#❛ &. interaction ⋮ para: mother’s day
mother’s day | chaia
who: kaia gerber ( @minicrawford ) & chace crawford, dana crawford, cindy crawford
date: may 8th, 2022
location: new york city
summary: chace and kaia spent mother’s day with their moms in new york, showing them around their newly bought apartment and chace asks cindy for her blessing to make their marriage public.
warning: none
Chace: Spending Mother’s Day with their mothers was truthfully a given, no matter the circumstances or the rather rocky relationship between him in and his mother-in-law. If anything, Chace was almost sure that showing Cindy that family meant a great deal to him too and that he wasn’t going to be petty and exclude her from any plans they’d made for this special day would hopefully help his case. It wasn’t like he didn’t try or want to try to at least get on somewhat better terms with her now that Kaia and him were finally in a much secure place than they ever had been in their relationship. His mom had accompanied him a couple of times to Broadway shows before, especially when it was one of his former cast mates’ so adding Kaia and her mother to something that kind of was a tradition to them both, was indeed something that could be considered making a step towards Cindy - metaphorically speaking, of course. But before they would head to the theatre later, their plans for the day included taking their moms out for lunch and showing them the new apartment they’d recently purchased. The plan also on his part included another way of showing Cindy that her daughter meant quite a lot to him as well as Kaia’s relationship with her family, something he surely never planned on getting in between. The small but still existing downside of spending that much time in the company of their moms was the fact they had to cut back on PDA, the only obvious signs of their mutual adoration for one another the not so secret glances and simple touches like holding each others hands or the very quick and few pecks on each others lips. If he really wanted Cindy to finally start liking him, touching her daughter inappropriately in front of her was certainly the worst way to go about it and he was very well aware of that. Though, it didn’t mean he wouldn’t try to sneak away with her for a little moment when they’d made it back to their new apartment and their moms were busy walking around. “I’d say this day is going much better than I expected. Or am I making it up and your mom is just waiting to push me off the rooftop once we get to that part of our new second home?“ He joked, grinning at his wife as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
Kaia: While Cindy had made the experience of a blending family rather difficult for Chace, Kaia had been fortunate from the very beginning to be blessed with a bonus mother in Dana who had immediately embraced her as part of the family. The decision to take both of their moms to a Mother’s Day treat in the city, filled with lunch, a tour of their new place and a musical to end the evening was an easy one.  Kaia was incredibly excited to see both their moms reaction to the apartment, letting them wander around and explore the place a little bit while she wanted to make her way into the kitchen to make them all some post lunch coffee, although her husband easily distracted her from it, his question rewarded with an easy laugh and a kiss against his lips. “I think mom is starting to warm towards you…or she has too much champagne with lunch!” The brunette told him grinning, her body resting against his for a moment while it was just the two of them. “Plus, she’s never push you off of the rooftop, she’d be way too scared I’d jump off right after you…plus I’m sure it’d completely kill the market value of this place and my mother is no fool!” There was a lot of hope on her part, her mom and Chace relationship, or the lack thereof, something that has never been easy for her to accept. Kaia certainly had always hoped it would change one day and this certainly seemed possible now. Even just a little bit of a better relationship was something she’d certainly wish for. “However, I am a fool who ate way too much at lunch and now need to pray this skirt won’t rip…or I might have to stand for the entire show, which would be great cause that could also prevent me from the incoming food coma and nap I’d love!” Kaias lips found her husbands again before she finally sighed and stepped away from him to turn towards the coffee machine, one of the few things that was already implemented at their place. “How about you go and show our mothers their future guest room…and my closet? I’ll make us all coffee and pretend I’m not just trying to get you guys to spend even more time together!”
Chace: "Mmmm, maybe it's a bit of both - champagne and warming up to me." Chace let out a laugh when she reasoned why her mother would never push him off the rooftop, his gaze meeting hers. "Aww, you'd jump after me? Is this our tragic Romeo and Juliet moment?" There was no denying that Chace was in a good mood, despite the very slight but still kind of existing awkwardness whenever Cindy was eyeing him (suspiciously) for a little too long or her comments sounding a little harsher than they had to. Admittedly, that had only happened like once or twice today. Maybe it was thanks to his mom who truly seemed to get along with Cindy and the fact she was kind of the peacemaker in this constellation. He did believe it likely had something to do with the teacher in her - his mother certainly was used to handling difficult situations. Whether that would be parents who blamed the teacher for everything instead of their own kid or children who were feuding because they had just hit puberty and things seemed very complicated. "But yes, your mom is no fool." One hand gently moved across her back, caressing it while he enjoyed holding her so close to him for a moment, which they both seemed to be making most of. "Well, I think Aaron would just think you're giving him and the cast a standing ovation right from the start and maybe it's gonna lead to him crying early on, which honestly would be hilarious." Chace said, once again amused by the things his wife had said. "However, he would not so much appreciate you taking a nap in the theatre so coffee is a very good idea in general." He smiled against her lips, nodding slightly at her suggestion but instead of walking out of the kitchen and to wherever their moms currently where, he gently grabbed her hand and made her turn towards him once more, stealing another kiss from her lips. "Now I feel ready to face the dragon." He joked quietly to make sure Kaia really was the only one hearing him before he left the kitchen space and walked around the apartment, following their moms voices as he found them in the future guest room. "I see you've found the guest room aka your future room when either of you comes to visit us." Chace smiled brightly at them, wrapping one arm around his mothers waist. They stayed in the room for a moment, both Cindy and Dana giving some ideas for how it could be decorated and all the space used wisely just taking their suggestions with a few nods while silently thinking that in the end, he and Kaia would certainly make those decisions but it didn't hurt to make them feel like their ideas are being heard, right? Once they were done with the guest room and the attached but smaller en-suite than theirs he led the two upstairs, showing and telling them the few ideas he and Kaia already had about how they wanted to use the rooms. "...and we're definitely going to install a large bookshelf in this room with a comfy reading corner right here. I'll of course also make sure it'll hold all of Kaia's favorites, especially those she loves to re-read so she doesn't have to take all the books from LA to NYC and back whenever we decide to stay for more than a few days or week in the city." He mentioned basically as a side note, not intending to impress Cindy which she seemed to notice and well, if he was not mistaken a moment later he saw one of the first sincere smiles her mother had ever given him. "Last but not least, this is going to be the master bedroom with an en-suite bathroom and... well, a room we're going to use as a closet. For now." Unsure whether both moms picked up on what he was hinting at, but surely not wanting to talk about that any further or really make it a topic because he felt like Cindy probably was the same as him - not fully ready to have that conversation - he gently brushed over it. "But while that space with the view is definitely one of our favorites, the best part is definitely the rooftop - which Kaia and I are going to show you after we've had some coffee."
Kaia: The young brunette had stayed back and let her husband show their moms around their new apartment. His moms seemed to a a positive influence on hers which made it easier for Kaia to sit back and relax a little, certain that her presence was a mediator wasn’t actually needed as much as it usually was. it also meant that she had been leaning in the doorframe to their soon to be bedroom for a while, quietly listening to her husbands little tour, ever word of his and their mothers suggestions making a bright smile grace her lips. “Is he a good tour guide?” Kaia asked teasingly, stepping into the room and next to Chace, her eyes wandering over the room again. She was still truly in awe that they were lucky enough to call this place their home away from home. Or second home. Whatever the right phrase was. “A very spacious closet for the two of you!” Dana commented with a smile that was reciprocated by Kaia, though she squeezed Chaces hand reassuringly. It was not a topic she’d bring up any time in the near future and nor did she want him to ever worry about it again. Not until it was actually time to worry, or well, not worry but discuss it. “Did you see the bathroom? Isn’t the tub and shower combination beautiful?” Kaia gushed before she looked at her mom “I’d love to get the same shower fittings that we have at home, do you think they’d work here?” Including her mom in some little decisions wasn’t something she did to earn her approval, not for the apartment or Chace, but more so because at the end of the day, her moms opinion mattered a lot to her. Walking back downstairs to the kitchen Kaia handed everyone their cup of coffee, jokingly apologising for the lack of comfortable seating spaces in their still very empty apartment which, of course, invited more suggestions from their moms as to what they could do and how they could furnish the place, suggestions that were noted but she was sure that in the end they would probably do their own thing. Mostly because some of those suggestions were maybe a little more practical and family oriented than either of them would choose, especially since here in the city they didn’t even have the dogs with them. “Since the rooftop is fully furnished though I guess we should just take the coffee up there? I mean, there  is not much that is better than coffee with a view of Manhattan!” And yet Kaia knew what was better, she just knew it was something neither of their mothers would want to hear about, although she couldn’t pass up on the opportunity to send a cheeky little smile Chaces way.
Chace: Chace didn't even mind that she was asking her mother for her opinion. It didn't matter if there was any kind of intention behind it or if she was simply asking because her opinion mattered a lot to her, the fact Cindy (and also his mom) felt comfortable enough to voice her opinions from the moment he'd started showing them around was nice. Especially since he deemed her interest in it a very good thing so the smile that slowly started showing throughout their ongoing conversation and the ideas both their moms threw into it was a genuine one. However, that smile involuntarily stretched into a grin at Kaia's comment combined with the little cheeky smile, nodding in agreement before they made their way to the elevators to get to said rooftop. "Not fair of you to put all those memories in my mind again." He whispered into her ear after their moms had already left the elevator to walk the few stairs up to the rooftop, following them and holding the door open for them, his mom letting out a little gasp when she saw how beautifully the space on the rooftop had been used. "This is what fully convinced you of buying the apartment, isn't it?" His mother's question technically was innocent but in their case it literally had been where the final decision had been made - even though they both knew this was the right one before they'd... well, sealed the deal in their own way. "Yep," He hid his grin behind the cup of coffee as he took a sip and then added, "We loved the idea of having the option to hang out with anyone who's visiting us or getting the chance to relax and recharge a little up here when we're in New York for work. Especially when Kaia's here for fashion week." His gaze met his wife's for a moment, one of the other reasons why they'd loved the rooftop as much certainly not forgotten - the idea of announcing the fact they're married with a little summer party up here still one he was fond of. But also one he this time would love to have Cindy's blessing for, considering the fact when he'd married her daughter he'd kind of done it to piss her off. As much as he didn't regret that decision now, he actually wanted to work on his relationship with her mother. After they'd settled down at the table, the conversation topics shifted between the apartment and just any casual topic, their little dog family being one of them and his mom obviously needing an update on their growth through pictures Chace gladly showed her. When he saw that Cindy got up from the table to walk around a little, he decided to use the fact he could have a moment alone with her. Sure, he could've asked her for her blessing in front of Kaia and his mom but he felt like that could potentially put pressure on her and seem calculated on his part so he thought it'd at least give her a chance to be honest with him. "It's not what you expect when you think of a New York type of rooftop, right?" He smiled at Cindy, keeping the conversation casual for now, something she didn't seem to mind as well as the fact he'd approached her. "When I first moved to New York, my roommate and I dreamt of having a rooftop like this to relax after work." The conversation easily moved to them exchanging some of their first experiences with the city that never sleeps before he finally took up the courage to ask the question that had been on his mind from the moment they decided to show their moms the apartment. "Speaking of parties... Kaia and I would love to announce our marriage publicly. We really loved getting to enjoy our first year of marriage in secret and only our families knowing about it but we're both ready to share it with... well, everyone know. This rooftop gave us the idea that it would be nice to invite some of our closest friends and tell them, it's not going to be an event with press involved, nothing like that but from then on we just... would wear our rings and just not hide it anymore." He began to explain, noticing that Cindy needed a moment to let that information sink in and granting her that before he continued, "But, since I didn't get the chance to ask you for your blessing when I married your daughter last year," Even Cindy wasn't able to hide the amusement that crossed her face at his words and there was a slight grin that now stretched across his as well, "I'd like to do that now. I might not have enjoyed your involvement in our relationship all the time but what's important to Kaia is important to me too. She loves you and she cares a lot about you and your support, the last thing I want is to threaten that special bond you two have because it's admirable. I'm glad she has a mother who tries to protect her as best as she can from getting hurt. But I'm... I am here to stay. I love her, I want to be with her for the rest of my life because I can't even imagine my life without her in it anymore." Cindy's silence after he paused again scared him a little but he tried not to read too much into it before she even said anything. "Basically, what I'm trying to ask you here is - Do we have your blessing to let everyone who's interested know that Kaia and I are married?" He knew they'd been gone from the table for a while now and while Kaia and Dana were definitely able to see them and the conversation looked relaxed up until now, Kaia would probably be curious what they were talking about. What he didn't expect was for Cindy to smile after she'd given him the silent treatment (something he was sure she did on purpose to scare him, which she certainly successfully did) and to then hug him briefly as she told him that if it would make her daughter happy she wouldn't want to stay in the way of it and they for sure had her blessing. Of course, she couldn't resist adding a little slightly playful threat that she'd make him regret it if he ever hurt her daughter causing him to let out a slightly nervous chuckle but the relief washing over him was stronger than the fear.
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mysticfalls01 · 7 months
(Ona Batlle x reader)
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Growing up in Manchester you couldn’t help but to love football. Football was everywhere in the city.
As much as you loved football you couldn’t see yourself playing the sport however, coming from parents who were doctors you knew how you could be part of that world.
In 2017 you decided to go the States to study physiotherapy with a speciality in sports medicine. You studied in UNC where you worked with the North Carolina Tar Heels.
There you met two British girls who coincidentally also were there, Alessia Russo and Lotte Wubben-Moy. Having other British girls helped you to miss Manchester so much less and you formed an amazing friendship with them.
You made the most of your time there learning new techniques, you used the most updated medical equipment, you worked with many athletes, so you had seen any type of injuries, and you gained experience as a field medic.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
In 2020 Alessia, Lotte and you decided to go back to England due to the uncertainty of covid. Lotte signed with Arsenal while Less signed with Manchester United.
Due to Lessi’s recommendation and your great experience working with female athletes Manchester United offered you a job in their medical squad.
When you arrived to the club you made sure to have a one on one meeting with every girl in the team and that’s how you met United’s new incorporation, Ona Batlle.
At the beginning it was quite difficult to understand her because of her accent and her basic English however, the connection with Ona was there.
You found it cute how she tried to explain to you what she was feeling, what part of her body had she injured and how suddenly each time you entered a room she suddenly got red cheeks.
After being in the club for three months Ona asked you out, your relationship was based in love, commitment, communication and comprehension. You guys had similar schedules as you were working for the same club, you understood when she had to back to Spain for national duties and she understood when you had to stay extra time with a patient.
Eventually you started taking Spanish classes, so you could talk with her and her family and it was worth it as her family came to see her for her second derby.
“Mama te quiero presentar a y/n. Ella es la fisioterapeuta en jefe para el club y también es mi novia” Ona couldn’t help to tell her mother with a smile on her face.  (Mom! I wanted to present you to y/n. She works the club’s head physiotherapist and she’s also my girlfriend)
“Mucho gusto señora Batlle, soy y/n! Es un placer conocerla”  (A pleasure to meet you Mrs. Batlle, I’m y/n!)
Ona didnt know that you had started taking Spanish classes
“Mi amor! No sabía que hablabas español”  (My love! I didn’t knew that you spoke Spanish)
“Empecé a aprender por ti y por tú familia mi vida”  (I started to learn it because of you and your family my life)
Ona’s mother couldn’t help but watch the interaction and she saw the heart eyes that her daughter was giving you. Since that moment she knew that you were the one for her daughter.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
After almost three years of dating you knew that Ona was about to take one of the biggest decisions of her career, renewing with MU or going back to Barcelona.
You always knew what option was she going to choose, so ever since  your last trip to Spain to visit her family you started to prepare everything. With the help of her family whom distracted her for a day and with the help of your fellow British friends Lucy and Keira you landed an interview with FC Barcelona.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
May 2023
Ona was nervous she didn’t knew how to tell that she was accepting Barca’s offer. She prepared dinner in your now shared apartment.
When you came back after finishing your job at MU you were surprised to see the table arranged and to see Ona taking the food to the table.
“Mi amor! I’m glad that you are here! Come and sit down”
You sat down and started eating dinner with your girlfriend. After an hour or so Ona got nervous.
��Mi amor, there’s something that I need to tell you”
“What is it baby?” You looked at her with curiosity
“As you know my contract with United will be over after this season and Barca made an offer. I want to accept it”
“Well my love I also have something. Do you remember the day when your mother wanted to spend a day just with you?”
“Yeah, I remember” she said with an uncertain voice
“That day Lucy picked me up and took me to La Ciutat Esportiva. I always knew where your heart was my love. I had an interview with the head of the medical team. For the interview I had to do Frido’s physiotherapy session and I did Jana’s tape. The girls and I clicked immediately, better than I did with United’s girls and latter I learned they had given a positive feedback to Barca. Last week Barca reached out to me ” 
Ona couldn’t be believe what she was hearing.
“So what I’m trying to say my love is that I have an offer from them. I told them that if it was possible for me to finish May with United I would sign with them the same day as you did and they accepted. That’s how sure I was of your answer also, Lessi is moving to London so there’s nothing else that ties me to United”
You took her hands and spoke again. “I know that I grew here in Manchester and I considered it my home. That was until I met you that I realized that home isn’t a place, it is a person”
Ona was fully crying, you knew her so well that you prepared everything to move to Barcelona even before she said yes to the club. Ona knew that this was the moment. She took out the velvet box that was in her pocket and kneeled in one knee.
You realized what was happening, tears started to come out and your hands covered your mouth.
“Mi amor, I had something else prepared but this moment feels right, this feels like us. We’ve been dating for almost three years, you learned Spanish to talk to my family and my family loves you. You became my rock when I moved to England and you are ready to move from club and country because of me. I love you with all my heart, I didn’t believed in soulmates until I met you. I know that many persons will think that we are too young but I don’t care. So y/n l/n will you make me the happiest girl on earth and will you marry me?”
“Yes! Ona I’ll marry you!!”
You didn't knew where life was going to take you and you didn't cared as long as you were with Ona you would always be at home.
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peachdues · 9 months
peach oh my LAWD phanta 3 was so good 🥺. Would you consider explaining the title a little more? i read the para at the end with it and i kind of got it, but i wanted to pick your brain a little too!
(I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to get around to this pls don’t hate me too much).
First, thank you!! Second, I love this question bc honestly, the Phanta brain rot is still real. More below the cut since I went off lol.
spoilers below.
Almost everything in Phantasmagoria is, well, a phantasmagoria — an exhibition of optical effects and illusions; a constantly shifting complex succession of things seen or imagined.
Nearly every part of the story — character interactions, perspectives, plot points — is distorted in some way, whether it be by Wisteria/alcohol, grief, or just individual stubbornness.
The Wisteria is probably the most obvious example, as it literally distorts Reader’s perceptions of both herself, her environment, and her interactions with others
I was particular with not describing the Reader physically (even beyond her clothing) past that initial scene in Part I when she goes to the Kizuki for the first time with Mitsuri. When she does describe herself, she speaks of herself as a “raving princess” and “effervescent” — but nothing truly descriptive.
Why does it matter? Contrast that with the comments Sanemi makes about how he “wouldn’t have known it was her” (which later we find out is literally true); he also tells her, point blank, she looks gaunt, and she has no reaction whatsoever — not even an internal reaction. That’s the wisteria distorting her self-image, until she finally looks in the mirror at the end of Part II and fully sees herself for the first time in a while — and realizes what it has done.
But the Wisteria distorts other things too, namely, the appeal of the club/rave life that Reader throws herself into. At first, she calls it a paradise — it’s her escape from both her heartache and from herself in general. The club then distorts her perception of others — namely, Sanemi, like when she describes him as “menacing” under the club lights, and yet the flashback that immediately follows is one of the saddest in the series — and it shows that Sanemi is hurting just as much as she is. But the wisteria distorts everything around her, so she’s only seeing what she wants to see. Yet, when the illusion starts to crack, what happens? She panics — she describes the Kizuki as too loud, too claustrophobic; the Wisteria quite literally leaves a bitter taste in her mouth.
The other major example of a phantasmagoria in the story is its main theme — grief. Anyone who has been up close and personal with grief can probably attest to the way it quite literally changes how you view everything — even if that means it narrows your perception (I.e. distorts it). Both Reader and Sanemi are grieving significant losses, and those losses make them blind to the other’s suffering in return. It’s not so much miscommunication as it is two kids who were forced to bear the weight of the world way too fast.
That grief then continues to distort their reality, but not in the sense that they’re misremembering events. Everything they say happened, actually happened. Y/N was abandoned by Kyojuro and Sanemi; but she distanced herself from them first, and she also abandoned Sanemi when he needed her. Neither of the boys were there for her while her mother was sick and when she died; but they didn’t know until it was too late. Sanemi did return her feelings 100% at the train station; but he was so overwhelmed and reeling from Genya’s death that he reacted poorly. Sanemi did see Y/N that day at the crosswalk; he just didn’t recognize her. Y/N was isolated after her mother died, but Sanemi was desperately trying to find her the whole time.
Thus, everything happened exactly the way both Y/N and Sanemi said it did, but their grief prohibited them from stepping back and seeing the broader picture — so their interpretation, though objectively true, is still distorted. This translates into other things as well, such as Y/N constantly misinterpreting Sanemi’s motives and efforts to make things right between them, because otherwise, it wouldn’t square with the understanding she has of what happened and why. She thinks he’s using her for convenience; he’s actually letting her use him in any way she wants just so he can have a chance to take care of her. She accuses him of being possessive because he feels entitled to her affection, but he actually loves her (deeply), and is terrified of losing her, because she is quite literally wasting away in front of him. She says he doesn’t care about her, yet she won’t let him. He tries to talk to her about everything right after they start hooking up, yet she refuses to engage. She runs away. She’s cold, and she shuts him down harshly even when he tries to offer her bare minimum affection and care (this also is supposed to contrast with what we know as the Reader, which is that she is still very much in love with him). We also find out that Sanemi spent every other weekend taking flowers to her mother’s grave — again, shattering that illusion she’s created in her mind that he doesn’t care about her.
It’s not until they finally hash everything out in the kitchen at Tengen’s that both realize they’ve been focusing on one narrow part of a much larger picture, and that they’ve both let their grief blind themselves to one another. When Y/N finally steps back and looks at the whole instead of the part, the illusion shatters. Love is the final phantasmagoria. Y/N realizes that she’s mistakenly believed she was running away from love (and thus, Sanemi) only to realize that not only has she been running in circles, but Sanemi has been running opposite of her the whole time. They’re two sides of the same coin; they were bound to crash into one another at some point.
This is just like, a bird’s eye overview of the mind map that I drew out in my journal for Phanta, and I’m sure I’m leaving something out. If y’all have any thoughts, I’m always happy to hear them (seriously).
Thank you for the ask, and I apologize that I went off the deep end lmao.
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longliveblackness · 1 year
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Caesarean section was considered a life-threatening procedure in England that was only to be undertaken in the direst of circumstances and facing the decision on whether to save the life of the mother or baby.
The first successful C-section done in Africa ("success" defined as both surviving) is usually credited to Irish surgeon James Barry (Margaret Ann Bulkley), who performed the operation in Cape Town, South Africa.
This may well not be true due to the quality of surgical techniques in present-day Uganda. Ugandans performed non-fatal C-sections without anesthesia but with supply of banana wine as discovered by a missionary.
In 1879, medical missionary Robert Felkin was visiting indigenous people in the Kingdom of Bunyoro. He later published his observations of obstetric care, which included an account of a C-section that he was permitted to witness.
He had a chance to observe a Caesarian section being performed on a young woman. He observed that in Uganda, C-sections were performed with the intention of saving both the mother and the baby, unlike in Europe where maternal mortality was high.
In the Ugandan c-section, there were three men; one was holding a knife, the other was holding unto the ankles of the young woman and the third stood above her abdomen, supporting either sides with his hands in the course of the surgical procedure.
The surgeon who wielded the knife foremost washed his hands, surgical instruments and the abdomen of the young woman with banana wine for sterilization purposes.
She was given some banana wine to drink in order to make her less sensitive to the surgeon's blades.
The surgeon started the C-section by reciting an incantation.
After the ceremonial prayer, he proceeded with the operation.
In Europe, the concept of surgeons sterilizing their hands before the c-section was very new, and only just starting to catch on. Ultimately, it prevented a lot of deaths once they started doing it.
The Ugandans had mastered the procedure long before there was any interaction with Europeans, as well as with explorers, missionaries and plunderers from other parts of the world, who came to steal and enslave.
Los británicos consideraban que las cesáreas eran procedimientos que ponían en riesgo la vida y que solo tenían que ser realizadas en las peores de las circunstancias y enfrentándose a la decisión de salvar a la madre o al bebé.
La primera cesárea exitosa fue realizada en África (“exitosa” debido a que ambos sobrevivieron) y usualmente se le acredita al cirujano irlandés James Barry (Margaret Ann Bulkley), quién realizó la operación en Ciudad del Cabo, Sudáfrica.
Esto puede que no sea cierto debido a la calidad de las técnicas quirúrgicas de la Uganda actual. Los ugandeses realizaban cesáreas no fatales sin anestesia pero administrando vino hecho de bananas, como fue descubierto por un misionero.
En 1879, un misionero médico llamado Robert Felkin, andaba visitando a la población indígena del Reino de Bunyoro. Luego de eso, público sus observaciones en cuanto a los cuidados obstétricos y esto incluía los acontecimientos de una cesárea que le habían permitido presenciar.
Él tuvo la oportunidad de observar cómo se practicaba una cesárea en una mujer joven. Observó que en Uganda, las cesáreas eran realizadas con la intención de salvar a ambos, madre y bebé, a diferencia de Europa dónde la tasa de mortalidad materna era alta.
En la cesárea ugandesa, habían tres hombres: uno sosteniendo la cuchilla, el otro sosteniendo los tobillos de la mujer y el otro se paraba cerca del abdomen para brindar soporte con los manos hacia cualquiera de los dos lados, durante el curso del procedimiento quirúrgico.
El cirujano que portaba la cuchilla lavaba tanto sus manos, como los instrumentos quirúrgicos y el abdomen de la mujer con vino de banana por propósitos de esterilización.
Se le daba de beber algo de vino hecho de bananas para hacerla menos sensible a las cuchillas del cirujano.
El cirujano comenzaba la cesárea recitando un conjuro.
Después del rezo ceremonial, procedía a realizar la operación.
En Europa, el concepto de que los cirujanos se esterilizaran las manos antes de una cesárea era algo demasiado nuevo y venían dándose cuenta. Al final, una vez que comenzaron a hacerlo, se evitaron muchas muertes.
Los ugandeses habían dominado el procedimiento mucho antes de que tuvieran algún tipo de interacción con los Europeos, así como también con los exploradores, misioneros y saqueadores de otras partes del mundo, quienes llegaron a robar y esclavizar.
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acircusfullofdemons · 11 months
Questions: 1,, 4,, 18,, 19,, 20 for the Para Motivation Ask Meme please !! (ෆ ᴗ͈ ω ᴗ͈ ෆ) I’’d like to request Neil and Ozzie,, but you can do the paras you’’ve most recently been daydreaming about if you’’d like !! ( ◉ ω ◉ )
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[ ASK GAME ] || (I'm pretty sure you meant the para relationship ask game lol) Funnily enough Neil & Ozzie WERE the last paras I daydreamed about!! They were doing kinky sex while I was working and uhm I think Neil might be ace?? We'll get back to that at some point. But I'm also gonna do Alice from @fractured-fables since I drew her earlier & also Emory bc there's now a sign at work that looks SO MUCH LIKE HIM it makes me loose my mind.
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1.) What’s their relationship with their parents like? Is there one parent they’re closer too than the other? If your was raised by a different caretaker, what is their relationship like, and how does your para feel about the absence of their parents in their life?
Neil: Technically doesn't have parents as he was treated as an experiment since the minute he was born. However, his father was a scientist at Arcaynis (the organization that's experimenting on people). He willingly subjected his own son to horrific experiments, but thankfully(??) Neil didn't know this. He doesn't really have any parental figures, and kinda wished he did. Maybe he wouldn't be so fucked up if someone held him a little bit as a kid.
Ozzie: His father was very abusive, but thankfully his momma was always ready to defend him. He is a very big momma's boy and yknow, I think they still talk sometimes. He probably sent her some of the money he stole when he was a villain.
Alice: Does not get along with her parents. Well. Its complicated. She loves them, they love her, but they don't really "get" her, if you catch my drift?? Objectively speaking, they're fine parents, just probably not the best for Alice. HOWEVER, Phineas becomes like her second dad/uncle/older brother figure in Wonderland, and those two understand each other SO WELL. Funnily enough, they actually hated each other when they first met! Both for good reasons but nowadays you'd never know. Also did you know some people ship Alice & Hatter romantically??? They are Wrong. So very wrong thats her dad!!!
Emory: His "backstory" gives him parents, but they're also dead and desperately need to be buried bc they're rotting corpses are stinking up the house. He doesn't really consider them his "parents", anyway. Technically, he doesn't have any, and he's perfectly fine with that. Still, Theia likes to call him her son sometimes which is kinda funny so he allows it and humors her by occasionally referring to her as his mother.
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4.) Who was your para’s childhood best friend? When and how did they meet? Are they still friends?
Neil: Dahlia!! She was the daughter of another scientist at Arcaynis, but not an experiment. Neil loved her, she was quite literally the ONLY good thing in his life. Dahlia wasn't supposed to sneak into wherever Neil was being kept, but she was curious. And stubborn, because she kept coming back almost every day! Eventually, she was encouraged to interact with Neil to observe how he reacted to certain stimuli. Unfortunately, he accidentally killed her while he was escaping Arcaynis. He often wonders what it'd be like if she lived — would she be proud? He almost idolizes and romanticizes her/her existence. It's kinda creepy.
Ozzie: Ozzie was a very shy, soft spoken, and introverted kid. He was bullied a lot for being a teachers pet / being smart. It was rough, but Nora Osborn took pity on him and helped Ozzie gain some confidence during high school! I have not introduced her yet (bc I. keep forgetting to) but Nora is Ozzie's wife! Canonically she had roughly 8 minutes of screen time and died but I haven't fully decided on what I wanna do with her in MaaC yet. But she does exist, and Ozzie loves her dearly.
Alice: Her best friends are Dorothy and Wendy!!! They've been bffs for varying years, but all met during early childhood. I think they all just met on the playground one day, yknow how little kids are lol. And yes, they're still friends today! I call them the "iskeai girls" bc they all get transported to other worlds lol.
Emory: OK so technically Emory never had a "childhood", he's an ageless being that sort of just...exists. but uhm I guess we can say Ketrill?? Ketrill was created by Theia so they spent a lot of time together. They're kinda like brothers.
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18.) How important are your para’s various relationships to them? Do they cherish the people closest to them? Does their support system keep them going? How about strangers? What are their feelings about humanity as a whole? Is it easier for them to live those closest to them vs humanity as a whole?
Neil: EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. He has never had friends/family/ANYTHING before escaping Arcaynis, so he'll cling to anything he can stick his claws in. He learns to balance different relationships (as well as the types of relationships) as time goes on with the help of those around him, but by GOD was he, uh, a bit of an obsessive stalker towards practically anyone he met the first few years of living in society. As for humanity? It sucks. Shut that shit down.
Ozzie: Oohh, he's a sappy mother motherfucker that loves his friends and probably believed in the power of friendship when he was younger (he still kinda does sshhh). He has mixed views on humanity but like, he's human too so he doesn't want it totally gone.
Alice: Depends on the person tbh. Earth? Forget them tbh. Wonderland? THAT'S HER FAMILY!!! Yes all of Wonderland is her family now lol that's her HOME. She loves it there and genuinely considers it her home, she'd live there always if given the option. She thinks humanity on earth sucks but Wonderlandians got smth going on trust her on that.
Emory: So looking at it now I think Emory is only close to like, 5 people total. That's it. I don't know if he'd consider them a "friend group" or a "support system" but he does care for them, which is saying something, as he doesn't really get close to people. I don't think he really has an opinion on humanity. Like it exists. That's it. He doesn't really...care??
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19.) How does your para realize they care about someone? Is it instantaneous, or a slow realization? Are they dense, or maybe realize once it’s too late that there was something there?
Neil: He's...a little dense. To everyone else, it's so fucking obviously because he's trailing after the person like a lost puppy and is borderline obsessed with them. But he probably won't realize how much they mean until someone either points it out or he looses that person.
Ozzie: It creeps up on him. He knows he cares about someone, its the level/extent of it that surprises him! Like he thought Neil was just a good ally/coworker until something innocuous happened, like maybe he saw the other sleeping and then BAM! Head over heels in love. Incredible, really.
Alice: I feel like Alice is similar to Ozzie, she knows she cares about those around her, I guess sometimes she just forgets HOW much she cares. Or sometimes its hard to care, with all the shit they've been through/have going on. She tries her best to make sure those she loves feel appreciated, though.
Emory: Imma be honest...he doesn't get "close" to people. He's an Interdimensional Demonic Cat, The Librarian. He records everything, narrates all of it. So getting close to those he is observing...he doesn't like it. He was close to Delilah, and she died. He was a little too involved with False Moon, and they're pretty traumatized. By FF/LIW he's kinda keeping his distance. Anyway! He knows pretty quickly when he genuinely cares about someone and not solely because he wants the "story" to continue. And he will deny it until the end of time, because God forbid a kitty experience love!!
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20.) How does your para expresses their feelings of care/love to others? What’s their love language (giving and receiving!)
Neil: Gift giving!! He gives very weird gifts, though. Honestly he's kinda like a cat bringing its owner dead animals?? Like uh thanks buddy but what am I supposed to do with this exactly. He very much likes receiving physical contact. Hold him. Please.
Ozzie: Quality time!! He likes taking people out to museums and aquariums, those type of places, and seeing what they point out. He also likes receiving quality time. Literally all you gotta do is exist in the same room as him he is so easy to please.
Alice: Acts of service!! She'll get your groceries! She'll paint your roses! She'll die for you! Literally!! She likes receiving words of affirmation. Tell her she's doing good. Please. Don't actually she'll break down and sob.
Emory: Physical contact. I feel like that's a typical/standard cat answer. Yes he does express love like an actual cat would. He likes receiving quality time. Just spend some time in his library, he'll appreciate it a lot.
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1d1195 · 4 months
hi sam,
I need big sister advice...how do yoy stop yourself from liking something...and not just a person, just anything...celebrities, a fandom, a show, how do you stop the obsession before you go down the rabit hole
First and foremost 😭 big sister advice I'm 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Okay, second, I am happy to give you my advice but I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask given my personal history with Twilight/1D/Harry.
HOWEVER. A little tangent: I am obsessed with iced coffee as well. Not sure I have mentioned that on here (you can probs tell from my stories, but anyway). I am constantly in a battle between "I should just make coffee at home" and "it's only $4" literally every day. I constantly here about how my $4 a day routine is attributing to my lack of a house in today's market. Not to toot my own horn but I do a lot for my family, my students, my friends, my boyfriend--pretty much anyone that enters my life, you get a piece of me that's yours to have. I don't do a whole lot for myself--self-care or otherwise. So I think life is short and I try to remind myself that $4 a day is not the worst thing in the world. (probably a bad mindset but if I don't do something for my mental well-being I think I'm going to explode).
The reason I say this is because I DO think life is short and you should allow yourself some indulgences. Otherwise, what's this all for? I'm not saying you should spend thousands on an obsession (see also: my Harry collection 🙃) but if you enjoy something, there's no reason you shouldn't as long as it's not causing you physical, mental, or financial harm (in my opinion).
For me? I have to limit myself. I used to watch EVERY interview, read EVERY article, watched EVERY Instagram story the entire 1D fandom had to offer and it became so overwhelming, so EXHAUSTING I had to stop. Like in my crazy teenage mind I thought that if I didn't watch EVERY piece of 1D things people would call me out for not being a real fan or that Harry/Niall would one day find out I didn't see their interview on Oct 12, 2013 and they would kick me out of the club.
It's part of why I had such a big hiatus on here. I am a huge planner so setting time for myself to do what I want to look at, watch, think about (albeit, it's very little time these days) is really important to me. Also, I have to decide if it's healthy or not for me to do so. I was staying up all hours a night to write stories and post and interact here on tumblr. It wasn't good for me.
I think just reframing the context is important too. I would like to believe I'm not really obsessed anymore. I have a great appreciation for shows and celebrities. I like to believe I know a LOT about Harry (but obviously I don't--para-social stuff ya know?). I know a great deal about How I Met Your Mother and The Princess Bride. I love potatoes, babies, math, reading, etc. I don't think these are obsessions they're just things I love.
Obsession often has a negative connotation and while I do like to tell people I have an obsession with Harry Styles for exaggeration/honestly what else am I supposed to call it? I don't think it's the right thing. Tbh, corny as it sounds I have the utmost respect for Harry. I think he's wonderful of course, and I wouldn't have known that without being so crazy for 1D for so many years.
So, I doubt any of this was helpful so I'll try to summarize:
I would really think if it's obsession or just something you really enjoy. I think there's a pretty significant difference. I also think it's okay to indulge in the things you love. Life is too short to not enjoy anything--especially something you're feeling passionate about. Moderation is important for this though. Your well-being is more important than knowing every detail about the thing you love. Not everything has to be an obsession.
If this wasn't helpful, let me know I'll try again 💕 Thank you for asking me for advice! This is like the sweetest, nicest thing 😭
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Thanks for tagging me @selkiewife.
Rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips!
To be honest, this is a little embarrassing and I feel very self-conscious because of some reasons listed below, but it's also encouraging and helpful. Thank you : )
I didn't know how to do this because I don't have a wip folder. Usually, I just work on one work until it's done, let it rest for a few days and then revise them until I'm more or less content, and then I publish them. So, this is the stuff I keep revising and revising over and over and over...
Also, I very rarely take myself seriously so most names here are eh, something and most of these fandoms are very niche.
Oh, and some of the titles are in Spanish but all were originally written in English, except for the Isabel (tve) ones because I was working with historical resources on those and only translated them later.
Lazin’! On! A! Sunny! afternoooon (pero con la entonacion de The Kinks)
Oh, the nameless ionian princess whose head got cut off gave me sapphic childhood crush vibes
Perfect shot
The Ekko x Eve ship thing that I wrote out of spite
and then, up above, the blinding sun
Avestruces, avestruces, muchas avestruces
Chew, chew, all aboard the bastard's victim's anthropophagi train
Circled by the sands
Cosa Briensa para Vale
Cosa Sam y Brienne sin nombre
Cosa Theon y Jeyne sin nombre
decapitate me like one of your wildling girls
Dog eats dog.
In the dark
Mi vision de Tris no sera muy aceptada por la percepción del fandom actual
My favourite Stroke is the one that killed Margaret Thatcher
Remember that time you almost drowned because you got hit by the boom and lost conscience?
reto del foro alas negras palabras negras
rib rip
The past is a grotesque animal
They will take their grievances with them; to their graves
Thoros accompanies Ned and brings Beric's remains to Starfall
Dante’s Inferrno - Faust crossover
Cosa rara de la divina comedia y Fausto. Justicia para Mefisto
I Claudius
Herodoes y su arco narrativo de revolucionario anti imperialismo
I decided against medicine and you vetoed history and theology but now I’m writing fanfic about roman mothers and their disappointing children so at least the Latin lessons weren’t that much of a waste
Tiberius my poor little son of a bitch
Isabel (tve) / Historical RPF
Mitski pero sobre Juana y Catalina
5 mujeres inocentes cuyas vidas fueron arruinadas por Isabel
The Secret Chord / (Tanakh)  
*Con voz profunda* Bring me simple men
Glad I didn't convert bc it would be sinful to ship two male tanakh characters who don't even interact in the tanakh
Mikhal, Mikhal you are a monstrous gal
Also, most of my mutuals were already tagged in this, but @eddawrites, @stridermari, @unknownstellardepths, @hextechery, @tbiatc, @giohexora, @nemideia, @theostrichsdaughter if you would like to tell me about possible WIP's I'd love to read that!
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ronwestbreeze · 1 year
Hi!! I watched Avatar : The Way of Water, it made me remember when I watched the first Avatar. The feeling of nostalgia came over me, memories of the first movie came back, I was so enchanted by the beauty of Pandora and its inhabitants (I still consider it the most beautiful movie because of that), I don't know why at the time I was a child, but I only watched the movie twice, but I'm watching the second movie now, something warmed up inside me and made me look for the movie's fandon, this made me reach your tumblr (I know, sorry for taking too long) I just want to to say that I loved your Avatar writing and I'm loving the story "To You, Worlds Away" and I just finished reading "Shallow End" which I loved too!!
About Shallow End:
I loved the reader's interaction with Jake and Neytiri's children.
My heart hurt when Aawpok died. I know it wasn't the focus of the story, but I missed more interaction between the reader and her son Aawpok (from what I see you finished this story, but if you accept requests, I would like a bonus, it can be short, da reader and her son, just the two of them and of course with an appearance by Jake, that would warm my heart a lot!! but of course, only if you want to).
I was very emotional when the reader was giving birth to Tua, all the interaction that the family was giving was so beautiful and healthy!!
And finally, I can't say anything, the kids stealing the baby to spend time with her made me laugh, the family getting along, once again EVERYTHING SO BEAUTIFUL AND HEALTHY!! hearts floating
About To You, Worlds Away :
I don't know if I read it wrong or something escaped me in the text (English is not my language, and I'm sorry if I hear something wrong in my writing) but I didn't understand exactly what the project that the reader is doing, I don't know if you already revealed or I couldn't read it right…
I was very tense with the interaction between the reader and Quaritch
Loving Grace and reader's mother-daughter relationship (at least from my point of view)
Loving all the reader and Jake interaction, I'm loving this because I miss fanarts, fanfics and gifs of human Jake Sully (I think his human version needs more love!!)
Oh God! There was a romance between reader and Tsu'Tey in the past!! I just felt it and loved it!
My jealous Jake!!
Reader and Jake are blind, but Grace sees everything including their souls! - Ansioso para o leitor usar seu avatar e a reação de Jake!! ( Eu me pergunto se ele ficará mais apaixonado por ela quando a vir assim !! ) AAAAAAAAAAAH MEU CORAÇÃO NÃO PODE TOMAR, eu preciso tanto dessa cena!!
Just waiting for the next chapter!! and again sorry for any typos or lack of connection between sentences and words, and sorry for the text and the drama!!
Just my reaction to both stories:
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can I just say wow cuz this is one of the best asks I’ve woken up to this morning 🥹🥹. I’m so glad you love my little shallow series! also don’t worry I’m writing some more stuff for them, I haven’t stopped! Also yes, writing about Aawpok’s death instead of Neteyam broke my heart 💔.
Now as for TYWA, the project has not been revealed yet on purpose so no you haven’t missed anything!! also yes tsu’tey and reader’s relationship is so fun to write! i can’t reveal too much but just know their relationship is deeper in a different way. maybe jake has no reason to be jealous 🤷🏾‍♀️ who knows hehe
but other than that I’m so glad your enjoying my works and the writing in the avatar fandom so far! this ask was so nice to read and I hope u have a pleasant rest of your day!!
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aercnaut-archived · 1 year
𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓, 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆! feel free to add any of your answers! the purpose is to tell your partners about the way you write! for multiple choice ones, 𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐃 all that apply and, if you want, 𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒛𝒆 if it's a conditional answer!
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NAME : gabriel / gabby
ARE YOU OVER 18? : yes / no .
IS YOUR MUSE? : yes / no .
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH ON THIS BLOG? : no (anyone) / semi (most people) / yes / highly / private (mutuals only)
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH DO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? : not at all / a little / some / mostly (i pick and choose from source material) / strictly / ( oc ) I write my own canon.
WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE? : one liners / single-para / multi-para / novella
DO YOU USE ICONS AND/OR GIFS? : no / gifs / icons / gif icons
DO YOU WRITE ON OTHER PLATFORMS? : no / yes (discord, but i'm a bit selective about who i give that to)
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? : unplotted / open ended plots / semi-plotted / fully-plotted epics (i am diggity down to clown with whatevs honestly. i'm easy.)
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? : very slow (more than a month) / slow (3-4 weeks) / average (1-2 weeks) / fast (less than one week) / very fast (less than three days) (i am inconsistent and i am sorry)
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add ) : fluff / angst / smut  / action / tragedy / domestic / family / conversational  / hurt-comfort. (writeallthethingsmeme.jpeg)
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add) : high fantasy / supernatural / science fiction / historical / horror / comedy / romantic / drama / action / adventure / espionage / everything (literally i have no prefernce. i just like putting lee in Situations)
ARE THERE ANY THEMES YOU'RE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH WRITING ON YOUR BLOG? (not triggers) : yes / no (read the rules my guy)
DO YOU HAVE ANY TRIGGERS? : yes / no (mentions of strokes and dead mothers, specifically in the month of march)
HOW DO YOU REQUEST IT TAGGED? : if it ain't super inconvenient, i appreciate it
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? : romantic  / platonic / familial  / physical / sexual (lee is a bit of a slut (affectionate) and i am a ship whore!)
WHAT TYPES OF PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? : romantic / platonic / familial / physical / sexual / depends on the partner & muse.
DO YOU HAVE OTPS? : no / chemistry only / yes
DO YOU HAVE NOTPS? no / yes / I don't know (i will not, under any circumstance, write lee/iorek. my sibling in gozer, THAT IS A BEAR)
ARE YOU COMFORTABLE WRITING SMUT? : no / selectively / yes
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? : autoship / during plotting / after a couple ic interactions / several ic interactions / slow burn / depends on partner & muse
ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? : no / selectively / yes / never tried it
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? (canon history, age difference, complicated, etc.) : no / selectively / yes (depends on what's being proposed here) 
ARE YOU OPEN TO POLYSHIPPING? : no / selectively / yes (lee doesn't like sharing)
ARE YOU AN EXCLUSIVE SHIPPER? : no / sometimes / yes (i'm like a cat with tinfoil)
DOES CRACK SHIPPING EVER HAPPEN? : no / sometimes / yes
DOES CROSSOVER SHIPPING EVER HAPPEN? : no / yes / depends (most of my ships are crosovers or oc x canon and i wouldn't have it any other way)
Tagged by: i stole this from @spxnglr
Tagging: if you're reading this YOU.
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writingmadd · 2 years
The Islands sketchbook part 2
Got some new sketches!
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^^ This is what I imagine The 3 Headed King look like though I am still unsure about the crown. 
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^^ A map of the whole Island realm. There are 5 zones each zone is owned by a God, Zone 1 is owned by The Faceless Mother, Zone 2 is owned by The 3 Headed King, Zone 3 is owned by Sil, Zone 4 is owned by Nakala, and Zone 5 is currently up for grabs. 
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 ^^ I wanted to draw out what my main para aka Treko’s childhood home looks like. Her childhood home was in an isolation spot in Black Hollow a swamp area within Kala. After her mother died in childbirth it took a bit of time for Trekos biological father, Shepherd Kako to step up and claim her as his child. Shepherd agreed to a deal Bara (Trekos mom) made that he would give her a kid but would not help in rising the child because Bara wanted a kid but didn’t want help nor a partner. So after her death he struggled between the deal and wanting to step up and announce that he was Trekos father. He did, he confessed the deal he made with Bara to his husband Tako Kako. Treko was handed over to the couple and they moved to Black Hollow to raise her in the woods and to kinda hide her away from the responsibilities of a god hound so she was able to have a decent childhood.
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^^ fun sketches of some of the gods interacting with each other.
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^^ Dayon and Nokton. Dayon is god of the day and Nokton is the god of the night. they are the twin sons of The Faceless Mother. 
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^^ A little comic strip I made. Not really sure what to do with it, something I did in a whim. I had fun making it.
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^^ Nakala and Treko. 
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letters-for-mc · 1 month
So yun, nanaginip ako and nandun ka sa panaginip ko. Di ko matandaan pero ang alam ko, ayokong magising kanina ng marealize ko na nanaginip lang ako pero yeah, nagising pa rin ako eventually.
Mother's day ngayon and chinat ko si Tita para batiin, nag thank you naman siya and binati rin sila Mama. tinanong ko rin siya if may gusto siya from Baguio but no reply na sa part na yun, Idk kung anong kinwento mo kay tita na cause ng paghihiwalay natin but I do hope na di mo ako pinaint as black since sa Pamilya ko goods ka pa rin dahil never akong nag kwento, gusto ko i-keep yung good relationship ko sana with tita dahil kay Stark and Navi kasi sakanya nanggaling sila and sobrang naging mabait si Tita saakin during our years together. Walang hidden agenda pag chachat ko kay tita ha! Wag kang assumero, gusto ko lang talaga siya batiin and pasalubungan dahil despite din ng nangyari satin, kahit papaano nakikipag interact siya sa kapatid ko. Ayun lang kek.
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kvtieansley · 2 months
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Summary: After putting Maisie to bed for the night, Katie reflects on her husband's sudden passing.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Death, Car Accident Mentions
You used to captivate me by your resonating light Now, I'm bound by the life you left behind Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me
Home is where the heart is. That’s what Katie has always heard—and she’d tried to make her new Kismet Harbor beach house as much of a home as possible. She loved it, she really did. It was a cute two-story home settled right on the beach, so she had a gorgeous view of the water—and the way the sun arose like a golden medallion over it. No, Katie had zero complains about her current place of residence. She’d even argue that it was better than her apartment back in New York City. 
So what’s a girl to do when her toddler’s asleep and she’s alone in this beautiful beachside home? Make a cup of tea, of course. Her mother-in-law had sent her a pink Keurig Mini for Christmas, but she’d signed the card with Erik’s name.
Erik. Oh, Erik…
It had been a year and six months since she’d last seen him on this side of earth. A year and six months since he’d last held her hand. Since she’d heard that sweet voice of his, with that British accent she always loved. Those blue eyes. That smile. It was all gone, only existing in the form of memories now. A beautiful part of Katie’s past.
As she was taking her mug off the drip tray, her gaze fell upon the fireplace mantel. In the middle sat a single wooden urn, with ‘In Loving Memory’ etched into it and ‘Erik Ansley’ underneath those three words. Two framed photographs flanked the urn, two which reflected exactly who he is—er, was.
To the right there was him and Katie at a Miami Dolphins game, to which she’d gotten him tickets for his 29th birthday. The way he was embracing her…God, he’d been so excited that day, like he was a little kid all over again.
To the left there was him and Katie at their gender reveal, just one week before his life ended. No forests had been harmed in the process: they simply cut a cake. And then her mom had insisted on getting a picture, so Erik had hugged Katie from behind and kissed her cheek, gently cradling her growing baby bump as the photo was snapped. He’d been so excited that they were going to have a daughter. ‘She’s gonna be a daddy’s girl,’ he said proudly. She would have been, baby. I know she would.
A shaky sight escaped Katie’s lips. She took a sip from her mug as she approached the makeshift memorial. Why did he have to be taken from her? Her mom had tried to comfort her by saying, ‘He’s with Jesus now.’ But was that really supposed to make her feel better? What kind of God takes a man from his pregnant wife and unborn child? The sad thing is that she’d actually had a lot of faith before, even after her Bipolar diagnosis. That hadn’t been enough to stop her from believing in God. But losing the love of her life, especially as she was carrying their child? That did it for her. She didn’t believe in anything anymore.
Truthfully, Katie would go back in time if she could, to when she and Erik first met. When he was still here and she had more years left with him. It had been nice, being so blissfully unaware of the tragedy yet to come. At the time, she’d dropped out of college a few months prior and was just starting to truly get her life on track. She had a nice apartment and a job she enjoyed, a waitressing position at a diner just up the street from her apartment building.
And then came that fateful day; she was working as usual when she was assigned to Erik’s table.  It should have been just another interaction, until it became so much more. Katie was drawn in by his kind eyes and friendly smile, and the accent was highly intriguing. She’d always found British accents highly attractive; now there was a sexy, tattooed Brit who seemed genuinely interested in her. After her shift ended, she actually ended up sitting at his table with him and they wound up exchanging phone numbers after an hour—went on their first date a week later and the rest was history.
She took another sip of her tea as she gazed at the urn, which contained Erik’s remains. Her eyes filled with unshed tears, which she promptly blinked away. She hadn’t cried since that uniformed offer showed up on her doorstep. After that, she shut down all emotion, simply gliding through life without much feeling at all. It was easier to not feel anything, rather than letting the pain of her husband’s absence consume her.
God, that night. That one awful night in October 2022. Erik had done something he’d done countless times before. He went out with friends, while Katie had stayed home and begun organizing things for Maisie’s nursery. She’d been a little tired, too tired to venture out of the house that day. So she stayed home and began filling their little girl’s closet with the excessive amount of clothes she’d accumulated since learning they were having a little girl.
She got so into it that she actually lost track of time. By the time she looked at the clock again, it was midnight and Erik still wasn’t home. Katie tried calling his phone, yet didn’t get a response. Two more calls. Then three more. Ten more calls. No response. She began to feel a sense of panic, but she tried telling herself that his phone may have died and he was stuck in traffic. It was New York City, after all.
But then there was a knock on the door.  Katie can still remember looking out the living room window and seeing red and blue lights outside. Then another knock on the door. This time she’d answered—and was met with a man in uniform, looking somber. And she immediately knew that Erik wasn’t coming home.
“There’s been an accident,” the officer told her, his voice disturbingly calm.
She’d barely managed to stay on her feet, gripping the door frame as a scream escaped her. The officer tried to comfort her, but there was no comfort. She eventually was told that he’d been struck by a drunk driver while driving through an interaction. He was pronounced dead at the scene, having been killed on impact. He most likely didn’t feel any pain; it was a quick death. If he had to leave, Katie was thankful that he didn’t suffer.
But God, he should still be here—with Katie and their little girl. He never got a chance to cut the umbilical cord or hold their daughter for the first time or kiss her little head. God, he would have been such a wonderful dad, but that was all taken away from him. He’d had an entire life left to live and yet he wasn’t here. Katie was forced to move on without him. But what if she didn’t want to? 
A heavy sigh left her lips. She started to head into the living room, but then she heard a tiny voice coming from the baby monitor.
“Da da da daaaa…” 
“What…” Katie murmured, sitting her cup on the kitchen counter and heading down the hallway until she arrived at Maisie’s bedroom door. Inside, the little girl was standing up in the crib, talking to something, or someone, that her mother couldn’t see.
“Da da? Da DA!”
Here came even more tears. Lovely. See, Katie believed in the paranormal for this exact reason. Her parents thought it wasn’t possible, being the skeptics they were. But to imagine Erik’s spirit roaming her home, watching her and Maisie? That was a kind of comfort she desperately needed. Just knowing that somehow, some way, he still had a presence in their home.
“Talking to your daddy, baby?” She asked softly as she approached the crib. Maisie instantly held out her arms, allowing Katie to carefully lift her up. 
“Da da da…”
“Yeah? You’re talking to dada?” 
Katie’s gaze danced around the room; she could feel Erik’s presence. Nevertheless, it was a painful reminder of what no longer was. Never again would they have late night talks in bed—where he’d play with her hair and she’d trace the tattoos on his arm with her finger. No more kisses. No more laughter. All those things were just memories now. Nothing more, nothing less.
The whole point of moving to Kismet Harbor was to start over, to perhaps forget about her life in New York. But with every day that passed, she learned more and more that the memories would always be fresh in her mind. She would be forever haunted by Erik’s memory.
She lived no kind of life now. She merely existed. Of course she’d fake otherwise, for Maisie’s sake. But once she was alone? The facade came crashing down and she realized she was no less miserable than she’d been the day she lost Erik.
“Daaa…” Maisie said softly, yawning as she laid her head on her mother’s shoulder. Katie held the little girl like her life depended on it, looking out the window at the moon and stars shining over the vast body of water.
Erik was among the stars now, shining bright over the world below.
Meanwhile, Katie was still here, drowning in her own personal hell.
A part of her died when Erik did, so now she existed in a world that he was no longer a part of. But someday the rest of her would join him on the other side. They would be together again.
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godastra · 2 months
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exploration of: self fulfilling prophecies, mother of a god, motherhood, guiding hand, destiny is forged by those who write it, strong willingness, a new order, a mother's love, beyond alive, immortality.
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temporary rules under the cut:
01ㅤ| ㅤㅤintroductionㅤ : ㅤmy name is CALI (SHE/HER, CST+3) born in 1994, 21+ .welcome to my REVEREND MOTHER LADY JESSICA muse blog. this blog is private, selective and mutually exclusive. meaning i won't interact with blogs that are not mutuals with me. [this blog is open to plotting both on discord via tupperbox and tumblr].
02.ㅤ| ㅤㅤactivityㅤ : activity on this blog will be medium to low through the week days. i'm mostly active at nights and from fridays to sundays activity will be higher through the weekends and through tupperbox on discord .best way to reach me will be through discord that can be asked upon request to create a 1x1 server or just to talk. [please don't pressure me for replies or asks. as well, communication is key, i'm not a mind reader so if something is bothering you, asking me is okay.].
03.ㅤ| ㅤthreadsㅤ : ㅤthreads will be dropped and asks will be cleared. we are always welcome to do multi threads at the same time. if i get overwhelmed i will usually drop things to start over. i have a generalized anxiety disorder so that affects my productivity too asks are always welcome to be turned into threads . do not reblog memes from me unless we are mutuals. [and if you want to unfollow me, please softblock. as well, if we are friends, always reach out if you are uncomfortable, i will do my best to improve]
04.ㅤ| ㅤㅤformattingㅤ : ㅤfrom january, 2023 , this blog is forced to have only the BETA EDITOR + TRIM. please keep this in mind while roleplaying with me if you are still using the legacy editor. I no longer use small text as my go-to formatting but i might use it at times. i am still available to use legacy when required but do keep this in mind ㅤ[BETA EDITOR + REGULAR TEXT + DOUBLE SPACE. WILL USE ICONS IRREGULARY.]
05.ㅤ| BANNED FACECLAIMS. elizabeth olsen, scarlett johansson, jeremy renner, amber heard, allison mack, gal gadot, johnny depp.
06.ㅤ| ㅤㅤcreditsㅤ : psd, graphics, promo are all done made by me through my resource blog. some days i will be iconless and others i will use them, mostly when i'm at home. [i write novella, multi-para and single line as well text roleplay via discord/tupperbox and tumblr as well].
07.ㅤ| ㅤㅤshippingㅤ : ㅤ shipping is wonderful and it's one of my favorite things in the world. irulan is canonically going to marry paul as part of the new pact and become empress. i would love to explore their marriage and dynamic but i will not push this, but i believe the movies are going on an interesting note for them. for crossover shisp, all of them all welcome.
08.ㅤ| ㅤㅤDNIㅤ : ㅤ due to personal reasons, i won't be roleplaying with characters from the following fandoms. DC'S STARGIRL, PEACEMAKER, MUSES FROM THE BATMAN (2022) AND HORROR MUSES BASED (SELECTIVE), WRESTLING FACECLAIMS. unless we are friends. on my other non ck related muses i don't mind but i have had some bad experiences in the past [personal DNI can be given in privacy, however no name drops will be given here as none of the people are bad and DNI worthy, just uncomfortable].
09.ㅤ| ㅤㅤetiquetteㅤ : ㅤ don't godmod my muse. small things are welcomed. jessica is part of the bene gesserit sistherhood, disobeyed orders by giving leto a son instead of a daughter as is tradition. she is also a skilled fighter and user of the voice and many of the abilities of the order, later becoming reverend mother and a figure in paul's ascension, you need to let me know i just want to be given a heads up if you will ever do a thing to hurt them. i assure you, i will not mind if plotted. [as well, don't assume ships with me unless we are friends].
10.ㅤ| details: ㅤhere are a few of details from my jessica, mostly taking from the movies and what i believe the third movie will take. from the books I take further knowledge as well background. the dune trilogy will be taken as the base.
jessica went against orders to give leto a son out of love and a believe that she could give birth, due to her training to the Kwisatz Hadarach.
she trained paul, a male in the art of the bene gesserit order, something forbidden, which allowed to also reach beyond anyone else's powers. his psychic abilities manifested in youth and increased through her guidance.
Jessica undertook the process of ingesting the toxic liquid of a young sandworm to produce the Water of Life, elevating herself as Reverend Mother, when she survived the process, many fremen saw it as a sign that paul was their messiah.
ASOIAF verse: jessica is a red priestess under a secret order called the bene gesserit, that want to give birth to the next nissa nissa for azor ahai. jessica, against orders, gave birth to a son, who she trained as azor ahai. after the destruction of their house in Qarth due to their family rising into power, jessica and her son travel through the desert and are taken with the people of the red sea, who see and follow paul as their messiah who promises green land in the dessert. they go to mereen, to ask queen daenerys for aid to overthrow the rest of qarth's factions and in turn, help her with her powers.
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skyw1lker · 2 months
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exploration of themes of: manipulation of power, the chosen one, the messiah goes wrong, restrictions lead to desperation, to be chosen and rejected, finding redemption, cautionary tale, skilled beyond his years, controlled by many, a life in shackles, nature vs nurture.
temporary rules under the cut.
01ㅤ| ㅤㅤintroductionㅤ : ㅤmy name is CALI (SHE/HER, CST+3) born in 1994, 21+ .welcome to my ANAKIN SKYWALKER/DARTH VADER muse blog. this blog is private, selective and mutually exclusive. meaning i won't interact with blogs that are not mutuals with me. [this blog is open to plotting both on discord via tupperbox and tumblr].
02.ㅤ| ㅤㅤactivityㅤ : activity on this blog will be medium to low through the week days. i'm mostly active at nights and from fridays to sundays activity will be higher through the weekends and through tupperbox on discord .best way to reach me will be through discord that can be asked upon request to create a 1x1 server or just to talk. [please don't pressure me for replies or asks. as well, communication is key, i'm not a mind reader so if something is bothering you, asking me is okay.].
03.ㅤ| ㅤthreadsㅤ : ㅤthreads will be dropped and asks will be cleared. we are always welcome to do multi threads at the same time. if i get overwhelmed i will usually drop things to start over. i have a generalized anxiety disorder so that affects my productivity too asks are always welcome to be turned into threads . do not reblog memes from me unless we are mutuals. [and if you want to unfollow me, please softblock. as well, if we are friends, always reach out if you are uncomfortable, i will do my best to improve]
04.ㅤ| ㅤㅤformattingㅤ : ㅤfrom january, 2023 , this blog is forced to have only the BETA EDITOR + TRIM. please keep this in mind while roleplaying with me if you are still using the legacy editor. I no longer use small text as my go-to formatting but i might use it at times. i am still available to use legacy when required but do keep this in mind ㅤ[BETA EDITOR + REGULAR TEXT + DOUBLE SPACE. WILL USE ICONS IRREGULARY.]
05.ㅤ| BANNED FACECLAIMS. elizabeth olsen, scarlett johansson, jeremy renner, amber heard, allison mack, gal gadot, johnny depp.
06.ㅤ| ㅤㅤcreditsㅤ : psd, graphics, promo are all done made by me through my resource blog. some days i will be iconless and others i will use them, mostly when i'm at home. [i write novella, multi-para and single line as well text roleplay via discord/tupperbox and tumblr as well].
07.ㅤ| ㅤㅤshippingㅤ : ㅤ shipping is wonderful and it's one of my favorite things in the world. anakin is married secretly to padme in the main timeline and that would be the main ship for the universe unless a padme does not wish to ship. for crossover ships, all of them all welcome but beware that anakin comes with a lot of baggage.
08.ㅤ| ㅤㅤDNIㅤ : ㅤ due to personal reasons, i won't be roleplaying with characters from the following fandoms. DC'S STARGIRL, PEACEMAKER, MUSES FROM THE BATMAN (2022) AND HORROR MUSES BASED (SELECTIVE), WRESTLING FACECLAIMS. unless we are friends. on my other non ck related muses i don't mind but i have had some bad experiences in the past [personal DNI can be given in privacy, however no name drops will be given here as none of the people are bad and DNI worthy, just uncomfortable].
09.ㅤ| ㅤㅤetiquetteㅤ : ㅤ don't godmod my muse. small things are welcomed. anakin is regarded as one of the most powerful jedi/sith in history, mastering both sides of the force, conceived according to his mother, immaculate, with the theory of the force making him the one we are taking here. [as well, don't assume ships with me unless we are friends].
10.ㅤ| changes: ㅤhere are a few of the changes regarding my anakin as i follow him from the movies and what could be.
instead of his body being mostly gone, it's scarred and burned by mustafar's lava. while he can walk without the vader suit, he prefers to use it, separating the man he was with the man he became.
he believed padme had died before of him as well as the children she carried. with them, died any hope he had.
anakin will be more open world and not that focused on star wars, specially the state of the fandom with how disney is handling it.
when he dies, anakin has the rare ability to become himself corporeal as a jedi force ghost.
this is not sequel friendly, so beware.
0 notes
thementat · 2 months
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exploration of themes: the messiah, cautionary tales, the hero is the hidden antagonist, charismatic leader, the all knowing god. i am my mother's son, death in the family, we fall to rise, plagued by visions, i am god and this is my will.
temporary rules under the cut:
01ㅤ| ㅤㅤintroductionㅤ : ㅤmy name is CALI (SHE/HER, CST+3) born in 1994, 21+ .welcome to my GOD EMPEROR PAUL OF HOUSE ATREIDES muse blog. this blog is private, selective and mutually exclusive. meaning i won't interact with blogs that are not mutuals with me. [this blog is open to plotting both on discord via tupperbox and tumblr].
02.ㅤ| ㅤㅤactivityㅤ : activity on this blog will be medium to low through the week days. i'm mostly active at nights and from fridays to sundays activity will be higher through the weekends and through tupperbox on discord .best way to reach me will be through discord that can be asked upon request to create a 1x1 server or just to talk. [please don't pressure me for replies or asks. as well, communication is key, i'm not a mind reader so if something is bothering you, asking me is okay.].
03.ㅤ| ㅤthreadsㅤ : ㅤthreads will be dropped and asks will be cleared. we are always welcome to do multi threads at the same time. if i get overwhelmed i will usually drop things to start over. i have a generalized anxiety disorder so that affects my productivity too asks are always welcome to be turned into threads . do not reblog memes from me unless we are mutuals. [and if you want to unfollow me, please softblock. as well, if we are friends, always reach out if you are uncomfortable, i will do my best to improve]
04.ㅤ| ㅤㅤformattingㅤ : ㅤfrom january, 2023 , this blog is forced to have only the BETA EDITOR + TRIM. please keep this in mind while roleplaying with me if you are still using the legacy editor. I no longer use small text as my go-to formatting but i might use it at times. i am still available to use legacy when required but do keep this in mind ㅤ[BETA EDITOR + REGULAR TEXT + DOUBLE SPACE. WILL USE ICONS IRREGULARY.]
05.ㅤ| BANNED FACECLAIMS. elizabeth olsen, scarlett johansson, jeremy renner, amber heard, allison mack, gal gadot, johnny depp.
06.ㅤ| ㅤㅤcreditsㅤ : psd, graphics, promo are all done made by me through my resource blog. some days i will be iconless and others i will use them, mostly when i'm at home. [i write novella, multi-para and single line as well text roleplay via discord/tupperbox and tumblr as well].
07.ㅤ| ㅤㅤshippingㅤ : ㅤ shipping is wonderful and it's one of my favorite things in the world. paul has a canonical romance with chani, however, that romance seem to be strained after the end of the second movie, as for the end of the film, he is unsure where she is or she comes back. he enters on a political marriage. for crossover ships, all of them all welcome but beware that paul has a literal god complex.
08.ㅤ| ㅤㅤDNIㅤ : ㅤ due to personal reasons, i won't be roleplaying with characters from the following fandoms. DC'S STARGIRL, PEACEMAKER, MUSES FROM THE BATMAN (2022) AND HORROR MUSES BASED (SELECTIVE), WRESTLING FACECLAIMS. unless we are friends. on my other non ck related muses i don't mind but i have had some bad experiences in the past [personal DNI can be given in privacy, however no name drops will be given here as none of the people are bad and DNI worthy, just uncomfortable].
09.ㅤ| ㅤㅤetiquetteㅤ : ㅤ don't godmod my muse. small things are welcomed. natural psychic abilities were enhanced by the spice melange, and he took on the role of the Fremen religious leader based on their prophecies of Lisan al-Gaib. Their victory in the Desert War eventually led Paul to overthrow the Emperor Shaddam IV and form the Atreides Empire. he is also trained on the ways of the bene gesserit by his mother. paul was dead in a coma and ressurected, and regarded as a god. [as well, don't assume ships with me unless we are friends].
10.ㅤ| changes: ㅤhere are a few of the changes regarding my paul as i follow him from the movies and what could be, knowing of a few changes they did to the books.
i'm keeping paul as someone who has grown in power but who thinks this is the right thing.
unlike his father, he does believe in revenge and motivated by his mother's guidence, and his father's death, paul begins his journey. it was his father who kept him checked.
i would love to explore his political marriage with irulan, following the events of the movie, as chani seems to be gone.
ASOIAF verse: the son of leto atreides, a pureborn of qarth and a red priestess from asshai who bore the man a son, his family was wiped out as they rose too much into power and control. his mother trained him in the arts of shadowmancer and the red god and trained under the house of the undying. paul has visions of the future as well powers like the voice, used to command people to do as he please. his eyes are unsually deep blue on blue. he is exceptional in combat and calls himself emperor of the rising house of atreides. he meets with daenerys targaryen to request her help in overthrowing the other factions, in turn, paul offers guidance on dany's dragonvisions and how to interpret the dreams as well help the targaryen to rise into her own power. he grew up in the belief he was azor ahai.
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d0wager · 3 months
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exploration due to the book topics of: victim turns victimizer, kill the girl, let the woman grow, scheming, a mother's love knows no bounds, i am my father's daughter, innocence lost and i miss it, we used to be friends. mentions of incest are going to be on this blog due to the source material.
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temporary rules under the cut.
01ㅤ| ㅤㅤintroductionㅤ : ㅤmy name is CALI (SHE/HER, CST+3) born in 1994, 21+ .welcome to my ALICENT HIGHTOWER muse blog. this blog is private, selective and mutually exclusive. meaning i won't interact with blogs that are not mutuals with me. [this blog is open to plotting both on discord via tupperbox and tumblr].
02.ㅤ| ㅤㅤactivityㅤ : activity on this blog will be medium to low through the week days. i'm mostly active at nights and from fridays to sundays activity will be higher through the weekends and through tupperbox on discord .best way to reach me will be through discord that can be asked upon request to create a 1x1 server or just to talk. [please don't pressure me for replies or asks. as well, communication is key, i'm not a mind reader so if something is bothering you, asking me is okay.].
03.ㅤ| ㅤthreadsㅤ : ㅤthreads will be dropped and asks will be cleared. we are always welcome to do multi threads at the same time. if i get overwhelmed i will usually drop things to start over. i have a generalized anxiety disorder so that affects my productivity too asks are always welcome to be turned into threads . do not reblog memes from me unless we are mutuals. [and if you want to unfollow me, please softblock. as well, if we are friends, always reach out if you are uncomfortable, i will do my best to improve]
04.ㅤ| ㅤㅤformattingㅤ : ㅤfrom january, 2023 , this blog is forced to have only the BETA EDITOR + TRIM. please keep this in mind while roleplaying with me if you are still using the legacy editor. I no longer use small text as my go-to formatting but i might use it at times. i am still available to use legacy when required but do keep this in mind ㅤ[BETA EDITOR + REGULAR TEXT + DOUBLE SPACE. WILL USE ICONS IRREGULARY.]
05.ㅤ| BANNED FACECLAIMS. elizabeth olsen, scarlett johansson, jeremy renner, amber heard, allison mack, gal gadot, johnny depp.
06.ㅤ| ㅤㅤcreditsㅤ : psd, graphics, promo are all done made by me through my resource blog. some days i will be iconless and others i will use them, mostly when i'm at home. [i write novella, multi-para and single line as well text roleplay via discord/tupperbox and tumblr as well].
07.ㅤ| ㅤㅤshippingㅤ : ㅤ shipping is wonderful and it's one of my favorite things in the world. alicent is married to viserys from age twenty to her adulthood, however I do not mind affairs and plots around that. i ship her with criston cole and even daemon. mentions of the targaryens incest will be simply tagged as incest mention tw as alicent's sons and daughter are married and the targaryen dynasty as a whole.
08.ㅤ| ㅤㅤDNIㅤ : ㅤ due to personal reasons, i won't be roleplaying with characters from the following fandoms. DC'S STARGIRL, PEACEMAKER, MUSES FROM THE BATMAN (2022) AND HORROR MUSES BASED (SELECTIVE), WRESTLING FACECLAIMS. unless we are friends. on my other non ck related muses i don't mind but i have had some bad experiences in the past [personal DNI can be given in privacy, however no name drops will be given here as none of the people are bad and DNI worthy, just uncomfortable].
09.ㅤ| ㅤㅤetiquetteㅤ : ㅤ don't godmod my muse. small things are welcomed. daemon is a trained knight and one of the most skilled in the realm by standards, even when he nears his fifties, he is still a formidable foe. he is however, very much human but if your muse wants to hurt him psychically, you need to let me know i just want to be given a heads up if you will ever do a thing to hurt them. i assure you, i will not mind if plotted. [as well, don't assume ships with me unless we are friends].
10.ㅤ| a song of ice and fire : ㅤ the world of a song of ice and fire involves death, gore, betrayal, medieval like talks, fantasy talk as well mentions of incest, all will be present so keep this in mind. myrcella herself is the product of incest and there will be mentions of it.
11.ㅤ| changes: ㅤhere are a few of the changes regarding my alicent from show and even book. if you don't like, don't follow. and if you do, please respect the choices.
alicent' age is closer to the book, so she is older than rhaenyra and 19/20 when she marries viserys. she is more of a companion than a friend to rhaenyra but she is fond of her.
alicent and rhaenyra start on friendly terms as stepmother and stepdaughter but eventually grow bitter through the times and court schemes.
this depends of the daemon I roleplay with, but the rumor mushroom mentions that alicent was deflower by daemon I will take it as part of my own backstory, it won't be mention unless the other part agrees but it is there for my alicent.
alicent is a victim who turns into a victimizer. she didn't really heard what viserys said while dying, aware of his use of the milk of the poppy, regardless, she used that in advantage to put aegon on the throne.
the marriage with viserys was political but it was not a bad one. through it and viserys illness she learned to take more control over herself and aware of the court desire for a male heir.
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