#『  granny / ic.  』    ❝ visiting granny. ❞
crimsonfacets · 1 year
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@krueger4eva asked: (Granny and Witch Hazel) Have you two ever hung out with each other?
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"Ehe. ~ From WHOMST do you think she buys her best pumpkins from around the most nefarious holiday of them all, dearie?" A wicked giggle lilted off the old witch's tongue, fingers tapping together. "Of course we have! We're on, well, I suppose you could say 'fairweather friend' terms!"
THWACK! The sound a wooden ladle slapping to the counter ran like a gunshot from Granny, spun on a dime from the oven to point her finger at the cackling Hazel. "Oh, don't you start with that, Hazel! Don't you start! We would be wonderful weather friends if you would only behave yourself around my poor, sweet creatures. Need I remind you? Hm? Need I remind you how you tried to put my poor little Tweety in a tea, or how you tried multiple, multiple times to skin my poor Sylvester?"
Green digits tickled the air in both amusement and careless brushing.
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"You've raised those obnoxious little critters of yours in love and light, Emma." Hazel counteracted, drifting across the way to bump her hip into Granny's and launch her from the stove, taking a few spices from her pockets to drizzle into the oatmeal brewing atop the flame. "You truly expect me to behave myself with such, eh, prized qualities? Does the fox pass up a golden chicken? I think not! You're wasting their potential, you are. Wasting it!"
It wasn't the tea kettle that begun whistling, it was the steam from Granny's ears. "Away, you misbegotten old crone!" She hissed, slapping her hand at Hazel's elbow and giving her a good crack on the noggin with the weaponized spoon. "Don't you come for breakfast in my kitchen if you're going to speak that way! Out with you, out!"
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"ooOohHh loook, Emmy -- mulllltiple tweetys! ehehehe, you wouldn't mind just fooour being pilfered, would ya?"
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lisbeth-kk · 5 months
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May Prompts
Today's prompt is: cold. (Apologies in advance for waving a cheery goodbye to the cold for a while, before it was brought back)
The Luckies Girl in the World (chapter six)
Summary: A visit to Sherlock's parents bestows Rosie with a pet name.
Six Years Old
I never found it weird that Papa called me Watson. It was his name for me, but some of my friends, teachers and apparently Sally Donovan, found it to be heartless and cold. 
They all failed to discern the amount of affection and warmth in his voice when he addressed me as such. There was nothing cold about it.
Papa also used endearments like my heart and my precious girl, but only in private, which made them feel even more special. I never heard him call Dad anything but John, though he had a dozen different ways of saying Dad’s name.
Papa gave me a new name a warm summer day when I was six. We were visiting his parents, which I adored, he not so much. That’s what he claimed, anyway, but I saw how fond he was of them. They didn’t have that strong bond I had with my parents, but it more than sufficed, and Dad made up for it by being his wonderful self. Natural, friendly, helping in the kitchen and doing some of the heavier gardening for my grandmother.
Papa and his father had one particular interest in common. Bees. My grandfather had several beehives, and the first thing Papa did when we arrived, was to pester his father about the creatures he found so endlessly fascinating. Papa’s father was a patient man and answered all his questions meticulously. 
Until then, I hadn’t been allowed near the hives, but this time, Pops, as I called him, had a surprise for me. My very own beekeeper suit, long gloves and a gigantic hat with a protective veil.
Papa was just as excited as me when I’d dressed myself, and the three of us walked into the garden to inspect the beehives. Not after Dad had taken endless pictures, though.
“Fascinating, aren’t they?” Papa murmured in my ear when Pops lifted out one of the frames where bees crawled around and buzzed.
I could only nod in agreement, because I couldn’t get my eyes off them. The hexagon pattern, the delicious honey they produced, their colour, how organised it all was.
At dinner that night, I told Dad all about my bee adventure, helped by Papa and Pops. When Granny served her famous honey cake with toasted almond flakes on top and vanilla ice cream for dessert, my day was complete.
“Is the honey from Pops’ bees?” I asked hopefully.
“Oh, yes, Rosie,” Granny answered. “Your Pops wouldn’t allow any other honey inside this house. Besides, it’s the best honey for miles.”
Pops squeezed her hand, and I sighed happily when I was granted a second slice of cake.
After that day, Papa started to call me by another name. Not that he discarded Watson altogether, but it was mostly limited to when he reprimanded me, so I guess it turned out to have a chillier effect on me in the end. 
When he first used the new name in Dad’s presence, I could see tears form in his eyes.
“Bee,” Dad whispered. “What a beautiful and fitting name.”
“Indeed. You like it, don’t you?” Papa asked me.
“I love it,” I stated. “I’ve never had a pet name before, have I, Dad?”
“Not as such, love,” Dad agreed. “Do you want me to come up with something too?”
“Only if you want to. You call me love and sweetheart all the time in addition to my name, so it’s fine,” I told him.
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” Papa recited.
“You and your Shakespeare,” Dad teased.
“Well, it is a nice quote, though I think an originally Danish saying, also used in Norway as far as I know, describes what I’m thinking about even better,” Papa retorted.
“Can you translate it into English?” I asked expectantly.
“Of course, Bee,” Papa replied. “A dear child has many names.”
Also available on AO3
(@s in the replies)
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kissesforkita · 3 months
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𓇼𓆉𓆝 With the Wind
。˚𖦹 wc. 1.2k
Rising temperatures and fewer shadows signaled summer; a sweet scent of fresh fruit and the sticky residue of melted ice cream on hands. The sun seems to never set, sky so blue the scorching yellow seems unreal as if someone had taken a marker and drew in the circle as big as they can to fill the empty space.
“If ya’ color the blue too close, it’s goin’ to turn green” He sits with his legs to his chest, small palms resting on his knees as he looked over your shoulder.
A younger version of yourself simply raises an eyebrow, cheeks puffing in disagreement as you shake your head. Fingernails dig into your palm as you practically force the crayon across the paper, messy scribbles of blue covering the white to mimic the sky above you two. “Then I just won’t color over the sun!” Sweat gathers on the back of his neck as he watches you draw, lying on your stomach with colors strewn across the grass in front of you.
The warm breeze that passes every so often makes the wind-chime by his door sing, it reminds him to wipe at his hairline before he rises to his feet and offers you an outstretched hand. “Granny cut fruit earlier; she got yer’ favorite'' With the promise of a snack, you stand with a cheeky smile, palms slapping against his in a clumsy holding of hands as you practically drag him into the house.
Summer brought you, taller than the passing year and smile brighter, cheeks not as round and features more defined. Still the more talkative of the two of you and more eager to create plans, every year he found himself waiting for the shrill of cicadas and warming of concrete. Kita Shinsuke loves summer. Though he feels love is a strong word, he loves his grandmother, his daily routine, and the added warmth you bring along with the sun every time you visit with a mischievous grin and a raised hand knocking on his door.
The once-small shadows now stand tall, they stretch and distort against the ground as you walk side by side, shoulders bumping every so often and hands constantly wiping at forming beads of sweat. “I wish you lived closer to the ocean; imagine waking up to the sea at your porch.” Kita entertains the thought, a hum leaving him as he holds open the door to the convenience store for you.
The blast of cool air is refreshing, isles of frozen treats and bubbly drinks tempting you, “When we start high school, we should go to the shore to celebrate” Kitas eyes never leave you even as yours scan the line of coolers, a fond look goes unnoticed as you open the door and stick your head into the freezer with an exaggerated sigh.
Kita swipes at your warmed shoulder, strands of hair falling away from your face with a tender brush of his fingertips. "Once ya’ move we can go anywhere ya’ like." The more rational side of his mind knows ‘anywhere’ is limited. While junior high has been kind to you both with your shared allowance combined, ‘anywhere’ can be a sweet drink from the shopping district two stations down at best. 
The heat is unforgiving yet Kita’s touch is cool, it soothes burning skin and you find yourself grabbing at his favorite drink rather than yours. “You gotta introduce me to all your friends, ok?” The smile that graced your lips remained etched in Kita's memory a year later. Amidst the countless toothy grins and quirky expressions he can recall, that nervous smile you gave him in the convenience store inexplicably lingered at the forefront of his mind for the rest of the summer. 
Starting school at Inarizaki wasn’t as nerve wracking as you originally imagined it to be, even with only one recognizable face in a sea of blurry hundreds, it was fairly easy to make friends. There was a great deal of whining and huffing when you found Kita in another class but maybe it was for the best, you reasoned, as you sat surrounded by giggling classmates. The campus was bigger than your old school, the vending machines a couple coins cheaper, and the gym brighter than the old fluorescents you were used to. 
Following the urge to keep your friend close, you joined the volleyball team as their manager. Not intentionally, and not very eagerly either. When Kita asked you to join him at introductions you followed, sat on the bleachers alone and leaned against the railing with wide eyes at the tall players. Though you went for your friend, it was hard to look away from the short libero, his feet pushing against the hardwood and body diving for every ball across the court. He was louder than the other first years and had a habit of patting everyone on the shoulder. 
Akagi Michinari was in your class the next day, his face more detailed and name known to you. His smile was wide, ears always tinted red when a classmate would thank him for helping with a question or ask to borrow an eraser. It was easy talking to Akagi, his cheeks blushing when you followed him to the vending machines during break and complimented his athleticism. He was so flustered he forgot he was buying himself a drink and instead bought you a snack. “I think libero is a cool position! The ball barely touched the ground when you were playing!” The way he rubbed at the back of his neck and showed off all his teeth with every smile was endearing. 
Volleyball was interesting at best, more than familiar with the sport and the passion it’s players have. Back in junior high, when you spent too much time indoors, Kita's granny would encourage you both to go outside and play, often finding yourself tossing the ball around with your friend. Kita carried the ball under his arm everywhere, driven by a relentless determination to improve. He found it enjoyable, he would say. 
When Kita joined the volleyball club at his previous school, you realized his true maturity. The two of you can recall the incident vividly: you finally attending a game, only to discover him without a jersey, sitting on the sidelines. His plain white shirt served as a temporary substitute, a placeholder for something he would never receive. To your younger, more emotional self, it seemed utterly unfair. After the match Kita would have to hold you back, a firm hand on your arm as you grumbled and promised to get him a number on the team. Kita says his team won that day but in your mind they lost horribly. 
You hold no grudge against the sport, only the childish teammates he used to have, but the Inarizaki boys volleyball club grows on you. The third-year captain is kind, introduces you to everyone with a smile and promises to make anyone who shows you disrespect be on the receiving end of his spikes. Yet, out of every player on the entire team you find yourself joining the first years. The invisible pull that leads you to Kita brings Akagi, the two contrasting personalities getting along perfectly. 
Then you met Ojiro Aran, with his matching sense of humor and tendency to always take your side, the two of you clicked immediately. The favoritism was very evident in the way you treated those three opposed to the rest of the team. Your shouts a little louder with every point Aran earned, words more meaningful as you spew compliments at Akagi's receives, and the way your eyes softened whenever Kita would step foot on the court was obvious to everyone.
You didn’t expect to click with anyone as well as you did with them.
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Summary: Y/N finds someone in her room at night during the Christmas season. Is he the demon from her old Nanny's fairytales?
Warnings: Smut (obviously) , name calling, spanking, yk the whole shebang. Mention of blood. Rough (as in, really rough) sex. Wrap it before you tap it. Also, these pictures were downloaded from Pinterest, don't sue us🥲 Pic credits to owners.
Word count: 5.4k
A/n: Hey guyssss we're back with a oneshot. This is our entry for @watchmegetobsessed 's #fanficmas2022
(This is basically smut with no plot lol, G went feral with it)
Anyway here's, 5.4k of pure smut😚❤️ Enjoyyyy
G and M
The ambient darkness spread across the horizon. The moon was nowhere to be found. There were owls hooting outside. Y/N felt like she was in a horror movie . Her mother had always warned her not to listen to Grandma's horror stories. Well, she was not technically Y/N’s granny; she was the one who looked after her when her parents weren't around; she was her nanny but Y/N loved her like her own grandmother. Her parents were always travelling for work related things and were hardly home. They were busy making money and reputation while Y/N was abandoned like an orphan. They provided her with everything but it was not the same as having her parents around. She had studied well and had entered into a prestigious university. She chose to study psychology, the wonders of the human mind had never failed to amuse her.
Laying on her bed, Y/n contemplated her life. Life had always been difficult for her. Breaking up with her now ex boyfriend was just the icing on the cake. Her best friend Danny was the only relief in her crestfallen life. She slowly drifted off to sleep.
She woke up abruptly at the sound of thunderbolts in the night sky . Electric lightning zipped across the sky like fireworks.Terrified would be an understatement to explain her predicament. Shadows of her own room illuminated in the lighting and it appeared more and more disturbing. She felt like she was immobile. Is this what they call sleep paralysis? She could feel a menacing presence of something that wasn't supposed to be there. She wanted to run outside and scream but she couldn't. Another roar of thunder.
"Oh God! " She screamed.
"God isn't coming for your help, darling, " a hoarse voice replied.
"Who are you?" She asked. A gravelly laugh was the reply.
In the dark she could make out the shadow of her intruder, thanks to the lightning. Another thunder bolted.
"Please don't kill me", she cried.
Her intruder came closer this time. She found that he was around six feet and sculpted, not in a way that Protein shakes and gym do. He was wearing a black cloak with a hood. It covered his entire face. A sword hung dangerously on his hip. It felt like hanging the sword of Democles above her head because she knew that it was going to be her last night on earth.Even if she tried to fight with this intruder, it wouldn't last long, he was armed and she was alone .
"If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it while you were asleep, darling. Why waste time fighting with you?" He seemed calm and collected unlike her mind, which had a raging storm inside that made the thunderstorm outside look less terrific. The rumbling sound of the thunder brought back her attention to the intruder.
"Then why are you here? Wait, what are you wearing?" She did not mean to ask that question out loud, it was a slip of the tongue.
"That's what we wear in our land." He confirmed.
"Who wears a cloak in the 21st century? Are you out of your mind? ", she laughed
Then it clicked.
" They come wearing black cloaks and a sword with two serpents on its handle. The hilt of the sword has an emerald stone in the middle. Every year before Christmas they will visit, to mark all your sins. They are the incarnations of all seven deadly sins, they're the commanders of the Devil himself.”
“The Angel who was cast out of heaven for rebelling against God.”
“ What was his name again?”
“Lucifer”, Grandma whispered.
“Lucifer”, Y/n confirmed.
“Don't say his name aloud princess. He'll come and take you to his place.”
“And where is his place?” Y/n couldn't contain her excitement. She was mesmerised by the tale of God and Lucifer, an angel who lost his place for disobeying The Mighty Creator.
“It's said in Isaiah 14:12 that after becoming Satan by his fall, Lucifer "goeth up and down, to and fro in the earth, seeking to destroy the souls of men".
“So he wanders around. Does he not have a palace or something?”
"He has, Princess. A palace and an army of soldiers beneath the Earth, a distant land of shadows, where the dead and the sinned will go."
She voyaged through the memory lane, a conversation with her grandma long ago .
"Are you the fallen angel ?" She asked, petrified.
"You need to be specific, darling."He said with pure amusement.
"Are you …..",she swallowed her own words .
"Are you Lucifer? " She finally plucked up the courage to ask him .
"No, I Am not ."His words are nonchalant like he does this kind of conversation everyday.
"No I'm not a robber, we have enough resources in our land. We are immune to the earthly pleasure of money." He mused.
"Can you read my mind?" She was genuinely surprised.
"Yeah we could do that "
"We? Are you not alone? How many people have you brought to kill me? Please don't kill me. I'll do anything, please."
She could feel tears welling up in her eyes, she was afraid, alone and did not even know the purpose of her intruder. A hand reached her chin.
"I'm not here to kill you Y/N ." He said, his sound raspy, thick and delicious. His fingers that were now wiping her tears electrified her whole body. He slowly reached for the bedside lamp and switched it on. She covered her eyes with her hands at the sudden sensitivity of light. Slowly opening her eyes, she noticed that her intruder no longer had a hood over his head. He was dangerously handsome.This guy was dangerous in more ways than she could fathom. She gripped her hands together anticipating him to snap at her or beat her up. But nothing happened, he stared at her, his jawline impossibly sharp, his lips thin and rosy, eyes as deep as the green ocean. His long hair was tied in a half bun. He stared at her with an expression of a predator looking at its prey. His eyes burned into her like he could see her soul. She thought she would turn into ashes soon, if he continued to stare at her like this.
"I will never hurt you. Maybe I will hurt you, but not in the way you think . I'll make sure you will enjoy every inch of your misery."
His lips curled up in a sinful manner. Her eyes zeroed in on his lips. Her tongue darted out and licked her own lips wishing that she could taste those dangerous lips that were only a few centimetres away from her. His aura was black, much blacker than the colour of his cloak.
"Stop tempting me, darling, or I'll have to grant your wish and I swear, once I get a taste of those pretty lips of yours, I won’t be able to stop. "
The air suddenly became so hot .The look on his face suggested that he'll do everything he said if she allowed. It sent a spark down her spine. A part of her was frightened, another part elated.
"You wish", She wanted to sound angry but it came out only as a breathy whisper.
"I don't have to wish, darling, I can see you thinking about it." His voice was hoarse, and the looks he gave her were primal and animalistic. It shook her defences. But she couldn't be defeated by an intruder, now could she?
"Who are you ?"She queried.
"I am Harry, The Lord of Lust ,The second commander of the Devil Lucifer himself." At Least he's not the Devil. But the dangerous aura around him and his serpent eyes excited her. She felt like a child again, in her bed listening to stories from her grandma , going to the darkest places in her mind and discovering something new every time. This was something terrific, yet it excited her all the same.
“Are you an angel like Lucifer, a fallen angel from heaven? " she asked out of curiosity.
"No, we're created from the Devil himself. We're 7 parts of him "
"We?" She inquired .
"Yeah, seven lords for seven sins" Her grandmother had told her about the seven deadly sins from the Bible. Seven deadly sins are also called seven cardinal sins. In Roman Catholic theology, they can be thought of as disposition towards sin. They are pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth.
"So you don't have an independent existence?Are you, like, sired to him?." She cross-questioned.
"Not exactly,we can have our own life ,deeds , pleasure,sins etc.But our ultimate duty is to follow the Devil's instructions." He seemed bored. Maybe he didn’t like being questioned like this . But Y/n pressed, she wanted to know.
"What happens if you don't oblige?"
Will the devil kill you? But she omitted that part for her own good.
"We'll oblige, I already said we're a part of him." He sounded certain.
"Why are you here though? "
Did the Devil send him to take her to him so that he can boil her in hot oil or peel her skin and leave it to the crocodiles ?
"There are no crocodiles in our hell. We are friendly people, you know. I am here, out of mere curiosity." He sounded amused, like he was enjoying having a conversation with her.
"Curious? Of what?"
"Yeah ,you"
"What have I done ?"
"You haven't done anything.Your book is empty, that's what I am curious about." He took something out of his pocket, something that looks like a book but in a black velvet cover . He put it in his hand and closed his eyes.Suddenly the page opened with her name on the top. But it was empty .
"What's this ?"
" The Book of lust.Every individual has a record of their sins recorded in their respective books. For Lust, for envy, for Pride...But yours is empty." He pronounced.
"What ?I haven't committed any sins at all ?"
"No that's not it. Maybe you have committed other sins but your book of lust is empty."He put the book back in his pocket. He was wearing a corset vest under his cloak and she could see his muscles straining inside wanting to see the light.
"Why though? I have had sex before."she felt offended all of a sudden .
"I thought about it as well and then I got my answer. Yes, you have had sex before.But have you enjoyed it? Have you done it purely to enjoy the pleasure of lust, to quench your thirst for lust? Leaving behind all your convictions and beliefs to do something dangerous?" He ran a hand through his thick hair.
"What do you mean?" She stuttered.His presence overwhelmed her and his words ,each syllable rolled out of that pretty tongue in a melodious manner.She paused her thoughts knowing well that he could read her mind. Her face became red out of embarrassment.
With a knowing smile,he continued:
"I mean, you did it as something that has to be done, not to embrace the pleasure.Enjoying the pleasure and imposing the pleasure are two different things ,darling" he did not sound mocking. But she felt humiliated.
"I see" she tried to be sarcastic, in an attempt to hide her hurt .
"What?" He asked genuinely concerned .
"I see that you're here to mock my incompetence to do the deed."she tried to jump out of the bed but his hands gripped her hand stopping her path.
" The Deed? What deed?” , he smirked.
She tried to retrieve her hand from his grip but those long fingers tightened their grip leaving it an impossible task. She felt him loosening his grip a little bit .
"I mean, you know, the deed "she closed her eyes irritatingly.
"And I'm asking you again.Use the exact words darling."
"I know you can read my thoughts. Then why are you making this hard for me,… What should I call you?"
Maybe Lord, or maybe Mr intruder or even Devil 2.O, she laughed at her own thoughts.
"You can call me Harry for now, and my lord, while we do the deed." He sounded cocky. Arrogant son of a bitch.
"Who said we're going to do the deed?"She knew she was only one step away from crossing the line .But she couldn't care less. She spent her entire life trying to be perfect, controlling her impulses. Now, a dark Angel from hell is in her room, wanting to make her commit sin and she's definitely going to fall for this temptation. She's completely aware of the fact that she's playing with fire.
"You mean the deed that involves me lifting your skimpy material that you call nightgown and spanking your ass and putting my cock inside your wet pussy until you see the stars?" His voice washed over her .
"Fuck " she was going insane.
"Exactly" He was so close that she could feel his breath fanning over her face.Her reaction was immediate, her nipples hard and panties soaking wet.
"Don't you dare plan on anything as such" suddenly she felt nervous.
"Then why am I smelling your arousal, huh? I can't control myself any longer. Do you want me to control it ,Y/N? ."His honey laced voice wrapped around her in a tight embrace. She was put into an immovable trance where she could think about nothing but him and his cock. Her breath hitched and her heart pounded in anticipation. His words set her body aflame. And God forbid she wanted to burn in that fire.
"Do you want me to control,Y/N ? Answer me "he demanded, his words dominant. It made fear wrap tightly around her like a nightgown.
"No "she whispered .
"Louder, darling "he taunted. His hands reached for her chin, forefinger running across her jaw. She shuddered under his touch.
"No," she said, grabbing all her courage.
"No, what ?"He pressed while his eyes devoured every inch of her body.She had never felt this alive.
"No , Harry"
"Not Harry, darling.Call me your Lord." a smirk adorned his lips.
"No, I don't want you to control yourself around me, My Lord." She said frustrated.
"That's my whore. "
His Whore. Never in her life had something called her something like that .So degrading, yet so possessive.
“Can I touch you now, Y/N? I need your words.”
“Yes, My Lord.”
He moved so fast when those words left her mouth. He yanked her against him. His body pressed entirely against hers. He crashed his lips against hers and she could feel herself, drowning in ecstasy. A burning desire raced through her veins. She knew kissing a total stranger was against all her principles that she followed till today. But she could care less at this point when an unexplainable euphoria had her body in its grip. Heat pooled in her lower stomach. Her core ached with pulsating need. He gripped his hand around her neck tilting it for better access. The kiss was rough. She was panting . Her heart hammered in her chest.He bit her bottom lip asking for permission which she granted him effortlessly. Their tongues fought furiously against each other for dominance.He groaned against her.
"Fu..ck" she moaned shamelessly.
He groaned in reply.His lips left hers. His thumb rubbed against her erratic pulse. Her eyes drank him.He buried his face in her neck, nipping the soft flesh with his teeth. Her hands run effortlessly in his long curls. He bit her flesh bringing tears to her eyes but the throbbing in her core intensified. He tugged his hair hard, a small moan escaping from his own lips. He shifted his hip to rub his hardness against her core .
"Now remove your clothes all by yourself and touch yourself like the whore you are." He ordered.
A breathy moan escaped her lips but she made no move. He yanked her hair, jerking back until her ear was near his mouth.
"Either you'll do it or I'll make you do it. Leave the good girl act you've been doing for years and be the whore you are." He said, nibbling on her ears. His hot breath warmed her skin. She was so absorbed by him. His words were dominant, but she felt warm and safe.
Looking straight into his eyes, she reached for the string of her nightgown .She untied it, looking straight into his eyes. She yanked it down, slowly, without even breaking eye contact.His breath heaved.He was straining painfully in his pants. The gown fell to the floor. Her panties followed it, leaving her in nothing. A cold breeze washed over her body leaving goosebumps.Her nipples hardened. His breath hitched at the sight.
"Fucking gorgeous" He groaned.
She spread herself onto the bed in front of him , giving him a clear view of her core. Her hands slowly reached for the spot. She shifted her fingers towards the throbbing spot .She pushed them inside and outside teasing herself and then increased her pace.
"Open wider " she obeyed him without another word. Her legs instantly fell further apart .She twirled her fingers around her clit faster. She could feel the sensation of an impending orgasm in her lower belly .
"Stop " he demanded. A scream of frustration left her mouth. She glared at him.
"Now beg for it " She thought he was joking but his expression said otherwise.
"No " She was not going to fall for his antics .
"I won't beg " She pressed
"Oh you will " he sounded certain.
Her gaze zeroed onto his eyes. Tension snapped between them .
He let out a small laugh.He moved so fast and closed the distance between them . She felt shy wearing nothing while he's still wearing his cloak. Reading her thoughts, he removed his cloak. He was wearing a corset vest inside it. Y/N swallowed hard at the sight of all the muscles tightly packed inside his vest. It was sleeveless, giving her a great display of his inked arms full of tattoos and some scars that only added to his beauty. He took his sword in his hands, a smirk adorning his lips indicating nothing but danger.
He pressed the hilt of the sword inside her.
"Har..ry …." Her words were cut off by the feeling of cold metal .
"My Lord" , he commanded with a hard thrust.
He thrust it in and out making her shudder under him. He worked the sword inside her, eliciting pain and pleasure at the same time.The serpent guard of the sword hit her clit every time he thrust the handle inside her. He took the sword out and she whimpered at the lack of contact . He thrust it hard this time hitting a spot that made her eyes roll back .A moan escaped her mouth.
She rolled her hips in the rhythm of the sword.
"Like that , fuck my sword like you wish to fuck me."
She was close to an orgasm. He suddenly stopped .
"Now beg for it " He barked.
"Please " she was desperate to come at this point.
"Please what?" he was not going to let it go .
"Please let me cum, my lord"
"You could do better,"he taunted .
"Please make your whore come , My Lord."
He thrust harder in reply. Slurping noises filled the room, mixed with their moans. It took only one thrust to unleash her orgasm. She screamed like she could see Hell. He rode her through her orgasm and she was a mess after she came down from her high. But she felt like it was only the beginning.
"Because I am not done with you yet”
He said, reading her thoughts.
“I want to devour you, Y/N , I want to consume you, every inch, every breath, until you're a mess who can't see anything other than me. Now, tell me, who is your Lord ,Y/N?"
“You " she closed her eyes.
"Yes, I am your lord. And what are you to me?" She opened her mouth but no words came out. He gripped her throat pressing her firmly against the headboard.
"Your whore " tears pricked her eyes.
"You're doing well, darling. I'll fuck you like every whore wants. I'll bend you over, spank you till your ass cheeks turn red; until you beg me to make you come all over my cock ."
"Please,'' she begged.
He cocked an eyebrow at her clearly not satisfied by her request .
"Please make me come again ,My Lord." She sobbed, not caring anymore.
"I will "
He removed his vest followed by his pants. He was huge and hard . She eyed every inch of his body like it was her last sight. Her gaze dropped down to his cock. Her lips parted open at the sight.
"On your knees ,Now " he commanded.
Without even hesitation she sank onto the floor. He gripped her hair to make her stare at his cock.
"Open your mouth" she obliged his commands without any complaints.
Without taking his eyes off her he slipped the cock right into her mouth slowly until it reached her throat.Her eyes teared at the size . He bucked his hips into her mouth making her gag.
"For every gag, you're going to be punished hard, darling " He barked
She adjusted to his size immediately.She licked it top to bottom . Slowly started sucking it , she increased her pace then.She bobbed her head up and down with hollowed cheeks making his breath hitch.
"Faster , just like that my Whore , You're doing amazing "
Her hands reached his balls; slowly, rhythmically playing with it. He gripped her hair, thrusting deeper into her mouth. Saliva drooled from her lips making him moan at the sight. He fucked her mouth roughly. Her eyes watered at the feeling. A few more thrusts was all it took to make his hot cum drip into her mouth. It took him some minutes to come back from his high. He saw her looking at his face with her eyes watery, lips swollen from sucking his cock and face wet from sweat and his hot cum. He groaned at the sight. She felt accomplished. She felt proud making a part of a fallen angel cum under her touch. She never felt this much power and for the first time in her life she was not thinking about the consequences.
"Do you know how gorgeous you look right now, darling? Fucking beautiful, like a whore waiting for her Lord's cock inside her. Do you want my cock , darling?"
"Yes "she sounded excited.
"Have you ever loved a cock like you love your Lord's?"
"No " it was true .She never had seen anybody with a massive cock like his. It filled her mouth perfectly, reaching her throat, making her gag.
"Does your boyfriend let you fuck his cock with your mouth ,whore?" She moaned at the nickname.She didn't know she would love degradation until Harry. He made even degrading sound pleasing.Everytime the word whore left his mouth she felt herself getting wetter. It was sinful and dirty.
"Yes” He had sometimes but it wasn't rough. He hadn't yanked her hair or bucked his hips against her mouth. Sex with him was controlled and calculated. She never lost control with him .It was just like the other things in her life, precise and in order.
"And do you like it?" His face was nonchalant but words dripping venom. Is Lord of Lust , the second commander of Devil himself jealous of her ex-boyfriend? The thought made her even more wet.
"No" she sounded like a desperate giddy teenager.
"Cause ….." she trailed of.She wanted to say a hundred things but nothing came from her mouth. The anticipation was killing her.Her core ached for another release. Watching him fall apart in her mouth was a torture to say the least.
"You'll be punished for not answering, darling." His words are dominant and scary.
"No please" she said, but her mind screamed yes a thousand times.
"Bend down on my lap, I'll make it easier for you. You'll never hesitate for a moment to answer my questions." She wanted to put on an act of hesitation but nothing could hide the excitement from her face. She must have gone out of her mind or how could someone enjoy the idea of punishment. She's beyond fucked up at this point. But she could care less.
She did as he said and he pinched her nipple, making her shudder. He gently patted her ass cheeks. Goosebumps spread across her skin from the cold rings adorning his fingers. She hissed, trying to muffle her moans. He slapped her ass hard enough to make her scream aloud.
"Don't you dare hold back your moans, you understand?” She nodded.
"Good "another slap.
"You're such a whore, allowing a man centuries older than you to fuck you without even knowing how dangerous he is. Do you like if I let you fuck all the seven lords together, darling?Will you be greedy for all of their cocks, whore?"
He slapped her again and she screamed in pain and pleasure, a combination of pure bliss.
"Now tell me darling, will you be enjoying all their cocks?"
"No," she cried.
"Which cock will you love?"
"Yours, only yours"
"Fuck" he groaned "you'd be the death of me if I had one. I'll make you forget all the losers that ever touched your sweet pussy while my tongue fucks the hell out of you ."
She moaned his name again . He yanked her foreword kissing her lips possessively.Their mouths crashed against each other harder, almost desperate.Y/N’s heart fluttered at the sensation. No man will ever be enough for her. She wanted a man like him.
"Don't you dare think I'll make it easier for you, darling.You're My Whore , I'll fuck you like a whore. And you're right , once I'm done no one will ever be enough for you ."
Her face heated at the confession. He had read her thoughts. She could feel the blush creeping from her face to neck. She looked to hide her embarrassment only to watch his painfully hard cock . It strained for her. Her core clenched at the sight. She looked into his face only to find those emerald eyes turning black. It killed her. He wanted it as much as she did .She was on cloud nine, just thinking about it.
He didn't let her finish her thoughts. He flipped her back on the bed and spread her legs apart. She was dripping wet.
"Fucking wet for me, my whore. I love seeing you like this, with hazy eyes and wetness pooling between your legs only for me. I fucking love it"
She didn't get a chance to respond as he slammed into her. His thrusts were hard and desperate. He hissed at the feeling of her sweet pussy clenching around his cock.The feeling brought him a pleasure that was beyond Earth and Hell. He choked her with his long fingers .Tears sprung in her eyes. He slammed into her over and over again. Her hips arched for more. He took her nipple in his mouth while pinching the other one with his hands.She felt immortal. His pace was brutal. He bit her nipple to stimulate the sensation. He pounded into her in an insatiable hunger. She wiggled her hips to match his merciless rhythm. He quickened his thrusts hitting a spot within her. She felt the orgasm building inside her. It took only a few more thrusts to make her fall apart under him . After a few more thrusts, he too reached his climax.Before she could catch her breath he flipped her back muffling her moans into the pillow. He slammed into her from behind in a brutal thrust. A scream ripped through her as the new position made him hit the exact point.
"Scream my name, whore" he commanded, biting her shoulder. His fangs which she didn't realise were there till now, pierced into her shoulder. Blood swept from his mouth to her neck. His nails dug deeper into her ribs. She hissed in a pain that brought her orgasm closer. His thrusts were ferocious. An animalistic growl escaped his lips. She felt her inner demons breaking all the walls she created to bury them. She bucked her hips matching his energy. They reached a similar momentum . The world stilled as both of them fell apart together, filling the air with their whimpers and soft curses.
"You know how my cock felt inside you? Did you enjoy it too, darling?" His words were hoarse.
"I fucking loved it." Her words were incoherent from the mind-blowing sex.
"Has any body ever fucked you like this?" He asked.
"No never. I don't think anybody will ever"
Pleased with her reply, he fucked her again and again until she couldn't take it anymore. She felt exhausted when they finally finished. He slowly got up from the bed, took his dress and started dressing. She looked at him curiously.
"It's my cue to leave "
He was leaving.The thought made her sick. But she didn't try to make him stay. She accepted the fact that he didn't belong here. He was a demon. He had a different life and purpose. Maybe she'll find him again on a stormy night and maybe he'll fuck her like today again. Reading her thoughts he closed the distance between them.This time, it was a gentle kiss, a reminder that this is not the end .
"You haven't made me fall apart with your tongue, My Lord. Shame on your race, you didn't keep your promise." she smirked and he stopped dead in his tracks.
"Well, we can try again next year, I don’t think you’ll be able to take another orgasm " with that, he disappeared, his signature smirk adorning his lips.
"Don't go please….."
Y/n woke up abruptly with a pounding headache. What the hell! Was it a dream?She was dripping wet, from a dream! She looked down at her body. She was still wearing her nightgown. Nothing in her room was out of place. Everything was just the way she kept it. No signs of a storm. Harry, the Lord of Lust, the spanking, the sex…everything was a dream. She groaned in frustration.
Today she has to present her paper for her psychoanalysis class and here she was, waking up from a wet dream. It felt so realistic. She couldn't waste any time, she had to reach the college by 9.00. Danny had texted her that he would be there to pick her up within 25 minutes, which meant that she had to skip breakfast. She freshened up quickly and cladded herself in a black fitted skirt and a white shirt with a black blazer. She added stockings to her look to make it a little more modest. Danny was on time. Grabbing her presentation, she entered his car.
"Good Morning, ready for your presentation?" Danny asked in enthusiasm.
"Morning, and, yeah almost." She didn't seem that confident.
"You're going to rock it" he tried to boost her confidence.
"You're such a gem, but I'll be breaking your bones if you don't start the engine right now "
"Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed today " he laughed trying to ease her anxiety which she replied with a laugh.
The presentation went great. Her professor was delighted by her findings. The day was pretty good, to say the least. She went to the cafeteria to grab her breakfast after her presentation. She was accompanied by Danny whom she told about her dream. Not the mind boggling details, but the way it seemed so realistic and all that. He laughed and tried to interpret what it meant using Freudian philosophy. Danny had to leave soon as he had a class that hour.
Y/N walked over to the counter to get a coffee. She was waiting for her turn when somebody poured their coffee into her heels.
"Jesus …I am so sorry " leaning down to wipe her heels, a raspy voice said, in a British accent. He took a tissue from his pocket and reached for her heels. She abruptly pulled back,
"It's okay, you don't have to do it"
"It's fine, afterall it was my mistake ", sitting on his knees, he looked up at her. Her breath hitched, heart pounding faster. Same curly hair, but this time without a half bun. Same rosy full lips and that chiselled jawline. She could hardly believe her eyes.
"Ha..Harry?" she whispered.
He stood up, surprised,
"Um, sorry, do I know you?"
Well, shit.
Soooooo, what do y'all think? G went a bit overboard for this one lol😝
Feedback is appreciated ☺️
Please let us know if you want to be added/removed from the taglist. Thanks 💖
Taglist: @mendesblurb @violetsandfluff @reveriehs @a-strange-familiar @swiftmendeshoran @daphnesutton @f-folkwhore @buckybarnessimpp @lokis-girl03 @drwho06 @faith-in-midnights @theroosterswife24 @thedesibitch
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swisccfinds · 9 months
Custom Food Stalls to make you gameplay more realistic
Hey guys! I'm taking a break from my build project I currently have going on in the sims so I decided to take my break by posting on Tumblr :) This list will mainly consist of real life food stores.
With that said here are the most realistic food stalls for the sims 4
PS. Please remember to show love and your support to the creators, they are all credited under the screen grab of their custom content/mods
1 . Krispy Kreme Food Stall
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mod by ArLi1211_ccsims4
Krispy Kreme? I could really go for some Krispy Kreme doughnuts right now. This amazing food stall mod allows your sim to buy Krispy Kreme products because why not introduce your sims to good ol' Krispy Kreme doughtnuts.
Some of the creator's notes~
New Coffee Stand with Krispy Kreme Aesthetic. Buy coffee and cakes for your sims! Available in the outdoor section as always. Cost: 1800$ Note : You need the University Add-On to use it. This item is a recolor of the Britechester edition of the Coffee Stand. Tell me in comments if you have some ideas/brands you like and you want in your game I will check it . The link is below. Thanks for the visit  and have a great day :)
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2 . Wingstop Custom Stall
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mod by Insimna
I've NEVER had Wingstop. I live in a small town where they just keep removing the food places and replacing them with connivence store, I kid you not we have about 20 in my area. Insimna made this amazing Wingstop food stall with custom food aswell. I really like Insimna for looking for overrides or food stalls for example.
Creator's notes~
*City Living Expansion Pack is REQUIRED for the stall* **Dine Out and Discover University are Optional** ***This amazing lot was built by SimmerFree (The lot in the pictures is slightly modified to include the custom stall)*** Menu: Wing Flavors Combo: Atomic Cajun Garlic Parmesan Hawaiian Hickory Smoked BBQ Hot Honey Rub Lemon Pepper Louisiana Rub Mango Habanero Original Hot Plain Spicy Korean Q Sides & Drink Seasoned Fries Cheese Fries Louisiana Voodoo Fries Buffalo Ranch Fries Soda Compatible with Insimnia Eats 2.0 and Grannies/Zero's compatible version. You must download the updated version to see these items on there!
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3 . Chick-fil-A
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mod by Insimna
Speaking of food stores I've never gotten to experience.. This Chick-fill-A food stall is so amazing and yes it sells Chick-fill-A products! But that download link is separate but for this sake I'll link both of them.
Creator's notes ~
Menu: Entrees  Chick-fil-A® Chicken Sandwich Chick-fil-A® Deluxe Sandwich Spicy Chicken Sandwich Spicy Deluxe Sandwich Grilled Chicken Sandwich Chick-fil-A® Grilled Chicken Club Sandwich Chick-fil-A® Nuggets Grilled Nuggets Drinks Soda Lemonade Iced Tea Features: Children can order! Compatible with Dine Out.  Compatible with the Lactose Intolerant trait from Cottage Living. Compatible with Insimnia Eats. You must download the updated version to see these items on there!
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4 . Subway Custom Stall
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mod by Insimna
Another realistic custom stall is this subway food stall! Also made by Insimna! (she makes a lot of custom food stalls). This will be going into my next build :)
creator's notes~
*City Living Expansion Pack is REQUIRED for the stall* **Dine Out and Discover University are Optional** ***This awesome Subway build is by the super talented Gawdly Sims *** Menu: Classic Sandwiches Black Forest Ham Meatball Marinara Buffalo Chicken Chicken & Bacon Ranch Oven Roasted Turkey Italian B.M.T. Pizza Sub Roast Beef Rotisserie-Style Chicken Steak & Cheese Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Tuna Spicy Italian No Bready Bowls & Soda Buffalo Chicken Cold Cut Combo Chicken & Bacon Ranch Steak & Cheese Oven Roasted Turkey & Ham Rotisserie-Style Chicken Soda Wraps Roast Beef Veggie Delite B.L.T. Tuna Spicy Italian Oven Roasted Turkey Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Compatible with Insimnia Eats 2.0 and Grannies/Zero's compatible version. You must download the updated version to see these items on there! PLEASE MAKE SURE TO DELETE THE PREVIOUS VERSION WHEN DOWNLOADING THE LATEST ONE. HOW TO INSTALL: You will be installing 2 files 1. Download the CustomStall package file  2. For the Recipes, there are 2 versions. Choose ONLY 1. Choose Recipes_FAST if you want your Sims to finish their food quicker. (takes 6 "bites" to finish) Choose Recipes_SLOW package file if you want your Sims to take their time eating. (takes 12 "bites" to finish) 3. Simply drag and drop both PACKAGE File
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5. Burger King Stall
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mod by Insimna
Burger king in the sims? I think YES! I loveeee burger kings burgers, to me they taste so good, and now my sims can enjoy some Burger King food thanks to this mod and CC
Creator's notes~
*City Living Expansion Pack is REQUIRED for the stall* **Dine Out and Discover University are Optional** If you don't have any of the packs listed above, you can only get the food through Insimnia Eats delivery. Menu: Bacon Double Cheeseburger Bacon King Bacon Melt Classic Melt Double Cheeseburger  Impossible Whopper (Vegetarian!) Quarter Pound King  Rodeo Burger Whopper Whopper Jr. Soda Compatible with Insimnia Eats 2.0 and Grannies/Zero's compatible version. You must download the updated version to see these items on there! PLEASE MAKE SURE TO DELETE THE PREVIOUS VERSION WHEN DOWNLOADING THE LATEST ONE.
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6. Panda Express
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mod by Insimna
Here is another real life restaurant that I've never had! Like I said I live in a small town. I'm sure they have this in Albany but that's still an hour away from me. But that doesn't mean my sims won't be able to try it! I cannot wait to place all these in my build!
creator's notes~
*City Living Expansion Pack is REQUIRED* **Dine Out and Discover University are Optional** Super awesome, realistic Panda Express build I highly recommend: Bean's Builds  Menu Meals (comes with 2 sides of either Chow Mein & Fried Rice or Chow Mein & White Rice): The Original Orange Chicken Broccoli Beef SweetFire Chicken Breast Grilled Teriyaki Chicken Mushroom Chicken Beijing Beef Black Pepper Angus Steak Honey Walnut Shrimp Black Pepper Chicken Kung Pao Chicken Super Greens (vegetarian) Drink & Appetizers: Chicken Egg Roll Veggie Spring Roll (vegetarian) Soda Family Meals: Mushroom Chicken & Beijing Beef Black Pepper Chicken & Honey Walnut Shrimp Broccoli Beef & Grilled Teriyaki Chicken The Original Orange Chicken & Black Pepper Angus Steak Note: If you order a Family Meal from the custom stall, it will be in your Sim's inventory! Compatible with Insimnia Eats. You must download the updated version to see these items on there!
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7. Burger King Food Stall
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mod by Insimna
Well we have Burger King on this list we must add McDonalds on here as well!
Creator's note~
Your Sims will definitely be lovin' it :) In honor of this mod, I'm actually gonna have McDonald's tonight lol *City Living Expansion Pack is REQUIRED* **Dine Out is Optional** ***Please take a look at this post if you want Sims to order autonomously*** Menu: Burgers & Fries Big Mac Quarter Pounder with Cheese Deluxe Quarter Pounder with Cheese Bacon Double Cheeseburger World Famous Fries Breakfast Egg McMuffin Sausage McMuffin with Egg Sausage, Egg & Cheese McGriddles Bacon, Egg & Cheese McGriddles Beverages Coca-Cola Sprite Strawberry Banana Smoothie Mango Pineapple Smoothie How it Works: Go into Build/Buy mode and search for the Insimnia McDonald's Custom Stall. Place it on the lot. Click on the stall and click "Hire Vendor" Once the vendor is in the stall, click to bring up the menu Features: Children can order! Compatible with Dine Out  Compatible with the Lactose Intolerant trait from Cottage Living (so basically everything since there's cheese (except the fries) and the smoothies lol)
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I hope you guys like this thread for custom stalls! Thank you if you have read all the way to the end, I love you guys ❤︎
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azuremliam · 3 months
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Finally got around to drawing Bug World's version of Ice King, but it's Ice Queen (Betty!) Infodumping about her underneath the readmore 👍
She has an urge to collect cursed artifacts for reasons she can't remember, and is the one who mainly raised Marcy in this AU. Ice Betty retains her memories sliiiiiightly better than Ice King, still very frazzled up in that brain of hers though.
Simon is kinda sorta somewhat alive??? in Bug World- he's on ice for now. Literally. Heeee's frozen in ice until Betty can find a cursed object to make sure he revives properly (if/when she actually remembers why she has an urge to collect them to revive him that is).
Instead of penguins, she has snow fleas (aka springtails) working for her! They all are still named Gunther. They have a tendency to get on Scarab's nerves when Liam has to deliver packages to her.
She has so many sweater dresses that she makes herself (and 100% has made the best friends shirts for Liam's group) and always wearing stocking socks with crocs. Ice Betty has so many sweater dresses with penguins and for any occasion. Still has her glasses, but doesn't wear them often.
Acts like an eccentric grandma, and is yet another person that Liam calls granny.
Beasts absolutely HATE going near her palace and steer clear of the place. Unfortunately most insect folk also dislike the cold immensely so they don't visit or liver there except for a very few exceptions. Its why Liam is one of the few couriers that deliver to her.
Finn and Jake aren't allowed to go with them when they have a cursed artifact to deliver to her, because of one incident with the lamb relic. Both Finn and Jake got stuck in it and Liam was a bundle of anxiety after that.
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princessmisery666 · 1 year
Fries, Goodbyes & The Rest Of Our Lives
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Summary: Being stood up isn’t always a bad thing. 
Warnings/Genre etc.: Fluff, lousy singing. 
W/C: 2k
Characters: Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw, Mentions/Small Parts: Natasha ‘Phoenix’ Trace, Mickey ‘Fanboy’ Garcia, Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd, Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, Harvard. 
Pairing: Rooster x Fem!Reader (you - no descriptions of body type or ethnicity).
Notes: I saw this post on Instagram, and it immediately made me think of Rooster. Songs: Is This Love by White Snake, Can’t Take My Eyes Off You by Frankie Valli.
A/N: the wonderful and brilliant @writercole helped with ideas, summary, and title and helped make the muses comply. 
Betas: @deanwinchesterswitch
Master Lists: Top Gun: Maverick // All The Fandoms
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Fries, Goodbyes & The Rest Of Our Lives
It’s been a week. It’s not even worth listing all the things that went wrong. The icing on the cake (presumably made with salt and not sugar - cause it's that kind of week) was your date canceled on you as you took a seat at a booth in the diner.
You sigh as the waitress comes to take your order, accepting that you’ve been stood up and decide you may as well eat since you’re already there.
“I’ll take a cheeseburger, side salad, no tomato, extra dressing, please.” 
The elderly waitress smiles. It’s comforting and sweet. Her name tag says Pattie, and you imagine her grandkids get overly excited whenever Granny Pat visits. “You want the fries with that?”
You ponder for half a second before declining, “No thanks.”
“You sure, hun? They’re included in the price.”
You had dirty Cajun fries from the food cart outside the office at lunch. You know the diner’s fries won’t taste as good, besides you want to leave room for dessert, so you politely decline again. 
“I’ll take them, Pattie!”
You twist in the booth to look over your shoulder and find the source. A handsome guy sitting at the bar, wearing a light yellow floral print shirt, smiles and gives a two-fingered wave. You’d clocked him when you’d entered. You’d caught his eye too, and he’d given you a broad smile. His mustache was a flashback to a decade or two ago, but he wore it well. He carried it with a sense of pride and confidence. It looked good on him. Anyone else, you’d have thought it was creepy.
“Hush now, boy,” Pattie scolds, but she’s smiling when she turns back to face you.
You chuckle, nodding toward him, “He’ll take the fries.”
Pattie takes your menu and disappears to the kitchen. You look at Mr. Mustache, who tips his beer bottle to you before bringing it to his lips.
You grab your phone and message the “No Scrubs” group. 
You: Stood up again. Where you guys at?
Cole: At that navy bar I was telling you about. Come meet us.
You: I’ve just ordered dinner. Will see how I feel after.
You scroll social media while you wait. Pattie comes by a few times, brings cutlery and sauces, and refreshes your drink. 
You hear the bell ring to signal an order’s ready, and your mouth waters when you see Pattie heading toward you. The burger looks delicious. The brioche bun glistens under the lights as the cheese melts over the edge onto the plate. It's so tall there’s a wooden skewer through the top to keep it in place, and the fries are fat and look perfectly crispy.  
Pattie sets the plate down, “Enjoy, sweetheart,” and you swallow before drool slips out.
Just as you pull the skewer out of the burger, you hear, “Those are mine, remember.”
You laugh, twisting to look at him again. He’s got a cheerful smirk, but his brow is raised as if challenging you. “Why don’t you join me?” you offer. 
He grabs his beer and twists off his stool. The smile remains while he saunters over, and you can’t take your eyes off him, admiring the sway of his hips. He’s confident in an almost bashful way. The open floral shirt shows a white shirt beneath it, and the contrast against his tanned skin looks as edible as your burger. 
“Tell me,” he says, grabbing a fry and biting off the end. “What kind of psychopath doesn’t have fries with their burger?”
You shrug, “The same kind that offers to take a stranger's fries.”
“Touché,” he chuckles. 
You laugh, explaining, “I had fries at lunch and want dessert.”
 He nods as if now understanding your logic. “Ah, she’s got a sweet tooth.” 
“I’ve heard that the chocolate malt here is the best in the state. I can’t pass that up,” you grin.
“Well, that is true,” he shrugs, popping another fry into his mouth. “Make or break question here, whipped cream on top of the shake?”
“I fear this will affect our budding friendship,” you tease, “but ab-so-lutely whipped cream on top of the shake. Among other places,” you wink. 
His boldness flounders for half a second, recognizing he’s met his match, but he recovers quickly. Wetting his lips and giving a cheeky smile. “Are you flirting with me?” 
“On what?”
“I don’t see a ring, and you’re here alone. Are you single?”
“Then yes, I’m definitely flirting with you.”
His smile widens and remains while the conversation flows and the two of you eat. Flirtations and laughter pass back and forth effortlessly.
Your phone chimes with another message, and you see the ‘No Scrubs’ group chat has two unread messages. You don’t want to be rude and pick it up to reply, but you know if you don’t, they’ll likely call to make sure you’re okay. 
“Somewhere else you need to be?” he asks, a hint of disappointment in his voice that he attempts to hide behind a sip of beer.
“No, just some friends trying to get me to go meet them at some Navy bar.” You roll your eyes and type a quick ‘maybe’ before locking your phone, setting it face down on the table.
“Navy bar? The Hard Deck?” he questions, tilting his head to the side.
“I think that’s what Cole said. Do you know it?”
“That’s actually where I’m headed after. I could give you a ride. If you need one, that is.”
“I don’t even know your name.”
“It’s Bradley, but my friends call me Rooster.”
“Rooster?” you laugh. “Please tell me there’s a good story there.”
“There might be. I guess that depends on if you want to hear it.”
“How about you tell me on the way to the bar?”
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The open window lifts your hair slightly, and every time Rooster gets a hit of your perfume, he inhales deeply, savoring it. 
He sticks to the speed limit, if not a little below it. He’s not quite ready to say goodbye to you. He’s never had such an instant, effortless connection with someone, and he wants to make it last as long as possible.
You’d laughed at the story about his name. You’d have never guessed that it was a nickname his uncle gave him when he was a kid. The radio is playing at a low volume, but as soon as the opening bars of Is This Love by White Snake start, you lean over and crank the volume as loud as it will go, singing along as if he isn’t there.
“Is this love that I'm feeling?” you sing, holding a pretend microphone. “Is this the love that I've been searching for? Is this love, or am I dreaming? This must be love. 'Cause, it's really got a hold on me. A hold on me.” 
You can’t hold a tune, and your voice cracks a few times, but still, you belt it out with vigor, and Rooster thinks he may be falling in love. Did Pattie put something in those fries? 
“Sorry,” you say, settling back into your seat, “that’s one of my favorites.” 
It’s one of my favorites now too. But he doesn’t say it. Instead, he laughs, “I never would’ve guessed.”
“Are you not a car karaoke kinda guy?” you ask. “You seem like you like to sing along.” 
“I’ve been known to hold a few car concerts,” he admits, “but I didn’t want to interrupt your flow.” 
“Can you sing as good as me?”
He looks at you and sees the jesting expression. You know you can’t sing, and you don’t care one little bit.
“I’d love to serenade you,” he says, “but unfortunately, we’re here.”
“Some other time?” you ask, and he swears you sound hopeful.
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Rooster opens the Hard Deck door, and as soon as he hears the hustle and bustle from inside, he wishes he’d suggested you stay at the diner. Holding the door open, he gestures for you to enter first, and you smile a thanks as you pass by.
You stop a few feet inside, scanning the room as he stands beside you. This is the one time he hopes Hangman is being himself and has, by some miracle, coaxed your friends over to the group so Rooster has an excuse to keep talking to you. 
“Those are my friends over there,” you say, dashing all his hopes as you point to the pool tables on the opposite side of the room. 
“I’m over there,” Rooster says, pointing to where the Dagger squad is assembled. 
“Thanks for the ride.”
“Thanks for the fries.” 
“Enjoy the rest of your night.” 
“You too.” 
There’s a pause, neither of you knowing what to do. You rise to the tips of your toes, and he dips to let you place a gentle kiss on his cheek. 
His cheeks quickly flush, hearing the jeers, shouts, and wolf whistles, but you drop back down with a laugh.
“Sorry,” he says. “They’re a bunch of idiots.”
He scolds himself for being an idiot as you walk away. He should invite you over or ask for your number, but he’s suddenly tongue-tied. He stares at you, frozen to the spot, long enough to see your friends turn to look at him as you settle into your seat.
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Throughout the night, flirtatious glances are passed back and forth, and smiles exchanged when they linger. Of course, it’s Hangman who notices the consequence of Rooster’s error. 
“Looks like you lose again, Rooster,” the blond pilot remarks, a way too smug grin showing off his perfectly white teeth. “Too snug on that perch, and Harvard is gonna take your lady right out from under your beak.”
Rooster doesn’t care if it proves Hangman’s point. He looks directly at you. Harvard is whispering in your ear. You're smiling, but Rooster thinks it's more of a polite, courteous smile than genuine interest. 
But it’s the kick he needs to take action. He looks to Phoenix, Bob, and Mickey, almost pleading, “I need your help.” 
Phoenix nods once, Bob smiles, and Mickey asks, “What?”
“He wants to do the Goose move,” Phoenix explains without Bradley needing to tell her any more. 
“What’s the Goose move?”
“It’s the move his Dad did to get his Mom,” Bob says. 
“I don’t know what that is,” Mickey shrugs. 
“Technically, we've been doing it for years,” Rooster says, “it’s just that this time, it involves my future wife.”
“So, no pressure,” Bob gulps. 
“Relax. I’ve got a plan,” Phoenix winks, gesturing for the three guys to come closer.
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Harvard doesn’t seem all that smart, and you wonder if it's an ironic nickname or callsign, as Rooster had explained. Harvard certainly doesn’t understand body language. You’ve tried, unsuccessfully, to put some distance between you three times. The third time he slides his arm around your shoulders. 
Before you can shrug, his arm slips off, and suddenly, a pretty brunette woman is in his place. “Hi,” she says brightly, her back to a flustered-looking Harvard. “I’m Phoenix, and this is Fanboy. We’re friends with Rooster.” 
Butterflies dance in your stomach. Before she can say anymore or you have a chance to wonder why he’s sent his friends to rescue you, the jukebox cuts off, and a collective groan echoes around the room. 
“That was supposed to happen,” Phoenix smiles. Fanboy is speaking quietly to Harvard, and he doesn’t seem happy about whatever is being said, but you're grateful for the interruption. 
There’s a soft twinkling from a piano somewhere in the room, and after a few more notes, you find the source. Phoenix continues, “That’s Bob, and you’ve met Rooster.” 
Your eyes drift up from the piano player and land on Bradley, fingers tapping the wooden top, while Bob continues to find the right melody.
Rooster’s eyes are locked on you, a shy smirk lifting the corner of his mustache. 
“Thanks for the save,” you say to Phoenix but keep your eyes on Rooster. 
“Well, it wasn’t the actual intention, but Harvard can be a bit…” she trails off.
“That’s a good word for him,” she laughs.
The bright random notes turn into a clear, rich melody that flows through the room moments before the smooth baritone of Rooster’s voice fills the air. “You’re just too good to be true. Can’t take my eyes off of you.”
Damn, he can sing! 
Taking the lyrics literally, he doesn’t avert his eyes while he serenades you. You feel Phoenix’s hand at your elbow, but you can’t look away from the gorgeous man belting out a song just for you. Only when he draws closer do you realize she’s guiding you to him. 
The bar is packed, and the crowd gathers around the piano, but somehow Rooster is always in your line of sight, and then Fanboy is in front of you, splitting the crowd to let you through. 
It feels surreal but magical when somehow there’s a clear path straight to Rooster. It looks like an aisle leading to an altar, and the man that awaits you has been sent from the heavens because he’s gorgeous, kind, funny, and clearly has a talent for commanding a room. You wonder what else you could uncover, given some time.
“At long last, love has arrived,” Rooster sings as you reach his side. Phoenix slips away as you reach for Bradley’s outstretched hand. 
Definitely an altar, and you’ll happily worship here for eternity. Interlocking your fingers with his, he pulls you against him. “Now that I found you, stay,” it’s more than a song, it's a question, and you nod. 
Slowly, he inches closer, and the crowd takes over, singing the chorus, when his lips connect with yours and the world melts away. 
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Tag List Info
Take To The Skies: @alexxavicry / @b3autyfuldisast3r / @fandom-princess-forevermore / @imjess-themess / @justagirlinafandomworld / @leigh70 / @letsbys-library / @shanimallina87 / @wildbornsiren / @writercole / @xoxabs88xox / @atarmychick007
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Master Lists: Top Gun: Maverick // All The Fandoms
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ms-moonlight-inn · 3 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday!
Thanks to @energievie for this week’s series of random questions, and to @mybrainismelted & @jrooc for the tag!
Name: Cyn
Age: Fandom granny
Location: New England
And now…
What is your DJ name? DJ Cleopatra Ice (I cheated & used the DJ name generator)
What would you title your biography? "I Didn't Do It, Nobody Saw Me Do It, You Can't Prove Anything: A Field Guide"
What are the first three things you’d do if you were invisible? 
Take off any extra clothes I don't need.
Sneak into the dairy case & steal all the fancy yogurt.
Sneak into all the places that cost money to enter & enjoy the free show.
What subject do you wish was taught in every school? Honestly? A proper sex ed class that is based on hard facts, biology, and the emotional responsibility that goes along with participating in such activities. There's no reason why, in this day and age, any appropriately-aged person should be walking around completely ignorant about the human body. I feel like if we had proper, responsible, agenda-less instruction in this regard, there might be a little less hatred for marginalized populations.
When was the last time you tried something for the first time and what was it? Tried really hard not to stab my mother-in-law two days ago. It went well.
What is the most underrated city you have ever visited? I honestly don't know.
What day in your life would you like to relive? Ugh, the first one that pops in my head is not a pretty one. Maybe best to let that sleeping dog lie.
If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why? TBH. routines are good for me, but I really hate them. lol. I'd love to get rid of chores, but only if I could replace that routine with something else.
How long would you last in a zombie apocalypse? Long enough to miss my friends & wish I'd've gone with them. I have a bad habit of surviving.
What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable? Limited telekinesis. Somehow, we develop the ability to move objects with our minds, but we still have to move our bodies to accomplish shit.
If you could have any view out your office window, what would you choose? Either the California ocean or the Nevada/Arizona desert. The ocean is my first choice.
I believe everyone's been tagged, but just in case. no pressure tags going to: @mmmichyyy @stocious @depressedstressedlemonzest @gallavichgeek @sweetbee78 @sweetperversiongirl @notherenewjersey @transmurderbug @jay-yyc & anyone else who wants to play
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emimayooo · 4 months
Emi in Japan (2024) – Day 2/Day 3
(Link to Day 1, which was my first entry.)
Hey guys,
Gosh but I’ve been so busy! There’s so much to do for such a little town. Then again, I do have a lot of connections here😁
On Day 2, I went to the local 7/11 to buy brekkie…but also to say hi to the cuuuuutest dog who chills there every morning😍❤️. I’m friends with the owner’s family so I easily found out her name, which is Tasha. She looks like a border collie but I think she’s just a mutt🤔
Anyway! I met her on Day 1 when I arrived and just about fell in love. She’s so sweet and absolutely loooves belly rubs. I couldn’t wait to see her after that, but when I did go again, she was already being pet by other customers…a heartbreaker, that one is😔💔
For lunch, I visited I-san (not her real name), who is an old lady I befriended in 2022 when I was living here as my grandpa’s caretaker. She had a cat named Nyanko-sensei, who saw me reading in the next door park, and ran to my side for pets😍❤️
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Unfortunately, Nyanko-sensei passed away last year after a long battle with mouth cancer😢. I-san has been sad ever since because she raised him from when he was small enough to fit in her palm. He was her baby. When we reunited, she hugged me and cried and thanked me for the photos of Nyanko-sensei I sent her earlier in the year. I also saw her calendar, which had my name written on it😭❤️. How sweet.
I-san was busy cleaning her place, so I went to have lunch without her at the local restaurant, run by a former English teacher, his wife and mother-in-law. I first went here in 2019 and have frequented this place every time I come back. The English teacher always loves it when I visit because he loves to practice his English. His wife was my mum’s classmate in primary school. Small town and all that.
Anyway, I had the tonkatsu set. Soooo yummy!
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Afterwards, I visited I-san again. We had tea and ice cream together as I listened to her talk about Nyanko-sensei and life. She cried multiple times when talking about Nyanko-sensei, it broke my heart. Told me how she holds his urn every night and talks to him and cries😢💔
But she shared some good times about him too and we had a lot of laughs. Sometime soon, she’s going to let me wear her kimono that she wore for her coming of age, which was 64 years ago😱! I’ve never worn a kimono before, only yukata, so I’m very excited and honoured🥰❤️
For dinner, two of my mum’s friends came over…AND TWO DOGS, JILL AND TOM😍❤️❤️❤️
They’re both toy poodles. Jill is 9 years old. Tom is four months and they’ve only had him for three weeks. Jill, old lady that she is, cannot stand Tom’s puppy energy lol. But they were both absolute daaaarlings during dinner🥰❤️! For some reason, Jill really went to town on cherry tomatoes and shaved daikon lol. Granny likes her veggies!
Now, onto day 3, which is today!
For breakfast, I had potato chips lol. Afterwards, I went to 7/11 to print photos of Nyanko-sensei for I-san and stared longingly at Tasha as two high school boys rubbed her belly instead of me. Then I went to pick up I-san for lunch. She was all dressed up! Adorable. She said my messy bun would be perfect for when I wore the kimono lmao.
We had lunch at the same place I went on Day 2, since it's only a few minutes walk away and she goes there multiple times a week anyway. I gave her the photos and she was absolutely delighted. While we ate, she talked a lot of nature, and was joyful at the sight of the butterflies working hard to help the plants grow. She hopes her cucumbers will grow soon.
Afterwards, I went home because I had to work on uni stuff, blergh. I sprinted with my friends of the FAW Server who helped me get through it. Even when my American friends went to bed, I kept going. I called it a day when it reached 8pm. Btw, I started at like 12:30 lol which is pretty crazy even for me.
I did have dinner in between, though. My mum prepared me the leftover curry from Day 1 and also made some wonton soup. It was very yum. Then we chatted away until it was bedtime. It's been nice spending time with my mum like this, especially since our relationship has deteriorated as I've gotten older. I hope we have more times like this.
I'm so excited for tomorrow! I'm going to meet a fandom friend in Tokyo. This'll be my second time meeting a fandom friend IRL, since @runetari was my first. Tari and I became friends in 2020 during my Sylvgrid era, and we finally got to meet in April this year. It was so, so fun. I hope I have just as a great time hanging out with my second fandom friend as I did with Tari.
That's all from me today. I hope you enjoyed reading my journal🥰❤️
With love,
Emi xoxo
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accihoe · 1 year
Birthday Boy
Pairing: Draco Mlalfoy x fem!reader
Summary: self explanatory
Warnings: old Draco (jokes), oc Draco? Super short. Not proofread. I love all of you and i promise more and better stories later.
A/n: this is extremely rushed, ily old man
(gif not mine)
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He awoke with a kiss to his forehead and her covering him up properly with the sheets, as it was a warm summer morning. He then feel asleep again, only to be woken up by signing. His beloved, in that pretty summery dress of hers, Scorpius in his pyjamas, and his other two children in their pyjamas as well. His youngest assisted him in blowing out the candles on his bran muffin.
The morning was filled with snuggling and coddling whilst his beloved Y/N prepared breakfast. He had breakfast in bed whilst his children got ready. "Happy birthday, my darling." His wife of 18 years said, kissing his forehead as she stroked the hair out of his face. He opened his gifts, hand wrapped by his wife and children. Over the moon with each gift.
In the noon the family went for lunch at their favourite cafe where the waiters prepared a stupid ice-cream cake with firework candles for him, he adored it. His wife even more so as she snapped several photographs. After the celebration the family visited a market for fruit, green apples specifically, as Draco's children had all miraculously inherited his granny apple loving genes.
Late noon Draco and Y/N's parents came over for a celebratory supper. Once the kids were put to bed his wife expressed her love for him yet again and they were united as husband and wife during passionate hours. The following January, Y/N presented him with a gift, a rather loud one. Exactly like a baby mandrake without the mandrake.
Please don't steal my work.
Happy 43rd old man, ily.
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luminarai · 9 months
hello! Im visiting Copenhagen in January and was wondering if you have any recommendations of things to do or like cafes/stores/etc to visit?
Hi nonnie! So sorry for the delayed answer, I was down with the flu/plague/?? most of december so I've only just gotten back to my inbox.
I've tried to make a compilation of the recommendations for places to see, eat, and shop that aren't just the usual touristy stuff. I hope you enjoy your trip and the weather won't be too Copenhagen-in-January!
Where to eat (especially bakeries)
Sct. Peders Bageri – The oldest bakery in Denmark! They have a wonderful selection of traditional Danish baked goods but their seasonal varieties are also incredible.
BUKA – They have a few bakeries in town now and some of the best croissants and pastries.
Cakery Copenhagen – The best eclairs in town, hands down. Always a bunch of fun seasonal varieties and mini versions.
Bertels Salon – They do cheesecakes. And they’re amazing. They have 10+ fresh varieties every day (!) and turned me into a cheesecake lover.
La Glace – They do traditional Danish layer cakes and fancy patisseries as well as hot chocolate ad libitum. Very atmospheric and historic. A bit more expensive all in all but not insanely so.
Torvehallerne – Two large greenhouses full of delicious food and other food/drink related stores. Coffee Collective for coffee, Rørt for Danish smørrebrød, Granny’s House for pastries and Ma Poule for their famous duck sandwich.
Broens Gadekøkken – A small street food market right by the bridge across from Nyhavn. Depending on when you’re here, there’s also an ice skating rink set up during winter.
Mahalle - Lebanese fusion kitchen at affordable prices. You might want to book a table just in case.
Jagger - Burgers! Not the most hyggelige surroundings (a bit too industrial chic) but you can't argue with the food. Highly recommend the milkshakes!
What to see
Glyptoteket – Absolutely gorgeous museum. Free entrance on the last Wednesday of the month.
Thorvaldsens Museum – Also stunning, focused on statues. Free entrance all Wednesdays.
Nationalmuseet – Bog bodies! Their seasonal exhibitions are usually very good.
David’s samling – Smaller museum with free entrance. Classical European and Islamic art.
Kronborg – AKA Hamlet’s castle. Technically outside Copenhagen but you can easily take the train the whole way. I highly recommend doing one of the daily guided tours (no additional cost to the entrance fee).
Rundetårn – A fun look into the old astrology tower with a lovely view of the city. The majority of the inside is one big ramp with some narrow stairs at the end so keep that in mind if you have trouble walking.
Assistentens Kirkegård digital guided tour – If the weather is with you, you can go for a digitally guided tour in the old graveyard, located in a park in the middle of the city. Here’s a link for the app.
Other nice parks in case it's not raining the whole time (Danes love going for a walk, what can I say) include the Botanical Garden, Frederiksberg Have (where you can peek into the elephant enclosure in the zoo) and Kongens Have.
To shop
Vintage shopping: There’s a bunch of good quality vintage stores on Studiestræde and Larsbjørnsensstræde. Also worth a mention is Audrey Vintage on Hyskenstræde, run by a woman who handpicks all the items from all around Europe.
Strøget is the place for high street shopping but I definitely recommend having a look around the inner city’s side streets and down Frederiksborggade (check out the home goods store Maduro here) over the lakes to Nørrebro where you’ll also find some more offbeat stores and great bars and restaurants.
The largest bookstore is Arnold Busck on Købmagergade for books in both Danish and English. Fiolstræde close by has the independent book café Brøg that I highly recommend both for books and for a quick cake + coffee. On Fiolstræde you’ll also find some used bookstores with a variety of options and other smaller shops and cafés.
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chaotic-gremlin-27 · 4 months
🍎Working with Applejack🍎
Here is a small guide on how to work with Applejack from my little pony!! All of the information in this post is either gathered from canon or is things I think make sense for her.
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Media: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
Type of Character: Protagonist Main Character
Character Description: Applejack is a female Earth pony and one of the main characters of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. She lives and works at Sweet Apple Acres with her grandmother Granny Smith, her older brother Big McIntosh, her younger sister Apple Bloom, and her dog Winona. She represents the element of honesty. (From fandom)
Things to Work with Her On
- Building better friendships
- Standing up for yourself
- Bettering your work ethic
- Being more Honest with yourself and others
- Being mindful of how your words and actions affect others
- Bettering your communication skills
Colors: Orange, Red, White, and Green (like the apple)
Element: Earth
Tarot Cards: Strength, Knight of Pentacles, and Eight of Pentacles
Herbs: Cinnamon, Cardamom, Cloves, really any fall spice or spices associated with apples
Stones: Green Aventurine, Moss Agate, Peridot, and Garnet
Incense: Apple, Cinnamon, Fall Scents
Devotional Acts
- Baking (especially with apples)
- Visit an apple orchard
- Hiking
- Gardening
- Watching My Little Pony
- Doing things for your community (like park clean up, helping at a homeless shelter, etc)
- Using your skills to help others (like crocheting things for the less fortunate, baking food for people, etc)
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aminocamino · 6 months
Day 3 - Roncesvalle to Zubiri 19km 338m ascent
Worst night sleep ever. And as Roncesvalle is such a big building - all the movement after a days walk caused my ankle to explode. Judy advised getting ice from every cafe we visited and gave me an ice bag. Such a lovely caring person.
I got out of bed at quarter to six! 😲 So much noise -wasn’t worth trying to sleep. Doors banging/toilets flushing/noisy clattery sandals up and down all night long.
Sent our bags on due to my ankle and set off walking at 8.
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The ‘Super Grannies’ from Taiwan. Very funny ladies. We bumped into them again at a roadside cafe and they rushed over and gave us some Taiwanese cookies to take with us! We and the world stopped at the cafe. We stayed an hour chatting to Michael and Teresa from San Francisco.
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We found our doer upper…might be the same one Jane spotted last year. On the right is the finished article. We loved Espinal - such a beautiful town.
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Today we had a heatwave. It got to 26 degrees and we were melting. The colour of the sky against the grass - positively luminescent. Glorious sweaty day.
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Another tree. We spent alot of time walking through stunning woodland. And lots of pine forest. The scent of the forest is still with me.
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Carrie on the largest stepping stones ever. Prior to this photo - I was soaking my ankle in the running water and Wim Hof would have been impressed… it was b…y freezing!
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Descent into Zubiri. Not as bad as it looks as it was bone dry but also not that steep compared to our coastline or the Beacons.
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We have splashed out on a hotel tonight. This is the landing! The building dates back to the 16th century and its been beautifully furnished. After Roncesvalle it was soooo nice to have a proper bed. Met up with Judy and Christina for proper food and ofcourse some wine. 😄
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tododeku-or-bust · 8 months
So I never quite understood what people meant when they talked about their relatives getting Alzheimer's. It didn't really hit until my Granny got it. I've been visiting her, and it... it is sad. She's lost so much weight- she looks brittle, fragile now, like I can see her skeleton, when used to be larger and squishy and huggable. and she can't breathe right without her oxygen tubes going 24/7. And her memory...yeah it's always been a bit ehh but she can barely remember things about seven seconds away from conversation. She sometimes forgets I'm her granddaughter, and thinks I'm her niece.
However, her love is still there. And I think that's what I find myself most grateful for. Like sure she might not remember our conversation, but she remembers who she's talking to, if that makes sense. She knows she's talking to Ice, even if she doesn't remember my relation or how old I am. She knows I'm someone very close to her, that she's very doting on and proud of. She keeps asking where I'm going and when I'll be back, what I'm doing, how I'm doing, and then when she forgets, she does it again. And tbh, as frustrated as my grandad gets, that makes me happy. Because it means that she knows that she cares about my safety, even if she can't quite remember why. I value that so much, so that even when she does eventually pass on, I'll know my granny still loved me.
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alexiethymia · 2 years
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As promised, Death on the Ice Field
Nothing I say here will be new since the themes have been tackled plenty of times in fanfic (which I am so thankful for), but it’s still fun regardless. I feel like I usually have to put the disclaimer that this is a HitsuHina blog, because I think I will always have more to say about them.
Like Death on the Ice Field for example. It frustrates me the anime didn’t show Momo’s part here, because I’ve always believed that she was as crucial to Rangiku and Granny in setting up Toshiro on the path of a shinigami and meeting Hyourinmaru.
The way I see it, Momo was the spark, the impetus, Rangiku showed the way, while Granny allowed him to go. The special chapter, in my view, was all about awakenings or an awareness of change. It was Momo leaving which reminded Toshiro about things changing. It’s an allegory of sorts about growing up. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that perhaps this chapter also showed the start of his awareness of his budding feelings towards her (I mean there will always be naysayers and live and let live, but even without the relationship chart, I don’t think you’d blush at your sister or sister-figure no matter how close she was).
Another thing is how when he says Momo and Granny were the only ones never to be afraid of him, he says next that that’s why he likes Granny, but he doesn’t say the same of Momo. I’ve always thought Kubo excelled in his use of negative space, but that also applies to the dialogue-variant in that he seriously leaves a lot of things unsaid and interactions unexplored (Isshin reuniting with Rangiku and Toshiro, Kirio with Hiyori). It leaves a lot of room for interpretation and makes things fun for fans. Personally, I always read it as him being unsure of his feelings for Momo now, again something brought to his awareness with her leaving, a characteristic tsundere response if you could say.
He measures time by the number of years she entered the academy, and while she still smiles brightly at him - the same smile she graced him with five years ago - she no longer faces back (to Toshiro, Jurinan, take your pick) when saying goodbye the way she did the first time she left. And unlike five years ago where Toshiro just scowls and says she shouldn’t bother visiting anymore, this time he no longer keeps the pretense up, he waves back, though a bit limply because Momo doesn’t even see it, only facing forward, sure in her goal. (Be careful what you wish for and all that.)
So when Grandma says at the end that Toshiro didn’t want to make her lonely, it brings to mind what she said while scolding Toshiro that he shouldn’t say what he said because doesn’t Momo leaving make him feel lonely? He doesn’t deny it either, only pretends that everything is ok and that she’ll be back soon anyway. It’s also no coincidence, I think, that Granny wanted to talk to him right after Momo visited again. In other words, he didn’t want to make Granny lonely the same way Momo leaving made him feel lonely. But that theme of loneliness also applies to Hyourinmaru. Both sword and master would always feel lonely if Toshiro never discovered his name. And if you take Bleach Track 8 as canon (which I do because I love that Drama CD), there’s something to be said about Toshiro discovering Hyourinmaru’s name out of a desire to protect Momo, and Momo being the first to discover him discovering his shikai and subsequently calling him ‘Hitsugaya-kun’ without any prompting this time. In a way, it was a mark of growing up for Toshiro. That’s why there’s plenty of underlying themes between Hyourinmaru and Hinamori in relation to Toshiro that I love to see explored, which @rays-of-fire-and-ice does wonderfully in their fic! That theme of loneliness was also present in Momo during the Soul Society arc (and truthfully for a lot of characters) when she must have felt so isolated because of everything going on around her.
Laying it all out like this, you can really see the parallels with how Toshiro wakes up to both Momo and Rangiku, and how the line “I hear a voice” gets repeated for both Momo and his Granny. I don’t know how intentional Kubo really is with references to mythology, but it’s a fun coincidence to liken the three of them to the fates - Momo as the Maiden, Rangiku as the Mother, and Grandma as the crone - all pivotal to Toshiro’s path.
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melonthesprigatito · 2 years
Word Girl Villains Christmas Headcanons
Rhyme's favourite Christmas movies are Olive the Other Reindeer because there is a con man penguin in it and Elf because she thinks it's amusing that the secretary that appears in a few scenes sounds almost exactly like her, almost as though they're both voiced by the same person * cough* Amy Sedaris *cough*
All the villains prefer not to watch Home Alone because it doesn't even well for the burglars in that movie. They dread the day Word Girl watches it in case it gives her any ideas.
Tobey uses his giant robots to hang mistletoe in every place he can think of in the hopes he can catch Word Girl under one. Maybe THIS time he'll finally get a kiss. Hopefully. Tobey also tries to introduce the bad guys to mince pies, aka the Classic British Christmas Food™ but they're all either confused or disappointed that there's no actual meat in them. Tobey ends up being exasperated by the constant "So why's it called a MINCE pie if there's no mince in it???" questions.
The villains are low key worried that Tobey, Victoria and Eileen will end up on the naughty list because of their evil activities, so Leslie makes sure they have a few presents for them just in case.
Granny May knits ugly Christmas sweaters for everyone. Unless they want to spend Christmas tied up in a giant ball of yarn, they have to wear them. No exceptions. Ms Question is totally cool with this because she already wears a sweater that she stitched a question mark into as her villain outfit so she appreciates the thought and effort that went into making them.
Lady Redundant Woman is ABSOLUTELY one of those retail workers that hates Christmas because of the customers and the Christmas music playing on repeat at the copying store. Doesn't help that Dave loves the holidays and is EXTRA cheerful this time of year.
The Villains Society decide to enforce a ban on committing any real crimes for the duration of the holiday season, because they realised that they'd rather not spend Christmas or New Year's in a jail cell. So instead...
Dr Two Brains starts turning things into cheese... so he can donate it to food banks. Word Girl wonders how the heck he managed to give away cheese to other people without pissing off Squeaky, and he's like "Well, I ordered a new cheese ray from Evil Monthly Magazine and they sent me a ray for GOAT'S CHEESE ray, can you believe it?! And they wouldn't give me a refund! Might as well get my money's worth!"
Chuck breaks into the mall at night.... Because he wants to be first in line to visit the mall Santa, might as well get there early.
Ms Question hits several people with her confusion ray... but it turns out that them being stuck in a state where they're questioning what gifts they should get got other people actually helped them to make a decision once it wore off.
Mr Big hypnotises a crowd... to organise a bunny themed Christmas parade. When the people are unhypnotised, they're just more disappointed that they missed the parade because they weren't conscious during hypnosis.
Rhyme and Reason head to the park and Rhyme freezes the entire lake... and people have a blast skating on the new ice rink. The civilians are actually annoyed when Word Girl tries to apprehend her and she gets called a Scrooge.
Word Girl is flabbergasted because they're doing things that are technically illegal, but not necessarily EVIL. And people are a lot more forgiving of the "crimes" than they normally are this time of year so Word Girl just let's them off with a warning. Amazing Rope Guy somehow gets arrested anyway but they let him go because "Hey, it's Christmas"
The villains throw a huge Christmas party (funded by Mr Big), and they even invite Word Girl. They also include her in their Secret Santa. She gets a Pretty Princess figure from Leslie. Amazing Rope Guy gets a fucking Key to the City from Word Girl because it was last minute so she panicked and grabbed the first thing she could see in her hideout.
D.A Sally Botsford is surprised to find a Christmas card signed by all the villains in the mail.
To make a long story short about Rhyme and Reason's childhood for this next headcanon, Rhyme was abandoned by her parents in space, she crashed landed on Earth, grew up in an orphanage, was ostracized by her entire town because of her powers and was singled out/bullied by her orphanage caretaker.
At Christmas, Rhyme would always end up on the Naughty List. Not because she was bad, but because her caretaker would intercept the letter and send her a return letter saying that she was a bad girl and she would NEVER get on the nice list. Rhyme was always the only kid in the orphanage who didn't get any presents. But she never lost hope because she just knew that if she tried hard enough, she could be on the nice list next year, so she never stopped believing in Santa.
Meanwhile Reason's parents... Weren't very involved in his life. They gave him the bare minimum of attention so he basically was forced to mature early and learn to take care of himself. So Santa wasn't really a thing in their household because they couldn't be bothered.
Reason never believed in Santa but he never told any of the other kids in the town because he didn't want to ruin the magic for them. Every year Reason saw Rhyme be heartbroken on Christmas Day and it killed him inside because he wished he could just tell her that her orphanage caretaker was deliberately ruining Christmas but he didn't want to destroy her hopes and dreams by breaking the news to her and destroy her belief in Santa Claus.
So, on the last year before Rhyme was too old for Santa to visit, Reason took drastic measures. He spent months saving up his allowance to buy presents for Rhyme and on Christmas Eve, he broke into the orphanage and found Rhyme's stocking. He got rid of the coal and filled it with the presents he bought. On Christmas morning Rhyme came down the stairs to find her stocking filled with presents, and a new letter from "Santa" saying that she was always on the nice list, but her caretaker stole her presents and made it look like he gave her coal.
Rhyme later excitedly showed her presents to Reason and ranted about how she KNEW there was something fishy going on with the naughty list and she was so relieved that Santa finally managed to put a stop to the sabotage. It wasn't until well into their supervillain careers that Reason told her what REALLY happened that night.
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