#☆ “ Freaky man… ”  ⋆ 「 Anonymous 」
latenightmining · 1 year
But enderpearls are like forest green and your eyes are like watermelon rind green. Also you have pupils? And the shape of your eyelids makes your eyeballs more oval/football shaped than a perfect sphere?
ah yes. oval shaped:
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my perfectly oval shaped eyes.
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lanaevyssmoved · 7 months
Hahahaha! Thats honestly so valid! I almost blocked that blog too when i saw a confession about orin peeling somthing or someone (dont wanna get into details) like okay yes ur right she would do that but why did you put this infront of my eyes lmao
see i'm just not strong enough. good luck have fun be safe to those people but i know my limits. its animal dicks and orin peeling
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moonglittering · 1 year
🍻 + “ what’s the kinkiest thing you have ever done ?”
✨ anonymous. meme. still accepting!
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❝I've never done anything considered kinky. I have no experience,❞ he admitted, chasing a shitty beer with an even shittier, watery tasting soju. Virote wasn't exactly super intoxicated, but he did feel like he was swaying gently, gently on a boat. ❝Haven't had sex in, like, a lot of years. Only had it with my first and only boyfriend and all I could do was close my eyes and he'd do his thing. Never did foreplay beforehand, never even did all the pillow talk stuff after. He'd screw me for like two minutes and then leave. After that relationship like, I never did anything casual. Never got to, like, explore what I like. Never hooked up with someone. I'd like to find out what it's like, though... But, I'm also scared that I'll take my clothes off in front of a man and he'll laugh at me. I don't have many insecurities, but. Um. I have a lot of sexual hang-ups. I want to free myself from all of them. I want someone to want me and show me I don't have to be scared of desire... Or, like. Something like that. I’m trying my hardest to find myself in that way. Man, this soju sucks.❞
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tyler-kin · 2 years
may I request a drawing of sierra and alejandro getting along together?
Posted right here! Very good concept thank you :>
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wormholewandering · 1 month
you still alive out there bud?
Hanging in there! Found the wormhole, left, I don't think humans are supposed to just be wandering around ultra space in a hoodie TBH
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doctorbitchcrxft · 14 days
Something Wicked | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: canon violence, canon gore, implications of verbal parental abuse
Word Count: 4885
Series Rewrite Masterlist
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The two boys were bickering over coordinates Dean had received from an anonymous number. 
“Dude, I ran LexisNexis, local police reports, newspapers, I couldn't find a single red flag. Are you sure you got the coordinates right?” Sam asked.
“Yeah, I double checked. It's Fitchburg, Wisconsin. Dad wouldn't have sent us coordinates if it wasn't important, Sammy.”
“Well, I'm telling you, I looked, and all I could find was a big steamy pile of nothing. If Dad's sending us hunting for something, I don't know what.”
“Well, maybe he's going to meet us there.”
“Yeah. ‘Cause he's been so easy to find up to this point.”
You sighed. You weren’t about to get in the middle of this argument and tuned the rest of it out. Alas, Dean won the argument, as he often did. 
You stopped for some coffee along Fitchburg’s main street. The town itself was small, but it was quaint. A little too Middle America for your taste.
“Well… the waitress thinks the local freemasons are up to something sneaky, but other than that, no one's heard about anything freaky going on,” Dean sighed, handing you and Sam your respective coffee orders.
“Dean, you got the time?” you asked him.
“Ten after four. Why?”
You nodded in front of you at the playground you were looking at. “What's wrong with this picture?”
It was deserted aside from one child climbing on the jungle gym.
“School's out, isn't it?” Dean questioned.
“Yeah. So where is everybody?” Sam added. “This place should be crawling with kids right now.”
You and the Winchesters walked over to a woman on a park bench reading a magazine. Dean approached her, saying, “Sure is quiet out here.”
The woman sighed, “Yeah, it’s a shame.”
“Why's that?”
“You know, kids getting sick, it's a terrible thing.”
“How many?”
“Just five or six but serious, hospital serious. A lot of parents are getting pretty anxious. They think it's catching,” she explained.
All four of you watched the little girl playing by herself, and the wheels in your head began to turn. Why would John send you all the way to Fitchburg over a few sick kids?
The three of you made your way up to the pediatrics ward of the hospital to investigate the sick children. Dean and Sam donned suits, and you wore a pencil skirt and heels. You couldn’t lie to yourself, Dean looked amazing in his suit, but you much preferred his usual leather jacket and biker boots. 
“See something you like?” Dean smirked at you.
Your mouth opened and closed, unsure of what to say. He just snickered in response while your cheeks burned.
A doctor approached you and the boys before Dean could taunt you any further. You introduced yourselves and headed down the corridor with the man. “Well, thanks for seeing us, Dr. Hydecker,” Dean said.
“Well, I'm glad you guys are here. I was just about to call CDC myself. How'd you find out anyways?” the doctor asked.
“Oh, some GP— I forget his name— he called Atlanta, and, uh, he must've beat you to the punch,” Dean lied.
“So you say you got six cases so far?” you asked.
“Yeah, five weeks. At first we thought it was garden variety bacterial pneumonia. Not that newsworthy. But now…”
“The kids aren't responding to antibiotics. Their white cell counts keep going down. Their immune systems just aren't doing their job. It's like their bodies are... wearing out.”
“Wait, but are there any signs of leukopenia?” you asked. “Any history in these kids of that?”
Dean looked over at you, confused by what you were saying. You continued to talk to the doctor.
“No, actually,” Hydecker answered. 
“What about neutropenia?”
He shook his head as a nurse handed him a clipboard full of papers.
“Then, whatever this is would have to be attacking the bone marrow as well as the respiratory system… Have you done biopsies?”
“No, we haven’t,” Hydecker answered. “I’ll give that a try.”
“You ever seen anything like this before?” Sam questioned.
“Never this severe,” the doctor said. “And the way it spreads… that's a new one for me.”
“What do you mean?” asked Sam.
“It works its way through families. But only the children, one sibling after another.”
“You mind if we interview a few of the kids?” Dean questioned.
“They’re not conscious,” the doctor replied.
You were shocked. “None of them?”
“Can we, uh, can we talk to the parents?” tried Dean.
“Well, if you think it'll help.”
“Yeah. Who was your most recent admission?”
Hydecker directed you to a man sitting on a chair against the wall in the waiting room. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days. He explained to you the oldest girl was first, and then his youngest. He told you that her window had been opened, but there was no one who could’ve done so except for his daughter because her room was on the second floor. 
You and the boys headed out of the pediatrics ward and back toward the car. 
“(Y/N), how’d you know all that stuff?” Sam asked you, referencing your conversation with the doctor.
“I like to read,” you shrugged. Sam smiled at your response and walked a little ahead of you. 
Dean came up next to you. “You were really serious about nursing, huh,” he said softly enough so Sam wouldn’t hear.
“I guess. I really do just like to read, though,” you smiled. “I think I just wanted to stick it to my dad. I always thought I’d be happier not hunting. But, uh, I just don’t think I could ever go back to being ‘normal’.”
“Yeah, I get that,” he responded. 
Sam turned back to you and his brother. “You know, this might not be anything supernatural. It might just be pneumonia.”
“No way,” you shook your head, “pneumonia wouldn’t be lowering white blood cell count. It’d have to be elevated for it to be true pneumonia. Infection and all that.”
Sam hummed. “Okay, so then what’s your theory?”
“Honestly? Not sure.”
“I'll tell you one thing,” said Sam. “That dad we just talked to? I'm betting it'll be a while before he goes home.”
“You got anything over there?” Sam asked Dean. The three of you had climbed through the home of the last two kids who had gotten sick looking for clues.
“Nah, nothing,” the older brother answered.
“Yeah, me neither,” you chimed in. You moved over to the window and paused. “Hey guys? I really don’t think it’s pneumonia.”
The boys came over and followed your line of sight to a rotted handprint with long, tendril-like fingers. 
“What the hell leaves a handprint like that?” Sam asked.
Dean seemed to get pulled away into his own mind for a moment before he began to look a little sick. “I know why Dad sent us here. He's faced this thing before. He wants us to finish the job.”
Dean raced down the stairs to the window on the back of the house you’d climbed through. You followed him close behind. You would ask him what had happened to him in the little girl’s bedroom later.
Dean explained to you on the ride to the motel what he thought you were hunting: a shtriga.
“So what the hell is a shtriga?” Sam asked as Dean pulled into a motel parking lot. This motel was a little cuter than the ones you’d visited previously; centered around a white cabin with green shingles. 
“It's kinda like a witch, I think. I don't know much about 'em,” explained Dean.
“Well, I've never heard of it. And it's not in Dad's journal.”
“Dad hunted one in Fort Douglas, Wisconsin, about sixteen, seventeen years ago. You were there. You don't remember?”
Sam shook his head.
“And I guess he caught wind of the things in Fitchburg now and kicked us the coordinates,” Dean went on.
“So wait, this…” Sam paused, waiting for Dean to remind him how to pronounce it.
“Right. You think it's the same one Dad hunted before?”
“Yeah, maybe.”
“But if Dad went after it, why is it still breathing air?” Sam’s brows furrowed together.
“ ‘Cause it got away.”
Sam scoffed. “Got away?”
Dean was beginning to get frustrated, and you knew it was a cover-up for whatever was going on inside his head. “Yeah, Sammy, it happens.”
“Not very often.”
“Well, I don't know what to tell ya, maybe Dad didn't have his wheaties that morning,” snarked the older brother.
“What else do you remember?”
“Nothin'. I was a kid, alright?” Dean said defensively. You followed him into the motel lobby only to see a little boy watching TV in one room and a boy around ten or eleven walking out of it.
“A king or two queens?” The boy asked, looking between you and Dean.
“Two queens,” you and Dean answered quickly. “And one king, actually,” you added, stepping aside to reveal Sam behind you.
A woman entered smiling at you both. “Checking in?”
You nodded to her.
“Do me a favor, go get your brother some dinner,” the woman instructed the boy. 
“I'm helping a guest!” he protested, but turned away under his mother’s hard stare. “Two queens. And a king.”
“Will that be cash or credit?” she asked you.
Dean took out his card. “You take MasterCard? Perfect. Here you go.”
You watched him look behind the woman at the boy pouring his younger brother a glass of milk. And there he went again; pulled into what you could only assume was memories of himself and Sam.
The woman before you held out his card to zoned-out Dean, and you took it from her instead. “Uh, thanks.” She handed you the keys, and you nudged Dean to bring him back to reality.
Dean explained to you and Sam what shtrigas fed off: children, most commonly. The only thing that could kill them were specially designed wrought-iron rounds while the thing was feeding. They often take the form of something unsuspecting; like an old woman.
“Hang on,” Dean said. “Check this out. I marked down all the addresses of the victims. Now these are the houses that have been hit so far and dead center?”
“The hospital,” you noted.
“Now, when we were there, I saw a patient; an old woman,” Dean continued.
“An old person huh?” questioned Sam. “In a hospital? Phew. Better call the Coast Guard.”
You giggled at Sam.
“Well, listen, smart-asses, she had an inverted cross hanging on her wall.”
You and Sam stopped snickering and looked up at Dean. He raised an eyebrow at you.
And so, you headed to the hospital. Fortunately for her— but unfortunately for your hunt— the old woman with the upside down cross on the wall was just cataract-ridden and crotchety. Upon your return to the motel after thoroughly freaking out the old woman, you pulled Dean to your motel room for a talk before bed.
“What’s up?” he asked, sitting on a chair in your room. 
You sat on the bed across from him. “Where do you keep going?” you asked.
“Sorry, I just realized how stupid that sounded. You keep, like, disappearing into your own brain,” you responded. “Like in the motel lobby. You zoned out looking at that kid and his brother.”
“Oh, that,” he said quietly. “I, uh, it’s stupid.”
“Dean,” you leaned over your crossed legs and rested your hand on his knee. “I’m asking you. It’s not stupid. I just care.”
“Oh, come on—”
“Dean,” you said. “You made me a pinky promise at that scary asylum. You promised you’d tell me. Please?”
He huffed out a small laugh. “You know how I said my dad hunted this thing before?”
You nodded.
“Well, I’m the reason it got away.”
“How? Didn’t you say it was sixteen, seventeen years ago? You would’ve been ten, dude,” you responded.
“Yeah, but it’s complicated. My dad left us alone in motel rooms all the time. He made me repeat to him what I was and wasn’t supposed to do every time he would go out on a hunt. Sam and I would fight over the last bowl of Lucky Charms from the groceries Dad got us for the week; y'know, stupid kid stuff,” he chuckled. “But it’d been days. I was climbin’ the walls, (Y/N). I had to get some air. I went to an arcade to just… blow off some steam, I guess.
"When I came back, the thing was over Sammy’s bed. I was frozen. My dad came in and shot it a couple times, but it got away. Dad just... grabbed us and booked. Dropped us off at Pastor Jim's about three hours away, but by the time he got back to Fort Douglas, the shtriga had disappeared; it was just gone. It never surfaced until now. Y'know, Dad never spoke about it again, I didn't ask." He looked away from you attempting to swallow his emotions. "But he, ah, he looked at me different, you know? Which was worse. Not that I blame him. He gave me an order, and I didn't listen; I almost got Sammy killed.”
“Dee, you were a kid,” you said softly. He went to cut you off, but you stopped him. “No, let me talk. I know how that feels. My parents left me with Stevie all the time. I would've done the same thing you did. We were kids. We had to take on parental responsibilities. Anybody would be going stir crazy, especially at ten years old like you were.”
“No,” you told him, grabbing his hand. “You cannot blame yourself. I won’t let you. Would you let me?”
He shook his head.
He held your intense stare and rubbed a thumb over your hand. The two of you awkwardly pulled away from each other, and Dean cleared his throat. “Uh, thank you, for, y’know—”
“Yeah, any time,” you said, walking him to the door. 
The next morning, you and Sam were teasing Dean about the old woman from the hospital the night before. You were headed to the car to go get some breakfast.
“ ‘I was sleeping with my peepers open’?” Sam laughed heartily, remembering the old woman's strange way of talking.
“I almost smoked that old girl, I swear. It's not funny!” Dean grunted.
“Oh man, you shoulda seen your face,” you giggled.
“Yeah, laugh it up. Now we're back to square one.” He looked over to the ten-year-old blond boy sitting on the bench behind his mother’s office. “Hang on.” He led you over to the child. “Hey, what's wrong?”
“My brother's sick,” he replied.
“The little guy?”
He nodded. “Pneumonia. He's in the hospital. It's my fault.”
“Ah, c'mon, how?” You could tell Dean’s mind was racing just based on his tone.
“I should’ve made sure the window was latched. He wouldn't've got pneumonia if the window was latched,” the boy lamented.
You watched, frowningly thoughtfully, as Dean looked away from the boy. 
“Listen to me. I can promise you that this is not your fault. Okay?” Dean assured him.
“It's my job to look after him,” the boy frowned, tearing up.
His mother hurried out of the motel toward her minivan. “Michael, I want you to turn on the 'no vacancy' sign while I'm gone. I've got Denise covering room service, so don't bother with any of the rooms.”
“I'm going with you,” he protested.
“Not now, Michael.”
“But I gotta see Asher!”
Dean responded before his mother could. “Hey, Michael. Hey. I know how you feel— I'm a big brother, too— but you gotta go easy on your mom right now, ok?”
His mom dropped her handbag in haste, cursing under her breath. You rushed to pick it up for her.
“Listen, you're in no condition to drive. Why don't you let me give you a lift to the hospital,” Dean offered.
“No, I couldn't possibly—” she answered.
“No, it's no trouble. I insist.”
Michael’s mother handed Dean the keys and thanked him before addressing her son. “Be good.”
Dean turned to you before he went over to the car. “We're gonna kill this thing. I want it dead, you hear me?”
You and Sam watched Dean pull out of the motel parking lot, driving much more carefully than he ever did when you and Sam were in the car.
“C’mon,” you said. “You got the keys?”
“Yeah,” he threw them to you. “Where we goin’?”
“Wait, you’re letting me drive?” you asked Sam.
He shrugged. 
You squealed childishly and jumped into the driver’s seat. You couldn’t lie, you loved this car. You loved how the steering wheel felt in your hands and the way the engine rumbled. 
“Seriously, where we going?”
“The library,” you answered. “Town records, national records, internet, anything and everything. Dean wants this thing dead, and I intend to get it done tonight. And I gotta tell you, dude, something’s really bothering me about this whole thing. I mean, I never even formally went to nursing school, but I knew it couldn’t be pneumonia immediately. Why would pediatric doctors be unable to figure that out?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know, but I get you. Something isn’t right.”
You and Sam poured through as many books you possibly could as quickly as you could. Sam was at his computer, scrolling with a furrowed brow when his phone rang. “ Hey. How's the kid?... We’re at the library. We've been trying to find out as much as we can about this shtriga… Well, bad news. I started with Fort Douglas around the time you said Dad was there?... Same deal.
"Before that, there was, uh, Ogdenville, before that, North Haverbrook, and Brockway. Every 15 to 20 years, it hits a new town. Dean, this thing is just getting started in Fitzburgh. In all these other places, it goes on for months. Dozens of kids before the shtriga finally moves on. The kids just languish in comas, and then they die… Ah, I don't know. The earliest mention I could find is this  place called ‘Black River Falls’ back in the 1890s. Talk about a horror show.”
Your brain began to make connections between all of those events. “Wait, Sam, put Dean on speaker.” 
He did so.
“Okay, you’re gonna have to stay with me on this one. This could just be me spitballin’, but—”
“Just say it, (Y/N),” Dean said through the phone.
“I’ve been thinking, why wouldn’t Hydecker immediately rule out pneumonia? If he’s such a spectacular and caring doctor, why wouldn’t he know that pneumonia ups your white blood cell count; not depletes it? And the chance of all six kids having a pre-existing condition that lowers your WBC is incredibly low. I mean, why else wouldn’t he biopsy the kids?”
“Okay, WebMD, what does that have to do with anything?” Dean asked.
“I told you to stay with me.” You began typing in your computer searching for articles on the earliest case Sam had found in Black River Falls. “The point is, I think Hydecker’s our guy. Think about it— the center of the kidnappings is the hospital. And any pediatric doctor would be familiar with what pneumonia actually does to a kid’s body.” You smiled sourly at a photo you pulled up of doctors surrounding a child’s bed in 1893. You turned the computer around to Sam. “Boom.”
“(Y/N), that is huge.” He leaned over and lightly punched your shoulder. “Good going.”
“Thanks!” you grinned. “Dean, meet us back at the motel. Don’t deck the guy in the face, please. Not yet, anyway.”
“No promises,” he grumbled.
“Fine.” He hung up the phone.
“Alright, we gotta get back before Dean explodes,” you told Sam. “Can I drive again?”
“Sure, why not. Just don’t tell my brother.” He tossed you the keys and you giggled.
“We should have thought of this before. A doctor's a perfect disguise. You're trusted, you can control the whole thing,” Sam said. 
You and the brothers were back in the motel room. 
Dean threw off his jacket and paced agitatedly. “That son of a bitch.”
“I'm proud of you for not drawing on him right there,” you said.
“Yeah, well, first of all, I'm not going to open fire in a freakin' pediatrics ward.”
Sam nodded. “Good call.”
“Second, wouldn't have done any good, because the bastard's bullet proof unless he's chowing down on something. And third, I wasn't packing, which is probably a really good thing, ‘cause I probably would've just burned a clip in him on principle alone.”
Despite the situation, you found Dean aggressively grumbling about guns very attractive.
“You're getting wise in your old age, Dean,” Sam quipped.
“Damn right. 'Cause now I know how we're going to get it,” replied Dean.
“What do you mean?” you asked.
“Shtriga works through siblings, right?”
You knew what he was getting at. “No, Dean, I don’t like that.”
“What?” Sam asked, clearly not picking up where you and Dean were at.
“No, dude, we gotta get Michael out of here. I’m not letting you use him as bait.”
“Dean, what?! That’s out of the question!” Sam protested.
“It's not out of the question, Sam, it's the only way. If this thing disappears it could be years before we get another chance.”
“Michael's a kid. And I'm not going to dangle him in front of that thing like a worm on a hook,” Sam scoffed. 
“Dad did not send me here to walk away.” Dean turned away from you and Sam and gripped the edges of the dresser.
“Send you here? He didn't send you here; he sent us here,” Sam replied.
“This isn't about you, Sam. I'm the one who screwed up, all right. It's my fault. There's no telling how many kids have gotten hurt because of me.”
“What are you saying, Dean? How is it your fault?” Sam paused, taking a moment to calm down. “Dean. You've been hiding something from the get-go. Since when does Dad bail on a hunt? Since when does he let something get away? Now talk to me, man. Tell me what's going on.”
Dean proceeded to explain what he had to you last night. Sam gave him the same lecture about how it wasn’t his fault, but Dean began to protest again. “Don't. Don't. Dad knew this was unfinished business for me. He sent me here to finish it.”
You were surprised at the tough facade he gave his brother in contrast to the way he was vulnerable with you.
“But using Michael— I don't know Dean. I mean, how 'bout one of us hides under the covers, you know, we'll be the bait,” Sam tried.
“No, it won't work. It's gotta get close enough to feed— it'll see us. Believe me, I don't like it, but it's gotta be the kid.”
Michael was completely against the idea and even threatened to call the cops on you. You and the boys returned to their motel room dejectedly.
“Well, that went crappy. Now what?” Dean groaned.
“What did you expect? You can't ask an adult to do something like that, much less a kid,” the younger brother sighed.
There was a knock at the door, and you opened it to reveal Michael.
“Hey,” you said, surprised.
“If you kill it, will Asher get better?”
“Honestly? We don't know,” Dean told him.
“You said you were a big brother,” Michael started, “You'd take care of your little brother? You'd do anything for him?”
“Yeah, I would,” Dean replied quietly. Your heart swelled at how much Dean and Sam cared for each other.
The young boy nodded. “Me, too. I'll help.”
Dean had hooked up a security camera to the boy’s room, and you and he watched the monitor closely. You were beginning to feel cross-eyed from how tired you were. It was around three in the morning, and your body protested against your will to stay awake.
“You sure these iron rounds are gonna work?” Sam asked his brother.
“Consecrated iron rounds, and yeah, it's what Dad used last time.”
“Hey, Dean? I’m sorry,” the younger brother said softly. “You know, I've really given you a lot of crap, for always following Dad's orders. But I know why you do it.”
“Oh, god, kill me now,” Dean groaned.
You giggled to yourself, eyes returning to the screen. “Dean, look.”
There was a bit of movement off to the right of the screen outside of the window. You and the boys picked up your guns, holding them tightly and waiting for the right moment. 
“Now?” you asked.
“Not yet.”
The shtriga moved closer and leaned over the bed. You could see Michael tense under the covers and draw them closer to himself. The creature leaned over the bed, pushing the covers down. 
You and the boys burst through the door and began to shoot the creature after Michael rolled away. It flew off Michael’s bed and fell to the side you couldn’t see.
“Mike, you alright?” Dean asked the kid.
“Yeah,” came his muffled reply from under the bed.
“Just sit tight.” Dean approached the shtriga, his gun at the ready. There was no movement for just a moment, before the shtriga shot up and grabbed Dean by his throat, throwing him across the room.
“Dean!” you cried, trying to run to him. The shtriga threw you to the side against Michael’s bed. Your back protested as you tried to roll and grab your gun that had fallen out of your hand in the chaos. You noticed the shtriga leaning over the top of the younger Winchester. Sam’s body went limp and began to go gray as the shtriga began to suck out his life force.
“Hey!” Dean gruffly spat. The shtriga turned to the older brother just to get shot straight between the eyes.
“Nice!” you said. You rushed to Sam’s side and smoothed a hand over his messy hair while he tried to catch his breath. “Are you okay?”
He nodded. “Thanks.”
“You okay, little brother?” Dean called from behind you. You thought it was adorable how much he cared.
You and Sam stood and you tried to help hold the tall man up on his unsteady legs. You guided him over to the shtriga, and Dean shot it three times at point-blank range. The shtriga’s body fell in on itself, disintegrating.
You looked up at Dean, whose face was still set in hard lines.
“It's okay, Michael, you can come on out,” Dean told the boy peeking out from under his bed. He rose to stand beside you, smiling tentatively. Dean put a hand on the boy’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. You looked on, feeling your heart swell at what you knew was a full-circle moment for Dean. You knew these moments were few and far-between in a profession like yours, and you had learned to savor them in your memory.
You and the brothers returned to your rooms to pack now that the monster was dead. As usual, you were finished packing before the boys were and leaned against the Impala waiting for them.
You watched Michael’s mom’s car pull up in the motel parking lot. At that moment, the boys came out to join you.
“Hey, Joanna. How's Asher doing?” Dean asked the mother of the two boys.
“Have you seen Michael?” she asked him.
“Mom! Mom!” the child in question ran up and hugged him. “How's Ash?”
“Got some good news. Your brother's gonna be fine,” she smiled down at the boy.
“Really?” Michael grinned.
“Yeah. Really. No one can explain it; it's a miracle. They're going to keep him overnight for observation, and then, he's coming home.”
You smiled as Sam asked, “How are all the other kids doing?”
“Good. Real good. A bunch of them should be checking out in a few days. Dr. Travis says the ward's going to be like a ghost town,” she explained.
“Dr. Travis? What about Dr. Hydecker?” you asked.
“Oh, he wasn't in today. Must have been sick or something.”
You shot a knowing look to the boys.
“So, did anything happen while I was gone?” Joanna asked her son.
The boy looked to Dean before responding, “Nah, same old stuff.”
“Okay.” Joanna smoothed a hand over Michael’s blonde hair. “You can go see Ash.”
A wide grin spread across the boy’s face. “Now?!”
She nodded at her son, who ran into the car. “I, ah, I'd better get going before he hotwires the car and drives himself,” she told you and the boys. The three of you watched as Joanna’s car pulled out of the parking lot. Sam and Dean turned to you and placed their bags in the trunk next to yours. 
“It's too bad,” said Sam.
“Oh, they’ll be fine,” you assured him.
“That's not what I meant,” he shook his head. “I meant Michael. He'll always know there are things out there in the dark— he'll never be the same, you know?” He paused. “Sometimes I wish that....”
“What?” Dean questioned.
“I wish I could have that kinda innocence.”
Dean walked to the driver’s side door. He leaned on the roof of the car and said, “If it means anything, sometimes I wish you could too.”
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @iloveshawn @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @davina-clairee @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @stephshaww @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @here-for-the-extravaganza @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @rei0812 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @more-espresso-less-depresso-og @mysticmyth @favoritefandoms27 @star-yawnznn
hi hi! quite a few tags were broken :( please let me know if i've misspelled your tag! make sure you have notifs for my blog on so you don't miss an update!
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majestichyuk · 9 months
Sweet spot
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Pairing :- Masseur!Jaemin x fem!reader
Summary :- After much convincing, maybe not at your own will, you finally agreed to get that much-needed massage, Thank you Seungkwan. 
Genre :- Smut (because I’m nice like that), fluff if you squint (you'll definitely see it), coworker Seungkwan, strangers to potential lovers. 
Wc :-  3.7K 
WARNING :- Reader has a nipple piercing (cause she, YOU are freaky like that.), teasing, dirty talk, Buff Jaemin, yes that is a warning, Jaemin loves the booty (you shouldn’t be surprised) so ass is being ATE just a lil lick is all, Jaemin is a pussy fiend. Female receiving, oral, cum eating, sexual tension. (I think that’s all ), sry for mistakes if there is any.
NOTES :- This here lady sluts and gentle whores is my first half smut that was in the making. I spent an hour and a half working on it, so I’ll check this off as the 4th story I’ve successfully completed 🎉 kudos to me. I hope you enjoy it and if you do comment and if you don't and think I could improve something still comment or message me anonymously, cause critique can lead to my improvement but being bitchy will get you nowhere, ANYWAYS, LIKE, REBLOG & FOLLOW. 
“Why don’t you just come with me to the spa on Saturday, huh y/n?” Your best friend/coworker, begged you as he grabbed your arm, tugging you lightly.
“Do I look like I have time to go to a spa?” You licked the tip of your finger as you skimmed through the documents that your lazy boss rudely dropped on your desk, without uttering as much as a please.
“And plus, Saturdays are clean-up days, my cousin is a lazy fuck and I have to suffer from it,” You itch the crown of your head, slightly groaning realizing you might have to do an all-nighter once again on a Friday evening with the load of work in front of you. 
“Why don’t I take some of these with me,” Seungkwan lightly squeezed your hands as he took up about 60% of your work from your desk. 
“That way you can have a good night's sleep, while I plan our day out tomorrow,” Seungkwan squealed as he imagined finally getting to pamper you but you had to rain on his parade.
“No” You took the papers from him and placed them in your folder.
“No?” He looked at you in disbelief.
“I didn’t stutter, I won’t burden my work on you, it’s fine,” You reassured him.
“But you didn’t put your work on me, I volunteered,” He snatched your folder and took out the papers he had before, getting up from his seat and placing them in his briefcase.
“And I don’t want to hear any more nonsense about you doing all the work at the house when your cousin is a grown MAN,” Seungkwan picked up his suit jacket and swiftly put it on.
“Ah Kwannie, It’s really not a big deal– okay…” You stopped uttering a word when he hit you with that stare, a stare only a child of a strict and overprotective mother would understand, it was bone-chilling really.
“Good, I’ll text you the details so make sure you fix yourself up nice and be punctual,” Seungkwan placed his polyester scarf around his neck and ray-ban his glasses on (yes he wears ray-bans shut up). 
“Go home, finish off the work, do whatever you do at night, that ritual of yours whatever, and sleep well, sleep early,” Seungkwan pulled you up from your seat and pulled you into a hug.
“You sure you don’t like girls, I’m just saying if you’d allow me to slap on a strap I’d make a heck of a guy,” Seungkwan pushed you off and picked up his phone, giving you a side glance.
“Girl if you don’t go home, goodbye.” He laughed richly as he walked out, leaving the office. You followed the same routine minutes later and headed home. 
Seungkwan ended up sending you the website for the Spa he had been rambling about for weeks on end as soon as you stepped into the door of your house. You decided to check it out after completing your office work and getting ready for bed.
After an hour and a half, you flopped into your bed, finally getting to relax. You checked the time, normally you’d finish work around late 11 but now it was around 8:35p.m, thanks to Seungkwan that was your earliest, EVER. You did a light prayer for him because he’s an angel.
You covered yourself with your sheet and opened your and Seungkwan's messages where he sent the link, you exchanged words with him before you clicked the link. 
He told you he already made the reservation on your behalf and because he was close friends with a guy named Wonwoo there, he was able to get a discount. He told you your first appointment would be a massage done by some woman named Na Jaemin, it should be an easy name to remember because before you started working in your current job you were a daycare teacher and there was the cute little girl whose name was IM Jaemin, oh was she a menace.
The website just showed all the available procedures, the cost, and the exaggerated descriptions of the long-lasting after-effects of the excellent experience. You turned your phone off, turned it over, and went to sleep.
Loud, obnoxious snores were coming from your room, your cousin slowly opened your door, peeping inside to check to see if you were okay, living, and not choking to death.
He walked up to your bed and pinched your lips shut. “You need to change your settings on that noise that you’re making,” He looked at you in disgust, shaking his head, and watched as you stopped breathing and shot up from your sleep in a sitting position, knocking him on his ass on the floor. 
“CHENLE WHAT THE FUCK?!” If looks could kill you’d have a red dot aimed at your forehead right now. Chenle got up and dusted himself off.
“You do know I could hear you snoring all the way across the hall?” He used his thumb and pointed outside your door, You rolled your eyes and checked your phone.
“Oh fuck!” You jumped out of bed, shoving Chenle out of the way, he landed on your bed and flopped on the floor as you grabbed your towel and rushed into the bathroom. 
“YOU’RE WELCOME YOU MIX-BREED ASSHOLE!” Chenle shouted as he stormed behind you.
“CLEAN MY HOUSE YOU OBNOXIOUS PIECE OF SHIT!,” You replied as you slammed the bathroom door, minutes later you heard his bedroom slam as well, and you rolled your eyes.
“Don’t look at me like that,” You sulk as you look away from Seughkwan. So you woke up late and got there late and when you arrived you were met with a disappointed Boo Seughkwan, arms crossed, legs over one another as he sat outside of the Spa company in the few seats placed outside, looking at you blankly.
“I have every right to jump you in this very moment–..but I’m not going to because I have a reputation to obtain here,” He got up and walked inside, with you following behind.
“Just know I would never go down without a fight, there’s only one of us who actually took boxing classes,” You raised your brow at him as he flicked your forehead and told you to keep quiet as he spoke to the receptionist.
You purse your lips as you look around the establishment, It has a cozy feel. The decor is so homely with some pictures of the employees that work here placed up on the wall, warm colors decorated the place as it was spotless you could almost see yourself on the tiled floors. 
The receptionist lady asked you about your information and told you to wait in the available room on the second floor. 
“Enjoy your massage babe,” Seungkwan says as he quickly places your hair in a bun (If you imagined your hair up, unimagine it, 💀 boo put it up for you). 
“I heard he’s amazing at his job AND he was highly recommended when I filled out the server on your behalf,” You froze after registering his words.
“He’s?Him?He?” You side glanced at him. “Why didn’t you feel the need to mention a dude is gonna be feeling me up Mr. Boo?” You forced a smile that didn’t reach your eyes.
“Get me a masseuse Seungkwan,” 
“Get me a masseuse Seungkw-,” Seungkwan used his index and thumb to pinch your lips together. (Justice for y/n’s lips in the chat)
“I love you Y/N, I do, but last time I checked I paid for this shit, and you are going to enjoy every last minute of it, Okay?” Seungkwan asked.
“Fine,” You say with a smile that transforms into a dirty look. “This better be the most mind-blowing and toe-curling experience I’ve ever had.”
“And it would be the only and first experience you ever had,” Seungkwan mumbled as he walked to the elevator after signing some papers. 
“What’d you say,” You questioned.
“Nothing,” He laughed as he pinched your cheeks while calling you all sorts of baby names.
You entered the designated room on the second floor, wiped your palm on your shirt, and nervously opened the door. You see a little walk-in closet on the right side of the room with a curtain placed to divide the areas.  You see there are a couple of hangers and a table with some towels placed beside it. You took off your shirt and placed it on one of the hangers, you quickly took off your bra and put on the towel provided. Thirdly it was your pants until you heard the door open. 
“Good evening, Miss L/N, I’ll be your masseur for this session,” You froze as you peeped through the curtains to put a face to that alluring voice and you almost wished you had convinced your best friend a little more about switching. 
“Um Hi, I’ll be out in a minute,” You quickly responded as you disappeared behind the curtains again. 
“You can leave on your underwear if that would make you more comfortable,” Jaemin assured you as he went to set up the room. He started lighting some candles to set a relaxing mood. The whole room was filled with the soft scent of lavender and a hint of sweet orange that was rich in limonene. 
You folded your pants and kept on your panty as suggested by the masseur. You walked out of the room and set your eyes upon the gorgeous man in question. He was muscular-looking, even in the scrubs he wore. He looked up at you from his place on the floor when he was searching for the oil that happened to be at the bottom back part of the drawer.
“Well you requested a full body massage and I’ll try my best to fulfill your desired needs,” Jaemin softly grinned at you and motioned for you to take a seat on the massage table, you’ll remember to put salt in Seungkwan’s coffee on Monday. 
“Thank you,” You found it hard to really say anything, his stare was quite intimidating even though his smile gave you butterflies that just made your heart swell.
He turned his back to you so you took the opportunity to discard your towel and lay on the table. You laid on your back and placed the towel on top of you. Jaemin turned around with his oil in hand, smiling down at you.
“Well all you have to do for me is relax,” Jaemin said, the tone of his voice, giving you goosebumps.
“Okay,” You replied softly as you relaxed your body and closed your eyes, taking the aroma of the atmosphere and bringing your body to ease. 
Jaemin adjusted your towel to your mid-thigh, the tip of his fingers lightly brushing your skin, he then moved upwards and brought the top of your towel to the midsection of your breast. 
He began his work on your shoulders. He delicately kneaded the area, softly caressing all the knots you have in your neck, gently tracing under your jaw with his thumbs. It felt divine, no man had ever touched you with such thoughtfulness and you’re hoping he’s not the last.
Jaemin moved his hands slowly down your arms, gingerly squeezing the tight muscles as he steadily brought them back up, repeating the process as you felt sleep creeping up on you, Jaemin came back up to your cleavage.
“Would you mind if I removed the top of the towel?” Jaemin asked as he was still above you, looking up at him and seeing him upside down was a little odd but he still for some odd reason looked good.
“Is it mandatory for the massage?” You asked and that made Jaemin smile at you.
“Well, of course, I only deliver the best, and I may even give you a special massage,” Jaemin smiled down at you again, but the smile was different, his eyes seemed to be telling a whole other story, his hands brush the top of your chest, you mutter a quiet okay and closed your eyes once again, letting the cozy environment take over. 
“Good, it’s okay, I’ll take good care of you,” He said in such a deep tone, way different from the customer service one he used when he first greeted you, you wondered if it was because he was just comfortable as it’s his natural forte. 
He reached over you and moved the towel under your breast, now at the navel of your stomach, he placed it quite low but you didn’t mind. Jaemin released a slightly strained exhale as he pursed his lips and poured some of the oil into his brawny hands. His eyes fell on your nipples, customized in a barbell designed with a crystal, rhinestone, clear zircon, and a beautiful set of pink gems. 
He firmly positioned his hands at the side of your breast, gently caressing the fat. He cupped it and massaged under the flesh as he slowly brought his hand up and faintly grazed your nipple. You let out a surprised gasp not expecting to be so sensitive. Jaemin looked down at you, examining your face, and noticed your mouth was slightly ajar due to the sound you let out earlier. From this angle he had the perfect chance to just shove his twitching dick down your throat, he bet it’s warm like the way your body is heating up right now but he brushed it off and continued his work on your chest.
He squeezed the flesh and watched as you hurried to bite your bottom lip, Jaemin thought it was time he went to another part of your body. He made his way to your lower body, he noticed you had on your underwear.
“Would it be okay if I asked you to remove the towel completely? since you have on your undergarments,” Jaemin asked you as he clasped his hands behind his back, staring you down deeply with a sweet smile. You nodded your head, and you gazed down at yourself, seeing your nipples stand up tall and proud, you genuinely felt way more relaxed than when you first came here. 
“Wonderful, I enjoy giving pleasure to others who look like they haven’t had a good rest day,” Jaemin discarded the towel away from your body and placed it on the table beside him.
You smiled, you couldn’t conceal it, he was a sweet talker. You begin to shut your eyes and Jaemin starts to rub on your feet, you let out a soft groan, you are on your feet the majority of the time at work so this feels like heaven. He inches up your leg and starts kneading different areas, after some time he asks if you could turn over.
Jaemin has always been a man with excellent self-control but he guesses there’s a first for everything. You turned over on your stomach and Jaemin took that as a sign to take a breather, he looked down at himself and noticed his problem. At this point, he doesn’t know how long he’ll be able to hold it. He gripped himself and let out a soft sigh as he looked down at you, he furrowed his brows as he approached the table once again, contemplating if he should start with the top or lower half first.
Jaemin made up his mind as he poured some oil on your smooth back, you had laid your head on your forearm. Jaemin tenderly massaged your back, working out all sorts of sounds from you, because he’s just that good with his hands. 
He finished off with your back and moved to your legs, caressing your soft thighs, eyes settling on the slight jiggle of your plump ass. He looked up at you and delicately spread your legs apart a little as he moved his way to your inner thighs. He observes the way your pussy lips struggle to stay concealed in your baby blue panties, Jaemin bites down on his tongue and took a deep exhale, swallowing down thick as he sees some wetness forming on your underwear, Jaemin continues his task as he boldly inches closer to your prized possession. 
You started to squirm, feeling slightly bothered, needy even. You innocently lifted your hips off the table, trying to get some friction and squeeze your thighs together but Jaemin kept them open. 
“I thought I told you to relax, If you behave I can easily give you what you want,” Somehow you can hear Jaemin like he was right by your ears and he was, he stood beside you, roughly rubbing the fat muscle of your ass, spreading your cheeks apart and watching them jiggle back in their place. 
“Will you look at that,” Jaemin whispers as he takes the bottle of oils and pours some of it over your ass. Jaemin went back to the foot of the table and climbed between your legs.
“What are you doing, Jaemin?” You softly questioned Jaemin as you felt the cushion on the massage table dip under you. 
“I’m just trying to get a better position so I can give you an amazing happy ending, love” That tone, he used again but this time it was more sultry and lust-filled, you could almost see the smirk on his face, you have a feeling you know where this is headed and you’re all on board with playing along, note to self buy Seungkwan dinner after you put salt in his coffee. 
“Okay, I hope this all was worth the hassle,” You replied knowing damn well it was.
Jaemin bit his lips as he kneaded your ass, he used his knees to spread your legs apart more. He laid on his stomach, inched closer, rubbed his nose on the line of your panty, bit the fat of your ass, and grazed his thumb over your asshole. He dipped his head and licked the outside of your underwear, softly biting your inner thigh.
Your moans began to increase the more he teased you, as if he could read minds he turned you over, wanting to see your face. 
“Would you like me to continue?” Jaemin lips started to rise on one side, giving you a teasing smile.
You blushed at his bluntness, “Eat me out Jaemin,”.
Jaemin leaned forward and pulled you by the back of your neck into a rough and sloppy kiss, honestly the best you’ve had. He gently sucked on your tongue and pulled at your hard nipple. 
“So fucking sexy,” Jaemin said as he gave you a once over before spreading your legs and giving them for you to hold, he run his hands on the back of your thigh as he examines every inch of you spread out in front of him. 
He hooked a finger under your panties and pulled them to the side. You let out a quiet moan as the cold air hit your wet pussy. He pushed your legs back even more so you hooked them behind your head.
“Look at this pretty pussy, so fucking wet,” Jaemin ran his finger around your lips and brought his finger to his mouth, humming about how sweet you tasted. He dipped his head and took a long swipe with his thick tongue.
“Oh fuck,” You let out a relief sign after finally getting some attention, you looked down at Jaemin sucking on your swollen clit that was painfully neglected in months. His head bobbed up and down as he took slow and sensual slurps, making your toes curl and breath hitch.
You started to rock your hip but Jaemin placed his heavy hands on your ass to hold you down, he dipped his head lower and poked his tongue on your asshole, fighting his way in. 
“Maybe I’ll have to prep you another time,” Jaemin smirks as makes his way to your gaping hole, sticking his long tongue, and forcing a strained moan out of you. He looked up at you, feeling himself grow even harder if that’s possible, absolutely falling in love with the way he has you a putty just from his tongue, the way you just look so sexy to him like this, pussy all red and angry, juices dripping from his chin, the way you bite your lips to conceal your sexy whimpers. 
He groped your breast and brought his attention back to your clit, switching between licking and sucking, completely abusing it. You reached your hand to his head to keep him in position.
“Oh don’t fuckin stop- oh my fucking– shit Jaemin..” You laid your head to the side, one eye clenching as your toe curled for dare life. Jaemin bore his face deeper into your soaking pussy, placing his tongue back inside as his nose rubbed your clit, sending you into cloud nine. He removed his face and quickly replaced it with his skilled hand, he placed his fingers on your clit and started swiping vigorously. 
You felt your stomach suck in as you started twitching, you felt like a bucket of water was thrown over you and you woke up from a dream you’d do anything to get back to. 
“Yes, look at that, wanna give me more,” Jaemin watched as you completely drenched his arm when you squirted, something you didn’t know you could do until today. He sucked up every last drop causing you overstimulation. 
You removed your legs and grabbed his face, bringing him into a passionate kiss. He placed his forehead on yours smiling embarrassingly.
“You definitely have to be my soulmate if you were able to make me come in my pants without touching me,” Jaemin said with a light chuckle. 
“I can do that, If you take me out on a date?, we can split the bill since I suggested,” You looked Jaemin deep into his eyes and he blushed slightly.
“I like that idea, but I’ll pay for the bill,” He kissed your lips before getting up from the table.
You both cleaned up and of course exchanged contacts, and it was history from there. 
Thank you Seungkwan.
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exhuastedpigeon · 1 month
I'm going to probably sound old when I say this, but every so often I think about the people (mostly women) who pioneered the modern idea of media fandom.
The people who handwrote fic or typed it on typewriters. The people who took their love of their favorourite show/book/movie to the next level and found other people in real life who enjoyed it as much as they did. The people who started mailing groups. The people who were in fandom before the internet even existed.
People who went to the post office to send their friends the latest chapter of their Spirk fic. The people who lovingly made fan magazines.
The people who created true fandom community.
They probably didn't actually think Kirk and Spock were going to kiss because it was a time when a kiss between a white man and a black woman on TV was groundbreaking, but they saw the chemistry and built a beautiful subculture where freaks and weirdos and queer people living in the bodies of housewives and secretaries and nurses and teachers and everyday people you'd pass on the street could let themselves be freaks with each other.
It really feels like we've lost so many amazing parts of fandom in the last decade or so. It doesn't feel like a community like it was even ten years ago, let alone 50+ years ago when you had to put in work to find fandom spaces and then build community with your fellow fans.
Today you can send someone an anonymous death threat for shipping something. People get doxxed for having a different opinion on a character.
Instead of fandom being a space for weirdos lovingly creating art and writing fic about shows and ships it's become almost an exchange where readers/viewers expect content without understanding the work that went into it. Writing still takes time and energy and work, making fan edits still takes skill and time and energy, drawing fan art takes years of practice and love and patience. We've lost the art of being grateful for that effort. We've lost the community created between writers and readers, between artists and other fans.
Idk, I just miss the fandom community. Sometimes I miss the days of message boards. Other days I miss the tumblr before the porn ban where you could make friends with people by sharing porn and talking about what kind of freaky shit you thought your favourite characters got into.
Maybe I'm just old and not evolving with the times, but I feel like the community part of fandom is the best part of it and it's really missing from a lot of fandom spaces these days. It's no longer about sharing an interest with people, it's about consuming content.
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aeor-is-for-reccing · 6 months
Shadowgast Recs: Polymorph Shenanigans
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This week, we have thirteen fics that have Caleb or Essek using polymorph! Some cozy, some funny, and some having some sexy fun with different animal shapes! Check them out underneath the cut, and as always, comment and kudos if you liked them!
Creature Comforts by Mousecookie (4645, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek impulsively visits the Mighty Nein one evening during their travels. Frumpkin sits in his lap. Caleb, oddly, is nowhere to be found.
Reccer says: A beautiful fic with a surprising end that’s so beautiful. I love it,
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the shape of my heart in the dark by professor (1584, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek asks for cats to 'schnuggle' with. An amber cat accepts the invitation.
Reccer says: I liked it!
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Not a meet-cute, a bleat-cute by professor (3515, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek spends an afternoon collecting spell components and comes home with a pet sheep.
Reccer says: I liked it!
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Nepeta by ccaleb_widogast (2037, General) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Professor Caleb accidentally transforms into a cat. He has to ask Essek for to help him turn back.
Reccer says: Really Wholesome with a bit of outsider POV
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Do It For Science by Meadow (Medorikoi) (6885, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn
Essek gets fucked by Calebs echo, who then polymorphs into a giant ape.
Reccer says: I love the scene they're doing. That it's for "science" and that Caleb could have lost control of himself when polymorphed as a giant ape in Aeor. So Essek has to take the ape in a controlled setting, for his safety ;)
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On the Myriad Uses of Polymorph as a Method of First Aid by catgirlthecrazy (1579, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn
When a fight in Aeor goes sour, Caleb turns Essek into a T-Rex to save his life.
Reccer says: Caleb in danger? T-ressek SMASH
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The Artifact by Chekhov (14378, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: Author warns of a "Looney Tunes concept of peril" and that the sexual tension stays unresolved
A mysterious object is introduced into the wizards' enclosure.
Reccer says: Never have I read a story more worthy of the word "shenanigans". The nerd courting rituals are intricate, hot (though that's not the focus of the story), and - above all - hilarious. Big Yakety Sax energy throughout.
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The Annual Rexxentrum Cat Show by hanap (776, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
A cat show has a rare book of spells as its prize. Polymorph shenanigans ensue.
Reccer says: This is hilarious and just gets better
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a man by any other face by Mousecookie (33853, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Or, four times Caleb uses Polymorph and one time Essek does, and how both of them must navigate the transformation of the self that is beyond magic.
Reccer says: This is an emotional, gorgeous work that captures so much of the character of the wizards. It’s such a wonderful window into these characters.
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good sounds by MinnesotaBruja (2787, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn
Essek discovers a flustering fascination with eels, and Caleb, transmutation wizard, is all too happy to oblige his boyfriend his every desire.
Reccer says: I liked it!
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Reverse Tatzelwurm by witches_chant (1803, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Technically Shapechange, but a polymorph shenanigan (gone beautifully wrong) in spirit.
Reccer says: A brilliant and very funny reinterpretation of some folklore. I like every decision that went into the shape and nature of the creature.
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you can have my absence of faith by Anonymous (87745, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: Dubcon/Consensual Non Consent, Male Pregnancy
Essek wants to try freaky egg-pregnancy stuff, Caleb polymorphs into a sexy Lolth spider demon to help him out with that. Then they spend a week having other kinds of domestic sex
Reccer says: There's a lot of love and understanding shared between Essek and Caleb as long-term partners who yield to each other's dark desires and unconventional wants. They're frequently roleplaying as characters and you can see the lapses of the real Essek or real Caleb every now and then, and it's really cute.
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True Polymorph by guiding-bolt (4025, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek has always been attracted to Caleb's magic. There was no denying that. It was something of a joke, how he would throw himself at Caleb when he had done something particularly clever. When Caleb masters True Polymorph and turns himself into a dragon, it is no different.
Reccer 1 says: I love the hubris of Essek here, he's going to get that dragon dick in him whatever it takes Reccer 2 says: Amazing writing and delicious situation. Lots of love and care and a bit of size difference.
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Aeor is for Lovers is an 18+ Shadowgast Discord server. The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. All fics, unless otherwise specified, will primarily feature Shadowgast. Have any questions about what this is? Check out the FAQ! Next week, we’ll be back with some soulmates!
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Look….more mommy hwa and more answered asks about Christopher being possessive and freaky…
I needed this thank you 🥹
Today is very very hard and I’m feeling a lot of hard feelings and life rn so overwhelming and confusing. I’m the type of person who’s got a hard shell but it’s made of like bulletproof armor on the outside but I’m v gooey and sensitive inside. I didn’t realize I needed some good brainrot inducing delulu soup to distract me so 🤌🏻 thank you
So Christopher *sigh* idk what I want to ask just my aqua sun6h/Scorpio moon3h/Leo rising/aqua Mercury 7h/sag Venus5h/Leo mars1h ass is like…………
Imagine him like soft dom but so so so into like corruption but not necessarily always meaning inexperienced partner, but maybe inexperienced in all the kinks and little taboos. I read him as wanting to break someone who’s normally very strong minded and kept together and so like very much Brat Tamer I guess. Like after he makes you cum on his mouth and then on his fingers, he wants to degrade you in the gentlest way and praise you, his voice saccharine, while he manhandles you and fucks you hard. You’re cock drunk and starting to cry a little from how good it feels and from the overstimulation. The type to make you tell him out loud what you want and where you want him and that you don’t want him to stop and make you beg him to cum and tell him how good he feels and that only he does that to you bc he’s possessive and he’s got an ego and needs you to need him in every way possible.
something about him and his Gemini rising tells me he might be good with his hands ~that might be my hand kink tho clouding my judgement(Gemini Lilith 😅) ~ *cough*cough*
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He wants to break you open and make sure you can be that vulnerable and submissive to him and him only, also to know you at a very deep level. Whether you get to know him at that deep of a level is another story and depends on how deep he is in his fuckboy ways. He wants you a lady in the streets and HIS freak in the sheets. But he totally wants to corrupt you and his sag mars: he wants to try new shit with you and be adventurous and explore new kinks etc etc.
Every break down of this man’s chart has me like “oh yes pls, 😊. yes ma’am I’ll take one, where do I purchase this?”
And everyone’s like he’s this and that and potentially toxic in these ways and idk if I’m enamored by his Libra charm or what but I’m like “I can handle him, the question is actually ‘Can he handle me?’” and it’s very delulu but also I think that thought is kinda true. (hypothetically and astrologically speaking) In my little brainrot soup for the night 🥰
I can’t even begin on mommy Hwa and the gooey lovey mess he turns my brain into. Something about him is so tender but also like so so so so so freaky but like gentle but so fucking kinky? Idk that man + mommy kink + body worship + needy/clingy doms is so so so good. You’re one of my fav fic writers, and my fav mommy hwa enthusiast. Thank you for serving and thank you for your brain and thank you for the distraction on a hard day like today 🖤
Much appreciate, have a lovely rest of your week, and as always cool pillow on both sides for you!
I CANT PUT PICS IN ANONYMOUS ASKS WTF…. Fuck it I’ll go off anon for this
This is 🖤Anon on my side blog/lurk account 😅
I am ending tonight's 2 hour post of going through my asks with this absolute banger of an ask from @youre-alittle-taste-of-hell and also hi Izzy!
I'm Ruby! It's nice meeting you *hugs*
I understand how life can feeling overwhelming and frustrating when things don't go you way. I am also a golden retriever disguised as a black cat and us fire placements want love and care too.
I hope things get better for you <3
Imagine him like soft dom but so so so into like corruption but not necessarily always meaning inexperienced partner, but maybe inexperienced in all the kinks and little taboos.
This section has me feeling shit at 10:33 pm on a Tuesday afternoon while watching Chris D'Elia 'Man On Fire' on Netflix.
I just love how Bang Chan stans have silently agreed that Chan's corruption kink is fucking massive and do we have any physical evidence?
But with his massive caregiver complex and Daddy kink, it kinda goes hand in hand.
I can just imagine that paragraph so vividly just him covered in sweat, his black hair sticking to the sides of his face and his mouth all shiny with spit and your cum just smirking at how fucked out you are, your eyes are beginning to cross and there's drool against the pillow.
'Don't black out on me yet baby girl, mmmh? Daddy still needs to cum'
You're crying and sobbing against the pillow because he's edged you within an inch of your breath and the pressure is so tight it HURTS and your legs are spasming and face contorted with need as you just beg your pretty heart out.
'Please, I can't take it anymore, please make me cum, I'll do anything, please Daddy i just need it'
And then he would hover over you, wipe the drool from your mouth and press gentle kisses across your face as he pushes himself into you.
'See, that wasn't so hard wasn't it? Daddy will always reward my baby girl when she asks for something yeah?'
I also don't know how ppl enjoy being edged so severely man, I would tap out after 20 mins.
Overstimulation all the way for me.
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Yeah, his Gemini Rising means he would be an exceptional kisser and great with his fingers.
His Libra stellium also means he has amazing stroke game but moving back to the kissing.
I feel like he would be a messy kisser (in a good way) like the loud smacking noises, drool and spit, definitely makes little sighs and noises of satisfaction in between kisses.
When Chan leaves his fuckboi era, sex would be incredibly emotionally intimate because he loves and adores how he sees you in a way no one does.
I have this thought that sex with Bang Chan could be so intimate, you would both end up crying and not in a dacryphilia way but in a 'i fucking love you so much and it's so emotional' way.
As much as Bang Chan likes fucking, he enjoys making love more.
And here's the thing right, Bang Chan's frontal lobe has developed so he doesn't even has the neurological excuse of 'well his brain is not fully developed yet' because NOW IT IS.
Also, your placements are low-key intimidating because wow, they are powerful.
I think Bang Chan would like the challenge of being able to handle you.
Seonghwa is definitely freaky and kinky and is very hardcore, he likes it hard, he likes it rough, he prefers a jackhammering pace (which is a bit of an ick of me because that doesn't sound enjoyable but okay).
I think the reason why jackhammering gives me an ick is because rough and fast doesn't always mean good okay?
I think a slow but deep and firm pace is better because you can get a better angle and hit the right spot every time.
But I also understand that some ppl like being treated like a battering ram during sex and that is also okay.
He would give you brilliant aftercare and reassurance though and that's what matters.
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Thank you for the thirst my sweet, I will gobble this up and use this as my fantasy thoughts for sleep tonight.
Yum yum.
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bigbangharringrove · 4 months
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Mr Steve and the Monster Hunter
Author: @dragonflylady77 (Ao3: dragonflylady77) Artist: @adelacreations Beta Reader: @adelacreations
Summary: Steve gets the surprise of his life when one of his students gets picked up by her father. A man who Steve thought had died on the dirty floor of Starcourt Mall fifteen years ago.
Billy Hargrove is alive… and a dad. He runs a security company called HellGrove and he hunts monsters in the Upside Down for a living.
When Billy opens a portal into the Upside Down in Robin and Heather’s backyard, Steve follows because he wants answers. Rating: M Pairings: harringrove, buckleway, elumax (mention) Content Tags: Single Parent Billy Hargrove, Billy Hargrove has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Getting Together, Billy Hargrove Lives, Billy Hargrove Has Powers, Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Billy Hargrove, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Teacher Steve Harrington, Gay Billy Hargrove
Excerpt & Art Preview:
It’s after midnight and Steve is lying on his bed, flipping Billy’s card over and over, the dim light of his bedside lamp catching on something in the corner of the card. It’s embossed in the same color so he didn’t really notice until now. He brings the card closer so he can have a proper look and… It’s a demogorgon flower head. Motherfucker. He grabs his phone to call Robin but then remembers that they’re not really best friends anymore, besides it’s late and she’s a parent now. Olivia did say she was spending the weekend with her dad but Steve isn’t sure what the arrangement is. Billy Hargrove is alive and he’s a dad. More questions than answers and it’s making Steve want to scream. So he sends Robin a message, figuring that she can choose to reply if she’s awake. He hopes she does. [Steve: So I met Olivia’s dad at pick up today.] Immediately the reply box shows three littles dots. Steve holds his breath for a bit but has to give up after a minute. Either Robin is typing a novel-length explanation or she is not sure what to say. [Robin: Surprise? ] “Are you fucking kidding me?” Steve yells in the empty room, his frustration at boiling point. His phone dings again and he looks to see what else Robin had to say. [Robin: Come over for lunch tomorrow. We’ll talk.] Steve sends a brief text saying he’ll be there then puts his phone down and switches to his laptop, giving into the temptation to visit HellGrove.com. The website mentions the usual stuff: the various services offered (most of which mean little to Steve), reviews from clients as well a page about the company and its staff. Steve keeps looking on the main page for the freaky flower and finally finds it, hidden on the Reviews page when his cursor hovers in the bottom left corner and HOLY FUCK! There’s no photos of the Upside Down but the hand drawn illustration in the banner is enough for Steve to suppress a shudder at the memories. There are a handful of anonymous written accounts by survivors who were rescued by HellGrove and reports about unsuccessful rescue missions. The wording is vague but, to someone who’s experienced it first hand, it’s clear they’re talking about the Upside Down.
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king-krisu · 9 months
I'm so in love with kinktober and in case some writers are looking for inspo for certain prompts, here you go!
I'm gonna highlight the kinktober prompts in the suggestions so you can work out what prompt my ramblings can fit with lmao😮‍💨💀
Feel free to use any of these however you wish! Credits are nice but not necessary lol, just have at it:
Kris should get his ass destroyed, it's not a want it's a need. Maybe something like Jan/Nace/Jure taking Kris from behind meanwhile Bojan chokes him and whispers some sweet nothing in his ear? We all saw how enthusiastically both of them were into the choking at Tavastia 🫵🏻😀
Nace getting tied up by Jan. Will not elaborate (Toys/Bondage)
Pretty, dolled up Bojan who get taken care of like the princess he is. Our model boy Kris can also be made pretty (Lingerie)
I'm so passionate about a Bojere sandwich with Jance, like Morbid said I need them to squash those boys like bugs (Threesome/Group)
Just someone please take care of Nace, okay? That man is not into pain just give him a good time 😔🫶🏻 (spoken like I know him lmao)
Sensory deprivation is pretty much always on a kinktober list, and maybe that could work with Kris? You know, stressed out lil man taken care of by whoever by shutting the outside world out? 🧍🏼‍♂️
Since exhibitionism is also usually on the lists, and we know that Bojan and Nace are gym buddies, maybe Nace could fuck some sense into Bojan in a gym locker room, barely hidden away? Preferably post-workout so they're sweaty 😀🫶🏻
Someone make Jance dp Bojan. Maybe spitroast him. Thanks. (Double penetration)
I mean "This guys is my puppy" Bojan would probably love some puppy/pet play
Perhaps Nace gets tired of one of the boys constantly coming up to him on stage asking for attention, and he gives them what they want and more? (Overstimulation)
Prev can also work as Nace getting tired and wanting good boys to wait (edging)
Bcs Jure and Nace met on tinder, I think anonymous sex works best for them (FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST JURE CANNOT MEOW PLEASE)
Bojan and Jere on the phone, with Bojan riding a pillow, pretending it's Jere's thigh or smth, and being desperate all the while Jere praises him over the phone? Yeah! :) (Phone sex/thigh riding)
Now obviously monsterfucking is very Käsh coded, either demon!Jere or Tommy, maybe vampires, maybe something else freaky in that gay forest in the ICIP mv?? Go wild
Y'all know I am a Nace/Jere enthusiast. I NEED a fic with Nace getting pissed off that Jere keeps forgetting his name etc, only to find out that it's just Jere's way of getting "Big big strong man" riled up. Maybe resulting in Nace then giving him more than he asked for. You can also include an annoyed boyfriend Jan here and make it dp lol (overstimulation/double penetration)
Now of course size queen Jere "any guys with big dicks here" Pöyhönen can work with any of the big boys, but especially Nace lolol (tho also that photo of Kris having to fold in half to meet Häärijä is also good inspo)
Edging would be funny with Tommy requiring Jere to stay quiet if we wants to cum lmao
I mean...... breeding with our mpreg king Jere works with anyone 🧍🏼‍♂️
I don't particularly care for the virginity tag BUT this could be used as a way for Jere to show Bojan a new kinkier side of sex like bondage, choking, roleplay etc?
Someone please put a ball gag on Jere good god he needs to shut the fuck up. You know he's a squirmy boy so tie him up too while you're at it
Speaking of shutting him up and even Jure also getting tired of his babbling, maybe Jure could shut Jere up by idk dragging him to the nearest supply closet and having his way with him just mere metres from the rest of the gang 😀 (exhibitionism)
Jere in lingerie!!!! Jere in pretty ruined makeup!!!!!!!! JERE IN A HARNESS!!!!!!
SOMEONE PLAY WITH JERE'S TITTIES. MAYBE THEY'RE PIERCED WHO KNOWS. Maybe Jere lets Bojan fuck his titties to give him atleast One (1) heterosexual fantasy in his life
Jere's strong af tongue pierced making Bojan go insane in whatever way you imagine 🫵🏻😎 maybe Tommy made him do it on a dare and he discovers it's a huge turn on for Bojan? :) maybe he eats him out and Bojan comes untouched WHO KNOWS THE WORLD IS YOUR OYSTER
Jere post-Tavastia (1 or 2) in a bathroom jerking off because whatever the fuck happened on stage was so hot and Bojan catches him? 🧎‍♂️ (masturbation/exhibitionism)
Okay that's all bye
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tyler-kin · 2 years
if ur still takin reqs id love 2 see brody in ur style .. i don’t have any specific prompt in mind 4 it so go ham if u want LOL
Done and posted here! Tysm for requesting <3
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ryuichirou · 3 months
A couple of replies related to our artwork from yesterday + a couple of shippy ones! Plus I think one of the replies works as a mini-hc list for our Idia ships…
Anonymous asked:
Idia, Sweetie, why are your pants so low? Someone’s liable to pull them them clean off…
Idia’s pants are escaping… the whole room reeks of danger, so his pants obtained sentience and managed to pull themselves lower. Just a couple more minutes, and they’ll run away.
Well, the Tweels will rip them off before they achieve this goal…
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
You have now awoken my old TWST Lab AU thanks to your Leech x Idia art work. I'm talking the overblots as patients and the first years are also patients while most of the second and third years are doctors and nurses, a lot of sneaking stuff in and sneaking off for some hardcore fun, we even had a rp (me and my friend) where Riddle got tired of the rage tests and shocks he got and had a three way between Azul and Floyd to let off steam
Damn that sounds great lol You guys always have a lot of fun! I’m glad Azul and Floyd were there to help Riddle out, tests and shocks sound tough~
I don’t know, labs and hospitals are such a sexy setting, especially when there is a darker twist to them.
Anonymous asked:
Idia will not love to meet the tweels' parents. I'm sure it will be misery for him to do so.
Oh absolutely. I think Idia would hate meeting anyone’s  parents to be honest, even Azul’s mom, who is supposed to be a lovely woman lol But the Tweels’ parents are way too intimidating. And if they act friendly, it’s somehow even more scary!
Anonymous asked:
Is there anything that Idia would see his lover doing that would drive him crazy (in a good way, of course) i.e. biting their lip, twirling their hair, anything?
Hmm, it’s not like it drives him super crazy, but he tends to unintentionally start to stare and feel a bit excited, when…
Azul opens jars and bottles with seemingly 0 effort. Not like he does it often in front of Idia, but that’s one of the reasons Idia could never get used to it. Maybe also when Azul bites his lip, but that’s because of his beauty mark – it kind of attracts Idia’s attention.
Lilia messages him first or sends an emote (he does it super rarely, so it’s always a big deal and makes Idia very happy), or looks at him with a smug and intimidating face. Idia would never admit that he likes the latter though.
Floyd runs/parkours past him. Not only it feels great when he isn’t chasing Idia, but also… damn that’s fast. And the way Floyd’s body works is almost freaky, he truly resembles an animal when he does this type of stuff. He’s so big.
Jade does anything with his hands/fingers: cooks, folds paper, writes something down. Idia kind of looks at him a lot during their housewarden/vice-housewarden meetings, Jade’s hands are very… agile. And long. Makes one’s mind wander. Plus, Jade always makes it look effortless and exceptionally precise, as if he’s not human.
Sebek holds a bunch of heavy objects, like chairs or boxes, and showcases his strength in any other way, but it has to be casual, because otherwise it’s like Sebek is bragging about being strong. The fact that this isn’t a big deal to him at all is what makes Idia stare. 
Ortho does anything!!! He is a cutie! But if we’re being serious, get these “tingly” moments when Ortho acts like a handsome young man. Winks at him, does gentlemanly/boyfriend gestures, says something straight out of either a romance manga or a movie. It’s very unusual, and Ortho’s been doing it more often lately. Maybe it’s on purpose?
Anonymous asked:
I was about to ask if you like Floyd x Cater or Sebek x Cater or Jack x Cater but then I read yer bio :( so do you have other Cater ships? I'm super curious since I don't see ya talking about him a lot
Yeah, sorry… even if it wasn’t for our top/bottom thing, these dynamics aren’t really our cup of tea unfortunately :(
We don’t have any major Cater ships, but we did talk about a couple of them before: Cater/Vil, Cater/Idia and Cater/Malleus. All of those are intriguing, and if we didn’t have all the other ships that keep us busy, I probably would’ve sketched them, but I just never have time for Cater somehow…
Anonymous asked:
You fw Floyd/Deuce? 👁👁
They have potential~ We talked about them here.
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synthetictorii · 8 months
His Favorite Dancer ✧ Hizashi Yamada
Pairing: Present Mic/Hizashi Yamada x reader Genre: fluff Summary: You frequent this club for a reason, but the reason in question is a busy man and you have no luck. Until tonight, that is. Word count: 4.5k A/N: ...obligatory old and cringey fic ahead warning...
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     The club was swarming with bodies moving to the rhythm of music blasting from huge speakers standing on the stage. The air was filled with smell of sweat and cigarette smoke. It was hot and dark safe for colourful lights drawing patterns across walls and the dancefloor illuminated by cerulean led lights. The walls were black, decorated by posters and edgy quotes written on them in fluorescing blue color.
  From his place behind the DJ set he saw all those anonymous faces having fun, drinking, dancing and laughing in ecstasy. Couples and complete strangers grinding on their partners, shameless in their affection. He lived for this. The heavy atmosphere mixed with bass and loud, almost deafening music. It helped him let go, to forget about the chaos of the world. He jumped in sync with the beats he was playing. Pearls of sweat were already rolling down his neck and spine. He paid little mind to it. He closed his eyes for a while and took a deep breath, his mind empty.
  How long has it been since he was last out partying like this? True, these past few months had been busy, even he had to go on patrols during the night while still teaching his classes and doing his weekly radio show. He simply didn’t have time to do fun things so he wanted to enjoy this night to its fullest. He was feeling extraordinarily playful today too.
  The song was ending. Time to have fun.
  You were shaking your hips to the rhythm, giving in to the music. Your body screamed for more. You denied yourself this pleasure for too long, it was time to make up for it. It hit you again how much you desired to be killing it on the dancefloor. And this place was just perfect. It had the best sound system, lighting , decoration, and the drinks were pretty cheap too. But you frequented this club for another reason, for him.
  The blond haired male currently jumping wildly to the music on the stage. You had to admit he looked even better this high up above everyone else. His blonde hair styled rather freaky swayed with every move of that lean body of his hidden under casual loose white tank top and black leather jacket with spikes on shoulders. His legs on the other hand were hugged by tight black jeans. You fell in love with him on your first ever night here.
  It happened years ago. It was Friday, your first college exams were over and you wanted to let out some steam. A friend of yours recommended this place so you thought ‘why not give it a try?’. You stepped into the building immediately noticing how dark it was in sharp contrast with the radiant blue everywhere. You loved it. Not to get started on the music. It was a wonder that your ears didn’t ascend into the heaven right there and then.
  You danced the whole night as if there was no tomorrow. And in the early morning hours when the party was ending you were finally down from your high enough to be interested in the person behind the music. You were completely speechless when it came to that aspect of the night; he had to be a fucking genius, playing all the right songs at the right time. It felt like he understood you, like you two had some kind of bond, it just couldn’t be coincidence that he’d hit your tastes like that. You swore to yourself you’d strut to that guy and kiss him on the spot once the club is closing. And then you turned around to look at him and your heart skipped a beat.
  It was a fucking pro hero, and one you admired since you first saw him on TV at that – Present Mic! He didn’t wear his trade mark hero outfit but more casual clothes, yet he still stood out. You stopped dead in your dance when you realized this. That single moment of stillness was enough for your eyes to meet – your [e/c] eyed gaze filled with energy and passion clashed with his lime eyed one. You saw the pure animalistic need to let go of everything and just live in his eyes. You never forgot that look. How could you possibly when with that one fleeting moment his gaze stole your heart.
  You didn’t get to kiss him that night, unfortunately. You became a regular though, even if it was rather rare for him to be there. Still you kept coming for the slim chance of sharing the space with him again.
    And his eyes were sporting the same animalistic look from before tonight as well. You were fully focused on your dancing and simply having fun but when one song ended and the next haven’t yet started, you couldn’t help but stare at the man. He was so handsome, strangely alluring. His very presence was like a drug to you. It always made you dance faster, experiment more boldly with your moves in hopes of him noticing. So far it didn’t work, not on him anyway, you were getting more than enough attention from other men and ladies though. Sadly for them, you weren’t interested. You were tempted to use your quirk more than once tonight but you managed to control yourself every time.
  But you started to seriously doubt you’d be successful any longer after his words suddenly replaced the music, now serving as quiet background to his heavenly voice. “Alright everybody! Are you having fun?!” He screamed and everyone cheered just as loudly. “Yeah, that’s what I wanna hear!” He smirked proudly and scanned the room; his eyes darkened you noticed.
  “Listen close everyone! I have a special proposal,” he shouted playfully. You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat after your eyes met again as he scanned the room with his gaze. You’d swear he stopped for a second when he saw you but it was surely just the work of your imagination.
  “Show me your moves and if you sweep me off my feet, I just might take you out for drinks,” he purred in his typical loud manner.
  The club got wild, cheering and shouting even louder than the music before. All those who wanted to give it a try walked to the middle of the dancefloor and made some space around them. You wasted no time hesitating and walked right to the center of it. You stood out quite a bit, dressed in black skin-tight jeans and white t-shirt with glowing blue stripes, matching the aesthetics of the club. Your hair was sticking to your sweaty scalp and neck yet looked wild enough to make others take a second look as you passed them. Once again you’d swear that Present Mic stared at you but refused to believe it. You gave everyone around you a fierce look, there was no way you’d let them win. Today was the day you’d let your quirk go wild.
  “Are you ready?” He screamed and the whole club collectively shouted “Yeah!” back at him. “Let’s get going then!” He pushed the button and the music blasted from the speakers, heavy bass shaking the place. You closed your eyes and let your quirk kick in, your body melting into the music and wild energy running through your veins.
  Beats Of Soul – quirk with little possible use, especially if one wanted to become a hero. But for you? It was perfect. Your quirk was able to take control of your body, if you allowed it, and move it according to the music you were listening to and your feelings – all based on your skills though. You were able to dance beautiful, expressive dances when you were sad or make the crowd wild and ecstatic when you felt passionate – just like you did now.
  It felt like you were in daze, you knew exactly what you were doing but it felt like a dream. You saw mouths of those who watched hanging open and heard the cheers. Your moves were fast, seductive but most of all, filled with desire for freedom. Just as him, you wished to let everything go and live in the moment and it manifested in your dance. With all your heart you wished one thing – that this night and feeling never stops.
  One last spin and swing of your hips and the song ended. Your quirk faded away, leaving you breathless. Your lungs couldn’t get enough oxygen and your body felt like it was on fire, not even the cold sweat helped. Suddenly you felt hands on your waist and before you could so much as yelp, they spun you around roughly to face them. There was impatience in the gesture, also need. You looked up to see who the mysterious person was.
  He looked at the hyped ocean of people on the dancefloor after the words left his mouth. Everyone was so excited, huh? Good, he smirked. He scanned the space and his eyes met a pair he remembered from somewhere. He hesitated for a split second before moving on and then it hit him. Those eyes… he’d never forget them. He saw them in the past and thought about them every time he stood on this stage. Those fierce orbs screaming passion, wild fire burning deep inside them. They nicely matched his he decided. He often dreamed that those mesmerizing jewels would once scream for him. And now he saw them again. It was hard to notice anything else about their owner in such crowded place. He tsked discontent. Well, hopefully you’d join what he’s planning.
  He announced his grand idea and the audience cheered, many brave boys and girls marched to the middle of dancefloor. He raised an eyebrow at that, he wouldn’t guess he was this popular. Then again, he is a pro hero. And finally he saw the one person he as looking for. He took in your appearance, glowing stripes of color on your shirt and hair. You sure were something. Hopefully you wouldn’t disappoint him.
  He let the music start and watched everyone trying their best to show him they have what it takes to impress him. There were many great dancers among the bunch but his eyes soon stayed fixated on you. He felt his heart race and his breath got stuck in his throat. Your moves were hypnotizing. Every single one of them blending into the next perfectly, you were very expressive and he loved it. You looked so stunning. He should feel guilty for not looking at others but the whole crowd was clearly cheering for you too.
  The song was coming to an end and he could no longer stay still. He waved for a regular host of these parties to take his place and marched through the dancefloor right behind the person who stole his attention all for themselves. He looked down at you; you were out of breath yet still so beautiful. He needed to finally see your face so he pushed all his nervousness aside for the time being. His hands found their way to your waist and turned you around. He noticed how your pupils dilated in shock and how your words died on your tongue when you realized who was so rude to scare you like this. Your face was so pretty, you had such a cute nose and cheeks, nice cheekbones and soft-looking lips. But most of all he loved your [e/c] eyes, shining like the brightest stars. “Looks like you’ve won,” he grinned at you and immediately loved the way you beamed at him after hearing the news. The crowd was dancing all around you again already, nobody paying particular attention to you two. “May I have the pleasure?” He extended his hand and watched amusedly how fast you grabbed it. He led you upstairs to the VIP section of the club where you’d have more privacy. You both sat down on the stools at the bar and ordered your drinks. He turned to you with lips formed into curious smirk. “So tell me about yourself, where did you learn to dance like that?” He asked, honestly interested to know.
  You let yourself be led and felt like in a dream second time that night. His hand was so smooth you noticed and blushed. You were holding hands with a pro hero! And your favourite one too! You sat on the stool next to him and ordered [fav drink]. You were afraid that awkward silence would follow as you were too nervous to think of a topic to talk about, luckily he saved you. “I attended dance schools and all kind of courses but I think that my attempts to copy every dance I saw on the TV ever since I was able to stand helped me more,” you laughed but then quickly blushed after realizing how you won, “but what you saw there was actually work of my quirk too.” You admitted, you were a bit worried if he will take it as cheating but seeing him chuckle suggested that won’t be the case. “I’d like to know more about it, if you don’t mind me asking,” he smiled and you shook your head. He was very polite and you felt at ease, something you didn’t expect. You explained how your quirk worked and enjoyed that you could freely look into those gorgeous lime eyes of his. “That’s pretty neat quirk you have there,” he exclaimed loudly, “it goes nicely with mine,” he winked at you, making you blush again. “W-w-what makes you think so?” You stuttered and looked away. “If I sang to you, you could dance to my songs, right?” He finger gunned you. You were so glad for the stool under your ass, you felt your knees get weak even in this position. Just the thought of him singing for you made you almost faint. Then again… “Wouldn’t you have to be far away? Like I don’t mean it badly but I like my ears not bleeding,” you decided not to be blushing mess if possible and mustered up all your courage to tease him a little. “Right, then I wouldn’t be able to see you and I just can’t let that happen,” he sighed and made some ridiculous over the top hand gestures, which at least made you laugh and averted your attention from the flustering part. “I know!” He shouted right after his first sentence. “You’ll be the main attraction of my parties!” He was really loud, making the bartender hurriedly finish your drinks and give them to you before disappearing in the back. You meanwhile had a hard time not breaking the promise of not letting your face turn red again under his intense green gaze. “I’d have you stand on the podium right in front of me, whaddya say!” He grinned widely. Well, if he really thinks so highly of your skills, maybe you could boast a little. “It would be a waste of my talent don’t you think,” you teased, he seemed to be taken aback by your statement so you quickly finished the sentence, “since you come here so little.” You explained with a chuckle and he visibly let out a sigh of relief. “Ah, it’s hard with all the other things,” he whined and dramatically gestured. “But maybe I’ll come more often if I you promise to meet me here,” he chuckled yet his eyes bore no sign of this being a joke. It almost seemed like he was seriously interested in you. “That would be nice, I come to this club so often only because I hope you’ll be the one playing,” you admitted sheepishly. Not that other DJs wouldn’t be great, you certainly had fun even if he wasn’t here it was just that others couldn’t compete with the blast you had on the nights of his parties. “Really?” He seemed genuinely surprised. You nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, I know it will sound foolish,” you chuckled before taking a deep breath, “but I always feel so strange when you play the music, like you made the playlist especially for me.” You admitted and rubbed the nape of your neck awkwardly, afraid to look at him.          
  He meant his offer very seriously even if he didn’t look like it. The boss of this establishment often tried to persuade him to get some dancers on the stage, that it would make his show more likeable. He refused every time but if it were you, he’d gladly obliged. Someone with your energy and skill would be a nice addition for him too, not to mention your looks. Your answer surprised him however which he didn’t managed to hide, luckily you explained the situation. True, he didn’t come here nearly as much as he’d like. Mainly because of the lack of time but he’d surely think of something if he knew you’d be waiting for him on the stage.  
  He watched you with bated breath as you explained why you loved coming here. His cheeks were now pink, no doubt about that. It made him all warm inside that his choice of music made someone feel like this, that all the effort he put into his playlists didn’t come in vain. It was much harder than one could think; to compile music for the night! He also usually put some of his favourite songs in there, making your confession all the more meaningful. He put a finger under your chin to make you look up. “Do you really mean it?” He asked, his voice quieter than normally, almost shy. “Yeah,” you nodded reassuringly, “you always somehow manage to play the song I’m hooked on at the moment.” Your laughter sounded heavenly to his ears, he was glad that the music wasn’t as loud here so he could enjoy it fully. You were so cute when you talked about music, it was obvious you loved to party just like him – and even had similar music taste, bingo! He felt good in your company, you were friendly and energetic; a nice change from tired and very much done Shouta. It was so long since you first caught his attention too. Maybe he could give it a try. But it was so long since he last asked someone for their number and he didn’t even know you, right? His nervousness was back at full force. He took a napkin from the table and borrowed a pencil from barman’s side. “Mind giving me your number?” He moved the objects towards you with a small smile. “Like I know it’s sudden but I still remember when I first saw you in the crowd and I think we could have so much to talk about and I’ll soon have to leave to get some sleep before my lessons and…,” his muttering and wild gesturing was stopped by your chuckle. “I remember too,” you smiled at him and returned him the napkin, signed and with your number. “By the way, I’m [y/n]. Nice to meet you,” you finally introduced yourself properly and extended your hand, making him chuckle and shake it.
  You talked for a while after that, you found courage to ask him about his hero life and some fights he fought in but you mainly talked about music and his radio show. He said the truth though when he said he’d have to leave soon. You walked with him down the stairs to the back exit for staff. Cold and fresh late night air hit you when you stepped outside. You smiled happily, normally you’d stay here for another few hours but leaving like this wasn’t bad at all. “So I’ll wait for you text?” You asked shyly with rosy cheeks. He shook his head and waved his hand disapprovingly. “No way I would let my favourite dancer go home alone in this darkness!” You gave him surprised look before turning away, it was so surreal! “T-this way then,” you motioned and suddenly felt something warm around your shoulders. “You must be cold,” he smiled, now only wearing his tank top. It was quite chilly but your shirt surely provided more protection against cold than his top. It was also distracting as you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him. “I’m good, really, you must be freezing in that,” you protested and took of his warm jacket. You tried to put it on him but he quickly dodged you. “Na-ah,” he motioned with his finger, “I already decided you need it more than I.” You looked at him doubtfully, noticing the goosebumps on his arms. “You were nice to me enough for one day,” you whined and jumped at him again, only for him to swiftly move behind your back. “It’s after midnight so technically it’s a new day so hush now,” he argued with a grin. “Mic, pleaaaase,” you complained again and turned to attack him again, only your feet got tangled and you were falling to the ground.
  You squeaked before a pair of arms caught you by the waist for the second time tonight. “For such amazing dancer you’re quite clumsy, [y/n].” He chuckled and pulled you up, your back against his solid and warm chest. He didn’t make a move to remove his hands from your waist either. Even the tips of your ears were red. This was a game that two can play though and you noticed during your little chat in the club that he could also get flustered rather easily if you tried. You turned around in his hold and while at it you let the jacket fall on his shoulder, your hands now around his neck. You didn’t exactly think this through, didn’t think about where your hands would end up, so your face turned even redder. If someone told you before you went to the club that in few hours you’ll be trapped in Present Mic’s embrace, you’d think they were crazy. And yet here you were. Luckily you weren’t the only one with blushing problem, you looked up and saw that Mic’s face was a nice shade of pink as well. “I guess you’ve won again,” he looked away, obviously trying to compose himself. “The joke’s on you though,” he smirked – that couldn’t mean anything good, “I will gladly escort you home even like this.” He gave you a thumb up. You choked on a spit and started coughing. You were grateful he held you, without them you’d fall for sure. “Now now, I don’t want you to suffocate ‘cause of me,” he teased you, which gained him a punch to his shoulder. You didn’t care about the difference between in your social ranks right now.
When the coughing stopped, you wiped the tears away from your eyes and looked up. He still held you close, his amused gaze fixated on you. “It’s not funny, if I died you’d definitely lost your hero title,” you scoffed, trying to hide how nervous and excited at the same time you were. It was nice to be so close, his body was warm and frankly quite nice to touch and lean against. “I’d save you, I usually deal with bigger problems than choking, you know,” he assured you with a small laugh. “Thanks,” you murmured and slowly moved your hands from their awkward position between your chests to his sides, returning the hug. You laid your head on his chest, progressing slowly, testing if it’s okay with him. You felt his body tense under your touch but he quickly relaxed and chuckled. “Should I take it that you wanna walk like this to your home?” He teased, you pinched his side in return. “No fair, I just wanted to be a gentleman,” he whined.      
  He enjoyed having your body against his, suppling him with warm and comfort. It was so long since he last hugged and was hugged by someone. He moved one of his hands up to stroked your hair. So soft, he thought with a smile. The alley was quiet safe for your breathing but for once he didn’t mind the silence. He wondered if you heard his heartbeat and how fast it was, if it wasn’t scaring you.  He forgot how nice it was to have someone close and no amount of skinship with his college worked as a good substitute. He’d gladly stay still like this for hours but he really needed to get some sleep if he was to survive his classes tomorrow. He originally planned to be asleep by this time too. “We should go,” he said quietly, letting go of you. You made a discontented sound but also removed your hands. You were still blushing he noted, you also stayed in his personal space, soon he learned why was that. “Can I try something?” You asked and he nodded and was surprised when you took his hand and put it around your shoulders. “Now we can both have a bit of the jacket,” you smiled up to him. He shook his head with a soft chuckle and pulled you closer. “You’re absolutely right, now lead the way.”
  Your house was only few blocks walk and your way was quickly over. Neither of you talked much, he sometimes showed you a constellation if he happened to spot any he knew the name of but otherwise it was silent and peaceful. He walked you to the door of your apartment house and his arm fell down to your waist. “You’re safely home, that’s Present Mic for ya,” he grinned and tossed his hair. Your laugh took his breath away and he pulled you to him for one final hug. “Thank you, my hero,” he heard you say with a chuckle. “You can call me Hizashi,” he decided and nodded affirmatively when you questioned him. He pulled away just enough to look into your eyes. “Would it be alright if I texted you sometime soon?” He asked and moved a stray strand of hair from your face. “I’ll be waiting,” you smiled at him, making his knees weak. He nodded and let his chin rest on the top of your head. He let himself stay like this with you for couple minutes, both of you quiet again. “Good night, [y/n].” He moved his hand to your cheek and planted a soft kiss on your forehead. “Good night,” you turned your head to kiss his palm, soft giggle escaping his lips. He retracted his limbs from you and waited until you unlocked the front door. “Thanks for tonight,” you smiled before closing them and disappearing from his view. He sighed and smile to himself, taking his phone from his pocket along with carefully folded napkin.
  He typed the number the number and saved it before writing a short message:
To: [y/n]
Hey, see ya tmo at our place? ;)  The phone was put back into the pocket and he finally started walking in the direction of his own apartment, his favourite dancer on his mind.
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harlowtales · 1 year
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A fan fic comes to life as Jack punishes Reader for her getting drunk at the club. ***Light hearted smut*** 18+
“Go baby!!” You shouted at Jack while he went up the middle to the net and almost scored but the goalie dove across the net and reached far out to catch the ball just in time.
“Fuck!!” Jack said angrily from the field as he hated to be blocked.
He was subbed out for another player and looked over at you shooting you a smile. You knew he was pissed, but just seeing you there cheering him on made him smile.
“Yo y/n look at this” your friend said handing you her phone. “Read this new fan fic of Jack”
“What?” You said grabbing the phone. It never occurred to you there was smutty fic out there about your man with A LOT of hits. “Jack slid into me and thrust hard… WHAT?” You read gasping. No way were people writing this about your boyfriend.
“Why were you on your phone so much instead of watching me play?” Jack said in his feelings after the game, probably because his team lost. He was all sweaty with his arm slung around you as you walked off the field.
“Sorry baby, I was reading.” You explained
“Reading??? The game was that boring?” Jack teased and pretended to sulk which made his already pouty lips poutier.
“No…I was reading…ummm…” you hesitated
“Spit it out baby” Jack said impatiently
“I was reading fan fiction about you.” You said
“Fan shit? Like what, show me.” He asked motioning for your phone.
“Ah my friend showed me. I didn’t save it.” You said knowing full well she sent you some stories that you saved.
“Aight then. I’ll have to take it” Jack said tackling you onto the grass, sitting on you and wrestling your phone out of your hands
“Jack!!” You laughed as he tickled you
He was sitting on you as he opened your phone. You didn’t even know he knew your passcode, but then again of course he did. He had a way of knowing everything.
Instantly a story popped up. His eyes went wide, then they grew wider. “I fucking did all this shit?” He said giggling, fascinated, swiping and swiping. Jack was a fast reader. In one story he had met up with a fan and her friend with Urban and they had a foursome. “Ooh this one is good, but I couldn’t see myself fucking nobody with Urb like this. I don’t want to see his nuts.” Jack said seriously.
“Jack give me my phone!” You begged still on the ground under his weight.
“Hey Urban keep your balls out of my face!” Jack yelled over to his friend showing him the story
“Da fuck!?” Urban said as he read. He looked at you, then looked at the phone. Why you felt ashamed you didn’t know.
“Can you both stop and give me my fucking phone?” You said with Jack letting you up now.
“You like that freaky shit?” He said holding you from behind at your waist “You want to make a real life fic with me?” He said planting a kiss on your neck.
“Jack stop.” You said getting hot. He knew he could get you excited with one touch, one kiss, one look.
But he was kidding and toying with you because you know he was headed to the studio, and you had plans with your friends. It wasn’t often you got to Miami and you weren’t about to be locked up in some studio with Jack and a bunch of guys into wee hours. You had a killer outfit planned and it was Mimosa time. Jack peeled off his sweaty clothes and jumped in the shower. You heard him signing “You Know What’s Up” his favourite song as he lathered up. You started to pin up your hair and get ready to hit the shower after him. You knew he had to go and when Jack was headed to the studio he was in business mode. A separate shower was the best idea right now.
You went in after Jack. By the time you got out he was gone but left a note. “See you later Y/N” Like you were an anonymous fan fic character. You shivered in anticipation and started getting ready for your girls night. Your little black strapless sheer mini-dress left little to the imagination. As you met up with your friends the pics and drinks kept coming at the club on the beach.
“Oh shit Karesha??” You said as Yung Miami spotted you and you spotted her. You squealed as girls that love each other do and pecked on the cheek. You knew the real party was about to begin.
“Yo.” Urban said nudging Jack showing him Yung Miami’s post. You and her were shown hugging and in a smooch. You had obviously already had a few in the photos looking tipsy. He hadn’t seen your dress before he left and wish he had.
“Where’s the rest of her fucking outfit?” Jack said angrily. The caption under the post “If you a good girl act bad.” Made him go from 0 to 60. “Miami fucking knows my girl is not to be all the way out like that.” He said, disappointed in his friend. He texted her immediately.
“Oh shit.” She said when she saw his text light up bright in her phone in the dark club. She looked at you worried and said “Yo daddy texting me. You gotta go home.” She said hurriedly.
“No way. I’m in Miami babyyyyyy!!!” You yelled giggling. Yung Miami realized you had too much and felt responsible. You were in a VIP area with all your girls, Diddy and Miami having the time of your life cutting loose from Jack’s schedule and how disciplined he was all the time. “The drinks are flowing and I ain’t going!” You said as you danced. Miami knew Jack would be upset if anything happened to you and he was her friend. “Baby girl you gotta go home. It’s getting real wild, and yo man gone kill me.” She said “I’ll get you the driver.”
“I can’t believe this shit!” You stomped. The one time you get to cut Jack loose and ACT BAD was ruined. You reluctantly went home with Diddy’s driver. Jack opened the door to the villa you were staying in as soon as he saw the headlights shine into the living room” He watched you stumble up the walk and held the door open as you passed him.
“Don’t.” You said swaying a bit. You shoved your finger in his face to shush him and you took off your heels. You weren’t interested in a lecture.
“I’m not.” He said putting up his hands in surrender. He didn’t want you to know he thought you looked really sexy and super cute so he acted pissed. “You happy with yourself right now?” He questioned
“Yup.” You said giving him a tipsy smile “You know what Jackman Thomas H…Har..Harlow?” You said slurring and in his face. Jack was holding in laughter. “You gotta enjoy yourself. Life is sss….short.” You said
“It will be if you keep this up.” Jack lectured “Bed time.” He lead you straight to the bedroom and helped you get your dress off.
“You gonna wash the club off of me?” You said giggling hanging around his neck and clumsily stepping out of your dress leaving it pooled on the floor.
“Naw. I want to make a fic with you” he said in a low rasp as he started massaging your breasts. You let out a moan as Jack caressed your body. “Jack took you and turned you around” he said like the fic he read earlier as he turned you around.
“Are you reading me a story?” You laughed
“Sort of…but your the main character.” He said bending you over and tickling your wet heat with his red tip. Finally after teasing your soft space he entered you rock hard and slow, stretching your walls as he sank deeper into you. Nothing was sweeter than being inside of you. Jack threw his head back in pleasure.
“Jack” You said trying to make sense of being drunk and everything he was making you feel. “Please Jack.” You begged with your ass up as he picked up speed thrusting. He steadied himself by holding onto your arms and drove into you hard and fast. You felt like you were on the very edge when he pulled out abruptly and slapped your ass. “On your knees.” He ordered. You dropped to you knees and proceeded to give him aggressive head. You sloppily devoured him, pumping his dick with one hand as you greedily sucked and licked all the way up the underside of the entire length of his shaft. All of his veins flexed paying you homage.
“Shit.” He said looking down in disbelief at you working on him with all you had left. He grabbed the back of your head with both hands and shoved himself down your throat holding you there for a full minute as he writhed and squirmed in delicious agony. You gagged as he let you up for air. “Up” he said sternly as he helped you up off your knees. You deliriously wiped your mouth dripping with saliva and pre-cum. He pushed you onto your back on the bed and swung your legs over his shoulders as he slowly entered you again.
“Ughhh! God!” You cried out as he filled your space up pumping up and down holding your legs back. It was then that the alcohol started to wear off and you realized Jack was playing out a fic he read about himself from earlier.
“Tell me what you want” he demanded in a whisper as he drove deeper hitting your spot. His wet curls hanging and dancing in his face
“Stop! I want you to stop.” You whined as you couldn’t take much more. This turned Jack on.
“You want me to what?” He said slowing all the way down now in a deliberately long stroke that made your eyes roll back.
“Stop.” You said tears starting as you began to cum in the greatest painful pleasure you ever felt. Your legs shook and you held onto his arms
“Stop what?” He said toying with you putting his full weight into leaning in to tongue kiss you as he pushed your legs all the way back, stretching you more “Tell me.”
“Jack please stop! It’s so deep.” You pleaded. Jack hearing you pleading breathlessly into his ear made him erupt. You felt him rhythmically throbbing, pulsing and shooting a stream of warmth way up into the deepest part of you. You held your hips steady and squeezed around him tilting your ass to clench in position. This is where you had all the power and he knew it. You squeezed every last drop out of him as cream dripped down your inner thighs. He drew out slow, gasping when he was free.
“Geezus.” He said guzzling some water on the bedside table in a heaving sweaty mess. Nobody brought him to that point like you. That’s why he had to make sure you stayed out of trouble. A lot of eyes were on you whenever you stepped out.
“How does this story end?” He said looking back at you as you laid on your side making a trail on his back.
“Just like this.” You sighed in satisfaction. “You finally scored.”
“What did you say?” He said tickling and holding you down to take another kiss.
@itsyagirljaz @killatravtramp @angelbae05 @jacks-daycare @jackmans-poison @jackharloww @iheartharlow @comehomeimissyou
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