#〖 CLASS OF 2323 〗
lemoncrushh · 3 months
Fratboy Harry - Part 7
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Summary: Harry Styles was a boy with a reputation, one that you couldn’t care less about. Yet one night at a frat party changed everything.
Warnings: Smut, drinking, angst, a very cocky Harry. 18+ ONLY!!
Part 7 Word Count: 2323
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I'm sorry.
I swear, she's not my girlfriend.
If you'd answer my calls I could try to explain.
Will you please talk to me?
These texts and more filled your phone all evening, but you left them unacknowledged. He'd tried calling you several times as well, but you never answered. Finally, as you laid in bed, your mind wandering though you were trying your best to read your English chapter, Harry sent one more text.
Fine. I know you're mad. Maybe you just need some time to cool off. I'll leave you alone. Call me when you wanna talk.
The next morning you managed to make it to class despite a restless night. You'd probably gotten a total of three hours' sleep, and you prayed to God you wouldn't be quizzed on that English chapter because you had no idea what you'd read.
You didn't know why you'd let this boy get to you, but somehow he had. Hell, you didn't even like him at first. Now not only was he invading your mind, but you'd allowed him yourself you get angry and hurt over something that had nothing to do with you. Something that shouldn't have surprised you and you should have seen coming. Dammit.
Coming out of the English building after stopping to talk to your professor, you were zipping up your backpack so you didn't see him at first. Lifting your head, you spotted him on the sidewalk, a small group of people gathered around him. Pulling your backpack over your shoulder, you walked briskly, trying to get past him before he saw you.
"Y/N!" he called.
You walked faster, your eyes focused on the sidewalk ahead of you. Hearing puffs of breath as he jogged to catch up you, you rolled your eyes. He called your name again, pleading you to wait. You stopped in your tracks, turning to face him.
"Hey," he said. "Didn't you hear me?"
"I did," you narrowed your eyes.
His shoulders dropped in disappointment. "Why won't you talk to me?"
"I don't feel like talking," you remarked.
"Will you at least hear me out?"
You crossed your arms over your chest. "Fine. I'm listening. But you have about two minutes because I have to get to my next class."
Harry stepped closer to you, lifting his hands like he was about to touch you but changed his mind.
"She's not my girlfriend, okay?"
"You've said that."
"She has a thing for me," he added as though that just cleared everything up.
"Apparently," you raised your brows.
His eyes shifted away from you as he tried to think of the next thing to say. Biting his lip, he looked back at you.
"We slept together once," he muttered. "It meant more to her than it did to me."
You glared at him in disgust. Was this guy for real? If it wasn't for the curiosity taking over, making you want to hear the whole story, you would have stomped off.
"I know that's an awful thing to say," he admitted. "And I don't mean it like it sounds. I wasn't a jerk to her afterwards, I know that's what you're thinking."
"Don't tell me what I'm thinking," you scoffed. "You have no fucking clue what I'm thinking."
"Fine, fine!" he held up his hands. "I'm just trying to explain."
You pursed your lips. "Go on."
Harry sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets. "She kept calling me and texting me. She was a sweet girl, so I didn't wanna hurt her. But I could tell she wanted more than I did. She started showing up to all the parties, following me around. Anything I was doing, she'd ask if she could come along. She found out where I lived and somehow got the impression that we were a couple."
You stared at him incredulously as he ran a hand through his hair.
"I still don't really know how it happened. She got it into her head that she's in love with me and that we belong together. I felt bad at first and tried my best to let her down easy. I told her we could be friends."
"Oh yeah, that's what every girl wants to hear," you rolled your eyes.
"I didn't wanna be an asshole!" he exclaimed. "I know you think I'm one, but I'm not."
You opened your mouth to retort but he held up his hand. "I know, don't tell you what you're thinking."
You sighed and uncrossed your arms, gripping your backpack.
"So what, she's stalking you now?" you inquired.
"Sort of, I guess. She won't stop calling or texting me, even after I've had to be harsh with her. She shows up at my door unexpected. After you left yesterday? She came by again. She actually said she forgives me and that we can work it out."
"Eesh," you sounded. You weren't sure who you felt more sorry for, him or her.
"You asked why I don't just block her number. I tried that. That was when she starting coming over. I'm trying to keep tabs just in case I do have to call the police. I'm being a jerk to her now so hopefully she'll listen and finally give up."
You sucked in your lips, allowing his words to sink in. You wanted to believe him. But what if he was just making it up? You stared down at your watch and cleared your throat.
"Your two minutes are up," you muttered.
Harry swallowed. "Listen, you probably don't believe me, but I just wanted to explain."
"Fair enough," you nodded. You gestured toward the sidewalk. "I gotta go."
Turning away, you heard him say your name again. You sighed, looking back at him. He stepped closer to your again, reaching for your hand. You surprised yourself by allowing him to do so, staring down at it as he threaded his fingers through yours.
"You might not believe this either," he murmured. "But I wasn't lying when I said I liked you. And you definitely do something to me."
You blinked, raising your head to look him in the eye. You felt him lean forward and you almost thought he was going to kiss you.
"Really do have to go," you whispered, pulling away from his grip.
You didn't look back as you hurried toward your next class, for which you were certainly already late. Your heart pumped in your chest with anxiety. You heard someone else call his name followed by a hearty group laughter.
You wanted to believe him. You wanted to so badly. But you couldn't get the poor girl's face and sound of her cries out of your head. And as you sat down at your desk, that's when it dawned on you.
That could have easily been you.
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Three days later you and Mandy sat at the kitchen table, you with your nose in your Algebra book, Mandy on her laptop. You'd clued her in on everything that had gone down with Harry, though she still wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.
"You know, there are some crazy stalker girls out there," she commented.
You lifted your head, dropping your pencil. "Are we still talking about this?"
"I'm just saying," she peeked over her computer. "I mean, he is a popular guy. He probably has girls chasing him left and right. She might have gotten caught up in his charm and turned all psycho on him."
"Or maybe he was just giving me a load of crap so I wouldn't think he's a cocky asshole," you stated.
You heard Mandy click her tongue. "I don't think so..." she sang.
You rolled your eyes, resolving to ignore her so you could finish your math homework. The truth was...you didn't know what the truth was. You had so many conflicting thoughts and emotions it was driving you mad. And the fact that Harry hadn't bothered to get in touch with you since you'd run into him on Monday, just added fuel to the fire. Granted, you hadn't called or texted him either. But something told you it wouldn't make any difference. You'd still be just as confused.
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When Friday came and went and you still hadn't heard a peep out of Harry, you'd decided you'd given up. You were just some other girl to him, another lay. Whatever, so be it.
You told Mandy you'd go to the party with her Saturday night, but that you weren't going to stay long. If she wanted, she could get a ride home with someone else, or she could call you later when she was ready to leave and you'd come get her.
"But it might be super late," she whined. "You'll be asleep."
"No I won't," you declared. "I haven't slept in days."
As soon as you walked into the house, you knew he was there. You couldn't see him, but you knew. Mandy made a beeline for the kitchen, saying she was ready to get drunk. You followed her until you reached the doorway. You heard someone say his name followed by a cheer. Frozen in your spot, you listened for his accent, but when it didn't come, you changed direction and headed for the nearby beer keg.
A pleasant looking guy in a University t-shirt was standing beside it, pumping for a handful of people. He smiled at you before handing you a red Solo cup.
"Thanks," you grinned before bringing it to your lips. You gazed at him over the rim of the cup as he gave you the once over and then winked.
Mandy nearly scared you when she came around the corner and grabbed your arm.
"He's here," she whispered loudly.
"I know," you remarked.
"He's just with some buddies though," she added. "I don't think that Jamie girl is here."
You shrugged. "So what if she is."
"Have to say..." she paused, bringing her cup to her mouth. "I think it's kinda shitty that he shows up here without calling you first."
"Mandy," you turned to face her, "what did you expect?"
She gave you a look of disappointment and sympathy, her mouth scrunched up to the side of her face.
You stayed for a little over an hour, the one beer the only drink you consumed. You were bored. And trying to avoid running into Harry was not your idea of fun. You found Mandy chatting with the cute keg guy, announcing that you were leaving. She pouted but told you she'd most likely get a ride home.
Just as you were heading for the door, you caught sight of a blonde girl, her eyes wide like she was scanning the room for someone.
Curious, you stood still as you watched her make her way to the kitchen. You followed her, only stopping in the doorway. You saw Harry leaning against the counter, a cup to his mouth. You didn't miss the fact that he raised his eyebrows the second Jamie walked in. But you weren't exactly sure if it was because he was happy to see her, or just an acknowledgement. When she walked up to him, however, you noticed he didn't say a word to her. Instead, he turned to his friend next to him and began chatting.
Okay, so maybe he was ignoring her. But it was also very strange to you that he didn't make any move to tell her to leave him alone. Jamie reached for a cup then, filling it with ice to make her own drink. Then she returned to Harry's side, brushing her fingers up his hand that rested on the counter. He didn't even flinch. Deciding you'd seen enough, you turned on your heels and exited.
That evening you'd just finished brushing your teeth and were getting ready for bed when a new text popped up.
So are you gonna continue to avoid me?
You sighed as you began to text him back. He must have known you were at the party.
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about this silent treatment. You can't tell me you're enjoying it.
There you go again, assuming you know what I think.
Then tell me.
Tell you what?
What you think.
You paused for a moment, gathering the words in your head before typing them out.
I think you're an asshole. But not because of the reasons you think I do. I think you're a phony. You want people to like you, but you also want them to fear you. You want them to think you're a cocky asshole but you're really not. I think you slept with some girl who really liked you knowing you didn't really like her, just because it fit your persona. I'm not sure if she's stalking you or what, but I think you get off on it because it makes you look like a big shot.
You saw the three dots indicating Harry was typing, but you were surprised when all he replied was one word.
You decided to continue typing, feeling liberated that you were finally getting your feelings out.
To be honest, Harry, I don't know exactly where I fit in to all of this. You say you like me, but I don't know what to believe. Maybe you do, or maybe it's again just something you feel like you have to do because it's who you want people to think you are. Like I'm some conquest or a notch in your belt. You have a reputation to uphold. But I do know one thing. I hardly even know you. And I'm not going to waste my time worrying and wondering about some fratboy who may or may not have some other girl in the wings.
I told you I'm not in a fraternity.
You laughed out loud, but not out of humor. He was unbelievable.
Goodbye, Harry.
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astarions-darling · 7 months
The Devil's Game Raphael x FemTav Chapter One
Regency AU tags/warnings: no warnings yet. everyone is human. full of cliches :) words: 2323 read on ao3 via source
Miss Tav Larian fears she is running out of options. She cannot let her horrible Auntie Ethel force her to marry the Emperor—her distant cousin who has inherited Tav’s father’s title and estate. But there is no escape…her aunt controls all her inheritance until she either marries or turns five-and-twenty. She cannot wait that long… she has no time and nobody else will marry Tav—Auntie has seen to that.
She has no choice. A desperate plan has Tav sneaking into the House of Hope, the most notorious gaming hell in all of Faerûn, to take a chance at playing cards and winning enough money to escape her Aunt’s clutches.
But can she win the Devil’s game?
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It’s Mills and Boon time, lads.
This story, while silly, contains spoilers for the game - mostly the Emperor and who he is.
Everyone is human in this story! But if you want to picture the Emperor as a mind flayer amongst a bunch of humans, go for it. Raphael and Haarlep are half brothers in this story so their relationship is much different to in game. It works better for me plot-wise.
This is also vaguely regency as it’s not historically correct by any means! It’s a world of its own, I suppose. Also I had to give Tav a surname and well…Larian seemed appropriate haha It sounds fancy!
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Tav slinked across the wet cobblestones, trying to keep her dress from dragging across the ground—the edges were already wet. A barouche came around the corner at speed and nearly splattered her with mud but she quickly plastered herself against the stone wall of a nearby building. She held herself there a moment, breathing fast as she watched the carriage disappear down the street. Carefully she grabbed the skirts of her dress and continued down the dark street.
The thought of having to explain to Auntie Ethel how she’d ruined her dress was not something she wished to contemplate—she’d probably be locked in her room for a week as punishment if the old hag knew she’d damaged her clothes. Tav didn’t dare entertain the idea of what her aunt would do knowing how Tav had come to get her clothes in such a state. The young woman paused and shuddered at the mere thought. But Auntie Ethel would not discover this insubordination, Tav told herself, as she tried to keep hidden in the darkness of a nearby mass of shrubbery. She glanced down the street and took in the looming building that lay at the end of it.
The monstrous mansion that glittered impressively amidst the lit lanterns of the street was her destination. Even from this distance, Tav could see that the large windows in the building had most of the drapes drawn, but within the ones that were open, they flickered with candlelight and it was possible to catch a moment of movement as silhouettes passed by dreamily. It looked so inviting, so completely enchanting in the moonlight. But while Tav may not have grown up in the city proper, she knew enough that the look of this grand house was entirely deceiving.
Everyone knew about the gambling hell that was the House of Hope, not that anyone would admit to such profane knowledge. And certainly, nobody would let slip they had been there. It was the sort of place people whispered about in dark alcoves or behind their fans if they dared to mention it at all. Usually only the very wealthy or the peerage were allowed in, it was notorious for its selective entry and the things that went on inside...Tav was sure half of the rumours she’d heard about the wretched place had to be false. That had to be one of the only perks to living with Lady Ethel Pearl—that woman seemed to know everything and collected secrets like a squirrel hoarding nuts.
The building itself managed to sit along the bank between the lower and upper city of Baldur’s Gate; easy for those of little standing to be swallowed by and ostentatious enough for the worst kind of the upper class to dare set foot in. Tav knew that If you saw someone you knew in the House of Hope, you did not acknowledge it. You were there to play cards or engage in a game lanceboard, perhaps have a drink. That was all.
Tav watched another carriage trot by, this one at a more measurable pace, the hooves clattering happily against the cobbled street as she steadied her breathing. Her blood thrummed with nervous anticipation at the sight of the gambling hell. You had to be welcomed into the House and her plan to sneak in would surely not be met with any enthusiasm should she be caught. It was no place for a lady—though Tav had heard rumours about Lady Mizora frequenting it. Not that Lady Mizora had a care of being snubbed and was certainly wealthy enough to afford to not give a fig about the opinion of the ton. While Tav may not have been a lady, she had been the daughter of an Earl, before her father had passed. Her family name did mean something and it would damage her to be found in such an establishment. Her ruined reputation would be nothing more than leverage for Auntie Ethel.
Tav sucked in a deep breath through her nose and her eyes glazed over a moment at the thought of her father and the wretched woman he’d entrusted to care for his only child. It felt like she’d been trapped with Auntie Ethel forever. The woman wasn’t even her real aunt, she was her father’s cousin. Tav cursed the day that hag had appeared on their doorstep in the guise of helping her father through his long illness.
Poor Papa.
The street she’d been slinking down turned into a small alley, the end of which her destination glittered. She walked down it carefully, the uneven cobblestones wet beneath her feet. The small amount of gold she had secreted away felt heavy in her reticule as she navigated her way towards the House of Hope. It was not a lot of money, but it would be enough to play a few games of cards inside the house. So many years of playing with Auntie had taught Tav a lot about cards, especially because the old hag had a tendency to cheat. She felt she had a good chance at winning…it was her only chance.
Tav had heard that the Devil enjoyed having many of the high society deep in his pockets and the potential to win enough gold to leave Ethel behind was possible. The proprietor of the hell did not care so much who you were, as long as you had gold…or something of worth to offer if he had already emptied your coffers. He must have a name, Tav supposed as she walked down the alley, but she had only heard him referred to as the Devil.
“Eh, lass, whatcha doing ‘ere all by yourselves?”
The slurred voice startled Tav from her thoughts and she found herself in front of a short, elderly gentleman with a face like a walrus who had appeared out of the darkness. He belched loudly and Tav took a step back as he stumbled, an empty bottle held loosely in his hands before it clattered to the ground and rolled away.
“Young ladies shouldn’t be about all by ‘emselves.”
The man belched again and Tav tried to sidestep him but he grabbed at her cloak, his body swaying with the motion.
“Unhand me,” Tav demanded in the most direct voice she could muster. The man didn’t seem to be much of a threat. He had a melancholic air about him that had her add with a much gentler tone, “Please, sir, I must be going.”
The man peered up at her, his blue eyes bloodshot as if he’d been crying.
“Don’t go there, miss,” he said in a whisper, his eyes darting toward the House of Hope in the distance. “The Devil don’t take nothing.” He tugged on her cloak again and Tav feared the fabric would rip. “He don’t take nothing you ain’t giving. And he’ll make you gives everything you got.”
She managed to pry his grip off of her cloak and quickly hurried away, trying to ignore the prickling feeling at the back of her neck. She made it out of the alley, the cool evening air clinging to her fingers as a low mist settled itself in for the long night. The streets were bustling in this part of the city, though it always felt like Baldur’s Gate was never asleep no matter the time of day. In this busy crossing the streets were full and so she watched as people, some trying to be inconspicuous and some without a care, broke free from the flow of foot traffic to walk through the large open gate of the House of Hope and up to the front door. It was easier to blend in here, with so many people about—nobody was paying her any attention.
Tav knew she wouldn’t be able to get in through the Devil’s front door without an invitation. The large door was flanked by two guards, both looking burly and bored with their trollish appearance. As each new person approached, their name was checked on a ledger before being let in through the large and overly gilded doors. A glimpse of red velvet and glittering candelabras were seen before the doors closed once more. A moment later the doors opened again and Tav watched the guards hurl a man down the marble stairs and into a puddle left from the evening rain. Clearly, his name had not been on the list.
She knew there would be no ‘Miss Tav Larian’ on that list and so she had planned on how to gain entry. For several days she had perused the building on her walks. This wasn’t a bad place for a young lady to walk during the day, and she was never alone—her aunt had her accompanied by her personal maid, Mayrina, at nearly every waking moment.
But luckily for Tav, Mayrina was an utter goosecap. It was easy to persuade the girl to walk around these surrounding streets of the House of Hope on Tav’s daily walk and claim to be enjoying the architecture and surrounding gardens. All the while, Tav was taking note of the servant's entrance at the back of the mansion and how many people in service there appeared to be. She’d seen a few maids and footmen milling about; preparing horses, bringing in fresh food and loads of baskets filled with sheets.
So now it was easy to slip around the side of the building, searching for the servant's entrance she knew was there. When she spotted the open iron gate, she hurried through and was relieved to see nobody else. Quickly, she pulled off her cloak and hid it behind a nearby statue of an ugly-looking imp. She smoothed her dress down—she’d stolen a long apron from Mayrina and had tied it over her day dress—and fixed the pins in her neatly styled hair and put on the cap she’d also stolen from the maid. Her dress certainly was not the right sort of dress for a maid but with the apron and cap, she didn’t think anyone would notice her dress too much. Auntie was always talking about servants and how they were never noticed. Tav could never understand how Mayrina bore working for her.
“You can do this,” she whispered to herself, clutching her reticule tightly. 
It was with a sort of disappointed relief that she found the servant entrance door unlocked. If it had been locked, she could have told herself she had tried and then simply go home. But there was nothing stopping her now. She darted in quickly and waited for the inevitable shout from someone demanding who she was, but none came. There was a young man lounging nearby, idly smoking a grimy looking cigarette. He hastily put it out and looked at Tav with a guilty expression.
“Er, please, don’t tell Korrilla,” he said. “I just needed a quick break.”
Tav raised her chin. “I won’t say anything.” 
The man smiled with relief at her words and Tav tried not to run through the hallway. She passed a few others maids who nodded at her and she returned the greetings. Nobody had said anything! She could barely believe her luck so far, but she did not dare test it. When she came to a set of stairs she quickly ascended until she came to a door which opened with ease as she turned the handle. Creeping through, she found herself on a lushly carpeted floor that was empty of anyone else. Music and laughter greeted her and as she slinked further she realised she had come upon a mezzanine floor. Slowly, she walked forward and peered over the gold balustrade and down below. It was full of people! There were so many tables set up for all different kinds of card games and waiters were walking around with trays laden with champagne. It was like the most raucous soiree Tav had ever seen. She could even spy some men and women lounging together on a settee, sitting far too close than was proper and laughing as they clinked their drinks. Tav’s heart raced when she saw one man slide a hand so effortlessly under one lady's skirt—the woman didn’t even budge! She just laughed again, the feather in her hair swaying hypnotically before she gracefully stood and gestured for the man to follow. Tav watched them as they both drifted off together, arms intertwined, toward a large staircase.
Tav ducked back as the music from below swelled, and in the distance, a champagne cork popped. She’d spotted the cribbage card table and all she had to do was get down there and act like she belonged. 
The couple had reached the top of the stairs and Tav watched as they disappeared behind a set of closed doors. She closed her eyes and prayed to any god that may hear her plight and possibly offer guidance. With nothing left to do but either flee or continue with this madness, she steadied her resolve and started to head for the large staircase. Her heart was racing. As soon as she reached the top of the staircase she would remove the apron and cap before stuffing them in a nearby vase. The closer she got the more panicked she became. But she couldn’t leave now. That odious old woman was so desperate to get her to marry the new Earl—her estranged cousin who just happened to be next in line for the title and also just happened to be Ethel’s son. Sometimes Tav wondered if the old woman had poisoned her father and addled his brains to even let him think to give that hag control over Tav and her inheritance.
Too lost in trying not to cast up her supper, Tav failed to hear the door open behind her.
“A lost little mouse is running through the house…”
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redfurrycat · 1 year
🤠🎓🏫🐓High School & College/University Fic Recs🐓🏫🎓🤠
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
High School
Ao3 Authors: Broke_Traveler, Callsignsmax, KatofKanals, Orphan_account, Nightwrite24, ReformedTsundere, Sreshaw, Tearsricochets.
Ao3 Authors: BlankPapyrus, Chase_acow, Cryinginthebronco, Glowpink, Hangmanbradshaw, Haridwar, Hypnagogicpunisher, Imafriendlydalek, LulaluzHazel, Miraculousmultifan, Monkiedude, Nighttimedawn, Nightwrite24, Orphan_account, Pocketsizedsatan, ReformedTsundere, Renai_chan, Soisserieux, SunMonTue, Tearsricochets, Trinipedia.
> Educational Occupations > Childhood Friends-Sweethearts
You Make Me Live by Renai_chan {E} (C/U)
Once upon a time, Jake met Rooster. Eight years later, he's a freshman at the US Naval Academy, and Bradley Bradshaw comes back into his life. Except, they've both grown up, and with growth, paths diverge.
I think I could use some more (of you) by nighttimedawn {T} (C/U)
“I feel like y’all have been having a secret affair behind my back,” Jake said from behind them. “I take back my earlier worry that you wouldn’t get along.” Letting go of Bradley, Nat said, “Awww, Jakey. Are you feeling left out?” “He’s worried because he knows we’d make a hot couple,” Bradley joked, picking up his bag from where it had fallen on the floor. Without looking at Nat, he hit the high five she held out her hand for. Jake groaned and began to walk towards the exit. “How the fuck am I third-wheeling in my own relationships?” Or how Jake and Bradley meet on a college tour and spend the next five years figuring it out (and fucking it up).
Draw Me Verse by BlankPapyrus {E} (C/U)
Draw Me
As an engineering major, Bradley Bradshaw had no idea why he needed an art credit, but Professor Bates' Introduction to Life Drawing course had been the only one with slots available that fit into his schedule. He also didn't expect Jake Seresin to be this week's model.
Athletes and Mathletes
Jake hasn't seen Bradley since they hooked up. He's used to getting what he wants, and Bradshaw is not good for his ego or his temper. Luckily, they're both at Reuben's birthday party.
Study Buddy
At their regular study session, Bradley and Jake wind up being the only ones left. Naturally, they wind up in bed together.
Megaphone Serenade by ReformedTsundere {G} (HS)
Jake knew about Bradley Bradshaw. Bob was friends with him; they shared a choir class, and Bradley helped with some jazz performances if they were down a keys player. But he’d never really noticed the other boy before. The second Bradley ran his fingers over the ivories with an easy grin, leaning back and relaxed, Jake was transfixed.
no one quite like you (you push all my buttons down) by glowpink {T} (C/U)
Bradley’s first day of law school is a wash out in more ways than one. First, he gets soaked on the way to class. Then, he's late. And finally (quite literally) runs into his ex-something in the middle of the law building.
come hell or high water by orphan_account {G} (HS) (C/U)
Bradley Bradshaw, determined to live up to his father's legacy, enlists in the Navy right out of high school, leaving his best friend, who is also probably the love of his life, home with his godfather to finish out high school. He definitely isn't worried about Jake at all. Jake is definitely fine. He definitely isn't worried about that thing that happened at the airport that they never actually spoke about. And he definitely isn't worried about these feelings in his chest that keep threatening to spill out of him. Everything will be fine, right? Or, how Bradley falls in love, finds a home, and remembers how to be happy again.
number neighborhood by miraculousmultifan {T} (C/U)
754-XXX-2324 created a group chat 754-XXX-2324 added 754-XXX-2323, 754-XXX-2325, 754-XXX-2326, and 9 more 754-XXX-2324 named the group number neighborhood [12:36 p.m.] number neighborhood 754-XXX-2324: howdy neighbors! 754-XXX-2327: who the fuck are you *** Jake, bored out of his mind one day, decides to add a bunch of numbers into a group chat and see what happens. It went about as well as he expected.
Baby You Look Good by soisserieux {_} (C/U)
He finds his name and desk number and heads in the direction of his seat, only to stop short when he sees the guy in the other chair.  The guy is sitting there comfortably, with all of his shit unpacked, like he’s been there for a while. He’s got this old-looking Hawaiian print shirt on, and this mustache that looks like it came straight out of a trashy porno. And the worst part is, Jake can’t tear his eyes away. It’s like everything else happening in the lab suddenly came to a screeching halt, and he can’t do anything but stare at this guy.  The spell is finally broken when the guy looks up at him. “Do you need something? Or…” Jake regains his composure and plasters a well-practiced cocky smile on his face. “Well, if you don’t mind, I need you to help me pass this damn class… Partner.” It’s kind of dumb and Jake almost wishes he didn’t say it, but it’s too late to take it back now. He’s stuck with it, just like he’s stuck with this guy as his lab partner. Fate has spoken.  One of the guy’s eyebrows shoots up. “You’re my lab partner?” Jake sets his stuff down and sits down in the open chair, sidling up next to his new partner. “Lucky for you.”
Springsteen by sreshaw {M} (HS)
Bradley Bradshaw has to pick up and move from San Diego, California, with his not-dad Pete "Maverick" Mitchell to Corpus Christi, Texas. He's not upset about it, but he doesn't expect to fall hard for a boy he meets there.
hey wouldn't you know (i'd get hooked on a guy with green diamond eyes) by tearsricochets {T}
I was cool with hangin around (now i got plans bigger than this town) (HS)
He doesn't mean to just stop mid-sentence, but really he doesn’t have any control of it. The one player he hadn’t caught the name of, Han, has just turned around. He’s mid laugh as he walks towards a huge blue cooler set up next to someone’s truck, and he’s probably the most beautiful person Bradley’s ever seen.   He’s got blonde hair that looks like it was styled when he’d first got here, but a few too many runs of the hand through it have knocked a few pieces onto his forehead. He’s wearing a simple gray colored henley under the letterman, paired with jeans that fit perfectly in all the right places and an honest-to-God pair of worn looking cowboy boots.  The smile that’s still on his face is only spurring on Bradley’s struggle. It lights up his entire face, the light of the fire making his already tan skin even more of a perfect golden.  He watches as the angel incarnate walks back to the others. Then, almost in slow motion, uses his now free hand to pick up the black cowboy hat that is hanging on the back of his chair.  Good god, that should be illegal. OR: the summer they meet, fall in love, and have to figure out what to do with it.
let the moonshine through (kissing you like yesterday) (C/U)
Fuck. His heart stops. His dreams, because he’s here. He’s here in Bradley’s immediate eyeline and reach. He’s positively radiant. Glowing. The golden sun spills in through the window and washes him in hues not unlike those of a fire ages ago. His hair is still the same golden blond Bradley remembers it as, once again a halo on his perfect head. He’s filled out much more than he was when they were teenagers. His short sleeve shirt, that reads Langwood Fire, looks sinfully tight on his biceps. His nightmares, because he looks happy. Happy like he doesn't regret for one second leaving Bradley behind. Bradley wants to laugh. Bradley wants to cry. More than anything, he wants to hug him. Wants to call him Angel and have Jake smile that little smile he only does when Bradley calls him that. Wants him to kiss him like it’s nothing and they’re still who they used to be. But they’re not, and the look on Jake’s face is enough to make him remember that forever. OR: the one in which it's the summer they meet again.
sereshaw student/teacher 'verse by callsignsmax (HS)
a first time for everything {E}
Mr. Seresin is his new physics teacher, he’s twenty six at the most. With how he looks Bradley would be shocked at anything more. He’s from texas, obvious from his accent and the obnoxious Texas Rangers banner he has pinned on the cork board next to his desk.
I see right through you {E}
“Nothing’s fair, Mr. Seresin,” He hiccups, throat sore and scratchy from suppressing his sobs. “Why don’t my friends support me and you being together?”
NSFW alphabet with Mr. Seresin and Bradley {E}
Learn the ins and outs of Mr. Seresin and Bradley's sex life, including the struggles of true love in a teacher/student relationship.
I’d wait forever for you {M}
“Red,” he manages to choke out, even though Mr. Seresin had already stopped. His hands were off of Bradley the second the younger froze up. “Stop, please.”
I'll Be Home for Christmas (And I'll be Making it Your Problem) by ReformedTsundere {T} (C/U)
Javy is scrolling past their local college's "Personals" page, seeing if they can find students they know enough to make harmless jokes at, when an apparent ad stops them both. Rent-A-Boyfriend Need someone to take home for the holidays? Not looking forward to being sat around the table and made to play nice? I'm a 26-year-old Navy brat with more piercings, tattoos, and trauma than sense. Polisci and Engineering double major who is running on caffeine (but can make it seem like I've got a drug problem). I ride a motorcycle for fun, have what can only be described as a "pornstache," and am unapologetically queer. I can and will, without trying, make any conservative parent wish they'd never picked up the phone to make you come home and have a blast doing it.
we met in the winter (and we fell in love) by haridwar {T} (C/U)
Watson Wildhearts by KatofKanals {E} (HS)
16 year old Bradley Bradhsaw is new to Watson, Texas in the summer of 2000 and he is downright miserable—he hates the whole town and all the people in it. That includes Jake Seresin, the star quarterback and rich boy at the top of the social pyramid. Eventually, though, Bradley starts to wonder if maybe there’s more to Watson and Jake Seresin than he saw at first glance. Maybe there’s something special there after all.
Midnight at the Shoreline by monkiedude {T} (C/U)
Jake likes to plan their beach week. Bradley messes it up.
get me with those green eyes, baby, as the lights go down by cryinginthebronco {G} (C/U)
get me with those green eyes, baby, as the lights go down The sun begins its descent towards the horizon, and the day is slowly coming to an end, giving everyone a long-awaited relief from the unrelenting heat. The excited chatter of tourists spending their summer in a small picturesque town died down not long ago, with everyone leaving the beach and making their way to the hotel rooms and oceanside rentals. For a few minutes, the waves of the nearby ocean hum calmly, finally undisturbed by the screaming children and their admonishing parents. But eventually, the lazy swoosh of the ocean is drowned by a different kind of noise. or jake, bradley, and one summer night
Learning to Fly by Broke_Traveler {M} (HS)
Can one phone call or school year change everything?
You're the beginning and the end of every chapter - Sunday by trinipedia {T} (C/U)
Bradley, a rebellious guy from California, is shipped off to a strict Texas military school by his godfather after one too many pranks. He will find more than he expected, and he'll come to realize that leaving might not be as easy as he thought.
Legacy by chase_acow {M} (C/U)
Bradley was a man in a dress, and he looked cute. Pledging the same Fraternity as his dad was his plan since childhood, he just needed to find a big brother who didn't mind having the oldest freshman ever. Anyone would do, but Jake Seresin, the worst lab partner ever, had his own plans.
5 times Rooster lost a bet to Hangman + 1 time they both won. by Pocketsizedsatan {_} (C/U)
5 times Rooster lost a bet to Hangman + 1 time they both won. Fraternity AU
cuz you know I love the players and you love the game by hangmanbradshaw {E} (C/U)
Jake's the star quarterback, Bradley's the star baseball captain. They both like playing games, turns out they want the same prize. Or Bradley dresses as a cheerleader for the team and Jake hates him (except that he totally doesn't)
Oh, but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for by nightwrite24 {G} (C/U)
Five times Bradley and Jake encountered each other under decidedly unusual circumstances, and the one time one of them decided to finally do something about it.
these small towns by nightwrite24 {M} (HS)
Bradley's moved to Texas from California. Jake's got a lot of expectations riding on him that don't leave room for the type of romance he really wants. Bradley has no idea he's such an overthinker. After a great night together, Jake's fallen into a full-blown crush and does his best to panic his way out of it. It does not work.
When September Ends by imafriendlydalek {E} (C/U)
Bradley had only applied to colleges other than the Academy to appease his mom, who insisted that it was important to have safety schools. He never thought he would need a backup. And yet here he is, at Cornell University. His dreams of going to the Academy have been thoroughly dashed, his mother is buried across the country next to his father, and his parking spot has just been stolen by some asshole with Texas license plates.
It's not who you know by SunMonTue {M} (C/U)
Low-angst Nepo!Baby Bradley and his four years at the USNA and his head-in-the-sand approach to the nepotism and the fact that he ends up being known as the guy with the two hot dads instead...
red river rivalry by hypnagogicpunisher {M} (C/U)
He’s heard the buzz about the new 4-star on the Texas team. It piques his interest. Oklahoma had been dominating the last few years of the rivalry, but betting odds were hot against the Sooners going into the game week, partially because of this Seresin kid. A true freshman, with his kind of stats, was a rarity. Bradley wonders just a bit what his passing stats would look like with him, who seemingly has fucking magnets for hands and the ability to stretch for a pass like he’s made of rubber. -- He can feel the frustration snaking through his body, settling with a numbness in his fingertips. At 2nd and 10, his pass is tipped and ruled incomplete. He can hear a jeer from the sideline, and he fucking knows it’s Seresin.
Serendipity by LulaluzHazel {E} (C/U)
During his second year at university, Bradley found himself with no room or a place to live. Venting to his co-worker, a handsome customer overheard his problems and offered him a sweet deal: to stay at his flat in exchange for looking out for his cat. But why did his new landlord have to be a naval aviator of all things? Couldn't he just be a regular rich kid?
Second time lucky... by SunMonTue {T} (C/U)
College AU featuring Bradshaw!Twins Bradford and Bradley, a Jake Seresin with a crush, and a long-suffering Javy Machado.
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X1.5-class Sunspot 1166
X-FLARE: March 9th ended with a powerful solar flare. Earth-orbiting satellites detected an X1.5-class explosion from behemoth sunspot 1166 around 2323 UT. A movie from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory shows a bright flash of UV radiation plus some material being hurled away from the blast site.
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exploretustin · 6 months
Tustin's Health and Wellness Scene: Uncover the Best Fitness Centers and Yoga Studios
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Finding the right fitness center or yoga studio to suit your needs can be daunting. If you're in Tustin, California, you're in luck! This city is home to many fantastic fitness centers and yoga studios. Whether you're a newbie or an experienced fitness enthusiast, Tustin has something for everyone.
Fitness Centers: Workouts Tailored to Your Needs
Fitness centers in Tustin offer a full range of exercise options, including cardio, strength training, high-intensity workouts, and more. These centers cater to all fitness levels, ensuring everyone can find a workout that suits their needs.
Dance Away with AKT
AKT, a wellness brand that combines cardio dance intervals with strength and toning, is a notable mention. The brand's dance-based cardio fitness classes are fueled by positivity, making workouts fun and enjoyable.
The AKT studio in Tustin, CA, is at 2959 El Camino Real, Tustin, CA 92782. You can contact the studio at (657) 212-8625 or at [email protected].
Cycle to the Beat with bike2thebeat
For those who enjoy cycling, bike2thebeat is an indoor cycling studio offering classes for all fitness levels. At bike2thebeat, you can experience a full-body workout while riding to the beat of the music.
Cycle to the Beat with bike2thebeat: Address: 13771 Newport Ave, Tustin, CA 92780 Phone: (714) 884-5056
Yoga and Strength Training with CorePower Yoga
CorePower Yoga is another fitness center that stands out in Tustin. It offers a variety of yoga classes designed to build strength and core. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced yogi, CorePower Yoga has the perfect class for you.
Yoga and Strength Training with CorePower Yoga: Address: 2951 El Camino Real, Tustin, CA 92782 Phone: (714) 505-9642
High-Intensity Workouts at Orangetheory Fitness
If you enjoy high-intensity workouts, Orangetheory Fitness is worth checking out. This fitness center offers a heart-rate-based HIIT (high-intensity interval training) total-body group workout combining science, coaching, and technology.
The address for Orangetheory Fitness in Tustin, CA, is 15020 Kensington Park Dr #200, Tustin, CA, 92782. You can contact them at (657) 444-2323 or visit their website at orangetheoryfitness.com/studio-locations/tustin-ca.
Stretch and Relax at StretchLab
For those who prefer a slower-paced workout, StretchLab offers customized assisted-stretch sessions. This unique wellness concept is perfect for those looking to improve flexibility and reduce muscle tension.
StretchLab Tustin is at 15020 Kensington Park Dr., Suite 200, Tustin, CA 92782. You can contact them at (714) 912-4919 for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Run with STRIDE
STRIDE, an indoor running studio, offers coached classes on state-of-the-art treadmills. Their program is designed for both walkers and runners, making it an excellent option for people at all fitness levels.
Run with STRIDE is at 662 El Camino Real, Tustin, CA 92780. You can contact them at (714) 941-9900 or visit their website at https://www.runwithstride.com/tustin/.
All-Round Fitness with 24 Hour Fitness Super-Sport
24 Hour Fitness Super-Sport is a gym that offers the best of both worlds. They have a variety of fitness classes, premium gym amenities, and more. This gym is perfect for people who want a comprehensive workout experience.
24 Hour Fitness Super-Sport is located at 502 E 1st St, Tustin, CA 92780, and their Phone number is (714) 508-9622.
Yoga Studios: Find Your Zen in Tustin
Tustin is also home to several yoga studios offering a variety of yoga styles. Whether you're interested in hot yoga, vinyasa flow, or restorative yoga, you can find the perfect class in Tustin.
Nurturing Yoga at Caffe Yoga
Caffe Yoga is a studio that stands out for its nurturing and passionate approach to yoga. It offers a variety of classes, including "Align & Flow" sessions that are perfect for those looking to deepen their practice.
Caffe Yoga is located at  2433 Park Ave, Tustin, CA 92782. Their telephone number is (714) 983-9003/
Yoga for All Levels at YogaSix
YogaSix offers a variety of classes designed to cater to all levels of yogis. From hot and powerful to slow and mindful yoga classes, YogaSix has something for everyone.
YogaSix Tustin is at 15020 Kensington Park Dr, Suite 200, Tustin, CA 92782. You can reach them at (657) 200-4600 or visit their website at https://www.yogasix.com/location/tustin/.
Holistic Wellness at The Sanctuary Wellness Center & Yoga Studio
The Sanctuary Wellness Center & Yoga Studio is another notable yoga studio in Tustin. They offer semi-private and authentic yoga classes, with the ultimate goal of helping you reach complete peacefulness of body and mind.
The Sanctuary Wellness Center & Yoga Studio is at 505 W First St, Tustin, CA 92780. Their phone number is (714) 617-4593.
Wrap Up
Tustin's fitness centers and yoga studios offer a wide variety of workouts, ensuring that everyone can find an exercise routine that suits their needs. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, Tustin's health and wellness scene has something for you. So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring these fitness centers and yoga studios today, and embark on your journey to a healthier and happier you!
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[ad_1] Add one other tally to the win column for the builders of 23Springs and Uptown Dallas’ workplace market. Legislation agency Sidley Austin has leased 118,500 sq. toes throughout 4 and a half flooring within the 26-story tower at 2323 Cedar Springs Street, the Dallas Morning Information reported.  The deal provides to a string of leasing victories for the builders, a three way partnership of Plano-based Granite Properties and North Carolina-based Highwoods Properties. In January, Skilled companies agency Deloitte inked a greater than 100,000-square-foot deal on the website, and Financial institution OZK has dedicated to a big chunk of house as properly. The 625,000-square-foot tower, set to open late subsequent 12 months, is now greater than 50 % pre-leased.  The constructing is leasing up shortly due to demand for high-end workplace house in its location in Uptown, a walkable neighborhood close to downtown, providing facilities just like the Katy Path, eating places and buying, Granite’s Paul Bennett advised the outlet.  Sidley Austin will relocate from the McKinney & Olive workplace tower, at 2021 McKinney Avenue, additionally in Uptown, the place it occupies 80,000 sq. toes, the outlet reported. The corporate is concentrating on a January 2026 move-in date. Stream Realty’s Craig Wilson, Randy Cooper and Greg Biggs represented Sidley in lease negotiations, whereas Granite’s Robert Jimenez, Burson Holman and Elizabeth Fortado represented possession. Uptown has emerged as Dallas’ premier workplace vacation spot for builders and companies alike. Final month, Fort Value-based advertising agency PMG leased 75,000 sq. toes throughout three flooring within the Hyperlink at Uptown, a 25-story Class AA workplace tower developed by Kaizen Growth Companions. Learn extra Financial institution of America turned heads final 12 months when it introduced plans to relocate from its namesake tower in downtown Dallas to a 238,000-square-foot house within the 30-story Parkside Uptown, which is being developed by KDC and Pacific Elm Properties.  Goldman Sachs is constructing a $500 million regional campus just a few blocks from there. —Quinn Donoghue  [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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alternative2023 · 11 months
Find peace and balance with our anger management programs in Tacoma. Our experienced counselors are here to help. Contact us for more information about our services and to schedule an appointment by calling us at (253) 538-2323 today.
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govindhtech · 1 year
AMD Ryzen 3 7440U: Unveiling Zen 4’s Power
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AMD Ryzen 3 7440U
On the website Geekbench, the first benchmarks of AMD’s sole Zen 4 quad-core processor, the Ryzen 3 7440U “Phoenix” APU, have been published.
Geekbench has performed benchmarking on AMD’s Ryzen 3 7440U, which is the only Zen 4 and Phoenix Quad-Core APU currently available.
Within the Ryzen 7040 stack, the AMD Ryzen 7 7440U is the Phoenix APU with the lowest entry-level price, and it is also the only quad-core Zen 4 chip that has been introduced up to this point. At the now, quad-cores are only available on the mobility lineup; however, this may change with the impending Ryzen 7000G APUs for AM5 desktops, which may provide a quad-core processor for the budget class. On the desktop front, the least number of cores and threads you can obtain is six, thus quad-cores are presently only available on the mobility roster.
The AMD Ryzen 3 7440U “Phoenix” APU has 4 Zen 4 cores, 8 threads, a base speed of 3.0 GHz, and a boost clock of up to 4.7 GHz. It also has a base rate of 3.0 GHz. Anyway, moving on to the specifications. The chip is rated to run at 28W and features 4 MB of L2 cache and 8 MB of L3 cache, with variable TDPs ranging from 15 to 30 W.
In addition to it, the APU has a Radeon 740M iGPU that operates at a clock speed of 2.5 GHz and is based on the RDNA 3 graphics architecture. It has 4 Compute Units. The central processing unit also makes use of the brand new Phoenix2 die, which is configured in a hybrid Zen 4 and Zen 4C fashion.
In terms of performance, the AMD Ryzen 3 7440U “Phoenix” APU received a score of 2323 points in the single-core portion of Geekbench 6 and a score of 6571 points in the multi-core portion of the benchmark.
The tests were run on a SolidRun Bedrock R7000 Mini PC, which had a design that required no active cooling, support for DDR5 SO-DIMM memory (which was increased to 16 GB for the sake of the tests), and a comprehensive set of IO capabilities. The fact that all Zen 4 cores of the CPU were able to run at their maximum clock speed of 4.7 GHz indicates that the passive cooling solution performed a good job of accomplishing its intended purpose.
AMD Ryzen 3 7440U support
You can see that the AMD Ryzen 3 7440U “Phoenix” APU sits comfortably ahead of all other quad-core processors in the single-threaded benchmarks by looking at the results of the benchmarks shown above. This is because Zen 4’s IPC uplift and clock speed increases.
The Intel Raptor Lake and Alder Lake processors now hold the lead in the multi-core market, which may be attributed to their larger thermal design power (TDP) and cache levels; nevertheless, the 7440U is an extremely power-efficient CPU, consuming just 28 watts of power. It is unknown whether AMD would release any more types of APUs for AM5 other than 8-core and 6-core processors; nevertheless, the Zen 4 Quad-Core APU for desktops is expected to become the industry’s fastest 4-core CPU.
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jacksjames · 2 years
Book the Best Business Class Flights to Tampa
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Find great deals on cheap business class flights to Tampa. Book your business class tickets to Tampa with Myflightpal website.These website help to easy Book your flights online now or call us 0204-529-2323 to save money on your trip to this amazing destination.
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zhuhongs · 2 years
literally even worst case scenario i graduate at the same time and use the same amt of money. its honestlyyyy nbd. i need to stop stressing
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desafia · 3 years
me: i don’t think mags has a savior complex mags: how fast can i prove u wrong
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klarsynt-arc · 4 years
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NAME: hyun sam D.O.B:  april 2nd, 2305 GENDER: cis male NATIONALITY: south korea ADAPTION: adrenal manipulation  BACKGROUND: asset 014 was acquired at age fifteen from a group home he was placed in after the death of his parents. the asset suspected to be the indirect cause of his parent’s death. subject 014 claims no memory of the accident and may suffer trauma-based amnesia. hyun has presented leadership capabilities and shows promise for fieldwork. 
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wattpadscapcons · 3 years
So, I had this idea in mind, but if it's too confusing to kinda hard to follow, feel free to delete this
What about a drabble of Kagehara calling the reader "Angel" for the first time? I headcanon that Kagehara calls his SO Angel as in 'his guardian angel' since they saved him from his hellish and lonely life. One day, he comes home and the reader is taking care of him from another day of relentlessly bullying, physical beatings, and humiliation. The reader comforts and cheers him up and out of nowhere Kagehara says "Thank you.....my guardian Angel" and he explains that that's how he views them and he's been meaning to call them that for a while now
I thought it would be cute, but again, feel free to ask for clarification or just ignore this request
WElp. Okie Dokie then....
HoW AbOuT A wHoLe AsS fIc InStEaD
my brain said "no write more until it's perfect you simp"
I hope you enjoy your kicked puppy bc now I want to cry and it's my own damn fault AND I STILL BLAME YOU
Word Count: 2323
Thank You (Pregame! Kagehara x Reader)
It's only fair. It's only fair for him to think of you as some sort of angelic being. What else could he think of you as? No one has ever stuck up for him before, not one person has picked him off the floor, taken him to the nurse, acted as his nurse themselves, cleaned him up, walked him home, tried encouraging him, praised him, befriended him. Oh, the list he could make of all the things no one has ever done for him before you showed up in his life. It would take hours for him to write up and most likely reach the floor.
It makes the torture of school easier, keeps him hopeful, and gives him a reason to get up in the morning. You meet him at the gate or at his apartment building, walk him in, keep him company before class, at lunch, and after the school day is over, walk him home. Keeping him sane is a full time job for you, that's what he thinks. Every time he tried to convince you to leave him alone before they target you next you've ignored his warnings. You must be pulling some strings somewhere, he can't understand how or why but people don't seem to mess with you for associating yourself with the likes of him.
They do tell you what "he's really like" any chance they get though. Same as the first time you met him. He hadn't seen your face before, couldn't even tell if you two were even in the same grade. At first he thought you were going to be just someone new to hurt him. From his position curled up on the floor, bleeding, he surely hoped you would end his miserable existence then and there.
In a way, you did.
He thought that you'd believe them, it's not like he had any friends to defend him anyways. He's just the loser that everyone loves to pick on. Who'd believe him anyways? Some kid that couldn't even take care of himself or make a simple friend? They label him as some freak that likes to stalk girls, take pictures of people when they aren't looking, and watch people when they are sleeping.
Which was rather far from the truth. In truth, he was just some lonely kid that wanted anyone to like him. He naturally would become attached to anyone who was nice to him even once but even that got him in trouble. All of his trailing behind people who didn't give a damn about him further plunged his reputation to unrecoverable levels. It didn't help that he wasn't taught how to properly interact with his peers. As much as liked getting a little bit of attention, he was rather sick of being everyone's punching bag. He started to think that part of his stuttering was due to taking so many blows to the head.
After a while, he began to hurt himself because of it. From there, things only seemed to get worse and he started to believe he deserved every bit of what he got. That there was something obviously wrong with him, that he had a problem. He'd still try to reach out to people, hoping for some kind of sympathy, but he'd always be shoved to the side. When he thought it wouldn't get any worse it would, so he in a sense gave up on making real friends.
It'd torture him when he had feelings for someone else. He knows he never stood a chance. Leave them a note and more rumors would spread about the school's freak. Most people forget he even exists and Shuichi felt depressed the days that everyone left him alone. His lines of positive and negative attention blurred, and he'd start to beg just for someone to talk to him for even a few minutes, to hurt him, to just look at him, he'd do anything for that.
The school took one of the most venerable kids in the system and utterly broke him almost beyond repair. Not that he's become much better while in your care, he's still very much broken, he just feels ok with it now.
You saw him on the floor, and saw him for what he really was.
An undernourished, mistreated, and emotionally broken teenager.
Sure, you could've been like everyone else, maybe kicked him around a little bit just to leave him on the floor for someone else to clean up.
He didn't realize he was staring at you for so long. He doesn't think he really heard you clear the first time. You repeat your question for him again and it still doesn't make much sense.
"Are you ok?"
When he started to cry, you took it upon yourself to pick him up off the ground yourself. No one was going to help you, not that you really cared. You knew by now that this school makes horrible things out of such once innocent people. Shuichi was just another one of the long term victims. You were just glad he was still lucid enough to understand through facial expressions alone.
He flinched when you touched him. He winced when he tried to walk on his own, only to fall back onto his knees. You knew this was going to be a long day for him.
"I-I'm sorry! I can walk myself to the nurse, r-really!"
"Not a chance."
Not only do you take him to the nurses' office, but you bring him lunch later on in the day and eat with him there as well as walk him home. You found him to be an odd ball, and you told him as much, but you made it clear to him that "it's not a bad type of weird". When you called him cute it made him bright red.
"I can't believe your uncle was "too busy" to drive you home."
"I understand... he has work."
"I told him you were hurt and he acted like he didn't care! God, the nerve of that guy."
"H-He's not that bad...really."
"Is he ever home when you are?"
"........Not exactly..."
"Just as I thought. Course he leaves you at home to raise yourself. Such an incompetent parent."
"At l-least he's never hurt me before..."
"Good, you're still coming home with me tonight though. I don't trust that you'll take care of yourself properly. Since you don't have a parent that's home round the clock to take care of you or to even talk to you, you'll just have to put up with me."
"You don't h-have to say it like that."
As soon as he walks in the door you're there to greet him with a smile like normal. Of course, your smile drops when you see his black eye. You regret staying home from school today. He's holding his arm in a weird way, so you could only assume Kaito or Rantaro, hell maybe it was even Kaede that broke it over something petty, again.
"No hug? D-Did I do something wrong?"
"What hurts?"
"What'd that bastard do to you this time?"
"I'm ok Y/N..."
"I can clearly see the black eye sweetheart. And don't pretend that I can't smell the grape panta that was dumped onto you during lunch, right? You clearly are not ok. I don't have to do another "airplane security routine" on you to find out what hurts this time do I?"
"No no no no. I l-learned my lesson! I'd rather not embarrass myself in front of you again."
"So, where's it hurt?"
"My ribs, arm, and face."
"Anything broken, best you can tell?"
"I don't think so."
"You aren't underexaggerating to make me happy are you?"
"No. Trust me, it's not as bad as back then."
"Alright, but if I find out otherwise your in big trouble mister."
"You can go ahead and sit down. I'll get the first aid kit."
You're always so worried about him. It's enough to make him cry time and time again, being touched in a way that didn't hurt. Even when it did, you apologized for it, and it never hurt for very long. He was like a machine that you were constantly repairing, refusing to throw him out even when he wouldn't work properly. You're so stubborn, and he appreciated that since day one. It's a trait that you say he's had for a long time too, and is most likely how he survived so long to meet you.
That's a nice thought, that he survived solely to be loved by you.
You've made him feel loved in a way he couldn't possibly begin to describe. He could write a book about it, but he doubts anyone other than you would read it. It would full of cheesy lines that would end up making him feel embarrassed but you'd still read it to humor him. It just feels overwhelming being cared for. It's much better than the empty void he had previously though. He never wants to go back to that, it was suffocating the life out of him.
"There we go. I'll go get you a fresh shirt while I'm up. Be back in a minute ok?"
Sometimes he forgets how to talk when you're around, he just gets so hypnotized by your features that time seems to stop. If he could stare at you all day without creeping you out, he would. You're just too perfect in his eyes, and he'll fight you on that, much to your own dismay. The only counter you could come up with that would be about him being perfect too if what he said was true.
"If your statement is true then I must be right too."
"No! That's wrong!"
".....Did you just disagree with me?"
For a long time, that would end the argument there, feeling as he'd disappointed you. He's learned to love himself little by little too because of you consoling him so many times. Now he'll actually agree to that compromise even if he doesn't fully believe it yet.
"Here you go!"
"Thank you."
You've let him rant on about his favorite things so many times with more interest in what he had to say than he'd got out of anyone. Though you would have to stop him when he started on about how he was planning his own execution. Or when he tried to get you to sign up for the games with him. You had to completely shut him down on the spot.
"That's not healthy."
"Why would you want to die in the first place? You have so much to offer the world. It'd be so sad to think I'd never be able to talk to you again Shu."
"I'm sorry! I wasn't looking to upset you. Never."
"You'd never be able to fulfill your dream either...."
"Being on the show is my dream."
"I thought being the world's best detective was your dream."
"An Ultimate, yes."
"So....why don't you do it for real? Become a detective I mean."
".....You think I could?"
"I mean your uncle could get you some kind of connections right?"
"He was....wanting to train me. I was just dodging it because I was afraid of what he'd think about me. We haven't really...had a real conversation in a long time. I was afraid he'd change his mind."
"You think he'd turn his back on family because of your personality?"
"I'm always afraid of other's opinions, mostly yours. I don't want to become someone you don't like."
"It's ok to have different opinions, so long as you aren't trying to force your beliefs onto someone else. You don't have to be someone you're not for me. If you still want to try to be your uncle's apprentice, I'd say go for it. I'll still be here waiting for you to get home after you're done for the day."
He could thank you 10 times a day and it wouldn't be enough for him. You’ve got used to him thanking you for just being in his life at the randomest of times. You find it to be just another sweet thing he does. Though you have to agree with him somewhat, he does have a lot to thank you for. You were one of his first friends, the first person to treat him right, first to show you actually care, you gave him a family he could home to. That being your parents of course, who seem to like him too.
He could never ask you for more than he’s been given.
“Thank you, my guardian angel.”
“Getting creative with your nicknames are you?”
“No, this one has a really good reason this time. I’ve been meaning to call you that for a while but I wasn’t sure how you’d react.”
“It doesn’t bother me. Not sure how I’m a guardian angel though, I don’t have a set of wings or a halo yet.”
“I view you as an angel because you saved me.”
“....I know you weren’t the happiest person when I first met you. Was it really getting that bad for you back then?”
“I felt like I was in hell, being beaten up for just being an inconvenience to someone, being picked on everyday just because no one liked me, the rumors, the utter humiliating things that they did to break me. I felt so alone all of the time. I know it won’t make you happy to hear but the day you walked into my life was the day I planned on ending it for real. So, again, thank you. Thank you for saving me.”
“I love you Y/N. Much more than you’ll ever know.”
“I love you too, and I’m pretty sure I know. By the way, your halo is showing again hon, you might want to hide that thing.”
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Ever wonder when everyone was studying at Starfleet Academy and who might have had classes with who? Well, look no further. I did only include a few characters (namely all main cast members) from shows taking place in the 24th century (TNG, DS9, VOY, LWD; would include PIC, but no good data to go off of), since that's when we have shows overlapping and the potential for crossovers.
If nothing is marked, info is from Memory Alpha. (β) marks info from beta canon via Memory Beta, and there are footnotes for various characters.
Assuming general coursework takes five years, based on Picard's record, and medical coursework takes nine years, based on Dr. Crusher's record.
Tuvok: 2289-2293
Jean-Luc Picard: 2323-2327
Data: 2341-2345
Beverly Crusher: 2342-2350
Chakotay: 2344-2348
Benjamin Sisko: 2350-2354
Kathryn Janeway: 2353-2357 (β)
Tasha Yar: 2353-2357*
William Riker: 2353-2357
Geordi La Forge: 2353-2357
Deanna Troi: 2355-2359
Worf: 2357-2361 (β)
Ro Laren: 2358-2362
Jadzia Dax: 2359-2363; 2364-2368 (β)**
Julian Bashir: 2360-2368
B'Elanna Torres: 2366-2368 (dropped out)
Harry Kim: 2366-2370
Wesley Crusher: 2367-2370 (dropped out)***
Ezri Dax: 2372-2374†
Nog: 2372-2373‡
Bradward Boimler: 2375-2379
D'Vana Tendi: 2376-2380§
*Tasha Yar escaped her home planet in 2352, and was stated to attend Starfleet Academy 'soon after', so estimating started following year.
**Jadzia Dax's record is complicated. Beta canon states that she attended from 2364-2368, but this is directly contradicted by alpha canon, which says that she completed her coursework at Starfleet Academy before applying to the Trill Symbiosis Commission for joining and that in 2364 Curzon had her dropped from the program. StarTrek.com says she attended from 2359-2363, which is much more plausible.
***Wesley Crusher attended Starfleet Academy from 2367-2370, when he left to join The Traveler. A deleted scene from Nemesis (2379) shows him as a lieutenant junior grade, so he likely returned at some point.
†Ezri Tigan started Starfleet Academy's medical program in 2372 (presumably training to become a psychiatrist), joined a ship in 2374 for field training, and had her final year of training waived after being joined to Dax. Taking this straight, she never got her medical degree and only has the standard Starfleet training.
‡Nog started at Starfleet Academy in 2372, and in 2373 went to DS9 for field training. Then the Dominion War started and in 2374 he was given a commission as ensign, which may have been a provisional commission because of the war. Beta canon states that he stayed on at DS9 right after, being promoted to lieutenant junior grade in 2375 and serving as an engineer. He thus would not have completed more than 3 years of training at the Academy. StarTrek.com says he started at Starfleet Academy in 2371, which would give him the full four year coursework.
§D'Vana Tendi likely graduated shortly before starting on the USS Cerritos, hence the estimated years.
Timing Tom Paris's Academy career is tricky. He attended at some point in the 2360's. Paris is pretty famously based on Nick Locarno, who attended 2364-2368, and at least some people theorize the two characters to be one and the same, with Paris originally attending Starfleet Academy under a false name.
The rest of the Lower Decks characters can't really be timed very particularly. Samanthan Rutherford likely graduated in or shortly before 2380. Beckett Mariner graduated earlier. She had served on five ships prior to 2380, and had a classmate who was a captain in 2380 (the youngest recorded captain is Tryla Scott, who got that rank at age 34; assuming Scott started at Starfleet Academy at age 16, which appears to be the minimum, that's fourteen years of service before becoming captain, so the latest Mariner could have attended Starfleet Academy, assuming no new records for youngest captain and only one year of overlap with Mariner's captain friend, is 2366-2370).
Miles O'Brien was enlisted and never attended Starfleet Academy. He started his Starfleet career in 2345.
And just some overlaps: 2357 had Janeway, Riker, Yar, La Forge, Troi, and Worf all attending Starfleet Academy. 2367-2368 had Bashir, Torres, Kim, Crusher, and maybe Paris and Mariner all attending. From 2341-2370, at least one main character was at Starfleet Academy.
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avada-kedavrugh · 4 years
How stupid you must be?
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Pairing | Tom Riddle x Reader 
Genre | Angst (cheeky lil bit of making out)
Words | 2323
Warning | Making out, mentions of death, very unhealthy/abusive relationship that I do not endorse AT ALL but I just find it interesting to write. <3
How stupid you must be.
Tom’s hand slither around your neck, ever so delicately like a snake entangling its prey marvelling at each drop of fear it evoked, his fingers gracing the expanse of your skin like you were a porcelain doll, exquisite, dainty and so fragile in his touch. You are so small against him as he towers over you, your body quivering against the wall from the toxic mixture of anticipation, lust and fear that welled inside you, staring up at him with a look of complete adoration. The very touch of his cold fingers around your throat is so empowering, so overwhelming, so shattering as it destroys every barrier in your mind and subdues your entire being to his control. His dangerous gaze on you, searing through your mind, simultaneously imploring you to delve in closer with sweet nothings calling for you to give yourself to him, and screaming warning signs of ‘danger’. But it’s already too late for you as you’re faltering, falling, fading into his touch, unashamedly losing whatever part of you clung to sanity, replaced with the sheer desire, yearning, desperation for his lips to devour you, to take the final step of consuming you and leave you an empty shell.  
Within the eery silence of the dark closet, your own thoughts echo in your mind, as you silently plead with him. As if hearing your desperation, his hold on you tightens, teasing you with the searing touch of his fingers as his eyes look down on you with a cold, dangerous look. Your eyes flicker with infatuation and your cheeks flush a soft, pink hue, in a way that would be almost endearing, perhaps, if Tom was capable of love. If he was capable of love, he’d be ensnared in your affection and devotion, allow himself to shrink into your touch and be consumed by you, let your unceasing attempts of warmth to burn through him, act as the furnace that would cause his heart to shudder to life. Instead he found the way you looked at him repulsive, your looks of adoration received by a look of apathy, at best. Sometimes, he struggled to bury the contempt he felt towards you and he’d snap. He’d feel his eyes blazing with disgust, the dark look screaming ‘i hate you’ in what was both a shattering roar and a shivering whisper.  
Out of your lips slips a moan, your teeth quickly baring down on your soft lips in a feeble attempt to hide your sheer desire, bashful and ashamed of the effect he had on you. The sound echoes through the closet, burrowing itself into every crevice of the room, slipping into his ears and drilling into his mind, quickly registering as a sign of your weakness, of his absolute control over you. Although he will never love you, he relishes in the dominance he has over you, knowing this is only just the start of his strive for power. He felt no remorse, simply enjoying the incentive your weakness brought, grip tightening, his ring indenting itself into your skin and knuckles turning white whilst pressing against the silky expanse of your throat.
“Tom-” A guttural moan rumbled from your lips, desperation dripping from the very sound. His stony look flickering with amusement; with the knowledge you were defenceless against his hold, your mind falling into a dark abyss that matched your pupils – thick molasses, dilated, faltering at his every move. Secretly, he savours the sight, his lips curling into a sinister smirk as he watches you unfold against him, trapped between him and the wall, knowing that even if he let you go, you would stay there, hopelessly waiting for him to return your feelings. You allowed yourself to be a puppet, directed by his simple touch or a mutter of words, completely consumed by him. Lavishing in this knowledge, he set himself to tease you, make you ache with your utter lust, dipping his head down as he brought his lips dangerously close to your ears.
“Now, I’ve never seen someone so desperate,” The warmth of his breath tantalising against your skin, his words erupting from his voice in a sadistic purr. “How stupid you must be.”
How stupid you must be.  
The statement sounded in both of your minds. Tom’s lips twisting into an even crueller, ever so tantalising smile, while your heart was being thrashed and you felt your stomach momentarily dip.  
How stupid you must be. Completely subservient to the man who held you pinned against the wall, who belittled you and shamelessly looked at you with total contempt. The man was able to cause the pool of rich, luxurious heat sprouting in your lower stomach with just a single touch while at the same time, with just a simple statement, he had caused a churning pit in your stomach that made you wish the ground would just swallow you up right there, taking mercy on you and saving you from the agony he caused. You knew your heart belonged to him. 
Like many complicated things in life, it began innocently, coy glances at a cute boy during classes, feeling flustered around him, laughing as you told your friends about your attraction to him, becoming hopelessly drawn to the mystery that surrounded him. Tom. The tall, dark-haired, dark eyed Slytherin boy surrounded by his friends that all looked up at him with expectation. Who would you be to ignore your innocent, school crush? So, the chaste glances turned to watching him during classes, to trying to talk to him, despite his disinterest, to following him through the corridors. All in - as you told yourself several times - a desperate attempt to help him.  
Along the path of simple curiosity and attraction, you found yourself thinking of him more and more, every second of your day your mind would wander and lead you to him. At first it scared you, so you forced yourself to distance yourself from him. Without him you sank into a seat of sadness, staring into the dark gloomy depths of your drink, while your friends chattered around you, excitedly gossiping about whatever interested them. Wherever you were, sitting in the great hall with your friends or sitting alone in the library, that feeling of emptiness clung onto you. So, when your eyes glanced over him as he walked past, feeling your heart shudder to life, you gave yourself the little treat, let your eyes linger for a second longer, and then another second longer, then another second, and then another, and another, until every time you saw him you allowed your eyes to fix on him – his image imprinting onto your mind. Just seeing him filled you with a euphoric high and who would you be if you denied yourself the feeling? You convinced yourself it was fate, that your life was tied into a hangman’s knot with his. Curiously, one day, he returned the interest, tipping the earth of its axis and letting you fall into his arms. And that was the day, you allowed yourself to become his servant, become besotted him, allowed your obsession with him to begin to ravage you. And now, you knew he wasn’t human – not really - and knew he wasn’t capable of love, yet you’d sacrifice everything just for a simple kiss.
In retrospect, early on, you caught glimpses of something sinister lurking within him, his heartfelt words jumbled with a tone of hatred and his eyes occasionally flaring with something bordering loathing. Maybe, you stayed with him because you wanted to help him or, maybe, you stayed with him because of some sadistic voice that sung in your head that urged you to comprehend him, take him apart and reconstruct him secret by secret, just to know the very truth behind Tom Riddle and who he really was.
How very stupid you must be, your heart fluttering in your chest at his touch despite the obvious torment of his words, returning his sinister look with a look of full-blown lust, the darkness in your eyes caused by your pure desire while his was caused by something far more twisted. How very stupid you must be to allow yourself to slump against him, allowing his rigid body pressed against you to hold you up, his hands clutching your neck and keeping you afloat, the final restraint stopping you from falling into complete delirium.
“Tom, please-” You whined, a painful, raw, raggedy sound. Begging for the cushion of his lips. All of you hoped for the release of his animalist desires on you, for him to shed his cruel exterior, to reveal his raw being to you, bare his soul to you, allow you to squirm your way in, embrace him for who he was, love him, care for him. Caress every wound on his soul, kiss it better and make his heart feel something. For you. You stared at him hopefully, eyes twinkling with some innocence that you desperately clung to, slowing being chipped away every time you worked out what he’d done. His grip on you went slack, the colour returning to his knuckles, your lungs unexpectedly filling with oxygen you didn’t even know you needed as you breathed him in.  
Your eyes dancing with dreams, the dreams you replayed in your mind when the sky got dark, when your dormitory grew still, while your mind was too loud, your dreams embraced you like the warm arms of a mother, coddling you, soothing you into a calm slumber, a lullaby of dreams that would never happen, the dreams of Tom Riddle. Tom’s eyes lacked such excitement, instead they stilled with a vacant expression - one you found rather serene – as he took in the sight of you. Your heart unashamedly raced, desperate for you to reach out and press your lips against his. Risk your life just for the caress of his lips against yours.
His body pulling away from you, letting you to fall back against the wall. His smirk souring into a look of disgust, eyes full-blown with revulsion and contempt, looking down on you as if you were the most disgusting beetle on earth, as if all you deserved was to be stamped on. He moved forward again, this time his lips grazing your ears as he whispers “I don’t need you anymore Y/N.”
Your heart continues its shameless rampage within your chest, thundering against its weak confines, threatening to breakout and escape into Tom’s hands - where it knew it belonged. How very stupid you must be. It was too late for you now, you knew what his words meant, knew the threat they held within them, yet as his hot breath moved away from you, your hands desperately moved to grab onto him, your fingers hopelessly dragging against the material of his shirt, failing to cling onto anything, clawing at the air between you.
He was looking over your small form, taking in each detail of you for one final time; you were his obedient servant that he could manipulate to do his will. You, such a meek being, that seemingly devoted your life to his. Had become entangled, enchanted, encapsulated with him, by him, completely submitting yourself to him all for the human feeling of love. He knew you would do anything for him yet he knew that human feeling inside you, that clung to its innocence, unmoving from its claims of compassion, was stronger than your fragile feelings for him, one wrong move and it could easily overcome your devotion for him and leave him at risk. Something jolted in his heart. And then he did it.
Lips barrelling towards yours. Smashing against your soft lips. Teeth clashing. Like two starved animals that hadn’t eaten in days, absolutely ravenous from hunger, finally given a measly morsel between you. One of his hands wound itself around your neck again, all delicacy thrown aside as he roughly held you up by your throat. His nails attaching themselves to your skin, ripping into your skin so violently, leaving behind imprints at his very touch. Slamming your body against the wall and pressing his form, so crazed in its frenzy yet so rigid, against you. You took your chance to savour him, memorising the feeling of lips against you, the feel of fingers wrapped around your neck. Your mouth opening, tongue pressing against his mouth, desperate to taste him. The concoction of unrequited love and lust had left you famished, and now your body drowned in the touch of Tom Riddle. He was blessing you with what you had always wanted. Quenching the aching feeling that had laid dormant inside your lower stomach for months, incited only by him and growing more dangerous as he disregarded your desires. Yet, niggling in your mind was the emptiness of every touch, every taste, every movement. His sexual ferocity felt more like a primitive instinct than a conscious desire.  
How stupid you must be.
He was going to kill you.
He had used you and tossed you aside like a doll. And every step of the way, you lapped it up like a desperate puppy, hanging at the edge of his every word, the promise of his touch having the power to control you. Inside your heart swelled, as his lips thrashed against yours in their rampage, ever so desperate, like prey entangled within a snake. The warmth pooling through your entire body, drowning the remnants of sanity, and sending you into delirium. How stupid you must be. He was going to kill you and yet, he was kissing you. For the first time, your final wish and he was kissing you, for the last time. Buried under his ravenous lips an uncontrollable grin broke out from your own, torn and bleeding. A grin that pressed against his lips. A grin that mirrored the euphoria that filled your soul.
Maybe he did love you.
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soliverse · 4 years
winter promises - q.kn
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pairing: gangster au!kun x student!reader
genre: angst, a tiny bit of fluff
warnings: mentions of violence, death, injury and bullying (they weren’t explicitly shown but they were mentioned by the characters. nothing too graphic or triggering.)
word count: 2323
ps: hello @strykiss​! I got chosen as your secret santa this year. I debated whether to post From Home or Winter Promises at the last minute but this was the fic that I promised you at my ask. Sorry it took a while :< I hope you liked it.
Winter Promises is a part of the Secret Santa Collab by @lucaswithnoshirt and @bumblebeenct. This is my very first collab and I’m thankful that you have let me be a part of it.
If you want to read the other fics created by the other amazing nct writers, just head over to @neoculturechristmas​ for the other secret santa entries.
networks: @nctcreations​ @kdiarynet @kpopscape
The harshness of the winter has never felt colder than today. Just a few weeks ago, you planned to visit your brother James and spend the rest of Christmas break together. Everything changed when you received a call from the police a few days ago. You almost broke down when they told you about your brother’s passing.
You lived in a different area from your brother because you had to go to school. All this time, you believed that your brother is a salesman. That’s how he was able to pay for college fees and living expenses. Little did you know, he was actually hiding a secret from you.
The police found his body after a gang fight. After a bit of an investigation, they discovered that your brother is actually a member of one of the notorious gangs in the area. He is one of the Guardias. They are people of the night, lurking in the shadows and can only be identified by the tattoo of a black wolf in their forearms. That explains why he wore those long sleeves all of the time whenever he visits, even when in the blistering heat. He just used the excuse that he had to look professional at all times
What’s worse about his death is you had no other living relatives. You were both orphans that got kicked out of the systems when you got older. Nobody attended his funeral but the priest and yourself.
You stood at the middle of the field alone, the cemetery wrapped in a think blanket of snow. You did nothing for the past few hours but stood there in front of his grave and stared blankly at his epitaph.
March 31, 199x – December 20, 20xx
Reading the engraved letters made you tear up again.
You just can’t believe that he had to die like this, that he had to lie to make you feel better. You wondered how much he had to suffer just seconds before he dies, recalling the horrible state of his body when they discovered him. Just thinking about it made you shake from anger and grief. It didn’t take long before you broke down and sat right next to the grave hugging your knees.
You were interrupted by a concerned Kun. He pulled you towards him and wrapped his loving arms around you.
“Sorry for being late.”
You desperately needed someone that day and him coming meant the world to you. If there’s someone that will understand what you are currently going through, it would be him. Just like the two of you, he’s also alone because he had to study overseas. He had a brotherly bond with James, like he’s an extension of your brother. James would always tell Kun that he would be the one to take care of you while he’s gone. It’s safe to say that he still fulfilled that promise.
“I’m sorry you had to spend Christmas like this…”
Eventually, he took your hands to find a nearby bench that you can sit comfortably. He started patting your head and never let go of you until you stopped crying.
“I’ll be fine. Thank you for coming.”
He handed you a handkerchief from his pockets so you can wipe your tears away. His hand still remained your shoulders, patting it gently to calm you down.
“If it makes you feel any better, I got a gift for you.”
He started patting all over his winter coat and his pockets to look for something. Taking it out on one of his inner pockets, he pulled out a box wrapped with a tiny red bow on top. You opened it right away and there was a unique bracelet inside of it.
“Merry Christmas Y/N. I made a promise to James when he’s still alive...”
He took your hand and placed the bracelet in your palms.
“As long as you’re wearing this, James and I will always be with you…”
Your heart melted as he said this to you. You couldn’t help yourself but to hug him once again. His touch felt like summer on this cold, winter night.
About a few weeks passed by and your classes resumed once again. You used that supposed break to mourn over James and help yourself to get over from his loss. Kun had a part-time job to attend to, but he always made sure to check on you from time to time.
Wintertime still surrounded the area, but some people already took down their decorations and things went back to normal. As you skipped across the snowy road, you couldn’t help but stare at the thing that’s jingling in your right arm. You stopped on your tracks and held it up to the sky. Your eyes squinted, trying to look for something special in the bracelet that the Kun gave you for Christmas.
It was the single thing that made you smile every day. His words repeated in your head like a broken record and you can’t help but blush at the thought of it. You always this little crush on him even before, but his caring nature the past couple of weeks make your heart flutter even more. This made you unconsciously touch it. You raised your arm up to your eye level and you finally realized that the bracelet is held together by two wolves, one on each side of the bracelet. You wondered why this was the design that he chose, considering that it doesn’t look that girly. It was weird, but you just shrugged it off when you realized that you still have to walk to school.
You came just shy a few minutes before the class starts. The professor is still out of sight, so you bowed to greet everyone inside before you walk towards your desk. The class didn’t pay you any attention. It’s always been that way ever since you got admitted to the school. Making friends is hard when people judge you from the way that you dress or the life that you live in every day. You don’t get to wear nice cloths just like everybody else because you liked to save your money for things that are more important.
The other girls would roll their eyes out and point out how worn out your uniform looks or make gestures behind your back. It stayed that way for years, but you never had the guts to tell Kun or James. You have to be strong for yourself sometimes and just ignored their mockery.
You were taking out the textbooks from your bag when you overheard the other girls squealing excitedly at each other. One of them is your classmate Lilith. Everyone thinks she’s so cool because she has a gangster boyfriend that buys her expensive stuff. It’s probably another designer brand bag or something.
“It looks so pretty! Have you tried using it yet?”
You swear that you can sense Lilith’s condescending smirk even when your back is turned against her.
“I haven’t actually. But he said it’s suuuuppppeeeer expensive. Like, it’s worth more than anything he’s ever bought me. I can’t wait to use it at clubs tonight!”
She said in this exaggerated tone that you hate. She had this habit of making herself extra loud so that you’ll hear what she’s trying. You roll your eyes internally and just proceeded to open your notes and tried to recall the lessons that you had for the past few weeks.
“Are you sure? It doesn’t look that much…”
“Ugh…” She sounded so offended at her friend’s remark.
“This bracelet are only given to very special people. It means they are under the protection of the whole group. It means nobody is allowed to touch the very fiber of her being. I can basically do whatever I want and no one will stop me.”
Your hopes of concentrating on your lessons was completely thrown out of the window. At a desperate attempt to keep your sanity intact, you cupped both of your ears with your hands.
“Special, huh? Then why does Y/N have one too?”
“There’s no way…”
You yelped as you felt someone yank out your hand away from your head.
“What do you want, Lilith?”
She yanked it again towards her face and so she can get a better view of your right hand.
“Hey! Let me go!”
You tried grabbing your hand away from her at the same time that she lets go of your hand aggressively, the force sending you off to the floor.
“So, you got claimed too huh?”
You glared at her direction, but the bright red thing on her wrists caught your attention. It looked similar to your bracelet, the only difference being that it was red and the wolf was replaced with a silver dragon. It’s strikingly similar to the one you’re currently wearing.
“I wonder which lowlife scum you had to sleep with just so you can have one of those.”
She folded her arms and scoffed at your direction
“Of course. It had to be one of those filthy G-.”
A stern voice interrupted her from the front door.
“Watch your mouth, Lilith.”
The voice came from Kun, you looked incredibly pissed.
“Leave her alone. She just lost her brother.”
Lilith opened her mouth again but Kun just raised his eyebrows at her. His gaze seemed to be sending her a message that only the two of them can understand.
The stand-off have successfully shut Lilith down as she begrudgingly went back to her desk. The professor came right after, so Kun smiled sweetly at your direction before he sat down at his desk.
You got up from the floor and dusted the dirt off of your uniform, still completely oblivious at what just happened. It made you a bit more self-conscious now that everyone has their eyes on you. Thankfully, the professor caught everyone’s attention and your class proceeded as usual.
It didn’t take long before lunch break comes and the bell rang. As soon as the last professor left the door, everyone’s attention was back on you once again. You just sat there awkwardly as you waited for everyone to leave the classroom, not really sure what else to do about this situation.
Kun felt your uneasiness. He stood up from his chair and offered his hand to help you stand up from your chair. Your smile grew wider once again as you took his hand and you walked together to your usual place in the cafeteria.
The both of you took your seats and brought out your lunchbox with you. You took out your lunch, which was a simple meal composed of eggs, bacon and a cup of rice. When took out his containers, you remembered that your bestfriend is actually a bit of a masterchef. There were several varieties of home-cooked meals from his lunchbox. There are dumplings, warm chicken soup, and some of which you don’t even know the names of.
“I made extra so we can share...”
You can tell that there was extra care given to the meals that he made. This man just never fails to amaze you. Looking around the cafeteria, everyone felt the same way. Some of the other girls looked at you with what you can assume is jealousy written all over their faces.
“You know, the girls of this school hate me because they thought I’m your girlfriend right.” He laughed at your comment, his eyes completely disappearing from the stretch of his smile.
“If you’re actually dating me, then I’ll be the luckiest man alive.”
You felt heat coming up from your face, unsure if it was because of his laugh or the thing that he said. Instead of answering him, you took some of the fried rice that he made and stuffed your mouth to hide your embarrassment.
Time passed and you’re about to walk home as well. Kun called out your name and offered to walk you home. You felt some dirty glance being thrown away at your direction once again, but for once, you didn’t mind them.
“Just making sure got home safe.” He explained when you asked him on the way. It’s a sweet gesture from his part once again, but he’s been acting weird throughout the walk. His eyes kept on looking from left to right, as if he’s looking for something.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.”
He relaxed and his cheery self appeared in front of you once again.
As soon as you got inside your house and closed the door behind you, he started to walk along the snowy road. His uneasiness crept back in, looking left and right to make sure that no one is following him.
His whole demeanor changed as soon as he entered his territory. The apartment that you thought he’s staying in is actually the headquarters of a secret gang that’s meant to protect the whole city. Men lined up in his path, bowing at his presence. At his room, he took off layers of his winter clothing, finally revealing a secret that he’s also been hiding from you. It was a tattoo of a black wolf, only given to the elite members of Guardia.
He sat on his couch and grabbed his phone to dial someone’s number.
“Yes, boss?”
“Hey Xuxi, would you mind giving the Kids a call?”
“Sure. What for?”
“Tell Chan that one of his bitches is misbehaving…”
He rested his head and closed his eyes, reminded of how you were treated earlier by Lilith.
“If he doesn’t do anything about it, I will. Make that very clear to him, unless he wants me to break his other arm.”
“I’m on it, sir.”
The call dropped and his phone was now showing his wallpaper, a candid picture that he took without you knowing.
The other gangs have been becoming bold lately and have orchestrating attacks from left to right. Knowing them, he’s sure that they’ll be going after the next Guardia successor, you.
“Protect Y/N at all cost. It won’t take long before the world knows about her real identity.”
That is a promise that he’s willing to keep, even to his death.
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