#werewolf boys
ivyprism · 8 months
Werewolf Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Warnings: Fighting, death, wolves, for halloween!
Wolfsbane - Fellswap Carnelian Werewolf Papyrus
Personality: He's a tough, but cool, character. He has a fiery temper and isn't hesitant to express himself. He enjoys children and looks after them whenever possible. He is concerned about others and frequently acts like a huge sad puppy when friends or loved ones are hurt. He is highly lively and enjoys playing practical jokes on people. Many people look up to him. He is really pleasant and charismatic. When it comes to protecting his family and loved ones, he is ruthless. Many werewolf romances irritate him because they are entirely inaccurate.
Appearance: He is a skeleton werewolf with a tail. He has five large scars on his right eye. He also has a golden tooth. He can change into a skeletal wolf. He likes his choker as an accessory. He has deep red eyes.
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Zev - Fellswap Carnelian Werewolf Sans
Personality: He is a cruel and ferocious skeleton. He is a fiery man who goes for the throat. Despite this, he is exceedingly courteous and well-mannered. While he despises it, he is extremely manipulative with individuals he considers threats. He adores and deeply admires his older brother. He will fight anyone who considers him inferior. He can be nasty and straightforward most of the time, unless he is afraid of hurting a friend or partner. He is extremely protective of his loved ones and will go to any length to protect them, including murder. He becomes really soft after spending time with him.
Appearance: He is a skeleton werewolf with a tail. He has two large scars in the shape of his left eye. He can change into a skeletal wolf. He has deep red eyes.
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Ammonite - Fellswap Carnelian Werewolf Gaster
Personality: He is an extremely protective and aggressive individual. He is stern and unyielding. He is not afraid to go to any length to protect his family. He has become more relaxed and cold. He is straightforward and unafraid to express himself to others. He's a decent hunter that works hard. He looks after his family. He is really quiet and serene. He adores his sons and his new acquaintances. He's not afraid to bite back, and he's a fantastic hunter. Surprisingly, he always returns with a large amount of food after hunting. He is very good at taking care of others and loves kids.
Appearance: He is a skeleton werewolf with a tail. He has four large scars. He has two under his left eye and two on the top of his right eye. He can change into a skeletal wolf. He has deep red eyes.
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Vermillion - Underfell Werewolf Papyrus
Personality: He's a caustic and combative character, but he's also quite silent. He is respectful and regal. When it comes to the threat to his family, he is aggressive and cruel. He is fiercely protective of his friends and may look confrontational in order to defend them, but if accepted, he is a sympathetic and sweet person. He will gladly carry you if you ask. He is in charge of cleaning up after his brother and the Royal Guards. He has a nasty temper and refuses to accept crap from anyone. He fights fiercely and may be quite nice and gentle to his buddies, yet he frequently begins cold and polite.
Appearance: He is a skeleton werewolf with a tail. He has four scars on his right eye. He has bright red eyelights. He can change into a skeletal wolf.
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Harrier - Underfell Werewolf Sans
Personality: He's a peaceful and tranquil skeleton with the ability to quickly beat someone down. He is fiercely protective of his loved ones and would go to any length to protect them. He's tough with a flirty side. He has a very quiet and cool temper that he never loses unless pushed. He is worried about his friends and family, but he keeps his feelings hidden. He can be a little rude and chilly at first, but as you get to know him, he is often really kind and friendly to you. He has a hard exterior that he normally softens. He enjoys assisting others and has a soft spot for animals.
Appearance: He is a skeleton werewolf with a tail. He has bright red eyes. He has five scars on his eyes. Two on his left and three on his right. He has two golden teeth. He can change into a skeletal wolf.
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Dendritic - Underfell Werewolf Gaster
Personality: He's strict and cold. He is a kind father who goes out of his way to help his children. He would give his life to protect his family. He is quiet but thoughtful. He has the highest LV of his boys when his family is threatened. He is also authoritative and demanding. By slightly increasing or lowering his voice to dangerously quiet levels, he can persuade anyone to listen to him. He is continually concerned that he did not pay enough attention to his sons. His sons adore him, and he tries tirelessly to make good relationships.
Appearance: He is a skeleton werewolf with a tail. He has bright red eyes. He has five scars on his eyes. Two on the bottom of his left and three on top of his right. He can change into a skeletal wolf.
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@kioko-noodles / @kiokodoodles @miscneilleaneous @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut @hearty-dose-of-ranch @caycanteven @didderd @miscneilleaneous
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running-with-kn1ves · 2 years
This idea just hit me but like, I was thinking that maybe there's like tension between humans and supernatural creatures right? So the humans make a task force to sort of keep the creatures in line/negotiate. And one of the best pairs is comprised of like this smooth-talking agent, and their partner a sniper, who's almost never seen bc they're always perched somewhere ready to take the shot if necessary to protect their partner. Jump forward to a negotiation that isn't going as smoothly as they hoped, and the creature, maybe a werewolf kinda cocks their head to side and asks "Who's your friend up in the trees there, they never come down to say hello~" And the agent, trying to take it in stride is like "They're our security policy, Agent X is a very skilled marksman." So they called the reader down, and the creature kinda inspects them. "I'll make you a deal, if you give them to me, I won't wage war on this sector. And like the humans are shocked, and immediately start protesting that they cannot in good conscience hand over an agent to the enemy like this, but the monsters look so serious about this that they have to relent. I just imagine the reader disassembling their gun to go with the creature and looking back at their coworker bc they can't believe they were given up so easily. Turns out the werewolf and his kin have had their eye on the reader for a while. The werewolf especially likes to share the reader with his own personal bodyguard, a rather stoic, well-built man. They're both really possessive but it shows in different ways maybe?
UGH I love this. I have some kind of feral adoration for werewolves; and imagine he's some kind of gang leader on top? Oh boy. (Hope you dont mind I added a lot of my thoughts to this!)
I can see the reader being the quiet, judgemental type while at work. They're used to being silent for hours on account of their job, steathiness being required.Though, that doesn't mean they dont have fire in them. They took this job for a reason, and dont intend on going down without a fight.
I wonder if they're the type to fight back while being traded off, or of they silently comply, knowing at least peace will be kept if they go with?
And I'm curious if this is just a "leader of the pack" kind of werewolf love, or if the leader's entire group/gang is interested in our reader.
I'd like to think that the werewolf is making the negotiation more difficult than it needed to be, mostly in order to get his claws on the reader. Though I wonder how he found them in the first place; perhaps scoping out the human organization to get research on who the clan was dealing with, and he just so happened to come across the reader during a job, piquing his interest?
And I LOVE the idea of him sharing with his bodyguard. Two spooky monster men, preferably tattooed up too? No complaints here. I'd like to think they've probably worked together for years, the werewolf's bodyguard being his closest confidant and both finding each other quite trustworthy.
While the leader might be more of sadistic, teasing type, his bodyguard is the unpredictable, secretly yearning from afar but would never show it, kind of guy.
The leader is more obvious about his claim on the reader, near to the point of outright stating "you're mine." He likes to leave visible signs of his ownership on them, teasing them about it and brushing over the chomp marks on their neck in front of others. I imagine he might be the more jealous type, and has near to no shame. But he does like his privacy at times with his darling when hes not flaunting them.
Though when it comes to the bodyguard, I could see him as the type that tends to hold things in, but doesnt hesitate to get in the way if something happens that he doesn't like. Is more physically possessive, and his actions say more than his words. He doesnt say much, but when he does, he speaks quietly and with intention. He doesnt like to show off when hes with the reader, and rather would keep them in his own grasp, being more inclined to hide them away. I'd like to think hes more sensitive physically than the leader, and more audible when displaying affection, with little grunts or sighs, though it's usually unintentional.
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nanowatzophina · 2 years
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So… I found this neat thing called redacted. So here is some fanart stuff I guess.
Idk what I’m doing with my life—
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dat-soldier · 4 months
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haunted house
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Day six 😋😋😋 sorry for the late post again, I was trying some things and it looks unfinished but whateves they’re werewolf guys who are cool or something idk hope you like :333
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bunnis-monsters · 24 days
You yawned, smiling sleepily as you felt the familiar warmth of your Werewolf!Husband’s tongue lapping at your cunt.
“Happy Mother’s Day, princess…” he murmured against your clit, looking up at you with those pretty brown eyes of his. “Wanted to start your day off right…”
A contented sigh left your lips, your cheeks warm and your stomach tingly as his tongue slipped into you. “Mmph, that’s it… ah, thank you baby…”
You had recently become the mother of a litter of pups, three in total. Currently, they were asleep in the nursery across the hall. They were all now 7 months old, starting to walk and talk. You knew werewolf pups were a bit more advanced than human babies, but you hadn’t been expecting them to be running around so early!
“I’ll be taking care of the pups today, so don’t worry at all.”
Your husband brought you over the edge several times, his red cock bobbing between his legs. Despite his obvious arousal, he left it alone, tending to your needs.
“Such a good pup…” you cooed, gently playing with his fluffy hair. “My pretty boy, wanna knot me?”
From the way his cock bobbed violently, you knew his answer.
Your husband had you pinned in a second, growling lowly into your ear. “Pretty mate, already want another litter of pups? Gonna make you a mommy all over again…”
So you spent Mother’s Day a bit sore and full of cum, but competent satisfied.
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thrasherella · 7 days
Needy Werewolf Husband is going into his rut and is really, reaallllyyyyy trying to get his wife's attention away from the household chores she's insisting on finishing before he can have his way with her...
He followed her all around the kitchen as she tidied up, wrapping his arms around her from behind and groping her tits as she cleaned the few dishes in the sink, pinching and teasing her nipples as she sighed and moaned, grinding his hard cock into her soft ass, his breath hot and voice desperate against her ear as he begged her to let him fuck her already.
"Please let me put it in..." he whined, nipping at the shell of her ear lightly in frustration as his swollen, red cock throbbed against her, begging for more attention, for more friction, for more anything; he felt like he was starting to lose his mind.
She had told him to keep humping her ass like a horny little puppy if he couldn't wait, and he really couldn't. He continued fondling her breasts, palming and squeezing them in his massive hands, and she whimpered and mewled, rolling her hips back against his.
"See, you want it too..."
She continued to deny him as she finished wiping and organizing the kitchen counters, his cock dribbling all over her backside as he pumped against her, unable to stop himself. He needed to pin her down, needed to stuff her full of his cock; he could smell her arousal mounting as she ground that perfect little ass back against him, her honeyed scent driving him absolutely wild.
"Just a little longer love, you're being such a good boy," she cooed, scratching him gently under his chin as he made puppy dog eyes at her, eliciting from him a low, humming moan.
He humped her legs while she vacuumed the living room, whimpering and growling as she did her best to ignore him, slowly and methodically making her way across the room as he ground into her, dragging and rubbing his cock against her, staining her clothes with his sticky precum, nipping at the back of her neck and ears, demanding her attention.
"Please, need to fuck you now baby, need to fill you; need to empty my cock into your perfect little pussy and give you a litter of pups..."
"Be a good boy and wait until I'm done cleaning the bedroom, okay?" she had purred, and he whimpered a weak agreement in response.
When they got to the bedroom however, she was helpless against him as he shoved her face first down onto the mattress, ripping apart those pesky little shorts and panties that had been blocking his aching cock, confirming what he already knew from her overwhelming scent that her cunt was already drenched and waiting for him to stretch and fill her.
"I lied," he huffed, mounting her from behind and lining up his dripping cockhead with her pussy, parting her nether lips slowly around him, loving how she moaned into her pillow as he did. "I don't wanna be a good boy; and you were a bad girl, it's not nice to tease a rutting wolf...now you be good, and take my knot," he hilted into her in one hard thrust, feeling her pussy clenching around him; a low, rumbling growling escaping his throat, and a deliciously muffled scream coming from her as he knotted her, forcing every inch of himself into her tight cunt.
He was already so overstimulated, biting down into her shoulder as he came, painting her insides white as he filled her with his thick load, and she cried out as her own orgasm crashed over her, hips bucking and rolling against him, squirting her climax all over his dick and pooling on the bedsheets.
"That's a good girl," his breath was hot against her ear, pushing her hips up slightly to get one clawed hand between her and the mattress, flittering and rubbing his fingers against her swollen clit, loving how she writhed and squirmed beneath him helplessly. "No more chores, no where for you to go, sweet thing stuffed and stuck on my knot...just be a good girl and turn off your brain, and squirt on my dick again, and again, and again while I make you my cum-dumpster..."
She couldn't deny this was exactly what she wanted...she knew her husband better than anyone and knew that denying him was a sure fire way to make sure he took extra time to "punish" her for the time she had wasted keeping him waiting.
Oh no, what a tragedy that would be...
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pain-in-the-riri · 11 months
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Your unfriendly neighborhood smokestacks.
Raffi has a thick skin and an attitude acerbic enough to eat through floorboards, so the majority of the time he is more or less entirely unbothered by the snide little comments of the wealthy little shits that stalk the halls of his school. Unfortunately, in spite of what some may lead you to believe, he is only human. The week has felt like one thousand needles scratching away at his insides — fucking up on tests, forgetting due dates and plans, Aja tripping him in the hallways twice in one day. And below all that the strangely numbing, hollow, ungraspable reality that last Thursday his mother died.
On top of it all, everywhere he looks: Sayad’s pinched brow and his lip chewed raw, watching Raffi like he's expecting him to shatter into glass shards at any moment. By Tuesday, he's had enough of being hovered over and feels like if he spends another second under scrutiny he'll rip his flesh off his body until he's just a walking skeleton. He tells Sayad that if he doesn’t get off his ass he’s going to scream, that he can’t handle Sayad’s feelings on top of his own right now. He almost instantly regrets it at the wide-eyed look and clipped nod he gets in response, and he tries not to think about it too deeply whenever he catches Sayad glancing over at him from across rooms and hallways over the next few days. He tries not to feel anything at all.
He's two cigarettes deep on Friday, leaning in to delinquency. Class started 15 minutes ago but Raffi can't pull his eyes off the valley's horizon. From the point of view of the school's grounds, built into the hillside on carved-out steps, he can see past the river's green snaking edges and to the endless desert beyond. The sky is so flat and blue that it looks like construction paper.
He doesn't even hear Aja and her friends trying to get his attention over the buzzing of his thoughts until an acorn bounces off the top of his head and he spins around to see Luca bent over the rail of the next tier up and laughing as though he had done something particularly clever.
"Oh good, he's awake," Aja says.
He rolls his eyes and is about to respond when a clod of dried dirt sails over his head and breaks into a messy cloud of sand and dust against the shoulder of Luca's perfect white button-up. "Hey!"
"Get fucked, you assholes!" Sayad yells up at them, sidling up to Raffi's side and, without asking, pulling the pack of cigarettes and a lighter from a pocket of the bag slung over Raffi's shoulder.
Aja begins to speak but Sayad cuts her off again, "I hope you choke on a dick and die." He puts a cigarette in his mouth and lights up.
Aja scoffs and rolls her eyes, and with a muttered "whatever" turns around and walks out of view, followed by her lackeys.
Raffi watches them go, then leans back against the brick retaining wall behind him. He lets his head thunk against the bricks gently and feels his hair snagging on the rough texture. "I'm fine, Sai, It's ok" he says.
"It is NOT ok," Sayad says. He watches Raffi for a moment, that familiar concern creasing his brow.
Raffi takes a deep drag of the cigarette and sighs the smoke out, then at length sinks down to the ground against the wall and pats the dusty earth beside him in offering. Sayad grins and joins him.
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classichorrorblog · 8 months
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10 Movies From The 1980s To Consider For October/Halloween
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losthavenmine · 2 years
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Van Helsing (2004)
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goryhorroor · 24 days
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horror sub-genres: children horror
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transpecter · 1 month
giant submissive werewolf boyfriend lapping at my cunt and pathetically humping the mattress until he cums everywhere WHEN
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Being intimate with your werewolf boyfriend for the first time.
Not understanding his unfathomable desire to claim your body and breed you. You innocently brought condoms with you, thinking he’d use them.
Oh sweetheart, you were so wrong. That man has wanted to breed that sweet cunt of yours the moment he first smelled your arousal.
When you pulled out a magnum condom for him, he couldn’t help but laugh at you. Not only did you not understand that a magnum condom was far too small for him. You never realized his cock was different from any other man you’ve been with.
As soon as he pulled his throbbing knot from his pants you looked bewildered.
“How is that even going to fit?!”
“Oh my sweet girl. It’s going to fit and you’re going to take every last inch in that beautiful pussy of yours.”
And he made sure he did. He lapped his tongue in your pussy, sucking your juices and replacing it with his own. Lubing you up with his saliva. Your pussy taste so good to him you have him drooling like the dog he is.
Slowly he replaced his tongue with his knot. Your whimpers and moans kept him going until he was fighting to not breed you and fill you with his pups.
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dragonsholygrail · 2 days
Monster bfs and their reaction to you getting hurt by little inconsequential things that you react to in pain at first but then they wildly overexaggerate.
Werewolf bf would hear you whimper and come running to find you. He sees you have a splinter and he’s whining and whimpering at the irritated skin on your finger. With his claws he carefully gets it out of you before licking it and nuzzling into your palm. Before you can even argue he’s saying you’re too hurt to do anything else today and brings you into the bed for cuddles.
Vampire bf smells you before he hears you cry out in pain. In a flash he’s by your side, eyes wild as he looks over you. When he sees the small cut on your leg his heart lurches, even when you say it looks worse than it is. He falls to his knees before you, his mind a cloud of worry and hunger. He laps at your cut, slowly licking the wound to reveal it in its entirety. Despite the way his veins hum with the taste of your blood his love for you is more pressing and so he runs to grab your frequently used roll of gauze and patches you up.
Dragon bf has loved having you in his cave and among his hoard. You’re his most treasured possession after all so there is no where else that you belong except by his side. But when you stumble and slide down a mountain of gold, hitting your head on an old crown, your bf cares no longer for any of his treasures besides you. Despite your protests he moves all of his treasure to the back of the cave before filling the rest of it with the fluffiest pillows and the softest blankets. Making sure that if you ever fall again it will only be met with comfort.
Orc bf who always displayed his weapon collection with pride. But he comes rushing over as soon as he hears you yelp, only to discover you ended up pricking yourself on the sharp spikes of one of his clubs. You try to assure him that you’re fine and it just surprised you. But when you come home the next day you see them nowhere to be found. Ready to give your bf a firm talking to, he directs your gaze upwards where he’s displayed his weapons much higher up now to not risk you getting hurt. He stubbornly refuses to move them back down when you talk to him and there’s no way you can reach or even carry them to put them back. Your orc bf explains that it’s worth them being harder to see so long as you’re safe.
God, there are so many more I could do but I didn’t want to make this too long.
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werecreature-addicted · 5 months
idk what's gotten into me lately but I just want to pin a runt of the litter werewolf down on the ground and toy with him until he's a whimpering cum drunk mess.
I'm obsessed with the idea of a monster boy who's the smallest of his pack and is used to getting shoved around and manhandled, but he's not used to being wanted. Not used to that roughness being a form of pleasure and he certainly isn't used to getting hard when he gets his hair pulled.
He's supposed to be a scary, big, tough monster, but here he is keening like a bitch in heat, begging to be touched all for some puny human who's a foot shorter than him. Small by werewolf standards is still pretty big after all. But being a bitch bottom who gets off on being bullied? that ride has no height requirements, baby
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apiercedotter · 8 months
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I wanted to be a werewolf this is so bad lol
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