#✎░ promotes
emomanswhore · 11 months
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hi :)
*ears perk up, nose twitches violently.*
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i-is that— could it be… n-no.
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haloswrld · 2 months
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—works in progress + my fav line from them.
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crawling into your window past 10 has become a good habit of his.
you aren’t any better; you’re eyes remain halfway open and you play the role of someone who’s had too much of him, when in reality, you know you’ll always be there to make sure he gets that world he yawns for, even it’s one constructed of legos.
for no reason now, morning just might be his favorite time of the day.
the door flicks open to reveal you standing outside. you startle a bit, evident in the way you quickly retract your hand from knocking once more. you’re pretty in all your morning glory he thinks, just how long do you plan on standing there?
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when you have nowhere else to go, jason never hesitates to pull you too close.
The ringtone of his phone is what does it, particularly that tone that he’s been hearing a lot recently but never thought would be the reason he would be awaken from his sleep.
you let jason walk in and he follows.
he can see it all the moment he closes the door behind him. from the way you slightly look around to ensure perfection, to how nervous you seem from letting him into your space for the first time, to him, nothing goes unnoticed.
in which you two frolic in the snow together at a questionable hour.
jason parks on the side of the road to your wanted destination, a smile playing on his lips when you get out the car and make a run for it, the heat of your hand still hot against his own.
there’s a lot you can tell when things shift—especially when they have everything to do with jason.
his recent absence and distantness could maybe be explained as normal, that is, if only the two of you were just friends. maybe it could be sold to you if he didn’t tangle his fingers in your hair every time he kissed you and if he didn’t seem to linger a bit too long in the hold of your embrace.
jason comforttt!! this one don’t have a synopsis.
the thought of getting home and taking a nice bath is the only thing that gets you through the day. on your way home the trees swish, the cars honk, the children chase and most evidently the sun hangs, falling low from a place in the sky that highlights the outline of your apartment building.
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he really should go home, be out of your hair by this hour but the warmth of the moment outweighs the ticking clock and being by your side a bit longer won’t hurt. it never has.
nanami who tumbles with you a little bit on your way in, catching you in the hold of his arms right as you’re about to fall and pulls you closer than you ever are into his space. you take a little longer to pull back all while he asks if you’re okay. you hum in response, straightening yourself and hope that, in the dimly light space of you’re entryway, he doesn’t see the slight red to your cheeks.
the fact of the matter being he’s your and your his.
when the first snow of the year falls, nanami isn't looking up into the quiet sprinkling sky. instead, shielded under the door awning of the coffee shop, the blondes eyes are trained on the person he sees across the street, their arms happily looped around two others in the display of twinkling snowflakes. ever since you left his hold, nothing has allowed him to forget you.
rains got you wet but nanami can help dry you— or not. it’s his choice.
“—actually, I don’t want to hear anything from someone who can’t even dry themselves properly.” his tone is serious but it’s betrayed by the way he uses his hands. the soft manner that he scrunches pieces of your hair in whispers ‘you’re precious to me’.
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kisscara · 1 year
i have decided to start a writing blog
am i scared? yes
do i plan on writing stuff? yes
do i wanna do this? yes
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OMG DON'T BE SCARED!! i will support you every step of the way😻
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rxzennia · 29 days
a promise of forever
– tales of the voracity pathstrider
✎𓂃 falling in love; promising an eternity in return. aventurine's real name, ~3k word vomit
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aventurine has realized by now that he might just be in love with you.
okay, love is a strong word, let’s take a few steps back. 
he isn’t too sure if he’s ready to make that commitment yet, so… at least, he wants you to always be with him. to stay by his side.
he has to make the first move because you would never
he’s terrified!! he doesn’t want to be the first one to offer his heart!!
but if he doesn’t you’d be perfectly content maintaining whatever you have right now
like… boss and assistant? friends? best friends? roommates? lovers? not yet?
aeons he hated how passive you are
it’s so damn obvious that you liked him back to a certain degree
but why aren’t you trying to hold onto him? why aren’t you trying to take up more of his life like he’s doing with you? 
he wants your smiles all to himself; wants your hidden softness to only be directed at him; wants your affection for himself, all of you, including your leviathans
he loves, loves how you’ve opened up to him over time
you’ve gone from a ice cold slab of stone to a wall he trusts enough to rant at, then the highlight of his life that he doesn’t want to let go of
the way you would get upset whenever he tries to do something dangerous, even if you and he both know he’d come out fine
the way you would pick up the phone regardless of when or why he’s calling, even if you’re off duty and annoyed at him ringing you at 2am
the way you would, without considering his feelings, cringe and back away when he accidentally brings you food you hate, but ultimately feed it to your scarf because you don’t want to waste it
he loves them all. your reactions, your expressions, everything
especially when he’s probably the only one to see so much of you all the time
he wants to keep hearing you talk about yourself, keep learning more about you, even the parts of you that no one’s ever known before
he didn’t want to tell you all of that, yet he wants you to know
except you’ve made it very clear with your personality that if he doesn’t tell you, you won’t pry
and, like, you can’t read minds. neither can he.
so you’ve essentially forced him into confessing :(
if he wants your friendship (and more), he has to be the one who asks
aventurine remembers how cold you were at the beginning, so much so that he briefly wondered if working under him was amount to torture for you as it was for a few of his previous secretaries.
you never talked more than absolutely necessary, you've always had that terrifying glare, and couple these things with the fact that he rarely saw your face? yeah, you didn’t look like you wanted to be there.
he tried to transfer you elsewhere. under topaz, maybe, or even jade, or even some other department but you've never replied.
but you've replied to his texts before and after that?
you've just flat out ignored the transfer offer?
does this mean you don't want to be transferred?
that's probably when his fascination with you started
you, who's so detached and seems to dislike him, wanting to stay as his secretary?
he tried to ask you about it once, but all he got was “there's still a year before my contract expires”
which, well, yes, fair enough
but you should also know that if he's the one bringing it up, you won’t be getting into trouble for breaking the contract
he drops it, though, because he knows that there might be certain things you don't want to tell him
or perhaps you don't understand
he feels like you're very bad with emotions and expressing your thoughts
you are, honestly
it’s a different story with the permanent offer he made you a while ago, though
“are you sure?” you asked, with rare anticipation in your eyes
he chuckles, “absolutely.”
you try to hide your joy, but the speed at which you signed the paper is telltale enough
he’s also promoted you from secretary to assistant
even though you’re pretty much his assistant already
you don’t really know how to feel about that part
does this mean you’ll get even busier? not really? will you still be staring at contracts at 3am?
then comes aventurine’s offer for you to move in with him.
you’ve managed to finally notice that the dynamic between you and your boss resembles that of typical lovers in the media, but what do you know? one, aventurine is probably unused to someone else’s company so he’s compensating for it, and two, it’s not like you’re versed enough in mortal sentiments to make an accurate judgement.
he cuddles up to you in his sleep
he’ll smack your face accidentally when he wakes up and stretches
“this is the twenty-third time you’ve done this.” your scarf morphs into half a faceless snake and push his hand back down
why the hell have you been keeping count
you’ve mostly lined your morning routine up with his
efficiency, you tell yourself, it’ll be easier to keep yourselves on schedule
which means you find yourself with him at the breakfast table more often than not
he’s eating normally, while you… 
you have a leviathan chewing on the entire plate, and yes that includes the ceramic
what about you? you’re preparing presentations and drafting contracts, of course!
or sometimes fighting for your life in corporate emails :/
is starting the day together really still simply “efficiency” at this point?
you’re starting to think you’re lying to yourself as the days go by
maybe you’ve been living amongst mortals for too long
because you find him so precious that you want to hold him dearly and give him everything
he’s so scared of being vulnerable, but he’s willing to lower his guard around you
what is this foreign feeling? what’s with this odd desire to protect? to hoard?
like how dragons hoard treasure, or how crows hoard shiny things
has anyone told you you’re terrible at emotions?
you’re terrible at emotions
you’ve memorized every little thing he likes and every little habit he has
and he noticed! of course he noticed!
are you absolutely sure you don’t like him even a little bit?
are you absolutely sure you have nothing to say to him?
must he make the first move when you’re so blatantly obvious?
he really, really, hates you (lovingly) for this
aventurine eventually comes to terms with it. if he wants you, officially, he’ll have to bare his innermost thoughts first.
there’s a period of distancing, and a period of overwhelming anxiety and overthinking all on his own. but even then you didn’t pull away from him, no; you were patient. you’ve asked, then left him alone when he turned his head away, then you’ve kept it professional. you didn’t question him again after, either.
it stung a little when you acted all formal with him, but it’s your little actions in-between that convinced him to finally come out and say it. getting him coffee the way he likes it, letting him find comfort in your presence at night even if he’s suddenly closed himself off, ordering his favorite takeout when it’s a slow day, covering his openings when you find yourselves locked in combat… you’ve always been looking after him, haven’t you?
finally, finally, aventurine decides to confess.
considering how little he knows about you, he (surprisingly) isn’t too worried about giving you his heart
well, of course there is the tiniest amount of doubt and fear
but mostly he thinks you wouldn’t betray his trust. mostly.
you’re a walking green flag, after all
maybe with the exception of when you’re left alone with monsters
but the way you treat him? green flag. massive green flag.
even after he’s told you a little bit about his past, you haven’t looked down on him at all
he doesn’t think you’ve ever looked down on him
though, he thought you thought him despicable when you first met because of the way you looked at him
not unreasonable with the stereotypes against his people and all
but you’ve proven his assumption wrong on your first day
you were totally cooperative and really… well, not nice, but not hard to work with, either
despite your unresponsiveness, you’ve kept everything he said in mind
that’s not how one behaves around someone they find distasteful
and after spending so much time with you, he realized that’s just how your stare is
you sort of… look down on everyone without meaning to 
you have no idea how relieved he was when he could finally be certain that you’ve never disliked him
also! he can discern between your stares now
your resting neutral stare, your happy stare, your disgusted stare, they’d look the same to the average person, but not to him anymore
(he was super happy when he realized he’s got it all down)
he’s learned to read you because you’re so reserved and detached all the time
oh how he wished you’d tell him more about yourself
before anyone asks, he did try to dig up your past
imagine his surprise when he found nothing, like, literally nothing
the one time he watched you eat a monster whole was the first time he learned something deeper about you
he then realized that it wasn’t a coincidence that he couldn’t find anything about you
anyways, back to the confession
he’s come up with an entire plan in his head, but he really has no idea how to execute it
he wants to make it as memorable as possible for you! 
except… would you even like a grand confession (of companionship)?
in the end, he took you out to a fancy dinner under the guise of “just another dinner date with your boss”
he’ll tell you his feelings at home
he has an inkling that you’d prefer it that way. intimate and private.
“hey…” aventurine starts, sitting down next to you on the bed after his shower, “i’ve been thinking…”
you naturally pull the towel off his shoulders and stand up to dry his hair for him. “you think?”
“stop, i’m serious,” he complains, punching your stomach playfully before burying his face in your shirt. “hear me out, you oversized snake.”
that’s the first time you’ve heard that nickname. “what?” you can’t help but be amused at the creative insults, then you let out a soft sigh and shut your mouth.
“you know how you’re now my permanent assistant?” aventurine slowly says, wrapping his arms around your waist as you work on his head, “can i… can we keep having this arrangement?”
you reply with a hum, but your tone slides up towards the end, like you’re asking a question. he chuckles, of course you’re confused, you’re so dense sometimes.
aventurine shifts around until he’s looking up at you. “this. you and i, living together, taking care of each other,” he elaborates, his eyes half-closed from how tired he is, “can you… stay?” then, with a quieter voice, he adds, “with me?”
you take some time to think about it as you toss the towel aside and bring out the hair dryer
from what you know about him, this is a very, very big request for him
he’s essentially asking if he can rely on you 
even though he’s probably relied on himself most of his life
he wants to put his faith in you? you’re flattered, really
it seems like he’s also checking off a lot boxes for what people call “love”
according the the movies and books you’ve watched and read, anyway
but he’s not calling it “love”? is this something else, then?
you start blow drying his hair, carding through his blond locks with your free hand
he relaxes into your touch
“well? your answer?” aventurine asks, a slight shake in his voice as he peeks at you nervously.
“you sound like the protagonist of a romance movie,” you remark, leaning down to give him a quick peck on his head, “is this what it is?” 
suddenly, it dawns on you why exactly were there flowers at dinner
roses, no less
but jeez, you did not need to call him out like that
what happened to oblivious and clueless?
then again, you’re bad with your own emotions, but you’re horribly good at reading others’
he flushes and hides his face in your stomach
he just wants to hear your answer, not hear you point out he’s probably extremely smitten with you
and it’s probably worse that you compared him to the lead actors in a romance movie
is he so obvious? is he not subtle at all?
does this mean you’ve known all along? you just didn’t want to make the first move?
or do you not feel the same way?
oh no, he’s overthinking again
“aventurine,” you call, snapping him out of his trance, “if you don’t say no, i’ll assume this is a love confession.”
man, why would you say it like that? it’s not that he can deny it, but if you’re going to be so damn straightforward…
“it… it is, i suppose, in more ways than one,” he whimpers in embarrassment, “will you, then, uh, will you say yes?”
he wants to trust you with all of himself so bad
finally he won’t have to shoulder everything alone anymore
he’ll tell you everything about his upbringing, even the ugliest parts
he’s been yearning for someone to hear him, to see him for so long
will you be his person?
he’s so excited and so scared
more scared than excited, actually
there are more issues he’ll need to work through, but for now?
he wants your promise
he doesn’t think he’ll ever come across someone as perfect as you again
so he really, really, really needs you to say yes 
as the low whirr of the hair dryer comes to a stop, you set the little device on the nightstand and sit down next to aventurine. you sandwich his face between your palms and make him meet your gaze – you’ll never get used to how mystically pretty his eyes are – as you flash him a lazy smile.
“if you’re sure you want me,” you mumble; it seems that you are just as embarrassed as he is, “then… by all means.”
just as he’s going to throw himself into your arms, you stand up
?????? where are you going ??????
oh, you’re just going to put away the hair dryer and the towel
and also bring a spare scarf back with you? 
did you forget that you have yours hanging on your neck
he’s so over the moon right now he’s all giddy and all over the place inside
are you perhaps the same? 
when you come back, he practically throws himself into your lap
you avoid his eyes
holy shit you’re cute when you’re flustered
you’re blushing
you, who’s usually so stoic and unresponsive, is blushing!!
and trying to hide your face without resorting to your scarf!!
in the end you give up and instead pull him so close that he can’t see your expression
he doesn’t know what he’s asking out, you think, he doesn’t know what he’s trying to trust
which makes it all the more endearing to you
and it makes you want to make sure you live up to his expectations
this little mortal has you wrapped around his finger, and you don’t find yourself annoyed at all
in fact you want to shelter him and coddle him so badly that you’re tempted to act on instinct
tempted to. you can’t, because of a lot a lot of reasons
again, seriously, you’ve been hanging around mortals for far too long
you gently press his face into your shoulder. “aven-” 
“kakavasha,” he corrects, “call me kakavasha. please.”
“okay, kakavasha.” you don’t hesitate, and you move to massage his scalp. “your real name?”
it seems like he’s in no mood to talk, because all he gives you is a quiet hum in affirmation; you agree with him, you don’t feel like talking much, either.
you pull away slightly to kiss right above his ear. then you did something he would’ve never expected you to do – with your nimble fingers, you wrapped the extra scarf in your hands around his neck, gave it a few loops then secured it with the same knot you use to secure yours.
what just happened
you slowly pull away with a soft pat to the piece of cloth
did you just give him…?
you did. you did, you mad danger noodle of incomprehensible mass
two faceless creatures with drool dripping from their maws stare at him
they’re connected to the scarf you put on him
he’s feeling so many things right now
even if he doesn’t quite understand what this means, he at least knows that you’ve given him a literal part of yourself
you’re very into this idea of being with him, huh…?
boy, he’s so glad he decided to confess
because he would’ve never known had he not asked
and what do you mean he would’ve missed out on something so wonderful?
this is also the first time someone outside of his family has ever given him something so precious and personal
he awkwardly reaches out to pet them
they nudge against his hand happily? 
that’s weirdly adorable for a creature that has a diet of literal monsters 
and much like satisfied pets, they disappear into the scarf after they’ve gotten their fill of petting
“for me?” aventurine- no, kakavasha asks, tentatively running his hands across the smooth fabric.
“proof of my loyalty to you,” you reply, taking his hand and placing kisses on his every finger. 
what you don’t tell him is that your promise will last for eternity and beyond – even if you fight, or part ways, you’ll always watch over him. he doesn’t need to know that. not yet, anyway.
“you…” kakavasha feels like he’s a child all over again. he’s safe, he’s not making a wager, he’s not going to win or lose here, he can finally take a breather. “you have no idea…”
he buries his face into you, grabs your sides so he can press his body tightly against yours, and he sobs into your chest. he isn’t surprised at all that the scarf around your neck would wrap around him too, and he’s just all bundled up in you.
“shh, shh.” you pat his back and rock him back and forth. “easy now,” you whisper, “i’m here, kakavasha.”
aeons, he really, really loves the sound of your voice, especially when you say his name. when it was aventurine, you were reliable, loyal, and above all, gentle; when he finally allows you to call him kakavasha, every syllable from your lips drips with unspoken affection and a gratefulness that he’s unused to.
maybe someday he’ll finally be able to proudly profess his love to you. but at this very moment…
this is enough.
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modanisgf · 1 month
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✎ SUMMARY — in which hanni makes an album about her crush, choosing to never release it for obvious reasons. but what happens when her friend accidentally leaks the album, her crush even promoting it?
✎ PAIRING(S) — musician!hanni x actor!reader
✎ GENRE — fluff, angst, wlw, mutual pining, hanni as beabadoobee (music), reader is implied to be like marsai martin
✎ WARNING(S) — kys jokes, profanity, hanni and yn have some insane fans…, updates may be slow, nothing is real!
✎ FEATURING — newjeans, gunwook and matthew of zb1, sunoo and riki of enhypen
✎ CREDS — dividers from @/cafekitsune!
✎ STARTED 4/30/24
profiles— frank ocean enjoyers, worlds best actors
001 — wdym hanni pham new album..
002 — HYEIN????
003 — its over for hanni
004 — i think we got the wrong traction..!
005 — hybe is NOT happy 🥰
006 — boyfriend
007 — oh they’re onto us..
008 — love scenario
009 — fuck overwatch
010 — the boy is mine
011 — take a bite
012 — chicago
013 — 4me 4me
014 — mariah’s so real
015 — let me love you
bonus — happy birthday matthew!
016 — maniac
017 — sunsetz
TAGS 🏷️ (CLOSED): @jayjj7 @haerinsloverr @aribunnu @masuowo @multiliker @aeriniee @sewiouslyz @edenzeepy @popasi @home2venus @ghstvr @technicallyimportantsweets @he------len @yukianism @yeetaberry127 @haechansbbg @linnnsworld @sixflame438 @emotionallyrin @gtfoiydlyj @inosfavgf @rvoulte @hotluvlet
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freyito · 28 days
ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍʀ ᴡᴏʟꜰ
✭ pairing(s): gallagher x gn reader
✩ inspo: me and mr wolf by the real tuesday weld
★ summary: The Family is hosting a ball as more promotion for the Charmony Festival. At this ball, a certain Bloodhound Family member takes interest in you...
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✧ a/n: pspsps did you know requests are open <3? (also totally not setting up a part 2 not at allll (guy who set up the most obvious intro to part 2))
✦ like my work? feel free to send a request !
🗒 cw: gn reader, anxious reader, mild penacony spoilers, just fluff-ish, he's a little eerie, proofread
✎ wc: 2.5k
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The scene before you is incredibly lavish, light, and dreamy. It speaks of The Family’s power and bank, how quickly they are able to set up such a beautiful sight within the Dreamscape. It’s like a fantasy, something you’d only see in, well, dreams. Patrons from all sorts of colorful backgrounds flood the floor, some of them you believe you recognize. The chatter around you drowns out what would be ethereal music, guests piling in from two wide double doors. You look to your right, and you see Sunday, the head of the Oak Family all the way at the end of the venue, hands behind his back and observing the revelry. On the other side of the venue, you see Oti Alfalfa– which is very questionable in its own right. Perhaps the Alfalfa family paid for the venue, or… something. You couldn’t really make sense of it. With how crowded it was, you didn’t want to make sense of it.
With your head down, you make your way through the crowd, doing your best to make sure you don’t bump into anyone. After all, this was the first time you’ve seen anyone dressed up so fancy. And, some passing glances at you tell you that, for once, these people care about what they’re wearing in the Dreamscape. You avoid their gazes, making a beeline to the drinks. Or so you hope– this is a formal ball, after all. Would they really have a drink table like it’s some highschool prom? You get your answer when you reach the end of the hall, and there’s no table in sight. A pity, really. However, you do spot waiters walking around with platters of SoulGlad. It isn’t the best choice, but it’ll wet your throat.
Grabbing one of the delicate glasses after flagging a waiter down, you hunker down in a less populated corner. You watch as the tempo takes hold, dancers falling into line. You grow increasingly conscious that you are here alone, no partner to dance with. Not like you wanted to, right? Throwing yourself into a ball with no partner, not even a friend, it feels… embarrassing. And suddenly, you’re aware of why people's eyes have been on you. You lower your head once more, staring down into the glass of SoulGlad, furrowing your brows. You swirl the glass, watching as it fizzes and dies down, as the music around you dies down. What a shame, really… You had no idea what you were doing here, perhaps you just wanted to join in on the revelry? Enjoying yourself seems like a distant reality, despite that being the essence of the Dreamscape.
Reluctantly, you take a swig of the drink, letting it cool your throat. With a huff, you look back into the near empty glass, practically forgetting to even taste the drink. Whether you’re spurred on by self-hatred or a genuine interest, you make your way to the floor. Catching another waiter as you do so, you hand them to empty glass. It feels weird, being in such a posh environment. Yet, before you can reach the floor, a hand grabs your wrist. It sends a shiver down your spine, and suddenly your new-found confidence is shot. You turn around to reprimand whoever grabbed you, but you’re met with a Bloodhound Guard.
He looks at you with a stoic face, raising his eyebrow slightly when you shoot him a judgmental look. Just because he’s part of the Bloodhound Family doesn’t mean it’s okay for him to grab you so suddenly. And it seems he’s caught onto that, because he lets go of your arm.
“Ahem, sorry about that,” He starts, his tone cool and even, his voice slightly gravelly and deep. Yet, it doesn’t sound like he’s actually sorry, there is no apology in his tone. “You’re, uh, you’re kinda makin’ a warpath, here.”
You raise your eyebrow, and you have no idea how to respond. The words get stuck in your throat, and all you can do is look around. You’re on the edge of the floor, and the dancing hasn’t ceased. Everyone’s eyes are on each other, thank the Aeons.
At your baffled look, he relaxes and chuckles softly. “Sorry, just had to make sure you weren’t… going to cause trouble.”
A light blush dusts your cheeks, and you find yourself feeling embarrassed again. Only then do you take in the man’s disheveled appearance. Some stubble, hair left undone for such a fancy event, and a suit that was put together all too quickly, wrinkled and perhaps a little stained. His hazel eyes bore into yours, as if searching you for something, though he’s already established that you are no threat. Something about him, however, feels familiar. You swear, his name is on the tip of your tongue, you’ve seen this man… somewhere before.
“Apologies, didn’t mean to ruin your night…” He trails off, eyes tearing away to look you up and down. When his eyes meet yours once more, he extends a calloused hand towards you. His gaze softens and he smiles with a huff. “Care for a dance?”
“Ah…” Is the only thing you manage to choke out. You’re taken aback by the sudden invitation, slightly unnerved. It’s not that he himself is nerve wracking, but it’s the way he’s gone from gruff to gentlemanly. “Sure.”
Your response is dry, but you put your hand in his. Wordlessly, he leads you into the center of the floor, falling in step with all the dance partners around you. Despite his messy appearance, he dances elegantly. He matches the flow of the room easily, swaying, each step smooth. Now that you’re up close and personal, you take in the faint smell of tobacco and some generic cologne, and an undertone of something metallic. You do your best to forget about it, allowing yourself to get whisked away by the melody surrounding you two.
“Gallagher, by the way.” The man starts once more, answering the question, or lack thereof, you had asked yourself.
“What brings a Bloodhound to a, uh, ball?” You ask, attempting to strike up conversation. It only hits you now that you are dancing with a stranger, so closely and almost… intimately. Another feeling of unease crawls down your spine, and you can’t understand why.
Gallagher chuckles at your question, as if it’s preposterous to think that the Bloodhound Family do more than just act tough. “We’re allowed a little fun every once in a while,” He shrugs, pulling you ever so slightly closer. “It’s not a crime, right?”
The proximity makes you blush, acutely aware of just how rough and calloused his hands feel, your palms start to get sweaty. You do your best to ignore it, after all, this is a man you just met. “No, no, not at all…” You try to act and sound confident, ignoring the pit in your stomach. “Just… I didn’t expect it, that's all.”
Silence stretches between you two as you spin around the floor, like cogs in a machine. It only strikes you now how… mundane this event truly is. Sure, it is grand and lights up the night, but is there really a purpose? The unease and anxiety settles in your bones, and your pace falters, suddenly no longer able to follow Gallagher’s steps. He notices this, and slows down. But when you meet his eyes, his gaze isn’t concerned. He can see you piecing things together, and a smirk tugs at his lips.
“Got something on your mind?” His voice lowers, barely above the music that surrounds you two. It carries the tone of a challenge, but you don’t want to respond. Your throat is dry once more, and you keep your gaze away from him. He squeezes your hands and traps you within the waltz, every step caging you in.
“Just… nervous, sorry,” You deflect, trying to ignore the creeping unease that seeps into your veins. Perhaps this is all in your head, and you’re just letting the embarrassment, the anxiety, and the nerves get to your head. It’s not a far-off assumption, since you’ve stepped foot in the hall you’ve wanted nothing more than to run out. To wake up from the dream. “My bad.”
Gallagher lets up, loosening his grip on your hand and puts a little space between you two as you fall back into pace with the other dancers. His expression eases into something softer, something that doesn’t necessarily fit a man of his stature.
“You’re more than welcome to take a break,” He doesn’t apologize, brushing off the scene from the moment before. Yet, despite this invitation, he continues to dance, his own pace does not waver. “I won’t mind.”
You feel nauseous, yes, but when was the last time you’ve danced? When was the last time you’ve felt this elegant? You swallow your anxiety and shake your head, allowing yourself to really enjoy this waltz. “It’s okay.”
Gallagher responds with a ‘hm’ and a nod, no words spoken. Finally, you watch your steps. He’s already set himself as the lead, and you had no qualms being the follow. You step backward. Pause. Then you step to the side. Pause. Then you bring your feet together. You continue this pattern, finally hearing the music above the tapping around you. It’s almost comforting in a way, being able to follow something that feels… luxurious. And Gallagher seems to be enjoying himself, as well. He isn’t pulling you closer, his hands hold you loosely, as if he’s suddenly afraid of scaring you. As if he hadn’t.
Slowly, you relax. The beat lulls you into a sense of calm, spinning around the floor as if it came naturally. You are no longer hyper aware of everyone else, feeling as if it’s just you and Gallagher. His heady scent feels the air between you two, the metallic tang you smelled earlier becoming a lot more potent. You do your best to ignore it, the music picking up intensity. He drops your right arm, raising his left hand up, and spinning you. It’s a light and airy feeling, something akin to a warm spring day. All worries wash away so easily under such a simple act.
A man you’ve barely known, that you’re sure you’ve seen a handful of times in Golden Hour and Blue Hour, treating you so delicately despite his gruff exterior. Perhaps it’s the exhaustion that follows such a nerve wracking experience, you can’t tell. For now, it doesn’t matter. You are enjoying yourself, dancing with a Bloodhound or not.
Just as the waltz feels like it’s reaching an end, Gallagher dips you down, his hand placed firmly against the small of your back. His eyes meet yours once more, a sly grin spreading across his face, giving you a proper view of his sharp canine teeth. It isn’t as strange as before, something you feel like you’ve grown used to in just a mere four minutes. But, in that moment, you realize the rough skin of his knuckles isn’t just from his hard line of work, but rather bruised skin. You run your thumb over his knuckles, and he only furrows his eyebrows.
At this, he brings you back up, and you two resume the steady waltz. Now, you want to ask him about it. You steal another glance at his hand, trying to see if you were right, but the dim lights within the ballroom black you from doing so. You can’t get hurt in the Dreamscape, you’re sure of it. So, it must’ve been somewhere in reality…
“Some hooligan was stirring up trouble, wouldn’t leave their room. Had to drag them out.” As if he read your mind, he responds quickly. It’s quite impressive with how in-tune he is with you and your mind.
“Ah,” You nod, trying to sound understanding. It checks out, that must’ve been why his suit was a little… sloppy. “Sounds like it sucked.”
“The Charmony Festival brings out all sorts of undesirables…” Gallagher affirms.
The conversation is dry, but you still feel a weird pull towards him. You simply cannot figure out what else to talk about, what to ask. Anything you fish out in your mind sounds like you’re on a date with him. Sure, the current situation feels like it isn’t far off from that conclusion, but he asked you for a dance, not a date.
And, unfortunately, the ball was coming to an end. It’s a shame, really. Time had slipped away from your mind, and you had enjoyed yourself. Even with such an unsure start, with such an enigmatic fellow, it was fun. The music slowly comes to a stop, as does the other dancers. You and Gallagher are left together in a sea of chatter, flats and shoes clacking as patrons walk off the floor, an awkward air falling over you two like a blanket.
You look at Gallagher, and he has a somber look on his face, watching everyone filter off the dance floor. He himself had a great time, too. Something you assumed may be rare for Bloodhounds. But, he snaps out of it quickly, returning your gaze with a near sheepish smile.
“Such a shame, isn’t it?” He chuckles, “Don’t remember the last time I’ve danced like that.”
“Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever danced.” You shake your head, sighing softly.
“Well, you were a perfect dance partner, if that counts for somethin’.” Gallagher starts to walk, following the stream of people.
You follow suit, blushing a little at the compliment. You try to find an organic flow for the conversation, but all you can stutter out is a ‘thanks’ and a small nod as if to affirm your own confidence. You want so badly to follow up with a question about him, to see if you can get a crack from his cool demeanor, but ultimately, you fall short when you two finally step out of the venue. With a brisk exhale, you feel lighter. You hadn’t realized how stuffy it felt within the ballroom until now.
“Well, it was fun,” Gallagher sighs, shrugging off his blazer casually. “I’d invite you for another dance, but, that’s not necessarily my thing.”
With your one chance at getting to know more, you trip over your own words and decide, why not? Why not shoot your shot, ask him out?
“I mean… uh, we could, get dinner, or something?” You sound so unsure, so flustered, blushing a little at your own question.
“Why not?” Gallagher shrugs, an easy smile plastered to his face. “Don’t think I ever got your name, either.”
You hastily tell him your name, bowing your head like you’re grateful to him for this opportunity. You’re more grateful to yourself, being able to ask a question like that. You two quickly exchange phone numbers, and suddenly it feels like there's a weight lifted off your shoulders.
He gives you a thoughtful look, scratching at his stubble. “How about a drink?”
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© freyito, 2024 | masterlist | queue | kofi | star header by roseschoices DO NOT REPOST AS YOUR OWN, REPOST ON ANY OTHER PLATFORM, OR USE FOR AI/AI CHATBOTS.
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beomiracles · 29 days
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DREAM RECALL phone sex had never been your forte, computer sex? even less, but Choi Beomgyu wasn't someone you easily passed up on.
pairings beomgyu x afab!reader warnings phone sex, vaginal fingering, mutual masturbation, descriptions of cum, mentions of toys used, reader sends Beomgyu her used panties, sort of established relationships
wc -> 1k
#serene adds ✎... a little something for while I work on my current series (which I very much am, pls stay strong and patient y'all) <3
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Your dark room is filled with the sinful sounds of your breathy moans; head thrown back, your fingers teasingly pushing in and out of your dripping cunt. Occasionally you glance toward the bright light of your computer screen; where you’re given a perfect view of the way Beomgyu’s hand works its way up and down his thick cock. 
If someone had told you two months ago that you would be spending your evenings having the dirtiest phone sex known to mankind with an otherwise complete stranger, you would have laughed in their face. Yet you found yourself constantly checking your phone for messages from him, at work, on the subway, even with your friends. Most of all you longed to get home and turn on your computer, sometimes you would even cancel plans just to stay in, that’s how down bad this man had gotten you. 
Beomgyu lets out a deep groan as his thumb teases the red tip of his leaking cock. Biting your lip at the sight, your eyes travel over his naked torso, the way the toned muscles on his stomach would flex as his breath grew ragged. His veiny arm and delicate hand, wrapped perfectly around his shaft. Wish it was your hand ruinin’ me angel, he’d groan. 
Your own hand quickens its pace as your thumb rubs at your clit feverishly; wishing for it to be Beomgyu’s fingers, his mouth, his cock. You were no stranger to sex, yet Beomgyu felt new and exciting, this was new and exciting. The two of you had been doing this almost every night for two months now. You wondered what your life would have looked like if you didn’t download that stupid game your friends had begged you to. 
Come on, everyone uses it! one of them had whined, practically snatching your phone from your hand. It was a multiplayer game, allowing people to meet and connect; though you were certain that the game didn’t promote the kind of connection you and Beomgyu had. For someone you had never met in person, he had you wrapped around his finger, and you had him wrapped around yours. 
Fuck, you look so pretty tonight, he grunts as his pace increases on his throbbing cock. Your stomach draws into knots at his words, lewd whimpers and moans falling from your lips as your back arches off the bed. New panties? he questions as he eyes the soft fabric, pushed to the side, making room for your hungry fingers. Nodding, your lips part in a soft moan, Beomgyu chuckles. 
You’re suddenly reminded of the multiple used panties you had sent him, and the videos he had sent back. The way he would rub the fabric along his hard cock, staining them with his cum over and over as your name falls off his lips. The video alone had you sending him another pair the same evening. 
Beomgyu sent you gifts too, one of them being the large pink dildo currently stored in the top drawer of your nightstand. You used it religiously, reveling in the way it would split you open. Beomgyu’s words would always ring in your ears. You’ll imagine it’s me fucking you sensless like that, won’t you angel? he’d groan as you pushed the dildo even further, choking on your own moans and sobs as tears of pleasure welled in your eyes. I said you’ll imagine it’s me won’t you? he repeats, his voice hoarse as he nears his own climax. Y-yes, fuck, a-all you Gyu, you would whimper back before finishing all over the pink toy. 
As you recall your previous nights with him, your cunt clenches vigorously around your fingers, your fingers that suddenly didn’t feel like enough. You needed more, you needed — n-need your cock, Gyu, need it so mmh, so bad, your voice is breathless as your fingers dwell deeper into your aching core. 
Beomgyu groans at your words, uttering curses under his breath, you will angel. His breath became ragged as the muscles on his arm tensed up before relaxing again, you wanted to moan at the sight. The thought of one day coming face to face with him, having his arms around you, his fingers inside you, it was enough to have your orgasm approaching at a record speed. 
F-fuck Beomgyu I… your words are drowned out by the breathy moans leaving your lips. You’ll be good and cum for me, won’t you angel? You’ll let me see, he grunts, the hand on his cock slows down as he refocuses his attention entirely on you. The way your trembling fingers, shiny and coated in your arousal, would move across your folds and into your pretty pussy, greedily sucking them in. 
Nodding your head as silent pleas fall from your mouth, thighs threatening to close around your hand as your orgasm cruises through you. On the other side of the screen Beomgyu groans as hot spurts of cum coats his pretty torso, having finished by the sheer sight of you orgasming for him. 
Fuck he mutters as he watches the way your drenched fingers retract from your wet cunt. Your new panties completely ruined and soiled in the essence of your orgasm. Beomgyu tucks himself back into his pants with a smirk on his face, despite exposing yourself to him not even two minutes ago, you felt shy under his gaze. 
Bring the camera closer to your face angel, he instructs and you do as he says, your face flushed and sweaty, lips plump from biting down on them. Beomgyu’s breath is still heavy as he looks at you and the redness on your face only grows. Fuck you’re gorgeous, he groans and you bite your lip once more. 
When can I see you? he asks and you’re taken aback, he wanted to meet you? After two months of doing it back and forth on video call you had assumed that he wanted to keep things casual, low maintenance. I…I’m free Saturday, you suggest and the smirk on his lips grows. 
Then I’ll see you Saturday, angel.
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→ want to get notified whenever a new dream is published? join my TAGLIST ★ all rights reserved ─ @beomiracles 2024
✎...taglist @f4iryfever @theresawtf @jjklvr9 @binniebakery @beomies-world @yunjinsbbg @sanasour @celestialbeomgyu @ninoshome1 @gardnhee (if your tag is not working please check your settings to make sure that your blog is not hidden!)
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lanasdelsreys · 7 months
ateez fic recommendations!
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below are my favourite ateez works! they'll be separated by member. this list will be updated as frequently as possible.
♡ = smut/nsfw (mdni) | ❀ = fluff | ✰ = angst
✎ last updated: april 22, 2024
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kim hongjoong [김홍중]
you're hongjoong's bias [@jnginlov] ❀
genre: idol!hongjoong x idol!reader length: 8.6k
when you and your group go on idol radio to promote your latest comeback, you don’t anticipate one of the hosts to be completely enraptured by you.
kim hongjoong as a boyfriend - headcanon [@mybelovedwoo] ❀
genre: hongjoong x reader length: 0.8k
headcanon of hongjoong as a boyfriend!
feverish [@hwaightme] ❀
genre: hongjoong x gn!reader length: 2.4k words
as you come down with a cold, hongjoong is right there to lift you back up again, be it with soup, song, presence, or all at once.
park seonghwa [박성화]
bodyguard [@baekhvuns] ✰ ♡
genre: bodyguard!seonghwa x mob daughter!reader length: 37.8k words
in which his task is to be your bodyguard, his mob-boss's daughter. where he not only guards you but also guards your body.
sleep-talker [@mingigoo] ❀ ♡
genre: roommate!seonghwa x fem!reader; roommates au, vacation au, one bed trope, forced proximity au length: 10.2k words
when you and your friends decide on a trip to the beach for spring break, you get stuck rooming with the man you "hate" the most. The line between love and hate is as thin as ice, and you were about to break it.
mr & mrs park [@baekhvuns] ❀ ✰ ♡
genre: mafia!seonghwa x fem!reader; romcom w/ action length: 50k words
in which the task of killing your enemy is abruptly put on a pause when you discover their cute little secret.
jung wooyoung [정우영]
wouldn’t dream of it [@ilovehimyourhonour] ✰
genre: wooyoung x reader length: n/a
you weren’t clear and wooyoung thought you were breaking up with him.
peaceful morning [@jeongstiny] ❀
genre: wooyoung x gn!reader length: 994 words
you appreciate the sight of your quietly sleeping boyfriend, your boyfriend appreciates you with kisses.
missing you [@livsateez] ❀
genre: wooyoung x gn!reader length: n/a
something wooyoung holds dear to his heart are your facetime calls while he’s on tour. seeing you on his small phone screen helps him feel grounded. each call is a reminder that he’s one night closer to having you back in his arms.
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ot8 headcanons
ateez as royals who fall for you (hyung line) (maknae line) [@eightmakesonebraincell] ♡ ✰ ❀
ateez as mafia members who fall for you [@eightmakesonebraincell] ♡ ✰ ❀
ateez | the type to (valentine's special) [@sorryimananti-romantic] ♡ ❀
ateez reaction | seeing your ex in public [@starry-nights-garden] ✰ ❀
couples halloween costumes [@whorellaville] ❀ ♡
their relationship being exposed [@wonglix] ❀ ✰
cuddling with them at night @hwatermelons] ❀
small things about dating ateez [reblogged by @arkive78] ❀
ateez when they have a crush on you [reblogged by @arkive78] ❀
ateez realising they're in love with their s/o [@wonglix] ❀
ateez when they have a crush [@wonglix] ❀
ateez as boyfriends (hyung line) (maknae line) [@honeyhotteoks] ❀
signs ateez would show when they're in love [@mazeinthemiroh] ❀
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suiana · 1 year
Hi! I hope you’re doing good! Could I please request yandere coworker?
sorry anon idk what to write 😞 I hope this is good enough for you
✎ yandere! coworker headcanons . . .
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✎ warnings . . .
― stalking etc.
(gn! reader x male yandere! oc)
✎ yandere! coworker who used to see you as competition. hey get in line! he should be getting that promotion instead!
✎ yandere! coworker who stalks researches about you to try and find more information on you. he swears he's just doing it to get the upper hand!
✎ yandere! coworker who couldn't help but grow to love you after finding out that you don't see him as a rival but as a friend. oh, you're so sweet...
✎ yandere! coworker who is hesitant to open up to you but does so eventually. you're approachable demeanor and attitude just made it hard for him to be cold!
✎ yandere! coworker who hates it when others interact with you. hey focus on him! he's the one who you should be talking to!
✎ yandere! coworker who's a bit of a tsundere and always calls you names. he can't help it :( you always make him mess up his words! and when you reject his confession he's mad. if it isn't the consequences of my own actions...
✎ yandere! coworker who acts mean and grumpy but is actually squealing on the inside whenever you're with him. man why is he feeling like this? he's not a pubescent teen anymore!
✎ "what do you want, shortie? here to boast about your promotion huh?!"
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haesunflower · 1 year
zb1 mentions you in their live.....₊˚⊹♡
genre: fake subs comedy
pairing: idol reader (mostly gn) x matthew, ricky, hanbin and jiwoong
about/tags: y/n is an idol, and they get brought up during zb1's lives
only included members who have had solo lives before! fake subs this isn't real
⠀⠀ ♡ seok matthew ♡ ⠀⠀
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matthew reads out a funny letter from his childhood friend y/n, who debuted earlier this year
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⠀⠀ ♡ ricky ♡ ⠀⠀
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ricky is a huge fan of y/n, and upon request, re-enacts their latest teaser photos
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⠀⠀ ♡ kim jiwoong ♡ ⠀⠀
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(this is literally so crunchy help) y/n is a fellow actor and idol that worked with jiwoong in his last drama project, and he decides to share some stories about them
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⠀⠀ ♡ sung hanbin ♡ ⠀⠀
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y/n is a contestant on girls planet season 2, and hanbin promotes her
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა a/n: wanted to do something fun! actually inspired by this request, which has been sitting in my inbox for a while now
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✎ mobile masterlist ✉︎ request -> join my taglist so you don't miss out!
tagging: @jiaant11 @beomibeom @wonluvrbot @ihrtgw @starhyeon @ohdudedhesflirting @seok02 @dwcljh @aleiamk @snowflakemoon3 @kpoprhia @en-ct @weeiyin @aleinasstuff @caocoamamam @mashihope @wonluvrbot @littlegirltacos @ollieluvrs @thejadeazalea
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fanfic-gallery · 2 years
Hiii, I love your sub!Zhongli fic sm. Can you write for my request that Zhongli is drunk and he’s begging reader to take care of him by edging. 👀
Too much to drink [NSFW MDNI]
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✎ Zhongli x Reader
✎ Zhongli is not one to loose control of his liquor in take, surprising he has quite a tolerance, it isn’t to say he doesn’t get slightly tipsy after crossing his limits..
✎ Tags : f! reader, modern au, zhongli n reader are married, zhongli is an office worker
✎ CW : smut, porn with some plot, edging, drunk sex [ zhongli ], sub! zhongli, dom! reader
: ̗̀➛ Manager’s/Author’s note : Oh. My. Achrons. You genius. I’m in love with this. Hope you all do too, enjoy (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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Zhongli is not one to loose control of his liquor in take, surprising he has quite a tolerance to it, sometimes even taking, shot after shot, of osmanthus wine with no effect. It isn’t to say he doesn’t get slightly tipsy after crossing his limits, as once, he was clinging onto your leg for dear life after you found him slumped over the couch after a long night. He kept on claiming you were going to leave him for someone else, clothed dick softly humping the heel of your foot, almost silent moans escaping his throat as he pleaded. 
Of course, like the good spouse you were, you decided to show him how much he meant to you, how he was the only one you need and cared for, by railing his prostate to the point he couldn’t even form words to defile your claims. Collar filled with markings of your love, plush thighs high on your shoulders, face stained in a puddle of drool and tears, the sheets beneath him muffling his quiet mutterings of wanting more, more of your touch, more your of scent, more of your everything.
Unsurprisingly, the incident has been carved within his head as a reminder not to chug too much alcohol in one setting. Becoming ever so flushed when you bring it up every now and then. Despite you saying it’s nothing to feel shy about, he couldn’t help but imagine what he looked or acted like it that moment. His body so sensitive and valuable, melting like putty within your hands. He tries to shrug off the lingering embarrassment, promising he’ll do better.
And he delivered like he always has, until.. a certain co-worker of his planned to host a promotion party for him..
He was stumbling and shuffling his way home, not even hesitating to tackle you once the front door was clicked open. Hands wandering, groping your flesh like a soft toy to a child, lips trailing light kisses over and over your skin, with each going lower till he reached your chest. Groans muffled beneath your clothed cleavage as his grinded against your sex, the friction just polluting and adding to his every growing arousal. 
“Dearest.. would.. it b-be selfish.. if I wish to be.. tak-taken cared of today~ I wished.. to be ed-edged till I no longer.. can think of anyone but.. y-you~”
You could only smile at his proposal. Overalls and undergarments already sprawled across the living room floor, wrist flicking a rhythm at his flush cock, thumb ever now and then grazing his slit forcing pre to leak, almost forming a puddle at the base. Drool staining his chin, tears spilling over, dusting his eyelashes in pretty droplets of water. Every groan turned into full on whines of pleasure, back curving and blending with every failed release.
“..nghhh~ n-No more pleaseee~ pleasee! No mo-more.. hugh- aH!”
“Poor sweetheart.. don’t worry, this is the last one.. I promise~”
Ponytail all frizzled and messed up, spreading like a halo. His collar littered in purple and blue, nipples stained with saliva and red crescent bite mark. Golden hues rolled towards the edges of his socket, flashes of stars hazing his vision. Nails digging into the plush cushions of the couch, visible white lines appearing on the fabric, even some pieces of stuffing escaping the gashes.
“You did amazing my dear, come, you can have a small reward~”
His moans fell short, eyes crossing as tears continuously poured over, saliva and drool piling pools beneath him. Whines and pleads slurring like a prayer, each getting louder and louder with every contact of your skin to his. “hAHH~ faster fa-faster~” As silent falls, fluids of white dripped out of your stuffed cunt, some even spilling over his pelvis, tainting the fairly ragged clothed cushions underneath.
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mlmxreader · 3 months
Just For You | Kyle Gaz Garrick x gn!reader
↳ ❝ Gaz with Getting caught kissing and having to explain please ❞
: ̗̀➛ You and Gaz can rarely be an actual couple, but sometimes there's a chance.
: ̗̀➛ swearing, MILD sex references (like, standard romcom stuff), smoking
It was at Gaz's insistence that your relationship was kept a secret, not because he didn't trust you or felt embarrassed by you, but rather because he knew just how cruel his teammates could be - Soap especially.
Gaz never wanted you to recieve such cruelty and such treatment, and knew that the only way to get around it was by keeping you a secret from all of the one four one as well as your own team.
Your Commander, Farah, wasn't allowed to know either, as much as it pained you to keep anything from her. But you had no choice.
Plus, you had to admit that it was kind of fun to sneak around with Gaz.
The rush of dragging each other into empty rooms and desolate buildings just to steal a quick kiss was unlike any other you had ever felt. The exhilarating thrill of being pulled aside so Gaz could feel your hand in his.
But more than that, when you were visited by him when he was on leave, you could actually be a normal couple for once - long nights spent cuddled together watching television on his laptop until you fell asleep.
Sharing snacks and bickering until you could do little more than laugh until your stomachs ached and stung. It felt perfect in the moment but you both knew that it would never last in the end; it never could, unless you both wanted to get caught and have everyone know about you both.
It felt so awful when he was gone, though, and it felt even worse when Farah made you work with the one four one.
Knowing that Gaz was so close but you could hardly even make eye contact with him, let alone kiss him or hold his hand. It was difficult but you always managed to power through it - reminding yourself that all good things went to those who waited the longest.
You powered through and it was usually worth it, knowing that Gaz would be there in the end. But Alex had given you good news this morning - you, him and Farah had all been invited to a ball.
It was all for Gaz, as he was finally being promoted in rank; your chest began to feel swollen as you thought of how proud of him you were, so much so that you utterly forgot about the ball until Alex asked if you wanted to go as well.
You tried not to act so eager when you agreed. You were sad and excited all at once, knowing that you could not kiss and hug him when you congratulated him and knowing that you could not be seen with him in any personal or informal way.
But you were still excited to see Gaz become a higher rank - a Staff Sergeant. He absolutely deserved it, maybe more than anyone else in the world.
After all, Gaz worked hard, and he had the guts and brains to go even further up. Major Garrick had a very nice ring to it, you had to admit. But Staff Sergeant?
You could not be more proud of him. You were desperate for him to find out how you felt and the ball could not come soon enough either.
You were giddy, counting down the days and then the hours until you finally got there. The very first thing you did was break away from Farah and Alex as they spoke to Price.
Much to your surprise, you found Gaz sitting in the smoking shelter all alone.
You dared to clear your throat as you sat down beside him, keeping your voice as quiet as you possible could.
"You look very handsome, Kyle."
Gaz smiled at you as he hummed. "Anyone follow you?"
You shook your head as you shuffled closer. "Not a soul... it's just us."
He swallowed thickly, quick to pull you onto his lap, his hands on your thighs. "You ain't gonna say congratulations, baby?"
You put your hands on his shoulders, licking your lips as your gaze settled on his mouth. "I might not say it, but I can show it, darling."
Gaz agreed, eager to welcome the feel of your lips on his when you kissed him; it was a harsh and open mouthed kiss. Your hands moving so that one was at the base of his neck, and the other at the back of his head.
He had had his hair trimmed and neatened up for the occasion - you could not help but to smile into the kiss as Gaz tried in vain to pull you closer to him.
Your head was spinning and your heart was pounding. You could not help but to think that it had been all too long since you had last been able to kiss him like that. To be so consumed with one another that nothing else ever existed or mattered.
But you were forced to pull away for air, grinning as you gazed at him so softly and sweetly.
"Staff Sergeant Garrick," you mused. "Y'know how proud of you I am?"
Gaz grinned. "I know, baby, but don't stop saying it."
You rolled your eyes as you laughed. "Don't get cheeky, darling."
Oh how you adored him so much; all too fed up with the lonely nights spent staring up at the ceiling and wishing that things could be different.
Tired of not having to wait for a call; something so stupid and small that all couples did, but you and Gaz could never have.
But you kissed him again, not even able to resist your very basic instincts, especially not when he kissed you back so eagerly and with such fervour that it made you grin and laugh between each little pick of the lips
It was perfect, and you actually felt like his partner... at least until someone cleared their throat from behind you. With a sudden yelp, Gaz shoved you off of his lap as he stood up, wide eyed as he gawker at Ghost.
You picked yourself up, about to ask Gaz what the fuck he was doing when you saw Ghost stood there.
"I can explain!" You yelped loudly.
"Can you now?" Ghost hummed with a quirked brow.
"My tie needed fixing!" Gaz howled suddenly.
Ghost didn't seem convinced. "Sure."
"Don't tell anyone," Gaz pleaded. "Please."
Ghost held out the palm of his hand, clearing his throat loudly. "Twenty quid or whatever baccy you have... and I want an explanation."
You clenched your jaw, shaking your head. "Gaz?"
"Go on," Gaz told you gently, nodding.
"Look, me and Gaz have been..." you shrugged as you sighed. "We've been dating for a while, and... and we don't... we don't want anyone to find out, seriously, Ghost. Please, please don't tell anyone."
"Is that true?" Ghost interrogated as he glared at Gaz.
Gaz nodded. "You know how cruel Price and Soap can be..."
Ghost nodded, wiggling his fingers slightly. "Alright. Cough up the money or baccy."
Gaz huffed as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pouch of tobacco; he slapped it into Ghost's hand with a scowl. "Now bugger off."
"One more thing," Ghost hummed. "Why can't Farah and Alex know?"
"We figured..." you rubbed the back of your neck as you swallowed thickly. "We figured if we kept it a secret from everyone no one would find out..."
"Do not," Gaz clenched his jaw, nearly grinding and gritting his teeth. "Please do not tell anyone. Ever."
Ghost nodded curtly, stuffing the pouch into his pocket. "Ta. I'll keep your little secret, don't worry."
Gaz waited for Ghost to leave before he pulled you flush to his side as he dared to laugh softly, biting the inside of his lip.
"I am so sorry," he giggled. "I did not mean to push you that hard."
You grinned as you gently patted his chest, doing your best not to burst out laughing. "It's fine, the look on your face made the sore backside worth it."
Gaz rolled his eyes as he let out a barking guffaw. Tilting his head back and closing his eyes for a moment. "I love you, you know - even if you can be a royal pain."
"I love you, too - and I might be a pain, but I'm your pain," you teased. "And you're stuck with me."
"No one else I'd rather be stuck with..." he gently tapped his bottom lip as he nodded slowly. "Well, except maybe Joakim Brodén."
"Oi!" You gasped, pretending to be offended. "I saw him first!"
"Fifty-fifty?" Gaz bartered with a raised brow.
"Eighty-twenty," you bargained.
"Sixty-forty," he offered. "No higher."
"Eighty-twenty," you stood firmly as you grinned.
"Fifty-fifty, but I get to be in the room," Gaz mused. "Fair?"
"Mm... alright," you agreed with a laugh. "You have a deal, Staff Sergeant."
"Come on," he chuckled. "We'll have a cheeky smoke and then I'll sneak you round the back, yeah?"
"Alright," you agreed. "You got baccy?"
"Kept some spare," Gaz laughed, reaching into his blazer pocket. "Just for you."
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https-furina · 11 months
i feel like #35 with childe ajax tartaglia pasta man eleventh harbinger would be funny hehe <3
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✎ i wouldn't wanna fight you.
ft. childe x gn!reader
prompt: "i wouldn't wanna fight you. you're pretty feisty."
w.c. 594 words
content: fluff !! established relationship, reader with mild (work related) anger issues, some threatening words/threats (to the air, about someone), you do in fact have a knife, this is a little bit crack so i’m hoping my gf is on the same wavelength here
notes: tHANK U SO MUCH BABY SOBBING - also not his full government name omg
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the kitchen is one full of many sounds, the fire crackling under the stove and the sound of your knife slicing through freshly washed radish are two to be named. there are not many words in the air, you'd barely said a word to your boyfriend since you returned from work - it'd put you in an awful mood and you wasn't one for lashing it out on the ginger male but childe is persistent, lurking around the kitchen under the guise of 'supervising the cooking.' he knew you didn't need supervising. you also knew this. childe just wants to be in your presence regardless of what mood you're in.
you're bubbling like a boiling teapot, each slice of your knife getting more and more aggressive as you think about the day you've just had. childe watches, mildly amused. he thinks you're adorable when you're angry but something nonetheless hits different in his mind when he sees you holding any form of weapon; you've picked up his bow before because he left it in a 'dangerous location' and he proceeded to spend half an hour trying to convince you to take archery lessons - with him as your teacher, of course (despite not liking bows.)
childe is aware you're going to overspill any moment now, he's just counting the seconds on his fingers before-
"i can't take their dumb faces anymore!" you exclaim, throwing your hands in the air - childe is quick to lower your hands before you stab something or someone, "y/n this, y/n that, how about they do their own damn work for once?"
your boyfriend hums, standing behind you as his hands rub motions on your upper arms. usually he'd have a snarky response to say but he's very much aware of the sharp knife in your hand, his blue eyes lingering on it for a moment before he decides to step away from you, wandering to the other side of the kitchen as a safety precaution.
"like especially her dumb face, how the heck did she get a promotion?" you're still going, multitasking as you drop the sliced radish into the pot of boiling water to your right, "she doesn't do anything! who was the one who had to save her ass from a ruin guard? me!"
childe does recall you telling him about the situation with the ruin guard, he'd berated you a little for not just asking him to take care of it but you had just the slightest of a stubborn attitude.
"the next time she says my name - no, the next time she even looks my way, i'm going to punt her," childe can't tell if you're serious from the tone of your voice, his eyes glancing at you from across the kitchen in concern, "maybe she'd be able to handle a ruin guard if she fought me."
"i wouldn't wanna fight you," childe finally speaks, humoured by your empty threats and attitude as you lean back on the kitchen counter to look at him, "you're pretty feisty."
your lower lip juts out, cheeks puffed as childe finally approaches you again, a grin on his face as he wraps his arms around your waist. he finds it funny how easy it is for him to peg you down a notch when it comes to having attitude.
"well i wouldn't want to fight you either," you throw back, slinging your arms over your harbinger boyfriend's shoulders, "i don't have a death wish."
childe presses his lips to your forehead, laughing lightly at your response, "touché."
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© https-heizou 2023.
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nogenderbee · 3 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ ℚ𝕦𝕚𝕔𝕜 𝕓𝕖𝕒𝕥 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: hii! i'm so happy u opened ur requests again but always remember to take a break if u need to!
if it's ok, may i request for a honami, minor and airi with a rapper! reader? i think it would be so cute to see an idol/band member together with a rapper, haha couple goals
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hello! Yeah absolutely!! Gosh I'm so happy girlies finally get some love! Even tho I'm still kot sure if I got them all right... Anyway, I really hope you'll like it!
Why did Airi turned out the best-?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
Affiliation with @virtualbookstore
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✧ band member and rapper actually don't sit that far... Honami just sings a bit more often than you but your music types aren't that different
✧ you sing it quick songs and wo does she! Not ALWAYS but pretty often
✧ she probably never tried forcing wpoint but her voice is so soothing, I doubt it'd fit rap music
✧ but it doesn't mean she doesn't like it! It really depends of the song but there are some which she can listen, most being by you!
✧ when it comes to your songs, it doesn't even matter as long as she can hear your voice, you coule be screaming alongside hard metal music and she'd still listen to it just because of your voice
✧ she finds it comforting to listen to on headphones when you're away but she most likely wouldn't play it on speakers or when she's sharing a headphone with someone else than L/n
✧ overall, she's great supporter of yours and most likely has a playlist meant for your songs alone, as well as many photos on Instagram with "listening to Y/N's song now <3" to give you small promotion, especially if you're smaller creator than her or Leo/need
"I-I just... I just liked the song! And playlist... I just... I like your music is all..."
@bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @bad-the-an-enjoyer @miya-akane - come get your apple pie lover~
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✧ Minori definitely discovered some new music thanks to relationship with you
✧ of course she knew what rap music is and all but she always just prefered idol songs or so
✧ but when you show her how rap music can be good too and isn't just reciting random words, she actually took a like of it!
✧ it's certainly kinda hard to match her taste there but if you manage to find something slower, I think she may even add it to her playlist!
✧ as for your songs... maybe she's not as big fun as she is for Haruka, but the amount of merch she has is almost the same...
✧ maybe she doesn't have your playlist on loop because it's still not her ideal music genre but she won't mind having SOME songs pass by when she's just playing her favorites playlist
✧ in short, she's still not a fan of rap music but she is your fan!
✧ your music tastes don't really get along but she doesn't mind random rap that you play when she's around and you don't mind songs she play
"Well it's... some are really nice! But some aren't my style... I'm so sorry!! I just can't compare it to Haruka's solos!"
@bleachtheidiot @yulikesminori - come get your Haruka lover!
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✧ Airi most likely isn't new to this genre, she was a tomboy, she definitely used to listen to rap music
✧ you know those kids who wander around streets with rap on speaker? She was in that group
✧ she actually likes rap music and is pretty open minded about all music so when she discovers you make rap, her childhood memories are back
✧ wanna do karaoke? Record something with her? She's down! It doesn't even need to be posted, she's happy to have fun
✧ you definitely exchange some songs even if her playlist is way shorter than yours
✧ because of her experience, you can count on her honest opinion whenever you show her your newest song or scratch for it
✧ she won't promote you since she knows it's nice to get up by yourself but if you ask her, she'll be happy to mention your song on her socials or to do a little collab with you
"Oh so you sit in rap! That's so cool. C'mon, show me your playlist like you promised. I need to have a look if you got some actually good artists there!"
@bleachtheidiot - come get your tsundere idol!
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crystaldivination · 1 year
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Hello beautiful souls and welcome to my divination sphere. There won’t be any kind of judgements here so you can totally be yourself and dream. Let loose and let me bring you to the land of enchantment. Unfold your potentials and fantasies by diving deep into your subconscious. Dwell on (self-)understanding through the insights you get from the getaway with me ✧・゚₊ ⁺ ⊹ . ﹒
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springfestitales · 1 month
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Another day in the sun, another day of fun! Yesterday was a day of excitement, wasn’t it?! We’ve collected a few testimonials for your perusal! We also have an update for some areas around Spring Rise! Breezy Beach is now safe from the threat of deadly sharks & may now be visited again! Watch out for North Hanami Forest, our sources say it is *extremely* dangerous now! Stay safe folks!
When asked what they remembered upon discovering the house, we received this answer from Mr. Hubert Oswell: “Well, the first thing I remember is being hit by a headache. We never did figure out what caused those headaches when we first entered.”
Another amended: "Anytime we entered another room, the last door would vanish. Sometimes the entire room..."
One Jude Mathis added: “The interior seemed to be abandoned. At first, there were dolls torn apart, broken furniture, and an ominous note.... But then it got even stranger afterwards.”
We asked: “How did you escape?”
Ludger Kresnik answered: "We had to realize it was all a dream. Then we just... teleported outside."
Mr. Oswell expanded: “I started to think that it was all dreamlike.... When we spotted a staircase that had suddenly appeared, I just ran for it with the others. And that's when I suddenly was on the South Hanami Forest floor, all by myself. Fortunately, the others managed to escape as well."
We’re glad everyone made it out safe in the end!
"I was one of the people on the beach when it happened,” said Velvet Crowe. "I did see the water had started moving weirdly, but I have no idea what actually made it start. I know people were trying to summon a Sharknado in the days leading up to it. How much that had to do with it, though? I don't know."
When asked what happened next, she had this to say: "Sharks started flying? Then someone dove into the water and decided they wanted to become a projectile or something. That was when everyone started getting ready to fight."
Another witness states: "It was kind of a combination effect; a guy took on the shark form, and then the tornado form. While the rest of us were handling the extra sharks being thrown around, Ludger kinda went to town on him. Could've gotten messier than that, but things managed to settle down."
Miss Rinwell says: "It was a big team effort! I don't think we could have done it if we all were trying to work on our own."
There were no casualties reported.
✎₊˚⊹♡ 🐢➜⋮ DAILY AD: SNACKS & HATS!
Now a word from our sponsors:
"Come on down to the mushroom kingdom snack stall for tasty far away treats that you won't find anywhere else. Promotion deal, you get a free "I survived Sharknado" sticker with every purchase." - Serina"
Interested in the shark hoodies and book club shirts you've been seeing people wearing around the festival? Come on over to the village square to find the shark club president and the book club headquarters right around the corner~! Membership is free, and comes with those eye-catching outfits! Of course, if clubs aren't your thing but you still want clothes to suit the festival mood, Ramuda-chan's clothing stall welcomes anyone interested and accepts any and all requests~! Drop by to check out some example outfits!" - Ramuda
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