#⠀( 🜸 ) trainees.
thelesbianpoirot · 8 days
When you're talking to the average young woman, you get the feeling that you're never alone with her, it may just be the two of you, but a gun is being held to her head by popular internet politics/activism at all times. She'll start using some buzz words and repeating disingenuous mantras, and you'll be shocked, and start looking around for cameras like you're being Punk'd. Girl we're alone, the thought police aren't going to arrest you for admitting a real problematic opinion. Do you not trust anyone? Young women are functioning as stilted repressed versions of themselves, afraid of being hated for speaking a single unsanctioned opinion. This is no life.
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hoonvrs · 2 months
TRAINEES — l. heeseung smau
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PAIRING heeseung × fmr
SYNOPSIS heeseung wasn’t known as ‘the ace’ for nothing, constantly ranking number one after every monthly evaluation. then suddenly a new name takentakes over first place — baek ‘Rin’, and heeseung doesn’t take lightly to competition.
GENRE smau, fluff, crack, more to be added
FEATURING ( enha ) all, ( fromis9 ) chaeyoung, jiheon, ( txt ) yeonjun, ( newjeans ) minji
WARNINGS swearing, kys/kms jokes, friendly bullying, sex jokes, loser heeseung ( more will be added if necessary )
STATUS ongoing
S. NOTE new smau and as the queen of loser!enha that means loser heeseung agenda dun dun dunnn ( let’s completely ignore timelines cause if i keep switching between new and old pics don’t clock me.. )
noot hee you will always be famous
also please don't spam like as it shadowbans me and lessens engagement <3
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flower boys | hybestars
01 bang sihyuk count your days.
02 ain’t that ur rank
04 i purple you heh
05 she gagged you omg
06 meeeeee :3
07 u pack of slags
08 Woah, calm down jamal
09 rupaulations 4:20
10 is somebody gonna match my freak
11 isn’t she so dreamy ( + 0.1k wc )
12 Donatella VERSACE
13 go train with your other bitch then
14 yare yare heeseung kohai
15 shoulda coulda woulda
...more to be added
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copyright © hoonvrs 2024 all rights reserved
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abbeyofcyn · 1 year
Krang infection 19
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gunsatthaphan · 4 months
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times change but people offgun don't 🥲
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s0fti3w1tch · 5 months
scared for us both.
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[Image Description: Digital drawing of a slightly smaller Tentative Devotee AU Leo/Trainee sleeping against Casey (Cass), who looks at him with her face obscured. They're sitting in a blacked out void except for two grave holes in the forground. Trainee's scarf leads into one of the graves. /End ID]
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person25 · 5 months
So…does DG act like a regular kpop idol? Like, does he make those tiktok videos dancing to his song with other kpop idols to promote?
Imagine seeing the guy who beat the shit out of you doing aeygo. My pride would be in hell, never to be seen again.
imagine being his s/o and watching act all sweet on tv and he comes home with his real personality💀
ALSO i need to know what kind of music he makes bc i NEED to see him singing and dancing Rover (by KAI)
I need an in depth abt his idol life right now.
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nowwheresmynut · 8 months
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Be the change you want to see in the world ig
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wonielvr · 10 months
[00:24] - shen ricky
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"you know, you are my first at everything, right? my first kiss, first boyfriend, first date, i gave my virginity to you," you said proudly, and you should've, because ricky was an amazing partner at every step of your relationship.
"hey, what's with the sudden mood change?" you asked when ricky's hug suddenly got much tighter. you didn't expect and actual answer to your questions, maybe a giggle, or ever a quiet laugh, but you certainly didn't expect a shaky breath from him.
"I just really appreciate how you said 'gave you my virginity instead of 'you took my virginity', it makes me feel loved."
"first of all, you are very loved, and you know that quite well, and second, it's because 'took' sounds forced, like you decided by yourself to grab my virginity and throw it out the window, but it's not true. you were the absolute best at everything that happened then, and I'll forever be grateful for you."
that's when he actually started to cry. you were never a very verbal person, usually just showed affection with long hugs, cuddling, making food or buying presents, which made your words much more meaningful to him.
it's true, he was the best boyfriend anyone could ever wish for, and he did anything he could to take thing in your pace, but he never knew how much you appreciated it until now.
"those are probably the sweetest words anyone has ever said to me. i love you so much, bun." he smiled with every word he said. the treasuring was audible in his sweet tone.
"i love you too."
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admirxation · 2 months
An Imbalanced Deal
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trainer!Jack Krauser x afab!trainee!reader
summary: Krauser can take you far, maybe even get you out into the real world faster than the rest, but you must do something in return for that large favour.
cw: this fic will contain dub-con with the power imbalance; please read the warnings and continue at your own discretion // dub-con, power imbalance, manipulation, thigh touching, thigh fucking, degrading, neck kisses, p in v, unprotected sex & creampie. (word count: 3.3k)
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The training facility loomed with its austere walls and regimented atmosphere. You were walking towards Krauser's office as he wanted to discuss your progress. You were the newest recruit, alongside a man called Leon, but you didn't know much or even speak to him to know anything other than his name and that he was in a similar position as you. You were forced, against your will, due to some special encounters you had with Umbrella.
When you joined, you just kept to yourself, wanting to get this training over and done with, and it seemed to be working fine until now with this sudden meeting. Everyone knew how difficult Krauser was on the recruits, no, on every one; this was present in the nicknames he gave to people; you first noticed this with Leon being called "rookie" and further experienced this with him having no hesitation in telling people that they were pathetic, he always went straight for the jugular of people's insecurities. But he never did this to you.
It was different with you; if you made a stupid mistake, he would call you on it, but in a good and constructive criticism sort of way, something the other recruits noticed and developed a strong jealousy towards you. He didn't even give you nicknames; he just called you by your last name. Since then, everyone had isolated you with all the favouritism you had — like it was somehow your fault.
You continued to wait outside, hearing muffled footsteps through the door as you tried to straighten your posture and fix your clothes, gathering the courage to knock on the door as you waited for the clock to hit the exact time.
With a deep sigh, you knocked and awaited his call.
"Door's open," you heard his deep voice through the wooden door.
You entered slowly, pushing the door and stepping into a dimly lit office space. He was sitting in a seat close to the other, the one you would be sitting in by the looks of it, and you were surprised that it wasn't the conventional behind-the-desk setup like most office spaces had.
As you got closer to your seat, you noticed his gaze remained intense; you couldn't help but feel a shiver run down your spine as you remained under his scrutinous stare. You felt your hands tremble while you placed them to the sides of your thighs, but this made an amusement within Krauser as he continued to watch your timid demeanour, smiling to himself when he noticed how you avoided eye contact with your eyes shifting everywhere in the room but only occasionally at him. He just took your nervous acts as an opportunity to steal more looks at you, trapped in thought as he looked you up and down.
You felt that you were almost trapped in this small and dark room, feeling small and vulnerable as you moved closer and sank into the chair next to him, fully aware of how small you were compared to him. For a moment, your thigh grazed against his, and you tried with all your effort to keep your legs together and away from him, your hands neatly placed in your lap, then moving to the sides as you nervously couldn't be able to decide how to make a normal body language.
The air felt heavy and tense, with the looks and unspoken words currently hanging between you two. However, before speaking, Krauser continued to study you. He watched as you looked at the floor, then the bookshelves, constantly at the clock, and he loved how shy you were with him. He knew you weren't confident, with your reserved nature and inability to make friends with the others, but seeing you nervous because of him felt like a little treat only he could indulge in.
"How have you been finding the training so far?" his words finally broke the silence.
His calm and careful speech was strange to you; you were used to the constant anger in his words, and you even heard from other people when you trespassed on their conversation with the casual eavesdrop that he was rude and arrogant. You had never experienced that yourself, and you thought maybe they were overreacting; but now you were starting to understand their disliking further than just the nicknames and insults, more than the description of rudeness or arrogance. You felt intimidated and out of control, and you hated that. You couldn't stop the nerves, getting worse as your palms continued to tremble and be dampened by the producing sweat.
You swallowed the lump in your throat before speaking, feeling like your mouth suddenly went dry as you shifted in the stiff chair, acutely aware, now, of how he remained to give you intense gazes as he awaited your answer: "It's been... challenging, sir," you managed to reply with your tone of voice being barely above a whisper, "But I am learning a lot and c-continuing to try my best," you couldn't help but stammer in your speech.
He nodded, his eyes narrowing slightly as he continued to subjugate you with a stare that lasted uncomfortable long: "I've noticed that dedication," you couldn't help but like the sound of his voice; it was low, smooth but with a hint of grovel in it, it was intriguing, "and your willingness to learn and improve is... impressive."
You let out a half-smile, wanting time to hurry up and stop you from being trapped in these walls. You kept checking the clock; of course, time felt like it was going as slow as possible. On top of that, to your shock, his compliment made a blush creep onto your cheeks, feeling the warmth spread despite the cold chill in the room. That warm sensation was unwelcome; you even felt stupid for blushing at a superior's comments, especially when you have never been interested in him. But while you were questioning and mentally reprimanding yourself for that blush, his seat moved closer to yours, and his leg now slightly touched your side.
"In this line of work, seeing someone with actual potential is refreshing."
Your heart began to race as you noticed the proximity of your bodies; you could hear and feel that pulsating pounding in your ears, complete with the warmth you felt from your heart continuously pounding, feeling the blood rush to your cheeks. You tried to ignore it, but your body wouldn't comply with what your mind tried to dictate. You could decipher the looks he provided; these were ones of longing, but there was also lust in those looks as he examined and continued to have you in the focal point in his peripheral vision.
You were the target of all his desires. You sensed where this meeting was going, as it unravelled before you.
"Is that all you wanted to say, sir? I hate to cut it short, but I must get going; I have training,” your voice had a high-pitched tinge as you tried to make up some excuse and escape the situation. But you were just met with Krauser leaning back in his chair and playing a faint smirk at the corner of his lips. That smirk taunted you, and his facial expression said, 'I do not believe you.'
"Oh, are you now? With who?"
"Um, Kennedy... Yes, he and I want to train together today," you were hurriedly trying to get the words out, praying to yourself that the excuse would be believed, but you could just tell you were going to be dealt a bad hand.
Your breath caught in your throat as he leaned forward, reaching his hand out and brushing his fingers against your thigh. You froze, and your mind continued to race as you tried to process and understand all this. You experienced a jitter through your body as you felt those soft grazes.
"Don't lie to me," fuck.
"You... are lying. There's no scheduled time with your name, and you've never spoken to the rookie. Nice try, but that excuse was... disappointing."
"I'm sorry, sir."
"That's better. Now, I will tell you why I wanted you here," his voice became lower with a husk in his tone, "You see... I believe…I know, you have the potential to excel even further, but that will require a level of... closeness between us. I can provide you with a much-needed connection to ensure good things come your way; I can even get you out here quicker... And I know that's what you all want, to get out of his hell hole." He continued to smirk, knowing he had the upper hand as he proceeded to graze his fingers along the clothed plush of your thigh, then turning into his large hand grabbing it; you felt your chest rise for a quick and small moment as your breathing quickened as he continued to squeeze and go upward to your waistband gently.
"S-sir, don't think you think this is inappropriate?" you couldn't help but continue to stammer, frozen by how he freely explored; he wanted to go deeper and rip your clothes off like he always desired since the moment you sauntered over and caught his attention.
But he couldn't help but chuckle to himself softly, and that sound only sent an uncomfortable shiver down your spine as he knew he wouldn't listen to your pleas. "Oh," his voice dripping with amusement, "I didn't know you were so against getting out of here. I guess the isolating, lonely, harsh place gives you an inviting feeling, doesn't it? But by all means, stay. How could I be so silly as to think you wanted an advantage?" he pulled his hand away for a moment as he watched you squirm in thought.
You sat there, thinking to yourself, knowing that this was all inappropriate and that you had never even thought of Krauser in that way, but you weren't going to deny that this place was slowly killing you from the inside out; you saw how it was changing those around you, and he did make a correct observation that you didn't need to stay for all the years of the programme to get far — you weren't only the favourite because of looks, you had skill, you weren't going to be humble about it since how else would you have gotten there?
“So, what do you say?” His hand hovered around your waist, waiting for you to say yes.
“You’ve put me in a difficult decision, and I-”
“Ah, ah, ah, I don’t want to hear complaints… You either let me have what I want or leave… and who knows what will happen to you… Maybe even the worse.”
You couldn’t risk that. You didn’t want to; if this situation had never happened, you wouldn’t even look at him that way; you just thought and tried to tell yourself that it would probably be shit if it were like the other men you had been with, it would be a quick deal, all you had to do was endure those few minutes, maybe fake an orgasm or two, and get everything you wanted. However, you knew you would have to put your dignity on the line for this. 
But dignity was a good trade for freedom. 
You nodded, continuing to look down as you accepted Krauser’s proposition; he continued to lay his hand on your upper thigh before making his way to your waistband again, freely exploring you like he had given you all the freedom to make a choice, you just stayed silent as he did whatever he wished. 
“Don’t go limp on me. Stand.” You did this slowly. "Hurry up.”
You stood and presented yourself in front of Krauser, and his large hands rested at the sides of your hips, pulling you closer and nestling your standing body in between his legs; you could already see a bulge in his pants, mentally preparing yourself for whatever he was going to do to you. Just endure; it’s just a few minutes, he’ll probably be really bad, and you’ll get to maybe laugh about it, you kept telling yourself as a way to calm your nerves.
“Such a beautiful girl,” he whispered to you as he started to unbutton your trousers, pulling them down and revealing your lace panties, “Hm, already prepared, it seems,” you couldn’t help but find it so gross how he was just going to use your body, making it easier to disassociate as you felt the skin of his fingers feel your lower half, moving your body automatically as he continued to take your top off and leaving your standing there with nothing but a bra and panties. “Take it all off me, now, sweetheart.”
His language was slow but eager at the same time, he wanted you more than anything, and all you could do was begrudgingly take your bra off and let it fall to the ground, kicking it to the side, and he watched the flesh of your breast exposed right in front of him; just the sight made him stand up and grab you in a deep and rough kiss, no passion just lust as he pressed the forming tent in his pants against your thigh and your pussy. You instinctively reciprocated the kiss, having your hands placed on his muscular arms, then his shoulders, wrapped around his neck as his hands wandered all over you, first grabbing and squeezing your tits, then grabbing the fat of your ass harshly as he kissed then moved to your delicate neck.
That was when you felt a throbbing sensation, a heartbeat pulsating, moving from your lower body and creating a knot in your stomach; that was when you realised that you liked this; your hands moved to his hair and ruffled it all up as you shared the same energy and pacing in this kiss that was becoming wetter with every interlock, feeling his cock twitch and wait to be inside you. The kiss went on long, but it felt short when you were starting to ease yourself into it, disappointed as it stopped but being met with the delight of seeing Krauser hurriedly taking his pants off, forcefully sliding his boxers down and experiencing a jolt of heated excitement as you saw his large cock spring up, already covered in a dribble of precum on the tip. 
You didn’t have long to admire him as he grabbed you by your hips, hard enough to leave slight marks, but you didn’t care if he threw you around like a ragdoll; you were just getting excited as you proceeded to share a kiss, as you moved your hand all the way down to his throbbing erection, wrapping your fingers around it and pumping it lightly — you felt a hitch in Krauser’s breathing as you showed more enthusiasm.
“Aren’t you eager… Put that whole front for nothing, didn’t you, you little slut?” he whispered in your ear as he placed his hand on yours and slowly removed it, “open your legs a little, now.” 
You obeyed, following suit and parting them slightly, eagerly awaiting the next move he had to make; you watched as he briefly rubbed his hard member before using his spare hand and placing it on the side of your thigh, slowly pressing his cock in between your thighs, moving back and forth when he was satisfied with how the fat of your thigh surrounded his hard cock. He let out a deep breath as he slowly continued to rock back and forth and feel how wet you were through your panties, pressing his fingers into your hips; you couldn’t help but release small, high-pitched moans as you felt it push alongside your folds, making you even wetter and wait for him to get bored and finally be inside you. Still, you were also not completely opposed to enjoying this sensation.
“Fuck,” he muttered as he thrust his hips and felt your wet heat surround his cock, “god, I need you.”
“Take me then,” you replied, biting your lip as you continued to feel your core tingle for him. 
“Why couldn’t you have been this eager at the start,” he let out a small and breathy laugh as he pulled his hips away from yours and tucked his fingers in the band of your panties, wasting no time in ripping them down and making a slight pain as you felt the fabric material rush against your skin, you winced a little, but Krauser didn’t care. 
All he cared about was how your beautiful, wet pussy was right in front of him and there for the taking, grabbing your hand and making your way to the wooden desk he had tucked in the corner of the room, throwing you on the hard, wooden surface. You felt pain in your elbows as you made contact with the desk, but your adrenaline was pumping inside you, bringing that sharp spiking pain to a minimum so you wouldn’t be distracted. He looked at your glistening cunt, for a moment: “such a pretty slut,” his words were harsh but alluring as he rubbed his length before rubbing the thick and wet tip along your bare slit, watching as you squirmed with just the mild contact along your core. Krauser couldn’t help but be so proud of himself as he got you begging for his cock like a little whore.
“You want me, don’t you,” he just couldn’t help himself but tease you as he watched you spread your legs for him. You nodded to answer, but that wasn’t enough, “use your words.”
“I w-want you so-so bad,” he waited for the magic word, “please, sir.”
With that, he slowly introduced his cock inside your walls, groaning quietly as he felt your warm and tight walls clasp around his length: “Fuck, you’re so tight,” he muttered as he continued to thrust his hips into yours, picking up the pace as placed his hands on the joint of your knees, his thumb pressing at the back of them and holding your legs that were already trembling.
You arched your back as he fucked you deeper; you felt the tip of his cock roughly kiss and bruise your cervix, whining and getting warmer as he pressed his fingers into your legs the harder he fucked you, getting more turned on when hearing his groans, and his laboured deep breaths. You cried out as he fucked you senseless, thinking how stupid you were in previous thought that you would have to fake everything; Krauser had to clasp his hand over your mouth with how loud he made you, he was slightly disappointed that he couldn’t let you cry and moan out and cum to the sound of his name on your tongue, but he had to keep this all a dirty secret, smirking to himself as he continued to thrust and penetrate your sopping wet cunt that felt like it belonged to him and him only, as you squirmed and let him go harder in your squelching pussy. 
That was when you felt it: a warm sensation that was going to roll from your core out to your mouth; you felt yourself reaching a climax and didn’t care how loud you were going to be. Your eyes began to roll to the back of your head, only exposing the whites of your eyes as you loudly released a groan as Krauser pulled one of your legs over his shoulder to get deeper, rubbing your clit with his thumb when he noticed you get closer. 
“Fuck… I’m so close,” he spat as he gritted his teeth, not wanting this moment to end but acknowledging his limit was close, “gonna fill that slutty hole up,” his degradation was only adding to how loud your orgasm was.
Accompanied by a grunted moan, you felt a hot, sticky rope flood your walls, filling you so full that the warm sensation started dripping out and surround Krauser’s cock. Then sharing a moment, just looking at each other and breathing heavily. 
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as promised i am tagging @mrswint3rs (you should defo check out their fics as well)
a/n: i know i know i know i have been going on and on about doing some krauser stuff for ages but i finally managed to get the time and motivation to complete the wip that has been collecting dust in the google docs. so i hope you enjoy it, i begggg haha.
p. s. also i wanted to note that i wasn't sure if i should label this as dub-con since it isn't the traditional dub-con fics i have seen, but after discussing it with some people on disc and my own evaluation i wanted to label it as dub-con since even tho there is some enthusiasm towards the end the reader isn't presented with much choice, and there is a power imbalance. so if anyone is confused that is my explanation for it. i would rather maybe mistag with too much than ignore something and accidentally expose someone who didn't want to see that particular content. anyways i hope you liked this and all engagement is appreciated, hope everyone has a lovely day/evening, mwah mwah mwah.
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juneviews · 8 months
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yeonjune · 9 months
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YEONJUN ✙ 'MORE' Photoshoot Sketch | 2
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lilidawnonthemoon · 3 months
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hoonvrs · 29 days
11 isn’t she so dreamy ( + 0.1k wc )
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the sound of clapping hands almost made heeseung jump out of his own skin, turning around to see a girl standing at the door of the practice room, “you’re good, you just need to pace your breath a bit better.”
he felt every muscle in his body lock into place as the new comer smiles at him. usually he wasn’t intimidated by anyone but you was a different case.
maybe staring at you without saying a word wasn’t the way to go, forcing his body to bend forward slightly to bow, “thank you. theres still a few weeks until the eval so hopefully i get it right by then.”
you sent back a quick bow, smile on your face as you walked in slowly.
“i can help teach you?”
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S. NOTES this is so short forgive me😣
SYNOPSIS heeseung wasn’t known as ‘the ace’ for nothing, constantly ranking number one after every monthly evaluation. then suddenly a new name takentakes over first place — baek ‘Rin’, and heeseung doesn’t take lightly to competition.
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TAGLIST ( OPEN ) @dazed-hee @dammit-jjk @jaeyunluvr @faerinini @jlheon @enhaz1 @satsuri3su @bywons @isoobie @massivecrusadephilosopher2 @cy8erpunkz @defnotfertilizedtoesw @junissy @rosas-in-the-garden @seongclb @yeokii @dimplewonie @splat00z @drunkhee @frvrluvrei @lhspeachie @wonibunnii @leaderwon @fakeuwus @saursoob @wonxlvr @hoondiors @deluluriddhi @en-dream @yenqa @strawblvr @arizejkt19 @h4918ymc @hees-gf @ar1suu @heelariously @pkjay @lycxee @boyfiejay @woninluv @tocupid @enharts @xyxlyn @reallyspaghetti @kkamismom12 @eclipse-777 @iselltulips @teddywonss @heeseungspookie @lee03yumin @ashy1um @letmein2urheart @river-demon-slayer @youresolivlie @en-kays @ramenoil
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separatedleoau · 10 months
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This is how they tied in the semifinals, you can't change my mind
Gemini Twins AU @tangledinink
Tentative Devotee @s0fti3w1tch
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letthebodyfall · 2 years
a possible explanation as to why Loid doesn't suspect Yor of anything (even though she's presented superhuman strength and killer moves/has killer instincts) is probably because one of the women he spent the most time with was Sylvia fucking Sherwood
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like look at her
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she's not called the Fullmetal Lady for nothing
loid didn't really have that much of a childhood because of the war so even with Sylvia being a spy, she's probably one of his few role models. he doesn't have a lot of experiences with "normalcy" so he might not have a clear separation of what mundane civilians do on the regular vs what spies do (besides the obvious) even though he's considered the best
so when he saw yor drop kicking a smuggler straight into a wall he was like "yep checks out"
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s0fti3w1tch · 1 year
I finally made some content for the ROTTMNT Sep AU crossover Bathtub Arc™
A Segment from Trainee and Red's Argument
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Context: Set right after the events of @red-rover-au's fic Red Rover, RR!Leo/"Red" is recovering after the Shredder.
(further context: TL;DR, Fuller Explanation + text of the beginning part of their argument)
Red, a.k.a. bathtub boy Leo, is @red-rover-au's, and the Leo currently not bleeding out is Trainee, my Tentative Devotee AU Leo :)
Something incredibly funny about the TMNT AU competition was that it came about after the sep AU discord discussed the Bathtub Arc™ with 6 of our Leos. So basically we decided that Tentative Devotee Leo, Life Mission Leo, BloodBath Leo, The Night Leo, and SLAU Leo all went to the AU competition right after this meanwhile Red was in the tub.
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