#「 won't you treat me right? || ic 」
loverbot-9000 · 1 year
Their frame is stiff. Some distant part of them feels different. Wrong.
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theostrophywife · 4 days
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brother's bsf! mattheo who you've had a crush on for years.
but he's only ever seen you as theo's little sister (or so he says).
it doesn't matter that you and theo are only a year apart. your older brother is extremely protective of you and so are the rest of his friends — especially mattheo.
you grew up around the boys, which was a blessing and a curse in and of itself. on one hand, you grew super close to mattheo, but on the other hand, he's seen you through your awkward braces and pigtails phase.
lately though, brother's bsf! mattheo starts to notice you. really notice you.
suddenly, you didn't seem so little to him anymore.
but over the years, your infatuation with your brother's best friend calmed to attraction instead. you've come to accept that while mattheo would always be your first crush, that's all it would really ever amount to. a harmless little childhood crush.
thanks to theo, you hadn't gotten much of a chance to date when you were younger, but now that you were starting uni with the rest of the boys, you were determined to push those silly little feelings for mattheo away and start putting yourself out there.
granted, you had a lot to learn given your sheltered upbringing.
boys had taken a liking to you. why wouldn't they? you're pretty, you're smart, and you're the perfect combination of sweet and sassy, but you were also extremely naïve.
brother's bsf! mattheo had to protect you.
it was his responsibility.
theo trusted him to keep an eye on you. so he did.
・❥・ brother's bsf! mattheo glares at any boy that dares to look at you.
・❥・ brother's bsf! mattheo revs his motorcycle and comes in hot when he sees anyone talking to you, handing you the pink helmet he keeps on him at all times without a single word.
・❥・ brother's bsf! mattheo gives you rides to your dorm and takes you out for ice cream after a particularly hard exam.
it's clear that mattheo has a soft spot for you. no matter how vehemently he denies it.
until the night that everything changed.
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it was a chilly friday evening when you happily skipped out of your dorm building, eager to attend your first frat party.
the cute boy in your history class asked you to come with him and you immediately said yes despite not knowing what to expect. it seemed fun and exciting and a little bit dangerous.
as luck would have it, you ran into none other than mattheo on your way out. his sleek black motorcycle was parked on the curb, smoke wafting from his lips as he took a lazy drag of his cigarette. leaning against his bike, mattheo raised a brow as you strutted onto the sidewalk.
"where do you think you're going, nott?"
"to a party, matty."
"with who?"
"a friend."
mattheo narrows his eyes at you. "I know all your friends and they're busy tonight. so which friend is it?"
you sigh in frustration. "just a friend from class. god, you sound like theo right now."
"you're not going anywhere wearing that."
"what's wrong with my dress?"
you smoothed down the front of your red minidress self-consciously, shying away from mattheo's intense gaze. his chocolate brown eyes scanned your body, the heat of his stare dragging along your skin.
"for starters, that dress barely covers anything and knowing you, you'll be cold within the first few minutes."
"I'll be fine, mattheo. I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself."
mattheo crosses his arms, huffing at your statement. "so you told theo where you're headed off to tonight?"
you shrugged. "what my brother doesn't know won't hurt him."
"yes, but he might hurt anyone stupid enough to ogle you in that dress. as will I. maybe I should tell him what his baby sister is up to. better yet, maybe I should come with you to this party, hm?"
"no please," you pleaded. "I just want one night where I'm not being treated like a little kid. can you give me that, matty? please?"
you flashed your best puppy dog eyes at him, knowing that he couldn't possibly resist when you asked so nicely.
mattheo considers it for a moment before sighing in defeat. "fine, princess. but text me when you get there and call me when you're home. don't even think about turning your location off or else I'll send a brigade after you."
"yes sir."
"good girl."
before brother's bsf! mattheo could think better of it, you kiss his cheek and promise to call him later that night.
brother's bsf! mattheo watches you strut away in your tight little dress with a soft smile on his face, fully knowing that you had him wrapped around your finger.
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by the time you arrive at the party, it's in full swing. music is blaring, drinks are flowing, and the frat house is packed to the brim with people.
you send a quick text to mattheo to let him know you've arrived before spotting aiden.
clearly, your date was already a few drinks in. he greets you with a lingering hug before handing you a red cup. "cheers, y/n."
"cheers," you respond, clinking your cup against his and taking a generous swig. the liquor burns your throat and aiden chuckles as you try to hide your wincing.
still, it does the job.
you loosen up after a few sips. aiden introduces you to his friends and you smile politely, trying not to squirm out of his hold as he pulls you in by the waist.
it's fine, he's just keeping you close in such a packed crowd. he doesn't mean any harm by it.
at least that's what you told yourself.
until aiden tries to make a move on you in the middle of the dance floor. you already told him that you didn't want to dance, but he insisted.
you could smell the liquor on his breath as he grabbed your hips, moving them along to the rhythm of the song. you tried to put some distance between you, but aiden didn't seem deterred by it. in fact, his wandering hands slide down to your lower back until they're planted firmly on your ass. you attempted to pry them away, but he slurred "relax" into your ear before giving your ass a squeeze.
that was the tipping point for you.
with all your strength, you shoved aiden off while he cursed after you. the lights were blinding as you made your way through the crowd, fleeing to the bathroom.
you had brother's bsf! mattheo's number dialed before you even closed the door.
surprisingly, he picks up on the first ring.
"hi matty, are you — are you busy right now?"
"I'm with the boys. how'd the party go, princess?"
"um, I'm still here and I just really want to go home."
you hear shuffling on the other end. presumably mattheo finding somewhere more private to speak with you. "I thought your friend was your ride home?"
"well, aiden's drunk and he's been getting a little handsy the whole night so I don't really feel safe going home with him."
"what?" mattheo hisses. "you didn't tell me you were with a guy. I never would've let you go off alone with some random prick."
"please don't be mad, matty. I just wanted to have fun without worring about my brother hovering over my shoulder. don't tell theo, please. I'll — I'll figure it out. I'll find another ride."
"like hell you are! drop your location. the boys and I are coming."
"no, please. I don't want this to be a whole thing. if theo finds out, he'll never let me out of his sight again."
you could feel mattheo grappling with the situation. part of him wanted to tell his best mate, but all he truly cared about was getting to you as quickly as he could. after a few moments, he sighs. "fine, I won't tell your brother, but I'm still coming to get you. stay where you are, princess and don't hang up the phone. I'm on my way, okay?"
"you really don't have to —"
the argument dies in your throat when you hear the sound of mattheo's motorcycle starting up. he wasn't going to let you talk him out of this. mattheo was coming, whether you wanted him to or not.
"too late. be a good girl and stay on the line with me, sweetheart. I'm coming for you."
brother's bsf! mattheo pays no mind to the boys as they joke about him meeting up with a booty call.
the only thing that matters to him is getting to you.
brother's bsf! mattheo weaves through campus, revving and racing his motorcycle as fast as it can possibly go.
it's too noisy to talk while he rides, but he stays on the line anyways, listening through one earphone as you quietly hum to help calm yourself. mattheo smiles to himself. it's one of his favorite quirk of yours. half of the time, you don't even notice you're doing it. but he does. he notices everything about you.
mere minutes have passed since you first called him, but it feels like an eternity to mattheo when he finally pulls up to the decrepit frat house at the edge of campus.
mattheo parks his motorcycle on the curb, glaring at the prying eyes trained on him. it's not every day that the mattheo riddle, resident bad boy pulls up to a party looking like he's absolutely ready to kill someone with his bare hands.
he has half a mind to burst into the bloody house and pummel that stupid prick for daring to touch you, but the sight of you approaching stops him cold.
you look flustered and fearful, lower lip trembling as you spill out into the sidewalk. mattheo instantly sees red. he vows to make that motherfucker pay for this.
"where is he?"
"mattheo —"
"where. the. fuck. is. he?"
"probably somewhere inside drunk off his arse. I don't know and I don't care. can we please just go?"
despite his anger, you don't balk from him. in fact, you've got both hands pressed firmly against his chest to hold him back.
brother's bsf! mattheo grips your hips, your noses pressing together as he carefully inspects you. making sure you were alright is the only thing keeping him from committing violence.
"tell me where he is."
though mattheo's words are tinged with fury, his tone remains soft and sweet. his voice is nothing but a whisper because even at his angriest, mattheo would never raise his voice at you.
“give me a name, sweetheart. just give me his name."
"it's fine, matty. he's not worth the trouble."
“he left you alone, at a party where you don’t know anyone, got too drunk even though he knows he’s your ride home and got handsy with you even though you weren’t into it. give me one good reason why I shouldn’t fuck him up right now?”
“I can handle him later. can we please just go home? I'm tired and I just want to be in bed now.”
the cold air makes you shiver as you mentally curse yourself for picking such a skimpy outfit when hours ago you felt foolishly confident in your dress.
brother's bsf! mattheo softens when he sees you trembling. without a word, he takes off his jacket and drapes it over your shoulders. the scent of amber and cinnamon envelopes you all at once, lulling you into a calmer state.
"okay, princess. let me take you home."
once mattheo secures the baby pink helmet over your head, he tells you to hang on tight before taking off.
you hug his midsection, resting your chin on his shoulder as mattheo drives slow through the sprawling campus. the streets are empty, but he drags out the ride, wanting to spend as much time with you as possible.
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at the strike of midnight, the two of you finally reach your dorm.
although you insist that you're fine, brother's bsf! mattheo walks you all the way up to your door.
the fluorescent lights flicker overhead as you shift your weight form one foot to the other, suddenly feeling shy.
"thanks for picking me up, matty."
"of course, y/n. you know I'd do anything if you're the one asking."
you smile, trying your hardest to hide the blush on your cheeks. "I hope I didn't ruin your night."
mattheo shrugs. "not at all. before you called, I was watching berkshire stuff marshmallows down his throat while the boys cheered him on. trust me, you weren't interrupting anything important."
"still. I appreciate you coming to my rescue and not ratting me out to my brother."
mattheo smiles. "it's our little secret, princess."
the double meaning of the words causes tension between you and the pull that you've always felt towards mattheo feels stronger than ever, tugging you closer.
maybe tonight is the night that you finally feel brave enough to fall.
"goodnight, matty."
brother's bsf! mattheo watches as you get on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek like you always do. except this time, you lean in for a proper kiss.
as soon as mattheo's lips touch yours, you feel your entire body erupt like fireworks. it's everything you imagined it to be and more. his lips are soft against yours, supple and inviting. the kiss takes him by surprise, but once he realizes what's happening, he groans into your mouth, the sound of it filled with need.
dazed and confused, you look up as mattheo pulls away, his big brown eyes scanning your face. "we shouldn't do this, princess."
despite his words, mattheo's hand rests itself on your hip, his thumb brushing gentle circles against your exposed skin. you gulp as he stares at you, your lips brushing, your bodies gravitating towards each other no matter how hard you try to fight the pull.
"is it because of my brother?"
"no," mattheo growls. "we shouldn't do this because I don't know if I'll be able to stop once we start."
"I don't want you to stop, mattheo."
as soon as the words leave your lips, mattheo is kissing you again, and this time, he isn't holding back. you cling onto his shirt as he kisses you hard, the force of it hitting you all at once. his fingers dig into your hips as you bend at the waist, desperately kissing back.
his head is reeling and his heart is pounding. mattheo is drowning in your taste, your touch, your smell. you're every drug rolled into one; seductive and sinful. he's addicted and he can't get enough.
brother's bsf! mattheo doesn't want to pull away. he wants to stay here and live in this moment forever, but he knows that if he does, he'll end up taking everything.
foreheads pressed together, mattheo leans in for one last kiss. this one is sweet and gentle, enough to satiate him for the moment.
"sleep tight, princess. I'll see you in the morning."
"see you in the morning, matty."
brother's bsf! mattheo can't help but take one last look at you, a soft smile on his face when he sees your flushed cheeks and kiss bitten lips.
in that moment, he knows he's fucked. you're his best mate's little sister. he shouldn't have kissed you. he shouldn't feel this way for you. he should've stopped before it was too late, but you were both way past that now.
now that he's had you, he won't want anything else. it's you he'll always crave. it's you he'll always long for. and he doesn't give a fuck what it takes to get you.
brother's bsf! mattheo won't stop until you're his and his alone. *✧・゚:*
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ardensregias · 7 months
the first ray of light
reverse comfort, may contain small spoilers for aventurine's backstory, may be ooc, reader and aven are in a relationship, mention of childhood trauma, abuse, slavery, aven with abandonment issues, hurt no comfort(?)
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aventurine who flinches the first time you try to touch him after a bad day that left him particularly upset.
aventurine who's still on guard whenever he's vulnerable, like right now—the stratagem is quieter than usual, no longer having that smug smile on his face, the lack of life in his eyes even more noticeable when his eyes are wide—surprised at his own reaction.
aventurine who apologizes—even if he doesn't need to—then tries to reach for you, saying that he just had a 'long and exhausting day at work' and shake his head when you ask him what's wrong—the senior manager is still determined to look unbothered in front of you.
aventurine who's had tons of bad, horrible experience during his childhood, resulting in his inability to trust anyone enough, not even to show any signs of exhaustion, always putting up a mask, appearing as a mysterious and mischievous guy, keeping everyone at arm's length.
aventurine who's secretly afraid of being left alone again, of losing his purpose and being deemed as useless. the moment he flinches from you, memories of the past come back to flood his mind with doubts and reminders—reminding him of the chains binding his wrists and neck together, the cells that caged him and his kins, and the shouts of the audience fighting over his younger self, over who gets to bring the poor boy home—treating him like a rare animal, a pet to command.
aventurine who unconsciously begins to tear up, his eyes still wide and unmoving as he stares into space, your words of concern flying over his head, until you cup his face and lean closer to snap him out of his thoughts.
"you're not just 'tired', i can see that something's bothering you. won't you tell me?" oh, those eyes of yours, full of worry and love, and your gentle fingers brushing away his tears. aventurine feels so weak, but he's also scared to open up, yet he also knows you well enough to know that you're a honest person, that your concern is genuine.
aventurine who's already used to fake empathy that it feels like a dream to feel your warm hands on his face—no, not even the thought of having such a wonderful person as his partner has ever crossed the gambler's mind, not like he deserves them, right?
aventurine who's caught off guard when you pulled him into a tight hug, his arms suspended in the air and his brain that just stops working the moment your warmth spreads through his body, quickly enveloping him and slowly melting the ice encasing his heart.
it's not like he's never been hugged before, but they were purely for business reasons, merely a way to greet his acquaintances. but a hug from you? it was an effective way to make him sobs harder.
aventurine who was deprived of the love he deserves, but now he has you, his darling, who has wormed your way into his perfectly-shut heart (or so he thought) and settle yourself inside it, filling the empty space with your warmth.
maybe you could be the perfect listener, the first person he opens up to. maybe you won't leave after hearing about his gruesome past. maybe the goddess finally blessed him with your presence, who came into his life at the perfect time, to give him a reason to live again.
it was like walking into the sun, being with you,it was like walking into the sun for the first time after a terribly long winter.
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judebelle · 10 months
been thinking ab joao and reader hooking up behind his teammates backs'... like they've been "involved" for a while but sometimes the tension is too much and they have to sneak away iykwim ;)
sneaky - j.f. x reader
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a/n : omfg anon ur gonna be the death of meeeeeee!! also i made this kinda long since i havent posted in a while, oops..
pairing : joao felix x fem!reader
word count : 2.3k
summary : joao and u prefer to keep your love life private, secret even, but the the flirty looks and knowing smirks from across the room are becoming unbearable.
cw : smut obv, lil bit of alejandro x reader, sneaky joao and reader, unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it ppl), make outs, cursing, me not bothering to accent his name lol sorry
you were starting to regret going out to dinner with your friend alejandro and his teammates.
the only reason why being that one of his teammates had become more.
hooking up with joao felix on the down low has been fun, you won't lie. and while you enjoy sneaky quickies and flirty messages, there were times where you wish you could just tear off his clothes and fuck that smug smile right off his face.
you were currently sitting in a restaurant, a private room and table was booked for alejandro, his barcelona teammates, and their plus ones. you and alejandro had become inseparable ever since you met in spain a few years ago, and you had grown increasingly close to his teammates.
very close to a certain mr felix.
the first time you met joao, it wasn't anything magical, you just thought he was fit. alejandro had introduced you to him when he came on loan to barca recently, and you just couldn't get him out of your head.
it seems that the feelings were mutual, as that very same night he followed you on instagram. you, of course, played it cool and took your time following him back (you waited like 10 seconds).
from there, you two messaged often, especially after the team would hang out.
joaofelix79 : u got home safe?
ynsusername : ofc i did
ynsusername : alejandro wouldn't let anything happen to me
joaofelix79 : that's good.
you two started messaging more, sometimes even calling each other late in the night. you couldn't explain why, maybe he was just fun to talk to.
you would complain to him about work, and he would complain about a mistake he made in training.
eventually, you two started hanging out alone.
not anything crazy, of course.
joaofelix79 : hey
joaofelix79 : js noticed im about to drive by ur place
joaofelix79 : wanna get some ice cream? my treat
how could you refuse that?
it wasn't all that shocking to you when a surprise ice cream date turned out into a steamy make out session on a bench in a park in the middle of the night.
"we should stop, someone might see us.." you murmured against the portuguese boy's lips, you yourself making no effort to.
"ok, if that's what you want." he pulled away from you, his fluffy hair disheveled thanks to you.
"5 more minutes" you placed your lips on his again, feeling him smile against them.
from there, weekly hangouts became almost nightly. he would pick you up in his car, and you would drive anywhere. you just needed an excuse to make out. you even put your number in his phone.
eventually, joao grew tired of the make outs that led to nothing, and you did too.
12:03 am - joao : wyd
12:03 am - you : was ab to put some instant noodles in the microwave lol
12:04 am - joao : dont bother
12:04 am - joao : come eat at my place
12:05 am - joao : i ordered uber eats
of course, you went, and you two ate the chinese takeout he bought. you two sat and laughed together at his attempt at using chopsticks.
and then you found yourself perched on his kitchen counter, him in between your legs while he rammed into you mercilessly. you left red marks across his back and biceps.
"my god, you feel amazing, querida." joao's words were muffled as his head was nuzzled into your neck, his lips caressing your hot skin with every word he spoke.
"i'm so fucking close, joao.." you whined and whispered curses while your hands found themselves travelling from his arms to his hair, tugging on the soft brown locks.
"let go, y/n, i'm close too!" he removed his flushed face from your neck and connected your lips together again, breathing heavily into your mouth.
you came undone with a sharp whine, arching into him. his thrusts became sloppy as he let out a long groan against your lips, releasing into the condom.
that was the first time you two had fucked, and it definitely would not be the last.
his house was usually where you two would hook up because it was so big, and you didn't have to worry about anything when you were there.
you two fucked anywhere - on the bed, in the shower, on the couch, even in the laundry room.
you found that it didn't really matter where you were. if either of you were craving the other, it happened right then and there. it was fun. it kept you on your toes, kept things fresh and fun.
but it became a curse when you two were at a team dinner.
"si, i told him he could go fuck off if that was what he wanted. that guy needs to learn some manners, for fucks sake!"
the table erupted in laughs as pedro went on about some story that you weren't really paying attention to to be honest. you were sat right beside your good friend, alejandro, who was very intrigued in pedro's story and hadn't spoken to you more than twice this evening.
across from you was joao. he was wearing a black dress shirt that hugged his biceps perfectly along with black dress pants. of course, to make your life more difficult, the top two shirt buttons weren't done up.
one more open button and everyone would've seen the hickey you gave him the other-
"isn't that right, y/n?"
alejandro was speaking to you, and you were too busy staring at joao's biceps to hear him.
"hmm? sorry?"
"i said, it was you who i walked in on dancing silently in the darkness darkness of your room, right?" alejandro smirked at the sight of your cheeks going red, this memory being nothing short of embarrassing to you.
"yup, that- uh- that was me..!" you looked down in humiliation as the table giggled at alejandro's unexpected story about you. he loved embarrassing you, it was his thing. he found it fun because he thought of you like a little sister.
you looked up to see joao, laughing along with everyone else at the table, finding amusement in your misery. you shot him a playful glare.
"i'm only teasing, mi corazón." alejandro chuckled before ruffling your hair. "ale!" you whined, fixing your hair. his friends teased you. they all thought of you as their little sister, especially you being one of the younger ones.
the men continued on with their conversations as you continued looking at joao from your end of the table, only this time, he was looking at you too.
he was taking a slow sip of his water, eyeing you down.
joao wasn't the only one dressed all sexy tonight. you wore a short black satin strapless dress that hugged your figure perfectly. you thought of joao when you picked it out, you thought of him while putting it on, and you thought of him taking it off.
it seems that joao had the same thought. the way he looked at you from under his lashes gave you the impression that your outfit choice was a smart one.
you sent him a quick wink.
he smirked and dropped his eyes to your cleavage, widening them.
you rolled yours before continuing to eat your steak.
you couldn't take it anymore.
something the way he laughed with everyone at the table, his hair flowing when he turned his head. he had on a gold rolex and a gold chain, both glistening under the lighting over the table.
it was the way he carried himself with such confidence. he knew he was hot, and he knew you knew it too. that confidence definitely carried over into bed.
finally, you got up from the table, excusing yourself to "make a call".
shooting joao a quick look, he took the hint. his eyes followed you, watching you exit the restaurant and head towards the parking lot. after an agonizing 30 seconds or so, joao told everyone he forgot something in his car, and made a beeline to where he saw you last.
he saw you standing outside his car, waiting for him. he made his way towards you.
"so, who did you have to call?" he teased, his eyes waiting for your reaction. you scoffed and rolled your eyes, "very funny.".
you wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him closer to you as you leaned against his car. he smiled down at you before looking over your figure.
"nice dress.."
"just take it off."
you two had squeezed into the back of his car, leaving nothing but surrounding street lights as your light source. you straddled his waist, rocking your hips while you smashed your lips against his. you two were breathing heavily, occasionally breaking the kiss to huff and puff before going back at it again.
joao's arms were wrapped tightly around your waist, his right hand occasionally sliding down to cup and smack your ass. his actions made you yelp into the kiss. your arms were everywhere. cupping his face, on his shoulders, in his hair, on his chest, on his abs.
it was like you two hadn't seen each other in years. like you were drowning and the only way to breathe was.. this.
your smooth rocking of the hips created a hard bulge in joao's pants which felt great on your throbbing clit. he groaned into the kiss, breaking it for you to breathe and to leave kisses down your neck.
"so, fucking, horny" he broke each word with a kiss. you moaned above him. "you can't even last one dinner party without my hands all over you?" you wanted him to shut up, so you grabbed his face in your hand and smashed your lips against his.
you started unbuttoning his shirt, but your hands were too shaky to do it quickly. "take this off, god damnit!" you groaned as he laughed and began unbuttoning it himself. you hiked your dress up and helped him with the last few buttons.
you moved his shirt partially off him, leaving it on his arms since you couldn't be bothered. you leaned down to kiss his chest while looking up at him. he was smiling down at you, hands rested behind his head.
he brought you back up to pull the top of your dress down just enough so that your tits would pop out. when they did, he licked his lips. now it was his turn to lean down and suck on them, making you tilt your head back and pant.
"joao, we dont have time for this-"
"shhh, patience princesa. don't worry." he went back to sucking.
"they're going to realize we're gone- joao!"
he couldn't bring himself to leave your tits alone, but when he did, you quickly reached down and undid his belt , not even bothering to pull it off.
"estás mesmo excitado, não é?" (you're really excited, aren't you?)
you nodded and bit your lip.
he unzipped his pants and pulled his hard cock out of his boxers. you raised yourself up on your knees and hovered over his dick. he held it up with one hand, the other resting on your hip.
"are you ready for me?" he teased.
"enough questions." you cut his teasing short as you took his cock in your hands yourself and sunk down on him.
joao hissed at the unexpected pleasure. he looked up at you, gasping for air above him before tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"move for me, bebé."
you did as you were told, lifting your hips up until just the tip of him was left in you, before sinking back down on him, agonizingly slow.
he shuddered at the feeling.
you picked up the pace, causing the car to rock. your tits bounced in his face, causing him to twitch inside you.
"fuck, y/n, you're amazing-" you laugh breathlessly above him, your hands resting on his shoulders for stability while his gripped your hips tightly.
after some time, your thighs were burning, and you were getting tired. joao picked this up, taking control. his grip on your hips was put to some use as he moved your hips up and down for you. he lifted and dropped you so easily and made you move so much faster. you felt the air leave your lungs and arched your back to stick your tits in his face.
he grinned as he thrusted his hips up, meeting you in the middle. he tilted your body back, and started to hit the spot inside you that made you see white.
your pants and gasps turned into moans and whines as you felt the bundle of heat in your core.
"joao, i'm close" you warned, your nails digging into his shoudlers.
"i'm right there with you, baby, oh," he groaned and grunted as he watched him drill into you faster and faster. "meu deus, foda-se!" (my god, fuck!) he hissed with gritted teeth as he felt you clench around him.
his pace was too much for you to hold back. you let go with a gasp and moan, your hand slamming and sliding down the steamy car window, leaving a print.
joao was, indeed, right there with you. he pulled your body off of him and set you down on his thighs hastily before stroking his red, throbbing cock, cumming all over your stomach with a string of grunts and pants.
you both sat there in the hot and dark car in disbelief, covered in sweat and panting, after having the most mind blowing sex you've ever had. you leaned your forehead against his and smiled. he chuckled before teasing you once more.
"let's go. we don't want to miss dessert, do we?"
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adiadagaki · 3 months
Mine - Megumi x reader (18+)
You and your boyfriend Megumi decide to go out for the day. To the beach. Your trip is cut short when someone decides to flirt with you, and Megumj is intent on showing you exactly who you belong to.
"Yes baby."
"Can we bring the demon dogs to the beach? I'm sure they will have loads of fun." your boyfriend sighed heavily in the next room.
He had never understood your obsession with his demon dogs. Everywhere you went you requested the demon dogs company, and you knew Megumi was only so discontent with the fact because you often gave them plenty of attention.
Forehead kisses, hugs and head scratches.
Still, his arsenal of weapons didn't contain a will to deny you, so he always said yes.
But you did try and delegate your affection to your lovely boyfriend too. Hugging him, kissing him, cuddling him and complimenting him to your hearts content.
Tying the sides of the cute pink bikini you'd bought a few weeks prior you then tied a white sarong around your waist. After seeing the gorgeous weather you'd asked to go on a exertion to the beach, Megumi had agreed.
You'd accidentally let it slip to Nobara and Yuji though, to Megumi's discontent, meaning they were tagging along too.
"Yeah, they can come." leaving the bathroom you glided over to your boyfriend, kissing him sweetly "Thank you." with an added hue to his cheeks he glanced off to the side "No problem."
He was in a white shirt and some black swim shorts and sliders, ready to hit Tokyo's beaches.
"You look beautiful in that bikini baby." beaming up at him you did a little dramatic spin "I thought you might like it." laughing when he snatched your hips and tugged you against his chest you rested a hand on his cheek.
He was so handsome when he got worked up from your teasing. That hard set of his jaw, the slight furrow of his brows. Leaning up you kissed him again, this time he let his hands fall to your ass, the flimsy material of your sarong not providing much protection.
Moaning slightly you stood on your tip toes, pushing your chest flush with his. It wasn't often you got full days off from training, recently Gojo's work trips had been few and far between so we couldn't sneak them like we normally would.
Evenings off were nice, but a day off was a treat never not taken advantage of.
Knocking on Megumi's door had you tearing away from him as you both sighed heavily in unison. If Gojo wasn't there to get in your way, someone else always was.
"Hurry up you guys! We won't get sunbeds otherwise." frowning you let your head fall against Megumi's chest, dissapointed a session of much needed sex had been ripped from you.
Sure, you had had sex last night, but you and Megumi could never have enough sex. That was a sentiment you know for a fact he agreed with whole heartedly.
"There's plenty of time for that later baby, don't worry."
"Oh, so you are telling me you arent annoyed?" quirking an eyebrow you relished in his little 'tch'.
"You know that isn't what I mean baby, now be a good girl for me and I'll treat you later." kissing you he summoned his demon dogs before answering the door.
Snatching your bag you pet the demon dogs before joining your boyfriend who eagerly wrapped an arm around your waist. Smiling you faced Yuji and Nobara.
"Hi guys, are you alright?"
"Yeah, so excited to spend some time in the sun." Nobara soughed, popping out her hip and resting a hand on it "I'm gunna have a pint of ice cream." Yuji announced, Nobara scoffed while you laughed.
Yuji never failed to surprise you with his outlandish tasks he set out on.
"Anyway, let's go. I blagged us a car ride from Ijichi." Nobara boasted while heading towards the front of the school. You and Megumi shared a glance before following along after them.
In Nobara's language blagged meant she had threatened someone's life for a 'favour' she would never return.
Once at the beach Nobara and Yuji ran off while you pestered Megumi about ice cream. You had a real craving for it right now and you couldn't wait another second.
Which was why you were stood at an ice cream store pointing at the strawberry flavor.
"Please may I have two scoops of strawberry with strawberry sauce please, oh and a wafer, thank you." smiling politely you shifted uneasily when the guy serving you smiled oddly and didn't speak.
Inching towards Megumi you took his hand, unsettled by the feeling residing in your stomach. Unlike your boyfriend you didn't practise jujutsu, you were a regular high school student. Megumi simply offered for you to live with him out of want and convenience.
Your parents had passed away a few months ago, by a curse. That was actually how you met Megumi, and one thing led to another and here you were today. He had helped you a lot, he was the only reason you were where you were today.
"Can you stop looking at my girlfriend like that." Megumi grunted, his frustration mounting at the fact someone dared to look at a sweet thing like you in such a disgusting manner. Not only that you were his. No one else's.
"Like what?" he challenged while scooping the ice cream. Squeezing Megumi's hand you sighed "Leave it. He isn't worth it." you peered up into his eyes and he nodded after a tense moment, kissing your forehead. A silent promise.
Today was meant to be a break for the both of you, there was no point letting some perverted weirdo mess it all up.
When he slid the ice cream over the counter and frowned when you saw the lack of sauce. Fortunately, Megumi had noticed too, and he looked pissed.
"She asked for sauce too, are you fucking dumb?" oh dear. When Megumi started swearing that meant he was really unhappy. So much for not making a scene.
The weirdo glared at Megumi while taking the pot back, before softening when they returned back to you. As he drizzled the sauce on he licked his lips. Your appetite diminished in an instant.
Stepping forward Megumi grabbed the guy and ripped him over the counter, throwing him to the ground "Who the fuck do you think you are?" grabbing Megumi's arm you tugged fruitlessly. This guy was going to be lucky if he got off with a concussion, he had really pissed off Megumi.
As soon as Megumi's fist smashed against the guys face the crowd collectively gasped. Fearing he would get into trouble you wrapped around his body and tried to haul him back as he pummeled the guys face.
"Megumi please stop." breathing heavily he let up, leaving a bloody mess of a face on who had tested his anger. Leaving him wheezing on the ground you dragged Megumi away from the public eye.
Oh he is going to get in so much trouble.
Winding down a nature trail away from the watchful eyes of the public you sat him down on a bamboo bench. Your eyes zoned in on the pot of ice cream in his bloody hand.
"You said you wanted it." handing it to you caused you to smile. He was far too sweet for his own good.
Reaching for your bag you removed your little first aid kit and reached for some alcohol wipes "Why do you have that?"
"Well, I know you are a jujutsu sorcerer, so I always keep a first aid kit and pain killers on hand. You never know what will happen, do you?" the idea of you worrying about him so greatly had his heart beating erratically.
Taking his hand you swiped delicately at the cuts, mindful of how much he must be hurting "Thank you... I know you'll get in trouble for what you did... you didn't need to-"
"I wasn't going to let him treat you in such a manner baby. He was asked to stop and didn't, he had no right to make you feel uncomfortable." kissing him you refrained from distracting yourself any further until he was bandaged up.
Cupping his face in your hand you smirked "I think you are awfully sweet, my dearest Megumi." locking your lips with his again you hummed contently when he slid his tongue into your mouth.
The kiss quickly turned more ferocious, Megumi's hands cupping your ass as he tugged you onto his lap. Digging your hands into his hair you hungered after him.
No other man could possibly make you feel so safe, so appreciated, so wanted. You didn't think another man existed who would have done what Megumi did for you.
When Megumi ground against you, his cock hard and straining against his swim shorts. You can just imagine the bead of pre leaking from the tip. The image had you rutting against him despite your better judgement.
This was a public path, it wouldn't take much for someone to stroll down and catch us all over one another.
"We shouldn't." your thoughts ended when Megumi kissed your jaw as he would your mouth, all tongue and open mouthed. Moaning, one of your hands fisted in his hair, your pussy undeniably wet from your kiss alone.
Dragging his teeth along the tender flesh of your neck he lapped at that deliciously sweet spot under your jaw. As soon as his teeth latched onto the skin your hips rutted against his cock, your clothes aggravating you immensely.
"Let me have it." you begged as Megumi sucked viciously on your neck. Fuck, you should have brought a scarf out with him and his territorial habits.
Megumi used his hold on your hips to help you steadily grind against his cock. The sharp gasps of pleasure he released had you whimpering his name, pure need lacing it.
"Do you need it baby?"
"Y-yeah. I always need it Megumi."
"There's a good girl." he purred while nudging your bikini out of the way.
His tongue ran over your nipple repeatedly, coating it in a healthy layer of saliva. Everything he did was so fucking attractive, most of the time it was impossible for you to function.
You distinctly remember one time when you returned home from college that day and Megumi was sat in bed reading a book. It was some classic you'd never heard of, but you remembered him, and how he looked.
Strewn out on the bed, his hair slightly mused from a towel dry after his shower. One of those black shirts he was so fond of lounging around in and some joggers. His relaxed pose paired with that gorgeous face had you stumbling over to him.
The pair of you had great sex that night.
Megumi popping your nipple into his mouth had you bouncing on his cock. Hopefully, it would rile him up so much he would just fuck right into you. That wasn't your sole intention though, you were actually that turned on by him.
"Such a needy girl, aren't you baby?" nodding your agreement you stared into Megumi's blues. A tint of a flush had appeared on his cheeks but you knew yours were a rash shade of pink by now. Just how Megumi liked it.
"Are you gunna show me how badly you need it?" again, you nodded while climbing off his lap. You knew what he was referring to, and you were more than happy to give him exactly what it was he wanted.
Except as you were about to crouch down, he gently took your arms. Freezing you peered up at him questioningly, did he mean he wanted you to do something else?
"One second baby, stay right there." releasing you he tugged off his top and folded it a few times to form a smallish rectangle. Reaching down he placed it on the stone path, right where you'd be putting your knees.
Pressing a deep kiss to your lips, he then sat back, abs now on display "Didn't want you to cut up your knees." the sweet gesture had your stomach exploding with butterflies. Who else would have ever been so thoughtful?
No one, was the answer.
God he was so fucking perfect.
Snapping back into action, you freed his cock from his shorts and the sight was just as you imagined it. The tip a rich red, a bead of glistening pre-come resting on the tip.
Taking him into your hand you pumped him a few times before delivering a kitten lick to the tip of his cock. Megumi's muscles flexed as he grunted, it taking all of his will power to refrain from fucking your throat raw.
His control only remained tethered because he wanted to put his all into fucking you. He wanted to reserve as much energy as he could.
Pressing a final teasing kiss to his tip you finally took some of his cock into your mouth. Megumi's deep groan had you forgetting you were still very much in public, and could very well be caught red handed.
Humming you held onto his thighs and urged yourself to take him deeper. Once his tip hit the back of your throat, you gagged and Megumi rolled his hips involuntarily. You were just too warm and felt too good for him to resist.
"Fuck... that's my good girl... all mine aren't you?" seen as you couldn't speak to tell him yes you were all his, you showed him. Languidly sucking his cock you followed up by brushing your tongue against him as you began to bob your head.
Placing one of your hands at the bottom of his cock you swivelled your wrist, providing a different kind of stimulation to the parts of his cock you couldn't reach.
Immersing yourself in the feel of his cock in your mouth, you felt your hips grind eagerly against the air. The weight of his cock against your tongue, the slightly salty taste of his pre making your clit throb with need.
"Fuck baby, up." startled by his order you fell back onto your heels, gazing up at him as he confused you more and more every minute.
"Did I do something wrong?" started by your words Megumi froze, he didn't believe you seriously thought anything about that was wrong. In his eyes you were perfect, clearly he needed to show you.
Reaching down he cupped your face, delving into another bruising kiss "You never do anything wrong baby."
"Then why did you-"
"I want to come inside your pretty pussy, let it know that it's mine and mine alone." climbing back to your feet you clung to Megumi as he too stood up.
"Kneel on the bench baby." as he spoke he yanked on the strings of your underwear, tossing the bottoms to the edge of the bench.
Crawling onto the bench as instructed you felt him push you over the back of the bench. Grasping to the backside of the bench you found you had little support.
Good thing Megumi was on top of that too.
Grasping onto your hips he nudged your legs apart before teasing your entrance with his cock. It was then you realised you hadn't had any prep to take him and you usually needed plenty.
Opening your mouth to voice the fact was cut short when Megumi forced the tip of his cock into you.
"Ah! Megu-" he continued to ease his way into you, not struggling with your resistance to the sudden and large intrusion. Panting you wriggled around, not sure what your motivation was exactly, after all you never wanted to get away from Megumi.
"Shit you are... tight baby."
"Too big." Megumi massaged your ass in his hands as his hips rutted forwards filling you to the brim with his cock. You choked as the feeling of being stuffed so full overwhelmed you.
A few seconds adjustment were all you received before Megumi began to pound into you. His jealousy reigning for a moment, images of someone daring to touch what was his sending him feral.
"This is my pussy. Mine to fuck. Mine to devour. Mine to pump full of my come. Not some fucking accident who should never have been born into this world. Someone so undeserving of you. This pussy should be nothing short of worshipped by me." scratching at the wood of the bench as his cock slammed into you you fought for breath between moans.
He was angling his hips to hit that spot. Your back was arched and your thighs were shaking as your come dripped down your thighs.
"Megumi!" you cried when he hit your g-spot just right. The force he was fucking you with had the bench wobbling against the stone as the legs screeched to find purchase.
"Aren't you such a good girl? Squeezing my cock like that, taking my cock so fucking well. Who's is this pussy? Tell me who's body this is, every beautiful curve, dimple and crevice... fucking tell me." the pants and moans he released had your pussy fluttering around his cock.
Words to reply to him built in your throat but quickly died out when his cock stretched you again and again "Gone dumb from my cock have you baby? Am I making this pretty pussy feel good?"
"Y-yes... harder... deeper... please." you sobbed as you thrust your hips back against him.
Megumi swore as his hands gripped you tighter, tugging you to meet his thrusts. The brutal fucking had tears streaming down your face, every stroke of his cock dragging you towards what you knew would be a devastating orgasm.
Pleasure continued to ripple through you as Megumi snarled dirty promises into the air. You were dripping for him and anyone who walked into this scene wouldn't be challenged to tell. The sounds your bodies were making were scandalous.
"Come for me baby, come all over my cock, show me you are my good girl." squeezing your eyes shut you grappled onto the bench as one particular thrust caused it to almost tater over.
"Megumi!" you screamed as your orgasm doused you in tidal sized waves of pleasure. A distant 'fuck' was heard behind you but you were too focused on the body you possessed but couldn't control.
When Megumi came inside you, you moaned, the warmth of him inside you a feeling so erotic you yearned for another round already.
Little did you know Megumi had something very similar to that in mind. His eyes were tracking yours and his come leaking out of your pussy, coating your thighs in a generous layer of your arousal.
His possessive nature flared to a new height again as he got to his knees before you. The fact someone had dared to stare at you with those eyes, in front of him no less, made him fucking murderous.
You were his, and his alone.
Groaning he burried his face inbetween your legs, instantly lapping at your clit and drinking from your weeping pussy.
Gasping at the extra spike of uncomfortable pain you attempted to pull yourself away. Normally, it took more than one orgasm for you to get overstimulated but that orgasm he just delivered to you was out of this world. So, you weren't surprised another after one so intense was jarring to your body.
"Megumi... too much." you slurred while wiggling away "Hold still baby, let me taste us." Megumi mumbled before delving back into his meal.
His tongue was dipping into your pussy, properly tasting the result of your intense and passionate fucking. Panting you fought to keep your hips still, understanding you were getting another orgasm whether you deemed it too much or not.
Assisting in your ride of pleasure you raised shaky hands and plucked at your nipples before rolling to sooth the pain. Now, your moans had transformed to whimpers and pleas.
Pleas your hungry boyfriend answered.
Sucks to your clit and his tongue dipping inside you had another gentler orgasm lulling you in a state of post-orgasm sleep.
"Baby." Megumi whispered as he picked you up "We need to head back."
"Mhm... we are lucky that no one saw us." Megumi laughed lowly, the sound warm and masculine, it igniting a fire that swirled in your lower stomach.
Nothing made you happier than seeing him happy.
"You didn't think I'd let someone see us did you? I've had the demon dogs guarding the path." of course, you should have guessed.
Megumi was jealous as the best of times, today had been a clear representation of just how possessive he was. One wrong look from a guy and he was glaring daggers at them, ready to square up and fight.
Naturally, Megumi got plenty of female attention but he didn't even entertain them. Not that you did, of course, but you could let those things go. You trusted your boyfriend unconditionally as he did with you. If either of you had any issues or problems you both knew it would be addressed.
Megumi just had that jealous side to him you adored.
You hope with all your heart that part of him never dies.
"Where the hell have you two been?" Yuji bellowed as he ran towards you and Megumi. He had to carry you in the end as walking proved impossible for you. In your hand was a strawberry ice cream, plenty of sauce and a wafer from a different shop.
Megumi smiled and looked off "We got lost."
"Lost?" Nobara scoffed as Megumi set you down on a sunbed, the pair of you stealing a knowing glance.
"Yes, Nobara lost."
"They are definitely lying." Nobara attempted to whisper to Yuji, unfortunately for her she was not very secretive.
Megumi and you laughed as Nobara cryptically tried to insinuate what you'd been doing, not that either of you'd admit it.
It had been a lovely day out.
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cattjull · 2 months
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Summary: Abby doesn't want something serious. You won't let her fuck you and give you nothing in exchange, will you?
CW: Just a little smut under the cut (mdni or just skip the italics part), r! is afab, dacryphilia if you squint, strap use (r! receiving), r! is kind of a manipulator.
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Her dick slipped in and out of you relentlessly as you chanted her name, tears falling from your eyes from how good it felt.
"You like this?" She asked in your ear. The knot building in your stomach felt heavy, like a tub of ice cream. Her voice was sweet as caramel. Her panting was the cherry on top.
"Y-yeeahh." You managed to mutter out, your voice high-pitched. "M' gonna..."
"Come on, give it to me, baby." She commanded, and you instantly came. You were incredibly wet that night, so wet that you squirted all over Abby's strap, screaming louder than ever.
After some minutes you spent going to the bathroom, taking a pee, putting on some of Abby's T-shirts with no panties and washing your face, you came back to her bed where she waited for you, in short pajamas. You climbed onto her like a koala, wrapping your arms around her neck and your legs around one of hers. Some minutes passed while she just caressed your hair and you kissed her neck until you pulled back a little to look at her in the eye.
"Abby, will we be something?"
"Listen, I know you want this to be serious." She affirmed cautiously. You hadn't knew her for too long, so trying to guess what would she say next was practically impossible.
One way or another, you were afraid of what she would say next. Maybe she didn't like you? You didn't want her to go after spending a whole month with her and staying at her place at least twice a week.
"But I don't think I can handle it. I'm too busy with work, and you know that." She excused herself, the guilt in her almost palpable as each word felt like a punch to your gut.
"So you just wanted to use me and throw me away like a broken toy?" Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring your vision as you blinked rapidly.
"No, no, no, baby, listen." She seemed to instantly regret her choice of words and sat up too.
"Listen what? I don't want you to fuck me when you're free." You yelled at her, cracking your voice in purpose at the end of your sentence.
"We can have something casual if you want. But right now I'm really busy to-" The tears kept coming out of your eyes.
"No, I don't want to." Your voice came out of your mouth more high-pitched than usual and, honestly, it sounded like this was the worst day of your life.
"What if I pay you?"
"What?" You weren't sure you heard it well. This was kind of your goal, but you didn't expect her to offer it so easily. Plus, you wanted a rich girlfriend, not to be pampered like a whore.
"I'll pay you. Like a sugar baby. I won't be using you, I'll be giving you something in exchange." You acted like you had just started considering her offer.
"How much are we talking about?" You asked, still not convinced.
"Four thousands a month plus dates and gifts." Fine, this could work.
"You think that's enough for me after literally breaking my heart?" You asked coldly. You didn't feel exactly great using her this way, but you needed the money, didn't you? And, she in fact broke your heart
"Six thousands." You sighed and furrowed your eyebrows, pretending to be mad at her even if you were enchanted with the idea, and laid down next to her with crossed arms, facing the ceiling.
"I have some rules."
"Tell me."
"First, you can't be with someone else or I'll rip my eyes out of my head and kill myself in your front door step."
"Did you need to be that extreme?" She asked with a disbelief smirk.
"It's just so you remember it well." You smiled. "Second, you have to pretend you're my girlfriend in front of everyone. Everyone. And act like my girlfriend."
"I can do that."
"And third, don't treat me like a slut because I'm not one."
"I have the feeling you've done this lots of times before." She said with suspicion.
"Third rule." You reminded her in a warning tone.
"I didn't mean it in that way."
"Sure." You rolled your eyes and turned your back to her. She pulled you close to her, wrapping her big arms around your waist and forcing you to be the little spoon. "Hey!" You giggled.
"You shouldn't stay mad at me. It doesn't suit you."
"Fine, fine." You let yourself smile for once, wiping your tears.
"We'll go shopping tomorrow, okay?"
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Taglist: @elliessgfsstuff @giuliaexe66 @playboygirlsnextdoor00 @justhereforthosefics
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vyglitchcraft · 1 year
Can you do head cannons on how Bihan, Kuai Liang and Smoke would be jealous when someone (like johnny) flirts with their S/O?
Jealousy In The Lin Kuei (MK1)
Bi-Han, Tomas Vrbada, Kuai Liang jealousy headcanons
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Kuai Liang
He hides it and he hides it well
For someone with fire powers, Kuai is surprisingly chill although he is blowing up inside.
He is furious, pure rage not because Johnny would steal you away, he knows Johnny isn't your type but its the fact that Johnny is making you uncomfortable or you're gonna be influenced by his actions and act just like him. Well that's how Kuai convinced himself
It's totally not because he's jealous or anything, right? He isn't like his brother, he doesn't get jealous
At the end of the day he voices his concerns to you in a mostly civilized manner although you can hear the jealousy in his voice, you can tell he's almost at his breaking point.
Bi-Han tried to convince him to act the same way he does but Kuai refused
He still stares at Johnny every once and a while
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Straight up opposite, the man is screaming at you or growling to be more accurate. He hates it
Johnny is NOT allowed in the Lin Kuei temple ANYMORE. He swears that if Johnny ever comes back, he'll kill that bitch
Liu Kang, Smoke, and Kenshi are holding this man back every time you and Johnny interact
Liu had to step in to ironically cool him down, one time he had to wrap his twin dragons around Bi-Han just so he wouldn't do some dangerous shit or start some stuff
You tried to convince him that everything is fine and that you have no interest in anyone besides him. It calmed hin down...a bit
Johnny is making this worse by teasing him
He got sucker punched with an ice covered fist
For the next week or two, Bi-Han is always holding onto your waist every time you two go in public or wherever there's people around
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Tomas Vrbada
The most sane out of the bunch
He knows he's jealous, he knows he should talk about it with you but he thinks you're doing this on purpose so he won't react much physically atleast in anger
He won't attack anyone (as far as you know)
Would absolutely spoil you in front of Johnny just to get back at him
Not in the "this bitch is mine, stay away" way that Bi-Han is but more "give up, no one would treat them better than me" way
Acts all sweet and romantic but gives Johnny some side eyes just to see his reaction
When you ask him if something is wrong, he'll deny everything. Blames it on the fact that he misses you every time he goes on missions
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11rosebunny · 5 months
When he teases you (BOFURIN + SHISHITOREN)
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Haruka Sakura
He's not the type of person to go out of his way to see someone melt into a puddle of ice cream, he's not going to lie, he doesn't actually see much of a reason to go tease someone, especially the girl he likes. Because why would he want to tease someone that he's interested in? He wants to treat them with respect.
Instead of purposely trying to make you squabble and look like you took the hottest shower on Earth, the closest way he teases you is by playfully arguing with you or saying facts about yourself.
If you're minding your business, he'll say in the most calmest voice,
"Your skirt suits you better."
"Something smells good, is that you?"
"Haah—? What do you mean you don't look good today?"
It doesn't click in his head that's not something anyone should generally say especially face to face with the person they like, if you're in a tangent about the things you don't like about yourself, he twists his head in confusion and puts his face right in front of yours to try to find out why you're turning red and telling him to stop.
And he doesn't stop till you push him away.
Hajime Umemiya
If he really wanted to tease you with no consequences, he would, but for the sake of his reputation and your life expectancy, his teasing is still pretty obvious and cocky but a little toned down. Even coming from a guy like him who makes sure everyone is okay, he still has a rebellious side that likes to push your buttons.
He likes to act like he doesn't know what's making you so shy, touching you in places and rubbing his hands ever so slowly against your skin to make you jump. He'll whisper in your ear, saying,
"Why're you so red hm [Name]?"
All while acting oblivious on purpose, it feeds into his ego and gets off on the way you starting stuttering, tripping over your words, start to grow quiet around him, and the best part for him is the look on your face.
He'll stop if you ask him to though, even so, it might take him a while to pry off of you.
Toma Hiragi
He's also an egotistical ballsack of a man, so yes, he finds it amusing to tease you until you forget how to breathe around him.
Mentioned before, he has a thing for shy girls, and if you happen to be shy, his teasing is much more worse because of how easy it is to make you go red.
He's around the same level, if not—worse than Umemiya when it comes to teasing, expect him to playfully insult you.
"Someone needs a little help hm?" He hums right next to your ear while towering over you. He could go on for hours saying how hopeless you are without him, and then begins to start saying things like,
"Do you really need me that much [Name]?"
"Stop it!" You hit him on the centre of his back.
Ren Kaji
The way he teases is by straight up insulting you. It's not like Hiragi where you can tell he's joking and just messing around, but when it comes to Kaji, if you mess up on something or need help from specifically him, he will grin to himself feeling like an emperor and will use that against you for 2 whole days before gradually forgetting about it.
"Seems like somebody misses me already," He says with the slightest grin on his face.
He won't really say anything while trying to make you red, instead he'll look at you making you question what his problem is.
"Getting so mad already? Do you really like me that much?"
"You can't live without me huh..."
They sound like insults but trust me, the way it rolls off his tongue makes you want to rip out all his hair.
Taiga Tsugeura
It's either he is aware while teasing you or he's not.
Sometimes he's not able to read the room when he's around you, it's 50/50 whenever he teases you. When he does it on accident, it could be when you two are having a normal conversation and he says something that makes you stutter for a split second. He notices it when you trip over your words and immediately questions you, when you explain that you just got shy, he starts to pester you about why, because in his eyes, whatever he said was 100% true.
However, when it is on purpose, he couldn't really be bothered to be nervous teasing you. He'll be all smiley and giddy when making you lose your marbles, all while the whole time, he finds it quite hilarious. Of course he doesn't see it as something to point and laugh at, but he thrives off the way you tell him to stop and look all over the place otherwise someone may hear him.
"Ohh, are you getting nervous [Name]?" He says while letting out a throaty laugh.
Don't look him in the eye or he'll force to make eye contact with you.
Mitsuki Kiryu
He's one of the worst.
Kiryu is an extremely well kept together person with a beautiful and fun personality, that being said—it also means he ends up swooning a lot more ladies than he can keep count of along with his hardcore but gentle facial features, anyone would be a fool to deny he's pretty.
He knows how to get under your skin in a way where you can't defend yourself. He knows all the tricks and antics if he ever wants to see you go all sloppy and messy. He'll keep staring at you to the point where it's obvious, coos at you if you try to defend yourself, he gets close to your body to where you're practically on top of each other, at the same time he'll even start complimenting you.
"Ahh, seems like you lost the game again," He looks at your screen. The both of you were on your bed playing the mobile game he wanted to play, he was sitting behind you as you rested your back against his torso, he had been using the top of your head to rest his phone in his hands.
"I wonder why..." He says taking a strand of your hair and twisting it in the air noticing the way the tips of your ears were red. He hummed to himself before smiling.
Hayato Suo
He notices when you're embarrassed, but in courtesy, he won't make it obvious that he knows. If anything, he slightly feels bad but at the same time, he craves to see more of it. During those times he is usually able to avoid those thoughts and stop his teasing, but for the other times, well...
He won't exactly say anything to make you start running around the place, but he does it in very subtle ways and takes glances to check if you reacted the way he wanted to react.
If you're holding hands, he'll brush his thumb across the inner area of the curve of your hand, he'll clean stuff on your face, push in your chair while you're seated, stare at you with those loving eyes all while throwing compliments every now and then.
Jo Togame
Do you hate him? Yes. Does he care? No.
Past Togame in the first arc would most definitely have you on the floor with his words sprawling all over the place to get you in a hot mess. To make matters worse, he's the type of make you aware of how you look like right now.
"Ah, you're face is red [Name], do you have a fever?" He'll bring you closer by wrapping his arm behind your back and placing the other on his forehead. He could feel the way your forehead progressively get's even hotter.
Present Togame would be less of an asshole when it comes to teasing, but sometimes his past behaviour sometimes peaks out and takes over. He's been more nicer and won't make fun of you for getting all red, instead, he seems to be more worried and even finds it a bit funny. Even so, he can't lie to himself that he doesn't enjoy it when you're all sloppy because of him.
"Whatever, I don't even care," You mumble to yourself breaking the eye contact with him.
"Yeah?" He said raising a brow and smirking to himself.
Tomiyama Choji
Past Choji and current Choji are still the same person when it comes to making you shy. He's learned how to be a better person, but yet some of his traits had still stuck with him. Not the bad ones, but more of the playful ones.
He will laugh at you whenever heat rushes to your face.
That won't even stop him from continuing to touch you all over the place, say things that make you lose your brain and speak like you've got your foot up your ass.
"Ohoo, you seem to have a hard time focusing right now...?!"
"That's because of you!"
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azlrse · 6 months
➳ unintentionally (a boothill x gn!spouse!reader oneshot)
cw: major angst w/ open ending, reader has a bruise (unintentionally) from their ranger husband, accidental slap (also unintentional), established relationship, married au, lots of apologies and crying present here, ooc boothill (first time writing for him)
a/n: alright, as soon as i saw boothill for the first time, I was like "bet lemme write something for him". he's gonna be ooc cause 1. i didn't play the game yet (cries incompatible tablet) and 2. i am still learning the roots of this game's lore (and him once he's released) lol
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!! fic contains sensitive topic, steer clear if this fic ain't your piece of cake !!
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"darlin'?" a voice called out in the side of the storage room. "please come out, i-i didn't mean to hit you and im really sorry.." your husband called out for you softly to avoid scaring you further. his constant knocking and coercing you to come out lasted for 5 minutes, making you curl up further within the corner of the walls. "leave me alone.." you meekly spoke, voice still hoarse from your earlier cries as you held your bruised, swollen face.
his constant knocking just faded away as you sobbed, using your free hand to wipe away your snot and tears dripping from your face. if you just steer clear from him and not pestering him because of his anger, you wouldn't be hit and to be screamed by boothil to just leave him alone. you knew that your husband is like a dynamite, ready to explode at any moment due to his occupation. boothill assures you that he will never lay a hand on you, even when the both of you are either arguing or disagreeing over something that's simple and stupid.
but this day, he broke that one promise that kept you safe since the day he asked you out. just because of his anger towards that one outlaw who's on the run for weeks. almost captured but alas, his luck ran out once again as the prisoner kept on taunting him that he will never be caught by him.
boothill, on the other side of the door, won't give up as he waits for you to open the door and letting him treat your bruised lip and swollen cheek. he knows that it's not an excuse for him to let out such anger towards his spouse. guilt kept on creeping through his system, hearing you sobbing telling him to just leave you alone. "im sorry, sugar.." he sadly spoke, reluctantly returning to the sleeping quarters that the both of you shared.
at around 4:30 am, he quietly opens the door of the storage room and looks around to see if you are sleeping soundly; tear stains on your face, a bruised and swollen cheek, and using a rolled towel as your pillow. his heart shattered what he has done to you and knew that he doesn't deserve your forgiveness. he feared that there will be a day that you would leave him all by himself, all because of how he acted towards his own emotions and anger.
boothil scooped you into his arms as your head leaned towards his warm body. he knew that you liked it when you huddled close towards his chest as he placed a chaste kiss on your head. placing you on the shared bed, he cleans your bruises and places an ice pack on the side of you. he stared at your sleeping face for sometime before he murmurs soft apologies to you, even promising that he will never do again.
the soft light from the curtains woke you up from your sleeping slumber after the ordeal last night. 'strange..' you thought to yourself as you saw the ceiling of the bedroom you shared with your husband, not the plain white ceiling from the storage room where you seek safety during your husband's anger episode. you placed a hand on your bruised cheek and felt a small gauze on top of it and a bit of cold from the ice pack he placed on the side of your face last night.
you tried to get off the bed but felt a robotic arm wrapped around your waist. "no, no..." boothill softly murmurs. "five more minutes sugar, needin' you here right now.." a wave of anxiousness just came rushing towards you as you saw your husband on the bed with you, snuggling as he finally woke up from his sleep; his cropped jacket is gone and only had a pair of short as his sleeping attire, his hair smells like newly lit cigarettes from his trip to the saloon yesterday.
if you aren't anxious, you would be flustered of his appearance.
"mornin' sugar.." he softly spoke as he leans in to give you a kiss. afraid, you quickly jumped off the bed and quickly make a beeline for the storage room once again. "w-wait!" his quick reflexes caught your arm. "don't leave me, let's talk it here my love. I know what I did is unacceptable and I'm really sorry for hitting you." Silence looms within the bedroom as you eyes avoided his. "Please.." He pleaded, his eyes soften as guilt crept on his back.
it's up to you to decide of you should stay for him or choosing your own peace...
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a/n: not my best work but hopefully you guys liked my take on boothill (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)♡
Do not republish, edit, or repost to other websites. Reblogs and likes are appreciated! 💕
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lilasamaaa · 5 months
Amor | Carlos Sainz x Reader
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Genre | Smut, Fluff.
Word count | 3.8K
Warnings | Sexual content, alcohol consumption.
Summary | Carlos is about to enjoy a few days of rest in Lisbon between races when he crosses paths with a young woman with whom he will share a night. And, if fate allows it, perhaps a little more...
Author's note | Thanks for the lovely request @thefuckwasmyname ! Hope you like it!
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In life, there are many things that Carlos Sainz enjoys. His job, obviously. Or his family, of which he's very proud to be extremely close. But sometimes, there's something he loves even more than all of that : escaping both of these things. And that's exactly what he had planned to do for the next five days, wandering the streets of the Portuguese capital.
His phone has been off since this morning, when he stepped onto the plane taking him from Madrid to Lisbon. Everyone had been informed, and his words were very clear. Unreachable. Don't text, don't call, he had told his family the day before departure. I need to take some time for myself. To recharge. I won't answer.
Carlos loves Lisbon. As he steps onto the geometric patterns of the Praça do Rossio, memories of childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood flood his mind. Memories of his father playfully chasing after him, of sharing ice creams with his sisters, of days at the beach searching for the most beautiful seashell to give to his mother. Yes, Lisbon is truly a place that is precious to him. A place he doesn't want to share. A place he wants to keep for himself.
His stays in Lisbon always start the same way, and he's set on respecting the tradition. Running a hand through his hair and adjusting his cap and sunglasses on his head, the Spaniard heads straight to Gelados Santini. The blazing sun of this early May afternoon isn't in his favor. It seems like all of Lisbon has crowded into the small shop, determined to combat the sweltering heat with a sweet treat. Engrossed in his phone, the twenty-minute wait passes without incident, and soon he's next in line. Right after the woman in front of him, who is now heading towards the counter.
"Bom dia," he hears a very lovely voice say. He's not surprised to hear something other than English. A lot of locals love the place. "Eu gostaria de..."
The woman pauses, seemingly searching for her words. There are quite a few choices, Carlos thinks. Her hesitation is understandable.
"Eu gostaria de um sorvete de limão em amor, por favor."
Oh, he thinks. This woman is definitely not Portuguese.
"Amor?" the young man behind the counter asks, eyeing up suspiciously.
"Sim, amor e limão. Em um potinho pequeno em vez de um cone, por favor."
The man scrutinizes the woman in front of him as if horns had just sprouted from her head. Even though Carlos had planned to remain rather discreet, the young woman's confusion prompts him to intervene.
"Ela quer de amora. Limão e amora," he says to the man behind the counter, stepping forward.
"Ah, amora," the vendor repeats, grabbing the ice cream scoop.
"Oh my god," the woman says in perfect English, turning to face him. "What did I ask for?"
"A lemon and love ice cream. Quite original," he responds, suppressing a laugh. The young woman blushes deeply, covering her mouth.
"This is the last time I try to speak Portuguese."
"You were doing great," Carlos says, still laughing. "The accent was perfect, at least. Could have fooled me."
The man behind the counter hands her the ice cream, and she gives him a bill in exchange for some coins. She thanks him and gives a little wave to Carlos, thanking him too, before leaving the shop. The Spaniard places his order in perfect Portuguese, and a few seconds later, he too is once again facing the boiling sun, ice cream in hand. The young woman is still there, leaning against the shop window, trying to enjoy the shade of the small awning at the storefront.
"Thanks again," she says, licking the side of cup where a drop threatens to escape.
"My pleasure," he responds, sitting down next to her in the shade. "But perhaps I shouldn't have intervened? If it's really love you wanted to order from that innocent man."
She laughs, with a radiant, luminous laughter.
"No, you did well to come to my rescue. I thought the poor guy was going to have a heart attack."
"If you had insisted, I'm not sure he would have refused the proposition of such a pretty girl," he responds with a smirk, his eyes fixed on his cone.
"You, Portuguese men," she says, smirking at him. "You've certainly earned your reputation as charmers."
"Well, that might be true, but I wouldn't know. I'm Spanish," he replies with a grin.
"Oops! Sorry," she replies. "It's not very far, after all," she adds.
"Yes, we're neighbors. That's why I come here so often," he explains.
"Oh!" she exclaims, her eyes suddenly sparkling with excitement. "So, you know the city well, then?"
"Like the back of my hand," Carlos replies, gazing into her eyes.
"Okay," she starts. "I've been here for four days. I'm leaving tomorrow. I feel like I've already done all the important stuff : Praça do Comércio, the cathedral, the castle, the convent," she begins to list, counting on her fingers. "Belém Tower, of course. Absolutely magnificent. Alfama, too... But I'm afraid I might have missed something. Is there anything else that's a must-see?"
Carlos takes a moment to think, bringing the ice cream to his lips.
"Well," he says after a few seconds. "Have you crossed the 25th of April Bridge?"
"The one that looks like the Golden Gate?" she asks as Carlos nods. "No, I've only seen it from afar. I didn't dare to walk across it," she admits.
"Yeah, it's better to avoid walking across it," the Spaniard agrees. "But if you want, I have a scooter. If you feel like crossing the bridge. No pressure, of course," he says, focusing back on his ice cream.
"You'd do that?" she asks, her eyes widening. "Oh, that would be so amazing. I mean, if you don't have anything else to do, of course."
Twenty minutes later, done with their ice creams and feeling a bit refreshed, Carlos starts his scooter in a small Portuguese alleyway, while the young woman, seated behind him, fastens her helmet.
"Hold tight," he says, starting the engine and venturing into the cobbled streets, making her yelp before grabbing onto his waist.
The journey to the bridge takes about fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes during which Carlos explains to her what's around them, from cathedrals to varieties of trees to famous murals. The rushing air and their helmets make conversation a bit difficult, so she leans into him, chin resting on his shoulder to hear better. When finally the bridge stands before them, she can't help but let out a "wow" of surprise and admiration. "It's so beautiful!" she shouts for Carlos to hear, and she feels the Spaniard laughing, his back trembling against her chest. In the distance, the statue of Christ stands with outstretched arms, as if waiting for them.
"Just like in Rio!" she says.
"You've been to Brazil?" Carlos asks, eyeing her up in one of the rearview mirror.
"Yeah," she says. "Have you?"
"Yes," Carlos replies. "For work."
The driver accelerates to overtake a car, and the wind cuts off their conversation. Behind him, her arms tighten around his waist, and he finds himself enjoying the sensation. A few minutes later, they've finally crossed the bridge, and they take the opportunity to stop at the statue and explore the surroundings. Lost in the streets of Almada, the two strangers get to know each other, exchanging life and travel anecdotes. The chemistry is so good that neither of them realizes how much time has passed until the sun sets on the horizon, in front of the terrace they're seated at.
"Wow, I can't believe it's already almost 8 p.m.," she suddenly says, looking at her phone.
"Did you have plans after this? Sorry, I've stolen you for quite some time," he asks apologetically.
"No, nothing planned. And I've quite liked being stolen, to be honest," she replies, looking at him over her spritz. "Thank you for being such a great guide."
Carlos looks lost in his thoughts for a moment, silent.
"Would..." he starts, hesitant. "Would it be weird if I invited you to dinner? My cousin lent me his apartment, there's a beautiful view of the city. I bought some groceries when I arrived this morning, I have wine, and..."
He's interrupted by a hand placed on his, and when he looks up, his eyes meet those, dark, of the young woman. He's never been extremely confident, but he's never felt as exposed as he does under her piercing gaze. It's... unsettling. Kinda sexy, too.
"I'd be really happy to. If you're not already tired of my company," she replies, laughing.
An hour later, she's sitting on the terrace of the Spaniard's cousin, overlooking the Tagus Bay, a glass of white wine in hand. The sun has set, but the air is still warm. Below, the noise of restaurant terraces adds to the evening's liveliness. Behind her, in the kitchen, the driver is busy slicing vegetables, cutting meat, draining pasta.
"Are you sure you don't need a hand, Carlos?" she asks, turning around. It's been a while since they exchanged names, back at the bar in Almada. She also learned that he was a driver. He didn't really say much more, so she interpreted... like a taxi, or something. They talked about her job, as a lecturer at the University of Oxford in England. Foreign civilizations, she'd explained with a smile, beaming with pride.
"No, I want you to enjoy the evening. I invited you to dinner after all, not to cook," he replies with a smile. She smiles in return, turning her attention back to the water. She could stay here forever. But already, her departure is approaching. The notification on her phone informing her that her flight takes off in a few hours is proof of that. A surprisingly disappointing proof. Almost painful. Painful? Ridiculous, she thinks, shaking her head to dispel the absurd idea.
"It's ready," the Spaniard announces suddenly, placing two steaming plates on the small table where she's seated.
"It smells incredibly good," she replies, closing her eyes and flaring her nostrils. "Do you cook a lot?"
"Not as much as I'd like," the man responds. "I'm often on the road for work. It's not easy to find the time and motivation to get into the kitchen."
"Yeah, I bet," she replies, raising her glass in his direction to toast. Their two glasses clink gently, and each takes a sip, settling into a comfortable silence.
"I'd like to cook more too, but when you get home at 9 p.m. from a day of long and tiring lectures... Food delivery works just fine," she confides, laughing.
The conversation goes on, each opening up to one another, asking questions, answering some. Neither of them says it, but each is surprised by how easily they open up, reveal themselves. It's almost unsettling, he thinks. To know someone for just a few hours and feel so comfortable. Truly unsettling, she thinks. Having dinner with a stranger and wanting to tell them your entire life story. The dinner continues, as does the wine, and slowly, the conversation drifts. Without either of them really noticing. Or caring enough to stop.
"What's a girl like you doing here all alone?" the Spaniard asks after a moment.
"Right back at you," she says. "What's a guy like you doing here alone?"
"What's a guy like me?" he asks, a playful smile on his lips.
"Come on now, you're just fishing for compliments. I don't care, I'll bite," she replies, smirking. "A charming guy. Very charming. Well-dressed, multilingual, good conversationalist, and who cooks amazingly well. A guy who knows how to please a woman," she adds.
"I do know how to please a woman," he says, tone low. "Thanks for noticing."
Realizing the innuendo, she blushes, drinking from her glass.
"That's not what I meant and you know it."
"I know," he replies, smiling. "But thanks for the compliments. To answer your question, I often come to Lisbon when I need to be alone. To gather my thoughts," he responds.
"And yet, we've spent the day together. That's not what I call being alone. Did I ruin your plans then?" she says, eyeing him intensely.
"You haven't ruined anything. If anything, you've improved them."
"There he is," she replies, laughing. "The Portuguese man in you. The charmer!" she says, throwing the bottle cap in his direction. He catches it effortlessly in the air, laughing out loud.
"What about you, then? You haven't answered the question," Carlos says, serious again. "What's a splendid, refined, elegant woman of knowledge like you doing alone in Lisbon?"
The conversation pauses for a moment as she looks away from his eyes, gazing into the river in the distance.
"I don't know why I'm doing this," she begins, "but I'm going to tell you something I haven't told anyone yet. Not my family, not even my closest friends. In fact, I've only just admitted it to myself, but... I'm searching for meaning."
"Meaning?" he repeats, arching a brow.
"I love my job, I've worked hard to get here. Living in Oxford isn't so bad, if you forget about the rain. I'm well surrounded, I have friends, I get along great with my loved ones. But..." she continues, hesitantly. "I've been feeling lately like my life doesn't have any meaning. Like I'm moving forward without direction. Like something is missing."
"And what could this something be?" Carlos replies softly.
"I don't know. I'm here to find out," she says, meeting his eyes.
It must be the wine. Or the adrenaline from the day... But probably more the wine, which prompts Carlos to lean over the table and capture her lips. She's surprised, her whole body seeming to stiffen, and for a moment, Carlos regrets it. But a few seconds later, her tongue finds his, intensifying the kiss, her hand moving to the nape of his neck. Things escalate quickly. It only takes them a few minutes to abandon plates, glasses of wine, and clothing along the way and throw themselves onto the double bed in the apartment.
All day, she let him make the decisions. The one to leave the gelato shop. The one to cross the bridge. The one to eat dinner at his place. So Carlos is particularly surprised when she pushes him onto the bed, kissing him passionately before descending to his groin, and his already almost painful hard-on. Her hand barely brushes against his cock, her touch delicate, but already, his whole body is on fire. At her mercy.
"Wait," he says, sitting up on his elbows. "Are you sure? I can make you feel good."
"Let me thank you for this fantastic dinner," she says, watching him through her lashes, eyes dark.
Her hand wraps around him, and her expert movements begin, running her thumb over the tip, letting a trickle of saliva drip from her mouth to its tip.
"Fucking hell", he swears, falling back.
Her mouth finds him, and she plays with her tongue, hollowing her cheeks, taking him as far as she can until tears well up in the corners of his eyes. His moans intensify, assuring her that she's doing well, that he appreciates her efforts. Her little game lasts for a while, his hands lost in the mass of her hair, pulling at the roots, uttering profanities. Praising her. Then suddenly, he sits up, letting out a "wait" that makes her stop abruptly.
"Did I do something wrong?" she asks, wiping her mouth.
"No, you did... Everything right. Too right. I was going to, erm..."
"Oh!" she utters, stiffling a laugh.
"Now, let me take care of you," he says, flipping her over on the bed, his body on top of hers.
They kiss, something she's never done with other flings, other one-night stands. Something so deeply intimate, so dangerous. Their tongues meet, explore each other. He bites her lip and she lets out a moan so loud that she surprises even herself. This guy has way too much of an effect on me, she thinks, getting lost in his eyes. Hypnotizing eyes, he thinks, surrendering to them.
Pressing kisses along her neck, on her collarbones, and then on her breasts, his mouth finds one of her nipples, over which he slides his tongue, eliciting moans from her. Feeling her receptive, he tries something else, nibbling on it, pressing his warm mouth against it. For several minutes, he alternates from one nipple to the other, from one nipple to her mouth, from her mouth to the other nipple. His mouth, his teeth, are everywhere. Warm. Intoxicating. Suddenly, she clings to his shoulders, her mouth slightly open, and he can't help but scrutinize her, observe every movement, every expression on her face.
"Oh, god," she says, her head thrown back, a strand of hair in front of her eyes.
And she cums. It's probably the most beautiful, the most exciting thing he's ever seen in his life. His cock pulses, aching, and for a moment, he thinks he's going to empty himself there, on her stomach. Like a fucking teenager. But he has other plans, and he intends on making good use of them.
"Wow," she says, coming down from her orgasm. "I've never come from this before."
"Well, you did say that you wanted to find out things about yourself," he replies with a cocky grin.
She smiles, grabbing the back of his neck, pulling him towards her. He settles between her legs, his hand sliding between them, to her core. She's wet, her excitement glistening along her thighs. Onto the sheets. And who is he to judge, he, whose erection is almost painful, fueled by thoughts of slipping into her, making her his home for eternity.
In a kiss, he spreads her legs, positioning himself at her core, casting her a final confirming glance to which she responds by kissing him again, feverishly. He's inside her in one motion, and once again, he must focus to not explode within her walls.
"Fuck," he says, going as deep as possible. "Where were you all this time?"
"Oh, you know, at the ice cream shop. Asking for love," she replies, laughing.
He bites her shoulder, starting to move. Alternating between deliciously long moments where she moans, begging for more. And others where he ravages her, devouring her neck. Her lips. After some time, they're both panting, and he presses his forehead to her.
"I want you to ride me," he says, kissing her again. "I want to see you. All of you."
And she complies, swapping positions, sitting on his hard cock. Riding him without even thinking. Throwing her head back until her hair tickles his thighs. His hands find her breasts, holding them, kissing them.
"You're so beautiful," he whispers. "So good at riding me."
"Stop talking like this or I'm gonna cum," she says, whining.
"Would this be a bad thing?"
"I want this to last as long as possible," she says, pressing her nose to his.
He helps her, lifting her thighs to ease her movements, caressing her shoulders, her breasts, her hips. It lasts a moment, until she places both hands on his chest, her legs trembling.
"Let it go, hermosa," he says, holding her ass. "Cum for me, baby."
And she does, releasing a series of moans that make him bite his lip. He himself can't take it anymore, holding back his pleasure for some time. She feels it. The way his penis twitches. The squinting of his eyes. His short breath.
"Cum inside," she says, eyes still closed. "I want to feel you."
A few thrusts later, he empties himself deep inside her, with a grunt that could make her go for another round without thinking.
"La hostia," he breathes, panting. "¿Qué me has hecho, hermosa?"
"Was it that bad that you lost your English?" she asks, her head resting on his chest.
"You almost had me speaking French, that's to say," he laughs, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"Do you want me to leave?" she asks, suddenly self-conscious.
"Please, stay."
Several hours later, Carlos is snoring softly, and doesn't even hear the alarm clock of the young woman ringing. She grabs her phone, squinting against the brightness, checking the time. Four in the morning. Her flight is at 7, on the other side of the city. She has pre-ordered a taxi that should arrive within thirty minutes to take her back to her rental, so she can grab her suitcase before heading to the airport. She reluctantly slips out from under the warm covers, casting a glance at her lover, peacefully asleep. Should she wake him up? Say goodbye? She's always left her one-night stands without a word, without a glance. But him... she thinks. This was different. Maybe...
Spotting a notebook and a pen on the bedroom desk, she seizes them, scribbling a few words. Nothing seems good enough, yet she wants to try. She writes mindlessly, throwing in a thank you for everything, a best night of my life, a hope to see you again someday before leaving the note on her pillow. Twenty minutes later, she's gone, her perfume still lingering in the room.
Ten days later
"What's up with you?" Charles asks, eyeing him suspiciously.
"You're not there. So, where are you?" his teammate asks again.
So, he tells him everything. His trip to Lisbon to clear his head. His meeting with her, the very first day. Their afternoon. Their night. The next morning, alone. Her note. And the thoughts haunting his mind ever since.
"Why didn't you write to her if she affects you so much?" Charles asks, perplexed.
"She didn't leave me her number," Carlos sighs, dejected. "Not even an address. Nothing."
"You said she was a professor? At Oxford?" Charles asks, invested, as Carlos nods, zipping up his firesuit. "Foreign civilizations, yeah?" Another nod from Carlos. "Have you searched for her email? It must be on the university website, right? For students who need to contact her?"
Carlos' face lights up in a second.
"You, fucking cabrón," he says, holding Charles by the shoulders. "How did I not think of that?"
A few minutes later, as he's about to put down his phone before heading for the qualifying session, Carlos writes the final words on the email destined to his beautiful stranger. Finding her email was surprisingly easy. Summarizing everything he wanted to say in a few lines was more challenging. Letting out a deep breath and pressing the send button, the Spaniard sets his phone down before joining his race car and slipping inside. Nervously on edge. Not about the upcoming session, no. Something else. Deliciously nerve-wracking.
As he speeds around the track, completing lap after lap, he misses the screen of his phone lighting up, announcing an email of which only the first line is visible.
"Hi stranger... I was beginning to think you'd never find me."
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incognit0slut · 1 year
Body on mine
Spencer Reid x Fem!reader
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Y/n and Spencer finds a way to spend the night together on a team retreat. Based on;
warnings: 18+ includes overstimulation, chocking, unprotected sex, creampie, and soft!dom Spence with a mirror involved
words: 5.9k (hehe)
a/n: my goal is to make you hot and flustered by the end of this, also watch the edit I made based on this writing (using voice ai because I mastered eleven labs!). The more delusional we are, the better🥰
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“…when you put your body on mine, and collide, collide…”
Spencer’s gaping mouth was an indication of how baffling her suggestion was. He tried not to give away the disbelief in his eyes, especially when he was good at maintaining a poker face—given he was a master of the game—but it was hard to act as if her words weren’t affecting him. And they did. Badly.
In fairness, it wasn't simply her words that stirred him. It was everything about her. The way she carried herself, the way she stood in front of him, a silhouette against the backdrop of crashing waves and gently swaying palm trees. The way the sun illuminated her features, highlighting the curve of her smile and the sparkle in her eyes.
But it was her words that heightened his senses as his mind conjured vivid images of what would happen with her proposition. It also reminded him how her suggestive offer happened at an inappropriate time, a moment when he should have exercised restraint.
"I'll leave the door unlocked," her sultry voice, carried by the gentle wind, reached his ears like a melodic symphony. It was a sound that evoked a longing deep within him. "Come by around midnight."
He gulped as his eyes wandered to their teammates gathered by the shore, engaged in a spirited game of beach volleyball, their competitive spirits matched by bursts of laughter and playful banter. Everyone was there except for Rossi who sat under the shade of a massive umbrella, and of course, excluding the two of them, who were now huddled under a food stall nearby.
Spencer had the duty to bring in more snacks and drinks when Y/n offered her help. It turned out she had other intentions behind her assistance, which was anything but innocent with the way she was standing close to him, bringing up their ongoing rendezvous without their friends' knowledge. At the thought of this, he nodded their way. "They'll notice."
"Not when they're fast asleep they won't."
His eyes drew back to her. "Hotch is a late sleeper."
"You're right," she mused, then she gave him a coy smile. "Come by my room around 2 then."
His eyes darted around nervously, his mind locked in a relentless battle between reason and longing. His thoughts swirled in a whirlwind of forbidden fantasies, each one more tantalizing than the last. With a heavy sigh, he gathered the strength to resist the pull of his desires. "Do you think we should do this?"
She cocked an eyebrow at him. "I'm offering you to sleep with me and you're opposed to the idea?"
"What? No!" He quickly shook his head. "I didn't mean it that way."
She fixed her eyes on him with an alluring gaze, her lips curved into a mischievous smile. He watched as she removed the plastic wrapper of her recently bought popsicle, pulling out the frozen treat, her fingers moving with deliberate slowness.
"Loosen up, Reid. It'll be fun. Besides," she continued as she drew the ice pop closer to her lips, feeling the coolness radiate from the icy surface. "I brought something along this trip that I really want to show you."
Then he watched her, his eyes drinking in the way she wrapped her lips around the cold treat, unraveling the boundaries of his imagination. She savored the tangy sweetness that burst in her mouth, her eyes never leaving his gaze. The bright red juice trickled down her chin, leaving a sticky trail in its wake and Spencer felt the weight of temptation pressing upon him, especially when her tongue slid along her mouth, capturing every last drop of the delicious treat.
Her movement exuded a potent magnetism, a subtle yet irresistible lure that drew him closer to the edge of indulgence. He would be a fool to decline a night of having her sweaty, naked body writhing under him.
"I'll be there."
And that was how he found himself walking stealthily through their rented villa hours later.
True to his words, Hotch was a late sleeper. But he wasn't the only one still awake in the dead of the night. Somehow he and Rossi were still in the kitchen, indulging themselves in the expensive liquor Rossi had brought along on this retreat. They had also invited him to join, but Spencer feigned fatigue and quickly excused himself, only to find Morgan and Garcia coming down the stairs as he climbed up to the second floor.
Now it was barely past midnight and half of the team was still wide awake—but he couldn't wait any longer. Not when the curiosity of what she wanted to show him fueled the fire within him, intensifying his longing with each passing second.
That was why he was making his way toward her room as stealthy as possible. He glanced down the dim-lit hallway before stopping right in front of her door. It was then he heard the faint shuffling noises coming from the room next door, certain it was Emily's lodging for the night. Then suddenly the door next to him rattled and Spencer's eyes widened as the adrenaline coursed through his veins, his heartbeat quickening its pace.
He reached out in a single fluid motion, his hand trembling ever so slightly, and grasped the cool metal handle in front of him. A rush of relief washed over him as he quickly slipped into the room before closing the door harshly amid his panic, a jarring thud echoing in the silence.
The sudden sound jolted Y/n as she twirled around in surprise.
"Reid," she hissed, her eyes darting toward the clock on the wall. "What are you doing? I told you to come by in another two hours!"
He looked over to her, and whatever thoughts he had at that fleeting moment completely dissolved into thin air. His eyes fell upon her and his words become entangled in a tangled web of astonishment. Spencer had seen her in clothes that weren't exactly modest, but he had never seen her adorned in a risqué outfit that accentuates every contour of her body.
The dress clung to her like a second skin, embracing her curves with a provocative grace, tracing the outline of her waist and hips with tantalizing precision. His eyes caressed the gentle slope of her shoulders, the smooth expanse of her collarbone, and the delicate neckline that plunged daringly. The delicate lace and sheer panels teased his senses, offering glimpses of beauty that lay beneath the surface—a beauty he could see a fragment of as his gaze lingered on her hard nipples pressed against the see-through fabric.
"Is that—" He cleared his throat, the hoarseness in his voice sounding foreign to him. "Is that what you wanted to show me?"
She looked into the full-body mirror she stood before by the bed, catching her reflection. "Technically. I brought a bunch of these and I was trying them on..." Her eyes drew back to him. "Until you came sooner than expected."
"Should I not be here now?"
"It kind of ruins the surprise."
His eyes slowly roamed across her body, stopping a little longer on the short hem of her fabric that stopped in the middle of her thigh. "I'd say you've accomplished whatever reaction you were aiming for."
She watched as he took a slow step forward, his eyes never wavered from her, locked onto her form with an intensity that had her feeling breathless. "I take it that you like this one?"
"I love it."
An amused smile formed on her lips. "But you haven't seen the other ones I brought."
"I'm certain I would also love them on you. But this—" His gaze revealed the depths of his desire, a hunger that burned bright within him. It was a flame that flickered in his eyes, igniting the anticipation that coursed through his veins. "Never knew I liked the color red."
As he took deliberate steps towards her, a surge of anticipation gripped her being. The intensity of his gaze, filled with longing and need, held her captive. With each stride, he closed the distance between them, his presence growing stronger, more intoxicating. She could feel his gaze caressing her, leaving a trail of heat and anticipation.
As he finally stood before her, the weight of his presence wrapped around her like a warm embrace. Visibly heaving and clenching her thighs, she peered at him with veiled anticipation, unbidden lust scorching at her core which lost all battle to and demanded to be consumed by the heat that radiated from his body. She could feel the intensity of his need, tangible and potent.
"You're beautiful," he said, reaching for her waist, both of his thumbs lightly rubbing along the material of the soft fabric. Then his hands slowly slid their way up her hips, gradually snaking their way up over her rib cage until both of his large palms paused at her breasts. "So fucking beautiful."
Then he squeezed her breasts roughly over the material and she gasped, thighs tightening together.
Y/n wasn't sure which reason she was surprised more, the way his touch was rougher than usual or the fact that he was cursing, because there were only two occasions for that to happen—either he was really, really mad, or he was far too aroused to properly filter his mouth.
It was definitely the latter considering she could distinctly see the bulge forming in his pants. And then his hands were quickly sliding down her body, gliding down over the curve of her ass. Feeling his fingers splay wide over each cheek beneath the fabric, he abruptly gave her a firm squeeze.
The way they stood in front of the mirror gave him a clear view of her backside as he marveled at the way her flesh molded in his grip. The tips of his fingers grazed her skin, the fabric having ridden up while he roughly kneaded her ass. Spencer almost purred when both of his hands fully slipped under the material only to be greeted with bare skin.
"Are you not wearing anything under this?" he whispered into her ear, the tip of his nose nuzzling into her cheek.
"It's called a thong."
He took a step closer and she could feel his arousal pressing into her leg. His forehead dropped down to her shoulder, resting there as his nails lightly dug into the flesh beneath his hands. "You want to torture me, don't you?"
She couldn't stop the giggle falling from her mouth. "Maybe."
He lifted his head, gently nipping at her shoulder. A shudder ran down her spine when he lightly kissed the spot afterward. "Laugh all you want now," he softly murmured against her skin. "You won't be able to laugh by the end of tonight."
She closed her eyes, allowing herself to surrender completely to his caresses, to the raw intensity that pulsed in her veins. "Spence."
The way she pronounced his given name held a power that transcended the ordinary, leaving him spellbound. "I love it when you call my name."
She felt a surge of confidence in his words that she let out a moan a she threw her head back, giving him better access while he gently peppered her neck with kisses. "Spencer."
Then it happened in a flash. One moment he was holding her gently and the next thing she knew, rough fingers gripped around the base of her throat, forcing her to look into the depths of his eyes. She could sense the unyielding force of his longing and desire. It was a palpable energy, a hunger that radiated from him, enveloping her in its intensity. She squirmed in his grip, mouth open as she gasped for air.
"Now you're just playing with fire."
She sensed the dominance that simmered beneath his touch, an innate desire to take control, to possess her completely. His hands, firm yet gentle, left trails of sensation along her skin, marking her as his own. It was a force that she couldn't ignore, nor did she want to. Instead, she surrendered to the raw power of his need, allowing it to wash over her.
"I must warn you," he murmured, licking across his bottom lip. "I'm not feeling like my usual self tonight."
She felt a shiver of anticipation ripple through her body. His words, laced with a commanding tone, sent a jolt of electricity straight to her core.
"You trust me, don't you?" She found herself nodding in agreement. "And you'll tell me if I'm being too much on you?"
She nodded again.
A satisfied smile played on his lips. "Good."
Then his breath was on hers. Their lips finally met in a gentle, tentative union, the soft brush of skin against skin. It was a delicate dance, a mingling of breath and desire that sent ripples of sensation throughout their bodies. She gasped out a moan, not expecting the enthusiastic way he devoured her, rolling her lips into the frantic motions of his wandering tongue.
As their bodies pressed closer, their mouths molded together with a hunger that defied words. It was a sensory feast, an exploration of pleasure that left them craving for more.
He slowly pulled away and breathed against her lips, "Turn for me."
Her hazy mind was trying to comprehend his request. "W-What?"
"I want to see you. Turn around for me."
She obliged his command without further thought, mostly because she was already willingly surrendered to the force of his dominant nature.
He stood behind her, his gaze fixated on the reflection before him. The soft glow of the ambient light accentuated her curves, casting a mesmerizing aura around her. His fingertips grazed the smooth surface of her arm, a gentle caress that sent shivers of anticipation coursing through her body. "Look at how beautiful you are."
He watched himself in the mirror as his hands made their way from caressing the softness of her stomach to gripping onto points of her hips and then up over the swells of her breasts. He gave them both a firm squeeze, admiring how they looked in his hands, how her skin radiates beneath his own. Then his lips descended upon the nape of her neck, pressing gentle kisses that left a trail of fire.
She whimpered when he pinched gently at her nipples to see it harden instantly against his touch. "...Spence."
He hummed a satisfied sound as his hands found their way back to her hips again, directing her with a low, sultry groan, "Sit down between my legs." Her eyes snapped towards his through the reflection. He simply smiled. "Don't worry. Just let me admire you."
That was how she ended up sitting in front of him on the bed, her back resting against his chest. Spencer carefully nudged her legs apart with his hand, and she couldn't resist looking away when she saw herself in such an explicit and vulnerable position. His breath, warm against her skin, mingled with the scent of her arousal, creating a heady atmosphere of desire. "I thought you wanted me to admire you in this outfit?"
Her eyes were brought back to the mirror. "I do."
"Then watch me while I do exactly just that."
He didn't leave her time to react because his fingers were already trailing around to feel over her stomach, across the dip of her navel, up and down the thickness of her thighs until they stopped between her legs. She could see herself clearly. The slick fabric of her thong was already a second skin to her, sticking against her arousal which barely covered her sex. Then his fingers moved deliberately slow as he grabbed onto the flimsy material, gently knitting it together in his hand before pulling it up along her wet folds.
Oh my god.
The friction startled her as she felt an unfamiliar pain while he continued to tug on the fabric, but at the same time, she felt a surge of arousal as it nudged against her clit. She was lost in this feeling, of him grinding the material against her core, of the view of her legs spread wide open in the mirror, of his ragged voice breathing in her ear... it was all too much.
And when she thought she couldn't take more of the pleasure building up in her body, he proved her wrong by pushing her thong aside, finally exposing her flesh in the open. The second his fingers slipped into the pooling wetness of her folds, spreading them open for himself to see, she couldn't help but let out a moan louder than she intended to.
"Shh," he cooed, his breath hot against her skin. "We don't want the others to know what we're doing, do we?"
She shook her head helplessly, watching as his fingers continued their exploration. She could already feel him harden with each steady, rhythmic beat of his heart while his fingers explored her, collecting the slick of her arousal before spreading it along her folds. His voice was a bit louder this time, the filthy words echoing in her clouded mind, "You like this, don't you? Look how fucking wet you're getting."
There went another curse word and somehow it managed to peak her arousal. There really was something about being the reason for him to act this way, so primal and dominant, so crude and demanding. His voice, deep and resonant, carried an authority that sent shivers of anticipation cascading through her body. It was a voice that commanded attention, demanding her full submission to his desires.
"Do you wanna see how my fingers look inside you?" He was taunting her now, teasing his fingers around the entrance of her like a twisted, evil game.
One of her hands gripped his thigh, the need to be pleasured so strong in her core that she couldn't help but cry out desperately. "Spencer, please...please."
He gently laughed at her despair, the throaty sound made her shiver. She let out a soft whimper when he finally gave her desperate pleas by sliding his middle finger into her.
Her eyes rolled at the back of her head before she instinctively closed her eyes. "Fuck..."
It wasn't long before his other hand gripped her chin, forcing her to open her eyes. "Keep your eyes open or I'll stop," he groaned into her ear. This alone almost sent her teetering right over the edge, just feeling his finger locked inside her. She settled to watch how his hand flexed as he began to slowly pump his finger in and out of her before adding another to stretch her out.
The bedroom was quickly filled with the lewd sound of his fingers plunging into her, suddenly moving at a crazy, mind-numbing pace as he curled them the way he knew would make her weak.
Her throbbing heat swallowed his fingers greedily as she caught a glimpse of them in the mirror, the only sounds echoing in their shared space were the hard breathings and low noises of her wetness and his fingers finding that sweet spot relentlessly. Spencer gently placed a kiss on her cheek and pressed his palm against her clit, feeling her body jolt in pleasure as he moved his hand.
She turned her head towards him, her lips capturing his in a needy kiss. He swallowed all her whimpers and bit her bottom lip before her tongue slid inside his mouth, sloppy and rough, and yet he wouldn't have it any other way. The closer she was reaching her high, the more intense the movements of his fingers became. She let out a gasp when the coil in her stomach tightened her core.
"Keep your voice down," he whispered, his fingers still driving in and out of her. "Don't worry, I got you. I got you."
She did her best to try to drag her focus back to their reflection through her fogged daze from her heavy, closing lids. The sight of him withdrawing his soaked fingers from her to circle changing patterns across her clit elicited a symphony of sighs and gasps, a testament to the depths of her pleasure. She could feel his breath against her skin, warm and tantalizing, as he placed gentle kisses along the nape of her neck.
"Spence...I'm so close," she sighed between heavy pants.
He nodded against her. "I can feel you. Let go for me. I want to see you."
She closed her eyes, ready to simply enjoy the thrilling and wonderful feelings of the pleasure he was bringing to her. When she was about to reach for her high, rolling her hips against his fingers as the tension in her body rose higher, he suddenly pulled them out and she whimpered at the loss. Her eyes settled on his gaze through the mirror.
"Sweetheart," he whispered gently, but then his fingers gripped around her throat again, forcing her attention back on her arousal glistening in the light. "I need you to keep your eyes on yourself."
She let out a strangled moan but managed to nod her head helplessly. Satisfied she was listening to him, he then started rubbing her clit roughly. She let out a muffled cry as she felt her orgasm rushing, his hold tightening around her throat as his fingers kept stimulating her clit in quick motions. She cried out his name over and over like a skipping, broken record.
"That's it. Say my name," He nipped at her skin, stinging that sensitive flesh between his teeth. "You're doing so good."
One look at the reflection before her was all she needed to fall apart. Seeing his arms holding her in place while his thighs were wide open behind her was more enticing than she had ever imagined. The way he touched her, so caring yet so dominant was the last drop for her to come hard, nails digging painfully into his forearm as her body went rigid.
The person staring back at her was one she almost didn't recognize. Her hair was frizzy and disheveled as it stick to her cheeks, her cheeks were flushed bright red and her face was coated in a sheen of sweat. Her eyes followed down her own body to see the mess coating his fingers, pooling between her thighs. She was still trying to reel back her senses when he suddenly let go of her.
"Lay on your back," he demanded, carefully pushing her onto the bed.
Then he proceeded to jump off the bed, his hands quickly removing his shirt before throwing it to the floor. Then she watched him as he started unbuckling his belt and—how did he manage to make it look so sensual? He dragged his tongue across his lips as he lingered at the sight of her sprawled wide open before him. The sound of his zipper being pulled down echoed throughout the room while he locked her gaze, finally slipping out of the last piece of clothing.
In one swift motion, he reached out and hooked his arms under her thighs and roughly yanked her further toward the edge of the bed. She squealed at the sudden movement in which he leveled her with a strong, disapproving gaze. "What did I tell you about keeping quiet?"
She nodded and watched as he slipped off her thong through her legs, slightly lifting her hips. Then he moved closer and positioned himself between her legs, taking his twitching cock in his hand as he stroked from base to tip, ready to bury himself inside her.
"So messy," He mumbled, dragging his cock along her folds as the head caught her entrance. "You're drenched."
She grumbled out a faint whimper.
"Make one noise and I'll stop," he sighed before slotting the head of his cock through her slit, catching the dewy arousal pooling there. Every fiber of his being trembled with the weight of desire, teetering on the edge of control.
"S-Spence," she mewled, her cheeks heated at the sensation of him pushing into her, the burning stretch of his tip reached places that felt nearly impossible to find.
"Shh," he whispered, desperately holding onto every self-control he had with the way she was already gripping him. "God, you're so tight."
"Baby," she mumbled, biting her bottom lip as she looked up at him with the utmost desperation. "Just fuck me already."
It was as if a dam had burst, unleashing a torrent of pent-up desire that had been building within him for far too long. The walls he had erected to hold back his cravings began to crumble, surrendering to the tempestuous storm that raged inside him.
With a breathless whisper, he reached out, his hands trembling in anticipation. "I'm afraid I don't have the restraint to be gentle," he exhaled, appetence thick in his throat. Searching fingers trailed over her stomach and eventually rested at her thighs and dug into the flesh until he couldn't hesitate anymore, and thrust to the hilt. "Forgive me."
At that moment, he finally let go, relinquishing control to the overwhelming force of his desire. He started out slow, enjoying the tightness wrapping around him as she gasped out his name. It was like he was reading her mind, moving at exactly the right pace to make her comfortable, but also building that delicious pressure. The roll of his hips pulled her into a trance as her body responded; muscles straining, eyes widening, lips parting.
She watched as he threw both of her ankles up onto his shoulders, his hands pinning them to his body. She felt his fingers firmly grip her legs tighter before he abruptly snapped his hips forward, his cock driving all the way into her instantly.
“Keep going," she breathed out, eyes snapping shut.
The grip on her face startled her as her eyelids fluttered open again. "Keep your eyes on me."
A low moan escaped her lips. He leaned over, hovering above her, his hands pushing her legs as they pressed against her body. The position allowed him to bury himself so deep inside of her, that the pleasant sting of him hitting her reverberated around her entire body. Her legs along his chest were already trembling against him as he continued to slam himself into her over and over.
"Don't make a fucking sound."
She hummed a reply before he leaned down, capturing her lips in a soft, hungry kiss. He trailed his lips down her throat before slightly pulling away, watching the way she was staring up at him, gasping and withering at every hard thrust of his hips. Her eyelids grew heavy under the weight of his stare, her mouth going slack as she felt the slow withdrawal of his cock, but she wasn't prepared for the way he rammed himself swiftly forward into her seconds later.
"Fuck, baby," she whimpered, feeling him stretching her all over again.
His hand slid back down to her throat, wrapping his fingers around it. Squeezing with just the right pressure, he picked up his pace, his hips rocking more rapidly into her. The hand on her throat tightened and she relaxed into his touch, feeling her climax reaching up to her as her own hand latched onto his forearm.
She continued to meet his savage thrusts with her hips, though his pace was near impossible for her to keep up with. Every soft grunt of his was falling almost into her ear and she couldn't help the way it was sending goosebumps across her skin. "Spence."
He could feel her walls clenching around him. "Don't come before me."
The demand startled her, because in honesty, Spencer always prioritized her needs before him. "W-What?"
"Trust me," he grunted, his lips hovering inches above hers. "Hold on a little longer."
There was nothing else she could do but to obey. There was something addicting with the way she easily surrendered control to him with so much trust that made pride swell in his chest, something about the sight of her obediently agreeing to him. Each forward thrust of his hips had her jolting, her breasts bouncing inside her barely covered outfit as the tip of his cock hit deep inside her.
The sounds that filled the room were vile. She faintly looked down between them as the crude sound of her slick walls squelching around his cock rang in her ears, leaving creamy rings of her slick around the base of his cock. A motion almost knocked the wind out of her as she let out a silent moan, lips parted in pleasure as he began a frantic pace.
And then he came undone. The intensity of his orgasm was enough for him to have an out-of-body experience, his vision going white as he filled her, her name drunkenly dripping off his lips. It was also enough for her to feel his warmth spread in her core, enough for her to clench hard around his cock as her own orgasm tugged her without warning, her legs shaking and her vision blurred as she felt the sensation traveling through every nerve of her body.
Her pleasure didn't go unnoticed by him as he frowned, his chest heaving while he tried to calm himself. "I thought I told you to wait."
She looked up at him tiredly. "You made it hard for me to wait."
He gave her a manic smile that sent a shiver down her spine before prompting himself on his arms, his dark curls tickling her skin as he stared down at her. The moment she felt him moving his hips again, she looked up in a panic.
"What are you doing—shit." He thrust his hips into her violently, her body squirming at his movement. "T-Too much."
"You came without my permission, might as well give you another one."
She bucked wildly beneath him, trying desperately to escape the tormenting way he was thrusting into her. She bit her lip from making a sound as he leaned back, pushing her thighs wide to expose her to him. "I-I can't."
"You can," he muttered, eyes never leaving the way he filled her up, his own release coating the slickness of her arousal. It was such a crude, messy sight, yet he was so infatuated by it. His thumb then fell on her swollen clit, moving it frantically in a circular motion. "You've been doing so well."
"Fuck." She stuttered out incoherent words as he thrust in and out of her in quick progressions, impatient and rabid. Pleasure and pain intermingled with each other so much that her brain couldn't process which one was which as they blurred. "Spence."
Then she couldn't take it anymore. It was too much for her to bear as her body erupted in flames, every vein of her being scorched with the fierceness of pleasure running through it, every collision of his hips into her sending sparks down her thighs. The climax swept through her like molten lava, swallowing her whole and threatening to drown her in a sea of pleasure. 
"That's it, good girl," he grunted. There was something about how she was letting him witness such a sight, to let him bask in her lust-driven state. His fingers continued their torture on her clit. "So fucking pretty."
He didn't allow her even a moment to reprieve or a second to fully come down from her high, keeping up the same frantic pace until she was freefalling into another orgasm so strong that she briefly forgot how to breathe. It wracked through her like a creature possessed, pulling her muscles taut and rendering her completely speechless. She couldn't have screamed his name even if she tried. Every nerve seemed to vibrate with divine electricity that consumed her entirely. She trembled uncontrollably, her limbs quivering with the sheer magnitude of the sensations coursing through her body.
Her vision became a hazy blur as the world around faded into insignificance. The room, once familiar, now dissolved into a backdrop of abstract shapes and colors. Her eyes, filled with tears of ecstasy, mirrored the tumultuous storm within. They spilled over, tracing a path down her flushed cheeks. She gasped for breath, struggling to anchor herself in the midst of the whirlwind that enveloped her.
Somehow amidst her shaking form, Spencer managed to pull her into his embrace, settling them onto the mattress before pulling the covers over their body. He held her and peppered the side of her face with gentle kisses as his hands soothed down her trembling body. 
“Hey, I got you. I'm right here."
The intensity was unlike anything she had ever experienced, a fusion of pleasure and vulnerability that brought her to the edge of her limits. She clung to the precipice, teetering on the brink of overwhelming release, as her body continued to convulse. Her grip tightened on his arm as she buried her face in the crook of his neck.
"Baby, breath with me," he muttered, gently cupping her face. "Breath in... breath out."
She followed him, her chest rising and falling with every breath she took as he helped her through it. And as the tremors subsided, she gradually returned to herself, her senses reawakening to the world around her. Her breathing steadied as she basked in the aftermath of the blissful storm that had swept her away.
"I'm sorry."
She shifted in his arms and glanced at him, noticing the way he was looking at her with worry. "Why?"
He gently swiped away the remnants of the tears still glistening in her eyes, evidence of the overwhelming intensity that had consumed her. "I pushed you too much."
"Spencer," she said, her voice dripping with astonishment. "That was the best sex of my life."
An amused chuckle escaped his lips. "Yeah?"
"Yes," she confirmed. "And it would hurt my ego if you don’t say the same thing."
His shoulder shook as he continued to laugh. "Y/n," he urged on, pressing a soft kiss on her mouth, smiling against her lips. "You're the best of everything that has ever happened to me."
As his words washed over her, a surge of warmth and tenderness enveloped her heart. She looked into his eyes, her gaze locked with his, and she could see the sincerity that radiated from his every word. His confession held a weight that transcended mere compliments or flattery and a soft smile played upon her lips as her eyes shimmered with a mixture of joy and disbelief.
But their moment was interrupted by the sudden sound of the door rattling without their knowledge.
"Y/n," Garcia walked into the room, her eyes focusing on the tablet in her hand. "Can you—"
Then she looked up, her breath caught in her throat, and for a moment, she stood still. She blinked, hoping to dispel the illusion, but it remained, solidifying the reality of what she beheld. She finally let out a scream.
"What the hell?!" She groaned in disbelief, quickly turning around. "Seriously?"
Y/n winced and let out a sigh. "...surprise?"
"I'm going to pretend I didn't see that!" Garcia yelled, already out of the room as she shut the door behind her. Then her voice rang in the air, muffled by the walls. "I'm happy for the both of you but very, very traumatized."
Her footsteps disappeared down the hallway and Y/n let out a breath she wasn't aware of holding. She quickly swat Spencer's arm and gave him a glare. "You didn't lock the door?!"
He gave her a sheepish smile. "Oops."
"You distracted me with your outfit!"
She groaned, burying her face against his neck. It wasn't that she didn't want anyone to find out about them, everyone would eventually know how infatuated they were with one another. But she never thought they would find out this way.
He slowly kissed her shoulder before mumbling against the skin, "So much for keeping quiet, huh?"
She burst into laughter, shoving an elbow into his side, not knowing whether to find this amusing or wanting to die out of embarrassment. "Shut the fuck up."
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loverbot-9000 · 1 year
They feel obliged to celebrate something. They’re not sure what, though.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 29 days
One of those Days
It's been one of those days for you and you'd love nothing more than a cuddle from your boyfriend Eddie. Except he's away on a trip with his uncle Wayne and won't be back until the next day..
Soft ,protective Eddie, shitty boss, mentions period pains and fluffy/comfort.
Dedicated to anyone who's just having one of those days. Eddie hugs for all of you 🥰
You were so tired. It has just been one of those days and all you wanted to do was curl up in bed and not face the world for a few hours.
Work was long and tiring, you were sore and halfway through your period. It made you feel exhausted, snappy and every part of your body ached.
And you missed Eddie so much.
Eddie was away fishing with his uncle Wayne, it was something the two of them had done together since he was a young boy, Wayne loved fishing and Eddie...well it wasn't really his thing but he loved spending time with his uncle.
He had been gone since yesterday and you dearly missed him and Wayne but filled your time hanging with friends and with work and trying to keep your bad periods cramps and aches to a minimum; that had yet to happen.
There was an intense pressure in your head that had been building all day to an almighty headache. All you could think about was your bed and staying in it until Monday. The thought of indulging in some ice cream and your favourite movies was also appealing.
Today was meant to be your day off but your asshole of a boss had no one else to cover the shift and repeatedly called you until you came in to cover the hours.
As soon as you were able to you'd be looking for a new job, this kinda thing had been happening far too often and your boss still treated you pretty badly.
That could wait for a couple of days as soon as you got home later that day you barely had the energy to shower and pretty much just pulled on your comfiest pjs and climbed into bed.
You'd love to be wrapped up in Eddie's arms right now. He always had a way of making you feel better, the two of you were so in sync with each other's emotions that it was easy to know what the other needed right away.
It's with those thoughts that you fall into a deep slumber.
It's dark in your room when you wake up, your headache has dulled slightly but you're left with that groggy, gross feeling of sleeping far too long.
Wait a minute. You pause as you smell Eddie's cologne and notice that Eddie's arms are wrapped around you. You blink sleepily, thinking it's maybe this a dream. "Eds?" he smiles and kisses your forehead.
Okay so not a dream.
"Hey beautiful" he draws you closer to him and elation fills you that he's really here.
"Hi, I thought you weren't back until tomorrow" you kiss him happily and he returns eagerly, kissing you until you're both breathless.
"We finished up early and uh I kinda drove uncle Wayne crazy because I was missing you so much" you melt at his sweetness and burrow yourself in his arms.
"Are you still feeling shitty sweetheart?" He asks as he strokes your hair, you nod still burying your head into his chest and feel content to lie there for a little while.
"Mmm, work was horrendous too. Jake called me in, and wouldn't stop until I covered the shift even though I told him I was feeling awful" Eddie growls and you hear him muttering under his breath at what he'd like to do to your boss, it makes you smile.
"No you can't kick his ass babe" you giggle while trying to tell him off. It never works, he pouts and looks at you all sorrowful brown eyes and faux innocence.
"Not even a little bit? It will make you feel better" you hide your smile and shake your head.
"Not even a tiny bit. Hopper wouldn't be able to let that slide" he's still pouty but cheers up immediately, then proceeds to look offended once he notices that you're not in his arms and he makes grabby hands at you.
"Princess, I was liking that cuddle" you immediately settle back in his arms and feel content for this first time all day.
"Did you drive uncle Wayne crazy with Dio and Metallica then?" you ask and he smirks impishly at this, he's had this master plan to get Wayne to listen and possibly even like one of his favourite bands.
"He ended up liking Black Sabbath. I told you there was hope for the old man yet" he looks so proud of himself but the expression vanishes when he looks at you, instead now he looks worried.
"Okay, first things first my lovely maiden, we are having a shower and then some of uncle Wayne's delicious mac and cheese yes?"
Exactly one hour later you're back in bed with Eddie having had the loveliest shower, Eddie had taken to washing your hair, usually you did it for him but he insisted that tonight he was looking after you.
"Gotta make sure my princess is pampered so you feel better baby"
Now you were having some delicious Mac and cheese while Eddie was telling you about the massive fish he managed to catch.
"I swear sweetheart it was half the size of me. The little shit bit my finger though and went back in the water, shit I fell in after it and almost ruined my vest, wayne thought it was hilarious"
"Poor baby" you soothe. You're perfectly happy listening to Eddie's adventures in fishing. Tucked up in his arms and paying him rapt attention.
Turns out today wasn't such a shitty day after all.
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itsjustaninchident · 9 months
Tolerate It
Charles Leclerc x Fem!Reader
summary: Y/N cries almost about everything but don't worry Charles is there, ready to wipe her tears away.
warning/s: angst???? and fluff
author's note: idk if i gave this justice, this is like a spur of the moment thing.
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Y/N is definitely an empath, she sees stray cats and dogs on the street? she'll pet and cry for them, if only she could take all of them home. Old people alone? Bawl her eyes out. Kids that ask for money on the streets? Think how life must've treated them.
But at least she has a boyfriend to run to when it gets too hard for her, to breathe while she cries her heart out. Arms ready for her to run to and his shirt ready to get soaked by her salty tears. Must've been the reason she's made it to (your age), she has a comforting boyfriend who never found it weird she cries at all the most mundane things.
She's watching a sad movie? Don't worry Charles is there to give her tissues and feed her ice cream. "You've watched this a hundred times but never fail to cry as hard as the last time you've watched it. Nonetheless, you're adorable so you get a pass." And that would put a smile on her while Charles dry her tears and kiss her softly on her nose.
She listens to songs and suddenly a cute/angsty/happy lyric comes on? He'll rub her back and hug her through it. "It's okay, Love. Taylor Swift was probably chilling while she writes 'I know my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it.'" Charles tries to convince her while she cries harder upon hearing the lyrics, "Okay, I am sorry. I probably shouldn't sing anymore." Which cut her crying session with a meek laugh bubbling her throat. "There's your pretty smile." He utters with full adoration. He probably still finds her gorgeous even when she's breaking down, Charles will find her pretty as much.
She stumbles upon a sad and tragic couple's story on tiktok whom she's never met in real life? Charles is right there to assure her it won't happen to them. "It was probably orchestrated, you know. Besides, we're like the perfect pair and I couldn't ask for more." He assures her rubbing circles on her back as she lay down on his chest, content to hear how his heart beats for her.
And that's what makes them a perfect couple, he was always there in her 'ugly crying' days, always ready to wipe her tears, always ready to give her comforting words "It's okay, mon cheri. I am here. I'll always love you." He says in the softest voice and all her tears will dry and a smile will shine on her face again. And just like that all her worries will fade, all the sad things she's thought of are fading into the background as if she never thought of it at all. She was able to get through the bad and sad days with him by her side, ready to wipe the tears and put a smile on her face. 
She was so used to him being there for her that when he’s no longer present, she feels a hole in her heart. There's no one to wipe the tears away rather the one she's crying for, no one making her laugh to ease the pain instead he's the reason for the pain, no one to run to when she's sad because the slightest thought of him makes her miserable already, how will she recover now when the person who takes away her sadness is now the reason why she's sad?
please I would love to hear a feedback about this one, it's like a first for me to write something so angsty????? I hate angst so I am sorry if I made u believe it will all be alright all along..... Anyway please do some request because request box is open!!! hehe happy holidays
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ericshoney · 4 months
Our girl ~ The Sturniolo triplets
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Warnings: Some language, my first Sturniolo triplets oneshot
It was a warm Thursday afternoon. You sat on the large white sofa, scrolling through your phone as your head rested on Matt's lap. Both of you sat in a comfortable silence. Nick was in his room, editing the up and coming video of the week and Chris was....you had no idea, but it was quiet, which worried you.
As if the man could read your thoughts though, Chris soon appeared in the room. He gave you a wide grin as his eyes met yours.
"Let's go out!" He exclaimed.
"What?" Matt called.
"Are you deaf, dumbass. I said let's go out." Chris repeated.
"Where?" You asked.
"I don't know, I'm bored though." He answered with a shrug.
"I'm not just fucking driving around the cit-" Matt was quickly cut of by Chris' shouting.
"We'll decide in the car! I'll get Nick!" He shouted, running up the stairs to Nick's room.
You giggled watching him run off, sitting up so you could grab your shoes. One thing you loved with being friends with the triplets was no dull moments.
"Fucking goof." Matt mumbled, making you giggle more.
"How about happy ice?" You suggested as he got up of the sofa.
"Sure. I know Nick will agree." He said.
You nodded as you slipped your shoes on, silently Matt tied your shoelaces for you, knowing you always struggled to get them right and have them untied before you even got to the car.
"What the fuck, Chris!" You both hear Nick shout, as Chris comes running down the stairs.
"What did you do?" Matt asked with a sigh.
"He fucking jumped on me as I just finished editing!" Nick shouted before Chris could respond.
You look up at Matt to see him sigh again, you held in your laughter as you rushed to the stairs to the garage.
"Oh well we're going to happy ice!" You exclaimed.
"Hell yeah!" Nick exclaimed, his anger suddenly gone.
As Chris was yapping on about all the different flavours, you quietly, but quickly, climbed into the front seat of the car. Matt climbed in the drivers seat and laughed seeing you next to him.
"He's gonna get mad." He said.
"No he won't, he loves me." You state.
"Your not wrong." He replied.
You smiled as you heard Nick and Chris' voices get closer. Nick climbed in the back of the car just as Chris stood next to your closed door.
"Hey! That's my seat!" He exclaimed.
"Hey! That's my seat!" You mimicked, making the other two laugh.
"Your no fun." He pouted, sliding in next to Nick.
"You want to swap?" You offered.
"Are you comfortable?" He asked.
"Yes." You answered.
"Then no, your comfort means more to me than the aux." He said with a smile.
You smiled wide as Matt began to drive. You had some music playing as the guys sang along, you gazed out the window, watching the world go by.
Soon you arrived at happy ice, Nick ordered for all of you, which you were always grateful for.
"Hey look at that puppy!" Matt exclaimed, looking out the window, as a lady with a cute puppy walked pass.
"Aww! It's so cute!" You squealed, making the triplets smile. The one of many things they loved about you was your sweet personality and seeing you smile.
"Here you go, sweetheart." Nick said gently, passing you the sweet treat.
"Thank you!" You exclaimed, taking a bite happily.
The four of you then left, eating as you walked down the street. The guys stop to let you catch up every time you see something shiny or cute. Something particular that caught your eyes was a small moose soft toy. It was so cute you thought.
"What caught your eyes?" Chris questioned as the three siblings trailed back to you.
"Just a moose soft toy, nothing special." You mumbled, your eyes not moving from the cute item.
The guys knew it wasn't nothing, as you didn't move on. They shared a look as Nick nodded. Matt and Chris quickly distracted you as Nick went into the store and bought the moose for you, when he came out, you had returned to the car, the three of you on your phones.
"I'm back~" Nick sang as he slid into his seat.
"Did you get it?" Chris blurted out, earning a slap from Nick.
"Get what?" You curiously asked.
"Here." Nick placed the bag in your lap, leaving you confused as you peaked into the bag. A cute gasp escaped your lips.
"Woah thank you!" You exclaimed, making the three smile at your happiness.
"Anything for our girl." Matt said.
You held the toy close as Matt drove home, the smile not leaving your face, happy with how your day with your friends went.
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hairmetal666 · 1 year
Eddie's hanging out with Steve at Family Video when Robin stomps in like a whirlwind.
"Oh, god, I did something so dumb. You have to help meee."
They straighten from where they lean over the counter towards each other, and Eddie takes a big step back, sure that all his big gay feelings for Steve are on display.
"What did you do this time?" Steve smiles with exasperated fondness.
"It's so bad." Robin faceplants with a dramatic wail.
"What happened?" Eddie asks
"I--I'm so sorry!" She looks at both of them, and a tingle of panic works it's way up Eddie's spine.
"My parents started going on and on about me and Steve and why we won't just admit we're dating, and I started to freak out because they won't accept that we're just friends, and I'm not ready to tell them that I'm a lesbian, even though I think it would be okay, so, I told them you were dating someone, Steve."
"Well, that's not so bad, Rob. So, what, they think I have a girlfriend? Who cares."
Her shoulders slump and she frowns. "I wish that's what they thought. They kept asking who, and I panicked!"
"Robin." Steve looks alarmed now, his pretty mouth pulled into a grimace. "What did you tell them?"
"Okay, please don't hate me," she begs. She's looking at Steve, but then she's looking over at Eddie. And oh, god, oh fuck, this can't be happening.
"You've got to be kidding me, Buckley," he says. He keeps his voice light but the touch of panic has become a punch.
"Wait. How do you know--how does he--? Who am I dating?"
"Me, Harrington. She told them you were dating me."
"Oh," Steve shrugs. "Sure."
Eddie chokes on air, plays it off. "For you maybe, Stevie. We in the Munson household have standards."
Steve doesn't meet a beat. "I'll have you know, Edward, that I am a catch."
"Yeah, for the lovely ladies of Hawkins," Eddie winks, even though every word, every gesture aches.
"Oh, c'mon! I'm a great boyfriend. Defend me here, Robin"
Normally, Eddie finds these antics to be charming, but confronting his crush on Steve so forcefully has ruined his mood.
"Need a cigarette," he says to escape.
He's only alone for a few minutes before Steve is sidling up next to him.
"What's she need us to do?"
He grimaces, exhaling a plume of smoke. "I'm so bad at meeting the parents."
"Shut-up." Steve pokes him in the chest. "Everyone loves you. It's kind of obnoxious, actually. Plus, I think this'll help her feel more comfortable about coming out."
He snorts if only so he doesn't have to think about Steve talking about him and love in the same sentence.
"Fine. For Buck, I'll do it." But he doesn't know how he'll get through pretending to date his biggest crush with out spontaneously combusting.
"Love the enthusiasm," Steve laughs. "You know I'd treat you right, Munson."
The blush that rolls over his face is crimson. "Alright, big boy, calm down. We're not actually dating."
The bark of laughter Steve lets out is a burst of pure adrenaline to Eddie's heart. This is going to be a disaster.
The night of the dinner arrives and Eddie almost blows the whole game when they walk in the Buckley front door and Steve's arm wraps around his waist. The night is all casually intimate touches and Steve leaning into his personal space; calling him "baby" in a soft, warm voice; eyes drifting to Eddie's lips as they flirt and banter.
It's almost like they're a couple; almost like Steve could love him.All of his senses are overwhelmed with Steve Harrington and it fucking hurts. But Eddie lets himself indulge, finally running his fingers through Steve's gorgeous hair, tracing the moles on his face and neck, outlining the sharpness of his perfect jaw, calling him "sweetheart" with heartbreaking fondness.
It's intoxicating.
They're helping Mrs. Buckley with the dishes when it happens. When Steve leans over and casually presses his lips to Eddie's, tasting like vanilla ice cream and spiced apples and something indefinably warm. Eddie is helpless not to crumple, leans into Steve, wraps fists into the perfectly fitted polo, drawing them closer.
The night ends and Eddie thinks he's finally free, except the Buckleys love them. Keep inviting them back.
He goes for Robin, he tells himself, but he knows that it's for the hope of it. Knows that he's a ship breaking himself against the rock that is Steve Harrington, and god help him, he can't stop.
Of course, of course, the wires get crossed. The kids have a pool party, leave Steve and Eddie to ice cream clean-up duty. Of course, he can't stop himself from smearing some melted mint chip down Steve's face, and Steve retaliates with chocolate sauce.
They giggle and flight and make mess until Steve's eyes are bright, cheeks red, and Eddie can't look away. He clocks Steve's eyes drifting to his mouth, is helpless as the distance between them closes, as Steve captures his lips.
It's not the brief, chaste things from the Buckley's; it's hot, all tongues and teeth and desire, and it's not fucking real.
Eddie lurches back, making Steve stumble. "Stop," he snarls.
"Eddie--" Steve's eyes are wide.
He's panting, can't catch his breath. "You can't just fucking kiss me like that when it doesn't mean anything to you."
"Please," Steve begs. "Let me explain."
"Save it. We're done with this. Robin is good now. And I'm out."
He turns away, heads towards the front door, but Steve pulls him back.
"Let me explain. Please. Please, Eddie. I didn't mean--"
And it's too much. Steve's plaintive voice, his big eyes wet with tears.
"Of course you didn't mean it," he spits. "It's nothing to you, pretending to date me. Touching me. Kissing me. Acting like you love me. It doesn't matter to the Heartthrob of Hawkins. But have you or Buckley ever taken the time to think that it's everything to me?" Hot tears spill down his cheeks and he can't even be embarrassed because all of this has been so humiliating.
Steve gapes at him, face slack and stunned. "Eddie, I--I'm so--"
"Don't. See you around, Harrington," he says. Then he runs.
He doesn't leave the trailer for a week. Refuses to pick up the phone.
It's Saturday, early evening. Wayne just left for his shift when there's a knock on the door.
Eddie is content to ignore it, to wrap himself in a quilt on the couch, but the knocking doesn't stop.
"Eddie, I know you're in there. Your van is here. The lights are on. I can hear you," Steve calls.
Longing clenches at his heart, but he's not in the mood for the gentle let down.
"Go away, Harrington." He starts towards his bedroom, thinking maybe he can lock Steve out.
"Please, Eddie."
"I don't need anything from you, Harrington."
It's silent for long enough that Eddie thinks it works. And then, " I have so many things I should tell you, Eds. If you still hate me at the end, I'll go. I'll never bother you again. But please, please listen."
Resigned to having a conversation he never wanted, Eddie opens the door. "Okay, Harrington."
Steve steps inside, twisting his hands for a few seconds before blurting out, "I've had a crush on you for months."
The confession briefly steals Eddie's breath from his lungs before he scoffs, "and you never said anything? C'mon, Harrington, when have you ever hesitated to ask someone out?"
Steve blinks a few times, before he answers. "I've been terrified to say anything because I didn't want to lose my best friend."
"And what, Robin asks us to pretend to date and you think that's the perfect time to make your move?" Eddie grips at his hair, pulling it in front of his face.
"Yeah, a little bit!" Steve raises his voice. "I tried but I was terrified you only wanted me as a friend."
"You know I'm gay, Harrington!"
"What the fuck does that mean?"
"Of course I wanted you!" Eddie's yelling now, has closed the distance between them so they're almost nose-to-nose.
"I didn't know! How could I? You could've said something!"
"I thought you were straight! Fucking look at you! You've slept with 75% of the available girls at Hawkins High!"
"Who cares about them, Eddie? I want you!"
"Funny way of showing it, Harrington."
"What do you want me to say? That I'm sorry? Cause I am."
"Is that why you kissed me at your house? Making your move?"
"It wasn't supposed to be. I got--" Steve's throat bobs as he swallows. "Caught up in the moment. I know I shouldn't have kissed you like that. I know."
"Then why did you?" Eddie's voice breaks. "Why then? Why not any of the other nights we spent together?"
"Because that's when I realized that I'm fucking in love with you!" Steve shouts.
They're both breathing hard by the end, Steve's eyes too bright, face too flushed. They stare at each other, unmoving, Steve's confession ringing in his ears.
"You done?" Eddie's voice waivers, his heart pounding, stuttering, flipping in his chest.
Steve nods, but Eddie doesn't give him a chance to move. He brings their mouths crashing together, Steve not even hesitating to slip his tongue between Eddie's lips. They kiss hard enough that they draw blood, but that just makes it more frenzied. Eddie grips Steve's hip, presses him against the trailer door, grinding against him with abandon.
Eddie breaks the kiss to finally pay some attention to the delightful moles on Steve's neck, working his way up to his jaw. "I'm going to have so much fun taking you apart, sweetheart," he whispers, mouth pressed to Steve's ear, delighting in the way he shivers at the words.
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