#❪  mirror  ❫     ⤿     porthos.
spockvarietyhour · 3 months
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Star Trek Enterprise "In a Mirror, Darkly Pt. 1"
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msarams · 2 years
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The Musketeers 3.01 Spoils of War
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The Musketeers 3.03 Brother in Arms
Season 3 may have been flawed, but I did appreciate the mirroring it did with many of its episodes and scenes.
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general-du-vallon · 7 months
I know we all have opinions on s3 me too hut also in episode 1 it's so funny to me Aramis run away to a monarstry and they just give him all the babies like 'this is the perfect fit just burry him in children then he will be a good monk'.
Edit: the tiny conversation where Porthos is like 'boring boring dodiers boring' and Athos is just like. Wheedling and gleeful and knowing Porthos is gonna give in 'we are also musketeers' is great.
And Aramis taking charge of his tiny children and keeping them safe in a cellar is 👌👌👌👌
OK I rlly quite like the musketeers bits of this s3 episode.
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theeverdream · 3 months
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A little convincing
A/N: I made it. Despite uni actually forbidding such things. I had to write this. It made me feel happy and I hope it will make you feel happy as well. Imagine whichever Aramis you like best. Romain Duris has my heart. Aramis x littke sister reader.
You were quietly sitting on the windowsill, overlooking the busy, dusty, loud street of Paris that led alongside the musketeer‘s corps. It was a fresh, lovely morning, the sun peeking out behind an array of clouds and the smell of spring whispering promises about the upcoming summer. The sun light reflected in the tin rain gutters on the Parisian roofs blinded you, so you looked behind you, eyes fixing on your brother putting on his jewelry in front of his mirror. Yes, it was HIS mirror. Neither Athos, nor Porthos ever spent any time in front of it. He did that sufficiently for the three of them. He was humming softly, fixing his moustache the way he liked best and trying not to make a tangled mess of his twelve different necklaces. No one in Paris walked about as extravagantly as he did. It made you feel proud of your brother. He was carrying about a security of self that was charming and good-natured, never rude and rarely arrogant. When someone mocked him, he just smiled. When someone tried to outdo him, he just laughed. Aramis‘ face only ever darkened when you or his brothers were in trouble. He could be terrifying then, even to you. His dark side was just as dark as his bright sight was shiny.
While tending to his appearance that very morning, he seemed particularly shiny. You couldn‘t help but smile, when he noticed your attention and moved his head around in a swift motion, granting you a waggle of his eyebrows. You tried not to show it, but a sadness was wearing you down. He would be gone for an entire week and despite the fact that Treville and Constance never allowed you a quiet moment in the reoccurring absence of your brother and his friends to keep you from worrying, you were always on the brink of dropping into the terrible imagination of losing him. He must have noticed a weakness in your smile - he always did - because he suddenly altered his voice, talking in the most comedic American/English accent and getting to his feet dramatically.
„MISSUS!!“ He exclaimed and you felt your lips twitch. „Is that a saaad little twaankle I see in your moonyshiny eyeess?“
With a huff, you started shaking your head at him. „You‘re such an idiot!“
He gasped, so overdramatically offended, he almost threw himself off his feet. „MADAMMME, do you have the faintliest idea who ya talkin to??“
You tried to glare at him to keep from laughing or grinning, but he merely mimicked your expression and hunched over in a most concerningly predatory way.
„Oh, I see,“ he growled, back to his normal voice, sending a feeling of fearful anticipation through your stomach.
„Aramis!“ You warned, tenseley sitting up straight on the sill.
„That laughter needs a little more convincing, huh?“ He continued to growl, slowly advancing in your direction. You were getting really bouncy there, extending your hands defensively in front of you and slowly backing away from the window. A nervous smile slipped on your features.
„No, thank you, I think it‘s not available today!“
He laughed softly at that, his eyes glittering. There was a silent consent shared between you: in the way you didn‘t really try to get away, in the way he blinked slowly and knowingly, reassuringly. It was your game and you would play it the way you wanted to.
„I think I can coax it out of you!“ He grinned fondly and suddenly the backs of your knees hit his bed. Your eyes widened and he was too freaking fast. With a squeal you tried to avoid his arms coming for your middle by throwing yourself on the sheets. You quickly robbed backwards on your back, hysterical sounds leaving your throat in a melody of your own design. He was right there with you, trying to get a hold of your arms and cackling at the way you kicked him in the ribs.
„Ooooh, feisty!!“
You shrieked in panic, when his hand managed to hold on to your leg and quickly tried to pull yourself away from him, but he pulled you right back into the middle of the bed and caged your body with his arms.
„Well, well, looks like you‘re in trouble,“ he huffed with his deep voice, smirking as his eyes locked with yours. You were already smiling wider and brighter than the tin roof gutters of Paris, feeling the love for your brother flush out all the anxiety for the moment. In an attempt at self-defense, you shoved your hands under his arms and tickled the mostly unprotected armpits, making him recoil and break out into a short flow of laughter, before he got a hold of your wrists and pinned them above your head.
„You little snake,“ he mused, humming happily when you started to shout out breathless, giggly „No“s, all pinned down and delivered.
„No, no, no?“ He teased, delighted at the way you already tried to protect your neck by shaking your head quickly from left to right. „You still think I cannot convince that laughter to come out?“
You cursed yourself for the breathless giggles that were already shaking you, despite him not having even come near to tickling you. With a deep breath you put your head back and looked at your brother smiling softly at you. In a last attempt at defying him, you stuck out your tongue and said: „Actually it‘s harder NOT to laugh at you in general, but somehow the boys and I manage i- NOOO!!!“
You squealed with laughter when he dipped his head down and blew a raspberry under your ear, his beard bristeling against your skin ticklishly.
„Dohohohohon‘t,“ you got out half-suffocated, before a second and third raspberry sent you into more delirious waves of laughter.
„Are you laughing at me right now??“ He asked fake incredulously when he moved his head back up to look at you shaking with mirth. You could barely breathe as you shook your head from left to right, pulling at your pinned wrists.
„Nohohoho, I swear!!“
He chuckled and dipped his head down anew, meeting a particularly mean spot on your neck. You bucked your body up and tried to throw him over, but he simply repeated to blow on the same spot several times, succeeding in making your laughter explode too much to still have any strength for that manoeuver.
„Plehehehease stop,“ you giggled when he‘d moved his head up again, smirking triumphantly.
„Oh, come on, I have to make up for an entire week here.“ He chuckled, but the mentioning of his absence quickly changed the mood.
Your smile vanished and your eyes grew less bright than before.
„Hmmm,“ he made, letting go of your wrists as a sadness tinged his carefree expression a shade less happy. „Little sister doesn‘t like me going.“
„No, she hates that really.“ You answered, pulling your arms down and starting to play with one of his necklaces hanging a little lower than the rest.
He put his head up on one of his palms, the other arm still keeping you from getting away. The kindness in his eyes never vanished, a huge amount of sympathy weighing you down like a warm blanket.
„I would take you with us, if I could.“
„Would you?“ You asked, using the crucifix pendant of his necklace to draw the lines of his chin.
„Mhmmm,“ he answered, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. „I would keep you in a saddle bag the entire time to make sure you don‘t get lost, but yes I would!“ He chuckled when you gently punched him in the chest for that, but quickly turned more serious again when he saw how worried you really were.
„You know, (Y/N), when I‘m gone, I know exactly what and who I come back for and that creates a power you can hardly imagine. I would slice, slash, burn and kick my way back to you, always. Even if I‘m hurt, even if I‘m dying, I will always come back here to you. The last time you see me will never be when I leave.“
Your eyes started to burn as you looked into the honey brown eyes of your brother during his little speech. His words made you sad, but all the more they reassured you and made you want to cling to him for as long as you could.
Your arms were thrown around his neck in one swift motion and he caught and held you against him with one arm, nuzzling your hair and breathing you in.
„I love you so much,“ you whispered, allowing one single tear to drop onto his shirt.
„Oh, if you knew how much I love you, if you only knew how powerful that makes me.“ He answered gently, smiling against your ear and holding you even tighter than before.
„Powerful enough to crush me apparently,“ you wheezed, laughing when he dropped you back on the sheets all of a sudden. The mischievous sparkle was back in his eyes.
„Right, where were we actually? Wasn‘t I very busy doing something funny right there?“
„Oh no no no,“ you protested, giggling with a new wave of nervous laughter, your hands quickly coming up to push against his face, to keep that beard away from your neck.
He chuckled softly, not even seeming bothered when he used one hand to brush your own away and pin them on your side now, using his body to keep them stuck between you two. You were already wiggling around hysterically, twisting and turning but never escaping. And soon his ticklish beard on your neck and his skilled fingers raking over your ribs had you shaking with laughter again. Until Athos and Porthos entered the room and Aramis was off of you in milliseconds. They were always on your side. And he was painfully aware of that.
A similar cornering situation like the one between you and your brother took place and Athos and Porthos had your brother down in seconds, making him burst with adorable giggles in the most practiced manner, cutting off his access to his sides and tickling him there until they could have made him promise anything in the entire world.
You loved watching them play, feeling good about yourself and the morning spent with your brother. Seeing the fondness in the eyes of his friends reassurred you further that Aramis was well protected by the eagle eyes of the two of them. They would never let anything happen to each other if they had a say in it.
You couldn‘t wait to hear him laugh like that again.
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Thoughts on episode 3 s1:
Another great episode !! Thoughts below:
Alexandre Dumas's dad had a TERRIBLE life and was born into slavery since his mother was a slave and his asshole of a sperm donor was her esclavagist. It's a nice attention to detail to see that Porthos' story mirrors that, since he was inspired by the dad.
The gang helps kill an esclavagist!!! Go gang 🔪
I don't know what's going on with Athos' little brother but it's proof book!Athos is so downright evil that we must make excuses for the modern Athos.
While i'm waiting to learn about the whole story, i'm still rooting for Milady. Stab him girl 🔪
I still need the lackeys. I love em and Athos saying he hates having servants (in French at least) would clash nicely with the fact that in the book he forbids his poor lackey Grimaud to even speak.
Actually if Grimaud exists he should team up with Milady and stab Athos.
I don't know how it's said in English but in French Porthos says that Aramis has "des doigts de fée" (the fingers of a fairy ----> very delicate and nimble fingers). Gay much ?????
Fellas, is it gay to rescue your brother in arm from his ex that's trying to burn him alive ?
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evilgabe29 · 3 months
OC Interview
Thanks for the tag @illarian-rambling
i had to go on a manhunt for this post, but i found it! (im doing Lan for this one btw)
Are you named after anyone?
"dude i fucking wish, i have no idea what was running through my parent's heads when they named me fucking Lanyard. i got made fun of so damn much."
When was the last time you cried?
"i don't remember if it was necessarily the last time or if it really counts as crying but i pinched my finger real good on a door, it was terrible"
Do you have kids?
"no, nor do i really want any, they sound like a pain. Nell has talked about wanting some though."
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
"yeah, all the time. it backfires sometimes but i can deal with that"
What's the first thing you notice about people?
"i try to notice Kenek stains but if im honest its probably height"
What's your eye colour?
"like a brownish green i would hate it but i don't spend long enough in the mirror"
Scary movies or happy endings?
"whats a movie? oh like a book? uhh it depends i can go for both i don't particularly have a preference"
Any special talents?
"other than being able to say fuck you to physics? im pretty good at picturing things in my mind, at least compared to Nell, that guy is hopeless"
Where were you born?
"Othin, born and raised its one of the smaller porthos cities. it was pretty alright living there. but be and my brother had a bit grander aspirations"
Do you have any pets?
"like a rat?, im almost certain there's at least one whose snuk on the ship, maybe ill have Vik demonstrate their amazing cooking abilities"
What sort of sports do you play?
"whats a sport?"
How tall are you?
" i think about like 12'4ish i haven't measured in a bit"
What was your favourite subject in school?
"probably history class, i just found the subject captivating"
What is your dream job?
"this, what im doing right now, scouting on a ship of my own making with a coffee in hand and a skeleton crew to run it"
ima tag @kaylinalexanderbooks @theeccentricraven @leahnardo-da-veggie if yall haven't already been tagged in this
Blanks under the cut
Are you named after anyone? When was the last time you cried? Do you have kids? Do you use sarcasm a lot? What's the first thing you notice about people? What's your eye colour? Scary movies or happy endings? Any special talents? Where were you born? Do you have any pets? What sort of sports do you play? How tall are you? What was your favourite subject in school? What is your dream job?
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angsty-violet · 9 months
Coffee for Three
Aramis stopped as he caught sight of a new coffee shop. He was always on the lookout for places that he could spend some time writing and getting out of Anne’s hair. Now that she worked from home, the house was a little crowded at times and he took every opportunity to find somewhere he could write without bothering her.
He stepped inside and was immediately assaulted by the sweet smell of coffee and cookies. It was quiet, not very busy, with plenty of tables. He could just make out the soft sounds of light music and decided to give it a try. He stepped up to the counter and perused the menus, delighted to see that there were a number of tea options available for purchase.
“What can I get for you?”
Aramis tugged his eyes away from the menu and landed on the most handsome man on the planet. His skin shone with a slight sheet of sweat and his broad shoulders stretched his shirt tight. Aramis had to swallow back the instinctive urge to say ‘you.’
“I’d like a large Darjeeling please.”
“Coming right up. Feel free to have a seat and I’ll bring it to you.”
Aramis nodded and caught the man’s name on his nametag. “Porthos” was a strong handsome name for a strong handsome man.
He took his computer bag and picked a table near one of the windows with a good view of the counter. He opened it up and started to type out the outline for his next book. However, every time he put down a few words he was distracted by the man at the counter preparing several drinks at the same time. His mouth watered at the sight of his arms working to create several drinks.
Aramis pulled out his phone and shot off a quick text to Anne.
“Found the cutest guy, going to ask him out. Alright with you?”
“If I can come along, yeah.”
Aramis sighed. It wasn’t impossible to get a date with a stranger as a poly couple, but it wasn’t easy either. Too many people were weirded out by the thought of being with more than one person. Well, all he could do was try.
When Porthos brought him his drink Aramis had assumed he was going to be smooth about it, instead what came out of his mouth was more like a desperate lonely person, trying to get any kind of social contact.
“Do you want to go out on a date with two very lovely, albeit slightly odd people? One of which is me, and the other is a very lovely woman who is smart and successful.” Aramis saw the look on Porthos’ face which was somewhere between surprised and flabbergasted and could hit himself.
“I mean, not if you don’t want to, of course. Don’t feel obligated. It’s just you’re very handsome and clearly very hard working and you seem like the sort of opened minded man to go out on a date with a couple.”
Porthos held up a single hand and Aramis managed to stop talking. “I’d love to go on a date with you and your partner. I just moved here, and I don’t really know anyone but my friend Athos and his excitable boyfriend d’Artagnan. So, yes, I’ll go out on a date with you.”
Aramis grinned and let out an awkward laugh. “Great, so, give me your number and I’ll text you so we can set it up.”
Porthos smirked and turned the disposable coffee cup to face Aramis. Aramis glanced at it and saw a phone number written with a smiley face.
Aramis had changed his outfit four times and now Anne and both cats were watching in fascination as he checked himself in the mirror, again.
“I liked the second better than this.”
Aramis turned to look at her and then back to the mirror. She could see that he agreed with her. Which of course he would because she was correct. Her own outfit had already been chosen a half hour ago and now she was just waiting for him to decide on an outfit. Whoever this man was, clearly Aramis liked him a lot. Not to mention that they had been texting back and forth every waking minute.
He changed his outfit just as the doorbell chimed and Anne was on her feet before he could even offer to get the door.
She whipped open the door to look the man her boyfriend had asked out up and down. He was just as Aramis had described him, although he had changed out of his work clothes into a nice pair of slacks and a button-up shirt. She held out one of her hands.
“Hello, I’m Anne. Come in and make yourself comfortable.”
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giffingthingsss · 1 year
Everything after ENT is a holoprogram. 
Years later, Trip ran back into his baby daddy’s species. A lasting friendship between them led to him learning their holographic technology. When he finally retired from ship life, his hobby of tinkering with holographic code turned into a full-blown career. 
Kirk was a younger but more polished Archer. No surprise Trip gives him a Vulcan XO. He made him a hybrid as a tribute to Elizabeth. Bones was based on a grouchy uncle.
He starts with the species they know, but before long he’s inventing all kinds of things, sometimes borrowing from alien lore. The series is so popular he comes up with spin-offs.
Trip eventually indulges in a self-insert character, a blonde in love with an alien who loves movies and working on cars. He tries to give him a bad boy backstory to make him more interesting, but it never really takes. Trip has no experience in that world and it just doesn’t stick. But the character does come off as weirdly gay for his uptight fellow crewman. Everyone is afraid to point this out to Trip as he seems blissfully unaware. He later gave the character a penchant for writing holonovels. 
The day he named their mysterious cybernetic foes (’ya know, short for Cyborg, get it?’) and brought them into his stories, T’Pol looked at him as though it was the dumbest thing she had ever heard. It was massively popular. He wound up having to write borg after borg story to satisfy the market. He almost wished he had never come up with it.
He made Janeway a short queen like Hoshi and a dog lover in Porthos’ honor. Phlox, who had just discovered the wonderful world of coffee and become quite obsessed himself, suggested that character quirk. 
In reality the Federation lives pretty happily topping out at about twenty member worlds. Things are pretty routine. The fictional idea of the future starts to get a little out of hand as Trip runs out of ideas, but people keep buying it. T’Pol tries to advise him to keep things in the realm of believability, but it’s often a losing battle. She’s responsible for most of the things that actually make sense. 
Ironically, it’s T’Pol that often suggests the time travel scenarios. She becomes quite fascinated with how it might work. If it did. To the degree that Trip gives Janeway a headache over it, mirroring his own. 
One day he wrote what he thought was a fun meta thing where they were actually the characters and the characters were real and he died. T’Pol made him delete it. 
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Official ENT Bracket!
And here’s the final bracket! Round One will go live tomorrow, 4/19 at 10 am EST!
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Full List:
Round One:
Left Side:
Lt. Malcolm Reed vs. Feezal: poll here
Talla vs. Mestral: poll here
Commander Charles “Trip” Tucker III vs. Jhamel: poll here
Ensign Hoshi Sato vs. Talas: poll here
Porthos vs. Thy’lek Shran: poll here
T’Pau vs. Crewman Elizabeth Cutler: poll here
Baby Elizabeth Tucker vs. Kaitaama: poll here
Mirror! T’Pol vs. Rianna Mayweather: poll here
Right Side:
Daniels vs. Admiral Maxwell Forrest: poll here
Paul Mayweather vs. Dr. Phlox: poll here
Silik vs. Ambassador Soval: poll here
Major J. Hayes vs. Lorian Tucker: poll here
Captain Jonathan Archer vs. Sim: poll here
Subcommander T’Pol vs. Dr Arik Soong: poll here
Mirror! Hoshi Sato vs. T’Les: poll here
Degra vs. Ensign Travis Mayweather: poll here
Round Two:
Left Side:
Lt. Malcolm Reed vs. Talla: poll here
Cmdr. Trip Tucker vs. Ensign Hoshi Sato: poll here
Porthos vs. T’Pau: poll here
Baby Elizabeth Tucker vs. Mirror! T’Pol: poll here
Right Side
Admiral Forrest vs. Dr. Phlox: poll here
Ambassador Soval vs. Major J. Hayes: poll here
Captain Jonathan Archer vs. Subcommander T’Pol: poll here
Mirror! Hoshi Sato vs. Ensign Travis Mayweather: poll here
Left Side:
Lt. Malcolm Reed vs. Ensign Hoshi Sato: poll here
Porthos vs. Mirror! T’Pol: poll here
Right Side:
Dr. Phlox vs. Ambassador Soval: poll here
Subcommander T’Pol vs. Ensign Travis Mayweather: poll here
Ensign Hoshi Sato vs. Porthos: poll here
Dr. Phlox vs. Subcommander T’Pol: poll here
Ensign Hoshi Sato vs. Subcommander T’Pol: poll here
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almalvo · 1 year
STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE S4E18 "In A Mirror, Darkly Part 1"
oh my god its the freaking scene from the tng star trek movie. of vulcans landing and meeting zefram.
i like scruffy hair archer not hedgehog man XD PORTHOS NO COME BAKCK BEAGLETHOS linda and archer idk about that but also oml how archer caught her knife
oh my god first time we getr to see on screen tholian
im sorry but when archer said "break him"… sorry but some of hte best anger ive seen in post tos star trek series is archer. eugh hearing a dude as the computer voice is so odd majel come bacvk man if i could draw my face while watching all this ent mirrorverse haha blakc haired archer interesting OH MY GODDDA AAAAA ITS AN NC CONSTITUTIONAL CLASS STAR SHIP OH SHIIIT
THE FUCKING GREEEEEEN SHIIIIIIIRRRRRRT IM FUCKING CRYING IM IN TEARS HELLP MEEEEE FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUC FH THE PANTS IM im gonna faint oh my god im going to me l t help help me dude. what a fucking honour it must be to get to wear those clothes, hold those props, press those buttons, see those lights, hear those sounds… from where it all began….. what a f u c k i n g honour. G GG G G GORRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
whooAAAAAAAOHAAA seeing that animated gorn hol y shit i miss the disco eyes and the dress BUT IS HE WEARING THE DRESS THOUGH? THE DRESS? sorry seeing archer slide in from archers let was funny they should make a fucking star trek escape room. please. please. why has this not been done yet. PLESE. oh m;y god lok at the interiouir i want my house to ook like this i dont fucking care THE COMMUNICATORSS no but that green shirt works great on archer oh my god tpol has eye shadow THE FUCKING EYE SHADOW ugh the og phaser looks so nice to hold it looks so nice in the hand ugh i love all of it im fucking i cant contain myself OH OHHHH THATTTT GORNNNNNNNN THOUGHHHH??? NO I MISS HIS DISCO EYESSSSSS BRING BACK THE DISCO EYESSSS OH MY GOD HE HAS THE DRESSSS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR HEEEE HASS THEEE DRESSSSSSS FUCKKKKKKKK YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 3D CHESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS nobut gorn looked the BEST in tos… am i wrong though. am i wrong. oh my fuck.
im not into mirror linda park and archer lmaoooo ugh yesss the colourful wooden slices for data chips yesss AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THE WAYYYY HOSHIIIII HOLDS THE KNIFEEEEE SULLUUUUU MY BAAAYYYYBEHHHHHH oof sorry but to see tpol punch like taht is so ummfph please i want to eat a vulcan knuckle sandwich
nah not my linda park sorry but damn she LIVES her roles love it. oml EMPRESS PARK ill TAKE IT.
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sometimesigif · 1 year
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barbie as rapunzel
barbie as the princess & the pauper
barbie in the 12 dancing princesses
barbie in the nutcracker
barbie of swan lake
battling butler
carnival night
cinderella 1947
clever dog sonya
coney island
convict 13
d'artagnan and the three musketeers
dämen der frauen
der himmel über berlin
for family reasons
free and easy
gentlemen of fortune
give me liberty
go west
good night nurse!
hard luck
high sign
his wedding night
ivan vasilievich changes occupation
jane eyre 1943
le roi des champs-élysées
look for a woman
love and doves
midshipmen onwards!
my wife's relations
musketeers twenty years after
oh doctor!
one week
only lovers left alive
operation y and shurik's other adventures
our hospitality
out west
parlor bedroom and bath
pokrov gates
prince of foxes
prisoner of the caucasus or shurik's new adventures
scarlet sails
seven chances
sherlock jr
sidewalks of new york
spartacus: blood and sand
spartacus: gods of the arena
speak easily
spite marriage
steamboat bill jr
sweet november
terminator 2: judgement day
the adventures of sherlock holmes and doctor watson
the balloonatic
the beginning
the bell boy
the blacksmith
the boat
the bodyguard
the butcher boy
the cameraman
the cook
the electric house
the fellowhip of the ring
the frozen north
the garage
the general
the girls
the goat
the haunted house
the hayseed
the holiday
the hound of the baskervilles
the incredible hulk
the irony of fate or enjoy your bath!
the kuban cossacks
the lord of the rings
the love nest
the navigator
the painted veil
the paleface
the passionate plumber
the rough house
the saphead
the scarecrow
the walking dead
the wild swans
the words
this is your life
three ages
van helsing
watch out for the automobile
what - no beer?
wings of desire
young russia
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groundcontrol21 · 2 years
Sicktember #29
Prompt #29: Lethargy/Exhaustion
Fandom: The Three Musketeers
Title: Midnight Mass
Summary: After spending weeks abed, Aramis swears he is well enough for one little Mass. His brothers aren't so sure.
CW: This takes place at Mass, in a Catholic Church, so applicable religious imagery applies.
It had snowed that afternoon, and the crisp frost crunched beneath the boots of the Musketeers as they walked by lamplight to The Church of Saint-Sulpice. Aramis preferred the Midnight Mass at Saint-Étienne-du-Mont, but Athos reminded him that it was a miracle they were letting him out for any midnight Mass at all, given the chill in the air and the two weeks he had just spent abed coughing out his lungs from pneumonia, so the church closest to the Musketeer garrison would just have to suffice for this Christmas.
Even though the walk to Saint-Sulpice was scarcely all of five minutes, they had bundled Aramis up against the cold in every spare item of winter clothing they had between them. Still, their pace was slower than it should have been owing to Aramis’s lethargic gait, and even in the low light from the streetlamps Athos could see his cheeks beginning to be bitten red from the wind. He resisted the matronly urge to pull the scarf up over the exposed skin of Aramis’s face and was immensely gratified when D’Artagnan did it for him, and thus bore the subsequent grumbling.
When they reached the church, they paused, propping Aramis up against the giant wooden doors to the nave to allow him to catch his breath while the air was still fresh and free of incense. The doors and the nave were lit by large torches, which cast their warm glow all amongst the churchgoers who filed in beside them, the sounds of their chattering evening out into a hymn punctuated by the ringing of the bells overhead. Aramis pulled down the scarf and smiled, and even so all Athos could see was the way the pallor of his face still too closely mirrored the fresh snowfall, all he could think of was the way his fever had broken just two days prior. 
He took his friend by the shoulder. “If you feel too unwell, Aramis, you must promise to tell us and we will escort you back early, alright?”
“Yes, Aramis, there’s no shame in leaving early,” D’Artagnan said, stamping the snow from his boots. “We’d rather that than have to carry you back in a cart.”
“Hell, I’ll stage a diversion if you want me to,” Porthos said with a shrug. “Pretend to faint or something. I don’t mind.”
Aramis rolled his eyes, and Athos had to physically stop himself from bracing him with a hand; he looked so ready to fall. “Cluck, cluck, cluck, that’s all I hear.” At the blank and marginally worried looks he received from his friends, Aramis sighed exasperatedly. “Mother hens, the lot of you!” He waved a gloved hand. “Yes, I promise, I promise, let’s just get inside and sit down.”
Neither Athos nor his fellows mentioned the brief stumble that accompanied Aramis’s directive; they merely gathered him and guided him in through the doors, Athos and Porthos each at a side and D’Artagnan at his back, their arms sure and steady. Athos, also, kept silent about the sheer amount of weight Aramis was leaning into him and allowing him to support, but a quick glance over the man’s head at Porthos told him Porthos had noticed this as well. 
They let Aramis lead them into a pew and they all slid in after him, Athos helping Aramis divest himself of his heavy cloak when his own fingers were too shaky for the task themselves. 
“I mean it,” Athos told him after he had taken the cloak and laid it behind him in the pew. 
“The hardest part is over,” Aramis said, and Athos tried his best not to focus on how quickly his breaths came. “Now I just get to sit here.”
Soon after, the Mass began, and as the priest droned on in saccharine Latin, Athos was reminded of why he had weaseled his way out of accompanying Aramis to every Mass he possibly could. The ceremony held nothing for him, had held nothing for him for a very long time, but tonight, he would be nowhere but here. He thought back to the way he had held Aramis’s fevered body in his arms and pounded his palm in the square of his back, just the way the physician had shown him, to loosen the congestion in his lungs, because he was the only one who could make himself keep doing it even when Aramis sobbed through the pain like a little boy. 
Athos looked down the pew at his brothers and thought of the night Aramis’s fever had been highest, his breathing at its worst, and how they had all gathered at his bedside, bathed his forehead, and held out bowls for him as he coughed and gagged, fearing the worst as they watched him shiver and shake beneath their touch. Then Athos thought of the next day, when Aramis had startled them all out of their exhausted doze with a shriek and a demand to know if he had missed Christmas Mass. Athos had run to him, assured him that he had two days yet until Christmas, and found the man’s skin blessedly cool and slick with sweat.
Just as they had been then, they were all where they needed to be now, though Athos could say the Mass itself meant little more to Porthos and D’Artagnan than it did to him. Still, he could not deny there was a bit of comfort in the familiarity, not in the rite itself but in the feeling of Aramis beside him, in the snatches of whispered Latin Athos could occasionally hear Aramis say on an exhale.  
Athos blinked himself from his trance to realize that he had not heard any such murmurs in a while. He looked beside him to find Aramis fast asleep, his chin tucked against his chest, breaths coming in deep, even puffs. He elbowed Porthos and nodded in the sleeping man’s direction. 
Porthos leaned forward, the pew creaking beneath his shifting weight. “Stubborn bastard,” he mumbled, shaking his head, fondness and worry warring for equal precedence in his voice. “I knew it was too soon for him to be out of bed.”
D’Artagnan leaned forward, too, chewing his lip as he surveyed the situation. “Should we wake him?”
Athos regarded Aramis’s sleeping form another moment, noting again the shadows beneath his eyes. Were it up to him, Athos would let the man sleep there for the duration of the Mass, but he knew Aramis would not abide that. “I’ll give him until the Consecration.”
With that, the three Musketeers sat uneasily back in their pews, casting frequent glances at their friend, who remained unconscious to the ceremony occurring around him. As the priest read the Gospel and Aramis still showed no signs of waking on his own, Athos felt a small pit of apprehension grow in his chest, wondering what his friend’s reaction to having fallen asleep (despite having so desperately needed the rest) at Mass would be.
The priest kissed his book. “Per evangélica dicta, deleántur nostra delícta,” and moved to the creed.
Just as Athos was debating how best to wake Aramis subtly–should he rub the pad of his thumb across his knuckles or would that be too obvious?--Aramis stirred with a deep, expansive inhale, blinking as he reoriented himself to his surroundings. Athos wondered briefly if the man was at all surprised not to wake to the four walls of his room again, but if he was, Aramis did not show it.
The deep breath set off a couple coughs, which Aramis muffled against his hand. They were still far raspier than Athos cared for, but given that Athos had heard what they had sounded like before, Athos chased away his worry, which was aided by the fact that Aramis was actually able to stop coughing now rather than just choke himself into exhaustion. 
When he had stopped coughing, Aramis caught a soft sneeze in his steepled hands. “Heh’shooo!” When he did not lower them, Athos retrieved his own handkerchief from his breast pocket and held it out to Aramis, nudging his friend’s shoulder with his own to get his attention.
Aramis nodded his thanks and took the cloth. Athos looked back ahead to give him privacy, and he did not turn back even when he heard Aramis finish, even when, in his periphery, he saw Aramis turn his gaze away from the Mass and on him, on Porthos, on D’Artagnan, and watch them like they three were the holiest things in the building.
Even from the corner of his eye, and in the twilight of the candles, Athos could see a faint flush on Aramis’s cheeks that foretold a return of his fever in the coming day. Perhaps it was too soon for him to be out of bed, Athos thought, and the worry snaked down his spine again. He turned to Aramis, half-wondering a way to voice this concern, only to find the man beaming at him.
“I’m alright,” he mouthed. “Stop worrying.”
Athos exhaled, a puff of air through his nose, and relaxed back against the pew. 
Aramis leaned forward. “You too, Porthos.”
Athos looked to his side and saw Porthos glance away, caught out. D’Artagnan, too, sat back in his pew and became enraptured with the way his fingers intertwined when his hands folded together.
The priest offered first the bread, then the wine for blessing, but Athos instead trained his eyes on Aramis, watched as his lips moved in perfect cadence as he murmured the benedictions alongside the celebrant. The hazy cloud of incense, swimming before the darkened stained glass windows, gave the moment the air of a dream. And perhaps it was that reason that Athos found himself sending up a prayer of thanks, a prayer as formed and directed as the incense cloud, but a prayer nonetheless, for the presence of his brothers at his side.
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ofbluesandyellows · 2 years
Four: Jitterbug Love - Eddie Munson/Reader
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Warning: drinking
Word count: 3,537
Previous chapter
Steve honked two times then waited a second for another honk, the secret code to let you know it was him. You had sat in front of the mirror for a good hour, checking if your hair was right, if your makeup was okay, if your clothes matched with the above.
Steve’s face grew red when you neared the car. He was leaning on the door, arms crossed, his jeans were tight and his hair was extra fluffy.
“What?” you asked, already thinking there was something wrong with you.
“Nothing… just… you look nice.”
“I’m going to take that mostly as a compliment, although the way you said isn’t pretty convincing.”
“It’s a compliment!” Steve yelled, he rolled his eyes and opened the door for you, “just, let’s not fight,”
“Thanks, I was just saying.”
“Me too, but you don’t know how to take compliments.” He closed the door on his side, ready to start the car.
“Whatever, just hurry we still need to get Robin.”
“You look good too.” Steve’s whole demeanor changed, squaring his shoulders, chin up.
“Well, thanks, I put extra spray on and apparently it’s paying off.” He smiled.
You hid a smirk, but Steve was already over explaining to you how he expected to see Nancy at the party and if things went as planned he could finally talk to her and free himself from the Wheeler curse. As he called it.
Robin handed them each a tiny bottle when she got in the car.
“Hello my people! These are vodka shots that I stole from my dad’s hidden spot. Because it’s a special occasion I suggest we make a toast.”
You and Steve traded looks, you shrugged.
“For new beginnings.” Robin started, looking at Steve and you.
“For old-new besties.” you said, smiling.
“Geez, y/n not that again… but yeah for us three.”
“Wait—we are the three musketeers!” You squealed, “Come on now Steve, that is the perfect nickname.”
“I actually like it!” stated Robin, already sipping her shot. She grimaced as if she had squeezed a lemon in her mouth.
Steve seemed to consider it, “Ok, but I’ll be Athos.”
You snorted, “dude at best you are Porthos, Robin is—“
“Aramis, I am Aramis and Y/n is Athos. Now let’s go. I should be back home first thing in the morning, eh Steve?!”
The boy at your side shook his head, “I need more male friends, you two don’t appreciate me enough.”
“Cheers!” Robin said and the three musketeers drank their tiny bottles of vodka.
“Shit!” you blurted, scrunching your nose.
“Fuck!” Steve half choked.
“Damn!” Robin was smiling, her cheeks already red.
The driveway lasted almost twenty minutes, Steve had made the wrong turn twice, because he didn’t want to hear Robin’s instructions. You in the meantime tried to picture how you could approach Eddie, you had no idea if he was actually going to show up as Steve said but you liked to believe he would, with his black ripped jeans and those chunky rings you had found yourself liking a lot. Along with his hair and his eyes, those were aspects of the boy you tried to avoid because it would send you into a loop of thoughts you were not willing to dive in, not at the moment though, maybe later.
Steve walked ahead once he found somewhere to park the car, he looked over his shoulder a few times to check if you and Robin were following him. Robin on her side was already a tad tipsy, she was extra chatty and extra loud, on the other hand you were fully alert, with clammy hands and dried throat.
“You’ll be fine, you just need to enjoy the party, I’ll talk to Munson if we get to find him and… we get the hell out of here.” Steve rubbed his palms together, “trust me, I’ve been wingman before.”
Maybe it was in the way Steve moved, how he was grinning and how oblivious he was about the whole situation, that made you believe him, fully.
“Right, okay yes. You are right, we’ll let you know if we see him first.” You nudged Robin, her eyes dancing around the colorful lights shining inside the house.
“Yup, what she said.”
“We lost one soldier and we haven’t even entered the war zone.” you said.
Steve nodded, “Let's rock and roll, musketeers.”
“That phrase didn’t sound as good as you thought it would, but yeah, let’s go.”
Of course Harrington was the first one to disappear, people already greeting him, he gave high-fives to everyone. Robin held onto you for dear life, she also smiled and waved to the others. Every time you turned to check on her she had a new cup of punch in her hand, the one you always placed somewhere in the house. You were determined to find the one guy you came for, however the nervousness was brewing slowly but surely in your insides.
“Chrissy is there.” Robin pointed, drinking from a cup.
“Where do you keep getting these! You shouldn’t be accepting them, Robin.” You took it from her grasp.
She made puppy eyes and a pout but you ignored her, your eyes on Chrissy and her pretty hair and her big blue eyes and her sparkly dress. You felt plain compared to her, no idea why you were comparing yourself at that moment when the whole scene was absurd, you holding a half-drank cup of punch, Robin grabbing your left hand and her other playing with her suspenders, both surrounded by drunk teens as some disco music playing in the background.
You were not going to lie, that was the best party you’ve seen in Hawkins, there was actual food and an equal amount of drinks, this was not a common party, this belonged to someone older, you didn’t make the effort to know who but you were thankful to find some sandwiches and baby carrots to feed Robin with, whatever to stop her from getting drunker.
The spot you found where to sit was in the backyard, a cool breeze made you and Robin sigh from time to time, you could see the entrance of the house and still have an eye on Chrissy. The worst part of it all was that she seemed nice, too nice and too cool and too perfect. Of course half Hawkins was looking at her, and that was why you noticed she was actually waiting for someone else, because she didn’t pay much attention to the other boys and girls, yes she was kind and polite but her eyes kept moving everywhere as if she was looking for someone.
And you knew how she felt, you could feel that same sensation of yearning whenever someone came through the hallway, but all that only got confirmed when you two exchanged a look and as soon as that happened, as if a reflector had fallen on him your heads turned to the door. His grin big, nodding to some guys, you saw Jeff and Gareth at his side, beer got handed and your heart started pounding, faster and faster as he got closer.
Like he had been guided outside by a strange force, as if he knew where to go all along. Robin smacked you on the arm, her eyes found yours and she stared and you nodded and she moved her lips like fish did when out of the water. It started slowly, the butterflies awaking, the skin of your arms forming goosebumps, the acuteness of your sight on him and his gestures. His reeboks stepped on the grass, his dark eyes scanned the scene and you waited, and he passed through you.
His lips turned upwards, eyes sparkling, fingers fidgeting with his hair and beer bottle, yet that smile, and that sudden brightness in him was for Chrissy, he was watching her from across the crowd, and you sat there, staring. Robin let out a low ‘oh’ immediately grabbing your hand, lightly squeezing it to get your attention back to her.
“It’s fine, he just hasn’t seen you.”
“He did, Robin. But whatever, let’s get Steve.”
You were the one that dragged her back inside, Jeff was the one that saw you first, he waved and you smiled, not stopping to say hi. The last time you saw Eddie he was approaching Chrissy. Your stomach dropped.
Crossing between people kissing and groups smoking weed, Robin stopped you.
“We should divide, it’ll be faster.”
“Yeah, ok. Sounds reasonable, but no more drinks okay?”
Robin nodded, “of course, this is a serious matter.”
“Cool, see you here in a few, as you were, soldier.” Robin smirked that drunken smile with droopy eyes. She saluted you and disappeared upstairs.
The rainbow-like lights hit you a few times before you decided to move, checking the living room first, but there was no sight of Steve, you asked a guy you saw chatting with him when you got there and he said he saw him following a girl upstairs. You didn’t want to know more.
Still, that was not good news, that boy needed to learn how to be alone for a few weeks, the girl probably was nice and all but Steve deserved a break and someone who appreciated his annoying ass for who he actually was.
You had to swallow down a cup—of you didn’t know what— to keep you from leaving everything and go home, the mission was talking to Eddie but—you looked at him through the glass windows, Chrissy and him had finally found a bit of a dark corner to chat, he smiled and chuckled to whatever she was saying, their bodies too close for your liking, you grabbed another cup and chewed the rim. Tears burned in your eyes but why were you still watching them, it was one of those masochistic things you often did, like coming back to Hawkins when you knew there was not much to do. Going back was a mistake you were sure of.
“Hey!” Steve almost squashed you to the window he had been running. Robin clashed against his back causing Steve to crash on you, the drink smashing between the two. Your shoes got covered in pinkish liquid just like Steve’s shirt.
“Shit!” you and him squealed.
“Robin, what the hell?” He tried to dry the fabric without success.
“Ups, sorry guys, these floors are a bit slippery.” Clearly drunk, you and Steve just watched Robin wobble slightly.
“Keep an eye on her while I go talk to Munson. Where is he?”
“Over there with… Chrissy.” Your hand found Robin’s.
“Don’t move, I'll be right back.”
And so it happened Steve got cut short the moment he got out, girls mostly tried to catch his attention, to which he fake grinned, of course no one noticed because they were with the Steve Harrington, and you knew he was doing his best to try and get off those conversations. He kept throwing looks your way and you would only shrug not knowing what to do to help.
Robin and you looked through the window as if you were watching a film, waiting for a resolution of this issue but it only got crowded and louder out there, they wanted him to do the keg stand.
“Where the fuck did they get that keg? Was it there when we were outside?” You looked at Robin, she was laughing as Steve. “Dude,” you groaned.
“I have no idea but look, I think he is going to do it.” You turned and apparently the whole show had attracted people's attention including Eddie’s.
He approached the crowd and watched as everyone cheered for Steve to do it. You gasped and Robin got her face plastered on the chill surface of the window.
“Shit he is going to actually do it.” You muttered.
“Told you! Maybe this is part of his plan. We underestimated Porthos.”
Of course you underestimated Steve, he had his charm and his way of doing things. He got claimed for drinking from the keg, nothing you all haven’t seen before, what surprised you was how determined he seemed in accomplishing his mission, he had beer running down his neck but he moved around until he found Eddie. You pushed Robin’s face aside so you could see better, yet the crowd was scattering around not letting you see much. Steve’s hair stuck out from the other’s just as Eddie’s black hair did.
They were talking, but nothing seemed different, or intense or relevant to their reactions, just two dudes chatting while holding beers. Steve patted Eddie on the shoulder and Eddie nodded once, both going in opposite directions. Your chest felt so full of anxiousness you had to remind yourself to take big puffs of air to fill your lungs.
Steve met you by the window, but you couldn’t talk there, he leaned his head to the side for you to follow him, you three started to move back to his car. Robin had grabbed a final sandwich and you found a tiny bag of gummy bears. You were running to Steve’s car and once inside, Robin collapsed on the backseat. The ignition roared and the radio played whatever disco mix they put at night.
“So? What did you ask him?” you had no time to lose, if Steve was going to deliver bad news better be fast.
“Right to the point I see…” he waited at a red light, giving you a sharp glance with squinted eyes, examining your face, “good news or bad news first?”
“He is totally bewitched by Chrissy, sorry y/n.”
“Ok, I guess we already knew that.” This was you trying to soften the emotional kick in the gut.
He moved on green light again, “good thing is that he has some kind of… feeling? Attraction? I really don’t know how to put it but when I asked about him meeting you at his show he beamed like an idiot.”
“Yeah, like when I do whenever someone brings Nance to the conversation.”
“You just called yourself an idiot?” you knitted your eyebrows together, still smiling.
“I— I guess I did but it was just to explain the reaction, you know the one.” He went and did the beam and the slow fluttery eyelashes. “That”
“That was more scary than beamy, the point is… you really think he feels something? Because what if he was high or drunk.”
“He wasn’t, I know when someone is, look at Robin do you think she is sober? Of course not, but she also has very little alcohol tolerance, it’s embarrassing I need to teach her how to handle her drinks.”
“I completely agree with that. It’s good that she hasn’t vomited… yet.”
“Don’t jinx it! I got the car washed this week.”
Steve’s place was so lonely it made you shiver, you couldn’t imagine how it would be living there alone. Because he was alone most of the time, your chest tightened thinking about Steve, all jolly and confident, popular in town but when he got home he had no one.
Robin practically passed out on the carpet in the living room. She would wake up from time to time to say random things like how much she liked being home with you and Steve, or how much she wished she could have a driver license to go get some burgers.
“So what do we do now, Steve? Eddie invited me to his next show.” you were following him like a lost poppy to the kitchen.
Steve gave you a once over, then started to take stuff out from his fridge. “I guess we can go. But to be honest with you y/n. This is going to be one hell of a mess, for you my friend. Eddie is unpredictable, trust me I know, and he could change his mind or meet another girl, which leaves you out of the equation, and before you say something mean to me, you know it’s true. I’m a guy, I know how his brain works, besides he is a rockstar or is on the way to become one.”
You sighed hopping on the counter, legs swinging as you watched your friend prepare sandwiches, you only pushed the button of the toaster when Steve gave you the signal.
“Then I should just forget about it? I thought you said we should try or find out what could happen.”
Steve put his hands on his hips, butter knife shining between his fingers, the look in his eyes made you want to cry, “I know what I said, but he really has this thing for the cheerleader and I wouldn’t want you leaving Hawkins with a broken heart.”
The nose did that tingly thing that announced tears. You looked up to the popcorn ceiling, but Steve was not stupid.
“No, no, don’t cry. I didn't say it to make you sad. Hey, come here.”
This was a side of Steve you were not used to, you weren’t even aware it existed. His arms hugged you from the waist and you let your head rest on his shoulder, now you were really crying.
“I just don’t know how to stop the feels, how do you even handle this Steve. With the Nancy and Jonathan thing, you are such a masochist.” Your words cracked as you let yourself be held by the one boy you never thought would be this nice.
His chest grumbled, with his humorless laugh, “I don’t handle anything, I just date everyone and hope that one day this shitty heart stops making turns when I see Nance.”
“That sucks ass.” You sniffed, looking at him. He gave you a tight lipped smile.
“It does, worst part is that you get used to it, but the pain you feel stays the same.”
Scrunching your nose you said, “that’s not helping me feel better.”
“Yeah well it’s the truth.”
He went back to the sandwiches, Robin appeared in the doorway a couple of minutes later. The pattern of the carpet mapped on the side of her face.
“Good nap?” you asked, jumping off the counter, wiping your nose with the back of your hand.
“Eat that, Robin.” Steve slid a plate with a sandwich cut in half, triangular shaped. Robin shook her head. “Eat it! I won’t say it again.”
“Oh god you are just like my mom.” She sat down.
You snorted looking at Steve who just took a big breath in. “That’s why I don’t take you to parties Robin, you can’t even handle punch.”
“She had several cups of punch with the shot we did earlier of vodka and who knows what other stuff they put in that. Trust me I drank the pink shit and it was good but super sweet you can’t blame her.” You went to your friend's defense.
“Yeah you can’t blame me, Harrington. And you know I don’t usually drink, like we shouldn’t even be drinking because we are clearly too irresponsible.”
“You are too irresponsible and clearly don’t know how to drink.” Steve pointed, giving a bite to his sandwich.
“Ugh, you know I like y/n more than you, right? She understands me.”
“Now you are acting like a kid, Robin.”
“And you are being annoying.”
“Come on Robin, let’s eat peacefully, I need both of you now that my heart is mourning.” You tried to end the argument, they acted more like an old married couple than anyone.
“Fine,” She replied, eating. Steve just gave you an apologetic look. “Wait—why mourning? aren’t we supposed to see what the next step should be?”
“Nope, I’m throwing the towel, the Eddie thing isn’t going to happen so why make it more painful.” Your eyes were glued to your plate not daring to look at Robin, because you knew how she could be.
“But—what did Eddie say… Steve?”
From the corner of your eye Steve brushed his face with his hands. “He is really into this Chrissy girl, but I told y/n that he kind of beamed when I mentioned her meeting him after his show.”
“So that’s good,”
“Er, I don’t think so.”
“It is good, we can’t give up now that we at least have a hint. We can go to his upcoming show and do something, it’ll be fine.”
“Robin—“ Steve said in a way to warn the girl, to choose wisely her next words.
On your side you were confused on what to do, because you experienced first hand how you felt about Eddie at the party but you also explored the awful sensation of fear and heartache in a span of a few minutes.
“Y/n?” Robin said.
“What?” you finally looked at her, blinking.
“We could try just something else,”
“Like what? Just please don’t make it humiliating for me or else I’ll never come back.” You threatened.
“It’s all Robin’s idea, I swear I have nothing to do with how evil she is.” Steve’s hands were up.
Rolling your eyes you looked at Robin, who with a smirk explained part of her plan.
Next chapter
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Hehehe *slides in nonchalantly and fails*. *Rubs hands together* Now that I’ve found your Star Trek blog, I just ask: how do you feel about Sim and Mirror!Trip? Do you have any tho(ugh)ts?
Not to be a complete weirdo but legit all my fics feature The Library as an actual entity. If Eaeth is Space Australia TM then clearly we can have multiple non-human species that are magical.
HI HORTA!!!!!!!!
Whooooo okay. Sim. I have so many feelings about Sim. First off, as a Trip Tucker stan I totally understand his desire to save Trip. I really do. But creating a whole, sentient clone of the man with the sole purpose of harvesting tissue from him was so incredibly unethical. The whole scenario is very off-the-wall and I am still trying to sort through everything that happened in that episode.
THAT SAID Sim himself was really great. I adored seeing Phlox raise him, Porthos being his buddy, Hoshi helping him learn to read. I loved the way he realized he, and probably Trip, was in love with T'Pol. The confession scene was incredibly sweet and I've 100% rewatched it 300 times. Of course, it's HEARTBREAKING that he isn't really Trip, but I really enjoyed them anyway, in site of the rest of the context of the episode.
Mostly what I loved about Sim was the fact that we got to see what Trip is like on borrowed time. His filter (what little filter Trip has lol) is mostly gone. He says what he thinks, how he feels. We really got to get inside Trip's head in a pretty unique way that I think shows us some of his motivation and mindset throughout the rest of the show.
In terms of Mirror!Trip, I guess I wish we had gotten more of his story? I thought the whole FWB thing with T'Pol was kinda,,,,, eugh, but I thought his backstory of radiation burns was interesting. I also thought the fact that, in the Mirror Universe, being an engineer was a lower-ranked job due to the dangers of working around a warp core was really interesting as well! It was clear in that episode that he wasn't the 2nd officer and I thought that was a fun tidbit. Overall though, I guess Mirror!Trip didn't really jump out at me (shockingly).
I would be very curious to hear your thoughts as well! Thanks for asking!
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