#◜sun wukong: abilities / skills.◞
fatedefyd · 2 years
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   sun wukong tags !
◜sun wukong: behavior.◞ ◜sun wukong: headcanon.◞ ◜sun wukong: in character.◞ ◜sun wukong: mirror / faceclaim.◞ ◜sun wukong: isms.◞ ◜sun wukong: playlist.◞ ◜sun wukong: aesthetics.◞   ◜sun wukong: desires / shipping.◞   ◜sun wukong: attire.◞ ◜sun wukong: abilities / skills.◞
◜sun wukong / v. main.◞ 🇸🇹🇪🇵 🇴🇺🇹 🇴🇫 🇹🇭🇪 🇸🇺🇳 🇧🇪🇨🇦🇺🇸🇪 🇾🇴🇺‘🇻🇪 🇱🇪🇦🇷🇳🇪🇩. ◜sun wukong / v. jttw.◞ 🇼​🇭​🇴​ 🇮​🇸​ 🇾​🇴​🇺​🇷​ 🇫​🇦​🇻​🇴​🇷​🇮​🇹​🇪​ 🇫​🇪​🇦​🇷​🇱​🇪​🇸​🇸​ 🇭​🇪​🇷​🇴​ ﹖﹗
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genderfluid-insomniac · 6 months
Can I request Redson, Mk, Sun Wukong and Mei with a Raiden Ei reader/ s/o? (I can only imagine how they would react to reader pull the sword out of her chest 😭)
Thank you very much if you have time for my request!
Redson, Mk, Sun Wukong, and Mei with a Raiden Ei!reader (separately)
He’s seen a lot since the day he found the staff and it would be reasonable for him to think he’s seen every weird thing. But one day when he was out on a date with you, another villain of the week attacked right beside you both and you saw a large piece of debris coming towards you. You pulled out your sword from your chest and cleanly sliced the large piece of stone in half.
Meanwhile, MK has thousands of thoughts buzzing around, many of them wondering how he didn’t find out about this sooner. How are you able to do this without cutting your chest? Were you scared to show him your sword chest thing? Why don’t you use it more often? Why did you hide the cool boob sword from him?!
Be prepared for an abundance of questions being yelled at you as he’s fighting off the demon. He’ll deal with priorities later and get lectured about it by Wukong, Macaque, Pigsy, Sandy, Tang, Red Son, Mei, etc (pretty much everyone who cares about his wellbeing)
He will be asking to see it again whenever you’re okay with it and every time it’s like he’s seeing it for the first time. There are stars in his eyes as he admires the skill you have of not hurting yourself but also how gorgeous your blade is. This man is trying his best to hold back the wave of questions due to his confusion on how you actually do it since not one bit of it makes sense to him.
Genuinely loves it and tries to replicate it or somehow make it known how amazing and impressive she finds your ability.
She is genuinely more in love with you and wants to see you perform to your ability as much as you allow. Endlessly complimenting you about your skills and grace whilst also looking badass.
Despite accidentally injuring herself many times Mei continues to try and replicate it because of how much she wants to be able to do it with you. You and the others will have to stop her from injuring herself too much. Whenever a battle is going on you and her will match your styles, you summoning your glowing violet sword with your girlfriend in tow and mimicking you.
She will constantly ask to see your sword up close and admire the beautiful style of the metal, tracing the intricate designs carved into the hilt and end of the blade. Mei of course loves anything shiny so you might have to steal your sword back because she isn’t going to give it back easily.
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Sun Wukong
He probably has the opposite reaction compared to the rest since he’s centuries old and he’s seen a lot of strange things. However, all of that goes out the window when a piece of debris nearly hits you causing you to take out your sword in front of the group and effectively slashing the debris into rubble behind you. You see a look of shock and a failed attempt to push down his excitement now that he knows you’ve unintentionally hidden this amazing and pretty attractive ability of yours.
He’s not going to ask that many questions and plead for you to do it again and again so he can fully see how it works and functions. Of course, the obvious next step is for you both to spar until both of you are exhausted or it comes to a draw and then he’s going to admire your sword while you both rest. The shiny glowy object is very pretty to look at even to you.
When you both are cuddling or relaxing he’ll sometimes ask to “play” with your sword and trace the details or carving in the high-quality steel, being careful it doesn’t cut him because he’d rather not get up from the warm cuddle pile you both have and not so subtly replaying the memory of how you summoned your sword in the first place.
This does mean that you’re going to join MK in training sometimes and momentarily distract Wukong because you are his lover but also he’s still drawn into your swordsmanship skills which causes either of you to get a hit in. He pouts angrily pouts at you while telling MK that he just got lucky and he let it happen to teach him another lesson but neither of you buy a word of that lie.
Despite everyone else’s reactions, he’s very confused about how this works or even how you don’t get cut every time you do it, and thinking about it makes him go into a spiral of curiosity.
Like MK be prepared for many questions about your ability and the permission for him to examine your sword for a couple of hours, you aren’t banished from his workshop but he’s going to hyperfixed the sword and its ability. So you may not get much attention unless it’s to get him to eat and drink or necessary things because he must find out.
Red Son does find it attractive and is very impressed with your skill as you wield the blade when you’re training or just fighting in general. He is a gentleman so he’s wary of staring at your chest for too long so you can definitely see a light blush on his cheeks if you look at him at just the right time.
Don’t get me wrong he is very impressed with your ability but also wonders if he could somehow improve your ability if you request it. If not then he’s still curious but he does eventually stop given this is a world where magic and demonic bullshit exist and sometimes stuff just doesn’t make sense.
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
Ok but here's a dynamic I forgot to consider! MK's canon encyclopedia snd self doubt. All the way form the very start of the series he's shown lack of confidence in his skills and even hints of being jealous or even envious of Sun Wukong's skill and abilities, saying on multiple occasions he doesn't think he's worthy to be Wukong's heir and successor.
Just imagine how he, someone who's dreamed of being like the Monkey King and being a hero for years, would feel learning his berdy older brother who wants nothing to do with the legend at all is actually Sun Wukong himself!? And even after they split the power, Peaches should naturally become stronger and better at controlling them at a faster rate than MK simply because of the fact that, well, those are HIS powers! He isn't learning to use them for the first time. It's already something familiar to him. He's more so remembering how to use them than actually doing the work to learn how to control them.
And MK would definitely notice.
MK has a personal conflict of envy and self-worth, especially since from his perspective; his big brother (who may not actually Be his brother anymore) has been protecting him his whole life.
MK worshipped his bro so much as a kid since he'd always been the strongest, smartest, and handsome-st big brother ever. When MK got old enough, he had the circumstances surrounding their adoption explained to him, only fueling this worship further - his big brother had saved them from a likely terrible situation and found Dadsy too!
But now...
Why would Peaches Monkey King ever hang out with boring, useless MK? His dumb not-brother who can barely use his "baby" powers without messing up big time!
Was MK only ever found/kept because the Monkey King couldn't remember anything?
Did MK *cause* the amnesia?!
Cus there must be a reason why MK can lift the Staff and take half of Sun Wukong's power. And MK isn't sure he likes any of them.
Him and Mei have a venting episode to tackle their issues with self-worth and being related to someone so renown.
In Peaches opinion; MK *is* his little brother. The circumstance don't matter. Sun Wukong or not, MK is the coolest little brother a monkey could have. If only he knew that.
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localcryptidsteg · 28 days
Black Myth Wukong and the legacy of the Monkey King
In the game, you play as just a random monkey, but you have most of Sun Wukong's powers. This led to a friend of mine asking the question: "Is this just a reincarnation of Sun Wukong?" The discussion that followed leads me to conclude that, despite looking like him and smelling like him according to most bosses, we are not playing a reincarnation. This is just a descendant.
For clarification, everything we see The Destined One do is something Wukong learned from someone else in the first place. Aside from the way we respawn after being defeated, we dont have any of the inherent strength, power, or defenses of Wukong back when he was just Shihou. We learn and develop even the most basic abilities as we go down the skill trees. Magic, while something we can do, is something we are only ever given or taught by side characters. We only gain Wukong's unique abilities as we collect the relics he left behind.
Which leads to this question: if we are merely following in Wukongs footsteps, could anyone at any time have done the same? Would they even have to be a monkey demon to pull it off?
Logically from the standpoint of a game, the answer is yes. ANYONE could learn do do what Sun Wukong does. They could have given us the option to pick any monkey out of the group and that monkey would be able to complete the journey so long as we ourselves can.
But it gets interesting from a mythos standpoint when the question is posed. Based on the worldbuilding laid down by both Journey to the West and Black Myth Wukong, does the answer change? Or does it remain a yes no matter what?
The Six Eared Macaque couldn't truly become Sun Wukong when he tried, but what was the real factor that determined that outcome? Was he simply not as strong in the end? But then why would there be such an emphasis on the two monkeys being a perfectly even match? Was it because he wasn't taught the things Wukong was? He still mimicked them without detriment. Or was it due to outside interference? It was ultimately Buddha revealing his identity that allowed Wukong to kill him, after all.
And if Wukong had died, would The Six Eared Macaque have successfully been able to become Sun Wukong? The implications of Black Myth Wukong suggest this might be the case. Does that mean the theory that the macaque actually switched places and killed Wukong now retroactively holds water, at least in terms of Black Myth Wukong? Or is it simply that the game may have drawn some inspiration from the theory?
Is Sun Wukong the strongest because he's Sun Wukong, or is he Sun Wukong because he's the strongest?
Just food for thought, and an interesting topic if nothing else.
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lmk-oc-competition · 13 days
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Yangwu Jin belongs to @littlethingsrae
Lady Obsidian belongs to @miccadomini
Learn more about them below the cut!
Yangwu Jin:
Yangwu Jin is the Granddaughter of Sanzuwu, the last Celestial Sun Crow - Jin was given life by Bìxiá Yuanjun (the Goddess of Dawn and Destiny) to one day take over the mantel and ultimately ease the stress on the Goddess' oldest friend.
Jin is enthusiastic and kind-hearted, always regarding others with the grace and patience that comes with being a Celestial. She’s fascinated by those outside of the Celestial sphere and mortal life in general, once you get to know her some of the ‘poise and restrictions’ seem to vanish - she’s naturally curious, talkative and very caring for those she holds dear.
Lady Obsidian:
Name: Lady Obsidiana
Title: The Eternal Matron of Shadows
Background:Lady Obsidiana is a figure of myth and legend, an immortal being whose name is spoken with reverence and awe throughout the realms. Her existence is shrouded in mystery, with few truly knowing the full extent of her powers or the depths of her kindness. Though her magic is rooted in the darkest of arts, she wields it sparingly, aware of the balance between light and shadow. Instead of ruling over the world with her formidable abilities, she has dedicated her life to protecting those most vulnerable—the orphans and abandoned children who find themselves lost in a world that often forgets them. Personality: Lady Obsidiana exudes an aura of elegance and authority, her presence commanding respect without uttering a word. Draped in flowing robes as dark as midnight, she moves with a grace that belies her power. Her eyes, like pools of endless night, reflect both the sorrow of centuries past and the wisdom of ages. Despite the darkness within her, she is a figure of nurturing care, her heart going out to those who have been discarded by society. She is gentle with the children she protects, but her enemies know her to be a force of nature, capable of wielding her magic with terrifying precision. Current Residence:Hidden deep within an enchanted forest, Lady Obsidiana’s sanctuary is a place of refuge and safety. This location is cloaked in powerful magic, making it nearly impossible to find unless she’s allows it. The sanctuary is home to countless children who were abandoned or orphaned, all of whom are cared for by Lady Obsidiana and a select group of trusted individuals. The sanctuary is a place of warmth and light, a stark contrast to the power Lady Obsidiana holds within her.
Friend: Pigsy: Although gruff, Pigsy supplies Seraphina and the sanctuary with food and other necessities, ensuring the children are well-fed and healthy.
Enemy: The Demon Bull King: A former ally turned enemy, the Demon Bull King sought to use Lady Obsidiana’s dark powers for his own conquest. When she refused, a bitter rivalry was born. The Demon Bull King now seeks to destroy her sanctuary, knowing it is the source of her compassion and strength.
Ex-Lover: Sun Wukong (Monkey King): Centuries ago, Lady Obsidiana and Sun Wukong shared a passionate but tumultuous relationship. Their love was powerful, but their paths diverged. Though they parted ways, there is still a lingering connection between them, a mixture of old love and unresolved tension (and bickering).
Current Lover: Macaque: . Their bond is deep, built on a foundation of mutual understanding and shared experiences. Macaque is fiercely protective of Lady Obsidiana and often acts as her eyes and ears in the outside world.
Sibling Figure: Lady Obsidiana and Princess Iron Fan share a sisterly bond. They understand each other’s struggles and burdens, and often confide in one another. Despite their differing alignments, they maintain a deep respect and affection for each other.
Dark Magic Mastery: Lady Obsidiana commands the dark arts with unparalleled skill, capable of casting spells that can warp reality, manipulate shadows, and summon powerful creatures of the night. Immortality: She does not age, and her wounds heal at a rapid pace, making her nearly indestructible. However, she is not invulnerable to pain.
Mind Enchantment: She can influence the thoughts and emotions of others, subtly guiding their actions without them realizing it.
Shadow Travel: Lady Obsidiana can move through shadows, allowing her to appear and disappear at will, traversing great distances in the blink of an eye. Protection Wards: She has woven powerful protective spells around her sanctuary, making it nearly impossible for those with ill intent to find or enter it.
Lady Obsidiana's powers are formidable, but like all beings, she has vulnerabilities that can be exploited. To weaken her, one must understand the sources of her strength and the rare weaknesses that can diminish her abilities.
Slight Weakening: Exposure to Sunlight for Extended Periods: While Lady Obsidiana is not harmed by sunlight, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can slightly weaken her connection to the shadows and dark magic. Her powers become less potent during daylight hours, especially if she is kept away from shaded areas or places of darkness for an extended time.
Interference with the Sanctuary’s Wards: The protective wards around her sanctuary are a significant source of her strength, drawing on the ancient magic she wove into the land. By subtly disrupting these wards—through powerful counter-spells or rare magical artifacts designed to weaken such protections—her connection to her sanctuary and the source of her powers can be diminished, making her more vulnerable.
Use of Holy or Purifying Objects: Although not severely harmful, the presence of objects blessed with holy or purifying magic can create an uncomfortable aura around her. These objects can disrupt her focus and slightly reduce the potency of her dark spells, forcing her to exert more effort to achieve the same results.
Severe Weakening: Fire Rubies Dipped in Lava: The most effective way to severely weaken Lady Obsidiana is through the use of fire rubies that have been dipped in molten lava. These rare and powerful gems can drain her dark magic, stripping away her abilities and leaving her nearly powerless. Direct contact with such a ruby will cause her immense pain and could even render her unconscious if exposed for too long.
Breaking the Shadow Tether: Lady Obsidiana’s ability to traverse through shadows is linked to a mystical tether that binds her to the Shadow Realm. Severing this tether—through a powerful spell or a unique weapon designed to disrupt shadow magic—would drastically weaken her, preventing her from accessing her full range of abilities and leaving her vulnerable to physical and magical attacks.
Isolation from Darkness: Forcing Lady Obsidiana into a space completely devoid of shadows or darkness, such as a room bathed in pure, unbroken light, can severely diminish her powers. In such a state, she would be unable to draw upon the shadows that fuel her magic, significantly weakening her to the point where she could be subdued by less powerful opponents.
By exploiting these weaknesses, one could reduce Lady Obsidiana's formidable powers, though it would take immense knowledge and preparation to do so. However, even in a weakened state, she remains a dangerous and cunning adversary, not to be underestimated.
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Can you please tell me what abilities sun wukong have because am always confused about it i even hear some people says that sun wukong is omniscient and omnipresent and can control time or that he is is a boundless character
At no point in JTTW is Monkey ever depicted as a boundless character with omniscience, omnipresence, and control over time. Anyone claiming that has never read the novel. Never ever trust any online claims about Sun Wukong unless a cited quote is provided.
Having said that, I am slowly compiling a comprehensive list of all of Monkey's magical abilities and skills, complete with corresponding Chinese terms and citations. However, I am nowhere close to being done (and won't be for years), so I can only give you a general list at this time. But I will link to my past articles where applicable.
The following is based on a list I wrote a few months ago for someone looking to make their D&D campaign more authentic.
Immortality - He has six layers of immortality. But these are more like layers of invulnerability. As a "bogus immortal" (yaoxian, 妖仙) he is still susceptible to injury and death because he hasn’t yet achieved Buddha-nature and broken free of the wheel of rebirth (see note #1 here for an explanation).
Invulnerability - He has an adamantine hide that can't be pierced or hurt by earthly or heavenly weapons and elements (this doesn't count the times that he allows himself to be cut). This is thanks to all of the immortal foodstuff he had eaten in heaven being refined within his body by his samadhi fire, giving him a "diamond body" (jingang zhi qu, 金鋼之軀). Sometimes he uses this invulnerability to freak out demons by blocking a sword strike with his bald head. However, he can still be hurt. For example, he is twice wounded by special elements born from spiritual cultivation, samadhi fire and wind (the book treats cultivated and heavenly elements as two different things). Also, one villain, a scorpion demoness energized with Buddhist dharma power, is able to successfully penetrate his skin by stinging him in the face with her tail.
72 changes - He can transform into anything. The only flaw is his tail, which doesn't always change the way he wants it to. Or, a character recognizes him because of his red butt.
Cloud somersault - This allows him to fly 108,000 li (33,554 mi / 54,000 km) in a single leap. The skill is actually a metaphor for instantaneous enlightenment, for those who achieve it will immediately arrive in the Buddha's paradise.
Magic hairs - He can change any one of his 84,000 hairs into anything he wants (tools, random objects, living creatures, etc.) These include hair clones, which are autonomous copies of himself that can range into the tens, hundreds, thousands, millions, or even billions. However, he only deploys these on a small scale in the novel. He never uses the power to its full stated extent.
Super strength - His greatest feat is carrying two mountains while running "with the speed of a meteor." But there are characters physically stronger than him. For instance, Monkey cannot escape the grip of the Great Peng bird once he is caught in his powerful talons.
Martial arts - He is proficient in armed and unarmed combat, being able to go toe-to-toe with deities with centuries more combat experience than him. "Short Fist," a historical style, is listed as his preferred boxing method. But he mainly relies on his magic iron staff for fighting.
General magic - Monkey is shown capable of calling forth gods and spirits, growing or shrinking to any size, parting fire and water, creating impassable barriers, conjuring wind storms, casting illusions, freezing people in place, putting anyone to sleep, unlocking any lock, bestowing superhuman strength, bringing the dead back to life, turning invisible, changing someone's appearance, traveling to and from heaven and hell, etc.
Magic Eyes - He can see through illusions. But this isn't always portrayed consistently, for I know of several times where Guanyin fools him, and even a god of the soil, a lesser deity, is once able to do the same thing.
Medicine - He can diagnose maladies and concoct medicines to solve the issue.
You can see that omniscience, omnipresence, and control over time are not listed. I think the problem is that people are confusing Sun Wukong at two different points in his character arc. The powers listed above come from the journey itself (ch. 13 to 100). The omni-level powers would come after he achieves Buddhahood at the end of the novel (ch. 100). However, it's very, very important to know that the story ends before Sun Wukong, now the "Victorious Fighting Buddha," performs any feats (i.e. he has no feats as a Buddha). I'm sure people could assign him powers ascribed to other Buddhas in religious literature, but what happens after the story ends is beyond canon.
I hope this helps.
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lotus02lavish · 1 year
some angst of breakup Headcanons with SWK, MK and Mayor from LMK? GN Reader btw. i just need some angst.
[Pain shall be fed into the beating heart] 💥
【If we ever broke up, I'd be sad. 💔】
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{Sun Wukong, Mk, and Mayor breakup with GN! Reader}
➳ Lego Monkie kid (LMK) // Headcanons // Seperated // Angst! ✍🏻
──・ 。゚☆*. .* ☆゚.──・☆゚.──・。゚☆ *. .* ──
"You can love them, forgive them, want good things for them ... but still move on without them." - Mandy Hale.
Sun Wukong
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The realization about a mortal human being and the immortal monkey king put into a loving relationship would not work.
Sun Wukong could give you his peaches of immortality to accompany him until the end of time. Except the horror that if you live forever, everyone and everything around you will move on. Somethings will die and forgotten without you. No peaches for you, hun.
Sun Wukong does not allowed to let anyone notice you as his lover, he just want to protect you from anyone that cause harm. Which makes you believe he is embarrassed to have you.
Sun Wukong is lacking the ability to explain of how he truly feeling towards you. From time to time again to have communication problems and abuse that cannot be solved.
In Sun Wukong's opinion, love is just another useless emotion to express that lead to heartbreak and disappointment. He is not ready to handle any of those qualities.
In conclusion, Sun Wukong is unexpectedly certain to break up with you, just to save you from himself. He is arrogant and a trickster is known to everyone who has heard of or had the chance to meet the legendary Monkey King.
"Eternal life can bring eternal suffering, I don't want you to feel the same way as me."
The fact that Sun Wukong has said his goodbyes to you and gone from your sight, the good thing is glad to know that you have great life and bright future ahead from destiny than his. The bad thing is, he will miss you deeply more than you ever know.
────・ 。゚☆*. .* ☆゚.──・☆゚.──・。゚☆ *. .* ──
"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." - Marilyn Monroe.
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At first, Mk does not understand why you would choose someone like him to be your boyfriend, and he felt that not asking about it was better. He always thinking that he does not deserve your love.
Mk ponders about you cherish them because they are a powerful hero, and everything else within them has no importance. That is why the noodle boy worried that one day they would accidentally use their unnatural monkey magic skills to hurting you, and afraid they might fail to save you from danger.
Mk is often excusing himself with his training, delivering noodles, saving the world/universe, and joining his friends to avoid you.
Mk repeatedly forgets the important events, such as your birthday, the dating anniversary day, the national holidays, and meeting with your friends or family. Heis busy to handle with the fate of being heroic rest on his shoulders, and gaining more trauma through the rest of his journey.
One time, Mk send one of their clone to accompany you in the entire day. Later, the copy of them bluntly told you that they (Original self) actually felt forced in love and does not feel the same way as you anymore.
You have grown tired of him and finally choose to breakup for the best, which Mk had expected and planned this all along.
"I'm very sorry! You deserve someone else better than me."
Though still feeling awkward, you and Mk agree to became friends once again. Furthermore, both of you always ignoring the questions of "That's your ex?"
──・ 。゚☆*. .* ☆゚.──・☆゚.──・。゚☆ *. .* ──
"Sometimes the only way to let go is to love someone enough to want the best for him or her, even if that means not being together." - Anonymous
The Mayor
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After years of dating, there is nothing special happening between the two of you. No happiness and no pleasure, just empty.
Oh, how unfortunate you do not know so much about him, even his real name is remain unknown. The Mayor is most likely to kept horrifying secrets and plans to himself from you.
Sadly, whenever the Mayor is near you, he did not have a smile on his face. Only emotionless can be seen in your eyes. Revealing his true colors.
The Mayor would rather focus on granting his Lady's requests than to spend all of his time with you.
It is a ridiculous suspicion that the Mayor is cheating on you simply because he worships The Lady Bone Demon as his only goddess until the bitter end.
At long last, you decided to breakup with the cold-hearted and odd man, his response is none other than a giggle and does not mind.
"You see, dear?" Mayor spoke up as he turn around, "letting someone go is actually easier than we thought."
At that exact moment, the Mayor show his silly toothy smile to you for one last time before he disappeared. Leaving you heartbroken and wish him for the best to accomplish his duty.
──・ 。゚☆*. .* ☆゚.──・☆゚.──・。゚☆ *. .* ──
True Colors - SLAVES
"Wait, did you ever take a moment just to think
About anyone, anyone other than yourself?!
Give me back the love I wasted now
Cold, one day it's gonna hit you, you're alone
I won't be there, won't be there
It's cruel to turn around
Give me back the love I wasted now."
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semisolidmind · 2 years
I am in love with your jttw posts! They're awesome! I wanted to ask about your thoughts on a scenario with Bad End Sun reacting to seeing reader being pissed for the first time. Like, the reason Wukong fell for reader in the first place is because of their sweet, fun-loving personality, and their ability to brush off negativity. But the moment he returns from being under the mountain for 500 years, and starts threatening reader's loved ones, the reader isn't afraid to let Wukong know that they will do their level best to kill him if he lays a hand on their husband or children, even with the knowledge that they definitely don't stand a chance against him. I just love the idea of a reader that isn't afraid to throw down when the time calls for it. Feel free to ignore this ask, but I hope you have a great day! 💙
ooh, reader gettin sassy with the great sage? that can't end well;
let's say reader gives her big speech about family and love and how wukong could never truly understand what those mean because he only ever thinks of himself, and how she's willing to fight even him if necessary, and–
he's laughing.
"Oh, sweet peach, you're too much!" he says, chuckling even as she glares daggers at him. "You always were one for jokes, but this one is particularly hilarious!"
her "husband" (wukong sneers at the thought) lays prone on the ground a few feet away, tied by a magic snare, the grip of which renders him too breathless to speak. their children (when had that happened?) cower by him, too afraid to even whimper. the monkey king pays them no mind, his burning eyes focused only on the one in front of him. even now, 500 years later, she's still as wonderful as he remembers her, even with such fury in her eyes.
he's happy to see she's still so lively.
lively enough to aim a fist at him and swing. he catches it easily, but his eyes widen regardless. there was skill and power in that hit, for all the good it did. the traitor must have been training her.
"Good effort! If it were anyone else but me, you could have made contact. But, my darling lotus, we waste our time here. Out of respect for my once dear brother, I'll let him and his children live. You, however, will be coming with me." wukong purrs, grabbing reader and putting her over his shoulder.
and though she kicks and curses, reader is taken away, macaque barely able to call out to her through the pain of the snare's grip. the kids are able to free him eventually, magically gifted in their own rights. reader is gone again, leaving her little family behind to come up with a plan to defeat a nigh invincible enemy to save her.
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sketching-shark · 6 months
i love being a zbj apologist but sometimes the takes i see on the chinese internet are wild lol once i saw someone say that "zbj actually realized huaguoshan was in danger bc of his marshal tianpeng abilities and he got swk banished on purpose bc otherwise swk wouldnt have a chance to check up on huaguo and the monkeys wouldve been hunted to extinction if he hadnt come back soon enough so technically zbj saved huaguo shan" LIKE i love 4d chess but i think thats giving zbj too much credit 💀
You know I've only absorbed some information about the recent levels of Zhu Bajie love (and apologism lol) going on in China by proxy, but I'm still both surprised and usually delighted/amused to hear the levels to which this monstrous pig yaoguai is being turned into everyone's pookie bear. Though in this case a lot of my personal fondness for this trend is partially because, as far as I know, said apologism doesn't seem to involve dissing the other pilgrims haha. And while I do have to agree with you anon about how this 4D chess move does seem a BIT of a reach, one of the things I would LOVE to see in a Xiyouji rewrite would be more done to take Zhu Bajie out of the role of the slapstick clown of the group and do more to complicate his character both because of his former role as Marshal Tianpeng & all the skill that suggests and also because it would give him more opportunity for heartfelt moments between him and the other pilgrims. Said as much elsewhere, but I am for example fully on team "ZBJ hated the pilgrimage and the other pilgrims at first but over time he came to genuinely love them and his complaining became less about his own desires and more about wanting these stubborn idiots to take a much needed rest themselves" <3.
Also. Ough. I feel like a conversation between Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie regarding how the former's banishment from the pilgrimage through the machinations of the latter did technically give him the chance to save the last of the Huaguoshan monkeys would make for a JUICY fanfic.
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ick25 · 1 year
My favorite movie Wukongs.
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Journey to the West fans love to see the monkey king represented or even mentioned in different media, there are so many versions of the character that its hard to decide which one is the best or who even is the most accurate to the novel. A lot of people grew up with Journey to the West cartoons and tv shows from China or Japan which has many of the most iconic and beloved versions of Wukong. However, this was not the case for me, my exposure to the Monkey King was when I was a teenager, when I decided to read the novel after noticing so many mentions of the character in different shows.
Aside from the recent Lego Monkie Kid, which has the cutest version of Wukong I've ever seen, I noticed that there is almost no other recent shows or movies that are successful in introducing this legendary monkey to American audiences.
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So instead of shows, I'm gonna be talking about recent movies, and with the new Monkey king movie out in Netflix, I thought it would be the best time to share my thoughts about the different versions of the character in movies where Sun Wukong is the main character or is important to the plot, both animated and live action, from worst to best.
*Spoiler Warning if you want to watch these movies by yourselves.
10. Monkey is back (2021)
I have this habit of watching every movie the has the Monkey king in it, that is how I came across this one. Unfortunately, it was the most confusing and boring movie I had ever watched.
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Wukong is called the Ling Ming Stone Monkey here, and he is a deity who already has people praying to him. He is turned into a human without magic and stays like this almost the entire movie.
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This version of Wukong is strangely mild mannered, and just like me, he is seemingly lost through out the movie.
So many things happened in this movie that it was hard to keep track of what was going on, and it made me ask myself, when is this movie set? Before or after Journey to the West? And what did that ending mean?
9. The immortal demon slayer (2017)
I thought this movie was gonna be the last one in my list until I saw Monkey is Back. Before that, the Immortal demon slayer was the movie I actually hated for how they treated my boy by making him a human without any magic! T T
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Just like in the previous movie, Wukong is a magicless human, and all he has is his martial art skills and Jingu Bang (his iron staff) to protect himself, but even Jingu Bang loses its abilities halfway through the movie. The story is basically him and a group of immortals getting stranded in the mortal realm, and have to learn to work together to save a village from a demon.
This version of Wukong is grumpy and a little tsundere because he has this potential romance going on with one of the stranded immortals. Near the end, Wukong finally returns as the super powerful monkey who beats up everyone in heaven.
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The movie finally got interesting at the end, but by that point it was already to late for me to forgive the movie's boring story.
The battle at the end between Wukong and Erlang Shen with his newly acquired third eye, was the only thing I liked, that, and the adorable French bulldog that appears with little fake bat wings!
8. Monkey King: Hero is back (2015)
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Not a fan of this design.
It was a cute movie, but it was lacking in so many areas. This Wukong is a legendary hero that is known by the humans. After being sealed for 500 years he seems to have lost his powers, so now he is just some grumpy tall monkey through out the movie, and I don't blame him, because he becomes a babysitter for two literal children.
Pigsy appears in this movie and he is almost entirely accurate, personality and all, but Wukong looks so weird that I forget he is a monkey, he is strangely tall, has that Chad chin, and he doesn't even have a tail, and those little monkey feet he has makes me laugh every time I see them, its like he has stumps for legs.
The reason this movie isn't lower is because it does a better job of conveying what the Monkey King is all about compared to the previous movies. The intro of the movie was pretty good.
7. New Gods: Nezha Reborn (2021)
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In this futuristic world, Wukong has an important role, training the reincarnation of prince Nezha. He starts out as some cooky old man wearing a creepy mask wanting to buy Nezha's bike, but later reveals himself after saving the boy from some demons. He teaches Nezha how to use his powers and watches over him till the end of the movie.
I like this version of Wukong because it shows how wise he really is, many versions have him seem naive or even dumb, but he is actually very clever in the novel. He is also visibly old which makes sense, old monkey has been around for more than 500 years after all.
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To protect his identity, he calls himself the Six Eared Macaque, who was known for copying Wukong's power and technique, but its canon that Wukong did kill Macaque during his journey to the West, so sorry Shadow Peach shippers.
Also, those little monkey clones he makes are super adorable.
6. Monkey King Reborn. (2021)
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Ah yes, the movie with the edgy Wukong and where the whole group is killed near the end... But comes back to life again.
Yeap, this movie was a rollercoaster of emotion, but it does a great job at setting up the tone of the original novel and its world building.
This Wukong is edgy and mischievous, his relationship with the Tripitaka was short but very cute, I wished it was explored more, but this movie just gives us the second best thing, Wukong putting up with an adorable little baby who is just another version of Tripitaka's soul or something.
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This Wukong is powerful and has a really bad temper like the original, but he still lacks that charm and sense of humor that makes the Monkey King so memorable.
And, what did they do to Sandy?!
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I swear, they never seem to get Sandy right in most movies.
5. The Forbidden Kingdom. (2008)
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I have a soft spot for this movie, not only was it the movie that introduced the Monkey King to my family (Who I was already a fan of), but it also made me give the novel a try, and now I freaking love it!
The story is a retelling of how the Monkey King was trapped for 500 years in a mountain, the villain being a Jade Warlord who turns him into stone, but Wukong manages to saves his Jingu Bang by sending it to the mortal realm. A teenage boy from the future gets isekaid to ancient China after touching Jingu Bang where he meets a young Jackie Chan who tells him that he must release the monkey king from his prison by returning him the golden staff so he can go back to his own world.
The Monkey King's appearance in the movie was short but memorable, maybe because he was played by Jet Lee who is not known for laughing and smiling very often. I think he does a good job portraying the character, he is strong, skillful, and very clever, but very trusting of his own abilities which is the reason he left his guard down and got turned into stone.
4. Journey to the West 2; The Demons strike back. (2017)
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A movie that gives Wukong so many different appearances that I don't know what he even looks like anymore. Shapeshifting is something very common in journey to the West, so it makes sense that Wukong can look any way he wants. First we have this human form where he looks like a stinky hobo fed up with life who barely obeys or cares for his new master.
Then we have this form where he has golden hair covering his body which I thought was his real appearance.
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But then we get this nightmarish thing that looks more like a demonic monkey with bright red eyes like in the novel.
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And none of these forms are even close to what he looked like in the prequel, but I'll get to that later.
This movie is a comedic retelling of the story, so many crazy things happen in this movie. Aside from the fact that Tripitaka punishes Wukong by whipping him, their interactions are pretty funny, specially because Wukong wears a magic ring on his head that used to belong to a woman the monk fell in love with in the previous movie, so he thinks about her every time he looks at him.
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But it's also kind of messed up because Wukong was the one who killed her in front of him so...
3. Monkey King; Havoc in Heaven's Palace. (2014)
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The movie summarizes the first 6 chapters of the novel that are all about Wukong's life, from seeing how he was born from a magical rock, to the reason he attacked heaven. Wukong starts out as a sweet and naive monkey who is curious and very playful, and he even has a little love interest. However, instead of just getting angry and causing trouble in Heaven, Wukong is fooled my the Bull demon king who tells him that the Jade emperor destroyed his home in flower fruit mountain and even killed his love interest. So naturally, Wukong picks a fight with heaven, the bull demon is discovered, and our protagonist humbly accepts his 500 year punishment from the Buddha, until the actor was re-casted in the sequel.
I like how nice this Wukong was, but not how the havoc in heaven wasn't entirely his fault. He was manipulated and still got punished for the misunderstanding. Wukong is not evil, but he isn't completely innocent either, which brings me to my next pick.
2. Journey to the West: Conquering the demons. (2013)
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This guy right here is a hilarious representation of how the Monkey King is described in the novel.
The movie is about the Tripitaka before becoming a monk, and is instead a "demon hunter" who tries to subdue demons by being nice and singing to them. He encounters Sandy, and then Pigsy who are terrifying man-eating demons. Sandy is captured by a woman who is a real demon hunter and who falls in love with Tripitaka, Pigsy manages to escape, but is then captured after being lured into a trap set by the two humans and Wukong, who was still trapped in a mountain.
Wukong once again looks like a dirty hobo, only this time he is crazy looking and bold, but after he fools Tripitaka into removing the seal from the mountain, he shows his true form in all his glory. He appears with his golden armor and head piece along with some fancy decorations, three demon hunters appear and make fun of him saying how short, ugly and skinny looking he is.
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I love this because that is exactly how the novel describes him. Needless to say, Wukong completely obliterates the three of them easily and without remorse, and to make matters worse, he even kills the girl who Tripitaka finally confessed he was in love with.
I know I keep saying how he is not evil, but we have to remember that he was a demon, a man-eating one even, so he naturally seems evil to us because he sees humans as insects that are not worth his time, you know how many people he killed in the novel? He even killed a guy just because he called him a ghost!
The sequel did a better job of making a Journey to the West story, and with better visual effects, but this demonic version of the monkey king and how he was stopped by the Buddha was the most accurate depiction I've seen of the character.
Monkey King 2 and 3. (2016)
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This is my favorite movie Wukong!
For some reason they changed the actor from the first movie, but I guess it was because of how his personality completely changed in the sequel.
These movies are the best representation of the novel, Wukong is a badass and the one who has to do everything because Tripitaka is a moron and the other two disciples are really bad at their job.
The day he met Tripitaka he asks the monk if he doesn't want him to protect him, Tripitaka being a coward says no and Wukong took this opportunity to yell at the heavens and zoom out of there, only to find out immediately that they are being forced by the gods to travel together, like it or not.
This Wukong is clever, intimidating, selfish and a little grumpy, but he still likes to play around and he does take his job of protecting Tripitaka very seriously.
I admit I also find him a little attractive, just look at those muscles!
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So what are your thoughts about these movie Wukongs? Do you agree with this list? Who is your favorite Monkey King?
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alilcherrysramblings · 9 months
I swear this is the last post before I sleep—
Okay, so this is just a random theory I had that’s most likely false but for some reason I thought of.
Okay, so people know the theory of MK being connected to one of the other two Celestial Monkeys, the Long Armed Gibbon and the Red-Buttocked Baboon (Macaque and Wukong being the other pair).
What if (and hear me out) MK isn’t just ONE of the two, but instead BOTH of them, or at least is supposed to be connected to the two? I can explain.
Let’s start with the Long-Armed Gibbon.
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The most notable skill this primate possesses is the ability to seize the sun and moon, AKA celestial bodies that reside in the sky.
In the Chinese dub of the show, MK’s name is “Qi Xiaotian”, which is roughly translated into phrases like “Little Heaven” and “Together Little Sky”. This could definitely be referring to the Gibbon in this case, because Celestials (both planets and beings) and the sky are major factors that play into both the show and the characteristics of the Long-Armed Gibbon.
Moving on to the Red-Buttocked Baboon!
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This primate in question has a bit more solid connection to MK in my opinion, since 1, the Baboon has the knowledge of Yin and Yang as well as human affairs, which in the case of MK who has lived amongst mortals all his life, fits perfectly.
And 2, MK literally wears red pants and a red headband. So, color-wise, it checks out.
How MK could be both of them is something to be debated about. BUT BASICALLY, what if the two primates ended up having to sacrifice themselves in order to help Nuwa create MK, so she could give him their energy? Maybe that’s why we haven’t gotten any news about them in the show, why we haven’t seen them at all.
Because we’ve already seen their present form and have followed him throughout the entire dang show.
Or this could just be stemming from sleep deprivation. Maybe I should go to sleep now—
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keep-it-krispy · 8 months
LMK Ride Or Die AU
The AU is (relatively) parallel to cannon up to a point.
Sun Wukong (60), World famous Dancer and musician, wants to retire. He holds a battle of the bands style contest in Megapolis (his hometown), in which the winner will receive his Lucky golden Microphone (staff equivalent), and the opportunity to become his apprentice.
Mac (Macaque) is a bass player/beatboxer/break-dancer who turns out to be Sun wukong's twin brother, the black sheep of the family.
MK (21), a college freshman that works part time at his adopted father's noodle shop “Pigsy’s noodles” [his name is Paul, (42)], and a music prodigy with the uncanny ability to learn any instrument in under an hour, thinks it would be neat to enter the contest with his friend Mei [(22, Popular Twitch streamer and music buff, Heiress of the dragon family (Old Money)], who has been wanting to start a band since forever.
They convince Tang [(38, Paul’s Husband, accomplished Scholar and teacher at Malin’s college)] to be their manager, and recruit Sandy [(43, Ex con, Lyricist/poet, and lifetime friend of Paul] to write their songs. Calls themselves “the Monkie Kids”.
Red Kingston [(23), Red Son] A robotics genius trying to break into the music industry to spite his parents; Penelope Kingston [(48), princess iron fan, retired actress] and Bruce Kingston [(52), Demon Bull King, founder of Bullcorp [Apple equivalent Tech company]] decides to compete; seeing it as an opportunity to kickstart his career.
Other notable competitors are Jin and Yin (20) [Soundcloud rappers and Classmates of MK], and Malin Meister [(19), Nonbinary Social media influencer, rising Independent Artist/performer, and child of the late Laura Demona (58, Lady Bone Demon alternate, once an Actress and bitter Rival to Sun Wukong)].
The Monkie kids win, and MK gets chosen as Wikongs’s successor.
Red acts as the main antagonist, until new competition in the form of Spider Queen (22, Melissa bitsy) and her lackeys show up and threaten to throw the rest of them into obscurity, forcing them to work together to take her down.
For the main group, the majority of the plot goes much the same way as the cannon story; The crew learns the ins and outs of music production, how to operate in the music industry, improve their skills, compete to get gigs, become closer as a group;
But things get shaken up for Malin and Milton [(21), The not mayor alternate. Son of a corrupt politician/ Businessman who’s always overseas, trust fund kid. Plays right hand man/platonic life partner to Malin. He loves their 5D chess like approach to navigating life, and relies on their devastating smarts, weirdly accurate prediction skills, and artistic talent to get by] a week or so after Wukong’s contest.
Malin finishes editing their latest video, and decides to get something to eat as they wait for it to upload. They leave their office and go downstairs to see Milton standing, dazed and confused, in their Livingroom.
At least, they thought he was Milton. Until the actual Milton knocks at their door.
[”Oh, you don’t need to worry about me. I’m fine.” Milton smiles. Malin is about to respond, when they feel a faint buzz in their pocket.
They look away from him to check their phone, face twisting in mild worry ”Are you certain you're okay, Milt? You never come over unannounced, and you've been acting pretty weird since you got here. something has to be wro-….” the words die in their throat as they unlock the device, confusion blossoming forth, as the text {”I'm outside.”} **was displayed on the screen, Clearly sent from Milton's phone number. Their blood ran cold, looking back at the man they had previously believed to be their friend, and seeing no phone in his hand.
It was strange, Malin hadn't noticed before. He looked exactly like Milton, from his head to his toes. He had the same voice, the same verbal ticks and gestural mannerisms; even his clothes resembled something they had seen on their friend before.
His eyes, though. Pure white, with no Irises or pupils, emanating a soft light they had previously mistook for the sun shining weirdly through the window. It was in that moment Malin realized that he hadn't blinked even once. during the whole conversation he had just sat there, not blinking or breathing. For a whole hour.
They looked at the front door, a sick feeling rising in their stomach as they made their way over. “Milton” made no move to stop them, just leaning back on the couch and crossing his legs with that familiar disarming smile. Malin gripped their self control with hands of iron composure, gulped, and opened the door.
That was not Milton.]
They throw open the door, grab the real Milton and bolt, thoughts flashing between a reasonable “strange man broke into my house” to a maybe not as unreasonable as previously thought “Shape-shifters that want to steal our skin”
Of course, the mayor has unspeakable Eldritch power, so it's no chore for him to chase them both all over town and heard them into Milton’s manor. Once safely locked inside, cornered and terrified, The mayor explains to them that he’s from an alternate universe, answers their questions, assures them that he's not going to hurt them, basically waiting for them to stop panicking.
When the both of them calm down enough to make sense, he demands asks if he can stay with one of them until he can “find a way back to his universe”. he Just needs to rest here for a while “And then I’ll be out of your hair.” The threat behind his words Is crystal clear, and while Milton is sick with unease, Malin is confident in their ability to Handle This.
Milton takes Malin aside to discuss this with them
[”……. You have a plan, right?” “Milton, I appreciate your faith in me. But I'm not a miracle worker.” “Mal- come on. there has to be a way out of this.” “A wise man once said: Sometimes the way out isn't over, or around; but straight through.” “….I don't like this..” “If you're scared, he can stay at my house-” “No way.” “Then the only way out is..” Milton sighs, Malin pants him on the shoulder “We can rotate, I take him every other week.” “Mal I… I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone with this guy-”
“Every other week?” The Mayor interrupts from his spot on the other side of the room “That sounds like a great idea! That way, I can spend an equal amount of time with the both of you..”
They both take a moment to look at the man, standing well out of normal hearing range. Disquiet displayed on One, and determination emanating from the other “… Are you sure?” “Are you doubting my abilities?” “No- I'm worrying about your safety.” “I thought that was my job?” “Malin.” “I'll be fine, Milt. Just trust me.” Milton takes a breath “….. Always.]
And that was that. For the rest of the season the Mayor just kinda hangs out, helping around when he feels like it, advising them when they need it, being creepy when he thinks its funny, learning about their world. Malin’s just wondering when he'll get around to killing them.
Malin and Milton, go on to do their villain thing, plotting the downfall of “The Monkie Kids”.
A month before the main story, Malin discovered something that tied Sun Wukong to the death of their mother (its a long story), and has been waiting for an opportunity to do something about it ever since they found out.
Participating in his contest was a bust, so they move on to Constructing a plan around the annual Lunar New Year Music Deathmatch Tournament, Which Malin is certain The Monkie Kids will be participating in.
They plan to orchestrate a scenario that will allow them to confront Sun Wukong at the event; the result of said confrontation either being closure, or a domino effect that will defame Sun Wukong, destroy the main crew’s friendship, careers, and everything they’ve built; All the while boosting their own fame in one go.
Destiny, Fate, and inevitability is gonna be a big theme in this AU. In cannon, The Lady Bone Demon used the spider queen and her failure to kickstart her own conquest. This conquest causing the entire series to focus on her downfall.
And much of the same was supposed to happen in this alternate universe. Maybe not step for step and word for word, but the ultimate goal was congruent.
Spider queen’s crew would come back for vengeance. Malin would “assist” her, maneuvering her into a position that would briefly look like victory, a position that would place Sun Wukong within Malin's reach. Malin would confront him, and he would tell them that “Laura got herself killed.”
Outside events would prevent him from elaborating (he didn’t do it), and Malin would take that as a confession. In the wake of The Monkie Kids victory, The unfairness of it all would drive Malin to do everything in their power to take “The Monkie Kids” down, Ultimately resulting in their own defamation, abandonment, and eventual destruction.
But the introduction of the mayor had changed things.
Weirdly enough, the Mayor wasn't very secretive. Milton and Malin Didn't exactly know what they expected from an ancient, eldritch, space warping, gravity defying, scary as hell demon guy claiming to be an alternate universe version of one of them, but “being an open book” was absolutely not it.
He answered all of their questions, shared events that happened in his universe readily, and was more than happy to divulge information Malin couldn't even pry out of their own mother (when she was alive). Perhaps it was because nothing either of them could do would ever hurt him, Perhaps it was because he knew the both of them were too terrified of him to Inquire something that warranted more than a surface level explanation, perhaps he just didn't care, but the end result was the same.
One day before the Lunar New Year Music Deathmatch Tournament, Malin was standing in their living room, Watching the front of their house through the window. All of the arrangements had been made, the stage was set, And the show was ready to begin. All they were waiting for was a phone call from Milton, confirming that the last of the loose ends had been tied up.
The Mayor watched as well; He had been watching this whole time. This human was an interesting kind of dull. The way their eyes diligently snapped across every room showed their constant awareness of their surroundings. The intentional nature of their word and action, from the tiniest of gestures to the loudest of voices, spoke of iron self control. The extensive charts, lists, notes, and written observations on every being they have, are, and/or will ever meet demonstrates their borderline obsession with manipulation and control; however, the location in which they kept these documents exposes either simple civilian ineptitude, or a total lack of care for who might walk in and see it
[Opening the door, he was greeted with quite the spectacle. An entire room filled with documents and poster boards and conspiracy charts on every individual he had seen them interacting with, they even had one on him!
The war room isn't much of a surprise. It was true that Malin didn't look like the plotting and scheming type, but extensive interaction with them would at least clue one into their acute awareness of other people and their lives. In his eyes, it was a show of social competency; he was a little impressed with their attention to detail. But, Really? Above ground?? Just out in the open??? not even a lock on the door????).]
Malin was most like his lady, their mother, in the way that they approached the world. How they took it, struggling and fighting, into their merciless hands and gently shooshed it until it came to heel. They hungered for it’s salvation, and destruction in equal measure.
They would make a fine replacement.
It was in this moment that the Mayor decided to reveal to Malin what had happened to his version of her mother, Explaining every event, beginning to end, in full detail and leaving out nothing.
When Malin hears about their alternate mother’s plans, actions, and her subsequent downfall; and draws the parallels between those events and events in their life; They realize that they are very close to setting off a series of events that just might spell their own downfall… They stop, and they think.
Mayor expects his words to cause them to turn to him for help (trying to lure them into accepting his Eldritch power, warlock style) but is surprised when Malin instead calls Milton to cancel their dastardly plot.
[They get this… feeling in their chest. Like a chime ringing deep within their soul, and come to a decision. The phone rings for a moment, once again, and then three times. Milton’s voice filters through the speaker.
{”The arrangements have been made, we wait for your confirmation”}
“There has been a change of plans. Cancel the envoy, I’ll compete myself.”
The other end is quiet for a moment, Malin hears his silent confusion clear as day. One might worry for a seed of doubt using this moment to take root and sprout, but Malin knows better. At the end of the day, their friend beholds their word for gospel. It seems that this instance is no different.
{”Okay, Milton out.”}
The line goes dead, and Malin pulls the phone from their ear to look at the dark screen. They’re usually grateful for such a loyal and obedient ally; but they worry for him, sometimes.
”I’ve no reason to worry, you’re usually right about everything…”
they sigh, oh Milton..
Malin turns to face The Mayor, face set in concentration as a new plot began to blossom in their mind “I will not bend to the wheel of fate, nor will I fall as my mother has. As any version of her has. There is another way, There always is.”
Oh? A mote of anticipation rises alongside his surprise, the Mayor feels a familiar smile creep onto his face “Then what will you do?”
Malin looks back out the window, watching as Mk and his friend once again cut through their neighborhood; completely unaware of the jaws of death that always loomed nearby.
They turned back to him, looking over their shoulder as the light of a new idea shone through the crumbling cracks of the old one “I’m going to make some new friends.”
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helplesspupet · 2 years
The Gang x LBDs Child! Reader
Warning : Mentions Of Manipulation / Possession
You have done it. You have tricked them all, you're manipulation skills are just as if not better than hers now here you were, at your home made shrine of her. "I will avenge you Mother... I will make sure your destiny is fulfilled... They trust me Mother... they all do, even... the Monkey King. Now I just need one more person..." The girl said, no one knew you her daughter. No one apart from The Mayor, It was only natural you would go to him and restore his power with your own abilities. After all... Evil with always live on. You used your mist to go the place with the pilgrim satatues. There he was, The Mayor. The was mumbling to himself about being left tied up to die but you would change that.
"How dare they just leave me like that... I'm THE MAYOR!" He stated in anger "Indeed you are, Mother left you to gain the control of Sun Wukong. But I promise I will not do that, I Have my own plans for you....  Baigujing." You said with that menacing smile of yours
"Lady Y/n.... What honour do I have to see you again?" He said almost happy to see you again.
"I am here to restore your power, and you can help with fulfilling my mothers destiny." You said as you broke him from his bonds and restoring him to his full power. "So my lady... what took you so long?" He ask slightly curious on why he waited so long for you, "My apologies Baigujing but you must understand that I had to gain the trust Mk and his low life friends. I would've come much quicker if they didn't know who my mother is."
"Hey Y/n, Mk and I going to the arcade wanna come?" Mei ask you, she's actually grown to like you it going to be such a shame when you betra her. "U-uhh... sure of course!" You had never cared for video games or anything of the sort but since you have to keep up the appearance of needing them to trust you, you have no choice but to join them. You just watch while Mayor rebuilds the mech, at one point you just stare at Mei.
"The Samadhi Fire.... it is weapon that will help me refordge this world... wouldn't you agree My Daughter?" Your mother, The Lady Bone Demon had said to you "Yes Mother... It will help you make this meaningless world perfect." You answered back, you had looked up to your mother. What child didn't, but you were unusually quiet "Is something the matter Y/n?" The Bone Demon asked noticing your odd behaviour you are silent for a few seconds before you reply "Yes mother I am alright." "Good... Now stay hidden until I'm done with Sun Wukong. I sense he will be here soon."  She tells you, you do as you say and hide until you're told otherwise.
You open your eyes after the flashback. As you look over at Mei again you were determined to get the samahdi fire,you're weren't going to wait like your mother did but you were going make her use it as you see fit by taking it forcefully.
Even if you knew it was a risky plan you were going to fulfill your mother's destiny one way or another.
It has been a few months and it is finally done. The mech has been rebuilt "Soon, my mothers destiny will be complete. Bring the monkey king his friends to me Baigujing." You had said to him as he chuckled and bowed "Of course My Lady.." He said sinisterly as he left. Now it was a waiting game for them to arrive.
It's been almost an hour now and finally they have arrived "Y/n, what are you doing here?" Mk asked in surprise "For the same reasons as all of you." You replied with that emotionless tone you usually held, "I don't know how it is in working condition but someone's planing something.. evil." He said trying to sound convincing, even got Monkey King to follow which was in your opinion... Perfect.
They have been debating on how to properly destroy it before they agreed on using the samadhi fire would be the best option. You grinned as she prepared it, everything was going perfectly in your favor.
"Ok..." Mei said as she prepared the fire to destroy it, when she released it the mech powered on and began sucking the fire out of the dragon girl her screams of struggle where something you took pleasure in. They were all in shock and confused on what was happening.
By the time it was done Mei was out if it she could barely stand.
They were still wondering how this happened until they heard a laugh a rather sicking laugh they turned and saw you smiling it soon became clear to them that you were responsible for this they had never felt such betrayal
"Did you realy think I wouldn't follow in my mothers footsteps?" You taunted them "With the samahdi fire I can fulfill my mothers destiny!" You had stated as Wukong went in for the attack, but no one said it would be easy for them.
You teleported away quickly and grabbed Mk and went high in the sky "Continue to attack and I will." You said you weren't going to hesitate to drop him. Even if it was cheque it would be an unfortunate ending him, The Monkie Kid. Unless... An idea came to mind. Mk was weaker than Monkey King, you knew that even if it was by a small fraction. You could use Mk against them. Monkey King was unsure of what to do but he paniced once you through him towards the mech used your power you possess him.
The shock and pain on their faces was utterly beautiful for you. Mk was going to need a great pawn in this game.
They didn't know what to do, especially Monkey King, as Mk has his staff.
For now... all they can do is hide and think of a plan but with Mk and the fire.
But it there options are slim as You have the fire and a mortal.
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alexoreality · 8 months
Full development specs of S-Guardian:
Pacifista designation - PX-D (defender)
Appearance - Monkey D. Luffy (age 35), 8-pointed star pupils
Pacifista standards: Buccaneer durability. Lunarian physiology (wings, hair, flames). Laser projectors in palms.
Green Blood abilities: Reach-Reach (unknown user, imprisoned/dead), Spring-Spring (Bellamy the Hyena, received from Warlord Donquixote Doflamingo in attendance with compliance, fooled with at least 7 attempts to get accurate samples), More-More (Byrnndi World, Impel Down, currently deceased)
Devil Fruit (Artificial): Ape-Ape Fruit - Mythical model Sun Wukong (attempted continued development was halted due to inaccuracies in capabilities, has granted PX-D - to be rectified as Seraphim-Guardian - a semblance of Will and Self, and has only followed orders it itself chooses.)
Due to the unforseen impulse as S-Guardian consumed the DF, progress is to be made in attempt to utilize a different power, so as we do not need to see the actions of two similar Fruit powers again, at least by collateral situation. Not even considering the original Fruit was reclaimed by Mariejois to be locked away... Neanderthals...
Abilities upon consumption showcase heavily enhanced problem solving skills for a Pacifica, and adept creative versatility involving Green Blood abilities and Laser projection. The major caveat is that S-Guardian appears to have sporadic and uncontrollable fits of laughter, potentially debilitating actions. Along with this, S-Guardian cannot be sent into combat situations with the probability of deterioration.
Upon contact with seawater of any amount, despite DF standards, S-Guardian's movements are completely locked until dry. Whether this is due to the amount of lineage factors present is unknown...
S-Guardian has shown adamant interest in the development of the other Seraphim, and when interacting, the others see S-Guardian as a possible parental figure. When testing Seraphim abilities against adversaries, S-Guardian is NOT TO BE NOTIFIED at all costs (15 Vice Admirals were relieved of duty and 50 Pacifica Alphas were scrapped in resulting rampage). S-Guardian trains them at their own apparent pace, and actually appreciates their development.
- a retractable pipe made from ancient alloy, with extreme malleable capabilities when utilized with S-Guardian's various abilities.
- foot gear designed after Judge's "Raid suit" prototypes that allow for indefinite levitation. When asked, S-Guardian stated that he wouldn't want his wings to get tired, and probable water hazards.
- a white sleeveless jumpsuit allowing for full movement. Full of pockets with things for the other Seraphim. (Has constantly made requests for some headgear, but is constantly denied by the higher-ups)
Heya! @chapelseed I'll be able to give a proper answer soon cuz-
I've been BUSY lately. Exams are nearing and my school is rushing to get everyone to submit assignments and such!
But I've read it through once quickly, AND DEAR GOD.
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lipeg · 8 months
Who is really Sun Wukong?
A sandstorm has taken over the Vacuo desert.
But one person could be seen walking during the sandstorm.
That person was none other than Jaune Arc.
Using a tunic to protect yourself from the area. His aura was shining like a star as he walked through the desert.
Meanwhile, he thought about something.
Jaune arrived at one of the police stations.
One of his men who was surprised by the sudden arrival of the general chief of police.
Mika: Sir what to bring here
Jaune: I need any information on Sun Wukong's whereabouts
Mika started working on the computer.
Mika: Oh, but Boss
Jaune: Hm?
Mika: His name is not Sun Wukong
Jaune: No?
Mika: his real name is—
In Jaune's mind, he was impressed by the facts.
First: Sun Wukong is actually the name of a great war general from Vacuo
Second: Sun is a descendant of Sun Wukong
Third: Sun hid his real name and started using his ancestor's name
Jaune was on his way to a place he didn't even believe existed.
The great Sun Wukong was an enigma, so much so that his martial arts skills were said to be out of this world.
His body was buried in an oasis that was hidden somewhere in the desert.
Jaune didn't believe he could find this place.
Jaune used his evolved Semblance to protect himself from the sandstorm, your eyes were shining, this was part of the new abilities of his evolved Semblance.
Allow him to see a person's aura, even if the person hasn't yet unlocked your aura.
He had been walking for hours, he was determined to find the Sun.
Jaune: Wait
Far in the distance he saw a small golden glow.
Jaune: Could it be him
He started running.
With his Semblance improving his aura, his physical attributes were improving.
Jaune ran very fast.
Jaune noticed that the sandstorm was getting weaker, but especially for him, because of his semblance, the storm did not exist, only strong winds affected him.
But he soon saw that the sandstorm was happening, so he realized that he had arrived at the location.
The sandstorm lasted an hour on average, but the storm had only started 5 minutes ago.
Jaune took a few more steps forward and he arrived at the scene.
Looking ahead there was no sandstorm but behind him the sandstorm was still raging.
Jaune: Apparently I arrived at the place
He had arrived at the oasis.
For him, an oasis that was not touched by the sandstorm was very strange.
The oasis was very beautiful, the hot desert climate did not destroy anything, there were countless very large trees.
Jaune: Sun! Sun! Sun!
Jaune walked calmly called by Sun.
He deactivated his Semblance so as not to pose a threat to Sun.
Jaune: Sun! Sun, Sun...
Jaune stopped walking.
He stood still, the wind swaying the leaves and branches of the tree.
Between the trees he heard something moving.
Jaune was already tired of it.
Jaune: ENMA!
In an instant Sun, or rather Enma, arrived.
He had taken off his shirt, his eyes were probably from crying, his fists were bleeding, he was probably taking out his anger on stone.
Sun: What do you want
Jaune: Calm
Jaune removed his tunic.
Jaune: I just came to talk, nothing more, nothing less
Jaune walked towards a rock.
Jaune: Come feel
Sun no was convincing.
Jaune: Relax, I'm just here and the only one talking to you. You're not going to jail
Sun sighed and walked to the stone.
Jaune and Sun sat next to each other, both looking out at the crystal clear water of the lake that was in front of them.
Near the lake there was an old staff.
Sun couldn't take it anymore and started to cry.
His arms were resting on his thighs, he held his head down and cried, covering his face with his hands.
Jaune sighed and patted Sun on the back.
Sun cried a lot.
Jaune sighed and patted Sun on the shoulder.
Sun: I do not know what I did wrong
Sun rubbed his right hand across your eyes to wipe away the tears.
Sun:basically did everything she told me to do! I was nice to her, I helped her! I never disrespected her, I always tried to help her as much as I could. I could have lost my life and now I found out that she is a lesbian
Jaune: Calm down Enma, it's normal for your first love to respond to your feelings. Moreover, Blake also has a history with her ex-boyfriend.
Sun: Ex-boyfriend?! Was she not a lesbian!
Jaune: I'll repeat what I said to Blake and Yang, I DO NOT discuss their sexuality
Jaune sighed.
Jaune: I don't care who Blake dates, that's not MY PROBLEM! Vacuo is in a bad situation, we don't need to fight like teenagers in this complicated time, my job here is to try to fix things.
Jaune: Now Enma told me about you. Why are you using your ancestor's name as if it were your real name?
Sun/Enma: Well...
Sun/Enma looked at the old Staff.
Sun: I was left fatherless and motherless. The only thing they had was a book that told the story of the great general Sun Wukong. Legend has it that he was the strongest of all the Faunus that ever existed; at the time, he had the strength to lift eleven Grimms with just one hand, he was a unique Faunus among the monkey Faunus, his body was mostly covered with golden hair, something no other Faunus had
Jaune was thoughtful for a moment.
Jaune: Oh, now I understand
Sun: Understand what?
Jaune looked at Sun.
Jaune: Your ancestor unlocks your animal side
Sun: The what?
Jaune: You've seen something like this before, you of Blake's father when they broke into his house
Sun began to remember the time he and Blake's father fought side by side, he looked like a beast, something Sun himself called Beast Mode.
Sun: So that was it ?
Jaune: Nope
Sun looked at Jaune, he saw that Jaune's eyes were shining.
Sun noticed that Jaune held his head and their auras appeared, Sun's aura only manifested in the back of his head.
Aura manifested in Jaune's right hand.
Jaune: That's far from the animal side. That's something that certain Faunus have naturally, the animal mode is something that's very difficult to achieve, that power. To achieve such a state , you need to reach a state of mind in which you are no longer dominated by your emotions, anger, hate, lust, greed, despair. You get rid of all this.
Sun was a little scared, but his curiosity spoke louder.
Jaune: You need to transcend first, to be able to reach your animal side without transcending it first is very dangerous. Your mind is taken over by animal instincts taking control of your mind. You will never be the same again.
Sun swallowed.
Sun: How do you know that
Jaune looked at Sun with a smile on his face.
Jaune: My ancestor reached this state when he was considered a monster
Sun knew the legend, Diabolos Diogron Sabertooth, the devil on earth for the Faunus there was no one who struck fear into the hearts of the Faunus like Diabolos Diogron Sabertooth.
Sun: So that was why he was so dangerous
Jaune: You don't know the half
Jaune stood up, he wrapped his tunic around his neck and turned around.
Sun: Where are you going?
Jaune: I have work to do in the city.
Sun: But—
Jaune: I came to make you apologize for what you did to Yang and Blake, but you would have asked anyway
Sun: How?!
Jaune: You want to live like your ancestors, to reach the spiritual state necessary to unlock your animal side. After you transcend you'll put things right
Sun: but...
Sun clenched his fists tightly, many had laughed at him when he said he wanted to live like the former great Sun Wukong. The ones who never laughed at him were his colleagues.
Jaune: Why. I believe in you
Those words were like a bullet.
Someone believed him.
A stranger really believes in him.
He and Jaune hardly knew one another.
Sun looked at Jaune.
Jaune had a confident smile on his face
Why he saw that the stars were aligning.
The fate for Enma seemed to be promising.
Jaune managed to hide his smile.
Sun stood there watching Jaune standing there looking up with a big smile on his face.
Jaune: I will be waiting for your return Sun Wukong!
For the first time in his life, he felt that someone real was calling him by that name, the other times, it was like a nickname, but this time, he felt like someone real called him by Sun Wukong.
Jaune walked away, leaving young Enma behind.
Enma fell to his knees on the floor.
Looking at it he looked at the original Sun Wukong's staff.
Enma come to ask her ancestor for help, she prayed to original Sun Wukong helped in battle.
Enma sighed and slapped his own face, sliding his down his face he stood up.
Enma took off his tennis and his gloves.
Enma passed by the old staff and stood facing that lake.
His aura manifested all over his body, he concentrated his aura on his tail, stuck his tail into the ground, and lifted his feet, his tail supported his whole body, he was sitting cross-legged, he held up two fingers on each hand, he pressed the fingers of both hands together to form a triangle without a base.
Enma closed his eyes and his mind emptied completely, when he opened his eyes again.
He was not in the oasis, in fact he was no longer in Vacuo or in the normal world.
He was in the desert, but the sky had burqas on and the Cinderella space was pouring like a waterfall.
There were lots of pieces of glass floating in the air.
He was in the spirit world.
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Monkey King Misconception
There's a misconception about Sun Wukong that has been going around since at least 2021. It states that Monkey can transform into an even stronger version of an opponent he is facing, thereby giving himself more power and enabling him to win the battle. See the attached examples, one from Quora and two from Twitter. I think this mistaken belief is based on a misreading of Wukong's battle with Nezha in chapter 5.
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During their battle, Nezha takes on a three-headed, six-armed form. Wukong responds by taking on a similar form. The battle is finally decided when Monkey creates a hair clone of himself and performs a sneak attack, thus wounding the child-god.
Young Nata grew angry. "Change!" he yelled loudly, and he changed at once into a fearsome person having three heads and six arms. In his hands he held six kinds of weapons: a monster-stabbing sword, a monster-cleaving scimitar, a monster-binding rope, a monster-taming club, an embroidered ball, and a fiery wheel. Brandishing these weapons, he mounted a frontal attack. "This little brother does know a few tricks!" said Wukong, somewhat alarmed by what he saw. "But don't be rash. Watch my magic!" Dear Great Sage! He shouted, "Change!" and he too transformed himself into a creature with three heads and six arms. One wave of the golden-hooped rod and it became three staffs, which were held with six hands (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 155). [...] They clashed like raindrops and meteors in the air, but victory or defeat was not yet determined. Wukong, however, proved to be the one swifter of eye and hand. Right in the midst of the confusion, he plucked a piece of hair and shouted, "Change!" It changed into a copy of him, also wielding a rod in its hands and deceiving Nata. His real person leaped behind Nata and struck his left shoulder with the rod. Nata, still performing his magic, heard the rod whizzing through the air and tried desperately to dodge it. Unable to move quickly enough, he took the blow and fled in pain. Breaking off his magic and gathering up his six weapons, he returned to his camp in defeat (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 156).
Both characters obviously have the ability to magically manipulate their bodies. Therefore, this is not the same as copying the magical skills and strength of an adversary.
Wu, C., & Yu, A. C. (2012). The Journey to the West (Vols. 1-4) (Rev. ed.). Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
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