#⌚️ posting
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A mood board for a fictive of Hisirdoux “Douxie” Casperan from Guillermo Del Toro’s Tales of Arcadia series
If the photo ID can be improved at all, or the page made more accessible in any way, feel free to let us know - ⌚️
[Photo ID:
A 3 by 3 set of photos for a moodboard with dark blue boarders. The photos, going from left to right, top to bottom are-
Hands with light blue nebulous magic; a hand with black rings connected by a thin chain; two hands backlit by an evening sky, reaching for one another with the moon behind them; a comic speech bubble saying “aaaaaaagh!! Fffuck!! Fuck shit and other such expletives!! Aaaaaakk!”; Hisirdoux, a thin young man with pale skin and dark hair, giving a thumbs up; a black box with blue text saying “fuzz buckets!”; a black cat biting a pale arm, ears back and eyes wide, teeth showing on the arm; a dark sky with a single strike of lightning arcing across it; and a red and white electric guitar on a white sheet
End ID]
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snufstar · 1 month
Haaai!! HIIII! HElllo!!!!
Yo u should read this... for so me fun informaation... and also music I like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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residentialsinyomakai · 2 months
Hello vvro.......can i req tmasc enby nate + tmasc, tfem, or genderfluid katie.........
also can i be ⭐⌚ anon (idk if u fw anon sign offs or not but. just in case)
I love peoples headcanons for the watcholders!! T4T SOLIDARITY ((o(^∇^)o)
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(Sorry if it's a little more sketchy than usue, drew this one on the way somewhere!)
I like to believe they go bug catching together and stuff <33
Also I love anon sendoffs, go ahead ajgkrllg
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pyrotechnicolored · 9 days
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It's meeeee Cal sunfstar this is MY ACCOUNT!
My carrd and other stuff in the border things :P
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HIIII here's my carrd :3
I AM AN ADULT AND WILL SOMETIMES POST ADULT THINGS. I will tag anything NSFW but I will not tag self harm, drugs, alcohol, etc. I know most of you will end up being minors, so if you don't want to interact, I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND! Your comfort is more important than following me. I also have a list of tags I will use, feel free to block any that would make you uncomfortable.
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#⌚️🧠 - Proxy tag so you know it's me
#🐕🪽 - Posting about random stuff
#🪒🩸 - Posting about self harm
#🕶🥾 - Posting about my boyfriend
#🔊💻 - Posting about my friends
#🫀💫 - Venting
#💙❤️ - NSFW
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Borders by @bangbangyerdead
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heartbeetz · 18 days
Obviously Michael is my super special guy bc he's one of my main f/os still (even though I don't think/talk about him as much these days). That's my husband. But KᎥtt is my best frienddddd I love that funny car sooooo much ♡♡♡♡♡♡ wowowowow ♡♡♡♡♡ I love it when ai has autism and also goes from being annoyed with people / having a major superiority complex to being like "actually I Do have feelings and these people are my family and I love them so much". Soooo good.......
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sillypilled-friendcel · 2 months
mutuals can ask for personal blogs btw
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slimywren · 5 months
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surely you can tell which part of the post i actually checked by simply looking at the last word in my reblog. surely
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objectumconfessional · 4 months
21 followers?! Thank you for that, wow. Please tell me about your partners and companions, I love all of the confessions so far you're all very sweet.
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the-house-of-aces · 1 year
Personally I think churches should stop blasting their worship music at 140 decibels. My headphones are currently full volume as my poor mortal body tries to cope with the mountainous vibrations in this small room!!!! Like bro stop!!!!!!!
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t4tstarvingdog · 1 year
tag post take 3
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roseyjustice · 2 years
Ive replayed the scene where Dan sings 'come fly with me' an embarrassing amount of times alndksnxkskks
Just imaging singing oldies with him while I bake and we're swaying softly together and it's all very domestic and romantic and ANDJJSKXNA !!
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Moodboards for an introject of Aja Tarron with themes of nature, some cozy caramel chocolates and something inspired by the song Starman from David Bowie for TPC anon - ⌚️
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din-jarring · 5 months
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javier peña in every episode of narcos
so i saw this post by @galactic-basic and lost my fucking mind—never knew i had a watch kink til now...🤯😳⌚️
(and this is only the first four episodes...imma do more..
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residentialsinyomakai · 2 months
SORRY 4 SENDING IN A SECOND REQ BUT . could u possibly draw one of the next harmeowny girls :o
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fuckyeahpedropascal · 5 months
Pedro boys and watches
Some of you may or may not know that I have a ✨thing✨ for watches. I’ve wanted to do this post for about two years now, I’m so happy to finally yeet this into the void. Commentary below the cut ⌚️
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While I have you here and we haven't done this in a while - why not a poll? Discussion welcome as always!
P.S. Please don't @ me if I missed any Pedro boy... I think I haven't lol.
• Masterlist •
Related posts:
Rolex & pinky ring: Javi G v Max Lord
Spy watch: Marcus Moreno v Jack Daniels
Joel Miller
Need a say anything about Joel and his watch? It's a small but powerful reminder of Sarah, and it will never not touch my heart when I see it.
Javier Pena
We have so many good shots of Javier and his watch, I might just have to do a proper compilation of it some other time (I did do a very early post on this gosh I've come far with gif making lol). I like to think that Chuco gave it to him, and in one of the closeups, I can see engraving on the band. I'll need to go back and check if I can see what the word is!
Tim Rockford
Tim has a surprisingly fancy looking watch! I was surprised to get such a good look at it, it looks like a chronograph with three dials on the face.
Marcus Moreno and Jack Daniels
We already ran a poll about this, and I agree with the majority of you that our cowboy has slicker wristwear than our superhero dad!
Dave York
I always find it funny in that kitchen scene the way Dave looks so deliberately at his watch several times. It's a classy one with what looks like a leather band, it goes well with our favourite suburban murder daddy's office wardrobe.
Frankie Morales
The watch that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship with @imaswellkid ❤️ I did a way too detailed post about Frankie's watch here, I won't repeat myself here.
Javi G and Max Lord
The subject of another poll, these two fancy pants both sport a Rolex (Javi's is steel and yellow gold, Max's is yellow gold) and a pinky ring.
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heartbeetz · 19 days
The thing about me is that I see posts referring to "stoic f/os" and my brain goes "oh like Anton or Michael or Stanford" and then immediately "wait no they're literally all goobers what am I talking about". My guys who think they're so serious/tough but are actually silly sweeties... I will not fall for their facades...
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