fei-ren-zai · 1 month
A new Fei Ren Zai PV, presumably of highlights/clips from the second half of S2. The donghua is returning in October 2024.
source: FRZ Weibo
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jinghuablog · 4 months
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离开公园,淑君的心情稍微平静下来,没地方可去,只有先去学校。她沿着彼得街(Pitt St)往北走,不多时便来到一栋大楼前。淑君左看右看都觉得不像是个学校,心里嘀咕说:"这哪像是学校,分明像个办公大楼。"她走进楼里一问这里还真有这个学校,淑君坐电梯来到10楼,电梯门口有个前台,一个妙龄女子笑意盈盈迎接了她,一番询问后便带着淑君来到走廊的尽头,走进右手边的一间大会议间,告诉淑君先在里面休息一下,过半个小时会有老师来安排新生注册,考试和分班事宜。
"看来你一出国,把过去上海的事情忘了个精光,哈哈——"他笑的前仰后合,忽然他收住笑声,说:"用你那聪明的脑袋瓜回忆一下。自顾自的后果是什么?"他停顿一下,见淑君没开口,于是又说:"自顾自只是自私自利的一块遮羞布,到头来肯定是一盘散沙,乱作一团。如果沙子拌点水泥进去,你觉的效果会怎样?"他又停了一下,得意的笑笑"加了水泥的沙子就不是沙子了,它要比沙子硬上千百倍,所以自顾自的圈子我会祝福他们,但我会敬而远之,就是免费提供给我食宿,我也一口回决。现在你该好奇我这里所讲的‘水泥’到底是啥东西?告诉你吧,说白了就是人情味。上海从开埠起讲究的就是规矩,可在外人眼里就少了人情味,如果能补上这个缺失,你会怎样看,是不是觉得上海人挺可爱的?所以鄙人决不与没人情味的上海人打交道,就这么简单。哈哈哈…… "
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modernheavy · 7 months
今日読んだ漫画 2024年2月25日(日)
😢『恋せよまやかし天使ども』 卯月 ココ
🥲『放課後ブルーモーメント』 旗谷 澄生
🎓『ガールフレンド・メモリーズ』 増田 里穂
👩🏻『気になってる人が男じゃなかった』 新井 すみこ
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🛹『星影ひそかにぼくに降る』 中島 みるく
🌟『星屑ラズベリー』 村山 栞
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thus-library · 2 years
90. イマジナリーフレンドの遺言
(英題)Forgotten Imaginary Friend
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作曲: thus(2022) 編曲: thus(2022) 歌詞: thus(2022) © 2022 thus. Composed by thus
絵: 茶仔(2022) © 2022 茶仔. Art by 茶仔 (茶仔さんのtwitter: https://twitter.com/chacomalo )
動画: thus(2022) (フォント: 瀬戸フォント)
ニコニコ動画 https://nico.ms/sm40412005
YouTube https://youtu.be/ejnB-13Ywxw
哔哩哔哩 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ha411D7hA/
眠(ねむ)い頭(あたま)で よく覚(おぼ)えていないが 幼少期頃(ようしょうきごろ)の 夢(ゆめ)を見(み)た気(き)がした
それは茫(とお)い眼差(まなざ)しで 日々(ひび)を照(て)らせるような でも口(くち)にするのは 憚(はばか)られるような
そのもの 耽(ふけ)り沈(しず)む泡沫(うたかた)に 全然(ぜんぜん)覚(おぼ)えも無(な)い私(わたし) ただ そうだと信(しん)じ切(き)れないだけ 小(ちい)さくなって了(しま)って
私(わたし)の心鳩(こころばと)が羽搏(はばた)くようにと 奇(くし)びな日々(ひび)を物語(ものがた)る君(きみ)の 私(わたし)に見(み)せてくれた幸先(さいさき)が 不思議(ふしぎ)と聶(ささや)き現(あらわ)れる
そして とっても君(きみ)の励(はげ)ましは綺麗(きれい)で まるで痞(つか)えが空(す)くみたいだった その馴染(なじ)みへと流(なが)れる夢路(ゆめじ)を 見送(みおく)るように 眺(なが)めていた
ああそうだ、確(たし)かに何(なに)か居(い)た気(き)がした ずっと隣(となり)に 誰(だれ)か居(い)た気(き)がした
それは 幸福(こうふく)を運(はこ)ぶ烏(くろ)い猫(ねこ)のような 或(ある)いは 哀藍(あいらん)を喰(く)らう仔羊座(こひつじざ)のような どれでもないような
星(ほし)を吹(ふ)き上(あ)げる 卯(う)の夜風(よかぜ)に 豊潤(ほうじゅん)湛(たた)えた七(なな)を滑(すべ)って そうして衷(こころ)を御手当(みてあ)てる 超常現象(ちょうじょうげんしょう)「じゃっじゃーん!」
私(わたし)の心鳩(こころばと)が羽搏(はばた)くようにと 奇(くし)びな明日(あす)を物語(ものがた)る君(きみ)の 私(わたし)に見(み)せてくれた幸先(さいさき)が 不思議(ふしぎ)と自(おの)ずと顔(かお)を出(だ)す
そして やっぱり君(きみ)の励(はげ)ましは綺麗(きれい)で まるで鏡(かがみ)が澄(す)むみたいだった いつか私(わたし)が辿(たど)った夢路(ゆめじ)を 真似(まね)することばで 追(お)い駆(か)けた
そうだ、確(たし)かに何(なに)か居(い)た気(き)がした ずっと隣(となり)に 誰(だれ)か居(い)た気(き)がした
そして、そうだ、いつから居(い)なくなっていたのか そっと消(き)えていたに気付(きづ)いたは 今更(いまさら)
近(ちか)づく瞼裏(まぶたうら)の日目覚(ひめざ)めに 思(おも)い入(い)れを焼(や)いても 何(なに)か違(ちが)くて 象(かたち)を留(とど)めていたいのに どんどん忘(わす)れて了(しま)って
「だって」 「元(もと)から私(わたし)は居(い)なかったんだよ」 「全(すべ)て 貴方(あなた)の所以(ゆえん)なの」 「そして 貴方(あなた)が聴(き)いてくれた幸先(さいさき)の」 「意識(いしき)へ溶(と)け入(い)り 寤(さ)めていくの」
だけど やっぱり君(きみ)の励(はげ)ましが欲(ほ)しくて 知(し)らず知(し)らずと願(ねが)った私(わたし)へ 隅(すみ)が近(ちか)づき閉(と)じる微睡(まどろ)みで 遺言(ゆいごん)を告(つ)げに現(あらわ)れた
君(きみ)が 一緒(いっしょ)の励(はげ)みが温(あたた)かかったと 奇(くし)びな日々(ひび)が鏤(ちりば)み輝(かがや)き 声(こえ)も容(かたち)も微睡(まどろ)む夢路(ゆめじ)で 忘(わす)れるその身(み)を抱(だ)き上(あ)げた 本当(ほんとう)は居(い)ない君(きみ)を抱(だ)きしめた
眠(ねむ)い頭(あたま)で よく覚(おぼ)えていないが 幼少期頃(ようしょうきごろ)の 夢(ゆめ)を見(み)た気(き)がした
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fantasybrade · 3 years
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アイドルマスターがシンデレラシリーズ以降になって失ったあれこれを再起動した唯一のコンテンツことウマ娘みたいな認識ある ある?
デレ以降のアイドルマスターをそこまで詳しいわけではないけど、なんか、明らかにこう、何かを手に入れる代わりに何かを失った感がメチャクチャにあるくない?というなんか拭いきれぬむむむ感を抱えて今日まで生きてきて、やっぱあったじゃん!ってなった ウマ娘のキャラクターってなんか、アイドルマスター初期のノリを強く感じないか? 
ウマ娘のキャラクターどいつもこいつもメチャクチャ濃くて、「濃いキャラクター性の裏側にはこんな一面が…!まじ…?!」みたいな鬱陶しさがなく、ただ、メチャクチャ濃いので掘り下げるとメチャクチャ情報がドカドカ出てくる 結果、最近のソシャゲのキャラクターと同じくらいの情報量を持ったキャラクターが生成されている 感
全部感覚でいま話している 感覚で聞いてほしい
そういう昔のキャラクターのノリを崇拝するということでもない 昔のキャラはなんかノリがメチャクチャ濃いが、いかにも消費されるために産まれてきたぜェーー!!みたいな頭の悪さがチラつくこと(チラつくキャラ)があり、それもなんかよくない(なんかよくない以外の説明方法なくないか?ここでドヤ顔で男性権力が…みたいなこと言う元気、ない!!) 
俺これを765プロで味わった経験があるから非常に懐かしい気持ちになってしまった 星井美希とかそうで、星井美希、初見で「オッやってるねえ」ってなるけど、星井美希を追っていると「星井美希~いいねえ!!!!!!!」ってなるくない?
スタッフは陶酔とか信仰とかに呑まれることなくしっかりキャラクターを作っている感があってめっちゃくちゃ偉い Cygames偉いな!!
グランブルーファンタジーもついていけないぐらい難しいのでやめたけどキャラはめちゃ良いなって感じがあった Cygames、偉いな!!
アイドルマスターは765時代からシンデレラ、シャニ?ミリ?みたいな様々なあれこれに進化していって、現在メチャクチャ様々な方法でキャラをやっている感じがある 実際、なんか小耳に挟む情報だけでホエーなんかやっとるなあと思うものの、なんか触れにくいままなのは自分の老害化が原因なのか?とずっと思っていた
最近のマンガ・アニメのキャラクターの会話って明らかに765プロとかやってた10年前とは違うノリで、これは…進化じゃな とは思っているものの、なんかこうじゃない進化ルートもあったんじゃないか?みたいなちょっとヌチョッとした居心地悪さみたいなものがずっとあった
「老害化が原因なのか?」に「?」がついてるのには理由ある 普通に考えたらこういう感覚は老害だろう しかし、改めてアニマスとかを視聴すると、それはそれで普通に古臭さみたいなものを感じてしまう時があり、単に昔のもの褒めたがりおじさんならこんな感覚は沸かないくないか?と思っていた やはり「別の進化ルート」という言い方がしっくりくる
アイドルマスターに限った話じゃないというのは、例えば…自分は呪術廻戦というマンガを読んだ時も似たようなことを思った えっあれ?!2020年のキャラのノリって、こういう感じ?!というか そのルートなのか…?みたいなヌチョりとした違和感が拭えない 最新アニメとかをなんか適当にクリックして見てみるみたいなことをたまにするが、ンー…という感覚が結構つきまとう 確かに新しいし、なんかいい感じに今っぽいのはわかるが…みたいな
たぶんキャラクターの描き方というのは絵柄もそうで、髪の毛がサラッサラで目がキラッキラで顎がシュッとしているキャラに上手くノレない感覚に似ている気がしている これは、シンプルに俺の感性が古いだけですが、、
キャラクターの内面やセリフには、明らかに別のルートの可能性がある気がしていて、何か大事なものを取りこぼしてないか、アイマス!!っていう気分がずっとあった 765の地続きコンテンツ的にミリマスが存在するが、ミリマスはミリマスでなんというかうまいことハマらなかった まあ765のノリは765のノリで、他のアイマスは違うノリなんだぞと言われればそうだな…という感じの話なので、何を言っとるんだコイツ(私)は ってなる
アニマスとデレアニの話をするのが一番はやい気がしてきたので、その話をします あ、すいません 俺は天海春香の話をすると早口になるタイプのオタクです あなたは? アイドルになるにあたって主人公がぶつかる問題を解決するという下りが両アニメの20話くらいにあって、ここが一番わかりやすい
メッチャ雑に言うとこういう感じになる 絶対アイドルマスターのファンに殺される デレアニもウワ~~涙涙って感じで見たが、個人的にはアニマスが良いなと感じる アニマス、冷静になって見返すと天海春香の問題がめちゃくちゃどうしようもない問題であることとか解決法があんまりにも適当すぎる感じが本当に面白いし、なんでも好意的に解釈する病の自分としては、天海春香の理解不能感を菩薩っぽさだと解釈していて、アニマス映画でマジで菩薩みたいになった天海春香を見て号泣したりした 島村卯月って人間だけど、天海春香ってなんかもう人間よりちょっと凄くないか?みたいな感じがあり、それでも天海春香が人間なことがメチャクチャ…
あっすいません 俺は天海春香の話をすると早口になるタイプのオタクでした 対戦ありがとうございました
リブートの流行の時もこの感覚はあった あの名作がリブートかあ!と思い見てみると、「あの名作」の中で「私が良いと思った部分」が抹消された状態で何かよくわからない追加要素を引っ提げて進化?している様を見て、まあ…モヤったりした いや、それも最先端なのだろうと思い、自分の老害化の可能性を感じてフォッフォフォとなった
ウマ娘はなんか、いい感じにナムコプロっぽい遺伝子を感じる というだけの話だが、なんでこんなに真剣に長文でまとめてるのかわからなくなってきた 素直にウマ娘が好きー!と言えないだけで恥ずかしがっているのかもしれない そんな…
あっすいませんシン・エヴァンゲリオンのネタバレします シン・エヴァンゲリオンのネタバレ見たら死ぬ人は、死ぬかどこか行って下さい
なんか、シン・エヴァンゲリオンってキャラがめちゃくちゃテキトーに喋りまくっていて、エバの一番苦手な部分「全てのセリフに意味があります感」がぜんぜんないと感じた シン・エヴァンゲリオンは見た人みんな感想違うねえという印象があるので、これも自分だけが思ったことかもしれないが…「ネオン・ジェネシス!」とか完全にノリだけで言ってるな感があって好きだった 「あんたメンタルよわすぎ。。っ」とか「エバっぽい何かです」とか、ちょっと狙ってる感もあるけどいい感じに雑な印象を受けて、雑な印象を受ける作品、好きだァ~~ってなった 雑な印象を受ける≒本当に雑 ではあるとおもうが 神木隆之介とかノリで選んだ感がある (じゃあノリで残酷な天使のテーゼをラストに流してバアンと終劇してほしかったとか思っているが)
あーもうまたわけわからん文章になってしまった もうむりかもしれん
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fuyonggu · 5 years
The Romance Continued, Chapter 1
Who doesn’t appreciate a good fanfiction?
This text, Continued Romance of the Three Kingdoms, was written in 1609, almost three hundred years after the original novel. Its author went by the pen name The Unauthorized Historian of Xiyang of Western Shu; their real name is unknown. It continues the story of the Romance, beginning with the fall of Shu-Han and continuing into the Jin era, and it assumes that its reader is familiar with the Romance already. The basic premise is something along the lines of “what if most of the people who brought down Western Jin were actually descendants of people from Shu-Han?” It goes without saying that you shouldn’t expect too much historical accuracy here beyond the broad strokes.
One thing to know is that this is a long novel, clocking in at 145 chapters (making it longer than the Romance’s 120 chapters). Ironically, the work was never finished; the end of the 145th chapter states that the text up to that point was only the first half, and that the second half (either never written or lost) would finish the story.
I don’t know how often I’ll post chapters from this. This is just something fun for now. But there might be more?
Chapter 1 -- The Later Lord Surrenders, Young Heroes Flee The Chaos
In the beginning, the heavens stretched into being, the earth took form, and mankind arose. Ever since the dawn of humanity, there have been wise rulers who have inherited the legacy of Heaven, stood atop the pinnacle, and directed the affairs of the people. In distant antiquity ruled the Three Emperors. Then came the Five Sovereigns. And after them were Tang of Shang and Kings Wen and Wu of Zhou. Each of these passed on the administration of the realm. During these ages, sovereigns were pure and conducted themselves with propriety and ritual. There was never an instance of someone who gained the realm by acting unrighteously or killing the innocent. Thus Confucius could state, "King Wen of Zhou possessed two thirds of the empire, yet with those he still served the dynasty of Yin (Shang). The virtue of the house of Zhou may be said to have reached the highest point indeed." And the house of Zhou indeed ruled for thirty reigns and eight centuries; never has there been another to equal them.
By the time of the Warring States, the royal sway had fallen into decline and the Hegemons ruled the realm; every day saw bloody battle, and the destruction and turmoil were absolute. The state of Qin, following the policies of Shang Yang, achieved military dominance. But they cared nothing for propriety or ritual, and though they achieved their ambitions for a time by swallowing up the other Six States, they did not enjoy a long legacy, and perished after only two reigns. Who then can claim that the ways of Heaven ought to be slighted and belittled, or that the education and culture provided by ritual and ceremony can be ignored?
When Gaozu of Han (Liu Bang) established the Han dynasty, he was able to transform the canons of Qin, and he established the laws in three articles. He won the hearts of the realm, who helped him to vanquish the Qin dynasty and the rival state of Chu. And though at times the house of Han fell prey to the dominance of its ministers and the flattery of its relatives, in the end, Emperor Guangwu was able to continue the succession. He propagated its rule and inherited its legacy; well that it was so!
When the realm split into the Three Kingdoms and the states of Wu and Wei tore the land asunder, the flame of the dynasty was nearly snuffed out. Yet even so, it could still depend upon the efforts of that devoted fellow, Xuande, who was worthy to be called its lord. Even when driven to his lowest points, he never abandoned his benevolence; even when defeated for the hundredth time, he never gave up his ambition. Heaven itself provided him with worthy and talented people to serve as his wings. And though he established his state in a corner of the realm, truly both he and his subjects displayed the selfsame virtue. Six times he mustered his armies for war, nine times he campaigned against the foe. His enemies feared him like a tiger. Worthy was he to be acclaimed as a talent of the age.
Alas, that Xuande's star should fall while he was in the midst of his camps, and that the Prime Minister (Zhuge Liang) too should expire. Their deaths allowed the wicked villains to attain their evil desires. Even a thousand years later, our hearts still rend with pain at the thought. But how fortunate, then, that Heaven was not finished with the house of Han, and it allowed their descendants to slay the cruel and smite the wicked. They restored the fortunes of Han and revived the flame of the Liu clan. The lingering virtue of their house had not been extinguished; the rites and ceremonies of the dynasty had not yet fallen. And our hearts beat with admiration for them!
But us set the scene. The lord of Shu, Liu Shan, had risen to the throne in the Guimao year (223). And thanks to the supervision of Kongming over the state of Shu, Liu Shan had enjoyed a peaceful reign for more than forty years. But by now, the Prime Minister had died, and it was the first year of Yanxing (263). Liu Shan favored the eunuch Huang Hao and entrusted him with affairs, while the descendants of those great civil and martial servants of his father's age, the families of Guan, Zhang, Huang, Ma, and Zhao, were no longer granted any part in either the army or in government. Some of these scions lived in obscurity, while others held minor posts. But the state had fallen into decline and decay, and the morale of the soldiers had sunk too low to be revived.
When Sima Zhao of the state of Wei heard that such a state of affairs prevailed in Shu, he held a discussion among his subordinates, proposing a campaign to conquer Shu. Among these men was a certain Wang Xiang, who had always cherished the virtues of the Han dynasty. Thus he sent up a petition opposing the proposed expedition. He stated, "Although the territory of Shu is a cramped place, the people there venerate the kindness of their lord, and the relationship between its sovereign and his subjects is proper and harmonious. There is no internal dissension within the state which we could take advantage of. Besides, the Year Star (Jupiter) is currently hanging over Shu. It is well-known that no state which is enjoying the protection of the Year Star can be attacked. Thus to campaign against Shu would only invite misfortune upon us."
However, Sima Zhao did not listen to the pleas of Wang Xiang. Being determined upon the campaign, he devised a strategy for his armies to destroy the rival state. He would order the general Deng Ai to lead fifty thousand soldiers from Didao to cross the Gansong mountain ranges and enter Tazhong, where he could keep the army of Shu's Grand Commander, Jiang Wei, occupied. At the same time, he would order the general Zhuge Xu to lead another fifty thousand soldiers from Qishan to cross the bridgehead at Wujie and cut off Jiang Wei's route of escape. While these operations were taking place, Sima Zhao would send the main army of a hundred and fifty thousand under the general Zhong Hui to advance along three roads through Xie Valley and Ziwu Valley and capture the Shu bastion at Hanzhong.
Word of the planned Wei operations made their way to Jiang Wei at his base at Tazhong. He wrote a petition informing Liu Shan of the situation and dispatched a messenger at once to bring it to the capital. Liu Shan thus ordered the generals Jiang Shu and Fu Qian to lead twenty thousand soldiers to form garrisons to guard Yangping and other strategic places. 
Liu Shan even planned to mobilize the full manpower of the state to reinforce Jiang Wei's army. But Huang Hao, who monopolized power at the capital, deeply hated Jiang Wei and had often wanted to get rid of him. He was worried that, if such a mobilization proved critical to letting Jiang Wei drive away the invaders, then Jiang Wei would surely be rewarded and honored while his own influence would diminish. Thus he opposed this mustering of troops, telling Liu Shan, "I have always heard that the ruler of Wei has been most suspicious of the Sima clan. The Sima clan must be entirely focused on securing their own position in Wei; how could they have a free hand to plot against us as well? If we panic in the face of this rumor and thus bolster Jiang Wei's ranks, we will only augment his power for no purpose." And he also brought in some shamans to perform a false ritual, and they deceived Liu Shan. Thus Liu Shan canceled his drafting preparations and dropped all discussion of reinforcing the defences of the state. None of his ministers ever realized that Jiang Wei had submitted this petition asking for reinforcements.
In the eighth month of that year, the Wei armies surged forward, advancing far into the state. When Jiang Wei heard that Zhong Hui's troops were on their way, he held a discussion with Liao Hua, Zhang Yi, and the other generals. They resolved to man the defenses at Jiange Pass and hold out against the enemy. When Zhong Hui's army arrived at Jiange, they launched an assault. But Jiang Wei devised a plan which allowed special troops to sever Zhong Hui's supply lines, and he also personally dueled enemies for dozens of bouts during the fighting. Each side had their share of victories and defeats. Zhong Hui was worried about keeping his troops provisioned over so far a distance and across such rough terrain, and he had his troops fall back to prepared camps to maintain their position. But when Jiang Wei's special troops continued to appear in his rear and launch surprise attacks against Zhong Hui's supply lines, Zhong Hui's heart failed him. He was resolved to fall back to Chang'an, then wait for some later time to plan another campaign.
When Deng Ai learned that Zhong Hui's resolve had begun to waver, he sent him a letter criticizing him. He wrote, "Shu is an exhausted state, unable to accomplish anything. Its affairs are in the hands of a pathetic eunuch, and its loyal and good servants can do nothing. It is thanks to Jiang Wei's cunning alone that they are able to resist at all. But they lack the ability to move their forces about or march long distances. They can do no more than make threatening noises sufficient to cause us to divide our forces, allowing them to safely receive the brunt of a reduced attack.
"General, you need but hold firm and maintain your position. Allow my humble self and my son to lead the soldiers of my command to march through the badlands at Yinping, pass by Deyang Point, and emerge from behind Jiange Pass. From there, it will be no more than three hundred li west to the enemy capital at Chengdu; we can seize it by surprise and occupy the very heart of the enemy's country. Once Jiang Wei learns of it, he will surely bring his troops at Jiange to hurry to hold Fucheng against me, and you can then simply follow in his wake. Why then would you need to retreat? Or if the soldiers at Jiange do not turn back towards the capital, Fucheng will be defenseless and extremely easy to take. Jiang Wei will be surrounded by enemies on both sides, and he would doubtlessly fall into your hands. It would not take a genius to recognize that."
Without waiting for a response, Deng Ai at once led his troops along his proposed route. They traveled through more than seven hundred li of uninhabited land, carving through mountains and clearing roads as they went. When the road suddenly ended in a cliff, Deng Ai had himself wrapped in felt and personally rolled down the cliff, and his generals and soldiers then fashioned a fish-scale rope to descend the precipice. When they arrived at the city of Jiangyou at the far end of the road, the Shu generals Jiang Shu and Fu Qian were waiting for them. But Jiang Shu surrendered, and Fu Qian perished in battle. Deng Ai's troops then advanced to Yinping.
As Deng Ai's troops were marching along the side of a cliff, Deng Ai suddenly saw a stone stele. Upon it was written these words: "Two fires arise; men pass by here. Two commanders compete; both will soon perish." Deng Ai realized that Zhuge Kongming must have earlier placed the stele here as a warning to him. Greatly frightened by the omen, Deng Ai went to visit the grave of Kongming, and he personally conducted the rites to offer a sacrifice to the spirit of Kongming, hoping to win his pardon and forgiveness.
That night, Deng Ai saw two strong men in his dreams, who said that they had been ordered by the Steadfast Lord to fetch him. Before Deng Ai realized it, the two strong men had grabbed him, and they took him with them. The three of them soon arrived at a magnificent residence; its halls and pavilions were lofty and towering, and it shone with a glorious luster. The strong men brought Deng Ai through the gates of the residence. Deng Ai looked up to gaze at the hall, and he saw that everything was laid out meticulously and in strict order, with everything in its proper place. 
The Steadfast Lord soon appeared to receive Deng Ai. He told him, "I am none other than Kongming. In life, when I walked the world below, I saw with my own eyes how Cao Man (Cao Cao) and Sima Yi were both lacking in benevolence or virtue, caring only for wickedness and cunning. They deceived their sovereigns above and beguiled the people below, seeking covetously how they might take the land for themselves. But I have heard the wishes of the Supreme God above, and I know how he has laid out the fates of dynasties. Through the twenty-six rulers of the Liu clan of Han, they have held fast to principle and nurtured the people. Never since the beginning have they abandoned their virtue. Thus it shall be that their descendants shall restore the fortunes of Han. Only for the moment shall the minions of the cruel and wicked villains be suffered to hold the laws in their hands. I have foreseen that Lord Liu shall surrender to you, for in his benevolence he wishes to protect the masses and spare the people from suffering. When you advance to the capital, unless you restrain yourself, disaster will overtake you as well. I have informed you so that you might reform yourself." Having finished speaking, he ordered the strong men to take Deng Ai away again.
Alas for Deng Ai, that he later forgot this warning and set loose his soldiers to pillage; father and son both suffered a grisly end. So too did Zhong Hui suffer execution. Nor did the fortunes of Wei or Jin long endure either. For the Liu clan was able to restore itself and the Han dynasty once again flourished, just as this dream had foretold.
When Deng Ai awoke from the dream, his thoughts were troubled by what the spirit had told him, and for several days he kept his troops back and would not advance. Then his son Deng Zhong and the other generals stepped forward and said, "Sir, you have always been wise and clear-sighted. Don't you see this is some sorcery that has taken hold of you? This is no different from when Wang Lang heeded the spirit of his wife and opposed Emperor Guangwu, to his ruin! Why should you burden the hearts of the army all for the sake of a dream? You must see through this craft." Deng Ai thus set aside his doubts and put his troops in order, and they advanced to Mianzhu.
When word arrived in Chengdu that Deng Ai's army was close at hand, Liu Shan was so shocked that he was at a loss. He hastily summoned a council to discuss sending out an army to oppose Deng Ai. But none of the assembled ministers dared to volunteer to lead it.
Then in rushed Zhuge Zhan, the son of Zhuge Liang. In a voice full of grief, he lamented, "The state has raised its soldiers and trained its officers for just such a day as this. How is it then that none of you will take up the call? It is all because Your Majesty has favored and employed Huang Hao that things have come to this. But though the emergency is already so great, and I have no talents to speak of, still I am willing to take the command and oppose the foe. Thus I may repay Your Majesty above and soothe the heart of my late father below." Liu Shan thus assigned Zhuge Zhan twenty thousand soldiers from the palace guards.
When Zhuge Zhan's forces arrived at Mianzhu, they encountered Deng Ai's army. Once the camp was complete for the day, Zhuge Zhan summoned his own son, Zhuge Shang, and discussed the situation with him. "Since our soldiers have suffered several defeats and their spirits have sunk low," said Zhuge Zhan, "we must rely on a special plan to gain a victory. We shall have to follow the example of Han Xin of old, and post our soldiers with their backs to the river. Then our men will fight with all their strength to defeat the enemy."
"You see things all too well, Father," said Zhuge Shang. "And the enemy, after having won several victories, will have also grown complacent and remiss. Thus if we can compel our soldiers to fight to the death, it will be quite easy to triumph."
The next day, just as the two armies were about to clash, Zhuge Zhan began to have his men fall back. Deng Ai led his own army in pursuit, pressing Zhuge Zhan's soldiers as far as a nearby river landing. Zhuge Shang then called out to the soldiers, "Before you is the flowing river; behind you is the enemy in hot pursuit. Unless you fight for your very lives, not one of you will survive." The Shu soldiers then turned and plunged into battle, fighting for dear life, and Deng Ai's army was greatly defeated.
Zhuge Zhan did not dare to press the pursuit too closely. Thus Deng Ai was eventually able to gather up his scattered soldiers again. He reproached his troops for not fighting with their full strength. But Deng Zhong said to him, "A man driven to the brink of death can overcome even a hundred opponents. Besides, victory and defeat are the common lot of any army. Why should you reproach them? As I see it, Zhuge Zhan is not the equal of his father. He has seized upon a momentary advantage to snatch a victory, but now his troops will be flush with their triumph, and they will surely not have prepared any defenses against us. If we march immediately and strike their camp at once, we will win a great achievement." 
Deng Ai remarked, "The schemer does not account for schemes, as they say." So he ordered Deng Zhong to lead the vanguard, while he held overall command. His army advanced at once, determined to see Zhuge Zhan dead.
That night, Zhuge Zhan and Zhuge Shang had indeed failed to prepare their defenses. Deng Zhong was thus able to break into their camp, where he found the Shu soldiers in the midst of sleep. They did not even have time to put on armor or place bridles on their horses before being overrun. Zhuge Zhan wailed, "Can it be that Heaven does not aid the servants of Han?" He and his son rushed into the battle, where both died in the fighting. 
What a pity, that such a loyal and righteous son should meet with such a tragic fate. But we can see from his victory at Mianzhu that he was truly Kongming's son.
Some of the soldiers who had fled from the night attack returned to Chengdu, and Liu Shan was thus informed of Zhuge Zhan's fate. He did not know what to do. Some of his ministers advised him to immediately summon Jiang Wei back to save the capital, while others advised him to abandon the city and flee to Baidicheng, where he could seek aid from the state of Wu. Arguments flared back and forth, and no one could decide what should be done.
Then the Prefect of the Astrologers Bureau, Qiao Zhou, offered his thoughts. "The Grand General is busy opposing Zhong Hui," he said, "and his army cannot break off from that struggle; if they did so, they could neither defeat Deng Ai nor Zhong Hui. As for Wu, they are no good friends of ours. Besides, Deng Ai's army is already so close to the outskirts of the city that even if His Majesty tried to flee, Deng Ai could send light cavalry to pursue him, and I fear he would never escape. So that is not a suitable plan either. 
“As for me, I have seen the signs and omens and recognized in them the steady decline of the state. The stars are abundant in the quadrant of the sky symbolizing the enemy, while wayward stars have violated our own quadrant and the luster of our chief star has grown dim. It would do you no good to risk a battle. Better to go out and surrender at once. By doing so, our sovereign may ensure the lives of all those within the city, and we may protect the lives of our own families and clans. It is time to heed the will of Heaven and the sign of the times. Though I am not disloyal, still I must dare to propose that Your Majesty bend the knee."
Liu Shan was beguiled by Qiao Zhou's words, and he proposed going out to surrender. Deng Ai thus halted his troops and waited outside the walls of the city.
When Shu's Prince of Beidi, Liu Shan's third son Liu Chen, learned what was about to happen, he rushed into court to oppose the planned surrender. "Who has proposed this idea and thus led Your Majesty astray?" he cried. "Shall you let future generations wonder at your actions? Besides, there are still a hundred thousand soldiers within the city. We could easily have some of them go out to fight while the others remain to defend the city. Then how could the enemy ever break inside? The enemy army has traveled a great distance, and there is no food in the fields for them to forage, nor provisions in store to keep them supplied. We need only defend the city for a month before their whole army wastes away beneath our walls. And Jiang Wei and the other generals are still in the field; can they really do nothing to help us? 
“Bring forth this person who has proposed that you surrender, for not only has he misled you, he ought to be beheaded! At the very least, we should do our utmost and exert every effort by risking a final battle, fathers and sons together with our backs to the city! How could you swallow such disgrace and endure such shame merely in order to save your own lives? How will you be able to face His Late Majesty in the world below?"
But Liu Shan told him, "What does a brat like you know of affairs of state? Begone at once."
Liu Chen recognized that Liu Shan had only the kindly nature of a woman, and he was stubborn in his decision and would not be swayed. So Liu Chen first entrusted the care of his young son Liu Yao to his cousin Liu Qu to raise as his own. Then, wailing as he entered the ancestral temple of Emperor Zhaolie (Liu Bei), he killed his wife and then cut his own throat.
This Liu Qu was the son of the Prince of Liang, Liu Li. Among the princes of the royal family, he had gained a name for himself as a clever and intelligent young man, and he was quick-witted and had a calculating mind. He too had been planning to offer his thoughts in the recent discussion. But when he saw how Liu Chen had been driven to death, he knew that Liu Shan would not change his mind and rhetoric would not do any good.
Liu Qu was weeping as he thought of Liu Chen's demise, when Liu Ling came into his residence; this Liu Ling was the second son of Liu Bei's adopted son Liu Feng. Liu Qu said to him, "The state has been driven to such dire straits. What are we to do?"
Liu Ling told him, "Why not discuss things with your elder brother Liu Xuan and the others? We might preserve ourselves and stave off danger. Why should we sit here with folded hands and await disaster, or else submit to becoming slaves and bending the knee?"
Liu Qu replied, "I had just been thinking the same thing. Liu Xuan is the only one who can tell us what we should do."
Liu Ling thus quickly sent word asking Liu Xuan to join them. When Liu Xuan arrived, Liu Qu told him, "The trunk is about to fall, and the branches can hardly survive; the city is about to be taken, and the jade will be smashed alongside the stones. Elder Brother, can you think of nothing for us to do?"
Liu Xuan replied, "Younger Brother, you are a hundred times as talented and clever as I am, and you will surely be able to think of something. But in my own humble view, it seems clear that the Emperor's intention cannot be changed and the state can no longer be saved. Thus all I can suggest is that you run away and seek refuge in some distant place, then muster your strength while watching for some opportunity. By doing so, you may find some chance to revive the state. That would be the best plan. But if you stay here and linger any longer, you too will have to suffer the great disgrace of surrendering."
Liu Qu said, "Elder Brother, that is exactly what I was thinking."
He had not yet finished speaking when another man approached the residence, calling out, "Is Liu Zitong here?" Liu Ling quickly hurried out to see who the new arrival was, and discovered that it was Yang Yi's son Yang Long. "I was just about to attend the council," Yang Long said, "when they told me that you were here, so I came to find you. I only hope that His Highness will be willing to see me."
They both went back inside to rejoin Liu Qu and Liu Xuan. Yang Long told Liu Qu, "The reason that I had never taken up office is because I have always been thinking of the words that my father once heard from Prime Minister Zhuge on his deathbed. Back then, my father was the only one by his side, and he was asking the Prime Minister about his last will. The Prime Minister told him that although the Liu clan would fall into decline, thirty years after that time, a bold hero would emerge to restore the endeavor of the Han dynasty and reconquer the Central Plains. My father told this to me and instructed me to be sure never to forget it, saying that such a day for the state was sure to come. Only I never thought that things would come to this. 
"Now our sovereign has been led astray by the words of Qiao Zhou, and he surely cannot be moved. I have studied the appearances of the other seven princes of the royal family, but none of them measure up. The only one who seems to have a remarkable appearance and has the makings of a grand leader is Your Highness.
"A wise man recognizes what is going to happen long before the event comes to pass. Why then do you linger here? Do not forget the fates of the sons of Duke Xian of Jin; Shensheng remained at home and so met with death, while Chong'er fled and reclaimed his inheritance in the end. These are clear examples for Your Highness to heed. As for me, I am willing to follow Your Highness wherever you go, and I would not complain even if I suffered ten thousand deaths."
Yang Long had hardly finished speaking when some bold fellow strode into the room, shaking out his sleeves as he roared, "Why haven't you people run away yet? Are you so eager to die?" Everyone turned to look, and they recognized him as a troop leader of the soldiers from the Liang garrison, Qi Wannian from Didao county in Qinzhou.
Liu Qu took Qi Wannian by the hand and said, "I know all too well that I ought to escape from this tiger's trap. But without your assistance, General, I cannot do so. I have been entrusted with a new ward, and I shall have to depend upon you to defend him. Yesterday, the Prince of Beidi died before the altars of state, and Heaven and Earth grieved and mourned for him. He entrusted me with the care of his young son, Liu Yao, to nurture and raise, for he knew that I would never shirk such a duty. Yet though by my own strength alone I might be able to preserve my life, how could I ever protect this mere infant, still in his swaddling clothes? He would never be able to escape, yet I would not abandon him." And as he spoke, his tears flowed like rain.
Qi Wannian said, "Your Highness has a grown son who is away with the army. Yet rather than speak of him, you show so much concern about this nephew that you even pledge that you shall live and die together? Truly you have the heart of a benevolent man. This very day, I recognize you as my master; who could have guessed it?"
This son was Liu Qu's eldest son Liu Cong, who had been born with prodigious strength and was a skilled mounted archer. For that reason, Liu Shan had ordered him to assist Jiang Wei's army. Jiang Wei had esteemed his strength and deeply appreciated him, thus he had remained at the frontlines.
Qi Wannian continued, "Would I dare not to honor the wishes of Your Highness's heart or repay your loyalty to the Prince of Beidi? Yet I fear that I alone cannot protect both you and the babe. But I have a sworn friend named Liao Quan, the son of the General Who Pacifies The West, Liao Hua. He is a true warrior, not to mention an uncommonly righteous fellow. He has always wished to exert his strength on behalf of the state, yet since he is an only son, his father has kept him at home and not allowed him to venture forth. He has thus taken the opportunity to test his strength against me, and we have become friends who would live and die together. Allow me to go and fetch him here, and I will have him tie the Young Master to his back, while I clear the way in front. I pledge that we will repay the grace that the state has shown us, in life or in death. But we must move swiftly; to delay further would only be a mistake."
The others all said, "Yongling is indeed a bold and righteous fellow. Quickly bring him here."
So Qi Wannian went to get Liao Quan, and the two of them rejoined Liu Ling, Yang Long, and the princes. Qi Wannian wielded a large blade and went in front to clear the path, while Liao Quan followed behind with a spear in hand and Liu Yao on his back. Liu Ying and Liu Xuan stood in the middle of the group, protecting their family members and dependents. Liu Qu, Liu Ling, Liu He, and others brought up the rear.
The group all fled out of the west gate of the city. But they soon found the road barred by Wei troops under the general Fang Lai, who had occupied that place. He said to them, "I can see that all of you are dressed in the attire of officials. Besides, your lord is going to surrender, so you are all people of Wei now, and our lord is going to take good care of you. Why then should you scurry away?"
Qi Wannian did not bother with words, but, with eyes full of rage like lightning, he hefted his blade to cleave Fang Lai's face in. Fang Lai too brought up his spear, and the two of them traded blows. Now could a man like Fang Lai have ever been a match for Qi Wannian? But the enemy was so numerous, and besides, Qi Wannian had to protect the others as well. So he did no more than charge the enemy and break through, leaving the road filled with blood behind him. Liao Quan too put on a bold display. The enemy did not dare to pursue them, thus they were able to escort the others out of the encirclement. 
Yet Fang Lai would not stand by, and he soon led his troops to chase after them. Qi Wannian said, "These villains don't know the meaning of life and death, to dare to follow after us. Unless I behead this one, they will not recognize my prowess as a hero." So he turned his horse about to face Fang Lai, and before the two of them had gone two bouts, just as Fang Lai was raising his hand, Qi Wannian lopped off his head with one swing of his blade. When the Wei soldiers saw their commander suffer such a grievous wound, who among them would have dared to pursue any further? They all scattered and fled.
Truly it could be said: that year saw the laying of the foundation for the new state, and here was displayed the first achievement in their flight from Chengdu.
We should mention that, when Deng Ai had learned of the disturbance and slaughter at the west gate, he had dispatched the general Chu Qun to reinforce the garrison there. These reinforcements were now coming around from behind, determined to slaughter the fugitives. Liu Qu hastily ordered Liu Ling to deal with these foes, telling him, "Unless you slay these scurrying bandits, I will not be able to quell the rage in my chest."
Liu Ling stepped forward and announced to the Wei soldiers, "Do you recognize the banner of General Liu?"
Chu Qun suddenly noticed Liu Ling standing before them; he was a man of great height, with broad and powerful shoulders, and the very air around him seemed to chill in a fearsome aura. Chu Qun was greatly astonished. He turned his horse toward Liu Ling and called out, "Your family has already been smashed, so where are you planning to flee to? Why not surrender at once?"
Liu Ling retorted, "Bandits, slaves! Only the women and children of my generation could deign to submit to you. How could I give in and still call myself a general?" And with these words, he charged forward to attack.
Now Chu Qun too was a Wei general of some renown, so he also lifted his blade and rushed to engage his enemy. As they were fighting, the Wei soldiers began to close in around them. Then Liu Ling quickly devised a plan; he pulled on his horse and, pretending to yield the fight, he ran away. Chu Qun, not suspecting that anything was amiss, dashed after him. But Liu Ling suddenly turned his horse about; Chu Qun's horse was unable to react in time, and the two horses collided. Liu Ling seized the opportunity by driving his spear straight into Chu Qun's heart, and Chu Qun toppled dead from his horse. The other pursuit troops all scattered and fled, none daring to chase Liu Ling any further.
Truly it could be said: Through skill and guile one traps the tiger and catches the dragon. Thus was this kinsman of the royal line able to establish an achievement for the state.
We should mention that at the moment when Liu Ling had been preparing to depart from his family, he had suddenly remembered his good friend, Wang Mi. Liu Ling had thought to himself, "Wang Mi is no common fellow, and if by some chance he were to fall into the hands of the enemy and be used by them, we would lose a great pillar of our state." So he had dispatched someone to go and inform Wang Mi of his intentions at once, so that Wang Mi might flee as well.
This Wang Mi was the son of the General of Beidi, Wang Ping. He had been remarkable ever since youth; his arm strength surpassed others, such that by the time he was grown, he possessed the strength of a thousand pounds. And he was exceptionally skilled at mounted archery. He had always been deeply appreciated by his father, who recognized his potential. After Wang Ping had passed away and Wang Mi had inherited his offices, Wang Mi had originally had the ambition to make a name for himself. But when he saw that the Emperor was a dull mediocrity who entrusted affairs to Huang Hao, was jealous of worthy people, and ignored criticism, Wang Mi shut the gates of his residence and would not go out. Thus the people of that time had not recognized how remarkable he was. Only Liu Ling knew about him. Liu Ling had been bitter at how his father Liu Feng had been put to death, and he had nursed his resentment and refused to serve in office. Thus he and Wang Mi had found kindred souls in one another; they formed a bond as brothers of different surnames, and at times they tested their strength against one another. So Liu Ling recognized Wang Mi as a worthy fellow.
Wang Mi had later become good friends with the brothers of the Guan family as well, for they had all been acclaimed as talents of that age. So when Wang Mi received Liu Ling's message, he sighed deeply and lamented, "My later father always knew that this day would come. Now Brother Zitong is bidding me come and join him, and if I should fail to heed the call, I would be betraying my loyal and righteous heart and casting away the things I have learned all my life. But the brothers of the Guan family have entrusted me to share weal and woe together with them. They are still so young; how could they ever escape on their own?"
So Wang Mi hurried to the home of the Guan family. Guan Fang and Guan Jin saw him approach, and they led him inside. Then, bursting with great sorrow, they exclaimed, "Brother Flying Panther (for this was his nickname), you see how dire the situation has become. What are we to do?"
Years earlier, in the first year of Qianlong (233), their father Guan Xing had suffered a loss during one of the northern campaigns and had been lying in his sickbed at home. Guan Xing had recognized the steady decline of the state, and he was always lamenting, "Now is the season when the villains shall have their way; the day of grief is fast approaching. What shall become of our clan?" But then when he had seen Wang Mi come into their home and sit and speak of affairs, he had been reassured and thought, "He truly is the son of Wang Zijun. I can entrust the fates of my sons to him." And he had commanded Guan Fang and Guan Jin to form a close bond with Wang Mi.
Wang Mi now told the brothers, "The state is about to fall into the hands of the sworn enemies of your family. You cannot allow this disaster to overtake you as well. Now Liu Zitong has bade me come and take refuge along with him, and because of my deep regard for you, I came especially to inform you of it as well. If you ask me what you should do, the only option is to seek shelter at once, then later join your efforts with those of the other scions to assist them in reviving the state. That would be the best plan."
Guan Fang said, "Elder Brother, it is just as you say. But what shall we do about the members of our families?"
Wang Mi replied, "When a man acts in the interests of the state, he must put aside considerations of his family. Besides, the Sima clan is just about to fulfill their grand ambition of usurping the throne, and they will want to put on a show of benevolence and righteousness to win over the hearts of the masses. How could they indulge in vengeance against your family? I entreat you, my worthy brothers, to put aside your worries and think only of how to serve the state."
Guan Fang and Guan Jin thus heeded the call and fled along with Wang Mi, leaving their families behind. Alas, the remaining members of the Guan clan perished at the poisonous hand of Pang De's son Pang Hui; the whole family was caught up in that tragic disaster, so that the Guan clan was nearly extinguished. What a loss!
We should mention that when Wang Mi, Guan Fang, and Guan Jin had gone home to take leave of their families, they had buckled on their usual equipment, including strong bows and powerful crossbows. Then, in joyful company, they had all mounted their horses and dashed off.
Guan Jin observed, "Deng Ai himself is present at the north gate, and we could not easily break through there. And the east and west gates are both filled with enemy soldiers. But the road through the south gate, being somewhat narrow, will be less guarded by our foes. Let us flee through the south gate." Wang Mi agreed, so they hurried towards the south gate.
At this time, the Wei general Li Yin had arrayed his troops to block this road. Wang Mi thus said to him, "We are travelers from another town who were in Chengdu to make a living for ourselves. But now the government troops have surrounded the city, and we have nothing to eat. So we want to go back to our hometown. General, we hope that you will clear a path for us; if you allow us to escape with our lives, we would be deeply grateful."
But Li Yin replied, "I have my orders from my commander; would I dare to let any fugitives escape? You had better go to the main camp first, and once they have examined you, then you might be allowed to depart."
Wang Mi saw that further deception was useless, so he lifted his blade and charged ahead, ready to kill. Li Yin too hefted his lance and hurried to meet his opponent. The pair were engaged in combat for quite some time before Guan Fang, whose heart and mind were now full of rage, also raised his weapon and plunged into the fighting. The trio of fugitives were thus slowly able to get away from the city, now turning to fight, now falling back, until they had advanced for more than twenty li.
We should mention that Deng Zhong had been on patrol near the south gate, and when he saw these fugitives making a desperate escape and that Li Yin had already gone in pursuit of them, Deng Zhong ordered his younger kinsman Deng Pu to lead two thousand of their household soldiers and chase after the trio like shooting stars. 
Wang Mi and the Guan brothers soon found themselves totally surrounded by the Wei soldiers; they were unable to break through, and they were in a most perilous position. But suddenly they saw three riders charge out from behind a slope to the southeast, and behind them followed several hundred strong retainers, each wielding good weapons and prepared to slaughter the enemy ranks. And when these three horsemen led their forces into the enemy, they were like tigers among sheep, and their blades inflicted great destruction as they swung to and fro. Deng Pu turned his horse to attempt to face this new threat, but then an arrow loosed from some unknown direction struck his horse; Deng Pu tumbled to the ground, where one of the horsemen, Fan Rong, finished him off with a single swipe of his blade. The marksman had been another of the riders, Li Gui. Guan Fang and Guan Jin then took advantage of the confusion to cut their way out. Li Yin made a mad dash to pursue them, but they exerted all their strength to hold him off. Wang Mi then closed in from the side and pierced Li Yin in his left leg. Yelping with pain, Li Yin fled, and his subordinates did not know which way to turn. Then the three horsemen charged their flank, and the enemy pursuit troops were nearly wiped out; the ground was strewn with their fallen bodies and flowing blood.
When Wang Mi and the Guan brothers saw that the pursuit troops had all scattered, they turned back and descended from their horses to offer their thanks to their rescuers, deeply grateful for having been saved from certain destruction. They further asked these gentlemen where they had come from and inquired what their names were. The three riders replied, "We are the brothers Li Gui and Li Zan, along with their cousin Fan Rong. Our grandfather was Li Yan, who was censured and denounced by the court and exiled to the Le'an Garrison, some sixty li from here. Our late father Li Feng once served as an advisor in the army, but when he saw that the court had no regard for him, he charged us never to take up office ourselves. Until this time, we had been doing nothing more than living with our uncle Li Yu in his old home. But when we heard that the Wei troops were about to catch some fugitives, we went up on that slope earlier and saw that you gentlemen were being sorely pressed. Our hearts were moved by anger and indignation for you, so we led our retainers to come and help you in your struggle."
Wang Mi and the Guan brothers thanked them unceasingly, and they too related the stories of their escape. Li Gui observed, "Then it seems that we all share the same ambition; we shall be as one family, for Heaven has arranged for us to meet this day. Yet see how the sky is already growing dark. Let us go and take shelter with our uncle at his village to spend the night, then tomorrow we can plan our next move." The trio were moved by this hospitality, so they agreed to return to the village with the horsemen.
When they arrived at the village, the household servants came out to meet them, and Li Yu set out candles to welcome their arrival. Once the hosts and guests were all properly seated, Wang Mi and the others all gave their names and poured out their emotions. Li Yu passed around the wine, and from his mat he sighed and said, "When my late father was still alive, he was always exerting all his strength on behalf of the royal house, and devoted himself to the state even at the expense of his family. But alas, because my father committed a fault and was denounced, he was never able to fulfill his ambitions. And when he saw that Prime Minister Zhuge had died, he became so overcome with grief that he developed an illness and passed away as well. As for my own generation, we have seen with our own eyes that the state has fallen and our sovereign has been shamed. We are powerless to carry on the loyalty of our forefathers or rescue the royal family. What purpose do our lives have?" And the others were so moved by his grief that not an eye was dry, but all wept freely.
Wang Mi alone let forth a great laugh. He rose up and declared, "Sir, it is not you who has suffered this extreme fate or endured such bitter shame; why then should you grieve so? Besides, Heaven must have had some purpose in mind when it created such talented fellows as ourselves. Remember that Duke Wen of Jin too was once forced to flee his state and abandon his inheritance, yet worthy gentlemen flocked to his cause like the gathering of clouds, and in the end he was able to restore his lineage and become a hegemon. Although we young people cannot claim to be as talented as those heroes of old, still we too have our ambitions and mean to see them fulfilled. And who knows whether in some distant year we might not establish ourselves and put the achievements of Duke Wen of Jin to shame? What use is it for you all to sit around and weep like prisoners of Chu?"
Li Yu replied, "Flying Panther speaks true. That is truly what a man of ambition would say in such times." And everyone present clasped their hands and apologized to him.
The next day, as Wang Mi and the others were preparing to take their leave, they asked for advice on where they should go. Li Yu told them, "I do not know where the Liu princes have gone off to. Why don't you fellows stay in this humble village for a while longer, and wait until I can send people to fetch the scions of the Zhang, Huang, Zhuge, Zhao, and other clans and inform them of what is going on? Once they arrive, it would not be too late for you to all leave together. But otherwise, if you all go your separate ways like this, your strength will be divided and weak, and even if you wished to complete the great achievement, it would be hard to accomplish anything."
Wang Mi replied, "You have been most kind to us, Sir, and would I dare not to consider your proposal? I am certainly willing to write a letter at once and let you send your messengers to seek out each family. By doing so, you would be able to both repay your loyalty to our lord and win the trust of our friends, and could kill two birds with one stone. But suppose our family members are unwilling to join us, and not ready to dedicate themselves to slaying the traitors before tending to their daily concerns? How then could you say that we would not be too late? So though we part ways for now, we will send out word for everyone to rejoin their former masters and let everyone seek out the whereabouts of their own families so that someday we may plan the great achievement together. For the same world cannot contain both us and the villains; either they shall die at our hands, or we shall die at theirs."
Li Yu said, "With such loyal hearts and righteous souls as you gentlemen possess, Heaven and Earth themselves will lend you their aid. Should there be any worries of failure?" And he accompanied Wang Mi and the others on the first stage of their journey.
As the young men were about to depart, Li Yu clasped his hands and instructed them, "If you should someday launch your great endeavor, perhaps it will have been because I sent my three nephews earlier to aid you. Thus may I repay the ambitions of the generations of our state before us!" They all thanked him and took their leave. Li Yu added, "If you gentlemen are earnest in your efforts, be sure to write to me soon, so that you do not keep me in suspense."
When the young men had all departed, Li Yu sang a verse to himself:
These scions of a worthy line
Depart their fallen home
Their kith and kin they leave behind
And far afield they roam.
But if their journeys can revive
The state, let them depart!
And should ambitions they achieve,
Send word to worried hearts. 
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ushiwaka07 · 5 years
191215 The Idolm@ster mix Tracklist
1.雪に願いを - 天海春香(中村繪里子) 2.ハニカミ! ファーストバイト - 竜宮小町(水瀬伊織,三浦あずさ,双海亜美) 3.ハルマチ女子 - りるきゃん ~3 little candy~(近藤唯,小笠原早紀,Machico) 4.サ・ヨ・ナ・ラ Summer Holiday - S.E.M(伊東健人,榎木淳弥,中島ヨシキ) 5.Dreaming of you - 川島瑞樹(東山奈央) 6.サニードロップ - 大槻唯(山下七海) 7.Cherry Colored Love - Sherry 'n Cherry(馬場このみ,百瀬莉緒) 8.女の子は誰でも - 一ノ瀬志希(藍原ことみ) 9.To... - 馬場このみ(高橋未奈美) 10.よりみちサンセット - 放課後クライマックスガールズ(小宮果穂,園田智代子,西城樹里,杜野凛世,有栖川夏葉) 11.I did + I will - Jelly PoP Beans(中村温姫,戸田めぐみ,斉藤佑圭,渡部恵子) 12.DIAMOND DAYS - 桜守歌織(香里有佐),最上静香(田所あずさ),望月杏奈(夏川椎菜),百瀬莉緒(山口立花子),宮尾美也(桐谷蝶々) 13.だってあなたはプリンセス - Charlotte・Charlotte(諏訪彩花,郁原ゆう) 14.Bloomy! - アルストロメリア(大崎甘奈,大崎甜花,桑山千雪) 15.サマ☆トリ ~Summer trip~ - 北上麗花(平山笑美) 16.Snow*Love - 市原仁奈(久野美咲),及川雫(のぐちゆり),大槻唯(山下七海),高森藍子(金子有希),依田芳乃(高田憂希) 17.LOVE☆ハズカム - 藤本里奈(金子真由美) 18.不埒なCANVAS - 輿水幸子(竹達彩奈),塩見周子(ルゥティン),相葉夕美(木村珠莉) 19.花ざかりWeekend✿ - 4Luxury(桜守歌織,豊川風花,北上麗花,馬場このみ) 20.恋人がサンタクロース - 如月千早(今井麻美) 21.Last Kiss - 三船美優(原田彩楓) 22.クレイジークレイジー(M@STER VERSION) - 一ノ瀬志希(藍原ことみ),宮本フレデリカ(髙野麻美) 23.piece of cake - 北上麗花(平山笑美),北沢志保(雨宮天) 24.YES♪ - 天海春香(中村繪里子),菊地真(平田宏美) 25.月曜日のクリームソーダ - Jelly PoP Beans(中村温姫,戸田めぐみ,斉藤佑圭,渡部恵子) 26.明日また会えるよね - 宮本フレデリカ(高野麻美),一ノ瀬志希(藍原ことみ),櫻井桃華(照井春佳),中野有香(下地紫野),五十嵐響子(種﨑敦美) 27.VIVID イマジネーション - 望月杏奈(夏川椎菜) 28.O-Ku-Ri-Mo-No Sunday!(M@STER VERSION) - 久川凪(立花日菜),久川颯(長江里加) 29.Princess Be Ambitious!! - プリンセススターズ(春日未来,徳川まつり,矢吹可奈,七尾百合子,エミリー スチュアート) 30.キミはメロディ(M@STER VERSION) - 高槻やよい(仁後真耶子),萩原雪歩(浅倉杏美),菊地真(平田宏美),水瀬伊織(釘宮理恵),三浦あずさ(たかはし智秋),秋月律子(若林直美) 31.White again - 小早川紗枝(立花理香),櫻井桃華(照井春佳),島村卯月(大橋彩香) 32.オーディナリィ・クロー���ー - 桜守歌織(香里有佐),最上静香(田所あずさ),望月杏奈(夏川椎菜),百瀬莉緒(山口立花子),宮尾美也(桐谷蝶々) 33.はにかみdays - 島村卯月(大橋彩香) 34.私はアイドル(REM@STER-A) - 高槻やよい(仁後真耶子) 35.in fact - 橘ありす(佐藤亜美菜) 36.スタートリップ - ジュリア(愛美) 37.君の知らない物語 - 神谷奈緒(松井恵理子) 38.TRUE COLORS(M@STER VERSION) - 城ヶ崎美嘉(佳村はるか),高森藍子(金子有希),アナスタシア(上坂すみれ),藤原肇(鈴木みのり),乙倉悠貴(中島由貴),黒埼ちとせ(佐倉薫),白雪千夜(関口理咲),久川颯(長江里加),久川凪(立花日菜) 39.空 - 音無小鳥(滝田樹里) 40.愛の讃歌 - 櫻井桃華(照井春佳) 41.shabon song ~For SS3A rearrange Mix~ - 及川雫(のぐちゆり),棟方愛海(藤本彩花) 42.楽園 - 関裕美(会沢紗弥) 43.GO MY WAY!! -ESTi Remix- - ESTi 44.Pretty Liar(M@STER VERSION) - 高垣楓(早見沙織),速水奏(飯田友子) 45.Private Sign - 塩見周子(ルゥ・ティン) 46.未来飛行 - 春日未来(山崎はるか) 47.夢咲きAfter school - 放課後クライマックスガールズ(小宮果穂,園田智代子,西城樹里,杜野凛世,有栖川夏葉) 48.虹のデスティネーション - 星井美希(長谷川明子),萩原雪歩(浅倉杏美),水瀬伊織(釘宮理恵),三浦あずさ(たかはし智秋) 49.プリコグ(M@STER VERSION) - 水谷絵理(花澤香菜) 50.LEMONADE - 萩原雪歩(浅倉杏美),三浦あずさ(たかはし智秋) 51.Flowing Freedom - 北村想楽(汐谷文康) 52.永遠の花 - ジェミニ(周防桃子,豊川風花,馬場このみ) 53.オルゴールの小箱 - 川島瑞樹(東山奈央),白坂小梅(桜咲千依),神谷奈緒(松井恵理子),北条加蓮(渕上舞),アナスタシア(上坂すみれ) 54.SNOW FLAKES MEMORIES - シャイニーカラーズ
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makina2ji-blog · 5 years
スタミュ(三期)1話 感想
星谷『な ん か 変 な 人 に あ っ ち ゃ っ て』っつってんのにみんなのこの動じなさっぷり。慣れすぎだろう心配してあげて??
「筋肉だけでしょ、君たちの自慢 」ナチュラル煽りあげは
レーザービーム 貫いて(!?)
なぜ今なのか(どん○こい超常現象ポーズ) 教えてやる
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fei-ren-zai · 3 months
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Chapter 281: Set ablaze on the seven-star stove, the copper kettle boils the flow of three rivers. An eight-immortals table is set, fit to receive visitors the world over. All who arrive are my guests, so long as they speak with an eye to manner. We cross paths with friendly chatter, and depart without a second thought.*
*T/N: title from a line of dialogue by Sister A-Qing in a famous section of the modern Chinese opera Shajiabang (沙家浜) called 《智斗》 (Battle of Wits). The opera is about Sister A-Qing, a teahouse owner who is hiding and helping wounded Chinese soldiers in the Second Sino-Japanese War. The reference is A-Qing's response to a Japanese collaborationist probing whether she/her teahouse has connections to the resistance army.
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yuriwangfingermedia · 3 years
五大媽祖駐駕 壽山巖觀音寺邀信眾走春祈福
【記者彭慧婉/桃園報導】桃園市壽山巖觀音寺擁有近三百年歷史、信徒眾多,是台北、桃園地區重要的信仰中心,農曆春節過後各地媽祖就會展開「迎媽祖」遶境祈福活動,但受到新冠疫情影響許多信眾都沒辦法到南部宮廟參香,因此壽山巖觀音寺所在地的嶺頂里長與里民們特別在今年農曆正月初五至農曆三月十七日,恭迎北港朝天宮、新港奉天宮、彰化南瑤宮、鹿港天后宮、大甲鎮瀾宮等五大宮廟媽祖駐駕寺內,讓大家不用特別跑到外縣市,來到壽山巖就可以祈求佛祖、媽祖保佑闔家平安!   此外,壽山巖觀音寺新春期間也有一系列的活動和法會,包含正月初一凌晨子時起新春開廟門、正月初一起有祈安禮斗開斗暨光明燈開燈法會,現場還可以拿限量福袋;農曆正月初三起將開放補春運、正月初九是玉皇大帝萬壽、正月十五是天官大帝聖誕法會,也可以祈求平安龜與延壽大米龜回家呷平安;正月二十卯時起安奉太歲星君,歡迎信眾一同到廟裡參香迎新春。   壽山巖觀音寺的後山有…
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tieriart · 6 years
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April Fools 2018 / 医療星歌劇
The story from Star-Myu’s official Twitter
01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10
11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30
31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 37 / 38 / 39 / 40
41 / 42 /43 / 44 / 45 / 46 / 47 / 48 / 49 End
The story from Star-Myu’s official website
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天「お前また治療費の計算間違ってるぞ! 昨日、担ぎ込まれた酔っぱらいの急患! あれは入院扱いだ! 何回ミスりゃあ分かるんだ、この野暮助!!」
那「あ! 星谷先生、そろそろ休憩時間終わるよ? 戻って、月皇先生と空閑先生と交代しなきゃ」
星「ほんとだ! 天花寺先生もこのまま休憩入る? 今日ずっと働き通しだよね。患者さん少ない時間に休んどいた方がいいよ」
月「何っ? 入っていないのか……位置はあっているだろう?」
天「ハッ、不器用すぎて注射も出来ない医者なんざ聞いたこともないぜ。ま、空閑ばっかりに痛い目見させるのも気の毒だし? たまにはオレが練習台になってやっても――」
星「そんなあ……この綾薙大学附属病院には超花形の脳神経外科があるんだよ? あそこにいる先生たちを差し置いて最果てのERが病院の頂点っていうのはさすがに」
星「うん! だって他じゃどうしようもない患者さんたちがオレたちの力を頼って来てくれるんだよ? 役者で例えるとさ、ここはオレたちが最高のパフォーマンスを披露するステージみたいなもんじゃん!」
鳳「えっ……でもこの辺りは綾薙大学附属病院の縄張りじゃない。お前たちの古巣でしょ? 縄張り問題大丈夫?」
楪「愉快なボーイズ? オー、それはもしやERのメジェールたちのことデーハ?」
卯「褒めてない! 午後から執刀でしょ!? 集中力高めるとかそーゆーことしなくていいの!? ミスしたらどうするの!? ボク助手で入ってるんだよ!」
卯「う……どうしてこの人がこんなに優秀なの~? 意味分かんないっ」
戌「こんな所でどーしたの? 内科ってこっちじゃないよね!」
卯「ER? 怪我でもしたの? 君らメスも握らないのにさ」
北「は? 俺が仕事中に怪我なんかするかよ。例え外科医だったとしてもそんなヘマするわけがねえ。有罪だ」
戌「ん? あり?? 何か話し声がする!」
北「あ? 別に話し声なんか珍しくもなんとも――」
戌「こっちこっち! この部屋!」
暁「けど慣れないとね。これからは皆がそう呼ぶんだよ? やっと辿り着いたんだ、本当の意味での、この病院の頂点に……!」
虎「別によくね? 何時間もオペ室に閉じこもってんだからよ、そんくらいの潤いがねぇと♥ あ、オレこの後もうひとつオペ入ってんだよな。シャワー室、先行くぜ~」
虎「うちの科はな? 婦人科の応援頼まれてんの」
申「顔面? 頭痛ですか?」
辰「時間が空いたら、歯医者に行って来たら? 確か近所にかかりつけのクリニックがあるんじゃなかった?」
南「そんなこと起こる(笑)? 相変わらず常軌を逸したドジっ子だね~。ちなみに俺的には、もし俺が病気して手術受けることになっても、お前に麻酔担当されるのだけは御免だって思うけど」
北「それどころじゃねえ! とんでもねー話聞いちまった……」
綾薙大学附属病院の救急救命室『ER』で働く星谷悠太。 同じくERに所属する個性豊かな仲間たち、那雪透、月皇海斗、天花寺翔、空閑愁と共に、日々、真摯に患者と向き合っている。 そんなある日、急患としてやって来た、近所で動物病院を営む獣医師・鳳樹の口から、 ERの存続を揺るがす不穏な噂を聞かされて――。 一方、此のほど脳神経外科教授に就任した柊は、病院事務長の暁と密談を重ねていた。 「綾薙大学附属病院の未来のために……」。2人の間には、ある企みがあるらしく……。 柊教授の一番弟子である脳神経外科のエース・辰己琉唯とその同僚たち、曲者揃いの麻酔科と内科も巻き込んで、今、大きな波乱が起きようとしている。 果たして、星谷たちとERのゆくえは?
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dopingconsomme · 3 years
[2021年09月02日の記事一覧 http://dailyfeed.jp/feed/23378/2021-09-02] https://dopingcomplex.blogspot.com/2021/09/20210902-httpdailyfeedjpfeed233782021.html
(全 44 件)
1. 吉田拓郎 - 夏休み
2. 平原綾香 - 愛は花、君はその種子~The Rose
3. 松任谷由実 - 恋のスーパーパラシューター
4. 原田知世 - ロマンス
5. 松任谷由実 - リフレインが叫んでる
6. 渡辺美里 - サマータイム ブルース
7. 坂本冬美 - 地上の星
8. スターダスト・レビュー - 今夜だけきっと
9. 荒井由実 - 魔法の鏡 - single version
10. 松任谷由実 - 天気雨
11. 松任谷由実 - さざ波
12. 松任谷由実 - 少しだけ片想い
13. 松任谷由実 - まちぶせ
14. 松任谷由実 - さみしさのゆくえ
15. 松任谷由実 - 返事はいらない
16. 荒井由実 - 空と海の輝きに向けて - single version
17. 松任谷由実 - グッド・ラック・アンド・グッドバイ
18. 松任谷由実 - 晩夏 (ひとりの季節)
19. 松任谷由実 - きっと言える
20. 松任谷由実 - 14番目の月
21. 松任谷由実 - あの日にかえりたい
22. 松任谷由実 - 旅立つ秋
23. 松任谷由実 - 私のフランソワーズ
24. ステレオポニー - ステレオポニーの旅はつづく
25. 井上陽水 - 氷の世界 - Remastered 2018
26. A.R.B. - イカレちまったぜ!!
27. ARB - ダディーズ・シューズ
28. 卯花ロク - 自称、音楽愛好家
29. ラックライフ - 明日になれば
30. The Yellow Monkey - BURN
31. ねごと - カロン
32. Fleur - Rainy Sunday
33. ARB - 灰色の水曜日
34. EastNewSound - Same Nightmare
35. 上海アリス幻樂団 - ラクトガール ~ 少女密室
36. 暁Records - 少女救世論
37. Yonder Voice - 蒼月の懺悔詩~Universal Nemesis
38. 幽閉サテライト - 華鳥風月 (Vocal version)
39. Frozen Starfall - Sommertrip (crouka Remix)
40. 舞風-MAIKAZE - 願いを呼ぶ季節 [Vocal: 時音-Tokine]
41. 暁Records - HANIPAGANDA
42. MISIA - つつみ込むように・・・(DAVE "EQ3" DUB MIX) - David Dub Mix
43. B'z - 熱き鼓動の果て
44. 相川七瀬 - BREAK OUT!
from dopingconsommecomplex http://dailyfeed.jp/feed/23378/2021-09-02 http://www.rssmix.com/ from complex fc2 dcons, https://dopingcomplex.blogspot.com/2021/09/20210902-httpdailyfeedjpfeed233782021.html
0 notes
Aladdin SkLu
18 小時
不想當中國人,就不要過中國年。好喔,我只在乎有沒有連休,誰管你中國年還是瓦干達年。不過,你確信你過的小字農曆新年春節就是中國年?就知道你一定會說,舊曆就是夏朝曆法,然後經過歷代不斷修正,最後在元朝時代由郭守敬等人確認一個平均回歸年是365.2425日的授時曆(以下省略9487個字)。首先,夏朝曆法是什麼碗糕,有人看過白紙黑字嗎?還是刻在巨石木簡上的演算法呢?什麼證據都沒有,難道「夏曆」是諸葛孔明借來的東風?再者,為什麼歷代朝廷會這麼熱衷「修正曆法」,原因是中國傳統曆法不準。不準的原因有兩個,一是古代中國人數學邏輯概念不好,運算能力太差,另一個則是,古代中國人在制定曆法時,目標不是追求曆法的準確性,而是配合「占星術」及「為政治宣傳服務」。中國古代的曆法計算,首先要訂立一個起算點,稱為曆元。基本假設是天象是循環的,曆元定於循環大週朔的起始時刻,假設這個時間點是甲子日夜半(零時),又是冬��和合朔時刻,稱為朔旦冬至。而這朔旦冬至是古代中國的天(ㄇㄧㄥˋ)文(ㄌㄧˇ)學(ㄉㄚˋ)家(ㄕ) ,「腦補」出來的,並不是考察古天象及實際天體觀測的紀錄,這種作法稱「上元積年」。古代中國的皇帝自稱天子,天文學最重要的工作就要幫皇帝證明天命就是在這一口灶。本來就不太準確的曆法,加上政治正確的調味後,曆法就會像台民黨元首兼台北市長柯丕的政治誠信。(聽起來很複雜對不對,我告訴你實際上更複雜,因為還要加上水金火木土五大行星的五行運算…,不把簡單的小學算術弄得像相對論公式,那幫天文命理學家怎麼解鎖老百姓的納稅錢呢?)比方說,趙宋王朝公元960年庚申建立,到1279年己卯滅亡,一共實施了應天曆、乾元曆、儀天曆、崇天曆(兩次)、明天曆、奉元曆、觀天曆、占天曆、紀元曆、統元曆、乾道曆、淳熙曆、會元曆、統天曆、開禧曆、淳祐曆、會天曆、成天曆、本天曆。320年間總共改過20次曆法,平均一種曆法只使用16年,這樣曆法的準確度是不是有點像2019年下半年,預測中華民國下一任總統會是姓韓的那些「國師」「半仙」「神算」呢?整部中國曆法改定史,罄溪頭之竹,書記未窮,沒有比較就沒有傷害,目前通用的西曆,最早是古埃及太陽曆,一年365日,沒有閏年,公元前4241年開始使用。接著公元前45年,古羅馬共和國獨裁官蓋烏斯·儒略·凱撒實施儒略曆(Julian calendar),四年一閏。最後就是目前使用的國瑞曆(Gregorian calendar),公元1582年10月啟用。整部西曆,六千年來只改過二次的說。不過,中國古代曆法,到了大蒙古國-元朝時代,有了突破性的改變,自1281年辛巳(至元十八年),實施授時曆開始,直到2021年的今天,曆法只有微調過一次。期間,朱元璋趕跑蒙古大汗後,把元朝的「授時曆」直接貼上大明欽天監頒行「大統曆」,原封不動使用,就像2020年底,桃園區KMT萬姓國會議員把桃園市政府印行的月曆貼上自己的名字,假裝是自己做的一樣。案情為什麼急轉直下?這要說到元朝的政策,因為蒙古人根本不相信中國式科技那套「天人感應」的理論,君王比實測更重要,傳統比實驗還權威。薛禪汗忽必烈跳過漢人學者,讓中亞人扎馬魯丁(Jamal ad-Din Bukhari)以波斯太陽曆為基準,以365.2425日為一年,29.530593日為一月,再讓漢人郭守敬、王恂、許衡等翻譯調整成適合中國的曆法,平年12個月,閏年13個月,19年7閏,推算節氣的方法是將一年的1⁄24作為一氣,以沒有中氣的月份為閏月。而授時曆最劃時代的改變,就是廢除過去像命理大全一樣靠想像的上元積年,以至元十八年為曆元,所有的數據都是實際觀測。這些數據是靠全元朝十三個測影所(天文機構)實測彙整的,這種全國性大規模的天體觀測,不但在中國歷史上是第一次,也是靠札馬魯丁等中亞裔科學家所引進的波斯天文理論及儀器才能夠完成。授時-大統曆實施了將近三百五十年(前情提示:趙家天子320年修正了20次曆法),明朝御用天文學家們(他們幾乎都是回回人後裔,也就是說就算姓楊姓鄭,祖先都是從中亞移民到中國),感染了中國五千年科學的博大精深後,又開始算不準日蝕了。這時候,大航海時代的西洋人已經把歐洲科學傳入中國。明崇禎二年(1629年己巳),朝廷命令第一位學習啟蒙時代歐洲科學的中國人,也是天主教徒的禮部侍郎徐光啟,在耶穌會傳教士龍華民、羅雅谷、鄧玉函、湯若望(通通是歐洲人)指導下,以歐洲天文學家哥白尼、伽利略、第谷、克卜勒等的學說為基礎,配合天主教國家使用的國瑞曆做參考,耗費6年編制《崇禎曆書》。不過,大明朝還來不及實施,崇禎天子朱由檢就領便當了,大清順治帝愛新覺羅福臨入住紫禁城,湯若望呈交修正版曆書。福臨定名為《西洋新法曆書》《西洋新法曆書》《西洋新法曆書》很重要所以要說三次。並於1645年乙酉(順治二年)頒布實行。懂了嗎,人家大清朝皇帝可是很清楚,這種中國「舊曆」是靠「西洋新法」推算出來的,不像當代的中國人那樣厚臉皮。後來,西洋新法曆書又稱「時憲曆」,就是現主時使用的「農曆」。然後,你跟我說,由中亞人制定,歐洲人調整,「授時/時憲曆」是中國曆書,由中亞人跟歐洲人所決定的舊曆年是「中國年」,你要不要寫信去NASA抗議,第一個登陸月球的明明就是中國人,嫦娥。至於臺灣何時使用時憲曆呢?1645年,福爾摩沙島是荷蘭東印度公司的領地,島上漢人,跟大清朝田無溝水無流,舊曆當然是用大明朝(此時尚未滅亡)的大統曆。1662年,鄭成功擊敗荷蘭人,殖民台灣後,奉大明正朔的東寧政權,更不可能使用大清朝的曆法。所以說,我國第一次使用時憲曆,已經是1683年癸亥(清康熙二十二年)的事情了。
0 notes
takahashistudio · 4 years
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2009.8.29-9.12009年度ゼミ旅行高橋ゼミ 韓国ゼミ旅行2009
30日(日) 清渓川   
31日(日) 北村伝統韓屋保存地域  
清渓川について 新国×湯沢×濱野
湯沢 最初の印象として高速道路をなくして突拍子もないプロジェクトだと思いました。  
新国 清渓川文化会館にも行って思ったけど、もし高速道路でなくもとの川の状態であったらこの計画は実現しなかっかもしれないね。昔の川の様子を見る限り、状態はあまり象が良くなかったけどそこに莫大なお金をかけてまで川を整備することが実現したかは分からないね。
濱野 今の状態になってから街の様子もすごく変わったのだろうというのを感じます。川へ下りて行けて、あんなきれいな空間が続いていると楽しいだろうね。  
湯沢 街の中で自由に川で遊べる場所はなかなか無いと思う。日本だと柵があったりして川へ入れないことが多いじゃない。   
新国 そこは機械を通して水を調整している事が効いているんだろうね!  
湯沢 皆で夜実際に清渓川沿いでお酒を飲みながら過ごしたけどライトの演出もすごくきれいで心地のよい空間でした。(終了)
2009.8.29-9.1宗廟 鎌田×西澤正子×濱野
鎌田 宗廟はどうだった?  
西澤 王様の通る道があるのが面白い。    
鎌田 韓国って身分とか性別とか立場に敏感でそいうところが宗廟でも感じられた。  
濱野 王殿の門をくぐった時に床が高くなってて開けた空間が圧倒的だった。そこで何かが行われていたことを感じた。  
鎌田 石畳のスケール感はすごい。  
西澤 ディティールじゃなくてスケールが大事なのか?配置が大事で風水が使われているのが面白い。  
鎌田 自然の地形を元に配置を決めている。  
西澤 王宮と比べたら質素。あと王殿のドアがずれているのが、日本と違うなーと思った。  
鎌田 人が使う空間ではなく儀式の為の空間が多いのが不思議だった。
濱野 他に���ういう建物を見たことがない。  
鎌田 ピラミッドも儀式のための空間だね。日本だと何だろう?実際に儀式が行われているの見てみたい。(終了)
2009.8.29-9.1Leeum 卯月×大澤×山家
卯月 サムスン美術館Leeumはマリオ・ボッタ、ジャン・ヌーベル、レム・コールハウスの三人の有名な建築家の美術館が集合した贅沢な美術館です。今回レム・コールハウスの建築はまだ完成していなかったので他の2人の建築について主に話合いましょう。
山家 みなさん個人的にはどっちが好きですか?
卯月 自分はヌーベルかな。
大澤 自分もジャンかな。
山家 ボクは裏切るようですが、期待を込めてレムかな(笑)
卯月 レムの黒いコンクリートが浮いてる感じがね。(笑)
山家 では気を取り直して ヌーベルのいいと思った点を上げますか?ボク自身は、美術館の原点というか、箱ものの機能を突き詰めてる感じがいいと思いましたね。色づかいなどはやはりヌーベル独特でしたけど。
大澤 んーっと、美術館の「閉じた箱」っていうイメージを具体的に形態として表現しているようで、そこらへんがおもちゃの箱の中に入ったみたいで面白かった。抽象的であるプログラムを凄く鮮明に具象化した建物って感じ。
卯月 しっかりした箱スペースとそれ以外のスペースでいい具合に空間をつくってると思う。展示スペースのすぐ隣には自然光が入ってくる様な自由に移動できる空間があって良かった。あの黒のテクスチャーは独特だね。トイレまであんな感じだった。
山家 美術館に多く見られる白の空間ではなくて、あんな感じの雰囲気にできたのは、現代アートだからですかね?
大澤 あぁ。でも絵画が展示してある場所の壁面はさすがに白だったよね?
卯月 全部展示スペースは白じゃなかったっけ?
大澤 白か。でも確かに全体の雰囲気としてまず最初に黒が出てくるのは、何でだろう?
山家 そうだっけ???なんか薄暗いかんじが未だに残ってるんですけど。
大澤 あ、ナラさんとか、ジャコメッティーとか黒いとこあった。
山家 やっぱり箱のイメージが強すぎて、その箱が黒っぽい色をしていたから、全体にそう感じてるのかも。
卯月 基本的に展示スペースはニュートラルな白い箱でそれ以外の残余空間は黒かった気が。何点か例外はあったかもだけど。
山家 なんか色の話ばっかになっちゃいましたね。ここで、少しだけボッタにふれておきましょうか?
大澤 ぐるぐるしてたね。
卯月 そうだね。ボッタはとても明快な構成でストレスなくすんなり見れた。螺旋状の動線と展示スペースな感じ。展示→ぐるぐる(抽象的な空間)の繰り返し。規模がこれ以上大きいと飽きてしまいそうだけど。
大澤 ボッタのほうは韓国の古美術が主に展示されてたけど、その仕方と動線の関係から、ちょっとかたいそういうジャンルも見やすかった気がする。ヌーベルみたいな空間にあれ展示されてても見る気なくすよね。
山家 そうですね。なんか美術館みたいな静かにしなきゃいけない場所よりもっとあの階段ではしゃげる施設にあってもよかったかな?なんてボクとしては思いましたけどね。
大澤 まぁ、若干みんなはしゃいでたけど。(終了)
2009.8.29-9.1ソウル大学美術館 西澤×新国×山家
西澤 まずは感想から。新国君はどう感じましたか。
新国 やっぱりあのエントランスのキャンティレバーが印象的でした。ああいうのあまり見かけないからワクワクしました。
山家 遠くの山の稜線となんとなく角度があっていて、それもねらいなのかなって思った。
西澤 それは気づかなかった。
山家 エントランスにしても、裏にしても、ヤジロベーの構造がほんとにうまく機能していたなって感じがしたよね。
西澤 エントランスもそうだけど、裏がすごかった。裏はキャンティというより浮いてるって感じで。
山家 あんまり味わったことがない感覚でしたね。
新国 そうですね。あれを支えているものが、中の階段だってゆうのを知った時は驚きました。逆に、外から構造が透けて見えるのがすごい気になりました。あれはあまり好感がもてませんでした。
山家 あれはなんでだろう。中から透けてるわけでもないようだし。ボクもないほうがいいかなって思いましたね。もっとドッシリとしたものが浮いているほうが緊張感が増すような気がしました。
西澤 確かに。でも上物がかなりマッシブだから、あれくらいの見た目の軽さが無いと結構重苦しいかも。��  そいう意味では構造だけでも透けてるのはいいのかもしれない。�
山家 ちなみに、階段室の半透明の素材は、富井先生曰くSANNAに影響されたらしいですけど(笑
西澤 そうなんだ(笑
新国 階段室の周りに展示室が囲ってる構成でしたっけ?
西澤 半分は動線になってたから、囲ってはなかったと思う。
山家 ただ、質がどこもいっしょなかんじになってた気はする。中の作品がなに一つとして思い出せないほど、建築が強かったですね。美術館としては空間に落ち着きがないように感じました。�
西澤 僕も思いました。
山家 やっぱり室が動線の一部として機能してたからじゃないでしょうか。美術館にはむかないかもね。
山家 僕が一番好感をもったのは、中の講義室ですね。すごく身体スケールに近い感じがして、やっぱりかなり細かなところまで気を使ってるんだなって感じました。
西澤 確かに、外ではあれだけ大胆なことをしつつ、中はかなりヒューマンスケールで考えらてた。
新国 そうですね。しかしなんであんな形にしたんでしょう。あの講義室みたいな空間が下の空間に影響を与えてる点では面白いけど、それが外である意味がイマイチ分からない。とくに大学内だから。公共の中にあったらもっと良い場になりそうだなとか思いました。
西澤 内部が外部に影響してるんじゃなくて外形が内部に影響してるんだと僕は思ったな。ファサードに関して言うと、正面が平らだともっと重たい感じになっちゃうから動きをつけたかったのではないでしょうか。
山家 どちらが先にあったとしても、動線を基本に一貫しているというか、すべてが形にでていたと思います。
新国 そうですね。人の動きを考えて形を導いていった結果があの形なのかもしれないです。
西澤 そう思います。すごく無駄の無い、うまい設計だと思いました。(終了)
北村伝統韓屋保存地域 アルマ×卯月×植松
卯月 北村は最初は高級住宅地だったみたいだね。
植松 ぜんぜんそんな気がしなかった。歩いてみて塀しかみえなくて外観では隣の建物との境界は分かるけど中が全然分からなかった。カフェで入れる場所があったけど。
アルマ ギャラリーもたくさんあったね。
植松 伝統的な町にギャラリーが存在してる感じが京都みたいだった。でも看板とか日常的なものがポップだった。
アルマ ほとんど通りに対して閉じていて中庭がある暮らしなのが感じられた。窓もあったけど小さく、閉じられていた。
卯月 そうだね。やはり生活の様子が全然外に出ていなかった。Leeum美術館のエリアもそうだけどなんで高い所にお金持ちの人が住んでいるのかな?やっぱり人より上にいたいから。
植松 横浜とか神戸も傾斜地が高級住宅地なイメージ。
卯月 アルマの国は?傾斜地に住んでる?
アルマ そんなこともない。伝統的な住宅はあるけど、身分の高い人が住んでた大きな住宅は博物館になっていて、普通の住宅はそのまま使われている。
植松 瓦とか塀が少しずれていたり、建物の処理が乱雑だなと思っていて富井先生に聞いてみたら、富井先生が「そういうところが僕の韓国の好きな所なんだ」と笑顔でおっしゃっていたのが印象的だった。
卯月 宗廟とかでも瓦とか荒くて気になった。
植松 沖縄もざっくりそれに近いかも。
卯月 あとバスから降りた通りを歩いていて、新しく建てられた白い石づくりみたいな建物が建っていてさらに坂があり、細い路地があってヨーロッパのように感じた。
アルマ 歩いてどんな気持ちだった?
植松 天気がよくて気持ちよかった。
卯月 坂があって道が細かく折れ曲がっていて先が見渡せないのと、いろんな模様やパターンが塀にあって歩いていて楽しかった。
アルマ 素材は同じだけどいろいろな模様や石の積み方、木の組み方があってよかったね。
卯月 通りに対しては装飾とかあって気にしている感じはしたけど...
植松 なかはぼろっとしてたりして。坂の上から住宅を俯瞰してみた時につぎはぎな屋根が目についた。
アルマ 緑があまりなかった気がする。
植松 一番高い場所にあった家はすごく大きくてそこには木がいっぱい生えていた。かなり密集してるからあまり庭も広くないのかな。
卯月 広場とかないし共同の場所も見られなかった。
アルマ 時間もなかったし見つけられなかっただけかもよ。
植松 今度はもっとゆっくり見学して中もしっかり見たいね。(終了)
2009.8.29-9.1空間社 星野×井口×大澤×西澤俊太郎
星野 じゃあ、まず感想を。
西澤 スキップフロアの構成がうまかったと思う。
星野 間違いないですね。
井口 レンガのテクスチャーと採光の関係で空間に重みを感じました。好きな空間でした。
星野 重み。水の中みたいに、自分のまわりに空間が存在していると感じました。
大澤 私は、すごく私的な空間だと思いました。会社でもあるんだけど、設計者の趣味がものすごく反映されていると感じました。   たぶんそれは、井口君が言ったような重みのようなものから感じたんだと思います。
星野 感覚的にいいと思う要素はたくさんあったと思うのですが、そういう要素全体をまとめるような図式とか考え方とかあったと思いますか?
大澤 やっぱり、スキップフロアとかレンガのディティールが全体のバランスをとっているんだと思う。
井口 空間すべてに同じ質感があったからずっと異世界にいるようだった。
西澤 空間構成としては図式とかはなくて、設計者の趣向の空間イメージを繋ぎ合わせて出来ていたように思う。
星野 なるほど。繋ぎ合わせてる、複雑。
大澤 確かに複雑な空間構成だった。
井口 なんだか楽しそうにつくってる感じはしたね。
星野 ずっと、近くに設計者の金さんを感じるような。それくらい個人が出ていた感じはありますね。
星野 大澤さんが感想で言ってたみたいに、私的だったり主観的な空間だったと思ったのですが、それがこんなにたくさんの人にいいと思われる(韓国の学生にも人気があった)のはどうしてだと思いますか?
西澤 モノを作るような感覚で作られていたからじゃないかな。実際、気に入らない部分は壊して作り替えながら建築されていたらしいし。話を聞かなくても、そういった一連の手数が伝わってくるような迫力があったと思う。
井口 建築自体に存在感があったね。
大澤 モノ自体が訴えかけてくるから安心感があるのかも。なんで?どうして?って疑問がわくよりも先に、安心感のような空間に対する素直な感動のようなプラスの感覚を覚えるから。
星野 金さんは建築だけじゃなくて芸術一般に深かった人らしいので、とても納得できます。私自身も、絵がすごくうまくて芸術的な才能のある人が作ったという印象を受けました。(終了)
2009.8.29-9.1��福宮 植松×鎌田×西澤正子
植松 景福宮はどうでした?
鎌田 日本の住宅とは違い、敷地が広いのに一つ一つの建物が塀で囲まれていて不思議だなと思いました。
植松 塀は多いけれど王宮なのに開放的ですごく気持ちよかった。
西澤 特に康寧殿の真ん中に部屋が風通しが良くて気持ち良かったな。
鎌田 いわゆる応急の物々しさがないように感じて、富井先生のお話によると韓国の伝統的な住宅のつくりと王宮のつくりが基本的には同じだということで、私達がイメージする王宮とは違った感じがした。
西澤 あと、障子のはり方が日本と逆というのも面白かった。
植松 水上に作られた宴会場である慶会楼はどう思った?
鎌田 こんなに太い柱が大平面にたくさん立っているのはあまり見たことがなくて・・・・
西澤 なんかスケール感が違うって思った。
植松 柱の下部の方が太くなっているのが印象的だった。
鎌田 よく見ると断面が四角い柱と丸い柱があって、形式的な意味があるのかな、と。また間仕切りのない大空間が機能のあるのかないのか不思議なスケール感でした。
植松 こんな所で宴会したいね。
鎌田 ここで酔ったら水に落ちて大変なことになってたなぁ・・・(終了)
2009.8.29-9.1梨花女子大学 川鍋×星野×アルマ
川鍋 ここは女子大で、中で使っている人と、今回のように外から見に来た人では感じ方が違うかもしれないけれど、少し大味かなと思いました。広場(キャンパスバレー)と内側の施設はあまりかみ合っていなくて、外に対して女子大が開いていくというイメージとは少し違っているかもしれない。  
星野 谷があって、その両側の建物内には吹き抜け、内側に廊下、教室となっているので、教室と広場は結構離れています。奥のほうにあるシースルーEVの吹き抜け部分みたいに、ガラス壁面のもっと近くまで床がきて、人が話したり動いたりしている様子が外の広場から見えるようになっていてもよかったかもしれないと思います。  
川鍋 逆に、この谷のガラス壁面は中を見せないようにしているのかもしれない。鏡面仕上げのフィンで。  
アルマ フィン��は、空を映し込むという意図があるみたいです。この壁面は長いしとても大きいので、ただの壁では圧迫感がありすぎます。それに、この形は建築ではなくランドスケープだと思う。だから、中が見えるかどうかという問題ではない気がします。  
川鍋 でも、この谷はかなり空間的(建築的)だと思う。かなり空間的につくられた、とても強い場所だと感じました。雑誌掲載のCGパースでは、イス的なものがたくさん置かれたりしていたけれど、実際はそういう使われ方はしていないですね。中の活動が溢れ出したり、ここでイベントが行われているような、そんな所を見たかったという気持ちもあります。
アルマ 「階段を円形劇場に見立てた野外劇場」という言い方もペローはしていますね。
川鍋 ああ。それで、使われていない劇場みたいになっていた。きっと、いろいろなことに使えるはずなんですが、使い手の問題なんでしょうか。むさびの中でも、12号館の前なんかは何かがなければ使われない場所になっていますね。
星野 芸祭で野フェスが出れば、使われる場所になるような。12の前が普段使われないのは、建築の方にも問題があると思いますが、ここはどうでしょうか。たとえば、もう少し小さな要素が付け加わってちょっと複雑になっているとか階段がでてきているとか。ここを使って何かをする色々な企画が大学にあるとか。
アルマ 今の、自由なままにしておくのがいいんじゃないかと私は思います。階段なんかが出てくると、空の見え方には邪魔になってくるし、ここの谷は女子大だから、今のように静かでモニュメンタルな場がいいです。くつろいだり、おしゃべりしたりして集まるのは、屋上の緑の方でやるのがいいと思う。大学のまわりには賑やかな繁華街もあったし。  
川鍋 たしかに、くつろいだりするのは屋根の上っていうのはよくわかります。
星野 この谷は、大学を象徴する場であるということですね。
川鍋 もしかしたら、そっちの方が合っているかもしれないです。「カフェから溢れた人が留まって寛ぐ」とか「授業を終えた学生たちが集まって」ともペローは書いているけれど、それよりも、今のような状態の方がつくりたかったのかもしれない。
星野 イスのようなものを出したりすることを考えなかったわけじゃなく、意図があってそうしなかったということですね。  
川鍋 建築の批評というのはどうやってするのかということも考えますが、作者がやりたかったことに対し、建築がどれだけできているかという意味で話せばいいのかもしれません。そうするとキャンパスバレーは、今のような静かな状況でいいということですね。そう考えた方がよくわかります。
星野 確かにそうですね。賑やかな状態よりも象徴的な場であるということが大切だったと考えると、今のあり方を理解しやすいです。アルマがいてよかった。川鍋くんの、メンバー割り振りに感謝します。(終了)
2009.8.29-9.1仙遊島公園 湯沢×川鍋×井口
湯沢 川鍋君、仙遊島はどうでしたか?  
川鍋 全体的にまとまりがあってバランスの良い感じがしました。メリハリもあるし。  
湯沢 高橋晶子先生から聞いたんですが、設計時にどこまで残してっていう話があって、やはり残し方のバランスがうまいという話でした。俺もうまくいってると思います。  
井口 僕もです。昔、浄水場だったということをいい意味で感じさせてないと思います。室伏次郎のいう遺構のようでした。  
湯沢 私は少し感じたのですが。  
井口 感じさせないというのは言われれば分かるが。  
川鍋 公園として成り立っているということ?  
井口 柱がうまく生きていると思う。貯水タンクとか公園のオブジェクトととしてうまく生きていると思います。
湯沢 感じさせるために作っているのでは?  
川鍋 実際に浄水場というものを分かっているわけではないけど、水をつかっているという意味が見えてくるとは思います。長年使われてきたという感じはする。   
井口 浄水場だったことを感じさせないように残し、うまく転用している。朽ち具合もよい。  
湯沢 場所によって様々に風景が変わるし、施設もアミューズメントというか、歩いていて次に何が来るんだろうという、期待がある。どこか印象に残ったところはありますか?  川鍋 貯水タンクや列柱を残している部分。場所の力を感じたし、それがうまく別の場に置き換わっているところが印象的でした。(終了)
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mingyahung · 5 years
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驅逐瘟疫、消災解厄。 #佳里金唐殿 #庚子蕭壠香科 #五朝王醮大典 蕭壠香每三年一科,是台南知名濱海五大香科之一,逢農曆子、卯、午、酉年,農曆正月中下旬舉辦。 #蕭壠香瘟王醮典 向來以 #逐瘟除煞 聞名,千歲爺俗稱 #瘟王。 神轎、藝陣組成的香陣綿延數公里,途經佳里、七股、西港等區17角頭24村莊,2月14日起至17日遶境。 #蜈蚣陣 是香科中綿延最長的藝陣,有108節、全長201.8公尺,代表神明巡視各地掃妖除魔。由108名兒童扮成36天罡、72地煞的108名天神星君坐在陣中,家長一起陪同繞境,曾獲金氏世界紀錄最長花車認證。(在 金唐殿) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8oSs2fHDz61EkUpWF10IS4Qj9cN3Ex9HGaNa80/?igshid=6ylrtyhztphe
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myhouseinhistory · 5 years
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11月6日知名壽星:『薩克斯風』(#Saxophone)的發明者 薩克斯先生(Antoine Joseph Adolphe #Sax,1814-1894) . 誕生於比利時,父親乃專業樂器製造商,算起來是富二代的薩克斯,是在西元1840年間,也就是大約26歲的時候,研發設計了薩克斯風這款樂器…當時他的初衷,乃是希望新發明能夠憑藉著靈活的吹奏感,與得以輕鬆在戶外進行演出的方便攜帶性,打入普羅大眾市場…後來,薩克斯進行了正式的樂器發表會,受邀前來替薩克風進行宣傳的代言人,可是鼎鼎大名的法國古典音樂作曲家,也就是他的好朋友白遼士(Hector Louis #Berlioz,1803-1869)!而且喔,當年白遼士所留下的介紹詞還蠻有趣的… . 『嗯!薩克斯風是一種…改造過的開孔大號樂器吧!』 『時而莊嚴、平靜,時而夢幻、憂傷;時而如林間微風般難以察覺,有時卻又如同鐘鳴過後,彷彿謎樣般的撼動。』 . 到了西元1845年,法國國家軍樂隊有意汰換掉舊式的樂隊樂器,並採公開招標方式來決定新的供應商,薩克斯先生積極地向時任法國國防部部長等高層們毛遂自薦產品的優勢,當然,也就正面槓上了傳統的樂器製造商…誰都不讓誰,大家都想要吃下此重要的採購案,但雙方沒有請出立委或議員,更不會出現「慶記」,而是大家決定來個君子之爭,在4月時用一場公開音樂比賽,由薩克斯風樂隊挑戰傳統軍樂隊,且交由現場的觀眾們來進行公平的決選,好定奪最後的訂單��死誰手。 . 比賽當��,咦?說好的公正公開呢?有點很意外的,薩克斯所領導的新樂隊,居然有幾位團員藉故種種古怪的因素而不克出席,所謂『被陰掉了』...眼見情況不妙的薩克斯先生,情急之下乾脆自己跳下場,拿起了兩支薩克斯風,一人當兩人用,卯足全力吹奏兩個聲部,一方面好湊些人頭,另一方面也期待場面不要太難看… . 但是喔,嘿嘿,沒想到現場觀眾根本不在意你人多還是人少,反而是深深地被這種新式樂器所吹奏的動人聲色給吸引住了,因此通通一面倒,給予薩克斯先生和他的薩克斯風樂隊熱烈的掌聲與喝采…最後,薩克斯風如願正式成為了法國國家軍樂隊的制式樂器之一! . 西元1846年,他進一步取得了法國政府給予薩克斯風的發明製造專利,他也開始於法國巴黎設廠,正式量產這款新樂器,但薩克斯也不斷推陳出新,前後陸續推出了十四款不同音域的薩克斯風。隨著法國軍樂隊的採用,西元十九世紀中期之後,薩克斯風也陸陸續續成為了其他歐洲國家軍樂隊的標準樂器,逐漸聞名於歐洲,甚至是全世界囉! . #古典音樂 #生日快樂 #薩克斯風是薩克斯發明的 #巴松管不是巴松發明的 #爵士樂 #belgium #music #jazz #birthday #photo #history #great #wow #france #life https://www.instagram.com/p/B4hTruxHZ3H/?igshid=1nm3v7ez2xzkc
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