#「 meta 」 — ❛ what's left now? ❜
lgbtlunaverse · 9 months
You know sometimes I think about that whole narrative tragedy around Huaisang where to get revenge for his brother on jgy he has to become more and more like jgy and turn into a person that his brother would hate. And yes the scheming and the lying and the making other people do your dirty work so you'll never get caught and have to face consequences for your actions is all very foils. Very tragedy. Love it.
But then I think back to nieyao in the fire palace and how it's not the spy thing Nie Mingjue is mad about, not really. He didn't know about it and changes his mind on trying to kill meng yao when xichen tells him but he's still mad and it's not the spy thing. However many cultivators he killed and tortured under Wen Ruohan's orders because he couldn't lose his cover are a factor but the crux of it? It's those last few. And specifically that Meng Yao had an out. A way for them to survive. And he used it. But only for Nie Mingjue. All the others got killed on the spot but Nie Mingjue got the out, got to live. And maybe (likely) if he'd tried to save the others Nie Mingjue would have needed to die but Nie Mingjue has been ready to die for his sect since he was 14 and if it meant defeating Wen Ruohan he'd be happy to. The fact is that those last deaths weren't to defeat Wen Ruohan but to keep Nie Mingjue alive and that is what he can't forgive. It's that after everything the thing he is so angry at Meng Yao for is choosing to value his life over that of his men.
And then I look back at Nie Huaisang who lied and schemed, yes, but who, most importantly, committed so hard to his headshaker persona that the Nie clan declined by the year, a shadow of its former self after only a decade of leadership.
And I realize that both Meng Yao and Nie Huaisang at one point looked at Nie Mingjue, and then looked at multitudes of Nie sect cultivators, and decided that Nie Mingjue was more important. And that's what he'd hate the most.
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mayasaura · 2 years
I just want to talk about the nursery being painted and the purpose of the Tomb to be without a door. Anastasia had a family - and putting to the side the pact with Alecto there's some implicit symbolism to John asking for the workers of the Ninth to die constructing the Tomb with that image of new life. (Still can't articulate my disbelief that he went and didn't think that asking Anastasia of all people, The one who lost her cavalier to him, would have problems)
Yeah. Especially finding this out about the Ninth, where nurseries becoming tombs is a thing we're sensitive about.
On one level we've always known Anastasia had a family. Like, we know she's Harrow's direct ancestor. You can't be heir to the line of someone who never had children. But the nursery.... Yeah. It really hammers it in. Her friends painted a nursery mint green for her children.
And now it's a tomb.
#that's what the Anastasian is now after all#you're right there's really Something there#I've noticed something in John I think ties into this thematically that I really hope Kiriona is going to help us explore#John doesn't believe in a future#I said in my last Anastasia meta that Anastasia outsmarted John by making herself immortal in a way he couldn't understand#she left behind something she created to outlast her#John hasn't built anything to outlast himself and he doesn't think of the future at all#he mourns the past and fights like hell to live in an eternal present where nothing ever ends#you know#immortality#and a part of that—maybe most of that—is about despair#even way back before the world ended even before he had magic powers he didn't think of a future#I think he couldn't imagine one#and like. I get it dude#don't imagine the future and maybe it can't hurt you#how many people have you heard saying they don't want children because it seems cruel or irresponsible#they can't imagine forcing someone to live in the world they see coming#climate anxiety is fucking everywhere and for a lot of people in our generation—John's generation—it's coalesced into despair#but Anastasia did imagine a future#she had a family#and now John has a daughter but he still can't imagine a future for her#she's just as dead and eternal as the world he loved so deeply he killed it rather than watch it die#what did Gideon say when she saw the First? it had the look of a picked-over body but hot damn what a beautiful corpse#that's gonna be you baby girl#the final expression of the art of the nine houses#John gave up on hope ages ago#so it doesn't really surprise me at all that he still asked the builders to die in the tomb#the locked tomb#ntn spoilers#nona the ninth
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undeniablespice · 9 months
drowned god the weak little beast you put on this earth to write fanfiction and like greyjoys has been neglecting homework in order to reread the affc ironborn chapters and have way too many opinions about the soggiest man in the world. i have Had Some Thoughts on aeron, theon, and names
it really is striking to me just how little people refer to aeron by his name. not just in conversation, but in the narrative itself, with the most notable example of this being aeron himself in his pov chapters constantly thinking of himself not as aeron but as damphair or just The Priest. he refers to himself as damphair or The Priest instead of aeron like twenty times throughout the prophet, to the point where it's used almost as frequently as his actual name. in the drowned man it's only like eight times (which i think is mostly because the vast majority of this chapter is given over to the kingsmoot, where aeron is mostly a spectator and the narrative focus is on the events taking place rather than his reaction to them). in the forsaken, it's ten times, though while aeron is actively imprisoned he mostly thinks of himself as aeron, with damphair being used four times in flashbacks to events that took place in the past, once during a conversation with euron while aeron is defying him, and then three times after he is freed and he can see the sea again
the consistency and frequency of aeron in his own mind thinking of himself as something other than his name reads to me almost like a foil to theon and reek. the identity of the damphair allows aeron to dissociate himself from the burden of his past weaknesses and sins: his pre-drowning frivolity and alcoholism and euron's sexual abuse. for aeron, being damphair is as empowering as being reek is degrading for theon. he is constantly affirming to himself that he is a loyal servant of the drowned god and that this makes him strong. it gives him status and purpose he never had as aeron the boy, who was the youngest and weakest of his brothers. aeron-the-priest cannot be frightened by any mortal man any more than he can be frightened by the dark or by memories. kill the boy to become the man -> drown the boy to become the damphair
(although, of course, when aeron tells himself all this about how god chose him and it makes him strong and special and immune to fear, he is deluding himself. the damphair is haunted incessantly by his brothers. aeron has the tendency to reconcile his lasting fear of euron with his special god-given immunity to such mortal flaws as feeling fear by believing that euron is ungodly/an avatar of the storm god/literally the devil, and therefore not really a mortal man in the same way that balon and victarion are
which is a really interesting parallel to how euron must see himself, what with the whole apotheosis god-king thing he's got going on by twow. in a way, euron is aeron's real god. it is euron's abuse that first connected aeron with faith, and it is faith that aeron uses to cope with and overcome the lasting psychological scars of that abuse and urri's death. aeron doesn't think of euron as a mere flesh and blood human being anymore. he's mythologized the crow's eye in his own mind: euron is not just his abuser, he's a boogeyman, a devil, quite literally the thing that goes bump in the night. and euron knows this, and delights in knowing it and in taking every chance he can to tear down aeron's faith and replace the drowned god with himself as the backbone of aeron's life. which he does not actually succeed in doing, as of the forsaken! aeron keeps his faith like theon keeps his name. it cannot be taken from them)
reek, meanwhile, is not an identity that theon chooses to assume to cope with his trauma. it is forced upon him in the middle of the trauma and he has no choice but to accept it for his own self-preservation. ramsay devastates theon physically: flaying him, starving him, beating him, removing his fingers and toes and teeth and genitals. imprisonment and violence are the tools he uses to take away theon's physical strength to resist him, but reek is how he gets to all the parts of theon that can't be bruised or cut. it's the psychological equivalent of a flaying knife. reek is the weapon he uses to attack theon's identity and sense of self and personhood. though it's important to me to note that those were things theon was already struggling with well before ramsay came on the scene, and that he has an absolutely unbelievably strong will that allows him to retain a degree of his original personality under ramsay and regain his own name later in adwd even after enduring all the torture and abuse. he is a greyjoy of pyke. his name is theon, and if he dies, he will die as theon, not as reek. when he leans into being reek, it is as a means of self-preservation and protection from harm. he basically says as much to jeyne when he tells her to be arya: he believes that serving ramsay and capitulating to his whim is the best way to stay safe. you have to know your name.
ultimately, theon is as relieved to be rid of the name reek as aeron is relieved to see the ocean again at the end of the forsaken. theon's name is a source of pride to him, something that he clings to after he has lost everything else, something that will always be his even after all that has been taken away from him. aeron's name is a source of shame, something that he is reduced to when he feels weak, something that he reverts to when he is powerless at the mercy of his abuser
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mishy-mashy · 3 days
Kudo makes funny facial expressions
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#i bet this guy was actually a hoot to be around#with his low voice short stature bricks on his forearms#he seems like a guy with a lot of sass#and being stubborn or deadpan#he smiles like a damn quagsire its amazing#i use him in fic stuff to help push stuff along cuz if its left to bruce things will never progress. hes too roundabout and careful#hes all serious and driven but i bet hes the kind to chew faster when hes in trouble#bruce: leader have you seen the peanuts i was gonna have for lunch?#kudo: *chews faster*#his quirk - Gearshift - literally has the user move their hand as if switching gears in a manual car to change the gears of the quirk#kudo has to have something with manual cars methinks. maybe he had one or something. or hes just a bit old in tastes#how else would kudo realize he was Meta if Gearshift required the user to make said movements? or does that part only come AFTER it evolved#i was put in a manual car for the first time and. like a nerd. realized this is the same as kudo#and i got it to work. THANKS KUDOOOO *sing song*#also that post i made about kudo being kind#kudo cant lie or hide stuff for shit. hes so obvious and knows what hes doing with en#NOT EVERYTHING IS GONNA KILL YOU IF YOU STEP WRONG KUDO. he was being so serious the whole time with#“youre gonna die” “the world will end in 5 minutes” “its only just starting now”#this list could be longer if KUDO HAD MORE SCREENTIME-#the gearshift hand thing with midoriya mightve just been midoriyas mental imagery tho#kudo#bnha#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#mha#spoilers#how could i forget these tags
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great that they used the last minute of this episode to say nothing but ominous things that cater specifically to me and my morbid thoughts
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posletsvet · 9 months
When Geto goes searching through the Time Vessel Association's facilities one by one, who or what is he looking for, exactly?
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He knows Satoru is dead. Riko, too. I can't possibly imagine what it could've been like -- to come back to your senses and be hit with this realisation all over again. What thoughts raced through his head as he traced his steps back to where he'd left Satoru? As he approached that site of slaughter which Satoru's promise had become, how did he prepare himself to see his best friend's corpse? And then he saw nothing but the clearing torn through the ground like a ragged wound in Gojo's frantic attempt to keep the enemy in sight, buildings adjacent to the main shrine ripped out by their foundations and blown to smithereens. A splatter of sickening crimson where Toji landed his final blow. A few bug-like fly-heads still lingering. No bodies left.
How could Suguru make sense of Gojo's body disappearing along with Riko's? Did he think of his closest friend's corpse getting sold on the black market as an honorary prize and feel his nerves clench close with desperation and anger? Did he make peace with never being able to mourn Satoru properly, or was it a thought thrumming in his head like blood in his temples? Was that what he feared to reveal while rummaging through the Star Cult's scattered buildings?
And what if it was an imperative from Jujutsu High?
For Shoko to be able to patch Geto up, he must have made his way back to the college after his confrontation with Toji. And I can hardly imagine Suguru, being as deligent and rule-abiding as he was, not reporting the failed mission -- and Satoru's (presumable) death, too. And as we know, in order to prevent a sorcerer from turning into a curse after death, they should be eliminated using cursed energy. And Gojo was killed by Toji, who, bound by Heavenly Restriction, had no cursed energy.
Does this mean that immediately after being healed by Shoko Geto got sent on a mission to confirm the state of Gojo's body and potentially deal with the consequencies of him turning into a curse? Judging by immense amounts of cursed energy that Gojo holds, the curse born after his death would be extremely powerful, with Geto likely being the only one on par with it as the other half of the strongest duo. It's only natural that in case of something like that occuring Suguru would be the one to be sent to deal with it. Even if that means purging a curse once known as his best friend.
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So Suguru asking 'Is it really you, Satoru?' is not him taken aback by Gojo being alive (well, this, too, but I'd argue that a different reaction would be better fit to express this sort of disbelief), but rather him inquiring about the nature of his friend's resumed existence after he was announced dead by Toji: 'Is it you as I know you? Or is it a cursed apparition that came into being with your death?'
#jujutsu kaisen#should i tag this as a theory?#jjk theory#jjk meta#gojo satoru#geto suguru#satosugu#shoko ieiri#riko amanai#toji fushiguro#it's painful to think about the prospect of both of them experiencing the fear of not being able to mourn their loved one properly#and instead be expected to deal with what they have become after death#i also think how receiving the news that satoru is dead from geto must have felt like for shoko#having one of her friends in front of her bleeding out in such terrible condition#and hearing that the other one is gone#and then she's left behind at jujutsu high because she's never sent out to dangerous missions#what a struggle it must have been to take up her now ever-present cynical attitude and accept that all she could do is the dirty work#of patching up her fellow sorcerers just so they could be assigned new missions#and get hurt and wounded over and over again#it's genuinely terrifying#and i also cannot stop thinking about how jujutsu high was just a walking distance away from the tombs of the star corridor#and still no soul was there to meet gojo and geto and kuroi with riko#the potential backup was so close#and yet all that happened still happened#it's driving me insane#and also i think the reason why geto drained himself so much by trying to carry out his duty with missions so meticulously#was partly because who could not allow himself to cut slack and relax after what happened during spvi where they absent-mindedly#indulged themselves with having fun#they were kids they were just kids no one should go through such horrors without support#let alone someone their age
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soldier-poet-king · 9 months
So I'm doing my first full qt reread since rott, and also my first audiobook listen, and was listening to the thief on the way home today and had Some Thoughts.
In the conversation about Gen being named after Eugenides the god, and how Gen's mother was a thief but his father wanted him to be a soldier, Sophos is surprised, either that Gen's father was a soldier or that Gen knows his father. And Gen, replies, perhaps a bit acidly, that no he's not illegitimate, and yes he even has siblings from the same father, and yes his siblings are all in respectable professions.
Which of course, given the rumours and speculation about Gen's parentage in rott raises a few questions. If we take as fact the belief that Gen rarely lies outright (but rather gives partial truths and lets people fill in the blanks in a way that suits him), what does this say about how Gen views the MoW? And vice versa? That despite rumours, despite what must've been a complex and at times painful situation, that they viewed the other as their "real" father/son? We already knew Hektor cares for Gen deeply, he funds Gen's heist in The Thief to save Gen's life (though of course we only find out the truth of this in rott), and I've always thought part of the reason he pushed Gen towards being a soldier rather than The Thief of Eddis, was to protect Gen from the isolation of the thieves, their ultimate death in falling, and from the Eddisian court which already viewed Gen with suspicion that could be life threatening as it was after Lader's death. Idk. I was struck by that convo with Sophos in a way I wasn't before.
And then further, I've noticed that in the myths told by Gen and the Magus so far, Eugenides the god is always referred to as "Earth's son", and the "woodcutter's son", despite the fact that his origin tale focuses on the woodcutter's wife's desire for a child (and presumably Eugenides the god was raised by the woodcutter and his wife, we hear of Earth visiting only in disguise to see her son). So, in a way, the god Eugenides also has three parents, just as Gen the thief does. And each Eugenides is deeply loved and wanted by his non-biological (or suspected non-biological) parent. Another similarity between Gen and his god?
I really dk where I was going with this. Just. Thinking My Silly Little Thoughts.
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pinacoladamatata · 11 months
"if you fancy Astarion, you might want to consider therapy. He's so damaged I must have him! Enjoy the fantasy and then call a therapist. It's a two step thing and it's very important you do both." - Amelia Tyler what do your narrator eyes see? 😂😂😂
#ohohooooohoo the little random tidbits devs and voice actors have dropped about his companion arc is making me NERVOUS#just throwin out some meta thoughts here#in order for astarion to *get rid of* the tadpole; cazador *has* to die first. like i'll bet my left tit this is conditional#since cazzy is apparently a control freak he might be enemies w the mindflayers/absolute cult bc ''bleh bleh my city''#i think its entirely possible that we could ally w cazador against the absolute; this would like have to result in astarion attacking tav#im just worried it might be like; you have to at least temporarily side w the absolute if you kill cazzy?#idk! idk!#and like i do think there will probably be a 3rd option of like 'i hate both these groups kill them both' but man.#and then there's whatever is going on w his ''this soul is not for sale except in the realm of the undead'' stamp#like are we gonna have to go the there? wherever the fuck that is?#pls amelia i am begging on my knees i need a sign! of hope!#bc now the hug and hand holding in the trailer is making me think larian is trying to trick me into believing he'll be okay#only to hit me with a devastating ending(s) no matter what#idk. man. i read astarion's writer was fanes writer. idk dos2 but like i am aware of what......happened w that 'romance'#pls i need a sign larian#i am so sick of the bioware style romances! the morrigans! the solases ! the unresolved endings of it all! ENOUGH#i want closure from this i am begging#for once in my life i just want closure for a video game romance ending#i JUST THINK LIKE ideally. for me. he'd have at least 1 ending where he's not cured but lives happily ever after*#i am having a hard time picturing him cured of vampirism. tbh. but if it's possible without him immediately dying then. well hats off#its 2 AM here i need to knock it tf off and go to bed#........unless.....yall want to enable me and discuss this further#i am 1 more bad day away from writing a thesis on this in MLA format istg
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zeb-z · 6 months
Bad has so many reasons to be cautious, even paranoid, as anyone else on the island. From Federation nonsense to Dapper being kidnapped to the whole purgatory nonsense to whatever fuckass suit of armor “old friend” was setting up cameras in his house. But it compounds on his regular overly aware paranoid self to this state of hyper-paranoia. And as a demon who can and usually will lie, cheat, steal, and use sneaky underhanded tactics, he expects the craziest extent because he thinks of it, realizes it’s possible, and would use it himself. We saw this very obviously in purgatory - when he thought greens desperate last ditch effort to balance the scale was a super planned out tactic to tip the scale, so he did it first, all the hardcore base hunting, the spawn killing, there’s a reason every other tactic he used usually followed a main channel qsmp post with updated rules - all usually things he was surprised no one else thought of. But then this also piles onto the fact that he has to have things go his way, all the time, and that he’s argumentative as all get out, which led to the debate between him and Bagi yknow. Especially because he’s not just doing it for the sake of being right, he doesn’t think he’s paranoid, but that he’s exercising the right amount of caution.
So like. Listen dude. Yeah he’s got reasons to be paranoid. But his thought process around building vaults for separate cookie caches like they locked up the risus pills, only to scrap it because it’s not perfectly impenetrable, is extreme. His character has hardly been a leading example in someone who has reasonable reactions to things. And even when there isn’t his own children’s livelihoods potentially on the line, he has a need for control, and the most control he has is if he keeps the cookies in his inventory at all times. If he makes himself the sole point in which the others can get ones in a case of emergency, then he can control the variables. The problem is he’s unreliable about himself when he’s at his most rational and healthiest, and he’s far worse with the current memory and health issues he’s been mostly unaware of.
I dunno it’s like. There is never going to be a purely impenetrable base. And it’s not just a case of “Bagi just hasn’t lived through __ yet!”. Bad’s own logic about keeping the cookies on him at all times is flawed under his own logic, because Bagi is right - if someone has enough drive to break into separate secured cookie caches purely for the downfall of eggs, they more than certainly have enough drive to find a way to kill Bad and just take them from his inventory, or to just kill the eggs themselves. All it truly does is give Bad a sense of control, and soothe his paranoia.
#everyone let’s remember rurus’ tweet about bad NOT being in the blunt rotation. he would try to pluck cameras out of your eyes. and he will#make it seem like it’s the most reasonable thing to do in that moment#now this is more me complaining about shit I’ve been seeing on Twitter in the tags <3 love and peace but I’ve got beef#side note - to say the people who are commenting on qBad’s paranoia or this and that are all newcomers who just ‘weren’t there to experienc#-the dark times’ or ‘weren’t there for the egg deaths/nightmares’ like you are not immune to the way bbh can make something seem so#reasonable#he’s got his own reasons to be paranoid. and most everyone agreed that the base idea of a ‘cookie jar’ would need rethinking with security#but to say qBagi (or Jorge’s/other viewers) is shortsighted or naive. when qBad is THE definition of paranoia. of overreacting. like#qBad’s reaction extends from a mixture of care hyper paranoia and trauma response (which is half that hyper paranoia)#and he will pick and pick and pick until there’s nothing left to pick at#sometimes this is helpful. a lot of the time it’s not#and on the flip side it’s like y’all bad cares about the eggs to a ridiculous degree don’t be silly here okay. he does this because he care#even without a memory in his brain he calls them ‘little one’ and is gentle like. he cares#but at the same time this doesn’t always justify his nonsense. his thought processes. he’s Uber hyper paranoid and not easy to reason with#he’s selfish he can and will jump to extremes he’s overly controlling. and he’s the worlds most unreliable narrator#I’ve been saying this I’ll keep saying this he’s an unreliable narrator! this doesn’t make everything he says or thinks bullshit but you#cannot take what he says to himself how he justifies his actions etc etc in private at face value. unless he is making it EXPLICITLY CLEAR#he’s talking from a meta perspective as the creator of his character#you have to take his perspective with a grain of salt. because he will ‘I’m just a little guy and the world is out to get me’ his way outta#everything#there is a difference between reasonable caution from learned past experiences and overly anxious paranoid responses#idk I’m running out of steam sorry this is like a second post with the tags#and again I say this as a huge qBbh enjoyer lmao#mcyt#qsmp#q!bbh#q!bagi#z speaks
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themyscirah · 3 months
I very much know this is because Jessica Cruz's origin story was written by Geoff Johns in a shitty comic, but by God is there so much going on there. Like damn.
Like there's the really, genuinely compelling stuff, for example the presence of ring horror and loss of control w Jess and Power Ring/Volthoom + the implications of that (character wise, both before and after JL 50) which is just SO interesting (and angsty!) to me personally
But then there's also more plot holes than you can shake a stick at as well (where did Jess get her ring. Guys it just showed up who died where did she get it from GUYS-)
All interspersed between some of the worst character writing for other Justice League members in existence (Wondy fans you know what I mean) and crazy ass plots out there
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flufflecat · 9 months
Can someone explain what the narrative stakes are even supposed to be anymore in jjk. All the characters are essentially guaranteed to die, the current cast is comprised almost entirely of characters who showed up 2/3rds into the story and we're supposed to care about them for some reason, and I do not even know what the threat is supposed to be anymore. The apocalypse? Destruction of an amorphous innocent society? Like has ANYTHING been shown of "here's the regular world that apparently needs to be saved" or are we just supposed to assume "this society is just Real Life+, so you're REQUIRED to care if some guy threatens to kill all humanity, because one of those humanities may be... a child" or something. Can you spare two seconds to show anything other than some magic randos fighting, or is it just a superhero story all the time now, minus the fun. Remember when yuuji had friends.
#jujutsu kaisen#jjk crit#sorry for like being salty in what will prob be the main tag#I simply do not vibe at ALL with the direction this series has gone in and would love someone to complain about it with ahfkaj#I'd write an entire meta on the narrative flaws but I do not feel like it#seriously though it's chill if people like the story and I'm not trying to cause shit by tagging it#well I'm sort of trying to cause shit#but that shit is 'blease will someone complain with me because I love complaining'#I just don't get it#like oh wow you killed characters off and established stakes! that sets a tone and shows that this is a serious conflict!#oh nvm you've killed everyone just to be gratuitous about it and prove how tooootally realistic your story is#and now there's no reason to care bc why get invested when there's an 80% chance the characters will all die#like. you're just alienating people from caring about the story you're trying to make them care about#idek what kenjaku is supposed to be up to anymore#for all I care he could explode the world and I'd be like whatever there was probably no one interesting left anyway#everything that happens anymore in jjk feels like someone said 'but what if all the nonsense in DBZ... was edgy'#and then thought they did something interesting#wooooahhhh someone did a fight for 70 chapters! so innovative and unique!#someone transformed! what a twist!!#woooahhh you did a nonsense rug-pull and are now lying to us acting like it was intended the whole time! sacre bleu!!!#anyway see my previous complainy post to see why gojos plot specifically is harmful bullshit#but it's a shoooooneeennnnnn#it doesn't neeeeeeeed to be written well or responsibly amiright?!#it just needs to make straight guys on twitter think they're unique for saying 'the real issue with jjk is that some women like it '#ok I'm done complaining. FOR NOW.#I'm sure I'll think of something else to complain about in two seconds.#fluffle talks
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sparring-spirals · 2 years
Imogen says that. until Everything Went Down (until Otohan) (until her powers not only failed her but doomed everyone around her) her markings kind of. made her feel good.
Imogen says that: Sure, they were terrible at first, but when she realized she could use her powers to defend, (like she defended Laudna)-
"They felt like proof. That I was stronger than I thought I was."
(The powers and the markings are synonymous, for Imogen. They are physical evidence of her powers, an external manifestation of powers that, so often, plague her in ways that are invisible. The voices, the headaches, the overhearing, the nightmares, the ever-present anxiety all of them bring. Are invisible.
The electricity arcing off of her fingertips in defense. Are not.
The markings webbing their way up her arms. Are not.
She looks at her marks and thinks of her powers, and that is both a blessing and a curse.
Proof, or evidence.)
Imogen did not see her markings- her powers- as a gift, until she found how they could be used in service to others. To help others. Her powers would always be some kind of curse to her, of course they were. But seeing the way they could defend and protect others, seeing the way she could take this curse and wring some good out of it.
That made it worth it, maybe. That made it good.
That made her feel stronger, maybe.
I just. Imogen looks at her marks and thinks of her powers. And thinks of the ways these hands (these abilities) can be used in service for others, in protection of others, in ways to hold on tight and protect things she loves, people she loves. And for a while (for two years, at least), it was enough that she could look down and- they made her feel kind of good. She's so much stronger than she ever imagined she could be- not because of the powers alone, but because its her wielding them, that even with all of the awfulness that comes along with it, she knows how she's been using them, how she's been able to do good. She's so much stronger than she could have dreamed, (in all her nightmares).
And then.
And then-
The problem was not the strength. Otohan whispered that too, of power in her, a spark, a fire, a raging storm. Otohan brought it out, eventually.
The problem was not a lack of power.
The problem was- the defense. The protection. Otohan chased her down- all of them down, for that power raging inside of her. Cut down her friends, one by one, to make a point, to get to her. To get to that storm. To claw it out.
Otohan looked at Laudna, and said to Imogen- "Is she your favorite?"
Otohan killed Laudna, and Imogen let out every ounce of that power she had manifesting in her and levelled a city and it-
did nothing. It did nothing.
Otohan hunted her down- hunted all of them down, and ripped through them for the power that arcs up Imogen's arms and none of it was enough to protect, in the end.
Imogen looks at her markings and thinks of her powers, and if they make her feel strong it is a curse, now, its another layer of guilt, its another condemnation.
Imogen's markings made her feel strong because they could help others, serve others, protect others.
How- uniquely awful, then. To look down and see a death sentence on those you love, instead.
To see all that power.
And see a blast radius, instead of a shield.
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walriding · 26 days
Been thinking many thoughts, unsurprisingly, about Remedyverse Miles lately. And in some kinda fucked up way putting him in lockdown for six years and effectively removing him from the timeline nets the best outcomes. Lynn buries Murkoff and Miles isn't there to get in her or anyone else's way. Because while he is an efficient anti-Murkoff weapon he is also a big fat stupid target for them. More of a liability than he's worth. It's doubly sad in that this also solidifies the theme that started at Mount Massive -- Miles is just not meant to be the person to break the story and tear Murkoff down, as much as he wants so badly to do so. His whole entire purpose in the context of Murkoff and also just. The purpose of his life. Is simply to host the Walrider. And once his part's been played, the best thing he can do for everyone else's sake is stay out of the action completely.
But in the context of the au it ends up being one of the better post-canon things to happen to Miles, too. Six years of relative isolation and uninterrupted Walrider Time makes him more accepting of his situation and his relationship with the Swarm. And arguably that's a horror all its own but... he's so much less conflicted about everything. Still angry, yeah, just about other things -- but they're things he can actively try to fix and prevent with his shiny new FBC job. Legitimately working to make improvements in a messed up but ultimately well intentioned system is a much healthier outlet than the life on the run revenge tour he's running in the regular post-canon verse. Personal and professional fulfillment? A greater sense of self acceptance and being at peace with his fate? For my Miles Upshur? It's more likely than you think.
It's not perfect. He's more socially / emotionally stunted after all that containment time. Sometimes he hates himself for having a government job under the very Bureau that caged him like less than an animal. And also for having to wear a tie to work. But it's generally outweighed by the sense of purpose and belonging he feels in this weird little corner of the world.
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eoinmcgonigal · 6 months
I'm so sorry I can't take the Dudley-breaks-the-news-of-Eve's-supposed-death scene seriously AT ALL. It's hilarious! It's the reason why I'm a Dudley/Eve conspiracy nut, for fun, but let me explain the reasons this scene leaves me with no sanity.
First, it's important to know that the Qattara Depression, where Dudley says Eve's plane went down, is WEST of Alexandria (off to the left, on a map). Cairo is to the east/right of Alexandria. There is no way a plane headed from Alexandria to Cairo would go west.
So, from west (left) to east (right) we have: the Qattara Depression - Alexandria - the sandstorm Dudley says happened - Cairo.
Now, this is in a show that's playing fancy-dress-up-costume with history, and moved Kabrit from where it actually is (east of the Nile, by the Suez Canal) to a few hundred miles into the desert west of the Nile. Option one in the Eve plane story mystery is that the showrunners just didn't give a shit about where a place was, they simply slapped a name in there because they'd read/heard about it, and figured no one would know or bother to check. That would be on par for the show. (And the racist assumption that no one's going to know/care/bother to check where these places are - I very much doubt we're going to find them playing fast and loose with the location of European places.)
Anyway, leaving aside the option that makes me spit incredulous venom, I have a far more amusing second option to put forward:
Dudley was making shit up.
Which is extra fucking funny because Stirling, having been out in the desert, should very much know where the Qattara Depresison is. Dudley would know that Stirling should know. He'd be cackling internally at Stirling falling for it.
I don't know if I believe a word of what Dudley said, it makes no sense, but David not noticing the inconsistency means either anyone watching the show who knows vaugely where places in Egypt are just have to shriek in intense discomfort, or David is a complete and utter dumbass when it comes to remembering where places are.
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prophecydungeon · 1 year
man, the gulf between season 8 wash and chorus trilogy wash (or even season 10 wash!) is actually completely and utterly bonkers
Serious Competentman things wash does in recovery one and season 6:
takes down a hornet with exceptional competency
faces down the meta one-on-one multiple times
calmly disposes of many dead bodies, including those of his former teammates and friends
shoot (at best) or kills (at worst) several guards at headquarters
with the crowning "oooooh boy" achievement being: he kills south in cold blood
which is like, alright! neat! we have now gotten another Serious Compenentman freelancer, and this all tracks more or less to what we've seen tex, wyoming, york, and south do. wash in season 6 is the reality check to the reds and blues; he's the straight man (...ykwim) to their brand of insanity.
by season 8, wash is so completely off the fucking rails that he's the one that needs a reality check character. doc plays that part for both wash and maine* in season 8; he's the token blood gulch haha funnyguy character who both offsets our Serious Antagonists and occasionally mediates between them, and he's there to alleviate the tension. (to the audience, at least. our Serious Antagonists have no time for jokes.)
this is epitomized, imo, when they're in the desert dealing with the aliens and trying to find the (discarded) epsilon unit:
wash: you sure that's what he's doing? doc: well, my alien-to-english is a little rusty. i would suggest we get one of those translator balls, but we've got enough jerks around here already. maine: [speaks] wash: i agree. we should just kill most of them. the last one left alive will talk. doc: (patiently) wash, you just can't kill everybody you meet. wash: why not? doc: uh... well, now you've put me on the spot. i don't really have an answer for that. seems like a bad idea, though. karma?
wash has killed people before - many people, in fact! - and he's certainly far from squeamish about it, but this is on an entirely different level. he isn't playing the straight man to the blood gulch guys here. he's entirely serious about killing this group of aliens and so is maine. sure, this is a big and significant turn from how he acted in season 6, but who he is by the time the chorus trilogy rolls around makes this person from season 8 almost entirely unrecognizable.
other things wash does during his baddie arc include:
shooting lopez
(functionally) killing donut
probably genuinely would have killed doc at multiple points if he didn't prove himself useful in one way or another
treating maine exceptionally poorly, even though they were at least superficially friendly at some point in the past, until it serves him to be slightly nicer
(he's also mean to doc, but they don't have a history)
tucker's character arc (rightfully) gets the most screen time in the chorus trilogy, but wash's and carolina's growth - while a little more understated - is also not at all to be discarded. season 8 is wash's ugliest moment** and boy is it fucking bleak. he's mean to maine and verges on downright cruel until things start to go his way; he acts entirely out of selfishness to clear his own name; he's willing to throw anyone and everyone under the bus and kill his way to the finish line. and then he doesn't.
he survives but he doesn't really succeed in clearing his name, and he doesn't really earn his redemption, per se, but we get reminded multiple times over the rest of the series that he was that terrible person at one point and he isn't anymore. going backwards from the chorus trilogy to season 8 is almost enough to cause whiplash and the way his growth gets shown from that point on (while also taking a back seat) is so gratifying. he tells locus, "[...] you’re too afraid to take responsibility for what you’ve done. I know I used to be a real piece of shit, but at least I’m trying to do something about it." and he does! that's the thing. he does.
*i'll die on this hill; see the "elaborate on that" "no" video.
**i say this knowing fully and completely that if wash did not have his baddie arc, i would not like him half as much as i do
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uldren-sov · 5 months
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@plushchimera "she does not want comfort nor seeks it from her friends" 🥲 (I'm gonna blame Seven!)
Listen I wanted to answer this here bc it might get a little long lolol
or at least it's not all seven's fault lolol
It more has to do with her coping mechanisms and like her view of her place in the band, plus like things that have just like, never changed with her.
Despite not like really needing a lot of comfort because she already has like proven to herself that she can manage on her own, survive on her own, through Seven leaving. It's a huge boost of her self-confidence. AND she was never really that level of open or vulnerable with anyone but Seven. So, it's not as though she like closed herself off from her friends when Seven left, they were never just in that position to begin with.
NOW throw all the responsibility and her position as leader on top of that so that there's even less incentive to rely on the band for things she might see as needing to be her problems (and ONLY her problems.)
Does she default into older, bad, habits? YEAH PROBABLY. But that just comes from a shitty childhood rather than Seven leaving. It's just a mix of her perception/responsibility of being the leader, people relying on her to work, bad coping habits stemming from her loneliness and isolation when she was younger, ............... AND OKAY YEAH MAYBE A LITTLE BIT OF SEVEN'S BULLSHIT.
nevermind i'm blaming seven too
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