#♡ Home is where the Heart is… {IC}
thinkofahappyplace · 5 months
♡ Nightmares
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✎ w/ Luffy, Ace, Sabo ✎ ANGST ✎ Synopsis: he wakes up from a nightmare about you
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♡ Luffy Luffy jolted awake, finding himself in a dark room with sweat-soaked blankets. His heart beat was erratic as he looked around, picturing your tear streaked cheeks and scared, pleading eyes. Your cabin. He throws his blankets off and stumbles out of his hammock, paying no mind to the complaints of others and making a beeline for the door. The cold air bites his cheeks and suddenly the sheet of sweat covering his body is like ice, but he hurries on. He pauses when he gets to your door, placing his hand on the knob and bracing himself, not completely convincing himself he'll find your sleeping form when he opens it. Inhaling the icy air in a quick breath, Luffy opens the door and a small rectangle of light falls on the sleeping forms of his crew. His eyes immediately find your body, knee poking out of the covers and hair spread across your pillow like a web. Slowly, Luffy makes his way to your bedside, pulling the covers back slightly and slipping in beside you. You move towards his warmth and he accepts you into his arms and sweeps his hands tenderly over your back, hands slipping beneath your shirt to press the pads of his fingers against your warm skin. He closes his eyes and sighs against the crown of your head, heart slowing and body falling weak with exhaustion.
♡ Ace Ace jolted awake, looking around at the dark room lit only by rays of dim moonlight through the windows. He's in his cabin. Where are you?Whipping his head to the side where you had fallen asleep the night before, he finds a pile of blankets messily pushed off him. Where are you? His heart spikes in his chest and his stomach drops, he thinks he might puke. Where are you?! He shoots to his knees, frantically looking around the dark room in vain, he grabs at the sheets under him in frustration, breath getting caught in his throat as a million idea of what could be happening to you swim through his head. The sheets shuffle, he freezes. He grabs at the pile of blankets and pulls at them, locating your sleeping form which he'd accidentally covered when pushing the sweat-soaked sheets off his body. The moonlight outlined your silhouette and Ace felt like he'd been splashed with cold water, the sweat on his forehead turning icy in the cold room. He sits like this for awhile, watching your chest rise and fall with your breath, watching your eyes twitch. Ace wants to reach out and touch you as if you were a jewel-encrusted display at a museum, but he's afraid if he lays a finger on you you'll shatter and be lost in the sheets. You turn over and throw your hand over to where he'd be sleeping, clutching at empty air, and Ace finally moves. Reaching his hand down ever so slowly, so carefully, he lays his fingertips on your hand like he's trying not to break a surface of water. He runs his fingers up your arm, slowly, pressing more of his hand to your skin, feeling the warmth against his own. Ace slides his feet back under the covers and pulls them up to his waist, he takes you by the waist and pulls you flush against him, inhaling the scent of your hair.
He stares at the wall and listens to the sound of your breath, he swears he can feel your heart beat against his. ♡ Sabo Sabo sits panting among messed sheets, chest heaving up and down as your scream echoes through the corridors in his mind. Sweat beads his skin and he raises a hand to push his hair back. His feet appear out from under the covers and upon feeling the cold floor Sabo hunches and lets his mind fall into place. He searches through the anxiety and anger, fear and confusion, and finds that his body is craving you. Like when you get the gnawing idea you forgot something at home, he has the gnawing idea he'll search for you and find nothing but anguish. He grabs the glass of water on his nightstand, gulping it in seconds as stray streams run down his throat. Setting the glass down and throwing on his jacket and shoes, he hurries out the door. Having a mission, you were supposed to get back at one-thirty and it's almost two-thirty, you should be in your room. Sabo nearly runs down the hall, almost running into someone rounding a corner, and knocks quickly on your door. His heart pounds against his ribcage and he feels like his head is foggy with worries, what will he do if you don't open up? You should be back, why wouldn't you be back? Where are you? What if-- the door opens and you peer up the blond man. His eyes are bloodshot and wide with fear, face flushed and sick-looking. Before you can even comprehend what's happening, Sabo pushes you back through the door and pushes it shut behind, shoving his lips against yours as he guides you further into the small room. You put your hands up on his chest and push him back gently, confused and worried. Asking him what's wrong, he stutters out, "I- I- You were- You-" and you wrap your arms around him, cradling the back of his head with one hand as he hurries his head in your neck. He starts taking deep breaths, clinging to you. After a few moments, you feel his body lose some tension and he lets out a shuddering breath. "I'm sorry, I just got worried you weren't back...", he says sheepishly, panic being replaced by embarrassment. You think it's sweet, but you hate how worked up he was and how scared he looked "Sleep here tonight," you say quietly and he relaxes more against you, raising his head and pressing his lips against your forehead.
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inkbybambi · 8 months
best friend!simon riley picking you up from a bad date —
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words: 2.2k rating: nothing explicit apart from a brief mention of sex, just some light angst and comfort. my blog is 18+ so minors please dni. warning: hurt/comfort, fluff, pet names, insecurity/doubt/worry, mentions of sex, simon is the softie we all know he is notes: originally written for @ghosts-cyphera ♡ we all need a bestfriend!simon in our lives who's so sweet and gentle with us.
one thing you love about simon — besides everything — is how reliable he is. strong, steadfast, there when you need him. even when he’s not physically there — his work taking him away for weeks or even months at a time — you find yourself reading over the messages he’s sent, the little sticky notes he’s left, whatever memento you’ve kept of him tucked away in the drawer in your bedside table.
not that you’ll tell him that.
you hate asking him for favors — asking anyone for favors, really, but him especially. whenever you ask someone for help, it's always accompanied by a long-suffering sigh or a roll of the eyes or some very clear indication that they'd rather do anything else.
except for simon.
which is why you're hesitant to ask him more than you absolutely need to. you don't want to push your luck too far, less he eventually tires of you as well.
losing people hurts, always assuming it's you that caused the problem. you've come to accept this, even if the dark feelings of being too much or a burden claw at the edges of your mind.
but losing simon? you don't think you'd ever get over that.
it's just after 9pm, the sky dark and clouds threatening, with thunder rumbling steadily in the sky. your hand shakes as you fumble your phone from your pocket, trying to hold your tears at bay as you scroll through your contacts.
your call log is all simon.
some appointments here and there, but simon everywhere else.
you hiccup, the tears spilling from your eyes as the sky finally opens up, joining you in your mourning.
you don't have any other choice, really, so you click his number before you can talk yourself out of it and walk home instead, bringing it up to your ear as it rings.
he answers before the third ring.
"i'm so sorry to bother you," you sniffle into the phone, before he has a chance to say anything. you take in a sharp breath, blood turning to ice. "am i bothering you?" you sound so meek and small and tired.
“no, dove, you’re not,” comes his calm, reassuring voice. you’re only half-convinced.
"i'm sorry," you begin again. your heart falls to your stomach, convincing yourself that this is his final straw. you're overtaken by a wave of nausea, despite not having eaten anything since lunch. "i didn't know who else to call, and i lost my tram pass, and i don't have an umbrella, and — "
“dove,” he says, his accent soothing to your ears — he's so endlessly patient and kind. you ache.
"i can just walk home, i-i'm sorry," you whimper out, unable to stop the tears blurring your vision, feeling pathetic and weak and so, so alone.
“darling,” he says, a little stern. not angry, never angry. trying to focus you. “what’s wrong?”
“u-um, my date stood me up,” you sniff, swallowing hard. "i waited an hour," you mumble, looking to your shoes. "messaged him too, y'know. but he just. didn't show."
you think you hear simon curse over the line and your heart lurches, feeling like you're about to be sick.
“where are you?”
there's a rustle of fabric, the clink of keys, the heel of his boot walking across his floor. you manage to tell him the name of the restaurant, voice cracking.
“twenty minutes,” he says, and you’re about to protest but he beats you to it. “sit there and be good and patient and i’ll pick you up, yeah?”
"okay," you whisper in agreement, before the line clicks dead and you allow yourself to cry, huddling under the awning as some protection from the rain, now coming down in thick, sharp waves.
thirteen minutes later, the headlights of his truck shine through the dark, pulling up to the curb. you make a mad dash for the passenger door, still getting drenched in the process.
you can't even look at him, hands shaking as you buckle the belt, trying to make yourself as small as possible.
he says your name gently. you take in a shuddering breath and let it out just as shaky, looking over towards him. he's wearing his balaclava, but his eyes — even in the dark, you can make out his beautiful eyes. assessing you, worrying.
"i'm sorry," you croak out. you can't help it. it's burned into your tongue, driven into your mind to make him understand you didn't want to bother him. he doesn't have to forgive you, but as long as he knows, that's enough.
"love," he says, and there's... something in his voice, as he reaches over for your hand, holding it gently in his own. his eyes never leave yours. "'m never gonna be mad about you askin' for help." your eyes flit away, but he squeezes your hand and you reluctantly look back. "you know me better than that," he says, as if he can read the treacherous thoughts swirling in your head, drowning you and making it hard to breathe.
you can only nod, not trusting your voice at the moment. he hums, bringing the back of your hand up to graze his covered lips over the back, pulling out to drive you back.
"this is your flat," you say, fifteen minutes later as he shuts the car off. you were too busy looking at the window, watching the rain drops race down the glass, to notice that he wasn't driving the familiar route to your place.
"yes," he replies, as if it's obvious he'd bring you here. "you really think i'd let you stay home alone?"
his eyes are so fucking bright. it startles you, and you hate how your heart twists and thumps at how intently he's looking.
"i..." you start, chewing on your bottom lip for a moment. his eyes flicker to your lips, snapping away just as quick. "i was gonna eat ice cream and drink shitty, cheap wine," you say.
"as if i don't have either of those things here," he replies, opening the door and effectively ending the conversation. you scramble after him, eager to be inside in the warmth and burrow yourself into his couch.
"go get changed," he says, voice clear as he removes the balaclava and bends to untie his shoes.
you hesitate for a second, until he looks up to you and there's that something lingering in his gaze — the same something that was in his voice.
"go on now," he repeats, softer, and you ditch your shoes and your uncomfortably wet jacket by his.
his flat is as familiar as your own — you could walk through it blindfolded at night and you wouldn't knock into a single thing.
you might knock into a corner or two, but that's not a vision thing. it's a you're a bit clumsy thing. simon finds it endlessly amusing, poking at the bruises that blossom on your skin while you bat his hand away.
his bedroom is familiar as well. which is why you don't think twice before you're shimmying out of your clothes — undergarments as well — and rifling through his drawers, finding your favorite shirt of his and a pair of his boxers.
you take a moment to smell the collar, taking comfort in the scent that lingers. you’ve been dressed in his clothes many times before this but it feels different this time.
as you pad back out to the living room, simon’s already on the couch. your favorite blanket is draped across his lap, two bowls of ice cream and a bottle of cheap wine sitting open, glasses filled far more than you would’ve. but you’ll indulge him, mostly because you have the sneaking suspicion that he’ll have you sleep here anyways.
his balaclava is off. the last dregs of tension drain from you as he looks over to you, face soft in the lowlight of the lamp, tv already ready with a show you’ve watched a thousand times that he watches with you without complaint.
“knew you’d choose that one,” he says with a bit of a smirk as you crawl on the couch, burrowing yourself into his side, his arm slinging across the back of the cushion.
“am i that predictable?” you mumble, a small ‘thank you’ as he hands you a bowl.
he doesn’t answer, but you feel the burn of his stare before he snorts, flicking the tv to start playing, the familiar theme relaxing you further.
the silence with him is comfortable, lingering in a hazy in-between of awake and sleep, empty bowls and mostly empty glasses sitting on the coffee table.
“were you going to fuck him?” he asks, three episodes in, bottle empty.
you blink, not sure if you heard him properly as you pull back to look at him. you can’t read his eyes. something hot twists in your gut.
“i-i don’t know, simon,” you start, the weight of his stare heavy. “maybe?”
he doesn’t say anything and you chew your lip for a moment, fingers curling to play with the blanket. “depends how the date went, i suppose. doesn’t matter much now,” you snort. his gaze hasn’t changed. “why?”
his jaw clicks, taking a deep breath. “you deserve better ‘n that.”
a confused frown pulls at your mouth, unsure how to reply. “i know how to be safe,” you tell him, voice soft.
he seems to be weighing his words in his head, lowering the volume of the show. you feel sick.
dark eyes rove over your face, taking in every minute detail. you bite at your nail, just for something to do.
“don’t think there’s a bloke in the world that’s worthy of ya.”
your frown deepens, breaking your eyes from his, twisting your fingers in your lap. relationships aren’t easy. being that vulnerable with someone isn’t easy.
you never want someone to pay for you, and even the smallest gestures like opening the car door or pulling out your chair feel like it’s too much. you don’t deserve that kind of attention. after a while, they’ll get tired. you’ll become a burden to them like everything else in your life.
it’s easier to be by yourself. the only person you have to worry about bothering is you.
“love.” he tilts his head, eyes trying to catch yours. how hasn’t he tired of you yet?
a hand under your chin forces your gaze up, and you try to shrink yourself against the back of the couch. your voice catches in your throat, words stuck there.
“what’s goin’ on in tha’ pretty head f’yours?”
you swallow thickly, finding it damn near impossible to keep your eyes on his.
“‘s not like it matters,” you start. his brows furrow, but he stays silent. “no one would want me anyways.”
“‘n why would you say that?”
frustration burns the back of your throat. isn’t it obvious? you can barely call him in a dire situation without thinking the worst of yourself. how can he think of you as anything but a nuisance? how could he think anyone else would put up with it?
“you wouldn’t understand,” you say, defeated. you crumble back into the couch.
“make me understand.”
heat flashes at the nape of your neck. he takes your hands in his, cradling them in his warmth. your name sounds so soft in his voice.
“how aren’t you tired of me?” comes your whispered question, nose tingling and eyes threatening to water. you look at him. hesitant. scared.
the silence is loud. his frown deepens. it takes a few painful minutes, but you see the moment something clicks in place.
“you know i’d do anything for you, yeah?”
your lip quivers, sniffling as you beg yourself not to cry.
“because you do the same for me,” he continues. you doubt it, mind going blank of every time he’s come to you for something.
his touch moves to your elbow, tugging you forward gently until he can arrange you in his lap. he slips his hands beneath the hem of his shirt, thumbs rubbing on your hips where the waistband of his boxers start.
you slowly brace your hands on his shoulders. firm and broad and safe.
“you apologize so much. you worry so much.” the tears slip down your cheeks, throat aching, but now you can’t look away from him. one hand moves to cup the nape of your neck, thumb rubbing gently at the skin behind your ear.
“you’re allowed to ask for help.”
you shake your head, a “no” caught in your throat, tears blurring your vision.
“oh, love.” he cradles you into the curve of his neck, arm wrapping around your waist and keeping a gentle hold at the base of your skull. “you have me wrapped around your finger ‘n you don’t even know it.”
he lets you cry into his neck, dampening the collar of his shirt. but his cologne is soothing and you eventually slump against him. you’re so tired.
his lips graze your temple, his soft touch lulling you to sleep. you’ll talk about it tomorrow, but for now you want to stay wrapped up in his arms, held by someone who genuinely loves you.
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tinyluvs · 11 months
i saw your post and i’m here with fluff suggestions 🫡
cuddling in bed after spencer gets home from a long case and you just have to debrief about what’s been going on in your lives all tangled up in each other 💀💀💀 i hope this is good, just an idea but i completely get the not being in the mood to write smut thing
you’re a real one for this, tysm, ily & this idea & you were so quick with it too like 🫶🏻 anyways hope you enjoy! soft reid and even softer reader are my faves ♡ xo
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the corner of the bed dips and startles you slightly, not that you were asleep but instead, just dozing. "spence?" you mumble, squinting at the shape of your boyfriend whilst pushing yourself up onto your elbow
"hey sweetheart, go back to sleep, sorry for waking you," he whispers, looking over his shoulder with a soft smile. after a second he stands, moving to your side of the bed in one big step, "sorry," he repeats, bending to kiss your forehead, then the tip of your nose and finally your lips
"stop saying sorry, i wasn't even sleeping," you hum, pushing up on your hands to steal another kiss before he stands straight again, "i didn't think you were coming back tonight, i would've waited up," you pout at him slightly as he disappears across to the other side of the room
you watch him as he gets undressed, leaving his clothes in a pile on the floor while he rummages for his pyjamas, "we weren't supposed to, last minute thing," he explains, trailing off slightly at the end
once he's redressed he practically races across the room, flopping down on top of you before you could even put your arms out for him, "hey," you sigh with relief like you do every time he comes home safe, your fingers brushing gently through his hair
"hello," he answers simply, his voice muffled where his face is hidden against your neck. his hands slide underneath your body, colder than you'd like them to be against your back but you don't complain, "i love you,"
before you can respond his fingers tickle over your waist, "no! spence, don't you dare!" you gasp, eyes widening and hands grabbing at him in attempts to push him off of you, it doesn't work
spencer grins at you, "say it back and i won't," he offers with a small shrug
"i was going to anyway," you huff at him lightly. he raises an eyebrow at you, hands squeezing at your waist in warning, "okay! i love you too, please,"
he hums with satisfaction, dipping for a kiss through a cheeky smile before rolling off of you, his back hitting the mattress with a small bounce, "come here,"
without protest you wiggle across the bed while he switches off the lamp. the space next to him, under his arm was made for you, your body slotting against his like you're a two piece puzzle
your head rests on his shoulder while your legs tangle with his, both of your bodies using muscle memory to get comfy. his fingers trailing up and down the dip in your spine while yours trace patterns over his heart
"how's your week been?" he asks, turning slightly towards you, his cheek smushing against the top of your head, "do anything fun?"
"i went to the park with will and the kids, jack included," you whisper, "that was fun, we got ice cream and swung on the swings until we felt sick, will was a bit concerned,"
spencer chuckles while you giggle quickly, recalling the way will had pleaded his own two children, you and jack to get off of the swings for a while, "i bet jj will tell me about this when i see her," your boyfriend smiles, his cheeks rising causing your head to wobble slightly
"oh i bet, will won't ever let me hang out with them again!" quietly, you cry out, dramatically throwing your arm upwards before letting it smack back down onto the bed before giggling again
"m'sure he will, now, what else did you do? besides traumatising will," spencer yawns which makes you suddenly very conscious of the fact that it's the early hours of the morning and he must be exhausted
"we can talk about it tomorrow angel," tilting your head up, you rest you chin just below his collarbone, your knuckles ghosting over his jawline and slight stubble, which you adore
he looks down at you through his lashes with a slight frown, "no, please, carry on" he pauses to kiss your forehead, "i slept on the jet, hold on," in one movement he readjusts both of you, so you're laying on your sides, facing each other, legs still tangling together
"okay," you trail your fingers up his side, pausing to let him shiver as his body familiarises itself with the gentle touch before carrying on, "i finally took the disposable camera to get developed, tried a new coffee place that i think you will like," you start to list off, listening to spencer humming after each thing
"uhm, i made that recipe rossi gave me, it turned out amazing," groaning slightly as you remember the pasta, "oh! the guy in the flower shop gave me free sunflowers after i told him they were my favourites!" you gasp slightly
spencer gasps louder, his filled with offence, "i told you he had a crush on you," he hums, matter of factly while drumming his fingers against your hip bone. you lightly tap him with your hand, unable to fight the smile that passes over your lips as he laughs
"he does not!"
"oh, he does sweetheart but you're all mine," he grumbles through gritted teeth, squeezing you slightly too tight but only for a second before you're settling back against the warmth of his body, "did you finish that book you were reading?"
"i did! it was great, you can read it if you want," this time, you start to yawn, eyes becoming heavy against your will, "hey, have you got the day off tomorrow?" you ask
spencer pulls the duvet up, shimmying his shoulders until he's slightly further down the bed, "i do, i was thinking i could read that book over breakfast, we could go to that coffee place you were talking about, maybe the book store and get the ingredients for that pasta," he explains
"sounds perfect to me," with a soft sigh you allow tiredness to start taking over your body, your head lolling against his chest as your eyes flutter shut and all your senses fill with spencer
"and we are stopping by the flower store,"
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thanks for reading! remember to like! reblog! and comment! i’ll give you a smooch if you do, ily !! send prompts to my ask box!
❥ spencer reid masterlist !!
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hwaitham · 5 months
𝓪 𝔀𝓪𝓵𝓽𝔃 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓪 𝓼𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 ⋆ ࣪˖ 𓂃𓋜
al haitham x f!reader . sfw — fluff . established relationship ノ how to spend a sunday morning in love . . ♡ note : this is a sweet little ficlet based on a dream i had dreamt two nights ago :3 i apologize for any errors here — i wrote this in one sitting with love absolutely inundating me (∩´͈ `͈∩ ྀི) this is moreso catharsis for me than anything else !
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it will never be more homely in al haitham's house than it is late on sunday mornings.
because it really doesn't get much cosier than this: the sumeru sun peeking through the open window to tip its hat and wish upon you a ‘good day!’, the bird-chime breeze whisking the sweet fragrance of ripened zaytun peaches past the curtains, the cuckoo clock announcing that it's prime time for elevenses.
“biscuits with your tea, haitham?”
“yes, thank you.”
what a delightfully dreamy sunday morning it is! today especially of all sundays past, where mottles of gold dust flit and float through the spiced air of his kitchen and you stand before him dressed in a sugar-icing pink frock.
he holds you in his eyes and a mug of chai in his left hand, fondling your fingers with his right, mindlessly thumbing over your ring finger.
al haitham searches for something that isn’t yet there.
and of course, you understand your lover without words. meet his gaze with a demure smile. quiet, fawn-eyed, clever. and you dare him to speak his mind with a pout of your lips, an enticing tilt of your head, a charming giggle that’s puffed out onto the junction of his neck before you give it a kiss— tugging at the roots of his heart in ways you know best, “whatcha thinking about?”
his lips twitch up into a curve at your feigned innocence because, oh, you know exactly what he’s thinking.
it's in this pas de deux that he finds such great joy, these games of push-and-pull that you play. he recognizes that perhaps he's weak to it— your whimsy and wonder, that you're still as coy as when first you met, and he melts underneath it as if he were cream on a cone.
you twirl twine round and round and round his soul to bind it to yours without even realizing.
“i'm sure you already know, habibti,” al haitham tells you: once spoken, once again with a playful tug of your ring finger, once more with the sealing kiss of an unspoken promise to your lips. the syrupy sweetness of his breath and his words are laid thickly on you, and your smile wavers the teensiest of bits as he sets his mug aside and encases your hand within his, raising it to his chest.
your head begins to spin and your little heart begins to pound a little louder.
“won't you say it? please?”
so too does his.
there is a lot more vehemence in al haitham than you'd have guessed, and a great deal more than he has any idea of himself— for he's spitting the words out before you can even close your mouth.
but it is just such a tender sunday morning here in his kitchen and the sun is kissing your cheek and casting dancing shadows in the dip of your clavicle and your glass of iced tea is starting to tear up and you smell of harra fruit and white shores and green fields and everything pure in this world and good grief, he is just so in love with you.
“marry me.”
al haitham does not ask it of you nor does he command it of you— it is merely a breath (one that is slightly more wobbly than his pride would have foretold) of a burning desire that he wishes to will into existence.
“let me be your husband.” a delicate kiss is laid upon your ring finger. “let me make you my wife.” another to the one on your opposite hand. “let me make you the happiest girl alive.”
his words slice through your cake of a heart and bleeds it of its custard memories, tart lemony feelings that push a crinkle up your throat and behind your eyes. before he's given the chance to speak such uncharacteristically sweet words any longer, you throw yourself into his arms and steal from him a searing hug.
and it's not the colour of his hair that fascinates you (you do well to remind yourself that it is silver, not grey), nor the peculiar little way he's got about him. it's the form his eyes and lips take when he smiles at you, the shape his voice fills when he talks to you— how carefully, tenderly he crafts himself when it comes to you. it is all for you, entirely yours and only yours to see, to keep, to admire.
“i get to love you until the end of forever... lucky me.” your voice is a garbled mess of sniffles and hiccups but really, you can't help it.
love is inundating you and you can't help but weep in the middle of his kitchen on this fine sunday morning, where the sun blesses you with its light and the birds and chimes sing and the flowers on the sill dance for you and your eternal honeymoon love.
al haitham takes your face within the cradles of his palms, kissing your dewy cheeks and shushing your sobs and caressing you into a peaceful silence. “so… what say you?”
the giggles and squeals of children playing as they run past his house sound through the window and it makes you cling to him tighter, fists furling and unfurling in the linen of his sleep shirt.
how long have you stood, swathed in his sweet embrace like this? his chai is no longer steaming and an ache begins to wrap itself around your head from all the tears you've shed. though, you suppose it matters not— a moment is forever if it is spent in his arms.
“i'm sure you already know, haitham.”
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i23kazu · 7 months
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characters. xiao diluc kaeya childe wriothesley alhaitham x gn!reader genre. romantic fluff. an. sometimes, settling into loving each other just needs to happen. title is from HSMTMTS " love you forever "! | please reblog!! im getting back into writing and reblogs with tags and comments will make me want to write more :D
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his love is... strange. it's sweet in his own way. when he starts loving you, you actually don't realise it. they're never big gestures that start waving heart flags in your face with a plane that spells a contrail – i love (y/n)! no, his love is subtle and his love is sweet. watch as his hands start to inch closer towards yours, until his whole hand is on top of yours. look up once more, glance at him sweetly, and look at how he's he's blushing turned away from you.
his love... oh, it's just filled with goodness. his world is so much more colourful, so much more filled with light – your light. kiss him gently on the forehead as he drifts off to sleep, and watch his face loosen, whatever tension from the day just melting away from a second of your touch. there's a familiar spark in his eyes, one that his brother recognises.
his love... may be hard to understand, at first. after all, this is a man who had been loved so hard and so fiercely – until that one fateful day, where it was snatched from his grip. it is hard for him to trust and love with the same vigour that he used to. please be patient with him, because when the ice cracks, and his warmth shines below, it will all be worth it.
his love is sweet, but soon turns.. sour? some days, when you're alone and wishing for his presence, it feels like someone had ripped off the rose-coloured glasses from you. the bed is a little colder and there's always a mug unwashed on the rack, and every thing seems to remind you of his lack of presence. don't worry too much, darling, because your chest will feel warm and whole again once you hear the doorknob click open.
his love is unfamiliar – unlike anyone's you've ever seen. it's shiny and hard but also pillowy and soft and it's a mishmash of sounds, tastes, textures, colours, patterns – it's confusing. wriothesley is confusing. but that doesn't mean that he wants it to be that way, though – loving someone everyday isn't a feeling, but rather a choice. it's a choice that you both make. when you fit like pieces of a puzzle together, that's when the moment of clarity comes through – that he loves you.
his love is hard. it's metallic and unpleasant at first, a hard clash of what you think love is, versus what he thinks love is. no, he's not unromantic – he just prefers to show his love to you in a more practical way, and sometimes that practical way doesn't get translated properly to your head-in-the-clouds self. getting annoyed when you pay for things starts to look like him wanting you to sit down and let him treat you – so, start looking at things from his perspective, and you'll soon see that there's more than meets the eye for this scholar.
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taglist: @tiredsleep @loptido @raincxtter @chichikoi @ladyadii @soulsanta @sheiiths @genshinparty @eowinthetraveler @moonbyunniee @legitnoi @lemontum @manager-of-the-pudding-bank @starz222 @ilyuu @cherry-colored-petals @mondaymelon @tartaglia-apologist @soleillunne @m1shapanda @aimynx @smokipoki @adeptuscharm @diorlumx @vennnnn-diagram @ryuryuryuyurboat @yuminako @st0pthatsgay @aqualesha @sixtynintharchon @supernova25 @kunikuda-simp @starglitterz @rin-nyrasti-writes @mxyarylla @starchivves (send ask/comment to be added to taglist)
reblogs w/ tags & comments help me lots !!! if you liked this, consider dropping me a follow as well :-)
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moonstruckme · 5 months
hi! could i get james potter fluff where they’re both just taking a stroll or they’re ice skating and reader suddenly slips and lands on their knee and gets a huge scab on their knee. reader plays it off saying she’s fine but she doesn’t notice that her knee is slowly bleeding and james freaks out? 😭
Ahh sorry babe! Here's some Jamie to heal you <3 (I have no idea how this got so long sorry)
cw: mentions of blood
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 1.4k words
“Whoa, you okay?” James skids to a stop beside you, ice shavings flying. 
You grin at him, embarrassed. “Yeah, I’m good.” You ignore the burning in your knee, wobbling back to your feet. James sets a tentative hand under your forearm to steady you. “Sorry.” 
He makes a face. You know him well enough by now to know it means he doesn’t want you to apologize, but he knows you well enough to know that saying it is pointless. The two of you set off again. You’ve got one arm in James’ hold and the other extended cautiously to the side for balance, but James Good-At-Everything Potter doesn’t even need to look in front of him as he skates. He glides along smoothly, maneuvering you both around kids with little plastic helpers and other inexperienced skaters like yourself with little effort. If he weren’t so himself, it’d be pretty irksome. 
“What were we talking about?” you ask, laughing awkwardly. 
“You were telling me about the cat outside your work,” James reminds you. 
“Oh, yeah.” You shake your head at yourself a little, looking down at your skates just like James had warned you not to. They start to slip out from under you, but he holds you up until your right yourself. “Sorry, I’ve been going on about that forever.” 
“No, it’s cute,” he says. “Don’t hold out on me, what happened to her? Did she get a name?” 
“She did.” You glance at him, and he’s smiling encouragingly. James is always smiling at you. It’s incentive to keep talking. 
You tell him more about the cat, and then he tells you about the puppy his parents adopted when he moved out, which he felt rather cheated about because he’d always wanted one when he lived at home. You tell him about the slew of fish you’d had as a child, which sparks a conversation about odd pets, which is how you learn about his friend’s pet toad. James seems to have a lot of friends. You’re starting to keep track of a few names, but sometimes they swirl together and you can’t remember who’s who. He doesn’t hold it against you. 
You’ve only been on a few dates with James, but this is typically how they go. You show up all self-conscious and tense, and then he gives you one of his easy smiles and suddenly it’s like you’ve no reason to be nervous at all. James loves to talk, and you, oddly, seem to love talking with him as well. You enjoy the talking a lot more than the skating, and when your time slot on the rink is up you have to feign a bit more disappointment than you feel. As far as you’re concerned, the main event is going to be the hot chocolate you plan to have after this. 
“Let me get that,” James says when he’s undone the laces to both his skates and you’re still struggling with your first one. He kneels in front of you, deft fingers easing apart the knot and then whipping the laces skillfully out of each of their little hooks. He starts to pull the skate off your foot, but pauses when his eyes flit up, catching on your knee. 
He hisses through his teeth. “Sweetheart, what happened here?” 
“Hm?” You bend over so your head is closer to his, trying to see what he’s talking about. Your leggings are wet through with blood, a giant ugly splotch around your knee. “Oh,” you say quietly. 
“Oh,” James agrees, teasing tone at odds with the uncharacteristic frown pinching his features. “That looks rough. Do you think it happened when you fell?” 
“Which time?” you joke.
His laugh is half-hearted. A diligent effort. He starts pulling up the one side of your leggings, working them up your calf. He hisses again, sympathy mingled with concern, when the bloody mess of your knee is unveiled. It’s almost impossible to tell where the cut is with the skin around it stained so thoroughly. You bite your lip to keep from making a sound as James peels the fabric of your legging away carefully, but when his thumb presses on the skin next to the wound you wince. 
He inhales softly, seemingly as startled as you are, and gives you an remorseful look. “Sorry, lovely. How badly does it hurt?” 
“Not bad,” you fib, though exposed to the cold air, the burning is starting to get to you. 
James looks like he knows, mouth pulling to the side compassionately. His eyebrows come down behind his glasses as he tries to get a look at the wound. You try to ignore the tingling that results from him gripping the back of your knee the way he is. Tenderly, with more care than you’re used to. 
“Alright.” He gives the side of your calf a little pat, rising to his feet. “I’m going to go find someone who works here.” 
“Oh, James,” you protest as he walks away, “it’s really not that bad. I’ll take care of it at home!” 
“Stay put!” he calls over his shoulder. 
As if you’d ever leave without him. 
You try not to fidget while he’s gone, feeling awkward and pathetic sitting all bloody and alone while other groups taking off their skates chat around you. James returns a short time later with a sullen-looking employee in tow. You give them a tight smile, and James returns it with twice the gusto, talking up the teen worker who looks like they’d rather be anywhere else. He’ll come around. You doubt anyone can resist the James Potter charm. 
“Such excellent service they have here,” James says lightly, sitting beside you on the metal bench. He sets a casual hand on your knee, putting a stop to the bouncing you didn’t realize you’d started. “I asked for a first aid kit and they gave me a whole Martin.” 
Martin declines to comment. He unpackages a tiny antiseptic wipe, going after your bloody knee with unfeeling determination. 
You bite down on your lip, and James’ dark brows lower, his eyes flickering between you and Martin indecisively. You give him a small smile that you hope says Please don’t say anything to this poor kid on my behalf, even if I potentially start crying. James seems to get the general idea, returning your smile and intertwining his fingers with yours consolingly. 
One benefit of Martin’s vicious treatment is that it’s over quickly. Before long, he’s slapping a plaster on your cut and telling you both to let someone (not him, presumably) know if you need anything else. A man of few words to the last. 
James takes his place before you can move, kneeling in front of you again. 
“Is that really it?” he asks disbelievingly, delicately stroking the edge of the small plaster with his thumb. 
“I told you it wasn’t bad,” you tease softly. 
He blows out a big breath, blinking up at you. “I thought for sure it was going to need stitches. How do you bleed so much? You scared the shit out of me, sweetheart.” 
The look he shoots you is about as stern as he ever gets, disapproval buried beneath a heap of fondness. “Don’t,” he says. 
You fail to hide a smile, and he fails to hide his reciprocation, dropping his chin back towards your knee. It really looks now like you’ve both been quite dramatic, the blood all cleaned up and a tiny plaster covering what turned out to be only a small scrape. From the feel of it you know it’ll be horribly bruised in the morning, but it really was never anything too dire.
“Do you think you can straighten it?” 
“No,” you deadpan. “I think I’ll probably need crutches, actually.” 
James looks up, startled and delighted by your joking. “Yeah?” There’s a breathless sort of laughter in his tone. “What do you think, ten days’ bed rest?” 
“Oh, at least.” 
“Mm, and I suppose someone will have to bring you all your meals as well. Feed you chocolates and pastries and all that, keep you company, serenade you from time to time.” 
Your lips twitch. You can feel your face warming faintly. “Seems best.” 
James nods, aiming for serious but missing by a mile with that ever-present curve in his lips. “Well, I guess we’d better get you home, then,” he says, worming his arm under your knees. 
You don’t realize what he’s up to until the other one wraps securely around your back, and by then it’s too late. 
“James!” you gasp as he hoists you up, grabbing onto his shoulders. “Put me down.” 
“Don’t worry sweetheart, we’ll still stop for hot chocolate. I’d never deprive you of that.”
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year
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Realize where you belong.
Pairing: neteyam sully x female!human!reader/female!dreamwalker!reader
Neteyam is aged up.
Chapter 2
Synopsis: Reader is unhappy with her human life. She works for the lab as a cook. She's a Dreamwalker and she spends every free day she gets walking through Pandora's forests. In one of those days, Neteyam sees her but she doesn't notice him. He falls in love, seeing how happy she is amidst nature. Neteyam finds out she's actually a human in an Avatar, so, he finds a way to go where her real body is. He hates to admit it but, seeing her in her human body, he realizes he still loves her. After watching her, he notices how she's always happier when she's in her Avatar, so, he develops a deeper connection to her. However, he becomes obsessive. Reader has only heard about him, the famous son of Jake Sully and future Olo'eyktan, praised for his great achievements as a young Omatikaya. After getting reader's attention, Neteyam asks her to choose to live forever in her Avatar, becoming his mate and making tsaheylu with him, gaining a new home as a fresh member of his tribe. Reader is scared and torn, since, even though she's intensely attracted to him and only truly enjoys life when she's Dreamwalking, she doesn't really know him and she's afraid of dying when trying to go past Eywa's eye. But Neteyam just won't give up on her that easily.
♡ This is Reader's Avatar
☆ This is the official playlist for this story, the songs I listen to while working on it.
CW: angst, reader hates her life, neteyam is like her "secret admirer" but he eventually becomes obsessed, so, it gives off some creepy vibes, possessive neteyam, forbidden love, neteyam is REALLY protective over her, neteyam isn't really fond of humans (hates them) and only makes an exception for reader, TRIGGER WARNING for a few depression symptoms (such as reader holding back tears and looking miserable really often), stalking, obsessive behavior & possessiveness
Finally, this fanfic is out!! lots of people seemed to love the tiny sneak peek I posted so... I hope you guys will love the fanfic itself too hehe I'm so relieved I could finally post it ooof My environment is the worst EVER rn & i haven't had any motivation or focus to write lately BUT i seem to be getting out of that damned writer's block I was in (ITS THE WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD UGH HATE IT TO DEATH)
Not proofread. My life is a hurricane, so, we don't work with proofread stories here. Hope you find it in your hearts to forgive me, my angels :')
na'vi words:
yawne - beloved
tsaheylu - the neurological bond the na'vi make with their mate, through their tendrils, at the end of their long braid.
Chapter 1
I love your touch, cold as ice
And I love every single tear you cry
I just love the way you're losing your life
Oh, my baby, how beautiful you are
Oh, my darling, completely torn apart
Gone With The Sin (HIM)
Neteyam would look at you every moment he could. He didn't have that much free time since he was the Olo'eyktan's son and had so many responsibilities weighting on his shoulders. But he would always make any sacrifice he needed to make to find time to see you. Even if it meant using the few hours he had to himself to contemplate you. His sad, gloomy-eyed, beautiful girl. You were not actually his yet, but, he was determined to make that change.
Neteyam saw you holding back tears way too damn often, so, he was always deeply worried about you, and, that was one of the reasons why he was always creeping around, high up in branches of trees located in Hell's Gate, watching over you, almost every day, ready to help you, defend you from any danger, to say "screw it" to how out of the blue it would be if he - a stranger, a male na'vi stranger - just came up to you and said "hey, I've been watching you for a while, and… I'm so, so in love with you. Please, leave this damn idiotic human life you live and let Eywa help you be transferred to your Avatar body for good, just like she helped my father. You're so insanely pretty like this - and I have never felt attracted to any female of your demon kind before, so, believe me when I talk about your beauty - but you look even prettier when you're in your Avatar form. Let me make you my mate, let me make you the future Olo'eyktan's mate. I can give you a far better life than the one you have now"
He knew he was just a weird alien boy (as the humans would probably say), stalking you, always up in the highest tree branches he could find and reach, watching a girl while she cooks - as it was your job - like a hunter watching their prey. But he meant no harm. On the contrary, he meant to take care of you, to save you from it all. Because he wasn't blind. Neteyam saw how unhappy you looked while peeling potatoes (he knew what they were because his dad who was once human told him and his siblings about how delicious that vegetable from Earth tasted, especially when it was made as French fries) to cook on the high-tech stove the humans used to prepare their meals in and prepare mashed potatoes to those damn lab guys who invaded his Planet and did nothing but harm.
Neteyam thought it to be unnecessary. His future mate could easily prepare the same potatoes in a bonfire he would light up for you in the Omatikaya forest. He knew they would taste even better roasted in the natural fire than just plainly cooked in that energy fueled cooking device the humans used. He could give you a life so incredibly better than the one you had right now, it pained him to see his yawne working so hard to feed every damn scientist in that cold, air-conditioned lab while not being as appreciated and thanked by them as you deserved to be. You could be preparing food to feed his children instead, the sons and daughters he would give you, if only you accepted becoming his forever mate.
He hated the humans. They didn't know how to lead a proper life. But you were different.
Neteyam knew how breathtaking you looked in a na'vi like body because the first time he saw you, you were in your Avatar body - as you were a Dreamwalker - and that's when he fell in love with you. But he learned to love your human body too. He could never hate you, even in your human form. You were the only human he did not despise.
The day Neteyam first saw you, he was out in the forest to hunt and gather food, collecting bladder polyps, lionberry seeds and trying to kill a hexapede, so, he could bring all of it home and him and his family could eat a nutritious dinner.
That's when he heard a squeaky, funny laugh. It was a female voice, he recognized. Neteyam followed that sound just like he was a sailor and the girl whose laugh he heard was a mermaid, bewitching his senses and drawing him closer.
When he saw you, it was like his heart was going to explode in a thousand pieces, so fast it was beating inside his rigid ribcage, so strongly the blood was being pumped through his arteries. He knew he had to make you his mate, to have you forever.
Neteyam had always been a practical and rational young man, he had to be. He was the eldest son and had to look after his 3 younger siblings and not show a single sign of weakness when his father would scold him in a harsh tone, whenever any of his siblings - specially his younger brother, Lo'ak -, got into trouble and somehow, Neteyam ended up having to take responsibility over their actions. "But that girl… that beautiful, ethereal girl… she makes me believe in things I've never even considered before. I know it sounds stupid to say that about a girl I just met, only some minutes ago but I don't care", he thought. Only he and Eywa herself knew the raw, powerful feeling he was experiencing at that moment. He just wanted to let go for a while. To not force himself to be all brains, zero heart for once, just once. And you were gifting him the opportunity to do just that. Your beauty was so enchanting, it could leave any creature in awe.
His father had once told him about Christianity, one of the most popular religions back on the glory days of the Planet Earth, and, of course he didn't follow those beliefs, his spirituality was completely based on Eywa, the Great Mother, the spirit and moving energy of Pandora, but, if the beings called "angels" his father talked about were real, Neteyam was utterly sure that they could only look like you.
You were perfect. Every curve of your body, every bioluminescent freckle, every pattern of your stripes, your long dark braided hair falling like water on your flawless back, as you kept smiling and touching every single flower you could see, playing in a foolish way, just like a child. He felt a primal urge coming from his guts to make tsaheylu with you right there, right at that moment.
So many thoughts roamed through Neteyam's mind: "I need her… right here, right now. She's… ugh… I've never felt anything like this before… What's going on with your stupid mind, Neteyam?! You can't just choose any girl to be your mate, you'll be the next Olo'eyktan, remember?! The best choice would be a girl who has a calling to be Tsahìk. Maybe your parents will try to arrange a marriage, to find the perfect match for you. Damn! Who am I trying to fool? She is the only perfect match for me…"
Neteyam started to watch you go about the forest every chance he got.
When he found out you were actually a Dreamwalker, a human in a body created in a laboratory, a hybrid of demon and na'vi, a freak... It was like his world was falling apart, piece by tiny piece crashing on the floor. How did he not notice your fifth finger before?! Was he that much under your spell, that blinded by how beautiful and charming you were?, he asked himself.
So, he told himself he was going to find a way to at least see what your true form looked like. He hissed at the thoughts and feelings you had caused him the whole way to Hell's Gate, where the laboratory was and where he knew all the humans that stayed in Pandora and had an Avatar stayed.
When Neteyam saw you in your human body, he got hit by something as strong as lightning. The moment he sniffed your sweet scent (the smell you had in your Avatar had notes of your original human scent, as your DNA was used to build that body), the moment he recognized that melodious voice… The expression in those eyes, that smile, that laughter… it was you. His yawne.
He didn't understand how that was possible, what he was feeling. Nevertheless, he realized he still loved you. His heart still beat fast for you. It didn't matter which physical form you took. Na'vi or human. You were you. And he loved you. Madly.
His people had a great contempt towards the ones who Dreamwalked. They were "demons in false bodies", like his grandma and his mother always said. And Neteyam himself felt the same. Worse, he had felt disgusted by the love and desire you made him feel, back when he watched you wandering around the Omatikaya lands, when you would jump like a little kid, so happy playing with the bioluminescent, neon plants of the forest.
But, still, that feeling lingered inside him. The attachment, the deep affection, the devotion… He could not comprehend it.
All Neteyam could grasp was that he hated all humans, but you were the only exception.
Even though you were originally human, you had a na'vi heart. He just knew that. As crazy and impossible as it sounded, he figured out it was true. And that blew his mind. That sorrowful girl he was seeing cooking in a small technological kitchen was not the same one he had seen at the forest. But it was, at the same time. It apparently made no sense, but it actually did. You were not where you belonged. You did not belong imprisoned among those four walls that the other humans kept you in. That you were keeping yourself in. You belonged free amidst the Pandoran trees. You did not belong in those big human clothes. You belonged in a comfortable loincloth and a big leaf necklace covering your beautiful breasts, letting the wind hit your skin.
You seemed out of place in that environment you were currently in. And that made Neteyam feel something so overpowering. He knew it was useless to try and fight it. He was not even sure if he even wanted to fight it anymore. That feeling was good. It felt just like what he felt when he thought you were a na'vi girl. He even felt attracted to you, even though he still thought you looked much prettier in your Avatar body.
He was fully aware you were one of the demons. But you were not like the rest of them. You were special. He could tell that. He could tell you'd be a hundred per cent happier if he could convince you to become na'vi. And that's exactly what he was planning to do. He still did not know how, but he would find a way.
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withleeknow · 1 month
somewhere only we know.
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pairing: ot8 x reader (ot8 in the sense that there's no name mentioned so you can imagine whoever you want) genre/warnings: established relationship, (tooth-rotting??) fluff, half a second of angst if you squint; this is pretty self-indulgent and also i just randomly wanted to write it this way. kinda similar to this but not really word count: 0.6k note: again, imagine whoever you want! mimo is on the cover just for illustrative purposes and also he's my guy so what did you expect from me lol
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
navigation / masterlist / ko-fi
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the waterfront on the tail end of a sunset walk. your hand tightly intertwined with his. sharing strawberry tanghulu and tasting the fruity sweetness on each other's lips. neighborhood children rushing by in a hurry to make it home for dinner. 7:12pm, his jacket around your shoulders to keep you warm as dark blue begins its descent for the evening. the wind and her gentle kisses upon your hair. you stop to take a picture of the sunset but he stops to take a picture of you. a rose-colored blush when he tells you you're the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. love, love, love. him, the stars shining in his eyes before they have to come out and paint the sky. mismatched footsteps and twin smiles.
the middle of your apartment's entryway, not even making it into the living room. your arms around his neck, his hands on your waist and in your hair. a long trip coming to a stop, a big suitcase abandoned by the door. the scent of his familiar cologne that you've yearned to touch for weeks now. 1:19am, wide awake. somewhere in the world, iris by goo goo dolls is playing on repeat. i missed you's and i love you's and fresh tears. feeling like you could hold him like this for hours until the darkness outside falls away. no more facetiming with seas of distance between you. chests pressed tightly together, no space, all love. sweet nothings whispered right next to your ear. home is where the heart is, and your heart is home.
the park five minutes away from his parents' house. your head on his chest, both of you on a large picnic blanket laid out on green, green grass. his heartbeat under your palm, your mind somewhere up there among the clouds. sleepy and lax under the influence of the sun. 3:29pm, an iced matcha latte and a slice of lemon cheesecake sound absolutely divine right about now. there's an urge to voice that thought, but you know neither of you can be bothered to move. his lips pressed against your forehead, then a tender "i could stay like this forever."
the convenience store just around the corner. a spontaneous snack run in the middle of the night because you were craving sweets. empty streets but your hearts are full hearts. the cashier's ringtone is a song that you both hate. 12:22am, no worries in your head. tomorrow is still the weekend. banana milks and chocolate ice cream. he falls for you all over again when you aren't looking, and tells you "nothing," with a coy smile when you ask why he's staring. time works differently at night, almost like it doesn't seem to pass at all. there's no logical explanation to why you feel like you're on top of the world at midnight in sweatpants; maybe it's just being with him, maybe it's just being in love.
your favorite bar on a rainy evening. the argument was stupid, but it was heated enough for you to storm out. only red on your mind; forgotten weather forecasts and forgotten umbrellas. stubborn and angry and alone. the fight was your fault anyway. 8:18pm, a bottle of soju for company. ignoring his calls and texts when your phone lights up with his name. heavy raindrops loud enough to hear from inside your shelter, heavier heart. the way his face fell when you said what you didn't mean. why did you say that? forty five minutes and the bottle is almost empty. far too tipsy to pay attention to the chime of the bell by the door, but sober enough to recognize his presence when he sits down next to you. his rain-dampened hair and your fragile, wounded pride. the apologies are quiet, uttered into the space between the two of you, only for his ears. forgiveness in the form of gentle fingers holding your own. "it's getting cold," he says. "let's go home."
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all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 16.05.2024]
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chrollohearttags · 6 months
where the heart is • eren x black!fem reader
synopsis: the holidays had never been a great time for you or EJ but that quickly changes when you guys share your very first Christmas together.
content + themes: super sweet fluff, domestic au!,musician eren, him being so in love, mentions of alcohol, very light mentions of angst, lots of humor, all around cuteness ♡♡
word count: 1.3K
📝: just something super short and cute. Realizing I hadn’t written any Christmas fics yet but I might do more with all of my characters if y’all like them!
christmas…the time of year filled with cheer, delight and all things bright. Trees topped with snow, front lawns illuminated in bright colors and inflatable decorations waving about in the cool winds. Not to mention, the overwhelming scents of peppermint, chocolate and apple cinnamon wafting through the air at every establishment. A true sign of the times..of course for others..it wasn’t always the best occasion. For some, it was a reminder of the loneliness that came with being away from family and loved ones. Spending the cold nights by themselves and watching others celebrate the harmonious holiday surrounded by warmth and happiness. For EJ, he happened to be the latter. Always holed up in a studio, chained to his desk as he worked right through Christmas Day without so much as a pause..it didn’t bother him much. He wasn’t exactly close to his family after leaving home years ago and his friends preferred to spend the evenings partying alongside strangers. Not something he had an interest in engaging in. Needless to say, he couldn’t wait for it all to be over. That was until the renowned rapper wound up meeting (y/n)…
“ ‘Rennieeeee! Come dance with me, baby!”
“Princess! Get down from there, you’re gonna hurt yourself!”
the ever so lovely and vivacious pole dancer turned influencer who not only took the world by storm but captured his ice cold heart as well. In a couple years’ time, the two of you had gone from perfect strangers to absolute lovebirds, enjoying domestic bliss in the comfort of his spacious three story home as soon-to-be husband and wife. Being in a relationship meant learning about the other person, becoming accustomed to their habits and all of their lovely quirks and in between. That stood true for Eren as well..it wasn’t until the two of you were out on your usual Sunday stroll through the Downtown District of Miami that he’d learn that you were a huge fan of Christmas. Although the warm temperatures didn’t mirror the occasion, shops and streets alike were strewn about garland and ornaments. Snowmen, reindeers, the works..! It was all a little suffocating for the stoic producer but you? You were beaming as bright as Rudolph’s nose! He couldn’t believe it. Seeing those gorgeous brown eyes glowing with excitement at all the decorations and themed treats, it made his chest flutter. Seeing you happy brought him more joy than any cheesy flare and overhyped song ever could. Since childhood, you have adorned the holidays; baking and cooking with your grandma, going to church and of course, opening presents. You loved every aspect and couldn’t wait to celebrate with your own family someday. However, your future husband was a little concerned that you may have been going a bit too far in your celebratory efforts…
“C’monnnn, pleaseeee? You look so cuteee!” Alluding to the reindeer headband sitting atop his brown locks.
“Yes, (y/n). I will dance with you, baby. But would you please get down from that ladder before you fall?!”
the two of you had been living together for some time now and he had grown quite accustomed to your habits. Waking up to warm kisses as he cradled you, getting to spend all this time together and lately..watching you frolic about the living room with knee high socks, shorts and fluffy red sweater with gingerbread men knitted on the front. Your butterfly locs were laced with red bows and scents of sugar cookie body mist radiated from your skin. You had even managed to convince him to partake in the festivities by baking cookies and helping set up decorations. Something he would’ve never done on his own accord. But he’d listen to you recount your holidays growing up and knew that he’d have to help you recreate the magic. You guys would even make jokes about how you’d never experienced a ‘real’ Christmas because there was no snow in Florida. He was absolutely infatuated with you and how adorable you were. Eren had only retreated to the foyer for a moment to grab some more ornaments and such, only to find you dancing atop the ladder; twerking and whining to the music that played and even belting Mariah Carey to the top of your lungs in an off key. He was trying to feign his laughter and keep a watchful eye on you all the same. He knew you were trained to dance and twirl at these outrageous heights but the fact that he had just watched you down four glasses of spiked eggnog consecutively with no pause, had him a little concerned. Knocking them back and becoming quite lively.
“I’m fineee! Now can you hand me those angels, please? I want them up—“
but as you made your way down the rungs and to the floor with only a couple steps left, you’d come tumbling down in a drunken haze and right on top of your fiancé! Who could do nothing but laugh as you immediately ‘sobered’ up upon the sight of seeing him lying flat on his back, covered in glitter. “Oh my gosh! Baby, are you okay?! I’m so sorry—“ cupping those fingers decorated in sparkly red acrylic tips over your mouth as you examined him. Making certain that he was alright but honestly? He had never felt better and in fact..you were utterly confused as to why he was so hysterical. His cheeks were red and he was cradling his stomach as he cackled.
“Yeah. I’m fine, princess..never been better. I’m just really happy.” Which allowed you to breathe a sigh of relief. For the first time in a long time, Eren had felt joy like he had never experienced before. All those years of spending Christmas Eve throwing money on dancers, pretending to enjoy drowning his sorrows in liquor or even mashing away at keys to avoid taking a trip back home to confront his family, none of it seemed to matter at that moment. The realization had hit him that this was his future…he was going to get to spend every day, every year having these beautiful moments and exciting times next to the love of his life. Leaning up, he’d grab your face and place a kiss on top of your forehead. He’d take a moment to examine your gorgeous features and just take in your presence. “Aww! I’m so glad..but why? You just fell.” A little confused by his sudden confession. He found your almost innocuous nature to be the sweetest thing in the world.
“Because..I have you, don’t I? Knowing I get to do this for the rest of my life..I can’t help but to smile..” Out of all the jewels and handbags you had been gifted, this was by far the greatest. Quality time and unconditional love that was priceless beyond comprehension. Moments that couldn’t be bought with the largest of riches, and the two of you were forever grateful for it. “I love you, princess. I really do..” which unironically sent you into a fit of tears and he’d immediately try to console you. “What’s wrong?!” Nearly bursting into overwhelming hysterics. Attributing it to your drunken stupor. But soon, you’d drape your arms around his neck and fling yourself across him with a tight embrace. “I’m sorry—I just—love you too, baby! I love you so much!..you’ve made me so happy.” You honestly never thought you’d have another Christmas like this or truly feel this type of love again but he made it possible. It didn’t matter how far you guys traveled or where your busy lives took you..right here, home and in each other’s arms..
“..thank you for tonight. I’m having so much fun.”
was where his heart heart was!
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princessbrunette · 24 days
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when did you know you loved me? pt.2/4 ♡
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kitty!reader knew she was being a menace when she posed the question. infact, she’d been bothering him with pointless shit all afternoon. she wanted attention, above anything else — and would climb all over him and attack the second she didn’t receive it. jj sat in his home, trying to unwind as he plays on the playstation — and lo and behold, kitty sits half on his lap, poking him whilst he tries his best to focus on the game.
“you hate me. i’ve decided.” the ridiculous statement comes out muffled through laying across jj’s lap with his forearm between your teeth as your boyfriend simply tries to win the battle onscreen. he blinks, lips parted in concentration as he thumbs at the joysticks— acknowledging what you’d said and choosing not to pander.
“yeah? you really think i just let chicks i hate climb all over me like this? you must think i’mma slut or somethin’.” he hums, a little less energetic than his usual chaotic self, but that was due to the intense week the two of you had.
he was used to you, and your often attention seeking ways when you were bored, understimulated, horny or neglected. he liked that about you, that although sometimes it’s hard to tell people what you really want — you’d never shy away from showing him.
“mhm. your other girlfriends.” you grump, and immediately have to hide your victorious smile when you hear the game pause instantly. you knew how to get his attention.
you wriggle into a sitting up position until you’re straddling his thigh, face to face with the boy.
“oh you are walkin’ on some mighty thin ice. y’wanna make those kinda accusations when you are in perfect tickling distance and i happen to know all of your worst tickle spots? mm—mm, bold move.” you sense the jokiness in his tone and know you’re off the hook when you feel his threatening fingers lightly jabbing at your waist, ready to tussle with you.
you flinch, grabbing his hands and shuffle closer on his lap— launching for what you really want.
“pay attention to me jj.” you whine, and even you knew you were being annoying. despite this, there’s a patience to him, one he only shows you. where demands from anyone else might cause jj to rage, he has endless reassurance for you.
“im payin’ attention to you right now, mama.” he reminds kindly and you soften a little, the gentle tone he only used on you tugging at your heart strings. swept up in a wave of affection, you throw your arms around his neck once more, sinking your teeth into his neck.
“um, ow?”
“aww, you do love me!” you coo, and to this the boy raises an eyebrow. placing two hands on your shoulders, he peels you off him so that you sit face to face, his eyes dancing between your own in concern.
“woahwoahwoah—wait a second. were you actually questioning whether or not i loved you? ‘cus you know i’d rather stick a bomb up my ass and light it than be with anyone else, right? tell me you know that.”
“i knooow, jj.” you roll your eyes, thinking for a moment before peering up at him through smudged black liner. “when did you know?”
the blonde blinks, a little dumb.
“when did i know… what exactly?”
“when you loved me. i wanna know everything. the exact moment you knew.”
he reclines in the seat now, yanking his black backwards cap off in thought to rake a hand through matted hair, sighing in thought as he thinks back to the start of your relationship. with the action, his matching black t-shirt rides up just a tad, and you take the opportunity to drag your clawed hand up along the sensitive skin beneath his belly button. he flinches, muttering an “easy.” before settling on a memory.
“a’ight so… it’s pretty random. n’don’t judge me but i think we’d only known eachother for like, pro’lly two weeks.”
you launch forward excitedly, getting in his face with a big and excited grin.
“tell me now.”
“alright alright, back up a little kittycat, damn.” he commands casually, readjusting you on his lap for his own comfort before delving into the memory. “‘kay so it was the first time you’d tagged along with me n’the pogues. i was kinda nervous, not gunna lie ‘cus like — i thought they were gonna say somethin’ to put you off or whatever… but anyway, the cops rolled up on us, as they always do, never mindin’ their own damn business…” he rambles and you shuffle excitedly on his lap.
“i remember that day.”
“right, so you’ll remember i had that glock — the one i definitely shouldn’t have had, n’it was all tucked into my waistband… and like, i was already in trouble with the cops, so i could not get caught with that thing on me right? i didn’t wanna get arrested infront of you.”
you follow along with your own memory, however your recount of this day was hazed by how aroused you were by the sight of him with the gun tucked so casually into his pants, walking around with an attitude, willing to whip it out at any moment to protect you. you recall riding jj into the bed that same evening because of it.
“mhm…” you encourage him along.
“so we had like — five seconds to spare, and you just turned to me, grabbed the gun, n’shoved it into that ugly ass purse i used to rag on you about.” he grins at the thought and you lean back, caught on the small offensive detail.
“ugly purse? what ugly purse? the fuck?” you crinkle your eyebrows and he waves a hand.
“oh like, the one that looks like a pair of titties?”
“my corset purse? i love that purse! jj!” you frown and he rolls his eyes, placing two hands on your cheeks to focus you.
“whatever okay, i love you and your titty bag. the fact is… you hid my gun for me, and i remember lookin’ at you and thinking ‘damn… this girl ain’t scared of nothing.’” the lighthearted tone of his storytelling moulded into something more sincere, something so rare from JJ — a satisfied smirk etched into his features.
a slow smile spreads across your own as you bat your spiky black lashes at the blonde. “and that’s when you knew?”
he leans in, eyes now on your lips. “oh that’s when i knew alright, baby.” he retaliates, before pulling you in for the kiss.
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hismourningflower · 4 months
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「 sugar cookies | fanfiction 」 wriothesley x gn!reader | fluff, modern!au | valentines fanfiction. ↳ additional tags. established relationship, potentially ooc wrio, a tiny bit suggestive? baking, not proofread as of right now !! ↳ happy valentines, loves !! ♡
data has been uploaded! @soleillunne, @dumbificat, @lovingluxury, @starryshinyskies, @ryuryuryuyurboat, @ainescribe
the jade's guidelines | genshin masterlist | send an ask to join the jade's taglist! specify genshin, honkai or both
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with the temperatures now starting to pick up in fontaine, WRIOTHESLEY is fully aware of what holiday is to come. how could he not be? the pink and red merchandise plastered in every shop window, cute cartoon hearts decorating usually ordinary packaging and of course the sweet - but suffocating - scent of roses the moment he enters a supermarket.
winter beginning to fade out only meant one thing... valentines day. as someone who works fairly remotely and only converses with prisoners on the daily of the city's local prison, wriothesley never had a reason to celebrate valentines day. in fact, he would sometimes be caught sneering at the obnoxious colour scheme every time february wrapped around. he'd even go as far as turning his head away, wishing for anything but the twenty-four hours to pass over.
that was until just under a year ago. under the peer pressure of a few friends - namely clorinde and navia, out of the goodness of their hearts, - he'd decided that maybe blind dating wasn't so bad. his tiring routine he'd burned into his mind was beginning to make his body and mind both ache equally as much and all he was starting to think about was a change in his life.
wriothesley was perfectly locked into his habit of waking up early, working at the prison, commuting home and going straight back to sleep but... where's the fun in that? and as navia had quite teasingly stated, he was starting to waste his life away as a workaholic.
that's where he met you, after all. someone who turned a blind eye to the awful schedule of his work rota and that growing collection of different teas he stashed in his kitchen cupboards. in turn, the growing collection was now tucked neatly in your shared kitchen cupboards instead.
now he had a reason to stare at the brightly coloured gifts and cheesy slogans, taking every single factor about you into consideration when it came to the smallest things about valentines; including the card, yes. it took wriothesley an hour and navia's quiet begging for him to choose a card for you, his first valentine. at least, the first one he'd ever cared to delve this far into valentines gifts for.
"you're hopeless," navia whines under her breath as the two exit the store, opening the iced coffee she'd purchased from the chilled section (and i quote, how else was she going to put up with him?), "i didn't think i'd ever see you take valentines this seriously."
her comment perks his attention from his phone, where'd he been texting none other than you whilst you was on your break at work. he makes a noise before chuckling, deep and hearty as he adjusts his tie awkwardly. there's a heat creeping his neck as he clears his throat, eyes darting anywhere but the fashionable blonde as she sips her aforementioned iced coffee with a smug smirk.
"yeah, well - i don't care," he retorts boldly and navia almost spits her coffee out, giggling behind her hand as she covers her lipgloss coated lips for some form of dignity, "sometimes i wonder why i'm still friends with you?"
"rude. anyways, i'm the reason your social circle is so big now. i'm glad i don't have to watch you work yourself to death anymore." navia sighs, shaking her head as the conversation takes a vulnerable turn for the both of them. wriothesley can't deny that despite how much they bicker from siblings, she's always cared for him with good intentions. there's a moment of him debating how clorinde bagged such a kind-hearted girl before he almost makes himself chuckle at the thought.
large calloused hands rummage in the reusable bag you'd shoved into his chest before you hurried out of the door for work this morning, mindlessly checking over all the gifts and ingredients he'd acquired with a slight break in his bank account. your boss had called you in for the morning, already throwing a spanner in the works of your valentines day preparations however they promised you'd be free before lunch - which meant the baking you'd been so excited for could still go ahead, according to plan.
later that day, in the midst of wriothesley fumbling around in the kitchen cupboards as if he was lost in his house, you arrived home. that shift had been less than ideal, adding onto your frustration of being called into work in the first place. yet the grin that etches onto your partner's stubbled face draws you from that frustration; it calms you, eases you into the comfort of his burly arms when you rest your head against his chest and forget your worries.
"work was that bad?" wriothesley's voice murmurs in your ear and you can barely stifle a nod, nuzzling against the warmth radiating through his clothes as he chuckles, pressing a kiss to your head.
"that bad," you mumble in response, sighing as you force yourself to pull away from your boyfriend's hypnotising hold before you fall asleep standing up, "time to bake out my anger - what recipe did you end choosing?"
"sugar cookies," wriothesley seems quite proud of his choice, a calloused hand gesturing towards the numerous multicoloured sprinkles he'd prepared on the kitchen counter - knowing him, that could be very well the only ingredients he brought, "you know, with that heart cookie cutter you begged for the other week?"
a playful scoff leaves your lips, a gentle hit of your hand against his shoulder as you brush past him, rolling your sleeves up to your elbows so that you can start the tedious process you'd signed yourself up for on this fateful valentines day. the soft hum of wriothesley reverberates around the kitchen of your shared home, sunlight filtering in through the kitchen window and basking in the potted plants you'd decorated the windowsill with.
your friends had been dubious about you moving in so soon with wriothesley but you knew only a few months in that you would trust this man with your life. despite his gruff, solemn demeanour, wriothesley was in your eyes perhaps more akin to a deflated puppy from all his years working in the prison, lacking social experience outside of the prisoners and co-workers he'd dip into conversation with daily.
strong arms wrap around your waist whilst you're busy measuring out ingredients, your eyes narrowed in focus as your gaze darts between the electronic weighing scales and the flour in your unsteady hands as wriothesley takes to wrapping himself like a koala around your body; he's inseparable from you, unable to stay away for mere moments as if you'll disappear if he doesn't have his rough hands somewhere on your soft body.
"i'm trying to focus..." you huff under your breath, biting your tongue as wriothesley rests his chin on your shoulder, watching your precision intently as the warmth of his breath tickles against your neck. it makes your hairs stand on end but not as much as the gentle kiss he presses to your exposed shoulder. you almost elbow him in the ribs for the minor distraction.
"i can see that," he chides with a grin, brushing his stubble against your skin and you really can't say no when a trail of kisses litters your skin from your shoulder to your collarbone and neck, "happy valentines day, darling."
"happy valentines day," you sigh softly, giving up on your endeavour to measure ingredients successfully under these circumstances. you place the opened bag of flour down, leaning back onto his chest in defeat, "i hope you choke on these sugar cookies later."
wriothesley chuckles, his thumbs rubbing rhythmic patterns on your hips where his hands are positioned, holding onto you tightly to stop some manic villain possibly ever stealing you; hey, it's possible! the man lets out a content exhale, appreciative of the warm comfort you give him outside of the gruelling job he'd thrown himself into for a living, "i love you, i really do."
© thexianzhoujade 2024. | do not re-upload, copy, translate, etc. my works on any form of media.
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svngiem-remade · 1 year
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pairing. OT8!skz + gn!reader
genre. fluff, slightly suggestive on Changbin's and Jisung's part, mentions of food.
warnings. mentions of food.
wc. 2.5k
synopsis. scenarios where the phrase above is used, enjoy
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... ♡ | bang chan — in his studio!
“Guess who.” you whispered in Chan’s ear as you covered his eyes with your hands.
He quietly chuckled, which made your smile turn even brighter than before, and hummed, pretending to think, “Mmmh…” he reached up with his hand and slowly traced your fingers, “Bin?” he inquired, and you scoffed.
“Beeep! Wrong.” you said, sliding the palm of one of your hands to cover both of his eyes and let your other hand pinch his cheek before sliding it down his left bicep, squeezing it.
He leaned his head back on the edge of his seat’s headrest, “Wait, is it…” he bit his bottom lip, trying to hold back a snicker, “...my beautiful, amazing and absolutely perfect partner?” he asked, knowing full well how much compliments flustered you.
Your cheeks heated up, “That’s not fair! Why you gotta do this every time?” you whined as you moved your hands away from his face to cover your own.
He chuckled and spun around on his chair, pulling you down on his lap and softly kissing your hair, “I’m only telling the truth, love.” he hugged you, softly stroking your sides before his lips broke in a wide smile, “I think I deserve a kiss now, though.” he teased, and you felt your heart flutter when he gently pulled you closer as he puckered his lips.
And, with a shy smile, you leaned in, sealing your first kiss with your boyfriend.
... ♡ | lee minho — at home!
You let out a long sigh the moment you stepped in your home— the eventful, very long and stressful day finally wrapping up brought a small smile to your face, and the happy meowing of your three cats rubbing their fluffy heads on your feet and calves widened your smile even more, “Hi, babies.” you muttered, petting each of them on their heads before removing your coat and stepping further into your apartment.
That was when your nose picked up the most scrumptious smell your nose had ever picked up, coming from the kitchen, “Weird. Wasn’t Min supposed to come home late today?” you mumbled as you walked into the lit room, just to find your husband chopping up some green onions on the wooden cutting board, locking eyes with you when he heard your steps.
“Hi.” you smiled, and he mirrored it.
“Hi, jagi.”
You looked at the pots and pans on the stove with a curious look, “What are you making?”
“Your favorite. From your texts today, I guessed you were feeling pretty down, so I came home early to make dinner for us.” he explained, now chopping up some mushrooms.
You gazed at him as you pouted, “You’re so sweet.” you whined, back hugging him and pecking the nape of his neck, making him chuckle.
He looked back at you, smirking, “I think I deserve a kiss then, right? On the lips this time.” and you obliged.
... ♡ | seo changbin — at a restaurant!
“Your puppy eyes won’t work on me this time, get it?” your boyfriend grumbled as you sneakily rested your hand over his with an overexaggerated pout.
“Come ooooon… Please?” you whined while squeezing his hand, trying not to make a scene— after all, he’d brought you to a fancy restaurant for your first anniversary that was just slightly out of Seoul, and you didn't want to embarrass him or yourself in front of strangers, “Why won’t you share?” you frowned, and he huffed, taking a spoonful of the most delicious looking ice cream you’d ever seen in your entire life, which made your mouth water.
“You said that none of the desserts inspired you! It’s not— hmpf, my fault!” he said with his mouth full, scrunching his eyebrows as he munched.
You glared at him, “Okay, but those fancy names need to be paraphrased or something— how could I have ever guessed that Knickerbocker Glory was literally fruit with ice cream on top? Or that Nipples of Venus were chocolate truffles? How is that my fault? You didn't even tell me what those were, li—” you rambled, and he rolled his eyes, sliding the ice cream cup towards you with an annoyed look.
“Here, but I’m doing this just because I love you.” Changbin stated, leaning back on the backrest of his chair as he crossed his arms over his big chest.
Your eyes lit up and you immediately grabbed the cup before he could change his mind, “THANK YOU, BABY! I love you so so so much!” you said excitedly as you took a spoonful of ice cream and ate it, humming at how delicious it was.
He smiled fondly at your reaction, “I think I deserve a kiss for my kindness, to be honest.” he leaned over the rather small table while tapping his fluffy cheek with his index, which brought a smile to your face.
You leaned in and pecked it with your cold lips, “Oh, you’re so getting much more than a kiss after we get home.” you whispered in his ear, making their tip go completely red as he nervously cleared his throat and adjusted the tie around his neck.
... ♡ | hwang hyunjin — at home!
Pampering your boyfriend was your love language, and the thing you loved most was doing his skincare routine— putting on his delicate features masks, creams and oils felt therapeutic to you; seeing the way he relaxed under your touch as you conversed about pretty much anything that came to mind was your favorite part of the day.
So, when while having an early dinner he asked you if he could do your skincare routine, you bit your lip nervously and shyly agreed, though you felt slightly uncomfortable. “Y/N.” Hyunjin called out to you, so you opened your eyes and looked up at him, who was leaning over your less than relaxed figure on the couch, “If you don’t want me to do your skincare, you can just say so. I can feel how tense you are.” he said with worry in his voice and face, running his long fingers in between your locs gently.
You panicked, “No! I want you to! I just… I’m not used to people doing stuff for me. That’s it.” you smiled reassuringly and cupped his cheek with your hand.
Hyunjin smiled, “You better get used to it, then.” he said, before quickly pecking your lips and starting to apply a face mask on your face with his finger pads.
His touch was so tender you'd fallen asleep, lulled by his soft humming and the quiet lofi music he’d started playing on his speakers as he waited for the cream to dry out on your skin before continuing on with the other steps. When he finally completed your nighttime skincare routine about an hour later, he gently nudged you awake, showing you a toothy grin, which you mirrored, “I think you deserve a kiss after being this good for me.” he murmured, placing a long peck on your lips.
... ♡ | han jisung — at his dorm!
Spending the entire weekend with Jisung meant eating trash food, barely getting out of his bedroom and binge watching, and finishing, a series or anime you'd started together the week prior— and you absolutely loved it, because it meant kissing and cuddling him until one of you eventually fell asleep, which, most of the times, happened to be you.
“Baby!” he excitedly said as he squeezed the life out of you with a hug as soon as you’d walked in his dorm, which you had all to yourselves for the entire weekend, “I missed you.” he mumbled in your hair while his hand rubbed your back lovingly.
“Missed you too, Ji.” you said with a big smile, leaving a warm kiss on his cheek, which actually reminded him—
“Ah! By the way, I think I deserve a kiss on the lips now. I’ve been a very good boy.” he puckered his lips out and leaned down, waiting for your lips to meet his.
You frowned and pressed your fingers over his mouth, gently pushing him back, “Why? What did you do?” you inquired, tilting your head.
He huffed and stroked your waist as he explained, “I’ve held out from continuing to watch Demon Slayer without you, since you couldn't come last week.” he proudly said and puckered his lips out once again— but you scoffed.
“Okaaay? And? That was the bare minimum, we started watching it together, may I remind you.” you tisked, and his grip around you loosened, his eyes clouding over with sadness as he walked away.
You immediately felt guilty, “Awww, come on Ji, I’m sorry.” you started following him towards the kitchen, where he was silently heading to, “Here, baby. I’ll kiss you, you’ve been a great boy.” you whined as you took a hold of his arm and pulled him towards you, grabbing his face between your hands while you locked eyes with him, which, surprisingly, held a mischievous glint.
“I knew you wouldn't be able to resist my charm.” he teased, dipping his head down to kiss you as he pushed you against the kitchen counter.
... ♡ | lee felix — at home!
“Bubs, I’m home.”
You pouted as you slowly opened your eyes, pretty much convinced it was the dream you had every time you particularly missed Felix while he was away on tour, focusing your gaze on his kneeled down, smiling figure in front of you. “Go away.” you murmured at your boyfriend, who immediately stopped stroking your cheek.
Felix’s smile faltered and his eyes clouded over with worry, “What? What did I—” he tried to say, but you interrupted him by rolling over on your other side, now facing the backrest of your couch, a light sniffle leaving your body.
“I know you’re just an imaginary Felix, stop playing with me.” you muttered, having had enough of your dreams where he magically came back early from tour, making you feel ecstatic and happy, just to wake up the next day with no Felix in sight, making you feel even more miserable and lonely.
“Imag— What?” he blinked rapidly, trying to piece everything together— until, he let out a hearty laugh, making you puff out your cheeks and cross your hands over your chest. Still in a fit of laughter, he stood up just to lean down behind you on the couch, sneaking a hand on your stomach and slowly rubbing it, his low giggles reverberating on your back, “Bubs, I’m very much real.” he whispered in your ear, gently biting your lobe and pinching your tummy.
Oh. My. God. You felt pain. That— he was NOT, in fact, a dream.
You gasped and suddenly turned your body to face him, engulfing him in a tight hug as you pressed warm kisses on his collarbones and neck, his chuckles and soft rubs on your back making you finally feel at home, “I think I deserve a kiss after the mini heart attack you just gave me.” Felix giggled, rubbing your nose with his before crashing his lips against your own.
... ♡ | kim seungmin — at home!
You sprung up the couch when the doorbell of your apartment suddenly rang, though you weren't expecting anyone, “Coming!” you yelled, quickly running over to the front door.
As you always did, you took a glance at the peephole, widening your eyes when you noticed what it was. Your heart picked up its pace as you opened the door, “Flower delivery!” a man said with a big, very customer-service, smile as he held the most beautiful bouquet of flowers you’d ever seen.
“Woah, are these for me?” you asked with surprise in your voice, pointing to the flowers.
The delivery man tilted his head, looked at the small piece of paper he was holding in his free hand, then at the name stamped under your doorbell and, finally, at you, “Are you Mx. Y/L/N Y/N?”
“Then yes. Have a nice day!” he said in a cheery tone as he stretched out his arms towards you to give you the bouquet, which you happily took with a smile and a fast paced heartbeat.
You walked back inside of your flat, careful not to trip over anything on your way to your living room windowsill, where you kept an empty flower vase in case you saw any cute flowers while out on a walk and felt the need to bring them back home, which happened regularly. You giggled as you carefully put the bouquet inside of it, your eyes never leaving the small piece of paper that stood proudly right in between the petals that said “For my beautiful flower. —Minnie &lt;;33”
You internally screamed from happiness, picking up the white paper giddily and flipping it over, but rolled your eyes after reading “I think I deserve a kiss after being the bestest and most romantic boyfriend ever, don’t you think?”
“Come home, bestest boyfriend ever.” you texted him a few seconds after with a big grin on your face.
... ♡ | yang jeongin — at the arcade!
“I want that one, Innie!” you said excitedly when Jeongin asked you which of the big stuffed animals you wanted him to win for you, pointing to the massive teddy bear standing right in the middle of the cubicle of the claw machine. He gulped nervously, taking one of the arcade tokens you’d exchanged for money a few minutes ago from his front pocket.
He glanced at you, his heart fluttering when you smiled widely at him and said “I believe in you, Innie!” in tiny, with your fist up in the air— in full cheerleader mode.
What he didn't expect, was for that damned teddy to not want to get caught by him, which made him feel extremely embarrassed— but, when he failed at his fourth attempt and you proposed to him to go play another game with a reassuring smile and a warm hand on his shoulder, he felt recharged. “Wait, Y/N-nnie! Let me try again one last time, I’ll win, you’ll see!” he said confidently, rolling up his long sleeved shirt to his forearms, which made your cheeks warm up.
And, a few seconds later, the teddy finally let itself get caught by Jeongin, who proudly handed it to you, “See? Easy peasy lemon squeezy.” he grinned, showing you his foxy eyes and white teeth.
You chewed your bottom lip, looking into his dark eyes, “I think… Uhm, I think you deserve a kiss for winning it for me?” you said, unsure if he was down for it. After all, that was your first date and—
“I— Uh. Yes, I— I think I do deserve a kiss.” he smiled shyly and took your free hand in his, rubbing the back of it with his thumb as he cupped your cheek with his other one. You gulped and moved your gaze from his eyes to his parted lips quickly, tugging his hand as a signal for him to lean down and finally take the kiss he deserved.
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© SVNGIEM, 2023.
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luveline · 9 months
Maybe a Eddie and Roan where Roan gets into an argument with one of her friend/classmate and she’s like really grumpy and reader and Eddie try and cheer her up or even defuse the situation??
tysm ♡ eddie and roan
Roan toddles out of her classroom with her eyes on the floor until she reaches Eddie's legs. He frowns at her in surprise, smoothing the frizz of her curls away from her forehead. "Hello," he says. 
"Everything okay?" you ask. 
That morning at the kitchen table, when you told Roan you'd be there at pick up with her dad (the two of you taking a much needed day off to waste together in bed doing alternate loads of laundry), she smiled and climbed into your lap. "Good," she said, her lips shiny with waffle syrup, "I'll make you a present in arts and crafts."
"You will? Thanks, baby," you'd said. 
The present isn't anywhere to be seen now, nor is your sparkling girl. Roan rubs her cheek against Eddie's legs without greeting you. Eddie takes the hint and leans down to take her into his arms. He sighs as he stands, ducking his head to hers. 
"Hello," he says again, gentler now. "Bad day?" 
She sniffles and puts her face in his shirt collar. Eddie covers the back of her head, his eyes wide. What the fuck, he mouths, surprise melding into something worse. He hates when Roan's upset like this. Her tantrums are loud but her real tears are always quiet, and you can see the moment Eddie's heart breaks, her hands gripping his hair urgently. 
"Hey, okay, don't worry, bubby…" He nods his head back the way you came, and you follow at his elbow, crestfallen. 
He prods at it as you walk to the car. What happened? and Talk to me, babe. Roan stops crying and turns silent, until the concern gets too much. 
"I'm sure whatever it is, we can make it better. You just have to tell me what happened, roly-poly."
"Nothing! Nothing happened, dad, stop." 
Eddie rubs her shoulders. "Alright. If you say so." 
You open the car door for them and Eddie covers the top of Roan's head as he tucks her in. She's definitely reaching an age where all this carrying is unnecessary, but Eddie always says he has muscles for a reason. You like to roll your eyes, and, secretly, think it's amazingly sweet. He's like that. 
"Want me to come and sit in the back?" you ask. 
"Are you sure? We can play pat-a-cake, or thumb wrestle?" 
"I don't want to." 
More of the same on the drive home. Eddie suggests ice cream, movies, McDonald's. Roan stares out the window and refuses to answer. Safe to say, you both hate it. It's your worst nightmare to know that somethings wrong but not know what that something is. 
"Let's go to Leaven," you whisper. 
Eddie raises his eyebrows at you, though he takes the turn, whispering back, "Why Leaven?" 
"We can buy her some fancy cupcakes and new pyjamas and stuff. And a tape, whatever she wants."
"We can't just buy her happiness," Eddie says. 
You park up in the family spaces near the front of Leaven and Eddie insists upon himself from car to store. "Please hold my hand, babe, I'll get lost in Leaven by myself," he whines, waving his hand at her. "I won't know where to go if you don't steer me." 
"Fine!" she says, taking his hand furiously. 
"Do you want to know why we're here, lovely girl?" you ask. 
"Roan, don't be mean," Eddie says reproachfully. 
"I'm not mean, dad." 
"You're being a little tiny bit mean. We should try to be nice to the people we love even when we have bad days. Work is very very hard, but I try to pick you up from school and be happy because you haven't done anything wrong." 
"I don't want to be happy," she pouts, twisting her head away from you both. 
Eddie huffs playfully and grabs her from behind. Arms under her armpits, he swings her around and chuckles maliciously in her ear. "Silly girl left herself open for my evil plan," he croons, the voice of a character from one of his campaigns that gives you and Roan the shivers. 
You grab a kart and push the children's seat out for Eddie to slide her in. "Trapped!" he declares, squeezes the arms of her vinyl coat. "And there's nothing you can do to stop us!" 
Roan struggles to pretend she doesn't find it funny. "Stop what?" she asks, exaggeratedly unhappy to maintain her grumpy facade. 
"We're going to spoil you, duh," he says, voice back to normal. "What should we get first, my love?" he asks you. "Cupcakes?" 
"Best get cupcakes before they run out of the pink bunnies." 
Roan's lips quirk at the name of her favourite ones. "Are we really having pink bunnies?" she asks. 
"We're having anything that will make you smile," Eddie says. 
You link your arm through his for most of the journey, the smell of his cologne rich and smokey. He doesn't smell like diesel, a rare occasion, nor are his clothes mottled by oil. You look like a family meant to shop at Leaven (sort of, you aren't so decked in designer as the wealthy Hawkinites). Roan perks a little as you pick cupcakes from the bakery counter, their gold foil wrappers reflected in the brown wells of her eyes. Eddie lets her eat one as you walk around so long as she puts the wrapper in the bag when she's done. 
From there, you choose pyjamas, a stuffie shaped like a frog, and a breadcrumb covered tray of mac and cheese. You pick up things you don't need as you go, fancy brownies in a tub and clothes softener. The best part is the deliberating, you and Eddie and Roan taking turns sniffing the caps and debating which one smells best. You settle on deep sea minerals, probably because Roan likes the seahorse on the front. 
"You're a traitor," you say, putting back the scent you'd preferred with put upon disappointment.
Roan giggles sweetly. Like a plug pulled, a levy unburdened, she laughs from the checkout to the car, all the way home. You barely notice how dark it's become, focused on the loving heat of Eddie's hand on your knee and Roan's renewed smile. 
Later, once she's had a bath and you're all in your pyjamas, Eddie asks her again what upset her, and she gives a teary answer. One of the Stacey's said her hair looked ugly, and Roan agreed with her. 
"Bubby, your hair's not ugly," you say, chucking her under the chin. Eddie, her chair, leans his chin over her shoulder to agree. 
"It's beautiful." 
She sniffles. "I said it was ugly, and it's not nice because daddy has the same hair." She sputters wetly, tears squeezing from the corners of her eyes. "I'm really sorry." 
"Aw, Ro." Eddie hugs her with both arms tight to his stomach. "Don't be sorry, you don't have anything to be sorry for. Stacy shouldn't say you have ugly hair– you have beautiful hair. So shiny and bouncy. I promise you it's perfect." 
You smile at Roan encouragingly. "Your hair is soooo super pretty. Just like your dad's." 
"You think so?" 
"I know so." You coil a curl around your finger. When you let it go, it springs away and falls against her face. 
Roan relaxes into Eddie's chest. He rubs her upper arm, a similar relief on his pert features. 
"Is there anything else wrong?" Eddie asks. 
Roan closes her eyes, dark lashes kissing her cheek. "I think I have a tummy ache." 
"I bet you do, babe. Why don't we lie down for a bit?" 
Roan agrees wholeheartedly. It's a tight squeeze, but the three of you manage to lay on your couch, the smell of sugary pink icing stuck to your fingers and the warm scent of mac and cheese floating in from the kitchen. 
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moog-rt · 4 months
GO TO HELL [ch. 4]
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[Lucifer Morningstar x Fem!Reader]
Previous: Chapter Three
➨ Chapter Four
Next: Chapter Five
You love your friends. You really do. But sometimes it needs reminding when one of them accidentally sends you to Hell.
Despite falling into the hands of Hell’s loveliest princess, finding a way back to the world of the living proves difficult as you tiptoe around its king.
A/N: shout out to my very own "power bottom at rock bottom" (aka my roommate) for harnessing her inner Angel Dust and feeding into some of his dialogue.
If you'd prefer to read on Ao3, here is the link:
Otherwise, enjoy!
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The car ride home was mostly silent and incredibly tense.
You also couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. When you looked around to sate your paranoia, you found nothing suspicious and whittled it down to the anxiety having your face plastered across every news channel in hell.
On your way out of her father’s manor, you decided to fill Charlie in about your hands and cheek. She said it was a gamble whether her dad would react well to your being human or not. Being neutral to it, however, was something she would not have imagined. She was just relieved that you were alright. 
She theorized that he may have assumed you were just wearing face paint for ‘shits and giggles’ (your words, not hers). There were some demons in Hell that did have skin tones similar to when they were human, so it wouldn’t be too outrageous for you to, as well.
Though it would be no surprise if he jumped to the conclusion that you were human due to your being televised all over Hell the day prior.
Not knowing where his head was at was going to kill you.
But worrying about that wasn’t going to get you anywhere. Charlie believed you two had searched everywhere in her old place that was likely to hold the key to you getting home. To your relief, the likelihood of returning was slim to none.
There was no need to stress over her father figuring you out since you wouldn’t have to risk running into him again.
The only thing you needed to focus on was getting those godforsaken cobwebs off the chandelier in the hotel foyer.
Vaggie was able to get the place mostly cleaned up in the time you were gone, but there were still a few things left that you were able to help with. After all they had done for you, this was the least you could do for them in return.
As you climbed back down the ladder, you saw Charlie pacing and muttering to herself. Even though you only met her recently, you knew how much the hotel and her plan to redeem sinners meant to her.
If this didn’t go well, she would absolutely take it to heart. She seemed like the type to barricade herself in a room to sulk for weeks on end. Or maybe bawl her eyes out whilst shoveling heaping spoonfuls of ice cream down her own throat.
Probably both.
“You know, this place is really coming together,” you said as you walked up to her.
She paused to face you.
“You think so?” she asked, glancing around the foyer in search of anything in need of tending. “Gosh, what if he doesn’t like the color scheme, or—or the motifs? What if he decides he isn’t interested in redemption at all?”
“Hey,” you said to get her attention as you leaned back into her view. “If he weren’t interested in what you’re offering, he wouldn’t be coming by to check things out. And I really don’t think your choice in décor will be what turns him away.”
You chuckled a bit as you glanced at the odd horse statues and slightly tattered wallpaper. It wasn’t modern or trendy, but it did have character. That was for sure.
She nodded with a far-off gaze, ruminating on your words.
“Even if he does decide that this isn’t for him—though I don’t think that will happen—there are so many people down here! I find it hard to believe that you won’t find some who are interested,” you continued. “Think about all the souls that believed they’d be going to Heaven but ended up here instead. They’d probably give up an arm and a leg to be redeemed.”
Her shoulders slacked, and her back loosened as she released a deep breath. Looking back at you, her face appeared more relaxed.
“Yeah…you’re totally right,” she said with a soft smile. “We just need to be patient.”
“I think this guy would be stupid not to accept your offer.” You bumped her arm playfully as you went to continue tidying up.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw her smile and walk off, presumably to do the same.
Everyone was putting the final touches on everything when there was a knock on the front door. You paused in the middle of sliding the sofa across the room so you could get a look at whoever was there.
Charlie and Vaggie looked at each other in surprise.
“I told him to text or call before showing up,” Vaggie grumbled, running a hand through her bangs as she went to answer the door.
He was quite…tall.
You had forgotten their appearances could vary so much. Charlie, her father, and Vaggie were relatively similar to a regular person, despite some slight cosmetic differences. This guy, however, had an extra set of limbs and was covered head to toe in what looked like fur. 
Upon closer inspection, he also had what appeared to be three additional pairs of eyes underneath his primary ones.
Was he supposed to be a bug?
You shuffled forward as Charlie introduced herself. She had fixed up your makeup once you returned, so there was nothing to worry about regarding your own appearance. You had double and even triple-checked beforehand.
“This is it?”
“Uh…yes?” Charlie said meekly with her hands clasped in front of her chest.
He gave the foyer a hard once-over.
“Eh, anything’s betta’ than my current digs,” he said with a shrug and started walking around. “You got drinks?”
“No? The point of redemption is to stop engaging in sin,” Vaggie stated, crossing her arms. “Which means cutting out drugs?”
“You’re kiddin’ me,” he said as his body slumped. “What the hell am I supposed to do then? Play checkers?”
“Ooh, Checkers would be a fun way to break the ice!” Charlie sang, clapping her hands together.
This earned her a blank look from the new guest.
“Aha…” she laughed awkwardly at the bland response, then turned to gesture at you. “Well, this is our current resident! We have faith that she will be redeemed very soon.”
You gave a wide smile as you were being shown off. Should you strike a pose? Put your hands on your hips and puff your chest out in pride?
You didn’t mind being a fake example of a sinner-gone-good to help her out. It was the least you could do at this point. Plus, when you finally got the hell out of there, you could all play it off as you being ‘redeemed’.
“Yup, yup. Sin-free life has been pretty great,” you said, crossing your arms.
The guy already seemed exasperated. Vaggie was right when she said he was more interested in free rent than redemption itself.
“What did you say your name was again?” you asked in an attempt to keep the conversation from dying out before it had even started.
He perked a bit and plastered on a sultry smirk.
“Angel Dust,” he said as he swiped a hand through his hair(?) (head fluff?). “If you’re interested in gettin’ to know me betta’, I’ve got a nice collection of videos I can refer ya to.”
“No,” Vaggie groaned. “He’s a pornstar.”
Your eyebrows shot up.
“I mean, more power to you,” you shrugged, and he snickered.
“Wasn’t expectin’ that sorta career choice to fly with someone aspirin’ to cross through them pearly gates.” He tilted his head as he eyed you carefully, leaning down slightly to be more at your eye level. 
“What makes you think that?” you asked, raising your chin. “In my opinion, a redeemable gal like myself should be respectful of other’s bodily autonomy.”
“Last I checked, the pious types weren’t so down with cock-suckin’ hoes. I mean,” he paused and smirked, “some of ‘em were down with us cock-suckin’ hoes, but they did their darndest to pray that shit away afterward. The guilts part of the kink.”
Vaggie’s stance tensed more and more with each word that came out of his mouth. You were pretty sure her eye was twitching.
“Good people are accepting people!” Charlie exclaimed, throwing her arms out.
“You ain’t ever have to deal with the living, sugar-tits,” Angel said, draping himself over the couch in a way you were sure would be put on the front cover of a Playboy magazine. “But sure.”
You all began a short tour of the hotel much like the one you got when you first arrived. This time, however, Charlie was really trying to sell her redemption plan to him. She explained the terms of their deal. He would refrain from acts of sin, such as violence, drugs, yada-yada, and he could stay there for free.
As you began filing out of one of the available, move-in-ready rooms, you noticed Angel pause. He was looking at the ground with a blank expression, clearly contemplating something. You assumed he was weighing the pros and cons of Charlie’s offer, but you were no mind reader.
After showing off most of the relevant parts of the hotel, you gathered back in the entryway. Charlie stared Angel down expectantly, waiting in suspense for his decision.
She was overjoyed when he finally agreed.
“There’s no harm in tryin’, I guess.” He shrugged shooting a half-lidded smirk. “But I ain’t makin’ no promises that I’ll be the paragon of redeemability. I ain’t that type of model.”
When he left, he said he had to clear some things with his boss first and then he would start this whole ‘redemption thing’.
The three of you had a miniature celebration—juice, soda, and popcorn to go along with eager chatter—before you decided to address the stack of books you had hauled back to the hotel.
The evening was going swimmingly thus far, and you hoped that good luck would carry on to the very end of the night. Somewhere in that pile was your key to getting home. Your fingers were crossed that you would be sleeping in your own cozy bed that night.
You could finally take up your own offer on a nice hot bubble bath and let it soak away all the stress that had stockpiled within your body.
Sitting in a circle around the books, you began sifting through them.
Your hope dwindled bit by bit with every one you flipped through and set aside. They had everything to do with the living world except for the means of getting there.
Once the last book was deemed useless, you sat in sullen silence. A sort of emptiness settled within your chest.
If that was your best shot at returning, what else was there?
“Okay…that’s okay!” Charlie said in an attempt to lighten the mood. “We just have to try something else. Vaggie, you said you knew people who had access to Earth, right?”
“I said I knew of people,” she corrected. “But I did do a little bit of digging while you were out, and I might have a few leads?”
“Oh, perfect!” Charlie chirped, sitting straight up with her hands on her knees. “How about we look into those tomorrow then?”
You and Vaggie both nodded because what else were you supposed to do? You didn’t really have the option of giving up in this situation. Your life wasn’t going to wait on hold forever. It probably wasn’t waiting at all.
At this point, two full days would have passed since you ‘disappeared,’ but living alone makes it harder for people to notice that sort of thing. You doubted Devon would have reported it since that would likely result in them getting into even deeper shit (in addition to the can of whoop-ass you’d release onto them once you made it back).
And you knew better than to put any amount of faith into Jack. You were sure he noticed your absence. You had the texts to prove it. But he seemed to be convinced you were giving him the cold shoulder, which would most likely result in him pretending he didn’t give two flying fucks about you.
Fuck that bitch.
You wouldn’t say you slept like a baby that night, but you sure did sleep. You slept with the weight of despair threatening to overtake you with each failed attempt of finding a way back home.
And you know what?
It wasn’t half bad. Would you recommend it to someone else? No, not really. But you couldn’t tell them it was terrible.
Wiping the sleep from your eyes, you padded your way down the grand staircase. It was nice not having to wake up early to get all done up, but you still felt groggy. Possibly from sleeping too much.
You also appreciated being able to spend more time in the pajamas you were given, because good lord were they comfy.
Charlie and Vaggie let you know last night that they’d be leaving earlier in the morning to talk to the folks Vaggie believed might be able to access the living world. You stayed behind because you all agreed that dragging you through public in a not-so-durable disguise was a disaster waiting to happen.
However, they planned to be back in time for Charlie’s father to visit.
He had called her the previous night—just before you were all about to go your separate ways—to let her know he wanted to stop by. She told him he could drop by in the afternoon, and that was that.
You planned to coup yourself up in your room for the duration of his visit. You would rather die than address what had happened with the paint. If he had any questions regarding that, he could direct them towards his daughter. Thank you and goodnight (love you, Charlie! Muah!).
There was nothing to do until Charlie and Vaggie returned, but you still wanted caffeine or anything that could clear your brain fog.
They had stocked up the fridge and ‘pantry’ a bit more since you arrived, and Angel would likely move in any day now so there was also that to consider. Yet it was still a gamble on whether or not you could find something appealing.
You kneeled down in front of the fridge and began rummaging through your options.
Mysterious leftovers?
Artichoke Hearts?
Eh…for breakfast? Probably not.
Coconut Milk?
No… You were surprised they even had coconuts in Hell. Unless, of course, they had sinners that manifested as coconuts, then you reckon they could milk—
No, absolutely not.
You were thinking about settling on a popsicle when you heard a knock at the front door.
Nobody should have been stopping by yet. Charlie’s dad wouldn’t be there until later, and you guys weren’t expecting anyone else. It could possibly be Angel, but you doubted he already spoke to his boss considering it was still morning.
The stained-glass doors didn’t disclose much about your surprise visitor. They were merely a shadowy figure, distorted by the odd shapes and colors.
Regardless of who it could be, you needed to hide or at least find a way to get back upstairs without being seen.
Slowly rising to your feet, you locked onto a rather large crate near the edge of the entryway.
You wouldn’t have to cross in front of the door to get there, which was ideal. Even though you knew the person on the other side couldn’t see you clearly, you preferred they not know you were there at all. Once you were at the crate, you could easily make your way around the room undetected.
Just as you were about to slip around it, you heard the front door creak open.
“Hello~” sang a familiar voice.
You hastily dodged behind the crate, your feet sliding slightly underneath you due to the new socks you had been gifted by your hosts. Thankfully, you were able to stabilize yourself before falling into anything.
Your heart was pounding away in your chest.
What was he doing here so early?
You pressed your back against the crate as you carefully sat down to wait for him to pass. Listening to his footsteps crossing the room was doing nothing to soothe your nerves. It was clear that he was in no rush to move on through the hotel. You could hear him as he sauntered around the foyer, pausing every once in a while before continuing on.
If he was taking in the sights, it was only a matter of time before he got to your side of the foyer.
You had to get out.
Taking a deep breath, you hesitantly peeked around your hiding spot to see where he was and whether he was looking your way.
To your relief, Charlie’s father was investigating a portrait on the wall opposite of you.
You wasted no time creeping across the floor to take cover behind the tattered old reception area. There was a body-length mirror resting against the wall just a few feet away that would give you a relatively good view of where he was.
As you were about to lean close enough to see through the mirror’s reflection, you heard him begin to hum just a few feet away. You scrambled to get beneath the desk.
How did he get so close so fast?
You understood the guy wasn’t human, but still. You were able to hear his footsteps clear as day up until that point. He shouldn’t know you were there; you were being so quiet…
Holding your breath, you waited for him to put some distance between the two of you. When you felt he was far enough away, you slowly scooted to the other side of the desk where you could hopefully get a view of the mirror.
Hearing him tampering with something, so you took the opportunity to glance at the mirror’s reflection.
He was prodding at one of the broken columns, testing its stability, it seemed. And his back was facing you. Perfect.
Glancing around the edge of the reception desk, you could see that the stairs weren’t too far away. It was a pretty open area, however, so you wondered if it would be better to beeline it down the adjacent hall instead.
Figuring that was likely the safer option, you checked the mirror once more to make sure his back was still turned.
You met his gaze in the reflection, and your eyes went wide as his lips curled into a wicked grin.
In a panic, you threw yourself out of view and knocked your head into the desk’s edge. The collision was certainly loud enough for him to hear, but you kept your pained whine quiet as you cradled your temple.
Your train of thought was quickly growing fuzzy, unsure of what to do or where to go.
Was it best to run?
What if he was faster?
Would your chances be better if you found another place to hide?
Probably not… He already knew where you were, and you weren’t sure where else you could even go.
All you knew was that you couldn’t stay where you were. If his eyes were still trained on the mirror, you would probably be better off going back the way you came. Maybe there was a gap in the crate that you could worm through to hide. It would be like you disappeared.
You turned back in that direction, and as you were about to dart back to the safety of your original hiding spot, two legs stepped in front of you.
You gasped, sliding to a halt just before you could crash into him.
Charlie’s father slowly crouched down to your level as you tilted your head to look up at him, eyes as wide as saucers. His smile was wide, showing off his large, pointed teeth.
“What do we have here?”
Next Chapter
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Tag List: @spookysisters @for-hearthand-home @crescent-z @mixplara @juskonutoh @tinywolfiegirl @lafy-taffy @glowinthedarkbones1150 @froggybich @darling-angel222 @preciousbabypeter
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box-of-roses · 4 months
'*•.¸♡ Machine Heart♡¸.•*'
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Characters: Sakusa, Y/N
Synopsis: Sakusa is going to learn why you don’t take things for granted in the most brutal way possible
Warnings: Vomiting, Blood, CHARACTER DEATH, Crying, Regret
Words: 2k
A/N: I was listening to music and found this song. It really sets the vibes if you listen while you read
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Valentine’s Day. How funny it all sounded to you now. You’ve been with the same person for five years. The first year was wonderful, he got you a bouquet of flowers and wrote you a wonderful heartfelt letter. The second year was okay, he still gave you flowers but ones you had already told him made your nose itchy. The third year is when it started going downhill and going fast. He worked, you can’t be too mad at him for doing his job…but he forgot. He had forgotten a lot that year. Your birthday, your anniversary. He hadn’t forgotten his teammates' birthdays. He hadn’t forgotten the anniversary of joining his team. He had forgotten you though.
The fourth year is when you started getting angry. Your lovesick eyes scanning the posts from friends of their significant others. The rings gleaming around their fingers. Why couldn’t he care again? What made him stop caring? You made a dinner and waited up for him to get home. When you awoke the next morning though you found his shoes by the door, the bedroom door closed and yourself still asleep at the table. Food ice cold and candles gone out. Light coming from the bathroom along with the sounds of running water.
The fifth year was when you started rethinking everything. You hadn’t prepared anything this year, too tired of being cast aside. So what if the flame of his love went out? You still had someone. It was when he posted a message for his friends telling them Happy Valentine’s Day. He couldn’t do something that simple for you? You started thinking of what you had done.
Your eyes kept staring at the simple post. Photos of him smiling with his friends. Telling them he cares about them even though he doesn’t say it much. That he didn’t know where he’d be without them and that he couldn’t live without them. You didn’t want to be upset at his friends. You’re not entirely sure that you existed. There weren’t any posts of you with him on either social media account.
He decided early in the relationship that it would be better if the public didn’t know. You just didn’t realize that also meant his friends. His family. You felt like you had wasted five years of your life. You couldn’t stop loving him though. He was still the light of your life. Even if you weren’t the light of his. That’s when you felt a tickle at the back of your throat.
You grabbed a glass of water and took a few sips. That didn’t help, it was a grainy feeling like you were swallowing sand. You rushed to the bathroom as the feeling went up your throat. Making it just in time you leaned over the toilet. As your body heaved flower petals came out of your mouth. So did blood. You had heard about this before. Hanahaki. You were going to die. You had been trying for years to get Sakusa to love you again. This was just the final nail in the coffin. Ha, coffin. You’d be in one of those soon.
Your body heaved again. More petals filled up the water. Blood splattered against the sides of the pristine white seat and walls. You knew you were going to have to clean it up before Sakusa got home. You wondered to yourself when he had become Sakusa again. When did he stop being Kiyoomi? Was he ever really anything other than Sakusa to you? More petals fell out of your mouth. It was getting hard to breathe and your vision went black.
You’re awoken again by the door opening. Your eyes fluttered to life. He was finally home. On Valentine’s Day. The day you realized you weren’t going to be alive for much longer. What a sick joke everything seemed to be. You flushed the toilet and began to clean up the mess you made. You heard a knock at the door. Checking your appearance in the mirror you took a paper towel and wiped away at the blood coating your lips and edges of your mouth. Opening the door you’re met with the man who caused this demise.
“I’m going out with my friends tonight. I trust you’ll be safe while I’m gone.” You nodded.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Go have fun with your friends!”
“I wasn’t asking permission. I just found out you were home and didn’t want to be questioned first thing after stepping through the door.” He turned around and you closed the door. Maybe this was for the best. He talked to you so coldly that you actually shivered. You didn’t want to just give up on life but you didn’t want to subject anyone else to your problems. Perhaps any proof of your existence was already wiped from the house.
There was one photo of the two of you in your bedroom. Not his bedroom. Your bedroom. You had been okay with having separate rooms in the beginning. You had a lot of things and so did he. What was so bad about having separate spaces and spaces where you were able to be together. Except you were never together anymore. There wasn’t a shared space. The house might as well be yours because of how little he was there.
You knew he wouldn’t be there often. I mean he had away games all the time before you moved in together. But it was different. You felt your eyes well up with tears as you reminisced about the past. At how sweet he used to be. The apartment seemed much colder than it had been before he came home. You didn’t dare leave your bathroom though. You didn’t want to run into him. He was about to go out and seeing you would ruin his day.
The pricking in your throat started again. At this rate you were going to be dead before the day's end. It was harder to breathe than before. You rushed to sit back down. You didn’t want to hurt yourself more than you were already. You should have left him. Maybe this wouldn’t have happened. But, you couldn’t bear the thought of leaving him no matter how much it hurt to stay. It hurt more to think about leaving. As flowers came out of your mouth you wondered who would be at your funeral. Tears ran down your face as you realized he would show up. But maybe he wouldn’t. Maybe he would pretend he didn’t know you.
What was he going to do when he found your body. It would be limp and grey, blood lost and flowers around your lips. They began sticking as the blood dried. You wondered if the flowers at your funeral would be the same ones you were currently choking on. This disease is poetic in a way. Love and flowers were both beautiful if taken care of properly. Love could sprout and blossom and cause more things to grow. Love could also hurt. It could grow thorns and you could bleed and choke and cry. Love could be just as deadly as it is life giving.
You knew that the next part was the thorns. The stems and sharp edges scraping your throat as they would come up. You couldn’t stop crying. Why you? What had you done to deserve this besides being unloved. Is it really your fault that he didn’t love you anymore. You felt it was unfair. Why didn’t he throw up flowers? Why couldn’t he feel what you were feeling? You were back to anger. The tears were hot as they rolled down your cheeks.
You picked up one of the flower blossoms. They were beautiful. Blue. White in the center. The disturbing factor was the blood that got caught in the folds and tears of the petals. The way it dripped onto your hand. The contrast of the blue and red. It made you think of the contrast between the two of you. Your vision started going in and out again. You grabbed the water you brought with you and drank more of it.
You tried to clean yourself up as you picked yourself off the floor. You looked terrible already. Because you knew what was going to end you left the bathroom and picked up your phone. The object that started this mess.
That observation wasn’t fair to your phone. It wasn’t the phone’s fault he didn’t love you anymore. You wrote messages to your parents and friends wishing them well. You set it up to send in a couple of hours. With how quickly this was developing you figured you’d be gone by then. Funny. The universe didn’t even try to give you a chance to fix this. It had as little faith in someone loving you as you did yourself. Your eyes no longer welled up with tears. You were coming to terms with what was going to happen. You wrote your last note and went back to the bathroom.
The letter was sat by the door. On the little table where you put your keys. You silently secluded yourself as you felt your lungs fill up with flowers that wouldn’t come out.
It was a few hours later when Sakusa finally returned home. As he set his keys down he noticed a note. He picked it up and began reading it.
‘I’m not doing this to make you feel guilty. I would like my funeral to be a small affair. Please let my family know this wasn’t their fault. I loved you. I’m sorry I wasn’t enough for you, you’ll find me in the bathroom. I wanted the least amount of mess cleanup for you because I know you hate blood. Thank you for caring about me in the beginning. I love you, take care of yourself.’
The paper fell through his fingers. What did you mean he would find you in the bathroom? His feet carried them to your bathroom. He was scared to open the door. When he did his fears came true. There you were flowers growing out of your mouth. Blood plastered around your mouth. And skin, your skin was grey and you laid there lifeless.
What had he done. He could have prevented this if he continued loving you. He should’ve continued loving you. He does love you. He loves you now that he can’t have you. He misses the things you would do for him. He misses you.
He sits in the bathroom for hours. Just holding your hand. Wishing he realized this would happen. He feels so stupid for requesting the things he did. He regrets not showing you off when he could. He regrets not loving you like he should. He wishes he could kiss you and you would wake up. He wishes he could wake up and that it was a dream.
He wishes he could love you like he used to. He doesn’t know how long it’s been when he hears a knock at the door. His stomach growls and his throat feels dry. His eyes are red and puffy as he swings the door open. Atsumu is standing there. He hadn’t heard from his friend for two days. Seeing his state he comes in and hugs him.
Sakusa pushes him off. “It’s my fault. I’m the reason they’re dead.”
“Who’s dead Omi?”
“Y/N.” Atsumu doesn’t ask who that is, he can tell that Sakusa cared for you. He’s curious why he had never heard of you before. He doesn’t want to push him right now though. They sit there for the rest of the night. In the couch in your home, surrounded by the things that reminded him of you. Atsumu only gets up to make them food. Considering Sakusa’s state he figured he hasn’t eaten. He wishes he could do more.
Sakusa tells him not to go into the bathroom in the master bedroom. Atsumu doesn’t ask why. Atsumu just hugs him and lets him cry.
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I hope you guys enjoyed! I got this request and thought it was perfect to post for Valentine’s Day. My askbox is open if you want to send in a request. Like this was, you can find that here. If you liked this consider checking out my other works! Love you guys!!! <3
Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated
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yawujin · 1 month
So I don't know if you're opposed to writing for the v2 boys but if you aren't
Could you please write v2 boys x s/o who is very hard working so when they get focused they forget to eat or drink water a lot &(if you're comfy trans male reader) they forget to take their binder off and rest.
ofc i'll write the sdr2 boys i love them
request | sdr2 boys x an S/O who is hard working
type | react , light hearted , non killing game , established relationship , trans male reader
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hajime hinata ♡
respects you for working so hard
always reminding you to take a break
hajime's a good listener so you can go to him to talk about work troubles you have
he secretly daydreams of another life where you two can just relax 24/7 so you do not have to worry so much about work
admires and appreciates all that you do
gets really excited when you finally finish your work for the day
kazuichi souda ♡
he gets it
relates to you bc he has had to stay up late working and fixing things
he learned the hard way that he must always keep water or something to hydrate himself while working
he's lowkey the type to ask "have you eaten yet?"
he cares sm about you
even though sometimes he also forgets to pack some lunch for himself for work lol
you two look out for each other always <3
fuyuhiko kuzuryu ♡
you already know he's the type to text you constantly throughout the day
"you're going to eat right?" "there has to be something in the vending machines there you can buy."
angry texts when you say all you had so far was some crappy instant coffee
even angrier texts when you tell him you're working after hours
always insistant on you taking a break (even if you just started working on something)
"i love you so much and if somehow someday you collapse while working i'll never forgive myself"
gundham tanaka ♡
orders you to stop working and take a break
no seriously, he orders you to take some time off
"the supreme overlord of ice commands you to STOP!"
he demands you come to bed and keep him warm
but first he reminds you to take off your armor (referring to your binder)
you still had it on oops
you just laugh a little bit and change
finally, you both can get some rest after a long day
nekomaru nidai ♡
he reminds you not to push yourself too hard
"it's kind of like training, you must know your limits!"
is willing to make a list for with designated times for breaks in your schedule
gets hyped up when you have a day off so you two can finally have a date/datenight
has a whole lot of respect for you and your ability to push through especially hard days
"just keep it in the back of your mind that i'll always be here if you need me for something, got it?"
ultimate imposter ♡
brings food to you
gently urges you to take a break
hugs from behind while you work
prefers it when you work from home
picks you up from work whenever he can
teruteru hanamura ♡
when you come home, the first thing he does is feed you
he makes all your favorite dishes ofc
he can always tell if you neglected yourself during work hours
"can't fool me, as your boyfriend i know what you need!"
keeps track of your days off incase you try to get a head start in working on something new
"nope sorry! can't have that today. you and i are due for a date at the diner"
sends you positive and encouraging and rather suggestive messages while you are at work
nagito komaeda ♡
very persuasive when he's trying to get you to rest after a long work day
you finally choose rest and nagito over more paperwork you need to sort out
"tomorrow's always there" he reassures you
"oh and, make sure to take that off" he says, looking at your binder
you almost finished changing without doing so
nagito gives you some affirmations while you drift off to sleep
"you work too hard..." he sighs sadly. "goodnight~"
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