back and going away from him.
"Y/n, c'mon dont be like that" he said callinh out for her.
Y/n raised her hand flashing him her middle finger as she walked away earning a chuckle from the boy.
Y/n pressed on Mattheos number on her phone, very much annoyed and ready to have a screaming match after Daniel, a boy from Ravenclaw, suddenly stood her up yesterday.
She was sad all day, talking with her brother when suddenly he sliped and exposrd his friend.
"I just dont understand" the girl sniffled as she layed in her bed, her neat hair now messy, her masscera running down her cheeks as she sat in her bed drowning her sadnes in icecream while Theodore comforted her.
"Look, if he stood you up, he probably an idiot or at least more of an idiot than you" he said recieving a death glare from Y/n as she agresivly stabed the ice cream with a spoon " okey sorry but i mean-"
"Nope you're right, i shouldnt have trusted him to like me"
"Nope, its code red, you said im right" he said placing a hand on her forhead askinh if she is sicm or anything.
Y/n laughed at her brother her smile making him smile as well.
"There she is"
"Thanks bro"
"Hey hey, im your big bro and you are my lil sis no matter how old we get, or how much of an asshole Matthep can be scaring sweet old Danny"
"What?" Y/n asked feeling her blood boiling at what her brother said.
"Yes, princess" Mattheos voice sounded godly over the phone but Y/n was angry.
"HOW DARE YOU SCARE DANIEL AWAY?" She yelled over the phone.
"Yelling much" he stated " look he plays girls like quiditch, stoped you from making a mistake"
"Yeah well i would have liked to make that mistake my self, you what Mattheo"
"The days of you controling my life are over"
Mattheo smirked only imagening the girl screaming this was while she was under him, nope he cant think like that, that was his best friends sister.
"Yeah, we'll ses about that" he stated before pressing the red button and droping the phone call while Y/n screamed at him.
Two weeks had passed and Y/n has went out of her skin to avoid Mattheo at all cost.
It went from being the last in the class and the first out of it, taking konger routes just to not meet the boy in the hallway.
Matthep had noticed it, tried talking to her during the first week as they had three classes together.
Just whem Y/n got used to her new lifestyle profesor Snape happen.
"And finaly, Y/n and Mattheo will work about love spells, love potions and all things considered in that major"
"Wait what no, he is an asshole" Y/n protested making Mattheo scoff.
"Well this asshole is now your buddy" the profesor said making Y/n slouch in her chair.
After a few hours Y/n was in the library looking for book about their theme.
Y/n was reaching for a book on one of the higher shelfs when she felt someone press against her taking the book she was reaching for as she silently cursed herself when she realised who was behind her as she slowly turned around not looking at him but atempting to leave but she gasped when he grabed the shelf next to her head stoping her in her tracks.
"Hi, Y/n" he said leaning in his hand to see her face better.
"Heyy, Mattheo, how you been?" She said as she tried to make a convo with him to get out of the situation.
"Pretty good, taking the fact that one girl has been avoiding me" he said
"What? I havent been, i mean who would avoid you" the girl said " ill just " she tried moving his hand but to no avail his hand barely moved.
Y/n turned to face the book shelf her forhead leaning on the shelf her eyes closed as she whined out loud earning a sush from the librarian so she yelled out sorry.
Mattheo chuckled a bit placing the book on some other books.
Y/n reached for the book but Matthep grabed her hand.
"You wanna get out?" He asked earning a nod from her.
He felt her breath hitch when he leaned in kissing hed hand before moving closer to her ear he smirked a bit when he saw saw the flush on hed cheeks " then you gotta talk to me" he said before Y/n turned her head a bit meeting his brown eyes cursing herself when she realised she would never or at leasf any time soon be over the 'silly' little crush on Mattheo.
Mattheo smiled at hed as he turned her over.
"Why are you avoiding me princes?" He asked.
Truth be told she didnt know, she thought maybe cause she was mad but now she realised that she avoided him to avoid her feelings.
"I-um well you see- i um was just, we really gotta start this project " she spoke as she tried walking away again.
She knew she had to get out herself as they were in the locked session where she begged to be let in.
"Nuh uh" he said going closer to her as she felt the pool in her underwear.
"Hmm?" He asked
She gasped grabing on to his upper arms when she felt his fingers dance on her inner thigh.
She followed his movements with her eyes as he got on his knees a smirk on his face whike he looks up at her.
She moved her hand to his shoudler on to be stoped as he grabed her hands placing them next to her.
He lifted her skirt a little before pulling her white laced panties down he looked at them amd examened how she looked as he tucked her skirt up by the belt so it wouldnt fall.
Y/n felt small under him as she tried to cover herself ip suddenly feeling shy and insecure.
He sighed and closed his eyes before getting up looking at her.
"Turn around" he said and she did while Mattheo took his tie off placing both her hands behind her back and tying them together before turning her around.
He looked at her, looking at her blouse.
"Can i?" He asked and she nodded " use your words"
"Yes" with that he began undoing her blouse the non stap white bra caught his attention as he pulled her shirt off till her wrists.
Her hands behind her made her chest pop out as he undid her bra it falling on the ground.
He kissed her roughly before pulling back and steping away from her looking at her.
He had imagened this a thousand times.
Her hair neat, hed lipstick speared, going lower her chest bare, nipples perked up as hed hand were tied behind her back.
The bottom of her skirt was tucked at the waistband of her skirt revieling her freshly shaved pussy, as her juices made it glossy, some even driping down her legs as she stood in her black heels that didnt make her even close to be his height.
He steped closer his hands going to her hips as he moved closer to her.
"I may or may not have scared the boys away cause ive been madly in love witj you for the past 3 years" he whispered as she looked up at him.
"Dont say anything, let me show you what no other man can do for you" he said falling to his knees slaping hee thighs lightly for her to open her legs and with no second thought his mouth was on her clit, sucking and licking as his fingeres toyed with hed folds.
After few minutes after he felt her legs shake he got up inserting 2 fingers in her entrance, kissing her roughly as he held her up.
He felt her juices leak in his hands the white mixture of her pleasure on his fingers when he pulled them out, stoping the kiss.
He ran the cum covered fingers over her lips before bringing her to her knees before placing the fingeres into her mouth and ordering her to suck.
The sight was unbearable, her lips around his fingers her doe eyes looking up at him, her legs spread by his feet while shw mindlesly tried do rub against air needing more.
He chucklsd as he looked at her, her drool driping on her chest, her masscera stained, her lipstic as well while she mindlesly sucked on his fingers, her legs spread as she was desprate to get more so she rubed against air.
He pulled his fingers out, pulling her hair back as he squated ths same level as her.
"Did you plan on getting fucked, i mean you look so pathetic, like a whore" he said " but dont worry darling, ill take care of you, you are mine afterall, do you want more" he asked.
She right away said yes, making him chuckle as he lifted her up a little while getting the book he previously had in hand placing it under her cunt.
"Do your work, princess" he didnt have to say it even as the minute she felf something on hed clit she rubbed in no time the book was coated in white fluid as Mattheo kissed her thsi time gently while untying her hands
He pulled her fo him, using his wand to teleport them away to her dorm, him laying her down.
"I love you, my good girl" he said.
"I love you too"
"You wanna go out" a random boy asked her again.
"No, i have a boyfriend" she said loud enough to catch Mattheos attention as she kept an eye contact with him.
"Girll, tell-"
"Dont you see" Pansy cut Astoria off showing that the girl was looking at Mattheo.
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moonit3 · 5 months
How would the date with Max go? I feel like he would plan a study or aquarium date? Maybe a bookshoping one?
a request for my boy max! it’s happy to be wiring for him again and it’s even more happier to see that people request to him (he has a special place in my heart if you couldn’t tell).
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➽ context warnings: yandere themes, nsfw content but its implied, gn! reader, some fluff moments, mentioned previous sex, marks, submissive yandere, dominant! reader.
➽ word count: 559.
➽ synopsis: just a date with max!
➽ yandere! nerd x gn! reader.
➽ a/n: this is a short one compared to my works, sorry for that! but I assure this was made with the same love i always put into my works and i really enjoyed writing this as stated previously, max is one of my favorites and it’s always a pleasure write for him.
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➽ an aquarium is one of the possibilities for a date. having you around mad with him telling all the random facts about the marine life’s behind the glass makes him smile to much, his cheeks going red when you listen to his infinite ramble about the penguins’ natural habitat.
➽ and as expected, being an immense fan of the marine fauna and flora, max will spend the entire (or mostly) day telling you random facts about every single species that you two encounter. it’s charming seeing how he fixes his glasses closer to his eyes before staring speaking about hours and hours worth of knowledge that you won’t never learn by yourself.
➽ he holds your hand all the time, feeling your skin against his makes him feel safer— it’s a reminder that you are real and that he finally managed to become yours after dreaming of it for so long! sometimes he wonders if this is real, maybe it’s a hallucinations that his mind created to comfort him.
➽ and when it’s time to go, he buys you a plushy from the shop, saying that a pretty person like you deserves all cute things to match you. how he managed to speak that without blushing? not even he knows, but it’s worth when you kiss his lips as a repayment for being a good boyfriend.
➽ living closer to the aquarium, he said it would be better to stay at his place for the night as tomorrow there will be no classes. also, that also serves as an excuse to see you wearing his clothes and to share his bed with you. wearing one of oversized shirts and a boxer shorts, max can’t move way his hand away from your body when cuddling with you in bed.
➽ his fingers trancing your skin, making him blush even more when you let him feel your belly and then your chest. under his touch, max watches you relax with his fingers fondle your nipples and noticing how much it’s getting harder.
➽ “c-can we take things further, my angel?” his pants got tighter and he couldn’t help himself, but getting even more closer to let you feel one of his hand going down at your underwear, teasing the tip of your genitalia. heavenly breathing behind your neck when max continue to plead over and over, “please, please…can we do it tonight? i promise to be good for you and you can take the lead as always…”
➽ your lips curves into a smile when max arranges your body to be sitting on his lap, making you feel that he is getting harder. his eyes full of lust with his hands reaching for hips with him already begging again to be able to be intimate with you tonight.
➽ “of course, max.” your fingers raise his shirt, revealing his skin printed of your marks that you’ve left on him from previous days. everyone always questioned him why wearing long sleeves shirts when the weather is warmer most days. “stay still for me, so we can get started it.”
➽ the soft light coming from the lamp at the table is the only source that helps you and max getting through the moment, guiding your body closer to him to make both of you feel comfortable and relaxed in the moment.
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@moonit3 writings
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hyunnieshannie · 1 year
Star Gazers
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WC: 2542
Pairing: Jeongin x afab!Reader
Warnings: soooftttttt, fluff, smut, protected sex, public sex?, fingering, strip tease, just goofy
A/N: the innie brainrot has been too mf real for me lately so yes this is entirely self-indulgent and no i am not sorry about it :)
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“Where are you taking me?” you laugh as he leads you to an unknown location in the woods.
“It’s a surprise!” Jeongin yells as he tugs you along with him, his fingers tightly laced with yours.
“Baby, it’s so dark, can we at least slow down?” You laugh again, your legs starting to ache from running through the woods and dodging any branches that came your way. It was a little after midnight in the middle of the summer. 
You and Jeongin had only been together for a few months but it felt like you’ve known each other for eternity. You fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. You brought a calm to his chaos, and he kept you from being too serious with his silliness. You two worked so well together, you wanted to be with him all the time. Not because you needed to, but because you wanted to be, You wanted to experience everything with him. You didn’t want him to miss out on things with him.
Jeongin had picked you up tonight around 10pm. He took you around the park, you both got some delicious street food, and he drove to a remote spot near the woods. Which wasn’t completely unlike him. He was dragging you to random places all the time, you just went with it because you trusted him.
“Do you want me to carry you? We’re almost there.” Jeongin turns and softly examines you to make sure you aren't hurt.
“If we’re almost there you don’t need to carry me. Now hurry up goober, lead the way.” 
He beams a smile at you and takes your hand, he slows his pace just a bit to make sure you don’t hurt yourself. 
“Ah, we’re almost there! It’s right up there!” Jeongin says happily, you can basically hear the smile on his lips. He leads you just a bit further and into a large grass clearing. It looks like it was a baseball field at one point, turned into a beautiful field, with beautiful flowers scattered here and there. In the center of the field was a huge blanket set up with pillows and more blankets, the soft glow of a lantern the only thing shedding light besides the gorgeous stars that twinkled overhead. You stopped in your tracks to admire the scene above. You had told Jeongin on your first date that you loved the stars and star gazing. You haven’t really mentioned it much since then, but somehow he remembered. You look from the sky to your sweet boy in front of you. His black hair was flowing gently in front of his face from the slight breeze, his glasses perched on his nose, the oversized black t-shirt hanging off his shoulders. God you loved him so much. 
“Don’t cry, little fox.” Jeongin takes a step towards you to wipe your tears from your cheek. He takes your hand and leads you to the blanket in the middle of the field. There was also a cooler there with snacks and drinks for the two of you. He went through so much effort just for you.
“They’re happy tears I promise,” you say as you wipe your eyes and nose. Jeongin sits next to you and examines your features.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers, his lips a breath away from you. You brush a piece of his hair away from his face and look at him with such fondness you could melt his heart.
“So are you,” you say as you peck his nose with a chaste kiss. He laughs at your antics and repeats what you did with him. He shuffles over to the cooler and gets some water for you and dims the light of the lantern. You both lay down, pulling the blankets over your legs and surrounding yourselves in a cocoon of pillows. You look up at the stars, absolutely taken aback by just how many stars you were able to see. As you're looking up, you take Jeongins hand in yours and run your thumb over his fingers. 
“Ah! Jeongin look! A shooting star! Make a wish!” you say as you shake his hand in yours. He hasn’t looked up at the stars once though. He was too busy watching your face light up as you watched the night sky. You had always called him your little star, making him remember the first time you said you loved to watch the stars twinkle and dance across the black sky. Jeongin had been planning this night for so long, wanting everything to be so painfully perfect, just for you, because you deserved it. He knew the shit relationships you were in beforehand, how you were constantly scared of losing him, being insecure if you were being too much or too little for him. He needed to show you just how much you meant to him. How much he loved you.
“My wish already came true though,” he whispers as he watches the stars twinkle in your eyes. You turn your head to look at him, he immediately blushes not realizing that he said that out loud.
“What was your wish?” you ask softly, your faces so close to one another.
“Is it too cliche to say you?” Jeongin laughs as you make a cringe face at him as the words fall from his lips. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“No, no, no, it was cute. It’s just really fucking cringe starboy,” you say as you pull him closer to you, lifting your leg to wrap around his hips and wrapping your arms around his neck, relishing in his scent.
“Oh so I’m cringe for taking my favorite girl on a beautiful date because I love her?” he teases, but immediately stops his hands as the realization sets in on the words that just came out of his mouth. You pull your head out from his neck and stare at him, the blush on his cheeks a bright pink. Neither of you had said those words yet. Those 3 simple words that felt like they held the weight of the world.
“You.. you love me, Innie?”
“Of course I do. I’ve been in love with you since we first started dating. I’ve wanted nothing more than to make you happy, to feel so loved in our relationship. You deserve all the love in the world and I want to give that to you. I want to give you everything. I want to give myself to you. I- I love you. So much.” His eyes begin to water.
“Jeongin..” you hold his face between your hands, wiping his tears away with your thumbs. “I-,” you feel a lump in your throat as you watch his pleading eyes. He’s begging you to say something, anything. You wrap yourself around him again, burying your head in his neck again. “I love you so much, Yang Jeongin.” You kiss his neck and you feel him wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into him, nuzzling into your hair. “You make me so happy, my starboy.”
He pulls away from you enough to see your face. He gives you a huge smile before rushing in and locking his lips with yours. The kiss was soft and gentle, but held so much passion behind it. You adjusted yourself so you were on top of him, straddling his hips. You ground your hips into his as you deepened the kiss. You needed to show him how much you wanted him. His hands made their way to your hips, helping you keep a rhythm as you rubbed yourself on top of him.
You made a particularly harsh rut causing Jeongin to moan into your mouth, his grip on your hips tightening. He quickly sat up and shifted your position so you were laying below him. You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him back to your lips as his fingers made their way to the button and zipper of your shorts. You were so lost in his touch, his tongue dancing with yours in a passionate waltz, breathy moans escaping you as he finally pulled your shorts and underwear off your lower half. He sat up and pulled lube out of a bag causing you to laugh loudly.
“W-what?” he asks, a little shocked that you’re laughing in this sort of situation.
“Well, you came prepared didn’t you.” you laugh as you nod towards the bag.
“Of course I came prepared. Who wouldn’t want to fuck the love of their life in the middle of a field under the stars?” He asks incredulously. As if that was something everyone wanted to do. You couldn’t help but laugh, of course he would act like a total dork at a time like this. He shuffles back over to you, but pauses and stands from his spot. “How bout an impromptu strip tease by yours truly?” He smirks at you and starts singing a sexy song as he turns around, pretending to drop something and stretching down, legs stiff, to showcase his clothed ass to you. He quickly stands back up in mock shock as he wiggles his pointer finger in a no. He runs his fingers along the waistband of his pants, still singing this weird made-up sexy song which is some sort of goofy version of Careless Whisper. He unbuttons his pants and lowers the zipper. He loops his fingers on his pants belt loops and wiggles his hips to free himself from his pants. Once he has them fully off of him, he swings them above his head in a circle as you cheer him on. He looks your way and winks at you, tossing his pants to you. You fangirl for him as you clutch the pants as he continues his weird little sexy dance that you can’t help but laugh at. He gets down on his knees in front of you and slithers his way up your body to your face, stopping his little tune and beaming a bright smile at you. 
“God, I’m in love with you,” you laugh as you push his hair back and take his glasses off for him. If it was possible, his smile grows and he quickly pecks your lips. He grabs the lube from beside you, where he dropped it before he began his strip tease. He plays with your clit and folds, running your wetness up and down your cunt. He squeezes the liquid onto his fingers before slowly pushing them between your folds and into your heat. You gasp at the intrusion, hands grabbing his forearms. Jeongin leans down to capture your lips with his once again, trying to distract you while he works you open. You arch your back as his fingers brush against your sensitive walls and push into that delicate bundle of nerves. “Je-Jeongin, please don’t tease.”
“I don’t wanna hurt you,” he whispers in your ear. “I’m gonna fuck you nice and slow little fox. Gonna make love to you.” He gruffs as he peels himself away from you and grabs the bag of goodies and pulls a condom out of it. He pulls his boxers down to his knees and rolls the condom onto his length, pumping it a few times before crawling back over you. He runs his hand across your cheek as he slowly pushes inside of you, bottoming out. 
You take in a sharp breath as you adjust to his length, opening your eyes to admire the man above you. You can’t help but think about how gorgeous he looks like this, with the stars dazzling above him, creating the most beautiful picturesque scene you’ve ever seen. He slowly rocks his hips into your as you adjust from slight pain to incredible euphoria. This isn’t the first time you two have had sex but this feels so different. It feels so warm, so loving. You take your hands and hold them up in front of your face and take a mental image of him like this. He slows his movements and smiles down at you.
“Did you just take a picture of me?”
“Mhmm,” you respond as you pull him closer to you once again, burying yourself in his neck. “Wanna remember this forever.” You confess.
“Me too, fox, me too,” Jeongin sighs as he picks up his pace again, rocking his hips into your, his lips sucking on your neck and nipping at the skin. You felt complete bliss being embraced by him under such beautiful scenery. It felt like a fairytale. Jeongin began thrusting into you a little harsher, desperate to get you to your high. You clenched down on his cock and heard his breath hitch. “Do that again,” he moans in your ear. You do as you’re told and clench around him again, ripping a melodious groan from him, igniting him to fuck harsher into you. He maneuvered a hand between your bodies and began rubbing your clit, the sensation making you clench down on his cock again.
“I-Innie,” you whine, your nails digging into his clothed back at the tension building up in your belly. He shushes you as he continues to thrust his hips into you at a bruising pace.
“I know, just a little more,” he moans into your neck. He pulls away from your neck and locks his lips with yours again. Your tongues dancing together in a fiery flamengo. You feel his hips start to stutter, his fingers rubbing at your clit in aggressive circles. 
“Gonna-” your words are cut off by your orgasm rushing through you, your back arching off the blanket below you, your nails digging into his back, your cunt pulsing around his cock. He pulls his lips from yours and nuzzles his nose close to your ear, knowing you love the sounds he makes when he cums. He thrusts a few more times before he’s cumming into the condom, high breathy moans escaping his parted lips, the sounds tickling your ears. He ruts into you a few more times to fully work through his orgasm before flopping down on top of you, still buried inside your cunt.
“Fuck. That was so hot.” He laughs into your ear, kissing it quickly.
“I think I had the best view honestly,” you laugh as you rub your hands up and down his back, completely content with his weight on top of you.
“Lies.” He says as he leans up and shifts so he's resting his head on your chest. “I had the best view… of the best girl.” He winks and blows a kiss at you.
You laugh as you lightly slap his back. “I got to see you with a stunning backdrop of the stars. You got to see me.. From the same vantage point you can get at home.”
He shakes his head. “No fox, I got to make love to you and get the most beautiful view of the stars in your eyes.” You can’t help but be shocked. “God that was cringy too wasn’t it.” He laughs awkwardly.
You pull him towards you and plant a kiss on his lips. “Not this time. It was perfect.”
“I love you.”
“Me too, Innie, me too.”
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Tags @chanlixiiee @amalieworldidk @jaebaebaegot7 @maeleelee @iadorethemskz @maenijw @hangin-out-with-the-street-rats @jinniespuppy @painstakingly-juno @lethallyprotected @elizalabs3 @jisungsbff01 @seungminslittlepup
408 notes · View notes
arikazu · 11 days
Stray kids smut week 2 (seungmin) smut skz masterlist
Nerdy boy ♡
♡ Pairing: Inexperienced! Seungmin x Experienced Fem!Reader
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"Nerdy boy!? What are you doing on my bed!?"
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"You were the one who seduced me"
"Seungmin's Unlikely Adventure" follows Seungmin, an inexperienced nerd, who unexpectedly ends up in the bed of Y/N, the school's most popular girl. This accidental encounter sparks a series of humorous and heartfelt events, leading to personal growth, a budding romance, and the breaking of social barriers.
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Warning : nerdy Virgin seungmin, experienced reader, popular girl x Nerdy boy, blow job, fluff, masturbation, protected sex, dom-sub relationship, dominant reader, soft seungmin.
Tag list 💓 : @rockstarkkami @teenagemoonharmony @catlove83 @lac3ybow @resi4skz @rylea08 @yaorzu-blog
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I'm not sure how this happened. 
The morning sky was a soft blue color, the sun’s light casting long shadows across the campus. The air was cold but clear for once that day, and students were scattered about the main buildings, chatting idly as they waited for class to begin. 
Seungmin stood in the middle of the courtyard. 
the first day of his dream school had arrived. It felt surreal—he was here, at his new school.
his round glasses covered most of his face , making him appear younger than he was. His dark brown hair fell into his eyes a bit, and his skin looked pale under the gentle sunlight. He was wearing an oversized red turtleneck sweater. He was wearing jeans. He didn’t have anything else on.
He was a mess.
cool people always look clean. 
But Seungmin was anything but that.
he looked like...
he looked like a homeless person.
the clothes were wrinkled and baggy, but they made his thin body look slim and slender. They were stained with dirt and crumbs, and when he moved his arms the sleeves hung over his hands.
why should he care about other opinions he went up straight to the club table from where he could select the particular club he wanted to be a part of He was determined to find his favorite club and become a member of it.
he saw the baseball club  already having someone sitting there so decided to go talk to them. he approached the boy from the opposite side of the field, standing next to him. “hello there. I’m new here. can we be friends?”
the boy turned around. he was handsome.
he had brown hair, which looked soft and fluffy despite being dirty and worn down
"I am Bang Chan"  he smiled. his voice was soft and slightly high-pitched, almost squeaking. the way it came out sounded almost cute. 
seungmin smiled and sat next to him "it's nice to meet you, i am seungmin" he introduced himself for the first time in life seungmin felt ease as he chan smiled at him in a soft manner and the other guys also introduced themselves.
Felix, minho, hyunjin, changbin, jisung, jeongin these were the guys 4 of them were of seungmin age  group and they all seemed pretty cool
chan and minho seemed friendly enough so far. 
felix was cool and cheerful and very hyperactive, but he was kind. changbin was funny and sarcastic, but never cruel. jisung was a sweetheart. he was shy and quiet, and had a habit of smiling nervously around everyone.
jeongin was a savage one he was the youngest among them  and he didn't know much about anything except music, dance, and cooking, and he was super loud and friendly when he was talking about something he liked. 
"Seungmin you are welcome to our group and we just wnat to tell you that everyone here have their own group with the people they seem to be since we all are from the businesses or music or dance major we formed our own group we would be happy if you join our group"  felix said enthusiastically.
seungmin thought about it for a moment. he didnt really care what groups he joined, as long as the club members were great people then maybe he would stay in it too
"i'll consider joining your group" seungmin answered, smiling as he spoke
changbin and felix both grinned happily.
 "great!" felix said.
Seung-min looked around and saw different people hanging out with their group members. some of them were dressed in their uniforms while others wore casual clothes. he saw kids playing around, and people going inside the building
"that is the group of rich people they are all classy and expensive people"  Minho whispered to Seung-min, pointing towards a group walking past
Chan turned to them. 
"that one is the group of bookworms," han said, pointing to another group of four that were all holding books and whispering excitedly to eachother. seungmin wondered if he was supposed to be reading or listening to some music.
"reading is good tho" hyunjin mumbled  to himself.
"those are the boys who are the party organizers mostly the rich hot popular guys" jeongin  said, laughing a little "they are the ones we have to work with a lot because the school is hosting this year's school festival which takes place on the third of friday every year and it is a huge event we all have to attend so if anyone needs any advice for how to make it easier to get to a certain level they better come to us"
"only jeongin and felix have to work with them oh and also count chan since they are the ones who is close to Jackson and his group" Minho said 
"Jackson is a dickhead."  felix snorted, rolling his eyes "he's a fucking jerk and is always trying to get me to hang out with his gang
jisung shushed them. the bell rang indicating that classes started. jisung looked at seungmin apologetically but the smaller boy waved him off. he couldn't believe what just happened.
"we will see you at the bench after the class!" changbin waved and seungmin tried to find the way to his class.
he felt lost as he could not find the  way. he looked up as he heard voices 
they were coming from one of the classrooms nearby. he walked towards it.
there was a group of boys that felix was talking about Jackson  and his group were all gathered around the window. a small gasp escaped him when he looked at the room, seeing the entire club there. 
there was an older boy with messy black hair and an attractive face, and a pretty girl. she was wearing a beautiful white dress, her long blonde hair falling over her shoulders gracefully.
"who are you 4 eyes!?" a high pitched voice  interrupted him, snapping him out of his trance. the blonde girl was standing right behind him
"uh...” seungmin looked at them trying to say something.
"Uh what? come on answer me?"  she was getting irritated. he didn’t respond, looking at the floor. he didn’t realize that they were glaring daggers at him until he looked at them and they were still glaring daggers at him. they were obviously mad
she stepped closer and placed her hand over seungmins shoulder, "you’re really an idiot aren't you?" 
"come on yumi! leave the poor mama boy alone he must be missing his mom!" Bambam another boy  said, stepping forward and pulling yumi back "you shouldn't be picking fights with strangers in public"
she scoffed, pulling her arm away from Bambam's grasp and turning around  "oh, well I'm sorry for wasting my breath"
"it's ok" seungmin said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
"we are your seniors 4 eyes give us some respect" yumi 
"Yes I saved you from her sorry ass come on call me sir" Bambam came closer to  him and put an arm around his shoulder, smirking victoriously seungmin gulped 
, staring at the ground once again
"yeah sure... sir..." he muttered.
"ahh so you guys are again bullying freshman " a playful voice  said from behind the two boys and the group turned to look 
 behind them.
a girl with h/c hair stood there her eyes held a confident , teasing glint and she seemed to be amused by whatever she'd heard.
she was wearing an expensive dress with a slit up the left leg and a skirt that covered her hips perfectly she smelled like lavender she walked towards bambam  and the others, "don't you know that seniors don't bully freshmen?" she asked sweetly, giving a sly smirk. she took a step closer
yumi scoffed "y/n You are ruining the fun" 
"no, im just making sure none of the freshmen are bullied" she replied, a small smile forming on her lips "what is your name?"
"oh um, my name is seungmin" he smiled at her 
"well seungmin" she smiled and winked. “my names y/n and that's bambam and yumi and that tall one is jinyoung" 
 she pointed at the other boys and winked.
seungmin breath was heavy he has never met  someone who was that charming and so elegant
"so nerdy boy get out of here before my friends again start the bullying and i don't wish to save a mama boy once again" 
she laughed and the rest of the boys followed  chuckling as they did
and seungmin watched as they left, not even sparing him one last glance.
seungmin felt an aura changed inside her she sounded dominant, calm and collected  and yet, she still managed to show the complete opposite of that  and made seungmin wonder if she was even human or an alien.
the class was over seungmin was sitting in the cafe Area with his group 
 of friends.  Felix and jisung kept sending glances at him every five seconds, as if wanting to ask why he hadn't said anything yet or whether he would talk more about what had just occurred between him and those 3 students earlier today
"I will beat bambam for you!" changbin  shouted suddenly, throwing his fist towards the table aggressively as the two of them sat down next to seungmin jeongin nodded in between as he agreed with changbin words.
"hey hey stop that, you two are gonna break the table" seungmin scolded lightly.
"you are our friend we would help you!" chan  exclaimed happily.
"it's cool I can handle myself just let them go already" seungmin said softly to them.
"I just want to know about y/n " 
seungmin said and all the boys looked at him in shock .
"...why?" felix  questioned hesitantly.
"i don't know, she just seems intriguing and nice.. " he shrugged slightly, he didn't really mind talking about y/n. he knew he was being obvious about everything he was feeling.
"she is a bad news" minho said as he grabbed the bottle of water.
"bad news?" 
"Yes she shares an art class with Hyun-jin he will tell you more about her" 
 Felix stated, shaking his head.
"right so what do you think about her so far?" Seung-min asked, looking at everyone, waiting for answers.
Jeong sighed, "she is kind of scary"
"she is hot-headed and she hides her sarcasm behind her smile Seung-min she is the popular girl in our school after Sumi she is part of the black dragdragonss the group made up of Jinyoung, bambam, yumi,, and y/n they are the school's second most popular kids"  chan explained
"but she isn't evil! she is quite smart and kind" Jisung defended
"...okay then what about you Seung-min?" chan asked, ignoring his friend
"I guess" seungmin said "how am I supposed to know? She is so mysterious I dont know how to approach her "
"oh trust me" minho spoke in between "dude she is out of your league" 
"you guys!!" felix groaned.
"what?! She is!" chan argued.
"okay lets talk about something else... please" hyunjin mumbled.
"Jackson invited us to a party" jisung said changing the topic 
"really?!" seungmin asked.
"Yes its on this Saturday night we all can go together seungmin it would be your first party you would enjoy!"  changbin smiled excitedly and jisung nodded his head in approval "and maybe youll make some new friends!"
chan added on "plus there's this girl named ______ that is super cute!"
"yes!!! She is so cute!! We have been texting each other for almost two months now!" jisung exclaimed.
"wait wait wait! when did you met her?"chan asked.
"I met in the bar where I sing songs"  jisung replied, smiling.
chan nodded approving of the information.
"jisung is such a romantic!!!" Felix said dramatically leaning into jisungs side, hugging his arm tightly
"he is the only romance in our friendship" jeongin said rolling his eyes.
"okay now you're exaggerating" jisung said.
"you know that _________ is my girlfriend sister right?" chan asked  jisung, looking at him dead in the eyes. jisung froze, the color fading from his face and his eyes widening slowly. he opened and closed his mouth several times, trying to find the right words to say but nothing came out of it, he gave out a shaky laugh
"wh.. what? no way" he mumbled weakly.
"you all have girlfriends?" seungmin asked.
changbin smiled "well only chan, hyunjin and now han" 
hyunjin smile faded " me and her are not together you dummy " he said and too, his food tray leaving the table everyone looked at him in shock.
"hyunjin went to jail because of helping a girl in a fugitive from her wedding they used to be in love but it's feels like something must have happened between them" 
Felix explained seungmin nodded in understanding "hyunjin has redeemed himself he is clean now but he past lover is a sensitive topic for him " 
seungmin looked around and raised his eyebrow words could not come out of his mouth "oh" 
"I have to pick up leah from her preschool I will see you guys tomorrow "chan left the table .
the three remaining boys sat silently for a moment, none knowing what to say.
"chan can I join you I want to see ________ she must be at your girlfriend house?" jisung asked .
"uh yeah sure come on " 
changbin was texting someone while minho went away for his dance practice only felix , seungmin and jeongin were eating food together now "chan has a little sister?" seungmin asked.
"are you talking about Leah?" jeongin asked.
"ahh yes" 
"that's chan daughter"  felix answered, chewing on his chips.
"daughter isn't he young to have a daughter?"  he asked curiously.
"Leah is his girlfriend daughter which makes her his   step daughter  or something like that" felix replied.
"I'm guessing Chan's girlfriend is a bit older than Chan then?" Seung-min asked.
"no she is younger than him chan's girlfriend was a teenage mother they both were neighbors and somehow they clicked well and started dating Leah's father is even barely there for her so Chan matched well with Leah and they started forming a father and daughter bond which made _____ heart melt and they got together they have been dating for 2 years now,"  felix said smiling brightly. 
"wow they sound like a cute couple" Seungmin answered.
"they are very much happy and love each other, and the best thing is that I believe Chan and _____ are finally together" Jeongin added with a smirk.
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Seungmin sat with Felix and Jeongin as some time passed by the day goes by they were busy with their work in the bustling school café, the warm afternoon sunlight streaming through the large windows. The air was filled with the sounds of laughter, the clatter of trays, and the hum of excited chatter. They were engrossed in a lively discussion about the latest soccer match, their animated voices blending into the background noise.
Seungmin was in the middle of recounting a particularly thrilling goal when a sudden shift in the atmosphere made him pause. Across the room, Y/N, the popular girl as others like to quote her in that way who always seemed to have an effortless glow about her, was making her way through the café with her close-knit group of friends. Her presence commanded attention; she walked with an air of confidence that made heads turn.
As they paused their conversation, others turned their attention to the untouchable group. Bambam, with a mischievous look on his face, carried a food tray in his hands. Meanwhile, Jinyoung, known for his calm demeanor, was wearing a pair of expensive headphones, lost in the music of his favorite artists. Yumi, the shorter one, burst into giggles at a joke that Bambam had just told her.
“Look its y/n the untouchable butterfly ‘
‘Bambam the rich senior!” 
SSeungmin found himself amidst a group of people casually chatting about the popular nicknames of the group. However, his attention was drawn to Y/N. She seemed enigmatic to him, oscillating between defending Seungmin from her friends' advances and then laughing and sharing food with them just moments later.
"Who are you, Y/N?" Seungmin muttered under his breath, his gaze piercing as he yearned to unravel the mystery that she seemed to embody.
She ran her fingers through her hair, gliding gracefully as she walked. Her scent lingered in the air, and her every thought seemed to captivate him. It felt like the entire universe was conspiring to mesmerize him. On his first day of school, he found everything falling into place effortlessly—friends, foes, and perhaps even a girl who piqued his interest for the very first time.
As she made her way past a rowdy group of boys, one of them suddenly lunged at her from behind, attempting to grab her. Without a moment's hesitation, Y/N's entire demeanor shifted. With a steely look in her eyes, she swiftly pivoted and delivered a sharp, well-aimed kick to the guy's shin, causing him to reel back with a sharp cry of pain.
The bustling café fell into a sudden, eerie hush as every conversation came to an abrupt halt. Utensils paused in mid-air, all eyes trained on the unexpected spectacle unfolding before them. Even Seungmin and his friends were transfixed, their expressions a mix of astonishment and respect, much like the rest of the bewildered onlookers. Y/N's fierce countenance softened slightly as she turned back to her friends, who were frozen in a mix of shock and admiration.
In a composed and steady voice, Y/N simply said, "Let's go," and her friends quickly collected themselves, nodding in agreement. They strode forward as if nothing out of the ordinary had transpired, holding their heads high, leaving behind a sea of whispers and murmurs.
Gradually, the café's hum of conversation resumed, but the incident remained the sole topic of discussion. Seungmin and his friends exchanged wide-eyed glances, clearly impressed and somewhat awed by the unexpected display of courage and quick thinking they had just witnessed.
“Did you see that?” Felix whispered, still in disbelief.
Seungmin nodded, his mind replaying the scene.
 “Yeah, she’s not just popular for her looks and charm. She’s got guts.” jeongin added 
His friends nodded in agreement, a newfound respect for Y/N settling in. As Seungmin watched her walk away, he couldn’t help but feel a mix of admiration and curiosity. Today had revealed a new side of Y/N, one that everyone would remember for a long time.
Remember the following text: 
"Have you heard? She totally destroyed Jackson when he tried to hit on her. I also heard she punched Jihoon while he was eavesdropping on her conversation. She's made quite an impression on the boys at our school. Some of them are even afraid of her."
One of the girls expressed her disbelief, "How full of herself can she be? What does she think of herself?"
Sunghoon overheard some students murmuring as he casually sipped his coffee, doing his best to conceal any reaction. Jeongin gave a sly smirk as he signaled to Seungmin, attempting to get the older male's attention.
"Did you see how amazing y/n Sunbaenim is? And you thought about approaching her," he remarked with a dry chuckle, "She's way out of your league, dude!"
Seungmin glanced at the younger male. It wasn't entirely incorrect. How could he even initiate a conversation with her? She never even glanced in his direction. To him, she seemed untouchable, like a butterfly surrounded by tall, formidable guys like Bambam and Jin-young. Surely, she must be dating one of them.
It's not like he has a genuine interest in her. He simply wants to thank her for intervening when she saved him from his friends.
"I'm sorry, Seung-min. Jeongin is right. She is out of our league. She won't even look at us, and we will end up like that guy whom she kicked," Felix added.
Getting kicked by Y/N was the last thing that Seungmin wanted.
Y/N sat in the empty classroom, her shoulders hunched and her eyes red and puffy from crying. She stared down at her open textbook, the words blurring as tears welled up once more. The teacher's harsh scolding still echoed in her mind, each word a painful reminder of her recent poor grades. Her parents' disappointment loomed over her, making her feel even more insecure and defeated.
Seungmin had stayed behind to ask the teacher a question about the homework. As he walked towards the front of the room, he noticed Y/N sitting alone, her face buried in her hands. His heart ached at the sight of her distress. He hesitated for a moment, unsure if she wanted company, but then he decided to approach her.
"Hey, Y/N," he said softly, taking a seat beside her. "Are you okay?"
Y/N sniffled and quickly wiped her eyes, trying to compose herself. "No, not really," she admitted, her voice breaking. "I got scolded for my grades again. My parents are going to be so disappointed. They don’t tolerate failure, and I feel like I’m letting them down."
TThe first time Y/N opened up about her parents was during a vulnerable moment. Despite her efforts to maintain a facade of strength and charisma, deep down she felt like a child who had lost her innocence due to the burdens imposed by her controlling parents. She confided in a stranger, unable to share this truth even with her closest friends. As the sole heiress to her family's wealth, she struggled to break free from the expectations and pressures placed upon her at school.
Her food, her friends, her studies, her clothes all were decided by her parents who were barely home for her.
Seungmin frowned, feeling a surge of empathy. He knew how much pressure Y/N was under, and he had seen how hard she worked. "I’m really sorry to hear that," he said gently. "It must be really tough dealing with all of that."
Y/N nodded, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. "It is. I try so hard, but it never seems to be enough. I don’t know what to do anymore."
Seungmin reached out and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Hey, listen. You’re not alone in this. How about I help you study for the upcoming test? We can work on it together. I’m pretty good at this stuff, and I think it might help."
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes filled with a mix of surprise and hope. "You’d do that for me?"
"Of course," Seungmin replied with a warm smile. "We’re friends, right? And friends help each other out. We can meet up after school and go over everything. You’ll see, it’ll make a big difference."
“We are friends?” y/n asked him as she wiped the tears from her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt and Seungmin gave her a confused look.
“I mean you saved me and I want to pay back to you back for that day”
A small smile tugged at the corners of Y/N’s lips, the first sign of relief she’d felt all day. "Thank you,  That means a lot."
"No problem," he said, giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze. "We’ll get through this together. And don’t worry, you’re not a failure. You’re just going through a tough time, but we’ll turn it around."
Y/N nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "You think I can do it?"
"I know you can," Seungmin said confidently. "We’ll make a plan and tackle it step by step. You’ll see the improvement in no time."
As they packed up their things and left the classroom together, Y/N felt a little lighter. The burden of her parents' expectations still weighed heavily on her, but with Seungmin’s support, she felt a glimmer of hope that she could overcome her insecurities and improve her grades. They agreed to meet at the library after school, and as they walked down the hallway, Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for Seungmin's kindness and support. She wasn’t alone in her struggles anymore, and that made all the difference.
As they made their way to the ice cream machine, y/n turned to him and asked, "What was your name again?" After inserting a coin and punching in her order for a scoop of luscious strawberry ice cream, she listened intently as he responded, "It's Seungmin." Intrigued, she watched as he selected a scoop of refreshing mint chocolate for himself. Catching her curious gaze, Seungmin met her eyes and inquired, "What?" 
Noticing his choice of ice cream, y/n raised an eyebrow and asked, "What ice cream is this?" 
To her surprise, Seungmin exclaimed, "What, no way! You've never had choco mint?" 
Admitting to her lack of experience with that particular flavor, y/n watched as Seungmin hesitated before pushing his ice cream towards her with a faint blush appearing on his cheeks. "Here... take a bite," he offered.
As she accepted the ice cream he offered, a mischievous grin spread across her face. With a gentle lick, she savored the cool treat, savoring the moment.As she accepted the ice cream he offered, a mischievous grin spread across her face. With a gentle lick, she savored the cool treat, savoring the moment.
the movie was playing as the dim lights fall onto seungmin and y/n who were sitting closely  against each other and sharing blankets and pillows
"can i borrow that blanket" seungmin whispered quietly as he pointed at the blanket on the other side of the couch.
y/n giggled at the cuteness "sure whatever"
seungmin noticed y/n lips  curling up into a beautiful smile, and his heart swelled at the sight.
seungmin carefully lifted his body and sat up from the sofa, pulling the blanket towards him.
after making sure there was enough space for him to sit seungmin settled himself with his back resting on the arm of the sofa, the blanket draped over him.
the thunder roll  filled the room and seungmin could hear the rain pounding outside but the weather inside the apartment didn't seem to matter.
"you can spend the night in here it's raining hard" 
y/n parents were not home that night they were out of station for some wor, seungmin came to teach her businesses studies and after a 2 hour study session they ended up watching a movie  together
"thanks for letting me stay tonight it means a lot to me" seungmin smiled gently at y/n as she put the blanket on her shoulder.
30 minutes passed by there snacks bucket was getting empty y/n eyes were getting drift  off as the movies was pretty boring but she couldn't complain the time was passing quickly and the storm outside was calming her down.
she slowly got up and removed her skirt seungmin looked at her in shock , not knowing she was wearing undergarments underneath
he looked away, cheeks red and hands holding tight on the blanket.
"what are you doing!? "he shrieked.
"I am wearing shorts underneath skirt is pretty uncomfortable to sleep in"  y/n told him "do u mind if i sleep beside you tonight?"
"i don't mind but what does it mean if you sleep next to me!?" seungmin asked confused.
"it means that I wanna snuggle you and you wanna snuggle with me it means we are going to cuddle" y/n answered him in a sarcastic manner.
"oh I see are we gonna cuddle?"he asked in a dumbfounded manner.
"no you idiot I will just lay beside you because I don't wanna sleep alone in this thunder" 
"you really need to stop with your sarcasm " he chuckled.
Y/n shrugged her shoulders and laid back against the sofa. seungmin watched in awe as her hair fell onto her face and her chest rose up and down.
his eyes widened at how breathtaking she was he thought to himself "she is beautiful even when she is trying to sleep" 
y/n felt her heart  beat fast and she turned slightly facing him.
they locked eyes for a few moments before seungmin averted his eyes and began rubbing his neck nervously.
as soon as they locked gazes again seungmin realised his mistake of staring directly at y/n and blushed furiously.
"you okay?"
"yeah" seungmin replied.
their lips were inches away  from each other. he took the chance to take a deep breath inhaling and exhaling the sweet scent of her shampoo and after a minute she placed her lips softly against his cheek, kissing him softly but deeply before closing the gap between their lips.
seungmin pulled her closer as he kissed her back, she ran her hands through his hairs caressing him as she did.
 she had never kissed someone with passion as if her life depended on it and she loved every moment of it, feeling the tingles of electricity run through her spine and her stomach fluttered.
as they continued to kiss he let go of the blanket and wrapped one of his arms around her waist the other hand was resting on her leg, stroking it slightly.
"you are a good kisser for someone who kissed for the first time" y/n said as she pulled away for a little.
"how ...... did you know it was my first kiss"  he asked, a blush creeping up on his neck, ears and cheeks.
"i am always curious about people I meet and especially when they are a complete stranger and Minnie you are a nerd baby I know everything about you" she teased and let her tongue slip  out licking her bottom lip seductively.
seungmin looked at her as if he was hypnotized and grabbed her chin, his 
finger tips grazing her lower lip. 
"you're such a tease" he said as he smirked and pecked her lips again 
"but you're a good kisser so what's the harm"  she teased once again.
"come on eat me seungmin I am feeling wet" y/n said in a direct, anger as she felt her shorts  sticking tightly around her thighs.
"eat you out?"seungmin eyebrows furrowed slightly "I am not a cannibal y/n" 
her eyes rolls up at his words "you nerd I feel wet because of my hornyass since I didn't fucked someone for 3 months now come on eat my pussy or else I will ask someone else do it" 
"...you've been craving sex for three months?"
seungmin let out a deep chuckle and leaned forward to kiss y/n "fine then I will satisfy your wish"
he grabbed her thighs "it's my first time doing it" he said  softly, a blush creeping up on his cheeks and a small smile appearing on his face.
"it's fine nerdy boy just finger me or lick me" she commanded.
seungmin removed her shorts  and placed them on the floor and positioned himself behind y/n and began massaging her entrance slowly, taking a deep breath before inserting his index finger into her moist pussy.
"oh god yes yes yes that's so good!" she moaned out.
once he inserted three fingers inside her his movements became more rapid causing her to release her moan repeatedly.
seungmin kept his movements slow as he felt her tightening around his fingers, releasing all of the tension she had built up inside of her.
after awhile y/n began moaning loudly
 "feels so good ohhhh baby fuck! that feels so good~ mmfhhmmfhhhhh!" she moaned.
once he felt her walls tighten even further on his fingers he moved his fingers faster still increasing speed.
seungmin's thrusts grew faster, his strokes becoming harsher as y/n gripped his shoulder blades almost biting it.
"Seungmin!" she screamed out in pure ecstasy as her climax finally hit her.
seungmin fingers slipped out of y/ns slick pussy as he let out a low groan, falling back on the bed completely spent. 
"damn i am already exhausted" he muttered.
"oh no no you have to eat me out too this was the starter only" 
 y/n said.
"...okay" seungmin replied, still shocked about her orgasm but also excited.
"minnie stop teasing please i beg of you." you pleaded softly as he moved his hand between your legs "just fuck me please-" he groaned.
 his teeth nipping hard on your sensitive spot making you whimper and writhe under his touch. "baby i want to taste you so bad." he murmured. he ran his fingers over your entrance teasingly. "but i need to taste you first." he added, licking his lips as he eyed your clit.
minnie's tongue dipped in and licked your wet folds in one fluid movement. he teased you gently before licking his way up to your core and pinching the flesh between his thumb and index finger. he began flicking his middle finger in and out of you, making you moan in pleasure.
 he bit your breast harshly, causing you to cry out loud.  you felt your orgasm starting to build and you gripped onto his shoulders tightly.
minnie continued his torture for a few moments longer before sucking on your clit. you were about to reach the peak of your orgasm when his hand stopped moving. "ahhhh shit!"
 you gasped as pain coursed through your insides making your whole body ache with every passing second of your release.
minnie watched you as you tried to catch your breath. he chuckled darkly before he placed small kisses along your belly button. He was now kneeling beside your naked body with his eyes glued to your chest.
 "this feels fucking amazing" he groaned as he rubbed his nose into your stomach. he placed light kiss after kiss to your belly button making your knees wobble and shake.  
minnie looked up at your face, his gaze filled with lust. "that is definitely a lot easier for me to say then i thought it would be."
However, he found that he couldn't take his hands away from the girl in front of him. Her body felt warm, soft and comfortable as if he hadn't touched someone before.
His member poking through his pants became more sensitive and he tried to hold it back but it kept increasing its pace.
His mind was blank, his thoughts went nowhere and he didn't understand anything happening around him.
Suddenly, she pulled away from him and got off the bed.
He followed her to the bathroom.
"I will take care of your erection" she said and tired her hair back she kneeled in front of him .
He could see her eyes staring into his own as she put both her hands around the base of his member.
He clenched his teeth together and his eyes became darker. He felt his breathing become irregular as he watched her touching his member in such a slow way.
He could clearly see the little drops of sweat forming on her forehead as she worked her fingers slowly upwards, caressing each part of his member, making every nerve in his body become completely alive and tense.
Her face was flushed red and she kept saying things but he couldn't make out what she was trying to tell him.
"Do you want me to suck it?" she asked.
His body shook violently as he felt the wetness of her saliva running down his member.
"Yes..." he breathed in between gritted teeth.
He could feel his member throbbing, getting harder and harder. He felt like his sanity was slipping away but his body wouldn't listen to him.
She smiled and kissed his member softly before sucking it hard. The pain only lasted a few seconds until he felt himself being lifted up off the ground causing him to moan loudly in pleasure.
"Fuck..!" He moaned. "Faster... please!" He begged.
She smiled wider.
And then the pain was gone.
He could feel the blood pumping through his veins as the moisture that was dripping from his member stopped.
"Done" she said and stood up wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
He was unable to utter a single word. Everything he was able to do was concentrate on staying conscious.
"miss popular  I didn't knew you could" he was at the loss of words he could not understand how she gave him a whole fucking blowjob.
"it will be our little secret hmm" She winked at him and walked towards the door.
"Wait wait wait!" he blurted out, stopping her from leaving his room.
She turned her head to look at him.
"What?" She asked.
"I don't have any condoms... I-"
She rolled her eyes and sighed "It doesn't matter I was just trying to calm your dick down "
Days turned into weeks, and Y/N and Seungmin settled into a routine of studying together after school. They met in the library every day, spreading their books and notes across a quiet corner table. As they worked through math problems and history notes, a bond began to form between them. Seungmin's patient explanations and encouraging words helped Y/N gain confidence in her abilities, and she found herself looking forward to their study sessions.
Y/N's friends started to notice a change in her. She seemed happier, more relaxed, and even a little more confident. During lunch breaks, they would ask her what was going on.
"Y/N, you seem different lately," one of her friends said one day, curiosity evident in her voice. "Is something going on?"
Y/N smiled and shrugged, trying to downplay the situation. "Nothing much. Just trying to focus more on my studies."
Another friend leaned in, not convinced. "Come on, there has to be more to it than that. You can tell us."
Y/N felt a bit of guilt for not sharing everything with her friends, but she wasn’t ready to talk about her study sessions with Seungmin just yet. "Really, it’s nothing major. Just some extra studying."
Her friends exchanged glances but didn’t press further, respecting her privacy.
As the weeks passed, Y/N's hard work began to pay off. With Seungmin’s help, she started to understand the material better and felt more prepared for her exams. They would quiz each other, work through difficult problems, and even take short breaks to chat about their interests and hobbies, growing closer with each session.
Finally, the day of the big exam arrived. Y/N felt a mix of nerves and excitement as she sat down at her desk. She took a deep breath and remembered Seungmin’s encouraging words. "You’ve got this," he had said the night before, giving her a reassuring smile.
When the results were posted a week later, Y/N’s heart raced as she scanned the list. A wide smile spread across her face as she saw her score – she had done well, much better than she had dared to hope. She couldn’t wait to tell Seungmin.
She found him in their usual spot in the library, a grin lighting up her face. "I did it, Seungmin! I scored really well on the exam!"
Seungmin looked up from his book, his face breaking into a proud smile. "I knew you could do it, Y/N. You worked so hard. I’m really proud of you."
Tears of happiness welled up in Y/N’s eyes as she hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much, Seungmin. I couldn’t have done it without you."
As they pulled apart, Seungmin shook his head. "You had it in you all along. I just helped you see it."
The school bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Students flooded the hallways, chatting and laughing as they headed to their lockers or exited the building. Y/N walked with a group of friends, but her eyes kept darting around, searching for someone. She spotted Seungmin near his locker, but he wasn't alone. Sumi, the most popular girl in school, stood close to him, giggling at something he said. Y/N's stomach churned with an unfamiliar feeling.
"Hey, you okay? You seem a bit out of it," one of her friends asked, nudging her.
Forcing a smile, Y/N replied, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired, I guess."
Her eyes lingered on Seungmin and Sumi. She remembered how Seungmin had helped Sumi in class last week when she was struggling with a project. It was a simple gesture, but since then, Sumi had been hanging around him more and more. Now, Y/N watched as Sumi leaned in closer, touching Seungmin's arm lightly as she laughed.
"You’re so funny, Seungmin! I can’t believe I never noticed before," Sumi said, her laughter ringing out.
Seungmin smiled, "Well, I guess I just needed to show my sense of humor more."
Sumi glanced over at Y/N and gave her a smug smile, as if she knew exactly how Y/N felt. Seungmin didn’t notice, too focused on Sumi's attention.
"Seriously, are you sure you're okay? You keep looking over there," Y/N’s friend asked again.
"It's nothing. Just... never mind," Y/N sighed.
Her friend followed her gaze and raised an eyebrow when she saw Seungmin and Sumi together. "Oh. I see. It’s Seungmin and Sumi, huh?"
"It’s not what you think. They’re just talking," Y/N said defensively.
"Right. Just talking," her friend replied skeptically.
Y/N couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. Seungmin and she had been friends for a long time, but lately, it seemed like he was spending all his time with Sumi. She couldn't shake the feeling that Sumi's interest in Seungmin was more than just friendly.
Later, in the courtyard, Y/N found herself walking alone, deep in thought. She was pulled from her reverie by the sound of footsteps behind her. Turning around, she saw Seungmin approaching, a bright smile on his face.
"Hey, Y/N! Been looking for you. How was your day?" he asked.
"It was good. You?" she replied, forcing a smile.
"Great! Sumi and I were talking about the project we worked on together. She’s actually really nice once you get to know her," he said enthusiastically.
Y/N's heart sank a little. She tried to hide her feelings, but it was hard. She forced herself to smile and nod. "That’s great, Seungmin. I’m glad you’re getting along with her."
Seungmin didn’t notice the strain in her voice. He continued talking about Sumi, oblivious to Y/N’s growing discomfort. "Yeah, and she invited me to this party she's throwing this weekend. I think it’s going to be really fun. You should come too!"
"Maybe. I’ll see if I’m free," she said, trying to sound enthusiastic.
Seungmin’s phone buzzed. He checked it and smiled. "Oh, Sumi just texted. She wants to meet up to go over some more project ideas. I gotta go, but I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?"
"Yeah, see you tomorrow," Y/N nodded.
Seungmin waved and rushed off, leaving Y/N standing alone. She watched him go, feeling a mix of sadness and jealousy. She couldn’t help but wonder if things would ever go back to the way they were before Sumi started showing interest in Seungmin.
"Hey, what’s up? You look like you’ve seen a ghost," her friend said, walking up to her.
"It’s just... Seungmin. I feel like I’m losing him," Y/N sighed.
"Hey, if he’s really your friend, he won’t let someone like Sumi come between you two. Give it some time. He’ll realize what he’s missing," her friend said comfortingly.
Y/N nodded, trying to hold
**Scene: Y/N's Childhood Memories**
Y/N's childhood was a tapestry woven with threads of hardship and neglect. From a young age, she learned that the world could be a cold and unforgiving place, especially within the walls of her own home.
Her parents, distant and preoccupied with their own troubles, seemed to barely notice her existence. Their harsh words and cold stares were a constant in her life, creating an environment where love and affection were foreign concepts. Her mother, a woman worn down by her own disappointments and frustrations, often took out her anger on Y/N. The slightest mistake would result in a barrage of criticism, leaving Y/N feeling worthless and unloved.
Her father was no better. A man of few words, his silence was more terrifying than her mother's outbursts. When he did speak, his words were laced with disdain, as if Y/N's very presence was a burden. He spent most of his time away, finding solace in work or at the bottom of a bottle, leaving Y/N to fend for herself.
The house was always in disarray, mirroring the chaos of their family life. Dirty dishes piled up in the sink, and clutter filled every corner. Y/N learned to navigate through the mess, both physical and emotional, with a resilience that belied her age. She found solace in small, hidden places—underneath her bed with a flashlight and a book, or in the attic where she could pretend she was in a different world.
School was no refuge either. While other children were picked up by their parents and greeted with hugs, Y/N walked home alone, her footsteps echoing in the empty streets. She envied the kids who had lunchboxes packed with care, while she often had to scrounge for food or rely on the charity of classmates who shared their meals with her.
Despite the lack of support and love at home, Y/N discovered an inner strength that kept her going. She found comfort in her imagination, creating stories and worlds where she was the hero, loved and admired by all. Books became her escape, their pages offering adventures and friendships that she craved in real life.
On particularly bad days, when the shouting and tension at home became unbearable, Y/N would retreat to a nearby park. There, under the shade of an old oak tree, she would sit for hours, watching other families play and laugh. She dreamed of a day when she could leave the toxicity behind and create a life filled with warmth and kindness.
But the scars of her childhood remained, hidden beneath the surface. Trust was hard to come by, and she struggled to believe in her own worth. The neglect and harsh treatment she endured shaped her into someone who was fiercely independent, but also deeply afraid of letting others in.
As she grew older, Y/N vowed to break the cycle. She worked hard in school, determined to carve out a future for herself that was different from her past. She surrounded herself with friends who became her chosen family, finding in them the love and support she had been denied.
Yet, the shadows of her childhood lingered, sometimes surfacing in moments of doubt and insecurity. The harsh words of her parents still echoed in her mind, a reminder of the resilience she had built but also of the wounds that had never fully healed.
As Y/N was walking home one evening, she couldn't help but feel the absence of Seungmin, who was spending time with Sumi. Despite being surrounded by Bambam and other friends, she still felt a sense of emptiness without Seungmin.
Sumi's cutting words sent a shiver down Y/N's spine. "Do you really think that Seungmin would like you?" Sumi asked with a smirk on her face.
Y/N's heart raced as she realized the seriousness of the situation. "What do you mean?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.
Sumi continued, "I will tell your parents about Seungmin. Do you think they will accept him, considering he doesn't meet your family's standards?"
Y/N's grip tightened on Sumi's hand, pleading with her without saying a word.
Sumi's threat hung heavy in the air. "Trust me, I will. They will ruin Seungmin's life like they did with Juho."
The fear in Y/N's eyes was palpable. She couldn't bear the thought of her parents ruining Seungmin's life as they had done with her ex-lover. "What do you want me to do?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Stay away from Seungmin," Sumi demanded with a cold determination.
Meanwhile, the school was abuzz with... excitement about the upcoming party on Saturday. It seemed like everyone was talking about it, making plans, and eagerly anticipating the event. Seungmin had been contemplating asking Y/N to accompany him for days. Their study sessions had brought them closer, and he felt a genuine connection with her. He was hopeful that she felt the same way.
During their usual study session in the library, Seungmin gathered all his courage to ask her. Taking a deep breath, he looked up from his notes and began, "Hey, Y/N."
"Yeah?" Y/N replied, giving him a quick smile.
"There's a party this Saturday," Seungmin said, feeling his heart race. "I was wondering if you’d like to go with me?"
Y/N's smile vanished instantly. She looked away, her expression hardening. "I’m busy," she said flatly, flipping through her textbook without meeting his gaze.
Seungmin felt a sense of disappointment creeping in. "Oh, okay," he replied, trying to keep his voice steady. "Maybe some other time then?"
"Yeah, maybe," Y/N said curtly, still avoiding eye contact.
The remainder of the study session was filled with an uncomfortable silence. Y/N seemed distant, barely responding to Seungmin’s questions and avoiding any further conversation. Seungmin couldn’t shake the feeling that something was amiss.
The following day, he tried to approach her again. He found Y/N in the hallway and engaged in lively conversation with her friends. As he neared, she quickly turned her back, pretending not to notice him. His heart sank. He couldn’t comprehend why she was giving him the cold shoulder.
At last, after school, he caught up with her as she was packing her bag. "Y/N, can we talk for a minute?" he asked gently.
Y/N looked up, her expression unreadable. "What is it, Seungmin?"
"I just wanted to ask if everything’s okay," he said tentatively. "You seemed upset when I mentioned the party."
Y/N sighed, closing her bag and standing up. "I’m fine, Seungmin. I’m just really busy with my studies and my parents' expectations. I don’t have time for parties."
Seungmin nodded slowly, trying to understand. "I get it. I just thought you might want to take a break and have some fun. You’ve been working so hard."
Y/N's eyes softened slightly, but her tone remained distant. "I appreciate that, Seungmin. But I don’t have time for distractions right now."
Seungmin forced a smile. "Okay, I understand. If you ever change your mind, the offer still stands."
Y/N nodded, giving him a brief smile. "Thanks, Seungmin. I’ll see you around."
As Seungmin watched her walk away, he couldn’t help but feel a mix of confusion and disappointment. He respected Y/N’s dedication to her studies and her family’s expectations, but he wished she would let him in and share her struggles. For now, he decided to focus on being a supportive friend, hoping that one day, she would open up to him.The school was bustling with the usual morning activity. Students chatted excitedly, lockers clanged open and shut, and teachers prepared for the day. Y/N walked through the crowded hallway, her mind heavy with the recent turn of events. She had been avoiding Seungmin ever since Sumi had cornered her the previous afternoon.
Flashback: Yesterday, After School
Y/N had been gathering her things from her locker when Sumi approached, her face a mask of cold determination.
"You should stop spending so much time with Seungmin," Sumi had said, her voice low and threatening.
Y/N looked up, confused and a bit scared. "Why? What does it matter to you?"
Sumi leaned in, her eyes narrowing. "Because I like him, and I don't need you in the way. And if you don't back off, I’ll tell your parents about you and Seungmin. I’m sure they’d love to know who you've been spending your time with."
Y/N's heart pounded. The thought of her parents finding out about Seungmin, knowing how strict and disapproving they were, filled her with dread. She had no choice. With a final glare, Sumi walked away, leaving Y/N feeling trapped and helpless.
Since that encounter, Y/N had been giving Seungmin the cold shoulder. She avoided his gaze, ignored his texts, and made sure to be busy whenever he tried to approach her. Today was no different. As she walked to her first class, she spotted Seungmin coming her way, his face lighting up when he saw her.
"Hey, Y/N! Wait up!" he called out, weaving through the crowd to catch up with her.
Y/N's heart ached at the sight of him, but she forced herself to stay strong. She quickened her pace, pretending not to hear him.
Seungmin finally caught up, his expression confused and hurt. "Y/N, what's going on? You've been avoiding me all week."
"I’ve been busy, Seungmin," she said curtly, not meeting his eyes.
"Look, I don’t have time for this right now," she interrupted, her tone cold and dismissive. "I have to get to class."
Before he could say anything more, she walked away, leaving Seungmin standing in the hallway, looking bewildered and wounded.
The cafeteria was noisy with the chatter of students. Y/N sat with her friends, but her mind was elsewhere. She picked at her food, feeling a knot of guilt and sadness in her stomach. Across the room, she saw Seungmin sitting alone, staring at his lunch without much interest.
Her friend noticed her distraction. "Y/N, are you okay? You've been acting strange lately."
"I’m fine," she lied, forcing a smile. "Just a lot on my mind."
She couldn’t stop thinking about Seungmin. She missed his company, his jokes, and the way he always made her feel special. But Sumi’s threat loomed over her, and the fear of her parents finding out about Seungmin was too great.
The school day had ended, and students were heading home. Y/N walked quickly, hoping to avoid another confrontation. But just as she reached the gate, Seungmin appeared in front of her, blocking her path.
"Y/N, we need to talk," he said, his voice firm but gentle.
She sighed, looking away. "Seungmin, I told you, I’m busy."
"No, this isn’t about being busy. You’ve been avoiding me, and I want to know why."
Tears pricked at Y/N’s eyes. She couldn’t keep lying to him, but she also couldn’t risk Sumi’s threat. "It’s complicated," she whispered, her voice breaking.
Seungmin reached out, touching her arm softly. "Please, just talk to me."
Before she could respond, a voice interrupted them. "Y/N, there you are!" It was Sumi, her smile saccharine sweet but her eyes filled with malice.
Y/N stiffened, pulling away from Seungmin. "I have to go."
Sumi's smile widened as she linked arms with Seungmin. "Come on, Seungmin. We’ve got plans, remember?"
Seungmin looked back at Y/N, his eyes pleading for an explanation. But she couldn’t give him one. With a final, sorrowful glance, Y/N turned and walked away, the weight of her decision pressing heavily on her heart.
Since that encounter, Y/N had been giving Seungmin the cold shoulder. She avoided his gaze, ignored his texts, and made sure to be busy whenever he tried to approach her. Today was no different. As she walked to her first class, she spotted Seungmin coming her way, his face lighting up when he saw her.
"Hey, Y/N! Wait up!" he called out, weaving through the crowd to catch up with her.
Y/N's heart ached at the sight of him, but she forced herself to stay strong. She quickened her pace, pretending not to hear him.
Seungmin finally caught up, his expression confused and hurt. "Y/N, what's going on? You've been avoiding me all week."
"I’ve been busy, Seungmin," she said curtly, not meeting his eyes.
"Look, I don’t have time for this right now," she interrupted, her tone cold and dismissive. "I have to get to class."
Before he could say anything more, she walked away, leaving Seungmin standing in the hallway, looking bewildered and wounded.
Scene: Cafeteria, Lunchtime
The cafeteria was noisy with the chatter of students. Y/N sat with her friends, but her mind was elsewhere. She picked at her food, feeling a knot of guilt and sadness in her stomach. Across the room, she saw Seungmin sitting alone, staring at his lunch without much interest.
Her friend noticed her distraction. "Y/N, are you okay? You've been acting strange lately."
"I’m fine," she lied, forcing a smile. "Just a lot on my mind."
She couldn’t stop thinking about Seungmin. She missed his company, his jokes, and the way he always made her feel special. But Sumi’s threat loomed over her, and the fear of her parents finding out about Seungmin was too great.
The school day had ended, and students were heading home. Y/N walked quickly, hoping to avoid another confrontation. But just as she reached the gate, Seungmin appeared in front of her, blocking her path.
"Y/N, we need to talk," he said, his voice firm but gentle.
She sighed, looking away. "Seungmin, I told you, I’m busy."
"No, this isn’t about being busy. You’ve been avoiding me, and I want to know why."
Tears pricked at Y/N’s eyes. She couldn’t keep lying to him, but she also couldn’t risk Sumi’s threat. "It’s complicated," she whispered, her voice breaking.
Seungmin reached out, touching her arm softly. "Please, just talk to me."
Before she could respond, a voice interrupted them. "Y/N, there you are!" It was Sumi, her smile saccharine sweet but her eyes filled with malice.
Y/N stiffened, pulling away from Seungmin. "I have to go."
Sumi's smile widened as she linked arms with Seungmin. "Come on, Seungmin. We’ve got plans, remember?"
Seungmin looked back at Y/N, his eyes pleading for an explanation. But she couldn’t give him one. With a final, sorrowful glance, Y/N turned and walked away, the weight of her decision pressing heavily on her heart.
The school week dragged on, and Y/N found herself increasingly isolated. Sumi's threat hung over her like a dark cloud, and she knew she had to make Seungmin hate her to keep him away. The transformation began slowly, each interaction more painful than the last.
Y/N walked by Seungmin's locker with her friends, laughing loudly at something one of them said. As they passed, she "accidentally" knocked his books out of his hands.
"Oops," she said, not bothering to hide her smirk. "Maybe you should watch where you're going."
Seungmin looked up, hurt and confusion mingling in his eyes. "Y/N, why are you doing this?"
She rolled her eyes. "Stop being so dramatic, Seungmin. It’s not a big deal."
In class, the tension between them grew. Y/N started making snide comments whenever Seungmin participated, undermining him at every turn.
"Wow, Seungmin, do you really think that's the right answer?" she sneered during a group discussion, making the other students snicker.
Seungmin's face flushed with embarrassment, but he didn’t respond, just stared at his desk, avoiding her gaze.
By the end of the week, the rift between them had grown into a chasm. Y/N's heart ached with every cruel word she spoke, but she forced herself to continue. It was the only way to protect him from Sumi’s wrath and her parents' potential reaction.
Seungmin approached her one last time, desperation in his eyes. "Y/N, please, tell me what's going on. This isn't like you."
She steeled herself, putting on her coldest expression. "Get it through your head, Seungmin. I don’t want to be friends with you anymore. You're just... in the way."
He recoiled as if she'd slapped him, his face a mask of pain and betrayal. Without another word, he turned and walked away, leaving Y/N standing alone, tears streaming down her face as she realized the extent of the damage she'd done.
The next month saw Y/N fully embracing the role of a bully, not just to Seungmin, but to others as well. She became more aggressive, her actions more deliberate.
She tripped Seungmin in the hallway, sending his books and papers flying. "Watch your step," she said with a cruel laugh as he picked himself up, glaring at her.
In the cafeteria, she purposely knocked over his tray, the contents spilling across the floor. "Oops. Clumsy me," she said, smirking as he knelt to clean up the mess, his face red with anger and humiliation.
Her friends followed her lead, laughing at her antics and joining in. The school began to see Y/N as someone to be feared, not someone to befriend.
Y/N sat alone on a bench, watching as Seungmin walked away with Sumi and a group of her friends. The sight of him with Sumi still made her heart ache, but she had to remind herself why she was doing this. She had to protect him, even if it meant becoming someone she despised.
As the sun set, casting long shadows across the courtyard, Y/N realized that in trying to protect Seungmin, she had lost herself. She had become the very thing she had always feared and hated, all in the name of a twisted form of love.
But deep down, she knew it was too late to turn back. The damage was done, and Seungmin hated her now, just as she had intended. All she could do was hope that one day he would understand why she had done it, even if it meant sacrificing their friendship forever.
The party grew increasingly lively as midnight approached. The dance floor reverberated with thumping music, and bodies swayed in rhythm to the beat. Meanwhile, in a quieter corner of the room, Y/N perched on a couch next to the window. From her vantage point, she could watch the moonlight cascade over the road outside and catch snippets of the boisterous sounds emanating from the street.
Suddenly, a surge of warmth coursed through Y/N as her attention was drawn to something on her phone. Meanwhile, nearby, Bambam and Yumi shared mischievous glances and laughter, their tempting closeness captivating the attention of onlookers. Amidst the hubbub, someone's exclamation drew a collective gaze towards the door.
"It's Kim Seungmin!" another voice called out, prompting a chorus of surprise and admiration. Y/N was so engrossed in her phone that she didn't realize the attention focused on her until the murmurs and giggles began to amplify around her.
Seungmin's stylishly coiffed hair and immaculate attire commanded attention as he entered the room. His light grey shirt perfectly complemented the sleek black slacks, and his overall presence effortlessly captivated the surrounding crowd.tood tall and confident looking around the room he was standing near the bar area.
he ordered a whiskey for himself and the girls hovered around him .
y/n bit her bottom lip as he sipped on his drink as the music got louder making her sway side to side.
y/n observed him he looked different he sounded confident and  sexy.
she wanted to know how it would be like being in his arms.
Seung-min noticed a group of girls staring at him, and he waved his hand in front of one of their faces to capture her attention. Meanwhile, Y/N felt a surge of jealousy as she watched Sumi wrap her arms around Seungmin. She wanted to pull Sumi away and confront her. As Sumi kissed Seungmin passionately, Y/N's anger intensified, and she could feel her cheeks reddening in embarrassment.
After Sumi let go, Seungmin turned to Y/N, who was avoiding eye contact with her flushed face. Concerned, he asked her what was wrong, noticing her angry and embarrassed expression. Y/N initially shrugged off his concern, but when Seungmin commented on her strange behavior, she impulsively lashed out at him, accusing him of acting differently. To her surprise, Seungmin responded by asserting that she was the one who had changed. 
Their conversation escalated into a heated exchange as Y/N expressed her frustration with his behavior.Seung-min noticed a group of girls staring at him, and he waved his hand in front of one of their faces to capture her attention. Meanwhile, Y/N felt a surge of jealousy as she watched Sumi wrap her arms around Seungmin. She wanted to pull Sumi away and confront her. As Sumi kissed Seungmin passionately, Y/N's anger intensified, and she could feel her cheeks reddening in embarrassment.
After Sumi let go, Seungmin turned to Y/N, who was avoiding eye contact with her flushed face. Concerned, he asked her what was wrong, noticing her angry and embarrassed expression. Y/N initially shrugged off his concern, but when Seungmin commented on her strange behavior, she impulsively lashed out at him, accusing him of acting differently. To her surprise, Seungmin responded by asserting that she was the one who had changed. Their conversation escalated into a heated exchange as Y/N expressed her frustration with his behavior.
"look y/n please I dont want to fight right now okay?" he said and cupped her cheeks gently and leaning in.
"are you gonna stare or kiss me now!"  she exclaimed annoyedly.
seungmin felt his cheeks being flustered "why would I kiss you?" 
she rolled her eyes "because I am waiting and if I wait any longer you are going to make me leave" she said crossing her arms.
"I....." the words could not come out of his mouth.
y/n pushed him against the wall  and began kissing him aggressively, pushing her tongue in his mouth while gripping his shirt roughly, trying to take control.
he didn't protest as he allowed himself to be engulfed by her intoxicating taste and feel her soft lips pressed against his and her hot touch touching him everywhere.
they made their way out of the party, walking through the dark streets, heading towards the mansion.
y/n pushed seungmin on the bed "I can't wait any long seungmin " 
she crawled on top of seungmin as her hands were busy unbuttoning his clothes.
seungmin watched her as she undressed him slowly, leaving the buttons on his shirt undone. 
he could feel his erection growing. she looked sexy.  
"Baby I missed your touch so much" y/n moaned as she took his hands and placed it on top of her breasts.
she grinded her hips against his and he felt his pants tighten and felt heat rush throughout his body.
Seung-min looked at her lustfully as she grinded her hips harder on his erection.
"Y/n please" he begged.
She gazed at him with an innocent and playful expression, continuing her actions that teased him to the brink of madness. "Please, y/n," he pleaded. Her hand went inside his boxers as she removed his briefs leaving him naked, she licked her lips at the sight of him.
"y/n i can't do anything anymore" he tried stopping her but she ignored him.
she smirked seductively and kissed him deeply as he wrapped his hands around her neck bringing her closer to his hardening shaft.
"please y/n please you know you want to" he breathed out.
he could feel the vibrations from her laughter against his lips.
she pulled away and ran a hand through his hair "min baby will you let me do anything with you?" she asked as she removed her bra  and underwear.
he didn't reply and instead stared into her eyes lustfully.
she climbed off the bed and took his hands pulling him off of it "come here you stupid boy" she whispered in his ear making shivers go down his spine.
she brought him over to her vanity chair that was facing her mirror "fuck me as I see myself in the mirror"  she commanded  
seungmin nodded and laid down on the chair straddling her legs  and placing his cock at her opening.
"you are so big and heavy baby let me take care of you" she cooed and rubbed her hands along his  length, making him buck his hips forward in approval.
she placed her hands on the sides of his face and kissed his cheek lovingly "you like that don't you baby" she said inching his cock into her wet entrance.
she slid her hands down his chest rubbing herself on his hardened shaft .
"ahhhhh fuck baby just like that please oh god yes "
seungmin began thrusting deeper inside her as her moans filled the air around them as she closed her eyes and gripped onto his shoulders, trying to hold her ground.
she grabbed his wrist with both her hands as he entered deep inside her.
"so tight baby! so fucking tight!"
 he screamed in pleasure, his hands tightening on her hips as he began pumping his hard member inside her repeatedly.
y/n arched her back as she felt herself reaching her peak, the pressure in her core building up.
"fuuuuckkk" she yelled out loud as she exploded in the warm liquid 
between their stomachs, her whole body trembled slightly.
seungmin kept pumping himself inside her as she was in ecstasy, sweat dripped down his forehead, he pulled away and collapsed on the chair with a huge smile on his face.
"mmh nerdy boy it's not enough" she said as and pulled him on her bed.
"what? do you mean?" seungmin  responded as he sat on the edge of the bed next to her.
"let me ride you"  she said as she started grinding slowly on him.
as she leaned down to kiss his neck, he let out a small moan.
"fuck y/n you drive me crazy" he groaned.
she stopped moving and gazed at seungmin, a smirk plastered on her face
"are you ready for your last punishment?" she whispered in his ear.
seungmin nodded his head eagerly, as she brought a belt and tired his wrists.
"baby please hurry up" he whimpered.
"seungmin I hated seeing you with that damn sumi" y/n whispered as she inserted herself  in his hole,  her movements slow and steady.
he gasped loudly at the new feeling that was sent all the way down to his core "oh god"
y/n positioned herself and started slamming into him rapidly, making him moan in pain.
she leaned down to his ear and licked his ear lobe.
"seungmin...i love you..." she panted.
she increased her pace even more slamming herself into him with as much force as she could muster.
he reached his climax as tears streamed down his face.
"ahh y/n! ahhhh!!". he moaned loudly.
y/n continued pounding herself into him, her breaths getting heavier.
it felt like everything was slowing down, it almost seemed like time stood still for her.
she could tell that seungmin was close too judging by the fact that he was clenching tightly on her waist as he let out a loud scream.
his whole body shook violently as he came inside her. they panted heavily, completely exhausted and sweaty.
after few minutes of silence, seungmin suddenly turned his head to her and kissed her passionately, holding her tightly against him.
y/n smiled at him and nuzzled her head on his chest as seungmin placed kisses all over her face.
"you're so adorable sometimes"he said and kissed her again.
"stop it" she laughed and pushed him away lightly.
"did you mean it? when you said you love me?" seungmin asked 
 her curiously.
y/n blushed a little "yes i meant it".
"good" seungmin smiled sweetly at her  "i love you too".
seungmin looked at her in awe and placed her underneath him climbing on top of her he stared at her intensely.
y/n held his head "why are you staring at me like that?"
he caressed her cheek lightly and connected his lips to hers tenderly 
kissing her softly.
"i love you y/n" he whispered against her lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling his lips further towards her.
he slowly entered her  again and again and she moaned softly, wrapping her legs tightly around his waist.
the moment she felt her walls clamp down around him once again, he began moving in and out of her rhythm, making her clench her thighs even 
tighter around him.
"yes baby you feel good around me" she muttered moaning.
she felt his grip tighten around her waist and he bit her lip harshly causing her to moan louder.
he released his mouth from her skin and moved lower kissing her chest before looking up at her  with lustful eyes, wanting more, but was stopped when he noticed a tear roll down her cheek. he wiped it gently.
"y/n, why are crying?"
"you feel so good right now"  she sobbed "You feel so right" She buried her face in his shoulder wrapped her arms around his torso and pressed her body against him.
Seung-min thrusted harder hitting her perfect spot, and she tightened around him.
"That's it y/n I'm gonna cum" he cried.
he lifted himself and pulled her tightly against him, holding onto her body and burying his head in her neck as he shot his load inside her womb.
"would you like to go on a date with me?" Seung-min asked as he snuggled to her.
"I thought you were never gonna ask me that"  y/n teased him.
Seungmin hesitated for a moment and then spoke softly, "I know we haven't been together for long, but I really like you, Y/N, and I want us to be together."
Y/N responded with a smile, "I'll think about it."
As sunlight bathed his handsome face, Seungmin couldn't help but admire the way Y/N's smile lit up her entire face. To him, she was a vision of beauty, and he cherished every single moment spent with her.
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