#〘 answered 〙in the name of the legends
skyloftian-nutcase · 1 month
Ok, writing request time:
Perhaps someone is captured and there’s a rescue. I love comfort with that type of angst hehe
Link had tasted blood many times.
The first time was when he’d fallen flat on his face in Zora’s Domain while chasing Bazz. He’d also lost his first tooth as a result. But he’d gotten himself hurt plenty of times since then.
It had never been like this, though. The taste stayed, stuck in his mouth because he hadn’t had any way to fix it, he hadn’t been able to drink something. His throat was drier than the sand that was stuck in it, and he coughed a little as he huddled in on himself.
He’d been training and training, yet the moment he was confronted with danger, he’d gotten himself captured. He felt absolutely disappointed in himself and angry.
Worse than anything, though, he felt scared. The thirteen-year-old hadn’t expected to be jumped by these strange men, and they’d dared to try and take the Master Sword away as well. He was so stupid, and now he had the indignity of staring at it through the bars of his cell, reminded that he’d managed to get himself into this mess.
“If he bears the sword, then he has to be the one!” one of the soldiers hissed to the other.
“He’s just a kid, there’s no way,” his companion huffed, crossing his arms.
“Then what about the sword?” The first one asked. “We got information that the sword had chosen a wielder, and this kid has it!”
Link glared at the guards, but he didn’t bother saying anything. His father usually wouldn’t when people were threatening him, after all.
His father. He hoped he wouldn’t be disappointed in him. Link was so angry at himself - he’d fought off almost all of them before two of them had hit him from behind. His head still ached horribly from it.
Stupid or not… he just wished someone would notice he was gone. He had to try to figure out how to get out of here, but he’d never been in a situation like this before.
He couldn’t let his fear stop him from escaping. There had to be a way to break out.
Link took a steadying breath, eyes observant as he ignored the conversation going on between the weird guards. They all dressed the same and hid their faces behind masks that looked like some absurd rendition of the Sheikah symbol. Maybe…
Link’s train of thought derailed as the guards turned their attention to him. He grew more alert, stiffening and straightening his back, waiting for some kind of threat. What had they just said? Were they talking to him?
Whatever they were going to do, they never had a chance. One of them yelped as something whistled through the air, a familiar sound to Link’s ears. He perked up immediately, seeing the arrow that embedded into the guard’s back as the other one drew a sickle, ready to fight. Link shot to his feet, rushing towards the felled guard and reaching as far as he could to get to his keys.
The other guard was stabbed through the chest, and Link recoiled his hand as the man nearly fell on it. When he glanced up, he felt immediate relief flood his entire body, and he almost cried at the sight of the familiar soldier.
“Papa!” He croaked, voice cracking, scrambling to the locked door to his cell.
His father stood in front of him, moving so fast Link could barely keep up, defeating every enemy that rushed into the area. Then he hastily grabbed the key from the dead guards, unlocking the cell, and Link slammed into his embrace. The hug was brief, though, far too brief, before Abel ordered him to get the Master Sword. The pair rushed ahead, and Link saw multiple Hyrulian soldiers fighting the strange men dressed in red.
It didn’t take long to find the exit to the canyon fortress, and Link was limping by the time they got to safety. He’d almost forgotten they’d hit his leg really hard, and it was starting to bother him a lot.
Once they were somewhere safe, Abel immediately dragged Link back into a hug. Link could feel his father’s heart racing against his ear, even through the chainmail, and he let himself shiver as the adrenaline wore off.
“Papa, I’m sorry,” he whimpered, hiding his face so no one else could see his tears.
“Ssh,” his father hushed him gently. “It’s not your fault. I’m sorry I wasn’t there sooner, little knight.”
The relief he felt at those words, paired with the steady and tight embrace from safe arms, wrenched a sob out of the young soldier. His father hushed him again, even softer than before, and then gently pulled away to look him over. Link could hardly see him through the tears, but he couldn’t even express how wonderful it was to just see his father’s face.
He hated how scared he’d been. But…
Warm, calloused hands moved along his forehead, then his cheek, tracing the blood trail from his temple. He watched his father’s eyes harden a little at the sight of it before melting once they made contact with his own.
“Oh, Link,” he sighed a little, and Link let out another quiet sob.
He couldn’t keep crying like this, and he knew it. He’d never really seen his papa cry, and he knew that he was the best soldier there was. He couldn’t break down like this every time there was danger - this was part of his job as a soldier!
His father must have thought the same. He didn’t hug him again, though he wiped the tears away wordlessly, thumb caressing his cheek. Link sniffled and but his lips, trying to get the hiccups under control.
“Where are you hurting, son?” Abel asked softly.
“My head and my leg,” he answered, trying to stop his voice from wobbling. “Papa, I’m sorry.”
Abel’s brow furrowed a little, and he pulled Link to walk with him. The young knight couldn’t really tell where they were, the place was surrounded by cliff-sides and rocks, but they were moving towards an area where he could see more Hyrulian soldiers.
“Link,” his father started, and Link stiffened a little at the gravity in his tone. “I… this is my fault, not yours, so stop apologizing.”
“I got myself captured,” Link argued. And I’m crying about it like some scared little child.
“I shouldn’t have left you alone,” Abel said firmly. “This is not your fault. You fought off plenty of them before they captured you. I’m proud of you… and I’m sorry I let this happen.”
He was sorry? He had no reason to be! Link had defeated plenty grown men by this point, he’d proven he should be able to function like any other foot soldier. It made sense to leave him alone like his father had! This was Link’s fault!
Link found that he didn’t have the energy to push the matter, though. He just wanted to hug his papa again, but Abel didn’t seem in the mood, his own expression dark as he strode into the military camp.
By this point Link had managed to stop crying, and he tried not to attract attention to the tear tracks on his cheeks. Many knights glanced at him worriedly, and a few called out in greeting and relief. Link tried to smile and nod at them before he was guided into an empty tent.
Abel set to work quietly, gently pushing Link to sit on the ground and kneeling beside him. He cleaned the blood off his face, washed it gently out of his hair, and he checked his leg, wrapping it up. Only then did he pull him to his chest, and Link melted into the hold. Thankfully there were no more tears, but he never wanted his father to let go.
They stayed there in silence, with Abel slowly working his fingers through his son’s hair, until Link finally fell asleep, safe in his father’s care.
When the boy’s breathing had steadied, Abel finally let his own emotions spill out, burying his face in his child’s hair.
Goddess above. He’d almost lost him.
I’m such an idiot, he mentally berated himself. Just because the child was an adept fighter didn’t mean he should be left to his own devices.
He couldn’t leave Link alone. Not anymore. He wasn’t just a little boy going on adventures. Not with that sword on his back.
It had only been four months, but the boy was attracting attention now. And Abel was terrified.
He’d have to train Link harder. And he was not leaving his son alone again.
Abel huddled closer to his little knight, never letting go, not as the sun set, not as the crickets started to chirp, not as the world quieted around them. He never let go.
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aposemetric · 2 years
have you ever wanted to find out which Actually Gay™ anime character you are? have i got the diagnostic quiz for you! this quiz is long, varied, and has 26 different possible results. there is fashion. there is bloodshed. there is overly personal questions.
Let me, Dr. Gay Anime Bitches, assign you a gay anime bitch.
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rainbow-wolf120 · 1 month
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saw a cloud that looks like rayman today.
That's bonkers. Anyway let me make an oc based off of this rq 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️
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This is Straytus!! I don't have an in depth personality or gender/sexuality, so I'm open for ideas!
All I got it's that they're a soft pathetic fella who's besties with a super hyper, party obsessed fella (Rayve)
I don't have any lore, but I do have some ideas. If y'all do wanna see more of the introverted cloud guy and they're extroverted buddy tell me
Heck, even give me requests idk dude I like their designs
(Thanks for the ask btw >:] )
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themyscirah · 19 days
What runs/stories do you recommend for someone starting WW? Could you please be specific (/nicely)
Yeah ofc!
My Wonder Woman Starter Recs (specific style 😎)
First stops: for an initial introduction to Wonder Woman, I'd generally recommend going to at least one of three places first. These three are:
Wonder Woman: Historia: The Amazons by Kelly Sue DeConnick
Wonder Woman: Year One by Greg Rucka
Wonder Woman: the Hiketeia by Greg Rucka
Of these I generally recommend reading Historia first, as it's a retelling of the origin of the Amazons as a race and how Diana came to be (so it essentially starts from the beginning) and is also the most recent of the them (if that means anything). Something to note about Historia though is that it's a DC Black Label book, so it's events aren't strictly canon in the main DCU and there are some changes and new elements present. I don't think this is something that should discourage anyone from reading it though, it's the best WW origin story out there, and even in strict main canon over the years her origin is one that has had many fluctuations and small (& sometimes big) changes. WW:Historia is three prestige format (longer) issues.
You'll notice the third book there is WW: The Hiketeia. Hiketeia is a great book if you're looking for a view into Diana as a professional and experienced hero. It's a graphic novel so standalone and not too long, and has a great Diana and really interesting plot (Diana vows to protect a young woman and finds herself pressed against the wheels of Greek Tragedy). This is also the first work with Diana done by Greg Rucka, one of her most prolific and loved writers. A sampling of this work (and also Historia) I think gives a good guide to where to go next in terms of runs on her main title.
Wonder Woman: Year One is the second book on the list up there, but I'm mentioning it last here as it's a bit more complicated in terms of format. Unlike other year one books, WW: Year One is actually a series of issues on her main title, showcasing Diana's arrival to man's world in Rebirth (and also current p sure) continuity. The issue numbering for this one is strange (only the even issues 2-14 on WW (2016)) so I recommend looking for this in trade form if possible.
These 3 books I think give a taste of some of the best standalone stuff in the Wonder Woman mythos, and give the reader a good idea of where they may want to go next in terms of longer runs on the title. So I'll break that down here as a Step 2.
Here I break down some highly recommended runs based on what they have in common with the standalone books from step 1. As a rule, these runs are going to be much longer than the above and generally more connected to the wider DCU and other books. Look for the italics to see the introduction to each new work. Explanation paragraphs follow after each italic/bold rec.
Curious about Greek mythology in WW and the Amazons' origins after reading Historia? Liked the prescence of a supporting cast and Diana learning about Man's World from Year One? Willing to read a longer run? I recommend: Wonder Woman by George Pérez
George Pérez's time on Wonder Woman totally reinvented the character after Crisis on Infinite Earths, and is fundamental in establishing many core concepts of her lore. At 62 issues, 2 annuals, and a 4-issue crossover event at the end (War of the Gods), it's definitely a commitment to read, but it's the most enduring and well-loved run on Wonder Woman for a reason--it's just that damn good. Lots of focus on mythology (although with a lighter tone than Historia) alongside Diana learning her role in relation to Man's World & establishing herself as a hero and ambassador. Pérez's run also has almost-certainly the most expansive and developed supporting cast in WW comics, something that really drives the emotional core of the series, especially in later issues. Obligatory note that this series was written between 1987 and 1992 and contains some very occasional aspects that I thought were in some way dated/uncomfortable etc. while reading (details of Cheetah's origin, depiction of the Bana-Mighdall, Hercules) but despite that I still highly, highly recommend this run. The word fundamental cannot begin to describe it.
Liked the experienced Diana of the Hiketeia? Interested to see her attempt to balance the high stakes responsibilities of an ambassador and superhero? Looking for some really badass moments and fights? Haven't read enough terrible tragedy? I suggest: Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka 2003 EDITION.
Some of Diana's coolest moments of all time are collected here. Also one of her most controversial. The 1st Rucka run is very much the story for anyone who liked the Diana of the Hiketeia and the tragedy of that and Historia. 2003 Rucka Diana is a Diana tested, forced to make decisions that are anything but easy, and live with the consequences. She's extraordinarily capable, but her enemies know that and are prepared to that end. This run, along with the Pérez run, rank among my favorite Wondy comics of all time (those and Historia are my top 3). This run is such peak Diana, especially in terms of sheer badassery. Her final confrontation with Medusa is in my opinion perhaps the greatest Wonder Woman fight scene of all time. Her encounter with Athena in the second-to-last issue breaks me every time. Cannot recommend this book more.
*a note abt this run is that it is more context-dependent than the other ones listed here, as it's the run that finishes out the Wonder Woman vol. 2 book and so has some guest appearances from characters introduced in other prior runs (Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Cassie Sandsmark, and Vanessa Kapatelis, to name a few). I read this run before knowing much (if anything) about any of them, and still enjoyed it a lot, so I wouldn't be worried about this really but just thought I'd mention it.
Rucka's 2003 run is published from Wonder Woman (1987) #195-226. You can also find it in trade and I believe(?) omnibus. Sometimes the Hiketeia is included in collections of this series, as the 03 run is thematically similar in many places, just with a much deeper look at Diana and the world & with higher stakes.
Liked the specific characters and plot threads of Wonder Woman: Year One? Want to see what happens with Diana's exile, or learn more about Barbara Ann? Want a Diana in between the extremes of young and highly experienced? Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka 2016 EDITION may be for you.
...yes I'm putting ANOTHER Rucka book on here. He writes a great Diana, what can I say. This run is the same one that Year One came out of, just the follow ups to that story and versions of the characters. I have this run listed as separate from Year One though, as there's some really big time skips since the events of that first volume. A lot of time has passed since then, and there's more history between the characters, not all of it without drama. This run continues to be weird with the numbering, as well as some artist changes, so I definitely recommend looking into reading this in trade format (physical or digital) if at all possible. My recommended reading order is WW 2016 by Rucka vol. 2 "The Lies" (Wonder Woman: Rebirth Special #1, followed by 2016 main title odd numbered issues 1-11), then Rucka 16 vol. 3 "The Truth" (odds 13-23) then Godwatch (evens 16 through 24) followed by 25? But The Truth and Godwatch combine near the end so that doesn't really work either. This run is so good but recommending it is such a pain because the numbering is so all over the place. On God I never know which order to read this in. Going to revoke my previous statement and say read it as Rebirth Special 1, then only odds 1 through 11, then from 13 through 25 normally. That may lead to some weirdness as you read because the two stories take place at different times and have different art styles, but they come together at the end pretty dramatically so I think it's less confusing to read it this way? Maybe? So strange bc this is one of the go to good starter runs and yet it's set up so unintuitively. If someone has a better way to read this then let me know and ill edit, ik this explanation is super confusing bc neither way to read it is totally ideal imo and I feel I definitely read it in a weird order.
Going to call that a good rundown of some of my greatest recommendations in terms of Wonder Woman comics. If anything wasn't fully clear here or anyone (not just anon) has questions or wants to talk abt WW comics/my choices feel free to send as many asks or dms as you want. Have a good day everybody, & as Diana says, may the glory of Gaea be with you <3
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seaweedstarshine · 7 months
Listen is so great you don't understand. It's an episode about mental illness. And some people point out that some of the things that happen (the kid under the blanket, the airlock mechanism triggering) are on the surface unlikely, but that's the exact point. The Doctor is not an objective narrator, I mean this is the episode that starts with him sitting on top of the TARDIS in space speechifying, we see it in the way he frames it, so we see these ordinary things (a mischievous child, a dead ship breaking down) in the uncanny way he sees them—
—and because he is the Doctor, because he is the person who bad guys pause their plans to listen when he talks, because he is charismatic and impressive and the Oncoming Storm—
—because he's the Doctor, Clara (and baby Danny and Orson) start to believe him, until they arrive on Gallifrey, until Clara sees the root of his trauma, and she understands.
And it doesn't matter if this creature is a delusion or not, it only matters that it scares him, because fear is a superpower, and the way he responds to the reality he experiences is why he's the Doctor.
What. an. icon.
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OHOHO~ >:)
Ever since his captivity, Gideon has attempted to disconnect his life before captivity to now. You could say he has his happy memories before his capture, but now chooses not to remember them. he still can should he choose to think about it, but the thought of his comfortable (if you could call a farmlife comfortable) life before everything, his home, his personal possessions that were few, his Pa... Its too painful for him to remember those now. The reality is, they're gone. They're long gone. And a part of him is long gone too.
Why else would you think Gricko mentioning his Pa makes him snappy and bitter? It's like reopening a deep wound, and it hurts. It hurts a fuck ton.
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tired-reader-writer · 20 days
While listening to a composition by an Irani musician I like a lot and reading the video's pinned comment by said musician, I encountered this very interesting tidbit that goes as follows:
“Khosrow Anushirvan was the Shahanshah (King of Kings) of the Sasanian Empire from 531 to 579. Widely regarded as one of the greatest kings of the Sasanian dynasty, if not the greatest, to the point where his name, Khosrow, would become a synonym for the term "King," a reality still in use in Modern Persian, where terms like "kingly" or "royal" are often derived from Khosrow. His reign was marked by ambitious construction projects, and a flourishing of architectural and urban projects, as well as cultural ones.”
And, indeed, I digged around and found it to be true— by the power of a combination of Google Translate and Wiktionary. The name “Khosrow” (خسرو/xosrow), derived from a word meaning “renowned, famous”, is also a noun for “a (great) king”!
The terms xosravi (خسروی) and xosravâni (خسروانی) are derived from it and mean “regal, kingly” and “royal” respectively.
His epithet Anushirvan (انوشيروان) means “immortal soul” and that made me think, might Tanaka have taken inspiration from Khosrow I for the historical/mythical figure of Kaykhusraw in Pars? I mean, Arslan Senki takes a lot of inspiration from the Iranian epic Shanahmeh, taking names from it, Pars' founding myth/history is very heavily based on the chapter of Feridoun (with Zahhak and everything) where Kaykhusraw is the Feridoun analogue and yet he does not bear his name, and while I do not know much of Shahnameh's Kai Khosrow (I still haven't gotten back to reading it T_T), I wonder if Tanaka chose to make Kaykhusraw bear that name to echo not only the Shahnameh's Kai Khosrow but also the real, Sassanid King Khosrow Anushirvan. A man with an impact so great his name became a word for “king”. Arakawa also did say she based Pars on the Sassanid dynasty, so that lends even more credence to my theory.
Headcanon that Parsian royals refer to themselves via a term derived from Kaykhusraw's name.
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draw-ren-draw · 16 days
Avantris Comic Scripts #2
Often when I get ideas for comics, I break my panels into scripts first. These are less prose-y than fics but still contain dialogue and basic interactions. You seem to have enjoyed my first one, so have a few more, this one featuring my initial thoughts on "Gorebek"
Confrontation with 'the Duke' (spoilers up to ep: 56!) [A script I wrote to explore my personal headcanon about Torbek's situation; I think this would be a delightful twist that suits what Nikki and Andy might be plotting for us. Please be sure you are caught up to episode 56 to avoid any spoilers! These ideas are not confirmed just my personal favorite take~] * * * * [After another grueling battle, 'The Duke' has made himself known by taking control of Torbek's body once again. Dripping with the blood of his latest conquest, the party stands at odds with the most sane and yet somehow scariest version of their friend yet. This time, the Witchlighted to hell and back bugbear has no interest in further bloodshed and seems more inclined to take his leave. Weapons drawn, Carnivale Lecroux debate whether to fight or allow this unexpected threat to flee, knowing they could risk losing Torbek too.]
Kremy: "You're outnumbered so KINDLY get the hell out of Torbek already!" Gideon: "Ya can't just show up after somebody's been experimented on and claim that bodies your own!" "Not my own?" The Duke pauses, considering something while facing away. "Let me get this straight. Your friend. Who speaks in grunts and the third person. Can barely write his name. And you think he's the original personality?"
A hush falls over the crowd Gricko: "… In hindsight…" Frost: "…it does make a disturbing amount of sense.."
'The Duke' smirks and misty steps closer to Kremy, taunting the lizardfolk. 'The Duke': "You never could remember me, could you?" Kremy: "Now that's not true, the herri--" 'The Duke': "You just believed whatever it was I told you, it was easy enough to picture." The Alligator squints, fae magic clouding his mind. Something about what this not-Torbek is saying does make an insidious amount of sense. He grits his teeth, unable to find the lie. Kremy: "… Think I'm beginning to remember why I didn't like remembering you."
Gideon is not falling for it and he's even more incensed after seeing someone make Kremy of all people unsure about something.
Gideon: "So what. This is just 'YOU' now? You're just gonna leave and take Torbek along, just like that? He's not coming back this time?" 'The Duke' steps back again, testing how far he can push his retreat without being suspect. He stretches his arms in a gloating manner. 'The Duke': "I assure you, I have lived more in this body than 'HE' has ever forgotten." The Duke smiles cruelly, all teeth, eerily wide and full of malice. 'The Duke': "But that's right. You're the chosen heroes of the faewild, aren't you? Then ask yourselves this: are you really okay with erasing someone from existence just because you like another side of them better?"
Twig: "We are if he's a little BITCH!" Gideon gives the brownie a supportive pat with a laugh Gideon: "Well said Twig."
'The Duke': "But is that JUST?" He continues to raise his arms in a taunting manner, but it is clear he is starting to look and sound a little more harried (as anyone with sense usually is after prolonged exposure to these idiots) 'The Duke': "You think you can get him to override me? ME? The Duke of the Twilight Court??!"
Kremy sidebars with Gideon. Kremy: "We could if we got him to fall off the Herris wheel couple more times." Gideon: "Hehe yeah! Couple a hits and he'd be back to full form no problem!" Kremy: "Can't hit him too hard though, have a repeat of Chuckles." Gideon: "Nah, He ain't a clown, I don't think he'd laugh to death if we punched him in the body like Chuckles did."
'The Duke' interrupts, flustered at being ignored. 'The Duke': "ENOUGH!" 'The Duke:' THIS is the faewild; MAGIC country! Anything is possible. We'll see who the land's deem most worthy of sticking around. A distinguished aristocrat-- or a blubbering waste of flesh." Bonus panel: Internal Torbek dialogue represented in a sad thought bubble 'Gottttta say, the odddds aren't in Torbeksss favorrrrrr'
[Some details have slightly shifted as I developed this idea more, but I thought there was still a lot to like in these character interactions in this original draft.]
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blacksailspolls · 9 months
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i've seen discussions about ""john silver"" 's name & flint's borrowed one & max having nolastname (though less frequently than the prev two) but not a lot about madi's. sometimes i see tags that include "scott" as her last name. so. to you, what is her name? thoughts in the notes welcome!
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skyward-floored · 2 months
I was reminded of your iau Legend question earlier tonight - apparently there IS a kid in my oldest's kindergarten class that is actually named Legend!
You heard it here first folks, the Incredibles au is actually real
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months
From the mind of the same sister who brought you Buffrai and Ptouneigh comes the latest cursed concept:
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skyloftian-nutcase · 4 months
Okay! ~14 years ago, a young teen disappeared from a local amusement park, leaving behind a little bit of blood and maybe some hair. After the two year investigation, no one could figure out where they gone or even how. But now, this missing teen just walked right through the hospital's front doors, looking beaten and bruised, like they went through absolute hell and back. It was almost obvious that one of their legs was broken and yet they still walked on it, and one eye didn't look like it could be saved. But the strangest, almost horrifying part about all of this? They were still a young teenager.
“What’s up with 14?” Wild asked as he cleaned a stretcher. “Why are there cops over there? Thought I saw Impa for a sec.”
“Kid’s been missing for over two years, so uh, he got some attention,” Legend replied while he munched on some peanuts.
“Missing? And he’s still alive?” Warriors asked, rolling his chair over. “That’s different. Usually it’s just a recovery.”
“Well, it could’ve been if he’d waited much longer,” Legend huffed, glancing at the patient’s xray.
Warriors barked out a laugh. “Waited longer? Honestly, you make it sound like the kid just decided not to get help until now.”
Wild shrugged. “I mean… people go missing for different reasons.”
“Yeah, but this was a fourteen-year-old kid who went missing at an amusement park. Doubt he meant to be gone for years,” Legend explained. “He looks like crap. Also, he hasn’t grown much, still looks like a pre-adolescent to me. Kind of weird and creepy.”
“That’s called malnutrition, genius,” Warriors snorted.
Legend rolled his eyes. “I know that, jerk face.”
“All right, kids, play along,” Wild snorted waving his hands at the two. “I have to go take a patient to the floor, try not to kill each other while I’m gone.”
Legend hummed, grabbing his energy drink, and then Wild snatched it out of his hand.
“And try not to kill yourself, either, Legend,” Wild added, holding the drink above his friend.
Legend snarled. “Give that back!”
Warriors chuckled, rolling away. “Careful, Wild, he bites!”
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ask-team-misfit · 5 months
"Are you feeling better?" Sirius asked, "Considering you're not currently lying on the floor I will assume that is the case... I do hope the nausea lessens with time." He sighed, now that Lief was somewhat sober the Meowstic seemed anxious to be talking to him, almost as if he was worried he would get upset again. He definitely couldn't cope with another round of insults from Lief, even so, he continued. 
"Perhaps now I could properly apologise for my earlier actions, I was unaware of how much distress you were in at that moment and it was wrong of me to become upset at you for stating your personal feelings and dislike towards me. You should be allowed to not speak to me and avoid me at your own discretion without me interfering and tricking you." His voice slowly became sad and quiet as he spoke, "You don't have to like me. I'm sorry for subjecting you to my unwanted presence earlier... Though your words still bother me, I should not expect you to be aware of why... nor to care. But, I do hope you can forgive me, If not. That is all I wish to say to you."
In his focus on making sure the scarf was in one piece, aside him forgetting even speaking to Sirius before, the sound of the Psychic-type's voice surprised him. It was a repeat of his earlier, initial reaction when he spotted him as a humanoid; he didn't peg the guy as a social sort at all.
In fact, it made him jerk up so suddenly, that he toppled into the pool he had just dumped an ungodly amount of soap into.
He'd rush back out in a panic, spitting and coughing and gagging, his fur sopping wet and revealing how skinny he truly was. Just prior he was still somewhat sleepy; but now he appeared much more awake.
His movements slow, and he quieted down, upon making eye contact with Sirius.
And he proceeded to stand back up on his hind legs and try to make like he wasn't startled.
Even as pathetic wet lumps of what was formerly his stored pollen puffs fell splat on the floor in a gross pile, making his tail look even more like a sad, shaggy mop. Even as his wings jitter and shake off the excess water.
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Lief, a hybrid of Sylveon and Ribombee, with a mono-color background. He is shown from the neck up, with his face slightly angled away from the viewer towards the left. He appears rather dismissive, glancing away towards the right with even narrower eyes. His face is flushed in red, literally so as the blush is shown in color. End ID ]
Lief: "Ahem. Uhh. First of all, you didn't see that."
He was trying very hard to be casual. Deep down, he felt so, so embarrassed. All that really came to mind was his first encounter with the Seer.
But something else bugged him about this encounter, that made it feel different than before. Something that tickled his brain on the fringes of his consciousness, related to the prior series of events he still struggled to recall.
Wo-Chien had said he argued with a Meowstic. Surely he didn't mean this Meowstic...
Lief: "Also, you really gotta work on that. Did you always sneak up on people like this? If I hadn't known better, I'd assume you were actually a Dark-type. Or even a Ghost-type... if I met one."
A pause. It seemed he only now realized all of what Sirius just said to him. He blinked with confusion.
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Lief similar to the previous image, but with a different expression. He looks puzzled, or curious. His left eyebrow is noticeably raised, while his right eyelid is lowered somewhat. He is frowning visibly. An angular question mark is floating next to his head at the left. End ID ]
Lief: "And... wait, you're what now? Apologizing?"
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luna-loveboop · 1 year
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These fruit gummy fuckers everyone agrees Lonk would eat on sight
So let’s look at the hair, those godly locks
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But there’s two other not originally Zonai peeps with secret stones who need a special barber
But Ganondarfr didn’t have long hair before he got jelly and stole Sonia’s fruit gummy
And there’s another Zonai God Gal for reference the one the only MINERUUUUU
And the thing about my bestie Minnie is she’s got short hair which seems like a plot hole in my theory
But if you look at Minnieerus hair from the back it shows just as much volume and potential to be long enough to weigh her ears down so my theory is my girl just chops her hair like every day so she looks cool with her short hair and floaty scarf thingy
Btw heres my favourite pic of Zeldie with her adoptive lumps of hair
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But what does that mean for Sonia?? Girl changed species???
Well looking at the other Hylians of the era it isn’t just a time difference between her and Zeldao
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Here’s some of her Hylian besties and guess what their hair doesn’t reach to their ankles
Even in the murals Soniar stands out with way different features from the normal Hylians
Anyways that’s the hair Zonais got long hair and Soniie babe and Goofandoofle both got long hair not native to their species that they didn’t have before the fruit gummy evolution
But we can’t just assume the stones turn people into Zonais on just hair alone!!!!!!!
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It’s a pretty distinct thing for goat gods I mean Zonai to have pretty long hearing flesh sticks
Once again looking at the pics and murals from before Sonnia’s Hylians of the time don’t have those long features- they do have a bit longer ears than our Zelda but Sonar’s still different my babe got a stone and her ears were growing and she was like huh cool
GABONDARFLE didn’t get longer ears!!!
(But with ears he also had different ears to begin with ewww round)
But all his features from the edible rock are also different than Sortias
Well you know what I think
I think the little transformation crap depended on how they used the power
Sonia didn’t really use it much, at least not enough to transform her in seconds like Demon Ding did
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So I think my dude got different transformation features because he poured all his power at once and grew it like crazy instead of being a normal god furrie
They didn’t know they were gonna need a new dentist when they got stoned but they do they really do like look at those fangs
The Original Zonai tm got goat teeth but then so did Ganonfqorf when he did the Demon Ding dingy
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When Gonandorcl turned himself into a whatthehell he got himself some horns
And most everyone’s like oh he just got some horns because he’s like a demon king thing now
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But then we got their nails
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DAMN GIRL! MINIIERROOO FOR THE WIN with her purple nails, once you’re a goat god, a Zonai, a Zoat if you will you never have to get a nail job again just look at those CLAWS
And again my queen Soneyoe (MY QUEEEEEEEN) doesn’t have those dumb features like horns and teeth and nails cause she didn’t feel like screaming like she was in labor to squeeze all the juicy power from her fruit gummy
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Well I think she’ll be fine cause she doesn’t know her strength enough to go bonkers fucking wonkers and go full out ape god mode (same for all the sages from past and present)
But I know you fan artists and writers and comicers (love y’all you’re great Ok) have been doing some shit about Lonk turning into Zonai when he got that arm well this is your invitation to have Zeldo get her BOTW hair back and maybe some bigger ears or something idk
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relicofkorax · 4 months
top 5 legends
Shadow People?? it's a little on the urban legend side, and I probably exhausted every explanation short of supernatural for those things. Since I've seen them and idek how to explain this but more than just seen- it's hard to strongly believe or deny anything anymore.
Unicorns, just unicorns...
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darkvoid-sun · 1 year
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Skoll: "Though, given the age of Anu and the condition of Lio-"
Hati: "Ahem."
Skoll: "... Our Great Sun, we have been much more akin to caretakers in recent years."
[ @asksolgaleo ] [ Ask Hints have been updated ]
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