shuchu · 11 months
- ⚖️ anon
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yes i have and it's driving me insane, especially the marius one because WHAT THE FUCK.
the way he's looking into the camera. i'm going to go insane. my mind is filled with the unholy things i wanna do to him
ALSO them wearing his shirt together- i- WOOF WOOF AWOOOOO BARK BARK BARK ARF ARF
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sailorrequest · 2 years
[ 10:56 PM ]
reading with artem while soft songs are playing from your spotify playlist, you took a peak from your book to see artem heavily invested reading in pride and prejudice, he notices your glance towards him. "Is there something you need, Y/N?" artem says as he slowly put the book down, "Nothing, its fine," you said while bashfully looking back at the current chapter your reading, he chuckled quietly then went quickly back into reading his book.
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brielledoesastrology · 7 months
asteroids of KARMA / JUSTICE in astrology 😈⚖️
By : Brielledoesastrology (tumblr)
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Justitia (269) - Justitia, often known as Lady Justice, is a symbol of justice in roman mythology. Depicted with a blindfold, scales, and a sword, she represents impartiality, fairness, and the power of the law. The blindfold signifies objective judgment, the scales represent the weighing of evidence, and the sword symbolizes the enforcement of justice. This iconic figure is commonly associated with legal systems worldwide.
Themis (24) - Themis is a Titaness associated with divine order, law, and custom. Often depicted holding scales and a sword, she represents justice and fairness. Themis is also considered an oracle, providing wise counsel. As a Titaness, she predates the Olympian gods and is a symbol of natural law and the proper order of things in the cosmos.
Karma (3811) - Karma, from Hinduism and Buddhism, is the concept that your actions influence your future experiences. Positive actions lead to positive outcomes, while negative actions result in negative consequences. It's a fundamental principle of cause and effect, emphasizing personal responsibility and the idea that your deeds shape your destiny.
Nemesis (128) - Nemesis is the goddess of retribution and vengeance. She ensures that individuals face consequences for their hubris or excessive pride. Nemesis is often depicted with a measuring rod or scales, symbolizing the idea that one's actions will be weighed and balanced. Her role is to maintain cosmic order by delivering justice to those who display arrogance or commit acts of injustice.
Eunomia (15) - Eunomia is the goddess of good order and governance. She is one of the Horae, the daughters of Zeus and Themis. Eunomia is associated with maintaining social harmony and upholding law and order. Her name translates to "good order" or "good governance," highlighting her role in promoting a just and well-organized society.
Irene (14) - Irene is one of the Horae, the goddesses of the seasons and natural cycles. Irene specifically represents peace and the concept of a "peaceful season." She is associated with the idea of harmony and tranquility, symbolizing the serene moments that come with a well-balanced and peaceful existence.
Dike (99) - Dike is the goddess of justice. She is the daughter of Zeus and Themis, making her a sister to Eunomia (good order) and irene (peace). Dike is often depicted holding scales, representing the weighing of moral choices, and a sword, symbolizing the enforcement of justice. Her role emphasizes the importance of righteous judgment and maintaining a sense of fairness in human affairs.
Copy paste : 269,24,3811,128,15,14,99
⚠️ Warning : i consider this asteroid as prominent and brings the most effect if it conjuncts ur personal planets (sun,moon,venus,mercury,mars) and if it conjuncts ur personal points (ac,dc,ic,mc), i use 0 - 2.5 orbs (for conjunctions). For sextile, trine, opposite and square aspects to asteroids i usually use 0 - 2 orbs. Yes tight conjunctions of planet / personal points to asteroids tends to give the most effect, but other aspects (sextile,trine,square,opposite, etc) still exist, even they produce effects. If it doesn't aspect any of your planets or personal points, check the house placement of the asteroid, maybe some stuff/topics relating to this asteroid could affect some topics/stuff relating to the house placement . ⚠️
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honeyrins · 2 years
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They are never gonna let them volunteer for the Themis Mock Trials again but the students had a blast watching whatever the hell it is they have going on ⚖️
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flaroh · 9 months
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It's Libra szn!!  ♎⚖️ The goddess Themis, also know as Justitia to the Romans, represents Libra with her golden scales. You've probably seen her in modern times as Lady Justice! ✨Prints and merch available: [X]
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khaire-traveler · 2 months
⚖️ Subtle Themis Worship ⚔️
Try veiling
When you have a big decision/judgement to make, blindfold yourself for a moment; be in a place where you're alone and can think quietly
Vote if you can
Get a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Stay up to date on local politics
Join a local activism group; LGBT rights, POC rights, women's rights, etc.
Support humanitarian organizations or homeless shelters
Have a stuffed animal lion: have a stuffed animal of any creature you associate with justice, order, custom, prophecy, or judgement
Have imagery of the earth/sky, scales, blindfolds, swords, or lions around
Volunteer at a homeless shelter; volunteer at a soup kitchen
Spread the word about injustice, especially related to humanitarian causes
Speak your mind; be honest and direct with others; note that honest does not mean cruel
Get more comfortable with the idea of conflict; look into healthy conflict resolution skills
Join a debate team; spectate or participate in formal debates
Write letters you will never send to people who have done you wrong; burn them (SAFELY!!!)
Try to get involved with your local community; help run events, join groups/clubs, meet new people, etc.
Cook a warm meal for someone in need
Ask someone in need for the things they need most; buy/give them those things if you can
Practice restraint and grounding, especially when it comes to people who annoy you
Try to stay away from gossip; don't spread rumors about others, especially those that you're unsure the integrity of
Get curious about the world around you and the way things work; encourage yourself to question things
Trust yourself; listen to your gut
Work on setting boundaries with others and yourself
Let people know when they've done something that hurt you; ask them to change their behavior or wording
Feel free to give people chances to change, but if they continue not to make changes, don't put yourself through the extra work of keeping them around
Release things that no longer serve you
Work on accepting constructive criticism; try not to take criticism too personally
Get to know yourself better; feel confident in the fact that you know yourself better than others
Keep a self-growth journal; write down things relating to self improvement, how you're feeling, goals you're working towards, etc.
Learn any discreet form of divination; cartomancy, carromancy, pyromancy, tea leaves, etc.
Hold onto family heirlooms
Practice family traditions or create new ones c:
Learn self-defense; learn how to properly use weapons; pepper spray, pocket knife, etc.
Clean up after yourself; don't litter in the environment; pick up litter you come across
Try your best to take the advice you give to others (easier said than done, I know)
Practice patience and mindfulness; release control over the things that you can't control
Ground yourself if you're feeling anxious or stressed over an issue; learn about healthy coping skills for stress or anxiety if you don't know any
Take regular breaks from screens; walk around outside, and enjoy yourself; get some fresh air
Take a walk/hike outside; connect with nature
Drink a calming, soothing, or grounding tea
Take care of yourself after a hard day; be kind and gentle with yourself; engage in comforting activities
I'll likely add more going forward, but for the time being, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Themis. I hope others find this helpful! Take care, everyone. 🧡
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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luciferianchild · 2 months
My experience with Lady Justice as a deity ⚖️
She has this very motherly presence. Sometimes I can smell her perfume around the house, it is calming and smells like home. I work closely with her, regarding injustices that I have personally experienced firsthand. What I do is open a word file dedicated to her and write letters regarding said injustices and see if she is able to help me. She is a very busy deity you see. However, when in her presence she is very easy to converse with.
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She appears to me without her blindfold, as she does takes a friendly approach. I believe that Lady Justice or Themis, is an extremely underrated deity in the pagan community online. I hope to find more worshippers of her as I am currently still building our relationship.
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sapphireicecream · 7 months
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Artem (from Tears of Themis) + Grim Reaper Halloween Costume commission for @doridoripawaa! ⚖️☠️
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aikofanfan · 1 year
Obey me, Themis! [Part 2]
Part 1: Link
Update: Part 3 is out!
Summary: Nothing ever goes according to plan. Now working side by side with Rosa and finding the answer as to how a plant from the Devildom that’s deadly to humans ended up in the Human World.
Pairings: Gn!Mc x Lucifer and heavy hints to Rosa x Artem
Warnings: Drugs
A/n: This basically just became a buddy cop story if you think about it. ⚖️😈
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“I think I know where we can start.”
Rosa had insisted you stay at her apartment instead of finding some hotel in the city. So here you were hanging around while she did whatever she went off to with Luke. You were laying on the couch, playing with your phone when it rang.
“Yo.” You greet.
“Are you still at the apartment?” Rosa asks, sounding oddly serious which makes you change your tune.
“Yeah. Something wrong?” You ask.
“I’ll explain once you get here. Luke is on his way to pick you up.” She says and hangs up without another word. So many questions come to mind as you get a text from Luke saying he’s here.
“What’s going on? Did something happen?” You ask as you slip into the passenger seat of the car.
“Rosa didn’t tell you?” He asks as he drives off.
“No she said she’ll explain when I get there. Where is there?” You keep prying. Luke looks at the road, seeming conflicted on what to say. He decided not to say anything and you make a face.
He pulls up to a building and Rosa was there waiting outside. You quickly get out and she rushes over to meet you half way.
“I know you have a lot of questions-”
“About enough to fill a cargo plane.”
She winced a little at your tone and you dial it back. She has a reason you’re sure, relax.
“I-we need your help with a case.” She began, gauging your reaction.
“We?” You repeat. You glance around and Luke was still there, standing off to the side then you look at the building. “….alright you two what the hell is going on?”
One lengthy explanation later and you aren’t even sure what to think. NXX? Rosa and Luke? Along with the other three you met?
You pace around as you take in what they told you and why they brought you here.
“I know what you’re probably thinking but you are the only person I know that can help us with this.” Rosa says as she walks up to you. “If I’m right, you did want to tell Luke at some point.”
“But like this?” You gesture to the building. You know she’s trying to brighten the mood and all but. “I’ll help.”
“Really??” She gasps. You nod.
“If you’re right then a whole lot more people are going to get involved.” You say, becoming serious. Rosa nods and she with Luke lead you inside.
No one says anything but you feel everyone looking at you and Rosa as she leads you to the table in the center. She hands you a small bag with a plant you instantly recognize. Although its effects to demons are that of normal happy drugs- to humans the reactions are far more serious.
“MC?” Rosa asks softly beside you.
“I know what it is.” You confirm, holding it up into the light to get a better look. “Best way I can describe it is demonic marijuana. Incredibly harmful to humans.”
“So that means…” Rosa trials off as she thinks.
“It is from where you thought it was, Rosa. Good eye.” You pat her back.
“Care to explain a bit more?” Marius asks. You glance at him and the others, sighing.
“It’s from the Devildom. Or as you would call it- Hell.” You explain. “Since it looks like I’ll be working with you guys on this. I better come clean.”
“My name is MC as you know and as the doc here guessed, there’s more to me than meets the eye.” You say and before anyone has a chance to call you crazy, you snap your fingers and the four men are lifted up into the air by your magic. “I can travel between the three realms and have pacts with the seven rulers of Hell. You might know them.”
You set them all down and cross your arms. They all look perplexed. Luke seemed to have connected the dots.
“Is this part of why you went missing for a year?!” He asks.
“Yes.” You answered. “I’ll tell you all the details later but just know I have many connections.”
“I know this is a lot but they’re the best lead we have.” Rosa says, being able to tell Artem Marius and Vyn are still unsure about this. And then Marius laughs.
“Just when you think you’ve figured the world out more stuff gets thrown at you.” He says.
“So?” Rosa asks.
“They can join this investigation. It’d be foolish not to after that display.” Vyn says and everyone agreed.
“It just doesn’t make sense though. Traveling between the realms isn’t that easy. A regular human or demon shouldn’t be able to do it.” You mutter.
“We have some idea as to where it started to appear.” Marius says and you nod.
“You look into that. Looks like I’m heading back to the Devildom sooner than I had planned to.” You sigh.
“Let me go with!” Rosa pipes up.
“Eh?” You blink at her.
“I have the files and everything we know about this already.” Rosa says. She had a point but…
“Alright then I guess we can spilt up into teams. Three stay here and two of you can come with me.” You state and before anyone can have a say. “Rosa and pretty boy. Let’s go.”
You point at Rosa then to Artem. The lawyer points to himself and you nod. “Yeah you pretty boy. Come on.”
“Wait now?” He asks. You nod again.
“The sooner we get this ball rolling the sooner we get answers.” You explain. Rosa nodded agreement and helped him gather all the things they were going to need. You walk out of the building with the two and pull out your DDD.
“Your friend is bossy.” Marius says to Luke.
“That just means we have a good member on our side, no?” Luke grins.
“I’m surprised you aren’t freaking out. You seem just as protective over them as you are with Rosa.” Marius comments.
“I’m worried yes but now isn’t the time for that plus they can use magic. They’d sooner flip me around like a pancake before I get a word out I’m sure.” Luke states.
“Yes I know it’s late but I’m only calling so you can’t say I didn’t warn you.” You huffed and hang up.
“Who was that?” Rosa asks. “Was that your boyfriend???”
“ANYWHO.” You say and hear the little tease giggle. “Hold onto to me or each other and get ready to land- somewhere.”
You focus, picturing the House of Lamentation which wasn’t hard since it practically your second home. With a clear image in your head, magic flows around the three of you and poof!
You land on your feet and have to act fast, catching Rosa and then Artem.
“What part of hold onto me or each other did you not understand?” You ask as you set the man down. “Ah whatever.”
“Seeing it in person vs in pictures are so very different.” Rosa says, eyeing the big mansion. Meanwhile Artem was looking around and backs up closer to Rosa and you when he sees demons eyeing them.
“Um MC?” He asks. You glance over and like a switch in your head-
“OI! The fuck are you looking at huh?!” You hiss, eyes flaring up in wrathful green.
“Oh shit that’s MC!”
“Let’s get out of here!”
You watch the demons run off once they realize the two humans are with you. Your eyes change back to their original color as you calm down.
“Now then.” You whirl back around to face the two lawyers who jaws were dropped. “Hm?”
“Hm? HM??? MC that was amazing!” Rosa says as she claps.
“Indeed any doubts I may have had left are long gone.” Artem adds as he too claps. “Seems like your name holds a lot of weight to it.”
“Yeah it wasn’t easy. Ah anyway! Welcome to the Devildom. This is the House of Lamentation.” You say.
“Right. You told me this is where you stay anytime you came down here right?” Rosa asks as you lead them inside with your spare key.
“Correct. Now it’s technically late so everyone will be asleep.” You explain and walk in with them.
“Who’s everyone?” Artem asks. You just grin and give him a wink. To your surprise you see a light coming from the living room.
“Oh he better not have.” You mumble.
“Something wrong?” Rosa asks. You simply motion for them to follow. You walk down and peak into the room and low and behold.
“Lucifer.” You huff. The demon in the chair looks up, he was still in his sleep wear.
“Lucifer???” Rosa gasps. “Like as in- THAT Lucifer???”
“Yeah yeah avatar of pride n all that. I told you you didn’t have to stay awake.” You shrug off the shocked Rosa and walk over to the man as he closed the book he was reading.
“You call in the middle of the night and don’t even explain what’s wrong. Why would I fall back asleep?” He asks as he stands up.
“Because you don’t know the meaning of sleep and you sleeping is rare.” You state, cupping his face. “This situation is urgent I won’t lie but it still could’ve waited till morning.”
Lucifer holds your hands, turning his head and kissing you on the palm of your right hand. His way of telling you not to worry with no words needing to be said.
“Wait your boyfriend is LUCIFER???”
You both look to Rosa who had smacked her hands over her mouth, not having meant to blurt that out loud.
“Right you two.” You sigh and let Lucifer go. “Luci this is my best friend Rosa and this is Artem Wing.”
“Humans.” He states.
“Yeah. Look we’re gonna need you and probably Dia’s help. Maybe more than that.” You began. Seeing as this was going to be a long conversation, you all sit down.
“Hmm.” Lucifer hums in thought.
“Any thoughts?” You asked after a moment.
“No but one things for sure is that Lord Diavolo is going to need to know about this.” He says, which you already knew but hearing it out loud well.
“I was afraid of that.” You sigh. “But that can wait till morning. Barbatos would have our heads if we woke up the Prince this late.
“Prince????” Rosa gawks. “We’re gonna meet a Prince???”
You stand up and make the pair follow you as you head to your room in the House. Once there, you look around and throw some spare clothes at them.
“You guys can sleep here. I’ll room with Luci.” You state.
“Um MC but-” Rosa glances at the single bed in the room.
“Ah Ah Ah don’t give me that bull.” You shake your finger in their faces. “See ya in the morning.”
You walk out and close the door. Thinking about it the other boys can probably tell you’re here once they wake. Just to be safe you ward the door and leave a sign.
Rosa changes in the room’s separate bathroom while Artem changes in the room. Once done they turn the light off and lay in the bed, Rosa closer to the wall.
“I can tell you have a lot of questions.” Rosa says, catching Artem off guard as she turned to face him. “Since it’s all out in the open now, I can answer the best I can.”
“For as long as I’ve been an attorney I thought I’ve seen it all but.” Artem lays on his back. “I don’t even know what to think at the moment.”
“Believe me I get it.” Rosa says, laying on her back now too. “When MC first told me a few years back I was surprised. But at the same time, excited. There’s so much more out there.”
“Interesting out look.” Artem says. “But you’ve known about this for awhile now.
“Mhm. MC says the relations between the realms still aren’t the best so they have to be careful as to who knows about them and well- the everything about them.” Rosa explains. “This would be one of the rare occasions where it was needed.”
“Anyway we should get some rest. There’s going to be a lot of work to be done come morning.” Rosa adds.
You and Lucifer were up and moving before anyone else. Lucifer already on the phone with Diavolo while you went to wake up Rosa and Artem. When you reach the door you take the ward off but keep the sign just to be safe.
“Wa-” you snap your mouth shut before the rest of your words could escape when you see them. They were sound asleep and spooning. Rosa having her arms tightly wrapped around Artem’s middle from behind which looked so funny since he’s so much taller than her. You snap a few quick pictures before walking over and shaking Rosa.
“Mmm five more minutes.” She mumbles, nuzzling her face into Artem’s back. You poke her head until she groans, using one arm to support her and her other still holding Artem.
“Morning.” You grin, not bothering to point out how she’s cuddling the man like a teddy bear.
“Whaaaaat.” She yawns, still half asleep as she pulls Artem closer, nuzzling her cheek against his shoulder. You glance at Artem who was clearly awake but must not have the heart to say anything, he’s blushing so hard his ears were red.
“We got work to do, Rosy.” You tell her. You watch as she slow wakes up more, her work mind catching up to her, cutting through the fog of sleep.
“Ah right.” She hums.
“So ahem um….can you let me go now?”
Rosa jumps away from Artem like she had touched a hot stove and stumbles away, falling off the bed. You burst out into laughter as Rosa says sorry over and over again to Artem as he sits up.
“Jerk! Why didn’t tell me?!” She asks you, face so red she looked like a tomato.
“Pssshh like you would’ve listened.” You stuck your tongue out at her.
You walk down the stairs with them after they got ready and you get swarmed once you step off the last step.
“MC when did you get here???”
“I tried seeing if you were in your room but it was blocked off!”
“Idiot did you not read the sign?”
“HEY!” You snap and they all back off. “Guys I’ll fill you in later. Come on.”
You pull the lawyers along and past the six demons you knew was eyeing them. Not like in a bad way more like confused.
“Oooh you must be Rosa!” Asmo chirps. “You look much cuter in person.”
“Asmo.” You warn. He only winks at you and backs off as you head out of the House.
“Hm the rulers of Hell are a lot more…childish than I was expecting.” Rosa hums.
“Try living with them.” You groan. “We’re going to meet with Lord Diavolo. Out of anyone here he’s mostly got some clue as to what’s going on.”
“Is he going to be upset with you about bring us here?” Artem asks and you didn’t even think about that.
“If I explain why I don’t think he’ll mind. Besides you aren’t in any danger so long as you’re by me.” You state. Lucifer comes around with the car and you all get in. The trip there you were explaining every little thing to Rosa who was in awe as she watches out the window. The only problem was most of the sights were on Artem’s side and she uh….
“You aren’t going to point out how she practically has that man pinned to the door are you?” You hear Lucifer whisper.
“Nope!” You grin. Rosa, completely unaware with how she has Artem caged in between her body and the car door keeps looking on while Artem burns up.
“Oh oh MC is that RAD??” Rosa spoke up, looking as the car passes the school.
“It is. That’s where I spend a good chunk of my days.” You answer. She keeps watching, Artem keeps looking everywhere except at Rosa and you finally show mercy. “Rosa sit correctly please before Artem dies from being flustered.”
You glance back at them just in time to see Rosa noice for the first time how close she got to Artem before scrambling back.
“Sorry!” She says quickly, now blushing herself. You chuckle, giving a thumbs up to Artem when he gives you a look of gratitude. Hm you still had time before you reached the Demon Lord’s Castle. You pull out your phone and type.
You: Hey Rosa
You hear Rosa’s phone chime. Before long you get a text.
Rosa: I’m right behind you, is something the matter that you can’t say it out loud?
You: Oh it’s nothing like that. More of uuuuhhh observation if you will.
Rosa: Observation of what?
You: You and pretty boy there. That’s the second time you subconsciously got super close to him. You like him, don’t you?
You hear Rosa choke on air before getting a reply.
Rosa: MC now is not the time for this! Me and Artem are purely professional!
You: Yeah right! I have a pact with the Avatar of Lust. I can see it in you.
You glance over your shoulder at Rosa, eyes lightly shining a soft pink. Rosa looks up at you then immediately looks away, blushing. You stop messing with her when you see the Castle.
“MC!” Diavolo was quick to pull you into a tight hug. “So good to see you!”
“That’s Lord Diavolo?” Rosa asks Lucifer as they stand off to the side.
“Yes.” He answered. You turn to them and motion with your hand for them to come over.
“Dia this is Rosa and her partner/mentor Artem Wing.” You introduce.
“MC was just telling me about you both.” Diavolo smiles at them and shakes their hands. “They’ve filled me in briefly on why you’re here and what’s going on.”
“I hope we haven’t caused you any trouble and we know this is very sudden, Lord Diavolo.” Rosa says, standing tall and bowing her head a little.
“None at all. This is a serious matter and I’ll do what I can to help.” Diavolo promised. “Plus you have MC after all.”
You stand back as Rosa and Artem question Diavolo. For the most part everything sounded pretty normal, like a small drug ring you’d hear back up in the human world. Until-
“I do recall Mephistopheles telling me about a student passing around some sort of plant they found farther north in the Devildom.” Diavolo tells Rosa.
“What did it look like?” She asks.
“He said it was red with black on its leaves.”
“That’s what we found.” Artem nods.
“That’s the plant that ended up in the human world?” Dia asks and they nod. “Oh my, that’s incredibly dangerous to humans.”
“We know. We’ve already had reports about it.” Rosa frowns.
“Well now we know for sure it’s from here.” You spoke up. “Where’s Mephistopheles right now?”
“I’m not sure but I can ask him to come here.” Diavolo offers.
“Please do.”
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ikemenfangirl · 10 months
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Tears of Themis - Idyllic Moments With You Event (Global server)
Listen to the precious meaning with you
📍Tears of Themis & Zhejiang Provincial Museum collaboration event
💕 MR cards
A thousands of years full of fragrant scenery, ancient rhyme recalls.
Attunement of Guqin
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Composition of Ink
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Fragrancy of Incense
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Marius : Immersion of Tea
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📱Game: Tears of Themis
📆Start: August 17th
📍Event: Idyllic Moments With You
🌎 Server: Global & Chinese
เกมจีบหนุ่มไขคดี Tears of Themis อีเวนต์จีนโบราณ
🇯🇵 PV with Japanese voice https:// youtu.be/Kyi_cnjIX4A
🇨🇳 PV with Chinese voice https://youtu.be/HKMJd4TbfQg
Game: Tears of Themis
By: miHoYo
Platform: iOS, Android
Global: https://tot.mihoyo.com
China: https://wd.mihoyo.com
Taiwan: https://tot.tw.mihoyo.com/tw
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Anonymous asked! -> “name ideas for a terezi (she/it) introject would be greatly appreciated >:] ↩️ and some for our nepeta (he/she/mew/it) too, if you accept multiple per ask :] ↩️ no preferences for terezi and our nepeta says it likes more "round" sounding names”
Justine - A French name, meaning "Justice."
Adila - An Arabic name, meaning "Righteous" or "Fair."
Themis - An Ancient Greek name, meaning "Divine law," or "Divine justice."
Malachi - For Malachite, a stone often associated with protection.
Sard - Another mineral, often associated with justice. It's bright-red and orange for the fires of judgement. >:]
Milo - A multi-source name whose meanings range from "Soldier" to "Beloved and merciful."
Rory - An Irish-originating name meaning, "Red king."
River - For the naturally-occurring body of water.
Arlo - Old English name meaning "Fortified hill."
Noah - Hebrew name meaning "Rest" or "Repose."
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boxersoftheangels · 4 months
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toshiro kasukabe npt requested by councilor anon
ernesto , april , blanche , ragnar , rashad , rauno , daniel , joaquin , adil , dike , themis , forseti . al / mighty , represent / representive , gun / guns , suit / suits , équi / table , ⚖️ / ⚖️ s . (prn) who uses crystal of rebirth , (prn) who is the youngest diet member , (prn) whos flame burns bright , the ones truest self is ernesto . ( couldnt think much srry ! ) ( he looks a little off but thats okay)
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hornkneebee · 3 months
Introduction ✦ All you need to know about me
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✦ Generally about me.
✦ Hornkneebee, Madukara, or Elvine. Call me any name, or if you want, call me Bee, Maddy or Elv. ✦ I'm a he/them and an agender. ✦ I'm 22 year old as of 2024 ✦ Homosexual ✦ Malaysian ✦ Speaks Malay and English well, a little Indonesian
🔗 Agender
✦ What I believe in, my standing.
✦ Ietism, the belief of something more yet does not ascribe to one faith or code of conduct ✦ Left-leaning liberal, advocating for human rights for all ✦ A proud proship/profic, believe that fiction does not effect reality on a 1 to 1 basis
🔗 Proship/Profic
✦ Do not interact list
✦ Religious fundamentalist ✦ Conservatives ✦ Racial supremacists ✦ Queerphobes ✦ Misogynist ✦ Terfs, Transmedicalist ✦ Zionists, Isreal supporters ✦ Antishipper, Fancop, Puriteen
🔗 Terfs, Transmedicalist, Antishipper, Fanpol, Puriteent
✦ My Interests
✦ Generally | World-building 🗺️, Writing ✍🏽, Language 📚, Anthropology 🔍 ✦ Games | Genshin Impact 🍃, The Sims 👨🏻‍👩🏾‍👧🏼‍👦🏽, Coral Island 🪸, Stardew Valley 🌟, Reverse 1999 ⌛, Punishing Gray Raven 🐦‍⬛, Honkai Star Rail 🚂, Alchemy Stars 🌌, Love and Deepspace 🛰️, Cookie Run Kingdom 👑, Tears of Themis ⚖️, AFK Journey 🔥Wuthering Waves 📻 ✦ TV Shows | Merlin BBC 👑, The Walking Dead 🧟 ✦ Anime | Bucchigiri?! 🧞, Fairy Tail 🧚🏽‍♀️, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood ⚗️, Jujutsu Kaisen 👹
✦ Relevant Links
✦ Twitter | _hornkneebee ✦ Bluesky | hornkneebee.bsky.social ✦ AO3 | Hornkneebee ✦ My fanfiction masterlist
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rhenuvee · 1 year
Rhen's 500 Follower Event
Thank you for enjoying my work! Here's my event for 500 followers.
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Please read the rules before submitting an ask, then send the corresponding emoji or specify what you'd like to request.
💫Team HCs | GENSHIN ONLY | This went really well last time so we’re doing it again! Let me know what your main team in game is, and I’ll write some HCs on it. If you happen to send a team I already did I will be putting a link. | BONUS (optional): Send a version event (ex: Windblume, Lantern Rite, etc) and I will write a few extra HCs on your team participating this event
🏐Interview Questions | HAIKYUU ONLY | Send a thirst/question/comment about a character and I will write something short on them and their teammates (if they go pro in timeskip) reacting to/answering it.
⚖️TOT AU | TEARS OF THEMIS ONLY | Send up to (the main) five characters + an alternate universe and I'll write some hcs on it!
Cell Transfer | NANBAKA ONLY | Choose one character and an alternate building/cell and I'll write hcs on what it would be like if they were in a different building with those characters.
✌️Let's be mutuals! | Any creators | I'd love to have some mutuals on Tumblr! Please note that 1. This is open for artists, writers, etc on this platform so I can support some of you 2. I would prefer if we catered to similar fandoms 3. This is not an opportunity for you if all you want is followers without supporting others back
I will not write your request if you do not follow the rules 
To find any of the works within this event, search #rhenuvee500
Thank you again! And though you are not obligated to, give me a follow if you’re interested in my writing!
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piscesseer · 9 months
Libra Season ⚖️💖 September 23 - October 22
As the leaves begin to change colors and the days grow shorter, Libra season is ushered in. Falling between September 23rd and October 22nd, Libra season is a time of balance, harmony, and transformation. Ruled by the planet Venus, this astrological season brings with it a unique set of energies that impact both individuals and the collective in profound ways. In this blog post, we'll explore the effects of Libra season on the individual and the collective, shedding light on the transformative magic it brings.
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Symbol: The Scales Modality: Cardinal  Element: Air Ruling Planet: Venus Colors: Ivory, Pink & Light Blue Body: kidneys, skin, lumbar region, endocrine system, & buttocks Tarot Card: Justice
Fairness • Justice • Harmony • Beauty
Famous Libra Suns: Cardi B, Doja Cat, Kim Kardashian, Hilary Duff, Avril Lavigne, Kate Winslet, Will Smith, Snoop Dogg, Halsey, Dakota Johnson, Oscar Wilde, Dita Von Teese, Donald Glover, Jeff Goldblum
Libra season begins on the Autumn Equinox, which marks the beginning of fall in the Northern Hemisphere. The equinox is a time of balance, as day and night are of equal length. This is fitting for the Libra archetype, which represents balance and equality. Libras are also known for their fairness and diplomacy. They are often seen as mediators and peacemakers, and they strive to create harmony in all aspects of their lives.
The zodiac symbol for Libra is The Scales, named for the constellation associated with the goddess Themis, who ruled over justice and law. You know her, because she is depicted at courthouses, lawyer firms, and law schools. Themis was renowned for her clear sight, and in some cases she is blindfolded, representing her alignment with ‘The Eye’, an all-seeing supernatural vision that allowed her to see through complexity and lies.
Justice is the Tarot Card associated with Libra. This card depicts a calm and balanced judge-king figure (a Themis-like figure), seated between two pillars echoing the equilibrium of The Scales. The Justice Card tends to appear to help us meditate on our choices. In the left hand the scales weigh out the pros and cons, and in the right hand the sword represents intellect that is in this case, pointing toward the heavens for guidance.
Venus is the ruler of both Libra and Taurus. Venus has affinity for the harmonious archetype of this sign. Venus is peaceful, diplomatic and loving. Venus has an elegant, beautiful, and graceful element that comes forth in Libra. Venus reminds us of all things that bring us pleasure and make us happy. Venus also rules attachment to others, and Libra is sociable. 
Libra has ease in social connections and explores the world with poise, akin to the active, flowing air element it’s associated with. Libra is a cardinal sign, taking leadership in diplomacy and social justice. Libra’s sense of purpose comes from making social and creative connections. Libra’s mantra: ‘I relate’ reflects moving forward in society to uphold love, beauty, justice and truth for all.
Libras are known for good taste, elegance and charm. Libras are social creatures, and very approachable. Libras are always looking for the best way, or right way, to live. Artistic pursuits provide an outlet for their love of beauty. 
Libras have a tendency to always support both sides. In the process of seeking balance, they try to be everything for everyone. It's easier for them to tell people what they want to hear, vs. what they're actually thinking. They want to be liked and will be genuinely bothered if you view them negatively.
Their natural mode is living in partnerships with others. Intimate relationships are important to them, as are issues of social justice. Libras benefit from strengthening their will to act in favor of their high purpose, which ultimately lies in dedicating themself to humanity at large rather than one individual person (or thing). Libra’s sense of purpose is all about making social and creative connections.
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How Can Libra Season Affect You?
Libra represents the pursuit of balance and harmony in all aspects of life. During this time, we can see an increase in social activism, with people and organizations working towards a more just society. Diplomatic efforts and negotiations could become focal points on the global stage. Art exhibitions, music festivals, and cultural events thrive as people seek beauty and inspiration in our lives.
In our personal lives, Libra Season is a time to focus on relationships, creativity, and intellect. We often feel a heightened sense of the need for equilibrium during this time. This may manifest as a desire to reevaluate relationships, work-life balance, and personal values. We can look at our core values and ethical principles, adjust them and see how they have changed over time. We can evaluate where we need balance in our lives.
Libra has the ability to see things from all sides, which makes it more difficult to make decisions. Libra's indecisiveness can be both a blessing and a curse. While it may lead to overthinking, it also encourages careful consideration of options. Use this energy to make well-balanced decisions that align with long-term goals, the higher self and things that benefit our well-being!
Libra is known for its social nature and love for partnerships. We may find ourselves drawn to deepening existing relationships or seeking new connections. We may be more interested in talking to others and learning new things during Libra Season. It's a great time for introspection, where we might ponder what we bring to our relationships and what we seek in return.
Libra's diplomatic nature encourages us to approach conflicts with a more rational and fair-minded attitude. It's an ideal time to address unresolved issues and seek resolutions that benefit everyone.
We may have a heightened appreciation for art, fashion, and design. It's a great time to redecorate our living space or explore creative endeavors. Explore your personal style and aesthetic preferences. Visit a local art exhibit.
Libra season is a transformative and enriching time. As we embrace the energies of balance, harmony, and fairness, we can find opportunities for personal growth, improved relationships, and a collective push towards a more just and equitable world. So, whether you're reevaluating your personal values or joining a social cause, remember that Libra season's magic encourages us all to seek harmony within ourselves and in the world around us.
Journal Prompts for Libra Season:
Reflect on the areas of your life where you feel a lack of balance. What steps can you take during Libra Season to restore equilibrium?
Write about a recent decision you had to make. Did you find it challenging to strike a balance between different options? How did you ultimately decide?
Write about the most significant relationships in your life. How can you enhance the balance and harmony within these connections?
Explore your boundaries in various aspects of life, such as work, relationships, and self-care. Are there boundaries in various aspects of life, such as work, relationships, and self-care that you need to establish or adjust to maintain balance?
How can you foster better teamwork and cooperation?
List five things of beauty you're grateful for in your life right now. How can you incorporate more beauty into your daily routines?
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luiz-henrique · 2 months
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="{ As Nove Co-Tutoras de DOBIA-AMBROSINA -: Parte Terceira }"=
="( Abertura )"=
" O Verdadeiro ANÚBIS Acompanhado de YALUHAN e ADAMAS : o Tirano em Junto a EREBUS (EREBO) e YALDABAOTH..., Vem por dentre os Abismos Mais Obscuros e então passando em Meio aos Sepulcros , Tumbas , Túmulos , Sepulturas e Covas dos mortos e do Antro Oculto das Múmias..., para Devorar aqueles que por dentre o mundo dos humanos Enfáticos desta Terra , Iludidos por Sonhos , Errantes como Sonâmbulos nas Furnas de sua Realidade , Quando se fazem passar por Ele , o Grande Chacal da Justiça Desconhecida..., em Meio a qual das Paragens quais forem , dentre estas as que são Exteriores ao Remanescente Insurgido do Mais Antigo...,
no Vir pelo Acessor SETH...,
que é a Outra Faceta do próprio LÓKI (LOKI)..., o mesmo que no Drama Ligado ao Mito - Lendário Germânico de Outrora , Segurou as Mãos do "Cego" HODER , o Deus da Guerra e lhe Disse (...)-:
" Eu Guiarei Tuas Mãos , Atira Ali...,"
e Assim Morreu BALDER , o Bom..., Transpassado pelo Broto de Visgo (...) !-:
" Os inimigos que Você Henrich "Mais que os Odeia " , Nós e Outros Também " Mais que os Odiamos"... ,
Veja o que está para Vir (...) ! "
NEPHTHYS : NEBTHUT ! NECHBET : Deusa- Abutre ! ADRASTEIA : NÊMESIS ! SERKHETH : Deusa -Escorpião ! ERESHKHIGAL : NINNKHIGAL ! HEL ! MORANA : MARZANNA , Companheira de CHERNOBOG ! PERSÉFONE ! NYX : NOX ! THÊMIS (THEMIS) ! DIKÉ ! GWYN- AP- NUDD , o Caçador Noturno que Agarra sua Presa Antes do Amanhecer ! -:
MOT , Senhor da Morte ! YAMM ! AZAG ! HADES : PLUTÃO ! UTHUKK- HUL ! BAAL- ZEBUB , o Deus- Demônio do qual Surge seu Reflexo com Magnitude Ajustada Menor que Integra as Potências de LÚCIFER !
BAAL-MOLOCH , o Deus-Demônio com Corpo Humano , Cabeça de Touro Negro , com Manto e Capuz Característicos e Garras nas Mãos , com Ólhos Brilhantes do qual Surge seu Reflexo MOLOCH , como Demônio e com Magnitude Ajustada Menor Integrado Também as Potências de LÚCIFER !
PAZUZU , o Furioso Demônio Malévolo , Ardendo de Ira , por Dentre os Véus do Ódio , Voando por dentre as Asas dos Ventos , que Vem com LAMMASHTHA LAMMASHTHU e ASAKKU (...)!
NARRGON , o Destruidor !
BARON SAMEDHI dos Cemitérios 🪦 !
CHAVAJOTH , Justiceiro , um dos Guardiões do Sheckinah , o Altar Triângular do Templo de Salomão , Ante os Mistérios do Santuário , e mesmo " Cavaleiro Negro ", Decantador de Cabeças com o Machado ou Espada Esvoaçante , e que Carrega o Laço de Forca (...)! CHORONZÓN , o Guardião do Umbral !
HUMWAWA , Demônio Negro da Morte !
MASKHIM- HUL : SE- BE- TH- THU : Sete Vezes Sete e Mais Inumeráveis...,
Sete e então Nove Terrores do Sobrenatural e Dentre Estes estão -: a Vertência da Escuridão por Detrás da Qual se Explanam as Trevas , em Desde a Grande Obscuridade , com suas Portas Abertas...,
Aquele que Vaga , Desprezado por Onde Vá , no Quanto a " Ondes Especificados" , e mesmo Exterminador , o Araúto e Porta - Voz do VAZIO...,
o Estranho , Alienígena Tentacular e Açougueiro ...,
DEUS Obscuro Auto Proclamado Voraz...,
e Dentre os Outros..., o mesmo VAZIO , que Sozinho em Si , Devora o que lhe Convém...,
em Junto aos Terrores do Além do Sobrenatural (...)!
O Cavaleiro Escarlate , Encapuzado com Face de Caveira Fantasmagórico Espectral , Emissário Exelso e Solene da Morte , em Sobre seu Forjado Cavalo Negro , de fato , Fumegante , dos Ólhos Brilhantes do Inferno (...)!
ALLAHU AKBAR (...) !!!-:
HWH- HÉ- VAU- SH- HÉ- IOD- - HWH !-:
HÉMEN- AHÁR - ETHAN (...)!!! "
" Eia , Descrente..., Ante os Augúrios Solenes do Inferno , que Abre Caminho para as Façanhas do Legado Sinistro da Morte...,
o mesmo Descrente pergunta para os Seres Contatantes que Não Procedem desta Terra pela Via de Comunicação da Sincronização Inversa -:
" Onde estão as Três ..., Já neste aqui , por dentre está Madrugada de Sexta Feira , 12 de Abril de 2024 , Após o Descrente Efetivar suas Preces nas Altas Horas da Madrugada e no Quase Ante o Amanhecer se Recolher para Descansar Sozinho em sua Cama e Quarto (...) !?-:
Tais Seres Responderam (...) -:
" Esta , DOBIA-AMBROSINA se Encontra Bem ao Teu Lado Esquerdo , deitada na Cama...,
Já BABA YAGA está Desdobrada Junto a Porta de Entrada do Quarto Conversando com AKERBELTZ e com HÉCATE ( HÉCATE)...,
Já no Teu Lado Esquerdo , Fora da Cama se Encontra a FADA WOWIWRE das Relvas , Acompanhada da FADA LICÓRNA e de NICKASA , Rainha das ONDINAS...,
Adentradas no Ambiente , Sem que o Descrente Henrique , ainda as perceba , pelo que Sabemos...,
Já no Espaçamento entre a Cama e a Janela , Atrás da Cabeça do mesmo Descrente , se Encontra ASTARTÉ Acompanhada de ASHERAH (ATHIRATH) e de ALCIONE (ALLY) , Deusa das Águas , de Vestes Azuis , Exímia Médica...,
Já na Poltrona do Lado Esquerdo em Frente da Cama , e que se Encontra do Lado Esquerdo Sob a Televisão Embutida na Parede , se Acha Sentada AGLAOPHÊNIA , mas em Quanto no por Detrás deste Ambiente , no Outro Ambiente Mais Próximo do Ambiente no qual o Descrente se Encontra , Precisamente no Ambiente Preliminar ao Intermediário que está por Detrás do Ambiente Preliminar ...,
Onde no Ambiente Preliminar , Prelúdio do Outro , o Intermediário , eis que Há o Referencial da Cama , mas Não Há os Armários , Nem a Televisão , e o Ambiente é Mais Espaçado ou Amplo se dando Não como um Quarto , mas como uma Sala...,
Onde a Poltrona ali é Diferente Mais Distendida em Comprimento..., onde AGLAOPHÊNIA está a Conversar com FREYJA , ÁRTEMIS e HEZAHLLIÉDRAH..., e no mesmo Simultâneo Ajustado , AGLAOPHÊNIA está Sem Estas , Sentada na Poltrona Adentrada no Ambiente no qual o Descrente se Encontra...,
Ante HÉSTHER HÁLGAMAS HÉLLIONDRAH que Chega Junto a AGLAOPHÊNIA para Saber de Algo Quanto a Conversa Desta com as Mencionadas no Ambiente Outro , o Preliminar Referido , Porém HÉSTHER HÁLGAMAS HÉLLIONDRAH fala com AGLAOPHÊNIA Desdobrada pois no mesmo Simultâneo Ajustado está Além do Ambiente Intermediário , Não no Intermediário , portanto , Conversando com MELUSINA , DRUJ- I- NASU e OUTRAS...,
Já AKERBELTZ Conversa com BABA YAGA e HÉCATE (HEKATE) no Ambiente Intermediário , onde o Cenário é Diferente , no mesmo Simultâneo Ajustado , no qual se Encontram Adentradas no Ambiente no qual o Descrente se Encontra , no Estarem em Junto a Porta de Entrada do Quarto...,
Onde os Seres MENCIONADOS que Não Procedem desta Terra me Disseram , como referido , pois Não Consegui Dormir , Já que fui Anotar , Lógo depois , lá pelas 9 horas da manhã , no horário de Brasília, Brasil...,
que AKERBELTZ foi Incumbido a Convocar de Volta os Três Demônios que Integravam a Escolta do Descrente , e que AKERBELTZ foi Implicado a Sair do Auxílio e Assistência Destacada Frentiça Direta , Continuando Entretanto nos Grupos Formados , dos quais falaremos adiante..., e que estão em Ambientes por Detrás de Ambientes Além do Ambiente Intermediário e no por Detrás do Ambiente da Cada , no qual o Descrente se Encontra...,
porque AKERBELTZ para Ensinar ao Descrente neste Ali , Não Resistia a Predisposição de Assim Efetivar Através de Sinais Irônicos Maliciosos com um Toque de Maldade...,
o que fazia o Descrente Aumentar a Distensão da Prece Estafante , Já que AKERBELTZ é Extremamente Maldoso , Maldade como Virtude...,
e LÚCIFER Ainda Mais...,
à Maldade Inimaginável...,
Onde por Isto AKERBELTZ no Auxílio Frentista Destacado e Assistência Direta ao Descrente , foi Substituído por LÚCIFER...,
e os Três Demônios da Escolta Mencionada , Voltaram para AKERBELTZ , Substituídos por Três Demônios Enviados por LÚCIFER (...) !
(Continua em H- ÔMEGA - QUINTUS)
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