#⊰a missive⊱ asks
braxix · 6 months
Elrond: My favorite way of getting rid of unwanted advice is to mutter something under my breath make a few vague signs and pretend nothing happened. They always think I cursed them.
Galadriel: Oooh. Good advice.
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vilz · 2 years
hiii valentine !!!! Do you happen to know rottmnt by any chance!? I feel like you'd like it a lot+ your stlye would do wonders if u were to draw the turtles......!
ive heard of rottmnt but i havent watched it (bad at watching things)
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i googled it and this screencap made me laugh so have this scrappy unfinished redraw 👍
thank u so much for the ask :' ) have a nice day
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folkdances · 11 months
FORGIVE ME FOR ASKINF AGAIN but what was the plot of boisvert and its time period? whats the fashion like in the universe?
IT'S OK because i love talking about boisvert more than ANYTHING in the WORLD! ok so boisvert is about merilance, a changeling, and her sister valerie, who both end up stolen away to fairyland because of their aforementioned status of changeling and unclaimed child. they are taken by two fairies claiming to have been sent by merilance’s ‘mother’. they’re taken in by a fairy named braughen, who lets them live in his home with his children: roscobell, andrias, daghain, and floralee & florabell.
braughen lives in the fairy court of the quagmire which is in a period of political instability because it is in the process of planning the annexation of the smaller court of boisvert. quagmire is doing this because the treacherous true ruler of quagmire, pasrsifal priorhark, is believed to be hiding somewhere within boisvert’s borders. merilance and valerie grow up here (they’re taken when they’re about 13-14, and then there is a vague time jump to when they’re in their early 20s) with vastly different goals in mind: merilance wishes to become a knight for quagmire in order to prove herself and protect valerie and get her back home, while valerie wants to stay in fairyland and continue studying magic, which is a science in the world.
merilance meets a scholar by the name of carrier who promises to help her become a knight in exchange for her help in his research into a particular branch of magic known as siphoning. as the story moves on, merilance becomes more and more disillusioned with quagmire’s political agenda, but all of this comes to head when braughen is murdered presumably due to his involvement with an anti-annexation group of radicals known as the priormancia, and his son, andrias, is wrongfully convicted of the crime. much of the first book revolves around merilance, valerie, and roscobell attempting to solve his murder which they learn is inextricably linked to quagmire, its ruler the rosenthral, and the ever-looming shadow of the ever-unknowable parsifal!
time-wise: fairyland exists outside of time. there's a whole diagram i drew but basically fairyland is only able to exist thanks to time that has passed and time that will pass, and so exists sort of next to the 'real' timeline. things move differently there. this reflects in the general structure of fairyland, which is vaguely medieval but more heavily lies on the imagination and what people think a fairyland would look like ^.^ as for what time merilance and valerie are from, they're taken some time in the early to mid-2000s.
i LOVE the fashion question. it's super stuffy and formal but really it can be whatever because fairies are silly! when drawing, i reference a lot of older illustrations for fairy tales, pantomime and other stageplay costumes, and generally strange and whimsical fits for strange and whimsical fairies. here's some choice picks from the pinterest board for u.
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auburnandamberangel · 8 months
Hey! What's your favourite Armand and Marius moment?
//This is very tricky as theres many throughout the series. But this part in TVA when Amadeo is almost the one in control - totally at peace with his inhuman/ monstrous love. A role reversal when Marius takes his longest draft of Amadeos blood. A crucial turning point for both of them, no way back
{His breathing was heavy and he was somber. He shivered still, and when his hand found me it was unsteady.
"Ah," I said smiling still, and kissing his shoulder.
"I hurt you!" he said.
"No, no, not at all, sweet Master," I answered. "But I hurt you! I have you, now!"
"Amadeo, you play with the devil."
"Dont you want me to, Master? Didn't you like it? You took my blood and it made you my slave!"
He laughed. "So that's the twist you put on it, isn't it?"
"Hmmm. Love me. What does it matter?" I asked.
"Never tell the others," he said. There was no fear or weakness or shame in it.}
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tennessoui · 1 year
Stacey's Mom Qui-Gon really does return to Coruscant as that Community gif of the pizza/fire, huh. His current padawan is seriously injured in the hospital after being gutted by a Sith(!). His former padawan has fucked off in a rage after depositing the Sith's head in the Council chambers. Everyone keeps looking at Qui-Gon as if they don't understand how much WORSE everything would be if Anakin had been allowed to train Obi-Wan. Would Coruscant still be standing? Qui-Gon's already done his part!
tbh one of the things im like most looking forward to for yall is that most of the entire backstory of how qui-gon came to train obi-wan and how anakin came to NOT train obi-wan is told by qui-gon without anakin there - it's qui-gon's version of events and history that obi-wan hears first
i just feel like there's so many scenes in this fic where obi-wan learns things about anakin or hears things from other people about anakin's actions (which show how much master skywalker cares for him) while stubbornly wearing his own blinders that it felt right for this revelation about his and anakin's past to come from Not Anakin once more
before the final scenes of actual conversation between the two of course, wherein they actually talk to each other and they're both very honest and very direct
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tutelaris · 8 months
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( 「   RP MEME :   VARIOUS KINGDOM HEARTS QUOTES.   」  | @opyre )
' i know . i'm ready . otherwise , i wouldn't be here . '
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IT WAS HARD TO LOOK AT HIM. the time she'd spent at his bedside had left an image of him in her mind. he had arrived to the undying weak, ill, & pained. hardly picturesque & far from the depiction of the phoenix that she had been given by the undying. the texts had told stories of a powerful, majestic being, a deity with the power of life & death. but joshua was no divine idol, he was simply a boy. her friend.
but now he had changed. like the eikon that shared his soul he had risen, full of life. strong enough to take down armies & yet so delicate that such power would mar him somewhere where she could not reach & thus could not heal. she wanted nothing more than to protect him, to defend him from all that might harm him–––– body & soul. but, she couldn't keep him locked away, & would have to relent to being the shield that sheltered him from any & all things that attempted to hurt him.
“ i know that you are. ”
but, she couldn't keep him hidden from the world like a prisoner in her protection. he was meant for more than that, & the world would be worse off without his presence. he was ready. he was more than ready. & the world would simply have to make ready for him.
“ if you truly wish to go out in search of answers, then know that i will be at your side, no matter where the journey may take us.”
all jote could hope was that he knew that it was more than just duty that guided her choice. she wanted to see him leave his mark on the land, todo his part in healing it, & to do what she could to help him whenever she might be able.
“ it will be an honor to travel with you, your grace.”
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kingjasnah · 9 months
I read RoW... and then basically nothing since. I started Lost Metal but only got like 5 chapters through. I just really hope Warbreaker 2 is as good as the original. Vivenna my beloved
so valid but i got bad news for you buddy
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recitedemise · 2 months
∗ 96﹕ sender  tackles  receiver  out  of  the  way  of  danger . (have a 6 ft tall aasimar to the rescue)
𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝑵𝑶𝑵𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑩𝑨𝑳 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺: still accepting. / 96: sender tackles receiver out of the way of danger.
There, Gale looms, observing like a hawk the whole of the battlefield. It's been going on too long, a single battering too many and another bruise too much. His party is collapsing, even their blistering Lae'zel now showing her aches, and there's no way at all that they'll weather much longer. It must — no, it has to — end right now. Brows furrowed, Gale grimaces tightly as he makes his choice. He can summon down the hells. He can raise all sort of furies. He'd been Gale the Archmage, the great Gale of Waterdeep, and raising his hands to swell a great cloud of lightning, it is then that that moniker makes itself known.
Gale stirs, the power in his veins surging with teeth. An undead archer finds him, sure, but when they loosen their bolt, it is far too late. The quiet crackles, the smell of spring-time petrichor surging in the cave. Hot, lighting barrels on down to level their enemy, and before the wizard finds himself struck with that barreling bolt, Kassandra has already leapt atop him. They fall. He still feels a tempest in his body. Beyond them, there in these caverns of Shar's murderous temple, their bloody battle at last comes to an end. Gale rasps. He looks up. With her sure, strong arms, Kassandra has him.
He could have died. He could have died right here before felling the Elder Brain, but feeling the return of his stronger spells again... Wild-eyed and heart hammering, Gale lays there beneath her. My word-- "I could be convinced," he rasps, spying her great, great wings spanning behind her, "that I've perhaps crossed over into the celestial plane." He notes the gold of her eyes and the crack of lighting just beyond. My, my. "Did you felt that? That'd been me."
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ninnekomata · 10 months
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@florietiae: 🔥 Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
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Tumblr RPC in general cares way, WAY too much about graphics. It makes it almost impossible in some cases to interact with people and actually write threads because the want and 'need' for pretty graphics and icons and aesthetic text puts such a large barrier to entry.
I know for a fact there are people who won't rp with others that don't have a pretty blog or nice icons because they assume it means a lack of care / effort, or they don't want 'non-pretty' posts on their own blogs. I know that there are people that won't rp with others that don't format posts to be aesthetic and 'pretty'; even though that makes the focus on posts more about editing the text instead of actually doing any writing, and more than that it can make it impossible for people with eye issues or other problems with reading text to actually interact.
People are here to write with other people for fun; why is being a graphic designer and a web dev to code a theme and all this other nonsense expected on top of that?
I of course am fine with and acknowledge the fact that people enjoy doing these extra things in many cases, but it still rubs me the wrong way that it feels like to even get your foot in the door for people to talk to you in Tumblr RPC you need to do these things or you get ignored.
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amischiefofmuses · 6 months
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ANON: [Lucifer] 🔢what’s their body count?
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While I think it'd be commonly joked about that Lucifer has only had one partner, that being Lilith, in actuality I imagine they were pretty content to experiment over the years. Having a third, even opening their relationship and having additional sexual partners (not romantic ones - he only had eyes for Lilith in that regard). I'd say it's gotten to the high double digits (70? 80?) for sure over the thousands of years and the only reason it stayed in double digits is because often those sexual partners would stick around a while as friends too (he'd not fuck with someone he doesn't at least trust a little), otherwise it'd be in the triple digits for sure. Admittedly he hit a low when Lilith left and just hasn't indulged any of that in a while, maybe staying in the hotel might pull him outta that funk.
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bestboygav · 1 year
❀ - Clara
"Random question, but can you regrow an eyeball?
Or do you maybe have a spare?
Asking for a friend."
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boudicca · 8 months
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shivariia · 1 year
「   RP MEME :  RANDOM DIALOGUE 2.0   」  / @lucisking
‘ what do you wish for? ’
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" that a question could be answered so simply. "
IT WAS CLEARLY said in jest, but for every bit of laughter there was a shred of truth. she had wished for many things over the years, with her head turned skyward in hopes that her words would be heard above the inevitable din of prayers sent to metia & carried past the moon, into the heavens to be granted. of those wants, many had been repeated more than once. all, in fact, but her most childish, which she had abandoned hoping for fairly quickly in attempt to give her more serious prayers a chance to be permitted.
THERE WERE THOSEwho would say that sort of thought in & of itself was better suited for a child, but jill would allow herself this superstition.
" i don't think you will find a person in all of the twins who has a single, solitary wish. but, i will spare you the hours it would take to get through all of my own & limit myself to one. "
SILENCE REIGNED AS she turned her thoughts over in her head. what one thing would come close to encompassing several of her wishes all in one? for the blight to recede. for the war to end. for the safety of bearers. for the protection of her friends.
" peace. "
THE WORD SLIPPED out before she had even realized she'd found her connection, but it was far from a surprise. she had been wishing for peace long before she'd entered the hideaway. long before the iron kingdom.
EVEN LONG BEFORE rosaria, during the zenith of a northern winter, watching her father suit up for battle. it was the closest she would get to an all––––encompassing desire. any other would be fleeting & frail if conflict continued to ravage their home, their lives & their futures.
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" i would wish for peace. "
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auburnandamberangel · 2 months
What's a recent regret you have?
Not wiping the replimoids off the face of the earth while I had the chance. If one looks back too often you can find regrets everywhere. I try to live in the moments now, judging your past self serves no purpose other than to stunt your future or current self. Learn and grow.
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tutelaris · 3 months
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( 「   RP MEME :   VARIOUS KINGDOM HEARTS QUOTES.   」  | @glacierites )
‘ we shall go together. ’
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“ are you certain, my lady? ”
her hands halted, half––––packed supplies momentarily forgotten. these sorts of quests were her responsibility & she had no problem with shouldering them alone. while she never would have turned jill away, she wanted to ensure that there was no expectation of her presence.
jote turned to speak to jill properly, to tell her that her company would be welcome, but it certainly wasn't a necessity if she wished to remain safe within the hideaway, but she found herself pausing the moment she met jill's eyes. there was something restless there. hidden behind the calm was a brewing tempest, ready to be set free.
it was a look that she had seen before. in the eyes of the undying who spent their lives traveling only to suddenly be stationed among their posts. in the eyes of her charge when his search for answers weight heavily on his mind but weather or illness forced them to stay in place.
in the reflection of her own eyes when she was separated from her charge.
she acquiesced without even waiting for a proper answer. the look in jill's eyes as answer enough, & jote turned back to her preparations.
“ is there aught that you need before our departure? ” the look she sent in jill's direction was bright & understanding, a smile that felt welcome among their budding friendship.
“ it would seem that we are in for quite a journey. ”
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maldrontheassassin · 10 months
✨✨✨✨✨✨ You always have such fun characters and our interactions are always delightful
send ✨ if you like my writing and feel free to tell me why | ACCEPTING
// aaaaAAA thank you! I try to be fun!! We gotta interact more, I swear. (I gotta interact more with just about everyone dear god)
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