#TPC anon
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Moodboards for an introject of Aja Tarron with themes of nature, some cozy caramel chocolates and something inspired by the song Starman from David Bowie for TPC anon - ⌚️
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thekuraning · 8 months
im not really excited about the prospect of gamefreak "we made a romhacker into an indentured servent once" having a copyright on round headed blue creatures with platypus tails. personally speaking
That's cool! Neither am I! I'm not really sure where I ever said they should, frankly. I'm also pretty sure that's not how copyright works even if people wanted it to, but then again I thought platypet was from coromon, so who knows with me.
Like I said, there are differences that do make fuack relatively distinct from oshawott, and personally I do think if there were any legal grounds for the Pokemon Company and Nintendo to do anything, we would have heard about it already. (See: the pokemon mod for palworld they took down in what... hours after it went live on Nexus?)
I think based on the tone of the game there's also grounds to call it parody (I have no idea if parody is protected under Japanese law and im still researching that, but I do believe in protecting parody on a personal level.)
I do think it's pretty obvious that a good chunk of pals took direct inspiration from Pokemon to the point where I and people I know can look at some of them and point out which specific ones they used design elements from. Things like Melpaca's virizion boots, incineram's zoroark hair, lifmunk's leafeon ears and dot, kingpaca's empoleon horn, direhound's lycanroc head..... No one is going to mistake them for the pokemon they've referenced, obviously. They are not exact copies and I'm not claiming they are or that there should be legal consequence for looking similar.
I am a little bit concerned about whether or not they've used assets directly from other games to make their models, which, look—I'm not going to shed a tear for TPC. It's one of the biggest franchises in the world. But if they did, it does make me wonder if they'd done the same thing to other indie monster catcher devs.
Which is why I keep talking about Platypet. I've been talking about fuack for two days now. Because I kept seeing people say "it looks like platypet." One person said specifically "platypet from COROMON."
So my original post anon. Was that no. Fuack does not look like PLATYPET. And that I was a dumbass for thinking platypet was from COROMON. Because platypet is from TEMTEM actually. And my reaction to my brain being infested with fuack all day and then starting a new legends arceus file. Was hey. Actually. If anything. Fuack looks like oshawott. Because it does.
TL;DR: saying something looks like something else is not a a call for TPC to own the rights to a shape—be it copyright, trademark, WHATEVER—or for paldev to face legal action or consequence for having a little dude that looks similar.
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mugzymiik · 3 months
post-revival Dub x Barracuda angst/hurtcomfort :3
Gold sees a snake for the first time
"Circusic finding out he was gay with some sort of wholesomeness" - anon
"Gold seeing Pyrare's actual attacks for once- dad's fucking pissed and it's terrifying" - trash-jsab
"Pyrare somehow being VERY well versed in drinking songs and/or sea shanties" - MakoTheDorito
"tpc cuda meets all the other cudas from various fancomics" - MakoTheDorito
"ROLESPWAPS GALOREEEEEEEEEEEEE (probably switching sum of the corrupts with the pure caretakers (e.g. ajaceare, circubit, etc.)" - anon
"Iris & Pentellow throw a party at their place and teach Cube how to FUCKING PARTYYY" (minus drinking bc Cube underage) - ocdtheburnall
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insecateur · 7 months
What are your thoughts on what za's time period might be? I can't figure out if I'd prefer it to be past or future
i answered an ask kinda about this on the day of the announcement but here are my thoughts now that it's been a bit and i got to digest
i'm honestly starting to be more and more in the "both" camp tbh?? like the trailer involves a lumiose redevelopment plan or whatever which feels like "past" but the overall aesthetic is very futuristic which feels like "future". i feel like it would also kind of ties together nicely with scarvio also having that past and future theming to have both in one extra game?
i also got the TPC email for the game in french yesterday and i was struck by the phrasing (i didn't get the english one so no clue how they phrased it there.)
Une nouvelle aventure se profile à Illumis, où un plan de réaménagement urbain a été mis en œuvre pour faire de cette ville un lieu appartenant autant aux humains qu’aux Pokémon.
"A new adventure begins in Lumiose City, where a urban redevelopment plan has been put in place to make this city a place that belongs as much to humans as it does to Pokémon."
like, to me (and this is very likely overanalyzing don't get me wrong) the way it's phrased makes me feel like it's saying that (at the time the redevelopment plan was put in place) lumiose belonged more to pokémons than it did to humans, which feels like it's pointing toward the past. like maybe lumiose was originally built around pokémons with them in mind and then later was reworked into the state it's at in pokémon xy where it's clearly a city meant to be shared by both species. that was just my initial vibe tho, it might not mean anything.
something about the way it's framed (as i said to the anon before) still kind of strikes me as pointing toward it also being an attempt to actually gives us pokémon z at long last... so i guess my ideal at this point would be we follow two stories entirely in lumiose, one is in the past when they were reworking the city into being a safe haven for both humans and pokémons, one is in the near future after pokémon xy and maybe there are parallels there involving wrestling with the post-team flare stuff. THIS IS A VERY SELFISH WISH THO... LIKE IF I GOT CANONICAL POST-CANON CONTENT I WOULD PROBABLY DIE... tho it would make me sad altho bc it would make all my post-canon stuff would automatically be jossed lmao but whereas a few years ago i would have been wary of that possibility the way lysandre has been depicted in the likes of pokémas etc gives me hope idk. I Want To Believe.
however ! this is all very early rn and we have not much information about the game at all so i'm unwilling to theorize too much. i'm looking forward to having more elements soon...
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dracanianwyvern · 8 months
Fuck it. Long post incoming, which hopefully will be my final shit on this whole drama. Below the cut, read if you want.
While yes, you made the tpc tags kerf, that does not mean you can try and gatekeep somebody out of another tag they made. If you don't want to see somebody in a tag you made, just block them. You do not have to gatekeep a tag of a community they are in, it just comes off as rude.
Also, this next bit is directed at both you and cintagonisupset, if you did not want a debate over something you posted make it clear on the post otherwise others will debate with you about it. Also, you both intruded on a conversation between two blogs. Yes it was on one of your posts, but you were not involved in the conversation. You could of handled this situation very differently, but you didn't.
You two instigated the whole drama just by wording a request wrong and then going out of your way to harass those with a different opinion to you, while yes you most likely had your reasonings behind it... it most likely isn't a good enough reason to have done what you did.
Next section? Cintagonisupset, this is mainly about you now.
From what I've heard, you've been an absolute dick to a multitude of people and from the confidence of others speaking up from this current drama, they're speaking up. Not to mention, you haven't given your side of these new issues. So, I cannot even be in your side for all this drama from the hole you have dug yourself into here. Karma is collecting your debts, and OH BOY will it be messy. You did this to yourself, nobody can help you now.
Dulcetmoony, don't think your getting off the hook either.
You had said you were willing to talk it out with those you affected, only to apologise and then block goldy before they could respond. You weren't involved from the start, yet you jumped in anyway to defend your friends. I get that, but you could have been WAY MORE civil about it. But you weren't, and here we are instead.
I'm willing to tear into myself here too., I know I'm not above what I've contributed.
I got involved, I sent an anon hate ask which I still regret even though the one I sent it too has forgiven me for it. I got involved by sending the information to prettybeegkittykat via some asks, therefore "stirring the pot" [captain-kretsnik's words, not mine] more then it already had been. I caused myself to loose a mutual over this, however in my eyes? I shouldn't be blaming myself for a good portion of this, yet I am. Plus, I had been planning on creating art for captain-kretsnik at some point. Never got round to it.
Finally, a message to all involved.
This could have been handled alot better then it was, but now? Now we've got to deal with the pit we all helped dig, and karma will not let it go by cleanly for some. This is one deep pit, and it appears it might go deeper. I've already tried to fill in my contribution to this hole, both with the two past posts relating to it and now this one. I hope you all can do the same.
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jsabconfessions · 9 months
i cannot stand tpc or ctyh. not for any "cancel-able" reasons we aint about that shit lmao it's just that everything about them both is just so boring and basic to me. i wish they werent THE aus that you always hear about/find, there are so many cooler ones both story-wise and design-wise out there.
Gonna try to say smth that's not cancelable cause I know my moots like tpc/ctyh
Ngl anon, I agree, there's a bunch of hidden gems under those "THE AU" things you say, idk
Tpc/cyth moots pls don't hate me no hate intended I just don't see tpc or ctyh interesting but I'm not tryna kill u for ur opinion 😥
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Love the last chapter of ‘Movement’. Not sure if you’re familiar with the band Arkells but they have a song called <b>Skin<_/b> (https://spotify.link/qltPo3iuyDb) that made me think of Jonsa in your fic, particularly considering Jon’s POV. Just thought I’d mention it cause it seems to be channeling theJonsa vibes in ‘Movement’
I've never heard of them! which feels wild, because they're apparently an indie rock band that formed back in my indie rock phase and apparently they went on tour with Tokyo Police Club?? (RIP to my Tokyo Police Club hoodie that I lost in the Phoenix airport 4 years ago, you were my favorite and I miss you every day. And to be fair, I only know TPC because they opened for Passion Pit and I ended up downloading their EP)
Anyway, these lyrics are SPOT ON anon. Like creepily so!! Perfect choice
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evajellion · 2 years
How goes your Octo demo Paths?
Alright, so I played about 6/8 of the character starting routes before figuring out what my opinion was-
First of all, idk if it was you or some other anon that spoiled what happens to Hikari, but I was very >:( I said no spoilers until I said I was done! (no hard feelings of course)
Short version: Octopath II seems like a great game so far! The learning curve takes a bit of adjusting, and since it's so massive, I'm sadly going to put off buying it (I still have Dragon Quest XI to finish). Good, but not "$60 must-buy" good.
… although, I struggle to say any Switch game is worth that price.
I highly recommend for any newcomers playing this game start with Hikari, Ochette, or Partitio. The other characters are… rough to work with at the start, to say the least. (Osvald and Temenos really aren't made for fights that only have 1-2 party members)
Cutscenes are… lengthy compared to Live A Live's or even other Square games. I felt like dozing off sometimes while the dialogue boxes rambled on, and I don't like how you can't skip or autoplay pre-battle cutscenes.
Apparently, the speed-up feature for battles was not in the original and is new to the sequel, and thank god for that! But some of the early boss fights (especially when you're stuck with Osvald) take longer than intended!
I wasn't really attached to most of the cast in the way I was with DQXI, LAL, or most FF games unfortunately.
… except for Partitio. I dunno what he did right, he clicked with me right away. Love his personality and abilities. Ochette came close second!
(If we ever have another LAL x Octopath crossover story, he and Oscar are gonna be friends.)
I'm not the biggest fan of the guard-breaking and turn-taking system, it gave me flashbacks to the Hyperdimension Neptunia games, except battle turns in that game were a bit on the faster side. (this is not me saying you should play Nep instead, god no-)
The graphics and soundtrack are great but that's to be expected!
I got confused at first like a moron because I didn't know you could play through the early first-chapter scenarios of each protagonist when you recruit them. It confused me as to why there weren't multiple save slots for this demo like there were for LAL.
So yeah, this was a slow burn for me. I voiced my complaints, and people said "yeah this game isn't for everyone" but I did adjust as time went on!
And by adjust I mean Partitio swooped in and existed. Cool new blorbo obtained.
… I'm probably going to get Pokémon Mystery Dungeon DX instead though, because I was supposed to do it two years ago, and because TPC needs a firm kick in the ass for their bullshit in regards to Pokémon spin-offs.
Octopath II will do well, no doubt, but I need to remind TPC that we want more Mystery Dungeon. Bangin' part of my childhood was playing the original on my dinky little GBA SP. >:(
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namesetc · 2 years
hey guys!
we're about to leave these blogs, its been a real nice adventure posting on here in the past but we're handing things over to the mods now.
we're posting anon lists we shoulda posted ages ago before we leave and mods are free to make new pinned posts and edit the blogs as they wish!
feel's so weird that we wont have these blogs anymore but its also nice to just let them go and focus on other stuff ^^
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acid-smoke · 1 month
Goldey has me in tears bro they’re so hypocritical
even before this whole proshipping bs they were one of the most hypocritical people I’ve ever talked to
glad their bs is finally catching up with them
Thank you for the ask anon but its hard to say anything is actually catching up to them. Im basically just yelling into the void here. Ffs not even the “days without tpc drama” twitter account will acknowledge me!
Getting information is harder than i expected. Despite how much they hate blocking people/being blocked theyve blocked me on tiktok. This does ruin Goldey’s credibility and character but it also removes a large chunk of evidence. I cant see what they commented on my tiktok posts even with an alt. Id like to say this was intentional but thats information only goldey has
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Apparently they felt the need to clarify this tho
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Hello! May i request a moodboard for my (insys) friend Aja Tarron from Guillermo del Toro's 3Below? I'm kinda missing her and i'd love to see a moodboard for her!
Themes of nature, some cozy caramel chocolates and something inspired by the song Starman from David Bowie?
Thank you in avanced!
I also have a question, i'd love to make some requests for other fictives in my system, how many requests can we send in at a time? Thank you!
Ay! Another ToA introject! Made two versions, hope she likes em! And for the question: we prefer asks/requests be sent in individually, and based on our availability and overall ability we’re probably going to limit it to five asks from any given system/individual at a time - ⌚️
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goolden · 2 months
AH PROPRIO COSÌ, nono non lancio nulla non sia mai dovessi prendermi una cotta (io ero sempre il bardo ubriaco con l’ocarina)
scusa anon, ieri sono crollata alla fine.
comunque che c'entra il lancio del dado tpc con la possibilità di prendersi una cotta? mi sfugge il nesso 😹
(io sono ancora estremamente neofita per dire razza e classe con certezza, ma per il momento sono orientata su elfo ranger)
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yaaadooon · 2 months
I love your HC's so much. AUghhhhhh. They fill me with joy. I love your interpretation as Ethan being the grounded one and Blue being annoyed that this whimsy little brat keeps coming back, and Ethan is like "Leaf. You see this shit?" and Leaf is like "Yup. Same shit different day.".
And the thought of Blue and Lyra just being this force of chaos amongst the groups. Like unfiltered raw "Wanna watch me play the intro to Delfino Plaza, but only the intro. Nothing else." "Do it coward." mentality. Them being absolute goblins is fantastic. 10/10.
Also omg. I looooooooove the Silver HC. Leaf being this sapphic lore keeper is amazing. I would like a thought dump on Silver's transition because that sounds so interesting.
oh tysm anon <3
i always enjoyed the "lyra's a lil gremlin" headcanons from the early 2010s and it simply just Makes Sense to me, i might draw her soon lol i just need to figure out her vibe.
as for silver!! i don't think there is too much lore other than the fact she was really dense about it for years and everyone was like "ahh that makes sense actually." which really fucking annoyed her briefly. i don't think she transitioned until she was an adult. (maybe 18 years old?)
i'll switch back and forth between he/him and she/her depending on what i'm talking about and when. especially wrt to canon portrayals cause there is the canon silver (he/him) and the silver who lives rent free utilities paid in my head (she/her, living her best life, TPC/game freak take notes because i'm right.)
another silver headcanon thing is that she considers lance to be her big brother (this i think just canon though.) and lance sees her as his successor as champion of the league (thus, her position as the eighth gym leader of kanto.)
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gaycey-sketchit · 2 years
(Gary anon) Outsourcing isn't new for the video game industry, but the fact that TPC had to outsource the DP remakes to mixed reception, more so on the circumstance than the games themselves. Something needs vast reworking. (So, apparently someone who helped work on some Anipoke movies is working on a SV-related project with OLM. This doesn't confirmed anything yet; OLM also did Origins{4th episode}, Generations and Evolutions. Which may mean an equivalent is coming later)
Yeah. Hopefully the situation improves somehow.
Oh? Interesting.
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insecateur · 1 year
what do you think of the recent vgc controversies ?
hey anon! i'd like to preface this by saying that this isn't me being mad or annoyed at you or anything, i don't mind people asking me about my opinions on stuff in general. but i really want to emphasize bc i feel like some people might not fully believe it when i say that or maybe you just never saw me say it before bc you're a recent follower or something in which case that's fair - but i really don't keep track of news in the fandom at all. as of right now i barely even keep track of news for the canon lmfao, i still haven't beaten scavio so all the stuff coming out for it is kinda of limited interest to me.
all that to say, i'm cool with giving my opinion on things but please tell me what you referring to in details when you do LOL. because it's very likely (like 99% honestly) that i'll have no clue what you're talking about and i don't necessarily feel like tracking down what's going on just to answer an anonymous ask, you know?
anyway, from a cursory glance it looks like it's about people using hacked pokémons in competitions? i'll be honest, i have limited interest in competitive pokémon play in general (i used to be in the french community and it was Not a great place to be in if you weren't a white cisguy let's just say, however this was over 5 years ago so maybe it's gotten better.) i totally get how people get into it, i think it's interesting on a base level, kinda scratch a similar itch as shiny hunting (which i'm more involved in) except less repetitive and more competitive i guess. and i get why tpc would discourage people using hacked pokémons (nintendo is very opposed to game mods/hacks in general as we know)
at the same time tho, i also feel like competitive play and breeding for competitive play are different areas of interest? if you're actually more into the competitive aspect than the repetitive aspect i understand not wanting to bother with breeding and hatching eggs and all of that. as long as you're not generating an impossible pokémon, i suppose i don't really see the issue. now obviously if people are able to check that some pokémons are hacked it's because they have flags that show that they're hacked, but i feel like the difference between "has impossible stats" (something that would actually give the pokémon an advantage) and "shows up as caught/obtained in a way that's clearly impossible" (something that has no incidence on the play) makes one clearly cheating and one more like... not wanting to bother with the part you don't find fun
so i guess i'm of two minds about it. obviously allowing it means that people are going to abuse it, and there clearly aren't accurate enough checks to catch people who are actually cheating (not to mention with the number of participants i'm not even sure how they'd even check further) in that situation i understand just banning it outright, because it's simply fairer to the people who actually go through the effort of breeding and training their pokémons. and i guess you could say that the people who just want to do the competitive stuff and not have to bother with actual training could just do casual competitions or showdown. but i also understand wanting to put that skill to the test in a real championship
..............now if this wasn't what you were referring to i hope you enjoy my tl;dr opinions about pokémon vgc either way
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dracanianwyvern · 8 months
Okay uhm... wow there's... alot to go over with what has went down in the TPC tag...
I... really do not want to have to deal with it but since this has affected both people I follow AND the writer of a fic I enjoy... yeah no I'm addressing this bullshit.
What am I adressing? The most... recent bullshit. Yeah, it's the captain-kretsnik, cintagonisupset, prettybeegkittykat, trg-jsab-zone, and goldythehamster situation.
I am... mutuals with one of the people involved, so I believe I can have a say in this. If multiple of those involved want me to take this post down, I will. I just... want to get this bullshit off my mind.
I'll... put a cut down so you can read if you want as this will be a VERY long post most likely.
Alright welp... I'll start with my... initial reaction which... I regret.
I did not know the full extent of the situation when I did it, I thought it was only one person who had been labelled "problematic" not THREE. So I had blocked em... and sent an anon ask I fucking regret sending as it was my first 'anon hate'. I was tired at the time, and fuck if I could go back and not send it I would of.
I have since unblocked this person... no I'm not saying who but... they most likely know from one fact: I triple encrypted the message. You know who you are, I am deeply sorry I sent it you may block me I will understand.
As for my current reaction?
I... I don't know anymore. I really fucking don't.
I just wanted to enjoy my fucking time on tumblr. Yet here I am having technically contributed to drama, even if it was just one anon ask, when I didn't know the full extent.
I... I really wish none if this happened in the first place. Especially since one of my mutuals was one of the initiators of the drama.
And you know what? I've had enough of it all really. Yeah it's only been a day, but I can't stand people not respecting others. You're really going to block and call out somebody just over A FUCKING OPINION????
I shouldn't of acted, yet I had. But from now on, I refuse to partake in this drama any longer. I do have my own opinion on the shit that kickstarted it.
Tpc by DEFINITION is an au. It is not its own seperate thing, and I no longer give a singular shit if I get blocked for this. If I do? I won't fucking care. Because I am sick to death of drama to be honest.
The other two have no right to gatekeep tags over a fucking opinion, and to be fair, nobody really does.
My support in this situation went from my mutual captain-kretsnik and the other inutiator of the drama, cintagonisupset. To prettybeegkittykat, trg-jsab-zone, and goldythehamster.
I dont give a shit if I'm blocked by my mutual. I really don't.
Please, just... leave me the fuck alone for a good week or two. Good day, and I hope this blows over soon enough.
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