#❛ verse: prompto ; road trip.
heartbinders · 2 months
Fingers, ever so gently, take hold of his chin. " One moment, dearest. " Ignis' gaze is as intense as ever as it slips down Prompto's face. So much so, that he may very well be counting every single, solitary freckle 'pon the photographer's skin. Nay, that shall be saved for another time when he has... the FULL model to visually appreciate, but his intent, this time, is merely to rid Prompto of the custard 'pon his lip. A swipe of steady finger rids him of most of it, but not all. Only right that the Advisor lean in, run a tongue 'long the edge of Prompto's lip, with a light suck to follow, and pull away with a grin for a job well done.
" You had something on your lip. Apologies for the intrusion. "
// Yes, he could have accomplished the same thing with a napkin, but that isn't the point of the prompt, now is it? :)
Fluster my guys. || @tenebriism
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Another attempt at recreating the pastry from Tenebrae sees Prompto at Ignis's side in the kitchen to help. Ignis gets an extra pair of hands ( chef though the blond isn't, he can't mess up too badly if he has instructions to follow ). Prompto gets an excuse to spend some tender moments with Ignis. Both of them win.
Things are innocent enough until the pastries go into the oven, and in the time that they have nothing to do but wait, Ignis notices what Prompto fails to: the slight aftermath of a taste test for the filling. Oh, how detail-oriented Ignis is...with a penchant for neatness, too, of course.
It's already all Prompto can do not to melt just at the proximity, taking in the sharpness of those vivid emerald eyes from his place between thumb and forefinger. It's when Ignis gets this close that Prompto has to question how he landed this. When the finger swipes across and leaves his lip, he's foolish enough to think that'll be that, and starts to express his gratitude.
❝ Heheh, whoops. Tha-- !! ❞
It's brief, and yet it feels like Ignis takes all the time in the world making sure nothing remains of the custard. Wholly unprepared, Prompto gasps, his face positively burning as his lower lip is taken between Ignis's own. Perhaps it's a silent expression that they have time to kill until the pastries are done in the oven...and now they can afford to turn their attention to other things.
The moment they part, Ignis can observe the rosy-cheeked fruits of his labor. Prompto bites his lip right where his partner had just been, as if trying to taste the ghost of what was just there moments ago -- which wasn't just the filling.
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❝ Babe, ❞ Prompto breathes, ❝ uh...I think you missed a spot. ❞
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madeimpact · 1 year
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❝ JEEZ! Finally! I really need to grab more bug spray next time we're close to a shop. What did I look like to that moth, anyway? A lamp — ❞
Glances two paces over at the other guys surrounding Noct and his salad.
❝ — Whoa. What did you guys DO to him??? ❞
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lucisol · 8 months
main verse! Out on the chocobro road trip, anything can happen! meet new friends, get lost, crash the regalia listening to britney⸻ a lot! this verse can be used for crossovers & main game stuff. this point in time makes me incredibly happy so you'll see me write in it a lot.
︱▶ V. SHARP SHOOTER // XVI. ( I know that's such a crazy detailed name )
Prompto works alongside Gav to gather intel and go on missions. he takes orders from Clive, Gav, Otto, really anyone. he's just here to help and be apart of something much bigger than himself :')
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writtenxbeginnings · 7 months
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So I think the bio I made for my Twin!Prom verse may have been on his first blog (chocobutthair), which is no longer around. I searched through every page of my last blog (brandedmachine), and it's not on there either, so I'm going to add in these two three (after I split the second into two variations) verses from Prom, as well the small info I have ready for him here.
Prom V: Mercury At Home - Pretty much follows canon from the beginning until Prompto and Noctis become friends, only instead of one boy being brought to Insomnia from the Nifs, there were two: Prompto and his brother Mercury. However, Merc didn't go with them on their road trip. That's where things will divulge with his story, and I'll eventually write out his entire story, but that's Mercury!
Prom V: Mercury Away - Prompto was the only one of the twins saved as babies. The solider that found the two boys were only able to save one, as much as he hated it, and randomly chose to leave Merc there. This is a verse where Prompto's brother grew up in Nifelheim until around the age of fifteen, when he realized what all was happening and made a run for it. This verse would have him knowing Loqi, Ravus, maybe even Luna before he left, so there's fun interactions there.
Prom V: Trained Mercury - Mercury was born and raised in Niflehim while Prompto was taken out, only this twin never left. He grew up knowing his place, was fine with that. He regards his father cooly but speaks to him, knows Ravus and Loqi well, and has been trained in as much combat as any of them.
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synnefo-nefeli · 4 years
Me looking at my notes for my long-suffering WIPs and remembering that I am also taking notes for two FFXV polyship road trip fics....
One is a 3+1 time story about how Noct chose and bound his crownsguard to him- aka fun with Lucian magic/traditions and an excuse for ritual sex
And another is based on an RP I am having with a friend, in an ABO-verse AU where Ignis a single parent, whose car breaks down out in the middle of nowhere at a diner run by Gladio who also owns a large chocobo ranch. Ignis’s daughter loves chocobos, and Ignis may or not be running from a loveless marriage he was forced into with Ravus for Niffleheim and Insomnia to reach a peace agreement thus potentially bringing a international crisis to Gladio’s peaceful doorstep- accepts Gladio’s offer for them to live on the farm until they get back on their feet.
And the mysterious hunter dressed like he’s an “emo-band reject” that’s been coming around because he has a crush on Gladio’s ranch-hand, Prompto, also may or may not be the missing Crown Prince who abdicated in protest over his promised Omega being sold off to Tenebrae. Things are about to get lively on the farm, and Gladio’s mom is debating over telling her son that his late father was supposed to be the king’s shield, and the alpha Gladio’s having a cold pissing match with, in another life would have been his prince to defend.
At least Ignis’ pies are selling like hotcakes at the diner.
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alyss-spazz-penedo · 4 years
So in "Not everyday is a good life verse" Hashirama bring up the stupid idea to imprison the tail beasts, since they were considered nothing more than natural disaster, and maybe Yoru exploded? Or maybe Yoru walk out one day or the tail beasts came and everyone surprised and panic when the tail beasts pay respect to them? Like tipping their head or just talking. So obviously the spirit/God is so powerful even they pay respect! The rumours spread more.
*spits out drink*
hhhhhhoKAY BEFORE I SAY ANYTHING LET ME CLARIFY: “Not Everyday is a Good Day” is not my verse, it is entirely @secret-engima ‘s creation. I am doing nothing more than sneaking into their sandbox from time to time to add moats and seashell graffiti to castles they’ve previously made; please direct further asks their way, bc they get final say on any plot and worldbuilding stuff.
That said, I LOVE the mental image of Yoru just- casually Tail Beasting, bc after the previous generation of Astrals these bby beings are No Big Deal. Noct and co. have killed stronger, and both parties know it.
Yoru’s got a kind of ‘live and let live’ attitude, I think, so he wouldn’t be down with preemptively capturing the Bijuu for... basically any reason at all. (Related note, I don’t think he’d be down for any kind of major war happening either. He has more than earned his peace, and if he has to smack some sense into his warmongering idiots or wipe out some other neighboring country to keep his life the way he likes it, then so be it. This village is his Retirement Kingdom. No touchy.)
So Tobirama will be like “They’re a threat!” And Yoru will go “Not really.” And when challenged to prove that, he drops a line to Ardyn. And Ardyn, the Troll(TM) he is, cheerfully tempts a beast or two to the village, where Ignis politely offers it tea, and Luna and Prompto and Iris offer pets with varying levels of enthusiasm. Yoru is a Smug, right up until he has to smack some idiot for trying to take advantage of the situation to capture his guest.
The discussion continues after that, less urgently bc Yoru’s made his point, but still existent bc the Heads of the clans did not get to where they were by being anything but stubborn. Someone brings up the likely possibility that if not them, then others will take it into their heads to capture the Tailed Beasts instead. Yoru goes thoughtful at that, discusses some things with his wife and retainers, and comes to the next meeting asking how exactly they’d go about sealing a Bijuu.
The more militant folks are stoked, bc the god’s listening, they can totally do this. The smarter clans (lookin at you, Nara) are wary, and thus the only ones not surprised when Yoru promptly rolls up their wonderfully detailed plans and goes on a road-trip to tip off all the Bijuu on what they should watch out for (and maybe establish some means of calling for assistance if they need it).
(“An Astral-hunting roadtrip. Just like old times, ey?”
“Maybe you two should have a proper wedding ceremony at the end of it, this time. Princess never did get all the bells and flowers, did she?”
“No, she didn’t.”
“A honeymoon might be nice. What do you think, love?”)
....Enigma, Enigma halp the plunnies are Happening again-
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goddessofroyalty · 4 years
But Prompto being Cloud's biological kid, who Hojo or someone disappeared early on? And Noctis going missing as a baby, and Cloud and Zack find him not knowing who he is and adopt him. Prompto a nd Noctis manage to meet when they're older and fall for each other, and Noctis brings Prompto to meet his parents. He's confused on why Cloud is crying. (Maybe Gladio and Ignis go on a road trip trying to find Noctis/what happened to him around this time, and are surprised to find him perfectly fine...)
Yeah having Hojo (or someone else) basically vanish Prompto would absolutely have Cloud walking away from Niflheim. And honesty even if Zack wasn’t in a relationship with Cloud at that point with everything else happening around the same time it would be the last push Zack needs to leave too.
Of course with the loss of Prompto still so fresh in their minds when they do find baby!Noctis there is no way they’re leaving him. They have no idea how important he is and just assume he’s another orphan of the escalating tension happening around Niflheim’s borders. When they don’t find baby!Noctis’ parents easily they decide to just take him with them. And raise him wherever they end up settling down.
Flash forward some years and honestly Zack and Cloud are probably somewhat worried about meeting Noctis’ boyfriend. They want to make a good impression but also want to be good parents and get a good read on this person he is dating.
They are not prepared for when Prompto walks through the door and the immediate recognition that goes through Cloud that this is his child. And Zack who knows how to read Cloud immediately realises as well and probably sucks up his own emotions to be the one to actually explain what is happening when the usually fairly stoic Cloud just breaks down into tears.
Of course they want to know what happened to Prompto after he was taken and probably all end up in the living room as Prompto also starts babbling because wait - this is his dad (I’m assuming he ends up with his canon kind of shitty foster parents).
Poor Noctis feels a bit awkward and like maybe he shouldn’t be there but also wants to know about what happened as well. And funnily enough both Noctis and Prompto probably end up feeling unsure about whether they belong with Zack and Cloud and whether they’re just a placeholder for the other in this verse. 
(That just adds another layer to it tall. And everyone feeling even more uncertain. Should Cloud and Zack have put more effort into finding out who Noctis really wast to get him home? How is Noctis supposed to just become the prince when he has never experienced a life anything like that? Can they all stay together or does Noctis have to leave them (including Prompto) to return to his birthright? Just a lot of questions with no clear answers).
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escapekissed · 4 years
ffxv mainverse write-up:
it is my solemn duty to fix all ff games except ffx which is perfect in every way. so this is my new ffx verse which i will write all my threads with gladio and ardyn in, excepting aus and the like, and if people want to write more ‘canon’ things.
this au takes inspiration from @darkkept ‘s stray who becomes basically a secondary protagonist and @serapime ‘s ravus, who does not feature heavily in this au as she is in canon bc she’s hard to fit in any kind of ffxv canon bc she’s so much better than canon but IS STILL THERE IN THEORY, BITCH! the ravus in this is at least a sexy trans girl oracle lol whatever
okay so. its based off of the universe of kingsglaive but with the lore changed.
basically instead of a road trip simulator, prince noctis has been allowed to have a normal life bc. that's what you do in the city if ur a young handsome prince. you have a normal life. 
he was spoiled! he got everything he wanted! 
meanwhile, his older sister had to go to the meetings and be a real noble lady. same with gladio, whose father was just a stickler for this kind of thing.
she had marriage proposals by the time she was 6, and that was just to send her off to some foreign country to have babies. 
 but basically the crux of this is. 
instead of a simple roadtrip simulator. it's a royal convoy through the vast and dangerous wilderness simulator. the kingsglaive is part of it, including nyx and crowe and the fat guy whose name i forget, and this gives gladio such a fucking complex bc he wants to be the best but the kingsglaive OWN on him. ignis is there. prompto is there. any ocs or any other characters from other fandoms we want to add are there (or with the second team which i will  go into). 
they have to treat it like its nothing special, but its a dangerous mission just to go into the wilds at all, and only gladio and cor and the kingsglaive have any experience with the outside world. 
 lunafreya is imprisoned by the empire. ardyn is also technically imprisoned by the empire, as their secret weapon. lunafreya too is given her own title and considered the enemy----up until the point that she escapes, sending one word to her bethrothed thru the goddess gentiana before she leaves. 'claim your birthright.' and then, another word. to the princess. 
'find me before he finds you.' the royal convoy has already left the city. but the princess and king are then escorted secretly outside the castle by BAD DAD DRAUTOS, who attempts to kill the king but who is stopped by cindy, who is more of an action girl in this, ravus, who is a trans girl in this and who is looking for lunafreya along with stella, and the princess herself, stray, wields the chosen ring herself to defeat drautos, and the kings fall privy to her charms and her heritage in order to defeat drautos---just in time for ardyn to see.
from there, lunafreya awakens gods and leaves clues for both siblings to find her where she is with the relics or the gods respectively, healing all she can though she is really just making the problem worse. noctis and his team find all the artifacts. stray and her team take on the power of all the worlds gods
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summonernoctis · 4 years
How I feel about this character: He’s someone who shows that love is both the little things you do for another person every day while also being willing to literally set yourself on fire and beating up a crooked politician to save their life.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Noctis!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Prompto & Gladio!
My unpopular opinion about this character: He is only a couple years older than Noctis. They grew up together as children. Ignis didn’t raise Noctis. He’s not his parent. Their parents may have been distant, but they had plenty of adult figures in their lives to have raised them both as kids. Ignis is definitely more mature and wiser than Noctis in many areas, and Noctis definitely looks up to him and values his guidance. He takes on way more responsibilities than he should have to during their trip, but it’s not like he popped out of his mother’s womb wearing a waistcoat and dishwashing gloves. He doesn’t need any more pressure. Let him be the Smart Mom Friend of the group and not the Actual Mom. Also, my headcanon is that the domestic duties he did for Noct in Brotherhood were likely not anywhere in his contract and his taking on the domestic duties so hard was at least partially because the boundaries between their friendship and duty-bound relationships were being blurred. As they grew older, Ignis wasn’t sure how to effectively communicate with Noct on an emotional level so he ended up prioritizing his role of chamberlain by taking on too many duties that extended into cleaning his apartment. But I don’t see how the amount of work Ignis did in episode four of brotherhood could have continued for much longer without him actually being hospitalized for exhaustion or something, and Noctis is spoiled but he’s not entirely ignorant, and he’d step in if Ignis was doing too much for him to the point of running ragged. I mean he goes out of his way to collect frogs for a stranger or to stop and help someone broken down on the road. How much more is he willing to go out of his way for his friend? I also think that especially after Episode 4 of Brotherhood Noct took care of himself better and Ignis basically just cooked and brought paperwork. Noctis canonically was top of his class, worked a part-time job as a cook (though he wasn’t great at it as mentioned in the cooking sidequest, which is why I think Ignis still cooked for him), and volunteered at an animal shelter. He can figure out how to mop and do laundry at the very least. We see him making more of an effort at the end of Brotherhood, too. He had been going through a depressive episode, which from experience can cause you to shut down and have no motivation to take care of yourself or your space. But we also see him go out of his way to take on tasks in the main game, especially knowing he has friends to back him up if he ever needs help. So, by the end of Brotherhood, Ignis learns to give Noctis a little more credit as Gladio says, and he ends up becoming more attuned to Noct’s feelings and behavior than most other people by the main game. He still goes beyond his duty for him, but he expects Noct to perform his own responsibilities and make decisions for the group without having to nag him about it. Except, ironically, fishing, because apparently he doesn’t think Noctis knows to turn the rod toward the fish. That’s right. This whole essay was to complain about his backseat fishing. This is one of the few areas Noctis definitely knows more about than you, Iggy. Lay off.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. I wanted Episode Ignis to let us actually see tiny Ignis, as well as his friendship with lil Noctis. Also, at least give us more of a reason he wouldn’t have fought hard to save Noctis in the Main Verse other than he’s blind and, like, One Extra vision scene? Idk to have him very heartwrenchingly scream about not letting Noctis die to save the world in one scene and then have him never mention it in the main canon did not add up. I get that Ignis never brought it up in the main game but come on. I think they should have only given Ignis the vision about Noct’s death if he chose to follow Ardyn, otherwise the game is basically saying “Noct can only survive in the timeline where Ignis isn’t disabled” and that’s kinda yikes. Maybe I’m just being too sensitive about it but it makes me uncomfortable.
Thank you!!
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heartbinders · 2 months
PROMPTO. There is a kitty cat that looks strikingly like a certain Advisor trotting towards you. So prim, so proper! What shall you do!?
KITTIES || @tenebriism
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Oh, dear — a weak spot! Prompto's fondness for animals! And as any animal-lover knows, you've scored big if a cat walks up to you. His expression melts with fondness, and he kneels down to pet the cat. He'll scoop him up if the cat lets him.
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❝ Aww — hey there, little guy! Where'd you come from, huh? ❞ he coos, scratching the cat behind the ears. ❝ Hmm...no collar, huh? You got a home? Wonder if I should ask around... ❞
A thoughtful pause, before a sunny smile settles back onto his face. ❝ Well, worst case, we set up camp not too far from here. I could take you back, and when the rest of the guys get back, we can get some food in ya. ❞
Blissfully unaware, it seems.
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madeimpact · 1 year
💋 // c: For Iggy, from your choice of muse~
Come get y'alls smooches || @tenebriism
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Losing a foot race by only about a foot sucks. And no, not as in twelve inches — as in, one footstep.
Luckily for Noctis, Gladio wasn't so cruel as to subject him to daily training at the ass crack of dawn as punishment for losing. That kind of thing can't be forced. Unluckily for Noctis, Gladio isn't about to let this defeat go unpunished, either.
The others are likely to be up now that the morning sun is well into the sky. Prompto is likely waiting for the two to get back so they can begin to load things back into the Regalia. And Ignis is probably whipping something up for breakfast before they depart from the campsite.
This feels wrong. Like a stupid game between high schoolers. Like some dumb bet — okay, this is some dumb bet. But that justification doesn't make Noctis feel any better about what's about to happen. In fact, it almost certainly makes it worse. These kinds of things shouldn't be done because of dumb bets...
But, well, Noctis is nothing if not a man of his word.
Wiping sweat from his brow, he exhales, placing a hand on Ignis's shoulder and coaxing him to turn away from the outdoor kitchen, towards him. They're close. Close enough for Noctis to keep up his end of the deal and get it over with.
But Ignis is way more to him than just some bargaining chip in a stupid game. Bet or no, he has to be sure he's okay with this. He has to make this mean something.
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❝ Don't...ask too many questions, ❞ he says, his face positively burning, his voice barely above a murmur. ❝ I just — I did this — sorry, I'm just...is it okay if I kiss you. ❞
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lectorel · 6 years
List of shit I need to get written down before I forget:
1. Ffxv, canon roleswap. Noctis gets left behind in Tenebrae, Luna makes it out. Noctis survives by taking on the role of Oracle as best he can. Luna holds things together in Lucis by taking up the crown prince's responsibilities.
Important scenes:
A)ceremony of Ravus swearing loyalty to emperor -Ravus carrying Noctis on one arm, first public appearance of R&N since Queen Sylva's death/fall of Fenestala Manor.
B)parallel scenes: Noctis acting as Oracle, -pushing limits of LC's magic, experiments with what's possible/Luna acting as crown prince, -combat training, royal responsibilities
C)Road trip with Luna and the other three chocobros - "Princess Lunafreya, the Oracle's bride-to-be, here in Hammerhead"
2. Ffxv, Noctis Gilson AU. Insomnia falls, Lucis resists, Galadh becomes the new capital. Cor is held prisoner by Niflheim, no one knows where the prince is, if he still lives.
Noctis grows up in the testing ground, raised by a man undying and half-dead. Gilgamesh has to be a person again, after two thousand years spent as a wraith driven by the oath he broke.
Gil can't leave the testing grounds, and few people enter. He doesn't know what's happening outside. Only that a prince of Lucis was left in his care, and never returned for. He cannot let Noctis leave. Not until the Prince is capable of handling whatever lies outside the crag.
Important scenes:
a)Cor leaves young Noctis with Gil -"Insomnia has fallen"
B)Gilgamesh tells stories of the two Kings he'd served and failed. Ardyn as kingdom builder, Somnus as defender of kingdom besieged -building on Somnus as complicated character, neither wholely selfish nor innocent of wrongdoing.
3. Batman, 'Red, Robin and the Outlaws' verse edit, expansion, crosspost to AO3. Flesh out Xiao Long's role in verse, detail Roy and Kori's pasts. Scene with Jason and XL discussing names and being named. "I have a list of names pulled from male political figures in Chinese history, census data of chinese-americans, and a bunch of Chinese webnovels. We're finding you something that isn't associated with those owl-fucks."
4. Ffxv, answering feral Noctis asks re: what happens after the truth comes out. Prompto and Noctis oath details. Gladio/Ignis, blame issues, responsibility. Discuss possiblity of Noctis rejecting one or both of them.
5. Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, two-in-one AU. All the timeline fuckery. five years after WWX's death, a young and desperate Mo Xuanyu attempts the soul sacrificing ritual. He gets a new headmate instead.
WWX views this as his penance - he couldn't save the Wen clan, but he might be able to protect MXY. MXY leaves Mo village, becomes a rogue cultivator under WWX's tutelage.
Possible run in with A-Quing and XXC? With XY, definitely - MXY and his terrible crushes on anyone kind to him.
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secret-engima · 4 years
Snippet of Wayward Heart (Welcome Home)
(an angsty snip of the Prompto-centric Blood of My Blood verse one-shot! It’s still in the early stages, this is like- 80% of what I have, but I figured I’d share.)
     Dyn was safe. He remembered that much. Could feel Dyn’s magic somewhere in the higher levels of the Citadel, content and happy with Ignis. His father was somewhere else, busy with the Council probably, but his magic was calm and steady. If he reached out to Insomnia itself, to the layers of memory-magic-lifetimes-come-and-gone that had been imprinted there by generations of Lucis Caelums, there was nothing drastically amiss for him to pay attention to. Today was peaceful, so there was no harm in letting the Quiet Day blanket his shoulders and turn his brain to hazy fog. There was no reason to not let it drift around him, like the touch of ghostly fingers on his arm, or the flickering memories of life-death-young-old-king-prince coiling around his throat like a velvet noose.
     “H-hey, are you okay?” The voice cut through the haze like a knife. It slid into his ribcage and buzzed up through his blood and Noctis flinched back to himself with a half-gasp. He blinked, trying to anchor himself to reality, to cope without the haze numbing all his senses and making the world grey. It took a second to adjust to awareness, to colors and sounds that didn’t smudge like paint or fade like echoes, but he had to. He had to because that had sounded like-. Like-.
     “-Restricted area,” the woman —Dawn-Thera-Vesta-Monica— was saying to someone, not aggressive, but disapproving and stern, “I’m going to have to ask you to leave immediately.” Noctis blinked a few times, trying to parse out why he had woken up. Monica’s voice- that hadn’t been Monica’s voice earlier. That had sounded like someone else, but now that he was more himself than memory, he was aware enough to know that voice was impossible-.
     “I-I’m sorry, I d-didn’t mean- uh. I got separated from my group a-and then I saw him and just wanted to make sure he was o-okay. He looks like h-he’s-.”
      That voice.
     Noctis stood up, pulling away from the haze of old memory that tried to tug him back down with a stubbornness and desperation that burned. He turned toward the voices and cut off Monica’s stern orders for the intruder to step back and wait for security to escort him away with a breathless, desperate, “Prompto?”
     Monica’s head snapped toward him in something like shock, but Noctis only had eyes for the skinny blond trying to turtle in on himself. The teenager —he was so young and small had he always been that fragile looking at this age and Noctis never noticed?— froze like a spiracorn in headlights, fingers clenched nervously over one of the tiny visitor’s cameras that were passed out at reception as a security measure rather than let people use their own phones and cameras. Blue eyes in a face dusted with freckles went wide and the boy —his boy, his sunlight, his Heart— stammered meaninglessly a little bit and Noctis had to fight to breathe for reasons totally different from his Quiet Day.
     Noctis wanted to run to him, to cry and hug him tight and reforge the magic bond he had lost in the time-travel and promise he would never abandon Prompto again but he-. He couldn’t. He couldn’t.
     This was the past.
     This Prompto did even know him. Not really. Noctis had left when he was fourteen in this timeline, a year before he had met Prompto originally. At best Prompto remembered sharing a class with the prince before he was “kidnapped” and now-. Now he was here.
     And Prompto was a stranger.
     Noctis swallowed back the urge to scream, the urge to pull the numbness and fog of his Quiet Day around him like a shield, because it hurt just thinking about all he had lost and might never get back. Instead he took a few steps forward and scrambled with what to say, because this Prompto didn’t know Noctis, but Noctis had just said his name and people didn’t just do that without a reason. Noctis inhaled and started lying through his teeth, “I … It is Prompto, right? I’m remembering your name correctly?”
     Prompto looked like he was going to melt into the floor from shock and nerves, but he straightened up instead and answered with a voice that belayed the white knuckles on his temporary camera, “U-uh, yeah. I mean yes. Your Highness? I … I know we never really, um, talked but…” Prompto looked lost, trying to understand how anyone important would remember his name —as if Prompto himself wasn’t important, as if Prompto wasn’t Noctis’s light in the dark and the cornerstone of his entire concept of normal outside the Citadel’s tutors and duties and rules, his youngest and bravest brother—.
     Noctis tried to smile, but it was only the barest twitch of his mouth. It was taking energy to do this, mental and emotional energy to both fight off the Quiet Day pushing at his head and not burst into tears at the sight of a Prompto who didn’t know how much he meant to Noctis, “We shared classes for years, since … grade seven at least. You’re part of the photo club. Or- you were. You always took really good pictures.” You were my first friend who chose to be my friend for me, not because of duty or because I was a rich prince. We grew up together and shared crushes and pulled all-nighters. You took photos all during our road trip so you would remember everything and in the end I died with one of your memories in my hand because I couldn’t bear to die alone.
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lunarbranded · 5 years
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NOTE: Prompto knows that he’s EDEN’s vessel and has for years, but he doesn’t allow her to control his actions. This verse ignores Prompto’s prostitution headcanon.
ABOUT EDEN: Eden [APPEARANCE] is the mother of Astrals with a powerful presence, likely what drew Noctis to Prompto in the beginning. Her power includes wrapping a dimension around itself in order to end an opponent by destroying them in their own pocket universe.
If Prompto attempts to summon her, he’ll be put in her protective sigil but on his knees. The action takes an enormous mental and physical toll on Prompto, causing terrible nosebleeds. After summoning, Prompto needs a full 24 hours to recover [usually unconscious] and is weakened for up to 48 hours.
X. When Prompto was made in the First Magitek Research Facility, he was more aware and alert than other infants on the production line. It was noticed by the Lucian spy. In the middle of his chest, Prompto had a small, dark birth mark right over his breastbone.
X. As he was growing up, he often dreamed of Lunafreya and other Astrals. He excused it as the stories from school getting to him until he found Pryna and received Luna’s letter in the mail.
X. He met Noctis and lost the weight as he did in Brotherhood but also had to deal with hearing Eden during his waking hours. Over time, he learned only to talk to her in his head.
X. Before the road trip, Eden revealed herself to the Crystal, which glowed slightly, and nudged at Regis. This was part of the reason he chased them outside but the source of what caused the Crystal to contact him wasn’t found.
X. When the guys went around to gather the Astrals, Eden revealed herself to each one in turn [pre-Altissia]. Ardyn gave hints but never outright said anything.
OPTION 1: Prompto willingly reveals the Astral living inside of him to Noctis and actively helps him in Altissia by summoning her.
OPTION 2: Noctis finds out much later, either Zegnautus or when they return to Insomnia ten years later.
OPTION 3: [My favorite one] Noctis likely has been having dreams of Prompto with Eden in the background and never knew why, felt the Crystal being nudged, and corners Prompto after awakening Titan.
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Small Prompto hc’s
In any au where he doesn’t road trip with the boys, Prompto starts working right out of high school and tries to make it on his own. He has a rough go of it and typically lives in a shit apartment or rented room.
In main verse, once Noctis vanished Prompto took up smoking to deal with losing his best friend and trying to keep the trip together and wait.
Prompto’s dream job is working on the chocobo farm and taking pictures to promote business
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goddessofroyalty · 6 years
How drugged up/chained up do you think Sephiroph has to keep Gladio for him not to be fighting the whole time? His job is to keep things like being kidnapped from happening to Noctis, and now they're all captured? He's probably also feeling like it's his fault, even worse than Prompto is because Gladio has been trained his whole life to fight for and protect the crown. And I could see the others also being slightly drugged to stop from fighting, but Gladio would need more I'd think.
So quick thing this ask made me realised: if I keep them in this verse Sephiroth probably starts to see his old allies/friends in Prompto’s, but especially Angeal in Gladio. 
As for whether he would drug them I don’t actually know. Because like on one hand Sephiroth wouldn’t be the sort to not use something to his advantage just because it seems ‘dishonerable’ - if it make his plan easier he’ll do it. On the other hand he thinks himself equal to a god and there’s a level of acknowledging weakness in drugging people to keep them under control - if he is as strong as he believes himself to be he should be able to just handle the whole group without having to do anything. And I honeslty don’t know which side would win out. 
Oh Gladio feels so guilty. I don’t actually know if it’d be more or less than Prompto’s guilt because they’re very different guilts. Prompto’s guilt is that his friends got dragged into something that was his problem it’s his father that is captured them if he wasn’t for him they wouldn’t be in this situation at all. Gladio’s guilt is that he failed to protect them and prevent this from happening - it doesn’t matter how strong Sephiroth is, Gladio should have been able to handle him and keep the others safe. While these guilts are both about the others being in danger they are both rooted in a very different ‘blame’ so it’s hard to balance them out. It doesn’t help that by this point Gladio has probably started doing the… association thing between Noctis and Prompto where he feels nearly as responsible to keep Prompto safe as he does Noctis so feels so frustrated that he can’t do much to protect Prompto from Sephiroth in that moment because Sephiroth is in such another power class (assuming this happens before/early in the road-trip) 
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