#♡ ▌╏PSA.
sugaryewscythe · 9 months
just a reminder that most wrapping paper is not recyclable unless otherwise stated. do not put it in your recycling bin as it will back up recycling facilities!
you can always use recyclable alternatives like paper bags, fabric that can be repurposed afterwards, newspaper, or glass jars! all of which can be decorated with eco-friendly yarn, plants, or art which adds an even more personal touch.♡
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bucksangel · 1 year
this isn’t aimed at anyone in particular but i really hate reading fics with chubby/fat characters and the author saying something along the lines of “they were chubby but still beautiful” heavily implying that being fat/chubby is Bad and Ugly when it is exactly the opposite. people who are fat and chubby are beautiful, and that includes their weight. it’s not an add on, it’s not a “i love them even though…”
i understand not everyone might be aware of the wording of their writing because society has taught us that being anything other than a socially acceptable weight is wrong, but im begging y’all to please fight it and showcase it in your writing.
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simder-talia-blog · 1 month
Just a general reminder that these kinds of posts are spam. I’ve been told so by Tumblr Support. These “shops” are buying products from aliexpress/alibaba sometimes charging 20x the price or more. They are scams. This item is approx. 6 US dollars. This scam shop wants to sell it to you for 25! See below.
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Fun fact, this is the second scam shop I've seen on here selling this item: https://simder-talia-blog.tumblr.com/post/757602526013112320/just-a-general-reminder-that-these-kinds-of-posts
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ovaryacted · 20 days
A little announcement cause I have to be real with y’all.
I’m not going to lie, I’ve been on the precipice of getting overwhelmed not just with writing but with my life as a whole. I’m falling behind at work with assignments that keep piling up and the past two weeks have just been a mess that derailed me. So I’ve been doing damage control trying to restart and get reorganized before it gets out of hand.
There are only 24 hours in the day, most of that time is spent working at my job and I work a busy and time consuming legal job where I can’t fuck around and scroll. I usually do that on my lunch break and disappear for the rest of the day, and now I’m picking up somebody else’s slack cause they quit, so their workload is going to be transferred to me, which is a lot as it is.
When I get home, it’s more stuff I have to deal with. I don’t always have time for myself. I live with my family who lack boundaries and who constantly need me so I’m always doing something for them (eldest daughter curse). I cover bills and expenses here and I’m usually forced to interact with extended family on the weekends so I don’t always get to enjoy them or use those two days productively to write. My household is noisy, my upstairs toxic ass neighbors aren’t helping, and overall rent is so godamn high in my city I can’t move out on my own unless I live with roommates or fuck somebody’s rich daddy for a $50k down payment on an apartment (and I just might).
Somehow, with everything I just said, I still need to find the time to make meals for myself, exercise, be social, invest in my hobbies (writing being the main one), and prep to work on applications for law school which is a year long process starting with taking the law school entrance exam that I have to ace. And of course, dodging seasonal depression is the biggest thing, cause when it’s bad, it’s bad.
All of that being said, I just don’t have enough time to write as quickly or eloquently as I want. I’m the most productive at 12 am - 3 am, but staying up late to write all the time when I need to be up in 5 hrs for work isn’t healthy. I’m not the fastest writer or reader, and I take writing seriously and passionately despite it being a hobby because I want it to be good, because I want people to enjoy it, and because I want to make myself proud since this is something I’ve always wanted to do. I’ve never half-assed my work, and I don’t want to start now nor am I making excuses, but things are getting hectic for me. I mean, I’m falling behind on WIPs, I’m falling behind on interactions, I’m falling behind on reading fics I want to read and finishing projects I’ve been planning for a while. I legit cried yesterday cause I was getting frustrated with a WIP I’m working on. If that’s not sign enough I gotta chill and not think this is all a race, then the next time it hits me I’ll crash out. It’s just a lot.
So, if you see me not being as active in the next couple of weeks or this month, don’t get worried, I’m probably still writing but I just gotta focus and tackle some shit first before bouncing back. For my mutuals who have me on here or discord, you can send me posts you want me to see since I have my notifications off (I promise I’m not ignoring you). I’ll be actively working on the pieces I have for challenges from August & September, and I’m forcing myself to finish them this month if I can.
I don’t want to get burnt out like I did last year, because I enjoy writing and I love doing this, but I just need to find that balance again cause I lost it. I’ll be in and out on here. 🫶
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meowrette · 7 months
oh my god i cant believe im writing another paragraph today but some of you hate anons are actually vile ... telling someone to get 🍇d is not okay
yall need to learn to treat people like actual human beings, just because someones in a fandom you dont like does not mean you have to go out of your way to send them horrible wishes, REMINDER that those people your sending those wishes to are REAL, REAL LIVING BREATHING HUMAN BEINGS.
those REAL PEOPLE are getting hurt by your bullshit, YOU ARE FUCKED UP.
not liking a fandom is one thing, but you always have the option to scroll past, i do it too, dont go out of your way to hurt other people for your own pleasure
i wish anyone that was hurt by hate anons to wake up with the sun shining and an awesome day and for them to get better
and for all of those hate anons, i wanna remind you harrassing people on tumblr is clearly not a job and i think its time for you guys to get a real one 🫶🫶🫶, go outside assholes
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jizzlords · 5 months
hey so, i wanted to put it out there: if there's someone who you know is a minor, they're lying about their age or whatever it is and i'm interacting with them - don't hesitate to inform me, please.
i think i do a good job spotting minors who break my rules and follow anyway but i will not consider it drama if you're informing me of someone underage and lying to me about their age. if you're trying to police like "did you know a did x, y and z" then we'd have some awkward shit but. if it's a minor. that's different.
i understand not wanting to come off as controlling/as if you're trying to start something but if you're coming from a place of good intent and wanna inform me of a minor or if i did something, a misstep, that's cool! friends holding accountability is a refreshing chapter, i trust we will get through stuff together.
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b1mbodoll · 4 months
hi my loves!!! im back look n at them dreamy sigh so beautiful
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misc-muses · 13 days
Alright, I'm putting this blog on a hiatus earlier than intended. I am stressed from school approaching and don't have great muse at the moment. Consider all threads dropped for the moment, but I can come back and work on them when I come back in December, or if I poke my head in. Sorry about that, friends
Say hi to me on discord if you want! I'm loremcatsum
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reallyrandomtj · 21 days
By making my drabble ideas known to mutuals I will hopefully finally have some priority and direction of what my brain has been rotting on which I noticed had been zapping all my mental energy to tackle asks and drafts in a timely manner!
Since I have failed to figure out which idea I wish to write about first ~ I wish to hear my mutuals thoughts that will very likely help me to stop stressing and refocus on what I wish to properly tackle - ask responses and drafts!
You're welcome to, in the comments, tell me the order you like to see as drabbles on this blog as I'm unsure if I will make a poll after each drabble is written and posted... yet!
Details of what you are voting for:
( Under read more ~ ♡ )
Argenti 'first death' IMMORTAL VERSE
Featuring Yaoshi, maybe Tayzzyronth.
After Argenti receives a 'blessing' of immortality from the Aeon of Abundance, he is still trying to properly come to terms with his current situation and while trying to relax the Knight of Beauty is ambushed and 'killed' by members of the Swarm that were spreading themselves around the area.
Meilu vs Nihility ( IX )
Featuring Dr. Ratio and Aventurine. Likely a bit of Meilu's battle prowess.
In Meilu's HSR Verse, she was originally supposed to meet Dr Ratio and Aventurine only to come across an 'ooze' attempting to consume an 'innocent civilian' but isn't aware that the ooze was controlled by the Aeon of Nihility ~ until she finds herself being targeted by a much more aggressive form of that same ooze... will she be consumed by the Nihility or will Meilu resist and be able to force IX into a full retreat?
Gepard 'worst ever injury' as Captain
Featuring Gepard and Serval working together to build him a strong weapon, the canon guitar case he wields.
Beginning in the early days of being Captain of the Silvermane Guards. Gepard only has his preservation shield and ice abilities while fighting in the Fragmentum. A serious leg injury forces Gepard to spend a lot of time in hospital to recover and tries to make up with his sister Serval, after an argument before his fight in the Fragmentum, to create a weapon for him that isn't easily broken by a monster so he can better protect his men!
Blade x Eden NSFW
Featuring Blade being completely unphased with sex in public--
Due to a simple easily fixed situation, Eden sounded rushed on the phone and didn't say goodbye like normal, Blade got worried and tracked Eden down to a mall. Only to find her shopping with Dan Heng and March, Blade proceeds to 'steal' Eden away for 'punishment' and ends up railing his partner in a nearby changing room at the mall.
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meatriarch · 2 months
mkay did a few things to kinda ease up and make here breathable for me again so,
-- went thru my follow / follower lists and downsized both ( whether from inactivity, sporadic activity, or just zero interest made etc ). anyones additional blogs im following, though, ya'll are still gucci even if its been like a year since yall were active there lmao
-- i downsized drafts by a few but its still at a demented like 36 or so
-- also downsized the inbox from being like 84+ again all the way down to 14 ( which are the kissie prompts, a couple special prompts, & then some prompts from mutuals i havent yet directly interacted with ). everything that wasnt deleted i have in a g.doc saved to go back to once the drafts i do have started / with notes in rn actually get done. that way for me its not like.... looking at the numbers on both the inbox / draft sides looming in the distance and getting anxious & overwhelmed by seeing them everyday im not writing lmao
i do, also, think im going to gently switch things and say that i do prefer some plotting / talks / etc to be done before ill reply to anything. just so i have a better understanding of anyones' muses, how they feel working alongside mine, what potential dynamics can be like, etc. so that actually sitting down and drafting a reply, whether for a thread or an inbox treat, runs generally smoother and im not second-guessing things etc - just overall makes it easier to work with; doesnt necessarily have to be deep-dives or anything like that but some back and forths help alot! which, ofc, that will push me to also keep track of things better and reach out more too ( im a quiet bitch esp in recent weeks im sorry- )
but i Am going to be focusing on those kissie / cutesy prompts for a bit bc the brain hasnt been being all that kind lately and i think i need to suffocate it with some icky cute things so-
with the inbox being mostly cleared though? i do welcome anyone to poke around my prompts tag if you'd like to send anything - especially if we haven't interacted yet, especially if its been a hot minute, i've pawed at your windows to ask for more, etc ♡ i also welcome anyone not on there yet to add me on disc ( meatriarch ) as i Dont like using tumbys ims and to poke me always about yapping about the characters c:
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Are we ever gonna get part 5 of the harshest winters pls ? Because it's been forever since you said you would post...
Now this message right here is something that we're not gonna do.
The Harshest Winters is still in its editing phase - as I said on numerous occasions, I'm not just going to post something for the sake of it. I want it to be perfect/as close to perfect as I can get it.
I'm a med school student, so life tends to get busy. I'm not paid to do this full-time, and I don't owe rude anons anything, as much as I love and appreciate all of you guys.
If you want to be updated on the state of a fic you enjoy, be more polite about it. You might have not wanted to come across as insensitive, but that is how I received your ask.
I am not a fic writing machine. Again, none of you guys pay me to do this. I don't understand where this entitlement is coming from. It's one thing to get somebody asking "Hey! I really enjoyed your fic, and I was wondering whether or not I could ask you when you'll update it again?" versus this.
This is not the first anon message I got of this nature - asking/demanding for updates in just 2 sentences. I'm sorry if I appear unreasonable, but for every rude ask I'll get from now pressuring me to make an update, I'll push the release date for THW by a week.
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bucksangel · 4 months
i've heard so many gen x-ers "brag" about their parents not caring about where they were during the day or how they never fully opened up to their family because showing emotion was weak or how they used to get "disciplined" with violence when they were kids and like. if that was genuinely your childhood then i'm sorry to say that your parents not loving you is not a flex
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rosekasa · 5 months
i was pretty unwell most of last year (which, i feel like i was not as quiet about on here as i should've been ahskak) but im taking a bus journey i used to take a lot during the time and let me tell you. it is so weird being able to stay awake during the whole ride. there are so many things i never saw on this route because i was just knocked tf out agdjajsjajs
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wiredsmi1e · 3 months
new blog is OFFICIALLY up !!! i will be following everyone that liked this lil post here , lmk if anyone else wants the blog link !!!
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kurooscopy · 8 months
@cptnleviackerman tysm for the tag ml!!! kicking my feet hehe <3
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people i would like to get to know better!! :3
last song: all too well (10 minute version) (taylor's version) (from the vault)
fav colour: a nice dark green, but also any jewel tones are so pretty
last movie: mean girls (the musical) in cinemas, closely followed by mean girls (the original) when i got home
currently watching: just finished wotakoi and now i'm chewing through moriarty the patriot, the new percy jackson series, and my annual aot rewatch!
sweet/spicy/savoury: this is so hard but i think savoury is very broad and adaptable!! spicy comes in at a close second, and while i do like sweet things in moderation, i find it's easy for it to become sickly
relationship status: tetsu and i's 4-year anniversary is at the start of november hehe ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
current obsession/s: hq!! (tetsu moje srce ♡), jjk (geto & nanami), aot (jean & hange), and the eras concerts i'm attending in like 2wks time (���>ᴗ<๑) aaaa they're getting so close i'm so excited !! and also this plant tamagotchi game i downloaded to my phone that i now can't go 2h without checking on hghshjd
last thing I googled: 'victorian owl species' bc there was a funky bird outside my friend's house HAHA
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no pressure for anyone that i tag, i'm still fresh meat here so i'm still collecting mooties teehee @anothersquarenoodle @tetzoro @the-phony-king-of-england @strwbrryeyes 🫶🫶
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b1mbodoll · 4 months
why did i Stop writing noncon hoonie guys i kind of.. Forgot where i was going with it… ໒꒰ྀི ⸝⸝╸˕╺⸝⸝꒱ྀི১
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