#☆ zev wolfe
stellarwaffles · 1 year
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I have. So many Nexo Knights ocs and so many of them are lava monsters
Anyway here's a loser wolfboy that likes card magic
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lomakes · 6 months
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the trials of being married to a ranger with his animal bffs and his shapeshifting sometimes-gf
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prince--ofnothing · 10 months
Sorry! S'cuse me! Let me just -
Sorry your Dash seems to have been infected by Uldren Sov disease again, yeah, I, I can fix it - yep, hold on -
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Don't worry about what happens next. Just. Enjoy your Uldren Free dash at no extra cost. Yeah no my service! Totally free.
Where's he taking him and why's he smiling like that? I have n. Yeah no I have no idea. Have a good day!
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muquesko · 2 months
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*This particular series is deemed for kids, please don’t comment otherwise*
*Camera used: iPhone 13 mini
The location where the photo was taken: Wisconsin
*Series: Mr. Jenkins’ Belly*       
Zev is having the time of his life.
1. Zev_Pérez (Wolf, Brown Wolf)
*28th Dimension English Dictionary:
Brown Wolf: A Wolf that is brown in color. Though they don’t know cast elements at a young age, with practice they can learn them, without special tools. See cast elements
Cast element: Cast elements are basically an Earth-made substance that uses magic, an animal can use a cast with a certain tool like a wand or they were born to cast this element. There are four cast elements, air, water, fire, and earth. There are nine cast sub-elements: ice, fire, water, rock, metal, poison, lightning, air, and plant.
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cpunkbubby · 2 years
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dark-longings · 5 months
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Mer, Chelsea Wolfe. Zev Deans.
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vigilskeep · 2 months
okay I saw a reference to zevrans wolf in a tag so as someone who also loves the ranger specialization and only won the landsmeet duel as a rogue last night because of it I gotta ask. how do you think that works in universe w the summoning. bc like. it can't be actual summoning, thats for mages, the summoning has to be a game mechanic only.
I have thought about this a lot in the context of the landsmeet specifically in the last 12 hours and I can't decide if its funnier to have the familiar just following them around at all times (i.e. theres wolf chilling in crowd at the landsmeet while everyones arguing) or if they have a special whistle or something (i.e. the landsmeet duel starts and their familiar busts through a door like the koolaid man)
the ranger specialisation is SO hard to even justify working in any way. my theories for my prospective ranger wardens on what it all even means are like “haunted by a protective spirit that possesses these animals in order to come to his aid” and “has an uncanny connection with nature after being bitten by a werewolf during nature of the beast”. and then i get to zev and i’m just like. uhhhh well you know he’s my princess so he can just do that. maybe elves are just like that i don’t know. maybe the mage wife i gave him was like hey babe do u want a Creature? a Creature of Varying Form that returns even when killed? i promise it’s almost certainly not a demon technically
i picture the animal just sort of loping after you at all times and chilling, i think, bc it Appearing whenever you need it is too silly if u are indoors 😭 so the warden won the landsmeet debate bc everyone was too distracted by their hindbrain screaming increasingly louder that’s not a dog
i love the ranger spec though. it is my bestie. i wish i liked playing dao rogue more to have it myself but ranger boyfriend and awakening ranger boyfriend stand-in (nathaniel) having it will have to do
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saturniasxenos · 26 days
Nature / Flora ID Pack
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Inside this pack, you will find: Pronouns, Titles, Names, and Genders that relate to Nature, Flora, Flowers, Trees, and anything alike!
This is my 3rd NPT pack! 💜 I hope you find what you are looking for. I try to add as MUCH content as possible, so even if you don't find it, you can have an idea! (I'm still not the best at titles...)
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🍀 Pronouns:
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🌸 Titles:
Preserver of The Forest
(X) Who Nurtures
Born From The Forest
Guardian of The Forest
Dancer of The Desert
(X) Who Guards The Oasis
Child of The Trees
Floral Founder
Seeker of The Leaves
(X) Who Dances With The Petals
Druid of The Land
Wings of The Forest
Nurturing The Land
Nurturer of The Forest
Nature's Guardian
Child of Mother Nature
Guardian of Mother Nature
Raindrop on The Leaf
Dancing in The Wind
Guardian of The Crops
Child of The Nymph
The Water Dancer
The River Traveler
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🍃 Names:
Fem: Azalea, Aurora, Aster, Bellatrix, Belladonna, Blossom, Coral, Calla, Camellia, Dahlia, Daisy, Dawn, Dove, Dandelion, Ember, Flora, Floria, Giselle, Heather, Holly, Ivy, Jade, Juliet, Jasmine, Luna, Lunar, Lotus, Lily, Lilac, Lavender, Magnolia, Marigold, Meadow, Moon, Maple, Nova, Opal, Petunia, Poppy, Plum, Primrose, Paisley, Rosamund, Rose, Rosa, Rainy, Raine, Stella, Summer, Thea, Violet, Verna, Vine, Willow, Zinna,
Masc: Acacius, August, Arthur, Acorn, Arno, Aire, Beckett, Bear, Birch, Cedar, Cliff, Clay, Corvus, Clayton, Cove, Canyon, Callum, Caspian, Dune, Dylan, Elwood, Finn, Fielder, Falcon, Fox, Forest, Florian, Flint, Griffin, Hunter, Jasper, Jonah, Kai, Leo, Luan, Lennox, Micah, Oliver, Quill, Oscar, Orson, Roscoe, Rainier, Rhodes, Reed, Ronan, Rowan, Spruce, Sol, Thorne, Thorn, Wilder, Winter, Weston,
Neu: Arbor, Ashton, Ash, Agate, Autumn, Aspen, Bay, Berry, Barley, Brae, Bryony, Basil, Brooks, Bourne, Cereus, Clover, Crow, Cypress, Chamomile, Everest, Eden, Fawn, Farley, Finley, Frost, Fern, Foxley, Hazel, Harper, Hyacinth, Iris, Juniper, Jay, Jett, Koa, Krow, Lake, Leaf, Lynx, Oakley, Nightshade, Onyx, Orion, Olive, Pike, Pepper, Prairie, Phoenix, Robin, River, Raven, Rye, Scout, Sage, Stone, Sable, Snowden, Storm, Thistle, Wolf, Wolfe, Wulfwynn, Wren, Zen, Zev, Zephyr,
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🌲 Genders:
Natureserenic - a gender related to spending your days in the middle of nowhere inside your cottage overgrown with nature, cats, dogs, and peacefulness.
Rotgrowth - A gender that has a deep connection to the idea of new plant life growing out of dead, rotting, decaying bodies such as animals and humans.
Vancouldian - a gender related to tall evergreen trees blowing in the wind against a cloudy sky
Regenderation - A gender connected to all things related to regeneration and growth. Medicine, nature, the life aspect, shades of pinks and greens, etc.
Mouanipre - a gender connected to baby animals, daisies, wildflowers, flower crowns, soft grass, meadows, fawns, bunnies, lambs, soft fur, sleepy baby animals, pastel colors, and cute baby animals resting in soft meadows.
Heliangender - a gender related to, affected by, or connected to sunflowers.
Convolvulaceaeic - A gender that has a deep connection to the Convolvulaceae Family of flowers.
Naturegender - Gender relating to nature/plants
Asteraceaeica - gender that has a deep connection to the Asteraceae Family of flowers.
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stellarwaffles · 1 year
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The lava monsters are being furryified
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tsel-bas · 3 months
Wolf Pack Headmates
Warning: Headmates may not turn out exactly as described. Anything and everything can be changed to fit your system.
Name(s): Amoux, Neoma, Rieka
Pronouns: He/Him/His/Himself, Ar/Arc/Arctic/Arctics/Arcticself, Fang/Fang/Fangs/Fangs/Fangself, 🦴/🦴/🦴s/🦴s/🦴self
Gender Identity: Transmale
Sexual/Romantic Orientation:
Preferred Terms: Masculine
Age: 24
Role: Overlord
Type: Willogenic
Species: Arctic Wolf
Source: @/tsel-bas
Description: Rieka is the alpha of this pack. He leads his pack mates and protects them and any other headmate in the system. As the leader of this group, ar has many responsibilities, mostly relating to protecting someone or something. Fang enjoys running at high speeds and feeling the wind in 🦴s fur. In his wolf form of course. Ar can shift between both forms at will.
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Name(s): Altalune, Lupe, Louve
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers/Herself, Ar/Arch/Archipelago/Archipelagos/Archipelagoself, Claw/Claw/Claws/Claws/Clawself, 🌕/🌕/🌕s/🌕s/🌕self
Gender Identity: Female
Sexual/Romantic Orientation:
Preferred Terms: Feminine
Age: 23
Role: Verbal Protector, Shield
Type: Willogenic
Species: Alexander Archipelago Wolf
Source: @/tsel-bas
Description: Lupe is Rieka’s right hand. The beta of the pack if you will. Just like her alpha, ar aims to protect others. Claw is also able to switch forms at will and enjoys running throughout the Innerworld with the rest of the pack.
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Name(s): Blevine, Conall, Conan
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs/Themself, Wolf/Wolf/Wolfs/Wolfs/Wolfself, Lup/Lupine/Lupines/Lupines/Lupineself, 🐺/🐺/🐺s/🐺s/🐺self
Gender Identity: Nonbinary
Sexual/Romantic Orientation:
Preferred Terms: Neutral
Age: 26
Role: Swordsperson, Emotional Protector
Type: Willogenic
Species: Red Wolf
Source: @/tsel-bas
Description: Conan just like the others, enjoys running around in their wolf form. Wolfs favorite activity is helping out others in the system, plus protecting them as well. Lup is very protective of 🐺s friends and pack and will do almost anything to ensure their safety,
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Name(s): Leto, Accalia, Tala
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers/Herself, They/Them/Theirs/Themself, It/It/Its/Its/Itself, 🌙/🌙/🌙s/🌙s/🌙self
Gender Identity: Demigirl
Sexual/Romantic Orientation:
Preferred Terms: Feminine, Neutral
Age: 25
Role: Tank, Aegir
Type: Willogenic
Species: Mackenzie Valley Wolf
Source: @/tsel-bas
Description: Leto is very similar to the others, in which she enjoys feeling the wind through their fur and protecting others. It has trouble seeing, which is why 🌙 wears glasses. She is very sweet and likes physical contact in the way of hugs. They’re a major hugger.
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Name(s): Zev, Wolfe, Faolan
Pronouns: He/Him/His/Himself, They/Them/Theirs/Themself, It/It/Its/Its/Itself, 🌑/🌑/🌑s/🌑s/🌑self
Gender Identity: Demiboy
Sexual/Romantic Orientation:
Preferred Terms: Masculine, Neutral
Age: 22
Role: Harboringer, Buffer
Type: Willogenic
Species: Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf
Source: @/tsel-bas
Description: Zev is also very protective of his group and the rest of the system. They make sure to protect the others from any potential stressful or traumatic situations. It is dedicated to making a external safe space for the system to allow everyone to have a space where they can be themselves, away from the stressors of the outer world.
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bluerose5 · 7 months
[sticks leg out] may we see ur warden(s)/custom hawke(s)/inquisitor(s)
and if u feel like it how would any of them fare if dropped into Faerun (with or without Fenris/Zev)
Ohhh don't get me started!
Garrett Hawke, my beloved, although I hc him as elf-blooded. Ironic enough, in Thedas, "half-elf" or "half-blood" is used as an insult iirc, so imagine his expression to hear people use the term half-elf so casually in Faerûn. Just a little aside.
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For him, he is your typical purple mage Hawke, so I'd definitely say he'd bring that type of energy to Faerûn, no matter what time in his life he's in. He'd be excited as fuck to be in a place where he can use his magic openly without worry, and he would take the adventure in stride, even while he's screaming on the inside. (Still, none of this is as bad as Kirkwall in his opinion. 😆) Somehow gets everyone to fall for him without even trying. Not his first merry band of bi/pan misfits that he's had to deal with.
Then, there is HIM.
Darrian Tabris. My Warden. My Warden-Inquisitor. Love of my life. My angry rebel. The Dark Wolf himself! I djdbdhsbdfkf 😍💖💞💖💞
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Sorry, but he was a character I loved writing so much. Maybe I'll return to his story one day, but my energy has been more devoted to one shots and shorter works these days. It just suits my current habits and lifestyle better than going full multichap.
Darrian is a rogue/mage multiclass thanks to my setup on pc where I utilized the game's console commands and such. He's faced a lot of hardship in the Alienage and puts his people (elves and mages) first. He's also not above using less than savory means of achieving his goal (ex. the power of blood is a badass concept, coating his blades in his tainted blood to seriously fuck up his enemies, this is one of my favorites). He's also not above committing crime to get what he wants, but he grows into being a leader. In one AU I have, he even serves at Alistair's side as king (a poly relationship in this one). He also becomes Inquisitor and demolishes the status quo by encouraging rebellion where he can, so there's that too. 😂
So, with that in mind, how does he fare in Faerûn? Probably thinks it's too cushy compared to Thedas. His temper is his biggest flaw because he's so damn passionate that anything that angers him can set him off. Will be ready to fistfight any oppressive gods or former masters at the drop of a hat because he values freedom above all else. Could probably take Cazador out on his own ngl 💀
And of course Zevran was his romance (surprise, surprise). I don't think they'd necessarily act different around each other in Faerûn, but Zevran’s opinion would hold a lot of weight for him.
Also, semi-related, but I have so much art commissioned of these two. I didn't have my thoughts organized for this post at all so if you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
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prince--ofnothing · 1 year
The story of how my hunter's ghost got its name.
I will be doing the story of how he got his name soon, too. But for now enjoy some newly risen guardian discovery.
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When he woke up, there was fear. A vast expanse of pine trees stretched in every direction, but all he saw was mist. There was noise, in the far distance, but he couldn't see it. Was he supposed to see it? What was sight? What was thought?
He familiarised himself with who- what- he was pretty quickly. He knew nothing. Appendages attatched to his body that he didn't know how to control, and tattered scraps of fabric swaddled him. The... Floating thing, a ghost, it called itself, tried so hard to explain that he had died, and had been Risen. So many unknown concepts he couldn't grasp, a language he didn't recognise how he understood. It told him, it told him that the appendages were arms, and legs, and that he needed to walk. To use those legs attatched to him that felt so numb, and rise. That he should see a tree beside him, but he saw nothing but the haze. White eyes gazed unseeing around the thickening fog that only he could see, and it was that point the ghost realised he could not see the trees at all, nor the rising smoke from solar light off to his left. He didn't sense it, either.
Its guardian was defective. It made a poor choice. But this was the being it had found itself so drawn to - what had gone wrong here? So it coaxed the newly risen, taught him to stand, to speak, to use the muscles upon his face to produce sounds with breath. It walked him in the direction of the nearest tree and told him to feel the textures, the rough bark beneath calloused digits. The Light here was thin, it couldn't - it made a mistake, it knew this. It knew that the lack of light, now, had not healed its guardian correctly. He had been risen incomplete.
By the time it had taught him enough, and guided him to the edge of the forest, the sounds had died and the battle was over. Bodies strewn, human bodies. It explained to him then that he was not human, for their skins came in pinks and oranges and deep rich mahogany, but his a blue grey appeared more a corpse. He was an Awoken, it told him. His home had been the Reef. It would not tell him where. It did not know.
He was instructed to take what he could of clothing, and dress himself. Donning still warm, still wet shirts in layers, stealing shoes and scarves and simply swaddling himself with looted supplies from fresh cadavers, he felt a grave discomfort. Find a gun, the ghost told him. So he took the first thing he felt that it said was a weapon, a rifle that he slung awkwardly over his shoulder. *You look feral,* it observed, *like a wild child who's grown up.* He did not understand, but did not question. The ghost told him he could call it Rainmaker, but that he was free to change its name as he saw fit. He knew not enough words to rename it until he had worn the soles of the stolen shoes down in walking such a distance to what the ghost described as a derelict town. His sight had cleared so slightly, a thrill to the ghost that danced within the air beside him, and squinting he could make out words upon sign posts.
Within a shop he'd been instructed to raid, he squinted hard enough to make out the labeling upon a wrapper.
"Cheese... Cake...?"
What was cheese? What was cake? He found himself pointing trembling fingers toward the ghost, and repeating himself.
"Cheese Cake."
The first word that confused him. The first thing he saw. The ghost accepted this. If that was how it was to be, it would accept it.
"you are Cheese Cake,"
The guardian added, to which only received an affirmative beep.
It was Cheesecake. With its nameless guardian, it hoped they would make a formidable team.
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sky-kiss · 3 months
You know that I need to ask BG3 and Dragon Age 😉
Oh, lord. ALRIGHT. LET'S GET INTO IT, BABY! Thanks for the ask!
Dragon Age:
1. The first character I first fell in love with: Zevran or Morrigan. I don't remember which.
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Cassandra <3
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t : I'm putting a target on my head, because I know that most all of my friends played them but. Cousland. Like, I get why people like playing them but lord they're boring.
4. The character I love that everyone else hates : Loghain.
5. The character I used to love but don’t any longer : Hm. Maybe Alistair? I don't dislike him at all! I just wouldn't romance him.
6. The character I would totally smooch : It'd be boring to just say Morrigan or Zev, so I will say Sten or Orsino. I loved Orsino.
7. The character I’d want to be like : Bro, I don't think I wanna be like any of those nasty lil' freaks. They are disasters. Maybe Varric. Varric seems like he's doing alright.
8. The character I’d slap : If I see Meredith or Corypheus, it's on sight. They're catching hands.
9. A pairing that I love : Mahariel/Morrigan. Love the bog witch and her feral wolf boy, both baffled by the city and humans. Also Cassandra/Lavellan. Or. Varric/Hawke. (Also, Hawke/Fenris/Isabella).
10. A pairing that I despise: Bro, I dunno. UH. Anything involving Meredith or Corypheus I guess. Just on principle?
Baldur's Gate
1. The first character I first fell in love with: It was Astarion or Zevlor, way back in early access. Unless we are saying that it's Baldur's Gate on the whole, as a series. If that's the case, it's Jaheira. Been in love with her since I was 14.
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Shadowheart. Day one in early access, she and I were not on good terms. Now, she is wife.
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Gale. He's just alright.
4. The character I love that everyone else hates : Orin.
5. The character I used to love but don’t any longer : Maybe Gortash? I still like him a lot. But it's tempered a little bit. BUT I STILL LIKE HIM SO MUCH, DON'T COME AFTER ME.
6. The character I would totally smooch : Listen. Raphael, Haarlep, Jaheira. Probably Shadowheart. Jaheira.
7. The character I’d want to be like : Is it weird to say Jaheira? Nine-fingers maybe?
8. The character I’d slap : Raphael. But affectionately. I would slap Wyll's dad less affectionately.
9. A pairing that I love : Raphael x Tav/Durge, Raphael x Haarlep. Minthara/one of my friend's OC's. Jaheira/CHARNAME or older Tav. Astarion/one of my friend's OC's lol.
10. A pairing that I despise: Minthara/Orin isn't a favorite of mine. I don't know that I despise any pairings...there are some I don't like but like. I don't DESPISE a lot.
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muquesko · 3 months
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*This particular series is deemed for kids, please don’t comment otherwise*
*Camera used: Canon EOS Rebel T8i
The location where the photo was taken: Illinois
*Series: Mr. Jenkins’ Belly*       
What’s up Buttercup!
Where I got him: I made him at Build-a-Bear at Great Wolf Lodge.
Zev_Pérez (Wolf, Brown Wolf)
*28th Dimension English Dictionary:
Brown Wolf: A Wolf that is brown in color. Though they don’t know cast elements at a young age, with practice they can learn them, without special tools. See cast elements.
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IDPack 〜 Razor ✦
( Warnings for the following . . . blood )
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꒰NAMES꒱ 〜 Adalwolf , Adolphus , Amarok , Andrius , Anubis , Aratiri , Asterope , Astor , Barak , Bardawulf , Bardou , Beowulf , Berserker , Bigby , Bite , Blade , Blaidd , Blaise , Blakesley , Blast , Bleddyn , Bleiz , Bolt , Bone , Border , Boxer , Bronte , Cailean , Caleb , Cane , Cannon , Canon , Capitoline , Cavalier , Collie , Colin , Conan , Conroy , Convel , Crash , Current , Dane , Eythor , Fang , Faolan , Fenrir , Fenris , Flick , Freki , Fulguris , Hound , Howl , Indra , Kalev , Kennel , Kennelly , Léizé , Lobo , Loup , Lowell , Lupa , Lupe , Lupercalia , Lupical , Lupicalle , Lupin , Lupine , Lupita , Lupus , Lyall , Lycus , Lyn , Madden , Morrigan , Pawbie , Pawsia , Phelan , Raksha , Rafe , Raiden , Raif , Ramiel , Remiel , Ridge , Romeo , Russell , Shepard , Siria , Sirius , Slavc , Sorine , Soma , Steel , Sterope , Stormur , Styrmir , Tempest , Tenacity , Tora , Torben , Tordis , Toril , Tormenta , Tornado , Ulfur , Ulric , Vetra , Volt , Voltaic , Wolf , Wolfe , Wolff , Wolfgang , Wolfie , Wolfram , Wulfric , Wolven , Ylfa , Ylva , Yorkshire , Yuma , Zev
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꒰PRONOUNS꒱ 〜 Arf/Arfs , Awrf/Awrfs , Bark/Barks , Bite/Bites , Blade/Blades , Blood/Bloods , Bone/Bones , Claw/Claws , Clay/More/Claymores , Elec/Electros , Electro/Electros , Elec/Electrics , Fang/Fangs , Fluff/Fluffs , Growl/Growls , Grr/Grrs , Howl/Howls , Hunt/Hunts , Iron/Irons , Knight/Knights , Light/Lightnings , Lupe/Lupes , Lup/Lupis , Meat/Meats , Paw/Paws , Pounce/Pounces , Pup/Pups , Rar/Rars , Ra/Raze , Raz/Razor , Sharp/Sharps , Shock/Shocks , Sigil/Sigils , Soul/Souls , Spark/Sparks , Sprint/Sprints , Steel/Steels , Steelclaw/Steelclaws , Thun/Thunders , Tooth/Teeth , Wag/Wags , Wild/Wilds , Woof/Woofs , Wolf/Wolfs , Wolve/Wolves , 🐺/🐺s , ⚡/⚡s ,
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꒰TITLES꒱ 〜 (The) Wolf Boy * , Steelclaw , His / My Lupical * , (The) Wolf With Sharpened Steel Claws , He Who is More Wolf Than Human * , ( The ) Noble Little Wolf , ( The ) Wolf Pup , The Berserker , Big Brother * , He Who Was Raised by Wolves * , ( The ) Scarred Wolf Pup , Wolf With the Electric Roar , ( The ) Lightning Bruiser , His Sacred Silence * , ( The ) Silent Wolfpup , He With the Electric Bark * , ( The ) Voiceless Volt , His Shocking Sword * , Wordless Wolfpup , Iron Clawed Claymore Wielder ( Any Title with * next to it includes a pronoun that can be changed and all titles can be adjusted two your liking . . . ! )
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꒰TERMS꒱ 〜 Auroralupincryin , Awolflector , Bloodywolfian , Clawzin , Creaturic , CryptidWolfdogkin , Darkwelestic , Electroic , Fanggender , Feralpuppygenic , Feruvel , Genderclawed , Genderfanged , Genderwolf , Lupitypen , Mawsgender , Pupawic , Pupwolfic , Rainhowlgender , Razorcharic , Sleepywolfgender , Softdogwolfial , Thundergender , Thundragender , Wolfdogpupian , Wolfpawicc , Wolfpupgender , Wolfthing
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ivyprism · 1 year
Werewolf Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Warnings: Fighting, death, wolves, for halloween!
Wolfsbane - Fellswap Carnelian Werewolf Papyrus
Personality: He's a tough, but cool, character. He has a fiery temper and isn't hesitant to express himself. He enjoys children and looks after them whenever possible. He is concerned about others and frequently acts like a huge sad puppy when friends or loved ones are hurt. He is highly lively and enjoys playing practical jokes on people. Many people look up to him. He is really pleasant and charismatic. When it comes to protecting his family and loved ones, he is ruthless. Many werewolf romances irritate him because they are entirely inaccurate.
Appearance: He is a skeleton werewolf with a tail. He has five large scars on his right eye. He also has a golden tooth. He can change into a skeletal wolf. He likes his choker as an accessory. He has deep red eyes.
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Zev - Fellswap Carnelian Werewolf Sans
Personality: He is a cruel and ferocious skeleton. He is a fiery man who goes for the throat. Despite this, he is exceedingly courteous and well-mannered. While he despises it, he is extremely manipulative with individuals he considers threats. He adores and deeply admires his older brother. He will fight anyone who considers him inferior. He can be nasty and straightforward most of the time, unless he is afraid of hurting a friend or partner. He is extremely protective of his loved ones and will go to any length to protect them, including murder. He becomes really soft after spending time with him.
Appearance: He is a skeleton werewolf with a tail. He has two large scars in the shape of his left eye. He can change into a skeletal wolf. He has deep red eyes.
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Ammonite - Fellswap Carnelian Werewolf Gaster
Personality: He is an extremely protective and aggressive individual. He is stern and unyielding. He is not afraid to go to any length to protect his family. He has become more relaxed and cold. He is straightforward and unafraid to express himself to others. He's a decent hunter that works hard. He looks after his family. He is really quiet and serene. He adores his sons and his new acquaintances. He's not afraid to bite back, and he's a fantastic hunter. Surprisingly, he always returns with a large amount of food after hunting. He is very good at taking care of others and loves kids.
Appearance: He is a skeleton werewolf with a tail. He has four large scars. He has two under his left eye and two on the top of his right eye. He can change into a skeletal wolf. He has deep red eyes.
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Vermillion - Underfell Werewolf Papyrus
Personality: He's a caustic and combative character, but he's also quite silent. He is respectful and regal. When it comes to the threat to his family, he is aggressive and cruel. He is fiercely protective of his friends and may look confrontational in order to defend them, but if accepted, he is a sympathetic and sweet person. He will gladly carry you if you ask. He is in charge of cleaning up after his brother and the Royal Guards. He has a nasty temper and refuses to accept crap from anyone. He fights fiercely and may be quite nice and gentle to his buddies, yet he frequently begins cold and polite.
Appearance: He is a skeleton werewolf with a tail. He has four scars on his right eye. He has bright red eyelights. He can change into a skeletal wolf.
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Harrier - Underfell Werewolf Sans
Personality: He's a peaceful and tranquil skeleton with the ability to quickly beat someone down. He is fiercely protective of his loved ones and would go to any length to protect them. He's tough with a flirty side. He has a very quiet and cool temper that he never loses unless pushed. He is worried about his friends and family, but he keeps his feelings hidden. He can be a little rude and chilly at first, but as you get to know him, he is often really kind and friendly to you. He has a hard exterior that he normally softens. He enjoys assisting others and has a soft spot for animals.
Appearance: He is a skeleton werewolf with a tail. He has bright red eyes. He has five scars on his eyes. Two on his left and three on his right. He has two golden teeth. He can change into a skeletal wolf.
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Dendritic - Underfell Werewolf Gaster
Personality: He's strict and cold. He is a kind father who goes out of his way to help his children. He would give his life to protect his family. He is quiet but thoughtful. He has the highest LV of his boys when his family is threatened. He is also authoritative and demanding. By slightly increasing or lowering his voice to dangerously quiet levels, he can persuade anyone to listen to him. He is continually concerned that he did not pay enough attention to his sons. His sons adore him, and he tries tirelessly to make good relationships.
Appearance: He is a skeleton werewolf with a tail. He has bright red eyes. He has five scars on his eyes. Two on the bottom of his left and three on top of his right. He can change into a skeletal wolf.
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@kioko-noodles / @kiokodoodles @miscneilleaneous @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut @hearty-dose-of-ranch @caycanteven @didderd @miscneilleaneous
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