#╰ *:・゚thread ──❝ fujin  ❞
astoldbyfolkslore · 3 months
[ sick ] sender cares for receiver while they are sick "Don't worry, I'm here for you!" she chirped, while she gently passed a wet cloth on his forehead. "You'll be fine brother"
A groan could be heard from the archer , rather reluctant to accept the care . He was fine , truly ! Even if .. every other sign was against him. In truth, he just hated being out of commission, considering there were so many other things that could be done, and yet, here was stuck in his bed due to a cold. In a sense to him .. it was humiliating. Yet, despite all of his huffing and puffing, he wasn’t alone in this.
Takumi had his younger sister! Which made it feel as if this dreaded sickness was somewhat easier. " Thank you, Sakura .. " Would he softly mumble, eyes closing feeling the cloth upon his head. A soft hum at the coolness upon his forehead made the room feel as it were a bit cooler.
" Be careful though .. I don’t want you to get sick .. cause of looking after me. “ He grumbled, tired hues peeking from underneath closed slits. Not to mention that he would feel guilty for getting her sick, from taking care of him. A tad bothered by how bright the light was, yet far too tired to properly make a complaint about it. Only refuting it by closing his eyes once more. Throat rather scratchy, Takumi would let out a small cough to try and soothe it. Though .. it didn’t have to much of the result he had expected.
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shadowedsoulss · 11 months
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                    ❦ ╾╾╾╾╾ As always the tea smelled absolutely delicious, something about the warmth it provided seemly helping the swordsman whine down after a long day- or weeks sometimes. Even more so in great company, though it had been quite sometime since they've last spoken. Not all to unfamiliar, but certainly it had been one of the longest times they have gone. It was truthfully nice to be in Fujin's presence again, sitting across from a old friend.
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                    "I've been fairing well, keeping busy mostly though recently taken sometime to explore, travel. Nothing too exciting truthfully, though it's been nice. However, still very much aware and cautious of my surrounding's. How have you been?"
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tiptapricot · 20 days
A short scene inspired by this piece by @activatethis
“How long will I be alone,” Liu Kang asks, “when the world restarts again?”
The hourglass’s heartbeat is stashed away behind him, muffled by constructed walls and an endless, open, sky. If he had not put the threads in place himself, had not pulled the building steps from void and lit the clouds into morning, it may almost have seemed real.
Raiden hums behind him, the quiet sound of his scissors against Liu Kang’s neck drifting softly into the air. “I do not know,” he says simply.
His voice is quiet, whisper thin and worn from their months floating immaterial in non existence. Or… perhaps it has been years by now. Raiden aged much faster than either of them expected, and their lives are no longer linear. The days are only a kindness, a mimicked imprint to order the falling sands.
Liu Kang frowns, fire flickering beneath his nails as he picks at his palms.
They don’t have much time left together. He has not made any more of it to keep.
“Were you lonely before man came?” he asks next.
Raiden chuckles, his laugh still as warm and old as it’s always been. “I suppose, yes.” He pulls a lock of hair from over Liu Kang’s shoulder. “But I had Fujin,” he continues, snipping again, “and the elder gods, and every manner of creature that walked Earthrealm before you, and…” He laughs again, softer. “And I am not sure I was myself enough before humans to wish for them to be there. I was lightning in the wind, brief and singular, but continuing. And then when humans came, I was more.”
He lets the lock he was working on go, the dark strands fluttering back against Liu Kang’s cheek.
“Belief does wondrous things, Liu Kang.”
Liu Kang hums, reaching up to idly roll his hair between his thumb and forefinger. There is no silver in it now, on the ends. Raiden says he does not need it, that he has outgrown it, that he has become his own god, but… he still wishes to ask him to leave some of it. To have a reminder of this before. Of this now.
“Spend a century as a fire ball, or a volcano,” Raiden mutters humorously, and Liu Kang feels the tremble in his hand as he pats his shoulder weakly. “Befriend a dinosaur. It will do you well.”
Liu Kang smiles, despite the squeezing in his chest that knots itself up into his throat. “I will try,” he whispers. “Thank you.”
That night, when the stars pass over, winking and blurred where they are projected from Liu Kang’s memory, he sweeps the last of the silver hair off the steps, and closes his eyes quietly to try and remember the smell of the breeze.
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japaneseaesthetics · 1 year
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Kitagawa Utamaro, Tying Thread, from the series “Women’s Handicrafts: Models of Dexterity" ("Fujin tewaza ayatsuri kagami"), 1792
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alexxness · 10 months
♡ A thread with 9 silly headcanons I made about Fujin (I'm delusional lol) ♡
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I headcanon him as pansexual and genderfluid
In his MK11 ending, he ends up living various lives, living many possibilities of gender, etc.
+ I believe that he also experienced many kinds of relationships with mortals he lived amongst
Fujin would be the kind of person that whenever sees a tiny spider crawling on his clothes, he'd gently give it back to nature again instead of killing it or throw it away :]
He respects and loves nature a whole lot <33
He appreciates any kind of gifts you give him :>
He'd probably go like "Awww, for me?? So gentle of you, I appreciate it a lot."
Text Messages (ft. Raiden & Nightwolf)
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+ He'd be someone who would use these kind of emojis: ₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎˚୨୧ || (๛ ˘ ³˘ )♡ || ◕⩊◕✨
His favorite flowers would probably be dandelions, marsh marigolds, and anchusa cape forget-me-not's
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+ He likes simple things :3
Fujin would be the kind of person who'd just like to be treated as a normal being amongst mortals, not as the god that he is...
+ He feels upset when people mention that "he can't understand mortals' feelings bc he's a god", but he actually does
Fujin would be the kind of person who'd write poems, while watching the sunset in fields of dandelions
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He'd be great with kids!! He would do anything to keep children happy, and would protect them at **all costs**
+ he likes to free his inner child <33
Speaking of kids, he also would let them braid his hair (like that one scene from Tangled)
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It would be so silly tehehehh <33
♡ And that's it!! I'm obsessed with him, he's the silliest, and I love him ♡
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spicybeefnoodles · 7 months
'i choose you'
summary: kung lao has to remind fujin sometimes
warnings: suggestive at the end :)
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Kung Lao was dating Fujin, and it made the Wind God’s heart sing knowing that Kung Lao warmed his bed every night. Sometimes, however, Fujin would feel the claws of jealousy grip onto his heart whenever he saw Liu Kang and Kung Lao talk with each other. They had a natural sort of ease and comfortability with each other that Kung Lao didn’t give to Fujin so easily. It made sense. Kung Lao had lived his entire life with Liu Kang at his side, and although Kung Lao had worshiped Fujin as a god, they hadn’t met until a few years ago and had only started dating recently.
Fujin watched with unnerving intensity as he watched Kung Lao and Liu Kang spar, the sand spraying into the air as they fought. The Wind God appreciated how Kung Lao’s muscles were on full display, glistening underneath a thin sheet of sweat. He didn’t appreciate it however when Liu Kang sweeped Kung Lao’s legs, causing the hat wielder to fall on his back, and sat down on Kung Lao’s lap and restrained his arms.
Fujin clenched his fist around the handle of his sword as the monk squirmed, trying to buck Liu Kang off his hips, but eventually he sighed and stopped struggling, and Liu Kang flashed the hat wielder an amused smirk.
“Geez, I yield.” Kung Lao groaned, his hands still restrained by Liu Kang’s. The fire wielder just laughed but stayed on his lap.
“I told you I would win.” Liu Kang boasted, and yet he still refused to get off of Kung Lao’s lap. Fujin felt the last threads of his patience snap, and he stalked through the fight pit and stood over the two. Kung Lao’s eyes immediately brightened, and he wiggled happily underneath Liu Kang’s hips.
The fire wielder quickly got off the other monk, and Kung Lao got up and threw himself onto Fujin, not really caring that he got sand all over the other’s robes. Fujin smiled, cradling the back of the monk’s head and bringing him in for a kiss.
Kung Lao sighed into the kiss, his eyes fluttering close, but Fujin kept his eyes open, glaring at Liu Kang who at least had the respect to look embarrassed. Eventually, the two separated, and Kung Lao hooked their arms together to take a walk around the compound to catch up, excited that his lover had come back after so long. The monk babbled on about something he and Liu Kang had discovered the other day, and Fujin scowled as Kung Lao kept on talking about the fire wielder. When they had passed by the sleeping quarters, Fujin took the lead and pushed them into Kung Lao’s room, surprising the other with his boldness.
“Fujin-” Kung Lao started but was cut off as the Wind God pushed their lips together roughly, tongue pushing at the monk’s lips. Kung Lao eagerly opened his mouth open, and they both groaned into the kiss. Kung Lao pushed Fujin against the wall, slotting one of his thick thighs between Fujin’s legs, and clutching tightly onto the Wind God. They kissed each other for a few minutes, fingers tangling into each other’s hair: Fujin tugged on Kung Lao’s short hair while Kung Lao tugged at the base of Fujin’s braid. They finally broke apart, a spit string connecting them and blushes darkening their skin.
“What spurred this on?” Kung Lao asked, and Fujin rested his head onto the monk’s shoulder, a little embarrassed to say the real reason he had brought Kung Lao into his bedroom.
“Oh, come one, you weren’t so shy a moment ago.” Kung Lao teased.
Fujin mumbled, “I wanted you to stop talking about Liu Kang.”
The monk raised his eyebrows in surprise, but he let out a deep laugh after a second. Fujin pursed his lips and kept his head buried in Kung Lao’s shoulder.
“I see now. You were jealous.” Kung Lao stated, and Fujin could tell he had on a shit-eating grin. “You have nothing to worry about, Fujin. He is like a brother to me. I have chosen you to be my partner, remember?”
Fujin nodded meekly against Kung Lao’s shoulder, and the monk tugged on the Wind God’s braid to force them to make eye contact.
“Words?” Kung Lao had a smug smirk on his face as Fujin grew more red.
“Yes, I understand.” Fujin whined, and Kung Lao smiled and brought them together to kiss again. The next day, when Kung Lao took off his shirt to spar with Liu Kang with Fujin watching in the stands, the fire wielder could only look upon the dark hickeys on his body and know that Kung Lao belonged to the Wind God.
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thedragonholder · 9 months
The wedding 💛💙/🧡🖤
(guys sorry the wedding is short one that only contains the two main rituals I had planned I'll show another wedding but this time I am going to do it after the titan squad)
Lisa belongs to @laismoura-art )
The shirai ryu garden had been decorated thanks to the help of bi-han and sareena the wedding only had little guests which were basically family.
Lisa, scorpion harumi, Hatsune, Tomas , bi-han, sareena, sbKenshi and simone.
The guest list was changed as kuai Liang didn't want a big wedding plus it would be safe to have a small wedding just between the family.
The one who initiated the wedding was none other than the wind god fujin who had just came back from his day off and was happy to initiate the wedding between Hanzo and kuai.
The family was present fujin stood at the pedestal while hanzo stood in front of him on his left wearing the monstuki Haori hakama (the groom's wedding robe in Japan) while Hatsune stood beside hanzo "you look good brother" Hatsune said to hanzo "thank you Hatsune" hanzo said to kuai liang "thanks for coming on such short notice" Hatsune said to fujin "it's no problem officiating gay weddings is my side job" fujin said to Hatsune "alright-" "Hatsune it's time for the bride to come" sbkenshi said to Hatsune "okay , good luck" Hatsune said to hanzo before going.
Kuai had entered the ceremony area wearing the shiromuku Hanzo was in disbelief kuai looked really beautiful and the fact which was more unbelievable to him was that he was officially going to get married to that man.
Bi-han cried slightly seeing his little brother finally getting married "awe your crying-" "he is getting married to my mortal enemy of course I am crying" bi-han said to Lisa sareena handed bi-han a tissue "what will you do without me" sareena said to bi-han "you guys are next" Hatsune said to bi-han and Sareena she was also crying "now why on earth are you crying-" "these are tears of joy my two most favourite people are getting married to each other" Hatsune said before looking at the bride and groom.
As the ceremony began with the purification and then drinking the sake lastly with the branch offering to the Shinto deity which in this case fujin and raiden.
"now we have two additional ceremonies remaining, Hatsune will you do the honours" fujin said Hatsune stood up she has the tray with an old kunai wrapped in a ceremonial thread and a small cup "this is the shirai ryu blood binding ceremony, this will bind your bloods and declare kuai Liang as the grand mistress of our clan." Hatsune said to them Hatsune gave fujin the knife.
"hanzo hasashi as grandmaster of the clan will you respect, love and cherish the kuai Liang accepting him as your husband and the grand mistress of the clan?" Fujin asked Hanzo "I do" hanzo said his eyes on kuai Liang "kuai Liang will you hold the duties of the grand mistress of the clan and love , cherish and respect the grandmaster?" Fujin asked kuai Liang "I do" kuai Liang said "as the will of the fire God kagutsuchi you must take the ceremonial kunai and drew blood in the ceremonial cup" fujin said to hanzo "the grandmaster goes first" fujin said giving hanzo the kunai.
"wait why kagutsuchi tho and not amaterasu?" Lisa asked Hatsune "the fire God kagutsuchi is the one who created the ritual in ancient times he was the god of fire most people thought his ritual didn't make sense except for the first shirai ryu grandmaster. The shirai ryu were the only clan that continued it hence it is now known as the shirai ryu blood ritual" Hatsune said to Lisa.
Hanzo took the ceremonial kunai and cut the palm of his hand the blood dropped into the cup filling a quarter of it "now the grand mistress" fujin said hanzo gave the kunai to kuai liang who did the same ones the cuo was filled by both of their blood fujin raised the cup "you both must drink the cup with each other's blood to finish the ritual" fujin said.
"is this necessary?" Lisa asked Hatsune "yes" Hatsune said
After the blood ritual ended with them drinking from the cup first hanzo and then kuai "now the scorpion medallion" fujin said Hatsune had stood up again with the scorpion medallion in the ceremonial tray "welcome to the clan" Hatsune said "the family of the groom must place the scorpion medallion on the neck" fujin said "Hatsune, kenshi" Hanzo said sbkenshi stood up and went to Hatsune both of them put the medallion on kuai liang's neck "congratulations dad" kenshi said to kuai liang while simone cooed having tears "i guess Simone is emotional" Hatsune said.
Hatsune and sbkenshi went back to their seats "i believe we have a last ritual by the lin kuei" fujin said "actually my brother bi-han is going to represent" Lisa said bi-han was shocked and stood up Lisa handed him the tray with the ceremonial dragon ribbon.
"the lin kuei has traditions of their own and one of them is the ancient soul bound ritual used to build trust and empathy uniting two souls destined to be together" bi-han said "as grand master will you initiate the ritual?" Fujin asked bi-han gladly accepted.
Fujin stepped away from the pedestal as bi-han stood on it "as the grandmaster i would Like my brother in law to hold one end of the ribbon while my brother helds the other end" bi-han said Hanzo held one end while kuai Liang held the other end of the ribbon.
"hanzo will you accept the soul bound , uniting you and kuai Liang for all your mortal lives?" Bi-han asked "I accept" hanzo said without hesitation "kuai Liang will you accept the soul bound uniting you and hanzo for all your mortal lives?" Bi-han asked "i accept" kuai Liang said the dragon string glowed creating a blue string on both of their index finger "the dragon accepts your unity and love for each other" bi-han said "wait shouldn't we have prayed to the gods?" Tomas asked "I think the god must have noticed who's marriage is being initiated" kenshi said to Tomas.
"as the rituals have been done the vows and promises have been made you may kiss the bride" fujin said hanzo pulled kuai into a kiss the string had disappeared causing a blue ring to form on their finger.
Bi-han immediately cried Hatsune had to go and grab bi-han's face "pull yourself together save the crying for the reception" Hatsune said to bi-han "that's my little brother" bi-han said "there, there big guy" Hatsune said patting bi-han on the back.
Both of them pulled away from the kiss "okay who's ready for the reception?" Lisa said wiping her tears.
Kuai Liang was thankful the hood was a bit heavy to deal with and his outer robes were switched with a uchitake both him and hanzo were seated on the stage as the guests were also seated.
"okay as per tradition each member here has to make a toast to the bride and groom starting with the family, bi-han why don't you start" Hatsune said bi-han nodded "congratulations to kuai and hanzo may they live a happy married life. I admit at first i hated hanzo and I still do but for my brother's happiness i accepted his proposal even if he did kill me. But now I realise that people can make mistakes which weren't easily accepted by the lin kuei and i hope you treat him better than that clan ever treated him." Bi-han said "anyone else?" Hatsune asked Tomas stood up "a toast to kuai liang and hanzo I am grateful for kuai to have a lover like hanzo. After all he sacrificed for he deserves to be happy and safe." Tomas said.
"okay Lisa?" Hatsune asked Lisa "i would like to say that I am happy for kuai Liang and hanzo I am glad he has someone to trust and someone who would watch out for him and look after him. I hope your marriage would be magical just like your love is" Lisa said she was slightly crying "kenshi?" Hatsune asked sb kenshi stood up "i would like to say thank you to kuai liang for always taking care of me since I got in this dimension and hanzo for accepting me as his son. The wedding was really beautiful and the hanzo and kuai from my time line send their congratulats. I was happy when i found out you two were getting married and that i would be included. I am thankful that from every person in the universe you two got to be my parents" sb kenshi said Hatsune wiped tears from her eyes "scorpion harumi would you like to go?" Hatsune asked.
"I was happy to see Hanzo alive and that liu Kang had completed his promise but that time i had already met my snow drop who gave filled my void of loneliness" scorpion harumi said Lisa was in awe "and kuai Liang you are lucky to have hanzo as your husband and he is lucky to have you as his wife you two are souls destined to be together" harumi said.
"sareena?" Hatsune said "personally I don't know you guys very well but from what everyone here told me about you guys i believe that your marriage is going to be a happy one." Sareena said "okay Hatsune" Tomas said "I would like to say a lot of things but the only thing I want to say right now is thank you for being there for me and help me through my tough times and at first i thought hanzo wouldn't have the guts to propose now he's here happily married and i couldn't be happier" Hatsune said having slight tears in her eyes "you alright?" Bi-han asked Hatsune "i am fine" Hatsune said wiping her tears.
"thank you all for the work you guys put in" kuai Liang said "yea we just hope we don't have to do another wedding this one was a lot of work" Hatsune said to kuai liang.
Day after tomorrow
Hatsune had went back to the monastery she went to the backyard to see Kung lao "lao!!" Hatsune said kung lao went to Hatsune and hugged her she hugged him back he kissed her cheek causing her to blush "hey how was the wedding?" Kung lao "it was really good but still feeling bad we had to cut the list short" Hatsune said to kung lao "hey it's alright kuai Liang wanted to a really small family wedding and I am glad you enjoyed it" kung lao said to Hatsune she smiled at him.
"KUAI LIANG AND HANZO HASASHI GOT MARRIED AND I WASN'T INVITED!?" the couple looked to see Johnny Cage who stood there shocked "oh no" Hatsune and kung lao said together.
You can have any weddings you want but if you're friends with Johnny Cage and not invite him to the wedding it's going to be a big problem.
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anemcreign · 2 months
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Activity for The Wanderer named "Fujin" has returned due to the 4.8 summer event, craving new threads such as Canon and Crossover threads.
Who be interested? :D 💙🍃🌀
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astoldbyfolkslore · 4 months
"Oh my you're getting into the game a little late aren't you?" Camilla gave the hauntingly familiar archer a tense smile as she handed him a black feather. "Left your big sister behind? No worries, I'm available to lend an ear if you need it. Say hi to your brother for me."
Having stirring a drink within his hand, he would look up for a moment, upon noticing the nohrian approach. His first instinct was to reach for his bow, only to .. recall that he didn’t have it on him at the moment. Quietly cursing underneath his breath, attention quickly focusing back onto her.
Taking the feather from her, she would stare at it for a moment. Only to realize, it was one of the things he needed to obtain for the prize! Gnawing on the inside of his cheek, ultimately letting out a soft sigh. At the very least, the prince needed to act politely.
She .. gave him her brooch after all. “ Right .. you’re kind for that. I .. err , same for you .. if you need, to talk to someone .. “ He’d mumble, before looking at her once more, reaching with one his hands, taking hers into his own. While the other pocketed the feather, pulling off his own brooch, carefully placing it into her hand.
“ I’ll be sure to. But .. here, since you gave me yours — t .. that’s how this is s .. supposed to work, right? “ A tad awkward, before adverting his gaze elsewhere. At the very least, he was trying to be kind and go about it in a .. much smoother way, than if the situation was different. If .. change was going to happen somewhere, then he mine as well let it start with the party. Besides, if she was here .. it was reasonable to assume that the other Nohrian siblings were here as well, yeah? With his luck, he’s bound to run into the rest of them as well.
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soulcluster · 5 months
here it is, what no one asked for: my ship bias list under a read more cause oof it's long
main roster
disney hans — anna, kristoff
dragon age blackwall — josie, inquisitor colum cousland — morrigan, anora, zevran fenris — hawke, isabela, bethany kaitlyn hawke — varric, fenris, cullen, alistair, loghain roland gilmore — cousland, bethany
dragon ball z android 18 — krillin bulma briefs — vegeta, goku cell — ....honestly just send me your ideas dende — gohan goku — chi-chi, bulma piccolo — bulma trunks briefs (future) — none yet
final fantasy aerith — cloud, tifa, sephiroth cid highwind — reeve, tifa clive rosfield — jill, cid cloud — aerith yuna — tidus, baralai
fire emblem citrinne — none yet cyril — lysithea eirika — seth, saleh, cormag ephraim — forde, gerik, tethys, marisa, tana frederick — olivia, sumia, cherche gerome — cynthia, lucina, laurent kagetsu — alear nel — none yet olivia — frederick, lon'qu, gregor seteth — jeralt, hanneman
fma: brotherhood ed — winry ling yao — lan fan riza — roy
harvest moon chelsea — vaughn kai — popuri, karen, leia mark (awl) — muffy molly (ap) — candace, phoebe, renee popuri — gray, karen, kai soseki — none yet vaughn — chelsea
the last unicorn amalthea — lir
legend of zelda link — mipha, malon malon — link mipha — link, zelda, revali zelda — ganondorf
marvel 616 adam warlock — gamora drax — mantis gamora — adam warlock, angela, tony stark peter quill — none yet rocket — lylla
mortal kombat fujin — none yet jax — sonja, vera takeda — jacqui
my time gwen/oc — logan, unsuur, owen, qi, heidi logan — fang, grace, builder
persona kotone — shinjiro, akihiko, ryoji ren — yoshizawa, ann, futaba, shiho, ryuji ryuji — joker, ann shiho — ann, joker shinjiro — kotone
resident evil leon — claire rebecca — none yet
star wars briayla/oc — corso, darmas, theron, lana doc — jedi knight kihanda/oc — doc, obi-wan
stardew valley abigail — sam, leah, penny, farmer eris/oc — harvey harvey — farmer
studio ghibli arrietty — spiller baron — baroness kiki — none yet pazu — sheeta
tales of kratos — anna, raine lailah — zaveid
threads of fate rue — none yet
tomb raider jonah — abigaile lara — sam, jaocb sam — lara
request roster
chrono trigger/cross serge — leena magus — none yet
cyberpunk 2077 takemura — none yet v/oc — none yet
DC lucifer — mazikeen soarnik natu — none yet
disney jack skellington — sally jane porter — tarzan, belle
final fantasy basch — none yet fran — balthier penelo — none yet zidane — garnet/dagger
fire emblem byleth — dimitri, claude, hanneman, shamir deirdre — sigurd franz — none yet gregory — none yet marianne — byleth, dimitri mikoto — yukimura, gunter quan — ethlyn rhys — none yet silas — corrin
harvest moon calvin — farmer lyla — basil, louis muffy — farmer, griffin, nami
legend of dragoon dart — shana lavitz — rose
mass effect garrus — shepard jeff/joker — shepard zaeed — shepard
metal gear solid cécile — kaz gray fox — none yet quiet — venom snake solid snake — hal, meryl
my hero academia tenya iida — ochako mina ashido — none yet
once upon a time belle — emma, ruby, ariel, killian, neal emma swan — neal, belle, ruby, graham grace — henry jefferson — belle, graham, robin, ruby milah — graham, robin, killian neal — emma, belle, robin, graham
rune factory felicity — raguna russell — none yet
tales of zaveid — lailah
*note 1: for any oc type characters I have a preference for (inquisitor, hawke, builder, assorted farmers, shepard, etc.), shipping will depend on that muse's character and if it works with my muse.
**note 2: just because a ship isn't on here doesn't mean I wouldn't ship it at all, except in the rare case of a notp
***notps: aerith/zack, cloud/tifa. these are only in a romantic sense, platonic is fine. if you see me shipping these it's because I'm close with the other mun
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fujowebdev · 1 year
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📔FujoGuide Spotlight #3: Zine Demo📔
With the cast spotlights out of the way (find the links at the end of the thread), today we want to focus on the actual product we'll be putting in everyone's hands: our Version Control zine.
If you're just joining us, you can get this zine in your eager fujin hands (and help us reach our stretch goals) by backing us on Kickstarter.
If you want to follow along with the demo, you can find it here as a PDF.
Before we go into the nitty-gritty details, we chose Version Control as our first topic because, while working with both beginner and experienced coders, they reported it as the most life-changing (but intimidating) skill they gained. It also helps them join open-source projects!
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Keep reading for lots more!
Remember: all you see here is a work in progress, and things may and will change in the zine. Our campaign is a love-letter to Japanese productions like otome games and "cast full of hot boys" anime. Similarly, our zine calls back to Japanese fan productions, a.k.a. doujinshi.
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As you likely noticed, we pride ourselves on committing to the bit. This zine is no different. For example, Boba-tan, pitched as the revolutionary brain behind our educational devices, is both its fictional author and protagonist. After all, who doesn't love a good self-insert?
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After this, the zine follows a simple pattern: a comic explains the current plight of our protagonist, a new character/technology is introduced, and then we dive deeper into concrete examples of how the technology is used in a practical workflow. We keep it light but useful!
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Let's show, not tell! Behold, our first comic by @tempural (🎨) and @essential-randomness (🖋)! Boba-tan, deadline quickly approaching, manages to wreck her website! #relatable
Fear not! Terminal has a simple solution, which we fully endorse: Boba-tan, meet Git! (bonus HTML cameo 👀)
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Next is Git’s character introduction featuring @brokemycrown's amazing art. This page serves a double purpose: it adds depth to the character (and some laughs), but most importantly it's a memorable way to help the core concept immediately stick in the reader's brain.
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And now we finally reach the core of our offering, that is our actual educational material. The current version (remember, a work in progress) was planned by @essential-randomness, written by @enigmalea, and reviewed by our technical writing consultant wiredferret.
After the campaign, we plan to work closely with backers to deliver material that truly works. But while the content is in flux, you can see the landmarks of our experience: simple explanations that don't shy away from the technical details, with hot men sprinkled all around!
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Fun fact: we also used Git & GitHub to collaborate on the zine itself! Thanks to Vivliostyle's powerful tools for typesetting with code, @essential-randomness and @enigmalea were able to use the techniques we're teaching to iterate together without stepping on each other's toes!
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And that is all for today! We hope you're now even more excited for this guide to soon be reality. Although we hit our initial goal (🎉🎉🎉) we still have many stretch goals to go. Help us smash through them in this final week by backing us at our Kickstarter page.
If you missed the previous spotlights and wish to learn more about our characters in the Localhost HQ and Browserland spotlights.
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japaneseaesthetics · 2 years
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Kitagawa Utamaro, Tying Thread, from the series “Women’s Handicrafts: Models of Dexterity" ("Fujin tewaza ayatsuri kagami"), 1792
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miyukihoshizora · 1 year
So! FFVIII! Finished it yesterday, loved most of the last stretch! And it totally comes appart the second you think about it too hard!
First what I liked:
Squall and Rinoa, obviously. Their dynamic and respective growths mirroring each other. One who shuts off the world and one who forces herself to seem like this dizzy social butterfly, both because they are terrified of being hated. Their friendship very organically evolve into a romance and the best scenes in the game like the space rescue are always between these two.
Quistis was also the teammate I felt got to do the most. Started off as a mentor, before realizing the mantle of leader was not for her and learning to put her full trust into something other than her instincts. She also had the emotional intelligence to dodge a love triangle when she felt that shit arrive lmao.
The game is also full of really cool setpieces in general. The space rescue, the Gardens themselves, the Lunatic Pandora... And of course, Ultimecia's castle! I absolutely loved the whole dream sequence at the end, how it communicated without words on all of Squall's fears and how Rinoa became the reason he learned to enjoy his life. How he clung to her image like a lifeline even if the time distortion + GF poisoning tried to take it away from him (as it did with Ultimecia if you subscribe to the U=R theory). Like god damn, this was strong stuff.
Speaking of! I'm actually shocked Ultimecia being Rinoa is just a fan theory Square went out of their way to debunk because it seemed so obvious to me from the get go and I wasn't even aware of the theory until I looked into it. I find it weird they decided to just say no to the whole thing instead of keeping it ambiguous, as the game does, because thematically, this makes it a really powerful story, and Ultimecia a much more sympathetic baddie. Like damn, you can do so much with Griever being all she has left of her knight, while her refusal to let go of it twisting her memories to the point she can no longer recognize him when he comes to her from the past, as she wanted. Respectfully gonna kill the author on this one.
Now for the less good stuff... The orphanage plot twist, obviously. Doctor Odine's whole deal. The Norg stuff. I imagine the fact this plot is held together by duct tape is like, the popular opinion at this point. The best parts of this game kind of mostly work in a vacuum.
Also, well... Zell, Irvine and Selphie don't really have any arc to speak of as far as I can tell. Which is a bit disappointing, compared to VII, I wish they all got to do a lot more. They are still my babies but I really didn't care for them as much as I did the other three, and that Is a problem in a seried that lives or die by how much you engage with its characters.
Oh and bro, Seifer. I jokingly compared him to Draco Malfoy and just like Draco they totally half assed his part in the plot. He had strong momentum as a rival character in Disc 1, but the fact Rinoa stops having feeling for him the second he does his heel turn, and that he just wanted to be Ultimecia's knight, regardless of whether it was Edea or Rinoa, TWO WOMEN HE LOVED, is completely ridiculous. He also got a total anticlimax with the most heavy-handed Gilgamesh cameo, and then Fujin and Raijin (the best part of this stupid plot thread) just redeem him off screen where he goes back to Balamb and never gets any comeuppance for actively trying to destroy the world, like, what the hell even was that.
Oh yeah also the gameplay system is jank and I only started having fun with it when I broke it.
That about sums up my thoughts. I'm really happy of my experience with this game, and to finally be done with the Playstation era!~
My X replay is next, and then I'll probably hop straight onto XV.
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sasorikigai · 5 months
can you make a fanfiction about raiden finding liu kang as a abandoned baby please
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Random Inbox Shenanigans || @thecoolkids-things || always accepting!
Thank you for taking your time to request, but I will respectfully decline, because of couple of reasons;
I no longer write as Raiden, as you can see the changes in my muse roster. It is also pinned on my blog. I used to have this blog as a multimuse blog with a bunch of MK roster (including Hanzo/Scorpion, Kuai Liang/Sub-Zero, Fujin, and Raiden, but I simply have no time and energy to give them proper effort to give them justice).
I also no longer write fanfiction nor have interest in writing one, as I much prefer to concentrate in a single muse (in this case, Hanzo/Scorpion), and other characters closely related to him (Satoshi and Koharu - Hanzo's 'non-canonical' daughter who survived the massacre in the rebooted movie). I also much prefer to write with a writing partner in a thread or better, interact through memes.
My blog should also give it away that I am a roleplay blog. While I will take any requests or questions related to my current muse (Hanzo/Scorpion), or anything related to his character, I will not take any other requests outside of what is stated.
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angermango · 4 years
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and to all, a good night~
(in a celebration for reaching 1k notes on the other post that featured recorders... somehow)
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astoldbyfolkslore · 4 months
She sees him. The Hoshidan prince that she nursed to health back in the villa. One of the lead members of the Hoshidan platoon that she was assigned to end, and ultimately failed in doing so.
Hours ago, Flora would have let panic overcome her and dive off in the opposite direction. But her previous talk with Princess Camilla lets logic take over. The Nohrian nobles...at least the ones she has encountered tonight, do not see her as a traitor. Although Hoshido should find a Nohrian such as herself as even more hostile...
She has to try. One life has already been discarded. Perhaps in this second one, she can seek pardon from those she betrayed.
"Lord Takumi," Flora closes her eyes upon entering the prince's presence. "If...there is anything I may do to improve your experience tonight, please allow me to serve."
"And...please accept my portion of tonight's brooch exchange," Flora slips off a string of pearls and holds it out for Takumi. She is getting rather used to giving these out...though giving is all she was taught to do as a maid.
A soft yawn escaped from his lips, quick to attempt to reenergize himself by .. drinking some of his beverage. A small hum of contentment escaping from his lips, it was definitely different from what he was use to, that’s for certain.
Looking at her, a small glare was present upon his face. Before softly sighing, adverting his gaze elsewhere for a moment, play nice .. he needed to remind himself. Despite the feelings that were quelling within his body. The … slight anger, for the time being, he needed to .. quell it and be somewhat civil.
Before words could properly escape, he was taken aback by her sudden act, confusion written on his face. Staring slightly like a deer in the headlights, would he calm himself and .. attempt to properly respond.
“ Err .. thank you ? “ Blinking in surprise for a moment, before taking the string of pearls, before slipping them into the safety of the pocket, moving to take off his teardrop, holding it out to Flora in exchange. “ If that’s the case, then .. I believe I owe you mine in return? Not just that, but .. for .. coming in my time of aid, g .. granted, this doesn’t make up for much, but I’ll try to .. make it more grander. When I have a proper chance. “
Saying such, while trying to act somewhat nonchalant, turning his head off to the side—adverting his gaze elsewhere.
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