#〈✥*〉feris ╲ THREADS
phantasmaw · 1 year
♢* —  @saintsdawn /  𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫
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〈 ✥ *〉┊   Sweat and disquiet prickle down the nape of the wayward knight’s neck as his chest heaves with great gasps of breath. Aching arms hold his greatsword aloft, the sharp end of its heavy-weighted blade pointing down towards the ground. Right now, it is not a sword so much as a shield. As he fights to catch his breath, he stares, unblinking, over the ornately carved hilt. When his gaze catches Florence’s, his heart drops somewhere down into his stomach. It’s almost enough to have slightly trembling fingers uncurl from around the handle. Almost. 
    It’s not the first time the other knight has been on the opposite end of his blade. They both have needs to meet, separate paths to follow; sometimes, those paths cross on rocky terrain. Those instances have always been few and far between, and any harm done dissipated in the frothing foam of shared drinks and, if called for, needlework on battle-worn skin. The tension that existed before lives now only in memory. He would have even argued no tension existed at all. A bit of healthy rivalry, certainly. But never any true ill-will, nor any personal grievance. 
     Until now. 
     “Flo,” he drawls the other’s nickname as casually as he typically would when greeting them, albeit with far more rasp. He even grins as he usually would. Or he tries to. He’s entirely certain his good eye does not light up with warm comradery as it normally would when they join him inside a dingy tavern or take his side in a petty squabble among the other wayfarers. But it’s the least he can do to show he won’t turn the deadly slant of the blade upon them. Not yet. It’s a precaution, to have a weapon as strong as this to buffer the tides of crackling uncertainty between the two of them. He swallows, the tendons of his neck straining to work past the lump of dread forming in the middle of his throat. He hates that, in the moment, their name feels foreign in his mouth. Like he’s not quite sure how it should sound when shaped by his voice. 
      Feris takes an experimental step to the side, boxing himself further out of reach. He lowers his greatsword out of an actively readied position, but doesn’t yet murmur the spell that would store it away. He can’t. He can’t. It would make him an incredible ally to cast aside his means of protection and shout their praises for such a definitive end of that grueling battle against such a harrowing foe. They’ve saved the two of them countless wounds and fatigue. He should be slinging an arm over their shoulders and laughing between wheezing breaths about how they should have pulled those stops a long time ago. But doing so would also make him a gargantuan fool. 
      “....I’m not going to ask you to explain,” he says between heavy breaths, and he can’t hide the slight quaver of his voice. He shouldn’t be saying this to them. While they haven’t exactly bared their souls to each other, they also aren’t strangers keeping poison-coated secrets in the dark. Now is the time to offer an open hand. To assure them that he understands the burden of cryptic and coveted power. To say that, while he cannot begin to fathom where that surge of destruction came from, he does not fear it. Not when it’s their hands wielding it. Yet he does not. Self-preservation demands nothing less than the possible burning of this bridge he’s only halfway crossed in finding who he believes could be a true friend. And so self-resentment for it stains the inside of his mouth with a bitter taste as, instead, he intones, “But I do need to ask you to tell me just how long you’ve been capable of doing… that.”
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sovaghoul · 8 days
This is an intro piece about a Magickal system I've had a hand in developing. This is not a complete system at present, but that is the eventual goal. I figured posting about it might add some encouragement, and may also spark some additional inspiration for our development efforts. If you comment, please be respectful. If you have nothing positive or constructive to say, please keep scrolling.
My thanks to @ghostlylivres for encouraging me to post this.
What is Sorgae?
Sorgae is a (partially) revealed form of religious Witchcraft, meaning that parts of it have been given to us directly from the Gods. It was uncovered through strict adherence to Traditional Gardnerian Wicca, but has branched off and evolved into something that can no longer properly be called Wicca of any stripe. It is further comprised of group/shared gnosis, much of which has been subsequently verified through research. There are also themes in common with pre-Christian European Pagan religions (from various cultures), Feri Witchcraft, Hedgewitchery, Luciferian Witchcraft, Traditional (pre-Gardner/Wicca) Witchcraft, Kaballah, and Pop-Occulture, but it is not wholly in the same category as any of these paths.
And to be clear, we have not purposely drawn inspiration from any of these other Traditions, save for Wicca; we have simply, through our efforts and research, noticed many parallels. The idea of Omnism is very applicable here, and as such, the feel of Sorgae is very diverse and eclectic, without the initial intention of being so. And yet, the overall message from our Gods is, "It's all the same thing;" one tapestry woven of many unique threads.
We celebrate our Esbats as the thirteen New Moons in a calendar year, as opposed to the Full Moons. Our holidays occur at the same eight points on the calendar as many other Pagan paths, but have different names and different foci. We recognize eight Directions, Elements, and Powers (as opposed to the "usual" four), and honor Deities associated with these directions.
In addition to the Directional Deities, we also honor a High God and High Goddess, a Goddess of the Rim (as in the outer edge of a circle or ring), and an as-yet indeterminate Deity form of the Center. Our 'Craft works heavily with Fae (two sorts in each of the four Cardinal Directions), Nymphs and the Watchers in the four cross-quarter directions, and also Familiar spirits (animal and human forms, from both ancient and modern myth).
Now and again, information about this path will include non-English words. These are Vaska, a language taught to us by Deity, and one we believe may be a forgotten precursor to Basque (none of us being professional/formally educated linguists, this is our speculation, due to our own research and observations). Any time a Vaska word is used, it will be defined as precisely as possible, but Vaska is a conceptual language, and sometimes a single words stands for a very complex and nuanced concept. For example, the name of our 'Craft, Sorgae ("SOHR-gay"), means, "what Witches do." A man who practices Sorgae is called a Sorg, and a woman, a Sorga (at this time we do not have terms for gender expressions outside the traditional binary, however the word Sorgitsa is plural for Witches, and Sorgitsak means "all Witches across all of space and time"). Our holidays are called Sabeot/ds ("SAH-beh-ohtds"), and is written with "t/d" because the sound there is somewhere between those letters.
We have created a Tarot deck based on Sorgae 'Craft, the meanings of which will be the basis for many further Sorgae posts here. The card descriptions include information about the relevant Deities and concepts being addressed. I'm happy to answer any questions anyone may have about this path.
Here is a brief run down of most of the basics of Sorgae. Almost everything listed here will be expanded on. Feel free to refer back to this as the series progresses, if need be, though I will do my best to include relevant associations as we go.
Many of our Gods have told us They were recognized in various pre-Christian cultures, but that They are also older than those civilizations. The people who worshipped Them at the time gave them Names, certainly. Though, to avoid any preconceived associations, I have elected to refer to them by archetypal descriptions, rather than specific Names.
The High Gods
The Eternal Mother: the Mother of All, Mother of Life, Queen of the Multiverse, Eternity. Think of Gaia/Gaea, but more than just the planet Earth.
The Cosmic Father: Sky-Father, the Source, God-King, Time. Think of Ouranos/Uranus, but more than just the stars and the sky.
Directions and Associations
Direction: Northeast
God(s): The Man in Black/Ferryman
Element: Smoke, as from incense; the "vapor" (Air) of plants (Earth)
Power: Journeying
Color: Smokey grey
Beings: the Egregoroi/Watchers
Sabeot/d: Vol'ka (Feb. 1)
Associations: Infinity, possibility, potential, innumerable choices, the place between endings and beginnings, "smoke and mirrors"
Direction: East
God(s): The Faerie Queen, and the Archivist
Element: Air
Power: Knowledge
Color: White
Sabeot/d: Ostraven (Spring Equinox)
Beings: Hurralya (Beings of Knowledge), Hostarak (Beings of Air)
Associations: Knowledge, learning communication, beginnings, birth, transformations
Direction: Southeast
God(s): The Guide, and the Light-Bringer
Element: Spark, not yet a flame, the precise point that Air combusts as Fire ignites
Power: Decision
Color: Pale yellow
Beings: the Muses
Sabeot/d: B/Pelatin (May 1)
Associations: Making a decision from a variety of choices, transitioning from Knowledge to Action
Direction: South
God(s): The Phoenix Priestess, and the Tsaranos ("year king")
Element: Fire
Power: Will
Color: Red
Beings: Sorgitzak (Beings of Will), Seiralya (Beings of Fire)
Sabeot/d: Ardunakh (Summer Solstice)
Associations: Taking action, following your Will, enacting your Decisions
Direction: Southwest
God(s): The Maenad Queen, and the Ecstatic Sacrifice
Element: Steam, what happens when you add Fire to Water
Power: Sacrifice
Color: Reddish-purple
Beings: the Maenads
Sabeot/d: Lamasu (Aug. 1)
Associations: Blood, wine, ecstasy, frenzy, indulgence, that all lead to revelation; "spirits"/"firewater;" passion, the power that drives actions
Direction: West
God(s): The Muse, and the Dread Horned One
Element: Water
Power: Daring
Color: Deep blue
Beings: Keriosak (Beings of Daring), Uartalya (Beings of Water)
Sabeot/d: Vestraven (Fall Equinox)
Associations: Death, endings, inspiration, creativity, emotions
Direction: Northwest
God(s): The Witch, and the Manifestation
Element: Clay, what happens when you mix Earth and Water
Power: Mystery
Color: Silver
Beings: the Lampades
Sabeot/d: Soven (Oct. 31)
Associations: Manifestation, the physical acts of Magick, creating form from function, the Crossroads
Direction: North
God(s): The Mother Bear Priestess and the Guardian of the Gateway
Element: Earth
Power: Silence
Color: Black
Beings: Itlasak (Beings of Silence), Ertalya (Beings of Earth)
Sabeot/d: Salanakh (Winter Solstice)
Associations: Communion with the Divine, completion, justice, gateway to understanding, past and present, day and night, the still point between
Other Gods
Goddess of the Rim, the Moon (speculated), and Rivers, the Task-Giver
Unsubstantiated Deity of the Center
A prior South Goddess/Priestess and prior South God/Tsaranos
Important Concepts
Fae, Witches, Familiars, Angels, Vampires, and Aliens and their interrelationships
Gobah, "I give so you may give"
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foulflames · 15 days
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indie, selective & single blog for AMIRA RASHID, OF THE MONSTER PROM FRANCHISE. super cross-over friendly. read about & rules below before interacting. no password required. mutuals only.
              penned by NØX.   (   + 20.   she // her.   cinematography student.   )
✧  o1. asks & threads.
If you want to make a plotted thread, y'all just need to hit me up ! Be it on my DMs or Discord ( that I only give to close mutuals ), if you send something I should answer it pretty fast. And if you want to continue a thread based on an ask, there is no problem with that, no need to ask !
✧  o2. roleplay memes.
I do reblog karma here ! This means that I would prefer that you reblog a meme on my blog from the source ! I do not like the notification clogging it does ! I am BEGGING you to reblog both memes and musing posts FROM THE SOURCE. It’s such a pet peeve of mine.
Since many people tend to do that, I have decided that after 3 times someone reblogs a meme from me ( instead of the source )  without sending any, I will softblock said person. This rule does not apply if the source of the meme is broken.
✧  o3. language & grammar.
English is my third language, so be ready, there might be some spelling errors and mistakes, heck, there might be some on this page only ! You might find some posts in italian or french.
✧  o4. godmodding.
is of course non-authorized. Killing my muse without so much of a warning and us plotting beforehand will make me automatically drop the thread. METAGAMING unless warned or talked about before is also non-authorized.
✧  o5. art & credits.
The art used on this blog ( icons & graphics ) will come from both my art, commissioned art, and fery's Parties Are For Losers character's Anya, which is Felicity's face claim.
✧  o6. crossover & ocs.
Both are great ! Usually if you have an about page, you’re already halfway good to go. For crossovers, I have to know the universe your muse is from / you gotta have a verse I can work with, as for OCs, I love OCs to bits and I’ve been an advocate for ocs since 2016.
✧  o7. shipping & nsfw.
I am more than okay with shipping, if of course we’re both on the same page about it. One-sided crushes can happen, both from your character and mine, but if the feelings are unrequited I will not push you for a relationship nor should you expect yourself to do the same towards me.
NSFW will happen only in the form of violence, dark themes and sexual content, and anything will be tagged. For specific triggers, please shoot me a message.
✧  o8. Battle threads.
For any pokémon battle thread, I will be using the PWT battle system. Please give these a good read, and understand that I demand communication during these types of threads. For rolling the dices, we will be using roll dices with friends. Levels of Felicity's team may be adjusted depending on the timeline of events, or simply to make the battles more fair if there is too much of a level disparency. We can also use Showdown.
✧  o9. Blacklist & triggers.
I have very little squeaks, however I understand that others do. If you need anything tagged, tell me so ! I will not interact with The Amazing Digital Circus, other Glitch Production works, as well as any Vizpop Production muses. If you are a multimuse or have a verse that connects to those, please have a tag I can block.
✧  1o. AI art & other stipulations.
I WILL BLOCK YOU IF I SEE YOU USING AI-GENERATED ART. if you are unaware of the problems ai-generated material causes for the art industry, be it illustrators, writers or animators, i implore you to educate yourself on the matter. as someone who would like to enter the industry one day, THIS IS A DEAL BRAKER TO ME. i understand the curiousity and wanting to do it recreationaly, however, BE AWARE that those do cause harm too and feed the machine.
PLEASE TAG YOUR INTERACTIONS WITH MAE // FOXTAIL // SERA // GORE AND PAPAYA // AXOLOLT // GLORY. Their presence is pretty triggering for me. Thank you ! Their URL is enough. I WILL ALSO NOT INTERACT WITH PROSHIPPERS. if we're friends & i find out you're a weirdo, i don't care how long we've been friends, IT'S ON SIGHT AND I WILL NOT BE COVERING YOUR ASS EITHER. i'm a recovering survivor of grooming and abuse and i do not wish to be exposed to that kind of content nor people who actively get off it, and that is my right.
I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR LACK OF COMMUNICATION. as a roleplay partner and friend, i try to be as communicative as possible, and i believe that enjoyable interactions, be it ic or ooc, reside on all parties communicating their needs and wants. IF YOU FAIL TO DO YOUR PART, THAT IS NOT MY FAULT. don't be wishy washy about it, i take things at face value; give me CLEAR STATEMENTS.
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skullzapped · 28 days
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indie, selective, single-muse and canon divergent blog for a TEAM SKULL ADMIN, POKEMON OC. read the about and the rules below before interacting. no password required. mutuals only.
a study in ― sheading your old life behind. nature and technology, forever one and only. a monster in your own skin. transhumanism, the humanity of machinery. cowardice and survival, necessary means. love, tearing you apart. guilt and how to move on from it.
graphics blog: @noxcave
                  penned by NØX.   (   + 20.   she // her.   cinematography student.   )
about & rules.
✧  o1. asks & threads.
If you want to make a plotted thread, y'all just need to hit me up ! Be it on my DMs or Discord ( that I only give to close mutuals ), if you send something I should answer it pretty fast. And if you want to continue a thread based on an ask, there is no problem with that, no need to ask !
✧  o2. roleplay memes.
I do reblog karma here ! This means that I would prefer that you reblog a meme on my blog from the source ! I do not like the notification clogging it does ! I am BEGGING you to reblog both memes and musing posts FROM THE SOURCE. It’s such a pet peeve of mine.
Since many people tend to do that, I have decided that after 3 times someone reblogs a meme from me ( instead of the source )  without sending any, I will softblock said person. This rule does not apply if the source of the meme is broken.
✧  o3. language & grammar.
English is my third language, so be ready, there might be some spelling errors and mistakes, heck, there might be some on this page only ! You might find some posts in italian or french.
✧  o4. godmodding.
is of course non-authorized. Killing my muse without so much of a warning and us plotting beforehand will make me automatically drop the thread. METAGAMING unless warned or talked about before is also non-authorized.
✧  o5. art & credits.
The art used on this blog ( icons & graphics ) will come from both my art, commissioned art, and fery's Parties Are For Losers character's Anya, which is Felicity's face claim.
✧  o6. crossover & ocs.
Both are great ! Usually if you have an about page, you’re already halfway good to go. For crossovers, I have to know the universe your muse is from / you gotta have a verse I can work with, as for OCs, I love OCs to bits and I’ve been an advocate for ocs since 2016.
✧  o7. shipping & nsfw.
I am more than okay with shipping, if of course we’re both on the same page about it. One-sided crushes can happen, both from your character and mine, but if the feelings are unrequited I will not push you for a relationship nor should you expect yourself to do the same towards me.
NSFW will happen only in the form of violence, dark themes and sexual content, and anything will be tagged. For specific triggers, please shoot me a message.
✧  o8. Battle threads.
For any pokémon battle thread, I will be using the PWT battle system. Please give these a good read, and understand that I demand communication during these types of threads. For rolling the dices, we will be using roll dices with friends. Levels of Felicity's team may be adjusted depending on the timeline of events, or simply to make the battles more fair if there is too much of a level disparency. We can also use Showdown.
✧  o9. Blacklist & triggers.
I have very little squeaks, however I understand that others do. If you need anything tagged, tell me so ! I will not interact with The Amazing Digital Circus, other Glitch Production works, as well as any Vizpop Production muses. If you are a multimuse or have a verse that connects to those, please have a tag I can block.
✧  1o. AI art & other stipulations.
I WILL BLOCK YOU IF I SEE YOU USING AI-GENERATED ART. if you are unaware of the problems ai-generated material causes for the art industry, be it illustrators, writers or animators, i implore you to educate yourself on the matter. as someone who would like to enter the industry one day, THIS IS A DEAL BRAKER TO ME. i understand the curiousity and wanting to do it recreationaly, however, BE AWARE that those do cause harm too and feed the machine.
PLEASE TAG YOUR INTERACTIONS WITH MAE // FOXTAIL // SERA // GORE AND PAPAYA // AXOLOLT // GLORY. Their presence is pretty triggering for me. Thank you ! Their URL is enough. I WILL ALSO NOT INTERACT WITH PROSHIPPERS. if we're friends & i find out you're a weirdo, i don't care how long we've been friends, IT'S ON SIGHT AND I WILL NOT BE COVERING YOUR ASS EITHER. i'm a recovering survivor of grooming and abuse and i do not wish to be exposed to that kind of content nor people who actively get off it, and that is my right.
I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR LACK OF COMMUNICATION. as a roleplay partner and friend, i try to be as communicative as possible, and i believe that enjoyable interactions, be it ic or ooc, reside on all parties communicating their needs and wants. IF YOU FAIL TO DO YOUR PART, THAT IS NOT MY FAULT. don't be wishy washy about it, i take things at face value; give me CLEAR STATEMENTS.
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blacknovelist · 1 year
Words and Things
okay listen i love sidurgu and rielle SO freaking much and the drk story is so hecking good yall oh my god
so obviously nothing can or will stop me from my personal sid-and-feri-are-friendscomradesbrothers agenda. I know what i’m after here. They just spark so much joy, I’m so excited to hit stormblood so i can see the next round of job quests.
Memories can be found in the most unexpected of places. Not all of them are good- not all of them are bad.
(In a fit of homesickness, Feri' asks Sid a question. They both get a little more than they expect.)
After their journey to and subsequent return from the Twelveswood together, Feri'um lingers. It's a welcome diversion from the usual— and after Rielle's quiet but frantic concerns over their safety on the road alone, it's admittedly nice to confirm merely by presence that they are, indeed, still breathing. The tavernkeep has brought them a round of drinks (non alcoholic, thankfully), and its... well. Sid would hesitate to use the word nice, but it certainly beat Temple Knights waving foolishly about, even if he would never begrudge a chance to cut them down to size.
But there's a nervous twitch in Feri'um's tail, a hesitant and considering gleam when they glance up to him every so often, and, well. They're a good— if entirely too soft— person, but Sidurgu can only bring to bear so much patience at once.
"Is something bothering you?"
The other au ra blinks at him, caught out. "Ah, well..."
"Either ask or relax, Feri'um," he sighs. "I might not have an answer, but you get nowhere looking at me like that."
"Sorry." They take a long drink, eyes lingering on the tankard and the table. "I'm not sure how to phrase what I want to... give me a moment." He nods and allows some of his attention to wander once more.
To see an auri person within the walls of the city had been a surprise, at first— but not a bad one. It means something to know their kind is no longer so mindlessly vilified, even if it's some twenty years late now, and through the ashy bed of bitter grief he's glad. No one else should have to go through what he had. Is that not why he has taken up his blade?
Rielle takes another sip of her own drink, more content than he's seen her since... since Fray. It's better than the worry and fear, and hopefully it'll stay that way.
"Sid," Feri'um starts again. They're watching him intently, eyes flicking across his face as though searching for something he isn't sure about, and this time he waits for his fellow dark knight to give voice to thought.
But the words that come from Feri'um's mouth do not fall in common, or any language from the city, or even one from Eorzea at all. They speak in a tongue that brings him back to rocking ships and small feet first meeting new land, to hopeful faces and a world of possibility before them and the memory of gunfire behind. Of someone pleading for him to look away.
"Do you know the old tongue?"
"What?" Sid answers in kind, more from habit than conscious acknowledgement. Rielle glances between the two of them, confusion in her eyes at the unfamiliar language, but Feri'um lights up at his response— both ground him away from memories he'd rather not dwell in right now, though they do little for the shock.
"I didn't want to assume," they say, "because I know there are those who grew up elsewhere, or forget the words after many years away— but I wanted to ask because you're the first fellow xaela I've met since I came to Eorzea."
"I— yes, it's been years and there's... no doubt words I don't know or remember, but... Like a crack in a dam, the longer be speaks the easier the language flows from his lips. "How do you—"
Rielle pipes up, quiet and tentative. "What are you two saying?" She blinks up at them both with wide eyes. "I don't recognize the words or sounds at all..."
"Ah, it's..." How did he explain? He shoots Feri'um a look, and the other thankfully picks up the thread.
"It's a different language," they explain. "Where people like us come from— well, mostly people who look like Sidurgu, with his black scales— instead of speaking the common tongue, we have our own."
"I see!" She tilts her head at them. "Do... do those with light scales like yours not also speak it?"
"Many of them... well, maybe— they've spread out on their own and don't come by often, so I don't know for sure. Some live in other countries too and use local languages." A smile tugs their lips. "Most raen have paler scales than I, too."
"Yes. See how mine go especially dark at the edges sometimes? It's because I'm part xaela."
"You are?" Sid and Rielle speak at once in varying degrees of surprise and curiosity, and they glance at each other. He coughs and takes a long drink, and Rielle turns her attention back to Feri'um, who is visibly trying not to laugh.
"My mom is half and half," they say, once the dark knight has managed to regain his composure. "I grew up part of a tribe that wanders outside of the Azim Steppe, though we try to go back around the time of the Naadam even if we don't often participate."
"That explains a number of things, I suppose." Sidurgu sits back and shakes his head. "Your tribe... they stay east?"
"They wander, but usually. I'm the first to come to Eorzea since Dalamud."
He grunts. "For the best. You see how these lands are to too much new and unfamiliar."
Feri'um dips their head in agreement."But it has a capacity to learn, despite everything." They sigh, equal parts melancholic and content. "Things are difficult, here— but it's worth it to be alive, no matter how much it hurts."
An old anger stirs, hissing and spitting hateful rebuttal, but for once Sidurgu can't bring himself to give it voice. What would there be to say? To a fellow dark knight and au ra who knows the sting of mercy scorned, before the child he's taken under oath and guard...
Is he not here because he chose in the first place to live?
Finally, he gives a noncommittal grunt and focuses on finishing his drink. It seems good enough for everyone as they turn back to their own cups.
And then Feri'um tilts their head, as though a new thought has come to them. "Sid, how do you sleep at night?"
"In chairs, often, so Rielle can take the bed."
They rub a hand across their face. "Please tell me you have a neck rest or something."
"I don't need one."
Though she doesn't know what they're talking about, Rielle giggles as Feri'um launches into a flurry of angrily concerned words about quality of rest and upper body muscles. Silent, Sidurgu wonders if it's too late to regret asking their company and hides a faint smile behind his tankard.
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limbomaiden · 28 days
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indie, selective, single-muse and canon divergent blog for a POKEMON ARCEUS OC. read the about and the rules below before interacting. no password required.
graphics blog: @noxcave
                  penned by NØX.   (   + 20.   she // her.   cinematography student.   )
✧  o1. asks & threads.
If you want to make a plotted thread, y'all just need to hit me up ! Be it on my DMs or Discord ( that I only give to close mutuals ), if you send something I should answer it pretty fast. And if you want to continue a thread based on an ask, there is no problem with that, no need to ask !
✧  o2. roleplay memes.
I do reblog karma here ! This means that I would prefer that you reblog a meme on my blog from the source ! I do not like the notification clogging it does ! I am BEGGING you to reblog both memes and musing posts FROM THE SOURCE. It’s such a pet peeve of mine.
Since many people tend to do that, I have decided that after 3 times someone reblogs a meme from me ( instead of the source )  without sending any, I will softblock said person. This rule does not apply if the source of the meme is broken.
✧  o3. language & grammar.
English is my third language, so be ready, there might be some spelling errors and mistakes, heck, there might be some on this page only ! You might find some posts in italian or french.
✧  o4. godmodding.
is of course non-authorized. Killing my muse without so much of a warning and us plotting beforehand will make me automatically drop the thread. METAGAMING unless warned or talked about before is also non-authorized.
✧  o5. art & credits.
The art used on this blog ( icons & graphics ) will come from both my art, commissioned art, and fery's Parties Are For Losers character's Anya, which is Felicity's face claim.
✧  o6. crossover & ocs.
Both are great ! Usually if you have an about page, you’re already halfway good to go. For crossovers, I have to know the universe your muse is from / you gotta have a verse I can work with, as for OCs, I love OCs to bits and I’ve been an advocate for ocs since 2016.
✧  o7. shipping & nsfw.
I am more than okay with shipping, if of course we’re both on the same page about it. One-sided crushes can happen, both from your character and mine, but if the feelings are unrequited I will not push you for a relationship nor should you expect yourself to do the same towards me.
NSFW will happen only in the form of violence, dark themes and sexual content, and anything will be tagged. For specific triggers, please shoot me a message.
✧  o8. Battle threads.
For any pokémon battle thread, I will be using the PWT battle system. Please give these a good read, and understand that I demand communication during these types of threads. For rolling the dices, we will be using roll dices with friends. Levels of Felicity's team may be adjusted depending on the timeline of events, or simply to make the battles more fair if there is too much of a level disparency. We can also use Showdown.
✧  o9. Blacklist & triggers.
I have very little squeaks, however I understand that others do. If you need anything tagged, tell me so ! I will not interact with The Amazing Digital Circus, other Glitch Production works, as well as any Vizpop Production muses. If you are a multimuse or have a verse that connects to those, please have a tag I can block.
✧  1o. AI art & other stipulations.
I WILL BLOCK YOU IF I SEE YOU USING AI-GENERATED ART. if you are unaware of the problems ai-generated material causes for the art industry, be it illustrators, writers or animators, i implore you to educate yourself on the matter. as someone who would like to enter the industry one day, THIS IS A DEAL BRAKER TO ME. i understand the curiousity and wanting to do it recreationaly, however, BE AWARE that those do cause harm too and feed the machine.
PLEASE TAG YOUR INTERACTIONS WITH MAE // FOXTAIL // SERA // GORE AND PAPAYA // AXOLOLT // GLORY. Their presence is pretty triggering for me. Thank you ! Their URL is enough. I WILL ALSO NOT INTERACT WITH PROSHIPPERS. if we're friends & i find out you're a weirdo, i don't care how long we've been friends, IT'S ON SIGHT AND I WILL NOT BE COVERING YOUR ASS EITHER. i'm a recovering survivor of grooming and abuse and i do not wish to be exposed to that kind of content nor people who actively get off it, and that is my right.
I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR LACK OF COMMUNICATION. as a roleplay partner and friend, i try to be as communicative as possible, and i believe that enjoyable interactions, be it ic or ooc, reside on all parties communicating their needs and wants. IF YOU FAIL TO DO YOUR PART, THAT IS NOT MY FAULT. don't be wishy washy about it, i take things at face value; give me CLEAR STATEMENTS.
0 notes
batasmedia99 · 2 years
Paksa Pasien Lahiran Normal, Janin Tak Bisa Keluar dan Meninggal
Namun semua itu gagal dan pada akhirnya dokter mengambil jalan untuk memotong kepala bayi karena bayi sudah meninggal karena terlalu lama terjepit lehernya. Setelah dipotong leher kembali dijahit dan bayi dikebumikan dengan layak oleh ayahnya
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Dinkes Jatim Klarifikasi ke RSUD Jombang 
Viral unggahan seorang perempuan yang mengaku mendapat pelayanan buruk dari RSUD Jombang. Buruknya pelayanan itu berujung pada kematian bayi yang baru lahir.
Akun @MinDesiyaa menceritakan pengalamannya di Twitter. Awalnya, adik pemilik akun mengalami kontraksi. Keluarga pun membawa ke puskesmas.
Berawal dari kontraksi yang dialami adikku Kamis (28/7). sebut saja adiku Feri dan istrinya Ria. Ria yang saat itu ditemani ibunya datang ke pukesmas terdekat karena mengalami kontraksi yang tidak berhenti dari Rabu (27/7) malam,” tulisnya pada Minggu (31/7).
Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan menyeluruh dokter di pukesmas memutuskan untuk merujuk Ria ke rumah sakit, diantar salah satu perawat. Sesampainya di rumah sakit perawat pukesmas memberikan surat rujukan tersebut agar Ria segera ditangani operasi. Namun pihak rumah sakit menolak tindakan tersebut dan menyarankan agar Ria lahiran normal,” tulisnya lagi.
”Ria yang saat itu sudah tidak kuat menolak saran melahirkan normal dari rumah sakit, tapi pihak rumah sakit tetap memaksa dan pada akhirnya Ria mau tidak mau mengikuti prosedur rumah sakit,” lanjutnya.
Saat proses persalinan, Ria mengejan hanya sampai kepala bayi yang keluar dan benar-benar sudah tidak kuat. Berat badan bayi yang besar dan pundak yang lebar membuat Ria kesusahan mengejan dan dokter sampai harus menggunakan alat sedot untuk mengeluarkan bayi,” tulis dia. 
Namun semua itu gagal dan pada akhirnya dokter mengambil jalan untuk memotong kepala bayi karena bayi sudah meninggal karena terlalu lama terjepit lehernya. Setelah dipotong leher kembali dijahit dan bayi dikebumikan dengan layak oleh ayahnya. thread ini aku buat karena keluargaku hanya bisa pasrah, mau nuntut pun kita gak tau jalurnya dan pastinya membutuhkan biaya yang tidak sedikit,” papar dia.
Saat dikonfirmasi, Yopi Widianto, 26, mengakui hal itu. Istrinya adalah Rohma Roudotul Jannah, 29, warga Dusun Slombok, Desa Plemahan, Kecamatan Sumobito, kehilangan bayinya yang baru lahir.
Terkait hal itu, Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur Erwin Astha Triyono memastikan, pihaknya sudah melakukan klarifikasi ke RSUD Jombang. Dinas Kesehatan Jombang juga telah dipanggil.
Masih menunggu klarifikasi dari Dinkes dan RSUD Jombang,” kata Erwin.
0 notes
Third time’s the charm || Ferie again
It had been a couple weeks since she and Fernand swapped numbers, her schedule making it near impossible to find a time for them to meet up. To make up for that, they had been texting each other a lot. To Marie’s surprise, they had a fair bit in common, and she found herself texting him almost every day.
Finally, they’d found a time that worked for both of them, and Marie found herself excited to find out what he had in store. Fernand had been purposely vague, not giving her any hints at all, which had made picking out an outfit difficult. Since it was a windy day, she’d chosen jeans rather than a dress, aiming to look somewhere between pretty and casual. She didn’t want to date him of course, but she could see herself being friends with him, and dressing nice was just how she did everything. She had figured out how to convince a guy to be just friends without hurting any feelings, she’d simply do the same to Fernand. Realising she was obsessing over it, she finished getting ready.
Marie checked her phone to make sure he hadn’t sent her a message to say he’d be late, but Marian grabbed her bag before she could put her phone in it.
“Where you going?”
“A gang of bikies. I plan on having unprotected sex with all of them. I’ll quit my job to raise the baby. You’ll need to work even harder so we can sponge off you.” She tugged the bag out of Marian’s grip, smirking at his look of disgust at the joke. “I’m going out with a friend.”
“And you’d normally tell me which friend… it’s a date.”
“It’s not a date, it’s a –“ The doorbell interrupted before she could even figure out what to say back to that. “Don’t you dare.” She poked him in the stomach before rushing to the door before Marian could get there. She opened it, and darted through, almost straight into Fernand.
“Hi. Sorry.” She had to tug on the door to close it, which meant Marian had his hand on the handle.
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samwisethewitch · 3 years
Pagan Paths: Reclaiming
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Many pagans and witches are also political activists. Pagan values — such as respect for the planet and for non-human forms of life, belief in equality regardless of race or gender, and personal autonomy — often lead people to social or political action. However, as far as I know, there is only one pagan religion that has actually made this social activism one of its core tenets: Reclaiming. Reclaiming combines neopaganism with anarchist principles and social activism.
This post is not meant to be a complete introduction to Reclaiming. Instead, my goal here is to give you a taste of what Reclaiming practitioners believe and do, so you can decide for yourself if further research would be worth your time. In that spirit, I provide book recommendations at the end of this post.
History and Background
Given Reclaiming’s reputation as a social justice-oriented faith, it’s not surprising that it grew out of activist efforts. Reclaiming began with well-known pagan authors Starhawk and Diane Baker, who began teaching classes on modern witchcraft in California in the 1980s. Members of these classes began protesting and doing other activist work together, and this pagan activist group eventually grew into the Reclaiming Collective.
Out of the founders of Reclaiming, Starhawk has probably had the biggest influence on the tradition. Starhawk was initiated into the Feri tradition by its founder Victor Anderson, but had also been trained in Wicca and worked with figures such as Zsuzsanna Budapest (founder of Dianic Wicca). These Feri and Wiccan influences are clear in Starhawk’s books, such as The Spiral Dance, and have also helped shape the Reclaiming tradition.
Like Feri, Reclaiming is an ecstatic tradition that emphasizes the interconnected divinity of all things. Like Eclectic Wicca, Reclaiming is a non-initiatory religion (meaning anyone can join, regardless of training or experience level) with lots of room to customize and personalize your individual practice.
However, to say that Starhawk is the head of the Reclaiming tradition, or even to credit her as its sole founder, would be incorrect. As Reclaiming has grown and spread, it has become increasingly decentralized. Decisions are made by consensus (meaning the group must reach a unanimous decision) in small, individual communities, which author Irisanya Moon calls “cells.” Each cell has its own unique beliefs, practices, and requirements for members, stemming from Reclaiming’s core values (see below). Some of these cells may stick very closely to the kind of paganism Starhawk describes in her books, while others may look very, very different.
As with any other religion, there are times where a governing body is needed to make widespread changes to the system, such as changing core doctrine. When these situations do arise, each individual cell chooses a representative, who in turn serves as a voice for that cell in a gathering with other representatives from other cells. BIRCH (the Broad Intra-Reclaiming Council of Hubs) is an example of this.
At BIRCH meetings, representatives make decisions via consensus, the same way decisions are made in individual cells. While this means changes may take months or even years to be proposed, discussed, modified, and finally passed, it also means that everyone within the tradition is part of the decision-making process.
Core Beliefs and Values
Like Wicca, Reclaiming has very little dogma. Unlike Wicca, the Reclaiming Collective has a public statement of values that clearly and concisely lays out the essentials of what they believe and do. This document, which is called the Principles of Unity, is not very long, so I’m going to lay it out in its entirety here.
This is the most recent version of the Principles of Unity, taken from the Reclaiming Collective website in February 2021:
“The values of the Reclaiming tradition stem from our understanding that the earth is alive and all of life is sacred and interconnected. We see the Goddess as immanent in the earth’s cycles of birth, growth, death, decay and regeneration. Our practice arises from a deep, spiritual commitment to the earth, to healing and to the linking of magic with political action.
Each of us embodies the divine. Our ultimate spiritual authority is within, and we need no other person to interpret the sacred to us. We foster the questioning attitude, and honor intellectual, spiritual and creative freedom.
We are an evolving, dynamic tradition and proudly call ourselves Witches. Our diverse practices and experiences of the divine weave a tapestry of many different threads. We include those who honor Mysterious Ones, Goddesses, and Gods of myriad expressions, genders, and states of being, remembering that mystery goes beyond form. Our community rituals are participatory and ecstatic, celebrating the cycles of the seasons and our lives, and raising energy for personal, collective and earth healing.
We know that everyone can do the life-changing, world-renewing work of magic, the art of changing consciousness at will. We strive to teach and practice in ways that foster personal and collective empowerment, to model shared power and to open leadership roles to all. We make decisions by consensus, and balance individual autonomy with social responsibility.
Our tradition honors the wild, and calls for service to the earth and the community. We work in diverse ways, including nonviolent direct action, for all forms of justice: environmental, social, political, racial, gender and economic. We are an anti-racist tradition that strives to uplift and center BIPOC voices (Black, Indigenous, People of Color). Our feminism includes a radical analysis of power, seeing all systems of oppression as interrelated, rooted in structures of domination and control.
We welcome all genders, all gender histories, all races, all ages and sexual orientations and all those differences of life situation, background, and ability that increase our diversity. We strive to make our public rituals and events accessible and safe. We try to balance the need to be justly compensated for our labor with our commitment to make our work available to people of all economic levels.
All living beings are worthy of respect. All are supported by the sacred elements of air, fire, water and earth. We work to create and sustain communities and cultures that embody our values, that can help to heal the wounds of the earth and her peoples, and that can sustain us and nurture future generations.”
The Principles of Unity were originally written in 1997, to create a sense of cohesion as the Reclaiming Collective grew and diversified. However, the Principles have not remained constant since the 1990s. They have been rewritten multiple times as the Reclaiming tradition has grown and the needs of its members have changed. Like everything else within the tradition, the Principles of Unity are not beyond scrutiny, critical analysis, and reform.
For example, in 2020 the wording of the Principles of Unity was changed to affirm diverse forms of social justice work — including but not limited to non-violent action — and to express a more firm anti-racist attitude that seeks to uplift BIPOC. This was a major change, as the previous version of the document explicitly called for non-violence and included a paraphrased version of the Rede (often called the Wiccan Rede), “Harm none, and do what you will.” This change was made via consensus by BIRCH, after a series of discussions about the meaning of non-violence and the need to make space for other types of activism.
Aside from the Principles of Unity, there are no hard and fast rules for Reclaiming belief. As Irisanya Moon says in her book on the tradition, “There is no typical Reclaiming Witch.”
Important Deities and Spirits
Just as with belief and values, views on deity within Reclaiming are extremely diverse. A member of this tradition might be a monist, a polytheist, a pantheist, an agnostic, or even a nontheist. (Note that nontheism is different from atheism — while atheism typically includes a rejection of religion, nontheism allows for meaningful religious experience without belief in a higher power.)
The Principles of Unity state that the Goddess is immanent in the earth’s cycles. For some, this means that the earth is a manifestation of the Great Goddess, the source of all life. For others, the Goddess is seen as a symbol that represents the interconnected nature of all life, rather than being literally understood as a personified deity. And, of course, there are many, many people whose views fall somewhere in between.
In her book The Spiral Dance, Starhawk points out that the deities we worship function as metaphors, allowing us to connect with that which cannot be comprehended in its entirety. “The symbols and attributes associated with the Goddess… engage us emotionally,” she says. “We know the Goddess is not the moon — but we still thrill to its light glinting through the branches. We know the Goddess is not a woman, but we respond with love as if She were, and so connect emotionally with all the abstract qualities behind the symbol.”
Here’s another quote from The Spiral Dance that sums up this view of deity: “I have spoken of the Goddess as a psychological symbol and also as manifest reality. She is both. She exists, and we create Her.”
In that book, Starhawk proposes a perspective on deity that combines Wiccan and Feri theology. Starhawk’s Goddess encompasses both the Star Goddess worshiped in Feri — God Herself, the divine source of all things — and the Wiccan Goddess — Earth Mother and Queen of the Moon. This Goddess’s consort, known as the God, is similar to the Wiccan God, but includes aspects of Feri deities like the Blue God.
For some, this model of deity is the basis of their practice, while others prefer to use other means to connect with That-Which-Cannot-Be-Known. Someone may consider themselves a part of Reclaiming and be a devotee of Aphrodite, or Thor, or Osiris, or any of countless other personified deities.
Reclaiming Practice
As I said earlier, Reclaiming began with classes in magic theory, and teaching and learning are still important parts of the tradition. The basic, entry-level course that most members of the tradition take is called Elements of Magic. In this class, students explore the five elements — air, fire, water, earth, and spirit — and how these elements relate to different aspects of Reclaiming practice. Though most members of the tradition will take the Elements of Magic class, this is not a requirement.
After completing Elements of Magic, Reclaiming pagans may or may not choose to take other classes, including but not limited to: the Iron Pentacle (mastering the five points of Sex, Pride, Self, Power, and Passion and bringing them into balance), Pearl Pentacle (mastering the points of Love, Law, Knowledge, Liberation/Power, and Wisdom and embodying these qualities in relationships with others), Rites of Passage (a class that focuses on initiation and rewriting your own narrative), and Communities (a class that teaches the skills necessary to work in a community, such as conflict resolution and ritual planning).
If you’ve read my post on the Feri tradition, you probably recognize the Iron and Pearl Pentacles. This is another example of how Feri has influenced Reclaiming.
Another place where the teaching/learning element of Reclaiming shows up is in Witchcamp. Witchcamp is an intensive spiritual retreat, typically held over a period of several days in a natural setting away from cities. (However, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, some covens are now offering virtual Witchcamps). Because each Witchcamp is run by a different coven, with different teachers, there is a lot of variation in what they teach and what kind of work campers do.
Each individual camp has a main theme — some camps keep the same theme every time, while others choose a new theme each year. Some camps are adults-only, while others are family-oriented and welcome parents with children. Typically, campers will have several classes to choose from in the mornings and afternoons, with group rituals in the evenings.
Speaking of ritual, this brings us to another important part of Reclaiming practice: ecstatic ritual. The goal of most Reclaiming rituals is to connect with the divine by achieving a state of ecstasy.
Irisanya Moon says that Reclaiming rituals often use what she calls the “EIEIO” framework: Ecstatic (involving an altered state of consciousness — the transcendent ecstasy of touching the divine), Improvisational (though there may be a basic ritual outline, there is an openness to acting in the spirit of the moment), Ensemble (rituals are held in groups, often with rotating roles), Inspired (taking inspiration from mythology, personal experience, or current events), and Organic (developing naturally, even if that means going off-script). This framework is similar to the rituals Starhawk describes in her writing.
There are no officially recognized holidays in Reclaiming, but many members of the tradition celebrate the Wheel of the Year, similar to Wiccans. The most famous example of this is the annual Spiral Dance ritual held each Samhain in California, with smaller versions observed by covens around the world.
Further Reading
If you are interested in Reclaiming, I recommend starting with the book Reclaiming Witchcraft by Irisanya Moon. This is an excellent, short introduction to the tradition. After that, it’s probably worth checking out some of Starhawk’s work — I recommend starting with The Spiral Dance.
At this point, if you still feel like this is the right path for you, the next step I would recommend is to take the Elements of Magic class. If you live in a big city, it may be offered in-person near you — if not, look around online and see if you can find a virtual version. Accessibility is huge to Reclaiming pagans, and many teachers offer scholarships and price their classes on a sliding scale, so you should be able to find a class no matter what your budget is.
If you can’t find an Elements of Magic class, there is a book called Elements of Magic: Reclaiming Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Spirit, edited by Jane Meredith and Gede Parma, which provides lessons and activities from experienced teachers of the class. Teaching yourself is always going to be more difficult than learning from someone else, but it’s better than nothing!
The Spiral Dance by Starhawk
Reclaiming Witchcraft by Irisanya Moon
The Reclaiming Collective website, reclaimingcollective.wordpress.com
cutewitch772 on YouTube (a member of the tradition who has several very informative videos on Reclaiming, told from an insider perspective)
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samuelconrad · 3 years
Write down one great success you had in your lifetime.
Write down one great success you had in your lifetime. Then write down the disadvantages or challenges that you had to overcome to achieve zapatillas estilo valentino that success. Then identify zapatillas de tacos futbol how those disadvantages forced you to look at your situation differently and ultimately help you achieve success. As empresas da moda rpida copiam os visuais das passarelas e costumam usar redes de fornecimento extremamente eficientes para a cada ano lanar um nmero maior de colees do que as demais varejistas. Mais do que dar dicas de estilo das empresas de moda rpida marca de luxo, o que Larsson pode trazer para a Ralph Lauren, segundo analistas, sua experincia em varejo internacional e em aperfeioar reas administrativas de pouco glamour, como o gerenciamento das redes de fornecimento. "A Ralph Lauren no pode ficar copiando outras pessoas, uma marca que copiada", gioco cubo di rubik amazon diz Michelle Grant, diretora global de anlises sobre o mercado de varejo na Euromonitor. POLO NO: Ralph Lauren said it will close stores and cut jobs as part of a restructuring plan that is intended to save the company about $200 million a year. It expects to take more than $500 million in one time charges related to the move. The retailer stock fell $4.58, or 4.8 percent, to $91.75.. But no matter how tightly the fashion camera focuses on men, women are still the lead consumers, the ones who put money down on most things, including the lion's share of men's clothing and men's fragrance, and it's doubtful that the tables have really turned. 'There's been an overdose of the cult of the female model,' suggests Kimberly Bartel, an advertising professor at Boston University. 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You throw the bucket of water over the car but find you need another one. Sinatra g?r lidt bedre ved langsommere, s?som the christmas song2 1/2 stjerner the classic julealbum, tony bennett: i mods?tning til sinatra, lyder bennett som om han har et skab fuld af julen tr?jer. Det er sagt, er dette en sammenstykket samling flikket sammen fra optagelser som gamle i 1968, og s? sent som 2011. Det tidligere uudgivet hvad child is this er stiv og n?ppe v?rd at nike black tn 001 k?b af hele albummet, hvis du allerede har en bennett ferie s?t. The complainant, Shoel Silver, noted that a reporter labelled demonstrators against an anti Islamophobia resolution as but supplied no characterization of those who supported it. He thought that was unbalanced and challenged the basis for the characterization. CBC policy frowns on the use of such broad descriptions. He serves on several national and international scientific panels on respiratory dolce gabanna adidași bărbații diseases and sits on the Editorial Boards for CHEST, Journal of Applied Physiology, Journal of COPD, the International Journal of COPD, and is an Associate Editor of the Canadian Respiratory Journal. He is the Past President of the Canadian Thoracic Society and is a member of the Institute Advisory Board (IAB) for the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Circulatory and Respiratory Health). Exertional breathlessness in patients with chronic airflow limitation: the role of lung hyperinflation. Styling changes limited to the grille, lights and the bumpers, though even these are pretty difficult to spot. Good looking as ever, then.What is significant is Volkswagen's work underneath that new, if familiar, body. The engine range has been extensively re engineered, the Polo as fresh breathed as it comes with its EU6 emissions compliant engines, the fuel efficiency gains as much as 23 per cent over its predecessors.The line up baby nike trainers consists of a pair of three cylinder petrol MPI units of 59bhp or 74bhp, two 1.2 TSI four cylinder petrol choices of 89bhp or 108bhp, a 1.4 TSI with 148bhp and a pair of three cylinder 1.4 TDI units with 74bhp and 89bhp.It's not just under the bonnet where the Polo has been tweaked, the 'new' car featuring a far more comprehensive equipment list as standard. At left, Senior is wearing a soft blue Madison sportcoat, Izod seersucker shorts, a white Ralph Lauren polo and slip ons by Dockers. Junior is wearing Ralph Lauren from head to toe, including a striped polo shirt, cargo shorts and green sneakers. All fashions can be found at Belk. It's really amazing. People come in and buy six at a time and it's businessmen buying them. I wanted a little shine but I also wanted the eye to go to the cut of the suit and to clean lines.
3 notes · View notes
sternenteile · 5 years
★*・ get to know the mun. REPOST, DON’T REBLOG.
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▐ NAME/NICKNAME:  nikki  (name, preferred)  /  bun  (nickname, also a-ok) ▐ PRONOUNS:  she  /  her,  don’t mind they  /  them! ▐ SEXUALITY:  lesbian as fuCK ▐ TAKEN OR SINGLE:  single and ready to mingle. available and currently playable. chicken and ready to become nugget. u know the drill. ▐ HOW LONG HAVE YOU ROLEPLAYED ( YEARS/MONTHS):  ohhhhh geez... i started maybe when i was like 11 on neopets lmao so. 16 years?? showin’ my age here. ▐ PLATFORMS USED:  neopets (as a young’in), aim/msn (showin’ my aGE HERE), livejournal/dreamwidth (fuck that place, horrible experiences there), tumblr, and discord. ▐ BEST EXPERIENCE:  do u rly expect me to choose just one.......... well!!! my best experience on geno has been the amazing experience with the smash rpc. i cannot sing the smash rpc’s praises enough. it surprises me, given the smash fandom in general is horrible (especially to geno’s fans, holy shit, if you like him and support him for smash, you’ll get instantly trashed). that said, everyone here is fantastic, and the mario rpc is, of course, just as good (both cut from just about the same bread). everyone is so sweet and accepting, even the people who don’t know about geno and possibly even the ones who might not care for him. that’s incredible. my fears were that i wouldn’t be accepted because of the muse i chose, but i only found the opposite here. i’m ecstatic about that. ♡ ▐ MALE OR FEMALE:  uuuuuh i guess this is abt muses since we already covered mun sexuality. in the end, it doesn’t matter to me. i treat male and female muses with the same respect and consideration, in terms of rping with them or rping as one. gender or sex doesn’t matter to me. this goes for non-binary and trans muses, as well! all are just as loved!! ▐ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT:  for geno, fluff and angst are on pretty similar scales. smut is absolutely a big no-no (he ain’t got nothing, he’s a star in an anatomically-incorrect doll wtf). that said, cute fluff? absolute pain? give it all to meeee. ▐ PLOTS OR MEMES:  either is cool! ▐ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES:  either is fine! it really depends on the kind of thread it is, too, and what all has to be covered. i have no preference, as they both have their pros and cons. ▐ BEST TIME TO WRITE:  night time tends to be when i’m most able to write! ▐ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S):  fuck no LMAO. i share some tiny similarities with geno (which really only amount to being a big shitlord and a nerd), but for the most part, geno and i are nothing alike. we’re both dorks and we do our best, so that’s... that? that’s about the end of it. he’s a heck of a lot braver than i am, as well as way less anxious and socially inept. (a star with little to no exposure to earth is more socially sound than a 27-year-old woman? it’s more likely than you think. it sucks)
tagged by:  @lylxt​ !! smoochies for u feris!!! tagging:  its all over my dash tbh so just! if u haven’t done it, here u go
6 notes · View notes
untameablesands · 5 years
lombardiisms baybee
Send me a url and I’ll talk about them! [ x ]Accepting
My Opinion on;
Character in general:
         So like I said in Feris’ answer, I’ve only played Adventures and know the characters from Smash bros/memes and generally just hearing about them online- I didn’t really care much about Falco because he just seemed like some antagonistic asshole who I didn’t really care to care about???  I’ve just kind of been ‘meh whatever’ about him tbh
How they play them:
        And then along came Kay and now I’m like ‘Ah yes this asshole care about Falco; enjoy him as a character, like I’m always happy when I see posts from this blog on my dash tbh and it’s fun reading IC stuff, from the crack to the fluff to the other stuff. The AU’s Kay has made are gr8; Falco’s so well thought out and well written and generally just so good? Like. Seriously go follow Kay bc this is some A+ content bruh- plus I adored the thread we were doing over on my Lucina w/ the snowball fight, that was really fun while I was on her blog
The Mun:
        Kay’s gr8 tbh! Fun to chat with; passionate about their birb, a great writer, friendly, overall just a lovely person that I am pleased to be able to call a friendo 
Do I:
RP with them:
         Somewhat! Not yet on Sundira’s blog tho I don’t think
Want to RP with them:  
Ship with them:
        Another ‘same as with Feris’ ask’ x3 I can see Falco and Sundira eventually warming up to be at least somewhat friends if not actual friends by the time Ultimate rolls around, so a friendship for sure! Romantic ship I’ve never really considered, but I’m always a slut for shipping SunSun with new people so I’d be down for exploring the possibility if Kay wants to : >
What is my;
Overall Opinion:
        I’m pretty sure I followed Kay on my old Sheik blog five years ago, and if not then at least the last time I was active on this blog which was two years ago- that goes to show how great Kay is that I’ve followed him and Falco for so long~
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ryadel · 5 years
Gas & Luce - Il Cancro delle False Promozioni
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Negli ultimi mesi abbiamo assistito a una notevole intensificazione delle "promozioni" portate avanti dai principali operatori Gas & Luce che operano nel nostro paese, tutte (o quasi) contraddistinte da un atteggiamento particolarmente molesto, in certi casi addirittura truffaldino, da parte dei promotori stessi. Gli schemi più in voga sono sostanzialmente due: il primo, "semplicemente" molesto e portato avanti prevalentemente tramite telefonata, è quello del promotore che illustra una serie di modifiche normative che comportano un risparmio matematico della componente energia o dei costi di distribuzione: inutile dire che questo "risparmio" può avvenire soltanto in conseguenza di un cambio dell'operatore, ovvero della sottoscrizione di un nuovo contratto Gas & Luce con il fornitore di turno; il secondo, che sconfina nella truffa e avviene prevalentemente nel porta a porta, è quello del promotore che cerca di entrare in casa presentandosi come un tecnico del distributore, magari con la scusa di aggiornare un coefficiente, salvo poi - una volta entrato - proporre un cambio di fornitore, con l'immancabile miraggio del "risparmio" rispetto all'attuale. Un lavoro indubbiamente ingrato che sconfina nella truffa, che purtroppo appare spesso "lecita" (o comunque non perseguibile dalle autorità garanti) stante una liberalizzazione del mercato realizzata con i piedi da forze politiche assolutamente impreparate e supportata dal malaugurato operato di legislatori in parte incapaci e in parte complici di un sistema che ha tutto l'interesse a favorire il capitale privato a danno della tutela del benessere pubblico. Di fronte a questi tentativi, resi leciti o comunque non opportunamente perseguiti da uno stato sostanzialmente connivente, la reazione tipica da parte del cittadino, nel momento in cui riesce ad accorgersi di essere vittima di un raggiro, è quella di prendersela con l'elemento terminale della truffa: il promotore stesso. Atteggiamento più che comprensibile, visto che stiamo parlando di venditori perfettamente consapevoli del proprio ruolo e con una indubbia responsabilità nella somministrazione della truffa. Al tempo stesso, però, è importante non perdere di vista il ruolo preminente rappresentato dal "mandante", ovvero dal fornitore dei servizi, nella sua evidente volontà di racimolare contratti adottando strategie eticamente ingiustificabili ai danni dei cittadini inconsapevoli ovvero non dotati degli adeguati strumenti culturali per potersi difendere. Un comportamento che nella maggior parte dei casi rientra nelle politiche di marketing aziendale (qui un riassunto su cosa ne pensiamo) e che pertanto dovrebbe essere il punto su cui battere maggiormente, oltre che la prima cosa da controllare ed eventualmente sanzionare da parte delle autorità garanti; tanto più che, a sentire le testimonianze degli "addetti ai lavori", si rivela essere estremamente scorretto anche nelle modalità di recruiting, "formazione" (il virgolettato è d'obbligo) e indottrinamento degli stessi. A beneficio di questa ultima argomentazione ripubblichiamo volentieri la testimonianza di @Samuele2181, un utente twitter che ha recentemente pubblicato una serie di post al fine di condividere la propria esperienza lavorativa all'interno di uno di questi "colossi dell'energia": buona lettura! https://twitter.com/Samuele2181/status/1115579769872056320 Come funziona il magico mondo dei promotori di Gas&Luce? In genere gli annunci sono splendidi o così erano ai miei tempi, ti dicevano tutto e il contrario di tutto, "cercasi varie mansioni" si arrivava dal magazziniere, all'addetto front office e back office, promotore, consulente etc ovviamente rimanevi sul vago e non ti dicevano mai di preciso di cosa si trattava. Sanno bene che chi va lì ha un urgente bisogno. Ti prospettano l'idea che i posti sono pochi, in genere chi va a fare questi colloqui non ha grandi esperienze professionali e ti fanno quasi sentire in colpa per questo senza farti capire che in realtà prenderebbero chiunque. Ogni colloquio finisce con la classica giornata di prova, ti dicono ci vediamo domani e scopri il giorno dopo che il lavoro si tratta di andare di casa in casa assieme ad una persona che è come una specie di tutor che in realtà guadagnerà una percentuale su tutti i contratti che farai. In realtà i più onesti ti dicono che farai veramente già in sede di colloquio, tuttavia gli annunci restano sempre molto elusivi, ad ogni modo nessuno ti dice subito percentuali, pagamenti, il fatto che ti pagheranno la prima volta fra due o tre mesi nei casi più frequenti oppure che ti pagheranno a quaranta giorni ma con lo storno. Durante la giornata di prova osservi soltanto, ti fanno credere che non è detto che ti prenderanno, ti faranno credere che non hanno nulla da perdere. Durante la giornata qualcosa ti dicono il resto lo scopri in fondo. Trattasi di lavoro a provvigione, prendi tra i 25 ai 40 euro lordi, scoprirai più tardi che non sono netti, per ogni contratto diLuce&Gas che il cliente sottoscrive. Il prezzo oscilla da agenzia ad agenzia, anche qui regna il regime dei mandati che spesso possono essere sub-appaltati per così dire. Chiaramente se il cliente sottoscrive solo gas o energia il prezzo viene dimezzato. Lavori tra le otto e le dieci ore, a spese tue,  guadagni solo sui contratti che fai, promettono negli annunci dei fissi che non esistono e che scoprirai essere solo dei premi di produzioni se fai 20 o 30 contratti al mese. Chiaramente non hai ferie pagate, assicurazione, o malattia, nessuno ti caccia via se non fai contratti dato che se non guadagni te ne vai via da solo, ad ogni modo vieni trattato come se tu venissi pagato e ti fanno sentire in colpa come un qualsiasi stipendiato qualunque. La cosa più brutta come ho già accennato è che vieni pagato tra i 40 e i 60 Giorni : se fai, per esempio, 12 contratti ad Aprile to pagano il 10 Giugno successivo. A patto che il cliente che ha sottoscritto il contratto non cambi gestore, altrimenti o la provvigione non ti viene erogata oppure ti viene stornata dai pagamenti sui contratti che fai il mese successivo oppure vieni pagato non a 40 giorni ma a 60, se fai i contratti ad Aprile ti pagheranno a Luglio senza storni in questo caso. Ci sarebbero tante altre cose da dire a il thread è già troppo lungo e confuso. Il thread originale è disponibile qui, mentre l'unroll tramite threadreaderapp è disponibile qui. un grazie a @Samuele2181 per la sua testimonianza! Read the full article
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satyazomasorga · 7 years
Fruits of Your Craft 30-Day Challenge: Day 7 7. Have you explored other magical traditions alongside witchcraft? Do these influence your practices? I think my definition of Witchcraft is too broad. I'm not sure what is meant by "other magical traditions" here. Hmm... Well, I've done some cursory research into Kaballah, Shamanistic practices, Demonology/Goetia, Ceremonial Magic, Thelema, Alchemy, LaVeyan Satanism...if those don't count under the Witchcraft umbrella. I like seeing the common threads that run through all these disciplines. Sorgae 'Craft has its roots in Gardnerian Wicca. But the more we learn and discover and develop it, we see bits in common with several other types of Witchcraft; Traditional (i.e., pre-Gardner), Feri, Luciferian, Hedgewitchery, Pop-Occulture, Alchemy, as well as containing elements similar to aspects of Shamanic practices. I want to stress, though, that while there are parts in common with these other paths, with Wicca being the exception, we haven't purposely drawn inspiration from them. We have simply noticed that there are commonalities.
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