#◜sun wukong: desires / shipping.◞
fatedefyd · 2 years
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   sun wukong tags !
◜sun wukong: behavior.◞ ◜sun wukong: headcanon.◞ ◜sun wukong: in character.◞ ◜sun wukong: mirror / faceclaim.◞ ◜sun wukong: isms.◞ ◜sun wukong: playlist.◞ ◜sun wukong: aesthetics.◞   ◜sun wukong: desires / shipping.◞   ◜sun wukong: attire.◞ ◜sun wukong: abilities / skills.◞
◜sun wukong / v. main.◞ 🇸🇹🇪🇵 🇴🇺🇹 🇴🇫 🇹🇭🇪 🇸🇺🇳 🇧🇪🇨🇦🇺🇸🇪 🇾🇴🇺‘🇻🇪 🇱🇪🇦🇷🇳🇪🇩. ◜sun wukong / v. jttw.◞ 🇼​🇭​🇴​ 🇮​🇸​ 🇾​🇴​🇺​🇷​ 🇫​🇦​🇻​🇴​🇷​🇮​🇹​🇪​ 🇫​🇪​🇦​🇷​🇱​🇪​🇸​🇸​ 🇭​🇪​🇷​🇴​ ﹖﹗
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theycallmeazalea · 3 months
My thoughts #5
Okay, so this is a rant about my opinion about the lmk community, especially the community in the west. This is pointing out the “little” problem I see in that side of the fandom, since I mostly seen more stuff about there than in the eastern fan base.
I wanna add that I am in fact NOT Chinese, however I do have Chinese folklore told through my parents due to one of them being into folklore of mainly Hindu and Buddhist folklore, but still knows some stories of other folklore outside of that.
So, I wanna point out how rather hypocritical the fandom in the west is, specifically about what’s right and what’s wrong there. It’s so weird for me personally about how they treat the characters, specifically the characters who are inspired by actual mythical figures in Chinese folklore like Redson/Redboy, Sun Wukong and etc.
1. thing is about what not to ship and what is okay to ship. I’m going to take Sun Wukong and Chang’e for example.
It’s already established in jttw (a Chinese Buddhist book) that Sun Wukong after the journey was ascended to Buddha hood, it’s obvious what a monk in Buddhism is not suppose to be in a relationship, or have any “mortal” connections in order to ascend to Nirvana (a transcendent state in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self, and the subject is released from the effects of karma and the cycle of death and rebirth.).
It’s already known that in multiple series of people’s own spin of jttw where Wukong had a love interest, kinda going against the whole “Nirvana” concept that happened to Wukong. The same goes with in Lego monkie kid, where Sun Wukong didn’t ascend to Buddha hood for plot reasons..
Now here comes Chang’e, Chang’e is the goddess of the mood who’s either married and or in love with Hou Yi. In some versions of her backstory, Chang’e was either in a healthy relationship or in a toxic relationship where by in the most popular versions of her story they split up. Where Chang’e ascended to the moon and Hou Yi lived his own mortal life till the end.
But where comes the complicated part, Chang’e in lmk specifically is never said to have a husband. But since Chang’e’s lore she does have a husband, it’s safely to assume that on lmk she also has one. But the info about their relationship in unknown and if her husband is alive or not.
So, in Lmk Sun Wukong didn’t ascend to Buddha hood (so he’s able to be in a relationship), Chang’e probably has a husband and their relationship is unknown. But where the problem comes is about the ships, the lmk community in the west is A-Okay with shipping Sun Wukong while doesn’t find it okay that some people ship Chang’e with someone else. Their only excuse is that Chang’e is married and forever bound to her Husband. This specific part ONLY applies to mythology, nor have I ever seen a part where it was said that Chang’e was forever bound to her husband (if there is proof of that, please do show me). But then the community is okay with shipping Sun Wukong, even though in the myths Wukong ascended to Buddha hood and the community just turned a blind eye towards it because they find the Sun Wukong ships cute.
WHERE’S THAT LOGIC? Why only apply to one SPECIFIC character and not to the OTHER one?! What? Did that “rule” grew legs and skedaddle off the face of the earth or something? Am I missing something? Or is it just because you don’t want a character to be shipped so you gatekeep them in the at most un-logical way?
Okay, another thing. This time I’m gonna be honest with this, Nezha and Redboy..
We all know how both characters are VERY similar, a bit too similar that people confuse the other for the other. Now, Redson and Nezha are both adults in the present of lmk. This is a sensitive topic amongst the fandom about Nezha, because someone accidentally spread misinformation about Nezha. And we all know what the topic was about.
Now anyways, Redboy in lmk is an adult, being around in his early 20’s. We physically saw how he aged, we saw his 2 forms. Adult and child form. And the lmk community agrees that Lmk Redson is an adult, even though In jttw Redboy is seen as a child. Not as any other age. Not adult, just portrayed as a child.
How there’s Nezha, also in his 20’s but obviously older than Redboy and even Sun Wukong. Same story with Nezha, he’s an adult in lmk but instead of only seeing as a child in myths, Nezha is seen as both a child as well as a young adult. Not only that, but Nezha appeared in Hindu and Buddhist mythology. Being named Nalakubara instead of Nezha/Nazha. But the fandom in the west (because of that misinformation) infantilize Nezha, saying he’s eternally a child, specifically a 12 year old.. And in all honest words, from my research and experiences never in my life have I ever heard a god having a specific age, as in I never heard how old they were in the present. Never in my life. I never heard ever about Nezha being 12. Did some reading on many sites and asked many people, I was never told he was 12. Only that Nezha is a youthful deity being at the age of toddler or young adult.
The only proof I saw in the fandom about this claim is somewhat, but easily countered with heaps of evidence that Nezha’s age in mythology is fluid. I wanna remind everyone that Nezha is over 3000+ years old in mortal years. Since he was born is the Shang dynasty it’s kinda simple math to realize what his mortal age range is. Because of how ancient he is, the info about him is scattered throughout the earth. Whereby it’s hard to know what’s true or false, so we depend on more modern interpretations of him. And on modern depictions, he’s both seen as a child to young adult. I remember a post where their evidence is the fact they were inspired by a so called “child god”, which is literally false because the god they were talking about was Maha Krishna and Nalakubara. First of all both figures grew up and had a family, and second just because Nezha was inspired by a part of Maha Krishna’s life doesn’t mean Nezha’s is forever a child because they were only inspired by that part of the story. Because by that logic Sun Wukong is also a child because he was inspired by Hanuman’s childhood.. like it doesn’t make ANY sense.
And I understand why so many people gatekeep Nezha because they don’t want Nezha to be shipped with a canon characters, but to spread misinformation makes you no different from others. If anything use REAL information why shipping Nezha with for example Sun Wukong is weird, because 1 they met when Nezha is a minor and Wukong was at that point an adult.
2. The fact that lmk is not a direct copy of jttw or any Chinese folklore.
The day when the lmk community FINALLY realize that lmk is not jttw is the day I can feel peace in my heart. I see so many people bickering about how “oh not to do that” or “not to do this” because of the fact a character was “a direct copy of this god”. Look, I know lmk is not fully finish so we depend on jttw and fsy about how the plot will go and how the characters back story is.
But to FULLY depend on jttw or fsy for lmk is pointless, lmk has its own timeline and spin of jttw. Which makes lmk already its own story and lore, doesn’t matter if it’s heavily influenced by jttw. It’s still its own plot. Just think that lmk is it’s own AU of jttw. So go comparing a character to their mythological counterpart, just to proof something is still useless. It’s like comparing a bowl of chocolate chip cookies with vanilla chip cookies and say that they’re the same flavor because of the fact they’re a cookie. That doesn’t make sense. Lmk god figures are VERY different from the actual mythological ones, sure their lore is kinda similar but really different. I mean look at Sun Wukong’s lore, it’s almost not the same with the jttw Sun Wukong.
This is all I have to say for now, I’ll probably post more about the troubles in the fandom somewhere in the future..
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legendsoffandoms · 2 months
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•~• INTRO •~•
• Hello! My names Clover!
• I’m Trans masc/GenderFaun, which just means my gender is not solid and is constantly changing anywhere but the female spectrum
• My favorite pronouns are: Xe/They/It/He, but feel free to use any as long as their not she/her :3
• I’m Omnisexual, Cupioromantic/Demiromantic, and Polyamorous. Which just means, I feel romantic attraction rarely (and need a relationship prior to the aromantic feelings) but still desire a romantic relationship regardless.
• I have: Autism, ADHD, Social and General Anxiety, and Depression.
• This is my main blog, but I have a few side blogs. [Magic Anesthesia Au and Little Monkey Painter]
• I’m otherkin and poly kin :3
• Here’s a list of my kins:
Cosmo (Spacekin)
Xiao Siye Cao (Ockin)
Onyx (Fallen Angel/Demonkin)
Ink sans (fictionkin)
Sun Wukong [OSP] (Fictionkin)
Leonardo Hamato [Rottmnt] (Fictionkin)
(Fictionkin) SC
Cryptic Cat (Otherkin/Felinekin/Crytickin)
Legends/Link | LU (Fictionkin)
Link | BOTW/TOTK (Fictionkin)
Vantablack | Ancientverse/UTAu (Fictionkin)
Velvet (Ockin)
Conceptkin | Not sure what it should be called-
Kin info:
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~•~ DNI: Transphobes, Homophobes, Anti-kin, Anti-otherhuman, Pro-endos, Endos, Jerks, Pro-shippers/Shippers of bad ships, if you don’t respect anything above :DNI ~•~
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- Don’t bring drama onto my blog
- DMs are open! But I can’t respond from 10pm to 6am est/edt
- Asks are also open! And again, same time.
- Don’t send my pics of yourself, and no personal information.
- SWF blog only, and while I will post some gore and there there will be warnings!
- I don’t do requests for art/wallpapers/userboadrs/moodboards, or anything like that. While I would love to do art requests, I don’t have the time or resources to do so currently.
- I am a minor, bodily I am. Do not be weird, do not anything. (13-17)
- Do not send go-fund mes, or any kind of fun riser. I do not want to be bothered (or feel guilty) about it. I cannot give you money, I am broke.
- [Will add more later]
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months
Silly au idea
So you know how I came up with the idea of LDB reincarnating into Yuebei Xing in my "The Monkey King and the Infant" au?
I had a very silly/potientially adorable au idea that can fit into multiple fic ideas for the canon LMK verse >:)
Imagine this; The Lady Bone Demon has just been defeated. The heroes rejoice.
But her soul is still wandering.
Zipping towards the gang - who/what will the little icy soul be reborn as? Choose your adventure!:
Will it attach itself to the recently-reconcilled Sun Wukong and Macaque, becoming Yuebei Xing like in the au? Shadowpeach screaming ensues. (Yuebei/"Lunar Apogee" route)
Will it hit the closest human vessel - becoming the second unexpected child in Tang and Pigsy's lives? MK freaks out cus this means LBD will become his little sibling. (Bao/"Dumpling" route)
Will the unfrozen Demon Bull couple recognise the little soul flying around and jump to catch it - fufilling their desire for a second born? Red has many concerns. (Jīnzhēn/"Day-Lily" route)
The overzealous recently-revived Spider Gang jump to ensare the loose soul. The silk falling away to reveal a brand-new spider egg? Can includes developing Silktea and/or ToxicInsanity, and DesertSilk/VenomQueens shipping depending on whos minding the egg at the moment. (Shísuàn/"Spider-lily" route)
MK/Xiaotian, seeing the new soul as his responsibility, takes it upon himself? Literally. Including either no romance or developing Spicynoodles. (Yuèjì/"Chinese Rose" route)
All of the above occurs at once; the Underworld deeming the Bone Spirit's soul is better off being "split" multiple ways? ("Whoops" route)
Add in your ideas/thoughts >:3
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the-monkey-ruler · 6 months
There is so much Wukong x OC or Wukong x Reader I’m actually flabbergasted. Six Eared Macaque I understand but not the asexual, super Buddhist monkey.
I answered something like this nearly a year ago but I'm still going to have the same answer a few times.
Wukong is a very charming and compelling character so it's not insane to think how people can fall in love with the character romantic or not. Narratively wise there has to be some suspension of disbelief but that is why it is fiction itself, and romance is another genre used to explore character depth. Wukong is a well-written interesting characteristic and I am not surprised that people are drawn to him again whether platonically or romantically, both imply a level of affection they have for Sun Wukong. There has been other media that asks for that 'suspicion for belief' as well.
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I've also spoken about how Wukong with a significant other isn't that strange either. For the past twenty years, Wukong has been the object of desire in dozens of xiyouji romance plays and moves ever since the hit film Chinse Odessey, which cemented that Sun Wukong isn't just a hero, but a human being that has his own wants and flaws, and capturing the hearts of millions cause they saw themselves in him and his struggles. I talked about how impactful this movie was in changing Wukong from a fighter to a human here and here. Nowadays with more modern films, the use of romance isn't the only trope to use to explore characters and have them relate with audiences when it comes to love and lost but in the 2000s there were dozens of Wukong romances trying to capture that magic again of Wukong experiencing love and losing it because not matter how strong he is, he is just like anyone else and have heartache.
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And it doesn't have to be Wukong from the original book. While Wu Cheng'en was able to provide that Wukong himself is a complex, charming, intelligent, and fascinating individual, there are hundreds of movies and shows that also wish to explore such a transformative character. I still see how popular Hero is Back 2015 Sun Wukong was and still is as one of the most fan-favorite Wukongs. There are many different Wukongs in different media that can be fan-favorites and really stick with audiences but that doesn't necessarily mean these are meant to be Wukong from the book as movies/shows could add or subtract certain elements from the Book Wukong in these adaptations. It would be unfair to both the book and the artists to say they are the same as the novel was created 400 years ago with heavy themes and saturated in symbolism, while movies and shows are created by artists for a generation, each media a time capsule for their audience and a reflection of the directors that wish to still be unique in their designs. While I have no doubt that many people adore Wukong from the novels I can't say that anyone hasn't been influenced by other media in how they interpret Wukong as well.
That rambling aside, what I'm trying to say is that Wukong and romance are nothing new, and seeing people ship themselves with Wukong is also nothing new. Six Ears only has two chapters and only really shines when movies or shows give him screen time, which is highly skewed due to the SHEER amount of Xiyouji media with just Wukong there is making that statically Wukong of course is going to have more fans, both back then and now.
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lint-beetle4 · 1 month
Rules about Requests
Okay, so I've gotten a good enough amount of requests that I'm going to implement boundaries and what not. The first thing is:
Don't be afraid to ask questions if these aren't clear enough, trust me, I know I can be annoyingly vague
Without further ado, here's a list of shit I WILL write about and WONT write about
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I WILL write:
Gore (I will make it bloody if you so desire, do not tempt me)
Character x character and character x reader
Any scenario under the sun at this point (that isn't specified in the WONT list)
This list is subject to change as I find some amount of footing in the fandom, but I actively encourage requests of all kinds! Seriously, go wild, I barely have boundaries with this
I WONT write:
Noncon or anything of that sort (dubcon is a MAYBE, a strong MAYBE, depending on the prompt)
Sorry, but anything SHIPPING with LBD, the mayor, or Nuwa is a no-no for me, because they make me uncomfortable as characters; otherwise, I will do scenarios and whatnot about them
Any shipping with Bai He
Incest relationships or pseudo-incest (No Wukong/MK or Macaque/MK here)
Sometimes there are prompts I'm uncomfortable with, seeing as I'm relatively new to writing about this stuff, this list is subject to expand. If I am uncomfortable about a certain prompt, I will ignore it. Be warned
In any case, go fucking wild guys, I love this shit
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phoenixeclipse-lmkau · 3 months
Phoenixeclipse Pirate AU
Was inspired to write more on this AU!! Sooo - ENJOY!
The Misunderstanding
“So what is this about your allies newest trade with the Navy?” A young demon asked Captain Sun Wukong who was half drunk on wine.
The room was bustling with excitement from the brotherhood’s latest raid. They had attacked a rather large navy ship and found a lot of treasure including enchanted items from all around the globe. Captain Wukong was so excited he ordered everyone to hold a party in the latest town. His right hand man The Six Eared Macaque had agreed for once.
So here they were in a large bar in a bustling town. The townsfolk had been so fearful of them that they have been avoiding the bar ever since they arrived. The Brotherhood was known for their cruelty and selfish desires. They took what they wanted, when they pleased and didn’t care who it hurt.
The citizens had grown even more fearful when The White Bone Crew had come to the bar later in the evening. Usually they would have immediately started a fight however their captain and her right hand were missing from the bunch. Being in such a good mood The Brotherhood didn’t start a fight but most of them kept their eyes on the other crew.
“Allies?” Wukong asked with a drawl, he was lazing on a large chair his feet kicked over one side as he laid on it. His hat was in one hand while his alcohol was in the other.
“Yes The Pillars, they are your allies are they not? Everyone has been talking about it. How their little fire bird has you and your right hand around her finger,” the demon said with a laugh at the end as if he were talking to an old friend.
He didn’t notice how Wukong’s eyes snapped open before narrowing, he almost instantly sobered up. His happily wagging tail slowed down to a threatening lashing to and fro. Slightly baring his fangs he forced a smirk across his face. The White Bone Crew wouldn’t stand a chance against the Brotherhood without their captain however… He didn’t know where that said captain was.
“What on earth are you talking about? Why would we associate with them? They are all weak and pathetic. No one in that crew is suitable enough to even stand against us, let alone with us,” Macaque sneered as he walked up. His violet eyes narrowed dangerously at the demon in front of his mate.
“Yeah, and besides why would we be interested in some weak and moronic fire bird,” Wukong added, every word forced but with how much alcohol was in his system it sounded completely natural.
“Oh but everyone is talking about it. They said that you were so enamored with her that you spared her Captain, The Mist Mountain Demon. Is that not true?” The demon asked almost innocently, but Macaque and Wukong saw right through it. The damned demon was paying close attention to their every more. They were trying to find a weakness, too bad he wasn’t going to get one.
“Excuse me? How dare you insinuate that our captain would get with some low wretched whore!” One of the lower ranked demons on the crew shouted. He sealed his fate with those words. Unfortunately he would have to wait.
The demon in front of them looked for some kind of reaction from the two monkey demons but found none. He looked almost disappointed but nodded before lifting a glass to cheer. They didn’t show any interest in the young woman, the rumors must have been just that. Rumors. He would have to add this to his report for his Captain.
“Congratulations. It’s good to know that neither of you have fallen for some whore’s lustful words. I heard that she was willing to leave her crew for you two, I assume that is a rumor too,” The demon added hoping to get a different reaction.
“That stupid wretch wouldn’t do something like that. We don’t even know her, and I’ve heard her loyalties lie solely with her captain,” Wukong growled barely containing the excitement that coursed through him at the thought of their beloved Birdy coming to him and Macaque willingly.
“Agreed. She would only be met with our blades. We do not accept the weak into our crew,” Macaque for his part also had a hard time controlling himself. The mere thought of having their darling coming to them was amazing. However they knew that would never happen, her loyalty to her Captain ran too deep. They were going to have to take more extreme measures, but that came all in due time. There was a plan laid out and they would follow through with that plan.
Their words seemed to convince the demon who soon scampered off with the rest of his crew an hour later. The bar went silent for a while, the higher ups of The Brotherhood Crew took steps away from the monkey demons. They knew not to insult Phoenix, however the demon who spoke ill about her didn’t seem to.
Dark shadows began to dance around the room, Macaque releasing a deadly aura but waited for his mate to get up. Wukong took another swig from his bottle his eyes glowing red as he swung his legs to sit up. His normally happy wagging tail was slowly swaying behind him as he smirked.
“No one insults our beloved, have you not realized that yet?” Wukong spoke every word dripping with venom.
“W-What but you just said…” The demon cowered.
“I know exactly what I said, do you not understand that we cannot be by her side to protect her. Do you not understand that we cannot let people know about her until we have her with us,” Macaque cut in his shadows wrapped around the demon holding him in place as he held himself back in favor of letting his king have his ‘fun.’
“You called our Birdy a whore, our darling, our Phoenix~” Wukong’s snarl turned into a love struck look as he finally let himself think about her.
“I-I understand, I won’t make the same mistake again,” The demon stuttered praying that he would make it out of this alive.
“Oh, we know~” The monkey demon’s purred in unison. The next sounds that came were screams.
Unfortunately, they never got the chance to even catch sight of Phoenix again. Their blades? They would kill her if she tried to go to them. They wanted her dead. Tears flooded her eyes as she ran away, she thanked her abilities which allowed her to travel with absolute silence. Not even Macaque’s ears could catch her unless he saw her, even then he had a hard time doing so.
She had heard that they had come to this bar and while she didn’t like drinking herself, she was ecstatic to see her friends again. What she thought were her friend, she had thought they were more than friends in fact. A sob threatened to bubble it’s way through her throat.
As soon as the demon stopped talking about her and changed the topic she took the chance to run. Having been hiding in one of the hallways she wanted to surprise them when she overheard the demon begin talking about allies. She had been so happy wanting to hear their thoughts about her, however her joy was soon crushed at their every word.
She barely made it out of town when she crumpled to the ground below a nearby tree. Her glossy eyes finally letting her tears fall. She had been so excited when her Captain granted her permission to leave, she had been so happy this past week as she followed their trail, and now? She couldn’t stop herself from curling in on herself on the ground crying. They hated her, they actually hated her.
Her breathing was heavy, her eyes burned, and her throat choked up as she cried. But as much as she tried she couldn’t stop.
Having gone further inland she knew that they wouldn’t encounter her as they would soon be leaving for their next adventure. An adventure she had hoped to join. Choking on another sob she thought about all of their happy memories, they were all fake. They hated her, they didn’t want to be by her side or anywhere near her. They’d rather kill her.
No! She wouldn’t allow herself to be killed, not even by them. Taking a deep and shaky breath she tried to calm down. It didn’t help much, and she still wasn’t able to stand yet but it was a start. She needed to get out of here, she wasn’t a pirate anymore she was just a normal woman. One who needed to get to safety before someone found her.
“I’m alone, truly alone,” She barely muttered when she finally got up to move hours later, in the middle of the night.
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
What introduced you to lmk? like some fanart or a tiktok edit
For me it was a nezha edit (it was a leak at the time, but obviously I didn't know it) and I loved its design so much that I decided to see lmk, previously I knew that the series existed since I really like everything that has to do with Sun Wukong (and the journey to the west and Nezha too of course)
my love of lmk was a slow burn that then sparked into an inferno
it began while i was watching OSP’s jttw summarizes videos and listening to their podcast and there were some people asking Res if she watches the show (she hadn’t and prob still has not because her reason was by simply not watching it, she wouldn’t accidentally have their style influence her own. also ensuring that her summarized videos stayed original)
then i noticed some fanart of lmk on instagram (idk how that happened tbh maybe the algorithm took my interest in fanrtists of animated movies and shows to equal “hey you might like this too!”) but since i had no clue what lmk really was and was more loyal to jttw itself, i ignored it (tho one of the fanart it’s drew really good kung fu panda fanart so i saw lmk for about a month or too before i deleted my instagram
and then i saw a lot of lmk in the comments of OSP’s video about the Six Eared Macaque chapter but ignored it still
and then tumblr polls happened
many polls were made. many ship dynamic polls were made
there was also the character of all time poll, of which i was a Sun Wukong activist and found some lmk fans who reblogged my propaganda thread
(during this time— April— I discovered Epic: the musical)
i found lmk once more in the sun/moon ship poll. it was merthur vs shadowpeach and i stayed true to my shadowpeach but i noticed one of my (then) mutual-in laws was very passionate about shadowpeach and i grew curious
i searched it up (beginning of May), somehow found a playlist with seasons 1-3 two days after i began my search, watched all of it in a day (it should be noted that i had been recovering from finals) and found myself hooked
I also felt cheated out of the shadowpeach ship because, through the eyes of my (then) mutual-in law, the ship seemed to popular on tumblr. then all the shit i see on YouTube is spicy noodles and people arguing in the comments that shadowpeach are brothers
i found out very quickly that the show did scratch a special itch in my brain (it almost didn’t if i’m being honest. i was almost put off by MK and Mei’s personalities at first but figured i would wait if our since AHiB is only the show’s pilot) and now i wanted more
i went onto twitter bc i struggles to find fanart on tumblr
i realized there was a 4th season already out (also weird discord drama???? idk i only was there for the art) AND some nice metas to dip my toes in
i leave twitter and go to yt to find the 4th season (and also bc there was a whole thing about new accounts getting called out for being “pro-shippers” so i decided to tap out) and then found out about Monkey King 2009 (which i watched to stave off the desire of s4 but this backfired bc i got obsessed with that one too and only 12 episodes are subtitled for it)
i watch it all and realize i have to wait for the s4 special, but i am more prepared for it (and now i feel more comfortable interacting with lmk tumblr) which leads to me making my own metas (this was spurred by my desire for more swk metas)
and thus i found and curated my lmk fandom experience on tumblr and satiated my brain with metas and fics and art until s4 special and then rinse and repeat until s5 :D
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mariposiel · 2 years
A/N: Okay, so below are my thoughts about Wukong’s past, his mountain imprisonment, how the Brotherhood was defeated, and how Macaque was “killed.” Just some headcanons, theories, and character introspection!
Initial theory in the first paragraph is credited to @/nixthefanartist!
When the Brotherhood had originally gone to fight the Jade Emperor, they had lost and Wukong surrendered along with Azure Lion, Yellow Tusk, Peng, and Macaque. However, Sun Wukong was given an ultimatum, and that was to surrender, or have his friends die. He actually might have won against the Jade Emperor but that would’ve been at the cost of the other four’s lives. So, he surrendered in the end. The Brotherhood goes back to Flower Fruit Mountain (FFM) where Macaque and Wukong have a talk that escalates into a big argument, fueled by their loss against the celestials. (Or maybe, their friendship becomes strained over a longer period of time, which eventually accumulates into a huge fight/argument).
In a fit of frustration, Wukong leaves, traveling back to the celestial realm where he has the bet with Buddha over his claim of wanting to replace the Jade Emperor (“If you can jump from my palm, you, or whoever you want, can become the Jade Emperor in his stead” - Buddha). However, Wukong loses again because Buddha is able to hold the universe in the palm of his hand, and as punishment, he is not let off so easily, spending 500 years of imprisonment under the mountain.
During this long period of time, Azure, Peng, and Yellow Tusk built that mountain ridge city, deciding that they didn’t need Wukong’s help, seeing that he had seemingly abandoned ship. DBK had left to try and conquer some smaller lands in the meantime, desiring more power (this was the reason why he wasn’t at the city, the reason why he wasn’t sealed within the scroll). On and off during these centuries, Macaque also tried to take care of Flower Fruit Mountain in the King’s absence, looking after the various monkeys.
Macaque thinks Wukong abandoned him and the sworn brothers but really, Wukong was trapped under that mountain for 500 years after losing the bet to Buddha. And after that time period was up, he was freed by Guanyin and Tang Sanzang, going on the JTTW to make up for his crimes against heaven. This was basically his only choice in the matter, plus the fillet practically forced Wukong to follow the orders of Tripitaka, like a dog on a leash. But over time, Wukong became fond of the pilgrims despite it all during the 14 years of the JTTW.
All the same, Wukong had thought Macaque and his sworn brothers had abandoned him because the Great Sage had tried calling out for help, thinking that at least Macaque would be able to hear him with his six ears. But no help came and he eventually gave up as decades turned into centuries. Though, he didn’t know that the reason Macaque couldn’t hear him was because of a magical spell surrounding the mountain, blocking out his calls from underneath. It was only when Guanyin and Tang crossed the threshold upon the mountain, that his calls were finally heard.
All in all, they both thought the other abandoned them but really, it was miscommunication and tragic events being orchestrated in the background.
The Brotherhood eventually learns that Wukong had sided with the heavenly realm, for reasons unknown to them. So, all they had known at the moment was that the Great Sage had abandoned them for centuries only to appear one day as heaven’s lapdog basically. Not sure on what to think about this, Macaque leaves to FFM to clear his head and to sort out his feelings. However, in his absence, the mountain ridge city is destroyed by the JTTW group. And as punishment ordered by the Heavenly Court, the celestial officials had originally wanted the three demons dead but Wukong instead gave the idea of sealing them inside the scroll as an act of mercy.
Before Azure Lion was taken away, he shared some final words with Wukong, words that the monkey did not like the sound of, knowing that Azure would not give up so easily on his quest to dethrone the Jade Emperor, even if it meant showing no mercy to his old friend. Azure Lion believes that defeating the Jade Emperor would be best for everyone, and he wouldn’t let anyone get in his way for “justice” by the time he’s free from the scroll. This is the reason Wukong is wary of Azure during S4. Plus, the hurt of Wukong’s betrayal probably fueled Azure’s last words to him as well.
To be noted, Macaque wasn’t with the three other demons when the JTTW group destroyed the city; he was at Flower Fruit Mountain but even from there, his six ears caught wind of the encounter so he rushed over there only to see the celestial guards holding the three demons in magical restraints. And then he finally saw Wukong and he was about to go over there and demand to know where he’s been until he’s stopped in his tracks upon seeing the golden fillet around the simian’s forehead. At that sight, the darker monkey manages to slip away in the shadows. The three other demons are transported to the underworld, sealed within the scrolls of memories.
And from there, Macaque eventually tracked down the pilgrim group, attacking Tripitaka and the others, believing that they were forcing Wukong to do their work for them, believing that they were the reason why Wukong had abandoned and betrayed the Brotherhood. However, by this time, Sun Wukong had already grown fond of his allies, and he was still wearing the golden fillet, so the Great Sage protected Tang Sanzang from Macaque, giving the dark haired monkey that scar on his eye. Having to continue on with the journey, Wukong left him with a heavy heart, his emotions in disarray upon seeing his old friend after centuries of no contact. Plus, the last time they had talked involved an argument, which didn’t help either.
From this battle, Macaque was simply knocked out. However, by the time he came to, the Lady Bone Demon had found him, having witnessed his defeat. She thought she could use the darker monkey in her plans, believing that she could utilize their broken friendship against them. So, in order to drive them further apart from each other, she had disguised herself as Wukong to make it seem like the simian was just finishing the job and killed Macaque, which he was tragically awake to experience. Then, she resurrected him later on and tried to make him work for her which he subsequently refused, escaping even though it had seemed like he owed her for “saving” his life and that “Wukong” had killed him. Because even Macaque could sense something was wrong with her, even if she had seemingly saved his life. Then, LBD was sealed away in the tomb by Tripitaka, having been caught by the pilgrims after she tried attacking them by disguising herself once more, which Wukong detected and called her out on.
Seeing that Macaque has abandoned her, even after she gives him new life, LBD forces him to help her later on during the events of S3. It’s the reason why she says that she’s capable of erasing the very memory of him because she basically already altered the very memories of his death.
After Wukong finished his 14 years during the JTTW, he finally encountered DBK later on, the bull demon rampaging on several villages. There were two reasons why he was attacking them: one to gain power and to cause destruction and two to expel his anger and frustration upon learning that his sworn brothers were sealed within the memory scroll when he was gone. This is that famous scene at the start of LMK S1 where Wukong defeats DBK, trapping him under a mountain for 500 years, leaving his staff on top of the mountain.
There were probably even more conflicting emotions stirring within Wukong upon seeing DBK again. It wasn’t such a heroic tale as described by Tang, but one of pain, and regret. Wukong was still angry at the Bull demon for not answering his pleas for help when he was trapped for 500 years, so he sealed DBK under a mountain, as a taste of his own medicine. This was, of course, also to prevent the demon bull from further laying siege to the villages. However, Wukong still felt regret for his actions, for sealing almost all of his old friends away, from driving away his closest companion (Macaque), so he left Ruyi Bang on the mountain, believing that he did not deserve such a powerful artifact anymore, not after all the mistakes he had made in the past. And he left, disappearing to Flower Fruit Mountain in isolation as his own form of self punishment.
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doppel-doodles · 8 months
AU Masterlist
Monster Kid Au
Oc and canon centric
Summary: Basically everyone lifes in a cozy little village that is perpetually set in autumn and right next to that is a magical forest housing every kind of Halloween creature your head can think off, ranging from adorable mischief makers to full on eldritch abominations and of course some monster hunters to round out the cast.
Growing Garden Au
Ming and Baí centric
This Au was made with @/littlethingsrae
I already made a whole intro post about it that you can find here
Koi King Au
Klara and Katie centric
Summary: Taking place in the much distant future. Mk, now a hero in his own right, is looking to teach successor of his own. Instead of just one he chooses two students that he'll pass the torch to once his time runs out.
Wilting Petals Au
Flowerpower(Mengtao x Nezha) centric
This is still a platonic ship
Summary: What if instead of kicking the peach maiden out of the realm like a mama bird chucking out their chick from the nest the third lotus prince actually came with her to the mortal realm to make sure she doesn‘t fall over and die or something-
Dollhouse Au
Shadowdancer(Jú x Macaque) centric
Summary: Instead of humans,monkeys,demons or whatever else have you almost everyone is some sort of toy living in the bedroom of the Allard twins. One day a new doll is introduced into the home of many colourful characters and catches the eye of a certain plushie.
Am I ripping off toy story? Probably, but more importantly I am ripping off Raggedy Anne and Andy: A musical adventure even more-
Crimson Emperor Au
Ming and Klara centric
Summary: Mings hatred for wukong for abandoning him reaches a boiling point, in his emotional state he makes more and more rash decisions in an desperate attempt to feel less pain. Until eventually his grudge turns into a desire to see the king fall like many before him and he decides that to achieve that he needs to steal a body and the power of the late jade emperor.
Fallen Crown Au
Ming and Baí centric
Summary: My oc's but they are in cult of the lamb-
Here's a little post I made about it: click here
Au's from other people
Rescripted twice Au that belongs to @/chuitu
Sun shrine Au that belongs to @/littlethingsrae
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sketching-shark · 1 year
Bangs head on my desk. Its sooooo fucking hard I have literally most of the LMK fandom blocked and I still can’t fucking escape that mid ass pairing I want to explode. Honest to god it sucks because I actually like analyzing LEMH and Sun wukong’s dynamic when it comes to the original story and like the idea of a character trying so hard to be this other person they just fundamentally erase any aspect of who they could be. That shit is interesting (especially if you interpret the two as actual family bc there’s a level of. Tragedy there) but NOOO mfs wanna focus on shipping clones/siblings together instead and painfully writing both characters ooc instead of just making an oc good fucking god. ( that being said I really like the art you draw of LEMH. It’s really cool. Keep up the good work 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾)
fregarewargtfds I once saw someone describe the LEMH & SWK ship as jttw retellings's reylo and. hm. yeah.
BUT YEAH YEAH YEAH to this day one of the things I find most baffling about the western monkie kid & jttw fandom is this widespread refusal to even recognize LEMH's actions in the og classic. Because it's like: here we have what could very well be one of literature's first instances of the "evil twin" trope and it's being done SPECIFICALLY in a way to create the maximum amount of conflict and uncertainty for SWK!
Because on one hand the false monkey of the true and false monkey king arc is essentially the very embodiment of everything that SWK ever wanted; LEMH, in copying SWK so completely, does it in such a way where he gets to be both a yaoguai warlord with a loving family AND a holy pilgrim bound for glory at the exact same time, whereas SWK is constantly being forced to choose between the two! But LEMH's also doing it in the worst way possible! He beats Tang Sanzang into unconsciousness, steals their stuff for his own use, and in so doing drives a serious rift between SWK and the pilgrims!
He clearly doesn't give af about the Mt. Huaguoshan monkeys outside of how they can serve as his personal tools to fulfill his own aims! He just wants them to use their own powers of transformation so that they can serve as his own obedient group of pilgrims! He even eats one of them as part of a merry feast he throws for himself after a violent encounter with Sha Wujing, and immediately has that monkey replaced with another! And he's doing ALL of this wearing SWK's face and adapting SWK's mannerisms! EVERYONE thinks that it's SWK doing these things! It's like LEMH's very existence is throwing it in SWK's face how this horrible version of himself is closer to achieving ALL of SWK's desires than SWK ever was, and that no matter how much SWK tries to change for the better even the two sides of his beloved family automatically think even this version which would inflict such violence on them is the "true" him! No wonder SWK hated him so much!
And AUGH the possibility of LEMH either being a manifestation of SWK's worst impulses or of being his brother just ramps the tragedy and horror of this situation even more! Like if it was part of SWK inflicting all this pain on the people SWK loves most, well there is truly something messed up about this situation where even if it's not technically "you" going along with your worst impulses they will still hurt people! Could you ever trust yourself again? Should you? How much of the blame for this situation lies with you? And can it be enough to fully acknowledge you have violent impulses but don't act on them?
And yes @the-bitter-ocean even in interpretations where LEMH is some random yaoguai who decides to commit identity fraud the story from his point of view of him throwing away his identity so completely that there's basically nothing left of him is just...goddamn. In his ambition he literally reduced himself to one part of SWK's story, just one more obstacle for the Monkey King to overcome.
And SCREAM if LEMH was SWK's brother? Imagine this situation where for SWK he's confronted by what is essentially the culmination of his failures to protect his family, where his beloved brother (I'm saying beloved because SWK loved all members of his monkey family very much) ended up despising SWK so much that he has essentially destroyed everything that he was or could have been in his bid to be the "real" monkey king and bring glory back to that name, but does so in the worst way possible to the point where SWK feels he has to take down LEMH himself. And then for LEMH, you can see how love and admiration for his brother would be twisted into resentment, envy, obsession, and hatred due to the series of atrocities the Mt. Huaguoshan simians faced in large part as a consequence of SWK's challenge to the heavens and his own sense of entitlement, so that eventually he convinced himself he would be a more "true" monkey king than the monkey king himself, and thus completely discarded his own identity to take on that of his brother, and in doing so basically tossed his own morals given how his "version" of the monkey king cares for no one but himself.
Sorry for the rant! But all the pieces for a whole series of interesting tragedies are! Already! Right! There!!!!! Why are we all so hellbent on ignoring/rewriting them!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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azuremist · 2 years
✧ — My favorite original posts
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Any type of queer person can enjoy any queer fiction
“It’s up to interpretation” isn’t a bad response
On the subject of humans and kissing (Alien Stage)
“I’m Trying (Not Friends)” edit (LEGO Monkie Kid)
Ivan is autistic (and masks heavily) (Alien Stage)
How to talk about Amane and Fuuta respectfully (MILGRAM)
Subversion of the “predatory queer” trope in VIVINOS’ work
“Egg prime directive”
Rin and Len being one bigender person (Vocaloid)
“Yaoi vs yuri”
On how I ship Rody and Vincent (Dead Plate)
Dead Plate 3DS theme
Web weaving (Dead Plate)
Cohost sucks, too
On Marina in “Suffer No Fools” (Splatoon)
Pearlina as a princess x knight dynamic (Splatoon)
Haruka has an intellectual disability (and why that matters) (MILGRAM)
Needy Streamer Overload anime
Marina’s Dev Diary #8 (Splatoon)
“TME” and “TMA” are intersexist
Marina’s Dev Diary #1 (Splatoon)
Let Agent 8 rest (Splatoon)
Papicoco’s wedding armor (Flip Flappers)
Trial 2 thumbnail scenes (MILGRAM)
Papika in episode 7 (Flip Flappers)
The balcony scene (Cherry Magic)
Papika really loves Cocona (Flip Flappers)
Guilty Kotoko propaganda (MILGRAM)
All references in Shiver’s Frostyfest dialogue (Splatoon)
Intermission animation (I’m In Love With The Villainess)
Kieran being 14 years old (Pokemon)
Hopeless romantic aromantic Mahiru (MILGRAM)
‘Alterhumanity and Autism’ follow-up survey
Kieran never hates the MC (Pokemon)
Bisexual Pokemon characters (Pokemon)
Kieran’s eye shines return (Pokemon)
How you would fall if you were an angel
The parallels for each prisoner pair (MILGRAM)
Lumity x “My Love Is Mine All Mine” (The Owl House)
Doki Doki Literature Club’s twist would have been better if Monika was a male character (DDLC)
Amane, Kazui, and how your childhood follows you (MILGRAM)
Panels from “The Bravest Prince” (Adventure Time)
Gumlee development (Adventure Time)
Princess Bubblegum vs Prince Gumball vs Gary Prince (Adventure Time)
Bubbline and Gumlee parallels (Adventure Time)
A resource for making your personal site accessible
“Bubbline vs Gumlee” (Adventure Time)
Analyzing ‘(Not) a Devil’
Crowley’s wings (Good Omens)
What did Neil Gaiman mean by this (Good Omens)
‘Alterhumanity and Autism’ panel script
Irony and the Barbie movie’s feminism
Vote against KOSA
The great implosion of ArtFight 2023
Bakugou is a funny character concept (BNHA)
Masterpost of art made about and during the AIDS crisis
Autistic bullying as portrayed in Ruby Gilman, Teenage Kraken
The hidden message of Swadloon (Pokemon)
Gen work June fanfic recs
Sun Wukong and Macaque flashback (LEGO Monkie Kid)
The original meaning of hanahaki
Autistic people writing robots / AI
AO3’s old racist mod
What is and isn’t menhera
Transphobe / TERF blocklist
Hunter and the ‘curing the disability’ trope (The Owl House)
Ships that are just teenage boys are good
My list of “internet archeology for old fandom drama / events” video essays
Every OT3 has… (LEGO Monkie Kid)
A compilation of every time that DBK and PIF are bad parents (LEGO Monkie Kid)
“Non-man” is a bad phrase
My guide to tumblr etiquette
Courtney analysis (Dead End: Paranormal Park)
The Golden Guard as a metaphor for masking (The Owl House)
My problem with “Thanks To Them” (The Owl House)
Bisexual Hunter is canon (The Owl House)
The androcentric desire hypothesis
Analyzing the themes of ‘Bad End Theater’
Canon autistic representation in cartoons
Male/female multigender advocacy
Religious themes to describe queer experiences
On the 2020 Moomin revival
Being a grimwalker as a trans metaphor (The Owl House)
Disability education resources
Character proportions (The Owl House)
Red Son and his parents (LEGO Monkie Kid)
Shadowpeach and songs (LEGO Monkie Kid)
Sun and moon bigender flags
Red Son is autistic (LEGO Monkie Kid)
Shadowpeach web weaving (LEGO Monkie Kid)
“Galar’s friends” card art edit (Pokemon)
Bambi bisexual flag
Gundham Tanaka is autistic (Danganronpa)
MLM/WLW flag
Digitalized Bede Pokemon Center art (Pokemon)
Bede character analysis (Pokemon)
Brown-eyed Goh edits (Pokemon)
Randall Ascot skintone edits (Professor Layton)
Mousier Scarlet story rework (Bug Fables)
That one time I predicted that Entrapta was autistic and made an analysis post on it immediately after season 1’s release (She-Ra)
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Chapter Nineteen recap: At Cloudy Paths Cave, Wukong takes in Eight Rules; At Pagoda Mountain, Tripitaka receives the Heart Sutra.
This chapter begins with a chase between Zhu Ganglie and Sun Wukong, with the pig yaoguai fleeing in the form of “flaming light” and the monkey “riding the rosy clouds…right behind.” This goes on until the reach a tall mountain, where Zhu Ganglie resumes his original form and takes out “a nine-pronged muckrake to fight.” Yet before they do so, the Monkey King shout-asks this yaoguai to “make a full confession” on his abilities, origin, and how he knows “old Monkey’s names.” Zhu Ganglie is happy to oblige. He proceeds to recount in poetry how a “true immortal” had set him on the path of divinity, allowing him to ascend to a place in the heavens as a “marshal of the Celestial Stream” where he “took command of both sailors and ships.” This was all ruined, however, when during one of the Queen Mother’s Peaches Feasts Zhu Ganglie “got dead drunk” and sexually harassed Chang’e the moon goddess. He even grew so violent that Zhu Ganglie almost toppled “the arch of Heaven’s gate” when Chang’e refused him. The Jade Emperor had first thought to punish this transgression with death, but thanks to the interjection of the Gold Star of Venus this sentence was lightened to “two thousand blows/My flesh was torn; my bones did almost crack.” Afterwards the former marshal was banished from Heaven, and was reborn into his “sinful destination” through the error of his soul getting into the womb of a pig.
Sun Wukong now recognizes this yaoguai as “the Water God of the Heavenly Reeds, who came to earth.” It is, as such “Small wonder you knew old Monkey’s name.” Zhu Ganglie proceeds to call the Monkey King a “Heaven-defying BanHorsePlague” and to berate him because when he “caused such turmoil that year in Heaven, you had no idea how many of us had to suffer because of you.” The two yaoguai than proceed to fight “in the middle of the mountain, in the middle of the night.”
They battle until daybreak, at which point Zhu Ganglie “fled in defeat,” changing “once more into a violent gust of wind” and going straight to his cave, locking the door and “refusing to come out.” As he did with the Black Wind King, Sun Wukong responds to this situation by going back to give his report to Tripitaka. Overhearing the current situation, Mr. Gao beseeches the pilgrims again to “do us the favor of apprehending” Zhu Ganglie, and that there will be “a generous reward” if they do. Yet now Sun Wukong questions the old patriarch’s desire to be rid of his current son-in-law, as “Much of what you were able to accumulate these last few years you owe to his strength.” Pilgrim Sun also makes the (dubious) claim that the pig yaoguai “has not harmed your daughter in any way,” and that as such this sort of son-in-law “would be a good match for your daughter and your family.” Mr. Gao simply states that they want Zhu Ganglie gone because though “this matter may not offend public morals, it does leave us with a bad name.” Sun Wukong then promises to “apprehend the monster for certain,” and flies off.
Without preamble, the Monkey King bounds back up the mountain and with “a few strokes of the iron rod reduced the doors to dust,” demanding that Zhu Ganglie fight with him once again. He finds the pig yaoguai inside still “trying to catch his breath,” yet Zhu Ganglie is ready to battle with Sun Wukong again after some exchanged insults. At the Monkey King’s teasing question Zhu Ganglie further gives a recital on the merits of his rake, which we learn is a powerful weapon that was first given to him as a gift by the Jade Emperor as “a sign of royal grace.” In response to this information on the power of the rake, Sun Wukong puts away his as-you-will cudgel and tells the pig yaoguai that he will give him a free hit. Zhu Ganglie “did indeed raise his rake high and bring it down with all his might; with a loud bang, the rake made sparks as it bounced back up. But the blow did not make so much as a scratch on Pilgrim’s head.” The Monkey King smugly gives a shaken Zhu Ganglie an account of everything that had gone into forging his invulnerability. Zhu Ganglie then asks Sun Wukong why he’s so far away from the Water-Curtain Cave of the Flower-Fruit Mountain, especially since his name “hasn’t been heard of for a long time.” It is only now that the Monkey King lets the pig yaoguai know that he’s “left the Daoist to follow the Buddhist” to accompany Tripitaka “on his way to the Western Heaven to seek scriptures from Buddha,” and that they had passed through Gao Village as part of that journey.
Hearing this, Zhu Ganglie immediately throws his muckrake aside and asks Sun Wukong to introduce him to Tang Sanzang, as the pig yaoguai is “a convert of the Bodhisattva Guanshiyin” and that she had asked him years ago to accompany the scripture pilgrim “so that I might atone for my sins with my merit and regain the fruits of Truth.” After forcing Zhu Ganglie to swear he’s telling the truth to heaven, burn down his Cloudy Paths Cave, and give the monkey his muckrake, Sun Wukong ties up the pig yaoguai and drags him by his ear back to the Gao Family Village.
As the two are immortals who can ride the clouds, in no time at all the monkey and the pig yaoguai are back at the village and Sun Wukong has dragged Zhu Ganglie in front of Tang Sanzang and the immediate members of old Mr. Gao’s family. Zhu Ganglie kowtows to Tripitaka, apologizing for not coming to meet him and telling the monk that if only he had known he was the scripture pilgrim that he would have come at once to pay his respects. After Sun Wukong shouts and strikes him, Zhu Ganglie further gives “a full account of how the Bodhisattva had converted him.” All of this greatly pleases Tripitaka, and the monk borrows some incense from Mr. Gao so that he can thank the Bodhisattva. Zhu Ganglie is then untied, and the pig yaoguai declares his intention to accompany Tang Sanzang to the west. He also bows to Sun Wukong “addressing him as ‘elder brother’ because he was the senior disciple.” Since Tripitaka wants to give him a religious name, Zhu Ganglie lets the monk know he already has one in Zhu Wuneng (Awake to Power). The pig yaoguai then asks if, since he had “maintained a strict vegetarian diet in my father-in-law’s house,” if he could now “be released from my vegetarian vow.” Horrified at the very notion, Tang Sanzang gives his new disciple the name “Eight Rules” to remind him to not eat the five forbidden viands and the three undesirable foods. And so the pig yaoguai gains his moniker Zhu Bajie.
Delighted at the “happy ending of this whole affair,” the old patriarch Mr. Gao orders a spending vegetarian feast to thank the Tang Monk. Sun Wukong also tells Zhu Bajie that since “you have embraced Buddhism and become a monk, please don’t ever mention ‘your humble wife’ again. There may be a married Daoist in this world, but there’s no such monk.” During the meal, Tang Sanzang refuses the wine Mr. Gao offers him as he has “not touched any kind of forbidden food since childhood.” He does let Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong have some if they don’t get drunk.
After the meal is over, old Mr. Gao offers the monk a good sum of money and some fine clothes as travel expenses. Tang Sanzang refuses it all—saying that it’s enough that they take the leftovers from the feast—but Sun Wukong takes a handful of the monkey and gives it to Gao Cai, as “remuneration for being a guide.” Zhu Bajie, however, says that even though his new shifu and elder disciple may not want these goods, he had worked the Gao household for several years and that as such “the payment for my services should be worth more than three stones of rice!” At the pig yaoguai’s request, Mr. Gao gives his former son-in-law a new cassock of blue silk and a new pair of shoes. Swaggering around in his new outfit, Zhu Bajie informs the Gao patriarch that if ��we fail in our quest for scriptures, I’ll return to secular life and live with you again as your son-in-law.” After some more yelling, the three Buddhists then set off, with Zhu Bajie carrying the luggage in the back and Sun Wukong leading the way.
This group travel uneventfully for a month until they encounter the Pagoda Mountain. Zhu Bajie lets his companions know that there’s no danger, though a “Crow’s Nest Chan Master lives there, practicing austerities.” Sure enough, they soon come upon a “fragrant juniper tree” surrounded by animals from mountain monkeys to phoenixes and that’s topped with “a nest made of dried wood and grass.” The Chan Master emerges from this nest and jumps down so that he and the pilgrims can exchange greetings. At Tripitaka’s questioning, the Chan Master tells the scripture monk that the Great Thunderclap Temple is still “very far away,” and that the “road is a difficult one, filled with tigers and leopards.” He also gives Tang Sanzang a Heart Sutra that when recited will ensure he does “not suffer any injury or harm.” Tripitaka prostrates himself on the ground “and begged to receive it, whereupon the Chan Master imparted the sutra by reciting it orally.” And because Tripitaka was “spiritually prepared,” he could “remember the Heart Sutra after hearing it only once.” It was because of him, in fact, that the world still has this “comprehensive classic for the cultivation of Perfection, the very gateway to becoming a Buddha.”
Having blessed the Tang monk with the sutra, the Chan Master moves to return to his crow’s nest. Tripitaka, however, “held him back and earnestly questioned him again about the condition of the road to the West.” Laughing, the Chan Master gives an account of the terrors the monk will face, though Sun Wukong laughs with scorn at this information, enraged at the Chan Master’s words that “An old stone ape of many years /Now nurses over there his spite! /Just ask that acquaintance of yours; /Well he knows the way to the West.” After the Chan Master had returned to his crow’s nest by changing into “a beam of golden light,” Sun Wukong tries to hit him with his iron rod, “but garlands of blooming lotus flowers were seen together with a thousand-layered shied of auspicious clouds. Though Pilgrim might have the strength to overturn rivers and seas, he could not catch hold of even one strand of the crow’s nest.” Finally Tripitaka pulls his eldest disciple back, and Zhu Bajie encourages the party to move on, noting as well that the Chan Master said that they are soon to meet a water sprite.
Whether the Chan Master is correct or not is a question that will have to be answered in the next chapter.
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"If Rooster Teeth released a chapter that was nothing but Blake & Yang kissing and cuddling I’d buy it on blu-ray" ...aaaaaaaaaaaaand that´s why people from other fandoms, both Western Animation or Anime, don´t take RWBY and their fandom like more than a joke. Fandom has their priorities, and it shows in the quality of the show. It´s almost sad that people are so desperate for seeing a very toxic relation happen just because WlW and representation...
your other fandoms have been called out on twitter for being misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, racist, and also have a tendency to defend vic micnogna.
RWBY on the other hand?
THIS is why RWBY Fandom is hated...because all you care about is the Cis white men....h
Here is the anime and manga community you praise so much?
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And here is us?
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THIS is why RWBY Fandom is hated...because all you care about is the Cis white men....while we care about the women and the LGBT.
So the toxic ones....are the hatedom, aka the people who hate on RWBY...because they feel so upset that this show has women protagonists, no male main characters, and LOTS of LGBT shipping that all love
Yang x Blake is NOT TaiyangxRaven 2.0...its more both girls NOT repeating the mistakes of the past, bringing out the best in each other, depending on each other, and having each others backs in a slow-burn relationship.
i fail to see how that is toxic, but Sun Wukong stalking blake repeatedly, only showing interest in her for being a faunus, being rude to and repeatedly abandoning his friends, and showing ignorance of the world around him is somehow better when the ship is literally the idea of "man does something good for woman, woman owes man"...THAT is toxic.
Believe me...if you want to blame the show based on the desires of the fandom?
Then blame every shounen anime for how sick otakus can be.
Maybe you should remember how bad conventions can get.
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unseelie-robynx · 3 years
Doppelganger AU - Just for Right Now
So this was prompted by an anon asking for a continuation to this story with Drunk!Macaque set in @animemoonprincess ‘s Dopplegagner Au. They wanted to see the morning after. I hope this lives up to your expectations!
Macaque woke up with a very strange mix of feelings.
His head felt like it was trying to claw its way out of his skull. His jaw of all things was sore. He was also extremely relaxed, warm, and he felt safe. To the point where he was quite tempted to bury his face back into whatever insanely soft thing he was on top of and pass back out until his brain stopped doing the macarena. In fact he was about to when he realized something else about his current bed.
That it was moving.
He froze.
Allowed hazy, drunk memories of the night before to trickle their way back into his brain.
He shown—
And he’d said—
And they’d—
Macaque was torn between vomiting, bolting and throwing himself off of the ship, and stealing another kiss.
Instead, all of his options were stolen from him when there was a low groan and blurry eyes blinked up at him.
Six Eared Macaque and Sun Wukong stared at each other, wide terrified eyes staring unblinking into blurry, sleep addled ones.
Until realization dawned in Wukong’s golden eyes, and they filled with panic.
Macaque found himself shoved off his comfy perch. He expected to be yelled at. To be hit. If he was lucky the Monkey King would tell him to leave and never come back. Macaque was never lucky, so it was far more likely that he would be bodily thrown off the ship. He could live with that. It was what he expected. Macaque psyched himself up for the inevitable.
Which is why his brain ground to a halt when Wukong, Sun Wukong, Handsome Monkey King, Great Sage Equal to Heaven, immediately fell into a kowtow bow and began spluttering out apologies.
“I’m sorry. Oh my gosh I’m so sorry. I’m despicable, I’m sorry. I’ll leave if you want, I should leave, oh my gosh I’m so so sorry, I never should have, I’m so sorry, I…”
Macaque was too tiered, too hungover, and far, far too confused to deal with this.
Wukong wanted to throw himself into a volcano.
He deserved it too.
He was disgusting. He had taken advantage of Macaque. Taken advantage of his inebriation and vulnerability to fulfill his own selfish desire for affection. It was a miracle that Macaque hadn’t gutted him the moment he’s woken up.
He deserved that too.
All he could think to do was press himself as low as possible and beg his heartmate to forgive him.
Wukong was expecting anger. Expecting blows or the order to get as far away from Macaque as possible and never come back.
Which is why his brain minorly short circuited when Macaque yanked him up and slammed their lips together.
It was messy, rough, and mildly painful enough to the point that there was no way it should have felt good.
Except it did.
It did because it was Macaque and Wukong had long accepted the fact that nearly everything Macaque did gave him chills. He couldn’t stop the low whine that slipped out when Macaque pulled away.
“Look, I am too exhausted and too hungover to figure out what’s going on. But seeing as you haven’t hurled me off the edge of the ship yet, I’m running under the assumption that you’re also drunk and therefore were both going back to sleep until my brain stops treating my skull as an escape room.”
Wukong barely had time to do more than blink before Macaque had shoved him back down and was burrying his face into Wukong’s chest.
Macaque let out a mild purr and that manages to confuse Wukong enough to let out a mild, “Wha…?”
“Soft.” Came the response, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “ ‘nd warm. Sleep.”
And somehow, just like that, Macaque’s breathing evened out and Wukong realized that he had fallen back to sleep.
Macaque was terrible about sleeping, never resting unless he trusted someone to keep watch, or he was positive he was somewhere completely safe.
Wukong hadn’t been either of those things in a long, long time.
He didn’t think he ever would be again
Seeing as there was nothing that could convince him to willingly remove himself from this arrangement, Wukong allowed himself to be lulled back to sleep by the soft weight and steady breathing on top of him.
The second time Macaque woke up, his brain had blessedly stopped its earlier escape attempts. Unfortunately, the lack of pain meant that he was far more capable of understanding his current situation.
He was lying on top of Wukong (who was blessedly still asleep), tails intertwined, with his face buried into the others neck, getting the soft scent of Peaches and Cypress with every breath.
He had dropped his glamor, the one thing he swore never to do. He had shown Wukong how disgustingly weak he was, and instead of triumphant pride, or disgusted disdain, as he had expected, Wukong had responded with tears.
He had confessed. Let slip his horrible traitorous feelings. Had effectively forced himself on the other monkey. And he had been returned everything he gave in kind, if he was right and the sore spot on his neck matched the one he could see out of the corner of his eye.
Macaque had a choice to make.
He could probably slip away.
Use his limited control of the shadows to get back upstairs, maybe even off of the ship entirely if he really wanted to.
He could leave forever.
He could go upstairs, pretend this never happened.
Or he could stay.
He could actually talk to Wukong. Figure out what was going on. What had happened. If the hazy, fuzzy memory of those three words slipping past Wukong’s lips had been real, or just the desperate imaginings of his drunk mind.
One option was safe.
Another would let him stay here with the others, the people who finally acknowledging he cared for had driven him to Wukong’s alcohol in the first place. Could maintain his façade and hoard every scrap of misplaced affection for a little while longer.
Or he could risk losing everything. Risk having what was left of his heart ripped out and stomped on. Risk rejection and pain and everything he had learned to run from.
But that option also had Sun Wukong. Had last night. Had their tails still intertwined, and Wukong’s arm curled around him in an embrace.
Had a chance.
Macaque made a decision.
Was it a stupid decision?
Was he doing it anyways?
Wukong awoke to gentle fingers carding through the fur on his scalp. There was also a low humming noise, but he quickly realized that that was coming from him. He didn’t want this to end so he just lay there and let himself feel, until…
“I know you’re awake, Peaches.”
Wukogn couldn’t help the minute flinch. One he knew the other had felt, pressed together as they were. Reluctantly he made to pull away.
Instead he froze. His eyes started to blink open in surprise but they were quickly covered by Macaque’s hand.
“Just… Just stay. Please. We… we need to talk.”
“Ok.” Wukong whispered, swallowing hard. They weren’t good at talking. Like, notoriously not good.
“La.. last night. I.. and we… and you said…” He could feel Macaque’s trembles as he tried to speak. “Di…Did you mean it?”
Wukong racked his brain, trying to identify what Macaque was talking about. When he did it smacked him in the face like a ton of bricks.
Of course Macaque wouldn’t believe him. He’d never given the shadow monkey any reason to believe him, not with everything he’d done.
“Yes. Macaque… I. I love you. A lot. So much. I don’t think I ever stopped.”
There was a sharp intake of breath and Macaque stiffed until Wukong felt like he was in a vice grip.
He said nothing. He didn’t move. He just let his word hang in the air.
“Then… Then why?” The desperation in Macaque’s voice was painful.
“You… they were my family Macaque, and you hurt them, and you were going to do worse and I was angry and hurt and betrayed and I lost control and—” His ramble was cut off by a sob. Wukong realized his face was wet.
“We’re a mess. Aren’t we?” It wasn’t really a question.
Wukong couldn’t help the slightly hysterical laugh that broke free. “I’m pretty sure Wuj— Sandy’s, door is always open.”
“Your brother’s been trying to get us in that… ‘soft room’ of his for ages.” Macaque agreed, also half laughing.
Wukong tried not to flinch at the causal acknowledgement of the water spirit’s identity.
“Should we?” He asked softly.
“That’s not really the question though, is it?”
Wukong couldn’t disagree, not really.
Should they?
The question was, were they?
The question was answered for him.
“Not…” Macaque’s voice was soft, vulnerable. It was a sound that made Wukong’s heart both soar and ache at the same time. “Not right now. Right now, just. Just lie here. With me. We’ll… we’ll go later. We’ll work on how screwed up we are later. Just right now, right now can we just pretend that this isn’t complicated? That we aren’t, aren’t an absolute mess?”
“Just for right now.” Wukong agreed, letting the tension drain out of him and not fighting back the low purr that started when Macaque nuzzled his way back into his neck. “Right now, we’ll just be us.”
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spotsupstuff · 2 years
So in Chap. 7 of Fruit Salad (lovely fic btw) Six is moments away from I guess beating up Ma.
You said he violates her personal space because he desires to be close to her so what was that whole thing about?
GODS i forgot bout the drabbles,,, danke for the complimento -tips hat-
TL;DR!!: It’s bout Six bein a toxic, abusive motherfucker
Whole explanation: That there is a mix of his desire to be close to his big sister, his fucked up way of communicatin that desire + the 3356 years of specific lifestyle and his anger at her
Ya gotta look a bit closer at the “close to someone” phrase. The idea is that if he is interacting with her in ANY kind of way, it gets him close to her Physically. An argument? She’s gon get all in his face bout her points cuz it’s Ma n she tends to do that. A whole fight??? Oh heavens bless, there’s actual contact... no matter who lands a punch at who, it’s going to be Physical Closeness He’s very emotionally... Fucked Up when it comes to relationships. He doesn’t really remember what it was like to be a brother or belong into a troop and he’s too uptight (cuz survival focused life style) to let any kind of natural emotional progression happen between him n anybody else. So he is unable to actually See Ma or Feel about her like one should feel about a good sibling, which is fairly aided by the fact that Ma DID disown him during The Journey and she has her own baggage too. Neither is able or willing to step up in a sibling way (which is valid on Ma’s part)
He’s also just plainly. Fucking Pissed at her. Chap. 7 of Fruit Salad takes place at least a month after Ma joined the crew, which means she’s had enough time to be antagonistic towards him, both actively and passively. Six is getting annoyed by having to just Take Ma’s bullshit, Sun Wukong’s bullshit, Xiaojiao’s bullshit and lao Zhu’s bullshit while Xiaotian is havin a breakdown after a breakdown, n he’s still a bit shaken by havin it confirmed that Beng n Ba don’t want to have anything with him anymore, too. And it’s stupid!! He could absolutely beat all of them up but he Can’t cuz he can’t blow his mission assigned by WBS. He often isn’t even allowed to leave the ship or join in on the battles even tho he’s the strongest one on deck
There’s also the shit from the last time he has seen Ma, durin JT/TW. I’ve noticed that the Stalwart Generals aren’t mentioned once during the six eared macaque arc or after it. Before Sha Wujing comes to Huaguo shan, an altercation happens between the four which starts with Ma realizing what’s happening and ends with her getting badly injured, which in turn prompts her to disown Six and plead with Beng and Ba to just. leave the mountain behind. So Six just feels like he just got triple betrayed by his older sister/mom figure and has MOST CERTAINLY Not Dealt With That To The Present LMK Day
Therefore, the fucked up perception of the need of closeness, with the pent up present frustration and the history, and badumpst, Ma becomes a target
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