tossdoll · 4 months
I would like to see the babies. /ref (the litwicks please :))
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here you go. turns out they are not any where near wild, but came from a backyard breeding situation. the rangers are going to have it handled, while i'm going to be fostering them before i can let them be adopted out.
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lesters-houseofaus · 2 months
did some...okay sprite edits based on if the proposed heirs looked like their predecessors. essentially, what they look like in the beast heirs au :
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and the explanations are below!!!
Milkshake (Ice Juggler) Cookie – Changed the right eye colour to match the eyes of Shadow Milk Cookie, as well as giving her a simalar marking to their predecessor.
Maejap-gwa (Vagabond) Cookie – Addad a slit pupil and altered the hair. Also added designs similar to the petals lotus that Mystic Flour Cookie is often depicted sitting atop of on the bottom of his pants.
Pink Sherbert (Princess) Cookie – Made her hairclip things into halves of butterflies to match the wing headband that Eternal Sugar has. Also added more shiny bits to the hair and small pinkish-purple eyelashes. Also added the hair bits that her predecessor has.
Capascin Cookie – barely any changes. Hair is slightly more curly, and the horns have some extra branches to match the red hair thing that Burning Spice Cookie has on the front of their head.
Salt and Pepper (Mercurial Knight) Cookie – light blue gems swapped for purple to match Silent Salt's colour scheme. More hair streaks added to imbue the salt and pepper of his (made up) namesake, and little bits of purple in the eyes.
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neotrances · 2 years
it's called 'mirroring,' and it's a cat's way of bonding. like, we're doing the same thing, look how similar we are, we love each other.
^_^ thtsso cute bc lately they’ve been hanging out a lot more without “fighting”
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pleEEASSEEE the bathroom wall is getting boring to eat plpeplpseplalpelpleas....
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gossip-girl-co · 9 days
if you ask how much spice is in every book you see (not because you don't like spice, you guys are fine...) you do realize how odd you look, right???
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o-sachi · 3 days
─── A Letter for @strawchocoberry ✦
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If you have received this, it means you signed up for Sachi's Selfship Event !
Thank you for requesting, ml. Thank you for hyping me up and the silly stuff that I write. YOU ARE THE BEST! I love you and your amazing brain. Mindy lore goes hard by the way. My ship. I hope I do your ship justice mehehe.
✉️ Attachment: ABCs with Michael Kaiser
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[C] Comfort Honestly, he's a bit lost with how to comfort you at first. But he knows first hand how it feels to be down and not have someone there to support him. So he does his best; he asks you what you want and what you need. If you want space, an ear to listen, or comforting words; Mihya will try his hardest to give you exactly that. Although, most of the time he'll comfort you through physical touch rather than words. Oh, and he leaves a lot of surprise gifts for you to find so that he can see that smile on your face again.
[D] Dates He takes you out on dates as if it's always your first; Mihya always strives to impress you after all. One for theatrics, he usually takes you out on fancy dinner dates or shopping sprees. But if you insist on a more "toned down" kind of date, he won't mind either. BUT, he will always find a way to spice it up. Movie date? He has a big ass projector rented for the two of you. That or maybe he takes you to one of those drive thru movie screenings (the old fashioned kind). He will ALWAYS give you princess treatment.
[G] Gifts Like I said, one of his love languages is gift giving. He was definitely deprived of this kind of love as a child, so he makes sure you'd never feel the same as he did when he was younger. He has the thinking of, "money can be earned again," so he's not shy about splurging on you. He also likes receiving things from you—doesn't matter if it's a small or huge gift. Mihya only cares that it came from you and you thought about it with him in mind. A gift he has given you before is a shiny golden locket with a picture of a blue rose inside. And a gift he likes receiving from you are the baked goods that you make every week. He finds it extra thoughtful.
[I] Intimacy You form a deeper connection because he finds himself drawn to your genuine personality. He was fully expecting you to fall for him at first because he was a famous football star and he had good looks. So imagine his surprise when he found out that you weren't that simple. You may have fallen first, but he fell harder. And it was all thanks to the support and presence you had in his life. You were the thing he never knew he needed. However, he's quite aggressive with romance—wanting everything to be fast paced. But that's mostly because he feels safe and secure with you. He's just that sure of you.
[J] Jealousy Normally he'd be on high alert if he knows someone is trying to get into his territory. But you've reassured him enough to a point that he feels fine most of the time. Just don't do it on purpose or tease him about it because he'll begin to overthink (poor guy). But if he does get jealous, he's the type to confront the other person directly. There is no beating the bush with this man, especially when it comes to you. Although, I feel like you'd be the more jealous one with the relationship... y'know, having to deal with the massive Kaiser fan club. But he tells you time and time again that you're the only one for him.
[N] Nicknames So shameless that he calls you darling and sweetheart right off the bat. Even when you were doing your research on him and his team—he'd call you those names behind the scenes. It pissed you off at first, honestly. But as you two got into a relationship and things got serious, Mihya started calling you petnames in German like Schatz and Liebe. To him, those feel more meaningful, thus you deserve them. He doesn't mind any name that you call him... just don't call him by his actual name or he'll start pouting.
[T] Time Apart You think that you have it worse because, of course, he's always the one away for football, right? He'll even tease you about being so "clingy" whenever you'd hop on a call together. But, deep down, he is suffering more than you are. He'll try to laugh it off though. Mihya also buys you plushies that you can have on your bed. He says it might help you remind you of him (he also spritzes a bit of his cologne on them before giving it to you because he's sneaky like that). He'll definitely send you a shit ton of pictures of him and the places he has been going to. Be sure to send some back or else he will bug you for them!
[W] Wildcard He actually likes listening to you yap about whatever it is you're currently reading or writing at the moment. He'll look at you the entire time and nod along. You know he's actually listening because he asks questions. Random thought, but you two have definitely done the ribbon-bicep trend before.
[X] XOXO I feel like he enjoys reading in his free time hence the reading glasses. Sometimes, when you're settled in and reading something, he'll sit down beside you and read along with his own book. You two just sit there together—appreciating each other's presence silently. Yeah, he has started reading A LOT more because of this. He really just wants you to feel that he's into the things you're into.
[Y] Yin & Yang You two are kind of opposites? Like I said, he's very aggressive when it comes to love while you're softer and more gentle. But it works out because you balance each other—leading the relationship at a moderate pace. However, you complement each other based on your "maintenance." You like getting princess treatment and he would happily fulfill that for you. But you also like to give the same energy back. And for Mihya, someone who has lived for most of his life with below the bare minimum, your love was something that blew him away. That's what got him hooked on you tbh.
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Thank you for participating. I hope you like it :3
Want to participate? Give this a read.
o-sachi © 2024 pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms.
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themimicbird · 16 days
Fall Emojis to add Pumpkin Spice to posts
🍂☕️🪵🎃🍁🧺🧸🏵️🍯🥮🍄🧣🧡🐿️🥧🤎🦉🕸️👻🍬🦇💀✨🦔🥐🍪🕯️🦇📜🍮🖤🗝☕🕰🎞🖋️🌰🎧🐈‍⬛🦌🪶🦊🕷️❤️🔥🌙🍎📷🌻🎓🥞📚🍒⚰️🎻🪞🦴🌕💛📖🎒🍄‍🟫📓🗒🍷🧹🗓️🌾🍃🥀 🍊🦢👞🪦📀🩸👽☁️🐻🎼💌📦🥯🧋🔪🌛🐈🎸🍎🌥️🥖🦃🥨🧟‍♀️🧛🏼‍♀️💚💜🍫🍭⏳🦋🌇📍💼👝👢🐐🐕🦦🦫🪹🍩🏹🏈🏇🏻🎨🪕⛵️🛖🏕️📻🚪🪑✉️📃📄📋🖇️🔍🔎📝🥜💡🚧⚡️🐌
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dazed-poltergeist · 2 years
Powers of Eden (I)
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Associated fandoms: Assassin's Creed x The Umbrella Academy
Pairing: Altaïr Ibn La'ahad x Reader (Platonic), perhaps some Altaïr x Malik in later pieces
Warnings: One (1) spoiler for The Umbrella Academy
Summary: The reader, who is similar to the "The Umbrella Academy" character Five Hargreeves, attempts to travel back in time. While it succeeds, they travel a lot further back than what they would've liked..
Add. Notes: Allow me to give some background on Five, for those who haven't seen the show: The original Five Hargreeves comes from an adopted family of 9. The siblings' names are Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Ben, and Viktor, and his "parents" are Reginald and Grace. Along with his siblings, Five has superpowers, which in his case are teleportation and time travel. He used to work for a timeline related commission as an assassin. In this story, the reader/Five has no affiliation with the said Commission.
{ I've returned with a new piece! I'm pretty sure that I will write more parts for this, but I'm not sure how I should write a specific part related to languages without using Google Translate. So if any of you has advice related to that, I'd appreciate if you spare some for me. In any case, it looks like I managed to write something before St. Patrick's, so happy (still early) St. Patrick's Day! My so-called "spice" for this time is that I speak in English a lot more than in my mother tongue, which causes me to forget words in the latter language. }
-Eero, March 2023
Masterlist ✧⁠*⁠。
When you were younger, you would practice teleporting –and on a few rare occasions, time travel– with Reginald's guidance, starting with a few small units at a time and then building up from that. On these very few occasions, he only allowed you practice time jumping to the future, and whenever you questioned him for that restriction, he would say things along the lines of "A wrong move down the line could change the whole world as we know it," "Time travel is far more complex than teleportation," and "You were not educated enough to understand time travel."
Even if what the older Hargreeves had explained to you these days was true or not, he wasn't just a prick, he was the whole cactus. Today felt like a good day to not listen to what he had told you, just to spite him. It wasn't like Reginald was going to stop you anyway; He was dead, "playing tennis with Hitler in hell," as Klaus said before his funeral.
You told Grace and Viktor about what you were going to do, even though they weren't going to know that when you meet them yesterday, the day you planned to jump back to. You strutted to the Umbrella Academy's courtyard, where after two attempts you successfully opened a way through time.
Except, when you stepped through the ripple of time and looked for signs that you actually time travelled instead of teleporting in an arduous manner, you realized that you weren't in the Academy's courtyard anymore.
You were standing on the roof of a small, sand-colored building. You could see a city around you, with a bunch of houses and towers in different shades of yellows and whites. You recognized a large building as you took in your surroundings; a blue and white temple with a gold dome acting as its roof. With the famous temple in mind, you easily concluded that you somehow ended up in Jerusalem.
Once you came out from your daze of admiring the landscape around you, you realized that a hooded man dressed in white was behind you, staring bullets into your head. You wanted to tell him about what happened to you, but given your location, you doubted that he would understand you.
The assumption ended up being correct, because he began speaking in an unrecognizable language. The only useful thing you could do in that situation was gesturing to him that you didn't understand him, which was exactly what you did. Some gears seemed to align for him, and as a response he took you by the arm and into the building below you.
The two of you landed on the floor of what seemed to be an outdoor living room. You couldn't really take in many details, since the strange man continued dragging you through the building. The room you stopped in had a collection of bookshelves, baskets, pots, and many other things, but what caught your eye was a one-armed man standing behind a table.
The cripple noticed you the moment you and the hooded stranger walked in, and began to question the latter about you. They talked for a short period of time, then the man behind the desk walked away from the table to you and the other strange man.
The two men turned to you, and tried to introduce themselves in the most simplest way they could to someone who didn't understand their language; they pointed at themselves and said their names. The now formerly hooded man introduced himself as Altaïr, and the other one with a dark robe over his similarity white outfit introduced himself as Malik. You told tell them your name in the same manner; you pointed at your torso and said "(Y/N)."
Altaïr looked at the other man and said something in his language, to which Malik chuckled and made another comment as a response.
("A name. That's a start.") ("What a funny name. You certainly weren't wrong about the 'odd person' part.")
The two began brainstorming on what they should do with you now; they couldn't let you leave the bureau, because you didn't understand their language, you likely had no idea what the surrounding world was like, and you looked like someone out of a bizarre story told by a drunk bard. All they could think of with the given circumstances was that they needed to take you in.
Malik went to one of the shelves in the room, and began looking for books that could possibly help with the language barrier. You joined him to look for documents with dates on them; you needed some year written on a recent paper, to get an idea of how far back in time you actually jumped.
Altaïr realized what you were doing, and found some excess paper to write down the year for you. You took the paper and thought that you wouldn't be surprised about the year, since their appearances seemed to give it away. Yet, you were very surprised, even for someone who just time travelled on purpose. You had jumped into the period of the Third Crusade.
You quickly recovered from the shock that came with that fact, and wrote down "2019" onto the other side of the paper Altaïr had given you. You gave the paper to him for both him and Malik to see. The two froze in place, and Altaïr dropped the piece of paper onto the ground. They turned to look at you again, and visibly wanted to ask multiple questions about the future from you; you could see the eagerness on their faces. Unfortunately, the language barrier was no help.
The presence of an inability to communicate with you made the two white-clothed men determined to try and teach you their language while you were under their wing.
For a change of scenery to let you process what happened, Altaïr took you back to the main area of the building, where he sat you down. He walked into a third room to get you some food, after Malik had left you two alone to find you some clothes that would help you blend in—to make it less obvious that you've come from 900 years into the future.
As Altaïr handed you some food, Malik came up to you two and placed a small stack of clothing next to your legs. He muttered something to Altaïr in their foreign tongue as he was walking back into what you concluded was probably his office.
("If they need help with the clothes, you can count me out.")
Since the building usually didn't have any visitors of your kind, majority of the spare clothes were related to what seemed to be their uniform. The clothes Malik had provided you included a pair of dark pants, some white robes similar to the ones Altaïr was wearing, and plain boots fit for running and climbing, along with a leather harness to keep the clothes in place. Those clothes obviously weren't what you were used to wearing, but they were relatively better than the ones you had on at the moment.
You left Altaïr alone into the main area to go change into the robes. Only after you had changed you realized that your clothes looked like a downgraded version of the two men's outfits. You concluded that the clothes they wore had different features based on ranks. You didn't even know what kind of organization they worked for or what their jobs were, so you couldn't put more thought into the conclusion that you had just made.
As you got back to Altaïr, you only then felt the exhaustion from the energy-consuming time jump kick in. Even if you would've had enough energy to try time-jumping again, you wouldn't have wanted to risk accidentally travelling into the Stone Age. The little "living room" seemed comfortable enough to be used as a bedroom, which was the reason why you lied down in the bundle of pillows that were sitting on the ground.
The white-clothed man briefly disappeared into another room and returned to get you a thin blanket. As you prepared to rest, Altaïr sat down to begin contemplating on the things he could try to do in order to help you adapt to a possible life in Jerusalem. Thanks to a sheer lack of ideas, he only thought of recruiting you as a novice for the Assassin Order.
Now that you had fallen asleep, Altaïr went to Malik to consult him on what they should do.The latter thought that recruiting you—a strange person who literally emerged out of nowhere and couldn't even speak their language–into the Order was an outrageous idea that should be out of question. The dark-coated man also added that they couldn't even take you to Masyaf to swear you in and train you there because of the language barrier. But even then, their morals told them that teaching you was the best they could do with the lifestyle they had.
The two decided to show you a little thing or two about being an assassin, without making you an official member, and see how it would go. Malik proposed that he would teach you their language whenever he could multitask, and Altaïr added that he could show you a move or few while he trained or when he brought you along for an info hunt. All they could do now was to wait for you to wake up and get ready for a bring-your-novice-to-work day with the two men.
Personal pointers: A particular bureau for Assassins that Altaïr frequently visits in certain fanart is in Jerusalem, since Malik is the Rafiq there. Like majority of the buildings in that city, the hideout is in the color of sand and maybe a few specific spices.
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darrylhudson86 · 10 months
Why Email Marketing Is So Importnat? Fun Facts and Insider Tips 🔥
🌟 Hey #MarketingMinds! Let's dive into the incredible world of #EmailMarketing - where the magic happens! 💌✨
1️⃣ Did you know? Email marketing has an ROI of 4400%! 💸💥 Yep, you read it right. That's like turning a dime into a treasure chest! ✉️
2️⃣ It's not just about sending emails, it's about building relationships. 🤝📧 Email is your secret weapon to connect, engage, and create a community around your brand. 💖
3️⃣ Personalization is the name of the game. 🎯 Tailor your emails like a bespoke suit – people want to feel special, not like another fish in the sea. 🐠📩
4️⃣ Insider Tip: Timing is everything! 🕒✉️ Studies show that Tuesday and Thursday mornings are prime time for opening emails. Hit that inbox when it's hot! ☕️🔥
5️⃣ Subject lines matter... A LOT! 🚀✉️ Get creative, be intriguing, and lure them in with the promise of something amazing inside. It's like a mini movie trailer for your content! 🎥🌟
6️⃣ The power of segmentation! 🔍📬 Break down your audience into smaller groups based on behavior, preferences, or demographics. Serve them what they want, and they'll love you for it! 💕🎯
7️⃣ Did you know emojis in the subject line can boost open rates by 56%? 🤯📧 Spice it up! 🌶️✉️ Don't be shy with those cute little symbols. They speak volumes! 🚀💬
8️⃣ Automation is your BFF. 🤖📧 Set up those drip campaigns and watch the engagement soar. It's like having a 24/7 marketing superhero working for you! 🦸‍♂️💼
9️⃣ A/B testing is the secret sauce! 🧪✉️ Experiment with different elements – subject lines, images, CTA buttons. Find the winning combo that makes your audience do the happy dance! 🎉
🔟 Boost your email game with our ultimate Email Marketing Guide! 📚✉️ Dive deep into the art and science of email marketing. Your inbox will thank you! 💌🚀
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theartofjoydawood · 1 year
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HAPPY FIRST ‘BER MONTH! 🍎 I’m finally opening up COMMISSIONS (well at least now vocal about it) just in time for all the upcoming spooky stuff! ✏️
What’s a more perfect opportunity than now to spice up your profile pic, or create a heartwarming illustration for you or for a cherished one?
Feel free to DM or email me for questions! ✉️
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tossdoll · 3 months
Who's Nutmeg?
nutmeg is the new name of the pumpkawick, who my friend quinn now owns.
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empyreanparadisaea · 2 months
✉️ [mayhaps a letter Kaveh writes Reader when they've gone back to the Sahrian Union for a while?]
@shallliveoninsong || prompt! || To Reader
Dear Reader,
I pray that this letter gets to you. I don't doubt Komaniya Express' ability but I know how difficult it is to reach your homeland. I hope the poor girl isn't too exhausted...
If this letter has reached you, hi! How is your homeland doing? I hope you tell everyone I said hello, I know they may not know me but I hope they can see an ounce of my sentiments with these gifts. Some Sumerian cook books, some fruits we've already shared together. And some spices for them to try out.
Things are okay on my end. Mehrak misses you, it keeps going to where you slept and expecting you to come out the sheets. He also goes to the door whenever he hears someone opening it.
Alhaitham also misses you. He denies it of course, but I've noticed him staring longingly where you two would sit and chat about the books you've read. I told him you'd return soon and he gives a grunt.
As for me... well I miss you too. But I know you have important work back home. So take all the time you need. You know you have a home in Sumeru should you ever need it.
I hope you write soon.
With love, Kaveh
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drhitendrakgarg · 5 months
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🌶️🔥 Feel the heat? Dive into the spicy world of flavours and discover why they might trigger that fiery sensation of acid reflux!
From tantalizing tastes to soothing remedies, let's navigate the spicy saga together. Ready to spice up your knowledge and tame the burn?
Meet Dr. Hitendra K. Garg DM (GASTROENTEROLOGY), MD(MEDICINE) Senior Consultant - Hepatology, Gastroenterology & Liver Transplant At Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi Mathura Road, Sarita Vihar, Delhi, India, Delhi

👨‍⚕️Schedule a consultation at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals 📍Delhi Mathura Road, Sarita Vihar, Delhi, India 🌐www.drhitendrakgarg.com ✉️Email: [email protected]
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desidumtea · 11 months
Desi Dum Tea: The Pioneering Tea Franchise Shaping India’s Chai Landscape
Desi Dum Tea among the numerous tea franchises in India has astoundingly marked its footprint in recent times. Encapsulating the novel approach and sturdy franchise model within its brand, it has managed to sow its uniqueness in the lush chai market.
The Magic of Desi Dum Tea
Desi Dum Tea, being acclaimed as the best tea franchise in India, does a lot more than just retail chai. Their aim rests in recreating the charm of the roadside tea stalls wrapped in an advanced clean setting. This brand recreates the nostalgic feelings associated with chai, bringing taste buds to life and invoking warm memories.
Among the saturated tea industry in India, the best tea franchise, Desi Dum Tea stands out with its special 'dum' brewing process. The tea imparts aromatic Indian spices such as cardamom, cloves, and ginger which are brewed in small batches, providing the perfect flavor.
Franchise Expansion
Desi Dum Tea aspired to reach every corner of India and widen its franchise graph. Their franchise model is designed to cater to even novices in the business realm so they can successfully steer the franchise outlet.
Desi Dum Tea, being the best tea franchise in India, imparts comprehensive training to its franchise partners. This ensures they comprehend the brand's values, methodologies, and operations. The franchise cost has been designed to be affordable, rendering it accessible for small businesses and novice entrepreneurs.
Popular Menu Choices
The best tea franchise in India - Desi Dum Tea offers a wide array of hot beverages apart from its trademark Dum Chai. Masala chai, Adrak Chai, Saffron Chai are some of the popular choices among their regular customers. To complement the tea, they offer a variety of Indian snacks including samosas, vada pav, and biscuits.
Growing Popularity
Ever since its establishment, Desi Dum Tea has swiftly spread across various Indian cities with numerous franchised outlets. The customer reviews and feedback echo their quality and consistency offered in each tea cup. They have drafted an environment that fascinates the customers into feeling a visit to a traditional 'chai ki tapri,' with the added favourable mix of hygiene and an attractive ambiance.
The Future Ahead
Looking forward, Desi Dum Tea aspires to introduce its chai to a global audience. Their plan is to penetrate markets which bear an Indian diaspora craving authentic Indian chai. With a successful franchise model and a passion for serving the real Indian chai, Desi Dum Tea appears set to become a global brand.
Final Thought
In India, Tea is more than just a beverage - it's a deep-rooted culture, tradition, and at times, a conversation initiator. The best tea franchise in India, Desi Dum Tea, has not only comprehended the essence of this but also managed to bring these experiences into a neatly designed setting. As the brand grows, it seems set to redefine the tea-drinking culture, making itself an exceptional franchise opportunity to venture into the F&B industry. Desi Dum Tea – a perfect blend of tradition and taste.
🏠 6-3-597/1/C, Venkata Ramana Colony, Anand Nagar Colony, Khairtabad, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, 🌍 Telangana 500004, India
📞 +91 9666 542 642 📱
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mikumanogi-blog · 1 year
2023-09-28 "I need to make sure that I don’t cut my bangs too short" Tereblog #122 [ENG]
Oh look I’ve spotted a wild Teresa-panda ⸜ 🍚🍴⸝
I’m Nogizaka46’s 5th generation member Ikeda Teresa, thank you for coming to read my blog today. Please make sure you stay until the end
Bangs, the time where I felt as though my bangs were just the right length was way too short. “Only the goddess of chance can grow bangs” is what they say but even those bangs grow too quickly or too short…grrrr
I want my bangs to stay at the same length is what I’m saying right now while holding a pair of scissors.
Snip. Ahhhh
… Today I’m going to do a Q&A from the Letters I received ✉️
✉️ I sent this the other day through Nogimail but where did you go out with Aya-chan?
(Letter name: Nuu)
🕊We went out for dinner. Saku-tan was also there! It was delicious
✉️ Can you handle spicy foods?
(Letter name: Showtarou)
🕊I went a to a curry place recently and I got a regular spice curry and so next time I want to try having a curry with a little bit more spice (   ˙꒳​˙ )‪꜆🍛🥄
✉️ What comes to mind when you think of Autumn cuisine?
(letter name: dandadan)
🕊 Things that have the words Tsukimi (moon viewing) in them! Other than that chestnuts, potatoes and pumpkins…
✉️ Today I could hear my stomach rumbling. Does the same thing happen to you when you’re dieting?
(letter name: Tamago-pan)
🕊 Even though I make sure to have dinner I always get hungry at night (it’s also probably because I stay up late)
When I wake up Hunger < Sleepiness
That’s it!
I know it’s a little short but I’ll ask for more questions in the future (o・・o)/~
Tomorrow: September 29th 18:50 I’ll be performing on TV Asahi “Music station 3 hour SP”
Please check it out m(_ _)m
Good night. Squirming noises
#tereblog #122(Tere-pan, Tere-Panella)
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literary-hana · 2 years
The Hating Game
Author: Sally Thorne
🍂Genre: Contemporary Romance & Humor
📔Story: 4/5
📝Writing Style: 5/5
✉️Overall: 4/5
📚Hating someone is almost same as loving them. Lucy hates Joshua, her one true nemesis. The only drawback to her perfect job is sitting across him.
He pushes all of her buttons & makes her lose her cool. He brings the worst out of her. And she does the same.
They hate each other. They really do. Absolutely hate each other.
At least that's what Luch thought until he kisses her.
💭 Thought :
📝Writing - First of all, I loved the writing of The Hating Game, a big 5 for that!
It felt charming and had a flowery feel to it. Almost whimsical. It was absolutely beautiful.
🎭🔰👥The characters - The way Lucy - our protagonist - thinks and acts, honestly it wasn't never boring being inside of her head.
Josh was so sweet. Truly there is nothing better than a man written by a woman.
📔Story - From the get-go, the banter, the chemistry, and the comedy were in abundance and I really enjoyed those first few chapters.
I love characters who dish each other out, and then serve it back.
The third act conflict was good. Was kinda surprised by the twist too.
🌶️Spicy - Honestly, I'm not a fan of book spice. So I mostly skim through them. Though, the scene in the **** was really nice.
If you like hot stuffs in your book, you will love this one.
The spice doesn't overpower the story and writing.
♻️ There is a movie adaptation of The Hating Game that came out in 2021. Lucy is cast as Lucy Hale. And Joshua is casted as Austin Stowell.
It was good.
I loved the book better.
🌸QOTD - Do you have a nemesis?
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